Newspaper Page Text
Ada G. Titus Is Married to T. H. McQuie Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Titus Becomes Bride at Pretty Ceremony in Church of Ascension Four Weddings To-day Many New York Guests to Attend Porter-Hamill Nup? tials at Hewlett*, L. I. Miss Ada Gib3on Titus, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Coddington Titus, of 127 West Eleventh Street,,was mar? ried to Thomas Harvey McClure, a nephew of S. S. McClure, yesterday afternoon in the Church of the Ascen iion. ' The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Percy Stickney Grant. There was no reception. The bride was ia a gown of wh.te satin, chiffon and .gilver lace and wore a tulle veil ar? ranged with (range blossoms. She was attended by Mrs. Hamilton Webb and Mrs. Robert Clarke. Mrs. Webb was dressed in brown and yellow chiffon und wore a hat of gold cloth. She car? ried yellow chrysanthemums and au? tumn leaves. Mrs. Clarke's dress was cf two shades of green chiffon, with a hat of silver cloth. She carried lav? ender chrysanthemums. Samuel S. McClure 2d served as his brother's best man and the* ushers ?were Robert Hirt McClure, another brother; Hamilton Webb, Robert G. Clarke and Hendley Ross Gallaway. After their wedding trip Mr. and Urs. McClure will live in this city. In Trinity Church. Hewlett, L. I., this afterroon. Miss Katharine Delano Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. Ilobart Porter, will become the bride of ? Robert Lyon Hamill, of Chicago. The ceremony will be attended by a ?somber of guests from this city. It The Latest Fiction PROLOGUE By Phyllis Du.anne "It is youth articulate. It ex presses the girl ns fully as 'This Side of Paradise' voices the voung man." ? Philadelphia A'or/// American. $2.00 OPEN THE DOOR! By Catherine Carswell 'Tar and away the best of recent first novels, indeed in a class by itse't."?N, Y. Evening ?ftPnst. ' 3rd printing, $2.00 I'VE MARRIED MARJQRIE By Margaret Widdemcr Kidnapping your war bride and taking her to a Canadian camp is a pleasant occupation for a perplexed young husband' according to this story. Mar? ie;: tins spirit, Miss Widderner has humor, and the storv is delightful. $1.75 The Latest Poetry SMOKE AND STEEL By Carl Sandburg $2.00 THE NEW ADAM By Louis Untermcyer $1.75 MISCELLANY OF AMERICAN POETRY Ninety hitherto unpublished poems by Aiken, Fletcher, Frost, Lindsay, Lowell, Op? penheim, Robinson, Sand? burg, Teasduie and Unter meyer. $2.00 Harcourt, Brace and Howe 1 Test ?47th St., New York LEE WILSON DGDD'S BookofSusan is a diamond! From every page flashea some new striking value in this novel of a delightful modern E'r1' $2.00 E. P. Dnttcm & Co., 681 5th Av., N. Y. will be followed by a reception at \ Uiudordale, the country place of Mr. and Mrs. Porter at Lawrence, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Porter gave a dinner and ?-: nee last evening ftt .he Rockawav Hunting Uub for Miss Porter and the | bridal party. To-day Mr. and Mrs. ? Frederic C. Phillips will give a lunch-I eon for the members of the bridal i party at Grayhouse, their countrv pluce at Lawrence. The marriage of Miss Constance ! Qmnby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John j Gurley Quinby. to Lieutenant Lowell I Cooper, U. S. N? will take place to? day in St. Andrew's Chu ich, Brewster. 1 he ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stires, rector oi St. Thomas's Church, this citv, as- > sisted by the Rev. J. Lasher, rector of the Brewster Church. A reception will fellow at Kishawana Farm, the coun? try place of Mr. and Mrs. Quinby. Miss Elizabeth Gunn will be the maid of honor end only attendant of the bride. Dickson D. Potter, will servo as best ; man, and the ushers will be Antonio \ Lazo, Martin J. Quinn, Thomas Powell j Fowler and John G. Quinbv jr. Another wedding to-dav is that of ! Miss Enluces L. Scoville, daughter of I Mrs. John II. Scoville, of 70 West Fifty fifth Street, to Dr. David N. Barrows, \ son of Mrs. Charles Clifford Barrows, of New York. It will take place in the Episcopal Church of North Andover, and the ceremony will be followed by a reception at Hill Crest, the summer home of the bride's mother. Miss Elizabeth Ludlow Chrvstie, ?laughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ludlow Chrystie, will become the bride of Ralph Polk Manny, son of Walter B. Manny, of Larchmont, this afternoon, in Christ's Church, Rye. The ceremony i will be followed by a reception at The j Crag, the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bradley, of !. 