Newspaper Page Text
ELECTION NOTIGE BOARD OP BLKCTtONS OF THK crrv OF NEW YORK, GENERAL OFFICE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BOROUGH .i--; MANHATTAN. NOTICE is ftEREBY GIVEN IN pursanca of Chapter it of the Law? of ff)e>o (constituting chart i it of ?he Con ; eolldated Law?), ns add.-.I by Chanter 641 Skwtlon soi, of the Law? of ifJis! of th,: boundaries of rach of the election dis? tricts In the County of Now York and of the-, designation of th..- place of registration fV'tolior 4th, 5th, Cth. 7th. 8th and 9th, and . ; the polling placet for th.> election to be held November 2d. JS20, in each of the election districts in said County us fullow?. ^COUNTY OF NEW YORK BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN POLLING PLACES First Assembly District E.D. Location. Occupied ? 230 K. Broadway.e lub 2'2 Henry st.Candy 3 ':^| Madison at. Barber I < >',.- Gonvernpur and Monroe ?ta., TV. ont. ..n Monroe at . P. S. 31 ? Cor. Gouverneur and Monroe st ; ml. ill ? 219 Clinton at. .. Barber 7 Madia m st., bel Pike and Rui - g?ra st.; main ent. on Mt.t iaon at.i ?. s 2 S B7 Rutgora st.Barber 9 Henry st.. l. t. Pike and ftut ? gers si., ont. Exit I', on Henry Bl. P S 2 10 Cor. Market and Monroe st.; ? ?ut. Exit 5 ...ti Monroe s-.. j-. S. 177 H Henry st., bet. Catharine und . M Iver ?? . y. ci.t. on li ut v s;. .]>. s. 1 : "? 80 Madison st. .number 13 Cor Market and Monroe his.; i:-.:. Exit i on Market st., r. s i?7 14 Oak s-., bet. '.liver and James sts.. eiliv.-r st. ent ... IV S. IM 18 Oak st., bet. e mvi r and Jam. s st.; \V. ent. on Oak st...P. S. i!4 16 Henry st., bot Cal narine mid O Iver sis., v.". enl on Henry si. P. S. 1 17 N".. vote S 18 60 Mot! st , boys' ent.P. s. 108 ' 19 Cor Mulberry and Bayard Eta.; n >rt ?i era. on Mulbari y s . , IV s 23 20 C r. Mulberry ?nd Bayard sts.; :t..\..;.i st. ent.P. S. 2.1 ?! 71 C" ? ?.Roataurant ' 22 -.. R ? ?eve II st. . bo> s' e nl . P. S. 112 , 23 S3 t ?I . girls' ent , P. S. 112 2 1 104 Wall st .... Barber Washington, Albany and Car? ets.; cast ent. on Albany st.P. S. 29 ' 26 Washington, Albany and Car? lisle sts ; center ent. on Wash? ington at.P. S. 20 27 Cor. Hubert and Collister its.; c. liter ? nt. nn Hube rt st. P. S. 14 28 43 Or ind st. G 29 Clork, Oomlntsk ;>ri i li? sts. ; W. ?nt. " ? P, .--. r-t 30 Clark, Dorr.ii !ck and I ? s . 1)01 '::? .. St. i nl P. S US 31 2'- M uga 9t .Tailor' .TaU? ?.. it. ? t.i .n Kins st.? 2" W. 1 u il ?? t.. be l. Hud n !". enl i! W. M ??: ??? n st .P. S. D5 T.i 29 Kir.-a -.. girls' . nt. on Kins ? ? . .P. '..'?> < n st., bel Hue i inel . ? ? . n ont, W. ? ii st.P. s. 95 I ?6 ? ; ' II .-..;..,' ? . . on Hudson I . S7 C r. Grovo and Huds in at.; ntei nt. on < lro\ ?? st P. S. 3 : -. 272 T. h sr. ; b iys' ent. . . P. S. 107 19 272 W lOt?i s'.; t-'irla' ent ..P. S. 107 Second Assembly District E.D tttlon, Occupied tes : 41 Hem y at.M u : th st. b ?'. Cal al a:i 1 He ? M. enl : ; lytll !'. ? 8 Rt. bet 1' - ?-. i ? : ' st. ; ent. centoi exil on ; ? . ? - ? 4' : 5 and Norl'olli . :, ? ' irf ,::.?? . : ' 6 C ? ,? ? ! i util, .v si ? ? . nd st.!?:-'.: 7 -, ?'... m I. idlow ?t.i' 12 ? ' and Hester sts., t. enl . : 9 .... th ? . . . .P. S."20 10 an Lu Ilov ? ' ?-.'.- ? . . I ' -: ' . " l! Coi P. .- 101 1 : i ton E ? . - ts. : ont. ? - ? : p.a.: i . ? N ? ? , .. .P. S. 91 ... i . ;. ? '? ? ht.; | ? r-nt .I i .' ' . ' ' ?.- tli yard ent.P I-- i t.; north y? l en t. F :? .-. . ' r?prinit , ? . . . P, . ? .P 24 ? n st.Iiain ; : .Barb'-i : ? .Barbu ion -si.Tailor 28 : ?? '.Settli ' Third Assembly Dlstri? I j ; . . oci tlon. O cupl das udson ? . '?::<. . .-'. ?. ? on st . 1 '? 1 . . n Ht .!?:.. W t i . l-'uri .:?!;., ,..? . Hab. i . ? ? ?.1 ,-?..-?. .I' -I- . . . t. 1 : ? . ? Bth ... .I . ; , . ? : ; ?.Cai . : i w . nth Ht . j.l.-i-. ground ? nt. P. .-t . i 14 104 10th ave. .Barber ... o i 4 W, 17th ai.; playground ent J'. S 11 16 3?1 W. lSlh sti kindergarten ent. P. ; . r.C 17 851 W. 18'h ?t.i center ent...." B. t? le lao 7th ?.v?.iUiber 19 106 'th ava. ,.Undertake] 20 166 ?th ave. . Barber 21 "r'i ith ave...-?.Barber ?t. ., .?.'i 252 i (. .- n.?....Larber ; i2 W, 22d at. .'Jailor 2s 177 10*h ave......Barber ...; 26S lOtii ave.Barbor 27 316 W, 23d st.Bavber ; ??: 219 ft fi a\.Barbar '.V. 24th st. bet *lh a?.d 8th m. .-... \V. 24th ?t. eut. . .P B. 4 30 TV 25th at. bet. 7ih i v.d 8th. aves . V.'. :.'ih & ?t.i. . P. s. 4G ;. i 258 10th i.---. .>....Restaurant 22 284 i'th ,(\ . Bai be i ? , ;; 14 81 li uve.. .Bai l><-r ,? us M \ l> st.; c-utur en:. i,n new addition .P. S. 33 2? 4.1 \T '.u st.; mu?a ent old bul'..! ing .P. S. 33 ? '. i '? ive.Flortat h .i V. .Barber ,?; 412 '"t'i ave .Cigars .< (i.: iOth :i-.e.j.'i.ib..-r 40 4i.. 8th ave.Florist 4\ 323 TV. 2'.'th at.Express office M TV. tiiith ?t. bot. 8lh and ::\ aves.; TV. 36th at. ent....P S. 33 43 T\'. :>: th ht. bet. ?lh ami 9th aves.; TV. ent. on TV. 35th st.P. S. 32 4 1 f, 16 TV. ;i7th st.; girl?' ent.... P. S. 12'.' i, 458 TV. 88th at.Plumber i.", m W. 37th ht.; beys/ ent....P H 127 47 4U7 VV. 38th st.Tinsmith 4s 4.,;. W. ?.:?.h ?t.v..Flag poles 4s ?3J vih avu..Ice cream Fourth Awseinhly District K i>. Location. ( i -cupled as 1 C74 Water st.Kestaurant 2 Cor. J ackson and Madison sis . 10. i ut. en Madison at . P, S. 12 8 Cor -i ?'? '.-? aon and Mad Ison sts. VV ent. "ii Madison at. . P. S. 12 4 l?. m \ and e louve rneur st. ; W. < ni . n Henry st.. .P. a 147 5 Cor. Kroome nnd e launon si s !.. ? ,ii ..n Broomu st . P. S. 11 n S 84 G erck s; .l'oul parlor Cor. Le - and Hiv Ington ?ta. ; Kxll ;i ..n Low la at ... 1'. tt. 88 ? -v. ci und Itl\ Ington .:.. : -, . .( Rl\ ington si P. S R S ? Cot. and < '?cu. st ? ; ? ? ? n Cannon at P. S 110 10 Cor. 1. ..ri! She ruf sly. . lihei Iff st. . . P. s. 3? 11 Bi .orne and Sheriff sts.; ent. Exit B on Broome s- . i'. s 34 13 Co . Broo ne and Rtdgc sts., 2d ent. S. of I >.?' i nci v st. on Ridge st.P. S. 92 U Cor. i>: ".-t ??? and Ridge st . lain n Bi ionio si.!'. s 92 14 U vington, Ridge and Pitt su..; S . :.' on Rldge .-t _i'. 3. 4 la Rlvingl -n. Rldge and Pitt sts.. <s. ent. .-n Pitt at.P. S. 4 16 Attorney st., bet. Rlvtngton and Stanlon ata; Leys' H.Bt..r. s ;74 17 Atlorne) Bt., bet. Rtvlngton and n tu s.. boj a' ' ni .P. S. 174 18 168 Suffolk si. .