Newspaper Page Text
ELECTION NOTICE AV. 142d st.. Hamilton rl. nn<*. Amsterdam av?. 2d V. P.- VV. 145th st.. Amsterdam ave., AV . 144th st. and Rroadwn*, . ?'"!, ??' P-.W. 14"7th ?p. Amsterdam ave.. w,.145th st.. Broadway, w. i44th st. and l2tli a\e. ? 4th P. IV- AV. 148th st.. Convent ave., w, st. and Amsterdam avo. ?. , Pi " "vv- 1,:"i st., Amsterdam ave., av. i4t,th st. ami Broadway. 6th E p.?-a diagonal line from the ror net of AA. 117th st. and Broadway to the corner of VV. PiMh at. and Amsterdam ave., Amsterdam ave. and AV. 147th si 7th E. D.?W. 14Mh st.. ft diagonal une rro'.u tl-.e corner of VV. 148th st. and Am? sterdam avo. t?. the corner of VV, I47th st. and Broadway, Broadway. VV. I4t?tli st. and Hudson River. 8th 15. D.?A diagonal line from the i orner of Av. 148th st.? and Broadway to tho corner of VV. 149th St. and Amsterdam ave.. Amsterdam ave. and VV. 148th st. 9th E. IV--VV. 149th st.. a diagonal line from tho corner of Amsterdam ave. and Av. 149th st. to the corner of Broadway and VV. Usth Bt., AV. 14-th st. and Hud? son River. 10th B. D.?AV. 161st St.. Broadway. AV. 14,'?i st. and Hudson River, Uth B. IS- AV. 150th st.. Amsterdam ave., vv. 14f? i h st, and Broadway. 12th **. p v\ . | it at., Convent ave.. W. 14SP?. st. and Am lerdam ave. '3th 15. D.?XV. 151st st., Amsterdam (iv-.. w. 150th st. and Broadv ty. 14th E. P.- A diagonal line from the of Rivi rside I irlve and W. IBIsi Ht. to the corner of Broadway and vv. pvjd s'.: theme p.,,- from the ? orm r ..: P nd VV. 132.1 st. to r of A iam ave. und AV. 151st t*. an i sv ? ti st. 15th 17. i? -VV. l.T.l st., Amsterdam ave., ?nd a diagonal line from the corner of and VV. 151st st.. to the ? orn. r of Bi .adway and AV. 1 2d st. ' . 177.1 s .. St. Nicholas ?-- Convent ave., vv. liist st. and Am? sterdam ave. 77th 15. D.?AA*. 17.7.1 st . Amsterdam ave.. A'. . ::d ; ,. and Bi iadway. 18th B D -.' 153d Bt., Proadway. a 1 nal 1 : .rnor of Broad ? T and VV" 152d st. to ihii corner of Rivei ?: Drive and \V. 151st st , AV. 131st Si i !!::.!- n R . E U AV. 155th st . Amsterdam ' ' '?'? Nicholas avc , vv. 16 3d ?. ? Ide D Ive. - diagonal er ? :' Ri*. ? . i?1?- Pi vi and .'- . . the corn. i y. a diag liio er i ' ' nlWHV and AV. ] th. rnor . Vi erdam . and VV. 1551 ii st. 21st E 1 '.- -V .: lagonii ! I!.im t he nd Uroadv/ay to tl .? corner of vv. 167th st. i n ' Amster? dam . ... Amsterdam uve., and a diagonal line the corner of Amsterdam ave. and A'.'. 155th st. to the corner of lit . way and av. 156th st. 27 i E. p.-VV. 157th St., fit. Nicholas ' ?.. AA". 158th sP, Speedway, AV. 165th St., St. Nicholas avo., SV. 150th et. and Am i ? ? ave. I. i? av. 168th st.. St. Nicholas AV. 157th st.. and a diagonal line : m Pie . orn? r of A i a-, ??. and AV. 17.7th st. to tho corner of Broadway and vv. i Till et. 24th E. l? V diagonal line fr0m the ( .m r I vv. l5Sth st. and Broadway to the corner of AV 157th an Amsterdam ave.; thenci a dlag mal lino from the cor? ner of W. I57tii ?'. and Amsterdam? uve. to th ? ?. ? f AV. 15Cth st. end Broad ? :" E. D SV. ;..-?? h st., Broadway, a ? Broadway r nd SS ; ' 71 h st. ti l ho ? orm r " VV. Riven ide I 'rive, .n !.:? er. 2';'.. B. ! ' SV. Broadway, XV 1 Bit h i River. from the diner ? i*. t?. cornei ? : A - : ? and AV. th si i. ? '. lG'.th N'l hoi is .-?..? i ; I :?<:..".:' th. . . ; : : Broadv y an I SV. ; h st. ? ? . ' ? SV ' ' (li .-.? . T ? v iv. VV. las ave., AS'. | ;.: th st. ? 01 h st., A i ? . " I terdam n i way, av, - . 1 !". V e.. V .... . Ill ? . 160i h st., ave., SV. li 1st ... ilarl Mil li ?:.?.? ., AV. 16 51 h River, SV. I.r>3d st., i ? .. , ? ner of SA : st. and '?' . t i. ? : : ? ?n? ? of SV. i nd K1 ... T . : ? st. to 1 com ?>? if Mac I AS 7. Id st., AV. .'.?' ? i liner, VS 149th st. an i fcth 1 st., Sth ave., o agonal I i ? ..:.?' n.?r n f AV. 1 st. and Hi : ? i R.-adhurst ave. :..?,, .... AS' 115th II .'.--. i ' 15. P. ? from th? P: . IllU' ' . t ? : ? ? ? of VV*. 1 ' ' ? ?.,... 8th av?, V l4Stl ' and B II ut it avi . P.?AV. Pi ...i i m r of AV 149th st. and ' ave in r ot vv. i lijl h st. and 8t h e . ?? . . i ? S gonal lino from tin ,,ii. I SS . 1 ?"i 'i st. to the vi :, SA". : ', th ? : ?. SV. nd SV. I4S1 ii st. ?: ! ? SV. 14Sth ?t., Harlem River, V : . . . - ? : . |i . h st., 8th ave, w. ? Hin E. i e SV. 1 , Jiarlem River, '. I7tli '. I ? ? ' ii lern Hiver, ? .... i ? . - . ". I 4 51 h st. lu th th n and VV. A ? !.. : ?... . " 14CI -. i . I . i ave, nd AV. 145th st., SS ? : th st., Harlem River, AT ; ; ' t. n.1 Stl ave. ') v. nt .-.-third A- sen il?'.v District ? I ,. I - ' 1 U'ushii ton . 61th '? /. VV , 16.1 ,. | '.. on avo., VV. 101st s and ! : . '?:.'. . i i : ... SV T I st., Ai V, ? I ;' ? s ngton ave. in River, W, avo. ? :. ' . SV. 16 1th t.. Ha ri. m River, V. i*i . ? : ma ve., . ' , . P SS . IC.'ith '. lerdam ave.. t. i i*. D i liarlo. :.. .S". 1 li 411 S t. N iv 11 (' la s a a n d A 7th ? '. : ? '?S ? I67th l ; ? ave.. AV. 1 avo. : SA'.- 1 . ? ? ? . n ai W.- 167 t!i , Ami av.-., SV , : ave., SI N ve., VV. tC6th ut. and l-'ort ? - - In? ton ave. ; le - a ?n... on i '. lin? trou cor i.? Au lubnn ave. and AV. 16'jlh si th.uei .?'.' un avi . and ss . ? i, si . SS . '. 701 il st., Harlem Rlv. r, W. P.-Mi st., Col ., .i Parkway, SV. H>7th ut. ai Vudubon a \. P. P SA*. !".".st st., Haven ave.. AV. I70th st., Au lui n ave., AV 16?th it., |.*ort ?. ngton ...?-. SV. 1 ? ?t Ii .-1. and Hudson River. lltli 17. IV SV. P.M st., Fort Washing? ton a?. ? . SV. : '.' I -? si . Audubon ave., SV. 17e , ;,... ami liai E. ? AS lt., . ? \ l "AV. 170th st. to the : -, u I ubon Il SV. 172d ' ten?an ui . SV*. I71sl ? ? it'i i-;. i ? '?'? : . i ??? SV l ,'P-i .-t. and P. 11 SS'i shington ... ! . SA 174th st., v i ubon av.?.. VV I72d s? and St. N lClh 17. D. A diagonal II. rner ol VV. r.ith si and Audubon avo. to th. . orn. r of SV 1 [3d si. an I \ ave., Amsterdam ave., SV. 172J st. and Aie 1 7t n 17 P ? VV. 175th St A .... SV. 1- lai si , Il n toi i Ith nt., Ain a.l l.lli ind sv. . t h st.. W. 17 41 and SI N.. , E. P SA*. 177th S' .vol SV". I75th st., ' . . - L ? nui SV. 17 11 a von , AS 171 . : ?? . St S'Ioi ..'?'?' : ' R. D S'. ' th st.. V. ' 1st 1 !'. V .?i ,?. ? 1 Su . ?. ., SV 1 ;. : )i I ?I avo. ; ,i i: p. v th ai to the cm . and AV . SV : - ..? ...:. ? .'..-,. u SV. 17*1 tl ? ... . E. D.?AV. I '-?'. . Il ? ' . ? ' SS . : I?. I . Si . ? J ? ' ? . . . - -'. i ? Il from t lie i ? HI'.- S- I way nd VV l? ith . W. ?' ' h ? ? I ?J n ave V\ . . . '-. .-'.: Pin it.. De) t lane. W 1 Pi? - ?i ave . -A .".J P.- o ave. ELECTION NOTICE 20th E. L- A diagonal line from lb? oornor of Northern ??vc. ?nid XV. lstst st. to the corner of Plnehurst ave. and AV. 180lh st., av. 180th st., Fort Washington avc, W. 170th st. und Northern ave. 80th B. D vv. 181st., Fort Washington ?vc, vv . 180th -t. and a diagonal lino from the corner of W. ISOth at. and Pine hursl ave, lo the corner of VV. ISlRt St? and Northern ?vc 31st !?:. D W. 181st St., a diaconal Una from the corner of VV. 18tst st. .-uni Broad? way to the corner of vv. isoth st. ?and Forl Washington ave., and Fort Washington ave. 32d E. D..-A dhiiTonnl lin? from the corner of AV. potli st. and Fort Washing? ton ??vc. to the corner of vv. isist st. ami l\vny, AV. 182d si., St. ?Xlchola. nvc, vv. 181st.. Wadaworth ave. and VV. 180th st. . ; il. D vv . noth <-.t.. Broadway, W. 17"tli st. and I'urt Washington ave. :<lth B. iv -vv. )7:?ih st., Broadway, vv. isath si Wad8Worth ovo., vv. 178th st.. and a diagonal line from the corner of VV, 178th st. and Broadway to the corner of Fort Washington ave. and VV, 17;?th ?t. 35th 11. ." -XV. ISlst st., Aiidubon ave., VV. 180th st., St. Nicholas ave., W. 179th st. ami VVadsworth ave. "Cth B, lv - VV. l'-i'?th st., Amsterdam ave., VV. )7f?tli it. und St, Nicholas ave. ith B iv W. 182d st.. Aiidubon ave., VV. 183d st., Ahisterdam ave., AV. ixiiih st., Harlem River, VV. 1S 1st st., Amsterdam ave., vv. is..'h st., Audubon avo., VV. 181st st. and St. Nicholas avo. SSth 17 D. w . 