Newspaper Page Text
Help Wanted r__, Bosiaess Opportsnutiss ?^^ m S=2r~?- m . Want Advertisements m SST? -o ?itT LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS ?100 REWARD t/oat, on Tuesday. Sept. 7th, a ?mall patent leather ?ultca?e. On* hundred dollar? re? *ard will b? paid to the pefeon returning same with content?. Write to Box 175. HII?burn. New York, or telephone 8000 Conlandt. N. Y. C. LIBERAL reward for return of lady'? Bilk handbag containing two diamond ringe; lost at Hotel Comn!?dore Wednesday after? noon. Addrc*? H. P. Swanton. 46 a?ot 17th ?t. Phone Stuy. 8273, during office hours. IRI8H TERRIER, lost vicinity 820 3d* ?ve~ white ?pot chest. Reward. 853* Harlem. INFORMATION WANTED ANTHONY J. KESSLER, of St. Louis, Mo. Please send us your address. There has been a death In the family. Joseph and Edward Kessler._ FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET .-,-4 East Sid? MADISON AVE. 745?Furnished, unfur? nished front room with bath. Lewis, PlaK? 3211. HOTEL HAMPTON !r:n street and third ave. SELECT HOTEL for GENTLEMEN ONLY Newly furnished \ single and double moms, electricity, steam heat, bath In? cluded. Rooms Si. $1.50 and up. Special rates by the week. 88TH ST.. 68 BAST?Two light adjoining rooms, all Improvements; references. Auf. 124TH. 13 EAST?Elegantly furnished room?, running water, $10 up; phone, all conveniences; refined private family; near all cars. Naughton. West Side ATTRACTIVELY furnished corner suite. bath adjoining; non-housekeeping; 72d st. express; $v"> monthly. Columbus 1365. O'H.UMBl'S AVE. 33 (near 61st)?Ele? gantly furnished room and suite, suit-1 able one to lour gent lernen; convenient subway, cars. FT. NICHOLAS AV.. 736?Beautiful front room, twin beds, running water, elec? tricity, telephone; private house; refer? ences exchanged. TWO COMFORTABLE rooms, to business people or students; three minutes to subway and bus; terms reasonable. Apt. 24, 452 Fort Washington av. Tel. Wads vorth 2295. 47TH ST., 106 WEST (Raleigh Hall)?A residence for men ; uttractlvely fur rilnhed rooms, with and without baths or showers; writing, smoking, lounge, billiard rooms. 52D STREET. CORNER BROADWAY. THE CAPITOL. Just completed, high-class non-house? keeping apartments;- furnished or unfur? nished; full hotel service. 1 ROOM, BATH, $00 UP. 2 ROOMS, BATH. $150 UP. REFERENCES R.EQCIRED. 96TH (near park), on first floor, large, beautifully furnished, high class room; bath service, electricity; gentleman. Riv? erside 5413. ?9TH ST.. 244 WEST, corner Broadway? A tractive outside room, running water. adjoining bath; modern elevator apart? ment; private family; gentlemen. Apt. 61. 112TH ST., .'?16 WEST.?2 attractive front rooms; privat" lavatory; conveniences; refer, in:' a. Howland. 113TH (Amsterdam-Broadway) ? Kxcep- | llonsl front suite, suitable 2, 3 gentle? men or separate. Cathedral 8767. 113TH. 2?8 WEST?Large inora, all Im? provements, near subway station; pri? vate house. 116TH. 319 WEST?Well furnished front room; independent entrance; telephone, "L." Abbott. 122I>. 277 WEST?Well furnished large room, suitable two, $10; private family. 124TH , 73 WEST ? Parlor and bedroom, suitable two; well furnished; $12. Deel iviH-r. 131ST ST.. 273 W.?Well furnished front parlor; suitable for two gentlemen; elec? tricity; all conveniences; reasonable. Me? c? rat h 145TH. CIS WEST.?Attrasttve parlor bed? room, steam, electricity, piano, phone; sub? way. Ross. 164TII, 271 WEST?Parlor with adjoining bedroom, suitable two; near "L." Mal Unaon, 178T1I ST., 701 WEST?Bright, pleasant, sunny living room and bedroom; perma? nent tenant. Apply Youmans, apt. 25. Brooklyn HOTEL FAR ROCKAWAT. Nicely furnished rooms and apartments; kitchen privileges; very reasonable; conven? ient to Nev York. Phone Far.Rockaway 81. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED A MOTHER and daughter, 13 years old, wish a ro"in with a retlned family; no meals; pav $(>0 a month; bent references. Address Mumune, Harnion-on-the-Hudson. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room on 10th. 11th, 12th or 13th st.. between 6tii and 7th avs; permanent; A 1 refer? ences, pay good price to right party. G. W.. 345 Tribune. BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN and son, Protestant?, de? sire board In refined family, between Fifth and Lexington Aves., 69th and 90th ?is ; lerrns, $;;2 week. L 630, Tribune. COUNTRY BOARD Long Island BEECHURST. L. L, 8 Riverside Drive, 80 minutes from Penn. Station; 3 minutes from Whltestone Landing Station; 60 trains dally; all outside rooms; refined surround itigs; excellent home cooking; rooms. $10 up, with boarS, $25 up per week; special pri?es for i ouples or families. Write or phone Flushing 2030R. BEPTEMBER bathing la the best. Do yours at Bayport, L. I. Board $10 to $15 weekly. Bluefishing and snipe shooting. Address "Private Cottage." Mayport, L I. HELP WANTED FEMALI Domestic HorsEWORKER?Capable white woman, " general housework, no washing, good wages. P. O. Box 681, Cedarhurat. L. I. NURSE for 2 children, aged 9 months and 4 years; reliable, experienced woman, cheerful disposition, capable of taking full charge; American. Scotch or English preferred; country near Rldgeflcld, Conn., until November 1; cottage Palm Beach, Fla . for winter. Call Monday and Tues? day at'.-moons. Mrs. M. S. Wyeth, care K. F. Tyler, 131 East 66th St. NURSE, competent, for two children 11 months und 3 years; experienced; ref? erences. h.iS West End' ave., Apt. 3C; Riverside 7204. Miscellaneous BOOKKEEPER?