( ?iflco l;i K \ ;r,i; and Suffolk sts ?lvimjt.'it si ent.P. S 160 SU 1ST Tl i mie st.. K. enl ... I'. S. ?. ' 21 187 Bi st , TV. ent ... P S. 120 22 Cor. RA'ington itui Suffolk sta . dit ?t.. enl.P. S 160 2 1 113 Ludiow -st. Bai ber Fifth Assembly District ! 225 TV. I?! al.Church Mil 2 318 TV. 43d st.Storage 3 4:,; \\ . 12.1 st. T? 4 550 101 '1 ave.Shoes 601 W, : ,tii at. Storage t. 519 IV. 41th si.. riMlri en!...I*. S ;. I 7 , 1 .e \V. 44th st r 4M h si. ent 1 hrough yard. P -; > ; 8 S2I". 10th ?ie.Awnings ? 402 VV, 44th at.Barber 10 8*1 TV. 44th ELECTION NOTICE I '? r'" Mh ?\ 13 !?5 8th avg . ..Candy i.i 663 ?th ave.Barber 1 t il! lHlli n?e...finar? IS 660 loth uve.Barbai ni 675 Bin uve.Ire cream 17 664 oth av..Barber M \V. 17th ?t., bet. Sth and ?th uves.; mi. east side of rourt, P. H. 17 10 W. 48th St., bet. Sth mid 9th ave?., main cot. on court. P. H. 17 C" r>72 intli nve.Undertaker ei US w. ?Ttii ?i.Candy 2 ! ?ins ) ith avp.Barbef :'1 709 lOtli ,iv".Barber 24 4 ?:'> W. 49th st.. S \V. cut...P. S, 84 25 465 w 4-th ...t.Barber 26 732 'Hi :>ve.Undertaker i to \V. 50th st. : 8. W. ont. . . t'. S. H4 2d '7 \V. T'Oth st.Awnings 20 502 W. 6 I st st.Tailor 30 507 W :, 1st ?it.limber ::i 768 10th nvc.Confectionery 32 4fil \V, .'.1st ?t.Undertaker .< 443 w 60th st.Barber 34 74 I 9th ove.Barber 35 317 W. 62(1 st.; kindergarten ent., r. s. 58 36 .".17 W. 52d st.; kindergarten ent., P. B. 58 37 772 10th ave.Barber 38 ~v?. iitb nv-.Barber 39 153 w. 64th st.Tnllor 40 v4!i 9th avc.Tailor II 301 AV 63d st.Awnings 12 873 9th nv.v.Heal estnte 11 44'i w. 66th st.Barber 41 462 W 5Sth st.; eni. Exit 3. . 1'. B. Ill' 162 W. Dsth st.; main ent....P. S. lili 4H 8S3 lui h ave.Berber I 47 '.'I Amsterdam ave.Confectionery -ts 203 W, (list st.Barber 49 1 ?7 \V, 61st St. Club ; 60 : is W. i:;: l at.Church .'?1 7.1 Amsterdam nvc.Barber 62 22S \V. 63d ?l.Tailor Sixth Assembly District E.D. Location. Occupied as 1 Mangln st. bet. K. Houston* nml ? Stiinton sts.: NA ent.P. S. 07 2 Mangln st. bet. IS. Houston and Htanton als.; S. ent. . . . P. 8, 07 Cor K. Houston and Bowls sts.; boys' ent. on Lewis st. . .P. S, 1K8 1 <'i>:-. E Houston and Lewis sts.; boys' .lit on Lewis st.. P.S. 1?S - -7- 2d si . girls' ent.p. S. 1 ;: 1 '. 272 2d st. : boys 'ent.P. S. 131 7 342 E Houston st.Barber * 269 E, 4th st.; ?--Ills' ent.P. Ifa. 105 ?' 269 IS." 4th st.; boys' ent.P. 8. 106 !" L'. 4th St. bl t. Aves, C Jtfid I>; w. ent.PS. 15 11 8S -90 Ave. U .Cigars 12 7.".? nth st.Dry goods 13 188 7th st . W. ent.P. S. 71 14 ixs 7th st ; B. ent.P. s. 71 l? 9T, Ave. I) .Baskets 16 E 9th n. bet. Aves. 11 ?nd f. ; W. ent on court on E. 9th ? : .P. 3. 64 17 L. 10th st. bet. Ave?, u and C; C < nt. on E, 10th st. . . .P. H. n4 15 710 K 9th st.; ent. Exit 4.P. S. 3 6 19 710 E 9th st ; ent. Exit 4.P. 8. 36 Av c .Barber 21 618 E ' in :?{.Barber A th v!.Hall 2 '? Avi ii .Tnllor "1 B. 10th st, bet. 1st ave. and Avc. A . main ? M; .P 3. 104 25 E, 17tl) ut bet. 1st ave. ami Av. A; I. ont.P. S. 104 -'?'? SOI Ave. C .Pari., r Sei.nll \fisenibly Bist-!, t H D. ' -cupli '1 ns 1 348 W. .'I'tli f:.i rlst 2 13 Columbus ave.undertaker 3 102 W 64th Ht .Tailor I 218 AV. C4th Hl.Peal estale W. r,6th st, V of Bway. ; main ent.H. s of Commerce i' 4 -, w, 05th si.Pi Ivatc r?sident e 7 AA .-'. W f.?th : I 75 ft. AV. of C'en i'k \V.Booth 8 ' i.v. . : th st. AV. of Bway. ; main ent.11 A ol' Co nnii-n " 9 139 Wesl End uve.Undertaker 10 '.: 'O W. 'Al; st. Barber :: C7 Amsterdam ave, .. .Confectionery W. 67th -t.! Hund? y ! : N. S. W. G9th f' , lu ft. K. o^ Columbus a ve.Booth : 4 - ;o Broadway . Laundry 13 i terd.-im av a r; 1 ".' I ?th st , : -' " ? '.:. on ... insterrto m . P. S. 01 ? ? ' ? ? ? la .- e vi . an ! VA\ G SI h st.; kindergarten eat... P. S. 94 ' ; We ? End nvi. Confection - y ? \ , 1st st.i ifflce ? . , '.. .Undertaker J0 s s ?'.'. T Id sft , 226 ?'? W. ,,f Ci n. PU. W. B loth : 327 t.'nluinbU!! ave.I ?ecorator I ' lui uve.Tailor 292 .'. mstei du m a ve.Taller 24 S S. "f W. 73d st., 60 ft. W. of West End ave.Booth 25 N. :-'? WA '.'-'h st., 100 f;. E. of A ' Bti rdain a '. <.Booth An ' lam ? und W 77*1)1 : t : :. ndi rgarten ent.P. S. S 7 2 7 Ai er ni ave. h rn? AV. V?t h i ' ; 2d ? ut N. of AV. mil st. on An - rdam av?.P S. 57 *9S Co 11 t) I! av? . A uto KUpplb 3 ? . . 0 . :: ii rdam ave.Electrician ,i w .i: ?:, ;?;; K <?! .... side Drive . Booth ., i VA -' End :?.'?. and v. S'jd st. ; ... idcrgarli-li ? nt. on West End uve. .'.i' I-'. '.' 32 17! v. . -"?h al. Tailor 4 Li A trisl rdam iv>.< !fA. e ?4 West End avo. and W. K2ii -i : gymnasium cut. <ui Went End uve.I' A. 9 . , 112 AV 83d St.Taller ...; -i ??: Arnstei dam ?ivi.Confectlonei y ?A" Amsterdam ave.Barber ;;8 118 \\ iS?th st.' 'lub ,' ; . ' iiiinK'Klani avc.Tailor 4u : . S. ol W. 87th st.. 16 ft. E. of Am u i Ij n. a vi-.Booth ?11 W. Klllll Ht. near Columbus avc main ent.P. H. 12 V . -oh i;l n ar Columbus a-.' ; main ent.P S, ICG i ', ? insi.ei dam ave.Laundry | ?-, i i, i.. ? oiumbus avi.Conf' ctlonc-rj ; . '.. ; olumb is ave.Ti unka | Uigli< Assembly Bistrlel E.D ' ocal Ion < ?coupled ai ! i : Houston . nd lusse ?? Hl -i cul s, xl! on Essex st . .P. S. 13 ? ,i K. Houston and Essex st:; . eu! i si', v on IA Ilousi on si .I '. S. 13 18 lsl St. ; i nt. exit 6.P. S. 79 4 88 1st st.; tut. exit 3.P. S. 79 ?o B. -'ul ?t., bet. 1st avo. and Ave. A, B. ent. on court.P. 3. 03 8 E. 4th at., bet. 1st avo. and Ave. A; H. ent. on court.P. 8. 63 7 184 E. 3d et.Employment office 8 621 Lib st.Tailor 5 IS. 4th st , bet. 1st and 2d aveB. ; center out.P. 3. 20 10 E. 4th at., bet. 1st and 2d aves. B. ent.P. 3. II 1S1 7th Bt.Barber 18 48 7th st.'..Barber 3 3 237 Cth st.,,..Tailor Ji 13 Cooper ?il.Barber K. L' Aster pi.Barber 16 6 St, Marks pi.Barber 17 12". 2d ave.Barbel? ls 319 E, ?'th st.Barber p.i Cor. E. 9th St. and 1st avo.; ent. exit 2 on 9th st.P. S. 122 20 C.r. E. 9th st mid 1st ave.; ?nt. exit 4 on 9th st.P. S. 122 21 P. 12th s! . B, of Ave, B; W, ent .P. S. '22 6:6 E. 12th si., main ent.... P. S, 120 t J3 E. 13th st.: bet. 1st and 2d ave.; ? ni exll 1.P. 8. 19 ; 24 98 E. 10th st..Barber 25 13s B, 12th st.Barber ! -ii 103 3d av.-.Hm bei 27 E. 14th st.. bot. 1st and L'd av.?., ent, exit 4.P. S. 13 28 327 E. 14th s!.Restaurant Ninth Assembly District ; IJ 1>. Location. Occupied as ; N side of W. 81st St.. 225 ft. E. of Ci.lumbUM ave.Booth 2 469 Columbus ave.Candy i :? 