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rTyHi: J eeline in * commodity frices il bring fol lonotd by an increase in the value of se? curities. Wt ha%e prepare A a list of sound bonds ?whichive recommend for investment. Send for List .}f-70' tMemlh Lvnch &Co. inTeitmen!? Cossmercial Paper 120 Brc?<rwa? New York ? Memhert Nett Yerk Steck Estchem^e American Writing Paper Co. First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bond? Due January 1, 1939 Secured by Closed First Mortgag?;. Strong Sinking Fund Provision. Attractive Yield. Price at Market Yielding Over 8% Circular on Request. Coggeshall & Hicks l/rmtiri Veto Terk Stock Exchange 12* Broadway. 203 Weit 79tk St, New York WE RECOMMEND New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Debenture 4s Due April 1, 192 J Price about 831 '2 to yield nearly 17'. McClure, Jones & Reed kletnberj New York Stock Eiching?. 115 Broadway New York Telephone Rector 7662 HART OIL Class "A" Common Stock Dividend Rate 18% Vayahls l '*.,% Monthly 24% Authorized beginning Dec. 15 Own? Royalties and OH Rieht? on more than SO,000 arreo weill diurtr?b tittd ovar proved fluid?, in Brack.?i> ridjrs find b-tnt producing: district?. 21 well? completed ; nion<r ArUHug. Ia?,,-|re r.iiim.Mon I'rofrnm. Cirottlar H T on r^.jMtv??. Shares $2.00 Each L A. HUGHES & CO., 3 "i0 Broftdwav. F'hono ?/lector ?."!. '] Why they slumped l.e;..t-?)n f ir dei '?'.tie of stocka in MARKET OPINION?Ask for B-0? |R.H.M*cMASTERS&CO. ?j Members Consolidated Stock Birch., .V. Y. ? 82-84 Broad St. New York [I I'ho'te Broad i'.7C0 J7nt>' 'e hirst Floor LIBERTY BONDS All issues ?* denominations H???s!:erne & Batteile Uembers Sew York iSfOK^t Exciaincie 25 Broad St. Naw York TK) EPHOXE: BROAP 7740. Mark A. Noble Tlie^dore C. Torwla NOBLE & CORWIN l S5 Ilroau iSt. New Vork : Chase Nati. Phelp? Dodge Corp. ii Equitable 1 r. Niles-Bement-Pond 1 -i-|.Ii?.'.. 1 1 ! I <Jr.>Hti W Equipment Bondit Quoted on Income percentage buMai Name. Rato. Maturity. Old. A*V ? * Ohio. . *V> l?SO '27 8.00 7.80 r'.flth Bteel.... 7 l??7\-':i0 7.25 6.75 ' t .<? Mb . itt l'32.0-'37 7.26 6.75 Buffalo, II & H 4V?-S mi-'?S 7.60 g.f? do . ? ? ? I92i-'S3 7.59 6.4? ,!!an Nat 7 1935 7.05 6.95 ??.idlan N'or. 4H-5-? USO-"*? ?.25 7.60 ( anadian Pac 4^ 1020-'28 7.20 6.75 . ti ! 920-'33 7.20 6.75 ?' ?: C I SI U ?? . 931-'39 7.25 6.75 do. ? 1921-'?7 7.S0 6.75 ?M ?s A Ohio.. 41, 1030 ".'7 7.50 6.75 Pli ?: ! t Pao *<? h ?70 '27 8.25 7.25 I'll,'./ a N U 41, '23 7.50 6.76 ? S; ?. A M <? 5 '. :>70 '74 7..10 6.75 I a Htlditon 4 ta ..?..' 750 t,.59 . 4H-& 1920-'27 .S.25 7.00 ? Cona. ,. 6 ..'?:'? -'77 8 50 7.50 . rentrai- 4S 5 1920 77 7 ;.?' f 00 ? !!y .So. . 6 t 7.7(1 6.80 .?.s a- N'ash . I920-'S ?' 7.J..1 6.7a MiCh t'rn'ra!.. 6 '77 SO a.",', do . ?> li-'O- 30 7.2? 6.76 M S P * SSW 4?,-5 ISSO-'Z? 7.26 6.90 1I0 . 6 1921 -'30 7.86 6.95 ...... 7 >21-*30 7.35 6.95 I Cant n it 4H l?3?-'2l 7.5? 7.00 N y ont r. n 4% tssi-'sa ', 70 6.85 do ... . 7 lP?l-'Sii 7.25 6.90 .. v C A St ?. 4'v J.?31-*36 7.50 7.00 do ... 6 1931 7.60 i?.76 JI * il 4*4-6-6 J930-'33 X.37 7.50 TVorr J? W'ee;.. ?Vj t930-'24 7.15 (7.50 Mor Pacific... 7 !921-'30 7,00 8.60 J'i IV Bip.. '.' I986-'35 7,00 6.60 Peniv*'lvan!a . 4-4Mi 1920 '23 7.26 6.75 Pitta A I, E.. ?^ 75 7 00 6.60 p'a.liiiir Co . 4'4 193l-\27 7.20 6.76 Boaboard . 4?j-5-? I920-'2T 8.25 7.60 Itouthera Pao.. 4?? 1920-'26 7.:t0 6.75 do . 7 "' '36 7.00 6 60 ?Southern By.? *H-S I??J?-'2? 7.65 7.00 Vnlon Pacifie 7 1924-'3S 7.00 6.50 Vnlon Tank... 7 1OS0 7.15 7 00 Virxrintan Py.. ? l?30-\'>? ?.Ht. M'abat* ..... I 1981 10.00 7.00 Pre-Holiday Quiet Depresses Interest Tn Stock Market Average Trend Slightly Downward, hut Trading Is Without Significance; Transaction? Are Smaller! The Approach of the holiday to-day kept interest in speculative operations yesterday at a minimum. Transaction? were loss than half of those of a busy day and the trades that were actually tunde represented chiefly the maneuv? ers of professionals. Although the av? erage trend was slightly downward, the day.'s market was essentially dull and without significance. Operator? for the decline set out in the morning In quest of indications of weakness in the market. Their first onslaught was on Texas & Pacific, which tumbled to a new low for the year, of 17, and closed at 18%, off 1% points for the day. The decline was accompanied by gossip of terms of a reorganization, but no authentic an? nouncement of plans was made. Another bold move was made against the market standing of the stock of the Coca Cola Company, which slumped to 27?4 and closed at '29r-*. off 1% point?. Central Leather was the objective of a third thrust and, under heavy aelling, it fell to 40, which is the lowest lovei attained thus far this year. The se curity closed at 4U1?, revealing a net decline of 3l? points for the day. The break in Centra! Leather was attributed by those who sought a reason to defla? tion in the leather industry. Hut, despite the evident purpose of the bears, the decline did not spread very far. ? The averages reveal a slight, net loss, but nothing impressive. On the other hand, the market revealed lit? tle spontaneity on the rebounds