Newspaper Page Text
THE Denver Se Rio Grinde . pystem, 2,600 miles long, h covered by three first mort? gages. Net earnings in 1919 were over twice the interest charges on these bonds. The Government guarantee was over three times those charges and we estimate that under the new rates the road will || earn, net, more than five times the interest charges on Its three first mortgages. ONE of these bonds yield? about 8%, due 1949. jn recommend fM* ttrcur-itg ft certain classes of investor! Founded 1797 Seasoned Investments 30 Pin? Street, New York Banking Begins at Home The Garfield National Bank does not tempt to do busi? ness ::. a '. the boroughs of Greater New York. But?it offers the highest grade of service to ils neighbors. It believes in supporting local industries, and it asks their : in turn on its record. We Are I i caxq'jjrtcrs for Oar Client' GARFIELD NATIONAL BANK FIFTH AVENUE wijere:23ro Street crosses broadway COMP ANY ? The large sums of rr.oney spent by the Texas organi? zation in the past year and a half for extending pipe line and tankers facilities are r.ov-' beginning to be reflected in earnings. Pro? duction in the past year has in?:reased 21 ?> times. A full page article on the Company's, activities is pre? sented in current issue of the "Financial Forecast,'' which also features U. S. Steei Corn Products Kan. City South. Internate Petroleum ( ; i .. .' ?? mailed ft re ? ? ' . 52 ! ' ?-. - . ? ? X, y. - - .?.-?? hanj? e/HV 41 ?3K.C \> .'?; x . N EW YORK . 3 ? x Winsicw. Lanier & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET ftEW YORK THF. I : -,?.'.-. vM, DIVI? DENDS aim: PAYABLE AT Ol R BANKING HOL'.SR DI'I . . ?? iNTII ? Y N< ?\ I y NOVEMBER 1st, 1920. rgh R. R. Co G?*n Mtfr? 3Hs. Uas?li .-.- t ? . ,-, larterly ? I : ' Mario.-, ?nunl er Bonds Pc,r,u"; ?' Water Work? I MH EMRER MTU, l?'?O. inA?napoii,, ma lu, ?s lTond?. NOVEMBER 21ST, 1920. jlnrlon County, Inaiana, : -? - - 7;.,. I PR1CHITT & OQ Members N Y ?Stock Exchange SIXTY BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Nqn???!?c MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ? ami 6> s^ vew Yovlt- October?, Iff?. *?? futa? tii,., l li*)tits. t?** of the ^''^^"''^vcertiflrateiol ?nil pain to ?hi k! "' '''''" w,u b? redeom?d S?*1 '?praaanUiE?l. ? zh?r??t or *o timar ???M.i.1. l at u,e tirn? of (?ymtal aud 1"?nVl,L?^ 48lx ^r P"-<-"nt p*r W*?** o ftf,?.'?r^Vr1'"? ""??cata. fe? Pai.l to th? K >T L.-. L"'a 'i*' ls'lt,? W1" ??fr?de?d of i nil? . C^ck* ,ur ??* <"?!<* ?Jfcwlauw with - ?7iUI n0t> ???'M ? -_CANTON FLOYD JONB8!8?wteW. ; JWnrh Banks to Pav 31 <?, p. ? I S ff ,Fr?? ?urf pay 3 Mi per ? in? fi -, Kl ",l deE0???. tt?a rate bo- ? ??^ed by an oflicial decree issued ' Investment Information Questions of tje-.eral interest to in? vestors *.cill ?V answered in this col? umn, in which ease only initials will be used. Others will be answered by mail. Address all inquiries, xnelot tng a ?tamped, addressed envelope, to Financial 'Kditor, Th? Tribune, lSi l\'a:;.iau Street, New York City. An Easy Way to Earn a Dollar Question- My wlf? anil I have soma ' i ? ' shores of Harvey Crudo Oll, It j lined to no.1 on the Now York Curb. It ?vent as high ?,s l 9-1 fl, whatever that means ' We. received n letter from Currier K- Co., ? ?t Kansas City, stating that as tl,.a lia.I tin more shares to .???II thev were going to take it otT the riirl?. Sine., that time 1 have not noticed it being quot? ?I. The stock on hand held by them was going to bel held as treasury stock. The y have been ! paying dividend's every month up to last j July, and they then senl out notices sajing that the monthly dividend* would be discontinued and a quarterly ?llvldond : of at least 4 ixt cent would toko its place. : About a month ntro they sent out ?i notice that A. l? Swanson, of Detroit, Mich., ! had bought 5,000,000 Rharos of our in asury . stock and was s-?iti!,- it at $1 n share. There was also enclosed with their1 letter a warrant stating that I owned ' so many sitara? a;:.l ?vas entitled by a i voto of director* to purehaso the samel amount of shares at $1 per (?'hate; also \ a printed application for the sending of stocks; also a. printed assignment of j rights, waiver and release, stating ? that for the consideration o? the sum; of $1 1 waive iay prlvllego permanently of securing additional common stocU in t ll liar?' y ? t Udo uil < 'ompiin.v, if I do not subscribe at the present tint I :. n't know v. hi t to do al it th ; 1 he> have always paid ill?, demis .ami claim to have a large production, ?ilso 450 wellB, tations to sell gas line tank cars anil -, ilnerles and pipe lines ?n l uni 11 Only ; ,..., ? ? than 50 000 ai r? s of laud und ?? ?es They hod a half-page ad In The Magazine of Wall Streel stating all these 1 .