Newspaper Page Text
ELECTION NOTICE , RO VRD OF BLEC1 ION i OP THE ? i ? OK NEW YORK. GENERAL OFFICE MUNICIPAL BUILDING. It? ROUGH OF MANHATTAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN PUfMnw of Chapter 2 of tl Law. of nrtltutln Chapt? ? i 7 -f the ? ? ?ii; ? .??!.,. .1 f.,,- Laws of ?is. o? ti: t riet s n th.- ? ountj ,,, N..vv y, ,V, ' ???",-B?i.-(f..iti o( the plac? o _vV ,Vh' "h '''!' ''t!' ' si.,1 of the polling places for tl to bo fc.Id November 2d. 1920. ,? , ;t,-i. 0f fj", .ollon tiatrtcts -,i, said County as COUNTY ??!?' NEW YOnK BCmOUGH ?n- MANHATTAN POLLINO PLACES First Assembl. District E-ri Location. Oci ipled as Ina). ? ;' ?- "? nry st. .3 .?. Madison st. . . Ba rbor * ' ? Gouvet . and St ? . Sy. i :.:. , r, .', - .- '. . 6 Go ?? m i. - an 1 Y,.?:, i, e ? I . ent. ? i ? iouvern? u P. S. "1 J 249 Clinton si Ba ber ' Ma n st . i- ? IP..' .: u.l . gers s? . n ,,in eut. un P i I i n si.)?. s. 2 * 6? Rutgers . ..Barber - .. 'bet. Pike and I K? rs s; ? nt. Exit B on ) i ni ? . ... p S. 2 ! 10 Mai .. t and Mo) ro? ? n". Exit on Monroe s;.. p. >. " : 11 ? . P ? t: .p. s. i 13 v 171 ?. Mat s on .'7... I.? ' ?' . P. S 1 77 14 Oak st.. bel ai ? .. O?? vi ? i 114 pt' ? ?:.? ? . In '.,,.. ' .111 Hem . ' ? Catharii and 19 Co M nib :?;.;.; i . north : ? m dulb P. S. P ? . Mulberry and Ba I'. .-. .7 ' 7 71 Ton t re It. 13 Roosevelt ! - i Is' eut. .P. S. 112 2 1 104 A .Beber 25 Wash Car? ea s t on t on A11 . 26 Washington, Albany and Cur en l ? ? :. ' on \ V ?I ? .I '. fi 23 27 < liubei ; an I C Istei ? ? ? - ? on Hubert st. !'. s. 11 - - 4- ?: und st. Gr erv 7. ? and Brootiie ! I ft., P. S 38 ro | . nick and Broom? .1'. S. 33 ':' ' si.Tailor 32 : ? King i;. ent on Kins i' S. S S:'. W. i : bel ; I ? I, \p 1 . s\ ?? S4 20 Kim: st.; _ii ? ?? King .P. S. 3 -.'? ? Hudson Varick I : I nl u n st .P. S. 05 ?6 nd Hu .\?i litoi'iun ? :.'. on l. udson st.. P. S. 3 Cor. Gi ive a nd Hudson s?. ; ? ? Grove st. .P S. 3 h si i. iys' in:.. P. S. 107 10th st.: girls' ont.. .P. S. 107 Second Assembly District E 1 ' I.,, lation. i ? i jpied as 1 43 If? nry st.Mouldings 17 ? ii si b? I ? 'ana : and Hes U-i sts. ; .'?' ? nt. on Foray I h s: . P. S. 63 - Hester st.* bet. Essex nml NTor ??'?;.! ??? nt i' exit on 1. ? ? \ si.I ' 4 IC Pike :.Bai ber - .Essex nd Norfolk s .' rut. . n Norfolk st_P * Cor Gra nd and 1 .udlow ?is., vp tnl on Grand st.P. S 127 7. Il- st.- i u liard and Ludio? il ' Exit 8 ?Hi Lud low t .P. S 42 8 t'hrysti? and H? itcr st - . Hester i ? ? .P. S. 7 . Riving-ton and Forsytl ti ent lixii ? n Forsyth st. ... . P. t: 20 I 'i ? I iclanc? ;,' a n?i Ludlow sts. ; ? nt. on Ludlow st_P. S. ICI II ? '? ? Hela lu ??? a nd Ludlow sts . i on i.?..?How ? ? .P. S ICI 17 rth ington ai d Eldi Idg? sts. ; ? nt hlxil ; on Eiurldge et . . !'. S, T?O 13 Forsvth and Staiiton sts. ; N . nt. on Forsyth st ....)?. S. 31 'i 0 ?'hi ysl iv st. ; !?<?:? r.' ent. . . P S. .5 ? . ?? at girls' ent P .-' 35 ? Chrystl? ?? nd Ii- st r st i. . ? 'hr? si. ? si ent.P. S. 7 17 113 i ? - ? lUth yard ciit.l'. S '30 IS ) : Baxt? r st non h > ard ? nt.)'. S. 1 30 .3 Sullivan .... ... Groe r v : (? st. b? I Spring and Princ? sts, , S enl i>. s 10C 2: Lafayett? t bet Spring and Prince sts . N. ent.P S 106 22 Cor. Forsyth and Stanton ta , S on Forsyth st.P S. 91 : : .)?: ;id st.Barber 24 I'l son st .1 ?airy 26 isfi Princ?? si.Barber p 1 '??? 201 Prince st.Bai ber : '7 1 V W. Houston si.Tailor 28 : ? Barrow st.Settlement House Third Assembly District E !> Lo? tition. ( ?. cupled r?s : .,' '? Hudson Bt .? if?ce 2 ;...?'? Hudson st .it., h ., 113 Ble? cker bI.Barb? r ?I !??? Hudson b< .Pri t? rs .. , i, . V is! ington si.Barb? r ?. 338 an' 1th st.Furnitui ? ? : ludsun si.11.?I?' rdat h? i ; s 402 W. 13th st.Resta ui h ii .:? 72 Oth avc.Barb? . ? . ?? ?.V. loth st.Tailor 11 l l i xi h av?.Bai b< r ; j. _4-, W. l?t h b'..Carpen tel 7. , ;; i i \V. 17th st.; playground ?p. P. s. i ; 14 104 10th ave.Barbel 7. ; 1 W. 17th st.; playground eut, P, S. il 18 351 W. 18.h st.; kindergarten ent. P, S. 66 17 361 W. 18th st.; center ent....P.E. 60 18 120 7th avo.Barber 1!) 166 7th ave.Undertaker : i 166 9th avo.Barber 21 204 8th ave.Barber 206 W. 2>Ht st.Tailor '. , 252 Stil ave.Barber ?i 302 W. 22d 'st.Tailor 25 177 lOth ave.Barber 26 253 lOth ave.Harbor ? 27 316 W. 23d st.Barber 28 213 '.'th ave.Burlier ?3 VV, 24th st. bet. 7th and 8th aves. , W. 24th st. ent... P. S. 40 t0 W. 2-th st. bet. 7th and Kth. aves.; W. 25th st. ent.. .P. S: 46 31 268 10th ave. *.Restaurant :v? 2S t ;>th ave.Barber 33 344 Mh avo.Harbor ,.i 4P VV, 28th st ; center ent. on new addition .P. S. 33 t?> 418 W. 28th Bt.; main ent. ol?l ImlUl Ing.P. S. 33 :;i-, 3:'. t Oth avo. . ?.Florist ;'7 352 10th ave.Barber 38 412 l ut h ave.Clgara 30 4-10 1 Oth ave.parber ?i.i 485 8th aVe .Florist ...; SV. ?Sth st.Express office 42 W. 3ttth ut. bet. Sth and i'ili avis ; W. 3Cth st. ent. . . . P S 32 43 V.-. 7P?h st. bel 8th und i'ili avis , W. ent. on W. 35th st.P. S. 32 4\ 616 W, 37th st.; guis ent ..P. S 1777 4. 8 w . 381 h si .Plumber .; . 615 W. 37th st.; buys' ent P S. 127 47 4i?7 w. 381 h st.Tlnsmil h 4X 4P, W. 39th si.Flag poles 43 533 ??th ave.Ice cream Fourth Assembly District ?: i> Location. > iceupled a? 0 7 1 Watei st.RcstSSirant a Cor. Jackson and Madison B, ?nt. i.n Madison .-t P. S. 12 3 C n Jackson and Madis m si -. W. ent. on MadiBon st . . P S 12 4 Cor. llenr) and ?i ??- ui st.; w . eut. .?n Heno " P. S 147 5 Cor. Broon s?, s. ; !?:. ei orne si P. S. 110 8 ? t Goercl? .... i : parlor 7 Coi I-owls and Riving ton si ?.. 1 ? v. 9 oi Lewis . ; .P .P .8 . t? is and ,Rn Ingtj n sts.; Exit 8 on it. .P. S. 88 ? Hi and Cannon its :.. ent. on ? !ann? n . ;'. S. 110 li Cor, Bi >'..?? and Sheriff sis.. t. ent.P. S ".i 11 .? and Sheriff sts ; sut. Exit li in Uroome st., V. S. 34 Il C ?r. Bro ?tu.? and Rldge Bts L'd i.t? S. of P< '?.?i. < s Rldg? st. P. S. 92 13 Cor. rhaln . I'. . ?2 14 Rlvingtun, Pitt sts.; sil' , :. >;.:?;. st.. . P. S 4 18 17;. Ingt ?n. Rldi i and Pitt sts ^. ent on Pitt st.i' >. 4 1? \11 o I - i ? ) . lOtl ' T s 1 O'- s' eut ..P. .? . 7 i 17 Attorney st., b i and Stunton sts., I i i 15 168 Suffo - ?l 19 Id Suffolk sts . Rli Ington si cut . !'. - ; 187 B I.'- ont P. S. 120 187 I ; W. enl . .P. S. l.fl 22 i ?. tli ?.d P . ? . s - il 2. IIS Li I Fifth Ass? mbly DUtriel ? ^! st.Chun h ! ?. . - . 457 v> I2d Bt, . . .'. _?0 . 10th ?t. .St i st.: i tain enl ? .P. S ?il ; . ., ... i . ? thro !' . ? .. ? x ELECTION NOTICE 69? sth :? v.Tailor 725 S-.h ave .Candy ?''?im ave.Ba rhoV 6 17 101 h ;iv,..Clirars fifiO 10th nve.1! ul. ?7.. fttlt ave. I,.roam 86 I 9th nvi. Bai her VV 17th st., bet. Sth and 9th ..'