from the declines. In brokerage circles some observers of the day to day fluctuations contend that unleas the professional? can force a severe decline in the mar? ket by the end of the present week they will be able to make little headway at least until after Election Day. This theory was based on the belief that politics will in the closing day of the campaign exert itself as a conatmotlv? market influence. Speculators were apprehensive oxer the Immediate outlook for call money because of the approach of the October 15 money transactions, and particularly because of the maturity this week of the Anglo-French loan of |500,00'0,000. Call loans renewed at 7^6 and before the clone the rate climbed to 9 per cent. To-morrow the government will with? draw $8,000.000 from the banks, and more later in the week. There will probably be further calling of Anglo French money, which had been .tempor? arily lent on stock exchange collateral. Money and Credit For the first time since August SI the call money rato yesterday got up to 9 per cent. This was caused by prep aration.-i to meet the heavy payments ?m P'riday, when the Anglo-French loan falls due. The renewal rate was 7% per cent. Government withdrawals from the bai ? to-morrow will be ap proximately $8,000,000. Yester- Year day. ago. On mixed collateral... 7^6 9 On industrial collateral. 7Vs 9 Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days .S'aiSVj ?^*?6 Ninety days.8@8^4 &%(g!6 ?'our monthii.HCn.S'-j 5%(S)6 Four to six months..SC?.'S^t bli?<a,]'o Rank Clearing? ?- Bank clearings at New York yesterday were: Exchanges, $560,114,179; balance, ."5100,041,704. Silver- London, r?8%d; New York, domestic bar, 99%c; foreign, 83c: Mexi? can dollars. t'.,'}'% c. Sub-Treasury United States fund feserve credit balances, $94,766,4,17. Canadian Exchange New York fond? in Montreal $91.56 premiums per $1, 1 000; Montreal funds in New York $83.62 discount per $1.000. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange In a quiet market foreign exchange rates moved narrowly yesterday. If anything the tono was easier and ster? ling sagged off a fraction of a cent a pound. Francs wore also lower. Italian exchange, which was weak last week, displayed a firmer tendency (Quoted-in dol'Iara to the pound.) . Year Yesterday, ago. Sterling, demand.$3.4826 $3.485 Sterling, cables. 3.49 3.4925 Sterling, sixty day?. 3.4350 3.445 Sterling, ninety days... 3.41 3.425 (Quote ! in cents to the unit.) Ye s 1er- Week day. ago. Francs, checks. . 6.51 6.70 Franca, cables.. 6.58 6.71 Belgium, francs, checks. 6.94 7.06 Belgium, francs, cables.. 6.95 7.07 Lin-, checks. 4.01 4.13 Lire, cables. 4.02 4.14 Swiss, francs, checks.... 15.95 16.07 Swiss, francs, cables.. ..16.00 16.10 Marks, checks. 1.52 1.65 Mark?, cables. 1.53 1.65 Guilders, checks.30.80 81.0625 Guilders, cables.30.90 31.1875 Austrian, crowns, checks .36 .43 Austrian, crowns, cables .37 .43 Sweden, checks.19.50 19.90 Sweden, cables.'..19.60 20.00 Denmark, che?:ks.13.80 13.95 Denmark, cables.13.85 14.00 Norway, checks.13.92 13.05 Norway, cables.14.00 14.00 Pesetas, checks.14.40 14.64 Pesetas, cablea.14.45 14.68 Greece, checks.9.75 10.30 Greece, cables. 9.875 10.40 Manila, checks .46.50 40.50 Manila, cable?. 47.00 47.00 India, rupees, cheeks. . .32.50 32,50 India, rupees, cables... 33.00 83.00 Japan, yen, checks.51.125 51.125 Japan, yen, cables.51.375 51.375 Argentina, checks.82.875 82.75 Argentina, cables.83.125 83.00 Brazil, Rio, checks.17.75 17.50 Brazil, Rio, cables.17.375 17.625 Czecho-'Slovakia checks. 1.35 1.85 C?.ocho-Slovakia, cables. 1.35 1.35 Ex Dividends Company. Par C?nt. Am Plilpbulldlng Co... 8? E? 1 ?V* do pf . 1 <Si Am Sumatra Tob C7o. ZSa Am Z, L. ft S Co, pi. 1H Anaconda Cop Mfg Co . t Associated l> G Curp. l Atlantic Refining Co. pf. J % Austin-Nichols ?!fc Co, foe, pf.. 1.% Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.. 2 Cons ?.leur Corp. Temp...15 atk Crufclbl? Steel Co of Am. 2 K\ ?ti,,i:i ? Hrantlnghum Co, pf, 1 *? ; Famous Players-Lasky Cor pf 5 International Nickel Co, pf.. I '-4 Kelly Sprii ?' eld Tir? Co. ?1* stuck 1 oath ', Looae Wiles Blacult Co. ;'d pf. IV ' Midval? St.??; & ord Co. I Mullliifi Bodj Corp. \ do >?% pf. t' P.-re .Marquette It;,' Co, V T C, prior pf. 1 ?* ; Republic trou A ?teel Co.... 1 <? Superior Steel Corp. .. 1 Vs ' United l>rus Co, 1st pf. % '' V S Rubber Co. 2 I da 1st pf. 2 Virginia-?''aro ?'hem c0. j Vulcan Petinntng Co, pf.1 V ? Dividends Rate and Fa: period able. C P A C R R pf.$t.6?Js-a Nov J Edison II of Boat.13 q Nov 1 Rxc Kuft^t Corp. 5'J >1 Opt 3 0 Ot Nur Ore ctfa..$7' ? Pen 15 t.oews. ?nc .60o <I Nov 1 Revillon. Inc. pf.l? q Nov I La Ret S Cp stlc.5* D?e 15 Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealing? (Copyright. IJ>?0. N*w York Tribune Inc.) Bay hrfore. 131,400 14S.20O 274,600 Vear ago. Holiday Holiday Holiday Yasterday Railraoai stock. . 198,300 Other stocks . 279.600 All ?tacks . 475,800 Ycwterdny Day befors. U. 8. ??T^rnment batlin. $7,1B2.0f>0 $3,231,000 Railroad baiu? . 2,104,000 1,622,000 Other bonds . 3,843,000 1,876,000 AH bonds . 13,099,000 6,728,000 January 1 to date. 1920. 1919. 