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MACKAY&CO. BANKERS Deflation now in progress will gradually bring about lower money rates, which the high grade bonds are now begin? ning to discount We are recommending some high grade investments which undoubtedly will sell consider? ably higher when money rates return to normal. 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK Members Net? York Stock Exchange COUPONS Payable at Our Office October 1. 1920 BRUSH ELECTRIC CO. 1st 5'a, 1952 KNOXVILLE GAS CO. Is?. 5'?. 19:!3 SOUTHERN ONTARIO GAS CO.. Ltd. 1st 5s, 1953 Henry L. Doherty &. Company 60 Wall Street, New York Solvay & Company 7-Year 8% Secured Bonds Due Oct. 1, 4927 Secured by pledge of Com? mon Stock of The Solvay Process Company and Sernet-Solvay Company. Net income available for dividends on pledged stock averx god over 2^4 times an? nual interest charges on the bonds for the three-year period ended December 31, 1919. We are offering these bonds at 100 and interest Yielding 8% CoIgaie,Parker&Co, 49 Wall Street New York i STANDARD L ISSUES 1919 FSMA^CI?L STATEMENTS OF STANDARD OIL COM? PANIES ISSUED TO DATE. TOGETHER WITH OTHER IM PORTANT INFORMATION AND A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW . OF THE OIL SITUATION IN GENERAL. CONTAINED IN OUR N"EW BOOKLET (I8TH EDITION). Copy on request. CARLH.PFORZHEIMER&CQ Dealers in Standard Oil Srcunlies ?5 BROAD ST. Phone? 4850-I-2-3-4 Broad Three Attractive Groups of Securities A booklet we have just prepared analyzes the effect of present in? dustrial conditions upon three important groups of securities. This booklet also contains im? portant statistical data and esti? mates of future earnings, which should prove of interest to in? vestors. Booklet A G-3 on requtst Miller, & 6o. M.emher3 UenJYork Siock. PxcJaends ?2OBR0ADUMT * ? Branch. Offices 212 FIFTH AVKNUB ' 3.WCUR 26-flTR.tfT ?ONGACRE BUILDING ' tlE??R.42n<t Sr d- BROADWAY NEWARK. Nat'l Bank of Commerce American Meter Co. Atchison & Eastern Bridge McCLURE, JOKES & REED Jtimkri lf*u> Yttrx BtooK f?vh**tt 116 Uroad.way IMiour 8381 K?ctor i Industrial Slocks Resist Pressure; Raus Irregulai ? Bet!er Class in This Groii] Move Higher, hut th Weaker E?ouds Declino Strength in Covering -, Lacking tho Btiraulus of an importan ' now development in the* world outside tho stock market yosteWay yielded nl meist exclusively to-internal influences The vicissitudes of tho day's fluctua tions were confusing. Movements evei among closely related groups of secu ' litios wore contradictory, and the ir regularity that prevailed vitiated the ; day's transactions as useful indication ; of tho futuro trend in industry. What strength was revealed was cs scntially of a defensive character. Floo traders attempted several assaults 01 security prices, and, although some o them moved lower, the industrial stock held up against the attacks fairly well The impulse to rise, however, which re fleeted insistent short covering for sev ??ral days, yesterday plainly became weaker. In the railroad department there wai a more clearly defined cleaverage be tween the securities of high grade road r.nd those of the carriers of loss favor able standing, tho former rising and the latter declining. The collapse of the common stock of the Texas & Pacifie ( ompany was the immediate cause o i ' 't.tlement which radiated in varioui directions. Tho stock, which on Tuea ci?y eioscd at o7'.s, yesterday tumblee to 23^4, and then recovered to 25Vi Many unfavorable rumors accompaniee tho dramatic shrinkage of the marke' va uc of the security, but all of then were subsequently denied by an officei of the road. The a tion of the stock indicated thai the bears regarded it as in a feeble speculative pe sition, and consequentlj raided it. Short selling depressod thi issue to a level where innumerable sto] orders were rele? d, and tho gains o? many weeks were quickly effaced in ; ! few hn\trs. The previous low for tin ? year was 25, and tho high ... IT Pro? fessional operators for t e decline have been in quest of vulnerable places ir ' the railroad ?ist, because of its steadj : ; e since mid Stimmer. Simultaneous with the decline ir Texas & Pacific, Reading moved con