3 !0 Park Avenue, announce the engage? ment of their daughter, Miss Isabelle Bradley, to Hugh Jack Robertson 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Robert son jr., of West Newton, Mass. Miss i Bradley attended Miss Hall's School, Pittsfield, Mass., and Miss Bennett's School, at Millbrook, N. Y. Mr. Rob? ertson was graduated from St. Paul's School, Concord. N. H., and in 1917 en? tered Princeton. He enlisted soon afterward in the Tank Corps and served overseas with that organization. Announcement has been made of the , engagement of Miss Faith Baldwin, : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. ; Baldwin, of 73 Remsen Street. Brook- ; lyn, and Hilo Farm, Shelter Island, to i Lieutenant Hugh Harhlin Cuthrell, ? United States Naval Aviation, son of i Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cuthrell, of Win r.ton-Salem, N. C. The wedding will take place in November and will he attended only by members of the two families, owing to the illness of the bridegroom's mother. The engagement Is announced of Miss Dorothy Gostenhofer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gostenhofer, of Livingston. Sta.en Island, to Barton Turnbull, son of Mrs. Theodore Turn : bull and the late Dr. Theodore Turn bull, of Monticello, Fla. ?>lr. an?l Mrs. Regis H. Post are re? ceiving congratulations on the birth of a son yesterday at the Tarrytown Hospital. Mrs, Post was Miss Julester Shrady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' M. Shrady, of Elmsford, N. Y. Mrs. James Lowell Putnam has re? turned front Tuxedo and is at the Hotel St. Regis. Miss Helen C. Frick also is staying there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Salmon will return to their home, 38 West Forty- ! ninth Street, Thursday. They are at their country place at Locust Valley, Long Island, but leave there to-morrow f with a party of friends for Windsor, Ontnrio, to see the race at the Kenil worth track between Man o' War and ; Sir Barton. Mrs. Charles Steele gave a luncheon j yesterday at Delmonico's. E. Clarence I Jones also gave a luncheon there yes? terday. In the evening Mrs. Richard T. Wood worth gave a dinner for her sister, '. Miss Ora Iv?s. Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Pyne, of 680 i Park Avenue, gave a box party at last night's performance of "Little Old New York," at the Plymouth Theater. Mrs. Arthur Osgood Choate gave a dinner last evening at the City Club for Miss Margaret Prior, an English Girl Guide, who has been in Boston for several months as the guest of Mrs. James J. Sttjrrow. Miss Prior sails to? day for Southampton. M. and Mme. Pierre de Lanux will arrive in New York Wednesday on the Providence. They were married in Oc? tober, 1918, and have been living in Paris since January of last year. They will be the guests of ivime. de Lanux's father, Richard. Eyre, 15 West Sixty seventh Street, for a few days before : going to Chicago. The Countess of Portsmouth will sail for England to-day. She arrived in this country early in-the summer to at? tend the wedding of her nephew, Gerald Wall n, to Miss May Lawrence Post, < f Bayport, L I. Since th n she has been the guest of the Hon. and MADISON AVENUE?FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Tfo!rty=fo_?irt__ Street Thiiirty-ffafth Street Menu's Hats an the mew shapes and co?ors ?mow Sim demand for Aittumnin and Winter wear, are specially featured In the Depart? nient on the First Floor. Soft Felt Mats . . $6,00, 8o00, J.0.00, 15,00 Derby Wats >: . . . 8.00, 10.00, 112.00 (Prices are subject to War Revenue tax) Mrs. Howard P. Renshmv Photographed at the Piping- Pock Horse Show at Locust Valley a week ago. Mrs. Oliver Henry Wallop, parents of ? Gemid Wallop, at their ranch in Wy- ' oming. During the last few days she j has heen entertained at several affairs ? given by officials of the National Board of the Young Women's Christian Asso? ciation. Until recently she was the na- ' tional president of the Y. W. C. A. in ! Great Britain. Mrs. Coleman du Pont I entertained for her on Wednesday at ! the Bankers' Club, and Mrs. John I). : Rockefeller jr. gave a dinner for her ! that evening at her home. Countess Buys Tapestried Suite at Elwell Sale $2.000 Auhusson Set Brings ! the