Newspaper Page Text
preliminary Step Taken to Displace Sub-Treasury Mere -. federal Reserve Bank to As- j suine One of Functions! of Institution Which Has! Been Utilized 75 Years* After nearly seventy-five years' ??ration in "the principal cities throughout the country, the I nit?d States sub-treasuries are herir; dis? placed in their functions bv the Fc 1 ?ral Reserve banks. Beeinning to-dav tl.e Federal Re .ervc Bank of New York will be ; . f0i making exchanges and re? placements of United States paper cur ' -v which have heretofore been "?ie at th? Sub-Treasury at Wall .'.V Nassau i trcets. 1"? jtateniei ied cn behalf of the g^retaTy of th? ? asury yesterday ?In anticipation of the' discontinu? ance of '?'?" several sub-treasuries ior to ' n? *' as directed by J.eC6nt . on, t:" '; cretary of the TreaSi | ... auth I instructea y,..y Ri erv? ks, tis facilities are present, to ur and replace icnl United States paper c irre c\ \- ?. f I ?? in order [0 fui proved fa? ie >. for the i - .' h a? distribut ? ?ble ?'f ' o? circulation, ?S?cr?tai ?he Trea? ; ? r of the United St ifet herc.-.t" '?' make dir. t shipments 0| . .;??. * ? for ci reu Int ion I o re i ut to transmit a credit to th riato F? doral Reserve bank which bank shall make appro It is believed this i] .'? in improving the situ?t '7 througl out I he United '-? with respect to ,. ,, c te paper currency, ' ? shortage of . -. of small d?.attons now ex? isting ' n ms i sect ions of the country " Argentina Seeks Credit From American Banker?* BUENOS AYRES, Oct, 31 While Internal eond \ rg? ? tina are i ? .... n its here dwells - ? a ' ' ' ' ' ?ng Ai - I the danger of Arrtrr ' . to Europe, i t gays 1 ?? can I ous? s sr ? . rrying Arg entine cli I I limit ab il it ; by extending cred t, "additional reni ... ?tantly .' . make forced ; ..;. ? - ? ati\ ??." "F ' 'the revi? w con tii ' ...,-. ..a rupt;Cy mi om i ital ;' rms ? ? \ : '? bli of carrying on if tl pri mpt as sist anc? ad." a ? t perm i sion 1 ex] !d said to be "un? is fa - '??.'-. ? . pri lucers, and many foi ? ? rs of Ami cai c? n necl .,-.-." "Pr?t t condit ns," -. c -, ;r.w eon clu ' favorable ? Y : ropea n hence their infl is felt ii 7 ' - ? able so? lution v I ?" - ? ?? by A Investi ent in ..-?:,, Argentine c- a ' ? Vmerican loai to Ara. a ?? ' t ? ? ; :.?_- of the bei '- -.' ' - ?' ? ecommenda t !?'. h ral Re serve Board to all. w leml tr banks to red ui ?' ? ? . ? paper." Financial Items Cha ries E. m? r ihora r,' th N'i ' ' tl ? ? '"I I ??? \ . . of K \' b--r ? i Cam? ' the last < ' ' ? ? .,?:??"?? Tori? Curb M has I a i ? r A. Orvls, n i : m . ft Co., . .< ' ' ' ' ::?!??? FINANCIAL SINCLAIR C( OIL CORP'N. Flvu-Yoar Sccurn Con? rtlhle Gold Notos. "O TU I ; i ? : n ;.? i i: y -, .? ilion: i CE II CIV EN Definitiv. , .. i ... ? be i .;??,. for Not. ' thereof at : ? . ? ? . ? , ?7 1 . ? au. -.. ? ? Ni ait that this bei . ..? . , ; 1? | i BIN? i ?.'. !?/ .1 1 ... iMVIOl 'i , I ? a 13 1920 A ""?S ar ; , ; ???;., ,,..r ihai ?? tnin : .. ... a: ?tie t ; rod,' 7 '"" ? of re? urd a ' a,-?a Jeffers ..i A ? a , 111 ( ,,..1 & [run ? ?>. A ; < . - ? ; . has 1. , ? ? -, 'it ih:~ i . I 5, 13211, ' i a . ? - ' ? " ;? ? GENERAL ('II ? \|. . ? iMl'ANY, K Broa St., Nev ,,..... ..a-, < qua . ....-:? 7 '- . ' ? ?? i . . inni ? ? ? . I ?u 3 p. m.. N? '?? ml er ^___ ' . (AN, Treasurer. INSTRI CTION \ IRVING SCHO '!. FOR BOYS r?r i . : ' u>81 s ; ?-'? p?. from Vthletl? iwlinming fool . ' t h e p re m l m . , i request i.<H i-? n k \?, [.,, ,, M . imaster. LANGUAGE INSTITUTE ??TOPTRIBt NI. RI IIG - 154 NASSAU OT. FALL i ? : , , -??_?_. i l? ^ANtil Al.l > KOHl'T SCHOOL FOR BOyT ??.Knti?. Prln Harrlson-on-Sound. N. T ________ I '?' m? J Park __DAN( IXC INSTRUCTION LOVE L L S 637 MADISON AVE. Cor>69ttia?t ? i.A.SM *'? ?ut:?n 4?4i it^a*. 10c ? ?"M ?U 111. I tool ?4?l ?JtatM ?Uleiljr lud K-iMlv 10 BRESSON:* $3 f-H/.T? I.HOI'-NS 1* A. 41. TO li P. 41 without ijrrowi_t_?w?. LEGAL NOTICES In .V"' <,n'lt'!'