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Saks Have The Finest BOYS' CLOTHES in New York. Outfitting the boy has long been a feature with us. We know just what appeals to the junior taste, and where.a garment for the active bov should be reinforced to assure lengthy service. You cannot do better than select sonny's Winter clothes at Saks ! Featured Saturday Boys* Suits Special $ 11 Real boyish models for the youngster of? 3 to 10 years. Care fully made of all wool knitted c?oths in rich heather shades. Sizes 3 io 8 years. Pictured. Broadway SPECIALISTS IN APPAREL at 34th Street Hours of Business : 9 a. m. to 5.30 p. m Daih Boys* Suits with Two Pairs Knickers, $18.95 Spirited Norfolk and Semi-Norfolk styles, spien* d?dljr tailored in the very newest Winter woolens. Nothing, like them in New York at anything near this price. Sixes 8 to 18 years. Boytf Stilts with ExtraJCtiickers, $21.75 Exclusive Saks models that are so mach above ahy other clothes created forboys-that they are entirely without competition. The workmanship Is right, the quality of thewoolenS is right, and,the patterns are in ?colorings found only in the finest of suit? ings Sizes 8 to 18 years? Second Floor 15 Jeweled Wrist Watches Special $5 A dependablctime.plece at an exceptionally Ipw price. Nickel case, rad? ium dial, and 15 jewel lever movement. Main Floor Women' Silk Umbrellas Saturday at $6*95 Pure silk umbrellas mounted on eight-ribbed Para son ?frames. Tip and stub ends are of white bak?lite, aud the handles come in leather-trimmed effects and colored bak?lite. Obtainable in blue, black, green and purple, with covers to match. Main Floor We shall Place on Sale SATURDAY A Most Remarkable Collection of Women's Ultra-Smart Fall Suits At prices so low they have no worthy competition At $39.50 /_?%* At $59.50 A most complete collection of suits for business wear, the street, and sports, mannishly tailored or tasteful? ly trimmed with silk stitchery in con? trasting color. Each suit very carefully made and fully lined. The mater? ials: Velour Chevrona Tweeds Wool Jersey and Oxford Clotb Sizes 34 to 50K $39*50 Suits that cannot possibly be dupli? cated for less than $75. They are exact duplicates of most exquisite imported models. Some are strictly tailleur, and many have rich trimming of good quality fur. Fash. toned on Duvet de tain* Velour Yaiama Cloth? Silvertone Checked Velour Oxford Cloth Sizes 34 to* 50# For one day only Boys9 Sweaters $5 \ Warm, Winter weight sweaters in slip-cm style with shawl collar or V nec?c T? be had fn Maroon, Oxford? Heather mixtures ot Navy Blue. Sizes 28 to 3$ SoeondFJoo* Specially Prepared For Saturday An Important Sale of Misses' Coats and Wraps Special $39*50 The verynewest coats introduced for misses, exhib? iting a wealth of delightful style innovations truly expressive! of the spirit of youtrn Included are wrap effec-rmodels in novelty wool coatings, fully silk lined and warmly interlined* medium weight top coats *of all wool Polo and Norinandy mixtures, and swagger Jbelted Styles in imported Scotch tweeds. Sizes 14* 16 and 18 years? Three styles illustrated. Second Float Paris has created none more youthful Misses' Suits for Autumn Saturday at $59.50 Suits designed expressly, for misses, in long line belted styles and ripple effects^ as Paris decrees. Fashioned of wool chamois or sil vertone velour, with em? bellishment of silk embroid-? ery, stitchery or rows of novelty buttons. One model has large con? vertible collar and pockets of French SeaL w All are silk lined and warmly interlined. All wanted colors. Second Floor Misses' Sat?n Afternoon Frocks Special $45 So youthful, *o ?exquisite in every detail, cheir wonderful chic and charm cannot be tsaosferred to print. Developed in lustrous sat?n o? crqpe meteor, showing the new gir&ah waistline, straight or ?dared tunic, rows of tiny burtbos? and pretty lace or ribbon ?trimming. The model pictured has the new Oriental patent leather embellishment?as youthful as it is ?novel Sizes 14 to 18 years. ?beoa?Fioor a Embroidered Frocks ?of fine wool tricot in $29.50 They reflect Fashion's new? est whims and till a decided want for the woman in quest oi a really modish frock that,will give unusual service. Two Distinctive Models, one in overblouse effect with beading in black and red at neck and sleeves. The second model is in straight line effect, very tastefully beaded in self colos Sizes'36 to 42. Foot Items for Girls and"Juniors Featured Specially for Saturday Junior Gists' Coats Girls'Cape Coats Special $19,75 Very youthful, and coveted by most every girl. Made of navy blue Wool cheviot, tuljy lined? the cape with bright red flannel. Sizes 6 to 14. Pictured Spedal *24.?5 Swagger little coat? oFWoof Polo Cloth with large collar of Sealine tur. Lined throughout Sizes 12 to 16 years Pictured For the <sHpmping, Rollicking Youngster Creeper and Bloomer Rompers $145 Sires- I to 6 years Carefully made of white galatea, with solid pink .or blue, bloomer and collar and cuffs to match, Wonderful values. Pretty Frocks for Junior Girls Special $2L75 A? practical as th?cy arc winsome. Made of fine quality French serge combined with satin and youth? fully embellished with embroid? ery on waist and pockets Pictured Sizes 12 to 16 years GIRLS? Velveteen Frocks Special ?14.75 No girl's wardrobe is complete without its velveteen frock. These arc of fine quality %'??veteen, pret? tily .embroidered in contrasting color. Obtainable in brown -or black Sizes 6 to 10. Pictured Children's Winter Pajamas Special $L45 Sizes 4 to 16 years. Very carefully made of pink and blue checked Madras, trimmed with soutache brai<3- Fourth Floor n, FOX SCARFS Are enjoying an unprecedented vogue.. We feature Saturday among many others AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES Dyed Blue Fox Scarfs ?made) from selected white fox skins, skilfully } $94.50 dyed. Special ) Choice Fox. Scarfs in all the fash- ) ?onable shades. Satin lined or double V $75.00 tur effects. Special ) Fox Scarfs in taupe or brown. ) -AQ ~A Special] $49S0 SlXthJPiOOT Saturday?-We have made exceptional preparations to hold a Sale of Women's Winter Wraps and Coats ail at one remarkably low price *48 The very newest of Winter Wraps and Coats?straight line or in loosely draped effects flowing gracefully from the shoulder, or in blouse effect tucked in at the back by the tightening of a narrow belt. They are the last word in distinctive Winter coats at an unequaled Ipw price. Excellent range of materials: Corded Bolivia, Suede Velour^Duvet de Laine, ?and Silvertonc, with large collars of. taupe nutria, Australian and Skunk Oppossum or strictly tailored for wear with separate furs. Each coat beautifully lined* Four styles pictured. Fourth Floor