4T, Columbus ave.Laundry. 4 603 Columbus ave.Tailor .?71 Columbus ave.Tailor f,\:i Columbus nve.Tailor i,:7 Colui bus uve.Plumber N side of v, . 91st st., 40 ft. \V. 'An, Pi,. \V.Booth ;- -i do of W H3d st., 00 t't. W. ol Ci i, I'n. W.Booth t;Sj Columbus ave.Barber N S of SV. 95th st., 2U0 ft. B. ol Columbus avc.Booth i 12 703 Amsterdam uve.I'phulstercr , l.; 7.'il Amsterdam ave.Shoes ? 14 Amaterdam ave. and AV. 93d st.; .?s. ent. on Amsterdam ave., P. S. 9 3 15 126 AV. 97111 st.Printer l> 741', Columbus ave.i'anily ! ; r.,r, AV. ''7th st .levelling is 17: AV, 98th st.Tailor 19 786 Amsterdam ave, .Barber : u 803 A: istei dam av.Candy 21 i.i TV. 98th st .Laundry 22 3 av. J9th si .Tailor la, 40C Central Pi.. W....Carpet cleaning i 21 is av I'.m st.Tallot 21 4.".; i eiiii al Pk. \\. Basement 26 20 av 104th st.Tailor 27 86 7 Colum bus a ve, . . . . .Barber 28 YV. I02d st. P. of Amstordam g) mnasium ent.. . P. s. 173 19 AV li ; i st. P of Amsterdam a\ . kindergarten ent..P. S 179 30 35 Manhattan ave. Barber 31 S27 Columbus ave.Tailor 32 124 AV. 101st Bt. Tailor :: 202 AV, 100th st.Tailor I ?4 S. side of W. luOth st.. 60 ft. AV. un AA est End ave... Booth 35 8. side of AV 99th ft.. 60 ft. E. Of West Und ave.Booth 36 N. tide of AV. 9sth st., 80 ft AV. j of West End ave.Booth 37 27? \V, 96th st .Tailor ..i .\\ side of W. 95th st.. 100 ft. AV. of West Kn<l ave.Booth ! 39 680 AV. s- End ave.Basement! 40 .-- E ? or W. 93d st. and River? side Dr!\ e .Basement i , II S4*9 I . :.Candy j 43 Amsterdam ave. and AA'. 93d st.. center ent. on ASA 93d st. P. S. 9S I 43 S suie of AV. 89th St.. 21 ft. E. of West End see.Booth i 4 1 .s?: Amsterdam sve.Barber I 15 eis Amsterdam ave.Tailor I 16 N side of AV. S5th St.. 60 ft. E. of AA'est End ave.Booth i 47 .NA side of AV. S4th St., 10 ft. AV. of AS'est Und ave.Booth ' 4-1 IS', side of AV. 83d St.. 40 ft. W. of West End avo.Booth ELECTION, NOTICE Tenth Assembijr District Bj;0, Location. Occupied as 1 87 Olli ?vc.Tnllor 2 Re Greenwich ?<?-,; 10. ent...P. l-e. 41 3 30 Greenwich avo.! TV. ent...P. B. 41 4 267 TV. 4th at.Laundry 5 86 Charlea st.Ladles' ? ?II"r 6 387'4 Hleeeker st...*,,'. 7 3P Greenwich ave.y .. .?..tailor 8 93 Greenwich in ?ih Hat 38 Still ?vo. . . 208 TV. 13th St. 208 TV. 13th st. CO "". 13th at. Exit 5. Exit 5. .ill Mil .lulls,' ftlchman IL H cleaning Plumber . Barber P. 8. 16 ?^. B. 16 14 CO TV. 13th st.: E .. ent., Julia Rlchmnn It 8. .lliirber? Apt. house ! 110 live.? ? 38 Washington Ba. vV . I ir MacDougftl "I.A,t t1' , " rf, k 121 h st.;.'RVor 172 3d ave. 270 3.1 ave 44 fnii'ii Sumir Barb. . . ?dgii* Biirb" 44 Uniim Bcjuare .? ??? ? . ' 29 E. iir-l st.I in I, r i ,,v it- i i:# i, ... .. . . . uni ner E. TV. ?nt , KlV, W. Ifith st 102 TV. 17?li st. 177 7th live . . 124 W. 2NIH St. 3 24 TV. 20'h St. 12 E. ,'tftlh St. . . 140 Lexington av 520 3d 15 4 E. 1 1 0 E. 294 Madison avo OH \V. 29th ?it. , , 130 w. 27th st..'.Aur!:':.?. . . Hnrber I . . .Tailor ? P. 9. 48 .P. H. 2fl j . . .Tailor ! .Oldit-Ian ' . ..Studio aV'th s?:::.?.'.*.'..'.9Uoot?b <,st 8t' ? ? Vci?b rbom . I. Muela , 6 6 4 if h ave. . 257 W. 40th St, 257 TV. 401b St 120 W. 4 6th 6t .30 W. 46'h st -nt . Kur n I slil nrrs P. P. 28 boys' ent . int. Exit '. P. r.7 j . .nu its ' : -i r\" ' .'. Havre''' 93 4 eith 167 TV. 49th rallor 7 W. 49th Rt.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ,,- q ... 0 W. 46th st.; ent. Exit 4. . . 1 s ;;7 B?? s<* *?*. Tnllor 920 Mh ave. . E.D. 1 315 2 20S7 3 843 Eleventh Assembly Location. District. Occupied US W, 102,1 st.Xrbe? Broadway .A''r'~<i .,arv Amsterdam nve.(',n.:'' " ' ? Cor TV. lfiltti st. and Arnst i dam ave.; ent. Exit 2 pn Amsterdam ave. ? i ? J*- ?'' Cor W. 10 Kb st. ?nd Amsiei dam ave ; ont. Exlf 7 on TV. lOtth st.l ?_; ,,-';. 6 lin W. 106th st 7 928 Columbus ?ve. 8 11" Manhattan ave 9 63 TV. lOelth st 10 963 Amsterdam ave. il 2714 Broadway .? 12 938 Amsterdam ave.1 13 252 TV. lOMh Mt . 14 27S9 Broadway . . 15 W. 103th st. AmBterdati 16 TV. 10'ltll si. Amsterda/i Tailor ?am Bre ; B. bet i ave. 17 1010, Columbus uve 18 1013 l'ci lu iv. bus live 152 Manhatln 300 TV. 111th 300 TV. 11 3th 2?61 7tll live. n. a. or E. of ? TV. 114?1 is-10 T\ TV. 115th . e irpluinage Undertaker .Tailor . . .Pictures .. cream I,n u n dry Upholsterer dway and ? nf ,P. S. 165 Broadway and maint ent. P. 8. 1? .Tailor , . . .Barber .Tailor f.t.I laundi y m .La iin.ii v .Barber .I, v SV. 1 I3th si . 15 ft, Hi ave. Booth 7th ar.,1 v| ll VV.adb Igh H kt. st. 2099 8th 2140 Kth K. In it . !.? ?Ill . ith ? th .' r W, 1 1 71 J> Nicholas Cor. W, n th (1V( ?nt. m 117i h st.i t. Nicholas ave . W, 118th st. N S, of W, U Ht h Ht., 7 \V of Manhattan nve. . . , 411 Manhattan aie. 352 W. i li'.th st. 1 I 23 Ainsi prdflm ave A tnst L'r'liiiii a \ ?? N. S. W. II "th of Broadway 169 301 110.1 Bru I-S74 Broad-, An s 'it li rda Wadlelgh II. !;. .Bu 11.. . . . . Confectionery anil St. Nlch Exit 2 on Si. .p. a. io and SI N'ioh W. S ;o -, :i r . .Tnllor 7 5 11. . .Booth . Barber Tailor staura n! .1 rt-i^t r ft. I-; . Booth Laundry I ,111111,.! .' v\ Booth .Tailor ' . ,R. Man lt. I i lKttli si. S. of Rlversli: I? of TV, II fill! st. i. of TV. i le : h it ' Broa,] w.-IV . . Twelfth Assembly District -th ! ith Location. ?J : ro 20th st.; W. S, S. E. 17th Livingston p Occuuit .P. 319 1st av. Booth . ( andy 1st -.' 11 1-:. 320 E. : i i )?. :.:?;> IC, 2 2a E. : , I 2 ot ii :< 201 h :? 20th si 21 th s 23d st 2.'id st :: ?. av.-. . i: 26th : Barber Bu i ber 1 t?, 40 ?. s :,-'i !'. S. lu Candy 1 l 40(1 1st , -i.-i; 2d .Hats - Barber .Tailor Heal ,,-,:.;?? .1 and 3d n .;' 3d UVl P. S. 14 ? Bake i .Trunk Underl .Bn boj ?'?.I u\ ::4 2 E. 24th st. ( 25 2d ave. . . 1147 2d ave. . '.'..i id iiV I-i. 37th m? in i r.. ni. r: bel ;-,( an 1 3d av 1 1 SI Ml tlrl.y' .-i 4 2.1 at. a ent 43d St .n ??;. 42d st. 37 715 3d iiv, 69 4 3,1 a v. 48 49 main ent , tJnde l-tiikc .Undertake ,lca cr?ai ...P. S. 7 .Barb?; Occupied f and Clare Barber iiiumlry .tli 38 20? E. 45th 527 1st ave. 305 E. 4Cth at.; main ent. 764 3d avo..Florist 759 3d uve.Barber s65 1st uve.Barber 811 3d avo.Barber lf.6 E. Mat at.Tailor 843 3d ove.Barber 968 2d uve.Barbet Cor, let avo. and E. 61st ?.; TV. ?nt. on 51st at.P. s. 135 Cor. 1st ave. and E. 61st st ; corner ent.?...P. B. 125 952 1st avo.Cigars Workhouse Dock. .Blaekwell's Isl. Thirteenth Assembly District E.D Location. 