184th st., Amsterdam av . VV. 183d St., An,in).un ave., AV. 182d st. ami st. NI? holas a\o. :; 1-7 D .'. diagonal line from the ol W. is?,tii st. and A'j.lnbon ave. to the corner of Amsterdam ave. ami VV. : 187th st., W. iSTth st., Harlem River, AV . Amstei dam ave., VV. 184th at. '? and Auilub'in ??vc 40th B. IV-vv. isoth st., Audubon ave., VV. i-llh st., St. Nicholas ave., VV. 186th ; st. and Wadaworth eve. li O -VV. 187th st., Wadaworth i ave., vv. 185th ?!.. St. Nicholas ave., AV. IP'.i st. and Broadway. 42d 17. I'. A lino !>, ?Pnnlng at a point | nt the Hudson River opposite the northerly end oi Bonn? ;t i ve. an 1 running east to : ave.. Bennetl ave., Broadway, W. t. and Hu Ison Diver. 43d I_. D rairvlevv ave., VVadsworth , VV. 150th ? . VVadsworth ave VV ' ' st., St. Nicholas m ? -.. VV 1861 h si Walsworth ave., VV. 187th st. and Broad 44th B. D -XV. 188th st . Audubon _-. 'A ? ? - ? ;i st., a diagonal line Pom the ?etner ol Amsterdam ave and vv. l.STth st. to tlie corner of Audubon ave and VV. 1.6th st., VV. ISOth st. und St. Nicholas ave. 45th E. D.- VV. moth st., Amsterdam ave.. Laurel Hill Terrace, VV, )57tii at -udul u ave.. VV. issth st. and St. Nich? olas ave. 46th B, D.?Dycktnan st., Harlem River AV., 187th St.. Laurel Hill Terrace, Am? sterdam ave., VV. ivvth st, and St. Nich olas ave. 47th E. D.?Hillside nvc, St Nicholas ave., AV. 191st st., VVadsworth ave.. VV. 190th st., VVadsworth Terrace, Fsirview ave and Broadway. 48th B. D.?Dycktnan et., Vermllvea ave., Arden st., N'agi? ave. Hillside ave. Broadway, Bennett uve, a Une running west from the northerly end of Dennett ave to the Hudson Liver, and Hudson Riuer. I-Vth E. D. ? Academy st., Sherman avo, Dycktnan st . Nagle ave, Arden st. ur.J Vermllyea ave i. 1 ?. XV. P'.ph st . Harlem River, Dycltman st . Shorn an ??vc, Academy at., Nagle a ve. ;? nd Ams un a i c. i VV. 211th st., Harlem River, XV. ""'.ili st., am ave, Nagle ave, Aca dem., st, and Shci nan ave. i 2d i: i ' i p wthoi ? . Sherman av . A id ny st. an Coi per st. ? t? i ? V\ 2 rh st., -? a man ave., V . '. ? ' ','....'. st., lit. : I. i irle River. Mili H [J '. ?. ? ??? ,vay, VV. 2 0 71 h i iv l moot., ave 55th i. ?. VV 211th st., Amsterdam ; P ??? ?un ave, VV, . - ai ' 5Cth E. D . D oadway, il Buy vil Cr, ?.-.-. vv. , g a uan .. ? . and VV. E ' en l luyvil Creek, i ' ! ??? .!? HIN 17. v ?i RUI ' :;VDT, JAMES ? il a y. y. ::?", sti iN. i of Elc tlona O tober 2. INSTRUCTION [ ,??ww?*_r?.i_wf__r?rirr-oT.. ^^-cT:?a_r-=.?^T__r-^?w*i?--*_A Berkeley-Irving SCHOOL for BOYS 31 ! West Eighty-third Stre? l A School n?here the highest edit .,.,'.?' nal i.Irais have been success? fully practiced for ,'.) years "From Primary to College" Small rl?i?ocs am] individual instruc? tion. Swimming Poo!, Gymnasium and Roof ? und, all on ihc pr< mises, per? mit properly supervised sport and athletics t!:at develo] mentally and 1 hysically. S| -. i.d preparation tor V st Point, Annapi lis, and all Colt? : \%. Super? vision from 8: 50 A. M. lo 5 P. M., ?i desired. Afternoon Outing Classes, ; ? .. ???,: : ,! ? v. ..'..? on " rqu, si Ol'IS D , i . : . I i: I . . ? ? ,.????. ; ICYLEIi Increase Earning Capacity Wr^m ryyy ? vi V '' ? Prof? i: nal C ?un a i ? ? 4 ' " k / .' T . ': ?? m, ? ' f toi i and ! '""'?'"'.' "" i n?l h ' '?' ??? ? ' ' ' ? L... .A.? . } ? ? HUIS. ALLEN'S SCHOOL of GOOD COOKERY HAMILTON ?a. INSTITUTE W New home, : 3 I W?.st 86th 5?. Opens Oct. 6. fkimahv ?. avi.MAi; Hull ? o'.ii, PCI ? ' i. ' ! ?? ? ' ?? V ?: ?? 7 COLL' 15 rtv: ? .p.p ivuh i._.t si ie ui nxo ( i A SI - NEW PP;"' f_R ORY CENTERS THeYnSTITUTEo. ' ' L'ART FRANK DAMROSCH, Director .MM ItSITV v.,: ? ?: - . ;n i :, ?ili?'l D?S riiit? ut i:.-, ii Ave. ?,i 'i ni it.w * : i i v i. i : ?.,;..!, : fur . . ?al Art, i en '? ?? . ?s'uvv Xork City. HAMILTON INSTITUTE IM sUw$ niversidc Drive, corner 90th Street, ? ? ? ? : i Mini tor am :. ' 21 ?_",_^rrv i , 15? WEST IM't ?-IP i p N.iv York im N ;" .i no.. Primary umi .. . t-.":oo!s. l*i i ? tl.tli licjriii- Monday, ^<-iit. '-Ttia. . AV YORK ELECTRICAL SCHOOL <2 vv. " ? ?' i 7 : ? ; CI [OX! ; ' L US t: : ?WAD-SO;, AVE. 10c r- o k_i-.... [at i., i<>, ?i jea w '!? ? a ! . .?Ii-?. re. Miff s .:?? ?? . ? klj ?i. i c?rt*vii> 10 LI -? - NS $8 PR1VATK '.V--. .5 '\ \t TO il r. M. *.? i _j ruiNXU-ktU LAWS OF NEW YORK ONE Explanation.?Mailer In (fnHes I? new; matter In bracket? f ] Is old law to be omitted, STATE OP NEW TOIIK, Office of tho Secretary of State, Albany, ./tilt/ 1. 1*20. Pursuant to the provisions of section one cf article fourteon of the Constitution of i lie Slate of New York, und section two hundred ninety-five of the Election Law, notice is horeby given that the following proposed amendments to sect lona two, ? four, five, eleven and twelve of article seven of tho Constitution of the State of New Vork will bo submitted to tho people for the purpose of voting thereon at tho next general election to be held on the second day of November, nlnotoon hundred und twenty. ERANPIS M. HUGO, Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE Concurrent Resolution of the Senate ?nd Ssaembly Proposing to Amend Sections Two, Pour, Plvo, Eleven and Twelve of \rtlcl Si - ?n of .the Constitution, in Relation to- Debts Contracted by the Slate. Section 1. Resolved (If the Assembly concur), That sections two, four, five, eleven and twelve of article seven of the Constitution bo amended to read as fol? lows. ? 2. The state may!, to meet casual d : - ts or fallures^n revenues, or for px p ns, ?i not provided for, contract debts; but such d Ids, direct or contingent singly or li Rale, shall not at any time CXi ?-? ?: on" ' lllion of dollars; and the moneys arising from the leans creating such debts shall be applied to the purpose for which they were obtained, or to repay the debt bo contracted, and to no other it ? whatever.] contract debts in antici? pa ion of the receipt of taxes and revenues, direct or indirect, tor the purposes and with in the amounts of appropriations theretofore bonds or atht r obi? ' ? for th< i so borrowed shall be .?.vied as man be provided laj ?av, cal .?.'in!' it* if ft the. inter? est thereon be paid from such taxes and m cnucs within one i/car from the date of issue. S 4. Ex. ? pt tho .?.-lits specified in sec? tions two and three of (Ids article, no debtfs] shall be hereafter contracted by or in behalf or this Btate, unless such debt shall i?i? authorized by law, for some single ir oh ?.-,;. to be distinct ly si ei Hied ! herein. | \'o such <:? bl h i a uthor ? bo contracted for n period longer than '1 it of i he i roba bio life ol I ho ???. orl or ol ? - i for which tho d?lit I to lie con I -to bo i ral laws I conclusl more lhan flflj ? i f? om t ho ici Ing of such debt, A : debt hereafter contracted by the state, j pursuant to an authorization hereafter n ide, und each portion of any such debt from time to time so contracted, muy, if I rovidod by tho law authorizing such ?lebt, | be paid in equal annual Instalments, the flrsl of which Bhall bo payable not more than one year, and the lasl of which shall i bo payable not more than fifty years, after such debt or portion thereof shall have ? boon contracted. Such law shall if it au th ? ??? the contracting of a debt payable otherwise than in equal annual Instalments Impose and provide for the collection of a , direct annual tax to pa v. and sufficient to: pay, tho Interest on such ??.lit ?a it fails, due, and also to p.' and discharge the: principal of such debt within fifty years from the time of the contracting thereof. 