???. i nt. ... ti i ?.i.' uf court, I- S. 17 W isth si . >>? I "?tii and ?th a ves. ? inn In > m. on court, Ith av? . SV. 17th 668 IHh avi Hi avi -i > w ? ? ... . . Hndortaker .Candy . Barber Barber 1. \V. ent 1' 9. i . Barber T T* ill vc. . l'n. I" it tilter ?! ' \? . I Oth st. ; R. VV. enl .1'. S. S I "? ' ." \V. ? h : .Vv. rilnss 502 H*. 5lsi ., .Tailor ? .' >' Bist ?.Barber ?. ;. ve .Confer? lonory 46 i \v .?,;.;? (?I. i "mli rtakor 443 AV 50th si . Harbor 744 ?ih in .Barbi r 31 7 W. 52d a . Ivlndei -..i :??:. enl . P. M. 53 ."'.7 \V. E ! st.; kindergarten ont.. S. : ' t . ? w Barber H .il..?;? Il 11 .Tailor ! .Awnings i ?t:: S72 !>th ave.Real estato i ; 449 AS', ?., ; |, Kt.Barber 44 462 W h st.: ? nt. Exil 3. . P. S. Ill 15 4t>2 VS .Mh si . n Hin cnt_P. S. H! ??: f ? lOlh ave .Barber t." i Amsterdam avi . . ..Confectionery ' ? : S1 61 si ul .Barber I ' 117 W Gist Ri.Cluh 50 ' IS W. 62d si .Church 7 Ainsi nia m av<.Barber 52 2-.'?i IV. . '.i si .Tailor Sl\tli Assembly District E D. Location. Occupied as l Mangln st. bet. E. Houston and Stnnton st.* ; x. cnt.P. S. 97 Mangln st. bet. E. Houston and ' tanton SI ... S. '-u'._P. S D7 Cor. E. Houston and Lewis sts. ; ; . ??' ent on Lewis st. . . P. s. 189 4 Ci :. B. Houston and Lewis st: , ! oy i' ont on T..?\v?m st. .P. S ISS ?'? 272 : .1 st girls' enl.P. s. ; : ; ' -7: 7?! st. ; hoy.?, '.ru.P. S. 131 7 7 Hou itou st.Barber ? i: Ith st.: girls' ent.P. S. 107, E 4th st.; boys" enl.P, s 105 E. 4th st. bot. Av.?s. C and i ?; W. ent.p. s. i.-, 1 Ave. I > .Cigars 12 73* 6th st.Dry good > : ' ?? 7th st. ; \V. ont.P. S. 71 14 ISS 7th st ; E. ent.P. S 7 1 ?5 Ave. I) .Baskets 16 E. !>th st. bet. Aves. B und C : W. ent. on court on E. 9th sr.P. S. 64 17 E. lOth Bt. bet. Aves.. H and t'; K. ent. on B. 10th st . . . .1'. S. 64 18 7 10 F.. 9th st.; ont. Exit 4.P. ST..; 19 710 E. 9th st.: eut. Exit 4.P, S 36 20 196 Ave, C .Barber il 618 E. 13th st.Barber 22 GOti E. 15th st.Hall 23 258 Av... H.Tailor il E. lGth Bt. bet. 1st avo. and Ave. A ; main . nt.P. S. 10 1 25 E. I7th st. bet. 1st ave. and Avo. A; E. cnt.P. S. ?01 26 SOI Ave. C ....'..Barber .Seventh Assembly District En. ;,:?? ion. occuj ;? d as 1 34S W. r'.th st.'. f-'lorist ? 13 Columbus ave .Undertaker 3 102 W. . 4; h st.Tailor 4 2;* \v. 64th st. .Real estato b W. '.'.th st. W o? Bway : main ent .....H. S. of Commerce ? 40 W. si.Prlvati residence. 7 N. S. W. G5th st., 75 it. VV. of Cet . Pk. W.;.th 8 W. 65th st. AV. of Bway. . main ent.H. S of ( totntw ? ??? r> 139 West End ave.iJndertak r 10 2C0 XV. 68th si.lin b ? II 167 Amsterdam ave.Confectionery 12 63 VV. G7th s'.Laundr: 13 N, S. VV. 60th st.. 15 il E. of ( ?oluni 1ms a vi-.?ooth 14 2020 Broadway. Laundry ; D Amsl ?n'.ani avo, and SV 6S!h I ris' N ent, on A msi 94 ;.' Amsterdam avo. .l W. st. ; . lui derga: ten i :U . ... P. S. 54 210 AA'esl En a v..( lonfi clion rj 200 SV. 71st Kt. . iflii . 153 \', T : ? i .L*n<l rlakei S S. VV. 77.1 st., 226 ft. VV. of . n Pk. VV.Booth "77 Cciluii h us avo .1 ?? corator 01 Colin il> ??? lt .'??.Tailor 292 Amsterdam avo.Tailor g. S, of VV. 73d st , 60 ft. W. of Wi st End ave.Booth N S. SV. 75th st., 100 ft. E o? .'. tnsl ? rdain ave. l looth Ai st> rdam ave. and W 77; b st. ; kinderg irten enl.P. S. 87 Amsti rda m ?iw and VV. 77: il Et. ; 2d ont. X. of VV. ,'7tii s '.. nu Amsterdam ave.! ' K '.7 398 Columbus avo.Auto supplies 390 Amsterdam av.?.Electi i'ian ?d S. of SV 7hl h st., 60 ft. 17 of !, ?. ? : side i >rlv . f?ooth W. .-: End ave. and SV. s:.I st. ; kindergarten ont. on West End avo .P. S. 9 i 71 \v. 80th m.T 445 Amsterdam ave.Oflico West End avi and W --'.I .????,.' gymnasium eut. on West En : a\ ? s. i 12 VV. 83d st.Tailor ? . Amsterdam ave.Confei lion, ry 4?..i Amsterdam ave.Barber 1 13 W. 85th si.Cluh 529 Amsterdam a vo.Tu lloi .. a of W 87th st.. 15 ft. E of Amsterditm ave.lio .th XV t ?i h si near Columbus a ?? e . main ent.P S 160 VV 891 'n si m .. r ( lolumbus a vi ; mam ent.P. R. 100 625 Am it. rdam ave.Laund y C46 i lolumbus avi.Cotif. -t.. im - y 674 Columbus avi.Trunks Eighth Assembl.*, District ), 1 ...rai Ion. ? locupl ?1 an Cut? 1 ' I ! .u n and Essex ? * . ent. S ex II on Essi n et. P. H. 13 Cor. E. Houston an 1 E: sex st - . ent. exit 8 ..n 17. Bou: on it.P. a. is r.S 1st st.; ent. exit 6.P. S. 79 38 1st st.; ent. exit .",.P. S. 79 17. 3d Bt., bet. 1st uve. and Ave. A; 17. eut. un court.P. a. 63 E. 4th st., bet. 1st avo. and Ave. A; H. en'., on court.P. a. 63 154 E, :7d st.Employment office 621 6th st. Tailor E. 4lh Bt., bet. 1st and 2d aves.; center ent.P. a. 25 17. 4th st., bet. 1st and 2d aves.; E. ent.P. S. 25 ; 131 7th st.Barber 4S 7th st.Barbor 2:;7 6th st.Tailor 13 Cooper bij.Barber 2 Astor pi.Barber 6 St Marks pi.Uarber 124 2d ave.Barber I 318 17. Dth st.Barbi r Cor. E. 9th st. and 1st ave.; ont exit 2 on 9th st.P. a. 122 t'or. E. 9th st. n ml 1st ave.; eut. exit i on '?tii st.P. a. 122 E. 12th st., E, of Ave. B; W. enl .P. S. 61 630 E. 17'th st., main ent.... P. S. 126 E. 13th st., bet. 1st and 2d ave.; cnt. exit l.P. a. 19 !>s 17. 10th si.Barber 138 !?;. 12th st.Barber 103 ::?l ave.Barber B. 14th st., bet. 1st and 7,! avos. ; i m. .?sit ?i.P. a 19 327 E. Ulli st.Restaurant Ninth Assembly District D. Location. Occupied as N side ol IV, 81st st., 225 ft. E. of Columbus ave.Booth 469 I 'olumbus ave.Candj i.-.. Columbus ave.Laundry 503 ('olumbus ave.Tailor 671 Columbus ave.Tal loi fis:i i Tu.i hua .? ve. .Tailor o_'7 r ilumbus ave.Plumber 7.. sido of \s . ;Ust st.. 10 it. W. l'en. 1'iv. VV.Bo ith a s de of VV. 93d St., 60 ft. W. ni Ci n. Pk. W.Booth Co un bus ave.Barbel? S. iV. 96th st., 200 ft. 17 ? ? : bus a ve. 703 Ams .Upholsterei 7 3 ! A ?.,?'?? An et rdam n ve ?? nd H . 93d at : a. ont. on Amstei dam es p v . 7th st.V 71 ?? i oiumbua ave. . . . Candy 65 AA*. ?7th si. 1 iv. 17 2 V? 9Sth St. '. ? ? A : ilat ? ave.liai bei? 80: Amsterdam ave . . ,Cs nd ( T\\ . v ;?. ? i . 1 , . : ith sl.Tall u' 105 ! VV Cari 1-. V, 102d st. 4 31 l ' c n t r a 1 P1 T ? l'alloi s?7 . vi. Barbel ? . . ? 10 : \ il Vi W , ; t : a vi Uli sart?n enl i Llarbei R27 . ' ?... . 124 VV. 10tai st.. n ? i I SV . m \\ t End avo Bi oth S. Bid i si ft E ?'? ? . End ave . N'. Sid ? . ;i V. . ave . Booth 272 "W inth. st. i'ailor fc -. Bid ? of SV 951 ii st. i :? W. of SV 6S0 VA . En i iv? .-? B i .??'. loth Basement . and lllvei - . . Bas ?? ?? nt Candy ? ? i\?. ?? an i SV .i::.| ?t.. i ? ? ? in SV. Id st 1'. s. S3 1 Bt.. 25 ft E. or SS e * En I ....- B >oth .' x i? -' i ? ave. Bai ber 6 IS Alilfll i?.i.' ,.\ ??. T; N iltlo : W. B5th st., 50 f( ? W ?-..? En i ave. , Booth \. le of SV 54th : ' ? ft SV ... West End avo. . Booth r.dc of SA 8 d it. ,.? ft. SV. /?.f Wi ,t End ave.. Bool h ELECTION NOTICE Tenth Assembly District s? filh nvc. ;(,; (pe, nu Ich ave. ;,; Oreen? Pu ave :-,V w. 4th st.. su Chnrli s si ui'liil m .')' tllor E. .?lit ... P. H, 41 W. ent.. P S, -P . Laundry .Ladles' Inllor (; S87V4 BU.K'i' ?'