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Where to Go to Church To?niorrow THE BIBLE?IS IT A TRUE BOOK^ SHOULD PREACHERS PAID TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE BIBLE'S INSPIRATION CONTINUE TO RF PAID WHEN THEY DENY THAT INSPIRATION? An Important Address , - By - CARLYLE B. HAYNES in the TEMPLE 120th Street and Lenox Ave. I_ SUNDAY NIGHT, OCT. 10, at 8 _\dk?k All Seats Free :-: :-: Come Early REV. W. JOHN MURRAY FIRST CHURCH OF DIVINE SCIENCE Grand Ball Room, Waldorf-Astoria ?ty, 11 A. M. IP, 1920. Subj t : "Believing and Knowing ; the Limitedness o? the One and the Unlimitedness of the Other " REV iLBEBT ? GRIEIt of THE i HlI'Pn . ,i- -,-,t,. _-*, S ? .?_, Wash., w.11 addree. the Bible c5__ ?V-UV?t. ??J??': ? g meeting Rt _ i r, 0'cl< Da?y HEALING MEETING at 12 o'clock, W VI I. ? 11 : I P \ ?--rvini ? CLOSING SERVICES OF THE ^^^^^^ CHR1 n N AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CONVENTION BROADHURST THEATRE ' IOADWAT 4 8TH AVENUE PAUL RADER PASTOR O] CHl-RCH CHICAOn tit ES11)1 ; -'? CHKIST1AN AND?MISSIONARY ALMANC Will Preach Three Times 10 \. A\._4 P. M.?7:30 P. M. "^^"isrv \ddresses ri + M s ?>. j\\ ? ^iv: ,v ' !* ' ? ' '?'? ' ' ' AND ' 'Tl I N-i . 1 7 SEKVI? A A. LINDSAY, M. D., PsvchMo^ht MO DSCO THEATRE, SUNDAY, 8 P ?TH01 HTS THAT DRIVE? T!:.0UGHTS THAT LEAD" L-Ctarc ? v of poise?of mastery. on.) Dr. Lii i for constructive (?linking ?s iing the City. Cias : ing Monday. ItAf i ! - i FIRST BAP': Broadway nn.l 7 !, Pastor I. M. Hal D. D 11 V I.-"f\ 7J/I TEMPI YTION OF filTl-i IT IS Fl'Lili \ REAL. I'l'K SON'A! ! EVIL OK >. SINFUL CHRIST. THI T'TATTON ' 1ST IS NOT YN F*> ' -IPI.I-* FOR ' HL- n INS." ?V M. -"THEABSOl i IF BLINDNESS OF THO.-h. WHO AI?VO< YTI l 15 *,(.! I OF W ONt? \S V ' i UtANTY OF TEA r TMK Fill ; I . SH.ADOT OF IHK ),! . I OF ANTI? CHRIST Firs In aeries ? the league rh(! aga.i ?it tht L^v?j?U'? of Nations. !?.-. will tr-siify th t neither liolahe ii*m not var run be -Sroujrht to an end except i ? the Coining of the Christ tut ' Ing :ught. October 15, 8 o'cloiK, "A .. :il his Armour Bearer." AR Y BAP*J IS r I ii. ROH. '" Bi h St., ??? -.'?s. ?? US ROACH ? IL YTON, I). D. ?EAN: "Tl il . 5'T?:.'T it Bible C "? ..: tat S'. RA r. ?' . Prooi irlsl mit} CENTR?T BAPTIST CHURCH~ SE . .' DAM A'.'K. FRANK M. GOODCHILD, D. D., PASTOR, wi 11 p r i n 1 n g. FIFTH AVF.NUE BAPTIST CHURCH reel \. M. >'-;_'? i ? ? Madison Avenue Baptirt Church M ' BISON Ai ?:. IT 31S1 ST. George Caleb Moor, D. D., .'?!. ill -i .?r EVE ' Vf, 11 AN CHRISTIAN .< .1 ?CE V f .'?'. S" re h? L A. M ? r.. 1 ' :t : '.?? Servies arr h?!d in ?r fol! CHRIS' IEN< E CHURCHES, Branches of the Mother Church, r m t B P. M 1 est i 96th St. : 68th - Bt ? - f Park .'?: ? ,-. .'? .'. I ?h. Av ?Flft ' W. 4 3d St B.r? Rc.fJ, ) ?' ' ol Itroad !- Eai 71 ? Avei ..? j tote!, 4tL hi B Twi ________________________________? _. T i.V. *. I-'.ft CHRISTIAN SCIETc? LECTUI.?S *"1:;s' CU ti >F CHRIS! -ill NTTST ;-*;'?. " ' i, c. S. D., f Lee ;.; ??COM) ( li. m i ?f CHRIST -.< IENTIHT U, t fis th Street. O.-t ib? ?? e ??,; ' ?' at t' '? of tl Board Chureh, the *?,_? ' ?' : ntlst !:i Boston, < l?M.Kl:i,\T10\ M. BROADWAY TABERNACLE I BROADWAY AND 6CTH '-'THF.?T The Pastor, Dr. JKFH7KSO?*, ...v, ' h at 11 A. M. and ? P M. [Wednenday, s P. M. Midweek >.-r?ic* Manhattan church ??^ st. ^_2iZ_l'"L' Charles H. Parkluirst. I?. ?. COMMT MTV (HI lllil The COMMUNITY CHURCH o? N. Y. **" '-? e*' I Yi;k THEATRE, S13 YY. 48 St. JOHN l|!;UM \\ KAM) Yl I.. t Y S H I -Till. It K 1.1 K Y 17 IN '"P. M?High Stliool, 158 W. 85th St. 1 . : ' MON. OOUKN !.. Uli,!.1., .. WHY VOTE FOR HAROINO?" ??Pv\,?.'