Newspaper Page Text
mue? Lh*\ Con t? Demand Unsettles Prices of Cotton October Contracts Sell Sharply Lower on Reports of Shipments From South; ?Trade Outlook Gloomy The feature in the terday was the weakness of October. After selling at 23.00c cnrlj the price of that deliver*, broke "... 'J^c in the late trading, making a ,: cline of 101 points from the cl , ?Thursday, and the closing bid was 22.90c. This detune reflected no irreal vol urne of offerings, but there were few buyers for the spot month and the break was accompanied by rumors that . cotton wa&con ??? from the South for delivery. Otl fttively steady, I pulled down by the spot m? nth weakness, with De? cember declining from 22.02? o 21.49c, and closing ;.? i . general market, closed barely steady, at a net decline of 114 points on Oc' and of 10 to ? ? .?i ies. The midweek ralli?s appeared to have left the market ?n a better balanced technical position, and orders wi c pretty well divided during the earlier trading, with business quiet. Fall Riser advices estimating sales of print cloths for tin week nl 10,000 T'ivces were considered particu? larly disappointing, - v ere re ? ports of i curtailment. whi ? some of t. ?? Cnro lina mills wi :?> be pial i to cl; . o down ' ? r thi rty da> .-. Southern reported tall ? E firmer turn in the situation. r were unchanged to 100 points lo* with the price of middling, cotton at Houston down to 21.75c, < turare 1 .? 22.!'??c the closing quotation of >! ber in the New York market. Tho loca! ma r lio*, fer spot cotton was quiet and 75 points lower, at 24.50c for Hing. N*o ? ? rted. The rang Thur Op? n High Low C Oct ....?; i 22 ! i>? .?...:?'. - T ! 21.4 Jan 7 1.0? Mar. 21.00 21.1 21.10 May. . . 2? r?fi 20 77 T 60 June . . July... 2 ! 20.05 20.1 Aug 19.i)5 19.95 19.80 Southern Spol Markets <;.. ? un? hanged .. ! New Orleans stead> :.:t] ?V ? '- ? lower at 250 points lon-ei Augusta iiuift, pol points lower steady, Houst ? sales, 10,299 b!i poln i ? ? ' Dallas st. 15 pol ? unchung? I at 22.7 ales. bulos. <.;...? ?itatistics '.' ; ? Poi t receipts Exports ? !?h;. ? . ?-. v ? New '. ? 25.7,94 Port stock! : R20 ? Interior i Interloi - ? - ? N. Y. ai ' Liverpool < 'ables il. cline; i 17.710 2,0 10 1 ? ? I bales. Ii 2.000, al ? . ? ' points ...... 16 d n May, :. ? dull and .-as:? I < ottonseed Oil Th<- col ton! t was onl erately active, 1 Ing with iiei weft'Kin ? ?? ? ' ' fin; n I there wa tlon '.. ta >. ?? al n of situation The i and the cash Bales for ? reis. The ra '."? i s ? High. 1 ??. " iso bet . Nov _12.55 12.511 1.22 1 Dec ... .1 12.2:: 12.51 ... .12.51 11 i 12.24 I t 12.19 Mar .... 12.38 12.3? ... May !.. ! 12.51 12.51 I : I . Steadier Sugar Prices Fores&n by Traders Current ?ear I s. :. ?? Sugar, granulnt ? t, lb... ll'-i ? 9 c.?.!: . . I'l CofToe, Santos, 23% 25 There wi I i thi :ai trade yesterday of steadi ir nrici ???. in the ] e lief that 1 ich hav ? conl rol ol a large : I I would at tempt to isti values. Qti il .'.1 for refined remfi n I stci i; al Lie, 1 -? 2 per cent, h; w sugnr prices wi ? e regular, appan tly th spot price be? ing 7.76c duty | Tiio range of [rice.;: T h u i .n. High. Low. Oct. T?; ... ,\,.v. .?'.71.. Jan. 7 ?!.'..' F. S 5 7.-1 I c'b. .... 7.40 7.75 7.40 1 March. . 7. 10 7.68 7.40 ? ? Api. ! ?' May 7 t 7.80 : ? I LSI. .. : . Coffee Futures ? . , i , > ment, ; hi : e bi Ing no Ino.i I i tacts and liti The local spot di mil m The i .i ne.? ul pri Thui ? i .;. ?a. IliKh. Low CI ? : i .,-? .... 7.!.' 7.10 7.10 ? ' '.00 *.0?1 .... - ? . .?.?.'? , 1.277.3-1 ., ,n . . . . 7 10 7. I.I 7 10 7.41 ,.. - . ? ' March.. 7.- 70 I . . 8.01) B. 10 . ? ' . - ? .: S.OI June ... 8.32 8."! - 7 7 .?.7 '? Sept. 8.44 8.-M 8.14 - S.-ll DIVIDEND NOTICES VNACONDA lOl'l'EK ':IM\(, CO. .... 12 Broadway, New 1 . . : :0 'l i o Board of Oil . ? ?. t u] per M Ining I . :>?? ny hi I ($1.00) 4 ui ...? Its' Capital I ... 150 per shar >, payai 1920, to hoi at I h? close ol bus :,, Noun, . a Sal The ,! ?. \ . ;. ; ! ?ly upon tho ( hares loto w nie b . : . I . v. ,; -, All St(1 I .;- value in. > maj receive i '? ? INDI \\ \ I*.t: LINE COMPANY. i 111 ou . w YnI v 1920 '- f tv i ? Li?e h ?i l >.i\ lech?n d en . ??. .i! I? Novi ? VU comiuu ? paj ment n r*,E CHESK DETKOIT I M ! ! it i; ui \\ w . Olvhli id > 1 quni ? ? I ? ?, ? \ K. Peters, " '. . . ? i ! IH United Gas Improvement Co. V H. Corner II road ?i?k! "V ; < i t Streets ? The 1 ? .... 1er i han ' on i he i onin ?:. : ? ? ? . ? Check? will i. W. MORRIS. Treasurer. Says Fake Stocks Take Half Billion Yearly BOSTON, Oct. 8.- The annual loss to tcricr.n ] ublic through tho pur chase of fraudulent securities, was 00,000,000 by Charles ,1. Andre, secretary of the National As ocii on of Securities Commissioners, ' itimony before the special state blue sky law commission. Mr. .->.ii that about 10 per cent of tock offered to the public was and that, although thirty il have b!uc sky laws, ate so loose that practically cvorj th gel t hrough." Mr. Andre' estimate of worthless I was eut by Key C. Osgood, of Chicago, president of the Investment Banker) A jociation ?f America, who tel,I the commission that only ?"i per cent of stock issues were bad. He said that investment bankers do not ,>? poi e reasonable regulation. George \V. Hodges, of New York, former president ?if the association, expressed the opinion that 80 per cent ! of the promoters now selling fraudu? lent or ?? icstionable stock could bo put ' out ef business in ninety days if ex ' isting were enforced. Pressure Renewed On Wheat Futures ; Prices Again Drop General Absence of Confi? dence ami Selling Against Canadian Receipts Factors ?U. S. Report Bullish The wheat market was under pros- : Bure during the greater part of the day ? and while closing prices showed gains ? from the lowest of over _ cents a j bushel, they were 6V4 to 5V_c below the final 'of Thursday, I.'