. NEW YORK COUNTY. ??.hi ""''"' r "f ,>!" eeneral ?r '?;, benefti ,?...r,,,,,,,.,, ,,r x.,.., ?Ik ",,1"' 1u'y- RBS'Kaor? to Herman l ?*li .,"" ?.,'"' :!' '"' h' T'"' ' -''?' '? bttl 1 ?ill ?*'',' P?M?c .lion, thr. ! .1 H 10 i rs ??n'-H,!,"\ :'; :!" M**' of the nbov? "?r,MU n!,:''':'""- consisting or cut up ma -Mti?P? r"??""tn. piece ,?v.!h. machinery, Kb .j .*?C;'? "" Monday, N"v.-nit.?-r 1st, SLlil=1':I''1 m- ?t NO.-T?5 l.afav.-f.e SSrk Borough cf Manhattan, city of New ?UVI'h-t*^1*^' l'VRI?TKIN, A??4)rnee. ? ?isnee. 2?.j Broadway, New Yorfc C-.iy. Real Estate News Materials Pile Up in Spite of Reduced Costs Prior Cuts Recently Made1 rail to Brinp; Abouti Art ion by Builders to ??i'fzin New Operations Caution is beginning to mark the I movoment of building material prices | nnd new building projects, according I to the current Dow Service Daily Build ir.g Reports. j Rece?? price cuts have been found to bo ineffectual in bringing out new building work. Therefore there is a well defined disposition in some lines to cease price cutting. Brick, for example, which receded '"rom $25 a thousand, wholesale, to $15, has become a drug on the market at the low price. That which is still avail at that price lies untaken at the close of the second month, with better grades much mere rapidly as hijrh as, $18 without interruption. Therefore the paucity of $15 brick and the! strength of the $1S product put thej rkct Quotation for common brick at j ? ?'.', to $18 a thousand, wholesale, as the week closed. In the lumber situation most of the j departments are reasonably steaily on i price, tin? distributors having found! that at the bottom levels now prevail i re has he. n no increase in buy- i In such lines as North Carolina . ' ? - and partition half ceiling, yel? low pine flooring, oak. white pine, maple flooring and quartered oak price cuts continued to mark the retail sales market as October closed, because there was a slightly more general buy in?; movement in these lines, with a greater tendency on tho part of buyers to shop. Incidentally, these are the ??? in which the greatest stocks are being carried, due to heavy postwar purchases, which have only recently been delivered to distributors. Price Reductions Continue Trice reductions in turpentine and lin? seed oil also continue, but the effect of these price changes in the paint mar 11 not be felt by paint users un '. ime time next year, and they may be more or le: s discounted by the cost of cans. Plate glass discounts have ?cd, largely because of a greatly; erished market. nufacturers of building materials* closely watched the effect of lowering! on bi Iding materials during the1 nths. They viewed the pos ble outcome with doubt. The price shrinkaj e came at the end of the build? ing season. It also came, they noted, simultaneously with an improvement ? of railroad transportation facilities. It was also remarked that it was heralded nl -. time when immigration was be-1 ginning to become noticeable in indus? try. It was coincident with the general ? ? of great numbers of factory ; and mi '. employees and closing of buil - rial manufacturing plants, '? x bly brick kilns, lumber mills and manufacturing plants for one reason i r another. Capping all of these influences tend? ing to : cus attention upon the effect ? build - materia] price reduction to the consumer was the election cam :'?".. whi h un.