Newspaper Page Text
$m f frrK ?ribuiue lirai to Last?the Truth: Newt? Edi M__l__to,rii?t??Advertisements ?AT?RDAY, OCTOB?ir9T-9_or~ Own?, ?iv. r*:!?Uh?S duly _? New Tort Trtbuo? Inc. _ N?_ To.-k Corporal!?!?. Of dan Retd. rraat ??it: cj. Vorr.oT Roger?. Vie?-President ; il.Is? Usfr. Buld. r-Jccrttirr: R, __ Maxflald. Tr**?ur?r. Addre... Tribun* BulUHn?, 15? Nana. Ru??t. N?_ -??_. Tel?._one, B**kt__n _.??. TCMCMPTtON FUTKS?By nail, t-rtudlni .?.".'JPi THK UNITED STATES. u _. Mim!mI_M __Wc; On. 8U On? By Mall. Po?tp.!it Tear. Month?. Mi-nth. I ??,..t ai.d Bunday.|l.,?t t?.?t fl.N On? _.??_. 3.C D,J_? "?''* ......lee?. *?? ,u Ou? ?rstk, sic Bund?, on'y . 4,(i. 1? .4? *unil*j cn,>'. Canada. ?00 g..? M rORElON RATES r?17y ??'d Sunday.).?.?. IIV 3? UM ???. ?at. . 1: <? ?.70 i.?s ? _-_ay ?nly . 9.75 ?. J2 f-trrt. at th? Foatofflr. at Niw Tort a? 8rco_?? Claaa M.!'. Vl-'.Uf. GUArlA'JTY ran can ? mirchandls? advert?*?"! In THI TRIBUNE with abtetuta ?sfetv?for If di;?atlifat fan -et u It? li ?nv 01* THE THIBUNE t-srantae? (?> pa> y.ur menc> back unan r??au??t. N? ?-?d i.n?. Us nuihhllng. We m.k?. used pra.iijtty II th? advertiser doe* n?_ M_T_TB_7R OF TUB AiV-ori.\TCt> TRESS 1'P A?ioclat?_ rroaa la exdualtelj entitled to tb* ??? fer repuiilicatim at all nwi iin-ai-h?? credited - not otherwlaa credited In thla t>?r.r. and ? ? ? local uawa of ii>.!.t*urcus -ruin ..?.lUbed _?cdn A . rl.hta of repub'leatlcn ?f all ?tiier ?alter _t.-t.^ k ?j aro re_e7??d. An Isn't-So Administration It wasn't Senator Spencer who ?was worsted in the Spencer-Tumulty Wilson Ananias controversy. Here art: the developments to date: (1) Senator Spencer reproduced in a speech in Missouri assurances given by President Wilson in a plenary session of rho peace confer ence, May 31, 1919, that if attempts were made to upset the territorial settlements of the conference the United States would again send its army and navy across the sea. (2) Mr. Tumulty in behalf of the President thereupon announced that ? ,vas authorized to characterize Senator Spencer's speech as "abso? lutely and unqualifiedly false." ? : ? Mr. Spencer publicly ques? tioned the President's authorization of the Tumulty denial, on the ground that it was inconceivable that the President should repudiate the offi? ciai record of his remarks of May _1, 1919. ? 4 ) Secretary Tumulty then re peated the denial and President Wilson backed him up. (5) Mr. Spencer offered in sup? port of his statement a translation of that part of the French official ex of the conference proceedings which covered the President's ad? dress. This translation appeared in The Tribune on December 3, 1919,; was reprinted in The Congressional Record, and was freely commented en in debate by Senator Reed, of Missouri, and others. (6) Senator Spencer next called on the President to produce the Eng? lish official text of the proceedings. The latter's only answer was: "1 am perfectly content to leave it to the voters of Missouri to determine which of us is telling the truth." Secretary Tumulty now says that the English transcript belonging to the United States government was left in Paris, and no copy .of it is available here. The only possible inference, therefore, is that the President depended entirely on mem? ory in charging Senator Spencer with "absolute and unqualified" falsehood. The Tribune lias secured a copy in French of the complete record of the Conference proceedings of May 3.1, 1919. It confirms the accuracy of the first translation into English. Ihre the controversy rests. We have before us further convincing evidence that the Administration hasn't changed. Secretary Baker has told the American people what isn't so; ditto Secretary Daniels; ditto Postmaster General Burleson; ditto other mem? bers of the Cabinet. The President merely adds a fresh instance of "isn't so." Housing Relief in Danger Danger exists that the end sought by the tax exemption law, the only constructive part of the housing .legislation, will be defeated by indi? rection. The Legislature authorized the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Estimate, acting together, to sus? pend for ten years the local taxation of housing improvements. The two . boards may act or not under this authorization, as they see fit. But the delegation being of the Legis? lature's natural powers, the grant is to be construed strictly. To attempt .to impose conditions other than those prescribed is to run the risk of liti? gation that may tie up the act. The Collins resolution, now before the Board of Aldermen, provides that exemptions shall be accorded only when the Board of Estimate %?ives unanimous consent to an appli? cation. Nothing in the statute to this effect is discoverable. It merely says that the Board of Estimate shall approve. Ordinarily