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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXX No. 26,991 (Copyright, 1D20, New York Tribun? Inc.) SA'iU H DAY, News ?Editorials ? A dvertisements OCTOBER !>, L920 TWO CKNTS T H E W E A T H E R ir to-day and to-morrow; little : change in temperature fresh north to northwest ??nds Full report on !???? pic? j THiin; ?i FNTf* I foi n rt:\ In On-utrr .New York | Within _7j>i Mil,, | Btoewiter? Republicans To Win N. J. By 150.000 Clash in the Democratic Ranks Over Edwards's Support of Dry Plank Disrupts State Machine Nugent Charges cp o ?Double Crossing Politicians Say They Were Counted Out in Vote at Party State Convention By Charles T. White ?staff Correspondent of The Tribune TRENTON, N. J.. Oct. 8. The Demo? crats of New Jersey are demoralized and discouraged. The Republicans stand to carry the state by from 100.000 to 160,000. They also are likely to gain . the Representative in the Newark dis? trict. Governor Edward I. Edwards, of Jer ley City, elected a year ago on a prom? ise to make New Jersey "as wet as the Atlantic Ocean," now is charged by James R. Nugent, the boss of Essex County, with "laying down" on the people who elected him by refraining fr>m going to San Francisco, as he promised, and fighting Colonel Bryan in open convention. Nugent also ac? cused Edwards of double-crossing his supporters when on Tuesday last he swung his support to the drys in the state convention, over which he pre eided. The organisation men, especially those from Boss Nugent'? bailiwick, now say that if Governor Edwards wants to make a dry campaign this year in Now Jersey, to accommodate Governor Cox, who since his Far West? ern speaking trip has become ?i dry advocate, he is welcome to do it, but they will not. help him. Governor Edwards's support of the drys at the state convention in Trenton on Tuesday is still the talk of the poli? ticians all over the state. A singular feature of the situation is that no one as yet has been able to figure it out how the Governor came to turn hia somersault. Elected on Wet Platform Last year he attracted nation-wide attention by making a straight tight as a ?vet, and was elected in a state which has been ir?>ing Republican of late years by a handy margin?about 15,000 pi his campaign speeches he waxed eloquent over the prohibition law. Supported by James R. Nugent, wh( really organized his victory, Governoi Edwards early became a candidate for the Dcmocfcitic nomination for Presi? dent and again put to the front hi: determination to make a tight for th? in the San Francisco convention "1 will go to the San Francisco con vention and make a tight on the con vention floor against the 18th Amend ment and the Volstead act," he sait to the reporters for the New Yorl papers at his campaign headquarter in th?; Commodore Hotel. Just Scfor the delegates started for the Pacifi Coast the Governor said that it migh be difficult for him to attend the na tional convention, as the Republican were in control of the state Legislatur f.nd might put over something on hii 'I'' in- left his ?tost at the state capita Hut the Republican leaders assure him that they would not take sna Action and that if he wanted to go t San Francisco to go ahead. Edward did not go. His delegates, under th direction of Nugent, Judge Besson an the Governor's brother, helped to brin about tiie nomination of Governor Co: declaring him to be ju.t as good a w< ?s Governor Kdwards himself. Nugent Was Satisfied with Cox Nugent, as well as Charles 1 Murphy, Governor Alfred E. Smith < New York and other well known loci wet leaders, went horn?! satisfied thi Cox was like- Edwards?plenty wet, an that one was as good a vote getter i the other among the amalgamate brotherhood of "h'isters." Because of these things and othe: like them the action of Governor E? wards in Trenton on Tuesday last ?winging ugainst the wets came as distinct shock. The Hudson Coun' (Continued on p.g? four) Two Red Submarines Off Esthonian Coa. Boats Reported on Their We to Dan/is; Daniels Warns litige To Be Cautious WASHINGTON, Oct. S. Two Bolsh *-k submarines, supposed to be bent ? Intercepting munitions shipments Poland, have been reported off the F tbonian coast, presumably bound f J>an:ig, according to an announceme to-night by the State Department. T information came to the Navy Depai ment and also to. the State Departme from its own agents ulong the Baltic. "Instructions have been sent by t Navy Department," the announceme Raid, "to Vice-Admiral Huse, couiman Ing the American naval forces now the Baltic, that the United States not at war with Russia and that t ?ubmarines in question are not to treated as hostile vessels." Admiral Huse has his flagship, t cruiser Pittsburg, and several destrc ?rs G Baltic waters. Apparently t warning; not to treat the Russian si marines as hostile craft was intend ?s a precautionary measure in case th ?hould appear in the vicinity of Amt can naval vessels. _-? - Man Treated by Radio ; Ships 50 Miles Apa Doctor on Liner Diaguos ('ase of Patient on Tramp Vessel; (lured