.0_rbor 7 ;??, Greenwlcn avo. ? ? . . . 1 nllor y ?i t Greenwich ave.Hut clcnnlng b 10 Sth ave .l',"'"_! ? 38 ?>t h av? 20S W. 1 Util - ' 2?)s \v. isth st. 00 "', I3th sl? ot) W, 17 M? s*. I i.i rber P. s. I? P. S. 10 Julia Rlchman H, S, ?7 ent.. Julia Rlchman IT. s. ent. Exit B, , m. Exil ;? W 1 m nth nvc. ???? Washington 7 1 ?s MacDoUgal s' ?-,: t; ) 'tli p ! 77' 3d ave. 270 Id av.- . ?M Union Square un )?; -"?i st... i Otl W. lit h st.. . in; av. I7th st.. ? 177 71 h n? ?'? 124 W, "PU Si . 124 W. . Olh st.; !" 1-7 . Oth -t. . . i to Lexington ti\ Bnrb? VV ... ,\;>i house Vrt S; n ?i > . Tailor . . .17.11 i . - .Signs .Barber . Restaurant . . Bn ' ber . n irbi r Tailor .'?nt..P. S. 4S ; P'? , Tailor Opl I? lan 1 Udll ?m r! "nu. st.":.'.'.'.'.'-'?'.' ?'?' {:hi,:\^;;:]: boys" ent bovs' cnl .??,( Exil 1 H) E, P."! 29 l Madison n\ r,8 w. :"0t ?i si 130 W 7'li si R54 S? h av-. . 257 W. 40th 31. 257 W lOth ?? 120 W ''''ii ?' 0 W. 4fith -' .?,.. W. 481 h st 93 1 Oth :?'. ?'. ? 157 W. 4'Mil st 1 20 W. 4611) St 83? 8th m". 920 Sth ave. Eleventh Assembly District. l'lui? room i . . Mu lu Auction or I'ii i Ishinga ...P. S. P . V S. 23 ;? . P. P ';7 , Run ? Tnll ?' Barb? Talloi int. Exil l Barber Tailor ED. ! t 3 ' ?-, W ! '? : ?? ?_r,87 Bros Iw iili.n. r?. isterda r. W. lam a ter li. rl ?'.' ?Honor. , A w 104th st and '? - ent. 10x11 2 ??n lam ave.P '; |04th st, and Amster cnt. Exit 7 ??n VV. , ' .P. S i t.-i w. !? Mh 92S ? olumbus S lin Manhattan 5.1 \V. 1011th st |0 ! 53 A mat? rdam I 1 2744 Broadway 12 !? :v \mstcrdam 13 2.12 \V. lOSth si II 2789 it: on ri way II .Tailor , loe ??!?'. i'" i !?;.';.. II ? I'lld< ' ' p .Tallo Pictures . 1. ?? Cl'? LI11 ,.. . La un i?y ITpholMti fur x' 105 h st. bet. Broadway nd Ai t ??-,!.ni ave; E ent P. S. 16 W, 1" th st. bet. Broadway and A mstei'dan 17 1010 ?Piltinibu is 1013 Columbus a 19 ir,2 Manhattan 20 31 0 YV. 1 I 1th st 21 ;l(l l M 113th ?I 22 20J1 8th av? 33 1840 71 ii ave 24 N. S. E av< Lint P. S. 16? ... Tailor _Barber .Tailor . . . Latin : ..Laundry W. w, M'. ; i." h l, ; La un 11".' In f. .Buol !i . ,i v ? -i IX. 115th si but. E. ni. 2099 -i il ave. 2140 8th av? Cor. W. i 17t h ? olas av,-.; en Nicholas av? Coi IV. llTtli : T' il IV ad 'in S 7th m?l t Ileli . W tlon . ;? Vieil ? n St. s i?? and Si Nich? ent, ?ni W. 1 l?lli st.P. 109 St. Nicholas ave.Tailor _01 W. llSlh st.Tailor N >. 01' VV. 1 ISth st., 7.7 n. w ..i' Manhattan ave . n P 41 1 Manhatlnn ave.p ri. 352 W, llGth s:.Talloi P 77 : Amston am av .Kistnuiani 11 ?.. Ain '? rdam ave. . . Hair ?lr? ? N. S. VV. Hoth st., '. ? : ?P Broadway 2873 El? 28 74 Broad w; y . Booth . u ; ,aun?l i ' 01 v . until si. J00 VV. 11 ;!t il si, . . E. S. il' Riv, rs-il Booth . VV B loth l'trelftll Assembly Districl ? iccup I ,ocat inn :i I i: 20th st. : \v l?tn Lh tl n 1st. avi. 122 1st ave. : t ave. ; : 21 1 E. L'0| b 12?) P. 20lh Ml E. L'itli !."i E. :.. ?7. il 3d 2d 3d bet. 2d ut E. ni . S. M V S . 1 '. S. ! 1 Bn ;ery "d S! ?vin ei ;.<i st. bel 2d ii. i' '??i . . . .Ti inks . . . . ? 'Ipars ; nd .B irb, r 3d av? s P. y lie i l?l (I h P . let. 2 t and 17 77,i. si ??; E E ?' . ! st., b ? i E. list st.. ? ? i: 42d si . E eut ? r.oo R. 43d si . ', l f il ?1 3d 20 ' )?: ?:?:: h st S27 1st ave. .. 209 E. -?Oth s!.; 704 3d ave. . ,'!d ave. , . . 4 i 8(19 1st ! Barboi 44 Kl) 3d ave.I? , i.... 45 136 E. eist, st.Tai#oi 46 S4it 3d ave.H ,),.. 47 'j?i? 7M avo .Barber 4S Cor 1st ave. und E. .1st si . W. . nt on Bist st.P. s, i 35 49 Cor. 1st ave. und E Gist corner ent.P. S 135 ! 0 0 952 1st ave.Clgi rs 61 Workhouse Dock, . Blackwell'a Isl Thirteenth Assembly District E.D. Location. (.upled as Location. 1 N, M', cor. 119th st. moni ave . 2 E S. o" Clai miont avo., 50 ; i S. of 119th st.n.inth 7 : ; ? i il lo I m ive . .B.i t SO Mornlni ilde Drive .... 1, ui . 5 N. ,P ol \\ 120th st., 25 fi i uf A n -???! la m n ? ? . i (i 12! '. \i sti rdii in ave.!' ri r ' 307.' Bro ul way . . . '; . .? s : 00 Morningside aie. 17. ii 123-1 Anistei ?lam uve . ' l ) 3100 lir?n Iw.-iy . 1 1 30S9 flrot ?Iway . ' 177 C20 VV. 125th st.I ?ii- . 13 N. S ol VV. 121th st , 125 Ct. V . of A m.-' ordam a vo.B il 416 W. PPlii : '. Shoes IB 28S St. Nicholas ave. 1?: 301 W. 12'ith st. si; .., , 17 St. Nicholas ave., 120th and 127th sts.. W. 126th st cut., P. S. 157 It! i Broo Iway .T.i\ 15 i Broadway .Bai b? i liiO.Manhattan sl.i: rber 7 7i Broailwaj . Barber ? i ; vv. |29th st ami Ai st? ? avi . .p ent. on V ? i Ian iv?.P W . |23t h St. and An i I .:?? ? . VV. . nt. on w. ; st.P. S, 13 : ' Ni? hoi is av . 1261 li an i main enl Nicholas ave.P. s 157 359 W. 127th si .Laui II St. Nicholas terrace . . '1 ?' " :?' . .1 aw . . 'I !40I (?th av, ., . it ber .174 7th ave.I'ndci s. s. o? w. 130th st . 200 fi i: is 24 : Stil . VO. SI 2M I 7th a\ ? . 32 VV. i ! Bt, bei :i\ ? - main enl 33 W. 134th - ? bet. 7th a\, main ? nt. . . ? ? '? th st. IV. Sth ave. :i?; i.. ;:. Vi .- ? : im a ve. .'7 ii'., A tnstei do m a\ ??. 14S2 .\ mat? ";.. m ave. ? :;. ti it: oti dway . ? Bi idwaj . ? rdam ave, . I ; P i I ?. ?dway . 1.1 oth Real e? ' mid ? . !'. , I Mil ...P. S. 119 . . . Tai . 3 ...... Tu ? .< igars . . . . ! . !.. It ? .Bal Fourteenth Assembly District }" D. Location. Occupl? ! as ; 994 2d ave.I'ni 7' .' ? j :?: 3d st. :'. p?; . Pi ave.B.irbei I 197 1st ave.Bat b? r - ' 1st aie.Auto i I ?'. Min 1st avo. ? 7 249 E 55th st.Tailor 8 :t:>7 1-7. 57th st ; lobby ? nt. E; P. S. 59 9 107,1 1st av.-..I ? i v .. 10 1074 1st ave. Barbet ' ! 1093 77't live.Barber 12 22S E 5 7th St.; girls ent. W P. S. 59 13 220 E 63d st. ; girls' < nt P S 7 t :? 230 1-7 63d s:., annex ent . .P S 74 15 ! 1'i ? 1st ave.Barber B I .: ??? .1 ni e. Barb ir 17 1266 2d ave. Barber is 17 ?Pith st., E. of 1st .?%?? , boys' ent.P, 8 183 j9 E 66th Si . B. uf 1st nv.' . E. .-nt .'.P. S. )33 77 66th st E. of lsl av. : ont: VV ;;?" ' P. S. 183 ELECTION. NOTICE .,v... _^^H^H'!"?!"?'? 23 ll'.H i.l ave.But b.?r .71 Cor. E. 70th st. an?l l8t ave ; glrfs' primo ry ent.''? ?**?? s ' 25 B11 17. Outil si.Settlement 20 415 E. 7lst Ht .Barber 27 Cor, B ?'.th st.? and lui ave.; i,,?.. et, on IM a'?" , .p, a sa 28 229 B Tut h tu. Cabinet maker 111 12 i .:.] nvi .Barber 30 357 E. 71HI st.Barber 81 1301 Ave..Dry ?roods 32 345 B, 73(1 st.' Umlerlnker :? ?; 1273 i,i nve .?. . . Awnlnga i 34 17 ,.M h Hl .' bet. '.'il an.F 3d a?.? ?. ; SV enl .P. S. 70 17. r 51 il si . bot, '.'.1 and 3d ave? : E .?nt. P. H. 70) ? ".''? 316 E. 77' ',i st . Upholstorcr 77 49? E. 7 lui st.Barber 35 1431 Ave. A.cuir, .i tonory :t'i .\? . . ,\. , ,i li and 7Sth sis . B 77lh st. ? nt.P. S 158 40 Avo. A. 7 7T U .?n I 7Slh sts . H 7m li st. enl .P. H 158 4 i Av.?, A, H1-.I and S2d sis : B s ist st. .ni.P. a. '.'