Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate News J?ome Buying Feature of Realty Trading Much of the Activity in Vicinity of Lexington Avenue Subway; Houses in Other Sections Sold Jam?? Van Alst Jr. ?old to Arthur W PafT? the tbree-story dwelling at 165 Esst Stxty-flfth Street, 18.0x100.5, Herbert L. Bodman bonirht from Junes V?n Alst jr. the three-story dwe'lin?. 180 East Sixty-atxth Stre?t, 18 6x100.5. Bennett E. Sierelstein, for the Brenauer estate, told 242 to 244 Eaat Fifty-third Street, twe three-story jweHinff?- SSxlOO. Genevi?ve K. B. Andrew? sold to Clyde Martin the three-atory build in at 155 East Thirty-eighth Street, 14x32.3, jfary A. Smith sold the five-story ??*f!!ing 21? West Seventieth Strest. 14.fixl00.5 to the William Seitz jr, Holding Company, which resold the house to Edward A. Rosenberg. Dean Howells House Is Sold M. H. Gaillard & Co. rold for the ?state of William Dean Howells the five-story residence 259 West Eighty fifth Street, which the buyer will oc C" ? after alterations are completed lsabel De F. Colbron sold to Will Um J. Hammer, the three-story dwell lnp 104 West Eighty-fifth Street, 18.9.\ 102.2. Joseph P. Pay and J. A. Down sold the three-story house 371 West Fortv ghth Street. 16x100, for Philip Gold? berg to Gayteano E. Alfonso. The ?Charles F. Noyes Company sohl for the estate of William H. L. Lee the three story dwelling 147 West Minety-?fth Street, 18x100, to Mrs.. Kathleen O'Hara. who will occupy, i 'liara paid ail cash and takes title free of mortgage. Dora Finkelstein sold to Laura B. ! Hirsch f ?-'M the three-story dwelling1 1843 Madison Avenue. 17.7x83. James J. Maddox sold to Margaret Gsvior the three-story dwelling 142 West 127th Street, 15x100. Hearth & Hope, Inc., sold to Mabel J3 Barber the three-story dwelling 82 Macdougai Street. 20x100. Demand for Fordham Stores Richfi-i! H. Scobie lease.I stores in the I : ' - .-eetion for a total rentul of abo 10, To G. Buxbaum, market, he rented a lanre store on the Concourse north of 188th Street; 877 K ? Fordham Road to Mrs. M. Skelly. ?r"- store: 373 to Mr. Linden, elec? trical supplies; 3?i5 to Mrs. Yetti? ; corner Foriham Road and !88th Street to Constantine D .-.i,:s, restaurant; 114 East Ford ham P. ad to Louis Rein, cloaks anti REAL ESTATE?SALE OK KENT Manhattan or: . : ? l-nii nient. 10 rooms. 2 bat??? order b':|?'i.?>n West Et-.'. ? - le Prive, near >>0i!: . H< ID DOt.SON TO., Inc. I ?ir, Coi n>-r *0th ?Street I ' : ?HATE OCCITANCY ?se .put. 10 room?. 3 v> ? vvh decorated, near dRii - ? quired tTOQO Pries $2 >, DOl *>?>N CO., Inc. ? ij Corner SOt 1) Street. .-> -".ent. 12 rooi.m. 3 ' ? :--i t! Ic llRht, lower 80; Drive. T?!? Is the che: . ?? ?rive. Price $4. twmn. DOI.*?ON CO., Inc. B !?! way. ' ' ? n< r S?tll Street Brooklyn IK? TRFFRTtSON AV.. BROQK1.1 - cr two famili.-s. ready fi cnpatiF) white stone, 11 nioin'i, 2 b* r?w furnace, 12 tons coal, oth'-r exl 112.000 libvral terms. Inquire 2SU Puti ?v Bi loklyn. Long Inland 13.""i rAH! BUTS a New House In Oar-1 City, H -? reproduction cum i beyond i petitton. Come by motor train to :?'