OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 05, 1920, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1920-10-05/ed-1/seq-9/

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Condon Quartet
pavs Tribute
To Beethoven
Concert? ai Aeolian Hall
ftTi\ To Be Hold in (City
?onrtnemoratiiig I30?h
^noiversary of His Birth
ScoiWpQser Fitly Honored ;
Elgiish "Musicians Give
Masterful Interpretations
erf Author's Finest Works,
By H. i'.. Krehbiel
? \ seem ?
- ?? '>?" music of the
ty are unaware
lifri anee ? -t
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Sex? month be a
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?mnany of 1
by its ?e
jUolian '. they are pei
forming ? ?a -tri'?? ".
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And "
perfeel exem
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Attract Ltttle Attention
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Year for Be? thoi i n -
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the Li
? pages it n?" is rea
tul delightfully that al! may
? ? h? ii.i and enjoy,
merits of tho organization's per?
formances have befen recognized and
il in this journal, hut something
mora remains t?> be Baid, We fancy
? : of its lovely and pro
found stud) of th.? quartets will grow
more and hum?' obvious an the more
complex works are reached. As it is,
th?1 gaptletnen have achieved an ad
?? ii.ihle unit} of feeling and undcr
; ng. Each Individual seems not
? nly submerged in the ensemble, hut
in the music itself.
The themes of the quartets ?leant
like i\ thread of gold as thev run
through the fabric. Each instrument
sp? aks sympathetically with its
brother, yet each contributes its char
acteristic color to the whole.
The music never sounds monoto?
nously monochromatic. It is full of
nts. There is a splendidly firm
tion in Mr. Warwick-Evans's
violoncello tone, and the voice of Mr.
friol?n, strong and luscious.
gives a rich tinge to the mass of sound
?and holds it homogeneously together,
whether soaring at>ov< the mass or
?living down to lift ?mother voi?'e into
The readings are neither pedanti?
cally dry nor effrainately sentimen
tali/.eil. Xo judicious hearer of these
players ought ever again to think of
straining '??i orchestral effects in
quartet playing.
These players know how to employ
the variety of tone native to their in?
struments so :.< to produce ample
tone-color, At the fourth concert, this
afternoon, they will plav the three
Op. 7-1, '.?? and' 127.
Mi? Warren in Recital
Pianist Shows Fnrile Execution,
But Betrays Immaturity
Mi s Minette Warren, who gave a
piano recita! at Aeolian Hall last even?
ing, has evidently devoted much time
the acquiring tech
r c She has ;? lighl touch and her
h:ir.?is fluttered rapidly and with girl
h eagerness through an overture of
P.a? h arranged by JosetTy. some varia
by Handel and a "Caprice ? la
Scarlatti," by Paderewski. But when
she left the realms of formal technic
egan Schumann's Sonata in F
..runty of her playing
became a handicap. Kxcept for a flash
or two of inspira "in the second
. . ? ' ' brought little poetry
to the music.
In M)ite of her facile execution this
g woman belongs in the rank:') of
.ture young people, heard every
little claim to the
i " a : Hence, insist upon
and taking themselves
The Stage Door
the Globe Thea
3 night in "Tip Top," by Anne
I, !: 11. Bu ,.,. and Ivan t'a
ction of "Tip Top" by
am ma : ks the twen?
tieth year of his association with the
I '
pr< s? ; '?"i I lavid War
"The Return of
Peter he Broad St reet
? ' light. .\f:er a
. ? . nent, Mr. \\ arlield will
Sunset Route JS
?? itta Observation Car, through Dining Ca?
all the comforts of tr.odcrr. travel.
c Cat Service to Glob?, Arizona, for the Side Trip
Al. J. Poston, Gene/al Agent, Passenger Dept.