.; 42 A\ ?? A, S lui .ni'l S2 l sts . B K2il st. .ni. P 3. 96 43 1588 Ave. A.Bakoi y I 'ill vr n Ih Assembly Dlslrle' i?.' D. Loi Tien i i. ? upled as j 1 12 d ntral Pk. SV s ' I 'VV B7th si . .S'acanl : ."? a. ..f sv. 5?th st., 125 n. ST ..r 7th ave. . riooth 110:! 6lli.Harbor 1 ! :. 581 h si .Auto supplies 0 N*. S. of SV. 7i,t h si . 220 ft. S\'. of Ol h ave.Pool h 7 .'.-7 Madison ave.Sut.? tires S 125 AV. .. Ith si ; )...?. s' ent. . . P. a. 69 n u:, sv. r.ith st.; gii is' oui. .p. s, fis 10 51 il M.,.le m ave.I. .an i. v 11 121 E. RI.SI st. . b..?..-.' eut.P. S. IS 12 i l i ?? si il ris' enl.P. s. IX 13 713 Lexington ave.La undo : I X. S. nf 17 Bfith .-' . -'0 ft. SV. ..i Lexington avo ... Booth IB 11(7 B. 5?)t)i st. . Tailor IC ? '?" Park ave. ... Bldg. of Edui atl on 701 Madison avo. Hotel ba em. nl IS IOC I 3d av??.[? irb ?r 19 031 Park nvi .Tailor ? 20 Cor. Lexington avo. ?uid 17. tistli st . girls' ent. on 17 (iSih si .i? .a. 7?; 21 Cm Lei ington ave and 17 cm h si : I...?, s' . nt. on E. osth si.p. ?-. 7.; ' '? " 72(1 st.Vacant '.' ' 1028 i .oxingl ?.n ave .Plorisl I . .'" 17. 77i II si girls' ?in .... P. a. 117 7 i ! 70 E, 7 ri h si . boys' ent_P. S. 117 ' 26 1007 Madison ave.l'en ist 1186 Lexington ave .Tailor ' ? :"'?" Madison ave.Florist 29 945 Park ave.Tailor 30 128 17. 84th si.Laundry i "1 Cor. Madison avo. un.I E. 85th st.; boys' ent. on B. I 85th si.p. a. 6 32 Cor Madison ave. and 0. 8 7i h si. ; girls' ent. on B. 85th st.7'. a. 6 33 1276 Lexington ave.Barber 34 E. X7th st. bet. Park and L. xlngton aves.; maint ont., P. a. 77 35 F.. S8th st. bet. Park and Lexington avis.; main ent., P ?3. 77 36 1103 Park ave.Barber 37 1 ) !" Park ave.Real estale 3S it? M ..., ave.Barber 1 13".i? Lexington ave . 1 'pholi torer 40 i 108 Park avo .Tailor ' : 11 ' Lexington ave.Tailor : !.' I ISO Li xlnglon ave.Candv : : ! ' ' ? I ark avo .Tailor 44 1 150 Madison ave.Cleaning la - 250 Park .'. ..Barber It 1401 Madison avo.Blectrii al 17 1 132 Madison avo.Confection ?ry 48 14 47 M ad i on ave.Barber 49 17. I0:id st. bet. 5th and Mad- ? ?son aves.; ent. on 103d st. II .P. a. 171 ; ; o '17 I04th st. bot, 6th and Mad? ison aves.. 17. 1 04th st. ent , ? P, a. 171 : 51 769 Lexington avo.Tailor! 52 1286 3d avo.Harbor Sixteenth Assembly District ED. Local Ion. Occ up.'ed as : ''7 East End ., ve . . .Apt., gr mild lloor 95 1 eis; End av.Club room 1CO0 A v..-. A .Li l ??..'-'.? h and s? th si ; bo> ,' ? nt. un I .*. S6lh st . . ? P. a. 77 5 1st ave.. 83th and 86th sts. ; ; iris' ? lit. on E. 85th si . . P. a. 77 , 401 R. 8*hl -?.Bai bi . 17 82(1 ! ? . bet. 1st Kiel 2d enl.p. a ;r? 8 1555 Avo. A . Bakerj . 9 428 E S2d st. Tailor i ID 151 ' A .Barber 1 I 1 .'..? ; Avo. .\ .Confeetjunen ! ' ?? ?:' T ?9th. I'n?i? rl aker : : 3.?-, 17. 77th st.Barb, r t t Bliil Id ? .Barber 15 :::?-. F.. 7Slh ?i.I larb. i I'l ;, i j :; potli ? ? .Harbor 1 : E. 79lii - .. hot. 2.1 and 3d :. es : SV enl . . P. S 53 H. 81 : '.Barber i ' l 560 7.1 a?. ??.Barbel E - t hi i. 2d and 3d 21 ; ?'. i T - n ?i ? ? . Hi i b. ? : ' ; il .I 'ndertaki r 2 : ;;. S2d s: , bet 1st and 2d avi . : boys' ent.' a. 190 21 1013 1st a v.. Bill hi r :::. ? ?..; i: ???.Plutnl ? r 26 30 I : : 8'Uh si .Barber 17 ' - . 1st .? .Tailoi . ..Tailor ? . 501 11. 86th st .Candy 01 E -7.Ii si.Tail e 3 ' 1600 Vve A .Bai ber ?_____ ?____________________^^^B^^^B h ? m. - ?Ti st., 17. of 1st '.'. ? il Barb Barb ? ,*| h -- Il SStl ; ; Cor. 1st av, and E "Hist : ! sv ? nt. on E. 91st at :? a. i:.i ,1 301 E. 00th i:t. . . . Bull le 1 : ? S v.?. ,'. .? 'lira vs ' - Wo. -.Barb, r I7 17 : ; s ve. .1 'Lib ? ? i',.; ' si ave. and E. 91st Bt. ; mail 1 un lsl ave . . . . P. S 151 49 1791 1st av.?.Barber 50 13. 95th st . bet. 1st and 2d avi . : 11. 95th at. ent . . . P. S. 150 51 E. 96th st., bet. 1st and 2(1 a ves. : AS', ?'nt. on court on B. 86th st.p. a. 150 : 7,3 B. 991 11 st., bet. 2d and 3d !? : SV. enl. on court..P. a. 109 ; 53 17. 1 ? 0th st.. bet. 2d and 3d aves.; VV. ent on court..P. a. 109 54 E. 99th St., bet. 2d and 3d aves.; center ent. on court, p. a. 109 . Seventeenth Assembly Ilistrlet E.D. r.ocatlon. Occupied an, 1 58 E. 102,1 st.Memorial House 7' 102d si.Barber :: 2- E. 106th st.Barber 1 ' ?' ".. 105th st.Barber 73 E 1 001 ii M.Bai b. r . 1 60 : Mad ion ive.Ta I .r 7 77. a. 01 :;. ;?'.sth st.. so ft. e. ,.|' 7l'l ?,..Hooth 711 E. 109th St . Par!? ?r S. a. of E. 1 i H il st., 7 7. Ct. I*. nf M -. lison av-.Booth ni E. 1 l.'itll st.Barber : ' 7:. I<* 116th st. Hall 7 7 i?; 11.sth si . Tailor Il lui 5th av..Cigars 11 71 SV. fl7th st.Dressn alter 15 77 a of AV. 1 17th st., 100 ft. 17 ol 7th ave. Rooth ' 6 SS*. ' : 7: h si bol. 7; n a nd Lenox ? et. N. VV. whiR ..P. a. \si V. ?:;.?. hel 5th :?: ?i :. IlOX .nt. S. E ?v Int; .P s. 1S4 W. 1171 ii st., bot. 5th and I- nox aves. . ni. 7:. B. wing. P. a 1S4 ' E. : ' ? ? .1 ??'..Vucl 20 1 E. 115th s. Barbi r 30 VS Util si.liarber 2'! 40 W 1 luth si Privai 11 ' ' l?'?nn> LVi. '.:.,. . 2 1 106 S| ? ? ' '? las ave. 7 7 5 S t h . ? Sli oe repairing 1 ' ? ?? . Barbor 62 ?' i Util si .... Club SS l?tl it., bot. ? '. und L. ?. aves. 11t. xi '. . . . .P. S. 170 M ? ' ' ; . . ... .Barber h iv. ... .Laundry ? v? tilth si bet. 5th an 1 Len >x av s., E. exit 2 un court, P. .-'. 17e AV. 112tli ?'.. bet. Bth and Lenox ont. exit 6 . . ,P a. 1 7e -.- -' of AS I12th si 50 ft SV f RI M hoi is ave .Booth I ? : : ih i. Tailor Eighteenth Assembly Dislri?t E.D Loca ? Occupied as i 1C14 T ' _.Larb. 1 2 104 E. Olsl ' .7.. loi ; Cor Lexlngu ?? and B 90th hi enl Exit 2 on 1 exlng' n .p. a 86 i ? ' ? I ?ington ave. and 17 til st ? 111. Exit 2 on B. 91 th . ... p a 86 ? ? . av...?'??? Bukory ... . : i?.- Lexington ,,v ??.".Tailor . : ? ? ' ??? gton avi.pood products ? ; 590 Li v b'l on ave.Barbei ? . ave .Bar bei . ! 1 1 E. lfllth Bt. bet. 1st and ? 1 ives. ; E. 104th st. . nt P. S 163 ;2 E. )"'.>?! st. bet. 7'd and 3d aves.; . . . ;.P a. 1.1 ?: .... -i ? :. le ? 71 and d a- . . nncx ent , .. P. S. 121 It 103 E. ' 02d st.Dry g lods ? :, i : I05th si T? t : si and 2d 1 ?. s ?:. : i it.p. -s. ii:s 16 Lexii ton 1; ! 05th un?I 17 ? ent. Exit 2 on Lexington ive .. . .P. S. 72 : 7 Li . . ? . E 105th ind 17 , , ent.. exit 3 on Lex in ave.P a 73 is ?S3 1?:. lOSth si.Barber 1 1? E 109th ;t. bet. 2d and :;.l ives.; SV. ent.P. 8. ?3 2? E. lOSth st. bet. lit and 2,1 aves. : VV ent.P. 8. 172 21 1 7 1! Lexington a * ?? Dellc 1 23 1?; IlKh : ?V . ? L, ::;. ? ,n ELECTION NOTICE 23 )?: 11 ith st. vv. or U rlngton av.; VV. ent.P. S. 101 24 E HOth nt. bet, '-'! and 3d uv<-s. ; W. ent.P. 8. 83 25 B. 11-th st- bet. :i?t and Lexing? ton ?vos.; W. ent.p. s. 57 20 K. )13t.h st. E. ?.C 2?l ave.; W. ent. P. S. 102 27 E. 109 th st. Int. lut ami 2d aves.; main ent.P. 8, 173 23 2228 1st ave.Undertaker 29 B. 113th St. E. of 2d av?