1 N. TV. cor. 119th mont avo. E, S. of Claremont av 3. of i liilii st. V ? Morningslde Drive .... i SO Mot nltiRBido Drive . . . X. S. of TV. 120th st., of Amsterdam a\. G 1253 Amstenlam ave. V 3078 Broadway.Tailor 3 100 Morningslde ave. E. Tailor 9 1284 Amsterdam nve . Barbel 1? 3100 Broadway . Tailor i i 3089 Broadway . . . T Ulor 12 620 TV. 125th st.Upholsterer 13 X. 8. Of TV. 124lh St., 126 ft. W. nf Amsterdam ase .Booth It 41G TV. 126th at.Shoes 16 28S at. Nicholas ave.Tailor 1? 301 W. 126th st.Shoemaker 17 St. Nicholas ave., 120th and 127th ?t.-.. TV. 126th st ent.. P. S. 157 IS 31*4 Broadway .Livery stable 19 316.'. Broadway. ' Barber 20 190 Manhattan si.Barber 21 3226 Broadway .Barber 22 Cor. TV, 129th st. ami Amste r dan av... ; S. ont. on Amster .lun ave.P. s. 43 I 23 Cor W. 129th st. and Amster? dam ave., w. ent. oil TV. 129th st.P. 8, 4 3 St. Nicholas ave., 126th and 127lh sts.; main ent. on St. Nicholas ave.P. S 167 369 W. J 27th. r.;.Laun.lrv 41 .St. Nicholas terrAce .Tailor St. Nicholas ave. '.Tailor M h nve. Barber Tth ave.Undertaker 8. 9. of TV, 130th at , 200 ft E. of 81 h ave.Booth 7th av?.Real estate TV. 133(1 at. ber. 7th and Bth aves.; main mt.P. S. !1J 33 TV. 154th at. bet. aves.; main ent. 24 201 TV. 134th at. 25 B639H Mh ave. 36 1635 Amsterdam 37 1457 Amsterdam 8S 1432 Amsterdam nve.Barber 39 3336 Broadway .Barter 40 331'i Broadway .Real est?t. 41 1502 Amsterdam ave.Barbei 4Z 3380 Broadway .Tailor Fourteenth Assembly District E.D Location. Occupied as 1 994 2d ave.Undertaker 2 248 E. 63d st.Tailor 3 10?6 2d ave.Barber 4 997 1st ave.Barber 6 990 1st ave.Auto supplies 6 1010 1st ave.Florist 7 249 E, 55th at.Tailor 8 228 B. 67th st.; lobby ent. E.. P. S 59 9 1054 1st ave.Dry goods 10 1074. 1st ave.Barher 11 1092 2d ave.Barber 12 22S B. Stth at.; girls' eut. TV r s. 69 13 230 E. 63d st.; girls' ent . . P S. 74 14 22" E. 63d st. ; annex ent.P. B 7 i 16 !1?4 1st live.Barber 16 1236 2d ave.Barber 17 1256 2d ave.Barber 18 E. 66th st. E of 1st ave.; bo> ?' ent.....P. S. 183 13 E. 6?th st.. E. of 1st ave.; E, ent.P. 8. ?S3 30 E. 66th at, E of 1st ave ; ent W. gate.P. 8. 1S3 II 3*1 B. 66th m. .,....,.....,, Laundry 27 402 28 2401 29 2174 81 2214 7th and Mh .P. Si. 119 .Tailor .Sho-s ve.Tail .r .Cigars ELECTION NOTICE 22 11 SI 3d sva.Barbor 2 3 1191 3d ave.Barber 24 Cor, IS. 70th st. nnd 1st nve.; gil W primary eut.>' S 82 25 r,ii vs. l?ith Ht.Bottl?msnt 26 415 K, 7 IHt st.Burb-r 27 Cor. H. 701 h st. and 1 <t ave.; boys' ? nt mi 1st ave.. . P. 3. 8 2 2S 229 E 70th st.Cabinet maker 29 1239 3d ave.Barber 30 367 E. 71st st.I1 ut"' ?H 1861 Ave. A .? . .Dry goods 32 -315 E 73d at: .Undertaker 33 127:: 3d ave.Awnlng? 34 E 76tii si , b. t. 2d ami 3d aves.; AV. enl.U- 3 70 35 E. 7."'lh st.. bel. 2d i""1 ;;'> i'v"" K. eut..i'. 3*70 36 316 e. 77th .?i....,.Upholsterer 37 496 E 74fh Ht.Barber 38 1431 Ave, A .Confectionery 39 Ave, ,\, 7VUi and 7Mh sts.: E. 77th st. "nt..B 3. 158 ?la Ave. A, 77th and 7S!h Ms.; E. 7sth ut. ent.U. 3. 168 4 1 Ave. A, 81st nnd ."AM sts.; E. 81st st. ent.P. 3. 98 42 Ave. A, Sis! ami 82d .'its.;, E. 82d st. ent.,.B. 3. 96 13 1583 Ave. A.Bakery Fifteenth Assembly District B.D. Looatlon. Occupied n? I 1? feutrai Pic. W.Automobiles :.' 333 av. r.71 H si.Vacant 3 s. s of W, .'Olli st . 126 ft. AV. of 7th avc.Booth 4 1035 0th av.Barber 5 11 E. i.St 11 Ht.,-AUtO supplies tl N. S. or AV. 66tll st., 220 ft. W. of 6th ave.Booth 7 683 Madison ave.Auto lires 8 126 AV. llih st, , bovs' 'in.P. S. 69 9 127. AV. 64th ...-t.; glrla' enl.I'. 8, 63 10 516 Madison ave.Laundry 11 ,121 ID. M si st.; bovs' enl.I'. 3. 18 , 12 121 B. list si.; girls' en!.P. S. IS; i'i 7i:t Lexington avc.Laundry I l N'. S, ?f K. 5Clh st.. 20 H. \\A of Lexington ave.Booth 15 11(1 10. 59th St.. 9..Tail"!- : 16 loo Park ave.P.lilg of Education 17 701 Madison ave.Hotel basement! IS ions :<,i uve.Barber i 19 031 Purl, ave.Tailor 1 '-'0 Cm- Lexington live, and E. CStll st.; girls' ent, on IS. '.stli st.P, 3. 76 ; 21 Cor Lexington ave. and IS. ' m h st. ; boys' eut. en L GRlh st.P. S. 7 6 22 163 I-:. 72<l si.Vacant - '? 1 028 t.. xlngton ave.Plorti t !'l I7n I-:. 771 11 st. ; girls' eilt....P. S. 117 25 1711 K 771 h si ; boys' ent_P s. 117! 26 1n"7 Madlaon .-.v.Elorlst ' 27 1 1S6 Lexington ?tve.l'aller : 2S 1062 Madison ave. ..Elorlst A' 945 Park ave.Tailor 30 12S K. s (th s;.Laundry :tl Cor. Madison ave. and 10. RSth st.; bovs' eut. ,.n E, ! SGtli Ht.P. 3. ai 32 'A.i Ma.llson ave. and K, 85th Bt.; glrls' eut. on E. Mill ?it.P. S. ? I 33 1276 r.exlngton ave.Barber 34 L ".7i!i st. b.A Park and Lexington a ven , maint ent.. P. S. 27 :1 1'! ?S'.ii Bt. bel. Parle and Lexington aves ; main int., P. 3 .:7 03 P irk bvf .Barber 37 1112 Park ave.Ri al ei tale 3s 126!) on av.-.Barber 19 i .on I., xington n v".Upholsl ercr 10 IP!? Pan: avc ."i ai lor 1 i 1132 la sing .il ave.Tailor 42 I486 Lexington ave .Candy 43 1234 Pari avi . Tailor ! U 1310 Madlsoi i vu . . . Cleaning 15 1210 Park avi.Barber Ifi 1 toi Madison ai ..Elei nica! | ;7 1432 Madison ave.Confectionery if 1417 Madison uve .Barber 19 ?: : n :.l at. I" t 5th and. Mad? ison a ves , ent. on 10?.l St 11.P. K. 171 : ? 10 i: ?0 ith Bl bet. lib ami Mad Ison a .is . E. I 0 Ith at. out . ; P. s. 171 ;. : 7C9 Lexington ave.Tailor, 52 1286 3d ave.fiarle r sixteenth Assembly District I'. H. Loi atlon. I ?couple 1 as ? ? Bast End a ve. . Apl . ground Moor 2 93 East End ave . i 'lUb room ? H UG Ave. A . - n.,-,;,.. -,- : 4 ?st : . , v Hi and 8; Ih sis . I 111 -'il B ' Glh : t . . ?? uve siih and RGlh ? ? ni on E 8 th a . P. S. 7 7 n lt/1 M S3d st.Barber M S2d st., bet. 1st and 2d .. . i s. ; girls' on!.P. 3. ! 90 ???'? A*.Bal -iv 9 428 !?: S2d st. Tailor ' ' ? ? ? a v . v .Barbi r 1 ! I 507 Avc. A .Confei lion : y 12 102 IA 79th si . Underlain r it.irl" ? S 302 H. 81st st ........ Barber I : ' ; 56? 2d on .Barber I .?" B soth si bet. Id und 3d ; annex rtil . P. S 13 21 AI P. s Ml. - : . ..Barb. , .: ' 20 I B. S3d si .Undcrtaki r 11. B2 I st bi ' 1st and 2d urn , bo; a" enl.P S. 190 24 1613 1st a-" . . Parle r 25 206 M. SGtli si .Plumb r J', :;?? i E m.:!i v .liai bi r 27 im;: 1st avc. . . . T illor a8 11.21 Vvc \ .T illoi 29 501 H. '.Mil at. . .Cundj 30 6m B. 87th st. - ? Tailor I IGG0 Vvi A .P.n ber ? 