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EDUCATIONAL t ^ CENTRAL BRANCH (BALLARD SCHOOL) ? 10 i#*ln*ton Avenue (.Vid Ht.) Telephone?I'lut? 10,100. fbvnetarial I'wrne, Gregg Shorthand, Toneb T> pewrMliur, Filing, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic tVonrnnuhip, Advrrtthlnn, lttuikfiijr, HumI nr*?i ijtw. O Hire Muehlne?. Frenen. Hpunhtli Italian, Klementnry nnd Advanced Euc-llnh, RWm-u tk>n. Dramatic?, I'uhlle Hpcukln?-, Parliamentary Uw, Current Topic?, SinitliiB, ('?mnwrclal Art dim! (outunn- Sketching. I.uiirh Huom und < aicteriu Course, Cooker?. Millinery, Drettwmakln? and Drew D*nlj(U, Kmbnildft), ITucthiU Tsurulnjf. Knipln) men! Hureuu, Cluh?, <>Mnna?lum Swimming Pool. Cafeterln. HARLEM BRANCH (Dey ?nd Evening School?) K4th SI reel und Lenox Avenue Telephone? Harlem 2000. KerretarlHl (ourw, Short hand, Touch Typewriting. Dictaphone, Of?eo Practice und Ottlce Muehlne?, !'11Iiik, Bookkeettlng. Kngll?h, Spui'Ull, French, Mullan, Klocut Ion and Dramatic*. D:s?h DiMlftit. DrenxmuklnK .Milliner)'. Fine Art?, Mtutk, Domcsstl? Science, Mnnlrurln? and HuJrdrem?lnir, Citizenship. Kmplo>ment liureau. Vocational Service. (?ymiuMlum, Hwlramlnc Pool. WEST SIDE BRANCH 80th street and loi h Avenue Telephone?Columbus 2479. Mtenojrraphy, Touch Tj pew rtt Ihr. KiiNine?* Kn?ll?h?Sp&nUh, KnglUJ? for New Amerlcuns, American literature (Poetry and Pro??) ? Millinery, Sewing and Practical Dressmaking, (iriieral Cookery, Dining Koom Ser> 1er?IVrvonul Appearance?Dnunatlei*?Vole? Col ture?Imttrumental Munie <.jmnu*lum, Swimming I'ooL BRONX BRANCH Tremont and Webxter Avenue? Telephon*?-Tremont 03, Uiwlncw School: Stenograph} , Touch Typewriting;, EkigUmti, Spelling, Office TVntnlng and Filin? (Ihu and Kvening Clantwi). IJUigiUMrrv: KiiglUh SjataUb. IVeracb?KUllnery?SewUiff *?* PWM making. (?yainuMiunt. Call, write, or telephone the nearest branch Secretarial Course, aiso Shorthand, Touch Typing, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Commercial Branches and Telegraphy. 71st Fall Term. Day or Evening. Complete Catalogue Giving Unusua. Result?. =u NEW YORK AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 163 West Seventy-second Street, juit off Broadway I (?I Mill? 187?, INCOKI'OKATKD IHMt. Thorough instruction in Piano, Violin, 'Cello Organ and all OrchestTa Instruments Artistic Vocal Instruction at Lowest Rates , . . mm! . ?,??,? m,I iv, Il Un.,wn |.|-.-l. s.s.itH ALL LESSONS STRICTLY INDIVIDUAL li.'ii M:l i: i 'h,i .1,. i Musi, i n, in -i i ?i I.' i-.ur.-i?, l I i I - I! -. v ., ,,?).;, I.l.ijlli? ,111,1 ,.|-, !.. .'.., .Ill', , Uli?, TERMS $15.00 PER QUARTER UP L Catalogue on Application. Open from 9 to 6. Mon. & Thurs. until 9 ?y lUuNGtafiB INSTTTE^ S it. -i 4 n < ? T /"? - language i $ a business asset" 154Nassau Street '?top the Tribune Building ONE WEEK 1 NEW CLASSES FREE it F0RM,NC TRIAL j?-. COMMERCIAlT^" * A EN COURSES 8m*j?Sk NOW gk SEPTEMBER ^20?ato30ia ??wS Il We tra'n m*n an^ wom ^ for the &X\iMM biggest corporations inNewYork HOME Of THE j '^?A ?, , V? ,J7.,^ ?/;ax LANGUAGE iNST?T?TE//7f.? ^ephone beekman J?93 =?<=?= SOX and Elementary School ^g&&&3?3gZ^^E: JN Ttt? OPEN ?-? Honor Roll for Season 1919-1920 Thomas Lewis Allen, Jr.. 636 West 158th St. 6'/2 years, Third Grade. Vivian Geiger, 583 Riverside Drive. 7 years, Third Grade. Airgusta Lewis, 655 West 160th St. 7 years, Third Grade. Grace Cummings. 665 West 160th St. 9 years, Sixth Grade. * For boys and girls, three to ten years old. An all day school with luncheon and carriage service. Suppers and care during week ends. For booklet, address Mrs. Grace T. Lapham Director 870 Riverside Drive Telephone: Audubon 435 dgamtoLcxrf?i^, Mr?. Allen'? School of Good Cookery Principal?Mr?. Ma C. Baily Allen A school of practical instruction for the HOUSEWIFE Unroll now I? <*'?? cUvmt for brilles, liuina-wlve?. business girl?. ttMN&umMl.H 23 wo ST SUORT SHARP CRISP BUSINESS RAINING A tew months of study will make you competent to secure a position that will pay well from the start. Furlher acquaintance with the I business, plus skill gained from our instruction, will bring quick ad vancemenl and ?alai> increases, [j The MILLER TRAINING is in every way superior. RESULT: Continued and increasing earning power. 