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State Orders Drug Addict Clinics Closed Herrick Says Step Is Neces? sary Because Hospitals Refuse to Complete the Treatment of the Users To Appeal to Albany Control Commissioner Will Request Appropriation to Build Three Institutions ftprctal Dispatch to The Tribune ALBANY, Sept. 15. As the result 0/ n conference with Federal officials. Walter Herrick, of the State Narcotic Drug Control Commission, has ordered j closed the addict clinics established by the department in sixteen cities of the state. The i^ics were objected to on the ground that they merely served as "drug emporiums" for ad? dicts as Ions as the work begun there was not completed by subsequent hos? pital treatment. Commissioner Herrick declared yes? terday that the continuation of the clinics was deemed impossible because hospital treatment would be afforded for drug users. Hospital officials were l said to refuse to admit these victims. > "We cannot get these people into j hospitals in the state," declared Com? missioner Herrick. "The hospitals in Albany, New York and other cities in the state have closed their doors to , them. Buffalo is the only city in the I state where we still can obtain the hos- I pital treatment necessary for complete cure." Would Build State Hospitals He will submit a recommendation to the 1021 Legislature calling for the construction of a state hospital sys? tem for the treatment of addicts, lie has not as yet formulated any definite plans, but will work out a program j soon in cooperation with State Arcjii- j tect Lewis F. Pilcher. Commissioner Herrick seeks appro- | priations to construct three hospitals, one in New York City, one up-state. probably at Albany, and one in the western section. He declares it is just as important that the state take care of its drug addicts as it is that I the state provide treatment for its ! feeble-minded and consumptives. The commissioner says the number] of addicts in the state is almost equal to the number of persons being treated in state institutions for the insane. There are about 39,000 of the latter ! and about 37,000 of the former. There j are thirteen state institutions for the I ins.-.j p. Mr. Herrick believes three hospitals would be sufficient to handle j the drug users. Says Hospitals Closed Doors "We were compelled to close our clinics," Commissioner Herrick said, "because it is unanimously agreed among experts that drug users cannot be cured by what we may term 'ambu- ; latory' treatment. The object of the clinics was to bring drug users down to the irreducible minimum in their use of drugs and then send them to a hospital for a complete cure. "We would take a man who would be using, say, fourteen grains of drugs a day, and by degrees, through clinic j treatment, reduce him to three grains j a day. From this point on hospital \ treatment is necessary. Now the hos? pitals won't take these people. I can't say that I blame the hospitals, because drug addicts do not make the best of j patients. "I sincerely hope the Legislature will act favorably on my appropriation re quest. In the event this request is granted we will reopen the clinics." Clir.'cs were established in Albany and New York when the new depart? ment was opened, early in 1919. Since Commissioner Herrick 1 as been in charge others have been opened in Buffalo. Binghamton, Corning Hor nell, Kingston, Middletown, Newburg, Oneonta, Port Pervis. Rochester and j Saratoga Springs. About 13,000 men ; and women were registered for treat? ment. The commission will continue its work supervising th?i issuing of prescriptions by physicians. Jugo-Sla>ia Ratifies Peace BELGRADE, Sept. 15.?-The Jugo-Slav Parliament to-day ratified the treaty of peace with Bulgaria. The Bulgarian treaty was signed at : Neuiily November 27, and was ?? romul gated officially on August 17. At the : time of signing last November, Rumania and Jugo-Siavia failed t.; affix their sig- ' natures because of objections to beveral of the cla"cns of the treaty, notably those dealing with racial minorities. *0 O ?T* smm m ?HE ? ^te*^ s Printing Facts The editions of the typewritten Literary Digest, which weevolved last fall to meet a crisis, were ac? claimed historic documents in the world of printing. It may be that this idea has a practical application in " peace times" as well as "strike times." Annual reports, budgets, and acts of legislation can be printed eco? nomically by this method. If the copy is clean and free from cor? rections, it can be reproduced by photography at less cost than by composition. Moreover, the'tedi ous labor of proofreading is elim? inated. However, such printing *s not as easily read as when type is used. Publishers Printing Company 213 West 25th Street Telephone Chelsea 7840 Agreement Seem.s Likely In British Mine Dispute Conference Between Govern? ment and Union Representa? tives Is Expected Soon From T/V Tribune's European Bureau Copyright. 