32 H. S-Sth' nt . B, of 1st a go! E 88th -t.. E. of 1st iv . W. out P. 3. i :: i 1695 lsl ave. . Barb 36 101 l'A s 71 h 37 '.:.." E. "v"' ? ?%??'_' '.n R KStll 39 ! ' Ai ave 10 1710 2d ? 11 1718 2d i'\ ? ' ... : -I ?in-. Cor. I -' V. . i ' A ?'' l> . '. l'u ? I,'. lis:; Avc. A .l'Igars 4 : P?S8 Ave. A ? - Barbel 47 1 7:::: "" A .~. . Club Cor lsl ave and F. IHsl st.; main ont on '. st ic . .. P. 3. .- I 19 1791 1st ave.Parier . E. 95th si . bet. 1st and 2d aves. ; ID. Hlth st. ent. . , P. S, l.- I : B. OGth st., bet. 1st and L'.t aves ; AV. ent. on t ourt on E. 9fith st...P. 3. 160 ; B. 99th st., bot. 2d and 3d j aves.; AV. ent. on court..P. S. 109 ? 53 H. looth st., bet. 2d and 3d I aves.; AV. ent. on court..P. 3. 109 . 54 B. 99th st., bet. 2d and 3d aves.; center ont. on court, P. 3. 109 ? Seventeenth Assembly District : p p Location. Occupied as i ! 1 68 B. 102d st.Memorial House ' 2 4'1 -ei K. ?"l'A. s!.Bai bor 3 2S B. lOfitli st.Barber l 26 B, M'A e st . Barber n lonth si . '?? C01 Madison v Tailor X, S, ol \: lOSlh -( 50 Ct. E. ol 5th ave. . . Booth -, 79 E. lO?th" si Bai her . S s. ol K. Illth st., 75 ft. E. of M "P.: uve, . Booth 61 E 113th si.Barbei . i : ?.??!, -? M HI 1 : 12 E 118th bi. .Tailor 141 I 11 ave. Cigars il _'l AV, i ;7:li ??: On ?- akei N s m \v l 17th si 100 ft. E uf 7th avi ... . ..... Booth : r, \\ . : 17th si . bet. 5th and Lenox :, . : . nt. NA AS . wing .P. S. I-- 1 AA*. 1161 h .-.4, bet It li a nd Lenox ave? ,i,7. s. E ? im.- P s. 184 ; s VV. I : 7th si , bet, 5th and Lenox ave . ; ent. N. E ivlng . . P. S ist ; 1 ' i '. E, ! l'A h st. ... , Auct ?oneer ' 20 i E. 116lh si . . . . H ni" r . i ." AV. ! I 11 h s'. . . Barber I 2 ! 40 W 115th st. . . Private school 2 Air Lenox a ve .Cigars i ': l 10? 3t. Nli holns nve .< ?igars 21 ' ? St. Nieh das ave.Tall ir 26 75 St. N'icholas ave Shoe rt?pa ring : : 6.8 Li nox tve. . . Barber ' 28 62 W. 113th si .Club ' A\ : 12th bi . bet. 5th and Li nox : ent. exit 7.P. S. 17u 30 1700 Madia in ave.Barb ?: 3' 1329 5th av..Laundry 32 iv lllth m . bet, 5th and Lenox aies.; E. exit 2 on conn. P. S. 170 ' 13 W. 112th st., bet 5th and Lenox aves.. ent. exit 6 . . p s. no 34 NT. S. of AV. 112th st., 60 ft. AV of St. N'icholas ave.Booth 35 109 W. lllth st. T illor ?'??? 8 Lenox ave.Tailor Eighteenth Assembly District E D Location, ( locupli .1 as 1 161 t 3d ave.Barber 2 164 E ?1st si. Tailoi i lor. Lexington a\ ?? .and !?". ??? : h st.. ent. Kxit 2 on Lexln r'.on a '???. ?' - 8G 4 ' ' 'i Lexington :? i ? . and E, 96th st ent. Exit 2 on B, 96th si .P. 9. 85 ? ! . . ?'. Lt vi- ,:;. .-. eve. ,. IA i 6 1498 Lexington av?....Tallo? 7 1511 Lexingtu .Pood products I . S 1690 1 . xlngton ave.Barber . 8 1571 Li ,v ng ? avi .Barbei " o 305 IS 100th si .Baiber 11 E. muh st. bet. 1st mil 2d aves,. B, 104th st. . nt . .P. S. 168 i 12 E. 10 Id st. bet, id and 3d aves.. annex ent.P. S ?21 j 13 E. H .. ..a bet, 2d and 3d ; ai ? ? : a tinex ent. P S 121 14 103 B. I02d st.Dry goods 16 B. 105th st .b.t. 1st und 2..I aves . E. 1051 h st enl.P. < IS8 16 Lexington ave., E. 106th and E 106th st. ; ent. Exit l on i xington ave.P s 72 17 Lexington ave., K 105th and E, ; ?i sts. : ent. exil .: on Lex? ington ave.p. s 72 is 183 B. I08th si.Barber 19 E 109th St. b' A- 2d nnd 3d tri ! AV. -nt.P. S. 83 ? 20 B lOSth st bet. 1st and 2.1 av??. ; AA". ent.P. S. 172 21 1748 Lexington avc .Delicatessen' ?3 E lllth st. W, of Lexington ?ve., E. |?nt.. . P. S. 101 ELECTION NOTICE 23 E. lllth at. Vf. of Lexington ave,; VV. enl.P. S. 101 24 B. 110th st. bet. 2d and 3d uves : VV. ent.P. .3. 83 ?5 B. 114th st. pot. 3d and Lexing? ton aves.; W. ont.P. S 57 ?? E. 113th Bt. B. of 2d ave ; AV. ent. P. 3. 101 21 E. 109th st, bet, 1st and 2d aves ; mull? ent.P. 3 172 28 2228 1st ave.Ulldertiik ' 29 E. 113th st. E. of 2d ave; B nu.p. a io2 3? E. lllth St. bet. :i.i and Lexing? ton aves. ; ent. Exit 0. . . .P. 8. IT 31 117 E. 113th st.Barber 32 1818 Lexington avc.Cigars 33 168 E. llntli si.Shoe repairing 31 211 E. 117th st.Tinsmith | Nineteenth Assembly District B.D. Location. OocUple.d SS ? 1 1825 Madison avu.Shoes ? Cor. Madison ave. and B. 119th st.; 10. ont. on E. ll'.ith st. P. 3. 103 3 Cor. Madison avc. and E. 119th st.; N. ent. on Madison ave. P. 3. 103 4 200 Lenox ave.Private ilouso 6 VV. IPUh st. bet. HI. .Mell?las and 7th aves.; .NA E. ent on court .P. 3. si r 11?2 5th avo.Tailor 7 1966 7th ave.Shoe repulring b W. 119th st. bet, St. Nicholas ami 7:h aves.; 3. VV. ont. on court .P. ?? vl 0 2222 stii ave.Confectionery lu 490 Manhattan ave.Laumli y 11 341 VV, 120th fit.'I ?illor 12 S. 3. of VV, 12MI St., 25 ft. VV, of Manhattan ave.Bool h ' 12 303 AV. 121st st.Tailor 1t 2112 St. Nicholas ,'iv.Barber | 15 101 W. 120tll st .Tailor 10 2039 71 h av.-.Laundry 17 227 Lenox ave.Undertaker Is "''.') VV. 123d st.railor 19 228 VV. Ulth st.'I allor 20 273 Lenox avc.Candy 21 28? Lenox avc.Barber 22 326 Lenox nve. ' ?gars 23 329 Lenox ave.I illdy :?; 205 VV. 125th si.Undertaker 25 VV. 127th Bt. bet. 7th and Li nox ai es. ; main ont.P. ?''?? "8 2f? VV. 12-.:h st. bet 7th and Lenox . . . . .,. . Booth . Auto' aupplii a 27 125 W. l2Sih st.Laundry ?>s S. S. of VV. UlMli St., 200 ft of Li nox iivi 20 210? 7th avi. 30 105 W. i-' 'i o si. Tailor 31 LUX) Uli av,.Taller ;i2 CI VV. 130111 st.Private house ;;:, 2119 51 h uve. .Private houso 34 2084 Madison ave.Bakery 36 2152 6th ave.Pool parlor 36 1209 7lh av.shirts E i...; ave.Business school 3H Lenox nve., 134th and 135tu sts. , S. ent. on Lenox a \ e , P. S. S3 3* S3 VV. 134th st. .Undertaker 4ii Lenox avc, 134th and 135th sts ; W. ent. on VV. lull h st., P s n 41 107 W. ?.'A.tli st.Electrician 12 1 AV. I36th st.Barber 43 41 AV. I35th st.Laundry 14 28 K. P. Ith ut.Barbi t I Twentieth Assembly District E !' L." ntion. Occupii l as 1 187 B. 117th st.Cotifecl I im i S v K I 1 Uli hi. b. ! 2d and 3d mi In ?nt.P - 159 t E. 120th st. let. 2d an i 3d av. ... VV. enl.P. ?t 1839 Madison ave.Tull? r U :.; la xlngton uve.Chi initials i: 2021 Lexington ave....Tailor 7 1S07 Park uve . Barb' r t ; So? Pai u ave .Barber ?I 2041 Mil av..Tail"!