33,199.800 50,091,300 23 138,216,100 184,117,200 79 171,415,900 234,208,500 103 Year ago. 1920. Holiday $2,261,822,000 $1,933 Holiday 323,516 000 287 Holiday 285,194,000 306 Holiday 2,870,532,000 2,527 1918. 809 600 844,500 ,653.100 I919. ,691,000 ,119,000 ,427,000 ,237,000 Record of Stock and Bond Arfragcs (Copyright, 19,30. New York Tribune IntO Stork? Range thn* Bangs foil Tartar- Day Tear far 1920. year W\*. ter. befar*. age. High taw. High. Lew. 20 Railroad atoeks' . 72.00 72.10 Holiday 73.25 68.60 78.80 63.36 30 Industrial storks . 84.83 89.03 Holiday 110.30 82.63 119.33 79.20 50 Stock? . 79.70 79.89 Holiday 92.05 74.46 99.54 76.92 Bond? 10 Railraad bonds . 7M0 76.33 n?l!d?y 78.58 68.73 82.80 72.83 10 Industrial' bonds . 84.04 84.33 Holiday 91.46 82.92 96.70 "0.56 ? Utility honda . 73.08 72.17 Holiday 74.83 67.64 87.75 71.80 2? Bond? . 78.79 78.69 Holiday 81.71 73.94 87.91 80.21 High. Law. Mr, 1920. 1920. Rat?. 88*4 38% 6 AJax Rubber Sales. Ooen. High. I<?w. Close. 2% 1 3 VA ? 63% 28 t 93 76 8 62% 66 ? 103% 704? 8 48', g 39 3 61*4 30% ? 147.% 12*', 12 16?< 30% 122 53% 68 119!. a 93 109% mi 30?/8 72 100? 4 60 93! a 142% 106% 100 % 283 9 9% ? Alaska Gold Ml"?? Alaska Jumran . . . Allia-Chalmers . . . Amer Agr Chrm. Allied Chem . Amer Beet Sugar. Amer Bank Sete. . Amer Can Amer Car & Pdry. BO Amer llnif Kyn. 200 200 700 600 40 1% 2 327 n 200 83 600 56-14 700 72% 100 46' ? 1900 321 ? 66% 53 64i/a 61% 82 11% ~ 16% ? 62'% 4 88 7 33' s 3 85 7 99 7 74'. ? 10 92', 8 104% 1Z 85% 6 70 7 91% 7 38 ? 44 6 49'-, 4 23 4 83% 6 6 973 4 1t}5% 105-7 61% 59V a 66?: 3 87'4 126 89% 76 82 72 5 12% 5 ? 104''a 82'', 7 1761/2 128% 10 114 103 7 24 14% ? 14?''a 100 7 49 27% -? 63% 40/, ?', 184!, a 114 9*% 15 102'a 67'j 114 103 96% $3 17 13V4 62 11 ?1/4 129 B'.-a -11/a 28% 85% 46 751/a 134 7049; 61% 164% 68% 17'/, 14'a 33% 44 65 91% 120% 41% S4% 71% 21/4 8 5 5 8 8 9% -r B/a 48 -- 59 7 84 10 4/a - 6/4 ? 10/4 ? 61 6 22/4 ? 65 7 10 10 40 33% 4 74 10 47 4 4% ? 7 ? 19% 2 30% ? 4334 ? 67 5 98 7 23% ? 64% 7 64 6 12% ? Amer Hide & Leather do pf. Amer Ice Securities. . do pf. Amer Int'l Corp.. Amer Lin/teed . Amer Locomotive . Amer Safety Razor Amer Ship A Com. Amer Smelting .... do pf. Amer Sleel My. . . do pf. Am? Sugar. Amer Sumatra Tob Amer Teleg Ai Tel Amer Tobacco . do pf new. A nier Woolen. ?o pf. Am Writ Paper pf Amer Zinc pf. Anaconda . Asso Dry Good?. Associated Oil . Ateh, Too A S?n Fo da pf . Atl, Blnn A Ail. .. Atl Coast Line .... Atl, Golf A W I. . Atl Ref pf. Austin Nichols . Baldwin Lotorao^We. Baltimore A Ohie . . . do pf. Barrett Compaay.. Bethlehem Steel .... 41 40 41 ! 1% 1% 1% 2 2 2 ?? 32% 32% 32% 83% 83 83% 1 57 56% 56% 4 72% 72 72 % 46% 46'/? ,46% + 32% 32% 32%+ 400 134% 134% 134 ,1S4/a+ 100 91/4 9/4 9% 9% 1100 10% 10% 9% 10 ? 2600 60 60 56:,4 68 ? 200 *38% 38% 38% 38% 100 ?507,, 56% 56% 66%? 1400 71 72% 71% 72/?+ 200 66 67 66 67 + 1300 95 95% 94% 98 ? 1400 15 15% 15 151/4? 1500 17% 17% 17% 17%? 3600 69' 4 59' 2 59 59 ? 200 92%- 92% 92', 2 02% 100 38% 38% 38% 38% 4. 200 85% 85% 85% 85% \ 1200 104% 104% 103 '103 ? 600 8?> s 88% 87% 88% 700 98% 98% 98% 98% ? 1500 134 134 133 133 . 100 90% 90 J4 90% 90% 72 71 71%? 92%' 92'.;. 92/?r? B2iY Net rhge. Bid. Ask. 1% 1200 72 300 92' 'a 200 52%" 100 45 3400 31% 300 27% 300 92 t?.'14 bl ol ? : 45 45 45 - 61% 61 . 61%? 27% 27' a 27! 2? 92 92 92 - 2400 87% 88 87 87% 1600 78% 78% 78% 78/,? 400 9| 4 9% 9% 9%~ 100 98 98 98 98 ? 700 143'a 143'% 141 142 - 100 109 109 108 108 ? 100 16% 15% 15% 15%-i 17900 110% 112% 110% 112 4 4700 46 467, 46% 46%? 300 33 63'/, 53 53 ? 200 127% 127% 127,% 127%? 100 68 68 68 68 + do pf. 4100 6<J G9(; 68% 69%-' do 8?. pf . Bklyn Kdlson ..... Bklyn Rapid Tran. do ctfs. Bklyn I'nion Gas. Brown Shoe Co. .. Hums Bros . Brunswick . Hutte Cop A Zinc... 200 6% Caddo Oil . 100 16% Calif Packing . 200 62% Calif Petrol . 300 Si do pf. 300 68% Canadian Paciili ... 3400 120% Central Leather . 2900 43% 200 103% 103''a 103% 103'/'; 40 88 88 88 88 400 12% 13' 300 8% 9 700 52 62 400 60 60 400 ?6 97'/ 200 7% 7' 200 6% 67 6% 200 200 2400 200 2400 1600 3600 Cerro de Paseo. Chandler Motors . .. Chesapeake A Ohio Chic ft K III pf Chic Gt Western. . do pf. Chic, Mil A St Panl do pf. 4100 Chle A Northw'n. . . do pf. Chi, Rock Isl A P?c do 7% pf . do 6% pf. Chile Copper 12% 3% 02 59 96 7% 6% 16% 10% 16%+ 63 62% 63 ? 26 26 26 - 68I a 68 68 ? 127% 126% 126%? 43% 40 40%? 39% 39% 39% 39%? 78% 78% 78% 7834 87'. 66% 67%+ 67 12 12 12 12/4 12% 12' a 28% 29% 28% 40 42% 39% 60% 63% 60% 1600 82% 82% 82 100 110 110 110 3700 38 38% 37'>a 200 82% 82% 82: 4 300 70 70 69% 441-4 24% V/t Chino Con Copper. 68% 40% 44% 36% 65% 67 80 93% 97% 1051/4 46% 65 43% 278% 66% 69% 85% 9 16% 147 21% 30% 95 ?1% 44% 48 36% 19% 105 58' _ 27% 4 28 3 20 ? 18 50 5 35% 7 73% 7 73 7 76% 4 23 3 50 6 30 2' 115% 8 36% 7 31% - 75 7 2 ~ 2! 2 - 60 5 9% ? 17% - 65% 8 80 8 28% 7 19% 3 20 ? 67^ ? 89% 1400 1900 150 400 34 300 33 2900 19% 100 63'<4 100 72% 400 85' ? 200 73 1700 81% 200 27 100 58 100 36' 76% 58% 172 134 42 16% 89% 85% 93 85% 20 % 903/4 41% 28% 17% 78% 116% 23! 4 97% 27 61% 6% 16% 143% 116 72% 6 64% 6 76 ! 48 6 16 2 65% 7 30 4 23 7 ? 50 4 75 ? 13 1 80% 7 ?3% - 43% 4 3 ? ?%-. 110 7 103% Clexe A Pitt? Coca-Cola . 