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Burglar Gets Loot Of ?2,000, but Says Victim Is a "Piker" | Sarcastic Note Left by Rob? ber After Taking Cash,. Two Watches and Real j Estate Bonds'* From Safe j X burglar who combines a sense of fcomor with his safe-breaking proclivi ? tiet jimmied his way into the office of Henry Brady, real estate And insurance broker, at 139 West Thirty-third Street, Thursday ni?rht or early Friday. In return for $2,000 cash, some securities ?ad two gold watches, he left Mr. Brady i note calling him a "piker" for leav? ing stich a small sum in his office and ?dvising him to get a "decent" safe. . The burglary was discovered about i:30 o'clock Friday morning by a woman who was cleaning the office. S>? Oui'd the broken safe door ajar ?.id ft-:l?sd the polio?. Mr. Brady gave an account of the robbery to Th? ; Tribune yesterday. Entering the three-story remodeled house by the roof door, which ? was locked and had to be pried open, the burfrlnr made h:3 way to the office on the ground floor. Using n brace and bit and "can opener," lie opened the s?fe and took tht; contents to a vacant room on the top floor. Numerous dis? carded cigarette stubs indicated that he went about his task in a leisurely manner. "Why don't you pay an extra dollar and get a decent safe?" the note t; Mr. Brady asked. "If you are going to repair this one, or buy one like it, 1 would advise you to leave' it open and nave mo about ten minutes time and also save you money. I think a real ?state man of your standing to have ; only about $2,000 in the safe is a piker and" I will not bother you again unless I am sure y ; h ' ? m< re. "If 1 have any success the next | eouple I blow I m? ;? send you back part of what I took, as 1 neo] the money at j prese-ri*. "If you find out the brand of cifrar ; ?ttes you probably will know who I I am." The note earned no signature. The cigarette butts the burglar had strewn ibout him indicated that lie smoked | aevera! difieren! brand?. Mr. Brady said the thief showed fa? miliarity with the real t stute business in taking certain papers and leaving others, lie thin' - the man makes aj specialty of robbing re:?l estate offices. | The police have some finger print i dews. Two Girls Report Being Locked in Room a Week Detectives Arrest Two Men on ! < h?ri.c- of Abducting Pair ! '? -.-::\ * !>tipv Island After two Illand police! they had just Fifteenth .-in oners there ' men, det cti Galio, twenty Pitto, twentv Brooklyn, on The girls ? enteer., of '.'.: ? Laxpri-ti. ?? They ass( i tei were to i?.??<? after a p.?r! j thty \-i ! ? ?. Street ? . Wit'l ! . ' : ? The p bail eacl Gates A' Tuesday. by ;irls had told a Coney tan Friday night t'nat escaped from a nouse in t after being hold pria r a week by two young es a: listed Salvatore wo years old, and Frank b : h. of Park Avenue, ? os of Abduction. Virginia Zimbito, sev uydam Street, and Sarali i. f'f 231 Suydam Street. that the young men t them ;o their homes instead, they allege. '. ? n to the Fifteenth .. 1 placed in a room i-: were held in $2,000 Magistrate (?cismar in ( ourt for examination OPEN EVENINGS X'l\ A LIMITED NUMBER OF PLAYER % PIANOS used Easy Monthly Paymenta Bench, Cover and Cartage Included NEW UPRIGHT $97^ K*?y Monti,1, l'iijtn?iit? M ? *3 ulClUa:rjg h,,i. witii i;?<i. Cpri*M USE!) (AA UPRIGHTS Ulf "P Easy Monthly Paymenta LATEST PLAYER ?? A CENTS ROLLS &V EACH V?CTROLAS SONORAS GRAFOIMAS $25 to $600 REASONABLE TERMS Recorda in All Languagea UPRIGHT AND GRAND PIANOS TO RENT G0ETZ&CO. INC. 31-87 COURT STREET BROOKLYN Pl'mio 483? Muln OPEN EVENINGS Real ?' aBMAIAK Women's Footwear To-morrow the Last Day of Our Advance Sale of Fall Shoes THIS sale ?land? for three distinct point? in connection with every pair of ?hoes offered: Style, Quality and Price. That is why it makes a distinct appeal to women of discrimination. The three groups listed below are typical of the values given. Patent leather spat pump?, Louis heels. Gun Metal spat pumps, Louis heels. Black kidskin spat pump?, Louis heels. Tan calfskin, broad toe oxfords, low heels. $7.85 Tan calfskin walking boot, military heels. Black satin dress boot, Louis