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LEGAL NOTICES NEW YORK RAILWAYS COMPANY. NOTICE op SALE OP CERTAIN HEAT. ?STATE SITUATE IN NEW YORK CITY. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur? suant to a decree ?>r foreclosure an i m?e umlcr the First Real Kst.-ii" ?m?l Refund tag Mortgage of New Yorli Railway? Company ps t?-> certain property cove ? bj *' thereof made and entered In the Unlled states District Court for the South? ern i slrlcl ..t New York on theMTth day of September 192ft. In certain cause? In ?qmty pendinr in ?Mid court crrtltied The American Brak? Shoi h Foundry Coin p&in, plaintiff, ag?to(t >??v> York J:?u! '??!'! Company, d?fondun>\ (~.n Equity. Con nolidated Cause No. BI?-1 51, and No. Ri? *9>. Guaranty Trust Coni?aiy of New York, a? Trust? ?, ocmpl ?'Ain't against N?w York Railways Company, Th?> Farm? er? Loan and Trust Company, am! .!"!> E Hedges, as R? , -,, : ,,, th. New York Railways Company, The American Brake Shoe and Foundrj Company, William Nod w*|] Margaret Nodwell Joseph R. Mc Oulrc. a nti !?-? Levlne, as Administratrix of tlic goods chattels and credits of Isaac Levlne, ii.c-as'i. Max Markowltz, Winl frcl Howell, an Administratrix of the roods and :-r?'.!,t.?i of Re?ecca Coveney, deceased; Meyer Poit?her, at Infant, by II.; Poneher, guardian ?ei l'tem; Harry Poacher, Charlotte Per'er, ?3 infant, by Jacob Perlei her gunr41?n ad lltem; ' i De Oorgla, Ethel Ureene, Jacob Perler, Martlrr Gallagher, liiael Schorr, Andrew Kuntz, Barbara Kun z, Elsie Wein? berger. National Surety C-t.'Wpany, Adolph Weinberger, William E. Rohahn, Michael Waldron, Henri Sadacca, Gustave Neubert, M Qoldberf Sa ? ; I . Marcus, James .1. McCue, '.:.,, n l'ollrer, ui Infant, by Cusy" Pollrer, her guardian a?! '.item: Herman Larrdy, Frances Rar.dazzo, Th >mas Tr,-, McConnell, an Infant, t>-- Thomas J. Mfi'-vi: ? .. his guardian ad !l!?.m; Thomas J. McConnell, J . n Marc'.nkowskl. as Ad min'TStratrix or' th? goo-D chattels ami credits of Joseph Mar? ir.VOKskl. deceased; Mj'i- Miller, Rose Davief, Anna Lyons, JolO .1 Schmitt, Alley V. Main. Helen L. Main. Bernard Leff, K?lna janka, The Red V : g Coi pany, Inc.. Angeline Corning, Harold S Altman, Arrdrew Mobson. Pom Imki Kambes? es SI leanas Knmbeseles M --? i: .- le, John Lynch, Loretta Miller, an Infant, by Mary Miller, her guardian ad litem; Sanitary Wet Wash Laundry Companj Inc., 711 to 7 ? T East 11th Street Co., : ? r Sa -i! Brlskman, Morris Ilauh. Peter Franz, Walter A. Trock, Illus? tr?t. : Postal Card A- Nove Itj Co., Fai -us Plavers Laskv Corporal in-.-), Battery Ware Si .,-?? Weiss, Samuel r- - - I ?iii-v, ?? ,v ? ? ?ipan l." . Garage ( !om ran In--, Schult? Realt? C nipany, ^'nn i ......... \ Com pai S .'. ! . ? K ilson Company, The F .\. Munsey Company, Walcutt Brothers i Seither S . ' I pes ! .;t hographlne Companj Perl vln Company, An r1--. ., I! lie! any, Henry L. , \v.. e- an ! ?. can, dotm,- busi? ness as The Walker Engraving Company: Harrj f-trull, Th- Esagoe Company of Cl :. . Inc., Isr: ?'- - lilchard D. Cahn ? i! us Cahn, doing business aa R. I ? ? ahn & . New York Join: Ho:?'7 of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, O. Cohen. The Llnndale Bleach, Dye & Paint Works, Inc.. Joseph Greenberg ami lsid?.-i-e Goldenberg, doing busln? ? a: ?? ?t '.. Hat Company; Weiss land Amusement Corporation, Gertrude Josephy, Edward Josephy and Charles A. Brodek, as Executors of the last Will and Testament of Iluso Joseph;.-, deceased; Frederick Merth r, Theodore Theris. Flor? ence I'. Wer ?min F. Werner, Wall-"- Ti Sewell. Sophie Oslinkcr. as administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits which were of Samuel Osllnker, deceai d, and John Gallagher, Defendants i !n Km:; . N, . I-716 16! i. I, Francis M. f? ,..'. as Special Master, will sell at pub j. auction to th? highest bidder or bid? ders, in the manner hereinafter and in the sa.,,] decree set f'irth, at the Court. House of i he Countj of New York, In which the property Is locat.-d. (on the Norfh East steps facing Chambers Street of said Court House), in tho City of New York, In the state of New York, on th" :?th day of November, 1!>20, at ?level loci In ihe forenoon, the property In h.C? decree described and therein di? recte,) to be sold. The mortgaged premises and property direct "3 by said decree tp be sold are tTieieiii described as follows: LOT : LEXINGTON AVENUE AND THIRTY THIRD STREET PROPERTY All that certain plot, piece or parce! of ?and m;,: the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the City and County of New York, bounded and de acrlbed as follows: Beginning at a point formed bj the Intersection of the easterly line of Bark (formerli Fourth) Avenue, with th( northei ; oi side of Thirty second Street; running thenco northerly a!?-,nu th?. easterlj side of Bark Avenue, one hundred ninety-seven (197) feet e!x ? ?? i inche: i" the southeasterly corner "7 Park Avenue Hnd Thirty third Street; thence easterly along the southerly side of Thirty third Street, four hundred twenty five (4?5i feel t,, the s? uthw.esterly corner of Thlrty-fhird Street and Lexington Ave? nue, thence southerly along the westerly sid". of Lexington Avenue, one hundred forty-eight <!4Si fret one ill inch; thence westerly parallel or nearly so v.-;ih Thirty third Street : rtj elghl (4S) feet four i 4 ) ?Inch'?., thence southerly and nearly paral? lel with Lexington Avenue, forty-nine (49) feet five (5) Inches to tl?" northerlj side of Thirty second Street, al a point distant fort.. elghl (4S) feet four ? ! I in :hes w, ? t'l ' - ? westerl ilde of Lexington Avenu< thence westerly along the northerly riilrl I Street, I liree hundred l37C) fe? elghl (8) inches to the poini or plac? ol beginning, being the fHm.- premises heretofore conveyed t?. the Ni ? York and Harlem Railroad Company by the following Instruments, to wit: De?! from Mary Murray, dated Januarv 8, 184!) and recorded In the Office of the Register ? if ti.- .- unty of New York In Liber 518 of Conveyances, page 420; ?leed from Nathan Ja- kson and wif.-. dated February 22 1849, ami i-"??-'!"'! In .-..'?I Register's Office In Liber i.s ,.; Conveyances, lag- 216; deed from John Alstyne, dated December 13, IS & J and re? ordod in Baid Ri y Isl :r's ? ?nice in f.lber 690 of Conveyances, page 226; d"<'l from Henry Aben and wife, dated September I. 1866, and recorded In said Regli -. ? iff!? -, in Liber 947 of Convey? ances, page 251; deed from Jesse a. Mar shall and wife, John F. Marshall and Will lam H v < ns and wife, dated Juno 1 18 , i, and recorded In said Register's Offlc In Liber ] -, -.-? of Conveyances, page f. i from Peter :-: : iogart and wife dat. , I '? er her 10, 184 l, ?i nd r? ? orded In sal Register's < mice In Liber 537 of Convev page 4 17, and which premises ive . -! ?? 'I h- New York and llarlei ,:.I r'oi pany to ? >r< n Root, Junior by. d.? bearing date September 6. DD1 ?: ,! ?' - ?-'!? -! i ? til.- office of the Registe ol '1" ' mint, of ,\. ?'. York on Septembe 1 I '-" ' In Block Ser!.-., i, lonveyam nl B? - - i il" r 66, page 136, hh?I Indexe under I- oi ,-, Number 888, and Sei tlon ??'??"?y ? ?-. page 307, and Indexed unde Block Number M97, and were conveyed I. Oren Root, Junior, to Metropolitan Slroe Rail? ay Con pai : i ?,;.. dated 3ep ?on! in Willi Lexington Avenue f?rt ten ? I ?1 I inches t ^^^^^^^^^^^_ -llliiliir parallel or nearly s,, ?? ? but not '?'?? coun .-. ^veyed t., by Augusta II Alever ?--? ? '? cxecuted s h t ( s ) Mei ; , .-.. i, street l?a l? indenture dati d Janua . ,-T 'dei ick Krack? tors ol and Tins,,', . '' i:^' ' ??' Hern an Bol - ?'"' ?? ir ; laca Eleventh and Twelfth Streets; thenc ?rl) aloi . ne ..:p the b , h an?) purall I with Eleventh Street, flftj fed thence southerl) a with Avenue C, .?m hundred and tin,, feet three In? tie ? "*: E venlh S reel nul :..??.? ... sterly alomi ' the :-.