14100 Col Fuel A Iron. C**\ A Southern.. . Columbia Graph Col Ras A Kleo. . Cuneol Cigar? .... Consol Gas . Continental Can Corn Products .... Con Textilo . Crer Carpet. Cosden A Co. Cnicible Steel . . . Cnba-Amer Sugar Cn^a Cant Sugar. . do pf. Denver A Rio Gr. do pf . 1000 Endtcott-Johnson . . 200 Erie . 4700 do 1st pf_;_ 1600 Famous Player?. do pf. Fed Min A Smelt pf Flek Robber Tire. . . Freepart Texas. . . Gaston Williams... (?en Chemical Co pf General Cigar . General Electric Co, . Genera! Motora . 4900 17? do pf. 200 73 do 6% dob. 200 67 do 7% pf. 200 77'/ Goodrich, B F. 2700 49',, 36' 36' SG'V 1700 130% 130% 129% 130 1900 38% 40 38'4 .193 890-1 34' g 34' e 32' , 33' 000 75% 70% 75% 75' 700 2% 2% 2' , 2',. 200 G9? 300 84 300 138% 138% 138% 138% 17% 18 - (Cuan Sugar . Great Northern pf. . Gt North Oro ?nh?.. 50 Greene-Can Cepper C.uU, Mob A North Has A Bar Car Co. 6734 673, Houston OU . 1600 104% 106% 103% 103' Hupp Motor? . 900 14 14 13?B 14 Illinois Central . 200 95 95 94' 8 94' Int'l Agricult . 200 20% 20% 20 20 Inspiration Copper . . 1400 44 Inter-Cona Corp .... 700 43., do pf. 600 14/j Int'l Harvester . 1400 113% da pf. 51% 18% ? Int'l Mer Marine. 111% 70% 6 do pf. 200 73% 84 70 7 Int Met Tr 1st pf . 2C0 73 62%? Int'l Paper . '200 74 3% .60 Indlahoma . 2900 8% 16%? Int'l Nickel . 200 18 28 ? Invincible Oil . 3100 30% 6% ? Island Oil . 1100 6% 3% ? Jewel Ten. . 700 6"? 13%? Kansas Ctty South... 2100 24 40 4 do pf. 700 49% >i2 4 Kelly Springfield _ 600 56 % ? do rights . 29C0 34 22 2 Kennecott Copper . . . 3400 23% 12% 1.20 Keystone Tire ....... 900 13% 61 6 Lackawanna Steel... 1100 61% 8% ? Lake Erie A Western 400 20% 16 ? do pf. 700 35 18% 2 Lee Rubber A Tire.. 200 1934 39% 3% Lehlgh Valley . 1500 63 130 12 Lig A Myers Tob Co 200 145 99 7 da pf. 100 100 44 400 107% 107% 107% 1073,, 91% ?% 26% 47I/4 7% 21% 27% ?2% 132% 1% 33% 48'/g 91% 24% 40 38 55% ?0? 110 36 28 112% 69% 641/4 161% 86 36% 39' 88 93% 137% 222 24/4 . 60! ., 6434 55', Loews, Inc. 2?00 19?, iOJ4 18% 2 11% ? L*ft Candy . 200 12' 94 7 Louisville A Nashville 200 106 60 ? Mark ay C?e. 900 623 69 4 do pf. 200 50 87% 10 Manat? Bagar. 100 90 38% 7 Manhattan Elevated . 200 3% ? Maxwell Motor ctfs. . 200 3% ? do 2d pf ctfa. 300 3% ? Maxwell Motor . 1200 7% ? do 1st pf. 1600 69% 8 May Dep't Stores_ 400 148 12 Mexican Petroleum. 19600 26 18", 2 Miami Cans Copper.. 300 71% 10% 1.?0 Middle SUte? Oil.... 32% 87V? 4 Ml*? ale Steal . 9 ? Minn A St L new. . . 3/, ? M?, Kan A Texas... do pf. Mlsseari Pacific _ da pf. Mont Ward . Mollina Body . 3% National Acme . National Aniline _ do pf. Nat Con A Cable. ... Nat Enara A Stamp. . National Lead . N R R of Max 2d pf. Nevada Can.; Corp. . . New Or, Tex A Max. New York Central. . . N Y, Chic A St L... New York Beck. N Y, N II A H. 1 N Y, Ont A West.. . 7 Nerf oik A Wiwtern . . 7 Northern Pacifie . 5 Nov? fkvtia Steel 4 21 11 18 31% 35% 4fi 51 4C 86% 98 13 8?% 93% 8% 17% ?0% 81% C4 48% 37% 27% 16 103% ?6 92 4 88% 77% S8 21 ? 36 ? 25% ? 27% 4 32 B3 7 0% ? so e 70% 6 4% ? 10% ? 31 ? 84% 5 23% ao 23% 3900 1300 700 2900 100 8800 2900 200 200 1600 400 185% 137 . 19% 19',. 2! 277, 2714 2734 5238 5134 ??2'8 27/, 27% 27'B 29 28'.'a 28' -- 33% 32% 32% 56' 4 55% 55% 89'a 89 89% 7% 7% 73a 5734 67% 3734 5734 74 74'4 V4 74? 4 6% 6% 6% 634 11% 11% II34 113,4_ 59'4 59? 4 Sfl34 58J4 78% 79% 78 79 - 52 62 52 52 - 25% 25% 25/2 25' r 34 3438 33 V 33% 23% 24'.4 23' - 23% 900 100% 100% 100% 1001 j 2600 88(4 90 88' . 88' ^? 200 40 40 40 " 40 - 200 89 400 73, 200 573^ 500 74 2400 67B 200 11 34 700 59' 4 4700 78' 4 200 52 200 25/, 9600 34 1100 nigh. Low. Dit. w,t 1920. 1920. Rate. Sale?. Open. High. Law. Clwe. chg?. Bid. Ask. 5% 3% AOOMa Prod A lt?f . . 400 4 4% 4 4- 3% 4 9% 5 _ Ontario Silver . 100 5 3 6 5 ? % 5 6 157 107 8' Otl? Elevator . 200 128 125 125 128 - 123 125 4178 19%? OH? Steel . 200 22 22 22 22 4- % -21% 22% 7P 27 4 Pacific Development 700 27% 27% 27 27- 28% 27 61% 41% 5 Pacific Ga? A Elec. . 600 62% 53% 52% S3%4- % B3% 53% 116% 71% 6 Pan-Amer Pet . 7900 88% 89% 88% 88%? % 88% 88% 111% 67% 6 do B . 1600 82 83 82 83 + 1% 82 83 44 37% 3 * Pennsylvania Rail . 2700 43% 44 43% 43?'?? % 43% 44 36% 16 7 Penn Scab Steel .... 200 18% 18% 18% 18%? % 18 19% 42 ?7 ? People? Ga? A Coke. 600 37% 38 37% 38 4- "4 38% 40 32 22 ? P?re Marquette - 2??00 28 28% 27% 27%? 1 27% 27% 571/, 37 _ rfr> pf . 200 62% 53 52% 63 ? % 82% 53 427 30% 3 Philadelphia Ca - 4100 38% 39% 38% 39% 4- ^4 39% 39% 82% 133 ? Pierce Arrow . 1600 34 34% 33% 33%? -^ 333/4 34 108'. 88% 8 do pf . 200 89 89 89 89 ? 1 88 94 2,!i? n __ Pierce Oil. 1200 14 ?4 13% 13%? 1 13% 14% 98 79 8 do pf '...:. 700 80% 80% 807k 80%-: 807'9 81 72% 51% 5 Pittsburgh Coal .... 900 67% 67% 66% 66%? % 67 67/, 39% 21% ? Pitts" A Went Va ... 2700 36% 36% 35% 35%? % 36 36% 27,31 i2i-2 1 pond Creek Coal ... 200 16% 16% 16 16 ? % 16 16% 50% 36 ' 4 Pure OU . 200 39% 39% 39% 39%-' /, 3*9 39% 124 108% 8 Pullman Co . 200 111% 111% 111% 111%? 1% 111% 112% 120 66 8 Punta Alegre Sugar 2800 68 68 67 67 ? 1% 67'4 68 22% 13% 1 Ray Con Copper. 2,100 14% 14% 1,4% 14%- 14% 14' 2 101% 64% 4 Reading . 