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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE is GUARANTEED Vol. LXXX No. 20,9(7 (Copyright. 1920, New York Tribune Inc.? First to Last?the Truth: News ?Editorials?Advertisement THE WEATHER Partly cloudy Ui day and to-morrow; continued warm; gentle variable winds Tell report em teat vmsje SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 :;;:?;:;: TWO CENTS In Greater New York THREE CENTS With*? SCO Mile? FOX'S? CENTS Elaewbar* ?Companys Gift to Cox Covered Up, Is Charge fitness at Senate In? quiry Says Dayton Con? cern Drew Check Ap? parently to Pay Note jCol. Deeds Among Company Officers Political Parties Report ed in Control of Two War Veterans' Papers from The Tribune's Washington Bureau ' WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.? Charges that Governor Cox has ac? cepted campaign contributions from corporations, and that a large part of the money was spent through liquor organizations were made be? fore the Senato committee investi gating campaign expenditures to S?y by George B. Lockwood, editor ?f The National Republican. Lockwood appeared before the committee as the result of a "lead" furnished by Judge Edmond H. ?Moore, Covernor Cox's pre-conven-1 tion campaign manager at San i .Francisco, who, it was testified, pur- j chased some of the business records i ei Tile National Republican and ' hid them before the committee in an effort to show that the Republican Katianal Committee was spending ! huge sums through the political | newspaper in order to conduct Re-: jobliean propaganda throughout the ?untry. Testimony before the committee cov? ered a wide range of subjects. Joseph F. pub'ishor of The Stars, and Stripes, declared his paper is con-1 trolled by the secretary of W. D.Jamie Wn, director of finance of the Demo- ; cratic National CummittPe. and that The ' American Legion Weekly is controlled hy the Republican National Commit Eg, The S'-nate committee also heard ? further evidence that Administration ; ?Skiais had gone to San Francisco at ? the time of the Democratic National I Convention at government expen?7e, and ' later it inquired into the finances of j the League to Enforce Peace. Says Check Was Covered I'p It was specifically charged by Mr. i Lockwood that in 1918 Governor ?ox I received a check for $5,000 from the Dayton Metal Products Company which Was "covered up" by means of a per? sonal note given by Governor Cox, and that in 1916 the company", through tkiee of its stockholders, also contrib? uted $21,000 of a $37,000 <~'.nd spent on behalf of President Wilson and Gov- j ernor Cox by Ohio liquor and brewing ; Interest?.. The charges threw the Democrats at the investigation into confusion, and it Is probable that Governor Cox will be summoned to appear before the Senate Committee before long to answer them. H. E. Talbot. of Dayton, president of the Dayton Metal Products Company ?ad also president of the City Nation? al Bank of Dayton, which handled the alleged contribution, was called on the j ta-g-distance telephone immediately after the charges were made. He will appear to-morrow. Senator Edge, a Re- ; publican member of the investigating ; committee, served notice that if Talbot ; cannot clear up the whole matter the Democratic nominee would be called. Senator Reed, of Missouri, the only j Democratic member of the committee | Ctent whef the charges were made, Is'.. J that the committee immediate- ? ?J investigate ?hem, although it con- | jerned Governor Cox's campaigns for ?OTernor in Ohio and was beyond the acope of the Senate committee's in fairy. Goe ; Into Past Campaigns 4n making his charges before the iomminee, Mr. Lockwood paid that he *a* offering a "lead." It proved to be <?e that offered a fruitful field for an m'est i gat i on cf the conduct of Gover *? Cox's prpvioua campaigns, and un *Ma Senator Pomerene, the other Democratic member of the investigat? es nmmittee, who was absent to-day, ? able to have It abandoned, it is feobable that the Senators before they Pj through will make a aearchiBg in? jury into 'iov.rnor Cox's campaigns in Wjo in 1916 and 1916. Whether the committee will go to j**yton ar.d conduct its investigation J**re will depend vnon the informa Tt.*Ui.plicd by Mr' Talbot Hr i lea'1 ' given t,.e committee by "r- Lockwood. in addition to informa ??? regarding tha alleged contribu? ai to the Cox campaign by corpora wtw. involve? the use of the Dayton Ej!"fp**vention Commission funds in .or the alleged purpose of repay *?* contributors to the Wilson-Cox ?mer? Oppose Troops; Threaten General Strike gyW Worker? Will Be ?T ?Ut in West Virg?n?a if Soldier? Stay, Say? Leader CHARLESTON, W. Va., Sept. 24.?A |j??*l strike, involving 126,000 or ?*??*<i workers of West Virginia, will ?*?'.ed "if Federal troops are to be *? a strike breaking agency m ?k_T..0f ,or the protection of the con ^Wtion?! rightB of eiiiz(!nn of ?uu ?^ ?ation, .?id <;. k. Keeney, resident Asni'rl 7' t;nit?'l Min? Worker? of Ufa**' in ? ?taternent issued here to fc?LK!