Newspaper Page Text
Teutons ?ssail Shipping Plans Of Government Indemnity Scheme Proposed on Surrendered Vessels Declared To Be a Paltry Method of Remuneration -170 P. C. Inadequate" Cannot Keplaee Tonnage on This Advance on Pre-War ; Values, Shipowners Say ! - German ship owners are objecting; strenuously to the plan of their gov- j crr.ment for reimbursing them for vea-. gels surrendered to the Allies under the peace treaty at the rate of 170 per cent o? the pre-war value of the ships, i To secure tho extra 70 per cent, how- ? ever, the ship owner must replace the j surrendered vessel within six years.! after which time a sliding scale of re duced percentages goes into effect. Marked dissatisfaction over the plan ? ?8 expressed in a recent is?ue of the, Hamburger Nachrichten. "The paltry scale on which the trov- ! ernment thinks where shipping inter? ests are concerned is shown by the pro? posals for indemnity in respect of ex-; preprinted German merchant vessels,": this paper says. "The draft of the pro- ! posed law or. the subject, states that; the owner shall receive only the value \ (,? the ship and its inventory on .?u 1 y ^ 25,1914 that is, its last peace value. Award fur Replacing Ships ? "To this sum there may be added. ^?t;. th ' of th.' Minister of finance, a supplementary sum, pro? vided that the claimant replaces the ex? propriated vessel with a new one or by purchasing a vessel not already be-, longing to ' c German merchant ma-! rine." 1 Th* supplementary sum referred to would be, within the first six years j from th.; date of the peace treaty, To per cent of the amount, by which the ' replacement cost exceeds tho "peace ; price" '- ling the substituted ves? sel. During the seventh to ninth years. after the peace treaty the supple-' mental grant is reduced to GO per cent. and dur ' nth to twelfth years it is cut tj 40 per cent of the excess, coft of the substituted vessel. -It is d '"' to understand how the! government can bring forward such an inadequate measure," says the Ham-j burgerNach richten. "Those who framed' the proposals must all be other than' experts, I e ?e they have certainly j not considered what it costs a Ger rnar. owner to acquire a vessel abroad . tc-r?iv. "Apart from the fact that the cost ; ol vessels multiplied in every country during tho war. the depreciation of the German exchange makes \he cost to a German purchaser so exorbitant that ! indemnity o:i the basis of peace value ' plug 7" p<*r cent of the excess cost is ridiculously small." Germans Getting New Vessels Although the terms of the peace treaty provide for the construction by j German shipyards of 200,000 gross ! tons annually for a period of five years, a number of ships recently completed in German >..nis have been turned ever to German shipping firms for operation and some' are reported to lave already been placed in service. The North German Lloyd Line, for instance, has been reported as having j renimed its regular service to Brazil with the newly completed steamer I Vegesach and to have a second vessel, the Bremerh even, nearly ready for de- ; livery and induction into service from' Btcmen to Rio do Janeiro and Santos. In tlu- meat time, notification has, been given by tho German government! that the product of certain yards has j been set aside for delivery to the Al- i lies. Estimates of the total possible \ production of German shipbuilding plants has ranged from 000.000 to I 1,000,00(1 gn 3 tons a year. On the ! basis of the latter figuro it would be ! quite possible for Germany to restore j nor merchant marine te its pre-war size in about seven or eight years. A German shipbuilding concern at ; Emden has notified the government of Argentina that a 40,000-ton drydock contracted for before the war has been j completed, but that it wilt not be pos- ! Mble to^ fulfill the contract by towing i the dock to Buenos Ayres, because of ! lack of shipping facilities. Shipping Board Sells Vessel WASHINGTON, Oct. 19,?Sale of the, 8,541 deadweight ton steamer Westmead '? to the Standard Steamship Company, of j New York, for $1,412,467 was announced i tc-day by the Shipping Board. ' Pacific Lumber Rates Cut SEATTLE, Oct. .19.?On the Oriental route business shown little prospect of much improvement in the near fu? ture, and a feature of this trade is the ?cutting: in lumber rates from $25 to $17,50, initiated by the Shipping Board. T his action was taken, it is under? stood, because Japanese steamers were ?*spo,cte<1 of cutting the previous tar u m ? ?' Rnd* following the lead of the Shipping Board conference, private lines have followed suit, so that car? riers are now getting $17.50 for lum? ber. Some shippers believe that this will soon be down to $15, which will piace it on practically the same basis as before the war. For general cargo from Japan to Seattle $5 to $G is be? ing quoted, and for bean oil, Daricn to Seattle, $7 to $8. Information from Japan is to the ef? fect that additional large carriers are being laid up, due to a lack of business with Japanese owners offering to char? ter on time. Although the last de? livery of Japanese built, tonnage for the Shipping Board has been made at Seattle, several freighters constructed in China for the United States are to be delivered here in the. near future. ??. ? Hurley Advocates $150,000,000 Fund For Foreign Credits Special Di.tvatih to The Tribune