7\*o law authorizing tho contracting of a ileht pursuant to this section shall take (r?'? ?I until it shall, at a B neral election. have been submitted to tho peopki, and hat ?? rei eived .- m ijoi It y of all t he votes cast for and : ?? Ins! i! al such elei Ion ? n ' he final pi go . f such bill in either lure, the question sha 11 bo 1.1 ken l>v .?. j es a nd i. to be duly en? ter. .1 on the . .urn Is th roof ?? nd sh b : II thi bill p tnd .iv lit ? lie same to recolvi the i net Ion of the people?" No shall lak . ? ' -.i ? '?' ' ? hall, at a . i, hot?. ' ? n ? ?bi tltli d to tin da .'???.''?/ of "" .- ? ? fi , ? ? for olid ? ? ' it rtf '?"'.' ? ? T .? v, r . ? T ? .-? I/ivre i ' . ? ? ? ?ts pas.? ape nor at? am ?? al riet hen any other ? it- or ???"? bill ' ' all b ? d- <tti ri to be ? t ? tor or at/a nut. Th I ! turo i t any i Imo after t h ai of such 1 ?? ;?.- -, ;,.. pe? pic, if no (I bl shall havi bei n contracted In ; u ? thoi of, r? peal the ; ? any 11nn , liy la w . forbid ... 0f . ? . debt or Ha? il li :. w. [bul the tax, if any, . i | v - ; ?.. . - i ? : : ; i , ? I liabilit ?. v hi h ma- h ' con ? , ...?,..? hall n n fore, ind be ;: r< peu In blc a nd bo : ? cn'Ii led, until t ?le i thereol miuli the provision hei be for 1 to pay and cha rge L and p ... ... , I , f su. ir di I?! and ! ly. ! T the debts specified 1n set ions two e of this arth , all ib-bts i ntraetrd ?-.'.? ...... . . ? i ? ; ? ?.made each i,oi such debt from time to timt Uve of the terms atttl n. shall be paid in < aual Is, the ? ' of which : ? -? ' T-?- ? - ? [/. i oui near, and i ' c ? ? ' - ; . al tot more than a . a .' '. it or portion (fti reof ' " T . .'?. ?traded. No stich d '?' ft i m that . ? obable life ? .!? /?: ". ' / . general ? ? . n hall be t '? ?? . ? i, - . - :, ?.??,,...?. ? I suant to t It, . iis of 1 ft is sect io r ! of. .such debt, l ?' . ? b ? - [ of such debt 01 bond ? ? thereof a hich has all be i ! i issued befo such '?? he i.e.n.?.- r. rising from a i v loan ror ? ? liabilitv shell . I to the work or object spi In the a. t auth iri ? sui h d. bt oi liabil. r for I i yimnt i such del oi - - ? bl!H y, i nd : or no oth ? ; iri ose whatevi ? i. in : bo . abi ill ted lo b - ? i on within Ihres i h i ter r > or at any ? ? I election win n ?... sub? i? b voted for or acalnnt. '1 he log ? ??? priiviilii for tin iue lion e state to run I ? ? . ? but inn ..-'? ! and shall I nipos ? ? ? ? . : ? lection of a. direct - | - ?ir. SV'1-.eii n dn ,??. ? lit the debt for wl ? ci ? od. no 1 ' . eel .??. ha lie levied n Llio logii due Ihe ' < ? ? an amount , | , .. . |Cii ,-. ;.? ? ? ' Imo to time alter tl rat" of intercut to b pa Id upon an; slat? '. bt, w hi. li has !?? en or may be - - : ' - lisions of till ....... ch debt, ? . -, the ru f interest Lb It? -i n ? ? ? of such evider. i ? '?. oration. In tho 1 ? ? ?1 '. ? ' .: ? r in ? up l- i h rwlsi ..... ? ? tien of a . ? ! : ? rest on ich . . . to l ind dis ? i ? i ? ? : . - h debt within fifty year fron .ft he conl ? cting ? ' : : . i ? ? annually to ?.??in.-, mount suf i..... . ? ? . -, e I . and i Tin . ' ' If. nt of inn ; ? ? t and > he e ?tlngulsh : nt of tho l pal of the debts of th ? , ? . u.-frd shall b ? hall kepi und ,- ? th ' ? appropriated oi u ? mam inn-; i ? provided .,.-.??? ii i ; shall .- ?- ; held fot ? ,. ut their fa i ?'.?' '-';.? ? con .,.? .'?." in-, fft. o it i on if of ? ? 's and tl hielt, ... , . ontributcd to i > I with the .... ? ?'"- e. o if ri? ll:- reto, < ...? T? ?; n( tl ? rate of three per ? 'iroiiiire nt tin - ii i tl created, and i ' ?., I ft even ? i. "i.? contribution to eacl - fund J ? ch year of at I i'l on?; I a sum ? 'h tl retire thi . ' ? ? i ?... v ? ! < ? -i - losses a ? ? ,-??'. in. ri, ? lived , ? be a ted to .... - ' ?? i of tl ?tate, f which sinl exel ... ? . s%ftion j ' ? n Id . ... ?ft. (il ?? I ? I and tin I ? it of the S ' - ? - , . moneys ? ? i . : ' of any hereafter ere f. and may, if sui ? ? - ?i : - Ch fi! - '.?--: . i pay and d LAWS OF NEW YORK debt heretofore or hereafter created under section four of urtlolo seven of the consti? tution until the oamo shall lin wholly paid, nml the principal and Income of mich ?Ink? ing fund shall be applied to the purpose for which said sinking fun?! I? created an?i to no other purpose vvhatover; and, In tlin event such moneys BO set apart In any fiscal year be sufficient to provide mich linking fund, a direct annual tin for such year need not bo imposed and collected, as required by the provisions of said section four of article aovan, or of any law enacted In pursuance thereof. The legislature shall annually as the sumo shall fall due provide by direct tat, appropriation or both fur the paymcnl ??f the Interosl upon and In? stalments of principal of all debts created on behalf of tho ?unte, payable In annual Instalments, pursuant to section four of article seven, or of any law enacted In pursuance thereof 1 The legislature shail annually pr?vido by appropriation for tits payment of Ihr interest upon (iml Instalments of principal of all debts created on behalf of thr state except those contracted under sec? tion tiro of this article, as the name shall fall dur, and for the contribution to a? of thr sinking funds heretofore created by lato, (if thr amounts annually to be contributed under the provision, of section five of this article. If at nut/ fim?- the legislature shall (all to make any sudi appropriation, the comptroller shiUl set apart from thr first revenues thereafter received, applicable h> thr general fund of the state, a sum sufll ci, nt t., pay s, ch internst, instalments of principal, ?>r contributions to such sinking fund, as tin- case may be, and shall so apply thr moneys thus set apart. The comptroller may be required to srt. aside and apply such revenues as aforesaid, at the suit of any hold? r of such bonds.. 5 12. Debts hereafter authorized for the Improvement of highxoays shall he created only m the manner provided in section four of this article. No provision of this article shall be dct.ned to impair or affect the validity of any debt of thr state hereto/ore contracted or my right or obligation hereto- i fore created between the state and any of its cli : divisions. | A debt or debts of tho state may b? authorized by law for the Improvement of | highways. Such highways shall bo deter? mined und.-r general I.uva. which shall also provide for tho equitable apportion? ment thoreof among tho ??ninti... The aggregate of the debts authorized by this :.lion shall nol ?,t any ono limo exceed the sum of fifty millions of dollars. The paymcnl of tho annual Inter, si on Buch debl and (ho creation of ? sinking fund or ?ii least two per centum per annum lo ?lis charge the principal ?it maturity shall be provided by general laws whoso fore,? and effect .?hull not be diminished during the ? sislence ?,f any debl created thereunder, i The legislature may by general laws r? quiro th.- county or town or both to pay to th sinking fiitnl the proportionate part of the cost m' any such highway within the I boundaries of such county or town und the ! proportionate part of the Interest thereon. ! bul no county shall at any time for any ' highway be required to pay more than thirty-five hundredths of the cost of such highway, and no town more than fifteen hundredths. None of the provisions of the fourth section of this article shall apply to debts for the Improvement of highways heroby authorized. | S 77. Resolved (If the Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be submit? ted to the people for approval at the gen? eral election to bo held In the year nine? teen hundred ami twenty, in accordance with the provisions of 'he election law. STATE OP NEW YORK, IN SENATE. >lpr. 16, 1019. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all tho Senators elected vol in", in favor 11 eroof. Jiv order of the Senate II VRRY C, WALKER, Pr, sident. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, April 18, 1010. Tl ? f irogoing resolution was duly passed, a ma ?rit: of all I ho in? mber i olei Led to i he Assen bly \ ol ?m in f.; vor thereof. By order ol the Assembly. THADDEUS C SWEET, Speaker. ?-'i' VIT, ? IP NEW V IRK, ? ,fi . ? ,,;? the R erctai y of Slate, S ' ? T ha pa r? ?1 i hu pi cc? (1 In? c ol ?.?ni resolution with tho original i-, ??lut ?on on ; lo in this ofl ice, and do h? r, by , eut Ify ; ha! : he s inte is ?i correct i i anscript ti i rei i om and of tho wholi thereof. (liven under my hand arel the seal \ of office of t lie Se? i el n ry of [L, S.] State al : he cil y of Albany, this llrsl du ? of July in tb" >'? ar one thou:- m 1 nino hundred and tw? n t y. IIP NC1S M. HUGO, i n;.-,/ (,?' State. ?>. VV( . Expiai ?ti Matter in ' Is n? w matter in bracl eta i ! is old law to b? omitted. STATE ( IP NEW V? '17 IP Office , ;' tho So, rc-1 iry nf State, p ?. , P. '. 1920 Pursuant to ( he i. ro\ ?si >ns ?? lection of ari ?do fourtei n of lie.- ('.one \. ul ion of the State ol :?.. ?-. Yor and seel on two lu-.ndr? i nln, I ?, live of the Elci tion Law , notice Is hereby giv? n that tho !" ? proposed am? ndment to s? ction onu ? ?,.,, of ' he Constitution oi tin Stal ? ? :' X.-w Yoi It is refer?? il to tho 1. gislature to be chosen at the nexl it n ... , ? ? ?. ?i - ?: senatoi a in t his st ate t o i, ? hi Id on tho s, c? nd day o? N'ov : i i nineteen hundi tl twenty. AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO .'.,.., urn nt H? ? olut Ion of the S tt ite and \ ,.bly Proposing an Amen,Inn nt to Si t on ? H ? of Vit: le Two nf th Con stitullon, in Relation to Qualification , :' Votei '. S, ction i. R? solved ? if tho Senate con? cur), That section one t articl two ol t !.. . onsl it ution i . nd? d lo read as g ? F_v, ..v citizen ? ? the age of t ?v? nt y ...;,.., who shall have b? ? n u citizen f, ninety days, and an Inhabitant of this nr pr. ; an cl? ction, ? : ? ??,.;,? . a d e n t o f h, couni and for ' I I ; lh tj residen of th ? dlstric.) ?n v. hieb : ,-. offer in- or hoi entit led to vote at sui-1 ' n in the which 1.? ? ? ? she sha i I !.. Un a bo a ? . Id, . :. and not els? when foi all PIP ? ? ' hill now are oi heronI'tei ma> he electivo : -, : , . ? 11 lo n h vv 11 i e h ', in.-! to ' lie vot, of : lio p, ?pie, ; . >i id ? i how? v ? : thai .? c-It by . arrlago sha i i ' been .ml ni lile l'nited -?. ? i. ?? five ycai . and prov . thai ul war :. e loi in llio ? tin . ? ? ? ;, vie ' ! late, or of the l'nited Stat? In 1 ? i y or na ry I her? of, shall bo deprived ? : hi oi her vote P of Ills or In ......... i ,? n, .. ,, election distil . and the i gi? latin ? ?hall have power tu provide the ma nn? r In which ?ml th? I an?! placo it which such absent elector: i - ami for th? return and oanvu .. , iheii v tes I In the ? ?!? ction Istricl ?t. whi. Il thc-y respecth ) ? . - ... ? . : h ? I ? . ? ?:. II I ? ' ' - . ???,.?? (J i.v.i an a in, ... .... ? lit brenn ? ? .' by at majority, by ..." . . or ot'ii ive, . 1rs: ?.,,'. .... , able, cad ami ? English ; and i uitable ...-.?'. , ..;!.?,;.. : . ? . ? ?. ? 8 77. l : dvod (I tho Si nal ?? ,-,,110111-). That t i. 1 amen Imenl be referred th -...:-! uro i , be olios? n al : In tie ? '. ?m. -a ! elect ?on of sena tors, and , with section on? ol artl le four ? teen of the const! utlon be published for three months previous to the time of such election. STATE OP NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, Apr. 11, 1919. This bill was duly passed, Ihi 1: embers elected to lh? As 1 ? ..-. in favor thereof, threo-liftha being pros, tit By order of the \ ?si . hi. THAI ,1 ,lii S C. S\\ EET, Sj ifcer. STATE ' IP NEW YORK, IN SENATE, Apr. IS, 1919. bill was .lu'y passed, an of all t he Si n. 1 ,r.> elected voting in lav or Lie reoi. - hre. -lift hs b? ing pi ? s, nt. By prder ol ; In- Senate, HARRY C. WALKER, P. ddent. STATE OP NEW v.? IRK, | . ? "'. ?? .,:' ; ho Secretan ol State, _ 1 have compared the preceding , ,py ? I ? ?u resolut ion with tin u ? I : - oluti 11 on filo In this ?,:', ? iierob; ? me i ? a correct : : anscript ? -ai and of the win Given und, r n y hand and the seal of ? P e of th? s- .;.,.. ; ? : .- ? . 1, P I the city of Jul. In th? yeai one thousand nine hui Ired and i\ FRANi IIS M HUGO Secretary of ?- tats. THREE Expiai at ' M 1 . in italics In new ; in bi 1 I . I law to b?j .?ii.u:. d. STATE OP NEW YORK, Office 01 : ' State, Alban. , .' . , \ i ui tant to the provisi of ari le fourteen I _ ...n , - ? ??' ' 1 New V ? rk, and ?-ction two, ,1 ninetj -liv e of tl n Law : otlce Is hereby given ! I I : .,u ing : ?? di nt to articl? two of the ? lonst itutlon ' ' Stat? j . -, ruf.rred to t he !, glslal ure to be chosen al t genet ectl ators in this tal 1 to I on I . nln? i.en hur d: dt .-. 1 - Fit A NU LS M AMENDMENT NUMDER THREE ' !l' Resolutioi L.o an_ Assemb 11 Am? . ? ? -'?' ' ' nstitution. In bsent V '?? - red Hi v isemblv Thai ' S Pa The legislature may by general ?aw? Provid In which >? d tl e 'me and 1 h, qualified voters eJectlon, be, n, fri ,n T LAWS OF NEW YORK Platen, rnny vote, and for the return and canvass t* tholr voten pu the election dis? trict In which they respectively reside], 5 2. Resolved (If the Assembly COnOUr), That tlio foregoing amendment be referred to tho legislatura to bo ohosen at thf> next general election of senators and In con? formity wit h section one of article four? teen of the constitution bo published for throe months previous to the tima of auch oloctlon, STATE OP NEW YORE. IN SENATE, -ipr. 15, 1929. Tii? foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected vot? ing In favor thereof. Py Order of the Senate, HARRY C, WALKER. President. STATE OP NEW YORK, IM ASS EM PLY, -rlpr. 23, 1920. Th? foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all tho members elected to tho Assembly voting In favor thereof. Py order of tho Assembly, THAI-PEL'S C. SWEET, Speaker. STATE OP NEW YORK ) Office of tho Secretary of State S nn'' I have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with this original resolution on dl" In this office, and do here|,y certify that tho samo is a correct transcript therefrom and of tho whole thereof. Given under my hand and th? seal of office of tho Secretary of [L. fl.] State, at the city of Albany, this first day of July in the- year one thousand nlno hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, , Secretary of State. POPP * Explanation.?Matter In ilalies is now; matter In brackets [ ] Is old law to bo omitted. STATE OP NEW YORK, Offle.) of tho Secretary of State, Albany, July 1, 1020. Pursuant to the provisions of section one [ of article fourteen of the Constitution of tho state of New York, and section two hundred ninety-flva of thi Election Law, j notice Is hereby given thai tho following proposed amendment to section six of ar tlclo three of the Constitution of the State of New Vori; is referred to the legislature to la- chosen at the next general election of .senators in this State t,, t>?