- ., s Would you ad\ Is? me 10 fell and how should 1 go about it and what com. n v. ould '. have to i .... " 17. G X. Answer If any one will pay you $1 for relinquishing tin? privilege of buying Harvey Crude Oil stock at $1 a share, tftke the dollar, It has not sold as high a- that in some time. The last quo? tation we saw was 4'd bid and 47 asked (cents). The stock is too speculative j for you and your wife to risk any con ? siderable part of your capital on it, in or.r opinion. It does not command a ready market, and we do not know how ,! much you could get for it or how much. comn ission you would have ?,, p? ;,. : You r-ee now why we always hold that j marketability is one of the important features of a good investment. College Courses in Financ? fli ; ; Qupstl >n Kindly 1,-t. !: vp :-. cours?.' i-? : merco In New Voris City W. l. s. Answer?Both New York University and Columbia, among others, hau courses in finance and commerce. Bought Midvale as Investment i Kindly c: ,-c ! ??? sornp I ? ' rmation ?regarding Mldva ? St? ?J stock, 1 purchased s> :.-.?? ;. ? >.j some i n ? ., ?: an?l would llko tu know .:' you consider .- : ' .i -," ,-] investmi lit T ,i. s. Answer ? Midvale Steel is specula? tive. Unless you can aifou! ??> specu? late we il?? not advise your holding it. We have no news of recent ?!at?- re ng the company. Met IVtc and Ko\al Dutch ?u think .m invp moi ; a i ? i*.. of Mexican Petrol? um ? Is ..: t h' presi nl price " WII me Information : : -,- h, Neu v rk 3 Whal i i -. ? 11 es Steel c ment? II.iv? I* S. Rubbei based i! SG. I ?o you ud\ ... M. i! Answer Mexican Petroleum, in view of its wide fluctuations, must be regarded as speculative. There is :. dou bt ? ?? - ?? impany has valuable oil leases in Mexico, and should politi conditions in that country take a definite turn for the better this would probably be reflected in the price of the shares. Royal Dutch shares are gei era lly c oni idered : pec ilal ve y at? tractive because of the policy of the managi n nt in gi\ ing stockholders valuabli ub ?? ipl ?on right s at various j ! ' rio Is, Tl ? (?-,. mnany oecun c . much same pi tion abroad .-. ? Standard Oil in the ' nited States, Judge Gary ha ; assun : ? ted Stat? s 3':< pi stock? holders thai it ; the aim of the man , agement to maintain the present ."> per ci ni dividen i i te indcl nitely. 1: is our opinion thai you ought to ho able ' - gel out ev? n i n United Stal es Rub 1 ? 3 if you an ing to hold i; long enough and can afford to speculate on th? outcome. Thinks Sinclair Stock Is Low ?,"i- ?; ion- A.- II.. hi en reading ? our 1 ; ? . : ?- i-nKth f timi and Und thai n given, y, uuld ap ' f you ? iirl so me tu buv f< i i : . I :? - : ?>;.. :: ? ? x. : j. null! I g ? .1 hort i us I bis si oel? . : ?v al presi nl 11 I i: Ai ??? r If you should decide to put your fund? in Sinclair Oil you must bear in mind that the only chance you have for a profit is by a rise in the value of the stock, as the company pays at present no cash dividends, it has been the policy of the management to I put back surplus earnings into the property, and for the long pull this should be of benefit to shareholders. Officials of the company state that cur- ? rent results from the operations arel the most satisfactory ever. The shares I cai not be called an investment issue. Middle States Highly Speculative i ! 'lease give i States OU, qui io you think thi speculate i r i i o n o f ntly for Answer In view of its past market experiences, Middle States Oil can be reg rded as only a speculation. Sev? eral important brokerage concerns. however, have recently sent out bullish advices on the stock, the statement be? ing made in these quarters that Stand uni Oil interests were buyers whin the stock was .