Newspaper Page Text
W. F. Ladd & Co. Investment Securities New York J Wheat Drop Heavy Selling; Exporters Buying of 12 Cents Takes place in Face of the Big jM Foreign Purchases on Record; Flour Declines Jftt declining tendency of ' values fcjti has beer, apparent in many di Stions of late, has extended into the | ta*t market and during yesterday's j there was a break of 11 _? to | easts a bushel under the heaviest ? 4 of selling. Ftottf nrices were also cut about a ; ?r a barrel and contidenee in high j MM severely shaken. Exporters ifsin in the market for wheat | diales for the day were estimated at ! #?s? to 2,000,000 bushels, princi- ? Bj at the Guif. Export operations: ?week have been of record propor- j s?? ?mounting to about 15,000,000 j ikfls, and the fact that prices could ' _se in the midst of this heavy buy- i frota Europe has given the im- ! ?aim that the situation is very ! si. I fte trade is wondering what would j at happened if the export dcm.and ! d net beer, forthcoming, and it now to be seen whether or not Eu- ' j will continue to buy and whether: pressure which has been on the , "?t recently will also continue, {?fain merchant.-, as a rule were again ' nled over the origin of the selling ' ware- Th?re were dozens of the- | i advanced as to the source of the ', Safe but no one seemed to know | Slitcly where all tho wheat came | It was evident that some large | Sa| orders had been received from Btpe, but most of the pressure was , ??fat to come from the country in ; i term of hedging operations. S?_ thought that this was due to ! ?acial conditions, as it was declared ' Breakers were demanding high mar- ? HOB loans on wheat, owing to the i send weakness in other commodi ft Jh As local market No. 2 red and , 1*2 hard were quoted at $2.55, c. i. f. | Ik? New York. pra Continues Weak, Despite Short Rally Tit eorn market was weak during ?pester part of the day, and, while ti rallied at times on covering,' : quotations were lV.c to 2,ie net) jfi The break in heat had a bear- i B iniaence on sentiment, while con- j tari heavy pressure from the coun ' caused renewed weakness in the ; i position. # The ?.ppearanco of ; jet temperature in the Northwest,) th one or two private reports cf J itt frost, ?"au.-e<l ?nip uneasiness, ' ? atone time the market rallied to ?t a erot a bushel above the previ ?J final. !?? official for<-ca--t. however, fai'ed ; ipobtf to any ?tirth? t frost, and stu- j M of the weather map could ?ee ?i* prospect of ttr.y dangerously '?old ?tker m the future. lathe local e?<-h markt t No. 2 yd- ] ?eorn was quoted at $1.40Vi c. i. f. : ???York ten day.-.' shipment. _,"' YeateMay'a Previous W*lOT't: , cloae. ? > J_?OW..I? 4 - ? J! 17\ P_eber_ i ? . 1 27?; Fwat?.: -, . .? j - j aStf*Th* en's i:..rV.? *? er ?eta. b ?":.?.? i? .. mh prie? ?how.-.j Borm? Independent Wjtb, and !? .. lotatlona were \c "W f er B?tit-:?; !>? r arid unchanged to V?c at far the :..? months Stocka am *. lau prat? ??? .-.? oi:?ider?bd li?, and ?**4e wj.? ij , to be cautious about *ai the **!!h:i? !? I* ?taeloc?! caxh n ar cet No 1 whit? ?u HMatTlv; Ko. . white, "0if7lc; No. 3 __?>fe7i<-; Nia. 4 white, 68c; fancy ttt ?ral??. 7}_"?-. upimary clipped ?* Me. ?n ?levai Xoeterdaya I-revloua Tear T?Wlt: fr,t, . ,i.ri-. ?go. ?i_*.M.S?_.70 i ?? '.'?'?i 71 jn 7% :. ?.79 w;:. ^ '7' ?Ja?atarket wea?L. Plack: eloae. k ? Weal j; .,? , "??and Meal -..',??? ? Tear a?n. |l.?9\ :7 ?; 1.55*4 .?j _ 1.26"i? | waa Influenced ' al- ! Tear aro. $1 5Stt ttaUrday'a e?0?e? "?f Patent. #12.?0,V 3 '.' }.; Year Ill 10? - |j-?j-*?io?i:.eo?i3 H.f?J** * *? ?.75? 3 10 3.?0? 4.1* ;?-?tft:?;o io.o??io.50 7;:,? 7.50 4 i oo ^^rtter. Cheese and Eggs ?Pg?"**?_Pt? were 5.108 parltaaea. [ E -h'.?1'-' than ??.?.;?. lb.. c??,?? .1.1 ** """ '-- ? Orafa, >0 lr. 'J 1 ' k.?Si*,.1r !'r"?' !? l?il9 ',"'re' 6?ii ' __-?m?, aj .,, . - ,,?r?, *maii,;, low?*-j i_'.a<7? Dartlah ca.ka, 5,'.'-,? .?^'!M- h"'-r 'han extrae, ?it. _ ? ; ?__?*?<; ?'????? <!?!?/ tuba, finca?, 60? ' t?Sii" Pri.rc. ;.1W /,-?;, ro:.-*jon to! if*?' lad:-?. . .arrftit make, t?rate. ? ?tu' ?***"'3?. ?lH??3c: low?r ?rad?a, ? _?T'^*'-*""'S ?-.?. current tna'K?. No. _..'" *6 2i ?le; l'amer ?radea. 3S??0c. ?????--lUcell,??. 1.140 t?xea Htaie. f_??___ r"*h ?1*"!' <'>:""1 "f white, h??WV%?a. *v?r**'? run. 2??**WC BL 7.fil,?r. averaga run. t#hlta r?r C2v??l?t*r-?, ;??-r aradea ?fl???r.; **?*/,/.?*VT"*- ?7i*?i';Hc; atnai? r^i*^.h.', ??S?1!'.-, doub!? Dalate., : i-?H?,MV4S: Y''ur" America*, fre.t?, *T1S2 :_.'k"r>?- """^ ??""tela. 18? Z**&L%i*?' lo ???I 1^u,*e;! ?MUeeipie ?ere 12.?so ea^a. rreah ! I?7^!?*V?'??' <io??r?. ?4?S?lc; *atr? '. Kjb:*f''*'i ?'??, ;8?a?e; aMorwla, R_t> iry. ?14???'.-. refrlaarator, i7u*?r?*. f?titr. t.???6t_<;; flrata. ! ?g". S?*e?4?. ?H?*?c; ?tate, fen ti-I ,195U' S?tb?rm4 ?bit??. ?lr^ai _?*? '??H?? ? yradae, ?s*. H \ __? _C__** white?, ?t-traa. 8<??|c; ? *??4i?v**ie 'Jr"t?' v??**?; uoder i ,?J_JT7?; P-?a?u;r;?, ?mall, ???Me; | '?2**r. ?"1 ?-.'??her?', a_'.h*r?d ? ??'??'? ??t?. r?nf.?yl?*t?U and I ?..175*"- >M????ary browna, nim?, aw?t)"SE?*''*4 ????"-? *ntl ?t.U?4 colora, *^W???? **????? ?rata to ?itr? , ?jmpajry. p?f e*_t. The Day's Bond Market U. S. Government Transactions Hates. s.' 1947.830*.000 Libert > . do 1st 4.1, 1947 do 2d 4?, 1943. . . . do 1st 4 ViS. 1947. . do 2d 4Vis. 1942. . do 3d 4V.S. 1928.. do 4th 4 Us. 193?. . Victory ?%s. 1923. .. do 3%S, 1923. 14,000 28,000 52.000 3.281.000 2,321.000 4.081.000 1 369,008 551,000 ?Quotation? High. Llbertv 3%s. 90.82 do 1st 4s. 87.90 do 2d 4a. . do 1st 4 ?48. .. do 2d 4V48.. . do 3d 4%S... ?to 4th 4V*s.. Victory 4%s... do 3 % s . 20 83.40 . 90.15 87.63 96.08 I_OW. 90.26 87.00 86.70 87.40 86.SO 89. 64 86.80 I_ast. 90.32 S7.90 87.20 8X.40 87.32 90.16 87.S6 .?S 96.10 .08 96.03 Tleld. 4.10 4 SI 4 98 5.04 i'.U 5.30 6 22 5.20 Ne* Cbg?. + .08 + 1.28 -t-,34 + 1.10 + 1.08 -, 1.00 + .88 + .44 + .44 Closing Liberty Bond?. Teaterday 3'4s, 194 1st 4s. 1947 . 2d 4s, 1942. 1st 4V4S. 1947 2d 4-48, 1942. 3d 4 Us, 1928 Bid and Asked Quotations Closing Thursday. 90.3219) 90.38 ?0.14<8> 90.26 3S.00*_> 88.40 37.00? - 87.20? %7.50 86.00? 88.10-8) 83.40 $7.20? 30? 87.40 86.24? 86.28 90.06? 90.14 89.10? 89.IS 88.50? 86.54 95.64? 95.66 96.64? 95.68 4th 4'4_, 1939 87.36? 17.44 Vic. 4%8. 1923 98.04? 96.10 Vic. 3%a. 1923 96.04? 96.10 Pre-war Issues: 2a reg. 1930.101% ?102 2s coup., 1930.. , .101 ?4 3s reg.. 194?;. 89 ? 93 3s-coup.. 1946.. 4a reg., 1925. . . 4s coup., 1926.. 2s Pan. c? 193? 2? Pan. r., 1936..101 2a Pan. c, 1938 2s Pan. r., 1938..101 is Pan. reg. 3s Pan. coup.... Phil. 4s, 1934... Phil. 4s. 1936... Phil. 4s 1936. . . D. Col. 3a. 1965., Foreign Gort, and Municipal Bonds (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Asked. Anglo French Extern. 