CHICAGO, Oct. If),-A co?perativ? system whereby credits can be ar? ranged for the marketing of Americai: products abroad was advocated bj Edward N. Hurley, former chairman ol the Sh'pping Board, in an. address de livered at a banquet given by th? National Marine League here this eve ning. Admiral Benson, the presen chairman of the board, also spoke urging international reciprocity ii commerce and shipping. "This country to-day is in a rathe peculiar position," said Mr. Hurley "with the second largest merchan fleet, of ships in the world ready t move our surplus wheat, cotton an> manufactured product* to the market of the world; many of these ships ar now idle in our ports with no cargoe offered, with a surplus crop of cott.o for export of 8,000,000 bales, whic at the present low market price woul amount to $800,000,000; with a surplu for export of .'-?00,000.000 bushels c wheat, which at the present marko price would bring over 5600,000,000 with il surplus of packing hous produc?s of $250,000,000; as well a $750.000,000 worth of semi-manufa< tured raw materials and finished mam factured products of various kinds. "The countries of Europe are in th market for the major part of th suiplus, but our marketers of whea cotton and other products still ask f< payment'in gold at our seaports befoi goods arc shipped. "Our position should be a comme cial one With these tremendous e. cess products to sell and with oi natural overseas customers restrict* in their purchasing power ce shou cooperate with these customers place them in a position to make the needed purchases. "A plan could be adopted und which the marketers of the diver products could cooperatively work o a system of credits and within limi paralleling some of the existing c operative marketing associations this country. "Through the medium of a eorpot tien, a collateral bond issue of frc $100,000,000 to $150,000,000 could created to Tbear interest at 8 per c* and to run three years, or possibly fv This amount is deemed sufficient, as would furnish a revolving fund duri the period of the marketing of t products. "The marketers of the various pre ucts would make the sales to the p vate purchasers in the various Eu pean countries, receiving in return obligation from the purchaser, defin as to amount and time of payment a as to interest. These receivable ot g?tions would constitute the secur tor the bonds, these obligations, have the guaranty of the purchase particular government,, which most the. European governments are will to do, and possibly also the guara of the marketers in this country. "With these obligations so guar teed as security the bonds should a safe investment, but to make asd anee doubly secure the market might be called upon to create a n gin for further protection. This ar should bo done through the mediun the corporation issuing the bonds. "The final settlement of the purcl obligation* could be fixed on a r as between the foreign currency the dollar, at an agreed rate of change, which might be substanti that of the present .ate of excha This adds an attractive feature, cause we can assume that what we doing will of itself substantially prove the financial position of countries whose nationals avi themselves of the plan." Army Orders , WASH1N , Oct. 19.?-Army ordern Issued to-C;:;. : .?low Tram 71.. /?-.),, ,..?., Washington Bureau M". .-" Oct. 19.?Arn J W . Honorably Discharged Clsh, Cap! c " f. I.t. O. ? "inf Ltthbury, . ? : ?; p q. M. C. Dedl Lt. R. i in! ., Dings Li r ?j - , , ,- *\ 1 ? .-' M Ir., M. T. C. ? '' ?: . Chem. Warf. SVC. >:. :.. Air Svc. Alb . . _ | , . ,. T c ';..' '? ???? ? ?'? ? San. C. ?'bbs, MaJ. ? , m , ? ' ] >ei .' i . pt. AV. ? . Army Svc, C. :'' ''? i apt. c; D? Q. M. c A . r. ,s. A. .- San. C W 1 ... M. C ?;*','?'? ' ?:? '? C, Q M. ?'. ', ? h : ' ? I Q M c: J E? .... M. C. 1 H EnB !r?,bu[n' '' '? B. 1', Vet. <:. J I'. Q. M. C. .. ' , '.. M. C, . i' S. V. k i'. sir c i ' v-,,"'-'1,:' ???,, Infantry ???owing to Camp Travis: Butler, Lt. , J ' ?? lahan, Lt. W. II a. ; ( :hrlsten ;-' C W.: Cleaver, I.'. O. G . J. H.; Couper, Lt. G. M.? ' ''?'- \ Enckhausen, Lt. P. Il . ' R l . fenter? Lt. C. K . ? : Griffin, l.t. C .'.. '? E G.; Helm. Lt. 1 >. L. : ' ' '?? .t. [.,; k. rshaw, Lt. C. G ; i.'V '??? G IV.; l'on..', Lt. C. W.: ,: "":> ' ' W H ; Rose Lt. P. H.; Lt. J S.; Rubinstein, Lt. I). H.; V v,:1' ! ?? W. !? . Soderholm, Lt. ?, :; ? 8tuart, l.t. J. a.; Thompson, ' t ', ; ? Ungethuem. Lt. W. J.; Wetr, '}? ?V M,; Welsh. Lt. B. G., White, ?'. ,?? A . Mee, 2d (,t. V. D. : Harria. ? J- W.; Porter, M Lt. H. D. ; Lt. W t.. jr.; Kerr, 2d l.t. , ? ? Harvey, Cupt. L I : L< unon. 1: M.; MacLauphlin. Lt. 8. S.; Balrd, Lt. A. R ; Mayers. 2.1 Lt. T. B. ; Zack, 2d Lt. J, T.: Whitlow, 2d Lt.' A. J< ; Lydia, Capt. W. K. : Lynch, Capt. .T.; Hassen, Capt. J. A.; McCarthy, Lt. W, .T.; Ranklln, Lt. O. ; Wunder, l.t. ! H. F. ; Bolan, Lt. H. W. ; Matth>-ws. i Lt. .T. E.; M-.oro. Lt F. M.: Halny, 2d Lt. W. T.; Adams, 2d Lt. S. J. ; Mans? field, 2d Lt. Fi s.: Letoney, 2d Lt. F. : , Tenney, 2d Lt. W. M.; M?Caslcey. 2d I Lt. D. D : Gollghtly, 2d Lt. H. J. ; j BhiPlds, 2d Lt. I. M.; Tatom. 2d Lt. | K. K. Anderson, Lt, C, C, to Camp Banning. Wiener, Lt. H. B., to Forl S!...