Highest Price of the Day; Auction Continues To-day Sale of the effects of Joseph Bowne ! ? Elwell, the whist expert, composed of ! household furnishings and a collection j | of Oriental art objects removed from i I his Long Beach and city homes, which j j is being held at the offices of Darling \ ! & Co., auctioneers, r.t 242 Fifth Ave- . j nue, reached its third session yester | day afternoon. The total for the day's ; ! safe was $29,750. An Aubusson tapestried suite was ! hought by the Countess Piscanti for $2,500, the highest price of the. day. R. Leplce, of Norfolk, Va., bought a Louis XVI table for $1 250 and a Tif? fany bronze floor lamp went to Miss Marion D. Ullman for $050. Owing to the large number of lots yet to be disposed of there will be an : extra session'this evening:, at which! a collection of Chinese porcelains, jades and antiques will be sold. The sale will be continued this afternoon. ' Hundreds Protest B. R. T. Failure to Open Lines ? Many complain's from the officers of . civic organizations, churches and i schools in Brooklyn that the B. R. T. is still withholding surface cars from \ a number of important streets were j filed with the 1'ubiic Service Commis- j sien yesterday. During the hearintr on these com- i plaints the transit company produced a i fetter from Federal Judge Julius M. Mayer, addressed to W. S. ?\tenden, | general manager of the lines, which, i showed that the Federal Court was not only cognizant of the? lack of street? car service, but had authorized it. In part the letter read: "You are authorized to state that the failure for the present to resume j operation on several lines has my ap? proval and is at my direction." The principal lines affected are the Thirty-ninth'Street line, Coney island i l$ie, Metropolitan Avenue and Eighty- j sixth Street lines. Hundreds are ? forced to walk miles because of the ? failure to operate the Church Avenue line. All trains and cars on the subway, I elevated and surface lines of the B. j R. T., which are supplied with current from the power house at Kent Avenue and Division Street, were slopped for eight minutes yesterday morning dur? ing rush hours. The dynamos, oper? ated by a safety device, failed to gen erate properly. j British Guests Told U. S. Aims to Keep Grip on War Trade Fifteen Members of English Chamber of Commeree Entertained by Merchants at Luncheon in Hotel Astor Fifteen representatives of the Asso? ciation of British Chambers of Com? merce were the guests of the Merchants' Association yesterday at a luncheon in the Hotel Astor. The purpose was to encourage a friendly spirit in trade rivalry between Great Britain and the United States and to discourage a throat-cutting trade war. William Feilowes Morgan, president of the Merchants' Association, said: "During the war, when you gentlemen were so fully occupied, we were called upon by the world in general, to supnly its markets so far as we could. We responded to the best of our ability, and we shall hold these markets unless you can take them away from us by offering greater inducements to pur? chasers than we can offer. But in this rivalry we shall play the game fairly. And we are certain that we. shall re? ceive equally fair treatment from you." A. J. Hobson. president of the Asso? ciation of British Chambers of Com? merce, touched on the matter of paying the British national war debt. lie said that the debt was not a source of anx? iety to the British people. "We are raising this year an income which not only pays the interest upon our na debt and all our expenses for the year," he said. "It also provides ?263,000,000 toward the payment of the debt." Martin W. Littleton also spoke. Will? iam C, Breed was toastmaster. 'Senator' Murphy Admits Wife His Peer in Combat Actor Contends lie Is Physically Incapable of Cruelty Charged in Suit Samuel Letraunik, known on the vaudeville stage as Senator Francis Murphy, enumerated several reasons in the Supreme Court yesterday why he could not lie guilty of the cruelty charged against him by Mrs. Kitty Letraunik in her separation suit. Said Letraunik: "My heart goes out to the man who would dare place a finger upon the p aintiff with menacing design. "She has a ?ery and uncontrollable tern per. "She is in excellent physical con ?.. ?'? : ? n. "She is my superior in combat. "What an idiot I would b?