Newspaper Page Text
ADVERTISING ing an ?Copyright, 19X0. New York Tribun? lac ?AbVEimsn? Steamship Companies, Ship? ping Agents, Addresses and Telephone Numbers Americas Lice 0 B'way. n. y. Bowling Greets 9230. American Star Line 25 Beaver St., N. Y. Broad 833-834. Atlantic Fruit Co. ?1 Broadway, N. T. Bowling t.reen 7080. Atlantic Transport Line 0 B'way. N. Y. Bowling Oreen 9280. Baltic S. S. Corp. of America Woo-worth Bid*., N. T. Barclay 5410. Baltimore Oceanic S. S. Co. C. T>. Mallory & Co., Inc.. Agent?, 11 Broadway. N. Y. Bowling Oreen 5550-5551. .. _ 1221-3 Munsey Bldg.. -Baltimore, Md. Ht. Paul 4461-2. B ?-'timor? Steamship Co., Inc. t* Broadway. N. Y. Broad 399. ?tarrlrn? Bldg.. Baltimore. Md. St. Taul 3325-6-7-8-9. Barber S. S. Line, Inc. 17 Battery VI. N. Y. Whitehall 1S00, Black Diamond S. S. Corp. 67 Exchange PI., N. Y. Rector 2617-2618. Booth Line "Tooth American Shipping Corp. 17 Battery Place, N. Y. Whitehall 730. R-.1? & Co., A. H., Agent? 17 Battery Fi., N. Y. WhltehaU 1372. Caribbean Line 1ft Bridge St., N. Y. B'ling On. 10064. Clyde Steamship Company Pier 36 N. R? N. Y. ?Spring 8800. Clyde Steamship Company (Kuporel Lines) Pier 44. N. K., N. Y. Spring 8300. Di Giorgio & Co. Pier 7. E. R? N. Y. Bowl. Green 2870. Elweli Lines Jas. W. El well ft Co.. Inc.. 17 State St.. N. Y. Bowling Green 7660. Export Transportation Co. (Oriole Steamship Lines) ?0 West St., N. Y. 4695 Rector. Stewart Bldg., Baltimore, Md. St. Paul 6561. France & Canada S. S. Corp. 120 Broadway, N. Y. Rector 6300. French-American Line, Inc. 18 Broadway, N. Y. Broad 1522. General Navigation Co. 18 Broadway, N. Y. Broad 7421. Globe Line Gaston, William? a Wlgmoro S. S. Corp., 02 Broad St.. N. Y. Broad 6574. Grace Line W. R. Grace a Co., Agents. 10 Han? over S<_., N. Y. Bowling Green 4630. Harris, Magill & Co., Inc. Dixie Lines 85 So. William St., N. Y. Broad 4035. Hasler Brothers Produce Exchange Bldg., N. Y. 5500 Bowling Green. Hodston & Co., R. P. 17 Battery PI.. N. Y. Whitehall 1390. I. F. C. Lines International Freighting Corp. 170 B'way, N. Y. Cortlandt 7720. I_a.fa_.ette Bldg.. Phlla.. Pa. Lombard 3633-3634. International Mercantile Marine American Line White Star Une Atlantic Transport Line Red Star Line Leyland Line I-oril Line White Star Dominion Line. 9-11 Broadway. 9230 Bowling Green. S27 So. La Salle St.. Chicago. Lamport & Holt Line 42 Broadway. N. Y. Broad MSI. Leyland Line 9 B'way. N. Y. Bowling Green 923?. Lind Navigation Co. 17 Battery PL^N. Y. Whitehall 1488. Lloyd Royal Beige 141 Broadway. N. Y. Rc-tor 6208-9-10. Lord Line 9 B'way, N. Y. Bowling Green 9230. Lackenbach S. S. Lines 44 Whitehall St.. N. Y. Bowling Green 9200 Mallory Steamship Company Pier 3?. N. K., N. Y. M00 Spring. Moore & McCormack Co., lac Commercial Baltic Line. < Commercial Kuropean Line. Commercial India Line. Commercial South American Line. Commercial West Indian Line. ? Broadway. N. Y. Bowling Green (2885) Mnnson S. S. Line 83 Bearer St., N. Y. Hanorer 512". National Shipping Corp. . 25 Broad St., N. Y. Broad 3112. N. Y. & Cuba Mail S. S. Co. (Ward Line) Foot Wall St., N. Y. John 4600. North & South Line P. Kleppe A Co.. Inc., 11 Broadway. N. Y. Bowling Green 6130-4. Norwegian America Line Norwegian America Line Ag'ey, Inc. 8 Bridge St., N. Y. B'llag Gn. 5570. Oriental Navigation Co. 39 Broadway, N. Y. Whitehall 780. Oriole Steamship Lines (Export Transportation Co.) 90 West St.. N. Y. 4695 Rector. Stewart Bldg., Baltimore, Md. St. Paul 6561. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 10 Hanover Square, N. Y. Bowling Green 4630. Panama Line 24 State St., N, T. Bowling Green 5380. Providence Atlantic Line ?f.ilmarttn & Co., Managing Agent? 77 Broad St., N. Y. Broad 6491 15 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Quebec S. S. Co. 34 Whitehall St., N. Y? B'ling G'n 7800 R. Lawrence Smith, Inc. 17 Battery I'l.. N. Y. Whitehall 844. Red D Line Blisf?. Dallett & Co., Gen. Mgrs. 82 Wall St., N. Y. Hanover 10072. Red Star Line 9 B'way, N. Y. Bowling Green 9230. Richard Steamship Lines C. B. Richard ft Co., Arts., 29 B'way, N. Y. WhltehaU 500, Ext. 10. Sanderson & Son The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. The Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Ellerman's Wilson Line. Ellerman's Phoenix Line. American Mediterranean Levant Lia? 26 Broadway, N. Y. Broad 2360. Seager Line Scatter Steamship Co.? Inc. 25 Beaver St., N. Y. Broad 1369 .? 