Newspaper Page Text
Where to Go to Church To-morrow BAPTIST CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH ?Tr?r 320 ST. * AMSTERDAM AVB. i?M et G00DCH1LD. D. D.. PASTOR. ?l__"T_e Disaster of An Uncertain W Faith" |_-aThe Chains We Wear" rALVARY BAPTIST flllRTH. ___*?Tth m . fr''- 6th ?n.l tth Ave?. __fjOHN ROACH STRATON. I>. I?. ?L'The >'???'? '?"? '<"? ? su'k World." ____.dii.vSrh....' ?ml Adult liible Classes ?r^vrhikt 1? 'h?" Proper Komi of Chrlallan Baptlflrn ?" _i(irir.:i.^ff of baptism will be adinln ?^ iturtni; the evening ?ervlce, ??"?/eryt-oav Is cordially Invited. _ Maison Avenue Baptist Church jlAJDISON AVE. AT 31ST .ST. George Caleb Moor, D. D., Minister EVERT SUNDAY. 11 AND S. fffTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH S W<W 4?>th Street. ..Pastor. Ret Corn..-? i us Woelfkln, D.D.. will preach at ?1 A. M. CHRISTI VN SCIENCE J?rvices are held in the following CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Branches of the Mother Church. Sundav?, 11 A. M and 8 P. M. W?idnesdays. S P. M. _?rtmreh??<'cntra! Park Writ _ 96th St. < riSiChorcli?Central Par? West and 68th \Su rhurch?C5'.*? St . just east of Park K S.,n5av? Il A. M. and 4:30 P.M. ??rt_ Church-lTSin St. * Ft. Waahi__ton ?fth Church--AeP'.iar. Hall. 34 W. ??*. St. Sh C_Srch-1935 Anthony Av.. Bronx BS^jChurch? 112th St.. cast ci LroaJ t_itfc ??hun-h--lv . .'????>.' . .tn St. ?__ ('huri-h-Park Avor? tait Church?163 ">v ???.,. f ?^renth Chun h- - "?- ??> itinh Church?And?i;o Ar. and 5?th St iridian Scienc -.x-iety ?__ayi H A. v.. Wednesday. * P. M. ?TRIO? RBADING ROOM, 2S W. 42d St. Jway. divV?l A. M 4.30 P. M __M_Church?103 !..?>>' . itn St. ?__ "church?Park Avenue Hotel. 4th Av. r:. Sttn-.h Church- r.iifcg?, Av...11 A M. L_?th Church -AnJ.-i -on _*llcrlaa. Park at and 5?th ?5t ttrtrtian Selene-? J?x;,ei>;-547 W. 146th St.. COMMIMTY CHI RCH TkeCOMMUNITY CHURCH ofN.Y. Services Resumed To-morrow. i? v?I.VRIC THEATRE, i 13 W. 42 St. JOHN HUNKS HOI.MKS. __e COLLAPSE OF THE (U1RC1I; ^CAN RELIGION BE SAVE!??" {Porum opens ? >. to! t-r 3 > CONGREGATIONAL. BROADWAY TABERNACLE BROADWAY AND J'TH STREET The Pastor. Dr. JEFFERSON, ???1 preach at 11 A. M. and i P. .M. ffdnexlay. 8 P. M.. Midweek ?Service DISCIPLES OF CHRIST?CHRISTIAN f SSJtian 142 West 81st St. V HI Kill 11 A. M.. Or. FINIS S. IDI.EMAN. Vesper Service, 7-8 P. M. DIVINE SCIENCE first Church of Divine Science Grand r>a!i Roorri, Waldorf-Astoria. Services resumed Oct. 3, I 1 a. m. IT, W. John Murray, Paator, preach-? "A Now Answer to un i ?'.'1 Christian." INTERDENOMINATIONAL Gospe! Tabernacle Church, S3 EIGHTH AYE. AT 44TH ST. Founder: Rev. A. B. Simpson. ETA". ELM_R B FITCH, ASST PASTOR REV. H. S. HALLMAN WILL PREACH Sunday mc .: xo ft evening ?er< ic?s u: SO :4?> ? 7:30. Spcc-.r,; .vr'.-.? Tueiday and .. JOHN ROACH STRATON Dr. JAMES PALMER Wtdr.eedav Evening. ANNUAL CONVENTION . , r,:~ THE Christian & Missionary Alliance, OCT -. Ti > 10. PROGRW.- -EX? CfN REQL'EST. Gospel Tabernacle Church ?5: Etthth A . ? i?, at 44'.h St. LITHERAN InrRCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY, ?Sth St. _ ?entrai P.irk Bent. R'v Paul K Scherer .'??a h. ? at 11 A M. |f?ii'. "LIMITING THE INFINITE." P.". A. ??.?irai?. D n. P_Kor. Bw?T * ??"I St M.rnin? _?rri'-e, 11 o'clock. Choreh of the _Io1t Trinity. ?_T? Street sn-t rentrai Tark vT>at. ??V?. Pa.: _. s ?..?? Pastor, at 11 A.M. I H?TUO_I>?T EPISCOPAL *T. PAULS M. E. CHURCH Mth Btrt?. and Weit End Ave. te. Raymond L. Forman, Minister, i; at. Forman pre?trhe? 8t ffr-X?s-B FORUM - The 8Kinc Row Tak.n. ne to All. ?&<m Avenue Church, 60th St. et. RALPH W, KOCKMAN, PtMtor. f_~;K;*Vr'? '??'?<? Fre.h." Thnf! ;-v va ,.? :.nd L?mite" *tx~??:"'?;-* '?????'? y^'h i^r.M.?Toung People'! Service. gUCE,T WEST 1?4TH ST. _!_?__' rreiert'k Browo YUrr.n. ll.nLirer ?5tt_]?..'>' " '*? "?* >'utur* " 7.4&? ^^~U?.i ? R?a: },??!,?? a:?'? Motion Picture?. _fi5?*_* SQI \RE, 4th Bt.. W. of ?m-I. !" ---?-? 'r'. Herinon 11; ^?J? Chor?? 7 30; Mr Turner. UI "/? '"? Moa? and .Mr. ?mtthey ?i. n Hin?, paator. ?MON fifi'RCH. 5? jfi - I ! '?'. < ?? lai ii Bt. **?_*,v ;r']i ? M PERSON -*~~:J[*?" ?-"> WW? Wiuwalon Club ] S??2f*W'* M ETHODI8T CHtKCII 4.5 i,""'1 *n'' ro!umbu? Avenu? ^k r''','! fi'1''''-- A'lu?' Bible C?a?? ? ^ W?!?a.. M&cMollen will BS_P_r_;'<:'TrMP?.?K. 14 St. * 7 Av. *Al_ !. W ' l*?r,Y, HI? . Mlnlater. "Jt-'-i./**" i',!''* '"?"' Ten4encle? ' ~__^'*v_i,,r?JS <._u?i!? o? Poverty." *** CHI R? h (????.?DbArrlAO) ?** _1EW Church lll??WWrr*.',,r",k *"'1 r/e?ln_t'.n Ave?. _B?__* ?F.'A?s K. ?MYTH, Pamtor. m___, Th" '?;."" -*"? preach, ?ubltct: C*?Wr Who Showed the Way* NEW THOt'OHT Jfc VW? "Falkner P.go rb*^,k',rB"' .'-i?"'">?>t -?><1 Lafay J?* thiehri??i??tF.?i:'t' **^__TH|>*1 ?">?>??. All Weioome. ttnnmi_ii i fRERHYTRRIAW CUCHtH. __v_f"_* _Hi ??*?? ?Hre?t. I .* H. EVAN??), ??. I>,, Part.... IH ?>r?_r-b ,, ,, A M tt|<u ? **???,7'*. *,it'''?";i ; -*--_. ."__!_'*''' '""? t?em "R?>l??kah " _GERS '???VTtlMSrT CHUflOK, t_. .. .._ 7M ^ I'RESKVTKRIAI? Fort Washington (Presbyterian) Broadway at 174 St. Rev. Joiin McNeill Pastor Will Preach At 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church fifth Avenu* and Tifty-flftj, Street. Ministers ' Rev. JAMES PALMER Ph D Rev, JOHN KEI.MA.Y, I. D ' Rer. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN I>. I)., mJJ r"',"-!"h "l n * M ?nd 4:30 P. M Mena ( lass ?t 10 A M. Dr. Palmer. ?At 4 P.. M . -Ort_ran Recital by ilarry (7-ilbert. BRICK CHURCH f Itth Avenu? and Thirty..?veuth Streat. _-_'n._ter*- . WILLIAM PIERSON MERRILL. ""*? : THEODORE AINSWORTH GREENE. Dr R. BRUCE TAYLOR. President of Queen's University, Kingston, untarlo, will preach at 11. NOONDAY RE15VICE dully (eicept Sat ) at 12 30. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fifth Avenue, lltli and 12th Sts. --. . I litt <",ro._TP Alexander, D. D. Ininiitert . Rev. Harry Krn.raon icmdlck. D. D. I Re?. TI?.ma? ijiiihrl? Speer?. 