-uni. Lynch, Col. .1. A., to San Diego. Potts, Lt. Col. D. to Baltimore. | Kennedy, Lt. F. K. Jr., 10 (.'amp Travis. ; Drown, l'a;.;. T. ('., to (.'amp Meade. Townsend, Lt. Col. G. I... t.. Fort Howard.1 Field Artillery Following: to Camp Stotspriberg: : Carrol!. Maj. l?. I-V; Bell, l.t. D. ; Kast.M-t.rnok,, Lt, C. A.; Henlnger, Lt. G.: Nellond, l.t. K, s- ; Richards, Lt. C. S.; Home, Lt. 0*. A. Following to Camp Travis: Slira, Capt. O. B. : Bueehler, Lt, T. K. ; Evans. Lt. B. : Goldman, Lt. A. M.; Kreber, Lt. L. M.; Bwcrt, Lt. E. C. ; Parrot I. Maj. It. S., to Fort SU]. ' McDonald, Maj. D. C, to Fort Sill. Navy Orders Tro?! The Tribune's Washington Bureau ; WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.?Navy orders1 ? lisur.l to-day follow: Bingham, Comdr. I.'. C. to V. S. S. Sacra- ? ! mento. Brooke, Lt. W. A., to r. s. S. Talbot. Cage, Capt. II. I-:., to Boston. Clarke, l.t. K. R., to Maro Island. I Gill, Comdr. C. C, to l". S. s. Fennsyl \ ania. Harding, Bus. II. C, lo 1". :;. S. C?sar. Lafidenberger. Capt. C. B.. lo 1". S. S. ! Minneapolis. ; Lanier, Ens. C. J.. t.. V. s. S. Mores. Meyer, Lt. L., to Pearl Harbor. Paie, Lt. M? to Washington. (Sadler, Comdr. F. H. to Washington. Sexton, Carp. T. G., to Astatic Sta. Thurlby, Lt. H. IL, to Destroyer Div. Zi. ?Tomb, Comdr. W. V., to f. S. s. Dixie. i Weber, Lt. G. K., to U. S. S, Simpson. Wellborn, Ens. M., to I'. S. S. Mississippi, ' \\,\ls Comdr. W. B. to New York. Wilev, LI. II. V., to IT. S. S. Dent. JOHN L. MERRILL, Pr?. ?Uln Cable Offli'?. 89 Broad Street 'i'Mfphone Broad '7*10 DRAN'CH OFFIOllS: ?1? W'h A'?"" *'?<??? Vanderbilt ?4?* -34 Fifth Ave.. " Mad. SA- 6066 136 Franklin Ft.. " Franklin S?* ?? Spria-e at.. " Hetkuiun 2??8 SANTOS Most of our loffee is shipped from Santos, Brazil. Imports of coffee asrgregiating 1,417, 000,000 pounds, valued at $311. 177,000, during year ended June, tops the record made in :??17 o? 1,322.000,000 pounds, valued at $133.500,000. The average price of coffee received in 1920 was 22 cents a pound, against 13.7 cents a pound in 1919, and 11 cents in 1914. ALL AMERICA CABLES as contributed in the develop "nt of trad? between tho Marine Reports THE TIDES High water Low water ? . _ . AM PM AM PM Sandy Hook .... 1:1* 12s 7:27 8:08 Governor*? Island. 3:07 2-flH. 8-26 000 ?Hell Gate . 3:30 3:33 10:43 11:06 Note?-The above figures are standard timo and not Now York State time. ARRIVED YESTERDAY v.Yt.Mei- .Port- Docked at. vauban.Liverpool_Pier 14. . Hoboken, N J Logan.Trieste.Pier 2. ~. .. Army Ban,?, Bklyn Stavangerfjord... Bergen_Ft 30th st, ., B'klyn Newona.-Barry...X Y Harbor ,, . 1) D, Clttton, S I Honnedaga.Brlxham. . .Pier 22. . , B'klyn Agwlmoon.Port Lobos..Pier 1.' ,- - .-. ~ Bayonne, X ,T Gen. G.W.GoethalB.Cristobal. .Pier 1, -,. . _ Hoboken, N J City of Savannah..Savannah. .Pier 35, N R Arapahoe.Jacksonville Pier 37 N R Hamilton.'-Norfolk. .. Pier 25.' N R American.Hamburg ... ]>|er 7 X R Lake Fansdale. . . .Cristobal. .Pier 4 4. ,, , B'klyn Mexico.Havana. .Pier IB, B'klyn Saramacca..Tela. .Anchored _ , in Quarantine Sunbeam.Texas City. .Anchored _, off Clifton, S I ' pnc?.San Juan. . Anchored ? , in Quarantine Georgia.Port Arthur ,r . , Anchored off S I Veedol.New London..Pier 1. _,.. , Tidewater, NT J nljndam.^Rotterdam. . Ft ?ih st, ,, ., Hoboken, N .T -Medina.Bordeaux . .Pier 45, N R Berth Changes ..Y*,88?'- _,. Transferred to Altai Maru..Plor 9, r> L & AV R R. , _ . Hoboken Annie B Mitchell.. Anchored Gravosend Breiz Tzel.Anchored off Staten Island ', oronla.Pier 66, X K cibao. .. .National Sugar Refiner)', Yonaers Cornelia.pier 37, Bklyn Deoatur Bridge.Crane's n I), Bklvn Kastport.Pi?r 22 Bklyn S,C"P'J'S.Tebo's Yacht Basin, Bklyn flshklll.Anchored in sir..un-. Helmer Morch.Pi..r 13, B R Jnculd.Ft Court st. Bklyn Knoxvllle.pier 3, Hoboken Kokomo-Pier 12, AV s R 1; Weehawken Lake Gallsteo.Fool Clinton st Bklyn Lordship .Manor.Off Red Hook"Flats, Brooklyn Lucy Bvoly-OfT Red Hook Flats. Bklyn Manitowoc.pier 66, x it Mara val.Pier 24, Bklyn Margaret Thomas .. Tier 11 A, W S It R, AVeeha wken Mehanno.Tebo'i? Tacht Basin, Bklvn Montclalr.Foot Clinton st, Bklvn Norumbegn.Shewan's \> l>, Bklyn Nyanza.Foot 31st, st, Bklyn Osakls.Pier t.. Bush Docks, Bklyn Panuco.Anchored off Liberlv Polar Sea.Foot Clinton st. Bklyn Santiago.Port Reading, X .t. Slavic Prince.. .Pier 4. tuisli Docks Bklyn ?south Bend_Anchored off Bay Ridge, Brook lyn Starllte.Mariner's Harbor, s I Steel Aff.Morse 1" I>, Bklyn Suboatco.. .Submarine Boat Corp., Newark : The Lams.Robins D D, Bklyn Vincent.Cran,?'? I) D, Bklyn W H Eastwood.Anchored In streain Tennyson.Pier 7, Bkljn Tremeadow.'('1er 3, birle Basin, Bklvn Hegre.Pier 32, B R San Marcos.Pier 33, N R Glendoylo.I'ler 26, B R INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Due To-day Vessel. Port. Departure. Pesaro.Genoa.Oct 7 Rousillon.Marseilles .Sept :.s Ro d'ltalla.Naples .Oct Santa Luisa.A'alparalso .Oct :.' Julia.Port Antonio.Oct 14 Esperanza.Aera Cruz.Oct 12 Munamur.Antiila ......... Oct 15 Due To-niorrotv T.a Tout.line.Havre .Oct. 1'_' Rochambeau.Havre .Ocl 1. Themistocles.Pairas .Oct 4 Maracaibo.Curacao ..Oct 14 Wullottl.Cristobal .Oct 1.6 M Washington.Rio de Janeiro .. .oct B Matura.Trinidad .Oct 14 Zacapa.Kingston .Oct 15 Due Friday Mauretanla.Southampton ....Oct 16 Ft. A'lctoria.Bermuda. .Oct i'0| City of St Louis.. .Savannah .Ocl la Javary.Turks lblc.Oct ITi Pannonla.Trieste .Sept 29 Madonna.Naples .Oct 7 Saxonla.London .Oct. 12 Lenape.Tacksonvillo .Oct 1 !