! Ivr" Tlinttre?Mil. BROWN. _^?CBOAXA_,Y_Ifl ANO RF.LK?ON." INTEUDKNOMIN.YTHINAL viospel Tabernacle Church ?'- EIGHTH AVE.. AT ?44TH STIIKKT. rounder. Rev. A. B. Simpson KEV. ELMER B, FITCH, ASS*T PASTOR SUNDAY .SERVICES ULLI' IN Broad hurst Theatre TL'ESI AY K\ a ilSG AT - O'CIjOCK. DR. J. C. MASSEE Fastur of Brooklyn Tabernacle, will PREACH. National Bible Institute 214 Went 35th Street, 4:15 P. M. DONO.SHELTON G*?ing What God Has Promised" c PI??? ni.t ..; (lit'i-T ENTRAL V 81 St. 1IKISTI -N Dr. 1 ' M. Ml KCH ; M. IE WISH FREE SUNDAY M . : . :pv r?IINK Ul : ?N-.TEV JEW'S AP.-'.' ER. LUTHERAM -"VIS'TT1 !!',? A Btcimle. TV I) . ' Si* I '' : " B'way <fc 9Sd St. ?-i? ? *? Service.: Il a. m an. s i?. ni. CHl.RCH OF THF. IIOI.V TR1MT? ? "P; Street and Central ?'n-k West Thf P.e.v. Pp.ul E S?\her? Pastor Topic: "THE CHILI) ANT' rtELIOION." METHODIST ? -'P'O!1*.!. St. Paul's Methodist Church ? )- S'rr-pt R?Ti'i IV DR RAYMOND !.. FORMAN, MINISTER " ng i - A M - - Men's Forum, . ' - - Grace, West 104th St. Frederick lirow ,. Harris, Minister. GYPSY SMITH ? : ': \7 ' ' CALVARY M. E. CH??RCH ? ? . . . . !.. i V?, Ulis 1- Odell, I). D. Rev. Harry Iiijrhum, !>. !>. !1 A. Jl Dr. ? ?'???' 8 P. M ! ) l ' Sleep." Madison Avenue Ch_irch1 60th St. l.T. RALPH W. SOCKMAX, Puntor. 'hit .... ... 7 to 8?You UNION CHURCH : . ? ? ' ? ? ? ?!?:?:?, BEN ? ? ST. ANDREW'S METHODIST < HI Hi H ? ? ??? it ana im bus 'i ? .-?. '.. ' . .' ? . I S S1E will in Morning i E venin, Spi ? RTROPOIJTAN TEMPLE. Il St. .V 7 Av. ?P i . . '?. : ' . Mil LI A.M.?"Eart ? trd II % p. y ? NEW CHURCH (Swedenborffuin) NEW "CHURCH ... v. ,,... ... . . -.. . ? ?? . n P .-??.?.pan: ?The ra Ti \\ . ? Prei ? ' " ?? iiurch ? PKESI3YTER1..N Fifth ?ve.w.e Presbyterian Church Fifth Avenue :?n<! Fiftv-ftflli >treet. ;. . . ? ? . : ?. ... _i KELltAN will preaeh at 17 and 4:30. M n's ? _t 10 A M l " I ' ' ? 4 P, M? ? ' ' ? DOERSAM. U 8:1 ? p .', ? i - :. . In tli Chapel, . BROADWAY PRESBYTERl \N CHI RCII, ! ? id v .. . . ' ? ? i. St re? Rev. Walter Duncun Buchunan, !:. I).. 1 A. M S P. M um nlon al thi :.. : . . s? ?TFiSJTRAI PRESBYTERIAN? CHURCH. -en 1 ArtL, Madison Ave. .(id 57th St. Rev. Dwight W. Wylie, D. D., LL. D., Paitor. 11 A. M.?Preaching h\ the Pastor. ?daj h P. M : .' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fifth Avenue. 11th and 12th St.. I IU? Oeorgi? A.namicr. V. D. Miniitcrj It"? H_rr> __n.rs_n Kotdlck. P. D. on as Gutlirie Speer? 11 A. M Dr. Fosdick 6 P M Mr. Bpeers. QYPQV CVITTfl World Famous -_ 1 1 o _ ..Mili. Evangelist Fifi ti A venue Presb: teri .. Church Monda ? ? ?et? ber ) p va i Committed or N. T. C., 643 Lextng a . Se its Fre? PRESB. i ERIA s ? I ; 26 West 155th St R< v. Jt hn 17. Mat , nj . D, D? 1.1. ! ?. Pastor. 11 A. .".)., Di Mackay. s P. Il . liiHH Sorti Uraham-Mulhall, BRICK. CHURCH ? Iftlt Avenue and Thlrty-ttvf ntti Street. .? , S WILLIAM PIERSON MERRILL. Ministers- ) THEODORE AIN?WORTH _REENC Dr. MERRILL will preach .it l) und 4. NOONDA1 SERVICE dally at 1.730. WESTEND po8A,v?Tco^Ki5_ths y.--. \ EDWIN KEIQW1N. P ?. Preaches 7 ', Life's Pageant ol Triurnj h &?"GYPSY SMITH'' DIlTr.DC PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. KU 1 _J___V_? Broadway and 73d St. Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL, D. D.. Pastor. will preach at 11 A. M. ? od - P. M. ill A. M "The Criinfton Stain." 8 P. ?i.-??__. "Christ in liuM-et-a." PRK8B.TERIAN Fort Washington Broadway at 174 St. Rev. Jovn McNeil! Pastor Will Preach At 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Service ?if Installation of Dr. McNeill, Tuesday. Oct. p., ?t 8 o'clock. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I VURIH Wea, Kn(, Avo S]8t s, EDGAR W1I1TAKI5H WORK. 1>. !>.. Pastor il a M- "The r.ord'8 Supper." S P. M.?Rev. Maurice S. White. 2d Presbyterian Church S.nci'p-k V Dr ROBERT WATSON, Minister. f i rvlcea 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. WEST-PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? ^"\s'V...''-.,ln ?Vvenue und 86th Street. R^v. ANTHONY II KVANS, D. I).. Pastor. ? i .?us will preach at 1) A M. ?-. 8 P.M. PROTESTANT EPI8COPAX Cliurcfj of tljc incarnation Madlnon At.', aril Situ St.. Tli?! ReT. HoiucK PER? Y SILVER Rectoi 8 A.M.?Holy Communion. A. M.?-Morning Prnyer Sermon (Rector). 4 P. M. Special Musical Service. G unotl'a Canuta, "Out of Darkness." A i?!????.- by Dr. L?beck. .?.? except Saturday, Noonday ?on-l.-rs with ? ?' aU Iress 12 15 to 12:85. C?iapel of tljc incarnation "4 0 Rust rtut St. ?:'" Oeorga Farrand Taylor, Vicar. 5 A. M.- -Holy ? ?ommunlon, 11 A-M - H'olj C? mmunton. Sermon rvir-ar} ?y 1PP Evening Prayer. Sermon (Vicar) Cathedral of Si. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue and 11211? Street. 8 it 10 A. M. Holy Communion. ! ' A. M -Holy Communion (Spanish). A ??: Children's Service. 11 V. M.?Preaching-, DEAN ROBBTNS. .4 P. M. -Service to commemorate th? Ph Anniversary of the Establishment of ? ' China. Ad lrcsses by BISHOP BURCH and Tli?.?MAS V. LAMONT, Esq. ' 'ally E ert ices 7 30 A. Ni : C P. M. : al except .Mon?!:,y und lal m da> ) Rev. WILLIAM T. MANNING, I). D.. Rector '? ai I : Holj Communion. 10:20 Morning- Praj er P Holj Con mut Ii n and Sermon. Pn hei P v. w. h. Cam? ???? Canon : Wesiml let and Chaplaii lu the '?? ? -one o ?i 1 ,-: ?? _ SEAT," FREE CHURCH OF THE L< >\ t.] i DIS? LPLE 55th Street. Pari and ,I? Hi v. Ceo. It. Van De Water, D.D., Rectoj-, Coran union 6 and : -1 a rn. ion n oi \"h This Chui m V spei s .u ?( A ' Ir? fia by I? x-tor ? Lambeth C nf : I ? ALL ANGELS' CHURCH WEST END AVE. AND 81ST STREET. Rev. S. Do Lnncey Townsend, I). I>., It.?cuir Hi v ? oram ii.:. . .... 8 A. M ? ? . a I .?- ? m i '.'., .;?r)... Il A M - ! 1 ut:? r . (V M' Stranger. Welcome. Cfburch of t?je transfiguration 1 East .'.Uli St ?DR. HOUOHTON. Rector. COMMUNIONS: 7 S and !? o'? A. M ' I.-30 TOT RS' M A-.- an i SERM Subject : "Anglo-Cath ? ess. ' Preacher, Dr. Arthur Whip] Jen ka 4 o'clock CHORAL EVENSONG. Two special anthems i. C. B. Clark, St. Bartholomew's Churcb Park Avenue itiul 51st St. Rev LEI HTON PAR ivS, D. 7 p Re? tor. 1:30 A.M Holy 11 .A .' . ? . . Prayer and S? n t 1' ..... - Rov. PERCY ? i? ?RD? IN. 1:30 M Evenoong. Excerpts from . h n :? . IS . :. a 'Elijah." Church o? the Resurrection Tltli St., I'fiir I'urk Ave. Th Ri \ K Rl SSELL BOURNE, Re t ? S \ M i! ,-..,., ? : i? : ? - ) ray? r? Sermon I ? ? ?. p. M., ? song ? ?)( Kl H MISSION ?H irj_A__IN<_ ( Endorwcl by the Bishop of New l'ork) i > rlstlai Counsel and 1'sj-choanal. ..- _ [tfrtu . - ? r v ; i . Rev : ? Ca pert, 1.1 ' arcra lit A Pall i ecu n ? by .i;'i.<>.: tin? I "Alis.-, a?) li'y v.?.: thy i-ith linth ma?e thee whole. ? ? ' ... ? 7" v. :.. ?_.t, ?LM?uias^ CDuvci) FIFTH ?.VENUE AN1 ' 53D ST Ron-. ERNEST M STIRES, P. D.. Rector, s A M.?-Hoi: Cornu _nlon ", ?.-.,?-?-? '.?;:?'? i V. M - Bven_out? and Address (l>r. Leacli ora< r. nniicii, Rroadwny and 10th Street. Rev ' I trie Lewi! Sl-tlery, D, ip Rector Mol ? ?mm .;.. ?. 8 A M ['he Rector) 11 A. M. Ev< ii; ong ? Rev Fr< derl? k A. Wi lght ) 8 P M. ........ P. 30, '1 lies., W? y Thurs., Pi : Chu-ch of the Heavenly Rest Fifth Ave . above 45th S?. II?Rev. Herbert Sbipman, D. D., Rector. ? p. ;.:. Ri . E E. Matthews. ST. JAMES' CHURCH Mllilison .venue :< 7 t_t Stret-t. Re- FRANK WARFIEI-D CROWDER, D.D Rector - A Ai. 11 a M.