-ASSISTANT IN A l.AROE DOWNTOWN WHOLESALE HOUSE; GOOD OPPORTUNITY; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS; 8AL ?M2I-.?r.? UEION $20. APPLY BY LETTER ONLY. MILLER & WRIGHT PAPER COMPANY. *i DUANE ST. BOOKKEEPER ?Good opportunity for <iuic;? and accurate worker familiar with up-to-date methods, handling large num? ber of accounts ami general office duties; ?late references and salary. Box 133 H 26 St. Jame? Bldg. BOOKKEEPER?Plumbers' and eateam supply house; wholesale; downtown; ref? erences. L GJ6. Tribune. BURROUGHS Operators are placed Immediately ta food paying positions after completing our ?pe ? ial thtee weeks course of Instruction on BURROUGHS CALCULATING AND BOOKKEEPING MACHINES l??y or livening Classes. Enroll Now. BURROUGHS SCHOOL FOR OPERATORS I 117 Broadway New York Cor. Veeey 8t. CASHIERS?Steady employment. Apply 11th floor. 151 6th live. Comptometer Operator wanted Immediately; ?tat? age, experience and salary. Box US, 1*2? St. Jame? Bldg. f?&?jj? CLERICAL WOffiURS-Biperira??? end ?W9*rtHU??^&*b 1*1 ?tu a??.. ?StS HELP WANTED FEMALE MiiseeHaneoa? CLERKS AND TYPISTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANC? COMPANY Girl? 17 year? ot age and over Hour? ? to 4:M o'clock Saturdnyn ? to 18 o'elock Luncheon? eerved freo Ss'ary t? atart ?IS.00 Abilities of clerUa reviewed each aU month?. ThOM of avara?? ability should be receiving from ?1* to tit per weak after the aecoa? review. The variation la due to difference la clerical work. Fro? classes conducted in Typewriting. Stenography and Dictaphone Operating Apply In Person between S and 4:3? o'clock .Room SOS!. Metropolitan Building 1 Madison Ave, (at Strd St.). New York City. DENTIST'S ASSISTANT; age 18 to SO: ex? perience not necessary- call 88 West 4?d st., 12th floor. Room 123?, Monday, between 1 and 4 o'clock. FINISHERS on walste, first class. 22 East 67th. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START $85 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS RAPID PROMOTION STEADY WORK POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY AT MANHATTAN 1168 BROADWAY, CORNER 27TH ST. 195 BROADWAY, ?v. CORNER DEY ST. BRONX $70 EAST 150TH ST. BROOKLYN 81 WILLOUGHBY ST., 1336 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE 12000. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY GIRLS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the Most Liberal salaries to BRIGHT GIRLS as STOCK CLERKS also as MESSENGERS The positions are permanent and afford exceptional oppor? tunities for rapid advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 W. 38th St., 9th Floor. OIRL (Christian) who is looking for her first position will get good opportunity for advancement In large downtown insur? ance office. L 627, Tribune. GIRL (Christian) wanted for clerical work In downtown Insurance office; previous Insurance experience not essential. L 828, Tribun?. OIRL wanted to work on checks and du? plicates. Apply 11 a. m.. Shine's Restau? rant, 42S Seventh av LADY, over 30, wanted to fill a position as city representative with old estab? lished house; one who Is energetic and tactful may command good pay; business or social references. L 616, Tribune. MATRON, to supervisa and teach laundry work In an institution for Jewish girls. Write Cedar Knolls School, Hawthorne, N. Y. OFFICE ASSISTANT KNOWLEDGE OF STENOGRAPHY AND TYPINO; PERMANENT POSITION. WALLACH BROS.. B'way, cor. 29th St. OFFICE WORK?Women 19 to 25 years; salary adjusted at interview; hours, 9 to 6. Call Room 1603 24 Walker at. SALESWOMEN FRANKLIN SIMON & CO.. 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts. Offer the most liberal salaries to capable saleswomen who are accustomed to selling high class wearing apparel for women and misses. . The positions are permanent and afford exceptional oppor? tunities for rapid advancement. SALESWOMEN are required for WOMEN'S SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES, WOMEN'S COATS, MISSES' SUITS, MISSES' DRESSES, MISSES' COATS, also WOMEN'S TRIMMED MILLINERY. APPLY BY LETTER or at APPLICATION OFFICE,, 6 W. 38th St., 9th'Floor. SALESWOMEN ART EMBROIDERY HENRY HESSE t*9 SIXTH AVE . 24TH-25TR STS.. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST YARN HOUSE, REQUIRES COMPETENT SALESWOMEN. SAIJSBWOMEN for fancy and candy de paxtmenti; serm&aaat ?saptey^enL Aw>?y ?lth U?ar. Ill Sth ?ve. , ~ HELP WANTED FEMALE MiCC?ll?VB?<KM ? SALESWOMEN FRANKLIN SIMON & CO.,. 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the Most Liberal Salaries to SALESWOMEN for CORSETS and BRASSIERES The positions are permanent and afford exceptional oppor? tunities to capable saleswomen experienced in selling and fit? ting high class corsets. Apply by letter or at APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 W. 38th St., 9th Floor. SALESWOMEN FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the Most Liberal Salaries to SALESWOMEN for WOMEN'S FURS The positions are permanent and afford exceptional oppor? tunities for advancement. APPLY BY LETTER or at APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 W. 38th St., 9th Floor. SALESWOMEN Permanent selling position. $16 to 111 a week with monthly bonus if capable. Shaw's Jewelry Shops. R. 208, 1482 Broad? way. (Off. 3 floor). STENOGRAPHER Large Brooklyn concern require? a thoroughly experienced, neat appearing young lady; pleasant environment, attractive salary (Christian firm). Address, stating references and quallflatlons, Box 126, 1626 St. James Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, also general office worker, Christian; beginner preferred. Juventy ft Cornells, 655 West 36th St. STOCK GIRLS IN OUR SUIT DEPARTMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. RUSSEKS. 