1 SEND r'OK CATALOGUE The Private Secretarial Cour??. ! - it's fice and tells how to pre- Business I raining and Accounting, pare foi desirable positions. Stenography and Typewriting. X. Day and Night Sessions ??? y!!"K?iy Trff.v" ^ffFw^1?l[^tpl?'^"",' " MYOMCOUMOMR Note New Addrett?Our New Building 114-116 East 85th Street g 43D YEAR | I.1STKI) IIV N. V. STATK Kill ( ATION IIKI'AKTMF.N'T THOROUGH EDUCATION IN ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC I BY EMINENT INSTRUCTORS FROM BEGINNING TO HIGHEST PERFECTION PIANO DEPARTMENT, AUGUST RAEMCKE, DEAN. VOCAL DEPARTMENT, CARL HEIN, DEAN. THEORY DEPARTMENT, RUBIN GOLDMARK, DEAN. PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC, COURSE ACCEPTED BY BOARD OF EDUCATION instruction individual Class lessons in Harmony, Sight Singing, Ear Training, free to student?, aIso Orchestra Class and all Concert?, Lectures and Recitals. Diploma?, Teachers' Certifie atei and Po?t Craduates Degrees awarded on completion of studies Terms Reasonable. Send for Catalogue. IBtlllUMB ?7/eBR0WN SCHOOL?/T?TORING Founded 241 West 75th Street 1906 New York Both Sexes ENTIRELY INDIVIDUAL WORK Bright pupils not retarded, backward pupils not embarrassed by class work. Prepares for al! examinations. Fall term open? Oct. 1. r^FILING A woman's profession that is never monotonous and always lucrative?FILING and INDEXING. Wo place our graduates after a month's instruction at initial salaries of from $18 to $'!.") per week. Call for information or send for booklet. New York School of Filing 1170 Broadway?at 2sth Street. Phone G097 Madison Square. (Formerly of Singer Building.) ? Kstablished 1914?Over ?0?0 Graduares. $ _ Mrs-GESINELEMCKE'S1 COKING SCHOOL Principal E. K. Lemcke Barkhausen Practical Individual Work 26 West 94th St. Riverside 2824 fi JANETOOHER SPORT CLOTHES Outfitters for SCHOOL COLLEGE CAMP 425 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK v^ 687 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Bookkeeping Complete Course Four Months Two Nights Each Week Classes afford a practical training without text books or mechanical home study. All work done in a professional manner under direct supervision, and thorough explanation given as the work progresses step by step. The training deals only with the principles pertaining to Bookkeeping and Elementary Accounting. Eliminating all unessential matters shortens the time for the completion of the course, obviates confusion of mind and makes ?or greater efficiency. Accounting Complete Course 14 Months One Night Each Week Also by Correspondence Kur Pr?vale mu? Prt>fe8?lonal Pructli'e ClumteH IVrxonnlh l'< FRANK BROAKER CEHTiFIBD PlHLiC Al'Col'NTANT ANO Al 1)11'. CONSCLTINU EXI'KKT (KST luSTj l*yr IH ymini Mr ISr.utk.r lian In i-rvparln* Uu-ii f>>t II? Acouuniiuiiv ami li.t? traiiuM nu.n- men who ?if u?Uy pr.'Uun.'in > utiuuiit.uiu Uiaji any mlum] ur unlvt!r?it> BROAKER AND SCHMIDT Broaker Building N. E- cor. Thirteenth Streel (63 Fifth A\ Telephone 831 Stuyveianl New York fc^^g-^.'? 5 (gose^fitz ?ehool The school whose graduates head the list of better paid Stenographers and Secre? taries? a direct result of the quality and scope of in? struction they receive. Our graduates are in de? mand. We have more calls from prominent business organizations than we c^n supply. College-trained faculty with practical experience in the world 8 champT^^sF? TROPHY subjects they teach. Instruc? tion under the personal supervision of Miss Rose L. Fritz. herself the winner of 40 championships. Calf, Write or Telephone for Catalog 334 Fifth Avenue, New York. Entrance on 33d St. We will gladly assist you in the selection of the right school for your girl or boy. NEW YORK TRIBUNE 154 Nassau St., \. y Qty School Department G. C. DELMOMCO .*?N:$s ^?smmmm