11 A M.?Dr. Foadlck. 8 P. M ?Mr. in???-!.?. fFNTRAI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. uc,n * r?-.rt.___ M.dl.on Avo. and 57th St. Rev. Dw.ghl Witherspoon Wyl?e, D. D., LL. D., 11 A. M.?REV. ,1. I>. Bt'RRELL. D. D. Subject: "WHAT COD WANTS." Wednesday, S ]'. m. ? Dovotionul Meeting. Presbyterian Church r?2r> wrst 155th St. Rev. John R. Mackay, I). 1'., LL. D., Pastor. 11 A. M, and S P. M., Or. Mackay "BROADWAY" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Broadway and lMth Street Rev. Walter Duncan I.nclianun. I>. D., Minister, will preach at 11 A. M. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rUUKltl Wc?t End Av.. 91st St. EDGAR WH1TAKER WORK. 1>. D.. Pastor 10:00 A. M.?Rev. Maurice S. White. fi 4 7, A. M.?Sunday School. \17T7CX ?TNir\ PRESBYTERIAN t?1!?31 E-LN-LJ Amst. An., cor. lOMIl, 1...V A. EDWIN KEIOWIN. D.D., Preaches 11?"Thinking God's Tlioughts Alter Him." ?.??'Sin With Its -Mask Off." 2d Presbyterian Church ??nVi6P'.ftw* ROBERT WATSON'. Minister. Services 11 A. M. and L' P. M. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL NORTH St.Bartholomew'sCliiiTch Park Avenue and 51st St. The Rev LEIGHTON PARKS, D. D., Rector. Special Summer Services S 30 A M . Holy Communion. Il A. M., Morning Prayer and Sermon Pr-_.ol.or. Rev. E. F. FERRIS. All Seats Free. ST. MARK'S IN-THE-BOUWERIE Tenth St . west of Second Ave. William .Norman Guthrle, Rector. e" A. M. - -The invine Liturgy and Com 11 A.' E?MORNING WORSHIP, and OPENING SERMON OF HIS TENTH YEAR, BY THE RECTOR. Night Services resume October " Afternoon Services ?esunie October 17. Crimty Cljurcl) Rev. WILLIAM T. MANNING, I). I)., Rector 7 nii.l 9?Holy Communion. ?0:30 -Morning Prayer. Holy Communion and Sermon (Rector). . ?0- Evensong. SEATS FREE. Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue uml 112th Street. S A . M I lo ! v ? 'ommunion. 6:30 A M.?Holv Communion (Spanish). 11 A. M IT aeher. Bishop Thomas of Wyoming. 4 P. M fr-aiher. Bishop Thomas. Daily Sei v). -s -7:P.O A. M. FIFTH AVENTE AND 53D ST. lier ERNEST M. STIRES, D. D.. Rector. R A .1 Holy Communion !'? Morning Servi-,- at.d Sermon ?Dr. 1/aihl. . V M J_.Ye_-.oiig an_l Address (Ur. Leach). <t r of tlje incarnation Madison Av? ,,i?.| 33th SI. Tii? Re* HOKAt K PERCY SILVER. Rector. 8 A.M Holy Communion ; l A.M - Morning Prayer Sermon (Rector) 4 P. M.-?Choral Evensong v> uh Address by Hi" Rector. Cfjap of t!)t incarnation J 40 East 31st St. Rev. <",aon* Farrand Taylor. Vicar. 8 A M . Holy Cirrrirnunion. 11 A. M.. Morning Prayer. Sermon by the Vicar. 8 P. M., Sermon by the Ylear. ST. JAMES' CHURCH Mai)l*oti Avenue and 7t?<t Street, ReT FRANK WABVIELD CROWDER, D D.. Rector k A- -M.iinry Communion U A_ }'r?yr & Sermon (Rector) 4 i'. M.l>*ri_._g 1' it Sermon (Re?. tJro. V Dickey) GRACE CICL'RCH. Broadway und loti? Street. Rev Charle- Lewis Slattcry, D. D., Rector, Ho!. Corn raun ion . 8 A. M. S-TTli? A Sermon lDr. Henry L?beck) ....11 A M. La'.?: Evensong I Re?. V I__ Bennett). 8 P. M. S nice, 12 30. Tuen.. Wed., Thuri . Frl. Cljurti) of tljc ?XraniifiBurtoatn 1 East ZDth St?DR. HOUOHTON, Rector. SERVICES: 7, 8, 10:30 (Sermon) ami 4. ????an recital. 4.30 l>. m. C. B. Clark. CALVARY CHURCH ^?M1" Rev. Th?..?-,<lr>re Scdfwick, D. It.. Rector. Services 8. 11 and 8. Preacher: Rev. Raymond S. Brown. Church of Zion and St. Timothy 33? Wr?t 57th Street. Rfv. Frederick liurfrx?, Jr.. II. D., Hector 8, II (Rector) and 8 (Rector). "COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY st Paul? chapel Services 4 P. M. \ Preacher, Rev Raymonde Knox ? Chaplain Holy Apofttftr??trt.t Ave., '.'8th St. Rev I.uriu? A Bdelbl?ter, Rector.' Service? s A M - 1! A M and 8 P. M. Rector preaches. CMCKCI. OF THE HOLY COMMUNION, 30th Mtrcet and SUth Avenue. SERVICES 8 ami 11 A. M and NOON. HPIHITt'ALIHT Proofs of Spirit CommunicatioB (1) The ability of the "so-callid" Dead to nceijrateiy remind um through human me-llumahlp of Incidents in their pant life. (I) The ablliry of the psychic mind to diagnose dln-as? without.lnformatlon from the afflicted ?? to their Ailments. C?) The ability of ti*> medium to de scribe the physical appearance of thn de? parted with th'-lr peculiar charaeterlstlcs whilst on this side of life. The .New York Spiritual A Psychical Re search Society, of 142 Wejt 130th Street. d?,ly invite? press ?nd publie to Join in thn illaeusslon of the?,, vital questions, and In troduc?? MARIA VELE/, Cubas famous medium, to assist In Its investigation?. !_*':> ?jres *.\?ry Sunday. % P. M, at 1SI West l?tih Streut, by Kits W. Mottley, Psychic Investigator, and other?. Ques? tion? answered. Admission 2S cents. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH JIM. Ka?* Utth St., near M Av. EVERY SUNDAY AT I P. M. wnin or ruMM tzuvtOT.? Koran? or pkhmm _i?*ts_i f* %>swM?. M a m.. at 211 aiSITttii *%.. _#AO *m**\ ***\ XI* ?********** **,.* artoHiru. ^?tmmuuuuwimrmummm?n1 i iu .? ? mm^mmmutmo REFORM EI) Collegiate Church of New York THE MIDDLE CIU'HCH. 20 Ave. an.I 7: li St. ReT. Edgar Franklin Romig. Minister. Rev. Joseph II. Duryee, D. D.. will preach at 11 A. M. and S P. M. THE MARBLE CHCHCB, 5th A?", and 29th St., Rev. David James Burrell, D. D.. Minister. Dr. Daniel A. f'oling will preach. 11 A. M.?"The Man Who Knows." 8 P. M ?"The ?.neat Committal." THE CIHIICH OF ST. NICHOLAS, 5th Ave. and 48th St. Rev. Malcolm James MacLeod. D. D., MlnUtsr. Rev. i'harlcB R. Brown. )_>. D., of New Haven, Conn., will preach. 11 A M.?"la th.? Church a Spent For? ?" 