-. ; 15. eut.P. S. 102 31 E. il?th nt. bet. 3d itn?l Lexing? ton aves.; ent. Exit li_P S. 57 :u 117 H 113th st.? ? ? .Barber 32 187.S Lexington ave.Cigars ;::: PP. E. l u.ih si.Shoo repairing :t i :: i i E. ?,i7ili st.Tinsmith Nineteenth Assembly District E.I). Location. Occupied as 1 1825 Madison nvc.Shoes 2 Cor. Madison av.-. ami B. 119th st.; E. eut. nil )?). 1 lilt h St. P. S. 10" 3 Cor. Madison ave. and E. 119th at.; N. ent. on Mudisun ave. P. 8. 103 4 206 Lenox ave.Privat? lluuan ? VV. st. bei. St. Nicholas and 7th iiC.-s. ; N. B. ?'ill. on court .P. S. SI C I 162 ave.Tailor , 1961J 7th uve.Sim?, repairing 8 VV. Il'.'iii ut. bot. St. Nicholas and Tth aves.; S. VV. ent. on court .P. S. 81 9 2222 Sth av.? .Confectionery lu -P" Manhattan ave.Laundry I i 7! l? W. 120t h st.Tailor ? i ; ,\. S. of VV. I23d st., P. ft. W. ?il Manhattan ave.Bool h .'?.". W. 121st st.Tailor II 202 St. Nicholas ave.Barber ;.. ?..i VV. 1201 n hi .Tailor I _ jo39 7th uve.Laundry 1 , 227 Lenox ave.L'ndertak? r is ? ? I VV . 12;!.i st.Tailor i " 228 W, 12 ith st.-. . ? .Tailor ? '.o 273 Lenox ave.Candy 21 2s?; Lenox ave.Barber 22 326 L? nox ave.Cigars ! y. 32!) Lenox ave.Candy 2 i "?if. VV. 125th al.Pnderlakei W . l 271 h si bet. 7th and I.? no? a ves. ; main ont. . . P. S. 6.8 _.; VV. 128th si. bet 7th and Lenox .ivs-., main ent. ... 1'. s. 63 ; ? :, vv i p i h st.Lauruii y 's s. S. ??r W. 129th st , 200 t, ? E of I.- nox ave..,. . Booth 29 2i?'7 7th ave.Auto'supplies ... ?oj VV. 129th st.Tailoi 31 L!"'i 51h ave.Tailoi :?_? t',1 vv l.'lOth st.Pr?valo hous p 2119 5th ave.Priva;- h ms?) p 2081 Mudison ave.Bakery 35 2152 Bth ave.Pool parlor 36.2209 ?th ave.Shirts ;, .f,, i.enox aie .Business school ::?; Lenox ave., 134th and 135th si s ? H. ent, on Lenox ave., . P. S. 89 89 W. 134th st.Undertaker 4n Lenox ave., 134th and 135th sts.; VV ent. on W. 135th st.. P S. 89 41 107 W. 135th nt.Electrician 42 l W. 136th st.Barber 43 41 VV. !3Bth si.Laundry I) 23 E. 134th st.Barber Twentieth Assembly District B. ]). Location. Occupied as 1 187 E. 117th st. Confectionery 2 E. )19th St. bet. 2d and 3d aves. ; main ent.P. 8. 159 E. 120th st. bet. 2?1 and PI ave..; VV. ?nt.P. S. 159 ?i 1S719 Madison ave.Tailor .. 2000 Lexington ave.Chemicals ., 2021 Lexington ave.Tailor 7 ls.07 Park ave.Harper 8 1800 Park ave.Barber ?i 2041 avo.Tailor 10 K 128th st. bet. 5th and Mad? ison aves. ; VV. ent.P. S. 2! 11 E. 128th St. bet. Bth and Mad? ison aves; E. enl.P. S. 2 1 12 2089 Madison ave.Bakery 13 1887 Park ave.Autos 11 E. 126th st. bet. 2d oncl 3d aves; E. ent.P, S. 39 15 E. 125th st. bet. 2d and 3d aves ; main ent.P. S. 39 10 2717 E. 124th st.Tailor 17 2386 '.'?1 ave.Tinsmith I is 208 E. 122d st.Barber 19 2347 1st ave.Barber t -.70 Cor. Pleasant avo. und E. 1 l nih st. ; N. cut. on Pleas ant av..P. S. 7S 21 Cor, I'l-asant ave. und E. 11'?t h Bt. ; E. ?-nt. on E. 1 i ill h st.P. S. 78 22 2316 2d ave.Barber 7.1 2296 1st ave.Foul parlor 24 Cor. 1st ave. and E. 117th st. ; ont. Exil 4 on E. 1 17th st.P. S. 85 25 Cor. 1st ave. and E. I17lli st. ; ent. Exit 2 on 1st ave.P. S S7 Twenty-first Assembly District E.D. inn. Occupied as i 602 AV. 137th st.Laundry 2 3385 Broadway .Candy :: COI W. 13.8th st.Tailor ?I 618 VV. 141st Bt. Tailor 5 018 VV. 1 4 2-1 st.Tailor i: AV. s. of Broadway, 40 ft. S. of vv. 144th st.Booth 7 l It Hamilton i?i.Laundrv 8 N. S. of W. I43d st.. 1" ft. E. ?if Broadway .Bo th " 500 -W. 143d st.Cigars 10 503 VV. l list st.Laundry 11 1628 Amsterdam ave.Tailor 12 1647 Amsterdam ave.Barber 13 1C18 Amsterdam avo.Cigars 14 91 Edgecombe ave.Tailor 15 Edgecombe ave., MOth and 141st sis.; S. ent. on Edgecombe ave.J\ S. 5 16 Edgecombe ave., )40th and 141st sts.; B. ent. on VV. Mist st.p. S. B 17 2382 7th ave.Parlor is 2594 Rth ave.Florist i ' 2599 ?th ave.Glazier ::o 2554 Sth ave.Undertaker 21 114 VV. 137th st_Employment office 22 149 vv. 139th st.Restaurant 23 VV. [33th st., bet, 5th and Lenox aves.; E. Auditorium ??nt. on vv. 177?th st. . . . P. S. 100 j 21 W. 13Sth st., bet. 5th and Lenox uves . B. Auditorium ent. on VV 133th si.P, S 100 25 19 E. I34tb st.Vpt., ground floor '-'" 'ii 1 Lenox; ,,?!,. , 27 626 Lenox ave.Barber '-'? 2120 7'tii ave.Shoe repairing 29 25? iV. 143d st.Tatlor .'tu 17P VV. 143d st.Barber ! 31 2i'.G VV. i4lth st..Baby carriages 32 301 W. 144th st.Tailor 33 318 W. 142d st.Barber 34 231 Edgecombe ave.Tailor 35 35 6 W. 145th st..'..Barber 36 703 St. Nicholas ave.Tailor 37 723 St. Nicholas avo.Tailor I 38 748 St. Nicholas ave.Stationery ? 39 W. S. of Edgecombe ave., 25 ft. S. of VV. 150th st.Booth 4 0 7S7 St. Nicholas ave.Tailor 4 i 93 St. Nicholas pi.Restaurant Twenty-second Assembly District E.D. Location. Occupied ns 1 Amsterdam ave.Confectionery; 2 501 W. 144th st.Tailor i 3 W. 145th st. bet. Broadway and Amsterdam ave.; vv, ent. on court.P. S. 186 4 1723 Amsterdam ave....Shoe repairing! 5 AV. 14(ith st. bet. Broadway and Amsterdam ave.; HJ. ent. <;n court.P. S. ! tG j 6 1768 Amsterdam ave.Umbrellas 7 3589 Broadway . Cigars 8 17t? Amsterdam ava.Bakery 9 ;:?t"7 Broadway. Restaurant 10 c?o W. 150th st.Tailor 11 S. S. of W. 150th st., loo ft. W. of Amsterdam ave....Booth 12 1793 Amsterdam ave.Laundry 13 3644 I'.roadway . Laundry 14 3664 Broadway . Candy 15 502 VV. 152-1 st...Storage 16 492 Convent ave. .Tailor 17 S. S. uf AV. 153d st.. 50 ft. AV, uf Amsterdam ave....Booth 18 627 W. l."'7'?l Ht.Dwelling 19 Cor. St. Nicholas ave. and XV. 166th st.; S. ent. on St. Nlrjnolas ave.p. S. 46 1 20 N. S. of VV. 155th st., 50 ft. VV. of Broadway.Booth 21 1952 Amsterdam ave.Barber 22 ? 'ni'. St. Nu holas av.?. and W. 150th st.; 2d ent. E on VV. 156th st.p. S. 40 23 1969 Amsterdam ave.Laundry 7'4 505 VV. 157th st.Tailor 25 E. S. of .?\udubon pi., SO ft. N. of AV. 157th st.Booth 26 S60 Riverside Dr...Office, Apt. House " ?' P 1 VV. 168th at.Tailor 28 502 AV. 169th st.T illor 958 St. Nicholas ave.Tailor 30 2010 Amsterdam ave.Barber :,] 2u7ili Amsterdam ave.Tailor 32 N. 8. Of AV. 101st st., 76 ft. VV. of Broadway.Booth 33 S. 8. uf W. 161st st., 250 ft. vv. of Ft. Washington ave. Booth 7)4 AV. 161st St. and North River, Bungalow ... 2040 Vinsterdam ave.Confectionery :;.. 29 ! 5 St !i n ve.Shoes 37 272 VV. 154th st.Laundry US 2320 ??it ;?.'.-?.Barber 19 2829 ??ii ave.Barbol? lo No votes. 11 27S9 81 li ave.Barber 12 298 VV. 1 19th st.flub ?-?..use 4 VV. 1 ISth st. bet. 7th and 8th ...ves.; W. ent. on court, P. S. 00 44 AV 147:h St. bet. 7 til and stli aves.; E. ent. on court, P. 8. 90 li 2737 sth ave.Furniture 16 777.. s 7th av? .Pool parlor 47 165 vv. 145th st.... Employment office 18 275 VV. il.Pii st.Barber p? 266 VV. 145th st.Printer Twenty-third Assembly District E D. Location. Occupied as I N, S of AV. 163d st., 250 ft. E. of Ft. Washington ave.... Booth " 2074 Amsterdam ave.Barber :? 