17600 96% 98% 96% 977,4- ,% 9734 98 4734 32% 2 do 1st pf. ?00 47 47 47 47- 46% 47% 50% 33% 2 do 2d pf.... 200 50 30 30 60 - 49% 51 23 10 ? Heh & Co. 100 10% 10/, 10!', 10%+ /, 10% 13, 124% 72% 3 R?rp Iron & Steel_ 4600 75 78 74% T6 ? % 75% 78 553,4 2f; ? Rep Motor Truck... 1100 32% 32% 32 32 ? % 31% 32% 123% 69% 6.?0 Roy Dutch N Y ?lis 4900 81% 81% 75% 78%? 5% 76 76% 177s 14 ! St Joseph Lead _ 300 14 14% 13% 13%? % 13/, 14 33% 15% ? St I.oui? A San Fran 4760 31% 31% 31 81/a? % 31% 31 % 40 11 ? St Louis Southwest.. 1600 34 35 33% 34%? % 34% 34% ?15% 20%? do pf . 1400 40% 41/a 40% 41/a+ % 41% 42 11% 6 ? Seaboard Air Lhto. 1200 9% 9% ' Ws Wz? % Wi 10 20% 10 ? do pf . 200 17 17 17 17 - 16% 17 243 109 8 Sears Roebuck . 2400 116 116% 113 113%? % 115% 116 13 8% ? Shaitcck A Artxon?. 200 8% 8% 8% 8%? % 8 8% 90% 45% ,74 Shell Trans A Tr. .. 4400 50% 60% ?48 48 ?2% 47% 48 25% 0% 1 Santo Cecilia Sugar. 200 10% 10% 10% 10%4- % 10% 11 48% 23%? Sinclair Oil . 5100 31 31% 31 31%? % 31/, 31% 82% 09 8 Sloas-Sheff Bt A Iran 100 63 ?83 63 63 ? 1% 63 64' 105% 88% 8 Southern Pacific .... 17400 99% 89% 983% 9914,-? 99% 99', a 310 100 20 So Porto Rico Sogar 200 117 117 117 117 + 2 112 118 33% 18 ? Southern Railroad .. 10700 31 31% 30% 31 ? % 31 31% 66% 50 5 do pf . 400 65 66% 64% 68 ? % 65 66% 850 600 20 Stand*r4 OU of N J. 40 620 ?620 819 619 ? 2 620 625 113% 100% 7 do pf . 1600 105 103% 103 106%-?- % 104% 105% 118% 50 4 Stromberg Carbureter 700 65% 67% 65% 87 + % 68 69 126% 53% 7 Studebaker . 17600 54% 55% 64% 55%-f- /a 55% 55% 203B 17% 2 Superior Oil . 300 17% 17% 17% 17%? % 17% 18 13% 9 ? Tenn Cop A Chem.. . 400 9% 9% 9% 9%.? % 9/a 9'i 63% 40 3 Texas Company _ 20900 49% 50 49% 49%? % 49% 49% 47 20%? Texas A Pacific. 27600 20% 20% 17 18%? 1% 18% 18% 53% 31 ,25 Tex A Pac C A Oil 2400 33% 33% 32% 33 ? % 32% 32% 95/a 67 6 Tobacco Product? ... 700 60! 4 66% 65/a ?6 ? % 65% 66% 106 83% 7 do pf .,. 200 83% 85% 85% 85' 2-? 85% 85% 38% 9 ? Transcon Oil . 1700 11% 12 11% 12 - 11% 12 127 73/a 8 I'nion Bag A Paper 200 83% 85% 85% 85%+ "a 83 87 38 25%? l-'nion Oil . 900 27/, 27/, 26% 26%? % 26% 26% 129% 113 10 Union Pacific . 6700 126 127 125' ? 126 ? % 126 126% 69% 61% 4 do pf . 400 67% 67% 67% ' 67%- 67 67% 224 176 12 I'nited Fruit . 800 202 202' 3 201% 202 - 202 203 14 V/a ? Cnitcd Ry Invest_ 400 13% 13! a 13 13 ? % 12% 13 2934 13 ? do iif . 1200 271/2 27'3 27% 273/4? % 27% 28 25/2 I2/2 ? U S C I Pipe A Fi>. 400 16% 16% 15% 16%+ Ta 14 16 52 40 5 do pf . 200 41% 41% 41% 41/,+ % 41 4234 37% 6 ? U S Express. 200 6% 63* 6% 6%-4? 6% T 78% 46% 6 l* S Food Product*.. 1100 47% 48 46 47 ? 1% '*6% 47 116% 77% 8 ?" S Ind Alcohol.. . 800 83% 83% 82/a 82%? % 82% 83 96%, 50 3 1'nlted Retail Store?. 270O 723? 74 71% 72%? % 72'% 73/, U334 74% 8 ? 9 Rubber . 4600 78 78 773? 77%? 1 77% 7734 ?15% 101 8 do 1st pf . 200 108% 106% 106% 106%? /a 106 106% '09 83% 5 V H Steel . 27600 87% 87% 86% 87 ? % 87 87% 115% !04-3H 7 do pf . 6QO 108% 108% 108% 108% - % 108% 108% 80% 56% 6 Ctah Copper . 2900 59 607, 58% 6934- 59% 59% '27d 7 ? I'Uh Sec Corp _ 200 11% 11% 11% 11%? % 11% 12 97 42 6 Vanadium 8tee] _ 6700 64 64% 62% 64/4+ % 62% 6334 80% 57 4 Va-Car Chemical ... 300 B8% 69 88% 68%-?- % 68% 59'4 21 11% 2 Vivaudoii, Inc . 400 11% 11% 11% 11%? % 11% 12% 13 7 ? Waba?.h . 2900 12 12% 11% 12%- 12 12% 34% 20%? do pf A . 700 32% 32% 32% 32%+' "4 32% 32% 23% 14 ?. do pf B . 200 22% 22% 22% 22/sH /a 22 22% 15/a 8% ? Western Maryland . . 2600 14% 15% 14% 14%? % 14% 13 23% 11 ? do 2d pf. 8900 23% 24% 22% 24 + 1 23% 24", 40 2C/2 ? "Western Pacific .... 200 36% 36% 35% 36 ? 1 35% 36 7b 54% 6 do pf . 200 7434 75 74% 75 - 74% 75 119 93 7 Westing Air Brake.. 400 99% 100'% 99% 100%-.- % 100 102 551/2 44' a 4 Westinghouso Mfg ., 1100 46% 46% 46% 46%4- % 46% 46% ??i2% 40 5 Wilson Co . 300 62/, 52% 52 52 - 52 54 10 9 ? Wheel A Lake Erie. 1600 14% 16% 14% 14%-14% 15 69% 42%. 4 White Motors . !_ 200 ?4% 44% 44; 3 44%? 1 44' g 45 32 10 ! Willys-Overland . 3900 10% 11 10% 11 + "4 10% 11 03 58 7 du pf . 400 66 66 b2 62%? 2% 62 64 48 21 ?- Wisconsin Central 200 40 40 40 40 - 40 43 140 .100 8 Woolwerth . 400 107% 108 107% 108 ? % 106% 103 32% .24 ? Wickwire-SponceT 200 28 28 28 28 4-2 27 28 *Ex dividend Bid and Asked Ad? !lumoi> tio pi . Alb & Sus... ''It aim pr. HU. Asked. MO EK. Aslrtd. Int Nickel pr 81 S.I l?t Salt _ B7j Iowa C..-ntra!. i : 13 ^^^^^^^^^^?.- ?Jotuw T.:a ... 1 H>% Am Ag Cli pr S8% 87% Kaysor / ...'?JO 05 A Bit N?to pr 4H 4.1 KCVSAM pr. 5T A Beet S pr. ? 82 ! Kelly Hpr pr. HOV. 83 A 1) S i 1", . 49 7,3 do s pc y:.. <.u 93 '? o pr ..85 87% Kelaey Wheel, 48 ?a \n Can pr. .85% 87 ' do i>r . .SO A ?' & K pr.108% 114 Keok ft I> M. tj A Cot oil pr. 84 70 : do pr . Si) 50 Am Ki-press..l41 150 [Kress -A Co.. 80% M Am loo Sec pr 58% 59% Us?... 44' 4i3 Am I,a France 10 toy* 1J|i .* M 1'. 141 150 A Linseed pr. 83 s>7 : ?Jo pr . ti<> 101 Are U .1 pr.100% 101% L-W Biscuit. 37% 40 1st i.r... in 104 2d Br...l03 ?3 Am Hhlpbldg. Am Sta pr A 18 Aw BnulT _103 do pr 1 'JO ? Lorlllard pr.. us 101 103 |I-oulsf *. N.106 108V S7 .Hanau Siu*r 90 93 ?um T pr. 85 89% do l"" . 85 88?, 31 Mannst Beacli ?.4 2V :?)\ Man Kleo Hup 51 59 65 ?lo pr .100 11% Mar Ilodrwell. - - 38 50 -Msr.'