- ttectoi 4P M 17- v Harold Ii? tahaw. ASCENSION I'M A VENT t. Rev. >>r. Percy Stickney Grunt, Rector. of Unreal ? : " S. lecti Gaul'! CALVARY CHURCH ?y,y\-\" i.. : Theodore -r .vi< '.. 7? i ? , 11 and ? ?':, och.r Th? l?o? I il Church of Z;on and St. Timothy 834 West 57th Street. Kev. Frrdrri? k Hurges.s, dr.. It. I)., Rector b, 11 (Ri tor) und 8 (Rev. ?'. W. Mo Stephen's ST. MATTHEW'S,::,^.'.": ST MARY'S, i iwrei e :??: lat 12 v .... . ..... Av.) 8, 8 11 anil H P. M. R? \ ? IHARLES B M?CKLE. 17 ? .? ( Ml ?ttll OF THE HOU COMMUNION, titli A\e. ami ?Wli St. Servi?? S. 71 A ..! Noon, 'J. i & I REFORMED Collegiate Church o? New York THE. MlrHH.K CHVRCH, 2?' Av and Tth St. Rev. Edsrar !? anltlln It irnigr, Min star will preach at 11 A. M and 8 P. M. THK MARBl.i: CHCRCn. * ?th \? ivl 29th St. Rev David James Burrell, D D Minister ] ? A. M., Dr, Burn II will vr-,i. Ii. . , ???rh, Bp rit In ! h < ?'? h ? ? r M , Dr. Da. A Poling w 11! pi ? a h. Subject The Might. Magnet." THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS. 5th Ave. ut;?! 48th St Mali " ' Jan ? si MacLeod, Minist? i 11 a M . Dr. MacLeod will pn S !'. M., R<\. Dr, Oeo H. Smythe on "Can we communicate with the departed?" THE WEST END CHURCH, West End Ave. and 77th Street. Rev Henr\ Evertson Cobb, D D. Min1.-?'. wtll j?ri-ach at 11 A. M. and 4:30 1' M. At 4:80 P. M., Special Music. Mendelssohn's "Hymn o? Praise." 7 30 P. M., Christian. Endeavor. THF, FORT WASHINOTON CHURCH. Fort Waahitifton Ave ar-.l 181st St. All Sects Free. Rev Irving H Hcrg, D. D., Ministor. 11 A M Rev. Josopn R. Duryee, D. I, S p M., Rev. C. Willard Cross. REFORMED CHURCH OF HARI.F.M Lenox Avenue and 12Sd Street. Bev. Edgar Tilton Jr.. D. D., Mrnister will preach at 11 A. M. and s P. M. HAMILTON GKANtlE. Convent 4 149th ! Rev. Arthur Frederick Mabon, Min stet i Services, ll A. M. _. s p. M. SPIRIT! Y I.IST SPIRIT COMMUNICATION?Its "real? ity" ?il.?" n i>d everj Sunday, h p. m., IBl West? 126th Street Fit* W, Mottley, Psyehle Investigator, convinces mort pre. juillceil minds Soientlllr evldenc? provid? ed hy Marls V'eies Cuba's wonderful me .iniiii, il.-iilj Ht it. West 130th Street, N.T. Spiritual .and Psychical Research Society. Kiu.'li"li und Spanish. Spiritualist Church of Advanced Thought, |2H W.'*! *> 11 ll St. SUNDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY Ev's, R o'clk W'ednpMlHv Afternoon, 3 P. M. Speaker: Mr. IiMIN HILL, Medium. LOTUS FLOWEH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH -'???.???? B 1? M. Carnosl? Hall ((.'tiapti-r ltnom) Seventh Av ? ,'.7ii. Si Turail ?. s i? \i . Friday a/t<.-?? 77 (Irneiiluglral Hull. 226 West 58th Si ?Speaker ?uid in? Hum. Mrs Margaret Campbell STAR OP THE EAST CHURCH 222* I ' lie ? , 3th St., Room 0. Sunday, I'uesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenlnrsa at 8 P. M All are welcome. .Mrs. Martha VY'IIs n. Medium. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 156 Ens? .".Stil St., near 3d Av. EVERY SUNDAY AT 3 P. M. ?SOCIETY OF FRIENDS mem t, in rs rocncTT or rn revus. MMtnn far w*fihtp, U a. ?a., al 2il Sut Uta JH.. Ma? kattlan and 11? S.-ii?rm?rliorii m . rirooldya. UNITARIAN KOI-RTII AA'EIYUFl AT 20TH STREBT. Founded 181? LIAM L. SULLIVAN, Minister. Dr. YV 'EARTHLY PARADISE AS A SUB STITUTE FCR RELIGION." will be Dr. SULLIVAN'8 Subject. fuir aim Is to servi Ood In simplicity, and prove 11 by . \ . IRD1AL WELC'i 1MB Tl l ALL UNITARIAN PREACHING, Church of the Saviour, ?'.rooklyn, .1. MS G, 1! A. M. REY*. JOHN ??. .'.A'lHnOP. Pierre] . ? 