2063 vmsterdam ave.Hat cleaning ' 2089 Amsterdam ave.Barber 5 N S "7 VV. 163d st., 10 ft. E. of St. .Nicholas ave.Booth ?'? 2102 Amsterdam ave.Barber 7 2121 Amsterdam ave.Barber s 1093 St. Nicholas a\o.Undertaker 9 Audubon av?;.. 16_th and 169th sts.; main ent. on VV. 163 th st.P. B. 169 10 Audubon ave.. 168th and 16?th sts.; AV. ent. on AV. 169th st.P. a igj II 1219 Si Nicholas ave. . Auto siipplP. ' ?: 2226 Amsterdam ..??? Barb? r 13 HP A '.tul. n av?.Bmbi-oiiienes ELECTION NOTICE il H.T.i ai. Nicholas ave.Barber I? 1242 St. Nicholas ave.Clger? Mi 22H4 Amsterdam ave.Candy 17 2288 Amsterdam uv<-.Barber JS 12S9 St. Nicholas uve.Laundry --J SV. l7Cth st., t..?t. St. Nicholas and AU'luboii ?vuh.; boys' ont.P. H. 115 20 2324 Amsterdam uve.Barber ??? i 2.:90 Amsterdam ave.Tailor 32 SV. 177th st., bet. St. Nicholas and Audnbon uves; hoys' ent.P. 3. MS 2.1 262 Audubon ave.Barbar 21 1375 St. Nicholas ave.Barber 25 41S7 Broadway .Ladles' tallo. 26 4 1 Northern ave.Laundry 27 i Northern ave.Tailor 28 865 vv. ikoiii st.Stationery 29 E. S. of Northern ave , 100 ft. X. of SV. I 7aI )i st.Boot !i 30 461-67 Ft. Washington nvo.Ofllce ;: i 702 SV. ISlst st.Tailor 32 4241 Broadway .Laundry 33 ?V a. of SS . I79th st., 225 ft VV. of Broadway .Booth 3 i 421V! Broadway .Laundry 35 i; i t sv. 180th st... .Community House ::.; r.oi VV. 179th Ht.Tailor 37 655 SV. 181SI .Laundry ;;-, S\ idswo th n v., I82d and 183d sis . i: ent. on VV 1-2.1 j,|.P. S. 13 2 ?9 2510 Amst'-rdarn ave.Vacant .?n i 199 at. Nli li?las ave.Barbor 41 Wadswoilli ave., I82d and 183d sts ; !?;. ent. on VS tSJd .i .p. a. 172 T 1305 Broadway .-,Tl c? 13 1599 St, Nicholas ave.' allot M ' 420 Audubon ave.Barber 15 1572 at. Nicholas ave.Drei 40 1624 at. Nicholas ave...Shoe repairing 47 i>;27 St. Nicholas ave .Candy 1-4 118 Nagle ave.Real estate ?9 156 Nagle ave.Confection, ry 50 149 Dyckman si.?"'.,: ,.l 3800 10th av.?. .Confectionery Broadway, Academy st. and Vermllvca ave.; B. exit 5 on Vcrmilyi a ave .P- ?. ?? 53 Broadway, Acadeuiy st. and Vermilyea ave.; girls' ent. through yard on Academy st.'''.,' :: Mus,.-. .Hail ??.-, .?way ".::::.'.'.;:?????;? ??? 5223 Broadway .Barber 54 VV. 2:171)1 st . (71 il st.. COUNTY OF NEW ?ORK. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Boundaries. Election dlstrii ta an? bounded by and vv ?til?n. First Assembly District. 1st B D._Grand st.. Gouverneur s'.. vision st., Montgomery st., E. Broad D) 3d !?;. D.?Henry st.. .Montgomery et., Madison st. an.! Clinton st. 4th E. D.?Madison st., Montgomery s*. a diagonal line from the corner of Mont gomery and I' .?' Bts to the corner m Gouverneur and Madison sts.. Gouverneur | st , Monroe si. an?! Clinton st. .Mit B H Monroe m. Gouverneur st.. I Cherry st., Scammo] st., Water st., Gouv? erneur slip, East River an.! Clinton ?t. .?th B. D.- A diagonal ut from th.- cor ,1. ?? of Madison and J? ff? 1 -. n sis. to the corner of Henry and Clinton sts., Clinton ?1. East Jilver! Rutgers slip, a diagonal lino from the corner of Rutgers slip and Cherry st. 10 th.? corner ?.;' Jefferson st. and Rutgers pi. and .lefferson st. Till 1;. le Henry st. a diagonal line' from th.? comer of Henry and ('union sts. i ;.i the corner of Madison and Jefferson sts Jefferson bt., Monroe st. ami Rut? gers st. ?-ili B. D.?Monroe st.. a diagonal line from the corner of Monroe st. and Jeffer .,,., st. to it"? corner of Cherry st and Rutgers st Rutgers slip, East. River, Pike ml Pil ?? st 9tli 17. IT Henry st., Rutgers Ft., Mon-; roi ?? . Pike st , Madison st. ot? Birming? ham st. ! ni h I-:. ii Henry st., Birmingham st .1 xi 1 .on ' . Pike si . Pike slip, East Rive r and Mar'..??, st. 11th !?:. le Henry st., Market st., Madi? son si. and ' 'a I hi : Ino st. Tth 17. ! 1 .?. :??:? m st . Market st , ' Havpll?on st. and Catherine st. ?.".?h B. D. Hamilton st. Market st.. East'River, Catherine slip and Catherine at. 14th E. D.?Oak st., Catherine st.. Bast : River, James slip and New Chambers st. 15th !?;. D. Madison st., Oliver si . Henry si., Catherine st., Oak st. and Pearl st. 16th E. D.?Park st., AATrth st., Mai berry st., Park Row. Past Broadway, Catharine ?T Henry St.. Oliver st., Madi? son st., Roosevelt rt . Park Row and Pearl st. ?7th I?;. D.?Chatham scp, Catharine st.' . nd Last Broadway. !Sth E. D.?Canal St., Chrystie st. Divi? sion st. and i low 1 1 I 9th )?. I ' . 'anal st., Bowery. Bay ird st . Baxter st., Franklin st. and Broadway. ' 20th E. D 'rankll t., Baxter st., Bay? ard St., Bowery, Chathi m Square. Park Row, Mulberry ?it. Worth st. and Broad? way. 2! si E. I>. -Worth st.. Park st.. Pearl st.. T'ark Row, Roosevoll st., Madison st.. New Chambers st , Dunne si , Centre st.. Cham? bers st. and Broadway. 22.1 B. D. Chambers st.. Centre st., Lniane ?'t.. New Chambers st., Pearl st.. Oak st.. Roosevelt st., Cherry st.. Pear! st.. Hurling slip. Water st., AVall st.. and Broad? .y. 2.7.1 B. D.?New Chambers st., James slip, Last Liver. Burling slip, Pearl st , Cherry st. and Hoosev. It st. 24th E. n. -AVall st . SVater st.. Burling' slip, Last River, Whitehall st. and Broad- I w a y. 25th E. D. ?Carlisle st.. Greenwich st . ? Thames st., Broadway, Whitehall st East Rlvor, Hudson River and Governors, Ellis, II. dloos an?! i ?\ ?-ter Islands "'.lh E. ! e Harri 1011 st . Hudson ?t . 'fen lin st.. Broadwaj. Thames st.. Greenwich st., Carlisle st, and Hudson River. 27th E. D. 1'.mal st.. Broadway. Frank- ; lia s... Hudson st., Harrison st. and Hud-: son River. *? 28th !?:. D.?Broome .st., Broadway, Canal st. and Sullivan st. 27th E. D.?Broome st., Varick st. Spring st., Sullivan st., Canal st. and Hudson st. 30th E. D.?Spring st., Greenwich st , Validant st.. Varick st., Broome st., Hudson st., Canal st. and Hudson River. 31st E. D.?Charlton st., Macdougal st. Spring st. and Varick st. .".2d [?:. B.?Charlton st., Hudson st., King st., Macdougal st.. Charlton st., A'arick st , A'andam st. and Greenwich st. 33d E. D.~ Clarkson st., Hudson st., (.harlton st.. Greenwich st., Spring st and Hudson River. 34th E. D.?Clarkson st., Carmino ?t.. Bedford st.. VV . Houston st.. Macdougal st.. King st. and Hudson st. 35th E. D.?Christopher st., Greenwich st.. Barrow st.. Hudson st., Morton st.. 7th ave., Bedford st.. Carmine st., Clarkson st. ami Hudson River. (Tie.'1 fr V? ,fh,stopher sr? Hudson st., Grove st., Bedford st., Commerce st., 7th ave., Moi ton st., Hudson st., Harrow st. and Greenwich st, 37th E. IT Christopher st., Bleecker st I s?.^id Hud2onesrtCe "'" ?"?"'"?-'?'"?? Grove 38th B. le AS. 10th st.', Greenwich st Bleecke?"sL'~ChHSt0Pher St" 7th ave' and Second Assembly District 1st. E. !