*!?<'y "ld*d that "b?iore this ?"?H?tion is taken, however, the W :'Z ?<"Hh*rn Weet Virginia will *? ?w?*^4 }? u'* th?ir influence m* ttoL A1*1 mW*? removed ff-oro H\\.? "** tcanf-u?ljty "??y pre ????jiLif4 *??? the K*en.y ?Ute *?he V*a John 3- Comwel! said tie, VI J2j "?.oested Federal ?uthori fimat? n^'T tb/< trooP? horn Minfo Wr?kkS^.X**' *' but ???* ?? 'lew of 2r*_fwM ???? that the soldi?? iffita " *tr,k* r*i,*n "?wmltlBf Independent to Run As Rival to Lenroot Special Dispatch to The Tribune MILWAUKEE, Sept. 24.? James Thompson, of La Crosse, twice defeated in the Republican primaries for the nomination for United States Senator, will be an independent candidate at the elec? tion on November 2 against Sen? ator Lenroot, according to a statement published in a Madison morning paper. La Follette leaders at Madison declined to deny or affirm the report. ? ? It is also stated that La Follette plans to put in the field an inde? pendent against W. J. Morgan, nominee for Attorney General, who led the fight against the Non partisan League at the platform convention. Lackaye, Hurt, Says McGraw Attacked Him Actor Says Giant Leader Floored Him With Punch on Jaw as He Offered His Hand for Friendly Grasp Manager Denies It Baseball Man Asserts That) Lackaye Came to His Home Seeking Trouble Another friend of John J. McGraw, manager of the Giants, went to the hospital yesterday. This time it is Wilton Lackaye, the actor. lie is go? ing to have an X-ray examination of his ankle to find out whether any bones are broken. He suspects that there are and declared yesterday that if there were, John J. McGraw broke them by hitting him in the jaw. Mr. Lackaye declared .that McGraw I punched him when he thought that the ! bareball man merely was getting ready ; to shake hands. He went to McGraw's^ home, 303 West 109th Street, Saturday' night, he said, just to show him that no little affair such as the recent Sat- j uiday night fraca3 at The Lambs, at tho end of which John C. Slavin, ai friend of McGraw, was discovered out? side the McGraw home, his sfcull frac tured, should be allowed to come be- j tweer. such friends as Wilton Lackaye | ?'.r.d John J. McGraw. McGraw Makes Denial McGraw's version of the affliction suf? fered by Mr. Lackaye was entirely dif ferent. He gave it in a statement ; signed in the prpsence of Magistrate I .rancis X. McQuade. The statem?nt fol- ? lows : "About midnight Saturday, September 18, Mr. Lackaye, of his own volition, ! called at my apartment. After some i little talk, Lackaye said he understood I ' was to make a statement against the Lambs Club. I replied that if I did it was my own affair. "In reply to this he became abusive, using vile and indecent language. 1 remonstrated with him, telling him that Mrs. McGraw was within hearing, and insisted on him leaving my house. ? He refused, whereupon two of my guests, Magistrate P'rancis X. McQuade i and B. J. Praitt, of Chicago, escorted ? him to the door. "After he got outside the door he kicked one of my guests, Mr. Praitt, ; and in the scuffle that followed slipped I to the floor. I did not see anything j that happened outside my premises and did not strike Mr. Lackaye at any time." Mr. Lackaye returned recently from a vacation in Canada. A friend told him that McGraw felt very badly about his tight with William Boyd at the Lambs Club and regretted the loss of friends among the club members. Actor Explains Attack , "Through this friend I sent McGraw I a message of cheer," said Mr. Lackaye. I "I told him that twenty-five years ago I a man had told mc that a friend who i stuck to his frineds when they were i both right and wrong was the only worth-while friend. I told him that I was his friend and that I would like to see him. "After McGraw received this mes- j sage I called him up on the phone and l he told me to come up to his house. He said several friends were there and he wanted me to meet them. "Acting onl? in the interests of friendship, I went to see McGraw and told him that ?the bcyit thing he could do was to forget the quarrel at the Lambs Club. McGraw became suspi? cious and demanded to know who had sent me there. I replied that no one ever sent me anywhere and that I was acting on my own initiative. I also told him that if he held any suspicions as to my motive I would have to leave. "It was then that I extended my | hand to McGraw and he attacked me. There was no warning, as McGraw had | put out his right hand as if to shake mine. Instead, he drew back his left and smashed me in the jaw. "I crumpled up on a sofa and my j ankle twisted under me. I got up and aimed a few wallops at McGraw. The fight was halted by persons in the j room. I got to the street without as- ? sistaiice, called a cab and went to a drug store. The day after the quarrel I consulted a doctor and found that : my ankle had been fractured." CLASSIFIED ADS Accepted until 8 P. M. TO-DAY for Sunday'? NEW YORK TRIBUNE Early copy is sure of inser? tion. Send your ad? in early for Sunday's Tribune. ?Phone Beekman 