7.1, m oe Pi. F? m minutes Borough Mall aubiray. WES r SIDE I - ! ' T :.v '. CHURCH ? Lib. rn I and Chrl an) Earl Hall, I ro idway al : 17th Street. CHARLES FRANi '? POTTER. Minister, 11 I preach on 7 . I :; NEW ATHEISM." THE CO.MMI NITY CHI RCil OP N. Y. :.-???> . mi inity i hur? h." ) I M\ KRS YL1ST ft Central Park West & , ."?JOSEPH FORT NEWTON. )f MINISTER.. tj| Win Prend? Sunday Morning. 11 o'clock "THE METHOD OP .1 KSI S." Q??ARTETTB Visitors Welcome. *? . M. ('. \. WALTER HOWE JONES "Gnat : In tl Lii o? ( Ihrist. ' Km?,? mimic. t 57 St. 4 P. M. DR. S. PARKES CADMAN i :: ' " M ? ?. llciiford & Monroe SI i;, lyn Sui lay ; il' M Mon only, Free. ... . ?.I??- Ne? York. FRANK ' N \ .;?'???::?> 'ui ? Sundaj . .' , Bronx 1 M, C ?Y., 470 E. ICI ?i . \\. ( . A. n A v. rr.3d), :. i :, ? ' 11A P P E LL lll.'TI ? *IZENSHIP." . : - . El'IIINE SCHAIN. OTHER SHRY K MS CARI? E. S. MARKWELL H envi afternoons BAL Lii 0 0 M. 4 P. M. also V in tho CULCJiNi?- ROOM HOI LL M Ai.PlN, ..- . THE RESCUE 8O01ETJ Old Chinese Tlientre. 1 5-7 DOYERS 9TRE?ST Wide ?W.-.U- ?' v?-: Servi e, Nightly 10 V.U. Tbomu J 7.T r-,.,:i. a..pei intendant. mi BRONX REAL ESTATE -ta*--e--m----j--i--,es-ai^?sr J' utsiwwsie'B iivUi ON HOLLAND AVENUE Near Allerton Avenue One family houses, brick and stucco. Full lot. ? rooms and bath with all improvements in street and houses.Terraced lawns, space for garage. Twc short blocks from subway station arul from Bronx Park. Take Lenox Avenu?. Bronx Park Subway Express to Allerton Avenu? and wall; two blocks east. MACE ESTATES BUILDING CORPORATION Agent on Premises Tel. 2230 Olinvillo MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE Established 1852 Horace S. Ely & Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty Street UIIOORI.YN REAL ESTATE FLATBUSH BARGAINS TO SETTLE LARGE ESTATE H .... ....... .... ;' bath? l.iva ? ? ? ; ? : .... . . Ii ?? Be en.-lo even mo lern a ? ? i : loi S0.1 .- ideal near Int .. ?... i , able i- m '?s i. i vmil? itRu K; . . .. , el o ? .-? lu.ti.r or ...,:,-. ?O^ TSrJ ?FFP W? ?Ftatbuih An. j\jtj. n. ni_ _,_ Pn3ni) 1238 F,atilustl LONG ISLAND 1(1711, ESTATE ? St __. * : Y " ?a!t?u* I WILL SELL YOU THIS HOUSE FOR $10,500 i at hon 1 :. Little Neck, 1 Develo] i ? ?? ked All i ? i?? ??????? nta Twenl mil it - s la 1-, I. R. R. JOHN M. RIEHLE 68 William "<t., Cor. tVilnr Streft. Telephone .lohn 4.14.1. Great House Bargain. Owner sacr flees beautiful house S1.B00 less than value \*tn- foreclosed plot, near station; iiur trees half houi M.i tihaitar. ; ' jtea h? .: i ?? bsth, til? kitchen, oj??n fixtures, artistic decorat ?ona. parquetry. Inclosed veranda, parase, t;,00l cash and 160 monthly, laree discount. Telephone Hollis 6515. Many More Put Savings In Buying of Flats The Elkay Builders' Corporation sold ; to James W. Kennedy the two six- I r.tcry flat3, 230-234 Esst 99th Street, ! 37.1x100 each. George B. Clugston sold to Francis M. O'Rourke, the four-story tenement, oGl West Forty-fourth Street. 26x100.5. C. M. Folsom & Co. sold the four story eight-family house, 433 Ear.'. Eighty-third Street for the Ch.rles Hammel Company. Henry I. Stettler, executor, sold the five-story flat with stores, _7?