5s. 1920. 99% 100 Argentine Intern 6a, 1945. 69 69H Kingdom . t Belgium 6s, 1921.. 99.4 99'* ? do 6a, 1825. 92 93 do 7Va?. 1045 . 97*4 9? Canada, Pomlnlon of, 5s, 1921.. ?7% 98% do notes, 1921 . 98% 98V4 do 1926 . 89% 90% do 1929. 91 V4 91 it ?do 1931 . 89 % 90% Chinese aovt Hu KugRy 5s.'61. 43 43% Cuba Extern. 6s, 1944. ? 84% do i.n. Series A, 1949.? 81 do 4%B. 1349 . 68% 73 Dominican Rep 5s, 1968. 82% 83 City of I_yons 16-yr 6s, 1934_ 84 85 do Marseilles 16-yr 6s 1834... 84 86 do Bordeaux 15-yr 6s, 193 4... 8 4 8 5 do Copenhagen 25-yr 5%s, '44 77 77VI French Govt 8s, 1st Issue.101 V4 101 V4 French, Paris City 6a, 1981_ 94% 86 Govt of Switzerland 8s, 1940... 102*4 103 Jap Govt 4%?. strlg loan, 1925. 74% 74% do 4V*s, 2d ser. 1925. 74% 74% do 4s, sterlg loan, 1931. 68 63% do Tokio City 6s, 1953. 52% 63% Vu K Gt B & Ir 6-yr 5%s, 1931. 98% 98% do 8-yr &%f?, 1922. 95% 95% do 10-yr 6%s, 1929. 87 87% do 20-yr 6%s, 1937-,. 82% 82% Mex Extern strlg 6s of '99, 1945 41 43 do gold 48 of '04, 1954. 34% 30 King of Italy 6-yr 6%% gold b 88% ?0 '??Or] ? 89? 90 Tt Anglo-French 8s 2,000.100 2.000. 99% 80,000 ? 23,000. 99% City of Bordeaux 6s 1,000. 84% City of Lyons 6s 1,000. 85% City of Parlo 6s 3,000. 85 22,000. 94% 70.0'jO. 94% City of Tokio 6s 6,000. 63% 1,000. 64 4,000. 63% Dom Canada 6%s notes 1921 10,000. 98 % do 6'_s 1929 3,000. 91% do 6a 1931 1,000. 90 4,000. 89 .4 17,001?. 90 6,000. 89% Dominican R 5s 1.00?). 83 11,000.s30f. 2.000. 82? French Rep 8s J P M! r<.ts when lssu?v! 5,,; 3X.000.101 ?4 ? 10.000.101 ?v ?.OOO.101 'h j 10.000.101%! r.1.000.101% 85.000.101% 500.101%! 6.000.101%l r.,000.ioi?-_i 4.00'?.101% 2.000.101%: 1,000.10-v. 500.101% 1.000.101% 50,000.101% ! 2.00?.101% 21.000.10l>4' 3,000.101541 4.000.101% 6.000.101 ?4, 22.000.ioi%i S.OOO.101 V, ; ...000.101% 1.000.101% ir.,ooo.101%! 19,000.101%! 1,000.101% (Sales) Jap 1st ser 4%e 19.000.74% 12.000.4% 40,000. 71% do 2d Her 4%s 1.000.? 74% 2.000. 74% 8,000. 74% 10.000. 74% do stlg loan 4s 1,000. 58% K of Belgium s f 7%s J P M rets 13.0*0. 98 1.000. 97% 6.000. 97% 3,000. 9S do 6s 1921 1,000. 9914 1.000. 99% do 6s 1920 1.000. 93 S of Italy 6%s oer A 1925 1.000. R9 74 8.000. 90 Rep of Cuba 6s 17?04 2.0O0.s30f.. 84% do 4 %s 1.000. ?8% 83%|U K of Great Britain & I 6%s 1921 2,000. 98.?, 15,000. 98% 3L090. ..... 98% do 5%s 192? .000. 95% 95% 95t; 28.000. . .. 6.000_ 62.000. . . . do 5%s 1929 18,000...... 87% 1,000. 87% 1.O00. 87% 111.000. 87% 18.000. 87% do 5%s 1937 L000. 82% f000. 82% 4.000. 82% 13.000. 82% 12,000. 82% 5.000. 82% ' S of Mexico 5s 6.0f.'0.830f.. 42% ' ? oon. 42% 3.000. 42% 5.000. 42 2.000. 43 do 4? 2.000. ?.r, 7.000.s30f 1.000.101% N T ?.'anu? 4s 1961 fi.000.101 % '19,000.101 ?4 500.101% 10.000. ... 101% Gov of Swltzerlad s f 8s temp rets __?, p fi ri.1 ??? 2.000.102% 7,000.102% 14,00".103 Jap 1st ser 4%a 26.000. 74% 20,000. 74% ,000.s30f.. 74<-_ 3.000,. S9 Virginia dfd 6s B B & Co etfs 37.000. 66% l.tlOO. 67 N* T City 4%s 1957 May 1.?oi?,. ..... 90% do 4%a 1?63 5.000. 91 1.000. . do 4'_s 196' 30.000. 90% do An 1938 1,000. 81% 90% 90% Railways, Other Corporations Bait & Ohio 4%s 2.000. 68% 6,000. (9 do p I 3 % s 1,000. 83% do T *. C 4s 6.000. 54 do Pitts 1. E & W Va 4s 5.O00. 63% 5,000. 63% 2,000. 63% do Hwn 3%a 2.000. 76% S.OOO. 76 Am Ag Ch deb 5s 2,0u0. 92% Am Fmei'-lng 5s 10,ooo.s30'.. 75% 6,000. 76% 11.000. slOf.. 76 13,000. 76% 6,000. 76% Am T A T cvt 6s 4,000. 96% 2,000. 96% 12,000. 96% 6.000. ?6% 10.000. 97 do col 5a 7.000. 80% Beth Bteel p m 5s 1 000. 81 . 5.000. 78 1.000. 80% 1,000. 77' 7.000. 80% Brooklyn Rap T 7s 2.O0O. .... ,. 81 1,000. 41 1,000. 80%'Brooklyn U Elev 6a 1 t.000. 81 ? stamped do 4%* I 10,000. 66 1,000. 81 Bush Term Bldg 6s do col 4? 9,000. 761 2,000. 76%| 1,000. 76 Am W P ? Ml ^^ ot Oa Ry 6a ? 000. 78%? 10.000. 88 1,000. 78% i do con 5s 1 000. 78% I ?.?"O. ?2 Ann Ar1??r 4s 7,000. S2' 1.00 1. 6? Cen Pacific ytd 4s 6.00?. 66% 2.000. 66 1,000. 56 Armour fit Co 4%? 7.000. 78% 2.000. 78 2.000. 79 A T & fi . ' g?n 4s 13,000. 76% 16.0*0. 7*% 3.000. 76% 6.000. 76% 6.000. 76% 2.000. <H% 26.000. 76% 6.000. 76% 6,000. 76% dO ?.:?'!. 4S 19(0 36.004. 33% 19,000. 84% do adj 4s 2,000. 88% do ufij 4s Stamped 3.000. 70 2.000. 69% do _ft Okla dlv 4s 3.000. 81% Atl Coast L> 7s J P M ret? 2,608.190% do ij.itr.ert 4%a 1.000. 76 do i?t con 4s 3.000.,_ 76% 6.000. 7^ do I, 4 N || 10.806.TON 1.006.T?C 1.400. 70% 1,000. 70% Atl Fruit C? 7a temp s f evt *?r A 1,006. 8? Bait * OHIo ?? 19,000., ?? 1,906. 8?% 1.090..,;.. 8_"_f d? rfg 4s 1*06. ?t% 8,809. 66" 1,090 ?to cvt 4%s ?.099...... ?7 S.OOO..,.;. ?7 W:::::: ? *.*?_*,?*? __. > me*** Ml \\l 6.000 6,000 2,000.73% 11.000.73% 1.001.73% Ches ?fe Ohio con 5s 6,000. bl \ do evt 6s 8.009.._ 85% 10.060. 36% 1.000. 85% 11.000. 86% 19,000. 16% ?0.000. 86% 7.000. 81% do gen 4%s 12.000. 76% 31.000. 76 S.OOO. 78% do cvt 4%? 6,009. 78 4,000. 76% 11.000. 76% 3,090. 78% 8.000. 76% 8,000. 76% C * Alton !%s 3,000. 38% C B A Q ?an 4s 2,OOO. 78 do Illinois 4? 3.000. 76% 6,000. 79? 6,008. 7?% S8.009. 79% 13,000.79% 78,900. 79% 10,900. 78% 10.064. 79% do (olnt 4s 1.000. 96% 23,000. 95% 3,000. ?6% 31,000. 96% * M 111 rffl 4s 8,000. 37 30,69?. 36% ?1.090. 87 do etfs of deposit " 000. 14% 0<?>. 84% 404. ?6 10.000. 36% 4,99?_/. 8?' 34.000. 96% 11?:::;: P jj**,.,.,. ?7% 10,? ii'fl ?fo.i. C Great Western is ? 56V 2.oon. r.s. _ . 1.000. 66 C la 8 gr E ???g _ . 6.000. 71% C M A til F cvt 6a aer B . ln?0. 73% do gen 4%a 10.000. 73S 6,000. 74 ?O CVt 4%s J-000. 71% 1.000. 71% 8,000. 71 2.000. 71% 3,000. 71 19,000. 71 do rt_ 4%? 12.000. (3 . 6.000. ?3% do gen 4? aer A 2.000. 6S Chic ft .N w 7a temp reta ??000..loi % "? C I do gen 10,000. fl4i_ do3%s -* 3.000. ?7 2,000. 67% ?, 6.000. 67 Chicago Ry 6a 4,000. 69U, C R I & P gen 4s * 2,000. 7o _ 1,000_ 7'ir! ?Jv 1,000.1 73 ?aw do rig 4, 'i% 18.000. 88 M00. ?g l.OOO.aJOf.. 68 41,000. 6814 8,000. gaZZ c st p m _o aw. 1,000. 63 Chic Un Station 4%? aer A 1.000. 771/ 2.000. 774 6,000. 77 ?Vest Ind 4s 1,000. 69 _ Chile Copper 7s A _ 1.000. 9gix do 6a 11.000. 73 V ?.000- 73% 10,000. 73 C C ? & St I. gen 4s 7,000. 70 <-Ol A So 4^? 1,000. 75 Con Gen temp 7a 10,000. 99 1.000. 98!X _ 12.000. 98% Corn Pr 6a 1931 _ . MOO. 89% Cuba Cane Sugar cvt deb 7b 1?00. 82% 6,000. 922 1000. 92% 1,000. 93 6.000. 9JW 1.000. 92Vfc 8.000. 98 1.000. 9314 10,000. 93 Del ? H temp 7s 9.000.J02 1.000.1021. 4.0(10.102% 2.000.102% 2.000.102 do rfg 4a 1,000. 7?t Dan & R G rfg 6s i.OOO.alO?.. 50% 32,000. SI 2 do ctfs of deposit 6.000. 60 _ 00% do 4 ??s 1,000. 69 1,000. 60U do con 4s 1.000. 65% 7.000. 65V? ?.000. 65. 1.000. 65% 1.000. 66^ Detroit River T 4 ?As 2,000. 