> -Catharine st , East Broadway i Market si and Henry st. ; ,.?.,",:! .?** "' -Catharine st.. Division st.. hrystie st., Canal si.. Division st Mar ket st. and Bast Broadway, Bt3and' IT.^u'^'? St- Dlvls,on *-?? Ganal st. a rid Last Broad? a?. 4th E. D.?Market st., East Broadway 1 llnton st. .......1 Henry st ., Ur.'C: !.'' ';-"" '? st" rT',n'1 "t., Clinton! si . East Broadway and Canal st , btn E-, -> "Division st., 1'anal .st., Lud low si . Broome st. and Essex m ' rth E. D. Grand st., Allen si , Broome st Eudlow st Canal st and Eldridge st ' bth E. U Grand st., Eldridge st Canal st. and Chrystie st. Dal i 9th E. D. Broome st . Forsyth st.. De lancey st.. Eldridge st., Broome st Allen st., Grand st. and Chrystie st. ? 10th B. U. -Rivington st., Orchard et '??. :" st., Eldridge st., Delancey st and Forsyth st. nth E. D.?E. Houston st., Ludlow st Broome st., Orchard st., Stanton st. and Allen st. 12th E. D.- Stanton st . Orchard st , Riv? ington st and Forsyth st. L'th B. H r. Houston st.. Allen st. Staftton st. and Chrj stto st. ?tii E. !? Stanton st. Forsyth st ' !'?? .?on... .-1 ., nd l'lin stie ; I 15ih E. D.? Princi st. Bowery, Stanton st, Chrystie st., Delancey si. Bowery ^;.''!!ii4 st. ..n.i Ellza beth st ICth B. !. -Grand st., Bow< ry Delanc ??? st. Chrystie st., Canal st., Bowery Hes 1er st., a nd EU: abeth st. '?''?? E. H. ,Grand -i . Elizabeth st., Hester at.. Bowery, '..'ana: st. and Lafayette a*M I8th E I'. Broome st., Lafavette. at , ; ('ana! st and Broadway. 19th E. D.??spring st., Mulberry st.. Grand s' Lafayette st., Broome at. and Sullivan st. 20th E. D.?Prince st., Elizabeth st. Spring si, Bowery, Grand hi. and Mul- ? berry st. 2lst E H.?E. Houstun st.. Bowery, Prince st.. Mulberry st., Spring st. and Broadway 27.t E. D Great Joncs st.. E. 2d st. f.i av.?.. Chrystie st.. Stanton bt.. Bowery. E. Houston st. Hill Broadway. 23d B. D.?E. 4th st., 2d ave., H. 3d tt Great J?rns st. and Broadway. 24th E D SS'. ;trd s:,'. Broadway, Spring st. and Thorn! son St. 25th E. D ?VV. 3d st., Thompson st., ' Spring st. and Sullivan st. 2tith E. D. ? Macdougal st., AV. Houston st., Hancock st.. Ble?cker ?st.. Macdougal st.. AV. 3rd? st., Sullivan ?t. and Spring ?t. 27th E. D.?7th ava., Bleecker st., c..: mine st.. 6th ave. VV. 3rd st., Macdougal' st., Bleecker st., Hancock st., AV Houston; . ?I ."..:.? 9| 2-iib E. ]>.- Bleecker st. 7th ave. VV. ELECTION NOTICE 4th st., Barrow st , Washington pi., 6th ave. and Carmine st. Third Asuernbly IHstrlrt lFt K j)__vv. 1J th st.. Oreeirwleh *' . Perry st., Hudson st. Charles ?t. Oreen wiili st . W. Hit h st. und Hudson River 2d E D. Hank St., Dl??-?ker st , Charles St., Hudson St., Perry ?t. and Greenwich *' 3d E. D.- -Bank ?t., W. 4th st , W. 11 ? h st , nrl4th ? T>. AV'. J2th St., AVashinsrinn St., Bethune st., 8th ave.. Hank st., Greenwich st.. W. llth st. .-?ni Hud-son River, , /-.?i, a |, Jan* Bt . Hudson st.. Bethune st.. Washington st., VV. 37'ih st. and Hud? son River. , ,,,1, B i,.__w. 12th St., 8th av?. and Tfud S.'ll st. 7th __, P dansevoort st., Hudson st., .Jan ? st. and Hudson Rlvei Mil K. P. AV. Mth St.. *'h 8Ve.. h st.. Hudson st., Gansevoort st, and Hud? son River. ,, ... Oth E D - W, 16th st., a dl ?. rrom '.h- corner of 9th ave . VV. 16th st !,, ?th ave. und VV. Pli ?1 . 8th ave , W 14th st. and irn,P..?i River . 10th E. D vv. :.Ph st., "th ave., w. 14th ... und 8th ave. llth E. D. A dl tgoi ,1 line from be I corner of 8th ave. and vv. ICth st. to the corner of 7th ave and W. 16th Bt., W. I Htli st. and 8th ave. 12th K. D.~ A diagonal ?ino from the i corner of 8th ave. and W 16th st to the : < urn? r ,-f 7lh ave. and VV 17th ?t., Ph avc. arrd a diagonal line from til" corn?r 7th ave and W. 16th st. to 0)0 corn i of kih ave. and VV. 16lh st. 13th !?:. P - W. 17th st . Ph ave., a diag? onal line from ?he corner of Sth vv 17th st. t.. the corner of 9th <??.<? and VV I6th st . and 9th ave. i ith B. P. VV 19th st., i ' h ave . a diagonal line from th.rnei of 10th ave. and AV. 1S tli tl. to the corner of 9th ave. ? and AV. 17th st . '.'th ave., \v. 16th Hudson Rlv? r. 16th B. !'. W. I8th st. a diagonal line from t ho corner of 9th ave. s nd ? st. t?> ')?? corner of 8th av?- and VV. 17th st., AV. 17th si and a dlagn i fr? m the comer ?f 9th ave, and VV. 17th st. to th? .-'?I nei ..; 10 h ai ??. and W. 18th si l 6th 1-7 l - VV ! Ith si . a diag ma lln? from 11-- coi ne of ' ? ii . v? . ami VV. : ' th at. t., tii- corner of 9th ave. and W JSth St.. VV. i*th ?1 and -"'i; ?" 17th B. 1' A diagonnl line from the i- of ;?' h ; ve and VV 18th .p to th? r-ornn of 8th ; ? ? and W l!'th st., Sth a a nd :: liagonal line I am the ? .,: n? r of 8th avc. and XV. I Tib Pt to the i ave. and VV. 18th st. 18th E. D.- VV. 19th st., 7th ave, a diag? onal line from the corner of 7th ave. and XV, 17th st. to th? corner "i 8th ave. -?n.i AV. i Ot h st. ai I Sth n ve. 10th E. ?' "? 20th st., 7th av?., TV ; th st, and a diag nal te from the coi n i Mh ave. and VV. 19th st. to tho corn i ? I ?)th ave. and W. 20th st. ?_0th E. D. W. 20th st., a diagonal line from the corner of 9th ave ami W. 20th st. to the corner of Sth ave and VV. 19th Bt . VV. 19th st. and Hudson River. Ti?si 10. P.?A diagonal line from the corner of 9th a-.e. and AV. 20th St. to the corner of 8th a ?- and VV. '.".st st.. thence ,i . igonal lin? from the corner ??f 8th a'. and vv. 21st si to the c? r. ?- of 7th ave. and AV. 20th st., and VV. pith st. _;M E. I ? \ diag in i: : ne f. comer of 81 h avc. a nd VV. 21s! it to tl . ,rn? - .d 7th .-.-? ? and XV. 22d St., ?I und ?, diagonal lln? ft i 7th ave. and vv. 20th si rner o? ? li a ve. and VV. 21st St. P'd i: D. W J. tl Bt., 7th av? . a di? agonal line from the corner of 7th av? and vv. 22d si to th? corner of 8th ave and AV. 21st St., and ?.! b .. . 24th B. D.--W. 22d St., Sth ave, AV . 21st st., ami 9th ave. .'?'?tii E. ii?VV. .1st st., 10th ave., AV. 22d .-t.. 'Jl'ii ave. VV 21st -' . a diagonal i :?. from the cornes ol Bth ave. and VV. 21st st. to the corner ? <:' Ph ave. and W. 20th Bt., VV. 20th st. and Hudson River. E. D VV. : ith -' , 10th ave , AV. 21st si and Hudson River. 27th 1-7. D VV. : id st , ith ave.. AV. 22d st. and 10th ave. 2Slh E. D.?VV. 24th fit., S;h ave.. VV. 2: d st. and 10th .?:-. e. 29th E !> '.'. 26th St., 7th ave.. AV. and Sth 30th J-7. IP A dis ? mal line from the corner of l Ot li a ve -, :. i VA 7' Ith si ? n .??:? of 9th a ????. and V. . 251 a st.. V. s? , s?h ave, and VV. 24th st. 31st E. IP vv. 26th st., 8th ave., AV. ! 