1S7S. Southern Pacific Company "Morgan Line" 105 B'way. N. Y. Cortlandt 4100. Standard S. S. Co., Inc 2 Stone St.. N. Y. Bowling Green 7273-4-5. American Bldg., Baltimore, Md. St. Paul 8371-2-3. States Marine & Commercial Co. 17 Battery PL, N. Y. Whitehall 433. S. 0. Stray Steamship Corp. 11 Broadway, N. Y. Bowling Green 8790. Steele Steamship Line 50 Broad St., N. V., Broad 7397 Tracy Steamship Co., Inc. 17 State St., N. Y. Bowling Green 7688 Transportes Mar?timos Do Estado Roderick a Rumsey, Agents. 8-10 Bridge St., N. Y. Bowling t.reen 5646. United American Lines Incorporated 39 Bway, N. Y.. Whitehall 1030. U. S. Mail Steamship Co., Inc. Passenger Offices: 45 Broadway, N. Y. Whitehall 1200. Freight Offices: 120 Broadway, N. Y. Rector 6300. United States Transport Co., Inc. 60 Broad St.. N. Y. Broad 2782. United Transportation Co. 17 Battery PL. N. Y. WhltehaU 850. Ward Line (N. Y. and Cuba Mail S. S. Co.) Foot Ball St., N. Y. John 4600. Waterhouse & Co., Frank 149 B'way. N. Y. Cortlandt 2315. West Coast Line Wessel, Du val & Co. 15-23 Broad St.. N. Y. Broad 6280. White Star Dominion Line 9 B'way, N. Y. Bowling Green 9230. White Star Line 9 B'way, N. Y. Bowling Green 9230. Whitney & Co., J. F., 10 Bridge St., N. Y. Bowl. G'n 5440. Winchester Lines Produce Exchange, N. Y. Bowling Green 4950. Important Points of the Guide Ports of Destination are listed alphabetically under Europe. South America, Africa, China, ?etc Under Ports of Destination there follows a list of Ports ol Departure. Under each Port of Departure ships are listed in the order of their sailing dates. . The Steamship Companies operating the listed ships are given above, with address<es and telephone numbers. Key to Type of Ship (PF)?Passengers and Freight (F)-Fw?ghi ???y * ?!f l?f?r^*?.eonewain? Th? Trumao Sh?pp?ag "i/Su? J*^ **?*??? Ship Ad*trt_Wng Depart m?at, 3000 Bookman. A repr?sentatif wffl bo glad to (sau opon fs?ucot. Europe Algk?, Bee iiesTem. BtosalUe* AaStardca ein B4rtter?la>Js Aatwaip Prom New York Beat, M?YAKA (F) Black Diamond 8 8 Cor? S*t<tS? LAPLAND (PF) Red Htar ?Ins Oo?V ??FINLAND (PK> Red ?leg Una ?Oat. 9? ZKELAND (PF-R) Bad Htar lAne Oat. .??ZIRKEL ?F) Black Diamond H. ?S. Oi> Ost. tl?0TOB_t KINO <F> Blatk Dlamoud S. 8. Carp. Fro? Ba?t?mo.s Me?*, ta?FOLTB?U8 (F) BUok tdamona 8 8 Oor. ?es 9?ZI. KBI, <F> Black Diamond S. 0. Car?. Oet. ??BAST INDIAN <F) Rad Star Lisa Os* lO-gTORM KINO (F) ' Black Biamsnd 8 8 Cary Os*. t8?$HV??NCI8LH (F) Red Star i???a Fro? Boston oet. a?maar i.vdian <f) Bed 0Mr Una. Oet. ??WB?T WAL'NBKB <F> Rsd Ktur Lin? From Philadelphia Oet. 8--WBI4T CHKROW (F) Red !5ter Lins Oct. ta?VICTORIOUS <P> Red ?tar Lina '.'mm (?ata ?atoo %^t&a^e??e&> Europe (Cont'naed) Aatwcip (Continued) From New Or 1er. ns Sept. 2S?BL'ROONDIER <_>) Lloyd Royal Ilslgs Antwerp. Ghent Prom G arresto n ?apt, SS?RED MOUNTAIN IV) titee)? S. t?. Ltti* Antwerp, Rotterdam From Baltimore ?Oct. ??OT1IO (Fi Orl?la 8 8 Lins Oot. 20?A STEAMER (F) Oriol? t?. ?.. Mua Sew. ??JAMES OTIS (F) Oriole 8. 8. Lino Avonmontb, Glasgow From Baltimore 8spMt5?MONMOUTH (F) Baltlmor? H. H. Ce., lee. ??t. f?QL'INNIPIAC (F) Baltimore H. B. Co.. Ina. Oet. T?N1CD8K U<> Baltlmor? a 0. Co.. Iaa. Ort. Il?BAST CtlICAOO (F) Daltlmora H. H. Co., Ina. Oet. tO- ALLIKH <. ) Ualtlmore H. 8- Co.. Inc. Azores, Gibraltar, fyaples, Genoa From New York get. M?CANOriC (FF) White Star Um Msre. tw?ra?ftlO t?rtri White StarMis Europe (Continued) Barcelona, Genoa I Also nee Valencia, Genen From Baltimore ! Loading?LAKH GIRARDBAU (F) Baltimore oceanic S. S. Co. i Oct. -CLAVARACK (F) Baltimore Oceanic 8. S. Co. Nor. ? COEUR D'ALENE (F) Baltimore. Oceanic S. S. Co. Not. ?IRVINGTON (F) _ Baltimore Oceanic Sr S. Co. Barcelona, Marseilles, Genoa From New York Sept. 25?LAKE EL PUEBLO (F) Richard Line? B#ist, Dublin i Alho nee Cork Prom Baltimore ! Sept. 80?LORD DOWNSHIRB (F) Lord Line i Bergen, Christiania, Copenhagen, Stockholm