\ knowing all these tilings, to commit the alleged vi ? ; n! :? S lilt ?" Justice Newburger awarded" Mrs. Le? traunik ?50 a week alimony and $250 counsel fees. -,-?-.?? Peggy Marsh Lose? Appeal For Share of Field Estate SPRINGFIEI D, 111., Oct. 8..The ap? peal of Peggy Marsh.-London music h_ll dancer, from a decision of a Cook County Court denying her son's claim to a share in the Marshal Field estate was refused by the Supreme Court to? day on the ground that the twenty days limit for appealing had passed. The son is alleged to be the child r.i Hi nry Field Flag "Tributes on [ Nov. 14 to War Dead Ordered by Wilson Banners on Public Buildings ; To Be Placed at H^f-Mast as Token of Nation's Par? ticipation in Memorial WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. ?President Wilson to-day directed that on Sunday, November 14, the American flag be dis- ! played at half mast on all public build-! inga and naval and military posts "as! a token of the nation's participation in the memorial services held for the heroic American soldiers, sailors, marines and others who gave their lives to their country in the World War." In connection with the order the President authorized this statement: "There has been transmitted to me a suggestion that I name Sunday, No? vember 14, as Armistice Sunday in or? der that the religious services held throughout the country on that day may be given an especial note of re? membrance for the heroic services and sacrifices of those who died for Amer? ica in the World War. "The selection of a formal day which shall annually be set aside to com? memorate our participation in the World War will some day doubtless be effected through legislation and already Memorial Day, rich in heroic memories, has acquired additional significance as being appropriate, also to the com? memoration of the heroes of the World War. I am, however, so heartily in favor of the suggestion that has been made that I take this occasion to ex? press publicly my approval of the idea. "November 11, 1918, will always be memorable as the beginning of the end of the most terrible and destructive o? all wars. Our beloved country took ; noble part in hastening the arrival ol the day hailed by the whole world li? the dawn of peace, but close upon tin day of victory followed realization ?1 loss and the anniversary will brim with it solemn thoughts to the mind: of every American, memories of brav( men who fell, sympathy for their livinj relatives, f-nd those religious reflec tions in which nations, like individuals must seek hope and consolation. Tha November 14 this year being the Sun day immediately following the anniver I r.ary should be observed in all ou | churches by suitable memorial service ! for the heroic American soldiers, sai! I ors and marines who gave their live | to their country in the World Wa ? seems to me eminently fitting an ! proper and I commend the suggi stio | to those who conduct such services. "I shall direct that the flag of th ? United .States at all military posts ! naval stations, on vessels and on build | ings of the United States be displaye : at half mast on that day as a token o ? the nation's participation in the exci : cise3 elsewhere held." -* institutions Are Given $665,000 in Crane Wi? Two'New York City Organiza j tions Share; Bulk of Estate to Widow and Children PITTSFIELD, Mass., Oct. 8.?Thewi of ex-Senator W. Murray (.'rune, c Dalton, filed for probate here to-da; makes numerous public bequests an also bequests to various individual particularly in Dalton. The will v.; drawn December 10, 1017, and modifie by codicils dated March 18, 1918, an . June 3, 1020. No bond showing th 1 amount of the estate has been filed. To Mrs. Josephine h. Crane, th ! widow, $750,000 ?k given outright an ! the life income Worn a trust fund c i S1,000,000, which is to be divided c ' her death among her children, Stephei Bruce and Louise. Mrs. Crane is give all personal effects in the Dalton hoir ? and the life use of the home, winch wi ? pass at her d-aath to the three childrei Trust funds of $250,000 each ai provided for the son;?., Stephen an ! Bruce, and one of $300,000 for Louis- . i Two-thirds of the testator's inter?s | in the property and business of Crar \& Co., Z. and W. M, Crane, old Bor! 1 shire Mills Company and Dalton Pow? Company, except several specified pa eels of real estate, is bequeathed ; ? trust to the trustees under the wi I for the benefit of the sons, Stephe and Bruce. In case of their death before reac: ing the age of 21 years their intere: is to go to Winthrop M. Crane jr. vvh is also authorized to manage the ii i terests of his youthful brothers in th | business until they reach the ftge . ; 25 years. Winthrop M.. Crane ir, receive:; legacy of $1,000,000 and 'is made re? uary legatee. Trust funds of j ? each are created for his children. ! The specific public beq ests totallc $6 ,000, including the ;' iliowing f. the town of Dalton: $25,000 ?'