165 Broadway
??--- ? ' ' s&fe&fc^as*
60 WEST 68T1 I ST.
New 12 Story Fireproof Hotel Just Completed
Suites bf 2 Rooms and Bath, or Larger.
l-'nfurnished only, on yearly leaie from Oct I
Representative on Premise*.
v/oder Sarrrc Management Hoto! Langdon, 5th Ar. S? 56th St.
begin a tour of th? principal cities of
the country.
Francis Wilson and Do Wolf Hopper
who are to appear in a revival of "Fr
minie, under the direction of George
C T>'lor? Wl11 open their season on No?
vember 8 at the Academy or Music Bal?
timore. Rehearsals begin next M on da v.
Valeska Suratt Stars
In Tabloid Melodrama
Valeska Suratt is seen at the Palace
Theater this week in a high-velocity
melodramatic tabloid thriller toy Jack
Lait. The piece in called "Scarlet."
Miss Suratt gave art interesting per?
formance yesterday oT an exacting r?le.
She *as assisted by Johnny MacFar- i
lane and Jack Hayden.
Yvette Rugel gave a pleasing song re?
cital. Margaret Young, a new singing1
comedienne, scored a success. She has
good looks, personal magnetism and an '
excellent voice.
Kate Elinore and Sam Williams were j
the comedy feature of the bill in
"Wanted, a Cook," a skit on the kitchen
help to-day.
"The Little Cottage" was a smart
revue with principals and pretty cho?
rus. Mae and Rose Wilton, the d?neing
sisters; George N. Brown, the cham?
pion walker; the Belli troupe and the
?.iR?eoni Brothers were on the bill. '
Army Order?
From The Tribute Washlnoton Bureau. >
WASHINGTON, Oat. i.?Armt
orders issued to-day.
Hononihly Dinchnrjred
Punn, Maj. R. A., D. S A.
Ynn.I? rvoorf, 2d u. j. '?.j., air ?ervice.
MatthswR, lut Lt. J. n., A?lj. Oen'a Dept.
Hrlgiri. 1st Lt. E. .7., air ?ervlce.
Fritz. 2d Lt. E. J., air ?ervlce.
Dlehl, mt l.t. ,r. p? Ord Dept.
Evan?, 2d l.t. W, E, F A
Hill. 1st Lt. B. C, En?;'
Wood. ?''apt. A. K., Eng.
Bratton, 2d M. H. jr., air service.
Flnney. 2d Lt. NT. W F A
Brock, Maj. W. r? ord. I)ep'.
Long. 2>1 Lt. J. W.. Infantrv.
Sebbv, 1st Lt. fl. n., cavklry.
Bloom, Capt. A. F., cavalr'v.
l'arrett. 1st Lt. H. H., lnfantrv
Watt, ?at Lt. G. 11. (j. a. Guard?
Jones, Capt. O. I... F. A.
Goodyear, Maj. R. W., flan. C
Brlgham. C'apt. P. H., Med. C
Hooper, C'apt. W. r , air s?.rvire.
MrNlcho!, I'd Lt. C. E., Ord. IDept
I)ur?8ii, Maj- H. ?"., Q \i n
Ketlly, Capt. B. J., cavalry'
IVIlnen, Maj. E. Judge. Adv. Gen's Dent
MacL'urdy\ 1st Lt. U. I,., En?
Ewing, C?pt. R. M., <*J. if c
Loeiw. Major H. K. Med. C
Adams, 1st Lt. .T. ft. Air Hervir.
Cror-ler, i?t Lt W. T, r. S.' Guard,
Totter. Major W, J., ?nf.
Reynolds. Capt. H. R., sied. C
McOahhcy, Lit Lt. .1. T cav
Rachek, Capt. J., ?nf.
Hand. 1st Lt. O. R . Inf ? :
Robertson. :<i l.t. K. .1 Sar r
Mitchell, ist Lt. H. r. ',ir,t ' Dent
'."lark, Major H. R , Inf
Hanker. 2d Lt. C. E., inf
PfdHelt, Capt. C. P., M?d. C.
McCrr-ry, 1st Lt. T. H, Q. M. C.