in 4 Dav? SOUTHAMPTON, Oct. 8 (By the . ?ociated Panss).?While the ?teams' ft. Paul, which has arrived here, \ In mid-Atlantic she received a wirel ?ppeal for medical aid from the tra ?teamer Sehroon. A member of j ?trew of the tramp was seriously ill. Dr. Stump, of the St. Paul, obtaii * description of the symptoms of "'nil's ailment by wireless while teasels were fifty miles apart. He Bgnosed the case as appendicitis. Tl he treated the man by wireless instr tions for four days, when it was foYted he was on the way to recove Communication between the two v fels was then broken off. Party Conflict Keeps America At War, Lloyd George Asserts Despite Critieism of Treaty^Tversailles, He De clares, It Is Better Than None; Assails Asquith in Defending Coalition; Urges Industrial Peaee By Arthur S. Draper From The Tribune'? European Bureau Copyright, 1920. New York Tribune Inc. LONDON', Oct. 8.- Premier Lloyd George, addressing Welsh Liberal.s at : Llandudno to-day in the first of two political speeches in defense of his ? own policies, said that party warfare in the United States had prevented ac? ceptance of the Treaty of Versailles. Despite criticism of that document, ho said, it was better than none at all. The Premier's address covered a wido Geld. The major part of it consisted of an attack on H. H. Asquith, his great? est political rival, and a defense of the coalition form of government. After arguing that nearly every country in the world had been compelled to adopt 'the coalition ministry, tho Premier said: "H is difficult to discuss these things, but PI! go as far as I can with? out, doing any harm. The United Mates wore not involved in the war an were the countries of Europe. America came in late. It. put forth colossal c irons. This assistance was crucial and determining, but it had no time to make the same sacrifices as the other belligerent countries. Its losses were equal to those of that pluckv dominion Australia. The burdens of the war in America were heavy, but were not com? parable to those in Europe. "The conflict of all the parties in the United States has resulted in -his? they have not yet signed the treaty of peace with Germany. Why? Because (Continued on pago, four) Craig-Hylan Feud Holds Up City Creditors Suit Planned as Payments on Goods Ordered Months ! Ago Are Delayed Because | of Failure to Get Signature Blame Put Up to Mayor Says Dissenting Vote in Board of Estimate Has Kept Petty Bills Unpaid Creditors of the city, whose claims for goods delivered months or even a year ago remain unpaid because of the :'eud between Mayor Hylan and Comp? troller Craig, are contemplating suits against the city to obtain their money, it was learned yesterday. One of these long-overdue debts of the city is said to amount to $17,000. So numerous have been the demands of such creditors that Comptroller Craig has prepared .. printed fo*im which is handed to them as fast as they appear in his office. It informs them that the Comptroller has recommended payment of the claim, but that the unanimous vote of the Board of Esti? mate and Apportionment is required to make such recommendation effective, and that Mayor Dylan has voted in the negative. Craig Explains* Delay The following paragraphs are taken j from the printed form of the Comp- ? troller: "On May 25, 1920, I sent to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment a cer- ? titicate under Section 246 of the char- ! ter, recommending that your claim for supplies, etc., etc., furnished to the | Board of Education in the year 1918,1 should be paid and that proper appro-' priation should be made for that pur- ? pos??. "Kffect could be given to this recom? mendation only by a unanimous vote of the Board of Estimate und Apportion ment, and I regret to say that the vote | of the Mayor was recorded in the nega- [ tive, thereby defeating the recommen dation." Oi-e of the firms that has asked its I attorney to attend to the collection of I its bill against tho city of New York ! is the King Tire and Hardwure Com- ' pany, of 1985 Broadway. Its bill of , $719 is for supplies furnished to the | Hoard of Education. Deliveries began ] August 1, 1918, and were completed ! October 14, 1919. Vouchers were forwarded to the ! auditor of the Board of Education, who' approved them and in turn forwarded ? them to the office of the Comptroller, i whose auditor approved and passed ? them as correct. The draft for the | payment of this account was drawn,! but Miiyor Dylan has failed to affix his signature to the draft. Attorney Tries to Collect Albert Blumenstiel, of 165 Broadway, attorney for the King Tire and Dard- j ware Company, undertook to induce the city to meet this legal contractual j obligation. De communicated wit!*rth? office of Comptroller Craig. He was j informed that the account of his client was one of many duiy approved and : for which drafts had been drawn, but which have been held up. The Comp- ? troller's ofiice refused to make any ! premises as to wht-h the bill would be ; paid, and referred the attorney to Mr. '? Dylan. Mr. Blumenstiel also received! the printed form from the Comptroi- j ler's ofiice from which two paragraphs j are quoted above. Last Tuesday Mr. | Blumenstiel wrote a letter to Mayor j Dylan ealung lu ; ntten:'.