7; ;? Detroit V Rys 4 _s 1,000. 69 4,000. 58*? 2,000.n30r.. 68% _ , ".000. 58V4 ; Erie prior Hen 4s 3,000. 57^4 do gen lien 4s 12,000. 471/ 4,000. 47% 4.000. ?78 6,000.a20f.. 47 2.000. 48 , 1.000. 47% do cvt 4s Bar D .1.000. 62H 21,000. 62 2.000. 52% 1,000. 52V4 Gen E|eC deb 6a 7,000. 99i? 3.000 do deb i 4.000. 86 Havana Elec 5s . . 7? Hud A M rfg 6a 1,000,....] 2.000.. do i in- ,',3 1.0' 44.?00. 22% 20.tOO. 22% R.tno.... 23 1.000. 23% 20,000. _.t i_ 10,000. 2314 Illinois Central 5%h Mo Pacific 6a 1965 1.000.80 do gen ?a < 13,000...... 66% 2,000. 66% Mobile A Ohio ?la St L et C dlV 6,000. 74 do 5 St Loula dlv 0.000. 78 Montana Power 6? 2,000.82% 1,000. 82 9.000. 82% National Tub? S? 1,000. 84% N Orl T & Mea ta \ 7.000. 67% Cen'ral col 7s / P M In.valrn ret? * 8.000.100% 5.000.100% 5.000.100% 9,000.100% 4,060.100% 8.000.100% do 4a 1934 10,00t. 77 1,000. 77 % .".OOP. 77% do deb 6s 1,000...... ?2% 1.000. 92% 8,000. 92% 25,000. 92% ?.O00. 92% 3,000. 92% 2,000. 92% 3.000. 92% 2,000. 93 do rfg 4%a 2,000. 77 do rig 3%a 6.000. 68 do L s 3%a 1.000. ?S do M C 3%a 1,000. 61% 2,000. 62 N T ? _ St L deb 4a 6,000. 71 ' 6,060. 71% NT T N H * H 6a 7.000. 77% 1,000. 7714 1.000. 77 N Y Ry? rfg- 4s ctf? of deposit . *?<>?<>. 27% do an: i>s 10.000. C N T Sus 4: W gold 5s 1.000. 62 N Y Tel deb 6s 9,000. 88% 4,000. 83% do 4%8 8.000. 77% N Y W ft Bn 4%s 4,000. 61 8,000. 60 1,000.,.. .. il 16,000. 50 Norfolk So Sa aar A 1.000. 64% Norfolk A W cvt 6s 6,000.101% 10,000.101% do con 4s 2,000.75% 4,000. 76% do div 4s 1,000. 75 Nor Pacific 4a 2,000. 76% do 3s 8,000. 66% 2.000. 66 Nor States Power 6s 2,000. 74 Ore-W a R ft N 4s 2,000. 71% Pacido G ft E 5a 2,000. 75 Pao Power ft L 6s 2,000. 77 8,000. 77 [Pacific T ft T 6s 1,000. 811_ 3,000. 81^4 Penn temp 7a 1930 6,000.103% do 5s 1968 5.000. 88% 25,000. 88 9,000. 88% 1,000. 88 6.000. 88% 6,000. 89% 2,000. 88% do 4%h 1921 2,000. 98 6,000. 98% do g.^n 4%8 1 1,000. 79% 3,000. 79% 3.000. 80 1 3.000. Rl 1.000. 79% ? 4,000. 80 'Peor?a ft E 1st 4s j 1.000. 63 I Per? Marquette 6s 1,000.82% do 4s 8,000._65% Pub Ser of N J<%s 1,000. 63 Reading ?en 4a 11,000. 80'i, 1.000. 80% 1.000. 80 2,000. 80% Republic I ft g 6s 2,000. 87 68'.??Rio (1 W col 4a 12,000. 63% Ark A L 4%s * .'I.OOO. $7 2.000. 06 % 6,000. 67 2,000. 6?l% 1.000. 6*% 6,000. 07 St I? Ir aVlt ft S 4a Rlv ft dfcilf dlv 80,000. 70 99% 68% R I 11,000. 89%?St L ft S E 4a aer A 6,000. .*%%, 90 do 4s 1962 6.000. 72 do 4a 1953 1.000. 70% 4,000. 70% 8,000. 70 2.000. 71 do C 8t la ft N O ,1olnt 5a 1,000. 82% ? 1.000. 82%. do Lnlilgv dlv 3%8 ! 1.000. 62 I do St Louis dlv 3a , 5.000. 58% Tnterboro-Met 4%a 13,000.' 17JHI Interboro R T rfg 5s ' 7.OOO. 48 41 4.000. 4?\\ 1.000. 4??%j 5.000. 48% 12.000. 48% 4.000. 48'/?I Xnt Mer Marine 6s 6.000. X2% ! 6.COO. S2H 16.000. 82% 6.000. g2% 13,000. 82% 10.000.s30f.. 82'-; 10,000. S2 ?_ 1,000. 82V 4.000. tZ% 2.000. gj?,4 11.000. gj. Kwa A M 2d Ps 2.000. gg K C Ft S & M 4s 2.000. ?7 1.000. (?g% ? ,;.<>n.". 67'2 Xmw-ih City So 6s -.000. 70% ft? Sa * aO.000.s30f. . 64% 10,000. 64% ^4,000. 64% 10,000. S4?J 10.000. 64% f.,000. 64% 6.000 .... 64% Kan < Ity Term 4? 4,000. . 71 -.000. 71 4 4.000. 7j i? 3000.! 711? Kentucky On 4a 8.000. 70 Keokuk tuilii l.OOO. 70 Lack Steel 8? 192a 12.010...... ?0 1,000 1.000. ?0U Lake Shoro 4a 19?8 1,000. gjfc 7.0O0. 88 1000. 83% 1.000. 13 180 4? 1931 2.000. ?5% 6.000. 83 Lahlgh Valley ?a 1.000. 97 do ron <%? 9,000. 74 Long Island la 1)37 6,040. 64% Lorillnrd Co 7f . 1000.1*3% do 6n 16,000. 81 L A_V unidad 4s aOOO. 79% .80 ?o A K ft C div 4a 8.000. 73% do Rt laou.a la 6.000. 61% . 2.000. 61% do So Ry joint 4a 4.000. (4% Mich Cen deb ?a 3.000. 7J Mldvale Hteel le 8,000. 7? 6.000. 71% Minn ft et L rfg e? _ ?.000. 14% do 4a 7,000. 44% M K ft T lat 4? l?,0?0,al0f.. It% 2,000....... 69% 10,000 ?lOf,. 61% 1,000. 60 6.000..,,., |?% 1,000. I? do 2<1 4a 1.000.;.,,. 4?% 7,600. 4? ea.?SAMta ., ?_ __CM_eai 78% 73 iD% ?0% ?0% *?% ,000. 69% 6.000. 69% 31,000. ...... 59% 9,000. 69% 14,000. 594 10.000. 68% 2,000. 59% 11,000. 69% do F.s aer B 3,000_ 2.00O. . . . 10.000. . . . do ?is ser C 2.0O0. . . . 1,000. S3 do adj 6s 1.0O0. ?7% 1,000. 67% 10,000. 67 % 9,000. 67% 2.000. 67% 1,000. 68 8,000. 67% 1,000. 68 St L Swn 1st 4a 1.000. 57% 4.000. 66 'I St L ft H V lnc 6a 12?.000. 67% 5,000. 67% 62.000. 67% 16.000. 67% 17,000. 67% 98,000. 57% 24.000. 57% 19.000. ?.H 10.000. r,7% 10,000. 57% St L Swn con 4s 16,000. 63% 6.000. 64 do Terminal 5s ? 1,000. 63 16,000. 63% San An ft A P 4s 1,000. f.0% tfcloto V ft X E 4s ?.000. 76 Seaboard A L rfg 4a . 3,000. 43'^ do adj 6s 1.000. r?Si 3.000. 38% 1.000. ny\ 10,000. 33 So Bell TATS* ! .000. 80 1,000. *0% So Pacific cvt 5s 10,000. po% 2,000. 99 2.000. 991X 6.000. ?9?.J 1.000. 98 1,000. 99% <lo <:vt 4a 3,000. 79% M,O00.?30f.. 78% l,000.?l0f.. 78 8,000. 79 6.080. 7??% 2,000. 7S'A 1.000...... 79 do rfg 4a 6.000. 76 l.OOO. 76% 2.006...... 76% 10.000. 76 do CO) 4s 1,000,..-. 70 Southern Ry la 15.000. 86" 3.000. 861 2.000. 86% do 4s 2,000. 60% 16.060. 60% 4.000. r.o% 2.000. f0% 48,000. ?OU 11.000. 60% 10,000. 604 do la M?NW>hl? dlv 1 10.060. 82% 1,000. 83 Tuu ft Oklah 6s 1,000. 37 Third Av 1st Sa ?,000. 78 Union Pacific 6a ?.000. M% 1.000. 68% do 1st 4a 3,000. 80% 5.009...... 60% 1.000...?.. 80% 1,000. 80% do cvt 4s 6.000.?lOf,. 82% 1,000. 82' W.000.. 6.00?.. do rfg 4? neA la ?na ??.? a*T? 82% 82% 83% ?9,008.7 J?:::;:: ? Hav^L^.. Miscellaneous Markets Pabilo rti?itr S?<mrltle9 Bid. Ask*d. Adirondack Powsr ft Light_ 13 16 do pf. 70 75 American Light ft Traction.. 122 126 do pf. g7l 8 6 American Gas ft Electric. 8 8 92 do pf. 34';; 3?; American Power ft Light. 4 do pf . 6 American Public UtL'llltlas do pf. American Waterworks .... do 1st pf..... 40 do participating pf. 4 Appalachian Power. 2 do pf. 13 Carolina P R ft L. 26 Central States Electric. 7 do pf. 42 Cities Service . 300 70 __ 3ft do do 7 p c deb series C. 96 do 7 p c deb series D....... ? do 7 p c pi B..... 6% Colorado Power. 7 do pf. 8 0 Commonwealth P R & L. 14 do pf. "?> Electric Bond ft Share pf. 79 Empire List Elec. pf. 60 Empire G ft F 1st col 6s, '26. 94 do 6 p c con notes, 1324... 84 do 8 p c pf stock. 84 Federal Light ft Tr?. 6 do pf.?,. 40 Oas ft Elec, Sec.. 2'?o do pf. 75 Northern Ont. Light. 10 do pf. 4t Northern Ohio Elec. Corp.... ? do pf. ? Northern States Power. 29 do pf. 78 Republic Ry ft Light Co. 7 do pf. 27 Southern California Edison... 79 do pf. ?2 Standard Gaa ft Elec. 12 do pf . 35 Tenn. Ry, Light ft Power. 1 do pf. 1 United Light & Rys. 16 do 1st pf. 64 Wester? Power. 18 do new pf, Bonds Appalachian Power 1st 5s Cincinnati ?Tlas ft Elec 5s, Col Ga? & E'.ec 6s 1927. . . Dallas Elec 5s 1322. CO 18 28 10 47 SOS 66% 97 94 ?% 9 30 17 83 35 84 9 45 350 ? 