Also ne? TrondhJem. Christiania From New York Oct. Jr-MT. VBRNON BRIDGE (F. Moore ?fc McCormack Co., Inc. Bergen, Christiania, Copenhagen, Skein From New York Oct. t?MAS8ICK <F) Seager Lin? Oct. ??MAROUS (F) Seager Line Oct. 0?INDIANA BRIDGE (F) Seagup-r LtYie Oct. 16?TOLEDO BRIDGE (F) ..eager Line Bilbao, See Canary Island! Black Sea Ports, see rimeaa, Constantinople Bordeaux From New York Oct. 8?CANNONIER (F) ' Lloyd Royal Beige Bordeaux, Dunkirk, Havre From New Orleans Sept. 25?WERTLAND (F) Steele S. S. Lui? Sept. 26?TRIPP (F) Steels S. S. Lin? Boulogne, See Queenstown Bremen From New Orleans Sept. 85?PEBKSKILL (F) Steel? S. 8. Line Sept. 2*?TRIPP(F) Steel? S. 8. Line Bremen, Danzig aim> see Bamburg From New York Sepl. 25?SUSQUEHANNA (PF) U. S. Mail ?teamshlp Co., Inc. Nor. 17?SUSQUEHANNA (PF) U. S. Mail Steamship Co., Ine. Bristol Also see Hull From New York Oct. 1?LAKE ELSAH (F) Winchester l.ines From Norfolk Sept. 25?LAKE FURNAS (F) Harris Maf.Ul g' Co., Inc. ! Oct. 80?PAWT?CKET (F) ? Harris, Magill & Co, Inc. Canary Islands, Lisbon, Vigo, Gijon, Santander, Bilbao From New York Oct. 5?SUW.IED (F) Ward Line Christiania, Chrisriansand, Bergen Also bee Uelsingfors, TrondhJem, Bergen From New York , Sept. ?THORDIS <F) Norwegian-America Line Sept. ?ROM8DALSF.IORD (F) Norwcgian-Amorica Line Oct. 8?BERGENSFJORD (PF) Norwegian-America Line ? Christiansand,See TrondhJem, Christiania Constantinople Also see Plraeos From New York ; Oct. 15? .TACONA (F> Oriental Navigation Co. Constantinople, Black Sea Ports From N>w York ! Loading?WEST BAGINAW (F) Bull &. Co., Agents ! BecelYtng?POLAR bear (F) e Bull &? Co., Agenta Copenhagen, See Helstngfor?. Bergen Cork, Dublin, Belfast | From New York Loading?LAKE GROGAN (F> Mnorn <S- Mi-Corniack (.'o., Inc. Oct. 10?MILWAUKEE BRIDGE <F) Moore a.- McCormack Co., Inc. Oct. SO?CASTLE POINT (F) Moore & McCormack Co., Inc. < Danzig Also see Bremen From New York Sept. ?NEW ROCHELLE (F) International Freighting Corp. Sept. ?MERCURY (F) International Freighting Corp. Oct. ??GOTHLAND ( F) American Line : Not. 20?GOTHLAND (F) American Line Danzig, Riga, Reval From New York Sept. 30?WHEELING MOLD (F) | Richard Lines Dublin, See Bel fust, Cork Dunkirk, See Bremen French Atlantic Ports From Philadelphia Sept. 25?CASPER (F) International Freighting Corp. Sept. SO?SALVATION LASS (F) International Freighting Corp. 0ct_ 5?CITY OF F.VIRBURY j International Freighting Corp. : Cet. 10?NEDMAC (F) International Freighting Corp. | i _"___*_?.?_ Also see Atores, Barcelona and UenOa Marseille? | From New Orleans Oct. 85?WESTERN ALLY (F) Standard S. S. Co. Genoa, Leghorn From New Orleana Oct. 80?WESTERN ALLY (F. I i Standard S. S. Co. Not. ?A STEAMER (F) ! Standard S. ?i. Co. | Genoa, Naples, Algiers From Philadelphia i Oct. S?JOHN INGLIS (F) Clyde 8. 8. Co.. Raporel Lines ' Genoa, Naples, Barcelona From Baltimore Oct. ?COLDWATER (F) , Baltimore Oceanic 8. S. C??. From Norfolk K?V. ??COLDWATER (F) Baltimore Oceanlo 8. 8. Co. Ghent, *?*? Antwerp Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelona, Marseilles Also ?ee Alores From New York Sept 25?BELVIDBRB (F) Blwell Lines ! Oct. 15?DALLAS (F) El well Line?. Oct. 80?CHETOPA (F) Elwell Line? Gijon, See Canary Island? GlaSgOW Also ?ee Aronmonth, Bristol I From New York ! Sept. 85?WAMPUM (F) American Line I Oct. 2?EASTERN SEA (F) American Line Oct. 1??WEST NOHNO (F) American Lino From Baltimore Oct. IS?PALISADES (F) Baltimore S. S. Co.. Inc. Not. 10?ABSAROKA (F) Baltimore 8.,8. Co., Inc. From Philadelphia ; Oct. 8?WAMPUM (F) American Lin? ! ?Oct. 15?BASTERN SEA (F) ? American Line ?Oct. 28?WEST NOHNO (F) American Line K?t. 6?GALAHAD (F) American Line ! Gothenburg, Malmo, Stockholm From New York Sept. 88?ASABETH <F. Seater Lin? Sept. 80? PLOW CITY (F) Seager Un? Oct. *? VINCENNES BRIDGE (F> ?eager Lin* Hamburg From New York Sept. ta?WELSHMAN (F) American Ltn? Burnt. SO? METTE JEN8BN (F)? United American Lint?. Ina. Oct. ??HARRT LUCKENBACH <*> Lucltenbach Linea ?Oct. 9?MT8TIC (F)? -. . ? United America? Line?, Ine. Oct. ??MICHIGAN (F) American Line Oct. 14? BBURRPLBIN (F) United American Line?. Ine. Oct. 80-?WALTBR A. LUCKBNBACH (F) Luckent-BCi. Linea Oct. 21?ORKGONIAN (F)? Unlt.