> hold on the second day of November, nineteen hundred i twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Scoretarv of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR Concurrent Resolution of tho Senate and j Assembly Proposing un Amendment to Sect].,n six of Article Three of the Con- ! stitution, in Relation to Compensation of Members of the Legislature. Section 1. Resolved (if tho Assembly | concur), That section ?;Ix of article three i ..i the constitution be amended to read asi follows: ?? G. Each member of the legislature shall receive for his services an annual i salary of lone thousand five hundred) , three thousand dollars. The members of ! either house shall also receive the sum of; one dollar for every ten miles they shall i travel in going to and returning from their! place of meeting, once In each session on i the most usual route Senators, when the senate alone |g convened in extraor? dinary s? salon, or when serving as mem- : bers of th.? court, for the triai of Impeach? ments, and such members of tho assembly, not exceeding nine In nun,lier, us shall bo appointed managers of an Impeachment, shall receive an a Idltlonal allowance of ten dollars a day. 5 2. Resolved (if tin? Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment bo referred to tiie legislature to be chosen al tin next i: -n... al election ?-i senu tors and In con tormil ??' wit h ? ? : in om o? a it icio four ? toon of t lie consl it utlon be pul lished foi Pi: ? .nths ;. to th timi of such ... tl m STATE OF NEW FORK, IN SENATE, Apr. 1, 1.120. Th.? foregoing resolution was duly pas. r|, ... ?.?. of fill the Senators ... ; 1 voting In l'a v.?r I In ri ol By oi,|. r of I he Senate, HARRY T WALKER, President. STATE i IP NEW Y( 'UK, IN ASSEMBLY, p.r. 11. 1020. Tho foregoing re lolul ?on was duly passed, a majority of all th members el, .?...' to th? Ai si mbl: voting In favor tin ??-..r !:?.- order of the V eml ly, -'II SPI .EIS C SSV E ET. j Spi akcr, STATE i IP N'EW YORK, ' s_. : Office of i li ? :-'? r. ? n ry of State, S I liavi com? rod I he preceding copy of ni i lution with the original resolutioi ' in this office, and do i, :. p. ci rl It'y ' ha t the san is a coi roct . i r.. m., i Ti therefrom and of tl'.o whole til -.-,.; Given under my hand and the sen! ,.f office ??i' tho Secretary "f | !.. S ] State, at tie ? ity of Albany, this ; day , :' .1 ut y In I lie > ear one ? thou nd i I nd I wenty , FRANCIS M lll'CC t . n lary of Stale. FIVE STATE OF NEW YORK, if tl 3e. lary of State, I, 1920. 1 - ;? unnl to the provisions ol sect Ion one of articl. fourl n "f th.? i ',,...: t i tul Ion of : lt.. State .?: ''??.?. York, aie! s- ction two ! hun.Ir. .! .? - ,. i of thi El. . : Ion Law. I notii n Is h riven that the following pi ;.1 . ;. : ? ?? - ? : i section seven of article tin - ??:' I ho i 'onsl itut ion of the Sti to of New York is referred to the ture to 1 cb en at the next gen n ol na tors in i his st ate to h?? hold on tin --.nd day of November, i nineteen hundred twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary of state. AMENDMENT NUMBER FIVE II ? I hu Si nato and ; A ssem ! ? an Vmendmenl to S.-i i ?on Si .. :. of Art h I? Tin ??? of the !. lath i to A| point m-.-uts ol i? ? Li gislat uro to '. the Office . Votai Public. . ! I. ? ... .-? ?T : : the Senate con cur i. Tha ? ? ? ??? . n soi n of articl threi ? t h : ? : , be amended to read us ? :. . 5 7. 7. ? m n bor of tl ? legi liai in shall any i linen' within this state m sonate of I lie t'niti ?! States, from th ? thi e - .rend sen? il T, or from tin. i or from an> cl i v go v. rm.t, during i he I ?mo for v. hlch 1 ? she II !.,. '. ?? lu i n ? looted [;], appointments a nil all votes i;.'-'- u t oi h n bor fo any su :h .. iipi" the ,'? nslature however, th ? point i ? ?-.'. notar ti p ? .? II ?lived (if I he Th ? i i i. r am? li ; . . ... be . i: . i i .- - . ?i vith 'tion one teen of ( he con l ilion 1 lonths ] lo the li . led ion. STATE OF NEW YORK LN ASSEMULY. vol i ; pi .e ?(fed, ?10 7 PV01 I may be ,,/, the office of ? ? incur). ?it I-?? refoi red :; at Ho? next Hid .u four Til.lisle .1 ?or such This bill was duly pa all : he nn ml ers ? .?-. i .-.I to voting m fa.\ or tie. pi ar. 1!. 192D. majority of Assembly -fifths being Py order of the Assi n THADDEUS C. SWEET, siieaker. STATE ' IF N EW Y? iRK, IN SENATE Mar 25, 1920. This bill was dul> | ., ?? id, . majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor :.-.'.. . ? ... By .... lb . nato. HARRY c. WALKER, /"it ?;, n (, STATE ' IF NEW Y( IRK, ) ..... of State, ? " : ? ' npa thu preceding copy of ? oncui rent ; ? itloi with ' he original ition on file in th I offii ??. and do hen by certll j thai : lie i ame is a ? orrect transcript therefrom and of the whole Lherei ' Given under my hand and the seal 0f office ft the Secretary of State, at IL. S.J the - ity ,-: ... flrs| _ay oi July t i.; ir one thousand i.. n?. t. ne? r : a n I? i v. ? ni y. FRAN 'IS M HUGO, S i t tat ?/ of Statt. SIX 17 cpla natli ? Matter in italics Is new ; -' ?n 1 [ ?] 13 dd law to be mitt. I. 1 NEW YORK, Off ii .'r?ate, y, July I Pursuant I f article fou ..... Lution of ction two - l-'le? ion Law, notice is hoi : ... .-.,, ?ng !?"?;? v? ?: amtnilm . lo ? , ;... enty - li ihrei oi the ? ito of N'ew X. -, |s no to be i hos. n at the next i t senators in tins State t.- be . .,,,,,; day of - ? -- ber, i. leen im . ? . -. nty FRANi PS .VI. lip,;, ,, Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER SIX Con. ? '. t the Senate and mbly Proposing an Amendment t?i Sections T' j -.- y n of Art : of tho Constitution to Enable l he ; ! "orms of Go ? ? r the i ....... s of VVest - ; ed (if the Assembly con? cur), Th I l i ' .-? nty x and twenty . ,:tutlon be am. S -' rherc :ounty, r-x? Included li ab ? ? ? ' - i 3,1 u i ,...-?? 1 . ? f such i be provl led - ? e bg ?au? tor for? s of ? - mlies of '????? issau, or cithi \ subject ? :. i.atnul by the ? It ?? tors o' ??: com nty at a ion in an odd-numbered year Any such form of gov - - to the ?-.-. LAWS OF NEW YORK shall also prescrit?? the mannufr in which th? county affsoted may subsequsntly aban? don it, and revert to ifi former form of gov? ernment. The adoption of such form of government by the county ?hall not preclude the legislature from amrnding or modifying such plan. If under such form, of govern? ment the board of supervisors be abolished, the powers and duties of the board of super? visors, as iirrsrribed by the constitution, or by statu',, if not provided for by such form of government. shall devolve upon the govern- ' ing elective body in such county. In a city I wbleh Includes an entire county, or two or more entire counties, the powers and duties I of a board of supervisors may ho devolved f upon the municipal assembly, common conn- j ell, board or aldermen or other legislative body of tho city. ?3 27. The legislature ?hall, by general ! laws, confer upon the boards of supervisors, I or other governing elective bodies, of tho sov oral counties of the state euch further; powers of local legislation and administra- j Don as the legislature may, from time to ! time, rieem expedient I, and I]. In counties ; which now have, or hereafter have, county i auditors or other fiscal officers authorized j to audit bills, accounts, charges, claims or ! demands against the county, the legisla? ture may confer such powers upon [suldj | such auditors, or fiscal officers, as the legis? lature may, from time to time, deem expe? dient. ?3 2 Resolved fif the Assembly concur). That the foregoing amendments bo re? ferred to tho leglslaturo to bo chosen at the next general election of senators and in conformity with section one of article I fourteen of the constitution be published for threo months previous to the timo o!' tiuch election STATE OP NEW YORK. IN ASSEMBLY, Apr. 24, 1920. This bill was duly passed, a majority of I all the members oler red to the Assembly 1 voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being present, I!y order of the Assembly, THADDEUS C. SWEET, tfp.aiV-r. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENATE, Apr. 2t, 1920. This bill was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators Hooted voting in favor thereof, throe-tlfths oelng present. By order of the Senate, HARRY C. WALKER, President. STATE OP NEW YORK. ( ,, ? Office of the Secretary of State, ? l have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with tho original resolution on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole ! thereof. (iiven under mv hand and the s?"al of office of the Secretary of State, at ; [L. S.] the city of Albany, this first day of July in tne year one thousand nine hundred twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO. Secretary of State. SEVEN Explanation.?Matter In italics Is new; matter In brackets [ ] Is old law to be i omitted. STATE OF NEW YORK, Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, July 1. 1920. Pursuant to the provisions of section one of art lelo fourteen of tho Constitution of the State of New York, and section two hundred ninety-five of tho Election Law, notice is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to section nine of article Uve of the Constitution of the State of New York is referred to tho legislature in be chosen at the next general el.-ction of senators in this Slate to be held on the second day of November nineteen hundred FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER SEVEN Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and ; v ,.mlilv Proposing an .Vnendm.nt to s.i,,n Nine of Article Five of the < on stitution, in Relation to Preferences, In Employment and Promotion, of So'dlers, Sailors and Marines. Section 1. Resolved (If '.he Renata con- ? fini That section nine of article five of i he Constitution be amended to read as. follows : J> 0 Appointments and promotions In the civil servie.? of the stat-. and of ai!, ihn civil divisions thereof, Including > Itles and villages, shall be made according to merit and fitness to be ascertained so far as practicable, by examinations, which, so. <ar as practicable, shall bi comp? I itive provided, however, that honorably dis-i charged soldiers [and] sailors [from] and marines ivho shall have served as such in the army [and. navy or marine corps <>' the Unit. ?! :-- it( s in [the late civil I time o) war who are . Itizf ns and residents ? f this state, shall be entitled to preference l ?n aupolntmenl and promotion? without re? gard to their standing on any list from which such appointment or pi ?motion ma> 'be made; provided they were residents of this state at the tima tin i entered said army,*i - n , or marl"!? corps; and provided also that soldiers, saUors and marines who served > in the civil war shall have preference over I all others on the same list. Laws shall be made to provide for the ? enforcement of this sectl?n. ? j. Resolved (If the Semite concur), That the foregoing amendmenl be re? ferred to the legislature lo be chosen at the next general election of senators and in conformity vvitti section one of article fourteen of the Constitution tie published for tiif" months previous to the timo j? ? such cl? ction STATE OP NEW YORK. IN SENATE, Apr 19, 1919. The foregoing resolution was duly passed. ,. majority of all the Senators elected, vot? ing in favor thereof. By order of the Senate. IIARRV C. WALKER. President. STATE OP NEW TURK, IN ASSEMBLY, Apr. 19. 1019. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all tho members elected to the Assembly voting In favor thereof. By order of the Assembly, THADDEUS ?.'. SWEET, Spi aker. STATE OF NEW YORK I Office of the Secretary of States ss ' I have compared the preceding copy of i ? ?on, urrei t resolution wiili the original resolution on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and nf the whole t hereof. Given under my hand and the sea! of office of the Secretary of State. ' [L. S.] at. the city of Albany, this first | day ?,f duly In tin- year one thou? sand nine hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. HUG? '. Secretary of Sta'e. EIGHT Explanation.?Matter in italics Is new; matter In brackets [] Is old law to bo omitted. ST ATI"; ? ip NEW YORK, Office of the Secretary of stat". Albany, July 1, 1920. Pui man! to the provii ions i ; ection one of,article fourteen of the Constitution of ; i State ' f New York, and section t?-,j hundred ninety-five of the Election Lt?w notice ?s hereby given that tho following : ? I ted amendments to ari Ici? five , C tli" Constitution of the State of New York ?i- ' ???? 'red lo tl," legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators In this Stat- to be held on the second day of November, nineteen hundred twenty FRANCIS .VI. HUGO! Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT Concurrent Resolution or the Senate and Assembly, Proposing Amendments to ? Article Five of the Constitution in Re?a- : tlon to stat- Officers and Pepartments I Sect,na i. Resolved lit tho Ass? mbly concur), That article flvi of the constltu tlon b?: amend.-d to read as follows: { \ SI- The [secretary of state., comptrol 1er, [treasurer,] and attorney-general [and slate engineer and surveyor] -hail be chosen at a general ?-lection, at the times , and places of electing th- governor and ' lieutenant governor and shall hol.l their offices for the same terms as thr governor and tieutenaitt-govcrnor [two years except as provided In section two of this article] The comptroller shall .... required: ip To audit 1 all vouchers bt/orc paymcnl and all official accounts; (2) to audit the accrual and col? lection of all revenues and receipts; o-iJ t3) to prescribe such methods of accounting as i are necessary for the performance of the foregoing duties. In such respect the legis ? lature shall define his powers and duties and .may also assign to him supervision of the \ accounts of any political subdivision of the -?lot,, but shall assign to him no adminis tratlve duties, excepting such as may t> in? cidental to the performance of these tun. fions, .??ii/ other provision of this con tit ; tion to the contrary notwithstanding He '. t the "Hi' ' rs in this art!? le tiarn? d, ex cepting the sp-aker ,.f the assembly,] shall, at state ? tlmi s during hi, , ontinu in? - In office, r< ? elvo for hh . ? - which shall nut bo Increased i during tho term for which he shall have boen elected; nor shall he receive to his ny fe? ; or | rq Ites ?..?lier compensation. [No person shall be elected to th?; of?ce of stale engineer and surveyor who i_ not a practical civil en? gineer.] 13 2. The first election of the secretary ! of state, comptroller, treasurer, attorney general and state engineer and surveyor, pursuant to thl_ article, shall be hPd In th.- one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and their lerin.? of offii begin ?n tho Ilrst day of January . Ing, and sha'.l bo for three years. At the ? general election in the year ont thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, mil two years thereafter, th . :,. . be chosen for tho term of two years.] [5 3. A superintendent ol public works sha 7 p appointed by the govi rnoi b ? and with ? he advi nd nt t th at7 ; hold i is offi ? until ? ho end f th :? rm of the govi rnor by n h was nomlfi it? mill h .- ?? , appointed ?? . H? shall r? eiv, com? ? ns tlon I ced by la? Ho shall aired by law to give bi :u faithful ? before et terlng upon the duties thereof He shall urged with the execution of all laws relating to th? repair and navlgal n of the canals, and also of those relating to tit? ; eonstruction and Improvement of the I ca??is, except s?i far as the execution of the Is w? r? la ting to su i, ?n 11 u? i the state er ?in,i surveyor; subject to the coa LAWS OF NEW YORK trot of the legislature, he ?hall mako the rules and regulations for the navigation ? or use ?.f the canals. He may bn suspend 1 or removed from office by the governor, ? whenever, in his judgment, the public In- ; forest shall no r??i|'i!ro, but In cas? of ?hi? removal of such superintendent of works from office. Pie governor sh with the secretary of state a statement ; of the raun? of s*'ch removal, end fibai; . report such removal end the cause thereof to th" logisii.? nt ita next session. The I superintendent ?.f p'ji.iio worka Mih? ap polnt not more than three assistant super? intendents, '?' '." Ities shall he ;.:? scribed by him, subject ' ' ton by the legislature, end who shall ? -.?.?