8 P. M.?"The Leader In a Day of Social Rebuilding." THJE WEST END CHURCH, Weil Lnd Ave. and 77th Street. Rev. Henry Everlson Cobb, D. D . Minister. will preach al 11 A. M. | Sub : "Breaking the Heart of the World." THE FORT WASHINGTON CHCRCH, Furt Washington Ave. and 181st St. Ail Sects Free. Rev. Irvine. H Berg, D. D. Minister. Rev. MALCOLM JAMES MacLEOD, D. D. _will preach al 11 A. M. REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM, Lenox Avenue an.i 12_d Street. Rev. Edgar Tilton. Jr.. D. D.. Minister, will preach a? J 1 A. M. and 8 P. M. HAMILTON GRANGE. Convent ft 140th Rev. Arthur Frederick M a bon. Minister .Services. 11 A. M. &. 8 P. M. I NITARIAN KU guillo FOURTH AVEVI7B AT 20TH STREET. Founded 1819 Dr. WILLIAM L. SFLLIVAX. Minister. 11 A. M ?Union service of Unitarian Churches of New York, with sermon by the Rev. CHARLES F. POTTER, Minister _,f the Wostside Church, on "JONAH." Last of :--...-ies on "MODERN MESSAGES FROM THE OLD TESTAM ENT." Sunday. October oil. regular services at ALL soils will bo resumed bv the Rev. Dr. SULLIVAN. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. UNITARIAN PREACHING. Church of the Saviour, Brooklyn, JUNE C, 11 A. M. REV. JOHN II. LATHROP. Pierrepont St. ami Monroe PI. Four minutes Borough Hall ?ubway. THE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF N. Y. ?See Heading "Community Church.") UNIVERSALIST Central Park West & 76? St. "JOSEPH FORT NEWTOKD.D. MINI-TER Will Preach Sunday Morning. II o'clock "FAITH AND REACTION." QUARTETTE. Visitors Welcome. OTHER SERVICES A. A. Linisay, M. D., Psychologist, "Thought Effects or Power of image" M0R0SC0 THEATRE 45th St.. W. of B'wa SUNDAY, 8 P M. SEATS FREE (Collection) Most marvelous, i: tense lectures, scientiii? an.! revealing laws an formulas for use , soul, mind and bod powers. Author of 'New Ps> chology ? omplet? " -, ton other books'. Also lecturing Hot? Sundav s. ;: P. M . CARRI E. S. MARKWELL ill conduct Tice? in I.n.-th0 BALLROOM. A P. M. : also Thursday eve., at _ ?clock.-m th? COLONIAL ROOM, HOTEL M'ALPIN, Rroadway and 34th St. Audible treatment will be given. CHINATOWN ^Sv^l SOCIETJ irntre. STREET Wide awake O.osoel Service, Nightly 10 P.M. Thorn?! J. Noonan. ?superintendant. The Inion Seminary. Service in the Chapel. ( "laremotit Ave? nue, between 1 L' o t h and l 22u Streets, at 1! o'clock. Preacher -tin? Reverend Professor IllC-fl BLACK, IV I y Dr. Frank Crane ?"??.ens Season of Hlg Meetings Sun lay, 3 .30 Bronx Y. M. ?'. A., 470 E 161st St. LEGAL NOTICES II.-RT, COI'NTY SUPREME COI.RT, COI'NTY OF NEW YORK. r? '-|i; - In i? No 9711.. Year 1917. The Greenwich Savings Rank, plain? tiff, against Clara N. Kuribe and others, de? fendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure an I ?ale, 't.'i'.y made and enieK'il .n the above entitled actioc. ai|d bearing .late ihe 9th day of March, 1S18, I, the undersigned, th" ref? eree m said judgment named, will sel! a' ? public auction, at the Exchange Salesroom, No 14-1? v h.i>)( Street. In the, Borough of M.inha'tai-,. City of Nevv York, on the 8th day of October, 1920. at*! 2 o'clock noon en that day, by Jacob H Mayers, au-'tioneer, the premises directed by ?aid judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows. All that rertaln 'ot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and impt ovements thereon eiwted, situate, lying and hoitiR in th" Horougb. of Manhattan, City, County and S'a-? "f New York, and bounded an J de? is. ; I bed as tollows : Beginning at a point on th? southerly side ?? of On?- Hundred and Thirty-seventh Street dictant fruir hundred and eighty-nine" feet l westerly from the r-ornet- forme.1 bv the in I tersectlon of the southerly side of One Hnn : dreri and Thlity-seventh Street with the west? erly side of Seventh Avenue; thence running i southerly, and parallel with Seventh Avenue land part of th" distance through a party ! wall, ninety-nine feet eleven Ira ties to the .centre line >t the block: Then.-o westerly, along said rentre line of the block and paral ? iel witn One Hundred and Thirty-seventh ? Street, eighteen feet ; northerly, and ? again patallel v?ith said Seventh Avenue an i ? part of th-s distance through another party i wall, ninety-nine feet eleven Inches to 'he southerly fide of One HufTdred a?'. Thirty ' seventh Street; an I thence easterly, along I said southerly side of One Hundred and Thlr '. ty-seventh BUcet, eighteen f<-et to the point . or place of beginning, be saJd several dls : tances and dimensions mor? or less; being now known as number Two Hundred and I Forty-six C.'4'.i West Ono Hundred and ? Thirty-seventh Btreet. In said borough. Dated New York, September 8, 1920. KMANl'EL? ji. COHEN. Refere?. 1 MIDDLEHROOK & BORLAND, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ! 46 Cedar Street, Manhattan, New York City. The following Is a diagram of the property 'to be sold; its street number is 246 West i L"7th Street: t37i* STREET (?' I 489' ?a l ...4ft?l.-r _>: < >*- t?. The approximate amount of the lien or charge, to ?satisfy which the above .les. ril,,--! property lo tie sold I? eleven thousand six hundred thirty-one and 02-100 dollars ?$ll, ?S711 02), with Interest thereon from ?be 2.M day of February, I91S. less the sum of J7t.S - 31 paid on ai?ount of said interest, together, wiih the <os's and allowance amounting to' three hundred forty and 34-100 dollars <$340 34l, with interest from March. 9. 1918, to? gether with th? expenses of the sale Th? approximate ?mount of the taxes, assess? ments and wr.ter rates, or other liens, which : are to be allowed to the purchaser out of th? purchase money, or paid by ihe referee, ha twenty dollars (120) and Interest. La'.ed New York. September S, 1920. EMANL'EL Ii. COHEN, Referee. div?dencTnotices <_B_EKNE CANANEA COPPER CO. 42 Broadway. New York, N. Y. The Board >.f Directors of th?; Oreen? Cananea Copper i"r,rnpatiy has declared .a dividen?! of !.0 cents per share upon its Capital Stock of the par value of $100.00 per share, payable on November 22, 1920. ! to the holders of such ?harea of record at the ?lose of business at 3:00 o'clock p in. Friday. November 6. 