heels. Brown satin dress boot, Louis heels. Dull kidskin lace boot, Louis heels. Brown kidskin walking pump, military heels. Black kidskin walking pump, military heels. Black satin dress slippers, Louis heels. $9.75 Patent leather dress lace boot, satin top, Louis heels. Black kidskin lace boot, Louis heels. Bronze kidskin dress, one eyelet ties, Louis heels. Grey kidskin dress, one eyelet ties, Louis heels. Patent leather dress, one eyelet ties, Louis heels. Tan calfskin walking boot, military heels. $12.75 *nd 28c Tax After the Sale thea? Shoes will bo obtainable only at regular price*. .Second Floor. Store Hours 9 to 5 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Paris Hats Interpret the Fall Mode pROM the foremost modistes of Paris comes the- inspiration for the many beautiful hats now assembled in our French Room. The display of Fall models is more complete and more alluring today than it has been at any time this season. Velvet is the favorite material and for three very good reasons, it is extremely smart, in? finitely adaptable and invariably becoming to women of all ages, be? cause it is soft and caressing in texture. X7ELVET of a gor? geous burnt orange hue fashions the dash? ingly original model pic? tured at the left?a Paris-inspired hat creat? ed by skillful fingers in ?ur own ateliers. The tali Venetian comb of Cellophane that sweeps so effectively across the back ?nds a graceful complement in the flowing veil of Ha? vana brown. It is a hat that will be particularly good with the dark rich fur shades, to which it will lend a touch of life and light. Silk Underwear / Exceptional Values in Excellent Qnalty Satin and Crepe de Chine Night Covens / ? Crepe de Chine, daintily lace trimmed. / $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 (.Bd t?x> Chemises / ' Envelope and Step-in Models, ' Tailored and Lace Trimmed. jp Crepe de Ckine, in attractive styles. f $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 Satin, trimmed with fine lace. Very unusual values nt .Fourth Floor, ? ? - J>-? . Bodices ? " Satin, lace trimmed, dainty model?. f 98c $1.50 $1.95 Knickerbockers Satin, of excellent quality, tailored and lace trimmed, $2.95 !/ Breakfast Coats Unusual Values in Satin and Corduroy Embossed Corduroy Coat, deep Tuxedo collar. flounce. $9.75 Mt?) Two-Toned Satin Coat, fine quality material? ruche trimmed. $12.75 (?nd tax) ?... Two-Toned Satin, a very attractive model, deep flounce, ruche trimmed. $14.75 Ond tax) -Second Floor* Autumn Modes in WOMEN will find in our Autumn collection of Tailleurs two conspicuous reasons why Fashion has marked the Tailored Suit as her own this season. One is the wealth of soft, becoming velvety wools to which Fur imparts such luxurious distinction, especially devised for the new tailored effects. The other is the variety of charming styles in youthful, buoyant lines to fit all types of figure, to which the new silhouette lends itself. Three-Piece Suits-?Smartness is the word for the supple elegance of the model illustrated here, of Veldyne, beaver trimmed, with overblouse of embroidered Crepe Georgette, a most distin? guished costume.$375 The new Three-Piece Cape Suit is also in the col? lection. Exclusive Tailleur*?Du? vet de Laine, Graciella and Veldyne, American origin? ation? and copies of foreign models, piquant box coats and the longer Tailleurs, with collars and trimmings of Hudson Seal, Skunk, Si? berian Squirrel or Beaver.$275 Handsome Tailleurs of Veldyne, Duvet de Laine, or fine Tricotine, trimmed with Beaver, Siberian Squir? rel or Kolinsky.$175 Tailored Suits, beautiful? ly made and finished, Vel? dyne, Duvet de Laine, Tric? otine, some strictly plain tailored, others embroid? ered or with novel style features, or fur trimmed. . . .