the boar,d acts by a majority vote. To require unanimity may open the door to those eager to enjoin the law. The imported condition is as ob-* . pctienable on practical as on legal ?rounds. One landlord member of : e Board of Estimate can veto con Alderman Collins is to be tied to be acting in good faith, but i g can scarely be blind to the fact that his resolution unneces ?r.7 rdizes the hope of get? ting new houses, manifestly the only way to relieve the increasing con? gestion. The course of Mayor Hylan does not lessen apprehension. Chagrined by the defeat of his pet bills, he j seems to entertain the delusion .that they may have a chance at the | Legislature's regular session in Jan- ? uary, and so may not he averse to being ablo to say that the legisla- j tien passed did no good. The responsibility for utilize effectively the power which j the Legislature has given to the city for the relief of the housing short? age will he a heavy one. The Legis? lature has put up to the city a sim? ple proposition to take or leave, but not to be manipulated for partisan or political purposes. No Scuttling To a heckler at Des Moines who asked, "How about the boys over in Germany?" Senator Harding re? plied: "They haven't any business there, and just as soon as we declare formal peace we can be sure they will be coming home, as they ought to come." The reply was to an interruption. Senator Harding, according to the report, did not at first catch the meaning of the question and asked for its repetition. His response was thus hasty and little considered. Had the Senator taken more time he scarcely would have answered as he did. But if the statement is to be con? strued as marking an intention to abandon our allies and not to par? ticipate in compelling Germany, if needs be, to respect the substantial parts of the Versailles treaty, such as disarmament and reparative pay? ments, The Tribune, for one, wishes to enter a most emphatic dissent. Here is something which has noth? ing to do with the League of Na? tions controversy. It relates wholly to whether this country should help see to it that Germany docs not welch on her agreements. It is our business whether Germany is al? lowed to repudiate, for example, her obligation to Belgium. It is our business that France shall not be left alone to carry out the task of preventing wriggling Germany from once more arming herself for a new war of aggression. Not to recognize this as our business is to make the war a colossal joke. The offhand words of Senator Harding, taken at their letter, per? mit inferences inconsistent with his prior and more matured declara? tions. Even in his prepared speech at Des Moines he reiterated that lie wished this country to meet her righteous obligations. Surely no obligations can b<- more righteous than contributing to preventing G< r many from again becoming a men? ace to ourselves and the world. Sen? ator Harding may well seize an early opportunity to correct wrong ! impressions he has left. The Polish Armistice The Polish-Russian armistice, as outlined in dispatches from Riga, is based on military facts, as. was the Allied-German armistice of Novem? ber 11, 1918. The Soviet armies, after getting within cannon shot of War? saw, were caught in a trap. Their lumbering strategy broke down un? der General Weygand's vig< n counter strokes. In the last two months the Reds have been crushed on the whole Polish front. Lenine's armies have been wrecked. Only demoralized remnants remain. Moscow, also hard pressed on the Black Sea front, has bowed to the new situation. It expected to im? pose a peace of surrender on the Poles. Now it humbly grants prac? tically all the Polish demands. L?? nine, rubbing in his contempt of the Allied Council, offered a few months ago to give Poland a better eastern boundary ti an they, Poland's pre? sumed friends, were asking for. The Council recommended the Brest i Litovsk line as the eastern limit of i Polish territorial claims. Fighting ; victoriously in their own behalf, the Poles have now obtained an armis? tice line far beyond Brest-Litovsk. This lino is described as running i from a point east of Dvinsk, south 1 through Baranovitchi to the Ru? manian border. It is practically the ; old German defensive line of 1010 ' and 1917. It is well within the east? ern boundary of Poland before the partition of 1772. But it probably represents the extreme territorial ? and strategical demands which Po j land now expects to confirm in the 1 final treaty with Russia. Poland also obtains a corridor to the east of Lithuania, shutting off i contact betweeen Soviet Russia and | the new Lithuanian state, which has ! been for some time past under domi? nation from Moscow. Poland re I nounces any claim on Ukrainian territory