OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 19, 1920, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1920-09-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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Gimbels Fashion
Third Floor .
Gi m bel Brothers
Gimbels Fashion
Third Floor
is Manifest in These New Wearables that
Combine Parisian Chic and American Individuality
Several Gimbel representatives have just returned from Paris.
They saw everything worth seeing?they bought everything worth
buying. They brought back loveliest apparel from the world's
creators of the best in dress. And now they have adapted these
modes to the needs of their American public. Only a few of their
productions are mentioned in this little presentation. The Apparel
Shops are a-bloom with scores and scores of the loveliest wearables
that art could conceive and artistry execute.
Choosing Fall Frocks F-u-r-s
for street wear always begins with at least one dress of
navy tricotine. And it's quite remarkable how many
artful ways this simple fabric has of making itself
altogether different.
Perhaps a hit of georgette embroidered in chenille
of gay color, perhaps a few patches of brilliant Baltic
embroidery, or colored stitching of effective design.
Embroidery done in dull gold threads?eyelet em?
broidery in self color, white stitching in a plaid
pattern, white flannel reveres?these are only a
few of the means that tricotine uses to brighten itself.
And tricotine frocks are $25 to $95 !
The Evening Gowns
and Dinner Dresses
show a preference for black spangles, steel
bugles, bronze spangles and pocketbook
beads in dull tones. A?flash of orange or
a flutter of black tulle?the straightest of
lines and the most alluring of results.
The evening gown pictured is a skillful
blending of lavish beading (it is entirely
made of beads and spanples) and extreme
simplicity of line. Its dull coloring in ex?
quisite tones will emphasize a fair wearer's
radiance! It is priced $298.
Evening and Dinner Gowns are
$79.50 to $298.
77ie Women's Dresses arcy
Sold on the Third Floor
As well try to play Hamlet
without the Prince as to con?
ceive a modish fall costume
without the added loveliness of
And truly our Fur Shop is pre?
pared to meet a demand for
any type of neckpiece, muff,
coat or wrap in any of the fine
pelts that are worn.
The Furs are Sold
on the Third Floor
. /?\ ft ??'
i\ . ? ?.i I vgLJ ? A
'7 f?a
And Mademoiselle Will Wear?
Her suit must be short and box as to coat and Her coat will be cape-y of collar?like an 18th
soft and rich as to fabric?and if it's fur- century gallant's?and nonchalantly will it
collared?so much the better. drape her in seductive folds.
$49.75 to $250
$29.75 to $175
And her frocks?shimmering satins?soft-surfaced
tricotines?that wear beads from 0 A. M. to 12 M.
?as is written in the bright lexicon of Fashion.
And of course there are pleat
ings ? for so Paris decrees.
Satins $38.75 to $69.50
$25 to $95
And Some Must Be Brown!
The Misses' Apparel is sold on the Third Floor
From Paris?and Only at
Gimbels?Madam's New Hat
Maybe If s a Fancy Like a Spanish Comb:
Maybe If s a Posy of Pastel-tinted Suede
Or again a thick studding of coral beads?or an appli?
que of grapes?dully sifver?or the melding of ajl the
colors of an autumn sunset with just two sparkling cut
jet buttons as accent. Oh, yes?they are different?
these hats from France, with that difference that only
great artists can create?the difference that is genius.
17 Master Designers of Paris
have created these hats for
Gimbels and for Gimbels alone!
rAnd Post-War Days Bring
Them at Pre-War Prices
The Models
$35.00 to $55
The Hall Art Soli on the Thai Finer
$22.50 to $38
The Newest Suits
show a decided democracy of taste. Does Madam
van! a coat of long, straight, slenderizing lines?
Then the beaver trimmed suit of suchow veldyne
pictured at the right would be perfect.
Or perhaps a box coat is more becoming? It
couldn't he more glorious than the hand em?
broidered cashmere duvetyn suit shown at the
left. It is a Zanzibar brown, collared with kolinsky.
And perhaps newest cf all is the black satin suit
in the centre. Heavily banded with choicest
skunk, built on lines of rarest grace, warmly inter?
lined for comfort?a suit that may appear at semi
formal functions?a thing of beauty, indeed.
The ncv> Suits are Priced $35 to $350
[ and they are sold on the Third Floor
The Wrap-Goats
in which Madam
drapes her slender self
this season are so
luxurious in fabric and
so lavish in fur that
they can really do
double duty in the day
or the evening.
And it seems that
the soft, deep-piled
materials of the
season lend them?
selves particularly
well to the rich col?
orings in vogue?
the wondrous blues
and browns and
tana and coppers?
in shades lovelier
than ever.