>n to the mat- j ter, and also quoting from the Comp- i troller's communication. "It seems to me," wrote the attor- i noy, "that it is very unjust that my client should be compelled to wait for years for payment of merchandise sup- | plied in good faith to the City of New j York, and that some means should be found at once to facilitate the pay ment of this claim." Up to last night ; Mr. Blumenstiel had received no re? ply from Mayor Dylan. Unless the King account is paid ; there remains only one remedy for the i city's creditor?that is a suit. Court I action on a bill for goods sold and de- : livered, which bill has been approved ? by two city departments as correct and ; owing, probably would be in favor of ' the creditor and would result in a ' judgment against the_ city, including! interest on the original claim and j costs. A fair estimate of such a result, it ? was said, would be that the city would : have to pay out perhaps $130 more than j the amount of the bill. CLASSIFIED ADS Accepted until > 8 P. M. TO-DAY for Sunday's NEW YORK TRIBUNE Early copy is sure of inser? tion in all editions. Send your ads in early for Sunday's Tribune. ?Phone Beekman 3000 or go to any of The Tribune's Want Ad agents conveniently located in all parts of Greater New York. Ex-Edison Man I Pleads Guilty ! j In Coal Case H. P. Wood, Admitting Con- j spiracy Charge, Declares! He Was Made the Goat; > Says He Will Tell Truth j Sentence Is Delayed ? Former Engineer of Com? pany Says Reputation Was Ruined by Indictment Harry P. Wood, until recently operating engineer in charge of all coal ; transactions of the Brooklyn Edison Company, appeared yesterday before Judge Julius M. Mayer in the United [ States Court and pleaded guilty to the ; indictment charging him with conspir? acy with the Brooklyn Edison Com- ! pany, Walter F. Wells, its vice-presi? dent and manager, the Adelnhia Coal ? Company, arid the B. J. Lynch Coa! \ Company to violate the Lever act by ! profiteering and hoarding coal. Maxwell S. Mattuck, Assistant United i States Attorney, asked Judge Mayer to ! postpone sentence. He said the gov- ' eminent wanted to use Wood as us ! principal witness against the other de-I fendants. Judge Mayer postponed sentence until October _7 and allowed' Wood his liberty under bond cf $5,000. j Mr. Wood told reporters that he had I been made the "goat," und that his I reputation in Brooklyn had been ' ruined. "I purpose telling the truth ' no matter whom it incriminates," said ; Mr. Wood. "I want to _jet this thing off my mind." Wells to Plead Tuesday He said he was no longer with the ! Edison Company and that he had sev- j ered his connection with it some time ago because of the actions alleged in ? the indictment. "I had charge of all the coal pur-i chases for the Brooklyn Edison Com? pany from the mines anil bunkers,", he continued. ^"1 waived immunity because the thing has tortured me, and when I was in West Virginia this indictment was voted. Then I volun? tarily came here to enter my plea of guilty and to serve the government in every way possible. "When I left the Brooklyn Edison Company I told them I would never enter the place'again except as a cus? tomer. Now when this thing 'is over and I have set forth the real facts I shall be glad to give a long story which is backed up by facts and figures in detail." "Who has been making a scapegoat, out of Wood?" the prosecutor was, asked. "I do not care to say at this time," i he replied, "as other big developments probably will take place within a few days." Matthew S. Sloan, president of the : Brooklyn Edison Company, in a state? ment defending the company and exon- ! orating Vice-President Wells, said it ; appeared that a trusted employee, in ! connivance with the B. J, Lynch Coal Company, used the name of the corpora? tion to accomplish shipment of coal to j tidewater. J Mr. Wolls is expected to plead next ! Tuesday. Both the Adelphia Coal ? Company and the B. J. Lynch Coal : Company have appeared, the former | (Contlnupd on ?ago tour) Soldier Killed, 4 Hurt, In Cork Bomb Outrage Missile Thrown From Ambush Explodes in Military Lorry; Civilians Wounded by Bullets From The Tribune's European Bureau Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune Inc. LONDON, Oct. S.? One soldier was blown to pieces and four others were ; dangerously wounded in Cork to-day when bombs, thrown from ambush, ex? ploded in the military lorry in which the soldiers were riding through one of the main streets. Two soldiers in the lorry, who es- j caped injury, opened lire in the direc? tion in which the bombs were supposed to have come, and four civilian passers- '. by were seriously wounded. One of. them, a woman, is not expected to live.J Police forces which were hurried to' the scene cleared the streets, but made no arrests. At tho time the outrage was perpe? trated a large body of Black and Tan was due to puss the spot, *nd