3000, or go to "any of The Tribune's Want Ad agents conveniently ' located in all parts of Greater New York. I -4-!' Grand Jury Finds World Series 'Fixer' Foreman Says Man Who Acted for Gamblers and Made Offers to White Sox Players Is Known Only Few Players Involved in Fraud aArnold Rothstein, William Burns and Abe Attell To Be Called to Testify CHICAGO, Sept. 24.?H. H. Brigham, foreman of the Cook County Grand Jury investigating alleged baseball gambling, to-night told newspaper men that the name of the man who "fixed'' the 1919 world's series for Cincinnati to win had been given to the grand jury. This man, Brigham stated, acted a:? a representative of a ring of gam? blers, who offered Chicago White Sox players money to throw games to the Cincinnati Reds. Brigham declared that the testimony thus far given had caused the grand jury to decide to subp?nae Arnold Rothstein, of New York, millionaire turfman and controlling owner of the Havre do Grace racetrack; William Burns, former Chicago American and Cincinnati National League pitcher; Abe Attell, former featherweight box ing champion, and several other well known sportsmen. Earlier in the day Mr. Brigham is- i sued a statement declaring positively that there had been "crooked work" in j organized baseball, and setting forth j the intention of the Cook County grand jury to get to the bottom of it. At the same time "Charles A. I Comiskey, owner of the White Sox, in ' a statement criticized Ban Johnson, president of the American League, for ; failure to cooperate in the investiga- ! tion of chargcj? of crookedness leveled against the Chicago teams. These were the happenings to-day ^following the adjournment yesterday; until Tuesday of the grand jury. Other j features of the day -re: Announcement that the grand jury j would not be dissolved on September 30, but would be retained as a special inquisitorial body to probe further the charges of crookedness in baseball. Sensational charges by Rube Benton, pitcher for the New York Giants. that a pool of $100,000 was paid to cer tain White Sox players by a Pittsburgh I gambling syndicate for the ''throwing" of the world series between the Chi- ; cago White Sox and the Cincinnati Beds. After Gambling Syndicates Indications that the grand jury in- j vestigation would reach out and em brace the activities of the so-called j gambling syndicates whose sinister in- i fluences are said to have been at work ? in certain games. A rumor reported by Ban Johnson that the same gambling syndicate ! which is said to have operated so suc- \ cessfully last year had threatened cer- i tain White Sox players with exposure unless they agreed to "throw" games this year. Active cooperation of Federal au thorities in suppression of baseball gambling. District Attorney Clyne, upon hearing that the mails had been misused by certain syndicates to con? duct pools, called Rush D. Simmons,' postal inspector for the Chicago dis? trict, into conference to instruct him to investigate for violations of the law. Reiteration of Mr. Comiskey's offer of $10,000 reward for any direct evi- i dence that a White Sox player had I helped "throw" a game, and his assur- | anee that rather than retain any dis- : honest man on his team he would go I into this year's world scries "with a team of second raters." The grand jury statement was issued I as the investigating body prepared to Jay aside the baseball inquiry until ! next Tuesday, when a number of new witnesses will be called. Among those scheduled are George M. Cohan, theat rical producer; Mont Tennes, and John A. Heydler, president of the National I League. Cohan is said to have lost ? $30,000, and Tennes $80,000 on the j world's series las; year. Jury Foreman's Statement The statement by Foreman Brigham follows: "The unscrupulous tricksters have, without doubt, 'reached' some of the I more weakly charactered baseball plavers. "Enlightening testimony is coming from many men whose motives are sin? cere, are purely sportsmanlike, with the intent of placing the game and keeping it upon the high level that it has occu? pied in the past. ? "If the evidence warrants the jury will indict and thereby bring to trial those guilty of crime. "The grand jury will appreciate any clews that lovers of clean sport throughout Ihe country may give it, (Continued on page ton) Marconi Offers Radio To Send News of Fiume FIUME, Sept. 2.1.?William Marconi, visiting Fiume yester , day on his yacht Elektra, was j met at the landing hy Gabriele | d'Annunzio, the latter's legion i aries, 'the city authopitie? and a ; great throng of cheering citizens. Signor Marconi, speaking from i the central balcony of the palace, ! promised to'donate to Fiume a '; powerful radio station capable of I transmitting news great dis ? tances, so that the world might learn of what was going on in | Fiume. The announcement was | greeted with a tremendous demon ; stration. Black and Tans' Sack 3 More Irish Villages Police, in Reprisals for Murders, Burn All but Ten Houses in Miltown; People Flee