362 5th Ave. TTPI8T. quick, accurate and experienced, wanted in prominent insurance com? pany's office to do tabulation work on large carriage Monarch machine. Call 66 Maiden Lanu, 7th floor. TYPIST or stenographer; Saturdays only; must be well educated; take dictation In apartment. Aildreas, stating expectations, Apt. 2E, The Barnnrd, Central Park W. TYPIST, Protestant, to take dictation on machine 9 to 5; accurate spelling essen? tial. Address, statins salary expected. Apt. 2B. 106 Central Park West. TYPISTS ? Experienced, large downtown concern; advancement. 1'. O. Bov 326, City Hall Station, New York. TTPISTS?Experienced and inexperienced. Apply 11th floor, 151 6th ave. WOMEN 2?-35 YEARS OF AGE FOR NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P. M. to 7:00 A. M. Opportunities to earn $90.00 to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two weeks when assigned to night hours. $15.00 a week during in? struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Higher salaries for more responsible positions. If interested call at 1158 Broadway, New York Citv (Cor. 27th. St.) or telephone Madison Square I2OOO NEW YORK TELEPHONE COxMPANY YOUNG WOMEN ? A leading downtown establishment ha? an opening for sev? eral young women as salespersons; ?al? ary 114 a week to start; opportunity for advancement; congenial surrounding?. D 20 Tribune. YOUNG WOMAN (Christian) wanted In filing department of prominent Insurance company. Apply 64 Maiden Lane. 5th floor. Instruction COME AN1 MINUTE after 6 p. tn. for sec retarial, bookkeei?ng, English, accounting. Phone Iteekraan 27 23. Night-day. Booklet. Drake Puslnoss School, Tribune Building. WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL 883 Fifth ave., mar S6th ?t. YOUNG WOMEN to train for nurae?; II months' course: p?y while learning. Brooklyn Eye ft Bar Hoapltal, ?4 Living? ston at., Brooklyn. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BOYS. SHORT HOURS. APPLY MR. BOGEL, 44 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK CITY. BOOKKEEPER ANT> STENOGRAPHER?* Assistant, with experience; Christian; stoady position, state ?alary, a?-?, expect? ance, ?to. D. C. US Tribune. I HELP WANTED MALE i ?_??-?-?*? ADVERT?8INO AGENCY wants young men to aell advertising ?pace In daily newspaper?. The young men we are look? ing for have a good education, probably are university or college graduate?, they have perhaps no advertising experience, but posses? the qualifications that make for ?alesman?hlp, clear thinking, courage, ambition, integrity, good appearance, per? sonality, willingness to work hard and a senulne desire to learn and become real sslesmen. Write fully, giving age. nation? ality ?ducation; what selling and busi? ness' experience you have had. If xrry. whether living with parents why you think you are qualified to-follow the line of work designated. Address J. J.. Box 40. Room 1?01. 220 West Forty-second Street. BANK CLERKS WANTED BY A LARGE BANK IN NEWARK Men with some banking experi? ence, to work on night force. Good hours, salary, bonus and In? surance. Address Chief Clerk. Boi 689, Newark. N. J. BANK MESSENGER wanted; unusual op? portunity for capablo and ambitious young man about 17 years old. Apply In own Tiandwrlttng. P.O. Box 1208, N.Y.Clty. BOOKKEEPER . familiar with factory accounting, cost and production records: state age, experience, nationality, religion, salary; good oppor? tunity for sn experienced man. a- ?.. 764. Suite 406, 110 West 34th St. BOOKKEEPER ? Plumbers' and steam supply house; wholesale; downtown; r?r erences. L ?85, Tribune. BOYS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the Most Liberal Salaries to BRIGHT BOYS as STOCK CLERKS also MESSENGERS permanent positions and oppor? tunity for rapid advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 W. 38th St., 9th Floor. BOYS for light messenger duty; $12 per week to start; hours 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. or 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; chance for advancement. Room 312, 154 Nassau St. BOYS Wanted by Large Bank Several boys who value opportunity for a future above Imm?diat? salary return; $50-J60 per month and lunches at beginning; write complete particu? lars as to age. education, etc., and ex? perience, If any; If accepted, unques? tionable references required. L 624 Tribune. BOYS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Over IS years of age. Good Hours. Balary to start ?12 Opportunity for Rapid Advancement Luncheons Served Free Apply In Person between 9 and 4:3? o'clock Room 5033, Metropolitan Building 1 Madison Avenue (at 23d Street) New York City. BOYS (6) grammar school gradu? ates, 160 monthly; hours 9-5, ?