- -? tl ? Together wuh all and singular the tene? ments, hereditaments an,i appurtenances bi us ng or In anyw s. appertaining to ?aid lands, Including ul! flxtur. s installed ?.'. fol us? In connection with or- a? ; ?? Lot 8. All of those certain lots, piecrs buildings and ; ? men! ? Mituate, i ??ing and beim: in th? '?'? ? i ':?? Borough >?: Manhattan, City of New York, ai which taken togethi . ? unded and as follows All thos.) two certain lots, pieces or par? cels of land, w n h the buildings thereon, ,.n uat . 1 ng ? ? '?'-- :' m? ? '< i '??' i ?rthei ?, aide of Eleventh Street, In the Eleventh Ward o? the City of Now York, um! known and distinguished <>n a certain map (lied ?>\ Frederick DcPeyeter, Master In ?'hau tery. In the office "f the Register of the City and Count) of New York, entitled map two hun? '- ? and fort) lots of land aituate at Burn! Mill Pdlnt In the Eleventh I Ward of the City Of New York, by tho numbers eight) live (86) eighty-six (86),' and are more fully bom,d-d and described legalVotices las follows: Beginning at a point on the ? northerly side of Eleventh street in said city, distant two hundred and thirty-three , feet easterly from t'<e northeasterly corner of Avenue c and Kit ven th Street, running thence northerly ..nd parallel With Avenue c. one hundred and three feet three Inches! the,,,-.- easterl) and parallel with Eleventh Street, fifty feet; thence southerly, ami parallel with Avenue C one hundred an?! three f?"-t three Inches t,. Eleventh Street rest? il .1 thence v.- nt? - h al? m: tho .?ame fifty foet tu th.- placo .?!' beginning. Together with all and singular tho tene ments, Hereditament? and appurtenances belonging m- m anvwise appertaining to tho snl.1 lands, including all fixtures In stalled solely for use in connection with or a? part of said pi 'in ? ?? Lot 4 All thi t certain lot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings thereon erected, situate, iving and being in the Eleventh Ward In the City of New York, and bounded and described as follows: To locate the point of beginning run east on the northerly side of Tenth street, two hundred and thirtv-three (233) feet from the northeasterly corner of Tenth Street and Avenue C, and thence northerly ami parallel with Avenue C eighty iS.n feel to the point or place of beginning; from which point, to bound said interior lot run northerly and parallel with Avenuo C four? teen 1141 feet anil nine Inches; thence easterly and parallel with Tenth Street twonty-flvo (25) feet; then?" southerly ami apuin parallel with Avenue (7. fourteen fo?>t and nine Inches: thence westerly and again parallel with Tenth Street, twenty five (27.) feet, to the point or place of be? ginning. A!s,, all those four certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Eleventh Ward of tho City of New York, bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point on tho southerly side of Eleventh Street distant one hundred and eighty-three fee: easterl) from the easterly lino of Avenue r, running thence southerly and parallel with Avenuo C, ninety-four tlM) feet nine (9) Inches to the centre line of the block, running thence easterly along said centre line one hun? dred foot; thence northerly and parallel with Avenue C, ninety-four fe t nine Inches to the southerly line or side of Eleventh street, thence westerly along the south? erly line of Eleventh Street, one hundred feet to the place of beginning. All that certain Inf. piece or parcel of iatiil, with the building thereon erected, snuato. lying and being In the Eleventh Ward In the City of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Dry Dock S? reel at the middle of a party wall dis? tant southerly from the point or angle formed by the intersection of the westerly line of Dry Dock Street and the southerly line of Eleventh Street, nlnety.-sevcn (97) '-'i five (5) inches or th.abouts, run ning thence westerly parallel or nearly so with Eleventh Street and part of the way through a parly wall elghty-foui (S4) feet, thence northerly and parallel or pearly so with Dry Dock Street twenty two (22) feet one (1) Inch, more or less, thence easterly parallel or nearly BO with Eleventh Street, eighty-four (84) feet to the westerly lino of Dry Doc? Street. th?nce southerly along the westerly line of Dry Dork Street twenty-two (77) feet on? i!) Inch moro or leas to the point or placo of beginning; be the sal?! dimensions more or loss. Being the same premises con? veyed to tho Metropolitan Traction Com? pany of Now York by Joseph Hranagan, by deed dated November 23, 1892, and re? corded in tho office of the Register of the City and County of Now York on Novem? ber 23, 1892, In Block Series (Convey? ances), Section 2. Liber 14. page 444, and Indexed under Hlock Number 380, and which were conveyed by tho Metropolitan Traction Companj of New York to the Metropolitan Strtupt Railway Company by Indenture dated September 15, 1897, and recorded In tho office of the Register of the City and County of New York on Sep? tember 28, 1897, m Block Series (Convey? ances), Section ?. I ?ber 56, page 27!'. and Indexed under Block Number .".so. ' Together with all and singular the tenen.-nts, hereditaments and appurte? nances belonging or in anywise apper? taining to the said lands, including all fixtures Installed solely for use In con? nection with or as part of sai'l premises. Lot 6. Al! that certain pice of land, v.ith ihe buildings thereon, situate, Iving and being In the Eleventh Ward of the City of New York, on the northerly side of Tenth Street and beginning at a point dis? tant two hundred and eight feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of said T"iith Street ami Avenue ?'. and running thenco easterly, along the norlheriy Bide of Tenth Street, twenty-five feet; thence northerly, on a line parallel v.ith Avenue C, ninety-four feet and nine inches and one-half an Inch, to tho centre line of the bloc!: between Tenth an?! Eleventh Streets; thence westerly on a lino parallel with Tenth Street, twenty-flvo feet; thence southerly, on a. line parallel -with Avenue ?', ninety-four feet nine an?! one-half Inches, to Tenth Street aforesaid, the placo of beginning. Together with all and singular the tene? ments, hereditaments and appurtenances i belonging or In anywise appertaining to ; the said lands, including ail fixtures in ?' stalled solely for us.- In connection with or l as part of said premises. Lot 6. Also six other certain lots, pieces anu parcels of ground and premises with the buildings thereon, situate, lying and being In the Eleventh Ward of the said City of New York, and bounded and de? scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on tho southerly s!?le of Eleventh Street. distant one hundred and eight feet easterly t'r?im th? southeasterly corner of Avenue C an?! Eleventh Street, and running thence easterly and .along the southerly side of Eleventh Street, aforesaid, seventy-five feet; thence southerly, and parallel with said Avenue C, one hundred and eighty nine feet arid seven Inclus, more or less, to tho northerly sido of Tenth Street; thence westerly, and along the norther!) Bid? of Tenth Street aforesaid, seventy-five ,., and thence northerly and parallel with said Avenue C, one hundred and eighty-nine feel and seven Inches more or less, to the place ,,f beginning. Together with all and singular the tene? ments, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging or In anywis? appertaining to ? i e said lands. Including all fixtures In? stalled solely for in., n connection with o?? as part of said pr. mises. Lot 7. All that certain lot. piece or par? rel of ground with the building theteon erected, which on a certain ? ap filed b) Frederick DePeyster, Master in Chancery (with his certificate endorsed thereon, dated Februar) lsi. 1837)i In th? office of th? Register of the City and County of New York, i nrtltli d ' Map of 2 ! of