5 14% 4S 18 31 82 96 14 37 3 3 19 56 20 63 do 7s 1921 El Paso Elec col 5s. .9 Great Western Power 1st 5s.. 7 2 ! Midwest Utilities 1st 6s. 85 i Miss River Power 1st 6s. ">'?'? j North Ont Lt & Power 6s. 61 90 74?4 Nor otates Powsr 6a, 1926., 81 Tobacco Stocks O W Hmel89 do pf... 96 3 * Toungl23 do pf ... 86 ?MacA&F.lOB 165 95 138 93 115 IP R-A T.110 115 Weym B.165 176 I do pf.. 90 96 lUniv Leafl46 ? ?Ex dividend 60? Steel and Ordnance Stocka Am Brass.194 Atlas Pwdl40 Bab ft W.108 Cn F ft F.160 Carb Steel 55 do 1st pf 96 do 2d pf 62 Colt A. ... 49 Du Pont P220 do pf... 76 197 150 112 170 230 78 /East Steel ? (Em S & I. SO ?do pf.. 72 ?Here Pw.203 ?do pf.. 92 iNlles B-P 88 iScov Mfg.370 IT horn Iron 39 IW'n Cor. .400 ?Woodward 50 450 62 Am Cyan. 26 do pf... 65 By-Prod... 94 Casein Co. 40 Dow Ch... ? DuPCo pf Qraselll . do pf.. Chemical Stock? 6 30 i Hook Elec 60 do pf... 60 Ky Solvay, 76 . Moc Co pf 8 6 265 Merrimac. 74 11% Mulfd Co. ? 139 Semet G..165 95 Solv Pne. 200 10 % 137 Sugar Stocks Card Am. 15 do pf... 70 Car Sug.. 50 C Agulrre..l04 Fjrdo new 95 Oodch'x S 50 do pf... 87% Ort West. 380 ?Ex dividend. 6 3 10 Y 103 53 90 4?0 Ort West.11 3 Mat-Am.. 20 ?do pt.. 7.'r Michigan, 10% ?National 140 Ni Niq?ieo,300 Savannah. 45 do pf... 88 102 11% America .. . 205 Atlanta ... .315 Am Exch . .260 Battery .... 190 Bowery . . .420 Bryant P . . 1D0 Lvwiy Cent 150 Bronx Nat . 160 Butch -k D. 35 Cen Mercan. 195 Chase.38 5 Chat ft Ph. .270 Chelsea Ex. 135 Chemical . . r.SO City.305 Coal ft Iron.260 Colonial . . .350 Commerce .217 Columbia ..175 Corn Kxc. . . 330 Cosmpltn...ll2 Commcl Ex.425 Comnwlth. 220 Cuba.180 Biet River. .165 First Nati....910 Fifth Ave.. .900 Foreign T B 55 N?w York Bank Stocks 2161 270 200 160 160 160 395 2*0 145 Garfield . . . Gotham . . . Greenwich . Harriman.. Hanover . . . hup ft Trds. Industrial.... Irving Nat... Liberty . Mrihttn Co. Mech&Met... Mtrpttn . . , Mutual. Nut Amn ? ? New Netli.. N Y County. N Y N B A. Park. Pacific. Public. Seaboard ... Second . . . . State . 23d Ward... I'ntd States L'nlou Kx . . WcYisgr A . . Yorkvllle . . 7 4 0 316 510 21? 3k5 205 il 5 360 490 If. 0 1?5 133 4f.O 4*0 520 210 S96 215 480 17)0 345 676 476 175 200 Trust and Surety Companies Alliance ... 75 tAui Trust.. ? Am Surety.. 64 Bankers . . . 365 Bond ft M.. 210 Bklyn T Co490 I Cent Union. 365 I Columbia ..303 IComrcl .165 i Equitable_300 'Empire Tr. .300 Frmr? L & T3S5 Fulton .270 Fidelity ....200 Guaranty . . 345 Hamilion .. 255 Hudson T...165 Kings Co. . . r>30 {.".Lawyers T.. 130 ?'Lincoln Tr. . 147. 70 Manufctra ..I 95 375 Mcrcntl .300 220 .Melropltn.. 260 610 Mig.? Bond. 75 376 Mu T of W.105 315 Nat Surety. 200 ? IN Y I. ft T.625 310 N Y Title...295 ?I ido.HO 395'Peoples . ... 275 ? It..altv Asso.100 210IT G ft T_305 356 Un Stales ..8!'? 265 U S M ft T.406 ? U S T ?uar. 80 660 Westchstr .135 Law MtgcllO 115'W &BT &M165 tSee New York Title and Mortgage, ?lncludes American Trust Comp stocks. Insurance Companies Am Alll'noe.270 280?Great Am ..2*6; 205 325 270 86 125 2)0 575 610 120 2''0 1 ,"5 any Cit>' ot N Y. 200 I .'omwlth . .300 | Cont'nt'l ... 68 ! Fid ft Phoa.520 ?Franklin... -?o Globe ft It.1100 MO Hanove 327. ?Home.615 73 Nat Llberty.170 636 Niagara . . . 130 90''Stuyvenant.. 69 185 1?0 76 Miscellaneous Stocka Bid. Am Chicle 3'J do pf... 62 ?AmLthr. 27 % ?do pf.. 77 Am Mig.. 149 do pf . . 83 Am M & F169 Am Td pf 3% Am Typ F 38 A D T N.T 25 Atlas Pw C 62 B B & 8 lp 80 ?lo 2d pf 65 Bor C M... 96 Bush T pf 67 Celluloid. 150 Childs Co. 36 do pf... 92 City Inves 60 Crk W pf.. 90 Ask' 41 65 60 86 163 87 160 3% 97 Bid. Draper C. 13.1 D L ft W . 16 0 Int Sil pf. 8iv Lima I. pf 1.5 Na'.Caskt.lOO N J Z W...17H NCo 1st pf 89 Phelps D.170 P ft W pf. 9?) R Haalt in 20 do pf... 60 Ry Bkg P 120 do nf... 84 SingerMfgl27 St I M ft S 4 i Stoll 8 pt. 05 8 D W pf. 93 Valvol pf. 95 W ft B. . . 92 Vale ft T.275 Ask 131 100 2u0 93 255 Standard Oil Stocks Bid. A Anglo-American Oil Co, Ltd.. 21% At'antlo Rflnlng Co.1150 1 do pf . 107 Borne-Scrymeor Co. 410 Buckeye Pipe Line. 92 Ch-aebrough Mfg Co Cons... 220 do pf. 100 Continental uii Cu. 120 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 29 Cumberland Pipe Line Co. 140 Eureka Plr?' Line <__o. 120 Galena-Signal Oil Cu pf new.. 98 do old . 90 do ???...I. . 48 Illlnolo Pipe Line Co. 160 indiana. l'ip>? Line Co. ??;? International Petroleum . 33% National Transit Co . 29 New York Transit Co. 170 Northern Pipe Line Co. 98 Ohio Fuel Oil Co. 313 Perui-Mrx Fuel Co. 60 Prairie Oil ft Gas Co. .. 665 Prairie Pipe Line Co. 228 Solar Ileiinlng Co. 405 Southern Pipe Line Co.124 South Penn Oil Co. 270 Southwest Penna. Pipe Lines. . ?4 Standard Oil of California -813 do uf Indiana . 718 do of Kansas. 530 do of Kentucky . 370 do of Nebraska., 430 do of New Jersey. 610 2'JO 110 4_5 63 165 18 0 10?) 218 5] 660 380 650 United Ry Inv 6s Pitts Issus 1,000. 66 U S Realty ft I 6s 96.090. SO U 8 Rubber tsmp 7%a 1930 13,000. 99% 6.000. 99 % 9.000. ?6.4 do 7s 1,000. 93 4,000. 68% do 6s 9,000. 79% 2,000. 30 U 8 Steel s f 6s 2,000.o30f . 91% 1,000. 93 l.OOO.sSOf.. Olli 13.000. 93 fi 1,000.<a03 6.000. 93 ?*} 4.I?D0.S80... ?1% 9,000. 934* 16.000...... 98 1.800. 92% Utah Power ft i_ ??s 1.000. 75 ? ?2.000. 71% \a-Car Chtfmlcal 5s 1,000. m % Virginian Ry 6s 1.000. 80% 2,1)00. 80% 5.000. 8U% Wabash lut i? 1,000. 31% West Eleetrio 6s 6,000. 93% W?ot M -yland 4a 2,000. 66 Western t'nlon 4V?a 1,000.s30f.. 76 West Shore 4s 2.000. 73% Wilson Co 1st 6s 3.000. 8 S % do cvt 6s 4.000. 88 1,000. 81% 4,000. 82 1.000. 61% Wi??uasin C 4s ??Smoo.ff Bid. Asked. do pf .t. 104 % 105 '.j ? in of New York. 380 384 fio of Ohio . 420 440 <!o of Ohio pf. 105 10S Swan J.- Finch Co. 65 7." Union Tank Car Co. 122 1-6 ilo pf . 98 99 Ya.-uum Oil Co. 360 370 Washington Oll Co . 32 Zl Miscellaneous Oil Companies Atlantic I.oboe Oil Co com.... 28 32 ?Jo ?>f. 70 so Cosilen A Co .j. 7% 7% Klk Basin <?ons Ptttrl Cb. 8% H % Imperial OU, LUI . 100 105 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 323 150 Menu: Oil Corporation. 14% 16 Midwest Helming Co. 151 1 53 .Mountain Produc?is. 12 I :; Northwest nil ?Jo. 2 7 33 Producers & Rentiers cum.... .Salt Creek Producers, new.i.. 1 t?apuipa It ?-fining Co. ';% 5% New York City Bonds form. Rat? arid Maturltj Inter 4 %s, !.''67. do 4%s. 1965. Bid. Aft,. Tie 90% SO % 5 9 0?t 90% f. 84% 85% ?4 ? 5.10 6.25 6.25 94 94% 5.47 rlo 4 '4N. I960, op 1930. . <4% do 45, 1959. 8 1 do 4s, 1958. 81 do 4s. 1967. 81 Resist. red is. 1955-1956... S-' '_ d.i 4s. 193.;. 9.7 Interchangeable 3%a, 19,".4. 72% Coupon 3%s. 197,4. 72% Rr? 3%s, 1950-1954 Inc.... 72% do 3%s, 1940-1960, Inc. . . 