beyond the armistice line. The war between Poland, and Rus < 8ia was fought under conditions high ; ly irksome to the Allied Supreme Council. Poland is a member of the ! League of Nations. Russia, from the | league's and from the Council's peint of view, is an outlaw. But neither i the league nor the Council would i go to Poland's aid when she most needed aid, except with restrain? ing advice to her and verbal threats against Russia. The Poles have won their own war. When the Soviet armies had reached the outskirts of Warsaw Lloyd George said that the fact of Russia's military successes would have to be taken into account in the peace settlement. Are the Allies now going to take adequate ? account of the fact of Poland's mili- j tary tr*ttmph? Or will they make another effort to pin her down to the skimped and militarily indefensible eastern frontier drawn for her north and south through Bialostok and Brest-hitovsk? Mr. Parsons'? Departure Regret will be general among the Republicans of New York that a party member of the standing of Herbert Parsons is so confused by the league discussion as to become a supporter of Governor Cox. Mr. Parsons is, of course, aware that it was not Senator Harding, who voted twice for entry into the league, who "scrapped" the covenant. That office was performed by the White House letter of January 8, I which said the White House had no ' compromise in mind and instructed j its Senators to vote against any ! ratification that was not flat. Sena i tor Harding, now an in ? quest, reports as a fact that the Wilson league is dead. But when did a coroner become responsible for a killing he certified to? Mingled with the regret over the j departure of Mr. Parsons will be i surprise that his determination to \ leave did not mature earlier, and ; that he has hitherto given no sign | that such a determination on his | part was forming. He was a dele I gate to the Chicago convention?an j influential member of the pivotal ' New York delegation. This delega i tion, it will be recalled, quite as ? much as any other, was influential in bringing about the Harding nomi? nation. It was not then reported that Mr. Parsons was dissatisfied I with a result which he notably j helped to achieve or that he has i made any effort since to modify the ! views of Senator Harding with which j he disagreed. He had full opportu? nity in June to work for another choice, but it did not appeal to him, i It is not easy to understand tha ! present zeal for bolting. Ohio's Fonvard Lookers hovers of that stirring mouthful | "forward-looking" will be pleased to discover that Governor Cox, as long >]. ago as 191G, experimented with this ' phrase of high ideals and agreeable vagueness. The phrase was then used to be deck a dummy association of Coxites ; ?"the Forward-Looking Association : of Ohio"?the same being organized to receive and expend some $12,600, and thus conceal the fact that this tidy sum was in part the contribu? tion of a corporation, to wit, the Dayton Metal Products Company, which in turn owned the Dayton Wright Airplane Company, of some notorii ty following the war, thanks to Colonel Deeds and Mr. Charles Evans Hughes. At least such seems to be the drift of the testimony at Dayton. The hh d leg of any mule is a straight? edge by comparison with the devious routes through which the Cox money traveled to forward-lookers in these gubernatorial days, and we hesitate to chart the course of any particu? lar dollars with certainty. We can only be sure that there were dummy notes and ?lummy funds and dummy corporations en every hand and that the command then as now was forward or rather to look forward which was highly sensible advic.e for any practical politician in these days of corrupt practices acts when the less one knows of what cither one'.-; right or left hand is do? ing the better. Governor Cox is soaring skyward on mighty pinions tp-day. It is thus doubly interesting to trace these first sproutings of his idealistic pin feathers. The Technique: of Victory After a heavy October frost the fans of Brooklyn thawed out suffi? ciently to give a highly deserving team the home cheering that it amply earned. Crookedness re? mains to be finally driven out of j baseball and fittingly punished, but, pending trial, there is no reason why the fine start of the Robins?a tri umph for the ablest kind of honest : and intelligent leadership?should not be applauded on its merits. Not only a baseball head, but any | business man, any army officer, any teacher, anybody charged with 'he responsibility of running a group or gang of human beings, has much to learn from Wilbert Robinson and his . team of cast-offs. General Foch has i stated that morale is the decisive factor in warfare?and that covers the whole