-.round 10. Since then there h en an advance to above 18, but witl n recent days the market has fluctuated mostly around 14. Middle States Oil is listed on the Stock Ex? change and not on the Curb. Crucible Steel Dividend Record , ,... ? ,,, pivase li '. me know ihe fol ,, garding fi u- Ible Stei I conn : ? . . . . - , . |ar< I this year, i 10 rate and when paid, cost ?of stock, any divi? dends declared and payable later in the .?car , .? and how payable, when sales U>d ex di< idend, how la date asc? ? - I tained? E. !.. B Answer- Crucible Steel declared the] following dividends in 1920: In cash :: per cent, January 31; :'? per cent, April 30; 2 per cent, July 31; 2 per cent. October 30. In stock 50 per cent, April 30; July<61, 16% per cent; i?,,,., -it 14,28 per cent. Stocks dividends, the Stock Exchange rules that the stock shall not sell ex until the tinte margins would be affected adversely. Scars, Roebuck .Note? Sound Question- 1 subscribed for $1,000 three year Sears. Roebuck A Co. 7 per cent gold notes, Will you advise me if this Is a safe Investment, because l oonlcinplate t>u>ing some more??II, 11. <;. Answer--Wo regard tho Sears, Ror buck notes as a sound investment. The company shows large earning power and interest on these notes is earned many times over. Four full columns of in? vestment questions and an tticcrs are published in The Tribune every Sunday. Industrial Group Shows Rapid Gain in Finances i ^ ______ i Survey of Recent History of Corporate Borrowing Reveals That Railroads and "Established" Firms No Longer Have Monopoly in Investment Field By \ ?arold Stanley, Chairman, V?ce-President Guaranty Trust Com? pany of New York The most cursory survey of the re? cent history of corporate financing re? veals as its striking characteristic the increasing prominence of industrial issuee, particularly in the two years since the armistice. In the past railroads and other utili? ties have properly liad a practical mo? nopoly in the field of long-term bond financing, and until the hist few years the bulk of industrial financing lias been with common stock. The princi? pal industrial bond issues had been those of companies with heavy invest? ments in plant or raw materials, such as big steel, packing or coal companies, such bonds having frequently been issue?! in part payment for their plants or their raw material deposits. During the war a large amount of the money raised by industria] concern? was for the purpose of rapidly expand? ing plant facilities to meet war-time de mands, but since the war has beei chiefly for the purpose of strengthen ing current asset position.^iecessitatet by larger and higher priced inventorie? and the increased amount of goods ii transit. Plant facilities are now in i great majority of cases fully ad?quat? to the country's needs, and new linanr inir nrnioetn t'",.r further incienso. t should be carefully weighed and scruti? nized. The curving of inventories, however, remains the most usual pur i pose of industrial issues, and it is with ! the fact constantly in mind that we must examine more closely the princi? ples governing the form and conditions of such offerings. With the great increase in industrial financing in the last few years short term issues have been the Usual method of appeal to the investment market, whether such issues were in the form of notes or of preferred stock with heavy sinking funds. Investment Security Requirements Capable and interested management and ownership, marketability of assets and permanency of earning power, in the face of actual and potential compe? tition and changes in the customs and requirements of society us a whole, are the prime essentials of an investment security. It is obviously impossible to lay down any hard and fast rules as to what requirements any given issue of industrial obligations or preferred stock should meet in order to qualify as investment securities. This applies m>t only to the attri? butes, history and character of the company as a whole but also in the covenants and provisions which should be contained in the issue. In the last analysis the purpose of restrictive cov enants is to guard against the danger.' inherent in speculation and overex