->| American Line?, ino. Oct. SI?MANCHURIA (PF R) American Lino Oct. e*-?AMERlCAJN (F)* United Araerfca? Linee, Ja* Europe (Confirmed) j HambuTf (Contlmned) From Baltimore Sapt. 28?WEST CELERON (F) American Lina , ? Oct. ??EAST INDIAN (F) American Line From Philadelphia 1 Sept. 28?IRISHMAN (F-R)? American Lino ! Oct. 16?A STEAMER IF) American Line I Oct. 30?WESTERN STAR (F) American Line I ?Accepts cargo at Hamburg for Scandl I navlan and. Baltic ports. From Boston ?'Oct. 2?EAST INDIAN* (F) i American Line Oct. ??WELSHMAN (F) American Ltne | Oct. 2ft?DEFIANCE (F) American Line From New Orleans ? Sept. ta?PEEKSK.II.Ii (F) 1 Steele a. ?. Line Sept. 27?TRIPP (F) Steels 8. 8 Una. I Hamburg, Bremen From New York j Sept. 25?LAKE SAVUS (F) Bicaard Lines 1 Havre ' Also see Bremen, Ronen From New York : (Sept. 25?MEISSONIER (F) Lloyd Royal Beige From Galveston Sept, 25?BAVINGTON (F) Steele S. S. Line From Texas City Sept. 25?RED MOUNTAIN (F) Steele S. S. Line Sept. 25?BAVINGTON (F) Steele S. S. Line \ Helsingfors, Christiania, Copenhagen, j Stockholm From Baltimore ! Loading?BASTERaN STAR (F) Standard S. S. Co... Inc. Helsingfon-, Gothenburg, Christiania, Stockholm From Baltimore ; Balled?BANNACK (F) Standard S. S. Co.. Inc. Helsingfors, Gothenburg, Malmo, | Stockholm From New York Loading?OSAGE <l'i Moore & Mo.Oortnack Co., Ina. From Baltimore i Oct. 1?WESTMEAD (F) Standard S. S. ?""o.. Ine. From Philadelphia j Oct. 8?LACKAWANNA VALLET (F) Globe Line i Hull, Bristol, Avonmouth From Philadelphia I Oct. 1_LAKE ELSAII (F) Winchester Linea ; Oct. 2?ELM AC (F) Clyde S. 8. Co. Raporel Linea ? Iceland, Reykjavik i i From New York 1 Oct. 15?LAKE FONTANNA (F) Moore & McCormack Co.. I??. j i Las Palmas, See Canary Islands j i Leghorn, bee Genoa ! Lisbon, ' See Canary Islands ! Liverpool From New York Sept. 28?RIMOUSKI (F> White Star Line. Oct. 8?CELTIC (PF-R) White Star Line I 1 Oct. 2?ORITA (F) White Star Line. Oct. 4?BELGIC (PF-R) White Star Line I Oct. 5?MOBILE (PF-R) White Star Line i ? Oct. 8?BALTIC <PF-R> White Star Line. ! From Baltimore Oct. B?CAPUL?N (F) Oriole S. S. Lina ! Oct. 15?A STEAMER (F) Orille S. S. Lin? Oct. SO? QUAKER <:iTV (F) I ?Jriolo S. S. Line i Nor. 10?CARENCO fF) Oriole S. S. Une j From Boston ! Sept. 25 -DERANOF (Ft Leyland Lins I ; Oct. S?WINIFREDIAN (PF-R) Ley land Linn I Oct. 16?OXONIAN (F) Leyland Lina ? From Philadelphia Sept. 2??WATHENA (F) American Line Oct. 9?WESTERN PLAINS (F) American Line I Oct. 22?-HAVERFORD (F) American Lins i Oct. SO?AUBURN (F) American Line From New Orleans I Sept. 26?ASIAN (F) Leyland Llns From Galveston ! Sept. SO? HEGIRA (. . Steele _. S. Line ! Kept. 30?NAPIERIAN (F) Leyland Llns ! Oct. 10?ALEXANDRIAN (F) Leyland Lin" j Oct. 15?ORANIAN (F) >>yland Lina , From Norfolk Oct. 28?AUBURN (P) American Lins From Montreal Sept. 25?CANADA (.PF-R) White, Star Dominion Llns Oct. 16?MEGANTIC (PF-R) White Star Dominion Llns I Liverpool, Manchester From Providence ; Sept. 25?LAKE FANDANGO (F) Providence Atlantic Llns Oct. 15?LAKE FALUN (F) Providence ?\tlantlc Llns London Also see Queenstown From New York Sept. 28?MESABA (F) Atlantic Transport Line Oct. 2?WEST EKONK IF) Atlantic Transport Llns Oct. 8?BARDIC (F) Atlantic Transport Llns Oct. 16?WEST TACOOK (F) Atlantic Transport Lin? Oct. 20??MAINE (F) Atlantic Transport Line Oct. SO?MENOMINEE (F) Atlantic Transport Line From Baltimore Sept. 30?MART LAND (F) Atlantic Transport Llns Oct. 10?WAUBESA (F) Atlantic Transport Line From Boston Oct. 2?W. WAUNEKE (F) Levland Line i Oct. 16?N1TONIAN (F) Leyland Line Nor. 8?SCYTH?A1M (F-R) Leyland Llns From Philadelphia Oct. 2?MACKINAW (F) Atlantic Transport Lins Oct. 9?WTNOOCHE (F) Atlantic Transport Llns Oct. 23?OSAWATOMIB (F) Atlantic Transport Lino Malaga, ?ee vi_o MalmO, Bee Helslng.ors Manchester Also sea Bristol and Liverpool From New York Sept. 80?BOVIC (F-R) White Star Una Oct. 0? WEST GROVE (F) American Llns From Boston Oct. 16?MERCIAN (F) Leyland Lina Not. 8?CALEDONIAN (F) Leyland Llns From Philadelphia Oc*. ??FAWTUOKET (F) Harris, Magill & Co., Inc. From Galveston Lojudlag?WEST AI.COZ (F) Harris. Magill *. Co.. Inc. Oct. 1?COLLAMER (F) Harris. Magill & Co., Inc. Oct. 6?WEST SHORE (F) Harris, Magill X; Co., Inc. Oct. 10?WEST ASHAWA <F) Harris, Muglll ?