land situated ul Burnt Mill Poinl In Eleventh Ward of tho City of New York," consisting of one lot of land thereon des? ignated by th" numbei "144" (ono bun dred and forty-four) ; bounded as follows, viz : Commencing at the poinl on the north ii-lv side of Tenth Street, distant one hun? dred ami eighty-throe feel southeasterly from tho northeaster!) corner of Avenue C and Tenth Street; running thenco i ?rth , asti rl s a long loi ' ' - on sa Id ma p nlm ty ? four feet mr i In ties to t ho cenl re "f t he block; thenco southeasterly along the < ? ntn of i be bio? I - feel to a loi 143 on said map; thence southwesterly along said loi 143, nlnet) foui foel nine Inches to Tenth Street, and thonce north? westerly hioi.c Tenth Street twent; five ;. et to the point of beginning, Together with all -, singular the ten? ements, hereditaments and appurtenances b longing t?i or in anywise appertaining to the Bald lands; In? udlng u . fixtures installed Bolely for use In connection with or as part of said promises, LOT 8 85TH ANI> 86TH STREETS AND MADISON AVENUE PROPERTY. A!! those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with the bull llnga . i I improve monts thereon, situate, lying and being In tin City and County of No -?.- Yoi k. boui ed :, nd dos rib? d as follow Begiiinl ng .? . I o :-.: foi med b.\ t he Inters? ction of t ho northerly .side of Eighty fifth Si. the westerly side of .Madison Avenue, and running thence wei a < ng tic- nortli ? . Bid? ol sal : Elghl y-tilth St reot t ? o ? ( ? ??in ;. ? 220 . foet : i h? in " nor I h ?????v parallel with Madison Avenu? two hun Ired four (204) feet four In im in s, t ? the southerl) side of Eighty sixth Street ii one ! h ? kouI h? rl v sido , i !?'.;-!;' j sixth Sli oel t w " hundred (wi i foet to thi southw esl . . ? E , lit) sit- !? Street and Madison \ onu ., - : i 'i' m e sout her?) along tho v ?side oi Madison Avenue two ; u In i t??74i feet four (4.1 Inches to the ; . pince of beginning; In ing the same prem ivs heretofore conveyed to The New Yoi i. and Harlem Railroad Company by the following Instruments, lo wit: Deed from Webster Wagner and wife, .lined Noven, b.'i 5, 1881. and recorded ;n tho office of the Register ol the Count) of New York, ? In Liber l!>2;i of Conveyances, page 203; deed from George H Heath, date?! Do comber ISSti md recorded in said Reg lstoi s ''ru?", m Liber 1998 of Conveyan. pago 468; do tl !? mi Clark It . ?a\ .: lated 1 '??'?? mb< - an.l i.! fn said Registi ? Of! In Liber 277:; of Conve) - page 333; .!.1 from Webslei Wag? ner and wife, dated N? von. :. lgg] auii recorded In said Registei s Off.rl !.:ber 1 :i 12 of Conveyanc s, page 34! ?? am Warren S Cran? ated X? 1889 an n said Rej OITlc. :: LI be i 2273 of Conveyances l?ge 331, and deed from James M Goten und others, dated : : iss! ind i- aid Kegist? a Ol Conv. yane? s i a* ?? : , . , atm ? h ?mises wore conveyed . ? .\,.w York and Harlen Railr? . : < -.-,,:.. | :- ol -' ??-' ? by ?;? d i - ai ing date Sep ' >mb. and re? of the Re.glstei of tho Count) of New York ou September 11, IS99, In Block Serios ?mees), ! 'ti - , Libo i 65 pago i 16, and in lex? ! und. ? Block Nun bei - ">. ai"! Section E 1. ii r 63, pago 397 and ?ndex? d lindel i Hock Number 1497' and were ? onvt yed by >'?? ? ?-. i;., i Junior' to th?- Metropolitan Street Railway Com? pany, by Indenture dat!-d September 22 LUT 9 FRONT STREET PROPERTf All those three certa n l,.'s. pieces o: parcets of land, with ihe build ngs ami ? . ... ; , . ,. . ! '. Ing und, b? :ng in i ?-..? City ol N? -.- -, h ici kno? ' a - Nu i bei il;:, If. ,, tul ; . I SI : ce', w i:;, ! ,.,;.- n ; geth? : and described as follows Beginning et the northeasterly corner thereof at a point , in the southerly line or side of Street opposite the middle of a party I.E(?A1. NOTICES wall and distant thirty-three (ICO fee. moro or less westerl) from Ihi southwesterly corner of Front and Broad Streets, and running thence southwardly parallel or nearly so with Broad Street und along the middle ul said party wall, one hundred five (107.? reel mo,.,, or loss to a poinl opposite a fence; thence w slwtruly along tld fence au?i parallel or nearl) so with i -,,nl Street eighteen (18) feet nine and one ha If ? 3 ' ? In :h? h moi a or less . lo on angle In said fence; then re In a north westerl) direction and along said feme to another nngle therein i.-ur ( ' I feel and ; ? ; ? In? lies more or less; thence again w.-siwardlv parallel or nearly bo with I-'.: Street and along said fence, the I brick wall of ,? flvo-story building and another fence thirty-seven (37) foet four uri.l three-fourth.'? (4n4) inches more or less i" the wall of a five story brick building; thence northwardly and along said wall to an angle therein twenty i2fi) feet; thence ?nguln westward!)- along said wall i In eo ? 3 ) (eel six i ti ! Inches to t ho middle ??f a parly wall; thence northwardly along fhe middle of said party wall ami parallel or nearly so with Moor? Streol eighty i'.o) feet mor- or i"ss to the south? erly side of Fronl Street, and thence enstwardly along said southerly side of I'roii! Street sixty-five (66) feet two (2) inch,-? more or less to the poinl or place of beginning; that portion which is known as Number 13 Fronl Street being subject to an agreement made bv Mulford Martin with Ellas II. Herrlck, dated May 28, 18*0. Being tin- same properl) which was conveyed to the Metropolitan Traction Company of New York by John !'. Crim ??iins by d?ed dat'-d September 29, 1892, ind recorded In the office ??r the Register "',' i he City and County of New Yoi!; on November 2n, |S02. in Block Series (Con voyances), Section l. Libei in, page -172, and Indexed under Block Numbei 4, and which was conveyed lo the Metropolitan Streol Railway Company bv deed dated SepH mber l I, 1896. ami recorded in said Register's Oftice on September 28, 1897, in ''? ' Sei les ii ', ?? anees), Section l. 1 bi ? 43, i age ? :. .ml iiii!?-.\.'il under B o? ,. Numb? r C This lot In, linio nil improvements, flx tures and appliances therein installed solely ? ?'? us? ii, , "in:- , ; ;,,,, wnl, v,- ;, ? a part ,.: said !,iii?!s an?i premises herein de Bcrlbed. The sale will be conducted In t!i? manner in the said decree and hereinafter provided and will be m,,.ie ?,, the highest balder or bidders upon the following terms and condi? tions contained In the said decree, refer '""'?' t?. which is hereby made, and upon such additional teims and conditions as may lie announced by the Special Master or his duly authorized agent at the lime of such sa,-, ii.c Oni Said sale will be made without valu? ation, appraisement, exemption or extension and fro.- from all right of redemption. Two Tlie Spe? i.i! .M.-ist.-i may at ihe request of th? solicitors for Guaranty Trust Company of x,----,. j'ork, as Trustee, or by order ol tl," courl or a judge thereof, ad Journ ihe sale from time to time by an? nouncement of said adjournment al the timo and place appointed for the sale .?:- for auch ad ournod sale ? ?; sal? s and ? i; hi ul further notice or publication, mat pi ? With the said s,,;. ,,,- ..,:,., ,,,, ari3 , ., w.nioh the same ma? havi been adjourned. Three?Guarant) Trust Company '? ?:' New York as Trustee and ?my holder of First Real Estate an?l Refunding Mortgage honds m any creditor or any stockholder or the ?lefeiidant New York Rallwavs Company, or any party to the said cans,- may bid nt the sale and if a successful purchaser may purchase In his, Its oi their own right. Four?The salo will ho mado In the fol? lowing mannet ; (A) The Special Master will first offer for sale separately and as an entirety as Par? cel A all of the rea! property In Loi 1 of Article VI of the said decree and in Loi '? of th? descriptive clauses hereof described and will note the highest bid therefor. i Hi The Special Master will next oifer for sale separately and as an entirety as i'arcel l: nil of the real property In lot :i ..'