."?1, for) December. There appeared to bo a general ab? sence of confidence* on the long side I and there was persistent selling by ! the Southwest, which was believed tu [ be in the form of hedges against \ country acceptances. There was. also [ selling against lar^e ?'anadian re- ! ceints and the export demand vas les3 active, total ?ales amounting to only about 300,000 bushels. Under ordinary conditions the gov eminent crop report t ould be con? sidered bullish, but the trade last night felt doubtful if It will have moro than a model ate influence on values. Cash premiums were a trifle lower, although it. was the opinion of lemling cash handlers that any attempt to buy largo quantities of wheat would bring about a quick upturn. In the local cash market No. 2 r d ,an.. No. 2 ard were quoted at $2.22 ci.f. track New York. Com Market Declines Iindvr Selling Pressure The corn market was weak an?! lower, closing with net losses of 1 % to -1 cents. There was heavy pressure from the country and the cash situation gave evidences of pronounced weakness. The demand was slow and stocks arc now heavy at leading primary points. In tho local cash market No. 2 yellow com was quoted'at $1.14%; No. 2 mixed $1.12;V_ c. i. f. New York 10 days' ship? ment. resterday'a Previous Year Now .or? : close. close, ago. No. 2 yellow.?fl.t-ft ?1.15% $1.66% Chicago: ' ?ctober.86V_ ,90V? 1 36 \ December.84 '.a .Ml ~^ 1.1''J P Cap. ["He oats market was easy, closing Miscellaneous Markets Public Utility Securities Bid. Asked Vdlron lack Power .<:- Light.... 13 in ,'??, pf . T?' 75 I an P"P & Ti action_110 116 do pf . St *.<? ri?-.mi Gas & El? ctrlc. S7 8. do pf.. .. ."?: ?">'.) lean Pow< v & Light. ?IV 7,0 pf . r,r, (is n Publl p Itles .... ? 20 . ? 3" M : ii YWit-r Works. "p; ' 10 ul . 41 4?! rticipnting pf. ? l'o .' er . 2 . 13 ? i H. ,. L. 26 . :. 85 Central States Electrlo . 7 ?7 ? pf . 42 ."00 pf. 6 5 \_ do 7 n e deb serles C. 54 >.. do 7 p .? deb serles D. 84 do 7 p c pref B. 6% ? ' ? r ?wer . 7 . 80 al th P R & L. 14 ?o pf . 3 6 P n nd .?7 Share pf. 78 ; pf. 60 : i ; .'. F 1 s; & i >l 6s, '2G . 7' : do 6 p c c? i-.v notes, 1521... S ) pf Btoc . 84 ? .'. Traction. ? . 6 18 TA io 47 303 ? ;.: I .250 '. io . 41 . 12 i pf. |0 I ? '.?PP. do pf . 27 . 20 ? p ! . 7 ?7 jpublic Rv <& Light Co. 7 do pf 7 0 ? ' ifornla l-7'Iison do pf . 92 S' indard Pas ,?:? El? o. 13 . 35 R. M ?'??.' & Power. . . : a pf. 2 ' nil ? Light A- Rys. 20 Isl i ? . 18 6% 6V4 9 1 1 ? pf. A ppala P ;. ? P v : . '? &' I'll ' ' : '. . s. n Power 1st 5s. . St I ' 7 o. p.. ? Isl : ? '? ? ? P .-. J ? . . ___-_____-_-___--------------------! Miscellaneous Stocks Km ?1 ?Ai .S 7 1.0 D I. * YV .100 ? : I ' pf. 8 S Lima !. ?'f 85 ' - N .1 V. w. 17 7, NCo 1st pi 1)9 P helps D.170 ' S- W pf. "?) ilt In is PP. 05 Ry )'.,,;; P110 do pf... -O 3 C f. & Jl ?'.: Slngi i'M fgl 28 St I V .<? H 43 Stnll S pf. 95 fi D W pf. ?3 Valvol pf. ?v B. 9. ! Ville & T > :.;..!;? P ?? S3 S P150 '. i . p r 38 .' : 2 .' lai Pw ? ' ' ? ? i; & S Ip 30 . I pf 05 Bor CM... 53 T pf c 7 Cellu'o!? 150 ?' [Ids Co. -.0 d . pf... 92 City In ves 60 ?'; , W | ' i ?!?;?. r ?'.123 _ ?Ex livid.nd Chemical Stocks Arn Cvan. 25 77o IHook ISlec CO . pr... 55 es ?io pr... no ' od .. 94 9!) Ky Solvay 75 in ' o. ?'. i : ?? Merrlinac. 74 ! low Ch... - 255 Moc Co pf 85 ! ?u i'. nt P220 226 Mulfd Co. .i . !.. 7 : . . Semet G. .165 do pf... ? 95 3olv Pne.200 Tobacco Stocks G W HmelGO 170 ]' lp..\ T. . 11 0 fl ? pf . 92 97 W? yin B..165 J s Young 130 i. 10 l do pf.. . 86 do pf. ? 0 90 \ Univ Leafl40 ?1 . A? F.108 ne I ?Ex dividend 7.0%. Sugar Stocks Km. 15 t:" __|__^__H__^__^__^_| i Grt Y Y pf.113 Mal A: . . . 20 ?do pf.. 75 Michigan. 10 = 'National : ? Ni Niojieo Buvannnh. 45 81 100 83 7 ? ??_ 9 0 02' -. 8 5 165 92 55 1 10 17 s 100 27)0 9 5 28 120 47 9? 79 70 1?10 1 18 172 118 ;:6 102 t i v* 1 177 .50 i. ?.' 7S Steel and Ordnance Stock? ) i ; ?ill";, B b S VV 100 ?: F .'.- F. PO Carb Steel ? ? l pi ?? I pf 02 ... 4S du Pont P220 ?' I Pf... .:. 19 I i i : l blast .S!,.?-i ? E\n S & 1 30 ?do pf.. 72 170 l?l.erc I'w.202 ) do pf.. 92 )00 Nllos I'. P. SS 03 Scov Mfg.340 iV'n Cor. .400 W ?o? ; ward 50 '. ?> IThom Iron 39 94 90 4 00 4P) Insnranc?. Compsnlea Bid A-sked.l Bid . Ain Alli'nce.270 280 Great Am.. .275 Citj N Y 2 0 7:10 Hanover ... 86 li . : i . . Homo.r>:;5 C ntnll .... 67 70 Nui Liberty.170 Fi S Phoo.S 5 i . : llagara ... 130 S! _1 vesant.. 59 Globe <_. R.1100 ? New York IJank Stocks ??i 160 I rfl_ ? i . .. s j ...i Hat ei ? . I e r y . ..420 . .; ;: i '. ?; o ? I1X N a I . i.. 0 & ?. : ... ? n Mercan 195 ?5 I'M ,205 I ? al CH>.310 .'. I : ? li ?? . . .Ii i . . 170 Ex.425 nwltl ? ? npltn . . 100 .ISO East Rive First Nati. ?00 Firiii a- ? Fort i_u T 1! 5.? i: d Ask Bid. Ask 205 212 Garflold . . .230 240 - i lot ham . . . !.??? 21 0 nwlch .225 ilarrii in.. : !0 355 ?ver ...800 8.0 i. A Tid.s. 50?) 610 . ' lui.. .205 210 1230 10 Liberty 00 280 .?pi.mi Co.205 216 5?Mcch&-Met...318 325 7 . 51M11 pli 11 . . . 350 ? M ul ual.490 ? . L| A : Il . P .'? 0 ? N? ? V th... 180 190 In Y Count y. 135 V N B A. 460 : - 7P. Ific - ... 270 . Pars.?'-. 7' Id I'll! ?.;.' . ... oo : 20 aboard ...025 676 34 Second ... .425 ?!6 '0 - .!?? . . 196 2?5 I Ward.. 200 t i" .1 States.170 180 ? III ,n ?i v ...165 175 , i lits 25 oo Yorkvili- . .376 ? Trust and Surety Com?>anie_ ... 75 \ Ym Suret. . . M ,21 ' Bulyn ;' ' ' ..', ? . " . n ? '.?? ... 290 ".'r. . 10 ,.!',. .... 