19JJ0, New York Tribune Inc. LONDON, Sept. 15.?The prospects of a settlement of the differences be? tween the government and the coal miners and the prevention of their threatened strike were vastly improved to-day. The Cabinet conferred at twe long sessions lasting most of the day. Premier Lloyd George spent two hours with the ministers. A conference between the government and representatives of the Miners' Federation is expected soon. Lloyd George's letter, in which he said that the government would exercise contro over coal until the export price approx? imated more closely the home price and the letter from Robert Smillie president of the Miners' Federation, tc The Times, in which he said that the controversy was not political and that the question of nationalization was nol involved, may be considered as step; toward a compromise. They indicate the desire of both sides to reach a set? tlement before the expiration of th? notice served by the miners, nine days hence. The government's plans for keeping the food supply channels open are being enlarged constantly and the authorities are confident that they can handle th< situation however long the strike migh last. Several large industrial organization: have notified their employees that thej will shut down immediately if the min ers' strike takes place. Others will oper ate as long as the fuel lastB, droppin?, their employees as it becomes neces sary to shut down. ?_-,-. Assault Indictment Against City Detective Is Dismisset Acting on the recommendation o Jame3 M. Do?ohue, Assistant Distric Attorney, Judge Malone, in the Cour of General Sessions, yesterday dis missed an indictment against Detectiv Thomas Dolan, of the East 123d Strec station. He was charged with assaui in he first and second degrees. Th indictment was filed last March afte a fight in a restaurant on Leno Avenu?. Dolan, with Patrolman "William Sul livan, on the morning of March 7 sai they had been overcharged by a waitei A fight resulted and, according to wil ncsses, Alexander Gordon, John Mc Nally and Jacob Dolgoff were beate by detective and policeman. The cas was taken before a magistrate and w: dismissed. F R E y ^Advertising Illustration. FT.ATIRON ?5% ASHLAND BUILDING *\j?Vfl 7tA9 YOUR SHIP! Come and see it! A cordial invitation is extended to inspect the "Panhandle State" at Pier 74 (Foot of 34th St.), North River, on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 16 and 17, between 1:30 and 4^0 P. M. The "Panhandle State" is the first U. S. Government-owned liner?it is your ship. ?the first passenger ship flying U. S. Government-ownership flag. ?the firat of seven similar ships now under construction. ?the first passenger craft delivered to the U. S. Shipping Board. Come and see the "Panhandle State" Thursday or Friday, Pier 74 (34th St.), North River. To avoid congestion, admission will be by card, to be had from the ?. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Inc. 45 Broadway JAmstein Held In Contempt by Federal Court | Ruling Comes After Further | Refusal to Answer Ques? tions Concerning Assets j Asked by Surety Lawyer Jail Order Is Postponed "Nicky" Paroled in Custody of His Attorney; Brief To Be Submitted To-day Jules ("Nicky") Arnstein was ad? judged in contempt, of court yesterdty , by Judge Martin Mant?n in the United 1 States District Court. For two and a half hours Arnstein was in the custody ; of the Unite 1 States Marshal while hit counsel, William Fall?n, argued on an application for a writ of habeas corpu? to keep him out of jail. At the end o? an inconclusive session with Judge Mant?n, Arnstein was paroled in the custody of his counsel, and the mattoi was postponed until 4 o'clock to-day ! when Mr. Fall?n will submit a brief. Arnstein was cited in contempt o? j court on the motion of Saul S. Myers | counsel for the surety companies, foi refusing to answer questions in bank? ruptcy proceedings concerning his as? sets and which he had been recently ordered to answer by Judge Hand. Mr Fall?n said that he intended to go tc th > United States Supreme Court on an appeal from Judge Hand's ruling Judge Mant?n suggested that he go instead, before the United States Cir? cuit Court, which *vould i?e sitting or, November 1. Fight to Free Arnstein "Rut what will be done with my cli? ent in the mean time?" asked Mr. Fall?n. "In the mean time," said the judge "I am afraid he will have to go to jail.' "That's just what I am trying to avoid," said Mr. Fall?n. The judge signed the order commit ing Arnstein to the custody of the United States marshal and an assis? tant took him in charge. Mr. Fall?n then made application for a writ o? habeas corpus, saying that if Judge Mant?n preferred he would take the matter before some other judge, inas? much as Judse Mant?n already had denied a stay. Judge Mant?n said Mr. Fall?n coule withdraw his application and make il before Judge Hough on Friday. Mr Fullon said he would be glad to dc so if Judge Mant?n would admit hi client to bail. This, however, Judge Mont?n refused to do before argumen was made on the application. "We have been on this case sever months," broke in Myers. "This mar has defied every court order, defied the commissioner, defied the judges ant he would like to go