., r tl Public Library; $40.000, of which $1 000 shall be expended in adcrninf* ! local cemetery; $25,000, the inc n which is to be expended by the sch committee for special education work; the testator's half interest Tine Grove Park to be used as a p i lie playground and recn at $100,000 for erection of a communi house for the inhabi anl Dail and a trust fund of $100,000 for : maintenance. 44 "-V* axi tt or walk to your haber? dasher, while his glove stock is complete. Riding or walking, there's a Fownes for every occasion ... Sturdy "Capes"'in tan, cordovan and slate. 1 he Business man's stand'by for every day. Velvetty "Mechas" of genuine Arabian Sheep? skin, grey or slate. for more formal wear. Swagger "Bucks," in drab cr nat' ural buck, in butternut, mode, beaver and cream. Dressy and durable for sport or promenade. Your best guide to best value is the name Fownes, in the wrist of the genuine? GLOVES ~J Officers' Order Protests Views of Morgenthau i Resents Statement That Amer- j ira Must Be Whipped to Real? ise Duty to the World t The Manhattan Chapter of the Mili? tary Order of the World War, 60 East j Thirty-fourth Street, yesterday tele? graphed Henry Morgenthau, former j ambassador to" Turkey, to explain his j prediction that America would not vol- I untarily assume its full duties to the i world until it had been whipped. The message is signed by S. H. Wolfe, , commander of the chapter, and reads: "In your Boston speech, yesterday pa- j pera report, you stated 'what I am ; afraid of i ?- that we will not voluntarily assume our full duties to the rest of j the world until we have been whipped j and realize what it means.'" "Manhattan Chapter, Military Order of World War, composed of commis- ; sioned officers of the army, navy and marine corps who served in the World , War, hope you have been misquoted. "If not the chapter staff protests em- ! phatically against assumption that this | country requires defeat before it will j voluntarily perform its proper duties ; and invites your attention to the fact that in its entire history it has been I unwhipped. Every officer a member of I this organization has pledged himself; to use his best endeavors to prevent the contingency which you state is necessary before we do our duty. In : this it believes it will be supported by i every patriotic American." -.-_? Allied Occupation Army Costs Berlin 27 Billion Marks i Commenting on Annual Cost, Yorwaerts Says Foreign Militarism ?s Sapping Ger? many's Industrial Life Special Cabla to The Tribuns Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune In?.-. BERLIN, Oct. 8.--The budget com? mittee of the Reichstag has asked a pro? visional appropriation of fifteen billion marks for the maintenance of the Allied armies of occupation, whereas the gov? ernment had estimated the probable ex ? endi ure for this purpose at only three ons. In a report to the government, the . ter of the Treasury said that at the present rate of expenditure the in lint? ... nee of foreign armies would co ? 27,000,000,000 marks this year, but explained that an appropriation cf only billions was being asked because ?;." government had hoped, in the forth coming negotiations with Allied leaders, to make sharp reductions in the size of i'nii occupying forces. The Minister added that Marshal Foch had been asked to state the number of Allied trooj ; to be kept in German territory, but he had replied that Germany liad no right tu keep control over the sums de I manded for defraying the expenses of the armies of occupation. Vorwa rts, commenting on the min ? pier's report, says: "Germany is not in a position to maintain militarism to? day, whether it be French or German. i The present condition, however, is doing j nojhing less than sapping Germany's life forces by foreign militarism- a ; thing which no civilized people can long stand.'