? Article VI of the said ?lecree and In Loi 2 of the descriptive clauses hereof de? scribed and will note ihe hlghe ; bid there? for (C) Th? Special Master will next offer foi '.??" separately an.! as an entirety a' I'arcel c all of the real property In 1 ?I 3 of Article VI of the said decree ..'ii in Lot :: of 11: ? ?!? sei iptlvo clauses hereof described and will note the high?- : !:] therefor. '!'? 'I'll" Special Master will in v. offei for sal" separately and as an entirely as Parcel D all of tf... real property m Lots 7 and :>. if Anii-le VI of th? .-aid decree and ?n ! .ota ." and ;! of the descript i -?? ?i;? : ei hereof described and will note th- highest ? , refer (E) The Special Toaster will nexl offer for sal? separately a:,.I as an entirety as I'arcel 17 ail of i lie real pi - pi rty in I."' -l of Article VI of the sai.! decree and In Lo! 4 7 th? " ?s rin: ?\" clauses here? f di and w i!i no'" the I ii best bid therefor. (F) The Special Master will nexl offer i'?r Mile separately and as an entirety as I'arool F nil of the real property In Lot . of Article VI of tli" said decree und ?n Lot 5 of the descrlp i -. o da uses h? i ""f -I": ci ?bed and c i!l not. i ;," highest bid Ihi ri ' ?Ci The Special Master will next offer for sale separately and as an entirety a.? l'urcel G all of the roul pi ;?? rl , In Lot 6 ; An n le VI of I he said decro? I iii Loi (1 : ? descripl Ive ? lauses hei eol tl? and ? 111 '? ? ? .ii? highest old therefor. ill) The Special Master will i"->:' offer for sa!" sopa: itely and as an emir"';.- as . - I ? . i tho roil! in operl i in 1."' 7 of .\ i : :? ; ? \ ! '?: i he sa Id lecree aa ! i-i Lo! ,,f ii,,. ,; . ? hei dos? ribi ii and will note tho highest lei tin refor. ? i i The Spe? ial ."'!.,- ter v id icxt offer ? ?; ol) and as an eat iret; as i-ai eel l f th real pi porty in 1 .??ts 4 to 7 in luslve of Article VI of tho said . lecree and Lots ! to ? Inclusivo of ! he de scrlplR o .-'a -is. s hoi oof d? s ribo i and w I! noie ihf higl.esl !', : ' hen f . The Special Master will nexi offer for sale separately and as an entirety as 1 ? , ?. ? J i.,.- following i , ; ? ?? . ol : ? ? real pr? ;?? . in l ?ot 8 of A rl i :' ib. >.. : decro? and In Loi ? of the !?,:.'. lauses In r? of described, v ?;: : ? ? n loi pi( i . 01 ;? r :' land with i?!- ' ? ? ; impi ? .. ? thereon, dtual . lying and ' City and Count) ol New S'ork . ? : : . led and d? ribed a follow ? . i ;i.,,i n vi-.ii ii ii point formed *h) Ihe --.;,, .':',., or! hert) side nl Sfitli ,. : ; i ? ? westerl) aide ol Madison ? '?? ?;?? ;? ?,l running I hen westerl) along I he nort h< . ? * thenco c ? hi rl) para I wl h Mi I ? - |l to ill? . . : ? ' llni ol block, thence ea ti i mig ... I cent? , ?e of tin t? lb? -'??'? le of Madlsi n \ ? ei no, i : hi n ? southei Ihe v lorl eld? .... place of be ginning; and ?A : not? tin highest bl - ? herof , i !-: ? The Spe ?a! Master ' for sab- sopa ratel) - oiitit'otj ai Parcel K tho following par! or port In of Hi., real property in Loi S of A nielo \ ! of the sa L? ! of the rlptive - ?' uses her? ? i descril ed, ?,'iz ; All those ? , pi? ces i r i of ? nd w i th the building! and Impi ? ? uto, lying and being ., - ho ? - iml I.'? nl ?- '?: Now \ "i 7 , .? >> : : dei ? as ]. Hows : i Bui -. -.-?..; at ;. poinl ? a i he noi I lie! - i . f 86th Streol 120' west? rl) 11 om ? he of 11 -','-, ? - - and i be w. stei !.. side of M id s? ,:?,',;.: westerly! northerl) ol R5th Ktr? - . s pa : tillel '?'. It !i .M . ; x . 2" to i entei line i ? the ? .... ;. ? hoi ? ?? . is! oi I) ill ng said c? of the hlocl lhence i ithei para el ivitb Mu lis? n A- i n le 102 7 to : ?:?- plac? and - - therefor. (L) ! lio . ? - M ister ? ; ? ffor for sal? sopar: ? tiret) as !.. : ; ? . .wing part or portion of the I ) r o | ie r t ) : ? I -. - - ' ? : ? ' - \ I 8 of the 0 - VII I ? ? pi? r pai rite lui . ..."?? - mil boui ? s -.--,.. at a poli i ithei I ? ? v. h Street : i west, rl) from the ?1 tho southerl) le ol S6tl S.:..:.; i: -? ? ? lo ? Mo ? lvenue and ru thenco ... :i Si : < : 2". to th? ? ? no of tin k, hence v I ung aid cen ? ? : lie 1 [hem no i. to l he plo< " ..: beginnii g , and wlli note tin highest i-i?! therefor. ?M? The Special Master will next offer for sa'" separat?!) and as an entlret) as Parcel M ? I lowing part or porl I? n ol real ? ? n Lot 8 of Arl \ of n I - S ol lese rip .? clauses h roof deso? ; All tli ? pieces ; of land with the buildings and Imp ove thereon, sitiiati ?a th? ' ? . Count) . ; N'e? ?'url .-.;?- s follows 1 i.i,i\ s .'.?. a', a point !"' ii---; ' section of the th Sti eel and the wesl of Mad V\ enue and running : lien? o west? ? . It te ol 86i h St ; ??? ? , 20 . i hen?e el !> pa: allol ivlth Mad I \ le to the ? r Hi e rl y a 1 ong sa id cen t< westerl) o( along . ? ? ... ? ? ' M Avenue 102 lining mid n st bid i ',-? i Cor ? S Tl unil m ai - lowing part or p? ? be i ?-a! pn a- ? : In Loi ? ?f Vrtlele VI reo and 1 n Lot 8 of t h9 i ?criptlve ? - f de-> bed, viz. : All those d , of Ian bulldlni and Improve thorooi nd bi Cil) an ' ' ounty of New Yoi s a n I l oun ;? I and desi ? ? - ? lows ; R?gi s m N?; al : nt formed from the ol the northei ly s! le ? ' S : Si root and th? ... side ? ' Ma llsi ;? '. enue a n ! running then? ?? ? osi it,., noi " ' 8 '. .-?-? para '?' ? :' t h. th? oiij : 15 i?. : la- ? side ol Ma ; -. ?-. and thence . .. erl) along the westerl) side of Ma !;?on I Avenue 102' 2" lo the place of beg! und will note th highes! bid the t .'?. : LEGAL NOTICES un Tho Bpeolal Master will next offer for sab. separately and an an entirety as Parcel O, tho following part or portion of lb" real property In Lot 8 of Article \l ?.f tic said decree nia! In Lot R of t h? de ?- rlptlve . lauses hereof doBcribed, viz.: All those certain lots, pi."' parcel* of land ?ii ii the building:? and Improve? ments thereon ns situate, lying and being in the City and County of New )ork, ,-ni'! bounded and described as follows: 1.7mv? ai n point on tho northerly Bide of 85th Street 145' westerly from ?he Intersection of the northerly Bide or ';!-. Streel ui the w,?surly Bide of Madi? son Avenue find running thence westerly along the northerly side of 8Mb Street ... , thence northerl) parallel with Madison Avenue 102' 2" to the center lino of the block. thenco easterly along said center line of th? block 75', thence southerly and parallel with Madison Avenue 102' 2" to the place of I ..-Inning; and will hoto th? highest bid therefor. IP) Tho Special Master will next offer for nil., separately and aa an entirety as Parcel I', all of tho real property In Parcels .! and M of Article Ml of.the said decree and in Parcels .1 and M hereof described, and will note the highest bid therefor. |Q> Tli" Special Master will next offer , for sale poparately and as an entirety as Pincel (), ail of i ho real property in Parcels K an.I l, ...f Article XII of the sal?! decree and In Par,.!... 17 and L her?"?r described, an,! shall note tho highest bid ther-for. (R) 'I'll.- Special Master will nexl offer 'for sale separately and as an entirety as Parcel I!, ail of th? real properly in Lot 8 ; of Art!, !.. VI ?r lin- said decree and In Loi s of ihe descriptive clauses hereof described, a:,?! will note the highest bid i herefor ?si 'I'll.- Special Master will next offer f??r sale separately and as an entirety as l'arc! s, ...i| 0f tho real property in Lot 9 of Article VI of ihe said d?cri?e und In Loi ? of the descriptive ?lauses hereof ; ; od, a i will note the highest 1>I<1 ib, refor. The present tenants of ?he property In Lots 2, 3, 4. r.. ,;. -, and !i ol Article VI of tho sai'l decree ami in ihe similarly numbered lots of thedescrlptlve clauses hereof described shall '?