point, provided always ; that you understand, firstly, what . morale is, and, secondly, how to ob ! tain it. There is a foo prevalent notion that a sheer will to win is all that is necessary to success?that never giving up is all there is to the tecb ? nique of victory. This point of view ; is right in so far as it stresses the ; moral factor above sheer skill; but if omits the very essential factor | of confidence, without which a will ; to win is a blind and blunderin?? thing. It is exactly this element of self-confidence that the born execu? tive builds up in his subordinates, his team, his employees, his soldiers, his pupils. How manufacture confidence? ; No formula exists for this consum? mate feat of creation despite all the words that the efficiency experts j have strung together. Leadership is j an essential quality?in its broadest ! sense the all-sufficient gift. But it i means something more than field captaincy, gang leadership in ac tion; it includes wisdom and steadi? ness and surenesa to earn confidence and a genuine knowledge of and trust in human nature to give con? fidence. Not the man who enjoys doing the whole stunt himself makes the good executive, but the m in whose first interest is In perfecting the fallible human machines about him. For the human machine, any hu? man machine, is capable of amazing achievements. That is its charm, its greatest quality. There are practi? cally no limits to what a human be? ing can do?when properly led. Uncle Wilbert's cast-offs play like champions?under his omniscient eye. They arc champions and yet, on paper, there is not a great ball player on the team. Right there is sketched the most interesting task in the world??if you are born with the gift of leadership and a zest for solving the human equation. Calvin Coolidge Says (From his speech accepting the. Re? publican nomination for Vice President, July 27, 1920) No one in public life can be oblivious i to tho organized efforts to undermine I the faith of our people in their govern ! ment, foment discord, aggravate indua j trial strife, stifle production and ulti I mately stir up revolution. These efforts ; are a great public menace, not. through ; clanger of success, but through the great ; amount of harm they can do if ignored. j The first duty of the government is to repress them, punishing willful viola? tions of law, turning the full light of i publicity on all abuses of the right of ! assembly and of free speech, and it is I the first duty of the public and press to ; expose false doctrines and answer sedi : tious arguments. American institutions ; can stand discussion and criticism only ? if those who know bear for them the testimony of the truth. Such repression ; and such testimony should be forthcom? ing, that the uninformed may come to a full realization that these seditious efforts are not for their welfare, but for their complete economic and political destruction. Cox's Newspaper Says (From The Dayton Daily Netos, December 15, 1916) A military critic who has closely fol? lowed the progresa of the war states that the contest can only end in one of three ways: Either through a knock? out for Germany, through a knock-out for the Allies, or by the world coming to an end. Germany seem3 incapable of being knocked out. Burlesonized To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter which I have just posted. F. New York, Oct. 7, 1920. [Copy] Postoffice Inspector's Office, Eighth Avenue and Thirty-first Street, New York City. Sir: On October 6, 1920, at about noon, there was deposited in the Post ' office, City Hall Station, Broadway and : Park Row, a special delivery letter ad? dressed to me in legiblo hand? writing, with my full name are! ad? dress. It is now 4 o'clock in the aft? ernoon of October 7, exactly twenty seven hours after the letter was de? posited, and I am still waiting for it. In the meantime the person who sent it to me has informed me of the above i facts. In view of this circumstance, and ?other previous disconcerting circum? stances, I naturally hesitate to use the Burlesonized Postoffice system. That is why I took the precaution to tele : phone your office before sending this ; letter through the Burlesonized Post | office system. 