to the Hills Ultimatum to Balbriggan ._ | Threaten to Destroy Town if Public Funerals Are Held ; MacSwiney Much Weaker By Frank Getty From The Tribune's European Bureau Copyright, 1320, New York Tribune Inc. LONDON, Sept. 24.?News reached London to-day of the sacking of three more Irish towns bv the "black and tans," making eight this week which have suffered from reprisal raids by this new government police force. The harvest fields of County Clare and vicinity were the scene Wednesday of the ambush of a police lorry, in which five policemen were killed be? fore the lorry was set .afire. Serious destruction of property and some los? of life followed in the towns of Mil town, Malbay, Lahinch, Ennistymon, Doonbeg, Bealaha and Cree. Balbrig? gan is the eighth town to suffer from the police reprisals. OYily ten houses in Miltown escaped damage. Many were destroyed by the incendiary fires. Eye-witnesses report : that uniformed men rushed through I the streets, shouting, firing their rifles, smashing window? and destroying property wherever possible. Houses were fired after kerosenu had boon i poured into them from lorries. Sol- ! diers from a neighboring barracks i helped the citizens fight the flimes. j The local police also assisted in the rescue of the inhabitants whose lives | were endangered by the flames. Inhabitants Flee to Hills Similar scenes were enacted at La? hinch, where many of the inhabitants! were forced to flee to the sand hills north of the town, where they spent the night in great suffering and terror. One man was shot dead by the "black and tans" and another was mortally wounded. At Ennistymon five houses were fired and two men were killed. Hay ricks between Lahinch and Ennistymon I were burned. ; Officiai inquiries into these activities, of the police are being instituted. The ? investigation at Balbriggan, where In spector John Burke of the Royal Irish Constabulary was shot early this week has been suspended pending the recov? ery of his wounded brother, Sergeant Burke, whose testimony is necessary. : In an inquiry at Abbeyi'eale a police- ; man told of the shooting of two civil? ians, saying that they ran from him and after shouting to them to halt, he shot both dead. | The continued prohibition of>the coroner's inquest in the case or the Sinn Fein councillor Lynch, who was : slain by the "black and tans" at the Royal Exchange Hotel in Dublin, is adding to the public incredulity of the official version that he was shot while trying to escape. An order to-day forbidding parades I of Sinn Fein volunteers at funerals is bitterly resented, especially in view of the possibility of a funeral at Cork at an early date. In connection with the banning of funeral parades, the inhabitants of Balbriggan have been notified by the "black and tans" that the destruction of their town will be completed if the victims of the former raid arc buried publicly. Consequently the Repub? licans attribute the new order to the influence of the "black and tans" and are asking whether the official govern? ment or the new police force is the real ruler of Ireland. By dynamiting the safe in the Dublin General Postoffice early to-day after overpowering the lone night watchman two unidentified armed men obtained more than ?'3,000 in cash and escaped. It is believed that the marauders were members of a gang of twenty (Continuad on page (href) Mrs. Spreckels to Stay in London And Face Barrett in Gem Case From The Tribute'? Furopran Bureau Copyright, 1D20, New York Tribun" Inc. LONDON, Sept. 24.?Mrs. John D. Spreckels, who has applied for a war? rant for the arrest of Captain William N. Barrett, husband of Alice Gordon Drcxel, of Philadelphia, New York and Newport, charging him with the theft of a $100,000 necklace, was much sur? prised to-day to learn that Harret was in California. She was compelled at the last moment to change her plans for returning to the United States to-mor? row and now intends to remain in Lon? don until Barrett is brought here. "I first met Barrett," said Mrs. Spreckels to-day, "in Washington in 1914 and I hadn't seen him again until I met him at the taces at Sandown this year in company with some friends. He was extremely gracious and pleus ant and I understood that he was a man of independent means. He prom? ised to havo me meet some of his irl?.nds, and as I hud been traveling around for mor? thnn a year I was glad to remain In London for a few months. Marrett kept his word, introducing me to many poraona of aocial prominence, inelMoing several titled ladies." It waa aoon after they became ?c qiiainted that Mrs. Spreckels intrusted ; her jewels to Barrett. About a fort? night later, when she phoned his apart j ment in Portrnan Square, she learned that he had left the city. She attached no importance at first to his disanpear ? anee, but when repeated inquiries brought iho SRme reply that he was out of the city, Mrs. Spreckels be? came uneasy and finally started an in? vestigation which led up to the appli? cation for a warrant for Barrett's ar I rest. In the West End the case is causing much surprise, as Bairett was acctu i tomed to moving !n the best social circles and was himself a lavish en? tertainer. .V,?., Uil Di.ipnteh t? The Tribune ?LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24.?William N. Barrett, who is in this city visiting friends, has retained II. L. Giesler, an attorney here, to represent him. It is ; expected that Barrett will fight extra j dition procecdijigs^started in London. | Domcatlo Help Problems velVH* _?