2 71 .. . ' ? I _^_T ? ' ? ". ? ?ork Law. ers T. 130 . Ti . 156 nul trs .. ; 95 Merentl n:. tropltn . . ?0 ig. B? nd . 75 ? \V 105 Nal Suret. .205 .N Y I. .. i '.' Y Tr '7 Y Title . ...275 "? ' ; & T . . ". 1'" Si ates ..810 I' S M & T. 3?.'5 )' S T Guar. ?D r ..133 W &? U T& M150 ?au- aiu', M irtgagu. ) 40 1 15 ?l .. 26? 2 1 J t,'.| 2 ?0 7 ?il ? It ? Standard Oil S?ock.s i l i i.ti ? . 4)0 ? ' ! ' : ' ? ? ? ? . new. 105 2 9 86 4 i 1 125 1 !5 32 144 Co. . ? Ltd, ne\i X:_noit Co. 170 Hi.I Aslted, I Northern Pipe Line r*n. 98 101 ?Ohio Oil Co. 29!) . 13 '' 1' i.ii-.M' v I?*u 1 Co. 49 52 ? Prairie ?Ml & Gas Co. 55 ? Prairie Pine Line Co. 27* 225 Solar Refining Co. 7'?11 <t l o l Southci m Pipe Lino Co. 11!) 123 South IVnn Oil Co. 2?'??? 277' Southwest I'? nn Pipe Lint's.... ?' '? 07 I Standard Oil Co of California .314 217 ? ird Oil l ?. of Indiana . . . 700 710 SI.lard .Oil i ?.. of Kansas. ... 7: ' SI .nl.i ni Oil Co of Ki ntueky. . ? 39 i : Standard Oil Co of N'ebrai ; ' 440 :-?. ndard I Ml Co of New .1. r.iey 625 Standard Oil I o of N .1 pf. . I ?? I Standar ! ( HI Co of New York 370 777 Standard Oil Co of Ohio. t";1 4 5 Standard Oil i o of Ohio pf.. , 111 l 106 Swan & Finch Co. 60 70 Union Tank Car Co. 110 IIS do pf. 9''. PS Vacuum Oil Co . 348 7,7.:; Washington Oil Co. 30 35 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Atlantlo Lobos Oll <"o. 30 do Pt . C5 77 Cosden & Co. 7 ', 7'i Elk Basin Cons Pet Co. fc'i 8% :? pei .1 Oil Ltd . 7 100 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 220 340 i! : ? ' ? ? ?:; . orporatlon. i. 1 I M 1 1 . Midwest Ri lining Co. 143 151 Mountain Producers. 11 ?_ 12 Northwest ' ?:; Co. 27 33 Produ ers .'7 Refiners Corp.... I G'/i Salt Creek Producers, new.... 11H 12 ? Sapulpa Refining. 7 ?*-i 5% New York Citv Honda Form. Rate and Maturity Bid. Ask. Yield. Int.l an?,', able 4Vss, 1907 94 9 1 \ 4.78 do ?I'-s. 1965. 04 9 l -'?i 4 7i do ?1 ??..". 1 983. 94 9 \\ 4.80 do i Us, 1957. 04 ',' I ?'i 4.8 2 do 4>,4?, 1066. S7?\ S8?\t 4.87 do 4>,s. 1964. 87-*1; ST; 4.S7 do 4 ',.-?. 1962.v7', R8a? 4.88 do 4 ? j.H, I960. R7-% 8S-1' I 90 do 4 :,.-'.. 1900 op 1930... ' 7 ?'?, s>:. 4.90 do 4s, 1959. S3 Mi Sita 4 10 do 4s, TVS. S3 Va ? ! '? , 4.90 do 4s. '97V. S3*.-, 84 '?? 4.90 ?: lered 4s, 1955 1956 . 8 3 ?,-j Si's 1 ?2 do is 1936. s s 89 ?? 4.9 7 Interchangeable 3*_s, 1954 75 7 . ? ?. 4.91 Coupoi 1954. 7". 761.'? 4.94 l: ; : '? v 1 7 ?? 1954 Inc.. . 77 7.; ', ?1.94 do 31.-.S, : 940-1 9! 0 Inc .. 5.25 5.00 -? Reg and ? oup (serial) 4 ??s, 1920- 1930 in ? . 7.77. 5.05 Reg and coup (serial) 4 M s, 1920-1931 Inc. 7 77 5.05 - Rey and '??> ip (serial) 4 '?js. New York State Bonds Issued in coupoii and resist? red form, nol Interchangeable. Coupon bonds regls t? rabie. Form, Rate and Maturity Bid. .' ?'?; Yield Canal Imp. 4' s, 196 t.100 102 4, 10 Hint.u.?v Imp 1'..s. 1963. .100 IT '? 40 ? .;: ?] Imp, r... : : ?,;. 94 97 4.40 Highway Imp, 4*?*s, 1965. 94 97 4.49 Barge ?' Term, 4*.is, 1945. 94 97 4.10 Form, Lute and Maturity. Rid. Ask. Yield. Hlghwfl . Imp 4s, 1! 87 .... 91 93 4.35' 1 'anal Imp 4s, 19i'?7. 91 93 4.35 ll'way Imp ;s, 1960-'62 inc. 91 9.; I."1 do i?-. 1958. 9 1 9.1 4.36 Canal Imp 4s, 19.;o-'62 Inc. 91 97 4.7,'; F'alteades 1 s Park 4s. 1961 91 9:! 4.36 1'? i' noil Term 4s, 1912-'4'l. 91 Federal nnd Joint Stock Land Bank Honda Federal Farm Loan r?s, 193S, op 1923. 9-44 97': Fi ' .ral h*arm Loan 4'?'.s, on 1924. 8714 88',: Federal Farm Loan 4'.. ?. ?.;? 1923.'. S7'.? 88 '' Federal Farm Loan I'-i.i, 1937, op ;: 22. 87'i, 88*; Joint Stock Land Bank 6?, 1989, op 1924. 88 91 Joint Stock Lund Bunk 5s, 1 938, op 1923. 8.8 91 Short-Term Securities Security, rat.-, due. Bid. Ask. Yield. Amor Cotton Ol] Us, 1924 91% 92% 8.15 A:?;, r Chicle Cs : i21-'23. 94 % 98 ', 7.7" do 6s, 1923-1925. 90 95 7.75 do 6s. 1926- 1927. S7V4 91% 7.55 Amer Tel & Tel 6s, 1922. 9 l \ 96 14 8.60 do 6s, I 924. 92 Li 92?% ? 0 Amer Thread 6s, 192S... 93 95 ('..SO Am Tobacco Co Vs. 1920.. 99% 100*'? 6.75 do 7m, 1921. f'J\ 100H 6.76 do is, 1922. 99% 99% 7.05 <: . 7:., 1923 . 99% 99% 7 !" Anaconda ? lopper 0s, 1929. 92 93 7, ? 0 Am \m 1 'il 7 Ts. 1925 99% 100 7.60 A:n...?ir conv Ch. 1920-'24 94 98 - ?i?. 7s. 1930 . 95% 95 :'? 7.70 Bethlehem Steel 7s, '22. 97% 98% 7.90 .lo 7;., 192;;.96V4 97 7.70 ' '1111 Pac Ry i'.s, 1924. .. . 94 % 9 1 % 7 76 Cen? Argentino Ry 6s, '27 84 h? C IJ -X Q -..?ni Is, 1921 . . 96 96 % 8.00 C, R I & P Ry ?s, 1922 . S!) 90 7.60 C, ? '. 1 ' & St !. Ry Os, 1929 89 90 7.60 . ' 1!. . C Sug con 7s. 1930. 97 92?% 5. ! 5 Cud ihy Packing 7s, 1923 97% 98 '2 7.70 I I Sug Rfg Os. 1..7 I. 93 95 .7.35 B F G ?:: ich con 7s, 1925 90% 91 % 9.40 Gulf ' ':! 6s, 1921 . 9 7.? ? .? - ' - 7 50 do 6s. 1922 . 991- 97'a 7.41 . 9!'?j 95 '/4 7.70 H '. \ I R R 6s, 1924. . 91 93 s.77 In Rap Tr Co ci 11 7s. '21 . 70 72 - Kan Ci .Tern 192 I. . 94% 95% 7 ? 0 17. tun ?' ? '.: Cop 7s, ': " . . 93 !) i i. ? . :. i ? ,?. 1 T . 129 "i ' ; 9 ? ? I., : ,v Uvera Tob 6s, 19 2! 97 . ? ? - 1922 . . . 92?% 94 Pennsylvania 1 ?s, 1921. . 9 7 "1 :^ Fr. ? .?:- Oamble 7s. 1921 99% 100' P S ?' of N .! cil 7s. 1922 l; .1 IT?, n Tob 6s, 1922. :- ... ? 1 Con 1 >il ; -Vis, '77 util? .. t. ? ? : 22 ... W il ! T Co 7s, 1925 st P U De g 7?'?.s. 1923 Swifl i? ' 7. ?..-. ' 21. Utah Si curitios 6s, 132: Markets iu Other Ci.ies Baltimore Op? n. ITIgh. Li 40 ?4 40? 120 4.'. ? 43 Sales. ; '. Ala l'.i o? Co 100 Atlantic Pet 1 ; u < '.-n? Tel Sut 2 ''ii ?zens Hani' 170 Com Coal . . . 75 Cons Gas . 93 :,i 50 C i stlnu .120 65 K!Hi horn pf.. . . 30 I?? Fid? 1 D? p Co 113 1 1 Farm & M Bit IG ? , 100 M & M 1st N B 20 20 Pa Water Pr. . 82V4 300 United Ry ... 13'. 100 Wash B & An. 1 ?i Bonds $5000 Co im C ref 5s. 74 % 1000 Cons Gas 6s. .. 