1?20. The dividend is payable only upon the $100.00 share? into whl?h the Capital Stock Is divided. All ?stockholder? who have not converted their holdings into shares of $100 00 par value should do so without delay in order that they may receive their dividend promptly. The tiansfer book? will n?d be closed J. W. ALLEN, Treasurer. New York, September 23, 1920. <'i._u_?ll<!_tlcf! Textil? Corporation. Notice is tiet'by glvnn that a Quarterly dividen?! of seventy-fly?, cents per share, payable on October 1920, In stock? holder? of record at 3 I?, M. on October Bih. 1920. has been declared by the D"?rd of Director? of Consolidated Testlle Cor? poration on It? issued and outstanding Cotton Is Weaker As Selling Grows On Trade Reports Most of the More Active Po? sitions Reach New Low Ground; Spot is Cent Off in Quiet Trading The failure of better news from the British labor situation t?. bring in for? eign trade buying and reports of con? tinued pressure of offerings from the ' South led to a further sharp decline in the cotton r.'.aiket yesterday. Most of the mere active positions made r.ew low ground for the season, wit December contracts selling off to 23.80 and closing at 2:!.95. The gen? eral list closed steady at net ad ?. vanee of 7 points on. July, which has been Pulling at a big discoupr.t, but 15 to 90 points lower on the other months. October was relatively easy owing to reports that spots were sell? ing on c tenderable basis in the 1 Southwest, and closed at 25.95, tiiu . price- of the day I The market opened steady at a de? cline of 20 points t<? an advance of 30 points, with near months easy under I over night selling oulers, while later deliveries felt the influence of the bet 1 ter English news. According to one of ; the private cables, the dispute in the : coal rade was considered almost as ' rviod as settled, and there was con ! siderable covering here right after th? j call. It was noted, however, that Liver? pool had shown no great strength, while houses with foreign connec? tions sold more around the local ring ? than they bought, and the market soon weakened under a renewal of more or : less general pressure. Thfre an i other rally during the middle of the : day, which may havt been promoted by the forecast for showers in the east? ern belt, increase<( exports and taik of a better tone in the Kail River ? goods market. Advances of 30 to 40 ! points from the low level met in ! creased offerings, however, and the ' market eased off again, breaking into now low ground during the afternoon. Reports that cotton mills at L'tica had cut prices on sheetings and yarns ei. .hasized the general tendency 'toward a reduction in commodity prices, and the idea appeared to be that the necessity for cutting prices to move ^oods would be iikely to weaken the resistance of Southern spot holders. Th t spot cotton was pressing on some of the markets w.-.s also suggested by reports received during the rftiy. and Southern spot quotations otticially received showed a sharp decline, ranging from 50 to 400 points lower. The Houston market, for instance, was 125 points lower at 25.T5 'it middling and the middling price at Forth Worth broke through the 25 cent level. The decline of 4 cents a rmund was in the previously nominal :':e.ration' nt St. Louis. The local market for rpot cotton '.v.-.s quiet and ^0 points lower at 28.50 V>r middling; no rales were reported. The range of pries follows Thursday's Open. High. Low. rinse. close. ??'; . . !??; S". 25.93 _fi..5 . 2G.00 2(1.S? _ov . . . - - - J4 ?:. if,- ? 25.05 Dec ... 2 4 HO 'J ? 0." 23.HO 2:: 95. 24 03 24.47. Ian ... 2!.2.". 2'..17 23.12 23.HO? 23.40 23.65 Feh . . ? - 2..'<7',j ? 23.40 Mil' 23.25 27. 7.7 1.2.75 22.84 ?? 22.90 23.20 Apr ...- .- ? 22.60(g ? ? 2 2. S 5 May . . . 22.75 22 55 22.30 22.35??-22 '.5 July.'. .' _!._:. 22.20 21 72 2L72{. 22.75 2! ..;;. Sou! hern Spot Markets - Or 1 veston ouirt. '."'j points lt_jjer a; 25.75c, aales 2,0j(i .bales. Nf?w Orleans .ulc't, 50 lower nl 2<V??0~c. sales S04 l?ales. Mobile nominal, 150 lower .?t 27e sales nil. Savannah quiet 50 !ow.r at 27.50; sales 314 hales. Norfolk iiuiet, 50 I..wer a : 2S.50c; sales 52 hales ?\ueusta i]Uiet, 62 lower a; 27.25'; Bales :..;n baies Memphis nominal. 50 lower ai 20.50c; 500 bales. Houston quiet. 125 lower at 25.Toe; sales 16.77! bales. Pallas steady, 50 lower at 24.95c; sales 11.357 bales. Cotton Statistics Tester- Last Last ?lay. week. \ ear !'??" receipt.?. 42,675 12.04!? ?_,t?7.'l Kxports .1,5,994 13,771 1 1,604 Exports season.... 1 ;4r.,47 1 206,.2!) 681 J4?> New York stocks. . 25,391 24,081 90.144 Port stocks."SU.403 756,895 821,848 Interior receipts.... 18,761 15.421 l1- '.'?;, lot -iLo- shipments.. 14.868 12.827 Jl.':o>l New York arrivals.. 47 7 ?? 1,53 9 Liverpool fables?Spot cotton 'lull at 18 points decline; middling upland. 21 35d Sales. 2.000 bales. American, 1.000 bales. Kxports. 1.000 bales, nene American. 1'u tuns opened easy at 12 to 25 points de clin. . clo-'sd quiet at a net advance of I point to a decline if 13 points. October. 18.88(1; December, IS.33d; January. lS.OOd: M.,:-.h. 17 55.1. May. 17.20.1. Manches?.. Yarns dull and Irregular, cloths quiet. Cottonseed Oil The market was only moderately ac!l\.> and prices were irregular. The near posi? tions were stead.'', owing to small offers, arid nt the close prices were unchanged to 3 points higher. The late position shared the weakness in other commodities, how? ever, and declined 10 to 15 points under ?scattered selling. Total sales for the day were S.300 barrels. The lange cf prices follows: Thursday's Open, lllirh. Low. Close. close. Spot... - ? - 13.70?tl ? 13 SO Sept... 13.90 14.00 13.90 12.SO?f 14.00 13.SO Oct.... 13.74 13.80 13.74 13.79 . 