Newspaper Page Text
'0flfc Murray Advises Versatility as Valuable ifeet in Stage Work ?v ? -- Mf bearing my elders quote th? badal*? *J*ck ?f a11 lraclcs* m89tcr 'a.?* gays John T. .Murray, one 1 J ' leading comedians in "Cin ?t?B on Broadway" at the Winter ^lt ?.Because a lad was ambitious S#iiited to bc abl? t0 do a11 sorta llUatf*''*"** n? re?80n W^y lie snoul<? |J5 fun of. Why shouldn't he Lk? ??>?' t0 <l0 several thinKs woH ?b? app-if? ?-imself seriously to ? ,_- lull?? 1 com:.: - " ? '. ? ""?*; . fj,,; -:v nu-. I have s waned to lie a goo?, actor as R s,n. . ?nil iiaiii-mg come? to 5 trie ! or characterization ^ery tole 1 -sa cast for. I never "?-? an opportunity ol watch nip good 5b- whether in the legitimate or t.'cal comedv productions. 1 won't ,'l want to piay the serious roles, STnant to know thai if the oppor Miity ever comes 1 can at least give a ^Ar^?R^,ho???lt? When it anei't? casting me in a production ? .nuir.;}'; Nt'K, he i./doarvth:-.^.- an 1 in the- end I find ?eirdolng everything. Ihero is a sat ??ton in this, but it has a serious 4wback An actor in musical comedy ST?ol g? so far doing everything as u does i i h? specializes. It seems that i?d'ience?. which come to musical pro frtionf app.eciate most the actor or ?rtss who features one kind of thing S doe? it so ii-.t.-ns.-iv that lie or she Z? not do anything else. And it ?,?offS that his patrons don't want him ,dfl?*Bything else. .<uch a plaver advances very quick ",.-.'. ...,., liic vnuiiei rlnos not alwavs filson Reynolds^ Range Experiences Help Him fe.Role of "Lone Fish" Wilson Reynolds, who i.? supporting ?olbrook Blinn in -The Bad Man" at it Comeeiy Theater, pot recognition n playiiii: stock. "The guni.? -tork yA bj actors, is what 'prep' .school ,- ??- 1 M . P ...-^1 ,3 -? *.D COllfgt . Sllie] !.. . P.O.US. T hh'i playe 1 stork . Kansas City, nvcr, Salt Lake City, Milwaukee and ilbanv before ? got my engagement rith the Frohmai : ro'i icti n of 'The mpoJter!' ii! ,; ?? i irr ck Tl eatt r. Tin? ier the-sain.' :-.. n lire men! and at 4hc isttic theater I "? , ? (riven a tart in 'I/r.-p Amonj; the !.-?:'" "I wi lit em t - ?? riiii-l ..:-.- ? ? vvi tii otic :t t?? 'y.'.'; : th T.??-..' companies, fefilcwi-el i -. -, : . r ?" two seasons as l-i .- ' ! i ? : : . Magiial? no' ?:? l1,. S-lw - ! -... : ,. il with .lohn Cor', for the lirst. I me ;it his theater ,f -i Care longan-f Theater. ' el Marie Cahill i eirner' at the '. ;,,.,; .if.. - - ? ? ? mo with Hol rOOr. 1.lilil? I In- I . ! ."-.' 'I h IS tas follow pel .. ? ?? , i- with Mary a tu i !!,..!?-. - - ! ni!, v ho played ippositi' each e.thi-i m '.Man arel Woman," winch i.e. ; ? -,. be teeen in ?few Xork. "As the Lone !' ?'! he Had Man.' . art, ?bio to elr-.- non ? - i., iivily than ;?;ore from in ? ? ??. , - ;,, rience I hat .'is covered twi : \\ -. ..-?u , and i rom ??at herifaf.? ?. ? ,| h, a!th. which lis always attenelrel ,?-,? over since my childhood, ?n u?, V\ t, spent punch ?it rows and rais ng ,?-., - e-s. ,"1" tin- ru: ,, .