_ Eighth Avenue, 25x100, to Isidora Wollheim. Pease & Elliman sold on the coopera? tive plan, an apartment Bt 10'i East Seventy-fifth Street, to H. P. Romans. The M. &? G. W. Corporation sold to the Leon Sobel Company the six-story app.rtment, with store:-;, (57 and 69 West 109th Street. Vincenzo Sollitto sold to Vineenzo C. Grolli, the six-story tenement at 341 East 114th Street, 26x100. Samuel Br?ck sold to Ida Bergman the four-story tenement, 346 East 115th Street, 20x75.10. Ernest T. Bower sold for Samuel Panzer the five-story tenement, 433 East 122d Street, _T.xl00. John Basco sold to Abraham Hertz and David Gelber, the five-story tene? ment 1584 First Avenue, 25x80. Charles Reichart sold to the Pro? gressive Commercial Association the five-story flat, 56 West 129th Street 27.6x100. REAL ESTATE?SALK OK REJiT Brooklyn HOUSE for gale, 4-story and basement, brown-tun-:, bay window, )4 rooms an?) two bathrooms, ninri plumbing, i: fur Daces, gas light. Immediate possession may be had; prie. $17.000, mortgage, $8,600. Further Information call Owner, telephone 420 Sterling. (766 JEFFERSON AV., BROOKLYN. I For one or two famille?, ready for oc? cupancy, white stone, 11 rooms, 2 baths, new furnace, 12 tons coal, other extras; ! $177,000; liberal terms. Inquire 380 Putniim av., Brooklyn. _ I ?.In ml BEAUTIFUL house, C rooms and bath, 3 years old. Improvements, screen inclosed porch, interior nicely decorated, hardwood 'floors; plot 60x100; good location; lawn, garden and ?Jriv??; price $8,2.0; terms to '. be arranged. Adolph Heuer, owner, M mt [ gomery st., Valley Stream, I.. I. Westchester TONKERS?FOR SALE : MM ESDIATE < ?CCUPANCY Colonial house, eight rooms, two baihs, laundry and toilet, open fireplace, stone chimney, large porches, hardwood tin?,?. ! hot water heat, gas, electricity; si ne garage, heated; best residential secti? n, fear churches and schools* reasonable terms. 1. F. CUNNINGHAM, G93 Palisade av., I'onkers. Phone 1570. RYE?FOR SALE Overlooking Sound, wonderfully well . built i..,u-?e, 12 rooms, " baths, hol watet heating system, garage an i about on, loi wonderful trees and shrubbery. Ac essible tu bathing and trolley. Price $40,000. Complete Selections Other Placee STEWART C. SCHENCK, 7.1 East r I S! Tel 2992 Mnr. Hill. Sunday 600 !: ? New York Stale ?FOR SALE?Orange County, New Tor!; elevation 1,000 feet; country horn?, gar ! age. stables and barns, practically new, ai! modern Improvements; with about twenty 1 acres of grazing iaji?l and orchards. Write ? foi- particulars. Address Bm C 15-., : Tribune. New Jersey HOUSE?Seven rooms, up to date groun.l 60x100; large front porch, vestibule; re ceptlon room, living room, with <:i"ii fire ; place; large dining room, parauel il". :-h. White enameled kitchen, four large bed? rooms, wit 11 sleeping porch upstairs; t!P,.t bathroom, with shower; pa*, electricity, steam heat, preserve closets, etc.; in the lieuri of the town schools, stores, churches; thirty minutes by Erie Railroad to New York City; live minutes to station. Price $12 600; cash $2.600; balanct suit able arrangements. Applj Owner, 188 Hill c r? ave., Woodrldge, .p .1. M O N TP.AIR, N . J . Houses foi Sale 57.uuO to $76,000. Houses for r?.nt furnished and unfurnished simp;--., in-m hup. itt ? :< ?. Monti ?air. N. J.?Phone 4140-4041. RUTHERFORD, N. .1.?Houses for ?ale! ea.-p- term;,. Write for list. Van Winkle Co . opp. station. Rutherford, N. J. _IQPTS TO LET_ Manhattan LOFT, r.OxSOO. third floor, 627-6-11 W 43d st . elevator, on all Bides, ' C _ D. C. Currents, sprlnklei system. Vor full particulars write or phono Mr. Allen. C07 W. 43d. phone Longacre 298. THREE light lofts, 24x90 feet sultal I ? light manufacturing. William J. Olvany, 100 Charles st . near II udson si cit. Telephone VP, I kins 4C ; FrRNISHEI) HOI SES TO LET IJro?ikli n - THREE-STORY stone house well furnished, to responsible Christl .:. famii. . perfect condition; nice neighborhood, Bedford sec? tion $200 monthly, winter supplied coal; highest references. Decatur 6840. APARTMENTS TO LET?FURNISHED Manhattan : ORAMERCY PARK section, at 120 1 ast 19th st., three apartments stll avi . .' -... 