. - : Boulevard :>tatl?>n. ?Je: Ot: -and uee Bdgewortb Smith, I A!.--!--. 1 West 7;;h S:., 7v'ew York CI '." ?Queen* tS,900 buy? beautiful tlO.OOO house; In ; loi vnrd near station, L, hour Manhattan; steam heat, electric lit'' i -.??!??., tile bath; ?2.00'j cash. lia!?.. garaire space; save broker* 1'HONK OWNER, HOLMS, 6515 Westchester VF.W )!()( IIKTJ,K '-. the oldest and roost beautiful re ' I park, '?..-acre, 100 ft. front; housi 10 rooms, ? bedroom? 7. baths, Bhowerg, al' large, sunny; pat met floors, 7 open flre rements; \> Ide p? : i h, '' ? - 3-car garage, man's ? ul tr-'fn all sides; P railed garden, fruit, rosti?: 10 to :? ':.-->-, raiiroadB, markets, ol i kness must be rent, completely fur ' ?! ; ? v. . ? ? :-, n, IS Boulevard, Rochelle Park. RYE POR SA1.K 'iverlooklns Sound, wonderfully well MUH house, 12 rootna, 3 bates, hot wit*r Mailng system, garage un,! about one acre, wonderful trees and s?-.rubberv. Accessible to bathing an,i trollev. Price $40,000. ?, ..Complete ? ns Other Places. STBWAf'.l ' . .-?? HENCK, 53 Kast 42d St. - Mur Hill. Phone Sunday C00 Rye. IN, RIVERDAXB ? Two 1 its; no restrictions; bar 8CB0 Jerome Av?. ?w Jersey RITHERFOP.D, N. J.?Hoam for sal?; ?a?y terms Write for list. Van Wlnkl? opp. s'.a'.lon. Rutherford, N. J. 0t JTO LET FOR BC?INKSH? PCRP08KS Manhattan LOFT TO I.KT~ Storage only; osst loca? tion downtown; JiOD per month. Cross. wtlandt Hi. ^ARTMEMs TO LET?CNTPCRNISETEI? Manhattan W??-T EVr> AV.. 31? (near Tith rt.5-T*o ? thr?e ro'iin k!tchen?tte upartments, ?it vaiated. fun noor each. ?711 ST. 224 EAST? Apartment, north] light it.::!-,, Boor; bath, kitchenette. 6l"r BT., 154 EAST?Two-room apart-! bath, kitchenette; $1,500 year;! ?Mili select apartment house. l7 Parlor floor, and othera i ?M superintendent. ,,r'! ST., 187 W.?Two rooms, bath, klteh : Ai ply owner, 2S0 Madison A vu.. ! -1?7S1??' '"" Van?erbllt 8ST. j "TU, 124 WEST?Entire second floor, ro nioaelnl |.,.,us-, 12,100 a year; steam beat. ? "TH. 257 WE , ptlonal two or three i ^j0**" ?ulte; housekeeping. ^AR ! M E N I> I o JLKT?VTRNI SHED Maahattun "TH RT., 149 WEST?Duplex. 3 0 ?ooms ??d 2 baths, 4 master bedroom? and I' pants' rooms; studio living room, Six Bo?*1' *r!?h **-*?Ot cflllug; open fireplace ; ("wssiuti at occe, $6,600 per year. Paysoti An? ?.M"rl!1. lnc? a East 4?th ?t. Tet '?QQ Murray Hill. "TH st.. 64 WEST?Make ?rand etudlo; . tnt;ri, secoad flijcr, large rooms, steam tu. , 7lu't'et!t'tte, tile bath, beauUfully '? In mahogany, twin beds; lease t,7 niutitli- or wllj st.!l furnishings on J*e ati'l give greatly reduced n-ntal. Re?? Estate Hoaie? fot Sale rifGLEWOOO ,?l ?????tlwfcT&a, Ba&moai,*.). suits; 116 to Harry Buch, Indies' waar: ! southwest corner Fordham Road and ( reston Avenue to Solomon Bros., shoe?, and northwest corner Crest?n I Avenue and 188th Street to Daniel I Reeves, Inc. The leases are for terms Of from five to ten years. ??-?? Ferdinand Straus to Locate In New 57th St, Building William B. May & Co. have rented the ground floor in tho building now being erected by the comr-nny at 54 West Fi ft ?