-.- , 11kl lieitna, when 7"? fOYernniciii opi : ? il that territory :o fiett'ei.--, I pro, ? : latiel enough to :iake i: worth :. y >.? i le- to remain ?hare for a l'i -.- ;.. ai*, 'i iion, sudden I?, out of nowhi ru c une t ... call o? Ine t Realer. "'????Ta r.ei pliuiM r.,r elevating the ?rama, but I ,j, |, | , ... that every ?spirant for r . , ??? . . | ou|,| |laV(. i ):',. privilege of utilizn .- hi . or lier tal fnts to the h- <| . i th, r ability with ?Jt outside- inte-rl', - ?.. ?'' Galsworthy's 'The Mob" ^ill Open Season at ?^ftborhooil Playhouse Galsworthy's drama, "The Mob," will tjKn Saturday evening, October 9, at -1? Mighhorhooil I'lavluuise as the jntpiayin the :??: outiarv repertorv K*m-o? three tn ..?;,.. -The Mob" ??.afce ?lvcn P^ery evening except UviifUr four v, ., . wjth matinC(',H WJtturdu.vs. !? will b,. followed in -yocr by "TI,,. W! ; pcring Well," Sove ?^'-'-'-v 1 -, I' I-,- produced, for i^JL^-C '- : i ,-. the- p-incipal part. tfirS?Ro bill v.,1! bo produced for ?? ?It tune ,- Am, rica, a now one **m??y by 11: r |.| enti .^J..0n'"'r,i" "Th- Wism-i-iiig Well" ??4 Converts" ?,:?? ,! ,, A .,!,, , ,| ,',,,? loir wcckv ?Deeember "(,, N?uveHe Idole," a Wioloirical ,,, ,. l (i.. y.,.tUCOiS' (le ^Which v.a : . il.?ll"\'"\,u- York ...r***l*?u. 'I' pi.-ts the eonllict in fc. ?j*** '. ? ' ! ' ' iru?n, ami will "J**"Other ',.;? i? the Knglish ^woiu^Amia Spi-a^ue Macbonald, -?^__ TKAVKI. 5????S0?I RIVFR N!HHT L?N?S SSLr"',hl S'ri '"?? Vutoa ? arrie,1 ,U?SOHNAVIGATION COMPANY ******* Ste.mahip Line., In?. J;BOSTON ?S[OPOLITAN UNE ?^APE COD CANAL Mady at 5 P. M. .^ ' t"?J-lltht Tlme) r^Mt. P.*"' "Highlander" & ?*??it? t\- Gr*nd Republic" ?fu* T^0?.tinued ?or Season *'?? TODAY, SEPT. 19. j who translated "Guibour" for Yv?tt? I Guilbert, has also translated "La 1 Nouvelle Idole." Beginning at Christmas time, the j Playhouse will resume its policy of ? week-end performances only, and the ! Festival Dancers will revive their pro ? duction of the ballet, "Le Boutique Fantastique" (."The Magic Shop"). ? Others plays secured for the Neighbor i hood Players include "The Harlequin | ade," hy Granville Barker; "A Fool and i His Money," by Laurence Housman; 1 "Young Heaven," by Miles Malleson, ' and "The Lover," by G. Martinez Sierra. In February the Neighborhood Players and the Festival Dancers will present "Salut au Monde," based on the poem ' of Walt Whitman, with music especial? ly composeel for it by Charles Griffes, The young American composer had just completed the score for "Salut au Monde" at the time of his tragic death last spring._ New Coliseum Theater On Washington Heights To Be Opened Thursday The new Coliseum Theater, owned by B. S. Moss, at the northwest corner ot' Broadway and 181st Street, will be opened on Thursday night with a bill of aix Keith vaudeville acts and two photo dramas. The Coliseum scats 8,500 persona and is only exceeded in size by the Capitol and the Hippodrome. This is one of the theaters in which the