-1 Saturday. Call 9 a. m.. Room 410, 1737 Broadway. BOYS wanted; excellent oppor? tunity Is offered to bright, am? bitious boys who will be Interested In their work and who are loolPhg for a future In large wholesale fancy dry poods houso. Write fully stating education and salary ex? pected, H. H., Box 108, Station F, Manhattan. BOY?17, wanted In Christian law office; high school education; of good American parentage; if applicant, after year of serv- i ice, makes good, will see that he has op- I portunlty to attend law school; fair salary to begin with; chance of promotion. Apply with references to Room 1216, 116 Broad? way, New York City. BOY for mailing department In contracting company, main office, with high school training, who can write a plain hand de? sired; advancement assured. Write, stat? ing Ago. and education, Box 203, Sulto 405, 110 West 34th Bt. BOY wanted, 15 to 19 year?; salary to start, $14; good advancement for bright, willing worker; Christian firm. Southern Export Corporation, 354 4th av. BOY, energetic and "Willing, office work; permanent position; good chance for ad? vancement. The Review, 15th floor, 140 Naiiiu st.. New, York City. BOY about 17 for downtown cotton brok? erage office; good opportunity for right party; state age, religion and salary ex? pected. L 634, Tribune. BOY, In office of corporation downtown,; must be school graduate; excellent op? portunity for advancement; state aga and salary expected. D 41 Tribune. BOY (Christian) wanted In prominent downtown Insurance office; aalary,v 150 per month; rapid promotion for Intelligent and enterprising boy. L 629, Tribune. BOY about 18; neat, Intelligent, for gen? eral offlee work. Call and see Mr. H. C. Huber. Hudson Motor Car Co. of N. Y. Inc., 1843 Broadway. BOYS?Bright, intelligent boys wanted; splendid chance for advancement. Ap? ply Urner Barry Co., publishers, 173 Chambers St. BOY, refined Christian, for steamship brokerage office. Call between 9:30 and fO. W. W. Battle Co., 421 Produce Exchg. BOY wanted in wholesale hardware house; Christian firm. L. M.. P. O. Box 191. City Hall Station. New York City. BOYS. 14 to 1?, wanted in a large con? cern; splendid chance for advancement. Apply 184 Nassau st., 2d floor. BOYS, 17 to 1?. wanted; night work; good opportunity for ambitious young men. Apply 154 Nassau st., 2d'floor. BOY for mail clerk; good chance with large company. Apply to Mr., Room 2200, S Rector et. J BOY wanted, office and errands; 112 start. Call after I a. m.. Room 44, 12 John at. BOY, 11-11 years, run errands and office work; good chance for advancement. Hulsking, 6 Plstt ?L BOY wanted. g?n?ral office work. Knick? erbocker Watch Co- Room JIM Wool worth Bldg. ?_ BOY. ChrlsUanT In wonj? ??mp?aete? bans*. Aj>pty Room lao?. 26 Madison av. HELP WANTED MALE BOY in asnera! office of large corpora? tion; must be bright and intelligent. Reply in own handwriting, giving age, ex? perience and ?alary wanted. L 616, Trib? une. CHAUFFEUR for Packard car; must have Al references; good, steady position for right man. Call E. F. Dunham, 43 Ex chango Place. CORRESPONDENT In retail credit de? partment of large musical Instrument concern; excellent chanco^ for advance? ment; state age, education, experience and salary expected. Box 131, 1626 St. James Building. COUPLE?Man and wife; good pay; ref? erences required; apply to-morrow. Lin? coln Dress Co., 47 West 32d at. ENGINEER WANTED.?References required. Apply pumping station. Centrevllle ave. & Rockaway Beach Railroad, Aqueduct, be? tween ? a. m. and 3 p. m., Woodhaven Water Supply Co. ENTRY CLERK, custom house, at least three years 'experience; excellent chance for advancement. International Forward? ing Co., 470 Greenwich St. GENERAL OFFICE MANAGER wishes to find an assistant, ca? pable .man, who Is looking for a good future; one familiar with general office practices and work ; excellent opportunity for man with energy and ability; give age, ex fierlence, references and national? ly. B. D., S00, Tribune. JEWELER, to do Jewelry repairing and new work. Apply Kreman & Buser, man? ufacturing jewelers, Harrlsburg, Pa._ MACHINE PIANDS STEADY JOB, WINTER AND KUMMER, FOR VARIETY AND BAND SAW OPER? ATOR; UNION SHOP; AMILITY PAID FOR. THE ANDERSON LUMBER CO.. PASSAIC, N. J._ OFFICE BOY?Bright, Gen? tile, energetic, with fair edu? cation, excellent opportunity, good future, state salary. Ad? dress P. O. 3 Madison Square Station. OFFICE ASSISTANT Young man In payroll depart? ment; attractive salary, pleasant work; reply, stating age, experi? ence, etc. (Christian firm), Box 125, 1620 St. James Bldg. OFFICE BOY, Christian firm; excellent op? portunity. Apply In person, William L. Barrell Co., 8 Thomas st. OFFICE ASSISTANT?Young man, 18-20, who can do billing; references. G. E. M. Stumpp, 761 6th ave. OFFICE BOYS, age 14-16; large down? town concern; advancement. Address P. O. Box 326, City Hall Station. N. Y. OFFICE BOY; steady; salary $12 start; good chance for advancement; Christian. John C. Sparks, 42 Warren st. OFFICE BOY for Aluminum Company of America, 140 Nassau st. SALESMEN Said Colonel Roosevelt to a man we know, "I try to guard myself constantly against going off half cocked." For the salesmen we In? vite to co-operate with us we take Just such precaution. We know that to go off half-cockod Is nine times out of ten to miss tho mark. Unlimited money-making possibil? ities, progressively prosperous ca? reers and early elevation to posi? tions of increased responslbilty are virtually Insured every clean-cut, ambitious, well - ?mentioned man admitted to our sales staff. Our rapidly growing sales organization leads us to call for about fifteen Just such forward-looking, Impres? sionable and Impressive young men. At your back we'll put tho organized co-operation of un or? ganization that Is the making of all Its men, whether they cortie full.fledged or absolutely lacking In selling experience. Interviews confidential. Call 10 to 4, SUITE 1010, 25 W. 43D ST.; Suite 1512, Flatiron Bldg. ; Suite 305, 1.12 Nassau st.; Suite 84, 1C6 ? Montague st., Bklyn. ; Suite 62-, 158 Market st., Newark. SALESMEN THE MEMBERS OF THE "MILLION DOLLAR CLUB," 6TH AVE. BRANCH OF FIDEL? ITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, INVITE APPLICA? TIONS FROM A FEW SUCCESS? FUL SALESMEN DESIROUS OF EARNING $10,000 COMMISSION A YEAR AND UPWARD SELL? ING LIFE INSURANCE; SUC? CESSFUL LEAD SYSTEM. CALL BETWEEN 4 AND 5 P. M. ROBINSON & CAMPBELL, MGRS. 627 FIFTH AVENUE SALESMEN Are you getting deliveries? Are prices scaring your customers^ Is your Market quiet? Is your line seasonable? Are you under heavy expense? To all of these questions our salesmen can answer NO. Call on J. H. HUNTINGTON, Room 304 105 West 4 0th Street before 1 o'clock SALESMAN?ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN;. CHRISTIAN PREFERRED ; REFER? ENCES REQUIRED; SPLENDID UI'POR- ' TUNITY FOR RIGHT PARTY. MUNSON SUPPLY CO., 23 CITY HALL PLACE, EVENING MAIL BUILDING. SHIPPER WANTED to take charge of ? shipping department of school book pub? lishing company; Christian firm; steady employment; advancement. A. M. & Co. 26 East .21st st. . . UN USUAL MAN WANTED ? $6.000 or more per year, with opportunl ties, to man with curb or exchange cllen- ? tele; state detailed Information In your I letter. Address L 623 Tribune. YOUNG MAN WANTED For Order Department of a large loose leaf house; must be accurate at figures and familiar with the I general lino of loose leaf; good chance for ? advancement. Write, stating experience ! and salary expected, Box 129, 1626 St. i James Bldg. ? .-, YOUNG MEN (3), Christian, 18 years or over, wanted as Inter-depurtnient messenger and gen? era! assistant la ofTice of prominent Insur? ance company. ? Apply 56 Maiden Lane, 7th floor. YOUNG MAN MESSENGER for export de- ! partaient; muBt have good appearance. ! Apply Packard Motor Export Corporation, 1861 Broadway, 61st st. entrance. Apply I Mr. Knell. YOUNG MAN In stock .record department ? of woolen house; good opportunity; state; age, experience, education, etc. Box 456. i 209 Cable Building. YOUNG MAN (Christian) wanted In filing department of prominent Insurance company. Apply 54 Maiden Lane. Sth floor. YOUNG MAN In our directory department; '? willing to do cleaning and make him? self useful. The Tablet and Ticket Co., 381 Broadway. YOUNO MAN for shtpping room; light work: no heavy shipments. The Tablet and Ticket Co.. 311 Broadway. YOTJNO MAN far shipping department. tm~ ?J"*1?!? ?5155 dry *???J^ Mutual Trading Co.. 789 Sixth av.. at 41st at. HELP WANTED MALE j . Instruction AUTO INSTRUCTION.?We teach repairing and driving In short time. Llcen?o guar? anteed; ladles' classes: also Ford lessons. American" Auto School, 72? Lexington av?. <6?th). Plaza 4016. _ _ , AUTO INSTRUCTION. ?15 Day. evening; Cadillac, Studebaker, MUchell. B. * M. Co., 1303 Lexington ave. <88tth?. BEFORb YOU MAKE A CHANGE in your present position ?nd out what your life work should be. Don't mortgage vour future by doing wor,k for which you are not lltted. Through an analysis of your abilities from the study of the face our trained analysts can determine the. vocation In which you will achieve the greatest success. This study Is based on known scientific laws. Come In and ask us all about it. Booklet "L" sent on re? quest. . Merton Institute, Inc., 96 5th av. (at 16th st.). N. Y. Tel. Chelsea 4064. ENGINEER teaches arithmetic, algebra, geometry, draughting, surveying, eve? nings. Mondcll, 280 Madlsdn av. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleasant and prciitabl? work ; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and visitor's pass. West Side Y. M. C. A., 306 West 67th st. LINOTYPE.?Steady, ideal trade; pays $2,800 yearly; investigation courted. Telephone 2478 Stuyvesant. Empire School, 133 East 16th st. (subway). STENOGRAPHERS-SECRETARIAL School ?For 25 years practically all New York's ?O0 words a, minute secretaries, law, court reporters, earning over $60 weekly, re? ceived Lusk training; new Pltmanlc light? ning phrases Invented by Frank Lusk give every stenographer now 300 words min? ute, faster than old fashion, so-called champions: beginners' course; speeding; day, evening:; correspondence. Lusk Insti? tute, 229 West 42d st. Bryant 9138. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Practical Instructions given by Expert Trafile Managern. No Theory, actual U6e of tariffs as applied to Domestle Import and Expo? Shipping. TEXT MATTER Includes Important changes In Rules, Regulations, up to date in loose-leaf form. Night classes. Cnll or write CARLSON'S INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC MANAGERS' COLLEGE. Tribune Building, New York. Phone Beekman 930 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID?Will assist pantry: c* pablo, young, well recommended; city or country. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6771. CHAMBERMAID?Young Irish Protestant; excellent five years' references. O., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. 3d floor. Murray Hill 8D47. CHAMBERMAID.?Maid; English; highest recommendation; city, country. Miss Shauglinessy's Agency. SCO Sixth uve. CHAMBERMAID?Exceptional: three years' references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth av. Cooks COOK, accommodating, very neat, capa? ble, conscientious, good woman; city, | country; $4 day. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. COOK?Young Irish girl; good long city references; $70. H, Miss Hofmayer's Age,Ky, 10 East 43d st.. 3d floor. Tele? phone 8947 Murray Hill. COOK, also waitress; thoroughly expe? rienced ; best references. Miss Shaugh nessy's Agency, 860 Sixth ave. COOK?Competent Irish girl; ?75; 2 years last place. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41nt st. Murray Hill 6774. COOK?Young; good manager: excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau. 360 Fifth av. *""" COOK or houseworker; young Scotch Protestant; city or country. Cooper's Agency, 657 Sixth av. xJay Workers DAY WORKER?Laundress or cleaner: good worker; very reliable. Q, Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d St., 3d floor. Telephone S947 Murray Hill. General Houseworkers, Etc. HOUSEKEEPER (working), refined, ca? pable, conscientious English woman; bachelor's preferred; city, suburbs; highly recommerfded. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. HOUSEKEEPER?Professional; English; many years' experience; excellent refer? ences; salary $125'; Interview by appoint? ment. Duffy's Agency, 2 West 47th st. HOUSEWORKER?Middle-aged; West In? dian; good cook and waitress; ve i neat. C, Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Phone 8317 Murray Hill. HOUSEWORKER. refined, high class col? ored girl; exceptionally competent ; small If anally; sleep homo; J1S. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. HOUSEWORKER?Capable, young, excel l"iit cook , city preferred ; $70. Miss Shea's | Agency, 0 East 41st. Murray Hill 6774. HOUSEWORKER?Young Protestant; ex? cellent cook; exceptional. Miss Fitz? gerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth av. HOUSEWORKER and nurse?mother and daughter. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 3t>6 Fifth av. WOMAN, colored, wishes position, general ! housework, small family: no Sunday. Sarah Green, 158 West 128th. Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS, first class, very neat, excep? tionally competent; young French woman; excellent references; city; 965. Mason s Agency, 131 West 42d st. LAUNDRESS?Situation in country: good laundress; excellent references. S, Miss Hofmayer's Agencv, 10 East 43d St., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. LAUNDRESS, very competent, capable. German, desires country position, Jersey preferred; excellent references; 165. Ma? son's Agency, 131 West 42d at. Nurse?. Etc. CHILD'S NURSE ?Young Irish girl; child) under three years; excellent long references. T , Miss Hofmayer's Agency, lOfEast 43d st., 3d floor. Murray Hill 8947. NURSE, Canadian. l'r?te itant, for growing children: J7U; anywhere; first class ref? erences. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. NURSE?Young, hospital trained; excep? tional references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau, 366 Fifth av NURSE?Infant hospital experience; first class references. Duffy's Agency, 2 West 47th st. NURSE?Young. Inexperienced; willing to learn. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth av. YOUNG refined Christian girl desires po? sition as nurse girl; on* or two children. Give phone number. L 621, Tribune. Waitresses WAITRESS-PARLOR MAID?City family, ?65-J70; city references. M. Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 East 43d St., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. WAITRESS?Capable, young; take butler's place; $70; anywhere. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. WAITRESS?Young; thoroughly capable: excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth av. Professional COMPANION to lady, prefers traveling. Southern girl, well educated, desires con? genial connection after Nov. 1. ?7 Maple ave.. Bound Brook, N. J. GIRL, 19, desires position with wholesale butter and egg house; three years' expe? rience. Anna Wallmanach, 413 Bast 05th st. GOVERNESS?French; excellent refer? ences; city or country. Duffy's Agency, 2 West 47tb St. GOVERNESS ? French, exceptional three years' reference. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau. 366 Fifth av. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, English, short? hand, French and Oerman fluently; only reply If languages are required. Miss Kruse. 217 East 62d at. ? SECRETARY ? STENOGRAPHER?High school and business school graduate; ex? perienced; commercial or law; good ste? nographer; efficient; |3?. L 620, Tribune. Miscellaneous GIRL. neat, refined, Protestant, would Ilk? position as companion for child or adult willing to travel. L ?26 Tribu? GIRL, colored, neat, wants h?lf*i?e plae*. 265 West i.*7th ?t. Daniels. ear? Charlea SITUATIONS WANTED FEHALE SfUcellaneeee KITCHBNMAID ? Young, inexperienced; willing. Misa Fitzgerald'? Bureau, ??? Fifth av. _ LADY'S MAID (Danish), young, neat, re? fined; exceptionally competent; hotel preferred; excellent references; city; ?65. Mason's Agency. 131 West 42d st._ WOMAN, colored; half time; mornings. Powell, 14 B West 134th at. m ? -r. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE e-?'???? ACCOUNTANT, age 30. 10 years' experi? ence. 6 years oublie accounting, can fur? nish Al references, desires connection at once; write or wire for interview. Roy O. Barton. 1627 Eutaw pi., Baltimore, Md. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced control accounts, payrolls, etc.; capable of taking full charge; accounting etudent. L 614 Tribune. BUTLER-?CHAUFFEUR?Neat, good ap? pearing young foreigner; excellent refer? ences: city or country; $75. Miss Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. ' BUTLER?Capable, good appearing col? ored man; $8"; firs? class references. ; Shea's Agencv, 6 Fast 41st st. Murray 1 Hill 67'74. BUTLER?VALET?Colored; neat; thor ? ouglily experienced: most highly r'com i m*nd?d; $90. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 I West 42d st. Bryant 5633. CARETAKER gentleman's stable, horses, dogs, ?wine Address Elevator 1. 59 John st. CHAUFFEUR?Colored; 6 years' refer? ences; do other thirrgs; wishes position. White. 209 Prince st., Brooklyn. Phone Nevlns 2928W. CHAUFFEUR.?