spicuously in the opposite directior and rose above 100 for the first time ir three years. The swings of tho stocle thus far this year have been exceed ; ?ugly wide, and tho latest upturn was b? sed on the suggestion that furthei developments in connection with the cation of the coal property was imminent. Despite the action of Read? ing, commentators on the market ir c >mmission houses became move di? vided in their opinions as to tho im? mediate future of tho rails and not ? few who had been recommending them enl usinstically ever since the rato in? crease advised profit taking and some . became definitely bearish for the shorl ' pull. As for industrials, the recent temporary strength has originated from short covering mainly, and the outlook for the next few days is re? garded as uncertain. In the commodity markets tho work ; ing of familiar economic forces caused ! recoveries from the le>\v levels earlier in tho week. Holders of cot f n grain and corn became less in? clined" to raise their products at pre? vailing quotations and shorts had, to bid thorn up some in order to covet their commitments. Tho speculative ; sellers became somewhat reared over the recommendations of Governor Al i i-, if Kansas, in respect to Invcstigat : ing bear pressure at the Chicago Board of Trade : nd also regarding the limita? tion of imports of wheat from Cai ada. , In the three principal groups of specu . lative commodities, quotations showed | gains for the day. Money and Credit Tall money renewed at 7 nor cent yes? terday, advanced Mer to 8 por cent and got down again to 7 por cent at the e oso. There was a d-- reased demand for funds at the higher rate. Further government withdrawals from the b nl? : to-day will total approximately $9,000, 000. What time money is coming into the market is readily placed at S per cent. Yester- Year day, ago. On mixed collateral.... 7 7 On industrial collateral 7 7 Time money (mixed collateral): _ Sixtv days . ...8(o SVfe 5% '? 6 Ninety days .8 f? ' ' ?- ? Four months .S ??'.: o Four to six months.H <*'-.? B%?6 Bank Clearings?Bank clearings at New York yesterday were: Exchanges, $732,761,651; balance, $71.270 404. Silver.London, 56%d; New York, domestic bar, 99M?c; foreign, 88%c; M? xican dollai-s, 67%c. Sub-Treasury- United States fund reserve credit balances, $57,729,600. Canadian Exchange?New York funds in Montreal, $90 premium per $1,000; Montreal funds in New York, $82.57 discount per $1,000. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Pronounced weakness in exchange on Italy supplie 1 tho outstanding de? velopment in tho foreign exchange market yesterday. Lire broke' to a new low recor? of 3.90 cents, com? pared with a closing of slightly better than 4 cents the day before. Sterling and franc exchange were slightly easier on quiet trading. (Quoted in dollars to tho pound) Yester- week day. ago. Sterling, demand -$3.4950 $3.47 Sterling, cables . 3.5025 3.4775 Sterling, sixty days... 3.4550 3.43 Sterling, ninety days. 3.4350 3.41 (Quoted in cents to the unit). : Francs, checks . 6.665 6.66 Francs, cables . 6.675 6.07 Belgium, francs, cks. 7.06 7.05 Belgium, francs, cbls. 7.07 7.06 Lire, checks . 3.90 4.17 Lire, caldos . 3.91 lis Swiss, francs, checks 16.04 16.03 Swiss, f?anos, cables 16.07 16.06 j Marks, checks . 1.56 1.62 'Marks, cables . 1.56 1.62 ?Guilders, checks _ T>1.00 81.10 Guilders, cables _ 81.125 31.20 I Austrian, crowns, cks. .39 .44 j Austrian, crowns, cba. ..'in .14 Sweden, checks .... 19.85 19.90 I Swollen, caldos . 19.95 20.00 i Denmark, checks _ 14 01 14.15 'Denmark, cables .... 14.06 14.20 I Norway, checks . 14.03 14.15 Norway, cables . 14.08 I 1.20 Pesetas, checks . 14.64 1 1.66 Pesetas, cables . 14.68 14.70 Greece, checks . 1') 30 It) 25 ? Greece, cables . 10.40 10.25 1 Manila, che< ks . 46.50 46.50 Manila, cables .41 10 47.00 India, rupees, checks.. 32.60 33.00 India, rupees, cables.. 33 10 :!". 25 Japan, yen, checks., 51.00 61.25 Japan, yen, cables... 61.25 51.375 Argentina, checks ... 83.00 84.625 Argentina, cables ... 83.25 84.875 Brazil, Rio, chocks... 17.50 17.625 Brazil, Rio, cables... 