pansion and without hampering th? company to limit within reasonable an? proper bounds the issuance of securi ties having prior claims against asset! and earnings. If these two purpose! are kept in mind, it is generally no difficult to determine what should b? th?' proper covenants and restriction for any issue. The true measure of value of an; company, whether it. be an industrial public utility or railroad, is determine! only after a careful weighing of earn ing power and assets and the charac tcristics of the items of which they at made up. In addition, the question o management and the industry in whic the company is engaged are matters c vital importance, and it is safe to sa that the longer the life of the ?ssu the more carefully should all thes 3natters be scrutinized and the moi carefully (though not necessarily mor stringently) should the provisions c the i-sue be drawn. Offering Circulars The bankers' responsibility to the ii vesting public renders it essential tin sufficient information be given in co? nection with the offering of an issue ? securities to allow it to be judged I tin- same general consideration th governed the banker in assuring hii self of the integrity of the compai and that dictated the structure of ti issue. The dependence of the invest on the company's current assets for ?yj> security renders the inclusion of an ad?quat?? balance sheet, one of Lite first essentials in contrast with rail? road offerings in which current assets have less significance, since the capi? tal investment is permanent and un? likely to be liquidated, and the record of earnings largely tells the .-tory o7 the company's ability to meet it-? charges. However, though it is some ! what outside the province of this com ! mittce to discuss railroad or utility se? curities, we believe that circulars de? scribing railroad or utility issues ! should include either a balance sheet ! or a! least a statement of the working capital condition as at least indicat ? ing whether additional capital may be ; needed. ; In this connection if. cannot be too I strongly emphasized that correct, and ample information on the management the first consideration of the banker in passing on a loan should be includ? ed in every circular. If the importance , of this factor can be brought, home to ; the public there v. ill be much less 'clamor for blue sky laws and similai ; methods of attempting- to prevent : J r: tids. During the last few years, in a period of great industrial expansion and profit, many improperly f>et up or r;uestionablc securities have been so!,I to the public as investments. Many of these securities have been out-and-out speculations and some have been cfe liberat?: frauds. If prospective pur chasers had inquired about and checke? up the reputation and ability of thos? associated in t'..e management of the ~ concerns the sab1 of such securities would have been almost impossible. Reduced Requirements Ir: connection with the rapid devel opinent and present popularity of in dustrial securities it is natural tha the question should be asked, What u the future? The answer to this is pi i haps indicated by the likeness that ha already been traced between the recen issues of industrial securities and banl loans. Is it not true that, t lie se sc curities have been not only analogou to but also substitutes for bank loan during a period of increasing busines when banks have not been equal ; meeting the rapidly increasing demand for funds? All estimate, therefore, o the future volume of similar securi ties requires an estimate of the rela lion that may be expected to obtni between industrial requirements fo temporary funds and the ability of th banks to supply them. On the othi hand, though the necessity for ind . trial public issue.? will decrease whe the banks are in easier condition, v? Ihn inareacd i-.nniilii.ritv nn,l nmrl-ot' ?m y of industrial securit ies will lei d to influence corporate managers, be- ; cause of certain obvious advantages, to ;. su?