.n Ptrry. .10 HO 23 IMat Al \v... ?j? ai ? ?Mas ? ' Ma> Ijo 8c pr 95% 1O0 Mea Vet pr.. 91 Mich CVotraH 90 MSP& a s M 8? A m Tel & C. 47 A '?" ? pr new 80 Am Wli pr... po ?Vni Ziuo ... 11% 'Ii pr ... . 45 Ann Arbor .. 20 25 |do pr . 30 33 A 1? Q let pr 58% GO d ? 7.1 pr... 52 ,-??; Asso 1 m ... 87 92 Atlantic C I, !>',% 9S AO.& \V I pr 62 08 Sties Co : % : 1 ; pr ?% JO 100 93 88 17?..j Loco pr 9 Uarnsdall . . . 4 do li .._ 3 Burnett Lea.. 4 08 , isH^ do lad lines. 'I >to.Tls & Kjl. liO MuliUis Body. . Vj \i pr ?jh & Oist 104 _Js'jt i',l.i.:lil'....;?i.'i .1.) nr i^^^^B??? ''.> ??''"> Barro? Co pr.101% 103"v4?[-N"at d i d- ?r Hl.'.'iplllUI M, . % Beth 8 7th pr 90 10? 107 197 KdUon Bums Bros 06 pr 9* BulT 11 & P. 60 ? ? 80 I'll IT ^^^^ do pr . ... ijj Bush Term. .. ? Hutte C ft Z f Cil * AriJS.. 55 f-'sn Southern. 3d Oase J I pr. . s , ' eut Lea pr. l>? 1'?'''? of N' J..214 'ertalnteed . .. 45 "i.I ft Alton. 12% 14 68 70 82% 17'i 18% 7 3% do pr I! & E 111... ., Ill Pneu'Tool 80 7 S ['Ills, ' -c; i' m & o 60 do pr . .., 90 C C C &?B ?, 54 do pr ... ??,: luett Peab. .. - do pr . DO ,??,, 0 ft H 1st pr 53% 54% do J t pr. . . 4H "?.1 Graph pr 77 7omp Ta!. Ree 48 Con Olgars pr fin '?'? ' 1 !an pr.. 97% im "?>? ! Ins Co. ??% 72, Hn?.l pr.100 101% 'r?i Carpet .. 53 60 "ru Steel pr .91 9; "u Am Su pr ,i>2 9 1% ?ivre to pr.. 02 95 ?> l & w r 95 N H A S pr. 88 94 90 Mai Lead pr. 101% loo 97 . s'lUt M 1st pr 9 113 N Y Air Br. 9 ? 85 NYC&SL lut. ?a 100 ! do 2a pr. .. till N V hock pr 45% 34 N Y U ft \\ ;;> 65 Norfolk So . 19 Vor!' A W pr. 87 58% N'orth Am 50 Ohio Holy ??? ? SilTor 90 ??tit Elei pr Otis Steel pr.. Owens Ik-! M. 47% 48% ' IT". 96 101 ' '' ?' "A'. ? 25 4fl .. . 2d p?.. 4", 00 Rl% Pacific Mail.. - . 1 I'?.- Tel A T. 41 7.? Hurish i- IUr.? 2H I'enn I C pr. . 7? ?, 5S% Heorls & i:. ;4 ],;% 70 Per? M prl pr iv3.% n h7 P C C 6 S I? S3 **% 100% PetU Mill-.:... 33 40 ilo Ut pr. .. 92 1!5 Pteir-e Oil pr 81% 83 fitta Cosl pr. 84% 85% P W & C.U3 120 Pitts Steel pr. 45 ?? r & w Va irr 7; Pr St Car pr !r9 f S C -V J . d2 Itj i-teel Ppr. 94 do pr .lt>4 'Und Minn?.. 5S 101 43% 27% 49V4 80% I?2 no 2"40 pr 70 23% M IVor? Del EdUoi "??'? I'll ItR. > - 4 ..; Bast Kodak. .325 530 *to pr . ...100 103 1 S S H K 9U 11 Durham lins. ; -i " /,i 7" yr ??? ?'?- 93 "' St Bat..118 130 ?lkhoni c pr. 82% r7i-> B-aji! . 11 ;.'!'?ll John pr . ?, ?>ie ? Pi:-- 4 trie i pr. . 20 ?"?! Mis ?lo pr ion '?00 Cherr .40 Hero T> 1st pr hi Il..i:s?fl,?er ... ? "10 It I ft S irr.. 91 9? Ravage Arm*. 23 OS ^.?srn )ti.w pr 10.? Ho S-8 Silp. 83% s>)r% S P B u? 1 ?to pr .I113 105 < Sun lard Mill 120 140 / I fl? Pr . .. 74% so ? V-i-i! Un-* pr. ?4,-l?, f.,-:/ Studebsker pr. 85 80 Sup Htoel . . 4< 4? do pr .. .. 97% 98% .... T & !? Id tr.?0 ?25 21%(Tidewater Oll. 190 ?>. |%[Tub Prod pr. 85% gj ot o ?-t |v-., .,11, rnv pr. . !???,:. 1?U ho ; r -1 L ft \V. 1 pr 59 IM .?>?. A-u Tank ' ?>-ii Clgsr pr 68 do pr Uni.'. 82% rodriah pr.. hi ?ranb\ M .. S3 i M ft N pr 80 ?Ulf St S?eel 43 lirtr?in LV.rp 74% rortwtak.? . . 48 nt Agri pr . ~t B M T 2d pr 60 nt P?rer pr.' P, <l" Pr itpd.. ?;.? pr 18 Tra.'.s A W K 42% 43 Tvritl ? V.y II T 38 40 do pr . ... i-3% 85 l'oiiflrwooii T l?o ?70 'lo pr . .102 ur 1 n Ci?ir St .ISO 1'66 I do pr ..... 99 104 ?ntted Dru?. ,:05 jbo do Ut pr .. 44% 45 I H Kxprrjsa. . 6% 7 ?': * I AI pr. S8 9? 17 U R 1st pr.105% ?w% USS ft H pr. <l% ?3% v? Cir <Si r?-.105 !0i% \ ? 1 C ft ??.Jll lti Bid. A?k?l? PIJ. Aa%eA. Walls Panro . 67 KO 'Wir* O pr.. 63 6S West Pso pr. H 7'.%,Wdolmnh pr 108 107 '. ?wt I7n- Tel. 84 84%?WP ft >.t pr A 75 SO i Vrilsm Co ... 5? 64 : do pr B_ 62% H j Anaconda Copper Sells $25,000,000 Bond Issue Here ?National City Company and Guaranty Purchase Offer? ing; Official Announce? ment Expected To-morrow Official announcement was rr;ade yes? terday that the National City Company : and the Guaranty Company o? New York have purchased an isaue of $26, 000,000 of bonds of the Anaconda Cop : per Alining Company. Details of the new financing were ! withheld by the bankers, although it ; ia understood that the bonds ere of ; fairly long maturity, probably ten to ?fifteen years. Formal announcement of terms will be made to-morrow, when ; the bonds will be offered for public sub? scription. The Anacondt has outstanding $25, ; 000.000 ten-year secured gold 6s, scries ' "A," of an authorized issue of $50, , 000,000 Bold early laftt year. These bonds were offered at 98'ra, and interest, | to yield close to (5*4 per cent. New Haven Stockholders Approve Mortgage Plan Canadians Seeking Boston & Maine, Meeting Is Told; Eoonomv I? Urged NEW HAVEN. Oct. 11.?A general mortgage On the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad was approved at ?i stockholders' meeting to-day, as recommended by the director?. The meeting was slimly attended by tockholders. President Pearson made :i general statement concerning the road's affairs and the object of the mortgage. He was followed by Vice President Bucklend, who gave an analy? sis of the financial condition. The ?