17.625 17.75 Ozecho-Slovakia, cks.. 1.34 1.36 Czecho-Slovakia, cbs.. 1.34 1.86 Paris Market Heavy TARIS, Oct. 6.? Prices were heavy on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes, 63 francs at! centimes; ex- - chango on London, 52 francs 4M con- , times: fiive per cent loan, 85 francs! 90 centimes. The dollar was quoted j at 14 francs 95V? centimes. Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1920, Now York Tribune Inc.) Hay Tear January 1 to date. Trsterdnv. before. ago. 1920. 1019. 191?. Railroad blocks . 419.(500 362,700 401,200 32.140.300 48 103,700 23,691.800 Other stocks . 398,300 534,400 1,152,500 137,119,100 180,991,200 78,656,100; All stocks . 817,900 897,100 1,553,700 169,265.400 229,154,900 102.347.900; Yesterdnv. Day before. Year neo. 1920. 1919. V. S. (tovernment bonds.$9,484.000 $11,556.000 $10.106,000 $2,223,967,000 $1,916.416.000: Itnilroad bonds . 2,214,000 3,163,r00 991,000 305 846.000 281,591.000 Other bonds . 4,411,000 5,517.000 1,672 000 279,961,000 296.311.000 All bonds . 16,109,000 20,236,000 12,769,000 2,809,768,000 2,497,318,000. Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1920. New York Tribune Trie.) Stock!? Ktin?*e ?Tins Ranee full Tester- Day Year far 1920. year 1919. dav. before. ante. Tlitrh. I,ow. FTiyh. Low. 20 Railroad slocks . 72.85 72.00 70.60 73.25 58.CO 78.80 63."'S ?0 Industrial stockt . 86.CO 86.20 115.10 110.30 82.53 119.33 79.20 50 Stocks . 80.80 80.80 97.30 92.05 74.46 99.54 75.92 Bonds 10 Rnilrond bonds . 76.14 76.58 78.92 76.58 66.73 82.80 72.83 10 Industrial bonds . 84.31 84.31 93.56 91.45 82.92 95.70 90.56 5 Utility bonds . 71.02 71.68 79.95 74.53 67.64 87.75 71.80 25 Bonds . 78.67 78.69 84.98 81.71 73.94 87.91 80.21 Hirh. 1920. 88% 2*? 3 03% 95 62 i ? 10 ' 4 93 12834 6134 101 1473;, 54% 15% 175 122 1191 2 99% 109! 4 1778 30' j 72 10C i 115?4 50 931'2 142% 1C63.1 100% ?83 210 1651 2 6l3/a 2134 66'2 23 6% C7| 4 85% ?2 12% 10,1 2 2O/4 1481 2 49 53% 43/2 15'',' ?> 3?-'2 102'2 114 96% 17 13/4 8'2 11' 2 29/4 27! 4 28% *S% 134 1934 IO434 61% 164?4 08% 17 2334 15 17'4 14' 2 65 91'2 111% 41% 71' ? 84% 72! , 62 21/, 4.: i ,, 4C% *4! 4 1fi% ?f.' 2 67 937a 2C% 14' -, Low. niT. 1920. Rote. 36% 6 il/4 ? 28 1 75 8 57 70% 8 30 6 63% 10 3C% ? 85'2 7 124% 12 22% ? 9 95 53'4 64', 2 80 82 11% 16% 52% 83 Open. Bien. Ajm Rubber . 400 A Inulta Gold Mines.. 2400 ? Alaska Juneau . 300 1 Allia Chalmers . 400 8 Amer Agr Chem. ... 200 ? Allied Chem . 2600 86 85 99 74': 92' ; 104' ; 102 70 38 11 49',' 7 2 23 76 72 5 Amer Heet Simar- 900 du rf. 1c0 Amer Bosch Mag- 200 American Can . 700 7 do pf.'. 400 2 Amer Car X? Fdry. . . ? Amer Cotton Oil. . . .80 Am Drug Syndicate. 6 Amer Express . 7 Am Hide & L i>f 6 Amer Int'I Corp .... 7 Amer LinsrVd pf. . . . 6 Amer Locomotive . . . ? Amer Safety Bnzor . ? Amer Ship & Com.. 4 Amer Smelting . 14900 7 do pf. 200 8 Amer Snuff. 200 100 Amir Steel Fdy. 600 36' do pf. 100 85' Amer Sugar . 4700 104? Amer Sumatra- Tob. . 900 89 Amer Teleg & Tel... 1300 98T Amer Tobacco . 2100 140' 300 13334 133% 133% 133% 1200 23' 2 2200 9% 200 145 800 60% 7900 74'3 100 84'/2 14C0 95 1600 1?% 1500 18 '4 1431/4 143%? 1% I44 141 100 27% 40's 35 114 4 Vz 67% 103 83 9% 6',, 16 10 10',; CI no 8 43' 33? 74 47 f> 12 4 ?]% 7 19% ?r| .j 4534 74! i 23/2 54 64 CS 4 10 4 do pf n . Amer Woolen . Amor Writ Pnper pf Amer Zinc . Anaconda . Ann Arbor . Assets Tienl Co. Associated Dry Good? Atch, Top & San Te. do pf. Atl, Birm & All Atlantic Coast Line. . Atlantic Fruit . Baldwin Loco Co.. . Baltimore & Ohio. . . do pf. Rarnsdall B . Barrett Co . Beth Motors . Beth i'tecl. Class B.. do 8% pf. Brooklj 11 Edison .... Bkb n Rap Tran_ do ctfs . Brunswick . Butte Con Ai Zinc. . . Ilu'lf Ai Sup Copper. Butterick Co. . Caddo Oil . California Backing. . Canadian Pacific. . . . Cai? Blow . Centra] Leather .... Cerero de Basco. Chandler Motors .... Chesapeake & Ohio. . Chicajro &. Alton.... do pf. Chic & Fast 111 . do pf. Chic Gt Western. .. . do pf. Chic, Mil & St B_ 700 134% 136 I341/4 13434?? 900 73', a 73! 2 73 73%? 200 54 54 54 54 ??? 400 12 12 12 12 + 2400 02% 53% 52% 52%? 203 23 23 23 23 4 400 5 5 4', 2 41/z? 400 28'.'2 29 28'j 29 f 2700 8?% 83% 87'4 88%4 500 78 78 77% 77% + 1400 11% 11% 11 11% | 900 9C" 8 97% 98 98 ? 700 19 19 18% I8%? 14600 111% 111% HO/4 110%? 4700 47% 471., 46i _. 47% + 700 53% 53% 531/2 5:.