- their securit ies to the public. A logical consequence of this lire oj thought leads to a final word of wai i lntr- In the event erf a period of low r prices an?l decreased inventories, and consequently reduced working capital requirements, some of the companies which have issued liberal amounts of preferred stock or notes still having some time to run are likely to find themselves with unnecessary laive amounts of cash. In the face of the resultant temptation t?? distribute the surpluses that may have been up. the protective covenants will have opportunities to prove their useful? ness. In such a situation there may be many cases m which compa would be well advised to do what would be insisted on if the funds hao leen borrowed from banks, viz., liqui? date. In other words, circumstanc. ? may very well atise in which it would be the part of wisdom and con ei .1 tism for companies to avail them - ' - of th"ir privilege to call their secur? ities or portions of them, and in such case; i; will become the duty of the investment banker to urge such action on his client companies. The foregoing discussion of indus? trial investments is the result of the studies of the. Industrial Securities Com mittce of the Investment Bankers' As? sociation, and is bused on the commit? tee's mutual report. Mr. Stanley is chairman of the committee, Financial Editor. ? Weekly Curb Market Industri?is Net Jlich. Low. Last. ? hre, Rxpl.. in", Li Jin. .i, ?; ,. : :?-? 0 ?Aci 200 ?Allied Puck. . !? 'a II14 200 *.\ ngr-Can Cop l 1 ; 00 ?Amal Tire s. 1 ? L'UO ?Am \V I'apc-r 0 ? ?7 10(1 Autom V S. . 68 \ 60 10 Kordon com 9.1 0.1 400 *Br-Am Chem t, *4 4 : II? I) :w A Tob cou 12'? 124 4 no *.i <; 1 i nil.... 6V4 CV4 2100 ?Car L .-. P .. 3 % 3 V? 60 Carbon Steel.. To To Csno ?chic Mlpple.. '.17,i 7 '-j 511O Conley Tin r 1S Is 300 *Conl Motoi H, V rs 7 1 i Li ?1 luFoilt P pf. 75 77. ? 0 ?lamp T .VS. 17 >?, ia\ 100 ?Fiirrell ? 'oui . 2 : :. ; . 1 (I Foil Tel & T . 4 :;-\ I <>0 *< ?arlanil s s . 4 ', 4:, 7- 0 ?f?t n Asphalt. Cl >?,, til's ? 00 ?? ioldwyn Pic. 7 7 4400 ?Here I api a 2.'l ', ?" 3000 ?Hoch Val Pr. - '?, HlO ?IT ..1" CiU&l . sa, H, :, : ???? 1 ral racking-. ta, :? 1 , 00 "It.t Produi tV. ; 1 14 10 ?Good?, - sa Tira 1 0 CO 30 ?do pf. 77 74 1 00 Int ' 'on Kuh . 11 '? in-* a 100 ?Kay Co Cub.. 1 % 1 '? : 0 *?. bbyiMoN*!,. 1:: ',,; 12 ! 1OO *l .Incoln MC A 31 ::o 1200 ?Locomob n r.% ? ' j GO 1 ?Max-Ch "A . I ?'? ? 7? 200 ??lo ?IV. 1 ; 10 V4 I : Mel c? r Mol . '.' ??? \ 1 1 ' Munson Fur. 1 . > j I . 4 1 ? -Nat Fir? proot U >/a '? 000 ??lo pref. . . l:; 1 : ?1 00 Nor A I' .?? P 5',i 5V? ; I) . ?N , ! 1,1 ither. 10 10 1 200 ?Phil lnsul W 77 r, ia.'s 7200 Pert c T & H 1 \ 1 A, 16800 ?Radio Co 7 '.. 2 9; 00 ?do pi ? ! .7 ?j, 2!4 ?on Repub Bub . 2 1 ", 2800 *K de I' ?' B. . -4 1 la 0 < Roj Ii i'w pf 83 Si Hi 4 ? 0 Submarine Ht 15 11 700 ?Su lit illlrr. . 2? '-j 77 I ; ?Si. ,.: Co Of A -' -4 I \ 0 ?Stanw.I It. 2 1 ', . 11 0 *T i:y J. * P. 7: 1 ?4 200 ?do prel . j 5S00 *Tob Pr Exp. 1 I 1 :.' '-. 21200 l.'n Profit Sh ? ~\ 1 "? 1 n sh;;,-. ard . 200 *U S II Sp T. : 0 ;.k 30 IC00 ?Un Carbide. . 68% 68 6300 l'a Ret ? 'an . . 10-14 I 0 100 ?l'n I7.IS & El. i3 t 'a ?00 U S L & It. . !'?, 'llj 2000 t' S Ship Cor. 3 2t, 1 5000 1 ' S sa- a mship ; ?4 Pa 17100 \\')i\ nn Coal . 1 \ 3 Vj 300 ?Willys Corp. 1 fi 16 27.0 ?i!i? 1st pref C] Vi 66 600 *Weber .?.- Hell 12 IP?. Pi 6 _ r.8?i-i ' ?"? ?*?? ? 12 H 1 1 , 3 v, - 7 o 1% 1- t-i 1, 4- 1% ;s A 2 H - 1 Va - ? 4 it..._. 14 8P4? Vi 14 ? % 2 8 V4 ?- 1 2 ? '4 : - '.. 1%? 1% |i, . 10 4-1 ? ' ' . ?/ Standard Oil Subsldaries 3200 Angio-Am Oil 22 21V4 2!', 50 Nu : I Transit . 30 '?0 20 '.>:, Prairie P L. 232 270 232 1 - - . Penn OH. 177 17?; 17 7 !I7D S O of Calif...164 326 3 4 ; 3700 s n of Ind . ..S10 762 7 1 : 777. H ? 1 of N V . ..308 382 2 s? Other Oils GOO 3 -ax Oil ... 1 1 1 - I ?14000 ?Allied Oil.. .. 20 1? 20 - 0 'Ark Nail <la* 10H 1 ? 10 ? H '. 00 Blgheart I'Sli 8i? 8 V4 8 l? : - ?Boone Oil.. ,. ?Vi l a> 3' 4- J? 29000 ?Bost-AVyo oil 1 \ U ? 82f.00 ?Carlb Svn.l... 1*'* 14?.? 16 ? 2 H 900 ?Cities S 11T a 3 t H 1)4 H 84% + Vt 6000 *<1?. 7Ha.... 96V4 9"?4 ???"->? 200 ?Columb Syml 7 '? 7 7 8000 ?Coluinb Km.. 6 " 4 6 5?*-- H )O;l00 ?Cushing Pet.. % H Sj - ? 12U0O ?Denny Oil_ 1-\ 1 H 1 <y9 -f- in ; 800 ?Dominion Oil J 0 \. 10 lOtt-f '? 600 "Duquesnb Oil 2'4 2 2 ? 1V4 i 13.700 ?Elk Basin I'.. 9 7? 9*4 !U, - s? j 1 ??325 Engineers Bet. 1'i 1^, l',-,- A ?/.Af?n ?Kpm.r Q & ?7? s\ i? ?? j 16000 ?Fe?ieral OH... 2% 2V, 2% - 1 49200 ?Feneland Oil. 16%? 