/-seventh Street and running through the block to Fifty-sixth Street to the Ferdinand Strauss Toy Stores, now on West Twenty-second Street. The lease ig for a long term of years at an aggregate rental of about $400, 000. The space taken Involves an area of about 8,000 square feet, the store fronting 25 feet on each thoroughfare. It is planned to have the premises ready for occupancy before Christmas. ?- > ,. ? Investor Gets Brooklyn Flats The Mclnerney Klinck Realty Com? pany sold the two three-story apart? ment nnd store at tho southeast corner of Cortelyou Road end Stratford Rond for Emma Fick to Albert Goeser. Charles Partridge sold the three story dwelling at 397 Stete Street for W. K. Angle. -? ?? 9-lth St. Building for Laundry James H. Cruikshank sold to Samuel V Backinnn 215 and 217 East Ninety-, rourth Street, a three-story building artly covering plot 45x100 adjoining ? "M3 East Ninety-fourth Street, owned Sy the buyer, who will use the property 'aken over for laundry purpose's. -.?a Fire Record ??. M. Loss '3:25?Ell East 72nd Street. Hlrsch man and Blelr .T'nkno-wn 5.45? Isham Street and Vermllye Avenue, shantv, unknown . . . .None 5:45?1282 Southern Boulevard, the Bronx. .Schulte Cltfar Store .Trifling 1:10?1 fi 6 '. Park Avenue, Samuel Williams.Trifling 9:00?Front of SI 0 East 11th Ptreet. automobile tiuclt of Isaac Son? kowttz .1 nknown 9:20?5 04 East 12ih Street, Tony Cana .I'nknown 8:50?422 Broadway, rubbish In lot .l'iiktiown 10:30?SIC East 45th Streel I nee In yard .Trifling P. M. x 1:35?511 West I7Sth Street; Ber? nard Colrtiarb.Trifling 4:20?130 Delancey Street; auto of John Doluck .Trifling 4:20?24'72 Eighth Avenue; Depart? ment of Street Cleaning. . ..Trifling 7:20?2146 Second Avenue; Carmine Puglieso . .... Trifling 9:30-13 W 4th st; A Rosen & Son Trifling 10.45?182 2d ?ve; Max Sttggman. .Trifling QTEF>tt RKAI. F^TXTR King Estate Lots Bring $274,745 at Auction Spirited Bidding and Fast Buy? ing Mark Sale of Yonkcra Realty A total of $274,746 was received for 741 lots and one house f.or the David H. Kinj? Jr. estate located on the New York City lino between Van Cortlandt Park and tho Hill View reservoir, Yonkers, disposed of at auction dv Joseph P. Day and J. Clarenco Davies on Saturday. It was planned to continue the sale over until yesterday in the lo? cal salesroom, but the crowd that ?gath? ered on the property was so large that the auctioneers decided to go on with it and at 9?l5 at night the last parcel in the offering was sold. Messrs. Day and Davies said after the sale that while they were sorry to disappoint those who planned to attend the second day's session tho public was there to buy and they to sel!. "The auction," they declared, "proved beyond a doubt that there is an enor? mous buying power in this section." The. stone dwelling, which is located in Kimball Avenue, north of Hill View Avenue, was purchased by Vincent Jannace for $6,500. Corners on Vnn Cortlandt Park North ranged from $1,075 to 1450. while inside lots brought from $400 to $625. Corners on Cox Avenue went from $1,450 to $275 and inside lots from $875 to $225. Kimball Avenue