-!4 f 200 38 38 700 128% 129 600 4% 5 1C600 71% 711 700 105 105 1/4 1341/2 135 38 38 - 128% 129 ? 1', 10900 128' 8 123% 127 200 11 11 10 2400 44 44% 44 900 40 41 40 1C00 73'4 80 78 2400 67% 68 67 200 16 16 15' 200 22% 22% 20 400 12 12 12 700 12% 14% 11 4600 13% I334 12" 1900 31' 4 31% 30' 14100 43% 43% 41 = do pf. 3200 V/2 1(5'. 43: 278! G H 106 5&% 85 .-. 263' 2 9 lt% 101 8 12% 147 102 21% 30% 223/4 95 91% 44% 48 36' 2 ' B 100 172 42 L0'4 93 85% 9034 41% SS! a 1734 35% 84% 20' 2 78' 4 16 46% 1 16! ? 23% 33% ??5' 2 9% 61% 5% 16% 142% 51% 111% 71 91% 75% 47/4 2634 S2 13% 7'4 21% 44'4 27'4 52% 1d2; 2 1% 33' 2 48' j 91% 46 24% 40 38% 54% 207 36 2s 112! ' 151% ? ?6 30' 2 30 63'2 3 ;.. 62% 137! 2 222 23 71% 52% 21 90% 11 18 313a 55% 40 09% 86%" 98 42 12% 24% 30% 23 20 18 50 73% 9 10% 76% 30 II5/2 36! 2 Chic & Northw'n. . . . Chi Pneu Tool. Chi, Rock Isl & Pac. c?o b=>0 pf. do 7% pf . Chi, Si P, M & O.. C, C C & St Louis. . 900 400 16400 1700 400 200 200 1 4 2" 8 7 7 7 10 Chile Copper . 1600 Chino Con Copper. . . 700 Coca-Cola . 600 Col Fuel Ai Iron. 100 Col Ai Southern. 800 Columbia Graph _ 1900 Col Gas Ai Elcc. 900 Consolidated Gas ... 4000 Con lnt'1 Cal Min. .. CCO Continental Candy. . . 700 Corn Products . 15C0 Cosden & Co . 700 Crucible Steel . 14C0 Cuba-Amor Sugar... 1CC0 do pf . 50 Cuba Sugar . . 160C do pi. 400 D, L & W . Denver Ai Bio Grande 37%? reo ? 100-243' 2 243! 2 24 900 2/, 21/2 65% 80 2) 193.8 58% 80! 2 134 10! a 64% 76 43 65% 30 2?, 7 25% 41 15 50 14' 2 21% 75 13 29 80% 6' -, 43% 5 8% 111% 18% 70! 4 60 62! 4 70 30' 4 13% ? do pf. 1600 3' 4 8 Davidson Chem . 100 38 ? Dul, So Sh & At... 700 7% ? do pf. 200 11 ? Elk Horn Coal . 500 22% 5 Endicott-Johnson . . . 1400 67 7 dp pi. 1C0 94 ? Erie . 4600 19% ? do 1st pf. 3900 29% ? do 2d pf. 2C0 21 8 Famous Players .... 700 71% 8 do pf. 1900 85 7 Fed Mln & Srnlt pf.. 203 33% 3 Fisk Rubber Tire _ 240"? 2i ' n ? Fraport Texas . 100 22' , 6 General Cigar . 1400 64% 7~ do pf. 100 12 8 General i'.lcctric ... 1600 142 1 General Motors . 20100 18% 6 do 6% deb . 1700 G5% <!o 7% pf -?. 600 77 6 Goodrich, B F. 7C0 50% 7 Ct Northern pf. 6900 87% 4 (it North Ore subs... 1600 33% % Greene Can C?pper. 4C0 28 ? Gulf Mob & Norih.. 400 16 do pf. 400 34% ? Gulf State Steel. 700 50% 2 Cuan Sugai . 100 17% 4 Hask &. Barker Car. 400 C7% 1% Hnbirsh?w F.lec _- 15% ? Hcndce Mfg . 600 22% ? Houston Oil . 3600 106 141% 142 183,4 13% j 2 61 50'. ?4+ 1 Hupp Motor* . 2U0 14 ? Hydraulic Steel _ 1C0 29 7 Illinois Central ... 700 94*i ,60 Indiahoma . 600 7', 4 Inspiration Copper 140O 46' \ ? Inter-Cons Corp . . . 2100 5 ? do pf . 900 15 7 Inter Harvester _ 300 115/ ? Int Mer Marine .... 1200 21'. 6 do pf . 1100 76 7 Int Mot Truck 2d pf 300 60 ? Inter Paper . 2400 77 6 do pf stpd . 1100 74 ? Invincible Oil . 2100 35'; -r Inter Nickel . 2700 18^, 6 do pf . 100 82 ? Iowa Central . 200 11'; Island Oil . 4600 61, Jewel Tea . 300 4r>. do pf . 500 11 Kansas City South . 4600 27 do pf . 800 503, Kelly Springfield . . 1400 56' % ? do rU . 1200 1' . 2 Kennecolt Copper 1900 24^ 1.20 Keystone Tire . 1600 14-'; 6 Lackawannn Steel . . 700 64 ? Laclede C.n . 4C0 4 6 ? Lak? Erie & Western 1400 22 ? do i>f . 2100 40 2 Lee Rubber & Tire.. 100 21 3% Lehiffb Valley . 800 53 12 Tig & Myers Tob Co 200 145 2 Loews, lnc . 900 2114 ? I.oil Candy . 300 13 7 Louisville & Nash... 300 107' 10 Manat? Sugar . 300 92'. 134 Manhattan Shirt 200 21' 7 Manhattan Elevated.. 2300 54' 2 Martin Parry . 200 20' ? Maxwell Motor Co... 400 47 ? do 1st pf. 200 11 ? do 2d pf . 300 5',, ? do 1st pf rtfs. 200 10 8 May Depart Stores.. 100 72 Mexican Petroleum. 2 Miami Con Copper 1.60 Middle Slates Oil.. 46' % 5/4 ? 3%V? 7% ? 13% - 40 4 52 4 12% 60 1S34 39% 130 13% 11% 94 88 20 38] 4 13 3% 8' 4 4' j 9% 69% 148 18% 10% 37% 4 9 ? 63 7 3% ? 7 ? 21 ? 30 ? 25% - 59 3 44 ? 83 7 12 Mid? ale Steel . Minn & St L new . . Minn. St P & 8 S M Mo, Kansas & Texas 16470 187% 189! 1400 19% 19! 8930 16;4 1C5 2100 33 4 39 3403 20% 20' 100 87 87 14600 5'4 5' do pf . 12100 Missouri Pacific 10400 do pf . 3900 Mont Ward & Montana Power National Aniline do pf . Co 200 400 1700 200 H ich 1920. 13 e% 17! 2 6?i a 117 79?/a 54 65 43'. 2 61 37/4 27:' 3 25 1C3! ? 