before some othei judge." To which Mr. Fall?n replied that hi: only object in suggesting going before Judge Hough wi'.s because Judge Man ton might be reluctant to reverse him self. Judge Mant?n said he had nc such reluctance if he found himself ir the wrong. Wherewith, Mr. Fall?n re newed his application before Judge Mant?n. In arguing on the application for ? writ of habeas corpus, Mr. Fall?n ?le clared that Arnstein had a constitu tional right to refuse to answer ques tions in the bankruptcy proceeding: when he might ten?! to incrimin?t? himself in the action pending against him in another court. He said that the original petition in bankruptcy was jurisdictionally defective and that no court had a right to sign an order adjudging him a bankrupt. Concerning the statement made by Juelge Hand that Arnstein had waived his constitutional privileges in the bankruptcy proceedings when he filed schedules, Mr. Fall?n said that Judge Hand reversed himself, pointing out that Arnstein had no constitutional right to refuse to file schedules after having been ordered to do so by the court. He said further that even if const?utional privileges had been waived by the filing of the schedules, the questions asked him could pertain only to information found in the schedules. Mr. Myers said that Arnstein had not been forced to file schedules, and that Judge Hanei had not ?lirected him to do so. He protested vigorously Arn stein'a being admitted to bail at this time. Mr. Fall?n said his answer to the petition in bankruptcy had been filed a day late, and was therefore not ef? fective. He said that If his client were admitted to bail he wpuld argue the case on the first available day after the Circuit Court met. "If we don't." he said, "we will agree to withdraw all motions and applications. We are anx? ious to have this matter determined." Judge Mant?n said he would post? pone the matter, and left Arnstein in the custody of his attorney. -? Soldier Kills Man in Holdup; Wife Also Shot (Continued from page one) trigger Nelson grasped his arm. Van Reed wrenched himself loose after a fight and ran into a back room. While Nelson stopped for a minute to get his breath, the fight was taken up by Mooney, who had been attracted by the shots and had come to Nelson's assistance. Ho followed the soldier into the din? ing room, where he saw him throw the gun under a table. There was no exit from this room, anel after a chase round the table, Mooney finally caught i up and struck the handit on the jaw. : A short fight followed and the soldier was overpowered and hold until the ; arrival of the police. When Sergeant Thomas Rrown ran ; into the shop with gun in hand and saw ? Nelson braced against the wall, he | thought he was the criminal and or- I dered him to throw up his hands. Nel? son was too exhausted from his strug- ; gle with Van Reed to comply readily with the sergeant's command. For a j moment things lookeel bad for Nelson. By this time, however, Mooney was leading Van Reed from the back room 1i> the hallway and observing Nelson's predicament called to F-ergcant Brown that he had the real prisoner. At this point Traffic Policeman Hamilton and Detective McAuliff, of the West Thirty-seventh Street station, assisted by somo passersby, carried Rabinowitz into the shop, where they : found Mrs. Rabinowitz lying on the ! floor with two wounds in her right . breast. One of the bullets had gone through her body. When she was ; placed in a chair she insisted on hold- | ing the head of her husband in her lap until the arrival of an ambulance', which took him to the New York Hos? pital. He was dead before the body ! reached the hospital. Mrs. Rabinowitz was taken there shortly after. The physicians say she may recover. Makes Detailed Confession Van Reed was taken to the West Thirty-seventh Street police station, Announcing the "Modale" For the select group of well groomed New Yorkers who reject extreme headwear and refuse to accept dull or ordinary blocks the "Modale" has been specially created. A soft hat of small proportions, welt brim; shades of medium bronze, dark seal, olive sage and pearl that are distinctly autumnal. Incidentally, it has a gracious habit of looking well on most men?and is most satisfactorily priced at $10.50, Lax included. Satisfactory Wear Guaranteed, Weber cm3 Heilbrorier Clothiers. Haberdashers and Halters?Eleven Store) 5 Broadway *44th & Broadway I 363 Broadway *42nd <Sc 5th Ave. 58 Nassau *150 Nasau *20 Cortlanch ?Ilat? at thrtte ?tores rtte ?tores y. glillg ? ? The young'man or young woman possessed with but one thought?to do better to-day than yester? day and still better to-morrow than to-day. The Tribune numbers among its readers thou? sands of such young men and women, who can be reached only through a Tribune Help Wanted Ad. If you are in need of this caliber, try a Help Wanted Ad. in to-morrow's Tribune. Phone Beek man 3000 or go to any of the Tribune Want Ad. Agents?over 500 in Greater New York. where he told of his career in the army and made a detailed confession of hi? crime. He was later removed to police headquarters, where