4 rooms; elevator; alterations ? pleted ?October lath. Apply C S Rindsf? s ;tu East 4J.i St . or at the building QRAMERCT PARK- Beautifully furnished studio apartment; $350 per month; no children. Address Room 911, 226 5th 61ST ST., 39 EAST Sublet beautiful apart ment, whole, fluor, living rooi , bed! bath and kitchen?, tie . $325. Davles, Plaza 3139. 73 E, 90TH ST.?Beautifully furnished, seven rooms, two baths, grand ton months; references required i month. Tel Lenox S920. U Bra? k? ?; 76TH, between Madison and Park ave Elegant !y furnished bachelor aparu en maid service, Phone Rhinelander 141 ? 112TH, 623 \V. - Charmingly furnish? apartment; seven rooms, 77 bat tin. three rooms southern exposure; eighth flo >i h . .. I class building; $300 per month. Apt 81 Brooklyn PARLOR and basement, 7 beautiful fur? nished i >oms all Improvements owner; $200 month references Oewey, 144 Monroe st., Bklyn. Lafayett? APARTMENTS TO LET?I V Ft RN1SHKD Manhattan MADISON AVE., 745- Unfurnished larg? room and bath; gentlemen preferr? '. Phone Pla_a 3211. | WEST K\'!> AV., .12 (near i4Pi st Two and ( In. .- room kltoh nette apartments j Just vacated, full floor each. 1 WEST C7TH ST A few ?arg? and srnal! duplex studio apart? ments of n an?J ?7i rooms furnished and un? furnished; fr<.i"ir,i:ir service and tr< ? re? frigeration; restaurant swimming pool; maid sen Ice b) the hi 11 | 43D ST., 102 WEST?Studio apartments, newly built ; two rooms, bath arid kttchenette; ail modern improvements 61ST, ?-* EAST Parlor floor, and others. See superintendent. 99TH 257 WEST?Exceptional two or three room suite, housekeeping. Brooklyn APARTMENTS, newly finished, now ready for occupancy; 2 rooms and Oath, maid service; three minutes' walk from ail nub ways. 17 minute- from theater llstrlct, ; New York. 34 South Portland ave., Brook? lyn. Inquire on premises. CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATE FOR SAl_F~or RENT From Nov. 1st to May 1st ??'s country home, commuting distance New Haven R. R. . fln?> large ki.use. handsomely furnished; electric light, double heating, baths and lavaton garage, with rooms for chauffeur's family; adjoins country club and golf links; re i'abi. chauffeur and usefui man may re? main if desired. Address CHARLES BL'ECK, Box 113, Westport. Conn. FARMS? FOR SALE HOMESEEKERS * HEAI, ESTATE AT AUCTION REA-L ESTATE AT ACCTION RE.\i f-.'i ; UJCT10> TODAY a! II and tonight?on the property under a tent?rain or shine 741 LOtS and one dwelling Between Van Cortlandt Park and Hill View Reservoir; or McLean Avenue and Van Cortlandt Park North; Van Cortlandt F?.rr* East; and other avenues and streets ad jacent to East 242nd Str? ft. Will be sold at Auction FOR WHATEVER THEY WILL BR!NG by direction of The United States Trust Co. of New York Trustees under the will of David H. King, Jr., Deceased These lots are in a remarkable location fronting on Van Cortlandt Park, Hill View Reservoir, McLean Ave. and adjacent streets TO THOSE WHOSE RENT HAS BEEN RAISED? These lots are well fitted for home building purposes Also for builders, speculators and investors GO BUY A FEW LOTS If you have $25 to $100 you may be able to BUY A LOT AT YOUR OWN PRICE as 80*. can remain on mortgage. TO REACH THE PROPERTY: Take 2nd or 3d Avenue elevated at 210th Street Station. . Webster Avenue trolley to McLean Avenue and walk a few block Or take Lexington Ave.-Seventh Ave. subway, cr 6th or 9tl ted (Jerome Avenue Extension) to Woodlawn Station; take J to McLean Ave. and walk east to property. Savings Bank Books and Liberty Bonds taken as deposit on Un Titles Insured Free. Lawyers Title <!