-Mechanic, useful : wlf? assist anything: willing, Industrious; excellent references; country preferred. Miss Shaugh nessy's Agency, S60 Sixth ave. COACHMAN or stable manager. English (first class); life experience both with hunters and harness horses; good whip. smart appearance; married, age 46; 1 years' excellent references. W. Newman, 816 Orange st , Wilmington. Del. COLLEGE student, electrician, chemist. desires Saturday or evening work. L 610 Tribune. COLORED COUPLE?Butler, useful, excel? lent cook; entire work; $160; country preferred. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. COOK?HOUSEWORKER ? Neat, capable young man; excellent references; small family; city. country; $100. Mason's Agency. 131 West 42d st. COOK?HOUSEWORKER-Very neat, nice young, capable Filipino; excellent ref? erences; anywhere: $:?0. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 West 42d st. COUPLE (colored), butler-cook; very neat, nice, desirable pair; highly recommend? ed; city; $160. Mason's Agency. 131 West 42d Bt. EXECUTIVE Capable man, 40, having 20 years' executive training with two corporations as office and credit manager, secretary and treas? urer; conversant with modern accounting; now occupying position as general man? ager with out-of-town firm, desires New York City connection where ability will earn Its own reward. Highest credentials. Write H. A.. 611 World Bldg, New York. - EXECUTIVE?-Do you need a man who can produce results as an ottlce manager and flnnnelal and credit man. syst?matiser of o'.fu-n records as to factory. In fact supervise the running o' a factory from office. Reason for leaving Chicago, health of wife. D 33, Tribune. HOUSEMAN?All around utility mart; splendid references; $75; anywhere. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. JANITOR, colored; man, wife, no children; good references. McDowell, 1779 3d av. JAPANESE domestic help by professional worlors. 106 West 46th St. Bryant 7717-969?. MAN, middle age, of reputable reputation: position on farm or estate year round; all kinds uf repair work, constructor, carpen? ter by trade; must be among congenial people and homelike; a reasonable com? pensation. Address Carpenter, 107 William at., Orange, N. J. MANAGER or general foreman wants posi? tion, Institution or custom laundry. Ad? dress Laundry, Box 874, Stamford, Conn. NURSE?COMPANION ? Adaptable, edu? cated young man available. Address Nurse, 1464 3d av. PROSPECTOR with long experience and able to test for any mineral Beeks em? ployment. L 631, Tribune. YOUNG MAN attending high school de . sires position after 3 p. in. for about four hours; Christian. George Daven, 415 West 35th st. YOUNG MAN. 19, wishes to learn a trade. Rellly. 13.14 First av. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets and Ross STILLINGS, INC., 624 MADISON AVE., (59th st.) offers 800 yards pain Copen? hagen blue Wilton carpet, also taupes, browns, grays, greens, woody colors (slightly used) $1, $2, $3, $4 yard up. RUGS in Royal French Wilton. Domestic, light and dark blue, bisque colors and tans In plain, fancy and Arabian patterns, all dusted and washed like new; elegant rugs, carpets for home or office, all sizes, all prices, $15. $35. $85, $110 up; few fine Oriental rugs, making over, cleaning, lay? ing, repairing, dyeing, reasonable, reliable, beautiful. PLAZA 8835. ORIENTAL RUGS, any condition, bought for highest prices; expert appraising; prompt attention. Basmajlam, 30 W. 46th. Bryant' 6101. Dogs, Birds, Poultry, etc" BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed America's Pioneer Dog Medicines Mailed freo to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., INC US WEST 31ST ST.. NEW YORK. Furniture DON'T sacrifice your household effects Furniture, Carpet?, Oriental Rugs, Works ; of Art, Pianos, Linens, before you see me. j ElCHNER. 124 University Placs. Stuy- : vesant ?025. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture. Brlc-a- i brae, Linens at 502 Columbus Ave. Small. I Tel. Schuyler 83A1. IMMEDIATE SALE Very valuable Louis XVI drawing room ! suite and other choice pieces; also fine Kirmansha c;irpet, abuut 12x18. Call after? noons at 30 East 65th s.. -__ . WE PAY nighftat prices for furniture, ! pianos, antiques, bric-a-brac, books, art. ' etc. GABAY, %% University PI. Stuy vesant 2377 ,-.-_ i 228 AUDUBON AVE.. Apartment 62 ?Com- ' plete bedioom and sitting room furnltur?. | Patents PATENTS Over 70 years' practice; all communi? cations strictly confidential; handbook on patents free on request; special facilities for effico consultations. M-UNN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS. 607 Wool worth Building, New York. PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS FETHERSTONHAUGH & CO.. the old established Arm, 217 Broadway. New York; also Washington and Canada; Home and foreign practice. Men's Clothing COME UP! Where Prices Are Down Buy a Stich suit or overcoat direct froM the maker and save retailers profit. Wond*rful va:ues. $2?.60 to ?42.?*: large assortment; conservativo a snappy models. STICH CO., 621 Broadway, Ith SSoer. A WHOLESALER SACRIFICING at retail 3.600 high grade hand tailored all wool Men's Suits, latest styles, at $29.50 and S3250 (former wholesale price $41.50). Fen hundred silk mohair suits at I1&-75. Show room. A ? B. Clothes Shop. 62 West 33d ?t., opposite Motel McAlpln. GOTTLIEB BUYS?tyrffft??V pri?e?. Dron ???tal 119 T??T?Iqw st. AGENCUg Profeeslesta! Help M?^?7?***, EXECUTIVE SERVICE 1 CORPORATION i Near 5th Av. 22 E. 42d SLT WM. D. CAMP. President ^ ? SPANISH - ENGLISH Stan?JmS>. P (4); to Cuba for N. T. oooSS? good personalities; proficient takZuf languages. Salary about it 2 It 7? . month. ^* SECRETARY TO EXECTJTTV? ?