_..,V'.1 hy coru-ultlni. Situation ! t,^'1 'T'"?1? Ad?, that. app,ar In The I wi-YSJ ?1?"yn_?r by ????run? a Help Wanted A<1 rhon* B.?kmm 3M? or go ?T?r r?0<nT.?.VTr,f'he'" W*nt Ad. AB?nU. I -?.vor BOO in Oreafar New York.? Advt. Price-Cutting Wave to Hit QotfoiiigSoon Wholesalers and Retail : Men Hope to Stimulate Buying by Public, Re? ports to Tribune Show j Chicago Grain Falls As Movement Grows Cleveland Worsted Co. Announces 30 P.C. Re? duction ; Labor a Factor Reports received by The Tribune yesterday indicate that the cutting of prices is gaining headway. Dealers re | port that reductions in the retail prices i of men's ar.d women's clothing might be soon looked for, as ?a result of .the ! desire of both wholesalers and retail? ers to stimulate renewed buying by a ! public which has become weary of high I prices. John W. Hahn, executive secretar} | of the National Garment Retailers' As j sociation, referring to the reduction! , of 20 to 25 per cent recently made bj the woolen manufacturers, announce? that the retailers "are preparing tc i meet the drop in prices." Ilead^ o: | some of the big department stores as serted that the action of the Fore 1 Motor Company and the II. H. Franklir Manufacturing Company in reducing ! the prices of their automobiles wai ? merely anticipating a drop in prices o i commodities in general. Chicago Grain Prices Fall Prices of wheat on the Chicago grail '? market took a drop as a result of th< ; agitation for a lower cost of living j Wheat fell off as much as 12V, cents ; i bushel. Other grain fell in sympa | thy. Food prices in New York, how i ever, showed no tendency to dror. markets and restaurants reporting tha ; "prices are coing up, if anything." In tin' Middle West signs of activ | price cutting were noted. The Clevc i land Worsted Mills announced reduc Ltions from 15 to 30 per cent on good I manufactured for spring. Toledo ar ! nounced that prices of lumber ther had fallen off 20 per cent. Chicag? which has been conducting an offici; inquiry into the prices of food charged by restaurants, continued it anti-profiteering campaign. One obstacle (o greatly reduce prices, it was pointed out yesterda; is the determination of labor unior not to agree to lower wage scales, bi to insist on higher ones. George 1 Snnford, president of the America j Association of Woolen and Worste Manufacturero, said that, althoup; woolen prices have dropped from 20 t 25 per cent, clothing manufacture! still have to contend with high price for skilled labor, which might have tendency to check the. drop before tr manufactured rroduct reaches the coi Fumer. _____ Price-Slashing Sales Predicted Intimation that many retailers a: planning drastic price cuts, with series of sales such as were witness? during the 20 per cent reduction wa? that swept the country last sprin was made by Mr. Hahn. "I find already." he said, "that me chants are preparing to meet the dr< in prices. Some of them are plannii intensive sales. ?They realize that tl public is tired of paying high prie and that a big volume of business ci be gained only on a lower price bas Sale after sale will be held by son retailers. It is possible that the a tion of a few will be follow'ed by ti majority. "Late last spring most of the reta ers realized tney could not sell th? merchandise at the high prices ci manded by wholesale costs and s cording!^* cut them. Then they i solved not to be caught again by t rebellion of the consumer against t prices. Accordingly, they have stock up on fall goods in a most limit manner. Our association, despite t many criticisms leveled at it by mar facturcrs of women's garments, h steadfastly advised bur members buy as little as possible." Simon Forecast Reductions Franklin Simon, head of Frank Simon ?fe Co., and president of the > tional Garment Retailers' Associate some months ago predicted a loweri of prices and said in his newspaf advertising that prices were comi down. Several retailers ventured the op ion that the widespread public given the price drops within the Ii few days will unsettle the confidei of the ultimate consumer and cai him to defer his purchases until he convinced that prices have reached 1 lowest possible level for the ti being. Bankers Look for Slow But Sure Price Declii ?Mail Order Business Falls C Seriously and a Fnrth Cut n Rates Is Like Mail order houses in New ?York ; undecided on the question of issu new lists in competition with the lo\ prices announced by Sears, Roebi i & Co. and Montgomery Ward & Co., ? Chicago. No