- ; 10 EM 28th si bet. ?'th and Mad A,.u lvch , VV ent .P :?'. 21 It E. 1 28th st. >>??!? 6th and Ma ; ..?.?u aves; K. ent. P 3, 2 t IS 2089 Madison avu.- . ? Bakery 13 ls\7 Park an- ., Autos It E. lL' si bet. 2d and 3d aves; E. enl.?' s. 39 11 E 125th St. 1er. 2d and 3d a ves, main ent. P K 237 E. 124th st,.Tal I 7 23KG 2d a Vi; .'.Tl nsin : i ! 18 208 E 122(1 st.Bai her 19 2347 !? i avc. A rl r 20 Cor Pleasant ave. and K 1 19th si. ; N enl .... Pli .P s 78 . .. .Barber .Pool ?.: '. allu E. ! ! 71 II sit I on K. I 17th ... :.P. .-' 65 ?. and E. 1 17th Exit 2 on 1st . P .-' 8 Twenty-first assembly District E D :.: Ion, i iccupli i n 1 60 2 AA 137th si .Lnundrv 2 3335 Broad? a;. I indy 601 VV :.:-?;. st .Tailor I 61 i \V. I i L-i si. 6 61? VV. 1 I2d si. I'ailoi i, '?'.' A . : Broadway, 40 it 3 ol W i-tiih si.Bi 7 ! It Haniilt.iil |.l.Li! 111 ? X 3. of VV 143d St., 10 ft E (Broadway . . . . ? 5 10 VA 143d st. ? -, ' ?0 I 03 VV I list si .... l.aundi .' ' l ' '12? Vm ? L'l'dum iivi , . Talloi 12 1647 \ us!. Av: av, . . Barb r 13 1G18 A insti nliim avi . . . . Clgai I ? 91 Edgecombe avi. 15 ISdgei ..o la- a'.. , l 10th and MA: sts.. g enl on E Igi i omhe ave.p .-? ': IC Ed "?' ,, h ave., 140th and l ' ' : ?? ?- , E, ent. on W ! -t 1st A 2 7th ave.Parlor ' :?511 1 m ti ave.Florlsl :'' 21 9fl Si h avc. fUazlor 20 217 I -Hi av. .I'm 1. : I. ?; . 21 114 VV. 1 37th sr Bmploj munt offlc. ? ? -' 149 VV, 1 39tll st.It. ... ,. i : 2 : V.A ?::mIi st.. bet 5| h and I.eTT../: aves : F?.. Au.Hie; lu ? nt. .m VV. 13.8th st . . .P. 3 2', VV. 1381 Ii Kl , bet. 5th and Lenox .' ?? ??.-... E. Auditorium ???: : on \V 138th si. ... I' . 25 19 E I ?Mih si .Apt ground fl ?0 oil enox live. . Barb, r ? . ? ?.' i. ? a'. ? .! : 2!i 216 13d si Ta ? US M I lud st. Bai bei 31 ::???. VA ! i Ith si.Baby carriage? "I VV 144th st. 33 lis vv . 142d st.Barber ?H 231 Edgecombe ave.Tailor 36 356 VV. l iltii st.Barber 36 703 St. Nicholas av?.Tailor .'?7 723 St. Nicholas avo.Tailor 38 743 St. Nicholas bvo.Stationery 39 VV. S. of Edgecombe avc, 25 ft. P. of TV. IS0th st.Booth 40 787 St. Nicholas ave.Tailor 41 92 3t. Nicholas pi.Restaurant Twenty-second Assembly District B.D. Location. Occupied as 1 16S1 Am/ordnm av?.Confectionery! 2 E01 AV. 14 4th st.Tailor i 8 AV. 141th st. ber. Broadway j. and Amsterdam ave., W, ^ ent. on court.P. S. 180 ' 4 1723 A ms! ??! dam ave. ..Shoe repairing' ? \V. 1 10th st. bet. Broad w? and A mstei da m 8 VC, , ! i ? ? on court. P. 3. 186 6 i ,'CS Vrrji ti rdam ave,. . . Umbi i is 7 1589 Brnu,dw.-iy . Cigars s 1788 Amsterdam ave.Btiki rj ? 3i 07 Broadway. i: luranl 10 610 AV. 150th st.Tailor 11 S. S of VV. 150th st . 100 ft, W. of Amsterdam ave . Booth 12 1793 Amsti rdam ave., . .. Laundry 13 3644 li.-.ia.p.i ay . Laundry ; l 3664 Broadway . C indj 15 502 AV. 152d st.Storage M 492 Convent avc.? . . .Tailor 17 3. S. of AV. 163d Bt., 50 ft. VV. of Amsterdam ave Booth 18 127 AV. J 12.1 si.Dwelling IU for. St. Nicholas ave and VV. 150th st.; 3. enl St. Nicho I as s ve.P S. 4 0 20 N S. of VV, 155th Bt., 60 ft. VV. of Broadway.Booth 21 1962 Amsterdam avc .Barber 22 Cor. St, Nicholas ave. a ri 1 VV. ?fidth st.; 2d ent. E on VV. 156th si.p. ... |6 23 1969 Amsterdam ave. Laundry 2 ! 505 W. 117' h si.Tailor 26 E. S. of Audubon pi., 80 ft. N. of VV. 167th si. i . ith 26 860 P. versido Dr. . .( Iftlce, A pt 27 521 W. !58th Bt. Tailor _> 502 AV. 159th si. 29 95S St Nicholas ave.Tailor 30 2010 Amsterdam ave.Barber 31 203 4 Amsterdam ave. Tailor 32 N. S. of VV. 101st st., 71 ft. VV. of Broadway.Booth 33 S. S. of AV. 1 ?lst st., 250 ft. av. of Ut. Washington ave . P.oni h 34 AV. 161st st. and North River, ; ! ingaloAv .1 010 Amsterdam ave.Confectionery 16 291 6 Sth ave .Shoes -? 272 AA. 154th si.Laundrj 8 2830 -". avo, .Ba rbor 33 2829 ?th ; ve.Bai ber in Nu votes. *1 2789 v' a ave.Bai ber 43 298 AV, ; P'ih 5: .Club houso 13 VV . L-lSth st. bel. 7th a?d v th a vs ; AA' ent. .m ci n P. S. 90 ?14 vv 147th st bet. 7th and 8th aves. ; E. ent. on co irt, P. S. 90 45 2,37 sth ave.Furniture 40 2?39 7th ave.Pool parlor 47 111 w. 145th st... .Employment off i e 48 275 AV. 145th st .Barber 48 266 VV. 145th st.Printer Twenty-third Assembly District H) D. Location. Occupied aa 1 N. S. of AV, 163d St., 210 ft. E. of Ft. Washington aie ...Booth 2 2074 Amsterdam ave.Barb r :i 2065 Amsterdam ave.Hat cleaning ' 2?-.' Amsti -Aa ?:, ave. Ba bi r fc .- S of AV. !>?:,! st., 10 ft. B of St. Nicholas ave. Bool h 6 2102 Amsterdam ave. 7 2121 Amsterdam ave.Barber 8 1093 St. .Nicholas ave .Undert W Audubon ?vc. 168th and ,? th sts., main ent. on VV. 16Sth st.p. S 169 . 10 Audubon nve.. 168th and 169th sts.; VV. ent. on AV. 169th 1 . si.P. .-- 169 1 11 1219 St Nicholas ?vr....Auto supplies 12 2220 Amsterdam ave .Barber 13 12S Audubon ave.^.Embroiderle? ELECTION NOTICE 14 121!) Si. Nicholas avo.lia.le.r 15 1212 8t. Nicholas ave.?.Cigars 1 c 8264 Ainsi.-r.lam ava.Candy 17 2288 Aiiiaterdaii? eve. Barber \H I28fl .st. Nicholas ave. Laundry 18 TV. I76th : i . bet. Ht. NlchulM ami Audubon aves.; boy?' e t.i.p. 8, 115 2" 2324 AliiBterelain ave. Barbet 21 2530 \ 111 ? ' im av.-.Tailor 22 VV. 1771 li si . bot, St Nicholas and A .m ubon a-, es h . ' ent.p. s.' 115 23 262 Audubon ave.Barber 2 I l 376 Si Nl !ioi:,a ?v.... Barber 25 4is7 Hrondw ly .I,,..l!. c .,,.',,, 26 41 Northern ave.Laundry 27 f Nm thern ave.Tailor 28 866 W. ISOI h ..:.Stationery 29 B. S. ni ',.??;??? n ;. -.-?? . ; 00 : t. X. of TV. I79th .H...Oh 30 451-07 Ci. Washington av.-.orrice 51 703 W. ISlsl si.Tailor 32 1211 Broadway .Laundry 53 N. S. of SV. 179th st... -23:. ft W. or Broadway .Booth 34 4205 Broadway.'..... Laundry 35 nil w. I soi i, st. .. .Community House 3? 60 ; TV. 1 T'.t !l si.Tailor 37 655 w. 181st .Laundry 38 Wntlsworth ave., ls2d and 183d sis.; E. ent. on W. lS2d hi.i'. s. 12 2 ; 29 2510 Amsterdam av. .Vacant 40 1499 8t. Nh bolas ave.Barbe r ? 1 1 W adi .v.,' i .i ave . 1 82d and I83d si ?-. ; E. . ut. on TV. 183d ?' .P - 132 42 1303 Bri dw:i;.Tilea I : I6;ii SI ilc.holn i uve. Tailor l I 120 A udubon ave .Bariier 15 1572 SI Ni( hola 4 nve. . . Dr. |e| i ':-.: I S'. Nlcheil m an . Shoe repairing 47 '?'?': St. is u ve.I land v ?ir. ns Naglo'ii ' state 49 I 55 Xa.- !?? ave.Con feet lone ry 60 M-" Dj i ?