1 wanted to make sure ; that the facts would reach you. I have ; no confidence that this letter will do so. South Carolina and the Bonus To tho Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Your issue of September 28 con? tained a report of the proceedings of the convention of the American Legion, in which it was stated that South Caro? lina voted negatively on the question of a bonus for veterans for the reason that they did not desire the negroes of the state to benefit thereby. That impres? sion is absurd sufficiently to demand cor? rection. This is the spirit that prompted South Carolina's vote: We love our country, which gave US our birth and which affords greater blessings than those of any other nation. Our homes are here and to us they are sacred. We do not demand, solicit or expect money as a reward for having defended them. That would be "Hessianism." I will thank you to give space to this correction. A. M. JONES. Greenville, S. C, Oct. ?1, 1920. The Workers' Government To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Morris Hillquit, the Socialist leader, who lives in luxury on River? side Drive, says that he "will light till the working class controls the govern? ment." What does he mean? The gov? ernment is now controlled by the peo? ple, who are all workers, for the United States is a nation of workers some with their brains, others with their hands. If .Mr. Hillquit thinks it is nec? essary to be dirty and ignorant in order to be called a worker, then he is not a worker. Tho idle rich are more than offset by the poor who won't work. Mr. Hillquit can only mean that he will fight until the foreign workers control the United States government. New York, Oct. 4, 1920. \V. J. A. It Makes No Difference iFrma The ?'Jil?fli ? ? The government fi recas - a I iggi r sugar crop than ever, but the predic? tion is merely of academic interest to the consumer, who knows what is being dono to him this fall after an increased production of more than fifty million tons of coal over the amount mined last year. The Conning Tower THE DRAMA I once saw a gentleman wallop his wife; I've heard a girl holler "You brute!" I've heard a non-poet say something was "rife," And I once knew a child who was "cute." I once heard a humorist say some? thing subtler Than what he wrote down on a page ; But I've never heard one philosoph? ical butler Except on the stage. I've heard an articulate guard on the L, And a negro who couldn't play tunes; I once saw an audience silent at "Hell!" And not even giggle at "Prunes." I once knew a lady but honorable bettor, And a girl who would not tell her age; But I never saw any one crumple a letter Except on the stage. The esteemed authorities haven't ?.lone much to interrogate Abe Attell; the slayer, as the newspapers cal! him or her, of Elwell is untried; the Wall Street explosion still is a mystery. But the police and the District Attor? ney's office know where Nicky Arn ! stein is. What, astonishes us, after all the arti? cles of the American Credo we have been led to believe in, is not that the inmates of that borough are unable to direct you to a Brooklyn address, but that they can't even tell you how to got to Manhattan. The Hurt Street chapter of Brooklyn [ rcoters arc loud in their praise of ? Boins. In Washington yesterday some of j the correspondents, asking Secretary I Tumulty about the President's alleged j promise to help Rumania, went to him ! with "Say, it ain't true, Joe." Our intelligent Persian feline, Mr., : objects to our appropriation of Eddie ? Cicotte's famous alibi. Mr. wants U3 j to say "I did it for the wife and the kitty." A DRESS FOR YOU (To Esther, who hatea to shop and who finds "fittings" boresome.) i I'd take the starshine from the night, I'd take the rose's bloom; The silver spider-flax as light, The blowing heather broom, And weave a gown of thistledown Upon a dreamer's loom. The purple of the sunset sea, Bright gold of morning sky, The velvet of the bumble-bee, And wings of butterfly ? All these I take, a gown to make, That money couldn't buy. Of all the beauty that there is In earth ami sea and air, : My loom of airy fantasies Would weave a fabric fair? Your loveliness to grace, a dress That only You should wear. c. w. w. "The great singer," begins The New Haven Register, in its Jenny Lind story, "known the world over as the Swedish Florence Nightingale." Probably, thinks A. G. ('.. she gave lier first New York Concert at Castle Mary Garden. A copy . . . was published in n Ni??' York newspaper to-day. The copy published in a morning . newspaper.?From an evening news? paper. Thanks for the ad., Mr. Munsey. The Insomniacs I've got to take under my wing, tra la, A most unattractive old thing, tra la, And Edna St. Vincent Millay. II. T. * ? * Take back the vows ihou hast spoken; : Fling them aside and be free. Smile o'er each pitiful token, Edna St. Vincent Millay. W. S. S. N. * M ? : These are the saddest of possible words: ; "Edna St. Vincent Millay." N. M. * ? ? She was bred in old Kentucky. Edna St. Vinc'iP Millay. E. C. "Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, And Edna St. Vincent Millay," she said. When I went to the Bar as a very young ' man With Edna St. Vincent Millay. * * * K. M. K. Baa, baa, black sheep, Maximilian Grab. What's this dull town to me? Max-i-milian Grab. 