statement could be ; taine.l from officials of the Chai Williams Stores here. Smaller n ! order houses reported that they 1 ! made no decision. S. G. Rosenbaum, president of National Cloak and Suit Company, serted that his firm, realizing t (Continued on n?t pa??) Perfumed Bath, Every Night Off, for Serva Also $35 a Week, Limousii Amusement Tickets, Fruit, Rich Steaks and Chicken Special Dispatch to The Tribune PROVIDENCE, Sept. 24.?The foil ing advertisement appeared to-day the "Help Wanted" column of an af noon newspaper here: HOUSHMAIP with ?rood appetite. moatly rirh fruit. ?teaks ?nd chlcl perfumea bnth ami nil toilet articles vlded; ?very nl?ht oft; limousine airiwcment ticket? provided; wages weekly. The advertising manager of the m Finper says the advertisement appar y was inserted in good faith and several replies already have been 1 cf?ved. Drastic Laws Enacted To Stop Rent Gouging; Evictions Are Halted 0 Teeth Put Into Rent Lan s Will Drive Gougers Out of City, Says Justice Levy ALBANY, Sept. 24.?Chief Justice Levy, of the Municipal Court in Now York City, said that the bills passed* by the Legislature to-day would make the city too hot for profiteering landlords, and that they would be driven out of Wcstchester County also. "The justices of the Municipal Court," he said, "now will be able to interpret the laws uniformly. The rent laws now have real teeth in them, and they will not only stamp out the profiteering landlord, but stop the gouging landlords making Bolsheviks out of the ignorant peoble who blame the government for the unconscionable greed of the comparatively few men who are a disgrace to the real estate com? munity.'' Wilson Defies Congress on Shipping Act Holds II Exceeded Constitu? tional Powers in Direct- i ing Him to Abrogate Commercial Treaties President Hayes Cited , ___________________ Asserts Compliance With the Act Would Be Breach of Faith With Other Nations From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.?President I Wilson announced to-day through the State Department that he would not carry out the provisions of the mer? chant marine act instructing him to give notice to foreign governments that they must terminate certain sec? tions of commercial treaties which con? flict with the act of the American Con? gress. The President held that Congress is without the constitutional power to di? rect the Executive to abrogate parta of treaties. * "The action sought to be imposed upon the Executive," the President de? clares, "wouid amount to nothing lesa ! than the breach or violation of said i treaties." In an official statement issued by the i State Department the point is made that the President's refusa! to comply with the direction of Congress does not : nullify the entire shipping act, but: makes inoperative Section 34, which requires the President to serve notice ; on nat?o?? that the merchant marine act ?3 supreme. Text of Official Statement The State Department announcement said: "The Department of State has been informed by the President that he does not deem the direction, contained in ! Section 34 of the so-called merchant j marine act, an exercise of any constitu? tional power possessed by the Congress. "Under the provisions of the section ; referred to the President was directed : within ninety days after the act be-i came law to notify the several govern? ments with whom the United States! had entered into commercial treaties that thi3 country elected to terminate | so much of said treaties, as restricted '? the right of the United States to im-: pose discriminating customs duties on; imports and discriminatory tonnage dues, according as the carrier vessels were domestic or foreign, quite regard-' less of the fact that these restrictions are mutual, operating equally upon the I other governments which are parties to the treaties, and quite regardless also of the further fact that the treaties contain no provisions for their termination in the manner contem? plated by Congress. Would Mean Treaty Breach "The President, therefore, considers! it misleading to speak of the 'termina? tion of the restrictive clauses of such treaties. The action sought to be im-' posed upon the Executive would; amount to nothing less than the breach ' or violation of said treaties, which are i thirty-two in number and cover every point of contact and mutual depend-, ence which constitute the modern re- j lations between friendly states. Such ; a course would be wholly irreconcilable with the historical respect which the! United States has shown for its inter- ? national engagements and would fal sify every profession of our belief in the bindirg force and the reciprocal j obligation of treaties*in general. "Secretary Colby, commenting on the (Continuad on pago four) Three More Killed in Labor Riot? in Turin Bomb Thrown Near Police Of- ; fice, Fragments Damaging Buildings in Vicinity ROME, Sept. 24.?Disorders continue at Turin and rifle firing is sometimes assuming" the character of a battle in the outskirts of the city, according