1 3 m) I3.7?? Nov.. 13.45 13.50 13.45 13.40(3; 13.50 13.5?) Pec... 13.35 13.35 13.30 13.30@13.33 13.40 .Ian. .. J3.-I0 13.40 13.31 13.32 Tg.'13.34 13 15 Feb... --13.32. 13.40 13.45 March. 13.42 13.45 13.42 I2.45??-13.57 April.. 13.55 13.56 13.52 13.4.". _ 13.53 13.60 Rate and Refined Sugar Markets Much Easier Year Current prices, ago. Sugar, gran., lb.14.25?- ? l'r.t?-e. Klo, No. 7. S (a - 16 > _ Coffee, Santos. No. 7.22%? 23% 25_ Both the raw and refined sugar mar? kets have taken on a decidedly easier UB-dertone, although neither market was quotably changed at the close yesterday. A local refiner bought some Porto Ricos at 10.76c c. i. f., and Cubas at 9%c c. ?fr. f., but further free offer? ings at the close were unplaced. DIVIDEND NOTICES niVIDKNI? NOTKK AMERICAS THERMOS BOTTLE COM? PANY. DIVIDENDS NOP". 19 .?- 20 At a meeting of the Hoard of Direr-..: ? held September 23, 1!'20. dividend pay? ments were placed upon a regular quarter? ly basis of $2.00 per share, 8 . per annum, ? and ?i dividend uf $2.00 per share, j.a ? ' able Oetober 1st. 1920, to all shareholders of re. . rd at the close of business Septem? ber 27th. 1920, lias been declared. An extra stork dividend of $20 00 ?,,.r share, payable In ''lass "B" shares of the Company from the ?'ompany'a surplus, has been declared, payable January :'rd 1T)2!. to shareholders of record at the close of business December 2eih, 1920. Transfer books will be closed from Sep tember 27th. 1920, to October 1st, 1920. and from Decembei 20th, r.'20. io Jan? uary 3rd. 1921 PATRICK FRANCIS MI'KI'IIV Treasurer. International Agricultural Corporation New York. September ; 7, 1920 Th? Board of Dire, tors nf i be interna-I tlonnl Agricultural Corporation has this day declared a quarterly divider*! ol one and one-quarter il'?. . per cent orl \\?, }.re. ferred Stock of the corporation, payable October 1!.. 1920, to Stockholder* of record nt the close ?if business September 30, 1920. Tee transfer books will pot !?. closed. JOHN J. WATSON, Jit, Treasurer. SURROGATES' NOTICES PECK. REBECCA U?IN PURSPANCU of an order of Hon. John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New Tork, NOTICE 18 HERBBT OlVEN to ail per? sons having; claims against REBECCA O. PECK, lats of ?he County of New Tork, deceased, to present th? same with vouch? ers thereof t.> the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, _t ths office of Putney, Twombly & Putney, their ?( ? torneys, at 2 Rector Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, In ths City of New Tork, Btate of New Tork, on or before the 3s day of November, 1920. Dated, New York. April 30. J9J6. FRANCIS W PBOIC. IRENE D. laUDLUM, Btsoutora, PlITNET. TWOMBLT * PUTNET. At? torney? for K.rcutfiRn, office St. Post* ?IBc? Addresa. % Bjbto. Street. Bon %& an** et Mu-U?Uu. Hen JaMXam Refined sugar was dull, and there vas said to be less export inquiry here and also a falling off in domestic de? mand Sugar brokers quite freely ex? pressed the opinion that the coming week would possibly witness easier market conditions. Sugar Future??-Th? sugar futures mir ?nr? t ??nchang...d to a decline of S In. '"' . workp<- on*, closing at net. ?rfrt ,i? Io to "5 Points. IVal! Street sold er? h'' "'"r" also Indications that hrok rh ii ' uban connections w"r- also on ine selling side, due to the weakness In aciua sugar. Trading from ?lav to day has ?y.1 "mlt"d and without outside interests in ? hr. market. The range of prices follow,: Thursday's , Open. High. Low. Close. Close. ?.nr .- - - 9.30? 9.50 9.51 J. ?????9.40 9.40 9.35 9.35? 9.40 9.7.3 9.4 3 9 4f> 9.35 9 3 5 ?g1 9. 4 0 9 5 3 940 9.40 9.30 9 27^9.33 9.43 8.99 8.93 8.90 8.90?i8.91 903 Dec... Jan. _^br.--? ? 8:75@8.S0 9.00 Api Ma S.75 it * SO -S.g0(g!8.S5 9.00 9 00 9.00 8.Solas.90 9.03 Coffee Futures? Yesterday's coffee mir .et was Inactive. Sellers hesitated to fol . apcllnps further and then? was only a scattered demand, some of it being attrib? ut?-.! to covering ami some to feuvlng for new long account, but as awhole the trad? ing was without much character. ?'all prices wer,- m lf) ?0 pr)?nts iow.?r with pressure In th.? 0?-tober delivery which sold ! ?-ff to ,.20 and tlr-n rallied to 7.36. De I ? ember sol<l to 7.7a ftmi up tQ 7 ??5 w?tri March opening at 8.32 and then working Coffee, on Its far-?, looks cheap, as- It has R.'iie back to a pre-war basis, but financial : conditions, coupled with local trade distur? bances, have worked against values. Firm offers from Santos were a little highr?r yes terday, but business In the cost and freight market has been quiet. The local spot coffee market was un? changed with the demand rather dull again. Contracts on the exchange closed 7 points net lower to 1 ppint net ad? vance. The range of prices follows: Thursday's . Open. High. Low. Close. close. Sept...-7 20 if 7.35 7.30 Oct... 7 20 7.3S 7.20 7.33'<i 7.40 7.40, Nov...- 7.58? 7.60 7 '?0 : Dec... 7.70 7.<5 7 70 7.S?ll 7.85 7.S3' Jan... -- - 8.014? sni SOI. Feb...-?-8.19@ 8.21 8.19! Mar... S.32 8.42 8.32 8.37.' 8.39 8.36 Apr... - - - 8.48? X.50 8.48. May... 8.66 8 66 8 66 8 60.? 8.61 8.61. June... ?? - - 8.69a. 8.70 8.69! July...- 8.78? 8.79 8.77 | Aug. .-S.SI*. 8.83 S.50 Livestock, Meats, Prorision? Yesterday. Year ago. Live beef, fair to prime. 100 lbs.$11.00? 17.00 $12 00<f? 15.00 Dressed beef sides, lb.17? .29 .17? .25 Live veal, com? mon to psime, 100 lbs. 14.0nif21.90 18.00?25 00 D : e s s ?. d veal, . Ity, lb.22? .33 .26? .35 Live ewes, 100 lbs. 3.25 3 7.50 4.00? 7 50 Dressed mutton. Live lambs, fair to prime, 100 lbs. 13.00ftl5.50 12.50015.25 Dressed lamb s, City, lb.25? .32 .19? .25 Hogs. 100 lbs... 18.00 '_' 1 .00 18.00?1S.50 Dressed hogs. bacon, lb . .. .25H??.25!m .24 .?.25?? Mess pork, bbls. 31.00fi32.0o 49.00^50.00 Mess beef, bbls. l'J.004. 22.00 23.00 _. 