5.50 Reg and coup (serial) 4%s. 1920-1930, inc. 6 00 Rec and coup (serial) 4%s, 1920-1931, Inc . 6.00 R?--^ and coup (serial) 4%s, New York Stf%? Bonds Issued in roupon and registered form, nr:t Interchangeable. Coupon bonds regls terable. ("until Imp. 4%s, 1964. 93 102 4 40 Highway Imp. 4%s, 1963.. 99 103 4.40 ?"anal Imp. 4%s, 1963. 94 97 4 40 Highway Imp, 4%8, 19S5. 94 97 4.40 Barre C Term, 4>?s. 1946. 94 97 4.4? Highway Imp. 4s. 1967... ?3 91 4.45 Canal Imp. 4s. 1967.89 91 4 45 H'way Imp. 4?, l'J60-'62, Ino 89 01 4 48 du 4s. 19?S. 83 91 4 48 '"anal Imp 4s, 1960-'62, Inc. 89 01 4.48 Palisades I a P, 4s. 1961.. 89 91 4 48 Barge C Term, 4?- 1942-4S 89 94 4 ?0 Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Farm Loan 5 1933. op. 1923. Federal Farm Loan 4% 1939, op. 1924. SG% 87% 6.60 Federal Farm Loan 4%s, ? 1938, op. 1323. 86% 87% 5.65 Federal Farm Loan 4%s, 1937. op 1922. 86% 87% 5.67 Joint Stork Land Bank 5s, 15.19. up. 1924. 83% 85 6.35 Joint Stock Land Dank 5s, 1938. op. 1923. 83% 86 6.S7 Short-Term Securities Securltv. rate. due. VT-id. Ask. Yield Amer Cotton Oil 6s, 1324 9-2 93% 7.90 Amer Chirlo 6s. 1931-'22. 94% 98% 7.50. Amar Chicle 6s, 1923.'25. 90 95 7.7J Amer ChU-le 6a, 192?'.-'27. 87% 91% 7.55 Amer Tel A Tul 6s. 1922.. 95 95% S.55 do 8a. 1924. 92% 92% 8.45 Amer Thread Gs, 1928... 93 95 6.80 Amer Tobacco 7s. 1920... 99% 100% 6 75 do 7s, 1921. 99% 100% 6 75 do 7s. 1922.- 99% 99% 7.05 do 7s. 1923. 99% 99% 7.15 Anaconda Copper 6s. 1929 01% 92% 7.20 AngJo-.Vmer Oil 7>_s, 1925 99% 99% 7.10 Armour conv 6a, 1920-'24 94 98- - do 7s, 1930. 95% 96 7.55 Bethlehem Pteel 7s, 1922. 38 98% 7.80 do 7?. 1923. 96% 97% 7.60 Can Pacific Ry 6?. 1924.. 94% 94% 7.85 Cent Argentine Ry B*. '27 84 86 g.C5 C, li A Q joint 4s, 1921.. 95% 96% 8.15 C R I A P Ry ?'?. 1922.. 93 05 9.8O C, C C ft St L Ry?6s, '23 87 SS 7.95 Cuba C t?ug con 7s, 1930 02% 93% 8.00 Cudahy Packing 7s, 1923 97% 98 7.S5 Federal Hug Rfg 4s. 1924 93 95 7.33 B F Goodrlch con 7?, '25 32 92% 9.15 ?Juif Oll fis. 1921. S7% 98% 7.60 do 6?, 19?2. 98% 97?, 7.40 do 4?. 1923. 94% 95% 7.70 Hocking Val R R fis. 1934 90 93 8.36 Int R T conv Ta, 1321.... ?2 64 - Kana City Term 6s, 1923. Kennecott Cop 7s, 1930. Laclad? Oaa Light 7s, '29 Liggett ft Myers 6?, 1921 Philadelphia <:o 8?. 1332. do 4%?. 1?21. 97% Procter ft Oatnble 7s, 1921 99% /.? 7a, 1921. 99% do Tm 1933.. 99% Puyta Scrv.N 1 T_i_i*>| I* Sinclair' Con MMMfp ilium??i 94% 18% 88 97% 32 olds ?ft ills... ??? on DU f%a, 'S? 81? Security, rate. due. Bid. Ask. TieH. 'western Bell Tel 7s, '25 92% 92% 9.00 't Faut Fn D"p 6%s, 1923 93% 95 7 4 0 '.wift A Co 6s. 1921. 98% 98% 7.40 fexas Co 7s, 192;!. 98% 99% 7.40 8 Rubber Co 7%s, 1930 97% as '_ 7 75 'tah Secur Corp 6s, 1932 S3 84 - West Elec conv 7s, 1925. 9S% 98% 7.35 Markeis in Other Cities Baltimore Sales. Open. Hieh. Low. Last. 10 AU Co com- 81 . 81 81 81 300 Atlantic Pot... 3% 3% ?! % 3% 40 Brick com. 3 2 2 2 63 Cons Coal. 84% S4'_ 84% 84% 120 Cons Power... 93% 9;;-., 93 >3 93% 1500 Celestino .lio lio lio no 200 Oosden pf. 4', 4% 4% 4% 5.. Davidson Cil. . 39 39 "8% 28% 10 Houston Oil pf. 76% 78% 76% 76% 55 Maryland Cas. 77 77 77 77 61 Mt. Yernon pf. 63 69 69 t;o 2? MAM 1st N B. 26 26 'J6 26 200 Uni Ry coin.. . 12 12% 12 12% Bonds S7000 rons Pwr 4%s. 74% 74% 74% 71% inoo l'on? Coal r 5h. 22% 22% 22% 22% 2000 Elkhorn 6s.... 91 91 SI ill 1000 Util Ry 4s. 62 62 62 62 20O0 ilo '.s. 90 p.". p,i ?m 6"0 du id? us.... 62% 62% 62% 62% I Boston MUUng 2" Allouez . 33 27 23 33 K' Anaconda .... 52 52 Kl' 52 I 180 Arizona Coml.. 10 10 lu io 6S5Hi>f Heart..... 9% 9% 9 9 60 Hlngham . :> 9 :? o 17,9 Cal & AriZ. 66% 5',% 7,6 66 230 ?.'arson . 24 24.% 3 4 -4 10 Centennlai . . .. 1 '? )" 10 10 2 0 Chi n o . 2 7 % 2 7 % 2 7 % 2 7 3* 150 Copper Range.. 36 36 37>% 35% 600 Davis Daly_ 8% S% S % 8% 185 Bast Hutte- 10% 10% 1 u % 10% 360 Franklin . 2% 2% 2% 2% 10 Greene . 2S 2s 28 28 40 Inspiration ... ?5 45% 4.'. 4..% 200 island Creek... 55 65 55 55 60 Lasall.? . 2% 2% 2 % 2% 1S5 Mas? Cons. 3% 3% 3% 3% . 41 Mohawk . 6? 6o 58 68 110 New Cornelia?. 18% l<i% 18% 1^%? 300 New River- 31% 31% 31% 31% 10 do pf . 93 9 1 93 97. 710 Nlplssing . 10 10 9% 9%) 340 North Bulte... 15% 15% 13 15 105 Old Dominion.. 27. 25 24'i 24% ; 30 Oulncy . 48 48 47 47 300 Seneca ....... 15 16 15 15 70 Ht Mary's. 39 39 38 38 I 61 Sup A Boston.. 3% 3% 3'% 3% 300 Tuolumne .... 55 55 55 55 25 U -S .Smelters... 55% 65% 5 5% 55% 21 do pf . 23% 23% 23% 23%, 20 Victoria . 2 2 - 2 20 Utah Copper... 63 61k 63 63 10 Winor.a . 35 3.? 35 35 Railroads 26 Post Albany. .127 127 127 127 205 Kost Elevated. 63% 63% 63% 63% 10 do pf. 86 86 86 86 Maine... 39% 39% 38% 38% j 10 Conn A P pf..-69 69 u9 69 70 Maine Central. To 70 70 70 9a N Y N H ft H. 37 27% 30% 36% 8 Prov & Wore. 120 120 F-'O 120 300 Rutland pf.. . . 25 25 25 23 106 West End. 40 40 39 33 Miscellaneous 80 Amer Agrie... 84 84 84 84 7 5 do pf. 87% M S7'"' 88 650 Amer Pneu... 2% 2% 2% 2 % 243 do pf. 10 H 10 11 10 Amosheag pf.. 72 72 72 72 ?f.5 Amer Sugar pfl05 106 105 106 262 Amer Tel. !>8% 98% 98 98 ?1 17 Amer Wool pf. 95% 96 95% 96 20O Art Metal. 16 16 16 16 80 Beacon Choc 7 7 7 7 ZOOBoat Mex Pet. 1% 1% 1% 1% 60 ?Eastern Mfg. 32% 32% "2 32 210 Eastern S S... 20 20 20 20 IS Edison .149 149 143 148 100 Elder . 22% 23% 22% 22% ISGrty . 17 17 16% 16% 400 lut Products.. 19% 20% 10% 13% 170 do pf. 44% 46 44% 45 100 Island Oil. 6% 6% 6% 6% 60 J T Connor... 13% J3% 13% 13% 51 Llbby . 13 13 12% 12% lOLoewa . 12% 12% 12% 12% 91 Maaa (las. 64 84 83 83 100 da pf. 60 60 60 60 2 McElw 1st pf. 64% ?4% ?4% 94% 140 Mex luv. 38% 38 36% 33 .10 Nat Leather.. 10% 10% 10% 10% ISONatl Oil. 7% 7% 7% 7% 78 New Eng Tel. 95% 06% 95 95 lOOhio Body-18% 18% 18% 18% 60 Pariah . 26% 26% 26% 36% 60 Root . 28% 36% .8% 28% 3 0 Ml m ma Mag... 14 14 14 14 40 Swift .108% 108% 108 101 110 Swift Intl- 32% 33% 31% 31% ?oH United Shoe.. 36% 39 % 39% 19% 10 do pf. 23% 83% 23% 28% 6U S Steel. 88% 88% 88% 81% tlOVentjara ...... 17 17% IT 17% 10 Waldorf . 19 1? 19 1? 1 ?I Walwprtts .... ft* ??% IT IT ? Investment Information Questions of general interest to in- ? vcBtors will be answered in this col? umn, in which case only initials will be used. Others will be answered by mail. Address all inquiries,' inclos? ing a stamped, addressed envelope, to Financial Editor, The Tribune, Hi Nassau Street, New York City. Says He la a Good Loser Question?I have $1.000 I would like to Invest. Which would vou buy if you were in my place? I ha\o picked the following: 10 Southern Pacific, 10 Royal Dutch, 10 Pan-American H. I also own 100 En? gineers Pete, 20 Pierce Oil common, 40 Boone Oil. 27. Atlantic Petroleum. 