< (an : t.Bakery :, l 3860 10th a vn.Confecl lonery 52 Broadway, A. ademy st. and '-,'. rmilyea avo.; 17. exit 5 on Vennllyeii ave.P. S 52 63 Broadway, Academy st. and V. rmllyoa n ve, ; ?Iris- pnt. .ugh yard on Acade i st.P. S. 'I 5 1 55 I VV. 2071 h st.M USl ????i^L^L^L^Ij^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^B.. Bri It..- ber Barber COUNTY OP NEW YORK. borough ' >;-* Manhattan. Houndnrlos. Election districts are bounded by and; within: First Assembly District. 1st E. D.- Grand st . Gouverneur st., Di? vision st., Monte?me y st., E. Broadway and (.Tinton st. 2 1 IC. D ISast Broadway, Montgomery at . Division al . Gouverneur st.. a diagonal line from I ho corn r of ' !ou\ erneur Ht. and M st. to the ? irner of Hem s a n l ,'.; i ?,; ... ': :,- . ..' i nd Clinton si. !?; ( . Hvnr.v ? ? , Moo- gomery at., Madlse n st. and e nte I ?n o i: i ? ',.n si . Montgomery st., i diagonal Hi ml (toi nei of Jonl pom. i-y and lui loi he corner of ejouv.-rneui uni ... , ' . Gouvei neur : ? . Mum o?' ' . ' : ? ton ' .tli 1 : ' - Moon ! Hou erni ? ' . . o rry -.-.???. W H : st., Coui. . i o. .:???. ? : : i ; ? o i Clinton si. i!th JO. I from I nei ?.' '. on and lei son ? to the i-ornei ' ; | - . . nton I .Clinton ?? ? . l?a si Rlvei Itu - . itlagonal lin. from the i orner of Kill gers slip and Cherry t. '.. the corner ol .1 effei ; un si ... i -. ?? ?-. i ?; ; ; a nd Jpffei on st. . : i . Henry t. n diasonal Jlne from th rnei : ? n ? ? ind Clinton sts ... i ho cornel I ,1 llson a nd .left. ? i in sts., Jefferson at an i !. - hi h E 1 ? .'?! ?? ne - ? . a rtlagon froi th< ? ? :':??.. st ?? -,i Jeff'-r - ion ut ??? Ihe cornel of ' 'herry at. and : ? - ? But gars ell) Eust River, Pike ... ......... 1.1 10 li Ile nrj si Bulgers at . Mon n st. and Bii Il m ' loth K L lienrv st., It!. nghai i s! . " l Pik. t., I lip, Ei - ' Rive ? u .1 Marl ? 11th K. I) ? M u . ' ' I Call E I . Mm.Ils..n .-.. Market unel f'lilli 12th ;?: : > Han toi si Marl I E i ?t Ki-. er, ' 'al herino slip and e 'a thei Ine st. 1 Uli !?; l ? On Catherine st.. ::.. ?1 Rive i Jnmcs lp '.'?-.? Chairib 15 ! . Mad i ut., ? Hiver bI . si Ca ici ? O und Pearl i K , ? F.d., W( rth st., Mul b.-rr:. I'arU Bo? . East Broi thariii - ; - ? ? Oliver st., Madi ? I^I^I^L^L^L^L^ij^ij^i^B, i^i^Hi^i^i^Hi^i^i^i^i^Hi^i^i^i^i^Hi^i^i^B I8th K i . f'nnn st ? li ? stlo si Dlvl ..(? . . |- ... . . ; I . . .al , i? , ; ... pi I! ... M u . r VV ill st. and Bi oa I ? ? ?.. ; P.-, ? Pearl St., Park Row, M rlisi >,..;., i . b. rs st. and 1 ?;.? i.- . . . Centre 1 >ua no st :? ' f'hambers :l Pearl Oal t.. ?? ? ? Cherrj ? P si Itn: ? a . ? ??'. atei iVall si and ,i . -.'. 23d ;: . - ?-.-.- Chambers st .Tames i^Hi^i^i^Hi^i^i^i^i^Hi^i^i^i^i^Hi^i^i^i^H , ..... . ? id , Harris.m ! h E 1 . ivasM _ Hudson ? 30lh E. D ?Spring st., Clreenwlch si., V'andam st., Varlck ;>.'.. Broome st., Hudson ? ? , Canal st, and II udson River. 31st 17. i' Charlton st., Macdougal Bt., Spring st. and Varick ut. I2d i: D Charlton st., Hudson st., Klm? st., Macloti':,!! st., Charlton Bt., Varlck st., Va ndam 11 ?. ni : e ?ree nwich st. I E ;. ' ar] st., Bu dann st., Charlton bL, Greenwich st., Springest, and I ; udson !'.;? ei 14th B. i - Clarl ? ? st C n i^ine st . Bedford st . W Houston st., Macdougal st., King .-t. and Hudson st. 35th E ' ? Lophei st., e ire. nwich st.. Ban .. . i .' torfon si ave peiii si ' i min ? larkson a - I ? ?;: . ??[ . ?? :, i-i. i - fin : ; hid Oro\ : l?edl . ' '?.??.-. ??,-.?? si .. "? Il .i . e., 51.: ' .. -, ? . Ba rrow s;. ? ',!(;:? h Kl r t h E i i ? ? " ? !< . - ci -.-.. .' '? ? : ? . : '...i... - ? .. n.l II Isth. B. D VV ' : h st., C Chrl tophi ? ? I . m iiivei ? I-:. D Cln toph t., 7th ave. and Second Assembly District 1st E. D East Broadway, :.:.(;..- nd 1 2d E. D ? . ; dvlsion si . Chr; t., Cana ... ? Mai i et st. I " '': r?;el st., ?: vision st . Cana ; st. und East . ?t?i i-:. :? t si '? i D -..s.!.-.,, y, ? ' ? ind st., Cil nd Cana Lud th E D , t h 1 Broomi . ? I . ?:.:?. ' ' st. and ( ; . .? t 9th E. u iyth st., De lance-y E t., A len st., Grand l ind il. . :. lOth :: I), K.-. Ington st., Or ihard st., - ..:.'- 1 ?? ... i .,- at and ? i ,.: th E. D E. . ? Ludlow ?t.. ' Stanton st. and Allen si I2th K ' ihard Ft , Riv i . : ?. ' ? ? . ;. . . ;. Bt., A Stantoi ; ? h i : t - si Forsyth st . ??>.,. Ii .' ? Bower; Stanton du ? ... . t.. I O A . !} Sprii ? : . ?? ; ' u! , ? '..... i -1 ?*? je: 13 - E. |i ind Eiizal ' JL-ster st., Bowery, ? ina I ind Lafayette ?t. ISth E i- :? st., Lai lyotto i uni ?? a ? ' 't'o E. i ' Mulbe rry ?t., Granel i ; :. iro .rno s' and Sullivan Bt 2oth E, ! -. Print ? : t . Elizab. th Bt., I .- st., h?... -r-, Gran I l and Mu: ? i. ? si is I >.? 12. Houston it., i lowery I '? i ? Mull rr St., Spring st. and -. a . 22.1 K : . Great ; in' a st . K. 3d st , 2d c . . '? . - it Stanton st., Uov. ery, !. Houston si mil : ? . . r ? ? :. I ave., E. 3d st., ? , ,- Iones st and B idwaj 24th ? I., Bri adway, ..; ? impson a: , .. i i^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^? 26l It E ? .. , ? . ?>'.'. Houston st i ? ? : a . ecker st., Macdougal , - . . nd Sp: ing at. 27th B. I > -7ih ave., Bl ?? ker st.. ' ' ir inui' st . 6th ave . IV "?? ?! si . M a st., Bleecker ?? Hancock st., W Houston I .... : H II rd - 38th E. D,?Bleecker et. 7th ave., W. ELECTION NOTICE 4th st., Barrow st., Washington pL( '?"' ave. arid Carm?n?? st. Third Assembly District I?t B. D.?W. 11th St., 'In emvlch St., P'-rry st., Hudson st., Charles st., Green? wich ?t W. 1'itli ?t. arid Hudson River. v,i e '(>. Pan!' i ? . HI' ' ok? r st., t st . Hudson r' . Perry i I and Gri ? n h ' ' nd E. D BanK it , W. 4th st., TV.llth ?t., nnd Bleecker -' 4th B D.?VV. l'Jth Bt.. Ws-shlngto? st Belhun? st., 8th tr ' ?I vv Ilth st. and Hudson R 5th U I ' i -m?? ' ( Hudson si . Betnnns st., Washington st., W. 12th st. and Hud? son RI '? : 6th B. D.~--W. 13th st . Etb ave. end Hud 7th E D Gnnse' ?? t st., 11 udson st , .: - st. and Bud. River ...... 8th E D - VV. ! f ii st., 8th ave . A. . 1 -th st.. Hudson st., Gansevoort st nod "il? ion River . ,, 'ol? B. O W. irib st . s dlagon from tho corrrer of 9th ave., AV. K.ih ?t. ?,, 8th ave. and W. 15th st., Bth ave., 14th st. and Hudson R1v< tOth E 1 ? W. : 5th st., 7th sve . Vi 14th st. and 8th s l ! th B 1 ' A d gonal llns from ir? corn-r of 81 h ave ' : St. to th eric r of 7th ai I >'.' ? 