*< Trust J. CLARENCE DAVTES, 149th St., & 3 e. JOSEPH P. DAY, 67 Liberty Street APPLETON PERRIN & HOYT, Attys. Agents and oneers EN Fl RMSHEM APARTMENTS TO L??T lew Building Highest Class Elevator Apartments Ft. Washington Ave, S. E. Corner 173d St. Equipped every modern device f.?r . nm >rt of tenants; surroundings beautiful; street und??r Hujiervision o? Park Department. 3-4-5-8 Rooms, 1-2 Baths Renting agent on premiso*, or Charles Berlin p^T^Tn Broadway, rorner lfl2d Wt. NEW APARTMENTS Just Completed Immediate Possession Concourse Apartments 3 W Cor 183d St. ? Irand Con? ourse 4-5-6 Rooms St. Nicholas Apartments N. K Cor 192d St And St. Nicholas Ave. 3 and 5 Rooms Apply cn Premises 1 West 67th St. A Few Large and Small Duplex Studio Apartments of 3 and 6 Room3 Furnished or Unfurnished. Fre?> Cooking and R-efrigeration. RESTAURAN! -SWIMMING POOL. MAID SERVICE BY THE HOUR. Inquire Munuger on premise?. ?210-212 West 104th St.? Adjoining llro?dwra> 3-Room Apartments With luimedlutr l'o?se>i?iou Bi)U ; ?,.- . wltl . ? ?? ? '? : lodei n devl ?? '? ? ? hi mifoi ' : tenants. Rents ill., t $ 1 __. Char?es Berlin ^L'.V ;K B'wuy, cor. I62d St., or 141 E. ll**tli St. 3 Rooms and Bath 157 West 57th St. < ?T . .; of living room, bedroom, hath ?.' hen ..t! 3 ? loseta. .I.T . ?? ftrepi ?? t elevator apartment hume Maid service optional .' .?[.. . on pi ? m is? i ?? ? Edgar A. Levy Leasing Co., 505 Fifth Ave. Murray Hill 6960. 150 West 79th St 9 Rooms & 3 Baths, Duplex Suitable for Physician or Dentil! , Apply on premia*? or Edgar A. Lew Leasing Co. 505 Fifth Ave. Murray Hill ff!)?0. NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE Six-room I. use every In provement; { fine lawn; poi - ?????: ? ?i Improved street; near railroad station?; with rt'ithout garage Hrl e, $7... ? Cash re- j quired, $1,001). Monthly payment, J(i0 j This bargain will n ? last. Phone Hack- j GEORGE B. HITCHCOCK, Inc Bogota, V -1. S baaing Jersey T+aC*'t'C%V?f*f? ^Specialists in r^^wl^^ Ffeist?> Feist S?e^-??dN. H. Weat?erby & Co., Englewood, N. J. Home i Six-room home, every convenienre, J8.?0O Gr-nrv* F Mark Cn Hrl''* ''hur<*h St-? ueorge r. macs v.o. Ea,, orange, n j APARTMENTS FOI*. RE?? "305 West End A ue" AT S?VENTY-FOl R fH >TR1 ET qA Resident: el OPPOSITE THE SC ? ION oUITES of two or more rooms, may now be leased, uni bed ?HE hotel's restaurant, to be ki ESPLANADE will be under the ment and in connection Crillon Vroisin Detail i fror t MARK RA FALSKY & \ N Y 21 EAST 40th STRBI Telephon*" ; l ander' Renting Representatives ng TO LET FOR Bl'SIN-S-i_ 1'IKI' LOFTS TO Possession Feb. 1st, 1921 172 5TH A\ ... ?-Ill tt .191 (Cor. 22d St.) Ai'I'Hi IXIMATELY - 6.?J sq '??? ' ?? VERY LIGHT LOFTS kpp) LOW RE? ?u-gtll ?Sealt" 35 Nassau Street, N. Phone Re? tor .454 an QUEENS ESTATE READY FOR OCCUPANCY DIAMOND AVE., NEAR JAMAICA \\r Attractive ?3 rooms an I bal driveway; plot 30\loo all pi . tnents; pa rquet ". and bath. ',p??n fireplaei I I :: Bro iklyn Man it slatl :. : B. 8CHAt'U, BUILDER, On premise? or phone Rlcl ... n I ?i '. '.' 1VESTCHESTER COUNTS REAL ESTATE [.ARCHMONT?N?W TAPESTRY BRI '?? I'.uuie, 'J ?arya ro. vapor heating sv.?*? ..n plot of 7*0u foot fronl ?? -vith one o? the most ? . ?..??wi In West Chester. at?d at the pr?c. a b. GLCOTT&tGGER >r Sunday appointment . : _ NEW JERSEY REAL ESTAT F $1,500 Cash.?Now Vacant. Plalnfleld; on plot 60x1?-.? i>?v I i r?M>ms. bath, oak ftoom. triro-fixt . ?.he best: sfam, ftn>- neighbors near i tlOB, stores, ?i-ho"! ; ST.'. ?cbwarti, Babcock Bld? . l'a . AN__ ViCiH?TY, N. Y. mer borne, . -? ?. Si - home, ' Une, il - ? .-ri;.> rt?ts 10 N t .-.'-. Iiy r* ?w?, I] ? : v -um*, ht i n ROBT. E. LENT, 1S7 MAIN ST. , P?SININO. ?. T.