26.00 Lai... Middle West. 100 lbs. 20.501.20.60 26.10?26.20 TRAVEL TRAVEL UP THE HUDSON SUNDAY Highland falls NEWBURCH BEACON $1.25 round P0UGHKEEPS1E and $1.60 return " Palatial Steamer 33 RESTAURANT LUNCH ROOM Special Music by Mooney Le Maire's Famous Rroudway Orchestra. This delightful 100-mile ?ail give? you an opportunity lo enjoy the fine?! ri-el> scenery in ihe world. Visit Washington'? headquarters or Downing Park, is Ncwburgh, or ride up famous Ml. Beacon, "Nature's Grand Stand. Leave SI'NDATS-Franklin St., 9 A M ; West 129!h St., 9 30 A M. Rain or shine CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Eiidson River DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY "Washington Irvine," "Hrnilricb Hud? son," "liohert Fulton," "Albiuiy." "De Witt Clinton" in Service May, 1921. Direct Rail Connections. AlJ through rali tickets New York and Albany a ? cepted. M usi? . Uestaurant. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Steamer |e,.vps daily. IncludinR Sunday, neshro?s*s S: . 8 40 A M . West 42d St., '> r.O A. M.. West 129th St . 9.20 A M . .nnKers. :? 50 A. M.. landing ;.? ?Bear Mountain, .West Point (week ilays only), ? Niivburirli H'nu??hk?-|i.<iH, Kin. stun Pom-, I'atsklll, Unison and Albany. tl?eturn steamer su::..- day from : inta marked !. Ideal one-tiny outings. Telephone Canul 930A. RIVER X>?*brt__?s St, P1*_, N?*w Yor_. Specliil (rip. on Suturday, Sept.m b-i _r?111. and Sundavs, Sept, 26, Ovi ?i 17. lenvnm' 1 Si . !?: I'.? A. M . Wesi 42d St . 1? 00 A. M \\ esl 129th St . 10 20 A. M : Yonk'-r 10 . ? A. M i'.:- loir Mountain. N-v bu .:li. Piiichkeepste and return t. \S esl 121 St. A Wonderful Sunday Trip and sail up thr; beautiful Hudson to Deacon. Highland Falls ??< _>r_ und Newburgh, Hound Trip. _>i>t?.w) Str. NEWBURGH Von nniv bave ni ou' Ihres hours nt tire top ? r .Mt lien on, 12'."? ft. above the Hudson., with Its manv attractions. ?,.. as?n ?? m Iti ai on ad ??ike the thrill? ing rid? .i, the in. line railway and enjoy the marvelous scenery. L'ave Franklin SI., rain or shin-, Sundays, 9 A. M ; W. 129th, 9:30 A. M CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Eastern Steamship Lines, In?. METROPOLITAN UNE All the way by water m CAPE COD CANAL Bts*mers leave Pier 18, North River, ft. ?f Murray St. PHONE BARCLAY ?000. Daily at 5 P. M. (Daylight Time) T'LI New York-Albany-Troy Pier 31, N. It . at L I....s.-.- .-? ? I' M : W. I32d Si . 6:_< P.M. I?ir i! :.. oiinectrons .ii Albany to all points in.rth. '-as', and west. Daylight Savin? I'll.;. Plioio' Canal 0000. Kxpress I relght Service. Autos Carried. * Hudson Navigation Company Fall River Line To BOSTON From 1'ier 14. N. K.. Fulton'St., ,.::(0 p. \|. Daylight Saving Time. NEW KKDFORD LINE. Mrs. Iv Pier 40, N It llousti n St . daily sx. Sun., il P. M. NEU LONDON (NORWICH LINK). Str. Ivs !':? 40. N K . Houston S? . ?k davsonlv, 6: 10 P. M. I.v. Pr. 70. B, lt., 22d St.. .? p M. ?ST? ?Tereester. $4.!>-L Providence direct, HTATF.llOOMS, $1.0?, ?LUS, $2.1(1. Dally. Including Sunday, S:2?J X'. il. (Day? light Saving Time.) _r?? Pter It. E. R. Phons JT00 H*__?i?. Tickets at Pier or Consolidated OOssa. ??TnE be pleased" COLONIAL UNE BOSTON ByBoit and Ra:; PROVIDENCE Boat Direct ALL OIT'IDK Sl'ATESOOllS I Bout Lewes Pier .10, North Kl?er (foot West Houston ht.;. Daily * Hunda* at _:__ V. tkU, UftyU*ht ??.i? Time. ; . 'Jobeas t?o?og Ws% _._ ?JM? AFTERNOON S ?IL j TO-DAY, SEPT. 25 ?Comfortabl.- Sir IIOMKK EAMSDEI.l. leaves franklin St . 1 I\ M.. W. 129 St . !:!."> I*. M? for West I'oint, Nevvburgh, 1'oughkeepsie, Kingston Music. Restau? rant Sir NEWBCKOII leaves New burgh 'J r. M ; VVo-.t i'oint, 7 I'. M , for return to N? w Yot k ?Also Str. rOI'OHKKEPSIE ?.?avec, Franklin St.. 2:30 I'. M., W 1S9 st . H:L-i V. M? for Highland Falls. West l'oint. Newburgh, Poughkecpsie. Kings ? Roth f=t?-a tners off. SLID round trip. Including ::.I only i.n t his date < I.NTK \l. Ill DSON LINK RESORTS NEW ENGLAN1? Tour New England 4? MOTOR OVKR Mill. 151 II.T ROAD? WAYS, Hit! A IHK TONIC AIR. VIEW EVER CIIANOIN?i S( ENES. SEE SI MMKICS (.REEN Tl'KN TO All TVMX'S SCARLET AND ??OLD. EN? JOY NEW IN*. LAM) AT ITS BEST. AM? AFTER THE DAYS RUM tll'AINT WAYSIDE INNS, MODERN CITY HOTELS OK I AMOl S RESORTS AWAIT YOC. ?.end for fl*a lilustrited TV?d Map in "New England Tottrs" published bv the NEW ENGLAND HOTF.L ASSOCIATION. comprising over two hundred .. f the Lest hotels and resurta. WILLIAM M. KI UP,ALL, ?e^retxry. Draysr Dote:. Northampton, il?_?__ tilt It NEW FM.LAND I! tels Vor' I: .id Map address' WM IvI.MHALL S? ? . N E llol'-l Ass'n, Diaper Hot. :, N. ithampton, Mass. ATLANTIC CITY |TRAYMO?.ATLAiinccrn1 j l^H^'S GREATEST HOTEL SU0C.PSS1 VTLANTIC CITY. N". .1. Unsurpassed tor healthful lies; and Recreation. SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. THE BREAKERS ?",.,!;? SI'RINO LAKE BEACH, N. J. Special rates for Sept, Surf bathing, goif. tennis, riding. Open until Oct. 2. NEW YORK STATE SILTON FARM. Lake Waccabuc, N. Y ? Several looms vacant, moden Improve? ments, during October. Most beautiful part of Westchester County, hear Wac? cabuc Lake; autumn foliage perfect. Tele phono South rialem r,:r. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets and Rags STILLTNGS, INC.. 124 MADISON AVE., (7.9th st.) offers 800 yards pain Copen? hagen? biur. Wilton carpet, also taupes, browns, grays. greens, woody colors islightly used) $1. J2, S3, $4 var-l up. RL'GS in Royal French Wilton, Domestic, light and dark bin??, bisque colors and tans in plain, fan.-v- ,-in?l Arabian patterns, all dusted and washed like rn-vv; elegant rugs, carpets for home or office, all sizes. all prices. ?15, f',5. $83. $110 up: few fine Oriental ruits, making over, craning, lay? ing, repairing, dyeing, reasonable, reliable. beautiful. F LAZA 8325. Diamonds, Jewelry, etc. DIAMONDS bought and sold for rash from individuals or estates, BENNETT? 