- Co., Inc. ? Oct. 20?WESTERN HOPE (F) Harris. Magill _. Co., Inc. Oct. 27?CALVERT tF> HarrisH, Magill * Co.. Inc. Not. 1?WESTERN LIGHT (F) Harris, Magill & Co., Inc. NaT. 20?W EST BRN OC EA N I _ ) Harris, Ma_HI & Co., Inc. trom Norfolk Sept. 25?LAKE FURNAS (F) Harris. Magill _ Co.. Inc. Oct. 20?PAWTUCKET (F) Harris, Magill _ Co., Inc. From New Orleans Sapt. 25?WESTERN CHIEF (F) Hteete ti. a. Lias Marseilles From New York ?apt. 85?BELVIDERB (F) Elwell Linea Oct. I?? OALLAS (F) Elwell Linea Marseilles, Genoa, Naples, Algiers Alee see Barcelona, VaJeaela From Philadelphia Sept. 25?A STEAMER (*?) Clyde S. 8. Co. Raporel Lines jg^ Also aee Atores, Genoa, Marseilles Oat. -A b?eA^I^Vf.0" Baltimore Oceanic 8. 8. Co. Piraeus, Sal?nica, Constantinople, Black Sea Ports Also nee Barcelona From New York O?*. UWA .ONA (F) Oriental Kavlgattea Ce? Napl (Cantina?,) Queenstown, Boulogne, London From New York Oet. 27?PANHANDLE STATE (PF) L. S. Mall Steamship Co., Inc. Reval, See Danzig ; Reykjavik, See Iceland : Riga, Sea Danzig | Rotterdam Also see Antwerp? From New York i Sept. 25?YAK A (F) ? _ . ?_ Black Diamond S. S. Corp. Sept. 29?ANDREA F. LUCKENBACH (F) _ Luckenbach Lines I Oct. *?F. J. LUCKENBACH (F) _. . ?_ Luckenbach Lines ] Get. 18?CHESTER K1WANIS (F) I? * .. Blacl< Diamond S. S. Corp. K>?t. IS?-EDGAR F. LUCKENBACH (F) _ _ ? Luckenbach Lines Oct. 20?JULIA LUCKENBACH (F) I _ Luckenbach Lines Oct. 27?HONNEDAGA (F) i _ . mm Black Diamond S. 8. Corp. | Oct. 27?LEWIS LUCKENBACH (F) Luckenbach Lines From Baltimore ' Sept. 25?POLTB1US (F) _. Black Diamond S. S. Corp. Oet. 5?CHESTER KIWANI3 (F) _ Black Diamond 8. S. Corp. Oct. 20?HONNEDAGA (F) Black Diamond ft. S. Cor?. From Philadelphia Sept. 80?WATONWaN (F) Luckenbach Lines I Ronen, Havre ! From New York | Oct. ??ALGERIER (F) ! _ Lloyd Royal Belga | Oet. 20? BOMBARDIER (F) > Lloyd Royal Beige I Sal?nica Also see Plraens From New York I Oct. 15?JACONA (F) Oriental Navigation Co. Santander, See Canary Islands Skein, See Bergen Southampton From New York Sept. 25?ST. PAUL (PF-R) American Lina Oct. 2?PHILADELPHIA (PF-R) American J.ine Oct. 0?OLYMPIC ?PF-R) White Star Line Oct. 20?ADRIATIC (.PF-R) While Star Lina Stavanger, See Trondhjem Stockholm, l?r,=el",n*fo"' Gothen?>?* Trondhjem, Bergen, Stavanger, Christiansand, Christiania From New Y_.rk Sailed?SONGDAL (F) S. O. Srr.'.y S. S. Corp. Sept. 25?RAaN'ENEJORD (F) Norwegian-America Llns Oct. S??SONGVAND (F) S. ?5. Stray S. S. Corp. Oct. 28?SONOVAAR (F) S. O. Strav S. S. Corp. Oct. 29?STVANGERFJORD (PF) Norwegian-America Line Oct. ?BESSEGEN (F) Norwegian-America Llns Valencia, Barcelona, Oran, Marseilles From New York fiept. 25?BELVIDERE (F) Elwell Linea Oct. 15?DALLAS (F) Elwell Lines VigO, See Canary Islands South America Bah?a Blanca See Pars, Rio de Janeiro Bah?a de Caraquez, see uayti. Babia, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres Also see Para, Port an Prlnee From New York Sept. SO?WESTERN HERO (F) Ward Line Buenaventura,See Port an Prince, Haytl Buenos Ayres Also see Montevideo, Rio de Ja? neiro, Hall in, From New York Oct. 6?WTLLIMANTIC (F) Oriental Navigation Co. Oct. 20?TENAFLY <F> Oriental Navigation Co. From Philadelphia Sept. 28?NOCKUM (ER) International Freighting Corp. Sept. 30?WEST MUNHAM (F) International Freighting Corp. Oct. 20? COTATI (FR) International Freighting Corp. Cabedello, g_, par? Cartagena, See Cristobal, Port av Prince Cayenne, See Demorara Ceara, see ram Chile, Peru From New York Sept. 27?ORCUS (F) Wcat Coast Line Chile, Peru, Ecuador From New York Oct. 6?SANTA ANA (PF) Grace lalne Oct. 20?SANTA ELISA (PF) Orace Line Nov. 3?SANTA LUISaV (PF) Uracs Line Nov. 17?SANTA TERESA (PF) Orace Line Cristobal, Also see Port an Prince, Hayii From New York Oct. 1 -CRISTOBAL (PF) Panama Line Cliracao, See la Cuayr? Demerara, Paramaribo, St. Laurent, Cayenne From New York Oct. 16?LAKE SUNAPEE (F) Clyda S. 3. Co.. Raporel Linea Dutch West Indies See La Gnayr? Ecuador, See Chile Esmeraldas, see hhj-m Guayaquil, See Tort an Prince, Haytl Hayti, St. Laurent, Port au Prince, Cristobal, Buenaventura, Esmer? aldas, Bah?a de Caraquez, Manta, Gu-yaqnil, Puerto Boli? var From New York Oct. 15?GEN. O. W. GOETHALS (PP. Panama Una ' IquitOS. See por_ La Guayra and Puerto Cabello, Veneiuela, Curacao, Dutch West Indies and Maracaibo, Venea, via Curacao, San Juan and Mayaguez, Porto Rico From New York ?1|S???