95 1000 Ell'.hoi n ?s. . . : 1 1000 Ga & S Fia 6s. S0 1 [000 P ?S- A .'?ois 6s 80 ; IO0 I Uoust ? ' i' Os. 98 :_ ?;. i":.i?i il Ry 5s.. C i 4000 United Ry incs ?'? i Boston .Mining 13 Ahmeek . 56 57 Allouez . 21 10 Ana? onda .?2 i ? ? ? ? '?:.!. . . U i 0 I BI? lleai t. li h ? 'a i .'.? A rizona . 7 . 10 ? 'al ft ii' ?'P.. . 280 95 ? '"].; ? r Rang? .. 3 I p ... 1 ai is l laly... . T'A 1 20 F.asl Butte. . .. 10 210 Franklin . ~ 20 ii m? ck. . l 100 Helvatie . '?H p. Island Creek . . 53 >,_ 10 M..'- flow? r ? ) C. '?''; 50 Mohawk . 200 New ? lornelia. 301 Kew River ?if. 210 Noi ill Pup.' . 35 ?.);-?'!?.lia . 5 ?..?uni? v . 200 Seneca . 20 South 1 ,ake ... 300 Soui Ii Utah ... 5 St Mary's. . . . 5 U S Smelters.. 17 do pf. 43 ! 00 Utah Apex. ... 2 30 Utah Copp? r 400 Utah Mi tal.. . . 1 ft 132 Winona.35 50 Wolvi ? Ine ... 13 Railroad 220 Boat Kiev. . . . 66 U ?? ' do Pf. 851. 145 B isl A- Me . . P 44 Chi .1.1 pf- 7 l P 85 N Y N H & H :. 2 N' ".- iV Wor i ? * ^ I Old Col? n y . 85 West Kiel . . . f>\ ?'. 15 7 do pf . 51) 5 Miseellaneoiifl 30 Am Vgr .... S3 6 vi 84 M, p. p '? p 120 120 5 ?', 24 'i 9 '. P :<, : ? 34% 34=; 71,_ 7 7s 10 10 ~ 2 . a I 4 P P 5 3 i _ :? ?i r, \ 50 56 !-,:.. 18% 9 1 !? 4 14% 1 4 ;,'i 5 7 y\ t? 1 '? j !.. P .. lft IVa v . PP ?i 9 's '. I \ : y i ? I8V? 94 14 V. ?i 77 % : . p ' ?? P 4 ... ? ? ..)'/?_ . .. ' j 2.. P L-\ i.p ; . 7 ?.. HP 14 % 14 100 V.m ? ?il .?7- Bug 34 ) 10 Am Pneu pi .. 11 1 695 Am T 4. T_ 99 9: 1 ?: ?Vool pf. . f'3'.j P ? liosl Mex i- ? i , 1 in Ci n? n; y .??:? ? ;. p 40 East!) Mfg ? . . I . ' i SI 20 2 19 Edison .[50 16? 110 Elder . 7.P. 2 : 0 Gorton. 30 Gray 0 Im Cot .Mills ? ? ' do i i.l. 8 nt Cement. ... 2 ? I Products. . 2 ! % : p 105 do pfd. P ?_ 44 100 Libby . 12 165 Loews . 11 ?_ i ? '-, 4 Mas s Gas. B v do pfd. 60 ' ' ' . ? Morgenthalei p 345 Me.x Inv. . . . ISO Nat Lea ther... 10 ; 00 .\Pt lona! Oil " ti ?_ 97 N i: T? I. .. :?? ?. 20 sin ,? ? ilo I nternat. 5 Toi rington 10 United : ?rug i ? 1st pfd. S 0 1 I . SI. . i ? r s St ? :.. . . 5 do pfd .... 17'? Ventura . . : . 10 Waldoi : ' - . 4 Waltham V\ h : Walworth .... is 10 Wickwire . . Bonds : V G W I 6s ,7 ? '?? K T 5s S2>_ b ??? U B nul Creek W? st? rn Ti 1 .' ? " ? . Boston Curt? Bid a 17,0 ?A 10 21 ; i0 8 S M 10 I i " , , . , ' P 7 n I \ ? . . . ' " -' s ; ? _ : S ? '. ' ? 17 \ ? II \ ? p Sllvei B '?<- ,v ?' m !?; . liawk. 30 i \. la ?. ??; as .i Chief Con. . 3 Crown Rsv 10 25 Cri "' ?! new 30 D? nbigh . . .)?'? ii Eagle B B.2 1-16 2 rortuna ... 3 linn: lOil... 6 __?.n l-.v -s ,_0 4?) 10 I . i ? 7 V : - M osa,. Monarch Vat L .<? /. Doug . . ? i.- - f X llivOIl . ... 4 ? 10 7 8 I U 1 ,i Chicago ITI?rli. Low. Lust 15 % 15< ! 5 t b 92% .; i. i?.'... 3 o s ; n r Sales. 25 A m Radiator. 7?. ' Armour ! ...a . , . 40 do pf. ., ; . 7?. rmour pf. . .. '. .,?', *": ': . 30 ! li aver I ioard . Case Plow, ... . ? Con Rys. . ;. - ..? Pf. r. r t & t. 71 i >m\\ 17 llson 1021_ 102% 101 % 10; 77" ('ont Motors. . 7% 7% 7% 7' 25 I ?? imoivl Mat . 106 106 106 106 4i ? ; idcha ux . . . . 47*s 4 7 47 47 ? ; Lakes. .... 80 T 80 .;:?' I.lbby . 1 ! % 12 II ". ?? Lindsay Light 7 7 7 Ward. . 2 7 \ 27' ? 77' 75 Mitchell . 14% 14% 14 ? P ..? . W iggly 2S T 2f> Public Service 67 67 "7 7 l P.?. ,?:? s ' las . T \ ?? % 38 ; 7' Quaker Oa ?.f 88 ? . SSV? 38 ' 2. . ara I. .e. . .111 . 117" 115 4! 00 Sh iw .'9 80 74 (80 Sti A irt U ar. . 31 % ' : ', 30% 31 215 Swift Int. 29% 2 1% 29 ' . 2" 25 Swift .'v Co. , ..106 106 106 106 11 74 1 ?I ', 1 : 8600 On ? larbid? ..62% C 1 12i 0 do Rights. .. 1 % ) 30 Wi si Knit. . . , 12% l: Bonds ?Vrmour 4%s. . 79 7 Chi C ? ? 'K 7s 40 4 l. hl ? ' i; l... 5s 6.8 Rys 1st 5s 67 6 U ? hi Rys s A 5s 4 6 4 ; ?... Swift 1st 5s. ..S Detroit 1 00 ? 'harc?al pf.. . 5 ..." Columbia Sug. 17 % i 1175 Coi ; Mot? ... 7'.. Del Edison. 200 Ford . .In ... Mich Sugar. 8 ; 25 Packard 7". do ??f .... 60 Paigo . 10 Pa Du vis ... o Motor. 60 Ti mken .... ? 08 97 17' 300 10% ! 1% 10% 10U, 13% 13% ! 1 ':. 12% 17% 17% 17', 17% 03% 1" % 103% 103% 'Ex dividend. Philadelphia 12 \- . Ry pf 2 0 1 20 40 I-..??, stn Tel ! :". 29 27 I... ,-.? .- up ?: i ?!'. 11 high N ? '., ?*orth P :::.:?.. 80 60 PI . '? tction 52% ?: ?. ? ???...< Rap T. is 47 Piiila Co 6s ,pi ] lit 1{| mo Mining.. 1 ,> nion Trac . . 29% ;? . . ... ; p . 35 % : w a rwlck Iron 8 '? ? York Ry ? (. . . 29% Bonds I El Pe T 4s 54 0 I.? high Vail? s B ;i ? ns Is . 71% Phi la Elect rl ' ? ! ? 30 ', n : ?, 29 , 8% : '-. 1 I ? T !H 71% S3 Pittsburgh 14 loo Ai Rolling M 60 60 90 Am \V Class. .112 112 ; .1 ? pf. 86 86 : 95 .',? I am ' ?as. ! I 1 i - ; i ? 140 : . . i 31 % : Bi wing.., 1% i % 210 do pf . 7% 7% ? ? ;. i% i % 150 1 ir Gas. 3 30 trland Ref. . 1 4 : I ?-'..?,: 6 3 % 5 3 % ? I Oil.. 26 26 7?' : up 4 7 % 47% 47 ' , 4 32.; : :k .. ' 11% 11 % 1 an Steel Pa W P pf 59% stingh A B.l : ' ' 100% li . . do Electric. . 46% ;? , 11 Toronto ; 12 * ; ; ? l 2 V11 a s . . ; 10 : . i *. 2 ' A 4 ??. ?... Reel . ? Irthti Hargraves... 1% ! Bid .'?, n ' . Mclntvn Mas Cn Ptrsn Pore Crown P I ! . : > - ughes. ! . ? ; \Vi p ? Ab P ?*.- v ; : AI Sug IM Cn On BIc ? . ' M .? S Oc m St ml ?j .Montreal ?? ? ! - . :< : Asked i Til '? ? ; ' ? ? ' ML M.t!" :i ?-.' , Nat Bi ?? 240 Krdn Pal .211 Shawngn . % S ; n f T : 110 with net lessen of li to %e.. Them won further heilglng agaln?t country offers iih win nn Belling, which wa? believed to ho from Canada. Tho government report In dlrat?-.l a yield of 1,444.3112.000, comparod with last month'? estimate of 1.442,000, ?'00 and last year'.?? final cr?)|) ??f 1,248, 310.000. in tha local ?