<- tori their serv?tes a compem ?? r>n to be ;!"??! by law. They Bha!i hold theii off e for three years, subjci I to i nsl n ...- : - ?noval by the ..???? ? .? . ? p-.jbllc works, whenever, in his udgment, the pub? lic Interest shall e> r? luiro. Any vacancy in the '.':!???> ? ?: any such .-??si tnnt super? intendent shall he it. 1 t r the remainder I of the term for which he was appointed, ? by the superintendent ? ' ? i irks hut In case of the i ensioh or removal i of any such assistant ? iperinlendent by him, (." shall at on a report to the gov- ! oi nor, in writing, 11? ? cause of such re? moval. All other i : ?ployed in t'n? caro and management of thi '.ais, ex-! cept collectors of toi s, and "linse In the; department ol - neer and sur- ', veyor, Bhall be appointed by the superln ? ?. 1? nt of pub i s, and b ? - i ? sui ? -:?;??'. or : ? moi a i by h m. The ? superintendent of public works shall per- ! fi m all tho duties of tho former cans i . n. ml sioners and ! oard of ca na : mission?:-", as now declared l..? law, ml otherwlso provided by the legislature. The governor, by an I with the advl to and con- , s.-nt of the senate, shall have p,?.v?.r t i fill vacancies in the office of superintend? ent of public ????'?.: ?: .'. the Kenato bo not In session, he ::.>.y grant ? unm which shall ::.:'?.? end of tho n st ? sui coeding : n of 1 he sens te. ] 18 4. A superintendent or state prisons? shall be appointed by tho governor hy and : with the i ?;.,-? ? nt of the sen- I ate, and h Id his i for i ve years, un !<ha soon.r ri : - shall give senil? ity In su? ii .? ? unt, mid - ?t h sui h s??? ties as shall bo recjuired by law for the faithful discha i duties, he sha hn ?" t ho nee. management ti ml . tro! of state pi ? ?i.-li in <vs ns no? -:is! or n ay h ? ? iftei bo ena ti ?1 ) ?? hail , p i of th? Tl ? ? n Of each prison - ha II api i I r ofl s ii !i pi Ison, ? v ; ' the approval of the same I tendon; . : ? . r shall appoint the clerks of the prisona The su tondent Bha II have ;? II the pi wers at Il t ho duties not Inconsistent here? with, which were formerly had and per? formed by th- insi.? rs of state prisons. I The governor may remove the superintend? ent for cause at any time, giving to him a j cop* of the charges against hlin. and ar, opportunity to bo heard In his defense.] li 5. The lieutenant governor, speaker of the assembly, secretary of state, comp? troller, treasurer, attorney general and state- engineer and surveyor shall b? com- : n.isstohers of the land office. The lieu- - tenant-governor, secretary of state, comp? troller, treasurer and attorney.genera! shall be the commissioners of the canal fund. The canal board shall consist of the commissli ners of the canal fund, th? stat? engineer and surveyor and the superintend? ent of public ivories. ] [? 6. The powers and duties of th? re? spective boai-ds, and of the several offi? cers In this article mentioned, shall be] such as now are or hereafter may b.- pre? scribed by law. i I 3 7. The treasurer may be suspended from office by the governor, during the '??'.??.s of the legislature, and until thirty driyi after the coi enc ment if : h? next ? session of the legislature, whenever It shall appear to him * it such treasurer has. In any particular, lolated his duty, The it vorn?, r shall appoint a con ; to discharge the duties of the office during ? u h su - nsion of t he I reasu ? ? 2. There shall ba the following civil lei ???? '. its ??i t/ii state got ? < ? mt nt: i. Executivi : 2, Audit and control; .,'. Taxation and finance; ',, haw; 0, Stair; ?,?, Public works; 7, Conservation; 8, Affricuifurd and markets; 9, Lahor; m. Education; fi. ti, .'.'? tal hygiene, charities and \ correction, IS, Public service; i ;. Banking; 15, I - ranee; '?;, Civil service, 17, Military and naval affairs; fS, Arc/iifecfure. S 3. .-i ' the ??? ssii n in. mcdioti foil iption of this article the leg shali rovide by la fot the appropriate c* sipnment, to >akc effect not earlier than the first dap of January, one thousand - ?ne I in drcd and twenty-tt o, of all the civil adntin e and i tive functions of tl state . ? ? ten' *..- flu several departments in this article provided. Subject to thi ted in this consti < nf ion. the leg s - la ? ty from Una to time ass gn by law n powers and functions to departments, ? officers, ?i tardi ? ' inucd or . .-. ?t? under this constitution, and increase,] odif i or di n ??? their powers a>nl func- ? ?:. No ?pecific grant of powef* herein to a dept' shall prevent the ie?rislafure from conferring additional powers upon .such department. '.Vu ?It'll ..'?.-- " thffll bel created hereafter ?>ut this shall >: t prevent! ihr legislaturi from creating commissions for | special purposes and othing utained . ? 'his shall ?orient the legislature fron ' duc ? the number of departments as pro i dpd for in this article by consolidt I otlierwisi The elective statt tfflcers in office at the timi tin's nrfii Is as effect ? hall i ???'. i? i t office until t> e ? ?,/ ,.' the term for which they were ?.'???' ? d. ."> tiding :he .. ?ig n ? nt ??: the ? ? .. ,; , (f| ?- functii its by the ? suant to Un i of this ...... ?on, t! ??? ? ?'?' ? and du it ??' the several dt parfn ntts, boards, : ind note exist ?i?.' arc continued. Subject to liie power of the legislature to reduce the number -, ? ... rrs and duties at .... i .,? ? -. - are ai ? i mt d to any de? partment, the officers exercising such powers shall continue i office in such department, and their t? rm of office s/ia/i nui be shortened i by SUt h aSSt m ?111 ' 5 4. rile head of the department of audit and control shall be the comptroller, and of the department of law, the attorney general. ;:..,-, ;,[ ,.. - . ? . ?i i.'i s consti? tution, the heads of all other departments a nd tin mbers of all ' >a '.-?. < on mission s an(l . ; ?cils an nil ?ii .i ,- filis article shall In- appointed by tin governor by and with the :,. ? ,, ..,.:? of the senate and may be [ by tin . ? ? rnor. in a manner ,*o be , cd bi Thi heads of the respec? tive ii- pat Ititeiim of i id of agricul l markets m '.at hygieni ; !. appointi d in a man? ner to '?? -?:-? i" '-'? ? [8] 7? All [ices for the weighing, , ulling oi Inspecting any merchandise-, produce, manufacture or: commoditv whatever. are hereby abol? ished; and no such oltlce shall hereafter be cr?ai d by law; but nothing In this Bectlon contained shall abrogate any office created for tlie purpose of protecting tho public i health or the interests of the state in its property, revenue, t.?.is or purchases, or of supplying tho people with correct siai,.:.. rds ol ? ights md measures, or si,ail pi nl ' . creatl n of any office for such rm poses In real'ter. 5 i ?j ?; Appointments an-1 promotions In th. ?ivil service i nd of all ? tic civil llv ions thi ? if, ncluding cities | .,i ! . s shall be m id. ai cording to i merit and lltness to be ascertained, so far ;,H practlci by examination, which, t>o far as ;-:..? ?cable, Bhall be competitive; I provided, liowi r, thai honorably dis-j soldiers and sailors from the army and navy of the United States In the late civil war, who ere citizens and residents of this state, Bhall be entitle.! to preferenci in appointment and promotion without regard to their standing on any list from which such appointment or pro? motion may be made. Laws shall be made to provide for tho enforcement of this section. <j ". Resolved (if the Assembly concur). That tho foregoing amendment be referred t , the legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and In con? formity with section one ? r ?rtl. :?? four? teen ?ii tho constitution be published for three months previous to the time of such eli tion. STATE OF NEW Y< IRK, IN ?I'TNATE, Apr. 2> 1920. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected voting ?Vi favor thereof. By ordei of the Senate. HAUL Y C. A'ALKER, President. STATE OP NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, Apr. "4. 1920. The foregoing resolution was duiy passed, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting In favor thereof. By order of tho Assembly, T ''. SWEET, .?,n ?ilier. STATE OF NEW V< RK, / Offi ?? ? : he Seer. . ?., of Slate, , ? *- : ! havi T . d ic preceding . opy of c m ui n T resolution wit 1?. I h ? original ri solut on In thi? of.1 ??. and do h.rtii that lie me is a correct . transcript tii refrom a*ld of the whole in? roof. Given in.'.-r my h?n.; an i the Sea! of of ' h. s.-. :. tarj ot tut, at ] [L. S.] tl if Albany, this lira th year one thousand iiim hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. lit.; ,, relary of Slate. NINE Explanation?Matter in italic* la new; matt? r m brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted STATE OF NEW YOLK. i iffh - ol the Se retary of state Albany, July 1. 1920. Pursuant to tho | r. \ li Ions >?:' ? te. n .-ft!: nstlt of the State ... and si ction two five of tl Election Law. :;- te following five oi th. titution of th. State of New Y'ork are to ti ure to bi if si n i tors In nd day (.; .Via ember, ni ndred twenty. FRANCIS M HUGO, ?-'" reta i 'tat*. AMENDMENT NUMBER NINE and As - ntS ' 0 Art!.'.? Kiv.- of the Constitution, in relation to state ..;;:, ers an I i. p u : ments. ; Section ! Resolved (?f the Assomblv rhat art] five of the eonsti . as follows: LAWS OF NEW YORK I 1. Th? [perretary of ?tat- i rnm_. " 1er, treaxurer. and i""ri.-y ,.?,n,? W" state engin*?. hi,i surveyor] eh.? * chosen ?f a (??n'e. ?, ..'?" "? and piare, of eleri'ng th?, '.??' "">' ? llo-tenant-govornor, ?H ?h?" v,,, ?r ?"'> Office, tor the ?am? term. n. the n a<d Krutmant-g'sirrT'or [two v..,. _____? ' d In ?"tlin two ?' this "'A ? T?? comptroller shall b. ?? '/?,<?-.* ? *?*_( - ' ? ' ' " ' ? ' '? ? ? . ' P . " r ? ; * - -* ntl : ,; ba ? - -,r._ ,* ' term t'.r wheh ho nor ihni: he .. ? [No !?? state i ? practical civil ?ng!ne*-.1 w * ;5 2 The first ? . ., ... of ?Ute. Kenf.rai -nd state - _ . ? ? - . ? ? - . . . ? .' ;? . superlntei 'shall i,- .. 1 1 with the ad * and ho term of th g ? ; . _ ' v , be required 1 terlng upon ? - thee. ?? ? . contre ?? pended or re? r ernor, whenever, in lie interest shall so r of 'he rep-.,.? ai of such su<,. - works from office, - ?. , ( . shall file with th? ?? ? ?' - ent of ? he 1 a use of and shall report such cans? thereof to th? The superii ia.ll s assistant superintendent?, , ' ?. P: glall for t hep ser-, 1 es to be fixed by i_?. Thi office for three years, sub _ ? ? . sion or Removal by the su ? ? ' th? public interest sl'ai', s . s ? , ' ' su. ci ' tit en lent st . malndei f the appointed, b:- the supei but . of any su ent by him. he .-a'''.? , a' ? governor, in writing, th n n-. al All o! her : - care and inag cept collectors 1 ? loparl ? ? i *ur tendent of pub . t? suspension ?/r removal b Intendent of . the duties of si?)iiers and board of ? a now declared by law ? ? ! by the leg slat ernor, b; and with the 1 Of th" senate, sitad l.a cancles In the office public works; if the sei he may grant ?j shall exi Ire ?? ' the ? ? '54V- ? -- *eni shall be with the < A h o 1 d h f s less so mer removed In su h .... ?. 1 as shall be 1 ? the Bui : trol of state . , as no w e x is) he sha'.', appoint ? ? ..??? ? physicians nd 1 Tl e .-??.: and warden siia'il appoint all ' prison, except the - ?'.? approval of the same by the int. Th? til* clerks of the ? shall have all 1 he powers ?'e du which by the inspeel governor may rem tor , aus- at a ? .... ? i 5 .". The of the assei troller, treasurer state engineer ind sui ? missioner? ??f the '.??nant -govern ir, secrets troller, treasurer gene?! shall be tho of I fund. The canal t he '??loners o f t h ? ? state engineer and survi ' super? intendent of put' IS 6- The power? and duties of the re? spective b .ltd -. . f the 1 In this article lent a? now aro ur hei . by law ] [5 T. The treasurer ma. h? suspend*?! from offi, ?? by l ?? - ?? f the i-r ' ? ?lavs after .he of t !:?? legislature ? r It Jhsd appear I him that su irtlcular, ?? ? Th? son to discharge the duties of t during such s isp? 5 2. rhere v),,,;: ;.? the u ? ' partments m the ? I 1 ? if? ; ?. .-t udit ;. finance ; 5 Lau . ... Stat? " /'?fi-'K? works ; H, ? 'onset nation ; 9, ' ' mark, t.i; in Laboi . it K? 1-, Health: IS. Mental Hygiene 15, Correction . ." . Bank? ing : /<, /., ?juran, e; 1 ?. ifilitai v and ? i 5 " At the session imm 'lie adoption t tl shall proi id. signment, to falce ? "?? ? than I** first day of lanuai dri d and tu.enfj '.WO. of 1 istrative and ? ? ' govi rn ment, to i ? ? ?* this ?i? tiefe pi ?? idi ?' Sub ? I ontaim ,1 in tl - '?' ?'?.'?" ?ature may from tl ? ?? I ' r - '" '"'" no,' pou-ers and - officers, boards or commissions ntinued Vf created under this modify or diminish theii tions. So specific grant of pom department shall u r?vent from conferring additional .-? -?? ??? ' department. So created hereafter but tl Die legislature fri ? special purposes and nothing contain. crtxcir shall f? evt ?if th? drang the number ? . vided for m this article, ? uth, ro tse, .' . flee at the time this art) ?d ta?u*t effect shall continu? .1 I the 1 nd v thr terms for which they were elected ?*"*" my the assignment of ''?* ciiil admii and i/i.-ulire fund ?- legislators pursuant to thr directions ' this section, tss powers and dut:,s t the ? roi JfpOT' ments. boards, commis?.s and offices no* existing are continued Sub ect to the pou er of the legislature to ret I ? bar e officers, when ihr powers ?i"?t \ existing o;ic ore assigned to ?-' d.-pan ment, the officers ? '",uJ_r shall continue, m c?lce 111 such depart?4?*i and their term of tha.l not be -Scrt 1 filed by such o^stynmtnl } 4. rh? head of thr leparttne?* ?.' ? .Ittance shall be the treat mt nt of audit and ' ptroW, and of the do] artment of ? ? ; ept this constitution, ? partments and th- h"ar,Vi ,',11,1,1. usions and article lilted P , by and wit the adi ? e and senate and In a niai.?.? !u b' \,rescribed heads of the 1 . .nd of agrii ?.'f.. r? .???.i tal hyt . appointed in a manne) ribsa n i ?aie I [8] j. All office? for the ', gauging, measuring, ruding 01 in * I any merchandise, produce, 1 laoufactw? or commodity wrhatevei _r- hereby *J*"* , Ished. and no such ofi ''I', \ be carried by law; but nothing in **?' , Boctiun contained shall abrogate an> ?"'?r i created for the purpose ??f . t public health or the Interest? of th* st?.* in Its property, revenue, tu?s 01 purch**** ..?r of supplying the : ? i standards of weight? ,... i shall prevent th? - " ? tor su.'h pa ? after i [9j 6 Appointment? uni the i- Ivll s?-t-v ice ,.f the ?ta ? "t ? ' IsloO? t ).? i . ind villages, shall b. uns r '* ! merit und ri-tics? to be ' " as pi exan ? as practl -an:.', ?hall ?? tlttv?; .'?_ vlded, however, that h soldler? ?nd sail ? l navy of the ' the lat? clv?l war. who are cttlzi '--1, state, shail be entitled to pi ferenc? ?> ! appointm. nt an., j gard to th?lr standing ?'ii an) ?which such appointment or pi ' , ?. - ?hail b? ni-?l? *? I provide .'? - tho ?-? I - s? etH* } 2 L.--? -i.-l . if the '.-?? : That tho foreguiilii siio .1 1 :....-nt <>?? ei