'Mid pleasures and palaces, Though we may roam. Be it ever so humble, There's Maximilian Grab. MRS. MAXIMILIAN GRAB. In order to keep people awake. Old 1 Tom Daly the Troubadour writes that he is considering changing his name to Thomas Augustine Delay. Frieda Hempel Impersonates Swedish Nightingale. Exercises in Aquarium,? ; ; Evening World headline. They should have hired Annette Kel- . lermann. Forty-nine years ago to-day should have been Fire Prevention Day in Chi- ; ?go. Brooklyn sings: What's this dull j | town to me? The Robins ain't here, j _F.i?.__. MOST EVERYBODY SEEMS TO THINK THE GAME IS ALL OVER r*npyrlnht. J9?0. New York Tribun? Inc. The High Cost of Strides Chapter VIII The High Cost of Strike Failures Bv Marshall Olds (This is the eighth of a series of thir? teen articles appearing on this page daily, including Sunday.) "oovrieSt. l?'?'?'. Na'.v Vor:-- Tribuno .'"?*? Of the 3,950,000 workers who went on strike in 1919 1,053 256 struck for teasons whicl labor authorities I selves refused to recognize and other? wise condemned as unwarranted. On Augu ? ?i last the front pages of all the newspapers contained an an? nouncement that 175,000 hard coal miners had sent a three-day ultimatum to President Wilson, threatening a strike in deliancc of their own officers, who did not believe such a strike was ?.ve rra nl ed. On the same front pages of the same papers was another announcement of the? actual tying tip of the principal transportation s stein?, of Brooklyn that was insisted on and perpetrated against the ordi rs i hreats of the union's own officials, w;.o said a strike was not warran ted and could feated. The printers' strike in Ntv V. : fall, which cut the wa ??? s of 1,500,000 otlu r m sn, ?. mr.ed by thi ers' . ...'!. international union as entirely unwarrante 1. Oui of scvenl y con picu . - strikes that were !.. gun during the first half of Octi ber, 1919, o eight were rec ognizi .1 by higher lab ?,? o ficials as be? ing justified. Condemned by Labor '??"'? ?' '?? 1 ole ? ? ri is of railro ..1 strike? during the last spring, which have cost ? he publi : n ire th he coa) .... itself, ha\ e beei ; ... ; arly kno . "outlaw 'because tin y ha\ ; bi ? n ? ???.i?, tnned i ified and coin hate.? as much by the rest of labor ai by the employers themselves. Mr. Samuel Gompers, for twent; years president of the American Fed? ition of Labor, is undoubtedly in < ! tion to defen 1 s! rikes in genera or in partie llar .' knowl ? d .?? and ability as they can be de i. i-, ? te wit ; i 7 f Kansa on this sub rested his whole defei ??? of strike first, on the inher i . right of a frei man to refuse to work as a pr tes aga ? : un j u I ? i i tion . and, second on wha*t strikes in the past had ac ed in d away with chil and woman labor and in raising th working eonditii ns and standards o living of all lab r. In or.1er ... there may be no mis under standing of 1 i aims of the pre ent discu ? isapp its fundamental attituda toward labo: it mai lid tl ' ' w .-is pei ? ? : hat il .?.- ould b ont ire!y unwi le fi r i ciety to deny t any group of men the fundament! right t strike :air? nomic injustice as it w Id be unwis to deny anj iup '- men the right t rebel against any form of injustice c tyrani ; as society eontaii so much of both. But any theorizing about the rig] to strike, any discussion of the goc or bad effect* of strikes in gei m n ';,- acacV^c. For we ha ?-? ? 1 ?. . lui : ? :' men not discu sing the th?orie strikes, but stril ing. it is ti? t *-?.? '?'-t?t st ;kr?s in tl past have aimi 1 a* or done or wh; strikes in the future may aim at or d< it is what strikes of last year and th year are aiming at and doing that practically important now. There have been three times as mai ?txikas since the war as In any simil period before the war; probably ten j times as many men have been on strike in the last year and a half as in any similar period before the war in our history. What have been the re? sults of these strikes? We know some? thing about what they have cost the public, inclndins labor, in loss and suf? fering and present high prices. Have they paid an thing or do they promise to pay anything to the public that has or may in any way offset their tre lus costs? The first and one of the most strik? ing answers to that question is the fact that Mr. Gompers himself and organ? ized labor in general have openly ad :..''. i that the aims sought in a large number of our most costly strikes do istify the cost of th(> strike, und Mr. Gompers and organized labor have them elves opposed these strikes. Tlleir own higher union officials plead? d with the B. R. T. workers not to go on spike. The leaders ?p the dock workers who .