-ash market No. 1 white was quoted ?I Of.c; No. 2 whlto, 66e; No. .') whit?., 66c; No. 4 white, 64c; fancy clipped white, 09 ?if 70c; ordinary clipped while, 66c; all elevator, yesterday's Previous Venr New York: clono. close, ago. No. 3 white.?0.66 $0 66 JO.801. ? Ihlcago: December.54 T. .85?; .70% May.59% '10% .73 ?/_ Bye?Market easj Yi.-eterday's Previous Tear New York: clono. close, ago No. 2 West.$1 80 11.02 $1.56 <A -?"lour und Meal- Quotations wore: Vi Bterday'a Pi evlous Year ? lui ??. clo ;". ago. spring patent, $10.76(911.60 $10.76 1? 11.60 $12.10? ? Cornmi.? I, 3.00(a) 3.70 8.GO? 3.70 3.SO? ? By o flour. 9.00? 9.60 9.50?10.00 7,25? 7.60 Bran. 62.00^-B2.00??? 44 oo? Butter, Cheese and Egg Butter Receipts, 9,609 packages. Cream? ery, higher than oxtraH, lb, 644j)6H.c; ex? tras, 32 acoro, C I (fi 63 ? ,?? ; firsts, 90 to 91 score, 66?2 62 '.,e; li: ? Is. ! to ?9 ? ore, 50 ?... @ 5 Ic; seconds, 83 to 87 ?< in . I7<3 19c lower graden, Pp; !?'??; Danish ensl , 63 ?ii 58? : unsalted h ghei I h n ? ra ?, 6(1 ! 07c , ext m i. fi l '_ p.- fin ta, ?2 _ifi3c; sec onda, 48 fi 50c . niai? Pu ? tub; lin? st, il : i 02? . ;. iimI to pi line, . i ./ r.o . . Otiimon to fair, !?"?''. i novated, extra.?, 51 ??! 52c. In.i ?es, current ma ke, Hi si ?, i ; M3c ; sec onds, . 9 ?? l"i- : low? r erad? ?. '??. _ 38c . pack - inn stock, current make, No 1, 30SP39V?c; No, 2, 7.^' ; lower grad? s 5 _ '? ."?'? Cheese i. ? ??? ipta, 2,228 boxes. Stat? . whole milk, held flats, specials, lb, 28?54<n 291_c; average run, 27 ??_ ??/ 28e, fresh sp? clals, 28 ',. it 29c; averag i un, 27 b 27'^c; lowur gnuloK, 20i??)26 V_c; twins, held spe? cials, 28 , ??28V-C; average run, 27 '_ ?.? 28c; Wisconsin, fresh pvinn. 27 >? ?ij)27 %c ; Single Daisies, fresh or held, 27 V_ ? 28 Vi? Double Daisies, fresh, 27 V_ ?_)28 M?c; 1'oung Am. i lea ? fresh, 28 P fi 29c; skims, held spi ' lals, 18 vj 2t)c; prime to cholc? . I5?Ti 17 '.,.? ; fail to .i. P P. P- lower , grades, 10 ?KggS Reneii ?,.. ! I,' 39 r. i 3? " Cr Pi gath? er? I, ?" ? . ..... n, i. ? " . ? .? . .. tirs' . ?;?.,.:?.. i i . ? . 05c ; s'-coilils, ;.???' undorgrad? s, iv-, ;.,??. ?;.? i ?Oil 51c; clu cl s, fn Ir lu cl ni? ? , dry, r_?47i:; refrigerator special marks, fancy, ..-.p../ 50 ?, first -. 63 '-.. g 55c . ; econ P, 5(P'i whites, si i llized, 04 S 65c , state, Pennsj i vania and nearby Western, hennery whites, extras, 99c?$l; extra firsts, 96?98c; firsts, 81 ? i ; gat.nered whites, firsts to extra I firsts, 87?98c; undergrailes, P ?' 85c; pul- I Iota, 70 ;sn,.; Pacific Coast while, extras, | 98c?g)$l; extra firsts, 95?97o; firsts, 86?i 94c; undergrades, 00@62c; P talunia, pul lets, 70?80c; of?, r Western and Southern, gathered whites 65@85e; slate, Pennsyl '. anta anfl n? a rb> VI i ?' ern, li? nnery browns, extra, 76?82c; gathered b own and i ? i i x > ? < I colors, graded extras, 09?7Oc; gathered brown and mixed colors, firsts to extra firsts, G2@C8c. Livestock, Meats, Provisions Y i sterday. Y'< ar ago. Live bc-f. fair to prim??, 100 lbs. $13.00@17.10 $13.25 ?16.35 ? D r esse d beef, sid? s, ii'.15? .30 .16? .20 j mon to prim??, 100 His. 15.00_-22.00 17.00 ,-,? 21.00 Dresse ?1 veal, city, 11>.2 4? .54 .2 ! /. .35 Live . ewes, 100 lbs. 8.000 0.50 4.50? 8.50. Dressed mutton City, ill.08? .15 .09? .15 Live lambs, fair to prim ?, i 00 lbs.'. 12.00ffl4.00 13.00@15.25 i Dr? led I city. ?I? Hugs. 10 I ?reas ?i li Hogs, 100 lbs... tfi.50?18.00 I6.00@16 Pi. ? :?. iii ....'??? P Mess poi k, bb l.00?32 4 Mess beef, bb! . . 19 00 20.00 22.00 p 23.00 l ard, 7.1 West, 100 Hi-... 20.50?20.60 28.05?2S.12 Hunger Striker Adjudged Sane by Federal Court Salmon, a conscientious objector who has been on a hunger btrike at St. Eliz? abeth Military Hospital for the Insane her. since July 15, was held to b_ ?i sound mind to-day by Justice Bailey, ?'7' the District of Columbia Supreme Court.. The ruling on Salmon's sanity di poses of the first count of the habeas corpus proceedings by which Salmon's attorneys and the Civil Liberties League of New York .?(?.k to obtain ins! ! .?lease. The second count of the proceedings, directed against the War Department, alleges that Salmon was illegally con? victed because he had not been induct? ed into service at the time of his :ourjt martinl and hence was not withii jurisdiction of the military authorities.] Ruling on this count was defer?'"', by | the court for a week pending sub .?.ion ?.f the court-martial r< cords. Salmi a. v h ?.-?? home is in Denver, in ; the m lantime will remain at, St. Eliza? beth's, ! ui would make no statement as to whether he would continue the hun? ger strike which for eighty-five days has been unbroken except by occasional forcible feeding. Chinese Consortium Discussed By Getl-rles ai S?ti?e Department WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.?Sir Auck- j land Geddes, the British Ambassador,, and Sir Charles Addis, a London banker^ conferred to-day with Under Secretary Davis, at the Slate Depart-? nient, regarding the Chinese consor? tium in which the American bankers are associated with those of Great' Britain, France and Japan. Progress on plans to make the con? sortium effective has not been as satis? factory as was hoped when the agree-! ment was formulated and it was under-] stood that i..-.lay's conference was arranged with a view to hastening I those steps. Kijuro Shidehara, the Japanese Am-' bassador, also calle.i at the department during the day, but whether his visit ha?! to do with the consortium was not disclo: ed. Army Orders From The 1 nine's Washingtt i Bu e in WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.