$85 to $135 Lengthened Coats, semi box coats, huge collars and pockets of fur, silk stitching, embroidery, inverted plaits, braided effects, are among the style features in this Autumn display. .Third Floor Announcing a Showing of New Paris Models Further Defining the Season's Modes for 1920-1921 in Coats, Suits, Gowns, Blouses from Paquin Drecoll Madelaine Agnes Renee Alice Bernard Brandt CherleHe fcanPatou Lelong Samuels Christiane NEW shipment of Wraps for day and evening wear, the latest word in Paris modes. Superb textures, rick furs, sumptuous embroideries and metal effects, the new grace of silhouette achieved in many novel ways, diversity of styles in sleeves and collars. Long coat suits, two-piece and three-piece models, and chic semi box coats, with many novel collar effects; slip-on models ?f unique design, many belted and set-in sleeves and under-arm decorations, novel sashes and girdles, clever trimming idaas, emfersjidered, corded and hand-wrought features; Rodier's new materials, w?els, velvets and the lavish use of rich furs. A group of adorably Parisian afternoon and evening gowns; beautiful models in blouses, including new types of overblouse?, unusual combinations', elaborately beaded and embroidered novelties significant in new ideas. A Autumn Modes in .Third Floor , 15,000 Yards of Fine Ribbon Greatly Reduced in Price ! An Event for Ribbon Bu :ers Wool Dress Goods OUR Fabric Departments have never shown such a beautiful array of modish materials as that now displayed on our First and Second floors. They are the newest things for the Fall and Winter, and prices are extremely moderate. Costume Serge?AH wool, navy blue; 54 inches wide. $3.38 yard. All Wool Velours?New Fall shades, sponged and shrunk. $4.75 yard. The New Silks Colored Dress Satin?Chiffon finish; 36 inches wide. $2.50 yard. Colored Crepe Meteor?In the latest Fall shades; 40 inches wide. $3.50 yard G+OMnd Floor A GROUP of remarkably good values that we have not heen able to equal for over a year. Beautiful, heavy, rich ribbons, gros grains, satin and taffeta? widths ranging from 2]/z to 1 ? incnea?all radically re? duced in price. A List of Wonderful Values Given in This Sale AILORED Tricotine Dresses resume their im? portance for another season, but with such a sparkling difference and variety of novel styles and combinations that every latest model in our collection is a distinct piece of fashion news! Strictly tailored coat dresses, Redingote effects, tunic frocks, chemise dresses and cne-piece com? poses of Tricotine and Satin?all included. Beaded Tricotine Dresses are particularly smart, some severe tai? lored models with no more than an accent of jet on a swinging panel; others, like the model illustrated here, deco? rated with elaborate motifs of iridescent beads that give color and charm to a simple frock. This especially good style Afternoon Gown is an unusual value at $85.00 Cire Braided Dresses of Tricotine divide in? terest with plain tailored gowns whose distinctive note is the binding of fine silk braid; other braided effects are stitched with color. Chemisettes and Gilets of lingerie embroidery, net and laces, give a chic touch to many models in this collection rang? ing from $40.00 to $175.00 Novelties Satin stripe, Dresden, Brocade and Tapestry. 8 to '0 inches wide.85c yard Metal Brocade Beautiful fabric 7 and 1 1 inches wide. .$5.00 yard Hair Bows Extra grade taffeta, plain Dresden and satin stripe. 5 and 5]/2 inches wide. . . .45c yard Heavy Satin High lustre, black ?nd navy blue. 9 inches wide..$1.25 yard Washable Taffeta Fine quality, fer blanket binding. 2 Vi inches.$3.00 piece V/i inches.$4.0* piece {10 yards to the pieee) Sashes Heavy black satin with fringed and tassel ends.each $6.50 Novelty plaid and brocade effect, fall colaringa. each $6.50 Unusual Values in superior Gros Grain Ribbon, desirable eolors. 4 inch** wide, 55c yard ; S rachas wide, 6Se yard. tlround Floor D Opening of Our New Department for Glove Silk Underwear ISPLAY1NG a complete new assortment of lovely underthing3, fashioned of that dainticist and most durable of materials?Glove Silk. Vefets, Bloomers, Envelope Chemises, Camisoles and Night Gowns. Many of the garments are made in sets. Plain tailored styles, lace and net trimmed models, styles embroidered in pastel shades. Flesh color is the favorite shade, but there are also delicate shades of orchid, daffodil and jade. Very Unusual Values Vests. $2.85 Envelope Chemise.. $4.95 Bloomers.$3.95 Ankle Bloomers.. . . $4.50 Kxtra r*tnforcoj. AU 8trest ,ha<l?8 Camisoles.$1.95 Ground Floor