-truck in August hastened the public the men were wrong ive struck. In fact, most of the strikes that came to public at? tention during August have been cor demned by a large part and often by ; majority of labor itself as being with? out adequate justification. And the Sept mber strikes, r?f which a specia .? p.I happ us to i ave been kept, wi ; ? ???ven worse, for here out of twentj only i - i ___? 111 were una n imous : ???! ev? .. by labor itself as be ' JU! One of the most serious cl ? ikes m Chicago was ca manufacturers refused to pay i huge blackmail to certain union oil] cials for not railing the strike. The strike in the P. F. Sternberi plant in Chicago was called because new paym tster refused to include $5 in iiis weekly payroll to "hand" a cer tain walking delegate. Strikes Without Basis On August ..'. 3,500 America on si like and r? fused to load Am rica ?> vessel e> ? vessels carrying provisions to Amer can troops on the Rhine because th haa arrested a Irish political criminal. On August 1 ail the printers i . were on strike because of or political editorial in one newspaper i favor of American government in t! : ines. On July 21 nearly a hundred thoi sand Irishmen went on strike becau an American court sent Larkin, t A. rican citizen, to jail for a crin committed in America. Daring August over a dozen grou] of workmen went on strike because war between Russia and Poland part of them because they were afra the government might help or encou age one or the other of these forei? combatants, part because they we afraid their government might not he or encourage one or the other of the foreign combatants. In August a group of American n rine workers went on strike becat n English official would not let Australian Archbidiop go to Irela' Another group of dock workers, s? men and cooks struck because t ? .?? Archbishop was allowed to get a boat to try to get to Ireland. On August 31, when five women ? peared on certain New York docks w ing green flags and haranguing workers to strike till the British gove ment should release the Lord Mayor Cork from prison, 3,500 men of all rat most of them supposed to be Amerl? Citizens, stopped loading boats? chiefly American beats. No man in his sane mind, if he . I I | -, could believe that such an act could change the cours.? of English law any more than Henry Fi .. "pet? ting the boys out of the trenches be? fore Christmas." eoul I War. And in any event why American shipping sho'ild be penalized, Ameri? can beef cargoes be allowed to spo.? and the American people be foi American workmen into paying the cost of a strike in such a ca equally beyond the average man's imagination. Losses for All Of course, mo-t of these workers saw the incongruity of such a sil in a few days and went back to work, and the strike cost only perhaps 550,000 ? a mere bagatelle fis we cour.: costs to-day. But the point is there have heen lit ??rally hundreds of strikes footless and resultl? ' ?5 Ireland or Russia or Poland or pine_.independence or because this or that or the other man, generally a crimina:, was or was ted this, chat or the other way? sum total has b en a trem ndous ite ? in piling lit any bene lit to A fou : ' part of which c? labor .?. hieb <i?j not !.,..' all n piling up greal ?ringing no go are those which ?.vliat?". er may be ir aims, *. ire from the . .ces un? der which they -.ver?' < tiled. 1 he C yde, M il orj and Old Do - ? had a claim I - rai e is bad . ? ii .'?;. it. I'. : ? loomed from 7 . while not hig ?ire for the kind of work they do. Thousand? ?f n _ and min&rs, ? R. T. stock had not for ycai o? dm? y they invested, ai the han i : court. The court raise the ; y and w ???'- will? . ich as it could. This ? workers its vS per cent they mi^ht haTS had, caused immense inc? nv nience end loss to the 2,000,000 people of Brooklyn and got nobody anything. There are no specific figures avalla froin which it is for any one to say or even to estimate that any particular perc strikes since the war have brought ar.y par ticular results. But there is ample general evidence available which all points to certain very definite con? clus ions. Destructive, Not Constructive We know that among the classes 01 labor where strikes have been most onimon higher wages have been us? as an excuse for working shorter hour! und fewer days rather than as a meani of advancing living condition-?the' instead of increasing production oi production efficiency they have in? creased the spirit of discontent. We know, in short, that far fron being socially or illy C0B struct ive, strikes I he war hav? be? n chiefl ;:?e Pur poseless unrest of ta m'c and that where they have had purpose or purpose has been injected i"* strikes that began from mere unrest that purpose has been chiefly sinistei (To-morrow's articU: "Th* High Cm ?? Strike ,Victoriss.'"J