> 1 Comal.Galveston .Oct 15 Due Saturday F Palasclano.Gibraltar .Oct 11 1 Lapland.Southampton ....Oct 14 OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mall Ve???l i Clones Sails Adriatic, Southampton 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Francis. l'ara . 8:00 AM M"i|'M Santa Flisa, A'alparalso 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Pake Xarka, St Lau? rent .12:00 Al 3:30 I'M Pariina, St Thomas. . .12:00 M 3:30 PM Philadelphia, San Juan 0:30 AM 12:00 M Julia Luckenbach, Rot? terdam .- 12:00 M Braeheholm, Gothen? burg .- 12:00 M Francisco, Hull.- 12:00 M Duquesnc, Bremen... - 12:00 M Eastern Maid, Gothen? burg . _____ 2:00 PM Alcona, A'igo .- 12:00 M ! Maasland, Amsterdam-- 12:00 M Kaaembe, Piraeus. .. . ?-.- 2:00 PM Castel Porzlano, Naples?-?? 12:00 M I City of Florence. Yo? kohama . - 12:00 M Gondla, Sydney.- 2:00PM Somerset, Wellington. - 12:00 M j Clan Buchanon, Capo Town .- 2:00 PM 1 Roseric. Calcutta.- 2:00 PM Sommelsdijk, Java ... -*???- 2:00 PM Ablanset. Bilbao .-? 12:00M Evansville, Hull .- 12:00 M Shunk Ma ru. Hongkong? - 12:00 M Lake Farslton, Kingston- 12:00 M Tenafly, Rosario .- 12:00 M Glen Nevis, B. Ayres..- 12:00 M Car,'..nia, Santos ....- 12:00 M Rushvllle, Para .- 12:00 M American Slar, Buenos Ayres .? ??- 12:00 M Easterly. Bordeaux...-- 12:00 M Cissy, Tampico.- 12.00 M Sail To-morrow Caronla, Plymouth.... 8:00 AM 12:00 M Manchuria, Hamburg.. 9:30 AM 12:00 M Providence, Naples.... 10:30 AM 2:00 PM Fnlted States, Copen? hagen .11 :00 A AI 2:00 PM Sheridan, Santos . 8:30 AM 12 00 M Sallust, Bahia . 8:30 AM 12:00 M Lafcomo, Santos . 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Sail Frida) Nleuw Amsterdam, Rot? terdam . 8:30 AM 12:00 M Bten Care Town. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Maraval, Trinidad. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Julia, Port Antonio.... 3:00PM 6:00PM Suil Saturday Carmania, Liverpool... 8:00 AM 12:00 M St Pau!. Southampton. 8:00AM 11 :00 AM Kroonland, Antwerp... 8:00AM 11:00AM Lafayette, Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Calabria, Patras. 0:00AM 1:00PM Panhandle State, Lon? don .10:00AM 2:00 PM Katrina Luckenbach, Hamburg .12:0OM 3:30PM Carlow Castle, Cape Town .12:00 M :, 30 l'Ai Ft A'lctoria, Bermuda.. 7::.0 AM 11:00AM Esperanza, Aera Cru/.. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Pon,-,-. San Juan. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Bsseouibo Valparaiso.. 9:00 AM I :00 PM Ulua Cristo!...1 .7:"f> AM 11:00 AM Algonquin, Turks Isle., 9:30 AM 1:00 PM Paneras, Santos ....... 7:00 AM 1 i :00 AM Report* by Wireless From the U. S. Naval Commu? nication Station [Distance la given In miles. Reports are dated at noon unless otherwise specified.] \ o Bedford 132 N Tampico Oct 1?. All..way 986 B Honolulu 8 PM >'"t IS, Antletam 110 W Key Wesl Ocl 18. Archer 101. S San Pedro Oct IS. Arcturus 234 B Ambrose Oct 19. Ardmore 1620 s San Francisco 8 PM Oct IS, Argon 20 SB h< y West Ocl I .. Ariadne Irene pd Sand K??> Oct IS. Arlo 200 W Sand Key Oct IS. Aryan 162 ESE Sabine Ort 18. Auburn 302 E Ambrose Ocl 1?. 7.',;. Sun Pedro ? PM Oct IS. Bay Head 390 B Ambrose Oct 19. Bessemer 62 B Sand Key Oct IT. Bradford 2676 S San Francisco Oct 18. I S S Brazos 172 from Loggerhead Key Oct 18. Broad A-rrow 1070 from San Pedro 8 PM < let 1?. Calamares 293 X Cristobal Oct 18. Callao 170? SB Ambrose Oct IS. Capo Mav 575 from Kobe S PM Oct 18. c.-irplaka" 283 SB South Point Oct 18. i Cart ago l.'O X Cristobal Oct 18, Chantier .5 ENE Nantucket L\" Oct 19. Charles E Harwood :?5 SK Jacksonville Oct IS. Chester Sac 112 ESE Nanturket L\ Oct 19 China 738 from San Francs. . 8 PM Oct 18. Chuta Arr,.\v 4:r SB Sabine Bai Ocl City of Alma lat 32 10 X Ion 67 :'?:. \V Oct IS. f'ttv of Columbus 4 X-E Frylngpan Qct 1?. Citv of Jollet 22i AV Honolulu Oct is. City of Reno 720 from San Pedro 8 PM Oct 17. Col E L Drake 676 E Hilo Oct 18. Colusa' 220 from Honolulu Oct 1?. Coperas lat 80 06 N Ion 78 Go AV Oet IS. Coppensm" si X Bng i.-h i ay Oct 18. Corslcana 54 S Alligator Reef Ocl 18. Covedale 5 SSW Barnegat Ocl II Cranenest lat H 21 N Ion si 15 AV Oct 17. Cubore 30 S Xorfolk Oct 1 ?? Currier passed Sand Key Oct 18. Cuyama lat 18 64 N U? S4 la W Oot 18. Derblay 825 _ ban Dtefco g PM Oct lt. Hllworth LSI? W Snn redro Oct IS. , liorlira 300 S Bermuda Oct II. DurangO 2,498 B Manila oct 1?. Eastern Mariner 3,010 from Cape Flattery 8 PM Oct It!. V Ecuador 3 30 from Pan Francisco 8 PM Oct 17. Bdgemonl 100 E Ambrose LV Oct 19. Eelbeek 70? s Ambrose 8 PM Oct 18. El Capit?n 116 S Gnlventnn Oct 18. El Mar 48 WNW Tortugas ?Ct 18. El Norte 1H W.N'W Tortugas Oct 18. El Ocoldente 48 N Hattera? Oct 19. El Siglo Uli NW Tor'ugas Oct 17. Ellshn Walker 6fi s Hattcras Oct 19. Enterprise 297 from San Francisco Oct 17. Esperanza 170 S Scotland LV Oct 11?. F o Ascha -i? ESE Camtucli Beach Oct 19. Federica passed Band Kpv Oct is. Flandre i.". K San.I Key Oct 17. Frederick It Kollogg 127 W Sand Key Oct. 18. Freeport Sulphur No 6 243 E Tampico Oct is. George H Jone? 4,-. W Sand Key Oct 17. Grecian is NNE Wlnterquarter L V Oct 18. Gulf Trade 210 N Tampico Oct is, ? Oulfcoast ICI SE Sabino Bar Oct 18. Gui?an.I 2f? E Sand Key Oct IS. liulfmai.l 113 N Hatteran Oct 19. Gulfstream 6C flw Hatteras Oct 19. Hahatonka 327 S Hattcras Oct 17. llagan 170 S Ambrose L V Oct 19. Harvester 236 ENE Lobos Inland Oct 18. Hathaway 75 W Honolulu Oct IS. Herbert G Wylle 68 W Sand Key Oct 18. Herbert L Pratt 12S NE Sand Key Oct 1,7. Hoboken 1,472 S San Pedro S p m Oct 18. Hollyw.1 1,830 W San Francisco i p m Oct JS. 19 W Sand Key Oct IS. Indian I'd Sand Key o..t IS. Inspector 10 NT Matanzas Oct 18. .1 \V Van Dyke :| s Sand Key Oct 18 James Otis SO NE Capo Henry Oct 19. Kamesit 35 NE ('ape Henrv Oct ln Kaweah 3S W Sun.I Key Oct 17. Kehuku -12 NE T,olios island Oct IS Kermlt lut -il 44 ,\' ion 68 4.", w Oot 18 I Korea Maru lat 27 -JS Is,' ion 176 OO wi Oct is. Lake Arlino in NE Havana Oct 17. L.ik.