.' |N. Y. Composer Wins Prize Mortimer \S ilson Awarded S500 Offered l>y Hugo Riescnfeld Mortimer Wilson,"of 651 West 169th was awarded the ?500 prize oft'< r? d by Hugo Riesenfeld for the best American overture, at the Rialto Theater yesterday, after the Rialto orchestra had played the three com po : ns which had been selected from ?p ? '-five manuscripts originally sub mitt'erf. The decision by the jury w;is ; unanimous and took but a few minutes. Mr. Wilson entitled his composition "New Orleans,' and submitted it under the pse idonym of ''Mardi Gras." Mr. Wilson was born in Iowa in 1 176. His suite "From My Youth" was played by the Philharmonic at Car? negie Hal] November 29, 1918, with the composer conducting. It was also played hy the Los Angeles orchestra and in Atlanta in 1914. Other works of I :omposer include many piano , several orchestral suites, five symphonies, trios, organ sonatas and forty Mother Goose settings, twenty ? :' which are published under the title of "Echoe; From Childhood." Railroads Deny Cut in Forces Overmanned by Government CHICAGO, Oct. .8.?Officials of the New York Central, the Pennsylvania, cago ?fi .Northwestern, the Chi ?ag >, Bu ' ngton <v Quincy, and the igo, Milwaukee & St.' Paul rail lo-d? y le? ied thi ir forces were ' reduc ?1 s ter having become . -. rn ann ?d during the p? riod of gov . ? m control, as declared by Slason Tl - ? . of the Rail ivay News Bur? au.. ? ?nipla ".' that sufficient men could ained for t he maintenance , ... - ,. ., made by heads of the ?neerii lepartnient of the New V ? : i trnl, w ' :h was said to have red 7i 10 per c ?nt cut in its pi y .'? ? tin Penn ylvania ?".Tices it .. .. admitted that "id nary fall reduc? tions v ere being made. The Burling never been overmanned, ac ?? to officials of the operating de? partment. oing On To-day an Museum of N.itura! ???story. Ad ,. ... ,1, -, ?-.-,.?. M ? : olltan Museum of Art. Admission - \ i., (salon Trop. psion free, t Park M -? urn. Admission M r of the ?.?.' imen'a Press Club, Wal ?! ? : A - ???????ii. 2 ! !? ? ni? .>rsary of .leff-.-rson Mar 12 .'clock noon. I ' ' il ?'? ???- Grand Cpntral Palan?, Fin1 Prt'Vt ntion Day. To be '??"?Vbratod ? ??? ises .11 ?ill tho public fchool ? A i by V*"* Arthur I.. ? ? ? ? I. '. Republican ?*?. ?::? :. at ; he \ t ; lotel, 3 p. rn. Mi.HT :? :' 1.:tri_r on "Seven Years .\ ? ? ? .'? ? - n . - }!?? :: lyn In 81 ' a ? b, Lecture II ..'.:??'? ' " isle B :.*, ?. m. : ? ? i I Off ic< rs' Asso I ' Department, Hotel Com * p 7" . the F?deration of Worn Organis?t ?una, Alder i ? ? ? ' Kail, 8 p. m. I.? ' ! ' ?rsc on "The of H llsm" at the . ? . School i ?trla, Lex?, Avenue and Twenty-second Si i. '-"..' p. m. Suj - and dance of the Ecuadoran So? in New York, Ritz Carllon ?jte!, 8 p. m. BOARD OF EDI CATION* LECTURES Manhattan "The Worn, n ? f Tw. Republics. Rome and By James J. Walsh, at the A ???. Museum of Natural HIs nth Street and Central i'.. ? . '?? --'. - 15 p. m. ? Edu ind Heredity." By Frederick ? Ti tvnsend Ka rris Hall, Col leg* *. ?? York, A isterdam ?I \\ ?? n 138th .? :. i 133th street?, p in. mi -? rs and Poet?.' By Sally Hamlin. child artist, Harlem Y. M. C. A., 5 West I26th Street, 8:15 p. m. A to Z announcements under the head Ing of "Business Cards" appear dally in The Tribune. Consult them for your ne?ds. ?- A d vi 500 Army Men to Visit Electrical Show Here Monday Baker, Pershing and March Invited; Gen. RnJIard to? Heed Contingent $ Signal, Corps Has L?r??c Exhibit Five hundred army men. the majority of them from the Signal Corps, from Camp Alfred Vail and posts around New York, are to bo guests at the electrical show in Grand Central Palace '. next Monday. General Bullard, in com mand of the Eastern department, and his staff, also are expected. Secretary of War Baker, General Pershing and General March have been invited. The Governor's Island Band will play. Electricity played a great part in the World War, and the electrical de? vices, that helped the soldiers on to victory are on display, as well as an endless variety of new inventions that help to promote the victories of peace time. Signal Corps exhibits constitute one of the most important displays. Colonel Robert Loghry, who is in charge, said yesterday that radio men located every German radio station and were inter? cepting COO messages daily until the Germans revised their code. Even then the Germans achieved little. In a short time radio men had