15*? 1??,+ * Pt?U > High How. Last. - li 200 ?fill ?la n l i i i r ?? 1 Di ?Ouffi y O ? '.I : i ?"?? 3'-'-, 3 i ', i : . m.i ?flranada < nl.. 9 '? 9 ? '<. < 0 ?Hudson Oil .. ,?, 'i 3, - IS00 ?llercul* ?= Pet 1 '-j 1 ' ! ? 1 ' . 33:--m ?Inter Pel 18 \ 13% 17% ??- 1 % I 90 ?Lone R i ?us.. 2,1 81 "1 -1-1 ? ???;.-. oiiH F'nl ... Y 7? 7i 'Mu.-- ilbo i ?II " ??? . 19', ' ' 3. ?Marian?! Oil ??. K ? ' ? 1761 | ' Mailand lief. 8*4 -S'i :"-, - \ 81 00 ?Meriitt An'.x, 1 ?f, I ?:. 1 . li 00 ?Meridian .". ,'? ?' ? 7'") ?Mex fan O. . l'.' 10 12 431-11 ?M, nut Oil ?' 1.3'; il 14 \ 84: n ?Midwest Ref : 70 ! 3 : :;.?? i 4 I 400 ?Midw Tex O. 8 7 20 ?'? ?Mountain Pr. 12 ?, l : ', ! ?4 700 Nor Am l'il . 3 l4 :i 900 ?Nobl -o N .1. i. 's ?Pennok ? 01 . 7 -, fi ?%.: ', 1 200 I'? : Pr of Am. 11% 17 \ 17 '. ; ! 10 ?I'l-oil ? Hi ? . i, m < i 1600 ?Red i: I; i i&a Y Y Y 1 900 ?Rvan C w I. IS 16 ?? IT 7 ?Sail ? "r Cons. 84 29 . : ' ? ' ? 31 0 *.1>? n . 18 V, in?, 1 : \ - 600 ?Sapulpa R?f. r '?? :, ? , 3",? % 47" Savoy Oil .... 10 :?', 2". ? 3l 00 ?Settled Pr C. 2*i 7 7 Y ? 4 i ?a urns Pel 12 :<? \ 10'i 1 \ G 10 ?K ell ? Oil 9"i -', -? - -,. ? - 13 t . ' ) . : : ' 11s; -3 7. ?Tex-Kan I ill. -\ ?Texon O & !.. ?? ', \ - 0 ?Tioi al Oil IS 1 - IS 10 ?1 3 . t Pel . ?? 3 '.., : i : no ?\ torla Oil. 1 7- 1 ROI ?Vulcan Oil. . ?' ? ' , ' ? . roo Wh'-lan Oll \ ?i \ : 00 ?w.Iburn O . \ Z\ 7000 ?W hii.: . : 3\ : i . 3i,- ?. .Mining 14300 Aloskn 11 C M Y '?" "? 200 ?AB 31 a- : : I4'?j : i . : ?. ? '1451 ?Ai - C, ibe ? ?', 4X00 ?Arizona .-:;l v '? ? ft ' ? - 6,100 ?Am Min?-s 1 ?tAtlantn ; ' ? 1 1 '. "... her l ' -? ' . ' - 4 13.300 ?317 li her Ext ~Y- ? 4 'j ? ?: ni m : - - ? ? <? y 17700 ?t (tooth J 4 ' .... ii IBest ?fe Mont 47 A : A 17X00 *+(' ..:--, M : ? ? : IS IKOO ?Camlelarla S ,',, ', I ? I 3 M -. .7 ?' 2200 Con 3 . Silver >? Y Y. ; I 8700 ?tCorti Rll v. C 4 G2 C 4 Con Copper : ', : -, i ." 101 ? 'i ? sflon i' ? : l -s 7100 ?Darwin Sil 57900 tDivlde E.XI 32 28 28 ? I Ml 01 ", K500 Emma Silver ' ., 2 ?. '? 1000 ?I IM'-- ka C M G! H :. ?1 urekfl Holly : ', :??? I . Kl ?I M \ 891)00 ?1 ?> ' c 3'. Il ?fC ? i i ?- : -i b'-? 3 v-.- ????;???.: : ?Ono ' M 4 '. '? - H.ela Min 4-> 4 ? j ? , 160 Bon Ain Svn - < . 14 ' t . 77 00 ?-Hlarmill Min 2G 13 2 < 8100 ?Iron [.loss il i ', \ Y 17700 ?t.lim Hutler. 19 Ifi 19 lilunibo Ext. 7 5 ?' ; B20A ? ,Ki ?.? anas . . 24 1 :?'? B .;"i ?1 Knox Divhle 7 li 6 ? ? ' 500 Kerr Lake ... ' '?'? ?".4 3'.. OSSOO "I.. ne Rtar . 7 5 i 20000 ?tMacN Mu?;. 31 20 :,\ 1S400 ?{Marsh Mn? 114 10 11 2800 Mother 1. new : \ '.. '? 3 7? - Mur M ,'-? 'Y 76 7 3 7 3 7700 ?New Arcad C *'. SH " \ ' - Sipiwlng M.. D S". ' '???? 4001 ? ?pair s h M ?; , -\ 3 0oo Prlnr?- Con ... '? ? '? \ - : ; - 00 R .-? Vde Cop. : \ 1 \ 1 '-. 7200 il?.v Consol . . 6 5 6 - 22000 Rop< r (?r M . A 's 's - 4200 st i'r-x Con M J '.I - 8500 ?tSilv KB Div 7'-i 2 2 ? 1 1800 ?tSilver Pick. 7 .7 S ?- 1 tl 00 "So A. O ?fi PI. 5 4\ 5 - 1300 Stand SU Ed.. A ? A - 12600 ?tSucoea? Ms. 3 24 3 - 16900 ?fSutherld D. J 1 14-1 Executor ' Trustee Chartered 1822 The Farmers1 Loan and Trust Company Nos, 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Par?B Foreign Exchange Administrator Guardian M?inbor F?deral Eesorve Sjsteru and New York Clearing House 'Ljjw.Ygmp They Say That Mere Safety Woirt interest You! Is thai true? Do you or do you not belong to the unthinking thousands who flutter like moths at the flame of sudden riches and drop hack burning and broken into the dark to hug lb. misery of their losses. To be sale Buy i? udence-Bonds. We have prepared a oklet describing Prudence-Bonds in del? I. which we will send you without any obligation to you. We pay the 4 9? Normal Federal Income Tax Ask for Booklet C-84 "Realty Associates! Investment Corporation 31 Nassau S??N<?w York <-*-'163 Remsen Sr,BtDoUyn Denominations of *ioo, $300 and *??oo laranty Trust Company of N'ew Vork, Trustee of This Issue ,prTr*OT-irew*iOTMsr!??????*?a?^^ The undersigned announce the formation of a co-partnership under the name of Watson & White 149 Broadway, Singer Building to transact a general investment, business. Theodore S. Watson E. Laurence White Telephone: Cortlandt 1204-5-6 November 1. 1920. 