it is believed the bomb throwers had been planning to ambush theseforces in re? prisal for the sacking of Irish villages. Other incidents to-day in Ireland in? cluded the seizure by the military of . i English mails arriving in Dublin, tho shooting of a constable who was guarding a postman on his rounds at Dunnamore, and raids by the military in Dublin, in one of which II. W. Nev inson, the English journalist, was questioned while his luggage was .eaiched. Developments of the first magnitude are expected to come from the govern- ' mciit's threat to brin_r the railway and postal crises in Ireland to a head by strong ccuftteractinf; measu ? is reported that the official intention is to withdraw the government subsidy from the lailroad companies unless the rail-; way men a<jree to transport munitions, troops and armed police. The inten- ] tion further is said to be to suspend all mail service unless the raiding of j the mails and the cutting and tapping. of telegra^Ji wires are stopped. Wi?sonDenies Paris Speech Text to Public Will Make No Further Statement on Charge That He Promised Aid of U. S. to Rumania Tribune's Report Believed Correct Publication of Address Held Only Answer to Spencer's Allegations From The Tribunc'3 Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.?The White Hoi. o will make no further statement on the assertion ...ado by Senator Sel den P. Spencer, of Missouri, that at the Versailles Peace Conference Presi? dent Wilson promised the United States would give military and naval aid to Serbia and Rumania if it be? came necet.sary for the League of Na? tions to preserve the peace of Europe, Secretary Tumulty to-day, smarting tinder the repeated requests for pub? lication of the President's version ol what he said in addressing the Serbiar and Rumanian delegates, flatly de? clined to make any comment on the excerpt from the official French min utes of the session, published exclu sively to-day in The Tribune, I'lns ex? cerpt showed that Senator Spencer hac quoted with substantial correctness the words uttered by President Wilson ai the peace, conference plenary sessior of May 31, 1D19, when the o: military aid was given. Tumulty Evades Issue Mr. Tumulty dismissed an inquir; for comment un The Tribune story b; remarking: "I'll not discuss any statementmadi in this campaign by The Tribune." When Mr. Tumulty's attention wa; called to the editorial in The Nev York Times calling upon Presiden Wilson definitely to clear up the con troversy by publishing the officia transcript of his address, in which th promise of aid was given, he likewis. evaded the issue, hastily swerving th trend of inquiries from the assemble, newspaper correspondents to less irri tating subjects. The White House decision to stan on the President's two messages ? repudiation of Senator Spencer's state ment is shared by the State Depart ment, where officials sought to que;? tion the authenticity of the Frene translation published by The Tribune It was said at the State Departmen that no official report of addresse made by the President was availabl here. One official, who served for time with the American Peace Missio at Paris, Haul that there were n stenographic reports kept of the pene sessions, although he admitted that a official summary of each sitting hi been made. Without Official Summary This official summary. It was e> plained, had not been furnished to th United States government thus far, e though it was the intention of th peace conference to make availabl for every nation whose delegates wei at the conference an official copy ( the summarized proceedings. Asked the United States could procure i copy by application to the America Ambassador at Paris, this official sa: it might be that the copy would I withheld until the United States ha ratified the peace treaty. Although it has been the practit during the President's illness to kct from him any published statement tin might be a source of irritation to hit il is believed that The Tribune stoi was not withheld from the Executiv The fact that the President himse has personally written the two me sages of repudiation to Senati Spencer is believed to have prompt? the executive office to turn over him all press comments on the inc dent. Wilson Stand Believed Final The President's determination stand on his message challenging ti veracity of Senator Spencer, howevt is not expected to be changed by tl flood of requests that have reached tl White House that he publish his i marks ? to the Serbian and Rumanii delegates at the peace conference, is tlie President's philosophy in co troveries of this kind to brand his o ponent with a harsh epithet and th> later decline to make further stat ment, observers declared. Though The Tribune article was ge accepted in diplomatic circles wholly authentic, of course, no dip' mats would consent to be qu ited on t subject. Many of the Washington dip matic corps, however, were in Taris tin- tint.? of the peace conference, a had first hand knowledge of the uttt anees of the American Executive m t secret sessions of the peace conf?re? To