mastered the new code, he said. The war revolutionized radio, accord- '> ing to Colonel Loghry, and numerous ; exhibits at Grand Central Palace show ! how these important inventions of war j may be applied to commerce. The electrical show is appealing to ! boys and the particular exhibit that! gathers the attention of the youth is ! | the wireless section. Ingenious lighting schemes on display ; attract wide attention from show pat- : I rons. The electrical inventor is turn i ing night into day when the occasion j demands and statistics show that pro i duction has been greatly increased. ; Aerial Race a Free-for-All Machines of All Countries May Seek Pulitzer Trophy The aerial race which is to be held on Lon-g Island Thanksgiving Day will be thrown open to airplanes of all countries, according to an announce? ment last night by Colonel Benjamin F. Castle, chairman of the contest com? mittee of the Aero Club of Arnerica. The race is for the Pulitzer Trophy and several other prizes. The committee also announced that the United States Army Air service ; would enter eighteen airplanes. It is ?also expected that the three American entries in the Gordon Bennett interna? tional race held in Paris last month will fly. These machines are the fastest in the world and were unable to give Ian adequate account of themselves in ! France due to unfortunate minor acci? dents. i The contest committee has cabled the ; Aero Club of France inviting Sadie Lecointe, winner of the Gordon Ben? nett race, to fly. Canada, Great Brit? ain, France and Italy are desirous of machines. No machine with | a speed lower than 100 miles an hour will be permitted to enter. Twenty 111; Hash Blamed So many employees of the Atlai tic & | Pacific Tea Company, Commerce and Im ! lay streets, Brooklyn, began to feel ; ill yesterday that the concern sent for I an ambulance. The surgeons who i came with tho ambulance used the j stomach pump on about twenty of the | sufferers and all were sent home, a holiday being declaed until Monday. It i is thought that the illness was due to i hash and beans, which were served Thursday in the lunchroom of the plant. -? The Rev. Dr. Andrew Schriver MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., Oct. 8.?The : Rev. Dr. Andrew Schriver, president of ; the Orange County Agricultural So : ciety, veteran of the Civil War, and i well known in public life, died Thurs? day night in his home in Chester. He was eighty years old. Obituary BISHOP THOMAS t?. HEAVEN* SPRINGFI1 The " ? ?of Bishop of the Sprii which 10 o'clock morning in St. Mich <?drai. ?1 by p lai ?;n of emint ai Km: ?nnell, \ r.-h; ?_ial thron?, i a ' h e The ? mass of requiem was John Bon ?ano, ? f )V .' ? * Dele? gate, " " e? re m 01 . the repi ? ?pe. Others of the Catholic were present ii 7? Patrick .1. .v _ ork; Bi hop John J. Nilan, of Conn.; Bishop Joseph J. Rice, of Burlington, Yt.; Bishop Daniel F. Feehai . of i-;.!i Ktiver, Mass.; B?'s op E. F. Gibbons, of Al? bany. ?Mid Coadjutor Hishop William A. 1'. _ey, of Pr Archbishop Bonzano Was assi I celebrating the mass by priest? rep? resenting parishes of this diocese. Tho eulogy was delivered by ihc Rev. Dr. Joseph N. Dinai I, tnt Provin? cial of the Society of ?> ms for the Maryland-New York province and former president of H ; Col? lege, of V. Beaven was il hun? dred priests of 7: ? and from di.-tant parts were pi? The ? rd of honor for the visit four?h de?re c Knights membi rs of Arch "??' sembly. Men ment wi were closed duri The body of lying in -t?te fr;im ; after? noon untii the hour r serv? ices, was placed in the mortuary chapel of the cathedral. _-.-,-, EDITH S. DAVIDSON Edith S. Davidson, formerly well known on th? tage as Edith Merril, died y? 'ter a ? She was fifty ;. ? 1rs old. She : peareii \V. Leder? r retirad from tr? ago and de agerial part of pro? ductions. She v ;] with the "Listen, Lester" company. Funeral servie ? conducted to-morrow a . am ral Church, Ii: Sixty-sixth Str? ?'7, under ( ? 'the Actors' F m? ' "" e i. v. Vr. M uller w ill offi? WILLIAM GORDON" REED COWESETT, R. !.. 1 ] G01 don R< ed, ? o r. e o.' f text j >'< ad. R .. ?m in . . ? hi:, grai was Goveri < I of I . at ? ne I k ii i g ht? cause of hi? nwiliing A Mr. Reed ? ' thirteen Hal van; lie I return to yeai s ?Inter \ father. JOHN DENIS MEHAN Jo!