__^ U PUtaUILADBW'HIA (PI"> "9d D Line AJ?? ?ee .Montevideo, Rio de Janelr. o.* ?_ ? Vrom New York uct. 8? WTLLIMANTIC (F) pot. SO-CSA'^vlsatlon Co. M . Oriental Navigation Co. Maceio, _eo p?__ Malaga, Sm Canary Islanda Manta, Bee Port au Prince, HayU ! Maracaibo, See La Guayr? Maranham, Sea Pa__ Mayagnes, se? __, ot_xra Montevideo From New York I Oct. 6?WILLIMANTIC (F) Oet. 20-??. L?V?r,0B C Oriental Navigation Co. Montevideo, Buenos Ayr?? From New York 8*pt.2_-HARMODlU9 (. ) Uounton A Ce. From Montreal I Sept.?S-HALIARTUH tF) Houston ft Co, ; ?et. -,~m_Jfr??n Mobil? ? *?!T NOTANT ?fl? i South America (CwBtfnnnd) Montevideo, La Plata, Buenos Ayres From New York Loading?NANTAH ALA (F) Moore & McCormtcIt Co., Inc. ; Oct. 8?CHICOMICO (F) Barber S. S. Line, Inc. ?Oct. IB?OSSINEKE (F) Moore ft McCormack Co., Inc. From Philadelphia Sept. 2S?NOCKUM (F-R) International Freighting Corp. Sept. 30?WEST MUNHAM (F) international Freighting Corp. Oct. 80?COTATI (F-R) international Freighting Corp. From New Orleans ? Sept. 85?PUGET SOUND (F) Ward Line j Natal, Horn Patt? 1 Para, Ceara, Maceio, Peraambuco, Cabedello, Natal From New York j Oct. 15?FRANCIS (F) Booth American Shipping Corp. Para, Maranham, Ceara, Natal, Cabadelio, Peraambuco, Maceio, Bah?a From New York Oct. 10? SALLUST (F) Lamport ft Holt Para, Maranham, Manaos, Iquitos From New York i Oct. 1?MICHAEL (F) Booth American Shipping Corp. Paramaribo, &?<? ??>????? Paranagua, s** rentusbuM ' Pelotas, Bern Pernan-boee Peraambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio ; Grande do Sul, Santos, Parana { gua, Pelotas, Porto Alegre Also ?ee Par? From New York 1 BecelTlng?WESTERN SPIRIT (F) Moore ft McCormack Co., Ino. Peru, ?See Chile. Port au Prince, Cristobal, Buenaven? tura, Esmeraldas, Babia, Manta, Guayaquil j From New York I Oct. t?GEN. W. C. GOROA3 (PF) Panama Line I Porto Alegre, See Pern&mhaco Porto Rico, Bee L? Gaayrn Puerto Bolivar *>* Hnrti Puerto Cabello, Bom La. Gaayr? ? Puerto Colombia, See Cristobal, Port an Prince Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Babia Blanca Also see Pernambnc?, Bah!? From Mobil? i Sept. 80?LAUREL (F) Munson S. S. Line Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres From New York 1 Sept. 85?SHAUME (F) Munson S. 8. Lino ' Oct. 14?ARCHIMEDES (if) Lamport ft Holt I Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres F rom New York i Ort. ??CALLO (PF> Munson Lin? I Oct. 13?MARCONI (F-R). Lamport ft Holt ! Oct. 80?MARTHA WASHINGTON (PF) Munson 8. P. Line ; Oct. 30?VAUBAN (PF) Lamport ft Holt 1 Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Buenos Ayres From New York Sailed?HALLBJOERG (PF) 1 North & South Line ! Oct. 5?NORTH PACIFIC (F) North & South Lino ? Oct. 50?AMERICAN STAR <I"F) North ft South Line | Rio de Janeiro, Santos, La Plata, Buenos Ayres From New York I Oct. 20?LAFCOMO (F) Munson S. S. Line ; Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo, La Plata, Buenos Ayres, Rosario From NeW York . Oct. 5?WILLIMANTIC (F) Oriental Navigation Ce. Oct. 80?TENAFLY (F) Oriental Navigation Co. j R?O Grande do Sul, Se* Pernambnco ! Rosario, Also see Rio de Janeiro From New York I Oct. 5?WILLIMANTIC (F) ? Oriental Navigation Co. I Oct. 20?TENAFLY (F) Oriental Navigation Co. i St. Laurent See Demerara, Haytl | San Juan, Se? La Gnayra I SantOS, Also mem Bio de Janeiro. Bahln From New York i Oct. 8?WILLIMANTIC (F) Oriental Navigation Co. ! Oct. 20? TENAFLY (F) Oriental Navigation Co. Jndia and Dutch East Indies Aden, Karachi, Bombay, Colombo, ! Madras, Rangoon, Calcutta From New York Sept. 80? GOLDSTAR (F) Moore ft McCormack ?Co., Ino. Oct, 25?GLENORA (F) Moore ft McConnack Co_. Iaa, NaT. 5? NAPIRIR (F) ft McCormaok Co., Igo, Calcutta, Singapore, Yokohama, Kobe From Now Orinan? Oct. -r-CELBBES MARU (F) Steele S. S. Line Not. ?BORNEO