And the carefully se?
lected furs which form
flattering collars, cosy
cuffs and muff - like
pockets?what an air
of fine luxury they
manage to add !
Vffomens Coats are Sold
? the Third Floor
Make Your Deductions From Vantine's
Price Tickets When You Buy.
Vantine's entire stock?rugs of unusual
worth?rugs of unusual sizes, some of them
great rugs of mansion size, as the listings
show. Xot such a very large stock, we are
sorry to say, but a very choice stock, re?
linquished with regret.
Note letter from the Presi?
dent of Vantine's, at right
These rugs are now offered to you by Gimbel
Brothers at exactly half their former prices,
the 50 cc to be deducted by you from Vantine's
price tickets.
?l??.I lr?tk*r..
I? ??? C>?I
9c? tt.., our ??aailatlo?? Br?* %mm% oar*.1
pl.t.?. ?. ??? t. ?p.croul.to re*, ?o* *? ? ??*??? ?f f??m*
?,<? MmiMj ??? ?l.oor.l,. co to. ?plMll? ???.?,U?s ??
Ori.M?! rap UM ]?? ??'? f.rtl:.Ml. m**?*??!?<. ??* ?Ul?
Kf it.el.
n. m?. TjTiw nttt t? main?
tllit ?f V*tMf ?lln via.
?. oxn lui ys> ?III *> ??:> ??? ?Ms
?.mtlM. M F? ?*?, IM? tt ..r, ?mMICMW Kl***.
Itmn m*?*rt?.
a, ?. TtftBTI ? m. M?
PARTIAL LIST OF VANTINE RVCS (50% has airead}; been deducted from
the ?rices quoted belot?)
Kirmanshah, 10.7x15.8.$600.00
Shiraz, 4.5x5.6. 75.00
Serapi, 9.7x12.9. 275.00
Antique Chinese, 2.0x4.3. 75.00
Iran, 7.0x13.0. 162.50
Anatolian Silk, 4.2x5.6. 37.25
Mahal, 8.6x12.0. 375.00
Hamidan, 4.4x8.6.. 50.00
Kirmanshah, 9.2x15.10.. 750.00
Beloochistan, 2.10x4.5. 38.75
Bidiar, 10.7x23.8. 1,500.00
Afghan, 10.0x20.1. 487.50
Shirvan, 3.1x4.3_. $32.50
Kirmanshah, 9.9x20.0.1,250.00
Mahal, 11.0x15.10. 425.00
Antique Samarkand, 4.3x9.8.... 37.50
Kirmanshah, 13.9x13.4.2,500.00
Antique Chinese, 1.10x3.5. 137.50
Beloochistan, 3.0x5.4. 38.75
Mahal, 8.6x10.0. 312.50
Shiraz, 3.5x5.3. 67.50
Sarouk, 13.0x19.7.1,250.00
Shirvan, 3.1x4.2. 32.50
Kirmanshah, 14.6x21.0.1,250.00
Kirmanshah, 12.5x15.0.1,250.00
And to Make This One of the Greatest Oriental
Rug Sales New York Has Known?We Add:
The Entire Gimbel Stock of
At 25% Off Marked Prices
A Saving of $67,500 on
$270,000 Worth of Rugs
A horizontal reduction of 25 r'c?on prices already consistently low. The listing will
give some conception of the scope of the sale?of the well balanced stock that has
been newly augmented by recent importations direct from the Orient. The great
beauty of the rugs and their real worth, assured by their selection by connoisseurs,
cannot be conveyed by description. You must see them.
Partial List of Cimbel Oriental Rugs: (25 %\has already been deducted from the prices quoted bdoxv)
Mahal, 14.2x10.2.$356.25 India, 8.1x15.3.$168.75
Kirman, 6.8x4.10.
Laristan, 8.11x11.11..
Sarouk, 5.1x3.4.
India, 10.0x12.0.
Hamidan, 5.5x11.10..
Iran, 4.7x6.4.
Mahal, 10.5x13.5.
Kirmanshah, 8.6x11.9.
Laristan, 8.11x11.11..
Beloochistan, 2.11x5.11
Kirman, 4.6x6.11.
Chinese, 10.0x12.9. ..
Turkish, 6.4x9.0.
Sarouk, 3.3x4.7.
Chinese, 9.10x13.5_
Kirman, 4.7x6.9.
Iran, 4.10x6.9.
Chinese, 8.11x11.8....
Beloochistan, 2.11x5.3
Sarouk, 3.3x4.7. 187.50
Chinese, 7.0x10.0_318.75
Kirman, 5.1x6.8. 371.25
????Brooklyn? Long Island and New Jersey Customers Direct to Gimbels via Tubes and Subwayt?

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