these diplomats the statement .' tributed to the President by Senat Spencer had only the effect of refre? .ng their memories, and iti no w created the doubts that seem to ha come to members of the Administi tion. Hold Charge Substantiated The excerpt published in this moi ing's Tribune was declared by Repuh can leaders to be a complete substan ation of the charge made by Senal Spencer. The official French text as : forth by The Tribune, they declar could not be answered in any other w than by the President placing bef( the public the address delivered at t peace conference, as he had it trt scribed, or as he now recalled his terance. Such an expression, flu leaders pointed out, would have at le the effect of clarifying the atmosph. of doubt that the" White House 1 raised by the emphatic messages of i (Continued on next page) Wilson Plea Discredited, s Harding 20,000 in Kansas City, Mo., Hear Him Call Ar? ticle X Most Dangerous Proposition in Treaty _ * ' Leaders Claim the State by 50,0001 St. Joseph Crowd Leaps to Feet Cheering His Re-! fusai to Enter League From a Staff Correspondent KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 8.--Answer- ) ing President Wilson's White House campaign statement, issued last Sun? day, Senator Warren G. Harding, in a] speech in this city to-night, ridiculed as a frequently exposed fallacy the ar- j gument that Article X of the League I of Nations covenant does not usurp! the war-making powers of Congress. j The nominee addressed an audience! of 20,000 that packed Convention Hall, where, on previous occasions, Presi? dent Wilson and Governor Cox have spoken in defense of the Versailles treaty. Here, in the home city of Sen-| ator James A. Reed, the leading Demo? cratic opponent of the league project, Senator Harding declared that if the United Stares should subscribe to the covenant with Article X in it Amer? ican boys conceivably might have to defend Japan's possession of Shantung. Senator Harding cited the case of Poland to prove his point that only by a breach of faith could signatories to the Versailles covenant fail to resist with arms a threat against the terri? torial integrity of a member of the league. He declared if we were party to the league he would hate to see America fail as England failed to fur? nish aid to Poland. Points Out Fallacy "In the President's statement," said Senator Harding, "the people are told that the election is to be a genuine na? tional referendum and they are to in? struct their own government what they wish done. So far as the league is con? cerned, he says the question which their vote will answer is: Do they wish the Treaty of Versailles ratified, and do they ( I quote his exact words') 'in particular approve of the League of Nations as organized an?! empowered in that treaty.' Those who oppose the i treaty in its present form and there! are ?mite a number of respectable and intelligent people who do oppose it? are charged with gross ignorance and ' impudent audacity. He tells the peo- : pie that there is nothing in the cove-, nant which in the least interferes with, ? or impairs, the right of Congress to i declare war, or not to declare war, ac- j cording to its own independent judg? ment as the Constitution provides. "The fallacy of this position has been i exposed again and again. Article X, in words of the utmost precision, hinds us to an obligation which, Under cer? tain easily foreseeable circumstances,; will require the use of armed forces." "It is true that the Constitution in- ? vests Congress with the sole power to declare war," the Senator continued, ; "but if war shall become necessary in order to fulfill this or any other treaty provision. Congress must either declare war or repudiate the obliga? tion. This obligation assumed by the signatories to the covenant is absolute and unqualified. Whenever certain specified circumstances arise, no wat ter how much we might regret it, wo would have to keep our promise or ] sneak out of it. Let no one be de j ceived the choice would be between I two things, war or dishonor. "Article X is not, only the most dan-j gerous provision in the covenant but, in its sinister possibilities, it is th.. j most dangerous proposition ever pre-j sented to the American people." "America" Drowned in Cheers The walls and floor of Convention ' Hull were completely hidden by the great throng that had been waiting there for two hours when Senator Harding appeared at 8 o'clock. The : crowd was standing, singing "Amer-1 ica," when the features of the Ohioan were framed in a doorway in the north wall of the hall. At once the words of the song were drowned in a roar of cheers. Thousands of tiny Ameri? ca!, flags were waved. Senator and Mrs. Harding waved; their hands to the crowd. The demon-; stration continued for about ten min? utes, coming to a climax with the singing of "The Star-Spangled Ban ner." Two old men approached Senator Harding on the platform bearing a large silk flag and took their stand beside him so that the folds of the flag fell about his shoulders. A ?'tor Mrs. i lard ing, wearing