OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 19, 1920, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1920-09-19/ed-1/seq-11/

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Broadway at 34th St.
Specialists in,Apparel
Saks &* Company Are Now Featuring
Genuine Sealskin Coats
Through a very unusual trade opportunity we secured an ex?
ceptionally fine selection of genuine sealskins1 at far below
actual value, and in turn offer them to you at substantial
savings We have several most exclusive models on exhibi?
tion?any of which we shall be pleased to reproduce to youT
order These prices afford most extraordinary savings on
regular prices.
36 m Coats . . $795 45?n.O)?ts - . $950
40 in. Coats . . $850 48 in. Coats . . $995
Sixth Floor
Women's Dainty
?offered Monday at
very attractive prices?
At $1.50
Envelope Chemise
of soft nainsook, trim?
med with dainty lace,
or lace and embroidery
combined. Several
models to choose from.
At $2.00
Nightgowns of lovely
blue Batiste, tastefully
hand embroidered in
pastel colorings. Made
in Empire model, ribbon
At $2.00
Step - in Drawers of
dotted Seco Silk in pink
?only, adorned with lace.
Philippine Envelope
Chemise? beautifully
hand embroidered in
several effective designs.
Exceptional value.
Third Flobr
Tomorrow?Monday-*We Shall Feature
A Remarkable Collection
of Women's
?the very newest created
for Fall
At $39.50, $48.
$55, $69.50
Models for every occasion,
?the street, evening wear,
business and touring, in every
fabric predicted to enjoy a
wide vogue this season
The beautiful Wrap pictured
is of Bolivia Cloth, with large
collar of taupe-dyed Nutria
fur, and handsome flowered
silk lining. An unequaled
value ! Fourth Fipor
Women's Taffeta Breakfast
COATS, $10.95
Unequaled values Made of soft shimmering taffeta,
trimmed with ruffling of self material, "comfy"
pockets, and narrow belt. Pink, Light Blue, Rose,
Copenhagen Blue^ Orchid, and Peach.
Third Floor
Sturdy Corduroy Suits
Special $5*95
A suit that a real boy will
delight in ?ready foi* every
sport, because they are sturdily
tailored to withstand hard usage.
Made in smart double-breasted
model, lined throughout, and
finished with extra detachable'
white pique collar
Colors: Navy. Green, Drab and
Brown Sizes 5 to 10 years
Second .Floor
For Fina! Clearance Monday?
Women's -High-Grade
Pumps and Oxfords
Regularly $10 to $13.50
Reduced tp $6,95
A wonderful opportunity to get a very smart and
serviceable shoe at an exceptionally low price?-for
these have been taken from our regular stock and
reduced for immediate disposal Leathers and
materials are.
Silver and gold cloth, black and white
satin, brown kid, patent coltslcin, gun
metal and tan Russia calfskin.
Louis XV, "Dolly" and Cuban heels. Second. F loor
Women's New Georgette
Specially priced at $8?95
Smart indeed are these
new Fall blouses, one m
collariess model with
front and back panel of
embroidered Georgette,"
thfeotherwith long tux?do
collar, embroidered in con?
trusting and &elf-color
For the new suit, they are
"just the thing."
Colors: Navy, Brown and
Bisque. Third &feww
15-Jeweled Lever Movement
in nickel case, mounted Ob leathet strap. Splen-i
did as a gift to the young boy or girl attending;
school Mein Ptea*
Exquisite Imported
in an ?n?oftant sate Monday
?t $24.50
Beautifully Beaded Bags from sunny France, beaded
by the deft fingers of bead workers who have a
genius for producing with tiny beads those
wonderful color combinations achieved by old
masters* with brushand oils. Many, many designs
t? choose from including solid jet?three as
Frames are of light and dark amber
shell. Each silk lined, many prettily
finished with rosebud binding.
Main Floor
Paris Has Created None More Individual
Smartly Tailored Suits
Very Special $49*50
Faultlessly tai?
lored in such
chic models
that one can-*
not help ap?
proving "of
their marked
Produced in
soft Wool
Chamois Vel*
and Tricotine,
some trigly tai?
lored, others
prettily silk
every one silk
Colors: Java, Dryad, Malay, Nanking, Beaver and
Navy. Sizes 14 to 18 years
Second Floot*
S?$29.50 2?$29.50 3 ?$29.50 4?$35.00 ?5?$39.50
Tomorrow?-Monday?We Shall Hold a
Remarkable Sale of
Women*? a^Jew Fall ?owns
?In satin, charmeuse, wool Jersey, tricotine and taffeta,
all very carefully made?
oAt Substantial Price Savings
Only the very newest Fall models are included, made up especially
for us?t much below regular by one of our dressmakers who found
it imperative to convert his materials on hand into immediate cash.
At $29-50 Reg. $39.50
Smart Satin Frock for street and afternoon wear. De*
signed in Moyen-Age effect, with pleated apron tunic
?nd Jooped. sides.? Three-quarter length sleeve,
'rimmed with collar and vestee of Georgette Crepe.
In navy, black, brown and taupe. Sizes 36 to 46.
Illustration 1.
At $29*50 Reg. $39.50
Street Frock of Wool Jersey, smartly embroidered in
silk thread. Three-quarter length bell sleeve. In
brown with tan, reindeer with brown, navy' with
henna, and Flemish blue with tan? Sizes 34 to 44.
Illustration 2
At $29.50
Reg. $39.50
Charmeuse Frock for afternoon wear, made-with graceful tunic,
trimmed with ruffled fluting, and fluting on collar and sleeves to match.
In navy, black, brown and taupe. Sizes 36 to 46. Illustration 3.
At $35
Reg. $45
Straight-line Satin Frock with side-pleated overdress in apron effect.
Vestee is trimmed with real filet lace. Its slender lines are decidedly
attractive. In navy, black and taupe. Sizes 36 to 46. Illustration 4.
At $39.50
Reg. $55
Embroidered Wool Tricotine Frock, simply fashioned, yet very chic.
Blouse, belt and upper part ot skirt are lavishly hand embroidered in
in self color. Vestee is of washable batiste embroidery. In navy and
black. Sizes 34 to 42. Illustration 5.
At $29.50 v Reg. $39.50
Stunning Radium Taffeta Evening Frs?k with silver discs embroid?
ered over the fabric. Simply made with side panels caught under the
skirt. Bodice has silver shoulder straps and net sleeves, ?h peach?
orchid, rose and turquoise. Sizes 36 to 40. Illustration 6?
At $29 JO Reg, $39.50
Practical Wool Tricotine Frock, in straightUae model with pleated
skirt, in Moyen-Age. effect. Pockets and collar are trimmed with Bon.
naz embroidery. In navy and black, Sixes 34 to 42. Illustration y
7? $29.50

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