5th it 15th St. ar.d Mb avi . 12th E. D. A ? : c ? ??'? ? '? corner of Slh a LI corner of 7th ave nd W. 171 ?ve arrd ?..":? e from th 7th ave ; nd VV. : It h St. to the 8th nve and VV 16th si l 3th E C W 17th -A, Kib ave . n onal lino from Ihi ? oi n r of VV. I'th st. to the corner of 9th avc and AV. 10th St., and 9th ave. 14th B. D. -VV. 19tb St., 10th avc. a - nal line from i he coi ner of lot ?. :f ? and av. isth st. to tho corner of 5th ? and W 17? h st , 9th ave., VV. ! Gth Hudson River (Bth !?:. i- -VV. 18th st.. a diagonal line fr. th. ? of Bth a ??'.-. and '? I h Bt. to tiv corner ol ""? avi and VV. 17th St., VV. 17i h Bt and a .' . I t ho corner of Pth a ?????. and VV. I7t] I I i tho corner of. 10th ave. and VV. 18tl 16th E. P VV. : Ith si . a dl ..? ? from the cornci of 5th ave. arrd ' " '?? Bt. ... the corner of 9th ave. and AV. I^tli st., W, JRth si and ,7 h B. I' \ I " no from the of 9th ave and VV. isth st lo [hi corner of 8th av.- and VV. l 9th t and a 'liai?'.rr:, i Une from tho corner of Sth 17th ? t o t he r n e r o ? ., ... and VV, 18th st 18th E. D. VV. 19th St., 7th avc. a ||?K. nnal i:.,.- from 'I"- corner of 7th avc nnd VV. 1 7th Bt. ' tier of Sth a VV 16th :?t. and 'ii ave. 19th E. D-? VV 20th Bt., 7th nve., W. 19th st. and a diagonal line from the corner of 8th -? and VV. 19th st. to the corner of 91 h a vi and VA' 21 : A : t. E. D. -\V. 20th Ht . a diaconal line from the corner of 9th ave and AV. :., the corner of 8th ave. and v.A 19th VV. 19th st, and ! ?udsi n Rlvi r. 2ist P .' ' v .....: ma I lino fro coi ner i ; ' 20th st , m in r of ith .f.--. in I W 2 : si irrrei f 81 : si ?? ? :? - con of 7l i .,?: ", 20th st., and v. :0th \ ? ? - . iif 7lh l : t.. 7th dlH?OIl . ! ? f: lili avc. and Vi I L> tL ? I h ave, and V\ 21? 23d C U VA 23d st . ' a airona] lino fro. of 7th i and VV. 2.1' .i avi 21s1 st., and Uh uve 2 ,: ?i E. D.?VV. i Bt., 8th av., VV. . A ' it. and 9t 11 . th E U .V. 2l?t Bt . lOth ave , W -.. 91 h av< . '?' 21si Bt., i dl Uni froi the i rner of i h ive an ? . ,., ? . ? .. , 201 li st . VV 201 ?i St. and II udson Rlvei ? ? .-? P : ' .' , 29th st., 10th s ? and il udson River. 27th E. ! > W. 2 Id st , -Ah ave., W 2 ' lOth i E l> VV. 2 Ifh ht . Bth ave., W . :..! lUth . 291 ii H : ' VV 26th Bt., 7: h a . 23d ?? ? n E. D Ad froi f l?th i f 9lh av..-. and A VV. 21tn st., Sth avi .' Ith st. ill. V\ '. ?th avi li st.. a ol w _ ' A si .... . .... i the coi ot VV. .;:?:... :. 01 h avi and lui h ave E : ' '.'. 27th st., 3th i 26th si and 1 Dtb avi . ..i :: n v;.. ?ith uni m. the irner of Sth ai ind rnei f slh ave. and W. . ? Il th Bt., "th a . a. -: ': ... ! ..A VA 3 Ith B 1 > VA .: -ri, st.. Ino fro . i. : '?' (th et tu " ? . . ... ?: ; ' w 30ih st., 9th - nd . .? ? . E. D.? A .-. an ! VV corm ?? .. ' VV . .-. . . . M . 2 ' .; m,! il ! . ? Util E : i. '.'. !4th st., ? and Hiver till I VV Kth II Ith avo., AA 34th ... ?on Pi ver A" -? th rom th. ? - ? ai l VV. ith si to the coi rr. r of 91 h ave and w . .A-? Bt .and list E J' W. ??Ith st., 7th av.. \\ : 91 h st. and S th aie. ? d E. ' ' i'. .,-.)? st., rth a .- . W - . '.. ... nul Sth ore E. I >.?A (lia ne from . : u avi and VA Hh ave ? ! W 6th Bt.. AV I B. J .... .... irai A' lli st. to Un . A a VV. 39th Bt. Bth ive '.-ii st. and ?''tii ave. 4Sth E. !>. - VV. 40th st . a : from t he i orner of 1 )th a v . ,. ? ?: \\ nt. to the corner of 9th ave. and W 39th st., W. 39th nt. and 11th ave. 49th E D.? AV. 40th s'.. Slh avo.. AV. 39'Ji st. and a diagonal iin.i from tho . of 9th uve. and \\\ ?P-th st. to the corner of 10th ave. and W. 40th st. Fourth Assembly District 1st E. t>.---Gouverneur s'lp. Scanned Bt Cherry at. Jackson Bt. an! East River 2d B. D.? Jackson at., Madison st.. G st., Mangln st.. Broome st.. 'Jam!';'.! na st., i" ancey at. and Ba : River. 3d E. I> Gouverneur st., Madison st., lackson st ai ,- at. 4th B. D Ci iverneur ?t., Division st Grand nt. n th E. D a me si Ma: gin k1 a nd Grand st. 6th LP |. ,-. -,- -- Lewis , ; lai A . n,i East 111 vi i ? : .... Ill Slh E I) ? '. m a ?-? Stani Q St., Ll V, - I ] . I : imbia ? tanton st !.. loi Ii B. 11. -v\.,; ? ? . ] ? dan ey bi Shi rirl si Stani mi , Co! ami Broomi . I 1 Ith E. : Pitt st., ] lelancey st., Willi ?? St., Hi oo me .'i . Shei iff :.'. and i Ira n . I2i Ii E ! ' Vttori tiri ? Rldge st., Delan ., ? , Pitt si . I Gi an ! : :- t. ? 3th E D. Attorney st., Delanci y Bt Suffolk . p>... . I4th E ?- a., st , Rlvlngton st i Sth E. D .m st.. Sheriff ; IGth E ? t., Stanton st., Pltl ? ' st., E . - ? E A ..:: .. - i; > ' . nd Si h nt in st. B a ? fol tanton Clinton si . RIvin-gton st , Suffolk Pt. and ey st. ti E. J ' 'linton st., Hroome .?t., Nor : ' I ?? - ? y et., Attorney .-? ,. ? i - Broome st , C ' st. 22d IA D. ;. ..v .... Stanton st. Nor? folk si -ai B : . , > . stanton bL. i. ? b sx si and Bi ionic si Fifth Assembly District 1st E. Ii . . . -v. : ith '? -' id si , Sth nvi W 11 | ?? ? : . ai .'.?;-.... lOth avi ami V I E. D.?A n i ?:Ii ...-..- . ; th av nd W ' : - ? I , ftnd VV. 42d i ? '??:?. ne r o f 12'l n' and VV ? '. , , ? tth E ! ? A .i:.- gor ?. . ne from the i I O? i: .: ?.. n ! VV -i. : -,i i,, t !i . . st., .? a VV. ave. llth ave., av t': ' V. -; o ii at. and ; ? 01 hi: ". 44th rt . : 0th ave., .. diagonal In I Bt i nd : ' I ( ... r of VV. 4 ?: , ? : . i . i nt., a diagonal Ln from ? lie on ' I6t) ind 1 : ho n net 'ii ave., av. ir)... i ave., VV, . . ? "i. and Hud ion Kiv.-r. Bth !?: IX?VV. 45th Bt... f.rh ave., AV. t P ii st. and '. II h a ? b. Sth E. D ?AV. llth st., 9th ave., W. 43d m end ifith ave. lOth B. I' A diagonal Un* from the corner of ?ih ave. and W. 45th st. to (lie corner of 8th ave. and AV. ?4th st., 8th r i p. i o: ? m ' i ?? ? I 15. V I ?th av., w< : ; ? - ' 4 \ < > ' - ? | ? l "t '"' 1 ' ?? ?i I 8th *.? > ' i > ' i 4>:q ?? ? TV, w. r i 'v. i -. t i- . -h i ave., "??' 5 ; it ? '. ; . ? ' ? ?? ~- . W. ?ve, .: al. Sixth Assembly District 1st B. D l'.tver. 6t?n H miton st. an! .. st. '- ? '-J D n- isrok su, S H' il-, I ' - a st.. Cannon st., ? 4th 1 ?t., Lewi? ?t . K. : ? D, H 31 s . r>, h. . - ? - ' IL1 ? . - .-Il ?V*, W. 671 urnbu? s*a. , vv. 67tb ?t aael Amsterdam aie.