a huge ! bunch of orchids and carrying another bouquet of yellow rosebuds in her hand, had been introduced as the next. lady of the White House, Senator, Harding was presented by a flustered chairman as "Senator Warren, of Ohio." Smiling at this exhibition of j embarrassment Senator Harding began: ? "i am convinced that you love Amer- J ica more than you love the league." The cheering began afresh, many ? women giving staccato imitations of j Indian warwhoops by patting the palms ; of tl ? r hands against their mouths as ' they yelled. "Sou tell'em, Uncle Warren," shouted ' a coatless man perched up near the; eaves. "Hit 'em again!" shouted another' when the Senator, having tinishe?! his prepared address, naused for a second. "No," replied Senator Harding, "we don't want to hit 'em again. We merely want to be sane again." Approval of a bonus plan for World (Continued on pago throe) The Railroads To-day HPWELVE railroad presidents and chairmen have written a series of signed articles in which they take the public into their confidence and make known their recent experience and their hopes for a new era of transportation. The series will start in The Tribune Monday and will con? tinue for eleven days. Edge Urges Prosecutions Of Interests That Paid To Elect Cox Governor Parsons Quits Harding to Vote for Cox i Former National Comniit teenian, Resigning From County Board, Says He is For the League Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Par? sons, former chairman of the Repub? lican County Committee, former Con? gressman and former nation;.! corn mitteeman, yesterday sent a letter to Samuel S. Koenig, chairman of the Republican County Committee, re signi. ? from the committee, "no longer being a ? epublican under the law," he says. "It is my intention, he continues, "to vote for Cox for Presi? dent. I am for the League of Nations. I Cox is for 'going in'; Harding is not for 'going in,' though in the Senate he j voted for 'going in.' So I am for ? Cox." Referring" to Senater Harding's statements concerning his attitude Colonel Parsons says: "Harding will not accomplish any? thing constructive. All his talk is mush." His letter follows: "My Dear Chairman: I hereby re? sign from the Republican County Com? mittee, no longer being a Republican under the law. "It is my intention to vote for Cox for President. 1 am for the League of Nations. Cox is for 'going in'; Harding is not for 'going in,' though in the Senate he voted for 'goin in.' So I am for Cox." Says League Is Only Chance "The League of Nations offers the j one practical opportunity for this generation to unite 'the nations in an effort to prevent war and effect dis? armament. Democracies only make striking chantres under the stress of great emotions. It was while fresh 1 with the recollection of the millions of lives lost, the terrible suffering en? dured and the billions of property de? stroyed that the people of the world would, if at all-rouse themselves to an arrangement designed to prevent repetition of such a horror. The fainter the recollection became, the less was the likelihood of action. We a.e told that the American people are tired of the league. They will be mo.-e tired of it after March 4. Less will be possible then than now. "Harding's expressions scattered through his speeches about en asso? ciation of nations, an amended league and preserving what is good in the treaty?expressions plainly desigried to secure the votes of pro-league Repub? licans, but intermingled with expres? sions equally designed to give com? fort to those who wish the league scrapped have induced many distin? guished Republicans, who desire to see the United States ent .? the league, to support Harding. The;, are being deceived, Harding will not accom? plish anything constructive. All his talk is mush. Harding's Real Policy "He says he has no international program and that it is folly to be specific. He is a member of the Sen? ate and of its Committee on Foreign Relations, and has thus had before him the treaty and the league for over a year, and he now says that he does not know what should be done. He never will know. He is negative and sentimental. On one point he is defin? ite: He is not for what, after a year's consideration, he voted for in the Sen? ate, t.he league with the Lodge res? ervations, although this is* the solu- ? tion which would come nearest to sat? isfying American aspirations and is substantially what will work out by ! the election of Cox. "Harding's real policy will be to do : 'Continued on next page) Cox Sends $5MO0 Check For'Own Campaign Fund Governor Jame? M. Cox has sent a check for $5,000 to the ' Democratic National Committee as a campaign contribution, ac? cording; to an announcement made yesterday by Wilbur W. Marsh, treasurer of the committee. ?Asks Priests To Influence Women's Vote ? ?Letter Sent by Elisabeth j Marbnry From Democratic Headquarters to Catholic Clergy in New York - Special Plea to Irish 'National Committeewoman Thinks Catholic Interests Are Safer With Democrats ?; Miss Elisabeth Marbury has sent the j following