25 Ertel Oil, and could have mads money on all of these, but. like a ??good, many more woriungmon. was not content with a few points profit; but T know very well oil stocks are a Ramble, aa you have told many In your answers in The Tribune, but I am Just us good a Iosor as a winner-? A. W. Answer If you actually desire to in i vest your ?1,000 you should not pur j chase the stocks you mention. All are speculative and very sensitive to I 'various developments. Investments con- j j sist of tho?<e securities which are well ! secured and are not in a position to be so readily affected by earnings, etc. Good bonds and preferred stocks are in this class. We mention them almost daily in this <? ?lurnn. We five no ad? vice on specula'-ion. Pozzled About U. S. Light and H?t Question?Pleas? advise whether Brook? lyn Union Elevated 6s are a gond pur? chase at 55 and whether the security back of the issue is ample; also the meaning of the word "stamped" In connection with then? bonds as it appears In the ?juotatlon column. Would also lll.<? to know why the t'nited States Light and Heat Com? pany common stock is continually ??uoted (which I am under the impression was orlginully a bonus), while the preferred stock, which appears to be the only source from which the necessary capital was raised to float the company, has been apparently submerged for the last douple of years and with no known market value, although quoted around 8 ?luting the tirst yar of its activity. Would like to know in addition the present status of the con? cern and the futup. prospects o? a divi? dend on the preferred.?M. O. T. Answer?Brooklyn Union Elevated 5 per cent bonds are well secured, in our opinion. Due to the unsatisfac? tory condition of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit this issue has fallen in price also. The word "stamped" means that the bonds have been guaranteed by the Brooklyn Heights Railroad. It is difficult to obtain any satisfactory in? formation refrardinp: the United States Light and Heat Corporation. There have been no recent earnings state? ments published. The preferred stock sells for about $1.50 a share. There is no activity in the issue. Cashing Foreign ?Coupons Question?Among the securities I re? ceived re'-ently through Inheritance wer? about 10.000 francs each In French 4a and Sf?. as well as several thousand dollars in Canadian Victory 4*4 per cent bonds. What would be your suggestion h? to cash? ing the coupons on the respective securi? ties, narnfd ? I have been holding those due at recent payment dates, and, of cours'-, am losing Interest thereby.?F. ?. W. Answer?In holding the coupons on foreign bonds you are speculating upon the course of foreign exchange. We do not know what foreign exchange will tlo. Everything depends upon the status of trade. If :swju are in need of the income you should cash your cou? pons as they come due. Woman's Holdings All Good Question?Win you please advise th? standing of the bond? listed? This money was Invested ont the advice of ;>. friend, j Five thousand dollars government oil Great Britain and Ireland ."?'?_ ?lue 1021; $1 i.i.OOO Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Joint ' per cjrit; 32,000 I.elligll Ya'!--.-, im year fi per rent, 32.000 Pennsylvania Rail roud general niortgat'e 4 Vi per cent. $ti,?.?00 Pennsylvania Railroad general mortgage 5 tier cent, S_,i>i?o Norfolk & Western con? vertible H per cent, $4.0??0 Anaconda Cop? per Company ter. year ?i per cent, $i;,noo Fnion Pacific t.?n-year tj per cent, 31.000 American ?smelting Company 5 per cent and 31,000 Consolidation Coal Company re? funding 5 per cent (listed Baltimore. Md.). All show a toss from price paid.?(Miss) O. L. C. Answer?Your bonds ?re all right, in our opinion. The* fact that they have sold off docs not 7iiean that there is cause for apprehension. All forms! of investments have had to conform to conditions caused by high money rates. Considers Selling His Liberty? Question?I have in mind selling about 3.1,000 Liberty bonds that I purchased at par and investing the proceeds in Ameri? can Smelting and Refining first 5 per cent bonds. lly object is to secure greater yield and at the same time have, a fair chance of enhancement that will corre? spond to the Liberty bond enhancement when the preaent light money situation improves. What do you think of American Smelting antl Refining first 5s a_? an invest? ment? My present holdings consist of STi.Of'O Liberty bonds. $1.000 United Slates Rubber 74s. 1930; $1,00?? ,\>w Tork Cen? tral 7 per cent, 1330: $1,000 French gov? ernment S per cent, not allotted as yet.? C. M. R. Answer?If the bond market improves materially we expect to see Liberty issues in the fore. If you switch from i Libertys to American Smelting 5 per cent you weaken your investment posi 1 tion, although the latter are well enough secured. If you figure on cn i hancement do not lose sight of the Liberty bonds. We prefer them to the others. The difference in yield, too, is slight. Your other bonds are all en? titled to good ratings. Seeks Bond of Highest Grade Question?I would like to purchase a $1.000 bond listed on the New York Ear change, first, a high grade bond that has no criticism and would pass through a general depression without a loss of In? terest or principal; second consideration. income. How about Dominion of Canada 5 V? per cent due 1529 or would you pre? fer fourth Liberty bond.'?A. S. Answer?The best bonds to purchase are the Liberty issues. After them one may consider such issues as Atch ison general 4 per cent, Rock Island. general 4 per cent, Union Pacific first i per cent, New York Central first 3*rx per cent, and other first mortgage rail? road issues. The Dominion of Canada bonds are safe, in our opinion. ? B. & O. Preferred Has Changed Question?Do you think Baltimore & Ohio preferred stock a good and safe in? vestment? Has the company always paid 4 per cent dividends on its preferred stock??P. F. L. Answer?Baltimore & Ohio has paid 4 per cent on its preferred stock since pridr to 1900. Until recently the stock has been entitled to a good investment rating. The railroad situation has f changed to such an extent that the I dividend on Baltimore & Ohio pre? ferred has not actually been earned for the last two years, although the government compensation more than I covered this amount. However, with ? increased rates now in effect the road | should show better results. The pre [ ferred stock is not entitled to a high ta'.ing, but perhaps it offers fair specu | lative investment opportunities. Investor Places Safety Fir8t Question?I have up to $1.000 that I I wish to place for investment purposes only. What is your opinion, "safety lirst," of the following bonds: New York Cen? tral 7s, American Telephone and Tele? graph 6s, Canadian Northern 5 Vi gold | note? and new French Republic 8 per cent sinking l'und bouda for such purposes?