- Bridge 37 SW Halteras Oct 19. Lake Ellenorah 40 S Halteras Oct 11 Lake Fanbush 875 S South Pass Oct 17 ' Lnko Fanguicr 86 SW Hutteras Oct It' Lake Filbert 730 S San Francisco 8 PM ? Lake Fisher 224 S South Pass Oct IS Lake Flag lat 40 41 N ion fi7 05 W Oct 1? Lake Harris in x Flatteras Oct 19 Lake Stirling 5 SW by W Ambrose 6:35 P.M Oct 19. Lansing 1.710 from Port. San Luis S PM Oct 17. Laramlo 207 E Ambrose oct in. Un;..n 691 s Ambroso Oct 19, Lora In 4'io S Sandy Hook Oct 19. Lurllne 1.782 from San Francisco Oct 17.' Manoa 1,370 rroni San Francisco Oct 17. j Martha Washington 1,160 SE Ambrose lie 1 |.$. Matlnicock 26 E Sand Key Oct 18. Mi -." ano 98 s Galveston Oct 18. Middles ?. Il E ''ape Henry Oct 19. Vtchlnkla 1G9 from San Francisco 8 PM Oct IS. Montana 305 E Ambrose O.-t. IP. Mcosehausic 125 true 13S degrees true en SI,e<. Oct 17. Munalhro ns N Hutteras Oi ? 19. ,-,io s Plymouth, Mass, Oct IS. 1 Nnugus 93 E Honolulu Oct 18. New Windsor 230 E Cape Henry Oct 19. Norms 3?>0 SE South Pass Oct 18. Norman Bridge 103 E Sand Key Oct 17. Occidental I 20 NNE Hatteras Oct 19. Opelika lat 24 19 N Ion 82 10 w Oct 17. Orari lat 39 44 N Ion 67 26 W Oct 19. Pachel 115 s Nantucket Oct 19.' Purlsmina 291 N Bocas O.-t. is. Caul 1; Harwood 164 ENE Tampico Oct IS. ! Pennant 144 SSW Galveston Oct 18. Phillip Publlcker 115 S Hatteras Oct 19. Richeoncal 430 E Tampico Oct IS. Royal Arrow 1160 S San Francisco S PM 1 Oct is. San Juan S San Francisco 8 PM Oct 18. ! Sania Cruz cu W Honolulu Oct 18. Santa Ine-,: 94 4 S San Francisco 8 PM Oct 1 S (low ing hR ri; Belfast )? Santa Leonora lat 31 63 N Ion 70 45 W 1 let 1 *. Schuylkill Bridge 2S6 E Galveston Oct 13. .-? : .-.- 1 60 SW Nantucket < let 19. Shenandoah 247 SW South Pass Oct is. Sherman 10 N < lovo Point ' let 19. Silverbrook 66 N Halteras oct 19. So.-,,, v 72 E Sand Key Oct 1T. Solitaire 209 VV Tampa Ocl IS. Stanley Dollar S17 S Shu Francisco S I'M 1 Out IS ! Stockton 2.0 from Srui Pedro 8 PM Oct IS. : Suriname l 4S N Belize Oct 18. Sylvan Arrow 3190 from San Francisco 8: I'M Oct 16. Tancarvllle lat. 32 07 N Ion 7S ne, w Oct 18. , Tele. f,,ra do LaiTinuga oft Key West ' Oct 17. Tlppncanoo SO E Firo Island 0:36 I'M Oct 19. I Tollard 675 E Five Fathom Bank LV Oct 18. Toloa 319 N Cristobal Oct 18. Trlmountain 119 SE Halteras Cet 19. Triumph t',4.j NE Cuv? Hcnlopen Oct. 19. W B Kecne 29 SW Cape Lookout Oct 19. W I, Steed 70 SW Halteras Oct 19. W M Irish 100 S Hatteras Oct 19. Walmarlno Lat IS 4S N Ion 15S IS W Oct 18. Walllngford 620 S San Francisco 3 PM Oct IS. West Apaum 40 N Cape San Antonio Oct 18. West. Cactus 308 from Snn Francisco 8 PM ! Oct IV. West i'a.Iron 202 W Honolulu Oct. IS. West Canon 856 from San Pedro, S PM | Oct 18. West Inskip 500 N San Pedro Oct 18. West Islip 500 S s.m Pedro S PM Oet 18. Isom 2,233 from Cape Flattery 8 I'M Oct 16. West Jester 1.568 from Cape Flattery 8 PM Oct 1?. ?West Niger 271 W Honolulu Oct 18. M'est Nilus 1,965 W San Francisco Oct 18. West Nivarla 1.SS0 W Columbia River 8 PM Oct 16. Westford 140 NE Cape Henry Oct 19. Wh-atl;.ivl Montana 3.3 11 from Seattle 8 I'M Oct 16. Wico 80 N Hatteras Oct 19. Wilhelmina 469 from San Francisco 8 PM I Oct IS. William G Warden 12 SW Sand Key Oct 1?. ? Yomachiehi Lat 25 24 N Ion 79 56 W Oct j Zacapa 499 S Scotland LV Oct 19. Zulla 1,074 S Scotland LV Oct 18. AMERICAN TORTS BALTIMORE. Oct 19?-Arrived: Sirs Fort Gaines (Nor), Port Maria; Josiah Macy, Norfolk; Ingrid Brodin (Swed), Tees; Aaquani, New York; Ilford (Br), Beniinf; Hollo (Dan), Hull; Palisades, Glasgow; Texaco No 143, Norfolk. Cleared: Sirs Polaris (Dan). Skaw (for orders); Conehalta, Manchester via Norfolk; Chlck | asaw, Hamburg and Bremen: Ordunte Mendl (Sp),vHavre. Sailed: Strs Chetopa, Lona. Hagood, Port Lobos; Pacific Trans? port (Br). Havre; Melrose, Boston; Alad? din (Nor), Frederickshaven; Chamble>, Port Tampa; lu?ate! Portsmouth, N 11. Cape Henry, Oct 19?Passed out from Bal? timore: sir:, Alfonso Perez (Sp), Rotter? dam: Cubore, Felton; H?speros (Nor), Rot? terdam. Passed in for Baltimore; Sir Grterfcls (Br), Norfolk. HOSTON, Oct 19 -Arrived: Strs Tat suno Maru Clap), Calcutta and Colombo; Lake Faribault, Jacksonville and Balti mi : ?? San Jose ICingsl m Dutiuesne, Manila via New Orleans and Philadelphia (latter I8th). Sailed: Strs City of Home, Savannah; Gloucester, Philadelphia: On- i tario, Norfol kand Baltimore; Lake Se. ? bugo, New York; Arkansas (Dan), Copen-I hagen -via Philadelphia end Baltimore] (i,-,t:er ISth). Vineyard Haven, Mass. Oct : i ;ii led: Schrs Henry il Chamberlain (from New Tork), Eastport; John A Beck , erman (from New York). Sherbrooke, x s. : GALVESTON, Oct 19?Arrived: Strs Cadiz (Sp), Barcelona; Mexicano, Trf?npico;] Gladysbe, Tampico; Lake Frazee, Phila? delphia; George W Harnes. Tampico ; motor i ship Pennant, 'l'an.tie,,. Sailed: Strs Wil-i le loi jibsi ti. Tatnplco; Napierian (Hr), Liverpool; El Sol, New York; Wlnterton 1 (Br), Genoa; motor ship J F Fenrose, Tampli o CHARLESTON, S C, Oct 19? Arrived: Strs Estado Cabrera (Sp). Guatemala (and i pri.e.l. .1 Phlladclr h!a) ; Apache, New I'ork i and proceeded Jacksom 111? I. Sailed; Sir CaB erl i ?a : veston. JACKSONVILLE, Fla, Oct 19?Arrived: Charles H Harwo.od, Tampicu; Persian,, Savannah. Sailed: Nantasket, Liverpool; Lenape, New York via Charles? ton; sehr i', cilla M Dunlap, Mayaguez, Porto Rl ;o. MOBILE, Ala, Oct 19?