* large financial institution; mast Z! ' good stenographer, finest appe?t**!? I and address; about 21 years o!4. $| TYPISTS (4) ; rapid, accurst?; t en aight positions; good houses, ill. " arles top the market. ^"^ : GUARD** (2) ; bla raen la gee? aaaRki outside work; hours ? to J. ?t>_i $30 per week. ^^? ' POTENTIAL EXECUTIVES: SpeeisJ \ class; good appearance; strong par sonalitles; energetic, ambitious, stand, ard of selection unusually high; ? * chance for live one?, 21-21 yrg. 'old. Salary about $25 to stsrt. We have many exe?n?nt openings 1er young m?n who hav? had a year or two in buBlne?.?, we list a fsw. Store room clerk Inventory work?$1.3?? Stock textiles?$2o Cuat'.-ms clerks (2)?$100 mo. Correspondent: high school graduate?$100. Bill and in voice clerks?$100. General cler? ical; high school; good at figures?$7$ ?nd bonus. Selling cigar? r?tal|?$ij. Several openings in a'idnlr.g and ac? counting depts. ; good firms Asst bookkeepers (3)?$20-$26. Typists; little experience?$25. Professional Help Female and Mile ROSE E. CLARK AGENCY EMPLOYMENT EXPERT , CORTLANDT 424?. 5 BEBKMAM 8T. | Stenographers. t> plats, bookkeepers, ?f. . flee assistants, ewltchboard op-ratora, male > or female. beginner? or *iperl?ac?4; : promptly p'aced. Call all week. | ?SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT 8ERYIC& 168-160 West 45th Street. Suits 31. Positions for accountant?, bookkeep? ers, clerks, stenographers. ??cretarUe, typists and other quailed offles workers. No registration fee. i Equitable Industrial Relations Servie? Is?. TELEPHONE BRYANT 6531. DOYI.E AGENCY. 15 East 40th at Madison Ave . 154 Kasuu St., Tribune Building, or 2:5 Montagu? St.. Brooklyn ?- Stenographer?, typists, book keepers, clerks, comptometers and switch? board operator?; good positions for segla? ners and experience,!. Domestic Help M. J. DUFFY'S SELECT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 3 WEST 47TH ST. COR. STH AV. An office of distinction Professional housekeeper?) govsrnesste, nurse?, chefs, chauffeur?, butlers and all high-class servants. All references ttlct ?y investigated. TEL. BRYANT 33<S3?895. MISS A. A. HOFMAYER Employment Agency, 10 BAST 4SD ST. 3D FLOOR, Reliable Domestic Help also PROFESSIONAL HELPERS. Telephones VsVi Murray Hill v MISS FITZGERALD'S Employment Bureau, also Governess and Nurses Agency 366 5th Ave.' (n'r 34th). Tel. 5244 Greeley. tTUPFRIOR PROFESSIONAL * DOMESTIC OEA triangle" " em ploy m e nt agency UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF SUSSIE RICE I 1134 Lexington av., near Slst st: reliable domestic help, cooks, houneworkers. cham ? bermalds, waitresses, laundresses, nurwa MISS ISABEL SHEA | EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ? E. 41SI jJT., BET. MAD * 6TH AVM. Select help, male and female, for city and country. TELEPHONE 6774 MURRAY HILL, "SAMPSON^ Swedish Agency ?elect help (male and female} ! for private families. I 7?1 I^xington ave. Plaza ?005 ' i i it I Winthrop Emplovment Agency ! ?7 West 42d St. Tel.'Murrav Hill ?4U I MUs GRACE O. FYNE8. Proprietor, [ OfTers unusual personal servie? Il supplying best domestic help obtalaatla The Select Employment Agency Efficient Servants? All "NatlonaHtleailMj J. M. ROIXEL, ?41 ?th Ave. Greeley IW? Mrs. Emily Mason&f^ew'&C Efficient Servants-?Ma' ? Female. 131 WEST 42d ST. TEL. BRYANT Ml* Jussila Emplovment Agency 6B? Lexington ave. Finnish and .Swedish Servants. i ir PLAZA ?542 , Excelsior Employment \gency, Miss M. *? McLoughlln, Prop. Removed to B20 Lexing? ton ave., between 63d and 54th sta Firs? class domestic help male ?r.d female. Mrs. Dickinson's ^?'^JS?? Agency. 61 West 4!th st Efficient Servant! (Male ?nd Female). er?7* Bryant. I\P\\'PsK HELP, skilled, guaraa tween 45-4?th. Bryant 7331. \ N \ \ \i \ H V't; Agency. ?32 B. ?9th now open; all capacities BRFW'W'N Employment Agency. Branches: Greenwich, Stamford. Conn. Mset far "OK*. CHAS. ?DU-IVf?; Agency. 63? St** O.C. -?^*V J A ,-> H . t!l!?4b!,shed Uli Telephone 2339 Greeley. I A P A V P C IT SKR\ ITR AGBNCT J /\ r J\ IN K b r. Mr,sT RELIABLE 106 West 46th. Tel Bryant 77S7-??H. FanatlPsV Employment Ag?"^y jayaiit. c relll?h|B domestic help nlshed. 25 W. 42d St. Tel Vandeiblit ? Fil T ? AGENCY, 58 E I25TH St. ,, HARLEM 6616 FINNISH AND SWEDISH HELP BLANCHE jL HODGES. Employment ??? Pert (Agency). 7! West 46th St; f?* many years with E V. Odell. MISS 8HAUGHNESST. high clsss ?meler* ment agency. Ko ?tb av., male, female? altr. countrv elty. country BUSINESS CARDS Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc BORfi RTTV^ diamond? ol? f?1* A>vyxvu DUI? .liv.r, 'platinum, s*. tiques and pawn tickets 14? W. H\J5. DIAMOND.' AND JEWELRY BOUOHt FOR CASH, estate* appraised, purch*??* BENNETT, 175 R.oad?a>, upstairs. _t Piano* and Musical Instrumenta STEINWAY Pianola Grand, ?*?***? Weber Pianola Upright. Waldorf ?'?'*, ture Player Grand, Vose, ptuyvesaat ao? other player pianos Variety gr*n*"v*fr uprights for sale and rent. Ere a* K2J berlln, 117 East 34th et . 374 Celumou? av. <78tb). Purchase and Exchange WANTED ? Practically new 6unatraa* adding machine. 7 to ? bank.? must ?? !n fine condition: ?l*o u?ed Com plomes?' also a Multlgraph Jlmijr with ??????*".. and elite typ?, stand ?'"< acceseoriaa?J will consider No. t? Multlgraph. eiiw tfpe. with segmental drum. Write r Box 10^2, St. Joseph. Mo. Tranks BARGAINS?New and shop-sotted igJ? bai?, saltease?, steamer oat?ta. Tas? a Hnt, tit ?th s.v. (?7th st.)- ? ?M BAXGAIli??ew end ??ss^