lots brought from $850 to $450, while corners were sold from $525 to $1.500. The latter price wns recorded for the corner of Kimball Avenue and McLean Avenue, the high price of the sale. Corners on McLean Avenue varied from $1.500 to $625 -and inside lots from $750 to $250. Hill View Avenue lots brought $425 to $175 with $625 to $400 for corners. Sisters of Charity Buy The Sisters of Charity, Pallotine. bought from James McAvoy jr. the vacant plot, 40.4x85. on the west sido of Pleasant Avenue, CO.5 feet south op 120th Street. Mr. McAvoy recently ac? quired the property. Sells White Plains Home The Robert E. Farley Organization sold for W. P. Sheridan his residence on Washington Avenue, White Plains, to Arthur A. Lee of White Plains. .-a Takes Over 103d St. Flat Emily Schmidt sold to Adele Knee land and others the five-story flat with stores at 150 East 103d Street 20x106.10. QUF.KN8 REAL ESTATE r,r#. t i 81 IMP ??it *^*"v.v.-'4*ft-'k ^'?7K m ?gm ?m: Jl The Sun ^ shines in every window of ih. Semi-Oet ached New Garden Apartments JACKSON HEIGHTS The illustration shows the unique block plan. Tho . or of the block is restricted to a park for the benefit t.: . Each apartment faces in the street and garden. Ever) um is an outside room. Many of the apartment's hav iilt-in porches and all are up to date in every particular It will be well worth your while to investigate [ackson Heights Plan of Tenant Ownership. *]>< 4, 5 & 6 Room Garden Apartments Ready for occupancy this fail Social and business references required fhe Queensboro Corporation Manhattan Office E3. 4-d St., Cor Mn.llson Ar*, hone Murray III!! 7057 Jackson Height? Office Opposite 2Mh Si Subway Statl? Telephone Newtown 7'i''', Visit Jackson Heights To-day 2S MTMTES FROM 4?D ?STREET t Turfciim n?nl?h!?i hy most .-/.rivonlen; rout? tais Subwij in i, -.i! transfer !<> Qyeensboro Subway imu-ens Mne) to 25th St. fitati BROOKLYN KEAl ESTATE NEW?COMPLETE SIX.ROOM HOMES AU mo?nrn appointment? FLATBUSH, Brooklyn $8,750 Call ?uia aee th?m TO-DAT. T11BY ARE BAROAiyS. PRE?J-BROOIw CORP.. OWNERS UTICA AVE. & AVE. "D" Telephone 8260 Flatbnsli. MISCELLANEOUS Sotice to Architects? Contractors?Owners! MORENE L?KWID SEMENT Opens New Possibilities for RESURFACING, STONE. BRICK, CEMENT, &c Applied with a brush. A material Superior to Stucco. Waterproof?Indestructible Any Color?Any Texture Manufactured Solely by MOKENE PROOICTS CO.. n*0., ? 2*5-? Wfcst 28th St Tel. Watklot 8648. INEIRNISIIED APARTMENTS TO UET 150 West 79th St 9 Rooms & 3 Baths, Duplex Suitable for Phy*ician or Dentitt Apply on pr?mJ?e? or Edgar A. Levy Leasing Co. ?MS Fifth Are. Murruj Hl!! 68S0. Baa ? ? seoBmBSm wh b LON? ISLAND REAL ESTATE I WILL SELL YOU THIS HOUSE FOR $10,500 At Marathon Tark. Little Nock. L. I. Development beautifully parked. All city Improvements. T-wenty-flvi- irtinutes via L. 1. n. R. JOHN M. RIEHLE 68 WUMarn St., Cnr. ( edar Street. Telephone John 4348. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET New Building Highest Chut Elevator Apartment? Ft. Washington Ave. S. E. Corner 173d St. Equipped with every modern de? vice for the comfort of tenants; surroundings beautiful: street under eupervlslon o? Park Department, 3-4-5-6 Rooms, 1 -2 Baths Renting ?sent on premises, or Charles Berlin RAS?? Broadway, corner lC?d St. NEW APARTMENTS Just Completed Immediate Possession Concourse Apartments ? W. Cor, lS3d St. And (?rnt-id Corik-ou.-M 4-5-6 Rooms St. Nicholas'Apartments N. L. Cnr. I92d Bt Ari'i St. Nicholas Ave. 3 and 5 Rooms Appty en Premises REAL ESTATE AT AUCTTO?f REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION $20 Secures a $200 Lot I _ $40 Secures a $400 Lot $60 Secures a $600 Lot 10% day of ?al??20% in 30 days?70%on mortgage ABSOLUTE LIQUIDATION AUCTION By peremptory instructions from the Westervelt Realty Co. of the property formerly known as The Schieffelin Estate 4fiC BRONX SUBWAY I (XTC tUO AND HOME-BUILDING *-^J 1 O Located between the 225th St. Station of the White Plains Road Subway and the Baychetter Ave. Station of N. Y.. We?tchetter and Boiton R. R. On E. 221st to 227th Sts., Inclusive Laconia Ave., Eastchester Rd., Schieffelin Ave., Needham Ave., and adjacent Streets THURSDAY, OCT. 21st At noon in the Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St. 70% At 6% } M*y Remain TITLE GCAItA??TKB & TTtCST CO. ^ ^. ' [ On Mortgage Title fol?ele? FREE. c ^ '? f Having* Bank Book*, on proper imslj-nnirnt, and IJb??rty 50 /C (CO 4;/? /O S Bond?, at market value, wll) be accepted ae deposits. JOHN QUINN, Esq., Attorney, 31 Nassau Street Send for Booklet NeTvYorkCuV ^-? nfaliJbll. /ffivllW C^nlo^Tlu INSPECT THIS PROPERTY TODAY Take Bronx Park Sub way to 177th St. and transfer to White Plains Ave. Subway exten i sion to 225th St. Station and walk East 4 short blocks to Laconia Ave, and property. [\ i he Barrimana, Delafields, Perkins, Babcocks, Morosinis and many other prominent New York families purchased large tracts in the Riverda?e section of the Bronx, New York Ciiy. The Oliver Harriman Estate will sell its holding, without reserve, at Absolute Trustees* Sale by order of United States Trust Co. of N. Y. ) and Oliver Harriman, Esq. ) ms ' Under the Will of Oliver Harriman, Dec'd, 98 Riverdale Lots Bronx, New York City Loca!?'! in the finest part 'of beautiful R,:vrdale, ne.-ir Broadway and Van Cordai?dt Park. Riverd?le Av., Mosholu Av., De?afie?d Av., Liebig Av. and W. 256lh St., N. Y. C. Riverdnlc and Mosholu Avenues form the Northerly extension Spuyten Duyvil Parkway and Riverside Drive. Mosholu Parkway is the only driveway through Van Cortlandt Park to The Bronx, West chester County and Long Island Sound. Tuesday, Oct. 19th at noon, in Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St. 60^- on Mortgage Lawyers Title & Trust Co. for 3 years at 5 V-> % Policies Free Stewart & Shearer, Esqs., Attys., 45 Wall St., N. Y. C. <n Ltlwntr SL If , X J*M Telephone %w; lorlt CUty ^*-^JM.?JLrTf?b4a* CtrttaiMU 'U S"nd for Bookmap. now TO REACH PROPKRTY?Tako Ir.t*rboi-ou*h Puhway to Rrimflw-iv ?nrt ?42d St. iva,, CorUandt Park). Take trolley to Mosliolu Pa'ku-av w"k we"' Mo? Parkwa^wlik trt Tb? tr?U" *' "'"* S<,Uar? "d ^t off ?? NFLRNISHED