-? B. H. M. Answer?All the bonds you mention are very fair investments. With the exception of the French bonds, they are of short duration. If you desire a short term investment these issues should suffice. We regard the new French bonds as attractive. Four full columns of in E vestment questions and an | swers are published, in The Tribune every Sunday. Executor Trustee Chartered 1822 The Tanners1 Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Braitfh Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Paris Foreign Exchange Administrator Guardian Member Federal Betern System and Hew York (Hearing House ?-,. . .,, ?. _ ) Share.?. Open. High. ?A>m>. Last. $2000 A O TT 5?_ 70% 70% 70% 70% 10000 New River 5a. 79% 79% 79% 79% 5000 Swift 5a. 83% 83% 68% (3% 1000 Weatern Tel 5s 77% 77% 77% 77% ?Es dividends. Boston Curb Bid. Ask Bid. Ask. I,a Rose. .. .20 25 Majestic-10 15 Mex Metals. 30 35 Mid Mo??...? ?0 Monarch ... 6 I N I. A Z... 6 I New Baltic. 3 ? New Doug....10 17 Nixon.? 8 Rainier .... 1 1 % Svn Metals. 9 11 Sliver Reef.. 7 9 Ext... 30% Aria Extn. Ariz Silver. .1 4 16 Blk Hawk.. 30 40 Calaveras... 1 Ie Chief Con. . 3 % 'J ' Crown Rsv. .10 20 Crystal now.38 4! Denbigh .... 16 IS EaKle BB.2 1-15 L'% ivirtuna . . . ? 6 Cudsden .... 50 65 Horn? (>ii. . . 6 7 I run nions... 2'? 40 [Iron Cap... 6% 9 'Yukon. ... 1% 1% Chicago 1900 Armour Death 15% 15% 15% 15% 150 Arm & Co pf. 90% 01% 90% 91% 125 Cudahy . 89 69 68 68 25 Com Edison.-.101% 101% 101% 101% 60 Ulam'd Match.107 107 107 107 25 Oodchaux _ 50 60 60 60 100 Hart S ft Marx 75 75 75 75 30 Inland Steel.. 58 68 68 68 50 Llbby McNeil.. 12% l?% 12% 12'4 400 LIndaav Light 6 6 6 1 1200 Mont. Ward Co 81 81% 80 10% 45 Midwest Util... 18% 16% 16% 16% 100 Mitchell . 1? 16 li 16 215 Nat Leather.. 10% 10% 10% 10% 25 Pick . 39% 39% 39% 89% 25 Pub Service... 65 65 66 65 600 People? Gnu... 33 33% 38 S3 310 Reo Motors... 23% 23% 28% 23% 2S5 Hear? Roebuck.135 135 130 121 1800 Shaw . 86 86 83% 85 2700 Stewart Warn. 31% 31% 30% 30% 100 Sta t?a? A Elec 13 13 12 13 75 Swift Internat. 33 32 31% 81% 200 Swift ft Co....109 109 108% 108% 2000 Cnion Carbide 66% 65% 65 65% 200 fn Paper b'd.. SI 31 80% S0% 100 United Iron... 19% 19% 19% 19% 125 Western Knit.. 16 15 15 If 135 Wrigley ex div 73 74 73 74 Honda ?3000 C Cl Ry let 5a 62% 62% 82% 62% 3000 Chic Ry 1st 6s 60 60 60 60 20?0 So Side H_ 4%s 60 60 60 60 Detroit 100 Com Motors . . 8 8 8 8 1600 Cont Motora .. 8% 8% 8% 8% 300 Det Edison .. 97% 97% 98% ?7 200 Michigan Sug. 10% 10% 10% 10% 1900 Noble . 116 1.16 1.15 1.15 300 Packard . 15% 15% 16% 15% 100 Paige . 23% 23% 23% 23% 1100 Reo Motors .. 23% 23% 23% 23% Philadelphia 70 Amn Gas _ 33% 33% 83% 83% 112 Amn Stores .. 60% 51 50% 61 15 Buff & Sus Cor 70 70 70 70 30 do pTd . 45 45 44 44 702 Elec Storage .128% 130% 12?% 130 100 Lake Superior 11% 11% 11% 11% B27 Lehigh Nav .. 61'., ?1% 60 60% IT." Ins Co. of N A 28 28 28 28 65 Phi!a Co 6%. .-33 33 33 33 ?61 Phlla Elec ... 20% 20% 20% 20% 350Phll?.R T ... 14% 14% 14% 14% 400 Tono Belmont. 1 ? 1? 300 Tono Mining . 1% 1% 20 fn Traction . 24% 24% 24% 24% 217 Un Caa Imp . 35% 36 35% 35 Bonde 2M El ft P Tr 4s... 61% 61% 61% 61% I IM Phil El 1st 5s ..81 81 81 81 Pittsburgh ', Sales. Open. High. Lew. Last. 16 Am Roil Mills 60% 60% 60% 60% i U'?Am Win G M.110% 110% 110 110 210 Ark Gas . 11% 11% 11% 11% 4 Bank of Pitts.140 140 140 140 ! 100 Harnsdall Corp 41 41 41 41 SOCarby Hydo... 1% 1% 1 '? 1% 673 Carnegl- L ft _ 5% 6 6 6 600 Consol le? ... 3% 3% 3% 3% 6;>0Guffey Gill... 32% 32% 32'4 32% 50 Hablrshaw El 14% 14% 14% 14% 695 Indpt Brewing 2% 2 % 2 2 in do pf _. 8 8 8 8 130 Lone Stfr ?las 31% 31% 31 % 31% 750 Marland Rfg.. 4% 4% 4% 4% 92 Mira l.t & Ht 64% 54% 64% 54% 6'.?3 Nat Kreproof. ii % 6% 6'.? 6% 110 Ohio I'uel Sup 43% 4'i% 43% 49% 1.10 Pitts Brew pf 10 10 io 10 65 Pitts CohI pf. 85% 85% 85 85 I 2000 Pitts Mt Shasta ?',2 12 42 42 100 Pitts PI Glass.165 165 165 165 10 Transcont Oil. 1.', 13 13 13 , 35 Union Gas ... .120 120 120 120 335 Whouse A B.103 103 101% 102 j 50 Whoufie Elec. 47 47 47 47 Bonds $1000 Indpt Brewing 49 49 49 4). Toronto Bid. Asked Bid. Asie. A' 1 3 Lake Shore. I 1% Apex.? 2 Mclntyre... 1% 2 Atlas. 5 16 M Cp Can.. 1% 3% Bailey. 2 6 ?Newray. 2 7 Uvr Con ... % %'Ptarn Lake.10 15 Chmbr F.-rl. 3 0 Pon- Crown.15 25 Cuniagas- 1% 2% Pratn K D.. 1 3 Crowu Rsv..15 30 Tk Hugh?. 3 8 Dorre Lake. 2 6 ?Tmakmng .... % % Gold Reef... 1 4 ThmpKrst.. 2 6 Margraves...? 3 Vacuum G.. % % Holllnger .. 41? 6 %, West Dome. 3 7 Kco:a. % A' Montreal Bid Asked, Bid Asked Dom Glass 6 4 if Dom Steel 54% 4A>4 Dom Txtl.131% 1311 Lk Woods ? 15t L?rntd..Ltdll3% 114 MLM&PCn 80 ? Xtl Brew. 63% 64 Rrdn Pap.2i2 212% Shawn_n..l07% 108 SpnBvr pf.126% 126% dtl Co Can 66 ? m it Ah P ?- I do pf... - 90 At Sug R.133 128? Br T !. &?' 36% 38 Krmp Pap 77% 77?, C C & K pf ? 92 Can Cmnt. 61 61 '. ..lo pr... ??o Can St rush 60 60 ? do pf... ? 75 Dt U Ry..l03 104 Dom Bdg. S3 ? General Electric Acts On Employees' Stock j Proxies Sent to Stockholders to Vote on Quesllion of Issu? ing 500,000 Shares The General Electric Company 6ent i proxies to its stockholders Monday so 1 that they could vote on the question of | selling 50.000 shares or less to em? ployees of the company on the partial payment plan. In announcing the plan C. A. Coffin, board chairman of the company, said: "It is proposed that the subscription price shall be substantially the market ! price at the time the offer is made, payment for the Ehares to be made by ! periodical deductions from the payroll.! In order that all complexity and detail j shall as far as possible be avoided : there will be no allowance or adjust- ' ment for interest either on payments made or on unpaid balances, but upon completion of the subscription pay? ments the company will give a credit to the employee which shall represent approximately the net return had he beep an actual holder of the stock and had received the dividend? thereon ; from the date of his subscription. "It is proposed that an employee whose subscription is canceled because of illness, unemployment or other rea? son may receive back the money de? ducted "from his pay, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum." Steel & Tube Co. Earns $6.64 a Share for 8 Months The financial statement of the Steal & Tube Company of America for the eiK'ht months ended August 31, issued yesterday, shows net income, after chs-rges and Federal taxes, of $7, 266,1-14, equivalent, after preferred dividends, to $6.64 a share on the com? mon stock. Total income for the month of August amounts to $1,420,598, while the total income for the eight months is $9,869,128. Surplus for depreciation and ?ommon ?totk dividends for August ?hows $872,889 and for the ?Ma^weatto $?