821 4 77'4 22% 6% 9% 41% 23% 61'/4 41 116% 111% 431.4 - 36' 4 183/4 .42 32 68 42'/2 82% 103' j 98 72?/4 50% 3914 Low. D?t, 1920. Unte. C'a 41-4 ? 10I/4 1 31 ? 88/4 64'4 23 10 '4 45 20 44' 2 231 2 16 15 85 66% 38 14 2'a 5 1 7 7 10'4 ? 26' 2 2 41 ' 4 5 40 ? 6 6 3 27% 113% 120 106( 2 0?? 96? 2 47% 50% 124% 106% r.b'4 93' -, 123% 83% 21% 17% Si.; a 48| 4 40 45% 11% 20% 243 90/4 4334 82' -4 105% 310 331/4 66! 2 830 1'3% 51'/-. 1.81/4 -?< Va 101? 2 60 20% 13% 53% i <l7 19% Nat Ton & Cable . . Nal RR of Me-x 2d pf Nevada Consol Clop . . NO, Tex & Me* ... New York Air Drake New York Central . . N Y, <'hi & S L do 2d j)f . New Yeirk Dock .... ele) pf . NY, N IC t? II. N Y. Ont & West . . Norfolk South . Norfolk & Western. Nor'hrrn Pacific . . . Neva Scotia Steel . . .50 Nunnally . .40 Okla Prod & Kef . Ontario Silver . Ol is Steel . Orphcum Circuit . . . Pqc Goa & Elcc .... Pac Tel & Tel . 71% 6 Pnn-Amer Pet - 67% 6 do U . 37% 3 Pennsylvania Rail 16 ? Penn Seal) Steel .... 9 ? Peor?a & Eastern... 27 ? People's (,11:1 & Coke 22 ? Perc Marquette .... 66 6 do prior pf. 301/2 3 Philadelphia Co - 3'! ? Pierce Arrow . 881,4 8 do pf . 11 ? Pierce Oil . 79 8 do pf . 51 ' 4 5 Pittsburgh Coal .... 36 ? Pure Oil . 21' 2 ? Pitt* & West Va.. . '7- % 1 rone' Creek Coal.... 8 1 8 Pressed Steel Car... 8 Punta Aleare Sucar. 8 Knilvay St>el Spring 1 Kay Can Copper. . . . 4 Reading . 2 do Is! pf. 2 do 2d pf. 6 Rep Iron & Steel_ 7 do pf . Rep Motor Truck . . . Replcgle SteeJ . .50 Royal Dutch . 5 Savnir 2200 101% 103% 13' 4 94% IOOI/4 ' ? ? ' 2 944 2 S51 2 14% 15'. a 34% - 6S! ? 21% 4% 1/11 2 15% 23! 2 11 ?4 10 112 45S-? 23' ', 59 80! ? 1C0 18 CO 600 100'; 267. 33 127 63 .r-3 224 29% ?3' 2 78% 116% ( 9 !'4 96! 2 '<? I '4 76 1C9 1 IBS/, -? ; 12 Va 07 S0| 4 112?/a 120! j 21 ?9 15' 2 22% 40] j 75 80'., 119 55?/a 82' 2 16 93 9-' 4 50 53' -2 86 41 17 9 ? 40 3 20', 2 ? 36 9' '2 ? 18% 2 57 6 70; j 85% 110 61'/4 3b? > 176 10 12% <6 R 40 ? 5!) 3 74% 8 DO 6 83% 5 0 104 8 75 6 11% 2 16 ? 7 ? 20! 2 ? 8% ? 11 ? 20' 2 - 54% 6 80% 7 98 7 : ' , 4 46 5 9 ? 42' 10 55 24 Arms . 200 28 Saxon Motors . 200 5% St Joseph Lead. 300 14% St I.ouis & San Tran 81C0 33 do pf . 900 47 St Louis Southwest.. 39C0 37', 0 do ?>f . 2700- 42% Seaboard Air Line.. 1900 11% do pf .'. 1500 19% Sears Roebuck . 1100 115% 74 Shell 'Irans & Tr... 1400 52% ' Sinclair Oil . 4900 32% Slosa-Sheff SI & Ir. . 500 65% Southern Pacific ... 14900 99' a So l'orio Rico Su?r. . 100 115 Southern Rail . 18300 02% do pf . 700 65% Stand Oil . 50 025 do pf . 2900 105! 1 Stewart Warner _ 709 31% Stromberg; Carb ... 2700 71 Studcbaker . . :. 12100 ?8% do pf . 200 86 Superior Steel . 100 51 Superior Oil . 200 18 Tenu Cop & C'hem. . 2:0 9% Texas Company .... 27109 51% Texas & Pacific .... 60000 37% .25 Tex Pac Coal & Oil 700 37?% ? Third Ave Rail _ 200 17 2%. Times S y Auto .... 300 20% 6 Tobacco Products .. 1000 60'6 ? Toi, St L & W ctfs 100 17 ? Tran ron Oil . 2000 12' a 1 Twin City Kap Tran 100 30 8 Union Bag & Paper. 2 3 .OS ? Union Oil . 900 27?/; 10 Urfion Pacific . 4600 126'.' 4 do pf . 200 G '% 5 Un?(< i Alloy . 7C00 37' ; 12 United Pruit . 200 203 I'nil d Ky Invest pf. 2C0 27'/ ? US C I Pipe & Co 100 14ft 6 i; S Food Products. . 1830 51ft 8 V :-: Ind Alcohol_ 1400 84 !' S Realtj & !:>ip. . .000 52 United Retail Stores 6700 73-, 8 US Rubber . 6100 7S1 ?-, 6 U S Smell. & Ref. . . 900 57 5 United States Steel. 19000 8P0 7 do pf . 700 107 ' 6 Utah Copper . 1600 61' ? ' loh Secur Corp.... 4900 12' 6 Vanadium Steel .... 2/00 C3 ' 4 Virginia-Cm Chcm . 400 39-! 5 elo' pf . 10 I0! 6 Va iron, Coal & Coke 100 112 2 Vivoudou . 200 12;' ? Vulcan Detinning .. 100 16 ? Wabash . 4600 13 do pf A. 7100 33' Western Maryland . 1900 14! e!o 2d pf . 900 20! Western Pacific ... 2100 36? do pf . ?00 75 Western Union Tel. 300 84 Westing Air Brake. 200 100 Westinghouse Mfs 7C0 47 Wilson Co . 600 52 Wheeling & LE ... 2600 15? do pf . 203 26?/ 4 While Motors . 700 46 1 Willys Overland _ 10900 11' 7 do pf . 700 63 6 Worth Pump & M. . 700 60 4 Wickwire-Spcncer .. 200 28' 1% ? 9 104% 105' h-i- ' 51! 73 1/4 W/s 107% 6% ?4 '/a | Mix dividend. Bid and A: ske, Adams r.x A : It un Ij Alb a Su Ai Chaliii Am A? CI. Del Dei v. pr Am Bnk S'oto l ? in do pr ? i:, i 9_ A 11 S .V l'y. HO do pa . s | A c sfv pr.lU. A Cot Oil pr. t! .... 