-Sailed: Epsley City, Rotterdam via New Orleans; sehr Rena A Murphy, Coba. NEW ORLEANS, Oct 19 ? Cleared: Allentown, Port Lobos; Cody, Rotter.?am ?via. Norfolk; Eastern City Or), Manches? ter Heredla, Bocas del Tor.? via Cristobal; .Imperator (Nor), Tela; Jalisco (Mex), i- .-.,.,. Klshaco-Qulllas, Matanzas: Lake ISlmhurst, Mobile: Magunkhok, Buenos. Ayres \:.. La Plata, Montevideo, Lio ?Janeiro and St Thomas; Mazzala. Port Lobos* Sarnacappa, Hamburg via Havre. NEWPORT NEWS, Oct 19 ? Arrived: Dunally (Br), Piraeus; Lecoq (Br), Sabine. Sailotl Cymerlc Nal" (Br), Spczla; Ar,a (Brl, Philadelphia; Winona County, Gal? veston; Heudcllft (Br). Buenos Ayres. NORFOLK, Va, Oct 19?Arrived: Strs Cabeza, Charleston: Alcana (It). Naples; Lord Dufferln (Br), Philadelphia: Covalt, Bordeaux; Solvang (Nor), unknown: Will casino (Br), Rotterdam* Arabien (Dan), Rotterdam; Terrier (Nor), Rotterdam; v- ,< .Nor). Shi-Ids; Rio Grande (Nor), Shields; Bilbster (Br>. Shields; Deva, Fayal; Lake Dclancey, Payai; Conrad Mohr (Nor), Raton Roug.-; Baldbutte, New York: Montauban (Fr), St Nazaire; lonle (Br), London; Ambatlelos (CD, Cardiff; Royal (Nor) Tee?: Claus Horn (Br). Barry; Vrdovne (Hr). London. British General ?? - Port Vrthur: Saguache London; Tannenberg iBr), Seattle* King City (Br). Blslls (Grl, Constantinople; Mario Maersk l-Cslis Gri Constantinople; Marie Maersk Danzig Sailed: Strs ?rbita (Br), ? ? poi Jan Van Nassau (Dl), St Naz aire; Ai.gleseu (Br). Rotterdam: Wandby (Br), Bah?a Blanca; Keilehaveii (Dt). Dunkirk: Els?wi?k Grange (Brl, Montreal; Vstrakhan (Br), Port Arthur; Geirefelg (Br), Baltimore; Zamora iBrc Buenos Ayres; Winding Gulf, New York; Marsha', Balg (Br), Gibraltar; Bretxa Mendl (Sp), !Tm?nos Ayres; Middlesex, Rotterdam: Tor ? :? (Br), Zarate; Langley (Br), Cher? bourg; .Nonlfarer (Pan), Montevideo; H-;. gravia (Fr), Cherbourg; Ach''.--. Cristo ?bal; Hampden. Baltimore: Forfar (Br), Monte-vide??: Tr?alos (Gr), Hamburg. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 19- Arrived: Ipe. rls (din, Narvik; Black Sea tlir), Ply. | mouth: Fort Armstrong, Prest; J K ONe?) Fort Lobos; Paulsboro, Texas City; Lib? erty Minquas, Texas City; Grecian, Jack? sonville. Passed Reedy Island bound down i from Philadelphia; Nervier (Belg), Ant? werp; Caiedonler (Belg), Antwerp; Sunoll Nwport News; J C Donnell, Newport News' 1'rklola Mendi (Sp), Marseilles; Afghanis? tan (Br), Havre; Loi In (Sp), Bordeaux l.akn Charlottesville, HoUBton. PORT TAMPA. Oct 19?-Arrived : Trlnt dadlan, Tampico; Biigoss, Key West. PORT BADS, Oct 19?Arrived: Apan? gares, Borns- del Toro; Blmtrante, New York. Sailed: Federal Bridge, Pernam? buco, Bra7.ll, via St Thomas; Pake Flush? ing. Bristol and Avonmouth; Lake Ogden, Galveston and Texas City; Nlcnrao (Hond)', Omo_ via Port Cortes; Northwestern Bridge, Galveston; Torre?, Tampico, PBNSACOLA, Oct 19?-Arrived: Aridne Ireno (Br), Liverpool; Domingo de Larlh naga (Br). Liverpool. Sailed: Nevada (Dan), Homburg. SAVANNAH, Oct 19?Arrived: Stro Cal. listo (Dt), Charleston; Point Judith. Bal? timore; Nacoochee, Boston; Merrlmack Jacksonville and sailed Philadelphia' Sailed: Sir City of St Louis. Xew York-' barge Conemaugh, Port Arthur; Lilmae (New), Beaumont. FOREIGN TORTS Departures for New York Shields?S S Castlewood, Lake Fontana, Foyle. St. Michaels?S S Britannia. Fowey-?3 S Strathearn. Perlm?S S Kandahn. Copenhagen ? S S Lake Fighting. Antwerp?S S Anglo-Chilean. Rotterdam?S S Edward Luckenbach, Fairmont. Amsterdam?S S Bessln Dollar. Hull?S S Lake Frohna, Maplemore. Algiers?S S Maria. Dunkirk?S S Bellerose. Ilrest?S S Michelsen, S?felo, Havre?S S Jacques Cartier, L* Savoie. Valparaiso?S H Santa Teresa. Trieste?S S llalla. Arrivals From New York Bristol?S S Boston City. Montevideo?S S Pennsylvania. Stockholm?S S Voluirno. Hull?S S Sophie Frankel. Liverpool?S 8 Baltic, Kaiserin Augusta A'lctoria, London?S S A'alacia. A'lgo?S S Guantanamo. Dunkirk?S S Eastern Light. Rouen?S S Hartford. Antwerp?s 3 Northern Pacific, Manchester??S S Bovic.' Marseilles?S S Patria. Rotterdam?S S Bristol, A F Lucken baeh, Ossa, AA'est Helix. Buenos Ayres-?H S Epltaclo Pesso?, Movllle?S P Columbia. l'a ?ama Canal, Cristobal?S S Grange Park. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The Connecting mails close at the General Postofflco and City Hall Postoffice Station, New York, at 6 1?. m., as follows: Hawaii, Samoan islands, Australia and specially addressed muH for New Zealand, via San Francisco, steamship A'entura, Oc? tober 21. Japan. Corea, China Rnd Siberia, via Seattle, steamship Fushlma Maru, Oc? tober 22. Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Wilhelmina, October 22. Japan, Corea and Siberia, via Seattle, Steamship Alabama Maru, October 25. Hawaii, China. Slam, French Indochina and Netherlands Hast Indies, via San Fran? cisco, steamship China. October 25. TRAVEL TRAVEL 100ro American?100 co Service S?B? till? n. 8. NEW YORK TO QUEEXSTOWX (TFesf bound) ^^^^^^B ?BOULOGNE?LONDON S.S. PANHANDLE STATE :5^'^ Oct.23; Dec. S.S. OLD NORTH STATE : .. ?"" "* n S.S. CREOLE STATE: - ??', ? Magnificent New Steamships American-built?Amesicatuopcrated First Class Only?Luxurious accommodations* outside rooms only, bedstead* in a!!, baths with most rooms, excellent cuisine, spacious enclosed promenade S. S. SUSQUEHANNA Sailing November 1 7, Cabin and Third Class Onlv. NEW YORK TO BREMEN AND DANZIG DIRECT'. Passenger Department. .45 Broadway, New York City. Telephone,: 1200 Whitehall. Freight Department. . . . i2fj Broadway New York City. Telephone: 6300 Rector. by Dayligh DA1I.T. INCLUDING SLNDAY. TJIKOIGH OCT. 24th. The Washington Irving und the Robert Fulton running until close of season. Boats arc steam healved and perfectly comfortablo in thlt? glorious Autumn woather. Direct Rail Connections. All through rail tickets between New York and Albany ac? cepted. Music. Restaurant. DAYLIGHT ?AVING TIME. Steamer leaves daily, Including Sundav, Desbrosses St.. S;40 A. M. ; West 42d St., 9:00 A. M.; West 129th St., 9:20 A. M. ; Tonkers, 9:30 a. M? landing at rBear Mountain, tWest. point (weekdays only), | tNewburgh, tPoughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catsklll. Hudson and Albany. t Return steamer samo day from points1 marked t Id>?! one-day outings. Telephone Canal 8300. St. Pier. ????""""""?"'?"iiTr ALL-EXPENSE CRUISE ?ISO AND UP Sailings from New York Wednes? days and Salurdays for 15 and 16 day cruises respectively. Rale? cover all necessary expenses of meals and staleroom accommoda? tions for the entire trip around the island and return to New York. tViite for further information ai'd reservations today. for ?oaica LINE 11 Broadway, Now Y*rk ATLANTIC CITY, $3.60 NEXT SUNDAY 2:id St Leave W. h -.00 A. M. : Jackson A S;IS A M. ; Broad St., Newark. 8:00 j War Tax ST?. Daylight Time sh Liberty St. Jersey City Eastern Steamship Linei, In?. METROPOLITAN LINE All the ,vay by water m CArE CUi) CANAL St.??jc*re Ijbtc Pi et 18, North Hirer, fm ?r Murray .-?t. PHONE 15AR? LAV ?00*. Daily at 5 P. M. (DayiicM Tim?) "TTTK PBRLTO BE PLEASED" COLONIAL UNE By Boat and Hail PROVIDENCE Boat Direct ALL ?L islbt .VIATEBOUMi Bsat Leave? Pier :iit, .North River ?foci West Houston si.i. Daily ti Mjuduor at t..',i V. M.. Daylight suving Time. "Phono hyring M8L Worcester, $4.!JJ. Providence dirait, JJ.UL Ol'TSIDE STATKKOOMS, $1.63. Dally, including Sunday, 5:30 P. M. (Day? light Si-.-:-,K Time). From Pier 19. fcl. R. Phone -Too Beekman. Tickets at Pier or Consolidated Oflices. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON From Pier 14, N. IL, Fulton St., 5:30 P. M. Daylight Saviug Tt?e. MUSIC. i NKW LONDON CNOKWICH LINE). Str. Ivs l'r 40. N. R . Houston St . w? days . only, 5:30 P. M. Lv. Pr. To, H. R? ?2d St., | S P. M. I HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES I Pal,y aalllnl tr. u-. Pier 31, N. IL. it DftbrosaiH ht., i> 1' M-: W 132d St., 0:30 P. M. Due alban* I o'clock following moroiQf. D?rlixbt S?rin? Tlnst. rt!ee from New York to AVAN A AND POINTS IN' CUBA. MEXICO VERA CRUZ TAMPICO Regular sailings to Nassau. For formation address rk and Cuba Mail s S. COMPA?H? G?N?BALE TRANSATLANTIQUE I Expraaa PoataJ Servie? NEW YORK?HAVRE?PARIS LAFAYETTE .Oct. 23 !.A TOURAINE.Oct. 2H Nov. 20 Dec. IS UOCII.?MBKAt' ...Oct. 28 Dec. * l,.\ SAVOIE.Oct. 3D Nov. 27 Dee. 24 FRANCE.Nov. 4 Dec. 1 Dec.:? LEOPOLDINA LA KORK A INK_Nov. HAMBURG DIRECT Special Departures CAROLINE .Oct. 27 NIAGARA .Nov. 10 j Cabin and Third Class Accommodations Available COMPANY'S OFFICE. 10 STATE ST.. N. Y. I BENNET1-DUNNING Tours de Luxe SOUTH AMERICA December 1 ? February 23 INDEPENDENT TRIPS EVERYWHERE. Steamship and Pullman Reservation? Secured in Advance. AROUND THE WORLD Eastward November 20 Full Itineraries and Information Bennett's Travel Bureau 50H Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. l&mwmattaKmiW?vma*WikmmMmmam*A Sborl Rouie to Sweden, fVorway, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Germany, &c, GOTHENBURG-SWEDEN LARGE MODERN STEAMERS. S. S. Stockholm.Oct. 28 Dec. 9 S. S. Drottaingholin.Nor. 18 Dec. 30 Superior A corn m. la tions. First. Second and Third Classe?. Paasengcr Office, it Stutt- street. New Yorl:. CaJOIx b SERVICE COVERS THE WORLD TH03. COOK & SON 245 Broadway. 561 Fifth Avenue. DENMARK, ISuK A.u SWEDEN, GERMANY & BALTIC STATES ..Tiif-d ?lates. Oct. ?\ Oscar II.Nov. 4 Heilig. Olav.. Nov. 18 Frederick VIII.Dec. 2 Fur Passenger Rate?, etc., 1 B'way, N. Y. PEBu,?cNn r ft** PANAMA CANAL ^*JP GRACE LINE^* f> S. Santa Elis?. S. s :-..i:.i i ??'??a. ? S. San'.a An?. S S. Saim Lui?. Calltn? at Callao. Arle?. Iq'.iiau?, A?u> |t;.?t? Bii.l Valparaiso FortniEU \i Saillait. Yi. R. GRACE * CO.,, Hanover Sq., .New > ork, or I^ual Asrent. NEW YORK-HAVRE-DANZIG Baltic S .-' >'.'Hf'i'HATH...V OF AMERICA, Traffic Dept '.'-; Whitehall st.. Net* Phones, Bowling ("?reci: S269 and S1S6. CANADIAN PACIFIC* Het?!?? Tran?-Contioect*\ A.' Year Rent? f, B. P?RBY U. A. l'4.k DepL. UJi H'wai. N. t Went Indies Cruises, t rank Tourist Co.. ! 