1 Stone & Webster iM'DIU'OIIA'i'Kl) 147 Milk Street 120 Broadway 33 So. Dearborn St. BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO EXAMINATIONS AND STUDIES of Industrial and Public Service Properties REPORTS on Valuation and Operating Efficiency -iTrir-TrnT?TM?wmrir Tun ? mim?m I ', 'Y '3 ('nul h , . , ,,, I l'.illt SI 8'j ? 7 2 7 V '. Bml i i , : I VU ? ? . i , j l'aii K . . 14 Bonds Set l.ast. ? :.:-.-, ; 4 1U0 4 : i ; 85 4 4 'Am T? ????-.i ', ? : ' : . ? . ?? ' . '-?? , i - - - ? : ?? ', ? i N R 7 a 1.1 : ? ? ' ? : :? ?? ? . - - - - , - ? ... --, ?eus st. ? 17-4 98 U.3 ?N 1 , '. ? , ' ? \ - ; 1,3 ? > ' . - ; ? 1 -, ?oluo 'i . - . 9s ??: \ 98 4 ? " - . 95 4 9 ? . ' - . . . ? ? - ?? ,96 944 94 4 - : 4 - ? il ... ; 1 4 - j l ?do 54? ? ? ? * I 21 1 > *?- - . 100 101 *?- '? '?.'? Y. ', ? . : ? ? ? . ? . m 4 s 41 4 - ?Swift - -. - 1921 ' : \ 974 97 4 - ?-- >!? An i. ? - ' ? .. 7 14 2 4 ?: ? , 99 4? 4 ? . ?do 2 : ; 98 4 98 4 4 ? : . - 9S4 974 98 ? - H ?Sinclair 7 914 91V? ? ? ?"s. 100 4 100 100 ? 4 I ? > *-a, \v ~e\ Y- - 944 94 4 244 36 ?Te-x C 7e';, not?ss 9-,'?, 98 4 rji'i ?J ?V n TaaK 1. 7s..101% 1004 lm\? ft j i Hi ?Westn Elen 7s. 99 h>! ?-, oo _ >. 1 I ?Wstlngli k; 7a '"??? 9G ?,? a;.V, - : ? '. '77u ch 8s .. ' 00 \?? 99 ?iri % \ (?crmati Interna! Bonds <<uuled in Dollars Per 1,00(1 Murk? Met Mar! a (0 10 imlt'd) High. ! ow Last 8C Uerlln -I; : I la 12"? ! '. ... - ne Is ..... 17 17. '?. 17 j 4? . . ; t. |G ?.. Pran Is i : ' . 17'i . ' . ', : ?lu .x ... '21 :\ .. i -t ?'?,,?? ?a ! I i . i . ? t mi D? : : i -i 11 a i n b u r g Is I 4 ' ? 14 i . : 2 "? do 7 :.- .17 H 4 15 >? .. ' Va, I, ..a 17 : . IM ni hi Im 4g : ' . nnu I? : '? ? ? , .. , I ' .s . . 4 , ', Miscellaneous Markets Public Utility Securities !a : AsUed ?will ?'????:, P? ?ver .?- Mgbt. ... : : 1? do |.f . 7.1 7 . A.mei ?t-an l.lghl A Ti action .10? 11 ? do pi 80 83 ? ? ? , a i ;?, h ,'. Electric 10? do pr .27 *? .A in? ? .. . n Pow >( ,1- : ,lghi d u ; f. -.1 Kg . . :? til ?tie? 0 :.0 . 20 id ? ?Vatei ?Voi ..s ? j i ? j Hi pf .4 7 7 ! do participating pr. 7 : 'J Caro Ina P K & I.... 14 P f s;. ? -, ? '.-. : :..' States !?:.? 7 il o p f .... 4 ? it) Cilio? H-rvlce pf<! ?'?.??. do linn -.:??" . \~? ? i 7 p i di !>. ... i .??* i a 9(! ? ? do .'i i e b ?e rIeg D. Si es y ?? pi ? -f li. 6 6-i ad i !' ?V r . ! ! 16 do pi . ST. f5 i. a 1' K & L. 18 : pfd . . .4 : 4?! B !' . ' - pf ... ' ? ? j Umpire Dlst 1 ; ' .SO 7 i re ?1 & P ? il ? 6a ':>;. M "?7 5 p i ci nv note?, 1324 .84 si I p r ni stock. S4 hi Federal ?a'; ar f.- Ti r.? tlon .7 9 10 p? . 44 4-? Gas & Elec Sec. do p? . 75 ' SS 77 ? th ai tati ?? !???? er . . 4_> 47 do pf . 7S 81 Republic Ry A Light Co. 7 9 Southern California Kdlaun. ti ?J Paric^Union tmm banking amomim 56 Wall Street, New York Capilal (fully paid). St.000.000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $7."?t.000 pliai Pari? BRANCHES AT Tokio San Francisco Yokohama Seat?!? ?J \ / ~~r/ ? TT CANADA Sii". -; u.s.aT^ ^.-/"?TOKIO-*?= Transactions in Exchange Travelers' Letters of Credit Commercial Credits Foreign Collections and Cheques Acceptances Transfers of Money Advances against Collateral for the Financing of Foreign Business OFFICERS Charles A. Holder, President T. Fred Aspden, Vice-President E. B. MacKen2ie, Secretary & Treasurer Reorganization of ind any, inc. aimers ftlotor Corporation Of the unsecured notes and claims against the Maxwell Company there have been deposited under the Plan and Agreement dated September 1, 1920, or have otherwise con? sented thereto, an aggregate amount estimated to exceed 85% of Baid nute? and claims. In the judgment of the Committee sufficient stock ha? been deposited under said .Plan and Agi 'ement (more than M", of the outstanding 804,524 shares of the Maxwell and Chalmers Companies) for the purposes thereof, but '.he Committee desires full opportunity to be j ill si ick holders to conserve their interests by depositing under said Plan and Agreement. The Committee has extended the time for the deposit of stock and unsecured notes and claims with Central Union Trust Company of New York, the Dep? Rice, 80 Broadway, New York City, until ;; e ? isiness on NOVEMBER 15, 1920. In view of said extension of time for depoi its the tim F >r exercising the minimum rights of