177, F.roadway. 2 1 floor. Furnitur? WE FAY hlgnest prices for furniture. p.anos, rinlii.|ues, bric-a-brac, books, art, etc. UA1IA?. si University PI. Stuy? Hl'lHEST prices paid for furniture. Bri, lo:" Linens at ,r>'.2 Columbus Ave. Srn Tel. Kchuyler 8311. Trunks Hic, BARGAI?I? New and used wardrobt trunks. 606 Sixth ave. bet. 30th-3l?t St. FOR SALE FOR SALE?Will assign lease seven-room apt . also sell furniture, furnishing, at co:?l Apt 35, 5S7 W-st 124trh St. SURROGATES' NOTICES MuSS, FRANK.?IN PURSUANCE OF AN order of Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Sun sat.- of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all person? hav ing claims against Frank Moas, late of ths County "f New York, deceased, to present Ihe same with vouchers thereof to the sub- j scrlber, at her place of transacting bust- I ness. at Ihe office, of Moss. Marcus & Wels, her attorneys, at No. 23.1 Broadway, in ths City of New York, on or before the 16th da v of January next. Dated. New YorK, the 2nd day o? JolT, 1920 ELIZABETH J. MOSS. Esecutrls. MOSS, MARCUS * WELS. 233 Broad? way. New York City. PUBLIC NOTICES 1 v M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANT dobta by any one except my ?el? irosa, Ul* Sett. j_l?jr of ^?ptember, 1920? CJumSr UiniXhSXo ?Business Opportunities |? V __ 1 Help Wanted ?tost and Eonnd ?A/ _* ??? ?_k _4 ?_. Bitnatioas Wanted BiMtnew Carta ?7 alii ?TlUd Rooms and Boarder? LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS Lost Bankbooks LOST.?Bankbook No. 609,212, The Green? wich Savings Bank, 240 and 24S Sixth av., N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. .41.015. The Green? wich Savings Bank. 246 and 24S Sixth av., N. T. City. Payment stopped. Pleas? return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Sid? HOTEL BELMORE 25TH ST. AND LEXINGTON AV. (north-! east corner)?Single rooms. $150; double rooms, $2.50: rooms with bath. $3 per day' ?nd up; by the w.ek. .t and up. HOTEL HAMPTON 122D STREET AND THIRD AV?. SELECT HOTEL for GENTLEMEN ONLT Newly furnished single and doubls rooms, electricity, steam heat, bath In? cluded. Rooms $1, ?1.50 and up. Special j rut"s by the week. HOTEL ELTON Corner 4th av. and 26th St.; a new bach-I ?tors' residential hotel; rooms, |8 ; with ? private bath, $12. Excellent restaurant qn premises. MADISON AV., 745 ? Furnished. unfur? nished rooms with bath. Lewis, I'laza 3 211. 31ST ST. (near Fourth av.)?Large outsHe room, newly decorated and furnlshea: private family; strictly first class. Tele phone Mad. Sq. 52S1. 85TH. 11? BAST?Splendid accommoda? tions; one large room adjoining bath. 89TH ST. 115 EAST?Parlor, bedroom, connected; running hot and cold water; 1, 2 gentlemen. Lenox 5?i52. O'Nell. West Side EXCEPTIONAL room for business p?opl?. continuous hot water; $1D-$15. .54 St Nicholas av. ( lDSth st. ?. 5'.",T11 ST.?Two connecting rooms: running water, elevator: reference. Circle :;"_'!. S5TH ST.. 330 W -Excellent accommoda? tions: suite, gentlemen; refined home; elevator apartment. 70T1I ST.. 135 W.?Select house; first class accommodations to refined party ; single, doubl., room, bath, suites, maid services. lO?TH. 301 WEST?Two excellent rooms; prefer business gentlemen. Academy 4105. 117TII. 365 W. ?Well furnished large rooms, suitable 2; $8 up. phone; all conveniences. 121ST 420 WEST?Large double, single. Apply directly, McKinnon, Apartm-nt 4. 121ST ST.. 277t W. -Nicely furnished front parlor; suitable for two gentlemen: eiec tricltv; all conveniences; reasonable McC.rath. 142D, ?4S W. Large, well furnished; suit? able 2 gentlemen; also single room. 144TH, 550 \v 2 w.-ll furnished rooms, with kitchenette; suitably gentlemen. Sherman, Aid 1. 17 I) (2S5S Sth av.)?Two adjoining well furnished rooms with privat" family: $s. on.? block to eleva?.-d station. Jackson?. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic CHA.MRERMA1D and waitress; white; com? petent. Lest references. Apply 890 Park PI . Brook vn. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER - English speaking. Two ?n familv. Mrs. Franklin P. Adams, 612 West. 112th st. GENERAL housoworker. n"at. capable whit- girl pl-iin rooking. Scandinavian preferred Apply .'S'i Garfleld Pia; phone South 3163 Brooklyn NURSE -A middle-aged woman to take .ai" of baby 1 ". months old; sleep In; other help le pi $35 month, ?all 422 La? fayette Av . B'klyn Phone *_'??" Prospect. WANTED i'ool< and useful chambermaid; experienced; Protestant preferred. Perma? nent place; i-ountry , near city; refined CI risi an , middle age.l, if efficient, de-d re. I Unces $7Q-$60 Write Box 67. Ce laih list. I . us Island Miscellaneous BURROUGHS Operators nrc placed immediately in goM paying positions after completing our spe? cial three weeks .ourse of Instruction on BURROUGHS CALCULATING AND it? i? ?KKEEPIN?. M v. HINES th.? second review. The variation is due to difference in rWieai work. Free classes conducted in Typewriting. Stenography and Dlctarhom? Operating. Apply In Person between 9 and 4"0 o'clock Room 5033, Metropolitan Building 1 Madison Ave (at 23rd St.), New York City. CLERKS?For general clerical work, in clr- , ? ular mailing department of n large pun- , llr-hing house; no experience required, grad- ' '. uate from public school necessary. Apply American Book Co, 100 Washington Square 17a st. ! CLERK, woman over 35 preferred; per- I manent. position; pleasant surroundings. Auditor Bradstreet, 246 Broadway. CC)LLIER'S WEEKLY 425 WEST 13TH ST. Girls, grammar school graduates, us stencil proofreaders, stencil assorters, clerical work, lunchroom In building; 1 o'clock Saturdav : bldg. 2. 3d floor. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START $S5 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS RAPID PROMOTION STEADY WORK POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY AT MANHATTAN 1.58 BROA O WAT, CORNER 27TH ST. 105 BROADWAY. CORNER DET ST. BRONX 670 EAST 160TH ST. BROOKLYN ti WILLOUOHBT ST., 1S36 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE OFFICIAI-, NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY SALESWOMEN \RT EMBROIDERY, ! HENRY HESSE. 19!) STH AV.. 24TH-I !5TH 8T8-. OUDEST AND LARGEST i YARN HOUSE. REQUIRES SALES? WOMEN FOB THEJ JlRX E._dBB01X>EA? pEPABTMi&NT, ???vw?_?-.j HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous GIRL for stockroom work.. Rie? A H?ch? ster, 8 7 Fifth Ave. STENOGRAPHER. also general oftics worker: Christian beginner preferred. Jurenty ?&- Cornells. 655 West 36th St. WOMEN 21-35 YEARS OF AGB FOR NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P. M. to 7.-00 A. M. Opportunities to earn $90.00 to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two weeks when assigned to night hours. $15.00 a week during in? struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Higher salaries for mor? responsible positions. If interested call at 115S Broadway, New York City (Cor. 27th St.) or telephone Madison Square Official NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY rOCNG WOMEN?A fading downtown establishment has an opening for several young women as sales persons, salary $14 a week to start; opportunity for advancement ; congenial isurroundlnRs. D 20. Tribuns. HELP WANTED MALE ARTIST: commercial; want a high class man to lake charge of art department. he tnusi be exceptionally capable in ban din?; j.-n und ink. nu other? need apply: we want a good man and wj are willing to pay the right price for a talented, level headed artist; submit samples and (five full details concerning yourself and past experience, with references, alt sarn '.'?? will be returned; expect to personally .?.;e ? ,. \v applicants whose work interests lac k.-sheri Advertising Con.panv. i.kla :, ?:??;, City. < >kl.i. HANK MESSENGER wanted, unusual op? portunity for capable and ambitious vnung man about 17 years old. Applv In own handwriting. P.O. Box 120 . BINDERY HILL CLERIC, one familiar with binding records and shipping; bright and active young man: Christian. Charles Frnncjs Press Co.. 4'U Eighth aw. BOYS for light messenger duty; $[2 per week to start; hours 8:30 a. in. to 5 p. m. or 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; chance for advancement. Room 312, 154 Nassau St. HOYS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Good Hours. Salary t.. start .12 Opportunft? for Rapid Ad\ancement I,urn he,,iis Served Free Apply In Person between '? and 4 tn i ? ni-|< Room f?03 . Metropolitan Building 1 Madison \ venue (at 22d Stnsretj N-w York City. BOY WANTED -Ahoul 17; with inrr?f-, ambition good health and clean habl's Applv American ''an Co.. 147 West 14th St . and ask f.>r Mr. White BOY WANTED for fashion Illustrating studio. Wright Co, 229 4th Ase. i.t h Ave. il'I'li'E BOY. grammar (school graduate, mt'-d !.. ,\ Christian concern >. en lid opportunity for a i\juh\cp mem. A p i ?? ?? ?? ng giving particulars as t<> :? a ii. i'.lmiii I.m. -aiarv. ? tc. Gen E M.. ? n Inn orting Co., Inc . 30 East . il f. . . < w Yoi 7 City. OFFICE BOY Large corporation; gnod opportune for advancement. Aud tor B; ad: r r>, ' c; Broadway. (.?.'?'FICE BOYS (2), Christians; good op pmrurriiv for advancement; ?alary J15. B . B. ?. . 10 I riion S.|ujr-, Dl'FICB BOV, freight forwarding and eX. pon liuslnefis. Call a:?v morning, Room 517, 103 Park av., s l?. ?FFICE BOY; old-osfablished firm: refer? ences r'-riuired; good future. Room 604, 00 Oth avc. OFFICE DOY -..anted National Explor, tion Company, room 70<>. f.22 Dth Ave. STENOGRAPHER ? Young man, offi-s work; high ;-.)io.,i graduate preferred; good futur. Apply by letter only, stat? ing ?C-. sa lary. Ptrehl Otena Co . 2n0 5th a v. YOUNG BOY, in ornee o? wholesale dry goods house, permanent. Address in own handwriting. D 44. Tribune, downtown. Instruction LEARN TO RE A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleasant and pr...itabl? work ; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and visitor ? West Sido ?. M. C. A.. 306 West pass. ?7th St. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE General Houseworkers, Et?, Hop. EKBEPBR desires position, notai: Octbber 1st; capable. Address I*, It Gatos ave., Brooklyn. y Nones. Etc NURSE?Toung lady of refinement desire? position in doctor's office: Christian only: si* vears' experiences; highest of refer? ences. Apartment 5-B, 2305 University av. Waitresses WAITRESS?Young; efficient; excellent references; city. Miss Shaughnessy a Apen v. 860 Sixth av. Professions! LADY, sailing for Germany In October. u shea to give services Irr -x.-hange for fa-' Ooverness, 24 W. l:;oth ft. Miscellaneous GOVERNESS- College graduate wants po? sition. N. Y. City, as governe??: common branches French, music. 42* King av.. Columbus, r>hlo. ? =i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR?Dane, t?, married, wishes position with private family, city; goo.t mechanic, careful driver, neat, obliging. i lty reference?. H. Jensen, 431 E. 74th. JAPANESE domestic help by professional workers. 10? Wast 46th at. Bryant 7717-???*. SECRETARY-COMPANION, adaptable. In? dustrious m ta available; would travel. Secretary. 14S4 3d Ave. STEWARD?Ex-service navy chef, steward wishes position as steward, chief cook or assistant manager on steamship or In hotel ; can furnish Al references Address O. T.. caro Bresett, 199 Hast 68th. TOl'N'O MAN (23) wants position In largo commercial house: two years' business experience. I, ?;45. Tribune._ AUCTIO?N SALES MORTGAGE SALE?^Restaurant fixturea M. So\a. auctioneer, by ordar of n?prt ?agti-e. Mils ?o-day, Saturday. Sept. 2b* ,3? sw am a? 620 Madia* a ave, X. X. O?