Brown. l?t Lt. F.. F. A.
Anhalt, 2d Lt. A. inf.
?arden. Maj. ?. F.. Med. C.
R ??>>'. 2d Li. O. W., Air Service.
?'llllntham, 2d Lt O. O. r-hrnv Warf
Sa va??. Major C. V?. Int.
MacDonald. Majer W. J., Q. M. C.
Farlejr, Mator J. J? Ord. I>?pt.
Battu. Capt. Tl. P., Mid. C.
?lulbor?, iat j,t, 0 ft,, y M c
Murrln, Int r*. j. h.. Kne.
S??,en> c"Pt- r. B., Vet c.
Miller. Jet Lt. C. H., Med. C.
Keooirh. Capt. .T. Et., V. 8. A
Usher, 2d Lt, F. A.. Inf.
Air Serrlc?
Adama. Igt Lt. .T. O.. to Cebienr.
L? Routinier. 1st Lt. 3. P.. to Carlstrom
Robertson, Capt. "W. A., to Rockwell Piola
Oldflela, Capt. C. B.. to ("arlstrom Field
Hurt, 1st Lt. B. T., to Langlev Ktelfl.
Hasset?. 2<i x.t. L. TV., to Carlstrom Field :
Martin. Cd Lt. H. J.. to I.an?loy Field
Powers, :? Lt. B. M-, to Lallan.
McConnell, 2d Lt. A. R? to Fort Sam
Holrnber?, 2d Lt. .T. B., to Mltchel PiMrt
Tucker, 2d Lt. M. I... to rie'.frMg.. Field.
Blount. fapt. R. F. . to Kort BINs
Correll. CapL 1. A., to Port Clark
Naefrlng,'Capt. II. C, to Fort D. A. Rus- !
B-rff. 1st Lt. 8., to Port Des Moines
Branson, Is' Lt. H. L., to Fort Clark
Gerten, 1st Lt. R. P.. to Fort D. A. Rus
Haldcman, Ist Lt. Vf. T, to Fort De*
Harshbei jr?r, 1st Lt. F. M., 'o Prownsville
Latimer, 1st Lt. <" W".. to DourIbs
Patterson, 1st Lt. J. B., to Fort P. A
tei*1! (U',?i -? Brownrr.'IIle.
;nln? 'et Lt. J. KJ.. ?o Tj?i mi?
Du?ard^iJ'rS^^ *?"Art De? Moine..
Mafln^S?lS0' 5- to CamP Bennlntr.
nlni. ' Lt' R W' Jr?? t? Carnp B*n'
FaTr^'xr^V W' t0 ^ BUM.
"r.ght, Chaplain 3, o., to Kort Brown.
Qoarterntuter { orp?
%!"?? C?Pt. W, A.. t0 Boaton.
Pe; 7'';' ''? W-, to Boston.
H^?,"*' rf1^" W- to Takoma Park.
Hudson, Capt. H. L. to Fort Oflethorjje
arisco1" Lt "' "' "*"?"?<>. ??.
R?,x'.9fp?; ?? W. Jr., to Lincoln.
Power" SU|2Vo?VCr.t0 ?"^P Meiie'
r' *??J- *?. O., to Carr.p UDton.
Medical Porp*
?'vi."''/'?^ to w'"hington.
i>ihr V ?,'? tAoN- to T?l"""? Park.
' raig, Capt. J.. fl., to Fafrfield.
Signal Corpa.
Meglll Maj 8. C. to San Franc'neo
Homphin. Lt. Co,.,. E? t?'^Alfred :
Bray Capt. P.. Ord. Dept., to Ban Tuai
Pr??br.y. Major O. H? Ord. Dept.. to P;S
Carruth. Capt. .7. M . to New York City,
Byrne. Chaplain J. J.. L". 8. A., to Fort
Scott, Col. B. P., Insp. Con.'s Dept., to
Fort Bliss
Conboy, i'haplain T. G-. ?. B. A., to Csmp
rrawfonj. Capt P.. W.. ens., to tthaca.