-? entitled t>i remove therefrom such trade fixtures as this Court may hereafter determine within thirty days afi'T confirma? tion by this Courl of Ihe sale of said bis - ? peel ivel) . . The property to be sob! mav bo Inspected t-, intending bidders at the salo, subject . reasonable regulations us tho Spe ' lui Ma ster may prescribo.. AMOUNTS OF DEPOSITS REQUIRED TO QUALIFY BIDDERS, UPSET PRICES, AI the conclusion of the bidding on each parcel the highest bidder shall deposit with ? Special Master in respect of I'arcel A S'lOOO, and in respect of all other parcels noun! equal to five per cent of ?us bid. ?". ded thai any deposit made by a bid? der ?n an) par, el containing renl property all of ? h ? h Is In lude I In o nothi r pu reel. In the event he is the highest bidder for such other parcel, may ?a- applied on ac? count ol th deposit required for sii"h other i -, reel the conclusion of the bidding on Par - - l . i' and !>. tin- Special Master will nee! nil the bids noted for such parrel* ; ? hi? bi < or bids ? hich give the hlgh esl amount for the property In Lots 2 and 3 of m,- descriptive clauses hereof and of Ail lelo V) of ? be said decree described, At the conclusion of the bidding for Bar? rels 13 to c, Inclusive, the Special Master will cancel all the bids noted for such par , eels except the bid or bids which give, the ! Ighesl amount for the property in Lots * ;.. 7 inclusive, of the descriptive clauses and of Ai?cle Vi of the said de ? roe ?;? Bcrlbed, At tli" conclusion of tho bidding on Bar? ren ,1 to Ii Inclusive, the Special Master will can.-el all the bids noted for such pa reels except the bid or bids which gives the high? est amount for tli" property In Lot 8 of tho descriptive clauses hereof and of Ar -, ' - VI of ; he sa Ul decree described. in case any bid noted as aforesaid for a parcel which Includes all of two or more parcels shall equal the sum of the bids note,! : ?? : Lieh Include ! parcels the bid noted on such Inclusive parcel shall be deemed the hei The Special Master will provisionally ac cepl all th" bids noted which have not been canceled as hereinbefore provided, and will i, ? bids so i ii , . Isloi ally accepted to bidders ma king t ho same i- :. reli ifter referred to as successful Iders) ? xocpl thai In : ? spect to the pi "p'-: ty In? luded ?n Parcel A. If the bid therefor shall not equal or exceed the sum of ?12.500,000 the Special Master will a?ljourn tho sab- of the property Included In such parcel and will apply to 'ho Court for further - i . loni In reap? cl : hei eto. Vi . deposit ?? ? ed from an unsuccessful hiddei -. : ? be turned to him upon the on? I ? Ion of : he i hiding, The deposit re? ived ? ; ?m ! he s icce ful bidder or bid upon ci nfl rmal ion by t he Court of his or theii bid b. applied on account of tho p in hase pri? e of I ho pi op? rty. In case tiny sue? s? ful ! : i 1er upon 'be :.? o of his bid sha il fall to comply. within the period of twentj days after the entry thereof with any order of this Court .;? - : g or ?- ;.,: Ing lo the payment of the il ? .- of Ihe purchase price, th-ti the mono s ci? i .- h successful bld er shall hi 'orfelted as a penalty for such failure, and shall be applied to the payment expel of a r? sal? . and towa rd ;oo?l m en? oi loss In case ? !;.? proper! - In respe? ; ? f "? hi? h su? h t uc ? , ssful blddei sh .?i make default shall be Ii ; Ice on such resale, ;? nd to ? ich other purposes as this Court may - I'he c. irt reservi ? (ho right to confirm . |? ?' any or nil bids provisionally ac : pe. ..- ! Mat 1er, and upon the ? In of il?.- Master's report will con ? ocl such bids in respect to each l?or ? ! for nb hen und? r If the Courl shall den> an application to ? an) - , '? , : lie lepo.' - made by any bid 1er at such salo u ;.! there ill on b? re? i n? d' to such bl 1.1? r PAYMENT BY PURCHASER r -, n tin ? mliri ;, ? i in ol an; sa lo, the ;-.,? sut a pa) ment or pay - ents in c -'. ai ! or In such other man nor ? I ?: ise of fiich purchase money other ? eotiril ios on account the purchase price as the Court may ? to t lino direct upon not ice to the ? .<? i use, pr..\ -..b-.i. however, that as to each Parcel the Pur required to pay more ??. ' . i he purchase prie? In ca ih and m.?v give a purchase money mort? gage runn ng for mil to exceed three years per annum for the balance. Courl reser - lie , ;hl to retake ?? -, i ?. Il, upon ? eh no! ice as : he < 'curt ? -. propei sold to i ?:c pur liasei -: ? Ii purchaser shall fall or - ? lymont on account nf ; bala i ? ? ' ' ; ?- purcha se price da)'! a '"'?"? :':?" '. ni i ?-. of the requl Ing such pa) men! A purchaser shall noi be required to see to Ihe appll atlon of the purchase money, nor i ?' answerable In any manner whatso :??.;. I? ?sa n;:- fl ppll at !> n or non tloi i f any such pur? liase money or of nil) pai ' Ihor? ? :' DISAVOWAL OF CONTRACTS AND RE 1T07 ? IF PR? ?I'KP.TV I! Y R' HASER. tny pu has? of the i per.'y hereinbefore then of, and ... ..-.... .,,.,? or used lia\ ?? the right, aftei the deli. ery of Ins! rument a of convey ? Iransfei i he Special Master of :i ?-???! I ) hlrn, or w ?thin ? I? I a - the ' ?ourt may Its i 1er or do? ree permit, to ' to ?-'?? -'? tu ... pi a n y l.-ast) ... by tho di fen lant Rail ? a -. s part vi Hi" property . h Ii e ' or Ins! rumen: h of ivoyance or liiinsfoi Such eleel Ion shall - ment In ??. :?? Ing, signe i i ' lie aid pin Ii ? ? i.i. ! shall i ontal a '::.'- or leases vhlch 1 ot to assume oi adopt. and shall bo filed with the Clerk of the Dlstrli : ?Un ed SI it? - for the Southern '? ? wi hin ill.- aforesal ! period, No usei ? rights, prior to the ex . ;' said pe i shall be d? eine ! ? -!".-. ' of such : the filing of such ele : 1 purchaser bo fl 'emi d noi to lined i . I ? ? ' Id ? onti acts n - ? rlbed . : to lioui i pi :',...,,, hov over, t ha i such ? th ilil pur ti the ! mo int of ale ? h amounts to I ded chas! . : the propert) des : Ibed ui) pai i el i hereof hull .- ht ? no ?. i - ? ? ;'.- ; : ; ? SO 80 writtei noi e of h;n ? Spe? ?al Ma -;.-r at anv Uni? prim i" the execution and delivery of the deed or ?a 1er Instruments of convey? ance or transfer by the Special Master. No ? ?? tlon b> a pur? baser, his successors hall mlnlsh or affect the pur ? chase price to be paid by such purchaser - ? ! ? ts of convoyan ??? ? , ? -in ?.. given ? ; the Special Mast? Ri . ver, th? left - lanl Rs llwa) s ? '., m ? laranty Trust Company of New " ? stee as herein provided, sha ; therel rom an) an ! all prop h purchaser shall sc eh to t e oi Ul VNCE OF PURCH VSER '?' '. ?? ??-?: of : i pr iperty herein ?? nd in t he sa e? 1? --.-? ibed In :he ?-??-? horeinb : ? ?? ment loned. or of any u ? hereol shall have the right to - ; ??? ran ??? In the cause pending the United Si ites Dlsl riet C lurt for ? fi. ; ?- - - ict .T N? ? "i ork hereln I ?? all questions not thercbv sed of are thereby reserved '?' ' i-" ?aid irt for its fui ure a : ludlca rthi part! reference la hereby made to the said decree en file In he I : ? ? ! States Distrlot Court t ol Ni w York ei FR \\? 'IS M SCOTT, - - lal Master. JENNINGS * RUSSELL, rani Trust Com I ?' ' ' ' :- "? Yoi . as Trustee, ?. 'ompla lhant No. 15 Broad street, j New York City. ? -"? v Day, Auctioneer. BUSINESS OP PORT UN IT fES WANTED - . It) ). mas or IridT ' ' build first cold roll milk dryer and promote company. Patents are worth ?? ' '?" W ?'H : ulh ft H Frenzen -?' ? " Experi A i -.. Lan :ast? i Co Pa ' Help Wanted Business Opportunities Situations Wanted Business Cards \?