1 ! Am lee Sec |,r 59 An La i'ranc \ I.p ? ; !. Am ),. Am Mult & . .:: .120 . ..:' . : I 1 17 I ', do pr 30 _, I ? ? ; & c. Am Wli |,r. . A a Wool pr. Vm Zinc pr., Ajii 1 rbor pr. A 1> u 2d pr 50 Asso n? A; .i!,"..- ttef.1050 do pr . ...10S Vl ; & W I pr 02% A n , Sales Co ". do pr .. . ;; Ilaid I/?-., pr : 'i Bari sdall ...41 ictt Lea., til : Uth i ? i ? .-. i 51' L ]???'. & ?. L0 I miter Body. . U 0 ? pr ...100 ' 0 Gen n,. ni : | '? ' . do Hr -?, Ge i : .? ? . do pr dob. 82? . Irl ; : ''? ". M .1 Gray Da? 15 [n< AErl pr.] ;:. tit liai pi ; ? S US 1st pr ',':;>4 rap, -a i pr 1125 10'J li? I : ? pr rett Co pr ! ?. '?? I in Beth Stee ? ' . ? ? " pr !'. -i i: ' ? B i?vn s ?? do pr Buff It .\ V But! ,v Su, 9fl : M pi l< Cltj So or! vS 'a So pr M. . 142 lo pr I !) Bush Term... <? Pet pr Ran > lutliern Case J I Ce t !.. i pr, pi Can of v .1 .I'll ? 1 ... 52 C & All ? 4 N M pr. 110 Cl Pll CSPM&O pr. IUH CCC & a L pr 6S ' .:.,. . d i pr . ???' C A s 1 ? pr i u 1 pr 15 Col Oraph pr 7 7 C nvp Ta . llec 10 ? tars pr v'i t'ont Cao pr . : Co C irn i".-1 pr loo i - ? Carpet Cru Steel pr. 1)2 Cu .vi,: Su pr 92 C i ''?1-.9 Su pr fa Deer'e Co pr.. 92 De Beer* ... 2?ja? ;,-, Keok ^^^?__ Kress .\: !'? ? ,-. m r do pr . ?g r do b ... ;%, I. tt B 1st pr ??', do 2d pr ;, M Coa i.Man ! . ...... -, 1*4 Mar Ko, '?? ' UV, . 31 ' St. 7" do pr . 95; V ? Pet pi \1 US '? ?:? ?I pr 0 . I M ? Pow pr 01 ?l?i .... 1., ..? M . Uns By pr 93 Vash & ( it.] It 105 do pr . 106 tl & S ? do pr ;., S 1. & s pr ! ?' ?' I : p 102 2 XVC&.SI, isi 150 100 145 I II 115 ? ? . 110% 110 ?a ?.' ? 1 S V L A Sott & \v ? do pr 13 1H 125? 12S 8% 90 OtU Steel i>r. ? loi Bid. Asked i Bid. Asked. ii?. ; Bot pr .-> ii"' Sup Steel pr '. .'va 98% I'll 11 . i'.,. I. -.-, -Pi , T . SS 41 : ; p. . 4". 00 : T a l' PI tr '.'.,:. :..-, 1' ? Mall 27 30 Tidewater Oil i05 230 Pa Tel .'- T 40 4 1 Tob Prod pr su 90 1' .a BIng 2? 29 T S 1, & W 15 20 l'cliu .1 (1 pr. .74 ss ; do pr . IS Pi ! Uu II .. 35 40 Twin City It T 30 4j do 1st pr . 92 115 ' do pr .... 63V4 si I" ? Oil pr. 8 ? S3 Cnderwood T.1?0 179 I'll . Steel pr. B5 U L'OVSi do pr .102 J?7 1' ,v W Va pr 7.,'.j ni l'n finar Si. IV. 200 Pr -i Car pr 9,S 99 do pr . 97 104 !' S C N ,1 . ' s 70 United Drug, .105 110 P.y St Spr pr.l03ii 1!') ?'? ?? is' pr .. 14T? 4". :. i I Mi: ?,. 22 24 CSCIF& F or 41 42% It< iding ; i pr I . ? ? 46V? l S Express. 6% 7% lo . ! pr . I-? 4s I' S l Al pr 93>.? 93 Reis & Co.., ?'i '."? V ii K 1st pr.105% 100V4 do pr . 70 R0 ? l-.SS & It j r 43Vj i 1 Item Ty 1st pr - 95 VVabash pr B 23 23& f?ensselaer ... ? lio Weils Fargo . 5JH 61 R I & S pr. I'l :?: West I'ac pr. 73J$ 7', Si , . Roe pr.107 lid VVcst'se A II D9 100 Shell Tl :? VVI on Co pr K8 ]00 S S 3 & I pr 83Vi s, v\'is Central.. 42 45 s ;? |{ Su pr 102 105 vV ilw. rlh . .109 110 Si u dard MU?.115 140 do pr . . .108 107 do pr . 73% S3 WP & M pr A 79 83 Steel Tubo tir 83 87 <& do pr B_ 62% 63 Studebaker pr s'j 86 Dividends Bute and Pay- Holders period iihlo. of rec. Am Cigar Co. 2 Q Wov 1 Oct 16 I Am I.??lit & Trac, 1 Q Nuv 1 Oct 15 do Btoi k . 1 ?* Nov 1 Oct 15 do pf . 1%Q N'ov 1 Oct 15 i Averj Co, stock...100 .\"ov 1 Oct 11 Hro?vn Shoe pf.... $1.75 Q Nov I Ocl 20 Cudahy 1'k. 7 pf cum 3% SA N'ov 1 Oct 21 ' do 6 pf . 3 SA Nov 1 Oct 21 Federal Sugar .... 1% Q Nov l Oct 22 do pf . 1% Q -Nov 1 Oct 22 Loose-Will a 2d pf. $1.75 Nov 1 Oct 1? Sti el & i ?r $1.00 Q Nov 1 Oct 15 Milwaukee Ele K pf 1 '-? Q -N'ov 1 <>ct 20 ??-?- Marq pr pf .-".:?; 1 't il Nov i Oct'lO S II Kress & Co.... 1 Q Nov ! Ocl 20 j f ? Worsted 1st pf l3icj <Jet 15 Oct 7 l'n Eastern Mining $0.16 Q Oct 28 Oct S Stocks Ex Dividend Date. Company. Per ct. Oct. 9?American Beet Sugar Co.... 2 Oct, it?American Ice Co. l Oct. 15?Amn Snpbldg Cu. 1% I Oct. 1 do pf . 1% ii.-t. 15?Famous Plyrs-I.aky Crp pf.... 3 Har?blson-W Rfrc Crp pf-. 1% Oct. 8?Inspiration (',.113 Copper Co... 1 Oct. " Pittsburgh Coal Co, Pa. 1?4 < Out, 8? do pf . 1% ; Oct, IE.-Republic Iron & Steel. )% ' Oct, 15?Va Caro Chem . 1 London Monev Market LONDON, Oct. G.?Bar silver, 567s?l per ounce; bar gold, 117= Id; money,: ?1:!