4S9 Fifth Ave., Bet. -l?i and 4id Sta. ? V'andi?rbilt 7390. CENTRAT, HrDSON LINK Newbnneli. I^UKhkfepMe, Kingston. Lv. | Weekdays, FrtolUin St., at i P. .M. TRAVEL TRAVEL PACIFIC LINE ?? SOUTH AMERICA NEW YORK - VALPARAISO PASSENGER SERVICE CALLING AT Cristobal, Callao, Moliendo, Arica, Iquiqae,Antofagasta,Valparaiso "ESSEQUIBO" OCT. 23 "EBRO".NOV. 27 and Monthly Sailings Thereafter. THE LARGEST STEAMERS IN THE TRADE THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. SANDEBSON & SON. General Agent* M Broadway. New Tork Phone Broad 2361 or any Steamship Ticket Aftat. INTERNATIONAL MeRONTIIE MARINE COMPA?A AMERICAN LiNE kED STAR LINE N. Y?CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON *K.roonIand, II A.M. Oct. 23 Nov. 27 Jan. I -Lapland ... 1 I A.M. Oct. 30 Dec. 4 Jan. 8 'Finland ... 12 Noon Nov. 6 Dec. 1 I Jan. 13 *Zeeland . . 12 Noon Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Jan. 11 ?Red Fiar Line Steamers call at Antwerp. NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchuria. . 11 A. M. Oct. 21 Dec. 2 Jan. 13 Mongolia... 12 Noon Nov. 4 Dec. 16 Jan. 27 8 Ideal W?nter Cruises JANUARY?FEBBCAJRY?MAR< \\. 1981 West Indies?Windward Islands Panama Canal?South America LARGEST STEAMERS TO TDK TROPICS White Star Lin?.S. S. Merrantlc American I,ine.S. S. New York American Line.S. S. ><t. Paul OFFICES, 3 BROADWAY, NEW N. Y.?CIIKKBOI R<? ROI Til ?MTTON?> AVnVKII!' Kroonland . 1 1 A. M. Oct. 23 Nov. 27 Jan. 1 Lapland .... I I A. M. Oct. 30 Dec. 4 Jan. S Finland .... 12 Noon Nov. b Dec. 11 Jan. 1 S Zeeland .... 12 Noon Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Jan. 22^ WHITE STAR LINE N. T.?C?TKRBOrRG??inrTHAMPTOl Adriatic.11 A. M. Oct. 20 Nov.17 Dee. l!r Olympic ... I P.M. Nov. 6 Nov. 27 Dec. 29 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL ??!?? Celtic .12 Noon Nov. 6 Dec. 1 I Jan. 1 *> Baltic .12 Noon Nov. 20 Dec. 24 Jan. 2? Cedric .12 Noon-Fri . I NEW YORK?AZORES?t.lBRALTAR NAPLES? GENO\ Canopic ... 11 A.M. Oct. 30 Dec. 16 Feb. 10 Cretic. 3 P. M. Nov. 9 Jan. 5 ? - YORK Piers 58, 59, 60, 81, 62 Harta RI?* . trip Caroni? . , Carrnania Calabria . to European countries. Route your trip "lia Cunar. New York to Plymouth and Cherbourg.Oct. 21 Nov. 25 .New York .New York Jan. V 2i Nov. 20 Dec. 11 Mauretania .. Saxonia. Aquitania . . . K. A. Victoria Columbia Pannonia Imperator Vasan.,.. New York .New York New York New lork .New York . New York .New York .New York Liverpool .Oct Gibraltar, Naples, Patras, Dubrovnik and Trieste.Oct. 23 Cherbourg and Southampton.Oct. 28 ' Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. .Oct. 30 Dec. ? Cherbourg and Southampton.Nov. 2 Nov. _3 Liverpool .Nov. () Dec. A Londonderry and Glasgow.Nov. 6 Dec. 1 1 Patras, Dubrovntk and Trieste.Nov. 9 Cherbourg and Southampton.Nov. 1 1 Dec. 9 Liverpool .Nov. 1 3 - Dec.)*. Ian. 1 Jan. J5, Jan. 1ft PMMiUrar ?nil Freight Sor-rice*. Tor later ???line? ?PP'J ?? ?? & ?4 STAiK Siit??T. fttW ?OK.K. LONDON PARIS LARGEST BRITISH STEAMER NOV.6,NOV.27,DEC29 UNSURPASSED CUISIN2 EVERjr COMFORT SPACIOUS STATEROOMS SUITES DE lUSE ACCOMMOIIATIONS AVAILABLE IN ALL THREE CLASSES WHITE STAR LINE- 9BROADWAY NY RESORTS RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. An Annoimccmont She ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. begs to announce that during only the months of November and December a special weekly minimum rate of Eighty-five Dollars for two people for double room uith bath and meah on the American Plan has been established. During these two months the climate of Atlantic Cit\ is the most delightful of the whole year. Both houses will remain open instead of one of them closing a* heretofore. Exquisite music; a loature. Obstacle Golf on front Uwn. Horseback Riding. Coli (2 Championship Course?), Rolling Chair?, Fiers, Theatres, Movies, and countless other amusement?. OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT JOSIAII WHITE & SONS COMPANY i>.? ,s*ff<yt4Z? i ATLANTIC CITY.N.?. i AivAnvcricaa Plaa Hotel, iof Dis?inc?ioivaruiReaLCom?brt i I FINEPT?OOI* GARAGE. ? i ?-AR*C?T* GO?' fifoiter*?Jk?By% 4iii!>a.mii1nr Hotel? In Atlantic City, Ne? York. Santa Barbara and Loa Ancrele?. LAKEWOOL?, N. J. LAUREL IN THE PINES UKEW00O, N, J. Situa md among i he p overlooking i... ke ."?r., sal Coir, privat? tennis courts, ridin?. Sh?': f '? ? Ele ro-h Irotherapj bath syst? m. Priva ' ? ?:.??-? Brai h office i .' v v Sto k Exchange. PRANK V. SHLTE, MBr. MONTCLA?lt. NET? JEKAEY iULALXuUN?K? HOME MONTCLAIK. N. .1. MOST DBI.KiMTH I.LY SIT?ATE? RESIDENT! 4,1 HOTEL IN Alt*? ?OKH'I? MB* R?t?. OPEN THeC tr.'Tir.B T1?AR ?W'.'EHSV'fF MANAOKMEVT. FREDERICK C. HALL COVPANT BRADLEY BEACH, .\. ./. MOM' PKO<,l??>M\ r. All-Year Horn- Resort BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. Health. Recreation, Home. here the ; round; :? > trains a day: evei s town, bea?.b n' and country bine.1. many beautiful ? uages now for rent or sa le, ! m m? (.a-ion advised Foi Bookie) and Real '.:--. ? rmatlon wi City Clem, Bradley U-.-a.h. N. J LONG ISLAND Hotel Garden City, Long Island. An et' lusive American ;. >te! with as a ia carte restaurant !''.r motorista, Tuikish and Russian Baths. Excellent 18-Ho!e Golf Coarte Free t? Gowb e'requc 3. ,). I.ANMN ( O . I' NEW YORK si \ : t 9edneyJhrmilom Will IE PLAINS, N. Y. EDWARD H CRAN DALI If, Ridln?-, Danein*. Sun Par! sn ?? -' eplacaa. 38 mln eiev i:* . (pen A:l y-ar. Prtva ? - >.?.?< servi ?? wlthot'? ,-harr, il m CAMPS -CAM PSITES" EPIATES US entmin V Anil* t.' .a XtW ,&<-> Moj?. ,ie?t,r in tlte-Mourtt?l*\S. \ I.KMliM open rvrii, MivRVRrn A. E. MART?N. Manager CANADA C>.atea'i Frent-hac. Heigh? s of O'.S Quebec, Canadian Pacific Hotels. US1 B'way M. fm