/ *a "wr% #? /^ *?! O Furr"8ke<* Rooms Lost, Found and Reward W dill ^tLQS Boarders Wanted Employment Agencies I.OST, FOUND AND REWARD LOST?Neokpleoe, dark brown Alaskan sable, on "L" train between Tompklns ave. and Cortolyou Ruail. Sunday noon; suitable reward. Phono Elatbush 9BU. LOST?lirown fox fur In Dodgo taxi, b? tween 'Grand Contrai Station and Eaat 33d st., Monday about mblnlght; reward. Phone Plaza ?OIOO. LOST?October 2, whlto Pomeranian dog, Saturday afternoon, vicinity of Washing? ton Heights Reward. Phono Audubon 1B0B. Lost Bankbooks LOST.?Bankbook No. 387.37,0 of the Union Dime HavlniirH Hank la missing. Any per? son having a claim to It Is hereby called upon to present the same wltliln ten days or submit to having said passbook can? celled and a new one Issued. LUST?Bankbook No. 609.6?3 of the Union Dime Savings flank Is missing. Any per? son having a claim to lt Is hereby called upon to present the same within ten days or submit to having said passbook ean celled and a new one Issued. LUST Bankbook No. 242,710 of the New York Savings Bank, 14th st. and ?th avo. Payment stopped. Finder please re? turn to bank. LUST -Bankbook No. 147,64.1 of the North River Savings Blink. Payment stopped. Klndlv return to bank, .'11 West 34th Street, New York. LOST.?Bankbook No. 118,122 of tho Metro? politan Savings Bank, 1 Third ave. Pay mont stopped. Finder please return to bunk, LOST ? Bankbook No. 628.619, the Oreen wich Savings Bank, 24? and 24S Sixth ave., N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 419.989, the Green? wich Savings Bank, 246 and 248 Sixth ave . N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 123,699. Irving Sav? ings Burik, 115 Chambers st. Payment stopped. Finder please return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Eafit Side HOTEL HAMPTON 3 22D STREET AND THIRD AVJB. SELECT HOTEL for GENTLEMEN ONLT Newly furnished ?Ingle and doubl? rooms electricity, ?team heat, bath in? cluded. Rooms $1. $1.5? and up. Special r.ates by the week. LARGE room, all conveniences; t? weekly. Lenox 2842. Link, 1244 Madison ave. 48TH, IS EAST?2 rooms, large, bath, charmingly furnished. Phone Murray Hill 6699. 124TH, 79 E.?Front parlor, with adjoining bedroom; suitable two; piano; reference. De Mott. 124TH, 70 EAST?Large room, suitable two men; privilege parlor; $8. McCullough. West Side BACHELOR SUITE 76th, 251 W.- -Attractive living room, large bedroom, bath, private house, electricity. CENTRAL PARK YYEST, 474?First floor; private fainilv; nicely furnished room, lavatory, convenient bath. Phono Academy i :. ;. ? 10TH ST.- Studio, piano for practico; rent mornings only. Call Stuy.vesant ?054. 72D ST., WEST?Beautiful largo rooms, private bath, electricity, conveniences; als?) large studio. Columbus 4960. 7.VJTI ST., 116 W.?Owner will leaso by year one large, one small room: modern appointments; gentlemen only; references. 77TH, 105 WEST?Largo front bed-slttlng room; gentlemen; reference; prone. Tomllnson. ?2D, 202 WEST?Two largo front rooms,! every modern convenience. Rlley. lO.'.D. 122 XV.- Attractive front parlor, suit? able 2; piano, electricity, phono. Hudson. 104TH, 140 WEST?Three newly furnished rooms in refined elevator apartment. Call and see room. Miss Miller. 10ITH. 3 10 WEST?Largo, handsome room; private bach ; unfurnished, furnished; superior; exclusive. HIST iit>4!) Amsterdam ave.)-?Airy, well kept room. JO ?.no, $n two men, Apt. 21. Telephone Audubon 973. 144TH, 468 WEST?Rooms, furnished and unfurnished, in private house. 131ST, 77:: WEST?Well-furnished front parlor, suitable for two gentlemen; olec trlclty; all conveniences; private family; reasonable. MoOrath. 153D (2853 8th av.)?Two adjoining well furnished rooms with private family; J8; ' one block t?> elevated station. Jackson. - - - 4 - UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET MADISON AVE., 745?Unfurnished room1 and b.-ith. Plana 3211, Lewis. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic HOUSEWORKER?Experienced white maid in apartment; three in family; for gen ora! housework; must be good, plain cook; no laundry. Call Coleman, 1 W. 8!Rh. HOUSEWORKER - ?ienoral houscworker, dependable woman or girl. Call between 9 an?! 12 a, m. Mrs. 11. A. Tlntner, 5 W. 122d st. YOUNG GIRL, white, wanted for general ; housework; plain cooking; in sniH'.l ?.ri? vale residence, Arnold. 331 West 104th St. Miscellaneous A BUSINESS CAREER Is open to girls and young women who are seeking permanent positions under the most refined and com? fortable working condi? tions. Long Distance operating is your opportunity. No previous experience re-' quired. $15 a week while learning. Ability immediately recog? nized. Write or ripply at 1 East 28th st. (cor."5th ave.) or 24 Walker st. (two streets below Cana! st.) New York City. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. CLERKS AND TTTIST3 WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Girls 17 years of age ?nd over Hour? 9 to 4:3? o'clock Saturdays 9 to 12 o'clock Luncheons served ire? ?Salary to (tart $17.0* Abilities of clerks revtowed each alx months. Those of average ability should be receiving from $1S to |18 per week after tho second review. Tho variation ta du* t? difference In clerical work. Free classes conducted in Typewriting. Stenography and Dictaphone Operating. Apply in Person between 9 and 4:30 o'clock Room 6033, Metropolitan Dulidln? 1 Madison Ave. (at 23rd St.), New York City. STENOGRAPHER, gfrl who has had som? experience and Ij looking for an oppor? tunity to advance. Apply Room 220T 2 Rector st. HELP WANTED FEMALE M?Hcel)sneoa> GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START $85 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS RAPID PROMOTION STEADY WORK POSITIONS ARK OPEN IN OUR SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS 'APPLY AT MANHATTAN HD? BROADWAY", CORNER 77'!'!! ST. 105 BROADWAY, CORNER DBY ST, BRONX 370 BAST 150TH ST. BROOKLYN 81 WILLOUGHBY ST., 1336 BROADWAY, OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE OFFICIAL NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY Instruction WANAMAKER F.EA?7TY SCHOOL 383 Fifth ave mir 30th st. HELP WA7?TED MALE ROY." WANTED METROPOLITAN T IFE INSURANCE CO. Over 16 years of age. Good Hours. Salary to start $12 Opportunity for Rapid Advancement Luncheons Served Free Apply In Person between 9 and 4:30 o'clock Room 5033, Metropolitan Building 1 Madison Aveniie\at -3d Street) New York City. BOY. Christian, ; office boy In wh hardware ?ml cutlery concern; good op? portunity for bright boy; no expi necessary. Address, stating age; references, salary expected, el O. C, P. O Box 851, City Hall Station, New York City. BOY, 14 to 16, brlghl and Cnon-g ? c, ? general office work; excellent opportun? ity for advancement; si it? ... . ? hooling, religion and salary desired. Paint Co., 95 Madison Ave. MAX, reliable, of good character, an day watchman In manufactu ing plan - ust have references. Appl) Mr Thalholmor, New Process Cork Co . - ?5th si . Bi MEN AND WOMEN for moving p ture work. Wrii 0 ! 'r? ?? : uc -rs' Person! Bureau, Stewart B it Id 11 ?:. Wash n -. D. C. OFFICE BOY and messenger in shipping broker's office. Must be refined and bright. A real opportunity for right boy t.? advance with, the business. Call Room a, O.i B'way. 1 IFFICE Bi ?Y In large He estab? lishment; good salar; with over) for advancement', Apply by letter 285, 1626 St. James Bids. OFFICE WORK -M? n, 20 yes rs old ary, $18 per week; hours, 9-5 p. m. Call Room 1603 24 Walker st OFFICE BOY, Bplendld opportunity for in? telligent hoy, salar) $12.50 to start; hours 9 to 7,. Apply ICO Front st. OFFICE BUY -Expori? no d, ;?:' willing worker. Appl) Kuhnc-Llbbey, : Front st. SALESMEN Visualize what success yon would like to achieve as a sal sman, an I then as a higher executh -. ?r ! determine if you mediato use of ai ? ; ? rtui ? ? 1 hat will net you $150 or more a ? provided that under our instru tlons you are ?-<? I v. A ! ,l< AND TALK AND TELL THE TRI'TH. BEGINNING THE BAY YOU READ THIS ADVER MENT, ?'ail 10 a. 1 to 4 p m. Suite 1010, 25 Wi ? 13d st Suite 305. 132 Nassau si . Suite 1512 Flat iron Bl.lg. ; Suit,' 83, i 66 M . . Brooklyn. Suite 52, 156 Mark? ( . N ,v ark, N. J. SALESMAN for retail fruit n ust be experienced and capable; roi'erenc? quired. Reply by letter ? nly, II. II Son. 557 5th ave. STENOGRAPHER and typowi enced, wanted. Aim?!.