*,:: i ivn as ? a vocal : ? ? at : ' e Mehai ty seventh Street and Seventh Avenue. wa - dut to thi ?f a . dent... '. Mr. M-r-han ri edu -. I'd on, and vi Masen, tl tous 1 Cl ? el, ' ? 1 is H n number of yeai i as ' th hint in his work. MRS. CORNELIA ?lv :< MTOY Mrs. Cornelia 1 of Walter I. :'. < '? y, ,< ? he Supi : Column of her 405 Lii J. She . v as I. She is sur vi\ f d by two o? i ? , Percy I!. and Hn rv .1 Birth, Engagement, Marriage, Death and In Memoriam Notice? may be telephoned to The Tribune any Urne, up lo mia insertion in the next Jay's paper. Telephon B MARRIAGES EAST?RAWLIXGS?On Thursday, ?..-to-1 ber 7. 1D20, at Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, by th? Rev. C. F. .1. Wriglej Catherine ?.. daughter of Mr. snd Frani; Rawlings, of Brooklyn, N V. to John D. Bast,, son <?:' Mr. sn'l -Mrs. 11. M. Mas', of Newark, Ohio. MAINZER?PLANET?On Thursday, no tober 7, K.'JO. ?it the Church of Notre Dame, 40 Morningslde Drive, by the Rev. Father Arclbal, Rose Planet, of Paris, France, to Herbert R- Mainzer, of this . city. PROBST?VAXBFRKIRK?On Friday, Or tober 8, turn, at Plym uth, Mass b R . Arthur B. Whitney H en B Pr. ? Maxi il Vanbus tl k, of 7:? ??. York City. KOTH>'!'i:i\-srili:i:i. Mrs. (lira St ??. announ the marriage f her ter Roc Stherl t Jules M li? ?t Brooklyn, N. Y.. October 7. 1320. | DEATHS ?; 1 VI ER ? ? \V< dm sda B. jr*20. a( I a ho e \ v. n, X J tt, belov d . usband of Jane ?ai nnd yon of the late Mr. and Mrs Jo! n l: Baxter. Fun al froi-g I of his 1 rother, John E. Baxt Marlborough Road, Brooklyn or. Satui day. i > tob? :? 9 '?'.???;'?.' ?m mass at 10 a. u\. a; the Church of the Holy Inno? cents, Beverley Road and 7-7.-t^t 17th Rt. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Automo bi> cortege. BERNARD"?At Kingston, N. T., at her? residence, 224 Fair st., on Octobei 7, 1 ??_?j. .Mary Lawrence, daughter of too lato Ruben and Jane Crlspell 1- i Funeral ami Interment private. Kindly omit flower-?. BREWSTER? On October 7, 1520. at Den? ver, Col., Jjiii.'i H. Brewsl r, son of the late Rev. Joseph Brewster, of New Haven, Conn., In the Bixty-Sfth year f hid ago. New Haven papers please copy Bl'TTZ?Rev. Henry Anson, entered Int rest, !.. his 86th year, <?n Wednesday Ocl iber 1 at his home, In Madison ai . Ma lison, N J Funeral servi es v held In the cha]???! of Drew Th< ary on Sat day, Octi ber 'J. at ?:.'|0 p. m., daylight saving time. CI.ARK?Dr. Frederick E. of Elllcott PI., New Brighton, s. I., October 5. 1920. Services Baturday, 3 p. m., Church : the Ascension, Richmond Terrace, West Ni w Brighton. S. 1. CORRY?Lieutenant Commander William Merrill Corry Jr.. die,I at Hartford, i tin., October 7, 1920. Fun- ra? ser\ .'! p. r.?.. Saturday, St. Thu:::as' Church, 6th ave , 53d St. DE COPPET?On October 6, at Narra - ganH it Pier, Henry, beloved husband of Laura -I- loppet, l.i his 73th year. Funeral pri' DEVER?On Thursday, '?.ober 7. 1920, K.?'.heryn, beloved wi irnel is Dever and daughter of the |ate John arc?! Honora O'Connell. Funeral her late residence, 118 Jan.- st., .Sunday, 2 p. m. Interment Calvary. ELT*? F.I.l?At Ridgewood, N. J., O 7, K'20. Joseph 8., beloved husband of Jennie A. Elwell, aged 72 year?. Fu? neral service Sal ir ay, October 9, a* 3 p, m., fror:, his ?a:e residence, 28 Lib? erty st., Rulgeewood. Interment Valieau Cemetery. FEY?On Thursdav, October 7. 1920. Emll I?. G. Fey, of 52S 52d st., Brooklyn, In his 26th year. Funeral services at his late resid? nee, Saturday, 8 p. tn. Inter? ment Sunday, 2 p. m.. Greenwood. Ceme? tery. FITZPATRICK?On October 7. Alice, be- ! |o -.! wife of the 'a-.- Owen a-? i mother of Margaret and !/.?? late Bernard Fitz Patrick. Funeral from her laic resi? dence, 64 3 Amsterdam ave.; thence to th<: Church of St. Gregory the Great, .Saturday. October 9, at 10 a. m. In? terment Calvary. HESS?On Wednesday, October ?. Nellie Hess 'nee Dunn), beloved wife of Elmer E. H'?i Funeral from the residence of her brother. William A Dunn, 10924 lOSth ?t . Woodhaven. Richmond Hill ' DEATHS !.. !.. - - In?, t ?!"?v ? i I . i. Car ri e g I 10. a t 3 o'clock PILAN'? ly at er 2-th j : I Of Proctor I . ; r ,,t i St .... II ' - 7 : ? S( HKOKDKH i at ! I . ? p TAI.M -Pi ? t. ? I, at tl : TIIOM %S ? ( - .'. . T! RN I R -, M City, on 1 Wl?.?si . ' ' St. :?: . . B a y and M il 5 les '""?'-' "Call Columbus 8200" "The best cjs'.i nn ??,<"?? - FRANK E. CAMPBELL ?THf FliNCKA- CHURCH. I_<." I ?-"'!?? ' It St, jortn v*. __yun TIIE H'IKIIII.A?\ fl It II i:Y .Md SI