- Army ord< rs issued to-day follow: Honorably Dise liarse?) b ?, Lt. i'. .;. Inf. P ; , Capt. L P. . '.... M. C. Capt G. J.. M. T C '? ? Capt. W. C, Inf. ( ivern, A!. I. .1 .1 . Kiia Lichte, i 'haplain l lsl Lt.), C. R., r. S. A. Beard, Capt. U. M. H :' l'h.ui.l? rs, 2d Lt. .1. 17 . Inf. itt, 2.1 Lt. .1. A . Y ?? C U\-, nm . i 'apt. ' '. J . lira*, ?s Reg. s?, c. and. C'a| F IL, 1 I Butler, Lt. J. C, .'?!. T i . Rudol] h, Ma M. C. Ini. :!.?,.! i: . .' ? [Ci nnan, 2d Lt. J G 2d I,l '? ??. . ' Sa r, .?. ?rj. :?i I.?. 1 ?. . : ? ,\ C. M Nabb, Capt. I ?. W Air S\ . Burton, Lt. R A., Q. M. C F? rgruson, la . ! ? M . i nf. Hobb Lt. H. '?' -. Capt. G. P., Il li, Lt S.. San. ? 7 Warden, Ma |. R. A.. AI C Shuttl? ? I,l ??':.:?' Cli n 1er, Capt. ? J .'?.. Den. . Capt. G. !?: . I lutl ? Capt. B. !.. inf. 7!. ' . Lt. 1 :. : rs, Lt i.. P S. A. ,\ J., ?nt. C'a p t. 11. ] : . '.?...? \ 17 H , Ci M. ?' t. A . 2d ' ? I. V7 , U. S. A. I Ml. i; ,-. Cap? .! .'7,1 >'. Will t, apt S .1 C. A. C - .\ Quiirl ermaater Corps Pi lix. i Island ' . 2d Lt. R. U., to Voi . i ?.'"i'. irleai l'api ' . Port Benjamin liar Mr Sen iee I ' ? ' ' ? ; . apt. .1. If, to ? ; . ? tlmor? tl LI . . ? . ? . ? .. ,T> ? . Ma Fort Rile; a p l ? ' ? 'ol IL, to - ..;. : Infant rj n, ? apt. I ?.. ' . Fort SI. ins. Capt. J., ' . Capt. 17. H., to Ca d Ti . ?-1? Lt, Col J. J., t bu t - Col. H. L., to ?,? : in, Li. M, M t i . '?lUi . Ilancou* . MaJ v.T. . Qcn.'a Di pt . tu Fort Benjamin Ha) a BuViis?c??df (si Want Ads s ^?Snitied Biuinf?? CJpportunitio?_ ___ Kooin, und Boarder? LOST, FOUND AND REWARD LOST -Monday morning, subway, ?liver nach chain penrtnnt set with turqolo? matrix stonep; m'itabl-? reward. Phone Mornlnggldo 341S. LOST?Gray fox fur, Kalurda.y, 0:30 p m,, inxl troflt 149th st., T'.roadwey or 2S6? Crest?n ave; $10 reward. JTordhai?l 0800. L06T?Pur neck piece, at Clark st. or Co? lumbia Heights; reward. Thurber, 179 Columbia Heights. Tel. Main 6863-W. LOST?Brown Boston, torrler, white ?-?pot?, female, near 76th m. ; suitable reward. ' 17 78th ?t. Tel Rhlnelandor 3460. Lost Bankbooks LOST- Bankboolc_No. 385964 of the Union Olmo Savings Bank, in i?|sslng. Any person having a claim to Tt 1? hereby called ut??.n to present the name within ten days or submit to having said passbook ran? .lied and have a new on?) Issued. 1 OST No. 304,871 of the. Frank Un Savings Bank. Issued to Octavia ID. Paliar.I. Payment stopped. Please? return to bank, 658 Eighth avo., New Yerk City. All persons ar?? cautioned not to purchase ur negotiate san..?. lost Bankl.It No. 1.10,377, Union Square Savings Bank, 20 Union Square, New York. Payment stopped. ' Indor pleaso i i uni t.. bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 546?319, the Green? wich Savings Hank. 246 Sixth ave. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST Bankbook No. 586,970, the Green ui.h Savings llanii, 246 Sixth nvc. Pay? ment stopped.. Please return to bank. LOST Bankbook No. 958,812 of the Bank tor Savings, 2'0 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST Bankbook No. l,166,129'of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. !'!? as,- return to bank. LOST -Banl book No 1,147,906 of th<- Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment si npp? I. Pleas, re turn to bank. LOST Bankbook No. 1,162,110 of tho Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. Please return t?> b-ink. LOST?Bankbook No. 119,394, North River Savings Hank. .11 West :14th st. Payment .stopped. Kindly return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side HOTEL HAMPTON 122D STREET AND THIRD AVS. FST.Kt'T HOTEL for ? IBNTLEMEN ONLT I Newly furnished single and ioubl? ? rooms, electricity, steam heat, bath In- ; eluded. Rooms il, $1.50 and up. Special Rates by the week. I24TH, 79 E.?Front parlor, with adjoining bedroom; suitable two; piano; reference. De Mutt. Wept Side BACHELOR SUITE 76th, 2S1 W.? Attractive living room, large bedroom, bath, private house, electricity. I RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 214 (94th)?Double room, overlooking Hudson; running water; housekeeping. Noble. STU1 Hi ' PART TIME. U | 76th, 171 W.- Suitable for teaching, parlor i lectures or reliable clubs; reference. VAN HAM Attractive, large, front bed? room; steam heat, fireplace, private; bath; in historic ' home; gentlemen pro-, for red; conveniences. Spring 7971. ?S6TH, 20(1 WEST attractive front room for busines? person; all conveniences. 00TH, 77 W.?Large'and small rooms; ref ? ri ne. s. Owner. 9STI1 li W Comfortable furnished, room with private family; references re .?iiii'.-.1. Xeli I03D, 122 W Attractive front parlor, suit- ; able 2; piano, electricity, phone. Hudson. 101TH, 310 WEST -Large, handsome room; : private bath; unfurnished, furnished; ??. ilusive. ? -,-j 105TH, 146 West Two beautiful airy s, parlor, adjoining bedrooms; pri? vai.? family; phonograph; suitable for 2 ' ?ntloiiien; no other roomers. LIndy. i . my ?1971. ?PST. 27.1 WEST?Well-furnished iront; parlor, suitable for two gentlemen; elec? tricity; :.'.'? conveniences; private family; reasonable. McQrath. 163D (2S68 8th iiv) Two adjotning well furnished inures with private family; ti; on? bio k to elevated station. Jackson. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic CHAMBERMAID, experienced; Scandina . private family ; ! I W. 76th St. COOK and downstairs worker; call 163 Banco? . Si , Brooklyn; telephone La? fayette B5I GENERAL i?OL'SEWORKER wanted; family of adults; wages $60 month; no washing; phone Bensonhurst 2177 evenings or before i :: noon; cal lor write 1224 84th 1 iklyn; take 4th Ave. subway to 69th St. then take Bay Ridge car to 84th St an i 13th Ave. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER in family of .? small ai'art:i..:'.: in Flatbush; sleep out. Call any morning this week, Mrs. P. C. Magnus, ! 7" Bast 17th st. Phono Flat . Brooklyn. GENERAL housework woman wairted at once; urn.--! be f^r ? ? ? ? ? 1 cook, honest, neat; 37 Cambridge Pi., Brooklyn; Prospect 0405. ! GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. Audubon 7270, apt. 7)(;: 609 W. 149th st. . HOUSEWi >RKER ? : ? for general housework; 2 In family; 1270 85th St. Phone Bensonhurst 0135. " .. ' n, Capt. P. D., M. C, to (?arden City. Li - -? ?'apt. I.., Eng., to New York City. _. *_j_K__H ? 7apt. E. P. Jr., F. A., lo Cam lu- ;?:. Capt. W. It., C. A. C, to Fort S. ??-. ms. Bliss, Capt. 1!. B., C. A. C, to Cape Fear. .-:? ? ?? ?::. Chaplain (1st Lt.) J. G., to I'.nip ; Ike. ? .. Chaplain (Capt.) E. I... to ("amp !', .?? 3wai ? )i ipl lin (Capt.) T. B., C. S. A . to Fort Tui!.-n. Sawyer, Capt. A. E., Fin. Dcpt., to Fort Monroe. INavy (?r_.ei\s ;' on Tho Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. Navy or? ders : p.lied to-day follow: Barry, !.:. Comdr. J. 17.. t?i Washington. Ciun K.. m Washington. ?: ?:,,::-. Ens. .1. B., to Pacific Heat. ''??'?... ..: T. !p to 17. S. s. Sunnier. :. m t, Chf. Pharin. J. K., tu Santo Do ngo E .-.,;?. s S Dolphin. :. . ! . .. . to Pacil fleet. :?? -. m li, Bo's n S., lo U. 8. S, Sclota. tlri nwell, Lt. (J. G.) D., to San Francisco. ?7 A., to Annapolis. Bo's'n F., to U. S. S. I ataps? o, ? n A D., to '? . S. S. Turkey. | : I'. . P tu V. S, S. Nevada. : Comdr. L. N., to Baltimore. . Ena ;.. ?... to 17. s S. Pennsylvania. n Id, Ens T. A., to sub. chaser 444. i, Lt. (J. ?'?.) E. E., to deat. div. 15. rf, Lt, Comdr, J. B., to U. S. S. lin. Pari . Ens A. M., to U. S. S. O'Brien. ? :. E . to U. s. s Wyoming. up. . i's'n I '., to V. s. S. Sciota. tr, Carp. A. 1<P to r. S. s. Seattle. , Chi ? :,.' : m B, to Santo Do ? D. IL, to U. S. S. 'Wyomiiig. ? 1. IP to deist. ?:i?.'. 22. , ??- A y . . d . . s. S. .Morns. ?. .'. s. s. Gamble. ,..,..- !; , to I I. S. Mcl ?ermot. : , ; ?.? p ) D. li . to p s. S ? ; un ? - ".' ;p r.? C. S s. Badgt r. ?7 ? W. F A., to v. a. s. . Com A I i . to command De ? . Il, : . U. ? om. R. I" to t . S. S. ... _] ',[ . ,.. ; .,??:,.. -, er i,,, 29. Gun A. F., to l". t .- ? ; i.' ;.i. E. G., to L', S > lonl ? '? ? : ?. ?.;. i; i s. i; . :, i s. s. ?? t. Com. L. P.. to 1 S. s Gam ... ., . ? ? A., to U. S. S Ramse; . Con 17' ! S. S H. msey. , M .' (J. G.) W N . t.i !'. s. s. Ram? sey. 1 ' :? I to 1 S. S Mont ? i..!-;.- i P S. S. Preston. v i ' - Bailey. Ei H. p., to V. S. S Ran i pin. Gun S - ? ?'. .-. s. ?, t. i J. G.) A. P . to '.'. H. S. I Lt. (J G.) L. J., to U. P. S. Breez.. Stelling-, Ena. H. p., te U S. s Monis Ens. -??. IL, to L' S. a Mont g imery. P ? : : ? ,.. ? s ? ? ? ? Blackwell Ll, R, B., to Washington. I HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic HOUSEWORKER. white, to do plain cook !hg, washing QnrI a little housework; 4 room apartment, 3 in family; wages $16 and csr fare; sleep home. Call Mrs. I'u laski. 152 West 68th. HOUSEWORKER, English or Scotch pre? ferred; must be neat, good cook anil fond of children; pleasant home with very at? tractive sitting room lor the maid. Call .17 K. Portland Av. Tel. Prospect $899 Brooklyn. HOUSEWORKER, genera!; young white woman; In an apartment; very p..r.?j wages; references required. Apply Horton, 71 Brooklyn Ave.. Bklyn. Lafayette 199. MOTHER'S HELPER, young, to mind baby and assist In housework, small apart? ment. Greenherg. 5d8 W. HM. Apt. 2!. Miscellaneous A BUSINESS CAREER Is open to girls and young women who arc seeking permanent positions under the most refined and com? fortable working condi? tions. Long Distance operating is your opportunity. No previous experience re? quired. $15 a week while learning. Ability immediately recog? nized. Write or apply at 2 East 28th st. (cor. 5th ave.) or 24 Walker st. (two streets below Canal st.) New York City. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. CASHIER and typist wanted; state pre? vious experience and salary expected; applications by mail only and In own writ? ing. "Win. H. Whltlngr <_ Co., 41 Park Row. j -1 CLERKS A*\*P TTPTST3 WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCES COMPANY Girls 17 years of age and over Hours 9 to 4:3? o'clock Saturdays 9 to 12 o'clock Luncheons serve?! fres Salary to start Jl-O? Abilities of clerks reviewed each six '? months. Those of average ability should t be receiving from J16 to ?18 per week after i the second review. The variation la dus to j difference in clerical work. Free classes conducted in Typewriting. Stenography and Dictaphone Operating. Apply in Person between !l and 4:30 o'clock Room 6033, Metropolitan Building 3 Madison Ave. (at .?3rd St,). New York City. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START $85 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS RAPID PROMOTION STEADY WORK POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY AT MANHATTAN 11 OS BROADWAY, CORNER 7'7'I'll ST. 195 BROADWAY. CORNER BEY ST. BRONX 670 EAST 17 0TH ST. BROOKLYN* 81 WILLOUGHBY ST.. 1336 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE OFFICIAI* NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY OFFICE WORK?Women between 20-30 years; experience unnecessary. Call Room 1603, 24 Walker st.. after 9 a. rn. SALESLADIES, experience unnecessary extra; $3.50 day. fail Weisbecker, 270 V, ? st 125th st. TYPIST?Christian young lady. B:30 to 4. room 310. 109 Broad St. WOMEN 21-35 YEARS OE AGE FOR NICHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P. M. to 7:00 A. M. ( Ipportunities to earn Scjo.oo to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two week; when a.