B. F. Keith Circuit will be asso? ciated with Mr. Moss, who planned and began the magnificent structure with Eugene de Rosa as architect, and then I associated himself with the Keith Cir? cuit just in time for E. F. Albee to take personal direction of the interior decorations and furnishings. The color scheme is rich Ivory, gray, soft French gold and the caressing red of the Amer? ican Beauty rose. The women's boudoirs and the men's smoking rooms arc fitted with the finest modern furniture. Rare mezzo? tints and line paintings by modern American masters decorate the walls. The dressin grooms backstage are rich? ly furnished with every modern con? venience, including pier mirrors of plate glass, rugs and carpets.. Their color scheme is gray and cream. The Coliseum is equipped with a magnifi? cent built-in organ and will have an orchestra of twenty-five instruments. There will be two ncrformances daily. TRAVEL TRAVEL COOK. TRAVEL SERVICE provides most efficient plans for every form of travel?indi? vidual and escorted. Breal? the evervdayishness of life not? and again. Travel and see hotv other people live. SOME SUGGESTIONS JAPAN-CHINA SOUTH AMERICA WEST INDIES ANTIPODES BERMUDA An opportunity to see Japan in the glorious maple and chrysanthemum season. Escorted Tours leave Pacific Coast Oct. 16th. bix most attractive Spring Tours?January to April, 1921. l.scorted Tour?60 Days?will leave by S. S. "Essequibo'' Oct. 23rd via Panama Canal. Itinerary includes all points of interest on West and East Coasts. A most attractive cruise through the West Indian Islaneis by S. S. "Fort Victoria,'' leaving New York Nov. 6th. Australia?New Zealand?South Sea Islands. Unusually interesting Tour leaves Pacific Coast January 1921. Optional return via Manila, China and Japan. Eight, Nine or Nineteen Day Tours, Oct. 2nd, '?th, Uth, 23rd and later. Inclusive fare $87.00 up. Frequent Tours to CALIFORNIA?EUROPE?ETC. Coolr's Travellers' Cheques. The safest rvay to carry funds. Asir for [^articulais. THOS. COOK & SON 245 Broadway Oppoiile City Hall Telephone Barclay 7100 561 Fifth Ave. Comer 46th Street Telephone Murray Hill 6171 Special Yachting Cruise To WEST INDIES Leaving New York Nov. 6th, Returning Dec. 1st. S. S. FORT VICTORIA us TONS \( EMETST will innkq on? of Hie. most attractive an<l delightful cruises "vor planner], calling first nt America's new island poaseaaiona, -? Thomas mid ft Croix, only four days from Vew Vork, iheneo to St Kltta und Anticua (English), Uuueleloiipc and Martinique) (I-rrmli). St. I.ucla, Hnrbaelos, Trinidad, I'omliilca (Kniflish) and Snn Juan, r*orto IIIco (American). 'i I.?-.?-? Islands prraent tlio most exquisita, plrlurenn.ue and ? ,ri-;:;-!?,J st-'-nery, full of History anil Romance and ln ( .'resting customs of different nationalities. The cruise, , r.-.->rinK morn than 6,000 miles. Is a perfect yaehtlilK trip. mostly m Iho lovely ('arllibean Sea and with the islands In Hierin of .