APAKTMJENXS To LET I>FlR.MSHE? APAKTMEN?8 lO LET Immediate Possession SMALL Apartments FOR RENT 840 Seventh Ave. Corner 64th St. 2,3,4 & 5 Rooms, Bath 350 West 55th St. 1,2, 3 &4 Rooms, Bath 300 Central Park West CtiTiwr ?0th Bt. / & 2 Rooms, Bath 434 West 120th St. Cor. Amsterdam Ave. 2 Rooms, Bath Furnished and unfurnished Particular? of other apartment* on request Apply on premise? ?or BING & 3ING !I9 West 40th St., N. Y. C. Bryant Ml? Apartments FOR RENT Immediate Possession 2178 Broadway CVimer TTth 8U 7 Rooms, 3 Baths 1000 Park Ave. Corner 84th St. 6 Rooms, 2 Baths ? 58 Central'Park West Comer 66th St. 10-11 Rooms, 2-3 Baths Particular? of other apartments ?on requ???rt. Apply on premises or BING & BING I 119 W. 40th St. Bryant 6410. New Building, Now Ready 4-Room Apartments 177 Hirill GRADE BUILDINO. AUENT ON PREMISES. 872 Wett 179th St Most Beautiful House on UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Just Completed 2460-2470 UNIVERSITY AVE. 1 DIock North of Fordham Road A C LARGE ROOMS Tf"** With LarSe Foyers Every conceivable) improvement Opposite Beautiful Park Every room permanently light 3 minutes' xmlU from Pord hani llnuil ?Station of Jt-roiue Ave. Subway and 6tli and ?til Ave. L. 4 blocks to Lulvcrsity Heights Station >'. Y. C. R. R., Putnam Division. Mod?erate Rentali. Agent on Premise?. ?210-212 West 104th St.? Adjoining Broadway 3-Room Apartments With Immediate Posnens?on Equipped with every modern device for the comfort o? tenant?. Renta $115 to $12?. Charles Berlin *??*? P?nray,,cor. 162d St., or 141 K. 17th 8t. 3 Rooms and Bath 157 West 57th St. Consistir.^ of ll%lng room, bedroom, bath, kitchen and 3 closets, Modern fireproof elevator apartment l,ouS". Maid service optional. Apply on premises or F.dfs: A. Levy Leasing Co., 605 Fifth Ave. Murray Hill 63?0. VFESTCHESTKB COC7NTY REAL ESTATE FOR RENT With Option to PurvhaM A homelike, con:fort?ble h.juao ^n a hiirh elevation in White P'.ain?, hon? estly built 6 yearn ago; 9 rooms, 2 bath?, sieam heat. A modern and practical plan. Garatje. Will rent with option to purchase at 12 10 per ? onth, or sell on easy terms tor $?5 000 LOOK AT THIS TO-DAY. Prmce^RlpIev Ihi.LI'IIU.NK MURRAY HILL ??5. Tel. Trt. , White Plain* 267? Pelhai-.i 11C3 I robb? ferry 34 C.r?r nwlrh 1!5? f?f?h ?VBMM? /I NEW Textile home is now being erected on ^ Fifth Avenue covering the entire block front from 30th to 31st Street, to be known the world over as the? Textile BmMiini! This building contains 525,000 square feet. De? signed to meet the requirements of Textile inter? ests exclusively, and leased only to the most de? sirable tenants. Space may now be leased to suit the tenant up to and including whole floors of 32,000 square feet net at almost pre-war prices? $2.50 Per Square Foot?Net Compare our price per square foot with any other building not even so prominently located. Ready for occupancy February ist, 1921. Plans and Particulars from Textile Building, inc. GLOR?E XiACHS, President 16 West 38th Street Telephones: FITZ ROY 437-438 1VESTCHESTER GOl MV REAL ESTATI 'lARCHMONT-OIMTHE-SOUNP If.