^?48, , .. ANDREW J. McCORMACK. Tyictleneer. REGULAR AUCTION SALE STOCKS ANT> BONUS By ADRIAN H. WIXER ft ?ON. OPFK'E. 55 WILLIAM STREET. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER t?U>. 19S0. at 12:30 o'clock, at the , EXCHANGE SAl.KSRi'OM, NOS. 14 AND 16 VESEY STREET. By Order of Executors: 360 aha. A. Schraeder'a Son, Incorpo? r?t ed. 25 cha. Bank of Washington Heights, N. Y. ?50 aha. Atlanti? Potaah Co. Prefd. For Account of Whom It May Concern; ? ?231.5? Evanaville, Indianapolis & Terr? Haute R'way Co. Stock Parte. Ctfe. $63,600 Bvanevllle A Indianapolis R. K. Co. Final Distribution Ct.* Uaued In Reorganization. 1153,000 Evanaville & Indianapolis R- R. Co. Ctfs. Reorganization Commit? tee In the matter of ?.uaranty on the 1at Mtge. & 1st Conoid. Mtge. Bonds of .??me >"o. 60 shs. NatloAal Wire Wheel Worl..*, Inc.. Common Ctf. of Dep 60 sha National Wire Wheel Works, Inc., Prefd. Ctf. of Dep. 60 ?ha. W. ?J. ?'ralg & Co., Ltd.. Prefd. $1?,000 Argentine Internal 5s, 1900. ?2,000 Argentine 6a. 1907. 1.00.000 Kroneti Vienna 4s. $11,000 Cnlte4 Railway Co. of St. Louis General 4% Bda, July. 1534. $1,800 North American Light & Power Co. lat Lien 6?? Rda.. 1937. 100 aha. McSherry Manufacturing Co. Common. 40 Wyoming Oil Syndicate Unit*. $10,000 Bond & Mortgage, made by Frank!?, (?ill to Benjamin H. Knowles. dated Deer. 18, lall, at 6"? paat due. covering 6 parcela lu Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; Pareil No. 1, west sido Eaat 49 th St., 117 ft. 6 In. aouth of Avenue N, 40xl??O feet; Parcel No. 2, west side of 49th St., 217 ft. ? In. aouth of Av?. N. 120x100 feet; Parcel No. 3, west aide of East 49th St.. 357 ft.. 6 In. aouth of Ave. N. 40x100 feet; Pare? I No. 4, west aide of East 49th 81 . 497 ft. 6 in. south of Ave. N. IbOx 100 ft.; Parcel No. 5, west aide of Eaat 49lh St., 100 feet aouth of Ave. O, 140x100 feet. DIVIDEND NOTICES_ GORHAM MANTFACTCRINC. COMPANY. The regular quarterly dividend of one and three-fourths per cent, (l^ft) on th? 7.0 Preferred Cumulative Voting Stock of the Company has been declared, payable October 1, 1920, to stockholders of record at the cloSe ot business September 25, 1920. and the regular quarterly dividend of one and one-half per cent. (14%) has been declared payable October 1. 1920, on such of the 67* Preferred Slock of this Company as has not been exchanged tor tho new issue of Preferred Stock ALFRED K. POTTER. Treasurer. Providence, R. I., September 23, 1920. OFFICE OF THE United Gas Improvement Co. N. W. Corner Broad and An h Street? Philadelphia, September *. 1920. The Directors have this day declared a quarterly d!vlden?l of two p??r <ent. (i\ per share) on the Commun Stock of thi? Company, payable October 15, 1970, tr, holders of Common Stock of record at the close of husmeas September u0. 15-10. Checks will be mailed. I. W. MORRIS, Treasurer. Curb Market Sales. (Continu?, from precedlni. page) CTpcn. High. Lo? v --i le 1.4 ? ;? 3700 Emma Silver. 4 4 4 1900 ?Eur Cr M Co. ,'? ."? .'?00 ?Fort y-nine M .? *i 22500 ?TGoM 7. Div. 41 42 3600 ?tOoldf Cons.. 9 9 'i 2300 ?t?7>ldf I-.v.. 6 6 260Hecla Minlmr. 44 4'i 300 ?Hon Am Syn 163a 16H 3700 ?-.Jim Butler.. 15 1? ?800 tJurnbo Ext.. II 11 2700 ?tKewanas ... Jt .1 4500 ?tKnox Dlv . . 9 94 1000 Louisiana Con 4 4 3700 ? + MarHh Min. 14 1?; 400 ?Moth Cop- 5% f."i 1000+Nabub Con.. 12 12 10 *N J Zinc_179 179 2500 Nlpissing Mln. 10 10 600 Ophir Sllv M. 13 13 1000 Prince Con. . . ;*? 95 00 Ray V Cop. . . 3 <?. 600O0 Rex Cone??!. . 9200 Roper-Gr M 13?0 8t t'rolx BilV 900 s?neea ?"op. . 2600*tSilV K Div. :: 4 350?. ?TSIlver Pick . 7,', boon +Stewart M:n. 1*1 400 Simon Sil Ld. 1 2 00 Stand Sil Ld. V? 2500 ??R.'-pr.r. Mm 4 2700 ?Suth Divide . . 3 23 00 ?TalapooBa Sil ,?_. ::50?Ton B<?!n.ont 1% 3500 ?Tonopah Div. 1-, :C0 Tonopah Ext. 1 \ 250?Tonopah Mm 1 a?. 3 220 Fn Eastern... :,-? 850'. ?tU S Con Min 7 700 Fnlty Gold M k 4 3200 ?tV?c D (a p) 8 4 2200 fWest End C. 1 f. 4500 tWh Caps M. 8 2000 + W C Ex l'a p) 1 4 2500Wllbert Min.. 4 Bonds Sales (000 omitted i. Open. $30 ?Al'd Pack-rs fis 57 1 ?Am T&T 6s '22. 9> 6 ?Anaconda fis... 914 5 ?An-A U ;?.. wi 59'.4 20'Armour 7? w ?. 96 235 ?Both S 7s '35 wi 94?4 2 'Bonne O 6s '21. 41 3 Mo 7??H . 61 6,?CCC*StL 6s '29 87 4 10"Con Text 7s w i 92 5 "Kenne Cop 7s.. 93 60 ?Mor ft Co "4s. 974 00 ?NY NH ft H 4s 73 ?fc 2 ?Ohio Gas 7a *2 " 1 ?Ohio C Gas '24. . 6 ?do 1925 . 96 6 *Reab Air L 6s.. 65 % 12 ?Southern Ry Cs 85 20 ?Tex C 7% note? 99 )0*Westn Elec 7a. 984 La' 40 <> 6 4 4 t-* 15?, 14 10 5% 12 179 94 12\ W? 4<? 12\ 14 14 1 t 1*_ _A ? 3 4 6 High. I_ow. 98 H ?34 G?rais n Internai Bonds Marks tooo omlt'd). <?pen. High, i/ow, 164 15 % 374 2S ?Berlin 4s. 154i 100 ?Coblen- 4s _ 17 4 15 ?Dresden 4s .... 1?>4 1?4 102 ?Hamburg 44s. 30'? 17 10 ?Leipzig 44e ..16 36 32 do 5s . 19 19 1 ?German Gov ?s 16 16 4 164 16 4 i?; 19 16 LB. et. 154 164 364 ?Unlisted. fSell cents per share. Equipment Bonds (Quoted on Income Neoie. Rat??. Bait Se Ohio.. 4 4 Bath Steel- 7 goat * Alb. ..4 4 uffaio. RAP 44-1 do. ? Canadian Nat. 7 Canadian Nor. 4 4-6-? Canadian Pao 4w do . ? C C C * St L. S *o. ? Ches * Ohio.. 44 Ch R I A Pac 44-? Chi h N W.. 44 C 8t L t N O I Del * Hudson 4 4 Brio . 44-S Frisco Cons. -- * 111 Central... 4 4-* Kan City So.. ? 1-ou.o ft Nasa * Kien Central.. ? do . * M8P ft SSM 44-* do . ? So. 7 H t Cent L.. 4 4 N Y Cent R It 4 4 do . 7 K Y C ft St fa 44 do .,. ? percentage Maturity. 1920-27 1921-'?0 1?2?-'2T 1921-32 l?21-'3? 1*36 1920-.2? 192u-'2? 1920-'32 3.21--2? 1821--27 1920-27 l?20-'27 1?20-'2J 1929-'X? 1923 19?0--J7 1821--23 l??t-'27 l*20--24 l?2?>-'23 I?21- 'S? 19?lO-'?-0 It?d.'it l?Sl-'30 1V21-:? 1920-'2I 1921--33 I921-'3S lV21-'3? 1)11 ?? Y f?Hftk 4 4 6? 1920.-3? 7 Norf ft West Nor Pacific . Too Wr Bap. Pennsylvania.. 4-4 \% Readln? Co... 4 4 Seaboard - Southern Pac. do. foutbern Ry.. Union Pacific. UbSob Tanlt.. VtrctetMi Ay 192t-'24 1031-'3O 19??- It 1920--2S mi-'i7 4 4-?-? 19?0-'?7 4M 1920-26 T m?-'st 44-* 1020-24 l?24-'3( me im*'%* Bid. $.00 7.64 7.60 7.60 7.76 7.20 ?60 7.64 ?:? 7.7? 7.54 7.7S 7.76 7. ?7 ?.26 ?.64 7.64 7.74 7.64 7.14 7.60 7.40 7.50 7.7? 7.60 7.27 7.16 7.74 r.?4 4.?7 7.W 7.00 T.H f.ii 8.25 T.M 7.04 (.44 7.00 JB a?.#4 Ask. 7.?? 7.44 7 04 ?Si 4.7? 7.04 7?S 7.44 4.74 7.4? 4.?? 4.74 T.24 4.7? 7.44 4.?4 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 4.71 4.7* 4.7* 7.44 7.44 7.44 7 04 7.09 7.09 7.44 4.7ft ?.?? ?.?* 4.7* 4 1? 4.7? ?71 7.64 4.74 4.14 7.44)