- to Mr. Ho 676 Richmond Terrac? . N w 1 : Rtaten Island. WANTED?Young man. 16 to f??i- outdoors at large 5th ?ivo mont; good pay to right boy. 1' 87, Trib? une. Instruction Auto?Ensrineerinc' I nstitute 14th year; 2,000 students graduates New $200,000 ? |uipi en! ! ...a rn a trad A uto shop. :;: arl gluing 1 Iriving. ? ?-y;, weldii ^ Battery. . Inc sh ?p. Vulcanizing ? ? . erha u 1 -10 other courses: Investigate Free Pasa and Ho Bedford Branch Y..M. C. A. ! 175 Bedford Avo . Brookl) STENOGRAPHERS-SECRETARIAL Si hool For 27, years practii ill; all New York's 200 words minute secretaries, law, court re? porters, earning over $50 weekly, received ?.'.iHe training, new Pitmai -, phrases Invented by Frank Lusl< give ever) stenographer now 300 faster 'han o;d fashion, so-called cham] 1 is , be? ginners' course; speeding; day, evening; cor? respondence. Lusk Institute, 220 West 42d st Bryant 9136. LEARN OXY'ACETYLBNE WELDING Great demand for trained men; writ? f ?r fr?-?- admission card I - ?pe? Ing i rs? ti :' new eight-week class bo :.? 11 Ini W? dn ?day, i let. 13, 23d St. V. 71. - ? ... !! ! XV d si COME AM MINUTE a?ter G p. in for sec? retarial, bookkee]*ng, I R untlng Phono Beekman 2723, Nighl day liookluc. Dral.e Business School, Tribune Building. LEARN TO DE A CHAUFFEUR Pleasant, proiltablo work ; day and ei - es. Pend for free bookj'-'l ;"'''l vis tor's pass. West Ride Y.'M. C A.. 306 West 57tl si MEN wanted to operate moving picture machines in theatres; w.., h or evenings. American Theatre Building ..44 8th ave (47.0. Bryant i ?19. ACTO INSTRUCTION. $15 Bay, evening: Cadillac, Studebaker, Mlt chell. B. & M. Co., 1707, Lexington avo. issth). SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID, young tri h girl; very neat and capabl? h mended. VI., Mis? Hoimayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. 2d floor. Telephone 8941 Murra) CHAMBERMAID ?Vssisl In pantry; sows well; $60. anywhere; ; ng refei Miss Shea's Agency, 6 Bast 41st Bl Murray Hill .?774. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, young Irish girl; city fami y $60 - " Miss Hoimayer's Agen ? I2? st., 3.1 floor. Telephon? ?947 M 11 : a) Hill. CHAMBERMAID, young, assist waiting.' excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau. .)?;.; Fi:'ih ir. CHAMBERMAID, waitress young, excel? lent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau, 366 5th ave. Cooks ACCOMMODATE, Cook by day; neat, ra pable, competent; go : woman; hlghlv recommande,I; city, ?.",. Masons Ageno IS West 43d. COOK?-Young Irish girl, good referen ? .< city family, adults: $75. F., Miss Hof m?yer's Agency, ?n East 4.'id s' 31 fi'.or Trlephone S'j-17 Murray H SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Cooks COOK Ver-- neat: thoroughly ?xp?rlene?i1, efficient young Filipino, excellent refer? ence?; rl'y; $100. M.iBon's Agency, 11 XV, Bt 43d. COOK Swede; excellent cook; $86-190; city or country. K? Mlas Hoimayer"? Agency, 10 Bast ?3d st.. 3d floor. Telephon.?, ??i. Mm ray Hill. ,-, ,,,!-: iseot.h Protestant? -N-at: very competent; good manager; excellent ref erences; city; $80. Masons Agency, IS West 47.'1. COOK Capable, young, Irish; $75; city or country; four years' experience, ' Miss Shea's Agency,.6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 6774. COOK Scotch; young, n<-at, eapabl? ; highly recommended; city. Shaugh nossy's Agency, ?60 Sixth av. COOK-WAITRESS?Both thoroughly 'i perlenced; best references; country. Shaughnessy'a Agency. 860 Sixth av. COOK and waitress. Finnish girl; speaks English; references. Lehtla Agency, 55 East 126tn st. Tel. Harlem ; . ? COOK, WAITRESS, young, friends, ox coptlonal references. Miss Fitzgerald, 366 Fifth av COOK good manager, thoroughly capabl?-. lent. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth .?-.. Day Workers DAY'S WORK -First-class laundress; . mer; noat, capable, responsible East Side; $3.60. Mason's Agency, General ILou se workers, Etc. KEEPER Wanted, by woman of sensible age, position as housekeei Christian gentleman; reasonable ?-??? -? ? :? i,. r?f?rences given. Apply by letter, D B., 1358 Broadv HOUSEWORKER, with daughter 7 years old; excellent 4 years' references. H. Miss Hofmaycr's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. HOUSEKEEPER, managing; Scotch Prot? estant; very capable, competent entious; exceptionally desirable; highly rec : d..-.!. Mason's Agency, IS West 43d. HOUSEWORKER?-Two neat, ex ; ? .-: :.nt; a?iu!i family apartment, East Side; Bplendid references; $77-fio Mason's Agency, B West 43d. HOUSEWORKER Young Irish Protes? tant: excellent cook and waitress; apart - m nl preferred; $75. Miss Shea's Agency. 6 East 41st. Murray Hill 6774. HOUSEWORKER -Thoroughly eXr,erl ? ? ???!. with ?iaiighter fourteen; suburban home, near school; excellent references $60 -Masons Agency, 18 West 43d. Laundresses, Etc. DJ.Y LAUNDRESS- First class: very neat; ?ptionally competent; hfghlv recom ??? ? led; West Side; $3.60. Mason's Agency, IS West 43d. LAI NDRESS Excellent; 4 vars1 refer ?- family; $60-$66. R? Miss Hof mn) ?? s Agency, 10 East 43d st.. 3d floor. phon? 3947 Murray Hill ! ?? ' NDRESS First class; neat; very com ? ible, conscientious; highly rec . : , ? O 7,. Mason's Agency iv West l ! LAUNDRESS, with school boy. wants ountry -, luce; $60; four years last place. Mi ; Shea's \.:-:. y, 6 East 41st. Murray LAUNDRESS First ?lass, excellent refer? ences; city or count:-, Shaughnessy'a , 860 Sixth av LAUNDRESS wants work at home; have reference. Franks. 87.: Lenox Ave. Nurses, Etc. NURSERY GOVERNESS? Young French man; good Philadelphia references; $? to $80 R . Miss Hoimayer's Agency I 43d, .:?! floor. Tel. M. li. 8947 CHILDREN'S NURSE?Neat, nice appear ???- oung Scotch girl; Long Island sub? urbs; very desirable; $55. Mason's Agency, IS West 47'!. i - ;' ' ni? s s; s years ':ist p.ace ex tlonally capable: $75; city or country. ,: - - 7>h a's Agency, 6 East 41st. Murray Mill 6774. t c growing children; capab] ?an; $70 first-class referene? s 7-;?? ?? - A.B :?? 6 B. 41st Murray Hill 6774. NURSE, young, hospital trained, excep ref renccs. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu 6 Fifth av. -"'? ' BSE ist chamberwork; two ch!' ?'?' nl Miss Fitzgerald's Bu ? ?'? li, 66 Fifth av. NURSE, young; two children- excellent .. .'7':!"'.''?' '???-'? Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, ? h av. Waitresses WAITRESS-PARLOR MAID?Young Irish girl; '-\.--:!'!i! -i years' references; $65 $70. !?., Miss Hoimayer's Agency, 10 Las: 13 i St., 3d floor. Telephone B347 Murray WAITRESS; parlor maid; capable; good appearance; city preferred; $70. Miss : (Agency, 6 E. 41st. Murray Hill 677? WAITRESS, young, thoroughly capable, references. Miss Fitzgerald's u, 366 Fifth av. Professional STENOGRAPHER - ."? years' experience; A'illing L 740 Ti Ibune. TYPIST :'-.? years' experience; knowledge of. !..,..,: It ?- ping ,$20 I. ?83. Tribune. .Miscellaneous COUPLE Young Swedes, butler or cook hambcrn ? . -0 : long referen? es Hofn Iyer's Agenc) . 10 East 43d, Tel M H. -"47. i. Finnish, cook, useful, butler; oil) or count r) : ref 'reni ?-???. Leht I's 58 E 1251 h s- Tel. Harlem 5515. ENMAID or second laundress, neat. nice young Irish girl; besl references; ': Mason's Agency, 18 West 43d. LAD'S S MAID Very capable; good seam <;.. Miss Hofmayer's Ag. ncy. 10 En I 43d St., 3d floor. Tele 3947 .Murray Hill. MAID, colored, wants half time. Martin. ,-? ru nie, 23 ? West 63d st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A iVERTISINO MAN, WRITER, EDITOR, ['Rl NT ER, PRO? IFREA1 1ER, EXPERT IN AGENCY, NEWSPAPER A\'l> MAGA EDURE, IS OPEN FOR EN ??AOEMENT. PREFERABLY AS MANA iR VSSOCIATE, ?