letter from the woman's | headquarters of the Democratic State ! Committee to every Catholic clergyman j in New York State: "WOMAN'S HEADQUARTERS I "DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE, | "ELISABETH MARBURY, Chairman. "Waldorf Astoria, Suite 107-101). "New York City, Sept. 25, 1920. j "Dear Reverend Father: "On November 2d the momentous : question will be decided as to i whether the Republicans or the , Democrats are to govern this coun? try during the four years ahead. "I have no knowledge of your , political sympathies, yet believing us j I do in the righteousness of our ! cause, 1 venture both as a Catholic '? and as a Democrat to send you Ulis i letter, honing that you will at least j give it your consideration. "The two chief reasons why I am a I Democrat are because I am honestly j 1 convinced Siat of (he two parties ? ours is nearer the understanding of the needs of the man in the street and of the woman who toils, and that j the just treatment of our Catholic ' institutions, our Catholic schools, : and our Catholic missions is safer ? in the hands of the progressive and ' liberal-minded Democrats than with the more prejudiced and reactionary j Republicans. Remember that the ' Democratic convention refussd to ad- ? mit the Smith-Towne bill as part of I our platform, considering that it j menaced the control of our Catholic > school system. "In the September issue of The St. I Patrick's Cathedral Bulletin appeared the following: "'The privilege of having a voice ? m trie election of all candidates for office, from the Preside.",; down, is a high honor and a grave responsibility. " 'Every woman should vote, now that the law has become an accom? plished fact. Don't, stay away from the polls on the pr?t? rise of home duties, or with the notion that your individual vote is of little conse? quence. Tlr? time required to vote is so brief that it will interfere with no duties. "'Read up the questions and the candidates at issue. Cast your ballot for those you think most fit.' " 'As the shepherd of your flock, you can be of infjn te service to our country by urging that every woman of adult age in your parish who is entitled to vote sh?uld take advan tage of this new power which has been given her. Urge her to seek the necessary information with an open mind as to the platform and the candidates, which she, as a Catholic tContinutd on next pujo} 4,000 Mill Hands Offer To Accept Cut in Wages Many Textile Plants in ?Sew England Running on Half Time May Cease Operations Special Dispatch to Th? Tribu.ui BOSTON, Oct. 8. - The 4,000 em? ployees of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company, of Lowell, through their rep? resentatives to-day offered to accept a 15 per cent reduction in their wages if they could be kept at work. This action followed the announcement yes? terday by the company that it would be compelled to close its plant. The company manufactures hosiery and underwear. It is evident that the offer of the employees will be without effect, as Everett H. Walker, agent for the com? pany, to-day announced that it was sim? ply a matter or "no business." To-day the underwear department shut down and the hosiery departments will close within a few days, the agent declared. He indicated that the eni polyees' offer probably would net even be considered. The Hay State Cotton Corporation, employing 1,000'hands, closed to-day with the announcement that it would not resume before December 1. The textile situation through the New England centers is regarded as discouraging and extensive shutdowns in Lawrence, Lowell, Manchester, N. H.; New Bedford and Fall River are anticipated. The plants opened a few weeks ago, running three, four and five days a week, on the expectation of new business on their fall showings of goods. Since the summer shutdown textile plants of New England have be?n- run? ning at hardly more than 50 per cent capacity. This has sine? been reduced, and further drastic reductions appear to be close at hand. All mills have taken advantage of the holiday early next week to declare a full week's shut? down. It is feared that some Oi the plants will not reojjen. Mobs Attack Man Held For Jewish Fund Theft Max Schussler, Bruised as He Leaves Court. Is Beaten Later in the Criminal Building Max Schussler, of 2'2'.\ East Ninth Street, who ivas arrested Sunday, j charged with the theft of $2,700 which '"? he raised for Jewish relief in Poland, ! was attacked by a mob yesterday as I he left Essex Market police court, ' where his hearing was adjourned for a week. Many of those who were waiting for : Schussler to appear said that thej : i i contributed to his fund, '?'hen Schuss '' 1er came down the steps of the court | house they threw stones, bottles and : other missiles at him and started to rush him. They were halted by a ; patrolman who appeared at the scene with his revolver drawn. Schussler, somewhat bruised and shaken, got into a taxicab and went to the Criminal Courts Building, where he had an engagement with Assistant Dis? trict Attorney Kiiroe. Another mob or , the same one was waiting for him : 1?re ; and handled him even more roughly. They were lying in wait for him on the fourth floor of the building and had kickt?!, punched and scratched him ; thoroughly before process servers were able to disperse them. Schussler'a face was bleeding and his garments torn and i in disarray when he entered Mr. Kil ! roe's offic??. Mr, Kiiroe intends to pre i sent the evidence against him to the , grand jury next week. Philip Applebaum, a chauffeur, of 7-13 ' Fifth Street, was arrested as one of Schussler'a assailants at the Market police court, He was paroled , for examination next week on a charge -ault. A Wo ml of Welcome [a always expreaand ti.