*i-li oilier. I'lisseniiers will have- tin.o ,,, eCr. Hi,- various points --f Interest at all islaneis, includitiB the wonderful Asphalt l.ukej ?it Trinidad. The- stearner Is your hot'I and has many upper deck rooms fitt?el I I,,?,,! niih lieels ?mil private ball..-, hot and , old runnini? water und el?e-lrte: ???Jin fans ?!, all and th- ruisine Is the very best. Th? promenade decks aro unusually spa, mus. Embraces I.nplish, Irencli and American Possessions Old-World kernes in A letting of A/.ure 5oas K.itc Hates for the i, $27." ?I an 1 upw; ?1 i-i-iii.-e. Ineludlnn stateroom, berth and me-al.? s, ue-eordlng to accommodation. harly application is desirable to secure choice accommodation, 1 or further particulars apply to QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., M wimui st, Telephone: Howling ?irren 1801?. New York City. SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICES FROM NEW YORK to Wert Coast Pert? (ailing- at IfavatiU, Panama ( ?nal, Callao, Moliendo, Arle-a. Iqnique, AnteefaBHst?, \ nl|inraif.o, "EBRO" ..d "''ESSEQUIBO" Tha ljargeat (?toamera in the Trad? SEPT. 28 OCT\j23 NOV. 27 FROM CRISTOBAL WEST COAST PORTS or South and Central America Kegnlar PACIFIC LINE The rue-ille- Steam Ntivljralion ( FROM HAVANA to West Coast Ports via Panama Canal by ORIANA.OCT. 16 NELSON LINE II. A. W. NKI.SO.N. Ltd. FROM ENGLAND BRAZIL and ARGENTINE Regular Sailings by lArgo Mall Steamer? ROYAL MAIL The Koyal Mull Steitm rm-ket Co. OOUlll /AinCd Union - Castle Line Lu1 Th? t?nIan-Casts? Mall Steamship Company, ttefi. SANDERSON & SON. GKNBRAL A01NT9, 39 Broadway, N. Y . FHOVB BROAD SSeO? or An/ Steamship Tleke? Ar*b?. 7 he cost of transatlantic travel tas forced higher by the generally prevailing conditions, yet it is by no means excessive. The value of the dollar is high and a trip to Europe can slill be mad* at a vtry moderate figure. Travel on ont of our steamers. Acco*** modations general appointments and cuisint are unexcelled. Ae)uit?ni? .New York to Cherbourg and Southampton.Sept. 21 Oct. 12 Nov. 2 Italia .New York " t'atrat, Dubrovnik and Trieste.Sept. 23 Liverpool .Sept. 25 Oct. 23 Nov. 20 Chcrbouig and Southampton.Sept. 30 Oct. 28-? Cherbourg and Southampton.Oct. 7 Nov. 1 I Dec. 9 Liverpool.Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 Londonderry and Glasgow.Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Dec. I 1 Plymouth and Cherbourg.Oct. 21 Nov. 25 Jar?. I Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg.Oct. 30 Dec. 9 Patra?, Dubrovnik and Trieste.Oct. 30 ?- - Carmania .New V>tk Mauretania ....New York ?mperntor .New ^ork K. A. Victoria .. New ^ork Columbia.New York Caronia. ?.New York Saxonia.New \ ork Pannonia.New York rHHitenjcer anil Kreiulit Servlee?. For later nailing? apply *? 21 &. 24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK TRAVEL ^^r^ Special ^^Siw ^r Fail Tour To ^^ f EUROPE X October 12?S. S. Aquitania ^ Vis?tinjr Paris, Battlefields, Switzerland, Italy, the Riviera and Mediterranean. Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. South America, visiting East and West Coasts, Panama Canal and Andes Mountains. Small limited parties personally escorted by experienced gentlemen. V Send for Desired Booklet \ FRANK TOURIST CO., J X. 489 Fifth Ave-> S ^^7390 Vanderbil^^a^? BENNET1 -DUNNING Tours de Luxe SOUTH AMERICA December 1 ? February 23 INDEPENDENT TRIPS EVERYWHERE. Steamship and Puilman Reservations Secured in Advance. AROUND THE WORLD Eastward November 20 t'utl ?tineiarirx ana ??formation Bennett's Travel Bureau 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, >'. Y. C0MPA6HIE 6?W?RAIE TRANSATLANTIQUE Sicpress Postal Servi?? NEW YORK?HAVRE ROCH AM BEAU.. .Sept. 23, Oct. .18, Dee. 4 LAIAVETTE . . . Sept. 24, Oct. 23, Dee. IS I.F.OrOI.IIINA _Sept. 25 ? - NIAGARA.Scot. 25 - - I.A Till KAINK .Sept. '> . Oet. 27;, Nov. 20 I.A SAVOIE.Oct. 1. Oct. 7,0. Nov. 27 FRANCK.Oct. 6 Nov. 3 Dec. I I.A LOKRAINE .Oct. 15 Nov. 1.1 Mec 1! NEW YORK?BORDEAUX CAROLINE.Oet. ? COMPANYS OFFICE, I!? STATE ST., N. Y. Swedish American LINE Short Roule to Sweden, Nonvay, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Germany, &c. GOTHENBURG SWEDEN LAJtOE MODERN STEAMERS. S.S. Drottningholm.Oct. 7 Nov. 18 S.S Stockholm. . Oct. 28 Dec. .9 SU)"-! lui' .\ ? IHM (111 1 lull.? Firjtl. Sv-'.on-l an.I Third e 'iui-fca Passentfer Ollle-c, til Stute Street. New York. DENMARK, NOKnVAY SWEDEN, GERMANY & BALTIC STATES ll-llig 0Iav..Sept. 30 Frederick VIU.Oct.14 United States. Oct. 21 Oscar II.Nov. 4 Beat??, ?te.. 1 B'war, N. T. TRALIA HONOLULU. SUVA. NEW ZEAl.AHB The Palatial r?uenK>r Steam?r? R. H S. "Nujara" R. M. S. "Makar?* at.000 Tona 13.509 'umi Sail from Vancouver. U. O. For fare? and sailing? apply Canadian Pa?. Ifty . K'.U lirunilwiij, N. V., or to ejanadlaa Auotralaalan Royal Mail Lina. HO Snymoiu St., Vancouver. 1?. CT. $125 1 ON THE HUDSON HIGHLAND FALLS, NEWBCBOH. BEACON ANO HETl'RN, 91.2?. POl OHHEEl'ME ?nil III fi !IN, #1.00. SWIFT, PAIJITIAL Str. "Benj. B. Odell" Restaurant. I.unrli room Mnilr l-'r-.elil; CENTRAL HUDSON LINE auSTONW Woreenter. $4.1?;. Provlde-iu-e eilree-t, $3.24 STATEROOMS, fl.08, *1.6-', SMS. Dally, IncluUHie Sunday, 0:30 P. M. (Oar light K.1V1I1? Time ) Prom I'ler 1?, 17 It. Plion? 2700 Ruffcrn??. Ticket? at Pie-r or Consolidated Office?. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON 30 I?. M. r.-om I'le-r II. N. R.. Fulton St.. , Day liKtil lim In? Time. Hl'Sll . NEW LONDON (NORM 1( II LINE). Str Pi N K 30 V. M. Pr. E. P. . -:\l SUNDAYSSP Str. "Homer Rar St . 4 30 W. ! Hit 11 S a: N -vl'Ui ?h f r CENTKAI t 'Homer Ramsdell' CENTRAI Ill DSON LINE. a n k. I n n ne c ts York. FOR mon LANDS. OCEANIC and RED DANK. LEAVE Pier 7.1. S 30 a ?:. 2:45 I' m. 1 N.-5.. M We?t I~tie>*. ? -? r-, ? -.i : and South Arr.? lea I N I T E II I It I I T t O M I' A N Y 17 Riittery Plnce. New Yo-L. Niusara To The Sett.?For Illustrated guide, addres. John F. Pierce, Oept 10?. Canada Steamshl? Linea. M. mu ea!. Canada. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEUIES. RESORTS RESORTS NEU' YORK STATE NEW YORK STATE RESORTS KKW YORK STATE \ N all-year resort of. singular ap ^"*- peal, with an established indi? viduality of atmosphere, appoint? ments, service, and cuisine which are distinctly and delightfully its own. Every lover of the out-of-doors should visit Gedney in the Autumn ?if only for a week-end. There's a string of well schooled sad? dle horses and miles of crimson bordered 1 bridle paths; 18 li?les of incomparable golf; spacious glass enclosed sun parlors, and an alluring log fire in the foyer for the evening rendezvous. '*?s?F&JL FALL AND WINTER RESER ^??k?*Zr VATIONS NOW BEING MADE 38 minute electric train service. Private motor bus service without charge. GeJneylhrinffom *J White Plains, N. Y. "Washington Irving" "Hendrick Hudson' "Robert Fulton" "Albany" "De Witt Clinton" in Service May, 1921 The Ideal Route Between New York and Albany Calling at Yonkers, Bear Mountain, West Point, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catskill and Hudson Magnificent river scenery, large, beautifully equipped steamers, devoted exclusively to passenger service. Music. Restaurant. Direct Rail Connections to all points in the Catskills, Saratoga, the Adiron dacks, the West and North. All through rail tickets between New York and Albany accepted. Daylight Saving Tim? DAY r.l.NR STEAMERS leav- dally, Including Sunday, r>? Pt , SIS A. M ; Went 47 1 St., ;i ou A. M ; Waal 129th St.. 9:7.1 A M.. Yonkers, 95? A. M, lanellnn ett ' Mountain, fNewburif h, t l'oughke*i>sle, Kingston Pulnt, Cajaklll, Hudwn anel Albany. AIho steamer loaves elally. Including Sunday, until ?opt. 17>th, Inclusive I>e.?et>n>s?efe St., 9 4" A. M. ; \V 42il ^t . 10 A M. ; W. 1779th St 10 20 A M Yonkers, 1" 50 A. M. f-r Tt.;er Mountain i W.-st Point ?en! I'urnwall except Sunilayse). Xewburgh, Poughkeepsie ami r."u?n to West 17.1 St. tRtturn steamer samo day from points marked t. IDEAL. ONE-DAY OUTINGS. Hudson River Day Line Desbrosses St. Pier Telephone I'anul 9:100 New York Merowtue Marine Compan* AMERICAN LINE WHITE STAR LINE W. T.?CHKKBOIRG?SOUTHAMPTON St. Paul... 11 A.M. Sept. 25 Oct. 23 Nov. 20 Philadelphia. I I A.M. Oct. 2 Oct. 30 Nov. 27 New York..11 A.M. Oct. 15 Nov. 13 Dec. II NEW YORK?HAMBt RO Mongolia. . I 1 A.M. Sept. 23 Nov. 4 Dec. 16 Manchuria.. I I A.M. Oct. 21 Dec 2 ?? RED STAR LINE N. Y.?SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP Lapland ...II AM. Sept. 25 Oct. 30 Dec. 4 Finland ....II A.M. Oct. 2 Nov. 6 Dec. I I 7ee!and. ... I I A.M. Oct. 9 Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Kroonland ... I I A. M. Oct. 23 Nov. 27 OFFICES, 0 BROADWAY, NEW YQ N. Y.?CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON Olympic ... 5 P. M. Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Nov. 27 Adriatic .. 11 A.M. Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Dec 13 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Celtic... 