-?resent indebtedness is $292,278,000, which is an increase of $23,325,000 over '.hat in 1913, when the present manage? ment came in. Mr. Buck'.and stated tha'. tho road's business i? growing and it is a big problem to keep up develop? ment with the demand made upon the property. After Mr. Buekland had gone into the finances of the company he was questioned at length by* Hagop Bogl gi&n, of Boston. Mr, Bogigian asked what salaries the officers were receiving and whether the road was practicing economy. Mr. Bogigian asked if the company would stand in the way of consolida? tion with the Boston & Maine, should , the government group that road with j the New Haven. He* e aid that if thai Ne : Haven aid not look eut, Canadians i would get the Boston & Maine, and ' this would prove serious for Boston, Portland and New York. After approving all impositions on the ballot the meeting whs adjourned until November 11. In Wall Street Whelan Propertle? May Merge Another merger of Wbelan tobacco I properties is said to be under way. | According to reports that nre generally credited the next enosolidat?on will in? clude Philip Morris & Co.. the Tobacco Products Export Corporation and the United Profit Sharing Company. It is understood that the three will be ein- ! solidated under the name of tho Na- I tiortal Tobacco Company. Both Philip ' Morris and Tobacco Products Export ! were formed early in 1919. The former acquired the business of that name ; in the United Stales. Tobacco Product* j Export acquired the foreign business' of the Tobacco Products Corporation 1 and shareholders were given the right to subscribe to the shares of both com- I panies. United Profit Sharing was or- i ganized to take over the coupon busi- '. ness of the United Cigar Stores Com- ? pany and in addition launched a chain I of retail tobacco shops in Canada. Ac- ; cording to present plans shareholders of tho three companies will be given the right to exchange their shares for stock of the proposed new company. Teia? & Pacific Goe? Lower On renewed selling Tekas & Pacific | shares broke?*to 17 yesterday, a new low on the current decline. In con? trast to the break lart week there wtp few rumors to account for the fresh outbreak of weakness, except possibly a statement regarding the company';* j adventure in oil. It was said '.hat of the two wells sunk on the road's right : of way in Texas, one has thus far failed to ?how returns, while operation? ? are still being maintained on the bee- ! ond in the hope that it will yet be turned into a producer. This hole is I said to have already gone to a depth j of 2,700 feet without results. These! wells were the only ones begun by the '. railroad following the original talk a j year a?o of the possibilities for oil j in the region served by the company. ' In liouisiana, it was stated, the road ; is opera-ting about "eleven wells in the Bull Mayou country with a daily output of approximately 400 barrels. Zurich Loan Closed After several weeks of negotiation the Swiss city of Zurich has closed with New Y'ork bankers for a loan of $?,000,000. The securities will consist ''? of twenty-five year 8 per cent bond? i and public offering is expected to he ? made toward the end of the week. The ? city of Berne, another Swiss munici- j paiity, is also in the market for funds | and bankers said yesterday that an- ' nouncement of this operation might' be forthcoming at any time. Bankers Calling Loan? Heavy calling of loans was reported yesterday and it was this development which was held responsible for the sharp run up in call money rates at the exchange. After renewing at 7% per cent caLJ money rose to 8 per cent in the cany afternoon and subse? quently jumped to 0 per ce-nt, the highest rate in several days. J. P. Mor? gan & Co. were said to be active in call loans yesterday, and the presump? tion is that the bankers were preparing ior the Anglo-French loan maturity on Friday. Funds aggregating upward or $200,000,000 accumulated against this mfturity have been out on cal! for a fortnight past. In financial circles the opinion prevails that, call money will likely be firm most of the current week. To-morrow the Treas? ury will withdraw $8,!"00,000 from the ?ocal banks and there will be further withdrawals on Thursday. Another Break in Silver Another sharp break occurred in the price for foreign silver in the London market yesterday, which was followed by a similar movement here. The New York quotation was 83 Cents an ounce. a decline of 2% cents from Saturday'? closing figure. This is the lowest price foreign silver has reached the break of June 17, when the market touched 80 cents. The present slump is a reflex of developments in India. Exchange on Ir.dia in the London mar ket fell sen.