-signed to night hours. $15.00 a week during in? struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Higher salaries for more responsible positions. If interested call at ' t -58 Broadway, New York City Cor. 27th St.) or telephone Madison Square Official N'EW Y< >RK TELEPHONE COMPANY WOMBN. 28 to 80 years, tor oiTl.-e ?ork '"'?"? ' ? '?? to ?. :,.: expert-nee i','1",/ '?"' ' ftfl ?r 'J a 1,1. at 2i V> alker st., room 1S03. _?ELF WANTED : EM ALE \ Instruction BURROI ?H8 Operators are placed Immedla'tely in ,-.? paying poslMons after < ornj,)et,nt _ *?T] clal thre, week! courue of .sastnictu?, \J BURROI GH8 talc-, lat? vWVvn " BOOKKEEPING MA- ? .'.'Es Day or Evening Classes Ei... '?" \-n_ BURROUGHS BCHOOl FOR opep vrn- t :;~ Broadway New -fork f:0r v... HELP WANTED MALE BOT!*! WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE IN'S'''RA>?CB CO Over 18 years of an-*. " -1 Good Hour? Salary to ?tart tl 1 Opportunity for Rapid A?1<;lni..?milM Luncheons Served r r?? Apply in Person between 9 an) 4 ?-j ?yew* Room 6033. Metropolitan Rui 1<J in? 1 Madison Avenue (at 2??J Btrsst) New York City. BOY wsn'M. !ote*?lRent; ??la.'-y |tj ? w.. ? to s'art. pofitinn Immediately; ?ppjy ?3 per.?..11. P.. I>. White & Co., In*., 22*1 Fuit-!* BOY, :e, years, to work In leather ? Applv Imi Hate v.'.? ? carotte 1 Leather Co., Inc.. 8C BOY wanted to r?jn ?rrar, 1?, 'b.xr.r- ? varicement: $13 ??? start Mutua Ribb a an?l Carbon Company, 6 R"r> BOY, Christian, for messenger ?errl ? office work; good Dpport inlty for a - vancement. Burr Printing H/.,]?.., 18 Jacob. BO'S Bright boy wan'e-l ?n uw o_lc_ Apply Room 2.112, 61 I'.ro j.lway. DENTAL MECHANIC -Firat an?l finisher; must also "Kn?.>w h up; must h;iv" several years' lab experience. H. Gottlieb, fis ?.rand t? Orrhar.i 1200. FIREMEN . refer i?? es - h :i ven Water Su ? ? ? . \\ ,,.., 1 :;.?.? : L I. OFFICE ROY WANTED WM. IL WHITING ? CO., 4 I PARK ROW SALESMEN, commercial; station-? p.--r!?nced : Inside. Apply .' Ilverstein \ West 18th st. SEXTON for Second T"n!tf,r!ar. ?7hur? b, Clinton and Congress sta., Urookh 1 time. Appiy evenings C. D. lay. Cranberry Bt., Brooklyn, WAITERS, butlers, necor.i mien or fir? - ? ., ..- .?_:?' agi, by a prominent social c'.'ib or. ' $85 n month and m ais; na?tlves '. Or? t 'Britain or Ik-'.an i preferred. Manager at 3 East 51st s'.. (driveway , after 10 a. m. Instruction Auto?Engineering Institute 14th venr: 2,000 s -1 it-aViVM. New - . Learn i Auto ahop. Stai :.g. Driving. Battery. \ ... a :. :/.ing. lling. ? I ri'f- Puss nuil llooSclet. Bedford Branch V. M C. \. 1125 Bedford Ave.. I^rookljn. -. ':? ? BE A CHAI ' ? West Si le V. M. CA., 6 West 57th? MEN wanted to iperate i machin? s .r. theal i-..'.- re ?' l Sth ave. (42d). Br: SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Professional STENOGRAPHER - secretary, experience with Important res] ?i ibilil y. L. 730, Trib?ne SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ARTIST of abil.ty, with some experl I ? In Lti? :r. wishes work with : oral ? '?? 76?, Ti ibune. JAPANESE domestic help by professional in. 106 West 4.7th st, 77S7-9638. V? ?UNO MAX. 18. 1 fice; adv inc imeni - E. ?. !. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet? and Ruga SLOANTES, WILTON. WHITTALL, AX MINSTER, BRUSSELS, CARPETS Plain, mixed, patterns, .". r'*?. tan, taupe, golden brown green p irted (slightl.. 1), but ? i i ? w. SI, $2 * :. $4 j ard u one pattern; RUGS, .. i : wit h or wit ! ?:? P. Fr< n Vrtl on ?i d - mestic, plain or mixed I? . ?hades, dusted ;? ;.ii wash? d, ?mn for home, oftlce v. .? ?? . ? 7.'., > . $77), $115 U)?. ?m?- O :-??. M '? KINO ' ?VER, CLEANING, 7. EP PP. IN?.), DYEING, REASONABLE BLE, BEAUTIFUL. STILLINGS, INC. ti-4 Madison ave. (59th st.). Plaza 3.36. Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc DIAMOND." bought arid eo.d for oa?_ from Individuals or e.-nates. HENNE'-T? 175 liroadw _>. . I ?1 ??? ? r'crniture HIGHEST prices ; ... 1 | -. Brio :i brae, i..-. ? ? _j Avo. i . WE PAY hlgnent prices for : r?_ pianos, antiques, bric-a-brac. br,ok_. art, etc. GABAT, si University !.. _tu>? vt.sant 227: Tr;inks BIG BARGAIN N'ew ai 1 r.?..'. ?r.l-*? trunks. 50C Sixth ave.. 1 Typewriters ALL MAKES TYPEWRITERS so!?!, r? !.'.? .i, . ., ' ?tli Busini .-:- .-.; ?lia: ? ?????? ' indt 4 AUCTION SALES NOTICE- I V, ILL - 1 ? I'll,! \. bEN ?. itl ' part ? ??'Hi? St..?! Tr ? enme ? o . in.-., No 12, Steel Tr.-.irlri?^. H ? ; ? - .:)> FIN] . M< lX?DAY, ? ii 'T( iBER ; ?hatttl ? John Eichh r Brewinj ? ? ?*?? ??. , ARTHUR DONNER g*S9 Full ?? Sl, Btoi -. n '. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAN"! house or Indi - Write fully. n. K SURROGATES' NOTICES PECK. REBECCA <: IN IT!;- -- ? l of Hoi >?.?:?n, a Surrogate of ? *.?w York. NOTICE IS HEREBY ,e sons having . lalm? ??.? a 0. PBCK 'a' ? ...' ? w York. le eased to present ; : ?? ?.'? <? with vottcm *rs thereof Lj the a - * p.a.? f transacting buain ?a. at tb< " ? of Putttey, nt ?< j torney?. a? 2 Re loi >?? ? Boro u? o i <?f Manhattan, In the City of New Y^r?*. ?taic- uf New i irk, i n ui before th? 14 da> of Novpmbei | -??o Laied. New i'ork, April 3" -nre. FRANCIA H PECK. .1th \f. _ r* PUTNEY, TWOMBLY * '' Bl M torneya f ?r Exe? ut re. Offle? * l'ose* Ofh?e AU?!rehS, 2 Re I H.'f* ? ugh of Manhattan. New Yuri city. MOSS. FRAN K IN PCI ? E In hep bj gi> en to all ? - n '? ;.r,.??nt 1 ?scrlber, ui her place of trai " m Mar us her attorney?, at n . in ira New fork, on or b-f,.r? the IS:?? Jay of .lanuary nt-ti. I. New Yorfc, tha 2nd day of Jit* E'-l7*RK'ni T MOSS BxMOtrtX. I MOSS. MARCU8 t w EI.s :3l Broad? way. New York city.