( per cent;, discount rates?short bills, 6:i?6l-s per cent; three mon?is' biils, 694 per cent; Gold premium? at Liabon, 140.00. In Wall Street Texas & Pacific The violent break in Texas & Pacific Railway shares yesterday naturally gave ripe to an abundant crop of ju mors that were characterized as base? less by officers and directors of the road. Among these were < J > thai I Missouri Pacific had started a suit to recover the ?unpaid Interest on the $24,682,000 second mortgage bonds, of which the "Mop" owns ov< r $23 600,00 ?; i'2) that attempts to find oil company's Tight of way had failed, and (3) that a reorganization was b considered which would provide for a drastic assessment on the stock. Com? menting on these rumors an officer and director of the Texas &? Pacific "The Missouri Pacific litigat on ? ? the Texas & Pacific is an old Missouri Pacifie about a year and a half ago instituted proceedings to re? cover $27,000,000 interest -, I ? Texa & Pacific second mortgage bonds or over 100 per cent, of the accumul So far as the oil yarn is cone met!, company never hud anj interest in o I except as the lessor, and in e\ had been found along the company's right of way it woul i bent I o from the royalties. A reorgai of the Texas & Pacific has n< : et even beer, considered." The br & Pacific shares carried their down from 37^ to 231/i. On printed denials of the unfavorable reports the stock rallied at the close to 25Vi, but this still showed a net los3 of 12 . "Mop's" T. &. P. Holdings The Missouri Pacific's interest in the Texas & Pacific Railway, in ad to its holdings of the second moi . income bond:., consists of the o ship of $10,000,000 of the $38,7 outstanding stock. The Missouri Pa? cific also $2,979,420 T. & P. 6 per cent notes which were due June 1, 1915. The income bonds are pledged undei the Missouri Pacific unified an funding mortgage. Th & P ? cific stock and the note3 are unpl in the "Mop's" treasury, [n ?. discussions of a possible i tion of the Texas & Pacific it ha suggested that the Missouri Pacific would be willing to accept pr< stock for its holdings or' in but would insist on a stock carrying the right to vote. The only issue in the .?i,; against the Texas & I it is said, is to determine wheth ultimate reorganization would pi $26,000,000 of new preferred stoi > a larger sum. The Texas & Pacific hi s been in receivership since October 27, 1916. Reading Crosses Double Par For the first time since 1917 Read? ing yesterday crossed double par. A.1 }v:j- i,, the high pi ice of thi stock compared with the yeai s low of 64%. The day's net advance of 5 points was coupled with repon. the United States Supreme Court will make an important announc bearing on the dissolution proce Bankers who a e assumed to b< versant with the pian for the Reading's coal properties however, that they knew of no n? w de? velopments in this program. In an? other quarter it ivas hinted that I ie current move in the stock is sponsored by one of the I lead ing financiers. That tu.s b :.. ...- ? ? pi edicated on the i :. ? 2 ted I ni thai will accrue to stockh ? a . su.i of the ??i 3olut n of com] : was indicated a;, '.. first and ? econd prvi . o :k 1 s i er at 50' -, en : l ? par I : : -?; time th j year and ais re a gain for the day of 2 ] dn ?, At .<, . he first preferred was up IV*. Good Investment Market The head !.. one kVuii Sir greatest inve i hou . : yestci day the continuance of til rent boom in the in-. ? i . ai for at: in;! fin !e period "Th f funds await ing nvi a "is of unu ually is i c pr po: the normal accumulai has b sn gi : ? ';, w lied by 1 by the a] pi. Fr< rich loan maturity turity make i at least 250 must be reinvei ted in i to 1 regular funds ava! ab! i foi n ent " The bnr : ? wa -?? aski the huge ovcrscription f rec Eerin -:- did not indicate that th ers have made the new i tractive. "Well." he repli ?. "you know things always look d iTerent when you are <n the other side < f? ? fence; in other words, it is a ca hindsight being better than fore? sight." New Issues Going Well Other important bits if cor financing under ne ; .; at :<."i ar pected to he put over until next Bankers are working on several is til the moment, announc iment if wl ? iay be expi cted aftei the Col Day holiday, on Tuesday next i market is stii: booming in ? i r. ary manner, with investors i ! : issues wll h a rush. For ex: npl . tl ?40..000 000 Swift issue forma ly o " vesterday was quickly oversub ci while the offering of 525,000, ?00 - Ti unk Railway bon ; ? were ac ? the same reception The Norwi government $20,000.000 still s however, as the grei t ?