to dispatches reaching Rome. Three more persons have been killed, it is said, among them being Mario San tini, president of the Young Men's Nationalist Association. A bomb was thrown in San Carlo Square, near the central police office, but no one was killed or injured. The nearby build? ings were struck by fragments. Po? lice and military authorities have made I about 200 arrests. A resolution passed by the Council of the Workmen's League, inviting the people to remain calm and not to ieop ardize negotiations in the metal work? ers' dispute by acts of violence is pub- | lished by the newspaper Avanti. LONDON, Sept. 24.?Workmen em? ployed at the Orlando shipyard at Leg? horn have refused to turn the plant back to the owners until they are paid wages for the time they have'been on strife*, says a Rome dispatch to the Excr" nge Telegraph. ( Port Is Blocked By Great Flood Of Immigrants Ellis Island Congestion Is at Its Climax a?d Com? missioner Wallis Goes to the Capital to Get Aid 3 Steamships Held Up Many Arrive Lacking Money or Tickets to Carry Them to Their Destinations The congestion of aliens at Ellis Island, which began three weeks ago, reached a climax yesterday when the Immigration Bureau issued an order that no immigrants would be received from inbound steamships until Monday. When the immigration station has a full equipment of inspectors the capac? ity of Ellis Island enables the bureau to handle a maximum of 5,000 immi? grants a day. * Commissioner Wallis left the city for Washington yesterday to confer with the Secretary of Labor on means of, getting relief from the unusually over? crowded condition of the island. 2,221 Detained on Island Byron H. Uhl, Acting Commissioner, said: ? "We we're obliged to keep 2,221 de? tained aliens on the island last night, a number far in excess of our sleep ing accommodations. It will require the next thirty-six hours to dispose of j these and make room for others that j are now being held aboard theU'ateam ships that brought them to this coun? try. We sent inspectors to-day aboard four steamships that have been in port I for several days without unloading their steerage passengers. These* in- | spectors will make their examinations j and will admit to the country all who are eligible to land. "Those who fail to pass the prelim- j inary examination and are ordered de? tained will not be sent to the island j for a few days but will be kept aboard I such vessels as the steamship lines i have in port. This will, in a measure, take care of the congestion, at the island." ' The vessels on which examinations were held yesterday were the Heilig Olav, from Copenhagen, with 379 im? migrants; the St. Paul, from South? ampton, with .379; the Mexico, from Vera Cruz, with 86, and the Carmania, from Southampton and Cherbourg, with 1,128. Three Await Inspection The other vessels awaiting inspec- : tion with their immigrants aboard are the Patria, from Marseilles, with 1,700; the Touraine, from Havre, with 538. and the Celtic, which arrived yesterday with 1,552. On board the steamship Thomas, a former transport which was examined yesterday, were 300 immigrants, who ' were detained as ineligible. It was . said at Ellis Island yesterday that a I shortage of money, rather than physi- i tal or moral fitness, was the chief cause of the detentions and general congestion at the island. Many of the detained persons are women and children, who are eligible to admission, but who have neither railroad tickets to destinations nor the ? money to purchase them. They are being held until the relatives to whom I they are going send them funds or | come from various parts of the ooun try to escort them to their destinations. "Parasitic" Element in U? S. immigration Grows Government to Warn Consuls Abroad to Use More Care in Sifting Out Undesirables WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. ? Reports received at the State Department from the immigration authorities concern? ing? the class of immigrants now com? ing to this country may result in in? structions to American consuls in Eu? rope to exercise greater care in sifting out the undesirables from the lists of those applying for permission to come to the United States. It was said to-day that the foreign representatives of the State Depart? ment had been able to check materially the attempts of the known radical element to enter America, but that they had not been able to prevent a huge increase in the number of what is characterized in the reports from the immigration officers as "economic parasites." Immigration authorities have re? ported to the Department that the ever-increasing stream of immigra? tion ' now moving into the United States carries a far greater number of Europe's shiftless element than it did before the war. Appeals of the immigration authorities to the depart? ment that it assist In clarifying the stream declare that before the war a large part of those entering the United States were in search of work, but that now the greater part are those who