he will remain until this morning. He will be ar? raigned to-day in the West Fifty fourth Street Court on a charge of homicide. Van Reed's home is in Reading, Pa.. where he enlisted in the army in 1907. At the expiration of one of his enlist ments, in 191?, he re?nlisted for the duration of. the war, serving in the ?eri?. service oversea? behind the lines. He w?s discharged a month after the armistice, obtaining employment at the Ford factory at Kearny, N. J. Here, he declares, he ran out of funds and bought a revolver, with which he asserts he intended to kill himself. It was the same weopon which he used yesterday. The police - - found extra rounds of cartridges in his pockets. He had fired five of the six bullets in the gun. After working as a dishwasher in a restaurant here, he recnlistcd again last June and was assigned to the re? cruiting corps. His only known rela? tive is Esther Van Reed, a sister, of 116 Reed Street, Elizabeth. N. J. The Rabinowitzes have several chil? dren. Czechoslovak Cabinet RegwJ PRAGUE, C?echo-Slovakia gZSS -The Czecho-S^akCb^^ recount of troubles caused by a wuS ing of the treach between the R^2B* Democrats, Moderates and Radie?!*1 the Coalition jovernn.ent. 8 % et IN 555SE"timts^gssg-^v,,^^^y \^JS.~?S ~^sa=ss=&s=x=n J?HN D/MD Stein'Bloch Smart Glothes Broadway at 32^ Street Facing Greeley Square *?Z *%? IV John David Presents Tan Gaberdine Topcoats Which Make $40 Assume The Prerogative Of A Much Higher Price Such Topcoats Are Difficult To Procure To? day Even Beyond $40. At This Figure They Are Beyond Comparison. Belted; Shower Proofed; Loose-Draping; Single-Breasted Or Double. This Is A Coat Of Distinguished Celebrated Smartness, Yet One That Will Endure Rough stein-mioch And-Tumble Usage. It Will Wear Out fortiutumn Your Patience Long Before It Wears Out. $45**$9? Make Comparisons?We Thrive On Them! EXCLUSIVE, BUT NOT EXPEN The Painters9 Strike The general public is no doubt desirous to know some details about the latest develop? ments in the Painters' strike. For its benefit we are publishing the follow- ' ing facts: The Association of Master Painters and Decorators of New York City, which refuses to settle, and terms itself the "trustee of the public," recently had only 60 employer mem? bers; of these, twenty-one have left it, in? cluding four members of the Board of Directors. Of those who remain, not more than four employ more than 10 painters on the average throughout the year. The rest average from 3 to 5 journeymen painters. The "Cabinet Makers' Employers' Associ? ation" is the second opponent. It has 19 members, all of whom together do not em? ploy more than 30 painters on an average throughout the year. The Society of Interior Decorators, though 47 in number, has but seven or eight mem? bers who employ more than five decorators on an average through the year. The work these firms are doing is of a higher grade, and requires the service of skilled crafts? men. All such men belong to the Brother? hood of Painters, Decorators and Paper hangers of America. , These three associations try to create the impression that they are fighting the battle of the public. In their propaganda they convey the impres? sion that the Brotherhood is now demanding a curtailment of working hours, which is absolutely false. The Employers?members of all the three Associations?agreed a year ago to grant the 5-day week to the Painters after a strike last? ing ten weeks. The Journeymen Painters religiously lived up to the terms of this agreement to the very last hour of its expiration. This time they demanded no more than an increase of one dollar per day, which demand has so far been met by 922 out of approxi? mately 1,000 employers. Having no issue on hand to justify their re? fusal to meet this moderate demand, they revive the question of a 5-day week. The necessity of a shorter working week for the Painter has been amply explained to the public during our last year's struggle. Aside of the seasonal nature of the trade, its injuri? ous effects upon the health of the Painter, proved to be sufficient reasons to deserve the public's sympathy in this cause. As a last resort the "Employers' Associa? tions" are endeavoring to lead their members to believe that a new "Union" is in the proc? ess of formation, which will make it cheaper. For the benefit of their information we will just quote Samuel Gompers, President of the Amer? ican Federation of Labor: "Not under any circumstances will a charter be issued to any new organization having jurisdiction over Painters, Paperhangers or Decorators.'' Why do we take the trouble to answer the propaganda of these associations? Because we want to protect the public against their misleading statements, and because we want production to go on wihout interruption. There are now plenty of master painters who have settled, and are busy on housing construction. The Employers' Associations are carrying on a hopeless battle, one against the interests of the public, and in an unjust cause. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America Disttict Council No. 9.