>K AS CONSUL? TANT; WILL CONSIDER OTHER POSI : ?N ADDRESS M, 577 FIFTH AVE. (ROOM ? BUTLER Scotch, competent, good ap i. ? , woiid co South or West; $100; ,-? r? f? j. nees. .Miss Shea's Agency, ?. !?:. list ; Murray Hill 6774. : red, good appearance; capa ?:-. or ','Ui.:n, flrat class ref Mlss Shea's Agen?;y. 6 E. 41st; Murray Hill C774. BUTLER, u.selu!. Swedish, speak? Engliah. Lohti's Agency, 53 E. 125:h st. Tele phono Harlem 55 i 7,. CHAUFFEUR, age 23; competent; six .,:.-? driving and mechanical expert private or commercial. Roth. 6?j2 a-, ? , Brooklyn. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, married. six .-.:, best references; city, country. i ighnessy'a Agency, 860 Sixth Ave. COLORED COUPLE Butler, useful, excel - .-??::. vt country house; ferences. Miss Sh.-a's Agency, *6 E. 41st; Murray Hill i',774. COUPLE, Scotch, young; useful, butler, ,-:. chambermaid; understands ?'?ni. $17.".; country; reference?; .;. ? mplo) ! '.717. Tribune. COUPLE Chauffeur, laundress; an exeep. neat efficient young pair, cottage ?ieiir,-.!. ? references. Mason's Agency, 18 W. 43d. HOUSEM ful Inside and out; cap young, Irish; $65; country pre fem I Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st; Murray Hill, 077 1. EMAN", Hirong capable; best refor luntry, Shaughnessy'a Agency, ?>''.?:> Sixth Ave. \: '-. \. elderly, as messenger; active; good nee. E. Aren*, 5706 New Utrecht ave Brooklyn. OFFICE AND CREDIT MANAGER, mature less experience; highest reference: permanency ami future considered ahead ? ,:.,!-;. . O. P. Ii.. Box 101. YOUNG MAN. 21, desires position with ftt Kleln, ?6Q Bast ?7?st sL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Domestic Help TRIANGLE EM PLOY M1 .XT AGENCY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OP SUSIE RI< ! 1194 Lexington av.. neat <!?? at , r?l!?b ? j domestic help, cook?, tiouseworkera. cht?i. j bcrn.alds. waltreaso? laundresses ?,, BUSINESS CARDS I arpet? and Bogs STILLINGS, ISC. (ARTET?. orr.-r S.OOO yard? Sloanes, Wilton. WhlttaJ , Afininster. Brussels, cal ? iKS \n ! colors; plain mix? ?! ' ?i I mostii , Imported, slight! y us rlitloned like new, $1, $2. $7. $< i D"0 Rl'i'.s, all sl/.'-s. seamed or - ;? - l'-r? neb 'A ' plain. mU.-'l designs, 1 an?! wash.-! ImmaOJllatcl) ? leal ' offlc?! or any pur post 5 : - S ? t up: Real Oriental J'-'ig?? ma CLEANING. LAYING, ING; REASONABLE. RELIARLE TIFUL. 62 4 Madison . ; 8835. Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc DIAMONDS bought and ?old for rii> from Individuals or estatet l'.?.' ' 175 Broadway. 21 floor. Dugs. Bird?, I'oultr}, etc. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed America's ?Pioneer vog Med !r*? Mailed f r- ?? to any address H. CLAY &LOVERCO.. INC 118 WEST 31ST ST NEW T ; P. K Furniture DON'T sacrifice your housi Furnitur.-. Carpets, Oriental Rugi : of Art, J'i.iTi s, ] ?, bel EICHNER, 124 Univers tj Pia in I HIGHEST prices paid for - . a-brac, Linens a' Columbus a ? Tel Schuyler ? WE PAY hlgoest prices Tor .'-.i-nltu-fc pianos antiques, brl- -a-brac. book?, art, ? tc. CABAY. ii University PL atuy ?esant 2377. Printing i PRINTING, low prie ?.????} -a-?'- - headp. $2.SO. Hes 208 E) . st. Har'.err. ?I4? Trunks BIO BARGAIN?New a- ! used wardro?s? trunks. 506 Sixth a-e . bet. :> tL Typewriters ALL MAKE? TYPE ' sold, rented, repaired, rebu I *nl dependa ble t* rvl? BUSINESS APPLIANVES Cortlandt 471<5. a . .v?y FORECLOSURE SALES SUPREME COURT, i ? YORK.?Empire Trust : , - tiff, against Th.- A; ; b fendant. In pursuance of a idf ' -fv ure and sal<-. ?luly mad. and ib . ?? entitled action, and bea i ; ? h .-?h;-- of September - signed, tho r<-fei. in sa i Bell .it publl (chanfi -., lesroom, Nos 14-16 Vi-si b? Rorough <?f Manhal ' ..ii the 14th -!?> of Octobei o'clock noon on th.T day, by .' b? - h auctioneer, tho premli udgmont t?.? b- so! . ? llows: All that certain plot f land, sit the Borough of Manhattan. ? If in Y?rk, bounded and ilei ! I as 1 Beginning at a point n of Vermilyea Avenue i .:.n' "n? huadrsd <l 00) feet easl ? rly f : on uy the Interse? tion of : h? - i Vermilj -a A % enue ? ith l I Dyckman Stre I running ?.--.?? - parallel with Dyckman Street und fifty feet to the il of th? block; thence .. ?ng :??<.! ont* )?n^ of block ami parallel with \ Avenuo. two hundred feet: th ly, aga m ?'.ir:? llel with Dyckms hundred an-I fifty feet t" the south t.. '.? of Vermilyea Avenue; ..?.?I then along said south Bide of \ ? t -en hun Ired fee? to I ho Being th. sani ? ;o eini ?? s Alfri .! .'. Bachman b> '! ).;.- deed dated May 1. : ?0 ! i 4. ! 905, in New STork Ri g ist ?eotlon 8, Liber 24 of ? -, at* 445. The above descrlned premises Ile n tec tion 8, block 2224, on the ! and Map of tht City of New York. J lat? 1 New York. Sej ? HERMAN J BARBER, WATSON ? GIBBON Attorn.;, s for i' .. 167. Broadway, New i'ork ? -.. Mai ?. The following is j. d ...; erty to be sold VERMILYEA AVE NUT approximate amo ml charge, t.. satisfy which ::.? sei : bed property Is to b one i housa nd four h und rod ai four dollars and ae\ ? ? . I . 474.74). with in! day "f August, j ?_ and ... : j-n a nee am ml ig lo I ? and sixty-thr< ? iollars and sixtj enti l$263.60) with Interest from Septombor 13. 1920, togeth'-r with the expenses ' th sale. Tho approximat? amount ' th? taxes, assessments e ml ? :it.-i ?.. ? lions, v.-hi. n are to be tilowi . haser out of the pui !!??..- mon?': - ; - ' by the ref? ree, is - ? dred and thirty-seven Iollars and twent) cents i $7. ! ::7 20) and lnt? psI Dated New Vor,-.. September l?th I??? HERMAN JOSE Rel -* ?URROGATES' NOTICES CHAMBERLAIN. LYDIA C IN I anee of an order of II in ab ? I P Co ha Ian. a Surrogate of I ! ?-? York. NOTICE is hereby given to a per? sons having claims against ;. dla l.erlaln. lat? ? ' t !.. ! New Tork deceased, to present the same with ? rs thereof to th" . ta : . ? of transacting business. No .s Bl ai Street, Borough of Manhattan, '-, th? City cf New York, on or before tl < January next l'ated. New Yurk, the 6th da, of J-./. 1920 THE NEW YORK TRUST ? OMPANT Ti mp ?-.. . - EHHIi'H. WHEELER A- WALTER. Ai torneys for Temporary A ?0 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan. City and t\ unty of New Y irfc. IN PURSUANCE Or AN ORDIII OF Honorablo Jotin P. .'ohaian. a Surrogats of the County of New York. ?Mated April I, DIO. NOTICE la herrb- glvei sons having ?-laims Charlotte C Wray. late of the County of New York, deceased, to pres-nt the ?ame w'.th vo-j?s ? rs thereof to the subs, r!b?i. ?t of transacting busir.o??, at the office ot Mlddlsbrook & Borland. No 41 <7?4?r ?treot. In the City of New York, on at ksfor? the 2nd day of November nsit Dated Nsw York, the 1Mb day o? April. 3S??. THE RECTOR. CHCRCH WARDENS AND VESTRYMEN ? iF OR AC! CHCRCH IN TUB CITT OF N?W YORK. Administrator, c. t. a. MIDDLEBROOK * BORLAND, Attor^ ney? for Admlnlntratur, c t- ?. *? Cortar Stro?t. New York. N. Y. IN- PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable? J ?hn P ? ).?.a:.. a .-iurrogs't of the County of New Y,.:k. NOTICE Is hereby given to all person! having cialins against John Van R Hof. late of Washington. D C, deceased, to pr? *ent the same with vouchers thereof to :ba subscribers at their p?a? e of transacting bus Ines? at the office of the Metropolitan Trill! Company of the City of Now York, ft! -No 60 Wai! Street, In the Borough "' Manhst tan. In the City of New York, or. or befoff the 10th day of January m \: Dated, New York, tho 30th lay of Juna 1820 METROPOLITAN TRt'ST COMPANT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, RUSSELL M. JOHNSTON Executors. PROPOSAI..-? HALE? KIIItlKN CORPORATION SiukinK Fund Not ire Sealed proposals for th sale I Fidel??.' Trufct Company, Trustee, at a prlCO r. ' to exceed ?'.i7!.. p. r centum if par an interest, of a sufficient amount ?f (hi Mortgage Twenty-Year 6* Mnkini Gold Bonds of the Hal.- * Kllburn Corpora tion t , exhaust the aum ?'f $) received at the ,,rttc. of said ! ?'ompanv. Truste Philadelphia, uni!! Thurnilny, October tttb. IDiO. at I? O'clock M. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Trtsttft W.M P. (?EST President. Philadelphia. October l, 1!*20.