11 A. M. Oct. 2 Nov. 6 Dec. 18 Orita.Oct. 2 (Pacific Steam Nav. Co.) ?Mobile .11 A.M. Oct. 5_ Baltic.II A.M. Oct. 9 Nov. 20 Dec. 2-? *(['e)imrrly Cleveland.) NEW \ ORK?AZORES?GIBRALTAR NAPLES?GENOA Canopic .3 p.vj. Oct 26 Crelic .3 P. M. Nov. 9 RK F?rs 5?, 61 * 11, 12 Mini n!nr s*r 1 Fut Palatial Paaseoc?r St?MJrfu of 21,000 ton?, to Aid MANILA From Seattle to Hsng Kong via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila ALSO rUlOBTT SERVICE* ta Ike ?a? Dma* Piwtnifffc'rr New Yolk M> the Orient via N?w ?ark ta Brttta? India? Parta?Jaoathi/ Par Pltftieular? of Paasace or Preifht Apply to Compway'e Ofleoa, 12? BROADWAY, NEW YORK WAY XXCTtAirOE. CHICAGO. COLMAN BUILl'DIG, SBASYL? route_ through the Canaehan Pacific Rockies?"Fifty Swit zerlanels in One". Unexcelled sleeping and dininK car ser? vice. Compartment observa? tion cars. Liberal stop-over privileges. Visit Victories, B. C. of old English atmosphere, with ??ol? links, fine drives and the lux? urious Empress Hotel to make you comfortable. Vancouver, B. C, the busy gateway to the Pacific, ofiers cordial welcome at the s;i!c:i d.d Vancouver Hotel. < all cr write f >r Tcur P ? " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY N. SPRING LAKE, S. J. The Warren ON THE OCEAN 2C0 ROOMS 100 PRIVATE BATHS A Hotel of Distinctive Charm Surrounded by Gardens and Lawns At the Edge of the Se? Artistic Appointments and Decorations Every Room with Ocean View Golf Course and Country Club W. B. STUBBS N. Y. Office, 114 W. 79th St ATLANTIC C|TY. N. J. In Ai (antic C\iy ifs t?\e ALAMA? OCfAN fRONI fIRtPROO; MKKK AN uiiel KTOOPKAN IM AN TKYM?RE.ATLANTTCCrrTl L 1V3RIDS GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS UO.NTCLAIR. >T.ff JERSEY ?UtALUJUNlK? H?Mb MONT?.'LAIR, N. J. MOST DELIGHTFULLY SITUATE? RESIDENTIAL HOTEL IN NEW ?OKK" MB! RSH. OPEN THE K7,'TIKB TEAR ? WMCRSI'IP MANAUKMIVT. ERPOritirK C. HAM. POMPANT. TRAVEL "THE PI MI M BE PLEA8EO" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON ?yBoat and lu? PROVIDENCE Boat Direct ALL OLTalDE bTATEROOMa Boat Leave*? I'ier 39, North Kiirr (foot , West HeiUktoo St.), Uailv .t Miuday at 5:30 P. St., I>a.vlijht "?avin* TLnie. I I'tione syrlns IMS!. RESORTS "NEW TORK STATE prtarcltff Hobge Briarclitf Manor. N. Y. OPEN TILL AFTER THANKSGIVING New York Office. 402 Madison Avenue. Phone 9372 Murray Hill. iRAMATAN 12 S ?it hu? es from Grand Vantrmt to eiectrlc trains daily. City c?n* v-muices In the country. G*l?, tennis, sa.ldte horse?. Pally Concert? DANCING. Hinrl Paue-hfy & Son. I??.. U?'W,' Park. BronxvUl*. N. T. LONG ISLAND Hotel Garden ?~ity, Long inland An exclusive American plan hotel with a* a la i-erl" restauran! for motorista, TURKISH AND RUSSIAN BATHS. Excellent 13-Hole Golf Course Free to Guests frequent electric traun from I'enn. Station J. J. I.ANNIN CO.. Prop?. ^^^^^77^^^^H77s\7Mi^^^^S^^mSSKj ? THE NASSAU f Long Beach, L. I. p. Absolutely fireproof. Capacity ?90. 