Barringer. id Ll. T. L , Vet C, to Piew
York City.
'"ountw. 1st I.t. C. M.. P. A., to ramp Kron
Herriclt, Major H. A., inf.. resigned.
Register to-day'
Poll? open to-day from 5 p. m. to
10:30 p. m.
If you do not register you cannot
For Olds, Grip, Influent*
mmd Hf*?M*ckti front Colds
G rovo'b
LB. Q.
(L*xaiii>e Bromo Quimne\
TmMets )
-~-.~?oa?^^;?a!atfsraa^g& :
50 ? Chintz dvi?n chop set,
includes platter Si' 6 p/Jfos $12
AN old married couple
A~\,O? five years stand?
ing surveyed the gift
tables at a New York
wedding and the bnde
said to her husband she'd
willingly marry him, a
gain, every year, with
rewards like the Oving
ton gifts in the offing.
'' The Gift Shop of 5th A v-e ''
314 Fifth Ave. nr. 32d St.
Electric Furnace Electric Refrigeration Electric Babbitting Furnace
Electricity in Industry
** J
Never before have the questions of economy and efficiency in production been of such
importance as now in the industrial life o? the country. This is true in the large
plant as well as in the small shop. Electricity is proving the most effective agencv in
solving these various problems as thev arise
Adequate Illumination?Meaning Increased Efficiency and Safety
Adequate illumination of shop and factory, carried out generally and applied dircctlv
at the bench or machine, means more rapid and accurate work, adding to the rate
of output and reducing the losses from mistakes and poor workmanship. Modern, well
diffused illumination reduces enormously the chance for accidents to employes
Power Directly Applied?Also Meaning Better Efficiency and Accident Reduction
The direct application o? electric power to the machine does away with shafting and
belting and that constant and wasteful consumption of power which, irrespective of
the work produced, goes on continuously where other than the direct power applica?
tion is employed. Further, the removal of belting and shafting lessens noise and dirt,
reduces the tendency to industrial diseases, and removes a serious menace to the safetv
of the workers
Exhausting Labor No Longer Necessary
Another prescnt-dav problem is the elimination o? "the white man's burden" of the
iob without eliminating the job itself. To this end many devices have been recentlv
developed. There is the industrial floor truck replacing the hand truck tor terminals,
docks, and factories. Electric conveyors, vertical and horizontal, are available tor
every form of heavy package handling and transportation. There is even a portable
conveyor for loading sand or coal from the ground to the nearby truck, thus obviating
another very exhausting kind of labor. For every job there is a machine ? electri?
cally operated
Electrical Ventilation
If sanitary conditions are to exist in shop or factory, artificial ventilation must be
provided. It is as important here as in the home or the office. Where industrial
odors and fumes arc created their removal is absolutely essential to the health ano
welfare of the workers. In this feature of modern industrial equipment, electricity
plays a most important part
An Industrial Exposition
The part electricity?this great "Servant o? Industry''?is playing in every field of
human endeavor will constitute one of the most important features o? the Electrical
Show at the Grand Central Palace, Lexington Avenue, 46th to 47th Street, from
October 6th to 16th. The industrial displays, especially, will constitute an object
lesson, and should be studied by everyone engaged in shop or factory production
on whatever scale, large or small
The New York Edison Company
\At Your Service
General Offices: Irving Place and 1 5th Street
District Offices where Electrical Appliances of all kinds are on display
-'0 Norfolk St cor Hester St 124 West 4.?d St bet B'u-av & ?th Ave jo2 East 149th St near Courtlandt Ave
424 Broadwav near Canal St 151 East 80th St bet Lexington 5c 3rd Aves 555 Fremont Ave corner Monterey Ave
to Irving Place cor 15th St 15 East 125th St near 5th Ave Night and Emergency Call, Watkins joe
Electric Soldering Iron Electric Cloth Cutter Electric Printing

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