-iitionally yesterday, tum? bling to 1 sh:i!ing 6Vs pence! Indis has been steadily absorbing gold of late and is said to be exporting silver in order to pay for its gold purchases. Coca Cola Break? Bear op?;rators selected Coca Cola as the particular target for their sharp Bhooting yesterday and succeeded in driving the stork down at one 'time almost five points below the high price of the session on tho Stock Exchange. The rapidity of tho declino in the morning trading suggested that the drive was successful in. bringing about the liquidation of a considerable amount of long stock. At 27H the stock reached u new low level for the year. Toward the close the shorts decided to take in some of thoir profits and by the clost* had caused c rally to 29^?, which was still 1% points under Saturday's last sale. Slmms Petroleum Deal Probably the largest sale of spot crude oil this year has been consum? mated by the Simms Petroleum, which has sold 500,000 bnrrels at $3.45 a bar? rel, or a total of $1,728,000. All the oil was produced from the company's well in the Homer field and the price represents a premium of 20 cents a barrel over the posted market price for Homer crude, interests of the com? pany said yesterday. The tanks in which the oil has been stored are not included in the purchase price. De? liveries are to be made f. o. b. tank cars f tho buyers. The Standard Oil Company of Indiana purchased 300 000 barrels of the total and deliveries art? all to be made by November So to ?ta tank cars. The other 20?),000 barrel? are Bold in Texan to an unnamed buyer, deliveries to bo made in Novem? ber and December. With the consum? mation of thi3 Kaie it is stated that the Simms company has in its treasury $4.490,022 in cash. Production ia now running in excess of 4.000 barrels a day. Car Movement? Improve That the efforts of the railroad man? agers to maintain the Improvement in transportation reported since the car? riers were turned back to their owners on March 1 is continuing is ?shown by the latest statistcs. For the week ended September 25 there were moved 994,687 cars of loaaed revenue freight, compared with 987,041 cars in the cor? responding period a year ago and 091, 980 for the same we*k of 1919. Local Bond Men Entertain Investment bankers and bond market experts from other parts of the coun? try, particularly the West and the South, who attended the annual con? vention in Boston last week, stopped off in New York in large numbers over the week end as the guests of local bond men. The visiting bankers and brokers enjoyed a continuous round of pleasure at the expense of their New York friends, most of them returning home late Sunday and early yesterday. Paris Market Irregular PARIS, Oct. 11.?Prices were irregu? lar on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent | rentes, 54 francs 10 Centimes. Exchange en London, 53 francs 18 centimes. Five ] per cent loan. 86 francs 10 centime?. The dollar was quoted at 15 franca 19'i : centimes. London Money Market LONDON, Oct. 11.-Bar silver, 53Hd ' per ounce; bar gold, 117a 3d; money, j 4!-i per cent; discount rates short bills, I 5% per cent. Three month bill?, ?Vi? 31?-?6 per cent; gold premium? at' Lisbon, 140.00. Babcock & Wi?cox The largest and mint inceeta ful makers of Steam Boil era In the world. No funded debt. No preferred stock. Uninterrupted dividend record for over 30 yean. Now paying H% per ai We offer the ?iosk at m price to yield 7V2% BRISTOL?? BAUER YIO BROADWAY NEU^YOIOL Phone R?dor 4594 Investment Securities Charles E. Brickley ? & Co. Members A,'cu> Y'.?r.?f Estehang* 61 Broadway S3 State Street NEW YORK BOSTON Kansas City Southern 1st Mtge. 3a 1950 to yield 6'4cc St. Louis & Southwestern Term. & Unif. 5s 1952 to yield 8% Miller, & 6a i^ernhers UevJYork. Stock xxcrianiM EQUITABLE BUILDING 120 Broadway New Y0nk STANDARD NEW ISTH ^$W M%n.rn ro KIIITION M INTKSTOM STATISTICAL ? yni, BOORI,KT * KIQI ^1 ISSUES CARL H.PFORZHEIMER S CO 1 I I?ea)?ra !? Kiudud OH Hfririltai '*???? **H-l-2-s~a trat? ti mraa? el. S. Y "Tho Oil Industry" Daeeftai U the iKtmraaH atl fc?y?ll h aM aa..ur.?e\. fweMeeei an*w?. If fe*i eaa eeajeeee R.CMeoapgel&COl Oil Prices Advanced PITTSBURGH, Oct. ii pal crude oil purchasing kg? to-day announced an advin grado from $4.17 to $4.4fi . * was also announced I in future would be divided to ?tw? grades. All above B8 pro? ??. ? known us "Soni market price, beginning with I runs, would he $4.60 a ban regular of Somsi ?. r \> changed at $4.25. Somerset il a K-n tacky oil. Western Power of t imada, ltd Western Power I ompai . Ltd., Vancouver, H C., r*p< i ? month of Aup-.i?; $47,312, an ?ncr? ? comparad with Augu H net earnings of |28 04, a per cent. For ? ended August 81 the compai :ng revtnues of $520,711, an 1Z.9 ?irr cent ov,-r t.'.o COI ,' period in 1919, and net earn ?| $311,31?, an increase of 6.? per cert, $.3,000.000 Sto.k Dividend WO! ..'ESTER. Mm?., ??, ? Graten & Knight Man .-' pany to-day declared a $3.000.000 ?tock dividend, which ?a?ii be paid holders of common ?tock at the rate ef three shares of the new for ever} '.wo shares of the old. ? . i ? Financial Item* At the annual meat ng if phla A ll-ad::.* ( sal and Robert 3 Cary Qeorfe I' ? ? lam i> Pollard, Robert Jacob (Timer an.l Oeorf" ~]*ri'.(l directo*?, constitu? as * new hoard. W J. Richarde -- r ? tad praatdent Dante! A lierle.-h has sener?; agent of the item } ? ? line?, With he?d'!M.\rt. re Bolldlnc, IM remple Street ? ? Conn. But!? Ti- itlM I ended per cent, and for b'.ne.l ft p.,: Stroud * Ca. have apenad ?ft.-?? at ?I Hroadw.av or?.. ? La. da, f?arn erljr ?conn ? . id an? Sitar? <'ampany. Donald rt. ?tewart, formar!;- ?*!" tirant & Co.. hae becerra ea; o(aie-1 ?t? the arm of Rallias. KaJhfle'e.-h A C ?' ?er- ? ?f th? New York at - >-t-li?iir ?t> miniiir ?e ih(?, . , ., ment