'k NOW OPEN Reservations now being; mt4e\, % For information Phon? Long ?; Beach 100. % HILLMAN HOTEL CO. \\ B. S. Lyndeman | Resident T. E. Bridger ) Managers. ?I ?j^S^S^^T7^r:^:?7^T-77<'.;^?S^^^^S? he Hall CLEN COVE Long Island "I I Within Commuting P?stame of N. T. e.7 ?ein'd tram servi e. Attractive to thoee I appreciating quiet, well-ordered lui us* ??'rival- beach. No mosquitoes. All mo4 i*rn inipts. References. Booklet free Met. G?LLAN & CO. PENNSYLVANIA F.njny (he Churins e>f Autumn ret Tbc I^oun tain Paradise B..TATIMNY DELAWARE WATER CAP. PA? TH? lelejil Ve-ec->it>le Mountain Hotel Open li? Dee-ember. Special Full Hates 2 hour* from New York via Lacks wanna It It. <!> mil"*, by autor, ibile, g< ? I mads nil the, w.i> JWagui!tc-nt scenery, gorgeeius autumn fuliage. ''.*(. i iiy .'?'" Sir.i-tly nie?elern. Strain heat, log llr"s, private baths, running - M ? ..s. 10 leva to is, eW-trlo 1 iKiitH. Spacious porches and sun par : :s A-...-rican I'lan, exceptional uisln<\ .i.- ? ;i lu cartee Crlll for tour? ist.? ein ? s: i i. concerts, ilancea Golf, tennis, ?sa : '?'??? In rses. mountain climb il.;;. ! ! i. ? .i ,'. I . ? and Pickerel fish? ing, ca:i?i in;; I! .let, auto maps and l. rim upon ? equcst. Ji ui.v . i r.I'V ''' IPK CENTRAL HOUSE Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Remodelled en I refurnished. Modern mrver.ient Meiderate Prices. Outdoor polls. e\ti-l:;". Boating, Kathlng. H?a1 uart'-rs f.'i- mol iiists. Meals served. Send JOS. H. GRAVES, Proprietor. NEW ENGLAND Tour New England This MCTe-.R 1)1 Kit WELL ?HIT ROAD l\ .- -, IIRKATHE TONIC AIR, VIEW EVER HMM.iMi SCENES. SEE M IJMEiiS CREEN TI UN TO AF li v\ , -CiKI IT ANO ?.OLD. EN ,l.i\ NEW 1 NOLANI? AT ITS REST. \\|l trTK? THE DAY'S RUR lli VINT IVAYSIIIE INNS, MODERN ( I I \ Mill ELS OU EAMOIS RESORT? AW All YOl . .-. :.J for fis* I.iurrsi*d Re? 1 Mtn la erolen. "New England Tour?" published by the ' NEW EN G LAV? HOTEL ASSOCIATION. compris!?? over i?.. i.uudred Lf tu* best. ?*t*l* WILLIAM M. KIMBALL, Secrestar*-. ^.'?ee?i iiotei, Nortbamptoft. Mtlb LAKEWOOD, N. J. 4 LAUREL HOUSE Lakewood, N. J. Opens Oct. 1 Oldest und Meint Exclusive Lakewood Hotel. Einest He-sort <<e>lf Course In the World. In the alluring- ri'.mate of this famous ? ? -. it you will ?Inri autumn especially d* i ? . V.:.. :. ? make the l.iure] House ui )?.'??..ii. !:i winter home? (inly 59 n m from N"W V rk Service, surround ?nia and roi-1.i1 ! '?? mus? -n yable Fines. it- eort (Jolf c...r.-,c. in the \s.,rld. A. J. MURPHY. Mor. C. V. MURPHY. A?*t Mr. KOONTON. N. J. September, the l;rth month of Fall. The "????< n .?. ;.? more various, luxurious ih.en on these hills, Here in an hour tliej, ? dg, the paths through them, a counCr? , road. Beside :? a resting place, a big- tt*m m ????'.. ise K?nt eirin.) protect and ?eem to c?#*# for you. Polder, open all year, O. M. VINCENT, Doonton. N. J. VERMONT Manchester- io-the-Motft alna. VERMONT OPEN FNT1I. NOVEMBER A. E. MARTIN, Manager hPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. THE BREA??RS ?? ?;? SPRING LAKE nPACII. N J Special rates for Sept. i^urf b*thla?.. golf, tennis, riding. Oi-en ur.'.H Oct. V