are attempting t? escape work in their own countries. Measure to Exempt Mort? gages From Income Tax Alone Defeated ; Legislature Adjourns Jury Trials in AH Dispossess Cases $25,000 Provided for In vestigation of Alleged Bidg. Material Combine From <i Staff Correspondent ALBANY, Sept. 24.?The Legis? lature adjourned to-night after en : acting the entire program of the Lockwood housing committee, de? signed to abolish rent profiteering, with the exception of the bill ex: tempting incomes from mortgages from the provisions of the state in? come tax. The Legislature also adopted a resolution of Senator J. Henry Wal? ters, directing the committee to in? vestigate the alleged conspiracy of the building material men to boopt prices and to inquire into the condi? tions of the mortgage market. Twenty-five thousand dollars was appropriated to carry out this in? vestigation, which will gtart imme? diately. The Legislature met at 10 a. m. j after the leaders had been in an all ? night conference with Judge Aaron J. Levy, chief judge of the Municipal Court, and Municipal Court Judge Harold A. Spiegelberg, perfecting the seven measures which were passed to-day. Before adjournment both houses voted thanks to Judges Levy and Spiegelberg. Provisions of the Bills The bilis passed to-day provide: That a landlord cannot dispossess a tenant unless he desires to obtain possession for persona) use, intends to build a new dwelling house, non? payment of. rent, or where the ten? ant is objectionable. That local legislative bodies may exempt new dwellings from taxation for ten years. That a landlord cannot dispossess a tenant who refuses to pay an in? crease in rent, providing the tenant pays the old rate. That a landlord shall not increase the rent of a tenant pending litiga? tion with the renter. That hold-over actions shall not ob? tain except in cases where the ten? ant is an undesirable. That justices of the peace in West chester County shall not have the power to dispossess tenants. That all amendments to the sum? mary proceeding law shall 3pply only to New York City and Westchester County. The Principal Amendment All the bills place on the landlord the burden of proof. The principal amendment to the rent laws, which is aimed at stopping profiteering by lim? iting the dispossess to four specific cases, reads: "Section 2231 of the code of civil nrocedure is hereby amended by in? serting therein a new sub-division, to be sub-division 1-A, to read as follows*. "'1-A?A public emergency existing, no proceeding as prescribed in sub? division 1 of this section shall be main? tainable to recover thp possession of real property in a city of the first class or in a city in a county adjoining a city of the first class, occupied for dwelling purposes, except a proceeding to recover such possession upon the ground that the person holding over is objectionable, in which case the land? lord shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that the person holding over is objectionable; or a proceeding where the owner of record of the building, being a natural person, seeks in good faith to recover possession of the same, or a room or rooms therein, for the immediate and- personal occu? pancy by himself and his family as a dwelling. "Or a proceeding where the petitioner shows t~ <-he satisfaction of the ?eoort that he- desires in good fai?*h to recover premises for the purpose of demolish? ing the same with the intention of con? structing a new building to be used I exclusively for dweMing purposes, plans | of which new building shall have been duly filed and approved by the propsr authority. In a pending proceeding for the recovery of real property in ; bu -. a city, on the ground that the oc? cupant holcis over after the expiration of his term, a warrant shall not b? issued unless the petitioner establishes to th?. satisfaction of the court that the proceeding is one mentioned in th( I exceptions enumerated in this sub? division.' "This subdivision shall be in effect only i ntil the first day of Noveai'-er 1922. "Chapter 137 of the laws of 1920 entitled 'an act in relntion to ?ummarj proceedings to reeo- the possessior of real property ' .ties of the fir?1 clas. or in in a co-adjoinin. city of first c. , is hereby repealed "This act sha.i take effect immedi ately." Exemption of Dwellings In the debate on the bills in th' Assembly Simon L. Adler, of Roches ter, declared that the most importan measure in the entire program was th cne empowering local legislative bod ies to exempt from taxation dwelling for a period of ten years. This applie to construction started before 1922. The bill giving local legislative bod I ies power to exempt from local taxe new buildings planned for dwellin purposes provides: Section 1. Chapter 62 of the laws o 1909, entitled "An Act in Relation t Taxation, Constituting Chaper 60 of th Consolidate Laws," is hereby amende by inserting therein a new section? t be Section 4, to read as follow?;, 4-B. Exemption of N?w Btfsldinj Prom Local Taxation.?Th? UfUUt?