MARU (F) Steele S. 8. Line Honolulu, Manila, Saigon, Singapore, Colombo, Calcutta From San Francisco Oct. 7?COLUSA (PF) Pacific Mail S. S. Co. India, Java From Montreal Sept. 85?HALESIUS (F) Houston ft Co. Penang, Belawan, Delhi, Port Swei tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Surabaya From New York Sept. 28?WEST CALVMB (F) United American Lines, Ine. Oct. 5?HALF MOON (F) United American Line?, lac Oct. 85?SILETZ (F> ?" United American Line?, Inc. Singapore see caicatt? Africa Aden Fram New York Sept. 85?EASTERN PILOT (F) Oriental Navigation Co Oct. 85?HINCKLBY (F) Oriental Navigation Co. Beira Also mm? North Eut Africa From New York Sept. 35- EASTERN PILOT (1) Oriental Navigation Co. u0t>*. ?W?HINCKUOY <F> . Oriental B?&Trtgmtio? <C?b ? . Delagoa Bay Africa (Continued) From New York Sept. 85?EASTERN PILOT (F) Oriental Navigation Co? Oct. 25?HINCKLEY (.F) Oriental Navigation Co. Mombasa (Kilindini) From New York j Sept. 25?EASTERN PILOT (F) Oriental Navigation Co. ? Oct. 15?OSAKIS (F) * VnltPrl American Line?, Ino. I Oct. 25?HINCKLEY (F) Oriental Navigation Co. North Africa, Madeira, Morocco From New York Sept. 25? JEFFERSON COUNTT (F) United American Lines, Inc. Oct. 10?BAY HEAD (F) United American Line?, Ina I Oct. 80?OSAKIS (F) j United American Line?, Ine. I Not. ??COT-D HARBOR (F) United American Lines, Inc. | North East Africa, via Red Sea. Aden, Mombasa (Kilindini), Beira, Delagoa Bay From New York ; Sept. 25?EASTERN PILOT (F) Oriental v.i vacation Co: Oct. 25?HINCKLEY (F) , Oriental Navigation ?Co. ! Oran, Algiers, Valencia, Barcelona, Marseilles From New York I Sailed ?LAKE GREENBRIAR (F) Elwell Lines. j West Coast Ports, Funcha! (Madeira i Islands), Casa Blanca, Canary Islands, Dakar, Bathurst, Bissao, Conakry, Freetown, Monrovia, Grand Bassam, Axim, Seccon dee, Accra, Lagos, Matadi, Cape Palmas, Loanda, Lobito Bay From New York ; loading?JOLEE (F) Bull ft Co., Aient?. I Receiving?CLONTARF <F> Bull ft Co., Agents. Cuba and Mexico Antilla, Nuevitas ai?o ?ee NneTita?. From New York ! Oct. ??GLENDOLA (F) Atl. Frolt Co. Oct. 81?GLBNDOYLE (F) Atl. Fruit Co. Caiharien, Cardenas ai?o ?-e c?rdena* From New York Oct. 1?LAKE CALTSTOGA (F) Munson S S Line Cardenas, Sagua, Caibarien, Antilla, Nuevitas, Santiago, Cienfuegos, Gibara Also nee Caibarien From Mobile TRI-WEEKLV SAILINGS? Munson S. 3. Line. Cardenas, Sagua, Caibarien, Matan zas, Nuevitas From Baltimore I Sept. 25? LAKE ELON (F) Baltimore S. S. Co.. Inc. : Oct. 5?LAKE ELLERSLIB (F) Baltimore S. S. Co., Inc. Cienfuegos, Santiago Also see C?rdena? From Baltimore Or!. 8?LAKE MtARlON <F) Munson S. S. Lin?i Gibara, See C?rdena?, Tort Tarafa C._.__......>._.-* Se*? Manzanillo. ?uantanamo, Na,ai station Havana From New York Receiving- LAKE BENTON (F> Moore & McCormack Co. In<s. Sept. S.5?YAQUE (F) Ward Line Sept. 25?MEXICO (PF) Ward Line From Baltimore BI-WEEKLY SAILINGS Munson S S Lino From Mobile SEMI-WEEKLY SAILINGS? Munson 3. S. Line. Havana, Progreso, Vera Cruz From New York Sept. 85?ESPERANZA (PB') Ward Lin? I Maniti Manzanillo From Mobile Oct. 13?A STEAMER (F) Munson S. S. Line Manzanillo, Santiago, Guantanamo ' Also ?ee Naval Station From New York Sept. 27?CANANOVA (F) Atl. Fruit Co. Oct. 16?CAYO MAMB? iF) Atl. Fruit Co. j Matanzas From Mobile WEEKLY SAILINGS? Munson S. S. Lin* Naval Station, Guantanamo, Santi- ', ago, Manzanillo, Niquera From New York Sept. 28?NORDEN <.F) Ward Lin? Nipe, Banes From New York Sept. 25? MUNAMAR (PF) Munson S t? Lina Niquera, See Naval Station NuevitaS AIho meet Cardenas, Anlllia. From New York Sept. 28?CALLABASAS (F) Atl. Fruit Co. I Nuevitas, Antilla, Cuba From New York Oct. 9?GLENDOLA (F) Atl. Fruit Co. Oct. 21?GLENDOYLE (F) Atl. Fruit Co. Port Tarafa, Puerto Padre, Gibara, Vita From New York ?Dot, ?S?OLINDA (F) Munoon 8. 8. Line j Progreso, See Havana Puerto Mexico, Tampico From New York Sept. 88?CAUTO (F) Ward Lin? Sept. 88?GORM (F) Ward Lin? Puerto Padre, See Port Tarafa Santiago See C?rdena?. Clenfnego?, Manza? nillo, Naval Station TampicO, See Puerto Mexico. Vera Crnz Vera Cruz (Tampico) Also ?ee Havana From New Orleans Sept. 87?LA KB P1CKAWAY (F) Ward Line Vita, *** Port Tarafa Islands of Atlantic West Indies and Caribbean Sea " ' ' ^"r i ' ' Cristobal, s>** Kingston; also So. America Hay?an Ports " From New York Oet. 8?A STBAMER <F) Clyde 8. 