2-?th st.. a diagonal line from the nf VV. 2Gth s;, and 9th ave. to tii- cornei of AV. 774th st. and 10th ave. ami avc 32d E. D.? W. 27th st.. Sth avc. VV. 26th st. and 10th ave. .,".i E. P A diag? "??! une frorn the corner of 9th ave. and VV. 27th st. to the corner of Sth ave. and VV 28th st. to tl corner of Mh ave. and VV. 281h st., Sth ave., W. _'tth st.. 7th ave., VV. 26th si , 8th avo. and AV. .7th st. 34th E. 1>. VV. 29th st., Sth ave., B diagonal line from the corner of 8th ave. and VV. :Pth et P. the corner of 9th ave, and VV. 27th hi. and 9th ave. 35th E. D. W. 30th st., 9th ave., W. .'7th st. and 10th av... 36th E. n. -v diagonal lino from the ? orner of 9t h ave. and V ilsl to thi corner of Sth ave. and VV. SOI h si , Bt li ave., AV. 29th st. ami 0th av? 37th E. D..VV. p'd st.. '.'th avc. AV. 30th st.. Huh ave., av. 29th st. and Hud? son River. 38th E. D. VV, 34th st.. 9th avc. VV. '7 72 < 1 st. and Hudson Ri. 39th E? P VV. 36th st., 10th avc . XV. 36th st., PU ave., w. 34th st. and Hud? son Rlv? ?? 40th E. IV?W. 35th et.. 8th ave , . ;;.:?mal line from the corner of 8th ,,-.?? and VV. soth st. to the comer of 9th ave and VV. 31st st.. and 9th av ? list E. D VV. 34th st.. 7th ave. VV 29th st. and Sth avc P'i E. 1?. -VV. 37th st.. 7th ave.. W 34th st., 8th avc, VV 36th st. and Itl 13d B : .. V dlagona '. line f i iff of i m n a ve. and VV 35th st toi corner of 9th ave. and VV. 36th st VV 361 h., ??;. - i. ave. ai ? VV. Ptn at ; Ith 17. D.- VV. 37th ?? 9th ave son?I lln > froi I ?rner of 91 li and VV. 36th st to the corner of 10th ave ?in i VV ... P; si , : tit ii ave., W. 36th . I and Buds m River 45th ::. I>. -VV. 38th st.. Sth av. , v. 37th st. and 10th a i ? 46th B. 1' - VV. 40th st., llth ave., VV 39th st., 10th ave.. VV. 37th St. and !lu?ls..i. River. 17th E, H -VA, 30tb St.. Sth ave., YV 38th st. and 10th ave. 48th B. I ?. VV. 10th st., a diagon from tho corner of 10th avc and VV 10 h st. to the ,-orner of 9th ave. and VV. 39th st., VV. 30th st. and llth ave. 49th E D.? VV. 40th st., 8th ave.. VV. ? 39th st. and a diagonal line from the corner of 9th av.?. and AV. 89th st. to the corner of 10th ave. and W. 40th st. Fourth Assembly District 1st E. D.?Gouverneur slip, Scammel St., ' Cherry st., Jackson st. and P7ast River. 2d E. D.?Jackson st., Madison st.. Grand st.. Mangln st.. Brunir... st , Tompkins ?.., Delancey nt. and East River. 8d E. D.?Oouverneur st., Madison at., Jackson st. and Cherry st. 4th E. D.?Gouverneur st.. Division st (?rand st. and Madia in bt. E. D.? Sheriff st., Broome st.. Man? gln st. o nd Gran : st. 6th )?: P Delancey st.. Tompkins st Broome st . Lewis st.. Delancev st Goei st., Rivlngton st. and East Ri"v? r 7th E. 1? Rivlngton st., Goerck st., Ile lancoy st., Lewis st., Stanton st. and Ea River. 8th E. D Cannon st.. Plant?,n st Lewis st. and Broome st 9th E. L).?Columbia st. Stanton si Cannon st. and Broome st. 10th E. D. -VVilji t st., 1 ?? lan ? y Bt Sheriff st., Stanton st., Columbia s' au Brunn,., st. llth E. I).?Pitt st . Delanccy st., Willett st., Broome st . Sli ?riff st. and Gr ind st. I2th E. D. -Attorney st.. Broome st Ridge st., Delanccy st., Pitt st. and st. Pth E. D.?Attorney st., Delancey at , Suffolk st., Rivlngton st., Rldge si. and Broome st. 14th K D?Rldge st., Rivlngton et Sheriff st. and i?. lancey st. I5th E. D Pitt st., Stanton st.. Sheriff st and Rivlngton st. ICth E D.- Clinton st., Stanton st., Pitt et. and Rivlngton st. I7th E. D Attorney st., E. Hou.-'on st , Sheriff bt. and Stanton st. 7Sth E. D.- Suffi,?k st.. E. Houston st. Al I ?i n? -. st. and Stanton st. 19th E, D -Norfollc St., Ptanton st Clinton st.. Rivlngton st., Suffolk st. ?nd ! lelancey st. ? E. 1?. Clinton st., Broome st., >,'. r : ' ?? Delancey st., Attorney st. and Grand st. 7.1st. E. D Essex st., Broome st., Clin? ton st. and Grand st. 22d E. 1? Ess? x st . Stanton st., Nor? folk st. and Broome ?t 23d i-7. D.?Ludlow st., Stanton st.. E? sex st. and Broome Fifth Assembly District 1st E. D.?VV. 42d st.. ?>'h ave., VV. 40th st. and 9th ave. -d B. P VV. ! Id st.. gth ave. AV. 42d ?'-t. and a diagonal Une from t h '.th ave. and vv I2d it. to the corn.r ..f lOth ave. and VV. 43d I 3d E. D. A diagonal line from tiie Tur? ner of llth ave. and XV. 42d it. ?.., the coi ner . of 1 (it)i ave. and AV. ; ' thence a diagonal line from the cornei i : 10th ave. and vv. 43d Bt. to the corner of '.dh ave. ant VV. 42d ut . thence a diag? n line from the corner of 9th ave. and VV ?)7.'d at. to the corner ?if 10th ave. au?l vv. i. ? it, i Oth ave. and vv. 42d st. 4th E. D.?A ,diagonal line from the corner of 10th ave. and VV. 41st si to tl corner uf 9th ave. ami AV. 4.'d st., 9th av.- . VV. 40th st. and 10th av-. 5th E. P W. 43d St.. llth ave., VV. 4.1 st., loth ave., VV. loth st. an.l Hudson River. 6th E. D VV. 4lth st. 10th ave., a diagonal i?n-' from the ?orner of VV. . st. aril loth ave, t?> the corner of vv. 42d nt. and llth avc ami llth avc 7th E. D vv 46th st-, a dlagon from the corner of v, . 46th - and llth m?-, t.. th. corner of VV. 45th st. amt'ioth ave., 10th avc< VV. 44th st., llth av... VV. 43d St. and Hudson River. nth E. D? VV. 473th st.? 9th ave.. VV. 44th st. ami 10th ave. 9th E. D --W. 44th St., 9th av?., VV. .3d st. and 10th ave. 10th E. D?A diagonal lln? from the I corner of '?th ave and VV !7,th st to the corner of sth me and vv. 44th st . 8th ELECTION NOTICE t. ' . ? * * llth 1 Mi tr? w I2th E. 1 corner of 81 ' of 8th of '..t. . 12th B. D i ?t.. ?th ar? w. ) ('b fi ' '" ? I .. ' I7th I ' ? ? ? ' ? ? ' ' T ?... jgfh E. D.? i te '?.f ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ?;?'? tonal lio? ? S '-r, ? ?. ??... - 14 fi ' ' 19th - * ' . - 25th E. D '?. ? ' i th? -'.??. " ?th ?* Ith ave., W. ; li S a '? ??. ?h? Hi E - ? ? W E. 1 ' ' rom the ? IE i ?*. vh T \ I St '' 50th ' ? - St I - , ? . ' ' K i ? ' ??Hi i . \V ? . a J ' ave., IV . .i dl?g th tv< ?r.i : ?? : ". ?. w. ? ?oth '*? 44tn ?:. : .h. . . . I h a ml ? ? ? ? . ? 47th 1 ? : ? : . | .'? G. 11 - ? SV ii ! si . ? I rn ? va, ster?. ?n?r . ? ? ?? ' ? .m av?, - Sixth Assembly DUtrlet ; ? ; ; ith i ? 1}- I' ?L.erck at. 1st E. 1' L 4' i ?? . ... st_r,. )on "*' i... E. Houston at. anJ Lewis st. .. - - lj? " Q erc_ at i st and ( an ion st. . 3d '?'-? ' ' C-.non at Slant, n Bt ( ?,. *th E !? ; ewlj ?t. a ? I ?. ? 5th E. D . t :;? D. EL I<1 ' ,,6::i E Avenu? P. E. ? 7th 1 In? from tin it to tin ?: h I tha ? B ? ; . a h ? ? ? ? ?. ? ?... ? - ???.-.- I Til si I ? I " ' D.?E. ? D. ? ? ' D, i: nth ? C E ? AV? IiU" A ' th ?t.. Avenu? C, *? 14tii ?t an?! t.. East Rive -? ur.'. ivi nu? A. ? \. a - it and A?a nue 1. -.i. ith V --. ? blj DlHtrlet 1st E ..-..? I'1 ? 2d E. 'ark W??t. lu I the cornet . ,11 ?V-. 4th i V. 5th E - *?e w* -,l 1't'i " ' - **? ? ' Til L ? . dam .??a ar** '?'. Huh E. D sv ??Tarn ?*?? AV. 67th st ind ilu llth E. I' ? nib"? *r*t AV. fifth t: . SV ?7'.h ?? ?**? Amsterdam -i^?.