purchase coi ferred bj said Plan and Agreement has likewise been ext? i i ' of Certificates of Deposit for stock may, until the close of business on NOVEMBER 15, 1920, present said certificates of deposit to CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Depositary, at its aforesaid office, for proper inp and make the initial paymei of the price of said minimum amounts, provided ?uch holders as a penalty shall pay to said Depositary in addition 25 cents for each $100 of the amount of said initial payment (and at said rate for fractions of $100?. said pena li?lly the equivalent, of interest at the rate of ?' pon the amount of such initial payment from October 'IT. ; the date on which such initial payment was due, to N 15, 1920. The time to file the forms of a] id to Application Certificates, for new imum rights of purchase and to make the initial payn ent ? f an amount equal to $10 in respect of each share of ( la ? '?. stock so applied for, has 1 een to the close of business on December I, 1920. It is aid ! that notice of allotment of sto plied for i un or about December .'., 1920, Dated, October 28. 1920. WAT TER P. f rntYST.KK Chairman ,1 H. HARBECK Vlc<!-rtialrman 1.?.DO.V B?RBKR JAMES C. BRADY HARRY BISON.NEB ? KO M. ?i? r/r r III (.II < I?A1JWERS (?EORC.E \V DAVISON It. V BYEBITT ItENRY Y. I'OOR K. I TlMv' .1 K \i.i-m v \\ \Ci il ri A A. ROST, S? ratarj ! ! PIne Si ree't, Ne rork '"l'y. E take pleasure in announcing that the undersigned have this day formed a co-partnership under the name of Cameron Blaside & Co., Members of .V, - York k ! : hange 60 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Tiran.-Fi Oftlc?: H Broad St., Ww y0rfc Bou i tiren i ) to transact a general brokerage business in Stocks and Bonds. Cameron Blaikie Schuyler A. Orvis do pf. 92 - - ?. la ; ?, < s & 1., ? . ? ? . i.. 17 j.? pf . i? si ? r : ni ?t p., .v- ? . , | do pf . 4 ? lie.l ..- : i. .-. U-. s. . .1 U 1st pf . ' - '???! W ??-:. rn Y , v . . . . u 23 du pf new . . Cl ?, ? Hunda - -- 61 null (Jas <t !?'-?- 5a. 191 j s i pi Cas ?t H 4. 1921 ? ? : Dallas E i a, 192 2 :? -\ do 7a. 192. . 99 100 El Paso Kl? i 5a .79 r, ?. ?:???? W -el t-i-n Power Is: : h . 774 '. s'x? 31. J .?.-.-? . ? . - . s j \?,t >l lan?as,ppl H \ i- ?-.- ? . -? . - . i ? t ;.. 3, n ? ? a ? ?ni : Ig hi * Po .?.-?>? 7-? ? , rn .States 1' .-(?r.Gs.'l92S .4 ?7 Su g at Stocka BU Aske ? ;?? ' ? Hl v? pf.113 ii$ y, a ' A .20 : i do pi 45 . . ?do pf ,76 i?i ' \ - , ? Michigan ? il 10 2 ? N'a - : . i -.-<., e: S' I N l ?41 i*o :: o u i 6 S do pf. . t? Sa S . ? . 15 Ort w eue lu ' -. j i du pi ?Ex d . Idend. Trust and Surety Companiea Pi" Asked Bl Asked Alliance . Y, : Lawyers T ?30 ue i A . Trusl ?].-.. Ti l S.1 Ain Sur-!.. . 70 74 Manul 1rs I9S 2?': i'., nkei ?? 145 il-- . 00 j.' i B mil ?t Mi; ? Me o ne Bklyn T Co \s? iO? Mtge Bon 3D -5 ; ? 'rn! 17... . .-- 870/M-u T of Vt Columbia - I Nat Sui,-:-. 200 2 . : : ?? -N Y 1. A- 7 .,-. Equitable 295 ?00IN f Tr .300 ? Empire Tr ;i ? -hN V T tle.l I?5 Frmra i. <fe T 163 375JP6oplea . ... 276 2-D F ilton ... .7 ; - I Rea U3 A ?o : ?<> Kulelity ....200 21? TO A T Ouaranty 136 t 'r?. s , es ?1? MO Hamilton ..2:1 iSSlU s M ?- r 3 ??", 40" ; Hulson T. .185 17Cf S T ??y?r. S* *f> Ktr.t? Co...?30 ?10|Wv?Ueh?'r 136 Law Mir . .119 ??O'W Se B Tl M1?0 1?? Ar- Cyan ' as? In Co 1 I I ?v ' . . i x mi ; ?i?? ai < hem irai Stock* 12 r ? : i ?., ? - i - Hook Else flo pf... _. Bolrax 7? 33 M.rrlmac 74 ? p f IS - < Semet ''? TS5 9S 'Bol? P- * 200 : tKee New ?ork T?tla nod Mart??*? tli ludas Arnarlcan Tr-j?i .-.u Jl-Jt*. Steel and Ordnance Stotk? is lsi n??t st*?i ? '- - *?-. 142 'Kill ? * I . !? ?do Dt 7J ;;o ?itere i'w *oo : i in pf 15 toe N't It? y ?y ?? ..;:?..? ?3 - .- Mrr.340 ? ?.'.' : ? v.-ot>x.?tir l ?? ? Mis?f?aneou? Stork* BU A Bid pt?w.i? do pt <-: !-'lt 3il ff s* ? I Lima L pf I? .. NatCaakf ?0 11? ?-N J /. .. N - ? - - >e HO Phelp? J? 170 *?<? .i W ;.''<> 3* i ' in ;o ??6 7 3 i:o (Il M t* SJ l?J|n|terMfK 165 !?? C 4 4? 47 Si S pr. ?? 9J S ; ? *.v ; r si it Valvol pf. to ?t \V & ?4 . 91 91 r,:? & t.:;? ti* ' .It .; i 1 Ar-.i S':. .13 A ft FH?i 1 ;? ; ' A i? 7 -.?'. Atias 1> ?i r_ ? do pi... 3 2 Crk '.,? . Or? pur ? i>9|_ ?Ex diviitund. ? (CMtlnu-ai ?a a?t V7 111 170 4J? Ask??J 1SI SI