8. Co. Raporel Lin?? Jamaica / From Baltimore t9?t. 85? LAKE CALATA (F) Baltlmoro S. 8. Co.. Inc. Kingston, Jamaican Outports From New York Sept. 85?PRINCESS MAT (PF) Dl Giorgio ft Co. Oct. S?A STEAMER (F) Atl. Fruit Co. i MayagUeZ, See Porto Rie* f-Mttt, h??t^ Bte? Islands of Atlantic West Indies and Caribbean Sea ! (Coatlnaad) I Porto Rico (San J_a_, p?^ Mayaguex) ~ From BaUlmare : Sept. SO?CORCORAN (F>? Baltimore S. _. Co la?. I Oet. 4?LAKE ONTARIO "(F)* ! Baltimore S. S. Co 1? ?Oct. 13?LAKE HLS1NORE try* Baltimore S. S. Co. Inc Oct. 20?LAKE FANQUIER (.,. Baltimore 8. 8. Co., ?_? ?Other Ports on applicnioa Thomas, St. Croa, St. Kfc, Guadeloupe, Martinique, ?????? bados From New York Oct. t?KATAHDIN (F) Clyde S. S. Co. Raporal Use? St. Thomas, St. Croix, St fife. Antigua, Guadeloupe, D.aiaU Martinique, St. Lucia, Btrhf dos, Demerara From New York Oet ??KORONA tP_ ) Qu-bee S H r. .-.Oct. 10-PARIMA (PF) tiueb? 8. S? c? ban Juan, See Porto Rico St. China, Japan, Philippines Hong Kong, See Yokohama. Honolulu, Kobe Honclulu, Yokohama, Kobe, Shu* hai, Manila, Hong Kong From San Francisco Oct. lft?ECUADOR (PF) Pacific Mall s . Co Nor. IS?VENEZUELA (PF) Pacific Mail S. S. Co. Iloilo, Sre Kobe Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Hoi!? Also see Yokohama, Honolulu From New York Sept. 26? PR TDK N IF) Barber S. S. Line, Ine. Manila, See Yokohama, Honelal? Shanghai, Ss* Tokeriam?, Honelnla, _ob Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai Also see Honolula From New York Oct. 10?SCHODACK (F) Barber ?S. S. Line, Ine. From Boston Oct. 10?SCHODACK (F) Barber _. S. Line. Ine, From Philadelphia Sept. 25?EASTERN CLOUD (_) Barber .S. B. Lin?', Inc. Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Masa From Baitimo/? Sept. SO?WEST JAPPA (F) Waterhouu-i Se Co. Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hoij Kong, Manila From Bal'.:.mora Oct. 15?STANLEY (F) Waterhouse _ Co. From Seattle Oet. 10?MAQUAN (F) TV. t.-/hoirs? _ Co. Not. 1?DELIGHT (F> Wat .house K- Co. Not. 88?WEST .JESTER ( . Waterhouee _ Co. ? Dec. 13?NILE (F) Wa'erhougs A Cs. Coastwise Charleston, See Jacksonville Galveston From New York Tues. (F). Thurs tF), 3?t. 01 Southern Pacific Co. Galveston, Key West From New York Oet. a?COMAL (PF) Mallory Lin? Jacksonville, Charleston From New York Sept.25?APACHE (PF> Clyde Lias Sept. 20?COM ANCHE (TF) Clyd? Lit? Oct. 2?ARAPAHOE (PF) Ciyd? ?B? Key West, See Cal veston LOS Angeles, See New York, Sal ft? risco New Orleans From New York Wednesdays (F) Saturdarl (m Southern I'm If.c Co. New York, Los Angeles, San D??a From San Francisco Oct. S -ARi'UKR ?Kr T.uckenbaels Mi?* Oct. 12?LAVADA (F) LurkenbacB U** Oct. 20?SHORTSVILLE tF) Luckenbach Line? Not. 1 ? HANNAWA 'I ? LuckcnbaJi Linea San DiegO, See New York, See rraaas* San Francisco Also ?See !<an Pedro From Baltimore Sept. 25?POINT BONITA <F) Pacific Marl S. P Co. ? Oct. 7?CUBA (PFJ Pacific Mai!?.?" San Francisco, San Diego, ?M ? geles From New York Sept. 30?HATTIE I.l' KrJNBACH Lui-kf-nhai I) I ?lies Oct. 10?PLEIADES (F) Luckenbach Lines Oct. tu?EASTERN GLADE (F) Luckenbach Lines _ Oct. 80?FRED'K l.V'KKNBACH I' Luckenbach Lines San Pedro, San Francisco, fad? Seattle, Tacoma From New York Sept. 80? EELBECK (F) -^ United American LIB? ??? Oct. 0? HAWAIIAN (F) .__.*. United American LIB?* ?"? Oct. M-IOWAN (F) ._ United American Une?, *?? Seattle, See San Fedro Tacoma, e~ ?? redT* Tramp Service Full or Part Carg? Offers Solicited At New York Sept. ?A STEAMER, *-?0_Ta flat. Franc?; A Canada ?? ? Sailing for United State? New York From Bo?ert*SnU?? ' ' ? Sept. 25?EDGAR r. LL'CKBN?*?? t Luckenbach U>ne* awm??f ? r Oct. ??WALTER A. LLCK???*,^ . Luckenbach Uj?.rt (f? Oct. Vt?K. I. LUCKENBACH I" Luckenbach _}??!____? (" 0?rt. 10?EDWARD UVCKXSB*^0 Luckenbach Line? --??aC. ' Oct. SO?ANDREA F. LUCK??* Luckenbach Linea From Himbtif ?g d| 1 Oet. ?5--HARRY L?CKEN**?* ?"1 ? Luckenbach L,?n?'V__SA?**l Not. 9?WALTER A. LUCE?W" g r Luckenbach Line? | ^ Philadelphia ' From Rott-trdrt