-i ?*r<>?-n employer? and ? mployee? through a Tribun? H?-!si Wanted ad. If > ? i wldeawak.i worker or noek employment von will find The Tribune Help Wanted columns your meeting place.?yidvt. Senator Says the Inquiry Reveals Violations of Ohio Corrupt Practices Act in 1916 Campaign Case Out of Rea eh Of Federal Laws |3 Political Bodies Used Contribution* in Fight, and Source Was Hidden Sj'i-WT Dispatch to The Tribune DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 8.- Dis? closures made before the Senate sub? committee investigating Ohio State campaign expenditures of Governor Cox to-day led Senator Edge, a member of the sub-committee, to recommend that prosecutions be brought under the Ohio corrupt practices act. The hearing, which | began a second day session this j morning, adjourned this afternoon, I after completing the testimony of r witnesses. "I do not care to discuss the ? I that have been made clear I ! this committee," Senator Edge said. | "The matter is now up to the prose ; cuting attorneys. We have clearly | established that there have been vio? lations of the corrupt practice i of Ohio and irregular procedui ?the Cox campaigns of the pa I 1 these are not within our jurisdiction, j We cannot conduct the pr< but steps should be taken ii ?y to act upon the evidence disclosed at the hearings before the com? mittee." Source of Money Bid Under the Ohio corrupt p a? tic? act j corporations are prohibited i tributing to political campaign It a so is required that all political bodies lile statements of their expendi? tures and receipts, reveal j source of all moneys they receive. Testimony before the committ. day brought admissions from c? tion officials that corpora had been used to further the el? of Cox in 1916 and that moneys con? tributed to three political orga tions from a corporation had been used to aid Cox, but in reportii ceipts to the Secretary oi true source of This monev wa coaled. II. E. Talbott. President of the ton Metal Producl I on the stand that money u^ed to . a note given by Cox to the City \'a tional Lank, of which Talb? ??-. was pres? ident, had !?> en tal en from 1 ury of the Dayton Metal Pi Company. Me also admitted I contributed to a $37,000 fund, out of which $20,000 was expel C:e election of Cox as Governor in 1916, had come from tin- tre . of the Dayton Metal Producl - Flood Funds Used Talbott .said he did not coi ! ay o ent by the 1 ?ayton Meta Company of Governor Cox'? f5 01 was in reality a ? orpoi tion. Testimony by I treasurer of the Metal Prod pany at that time, .!?"? tributions made by the M? ta Pi | Company, including the ? the -5,000 check and the camf aign fund, were firs! : gainst Talbott. in a bp? but \ hen the books were c d at end of the year the charged off to "expenses." Later, when a raid on th the Dayton Flood Preventio t<-?> wan made ai there was a chance of the money back ; it voted through d in m; accounts out of vention committee's f u count at the Metal Product ' oui pany was r< vive-d, and ????? actually was rev. dummy expense account !7ito the treasury of ' ucts Corporation under the h "Profit and Loss." Talbott, as a member of the flocd prevention committee, he admitt? the stand, voted himself ba morn v. When Talbott was pr?s ? ', a? ' hy the Dayton Metal Pi o ! ad felt ? ? gat ed to note he Baid that m 191 ton men, constituting a i committee, came to 1. im t ? be the go between in i both th ? Democral ic organizations in Da; I "non-partisan" set of ( ?ty C? mmi asioners, as I that otherwise the control of the city mission form of government. Talbott Approached Cox Talbott saiil he appr? ? ? , who agreed to assist, but tl ? '.-ii through. Then Talbott I d not see < ox for sev< ral tn< i he did ''ox told him that the D organization had expected th? j' "non-partisan" commit! to finance their campaigi th.-y had be?-;: willing to agree t?? a parti sai ticket, arid e pian failed and I rated their own ticket, whi< to the Socialists, Talbol moral obligation" t ? aid ' "Inasmuch as the Day ucts Company ha?. ds m.*. needed at the moi triTni'.r to 'Iraw a check to COV? ? '. . he concluded "But, Mr. Talbott," said Edge "this check was drawn after the note : Did that long to discover ? m?" Talbott said ht did dates Talbott testified he thoug 000 fur d 7.;: ken I - the Daytor. M ?tal Prod ? any in the 191 i campaign was protecting the flood prevention law un? der which Dayton is constructing a