-,: succe ?' ny of the current financial operations, the subscriptions to that loan ! . swamping the distributing and compelling a dra tic scaling lown in making the allotments, so that ?? n the small subscribers did not full amount of their applications. ? Sears Roebuck Issue Next Week Details of the Sears Roebuck financ? ing, under discussion for several are taking form, and indie that the public offering of the new issue will be formally announced next Wednesday. The amount of the loan has been fixed definitely at $50 000, bankers interested in the pr said yesterday, and the issue wil si8t of one, two and three year ruites, Contrary to report, the notes will carry ' no conversion feature. They are ? pected to bear a coupon rate of 7 cent, and to be offered on an incarne return basis ranging between 7 and T% per cent, according to mal Chicago and New York bankers are handling the financing Italian Exchange Tumbles Exchange on Italy tumbled in this market yesterday to the lowest level since last spring. Lire bills di below 4 cents, the closing rate' being 3 00 for checks comparing with a '. v 3.73 cents reached on the break of last April. Exchange brokers described the market in Italian exchai being exceedingly thin, an i the sudden display of weakness increase in grain and cotton bills drawn against exports of th com modities to Italy. The ; i change value of the Italian lira com ?area with a normal gold parity of i'J.3 cents. Decline in Wheat Checked Governor Allen's charge that short i.ellir.g in the Chicago Board of Trade was forcing wheat prices below the cort of production and that farmer? should not sell at present levels apparently checked pressure which has been felt in the pit for more than a week and prices rallied close to the $2 level yes? terday. Governor Allen said that he would ask President Wilson for an embargo against Canadian wheat, an.; it was believed that higher price? naturally would follow the end of com? petition from this source should it be effected. Corn was higher in sytn pathy with the better demand in wheat and on covering by shorts. R aiiroa DO (38 issues) In our circular entitled ".'" t( rs Favorable to the Railroad Bond Mar i".to four groups thirty-ei *] ?In id bondi according to our judg? ment of their investment merits,and indicate pi ent prices and yields compared with the ran^e of the past twenty years. A number c I I -Lies mentioned are It vestments for trustees and savi in New York State. Write for Circular ?015 Spencer Tra^k&Co. r~ '-~?d Street, New York ai v-iNY r< - roN rmi m?o M anc? Ban!dng In France A rd Belgium O-ir ? I o ??: - n "ith Lloyds and 1- :ro vi.m tik, T ' !.. I e t e ig facilit . - . in Cairo and Alex out ica. Spe< ? ent f r t ' ling I sactions in Tun:* and Algeria. Ouf New York Agency invit s inquiry. Bank of j British West Africa 1. cv- 1 o it. K. A.rr. ? a ?. _> ?m U ?:r h ? The Fcrvrel ? ' Con . railroad ds ha ; i : ,, r J b hich is vital to railroad. Our Le ter \ l 7 ? su - -, 5t in .' se\ " il bo ids will be maid d ;. o;i if re quested. Herrick &. Bennett Mem ., . .',. :. Y?rl Si ? , 66 BROADWAY, 1 ORK I BRANCH 01 ! . 51 Eaft 42n, IVrk?Win New York City New York -. -.. . HMtMMMMMMIMHiaMHj L?CiO? OB? WE RECOMMEND ! Seaboa A Air Line Railway 1st Consol. Gold 6s Due Sept. I, 1945 Issue $38,983 0^0. Secure a first lien on 417 miles of road and by deposit w th trustee or about $40,000,000 bonds stocks worth about $25,000,000 at present market. P/ice about 63 & Int. To Yield Nearly 10 j McChire, Jones & Reed Mem! ei s .' v ? <? 115 Broadway New Yorlc Telephone Redor 7C62 High Grade Pri'frrriMl Stocks -, in which we attively ;'. know all about now available ;.t ex? ceptionally attractive prices. TED H. 1). Kobbins & Co. ... i 61 Broadway New York <2S& CHATHAM & PHENIX ??f NATIONAL BANK . \%S. ' r?pli?l k Surpl?. ? '.'?????? IH?arr.| S ? ??? ?? fc.^N'. 1*9 Brca?ws?. Sint?r Si?? r? J :? . Anil IS IrMilM