-_.IS- TIIK MANOR n?ar the Sound, 12 Inn ? room , ?ten . h,,ni shade trees. PI ? ? 1x100. $20.R00 !? '?? s. 102?1M M E DI ATE POSS E S SIO N ?New Colonial, 7 rooms aii.i o..1 i, ?pen flrepla.-e i ?? Manor's good lo utlon 50x!U0. J3G 500 tprmfl 1 >]? COMMUTER'S OPPOKT1 MTY ? Attractive Colonial, 7 room?. 2 baths, all i:-..i rovni lents and up to date; near uta tlun ! 26 000, toi ms liv? \ll>T SELL, oirnpr going South. Seven benutiful large rooms, all Improve? ments, offering u a good. Sound view, Tel ; m an n nged. 105?ONE ACHE?12 room?, 2 baths, a'.l Improvements; One old shade ticen, frul'.s. etc.; garage, restricted section. SS?.OOf), ttyms, 10?? A REAL HOME, BARGAIN?is'tnt rooms, 2 baths, all Improvements; cornet location ideal; garage. For quick ?&le 52(1 500, terms , 104?7 ROOMS AM) RATH, semi-Co lonlal, in the best section o!' Larchmoni PI G0> 100. (16.600, terms. 107?A CEMIM: SACKICTCE?Stucco, K rooms, 2 batlm; in high class, restricted park; near station. P'.ol S7'.j.\100. Ask? ing $24.000. DRUMMOND, BOSTON POST ROAD. Telephone Larchmo?ii 584, Por Sa'i at P E L H A M Severa! affrasfive hsmes g rooms, 2 baths. Plet 75x150. Price $11.500. Apply 3-7245. '.' r ?ms, 2 be.ths; huh parlor sleeping porch. Price $17.000. Apply 6-7,06$. H /oo?Ti3, bath. Plot 100x176. Garapo for 2 ? .ira. Price $18,600. Applj 6-3193. '2 rooms. 3 baths. Garage. Corner plot. Price $27,600. Apply S-S119. Immediate occupancy. Phone Pelham r.">7 '.tu Av Telephon? 687 8th At ?TTtM . Metres ll.U New York. |fc?tl i BUXIM 6620 New York Within the Hour The Harmon Easy Payment l'lan .#&^>^ Sfe THE HUDSON 100 Eiectrlc Train? Daily Be Our Guest. Send for Booklet. CLIFFORD B. HARMON and CO.. ?1 East lind St. Phone Murray Hill .'S^O. EVERYBODY KNOWS The Wocdsof Larchmont as one of the CHOICEST, FAIREM' & HEALTHIEST HOME LOCATIONS NEAR THE SOI ND We have several beautiful build? ing plots that w? will sell cheap for quick sale to close out the balance of our holdings. Jos. Lambtien & Son. i?e. ?I^BIWIIlMKWMriaWaiBlMII - j SACRIFICE LOR QUICK S ALL I ? I ? .??? of owner's business r:i essitate mi He fctiie High section convenlen to station ; wonderful riew; I rg? plot ..,.'"? t mprove men : su rdeti Well S s rooms, bath, hot water bei i rlcity, gas ; ? .... floors < ? ? - i? m v. ith op ? erand m ,?.?-.?? use p ". nlngi and for sale at. i Prie? $10.??TO. Termt irranand. Otilek action fli.oi?A*&ry. R. Franldhi Hu] ^e^STmWESICBESPER. ROBERT?B?LQf ORfiAjN?ZATiUN 12 East 44fa 5t.. MumyHill 7720 !?! .1f>;-<JiMW, ?rfWWKM llllllil mvf, m I m '-^tB*M*M0. HOMES ? ESTATES IN W?5TCHESTER Princ?&RlK?? "[?PUT TO LET FOR 1?SINE.SS I'l KI'OSES j FO LET FOR BI SIN ESS Fl KltinK? Columbia Trust Building N. W. Cor. 34th ST. & 5th AVE. 358 Fifth Ave. FOR RENT ENTiRE FLOORS OR UNITS OF 606 SQUARE FEET 785 1114 For Particulars and Plans Apply at Office of Brow.Wheelock Company ?f l*CO*PO*AT?0) 10 East 45uh St.?Murray Hill 8100. FX?PTIONALLY LIGHT OFFICE About 1.60? S^. Ve Bri - '?..?: Com ? Duane Pt flnltaWe for imponer or Erport?r RENT UNUSUALLY LOW FRLD'K SOUTHACK & ALWYN BALL, JR. Il l?r? ? ??UT Bowling Green 8580 BANKING SPACE * * KC Beav'erKj Wtmm ??????????aw?ww^MMi MANHATTAN K171L ESTATE Established 1652 Horace S. Ely & Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty Street ?BOP?NQS.STGRESIOFTSJ ZUTO LETZT WM.H.WHIT1NG E COJ * 41 PARK HOW_TELS90OC0RT. I Goopwixj Ji OODWlH Ave. S, ... . .... ;n?. ?MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE For Rent With Immediate PetsetdoB Private Dwelling 495 Riverside Drive Opposite Gruft 1 emk 26 rooms, 7 baths and toilets. FREDTC FOX & CO., Inc. 14 W. 40th St. Tel. 64? Vandertsllt. George L. O9 are A par? m ?rut # A BwtMB? lT?p?rt/ 4?9 6th Avenu. Tri. 500? Van der WH jH?jpS Basin?? Property ^S^ * co, TM?'t FARMS FOR KALE HOMESEEKERr^'TsI^^r^ BROOKIYN.QUEEKS and LONG ISLAND * Hamms ?* F&?m. Buemes? Property j FLATBl>H?BROOKLYN ?1,000 DOWN bays splendid ?-room ?modern house, brick ur Btuoco; ha.i hour N F.; block from Brighton subway wonderful Investment; eaey term*. ORL1NGER, 27-9 Broadway. N. Y. Tel. 7440 Worth. LYNBROOK. - COMPLETE ROME, ready for occupancy. 7 room?, bath, ateam heat, a',! Improve I menta; elesrantlj <1<"< rvratrd ; screen*, ?na'!??; ?0x'. 77. ?. rnlnutM station. I; 3.SO1). I bom paon. 6 Atlantic A.'. Phono SSI Lyob'lc DOL?LAS MANOR THE IDEAL ?uburtiiin home on North , Shore; 22 n.inu:?'! Peni Station; ?oto? . bargains in liou?e? ami plots. J. HART WELCH Duaclakton. Phone hu.rjiiln til. SPRINGFIELD I 'MAKE MONET WITH SCHABKHORN" ' Buy Springfield, Quetn? County, New York ? .'. loti :'. r 1250 I J4S? each. W. H. SCHABKHORN. ? Opposite btatiun. Phone Springfield 1817. FRKEPORT ATTRACTIVE OFFER- 5 room?, bath. ... heater, eloctrl Ity, pas. convenient ?;???. I? 000 ? ash J7 590. ? ?ther '? ? IVn?. H. ? Van Sense, north of ?ia. 'I ? . . reep i HVRYLON ? ONE ACRE, with ?iTarilv. ?h'.nrled , house of IS roams, S bat?.s, l.Ofl? fe?; from water; 19 minutes' wau to statten bum land (?rage. Price 117.600 I PJOHN S I OX ?AY. Puna? li ??br?WBL MALVEKNE HOMES of iir.usnal distinction. ! H ? rooms a'l tnoSern conven lene???, ranging \ from S6.S09 to J.5,000, w'.lhin 6 n.ln?te? ! walK o* station. i AMSTERDAM DEVELOPMENT * CALK? CO.. It** Brwtunway, Now York. QTEENS GARDEN-? ! WHY PAY ?ISO per mo. r?nt when It ?a po? i Hloit "o own on? ot ihn? bvaul?fui Colnala; cottages ?'-' aa etpenae ot $S#. K??le? terms, Jefferson ??.->. Queen? Village Wi ? Kq.- h ?f & Maasfleli, lue, LU ttn Ave., Astoria. BAYSIDE Attractive frame and ?tore? ?welting containing I rooms, 1 bath, ?learn heat. Pit taborga ga? heater, open Are; garage corner plot, 6?S?l0t? : cot;vebi?Btljr ideate? ?73 000 -I. WILMON DAYTON. ?ay?i?e. L. 1. Phone ???i Dayside. BOCKVII.LE CENTRE SACRIFICE?13 beautiful hem?* an* ' bungalow?; all modem Improvement?-; ? ? m?nate? froi Lone Be?? h; t minute? from , ?natlun. Price ??.?on to 210 *?? Reaann abl? ? Mil Til SHORE ESTATE!*, !. ? NORTHPOKT Three nttrort l\e r.-\od?ro ?hora front pro? i ?rtlea, with or without ?acreage; horn??? ?r 'comfort and refinement ; conveniently lo ?catert, with riparian right?. tSO.fQO to t*?,00?. EDWIN N. ROWLEY. Northport tU, L, or 47 W??t Mtb SL, Not Tork dtp.