-eitle.1 building con pi : -, the acts of the special n of the New York State .Legis? lature .concerning the rights of build? ing owners und the subsequent ail? ment of the official state investi ? of the building construction in ' dusl : y in this Caution Likely to Continue The caution that is now character? istic of the building material buying, . tribution and manufacturing mar? ke! :- likely to continue pending the life of the investigation, which will be 1 the end of the year, unless its extended. Those wl o are actuated by a disposi ti . to wait and see the effects of the , ..'air i n the form of new ig la - . or the creation of a state board or commission to pass upon - projects ' 3 all kinds, and con? stituting an official Neu- York state board of arbiti iti n and appi al in all abi r disputes, for the registration and pervision of all building contracts for supplies of building materials, as 11 as agreements between employee and employer and between owner and ? ict, financier and broker, do not believe that such laws can be drafted ? : i- acted before the 1921 building ? n formally gets under way. pi n....I of so-called free con on, therefore, is limited ere cor? rect ve legislation is applied to the tioi thai have been revealed in tin building indust ry of this city. ? conservai ive to assume that onci the prospective building horizon .red the building construction ; ublic, or that part of it that can its ou ii way without depending upi -. ; ?? aid of the n c ignized lending tutions, will rush into the mark? : ,v proj? cts. By that time there ,vill be more yokeless workmen, build? ing material manufacturers will have had an opportunity to catch up with ? e b ck-log orders and non-deliveries and the cost of production as well as. handling of materials will have been drawn nearer to a normal basis. It must be remembered, however, that there is nowhere in the building industry a large surplus of building al supplies. Outside of the lum . -; :? rs, distributors in this mar? ke) have no reserve stocks. Couple this condition of building : . supply with a prospective stampede to anticipate the more or experimental application of new : ? applied to construction in all its details, and at the same time bear ii mind the application of recent attempts to legislate for or against building construction, and it becomes apparent that building material prices I ave not yet come down to stay. Thread Company to Build Clubhouse for Employees The ('?ark Thread Company pur Iditional property in Newark, N. .1.. which will be improved with a two ' ry and basement assembly hall a a. 1 recreation building for employees. The building will also contain swim - pools, gymnasium and a dining a to seat 1,600. The roof will be arranged as to be used as a roof . irden in the summer and for ice skat 1 ing in the winter. The property, pur ad through Louis Schlesinger, Inc., :,s al th-. southeast corner of Ogden and Clark streets, which gives the com? pany ?i total frontage of 100 feet on Ogden Street, lis feet on Passaic Street and 200 feet on Clark Street.1 Through the .-ame brokers the company r? cently bought the block bounded by Clark, Gouverneur and Ogden streets and Mount Pleasant Avenue, which, it also announced, will be used for ' recreation purposes. Pius F. Henning, of this city, bought i the ??welling at 10 Second Avenue, 35x Km, from Charles C. Foster through Mr. Schlesinger, who has nlso sold the two dwellings at 71 and 71 l-j Plane Street, 31x125, to Edwin C. Br?utigam ; for Marcus Nelson. ?-. Many More Suite? Rented In East ?md West Side Flats Douglas Gibbons <fc Co.. with Douglas I Ellinian & Co., have rented a large fur ' nished apartment at 635 Park Avenue to C. A. Penn. Payson Mt-L. Merrill Co. leased apart menta in the West Eighty-sixth Street Studios, 257 West Eighty-sixth Street,' t?i Matthew D. Goldsborough; at 1 East Twenty-ninth Street to Miss Minnie Allen;"at 960 Madison Avenue to Joseph Morris, and at 114 Hast. Thirty-seventh Street to David M. Barton. A. V. Amy & <'o. leased apartments at 160 West Seventy-second Street, to ] Mrs. M. Chnrlesworth and a Mr. Matar razo; at. 156 West! ?Street to Robert Allen Preston ami John Davis; 171 West Seventy-sixth Street, to a Mr. Karmen, Miss A. M. Gorton ant! A. Hunier; at 2271 Broad? way to Helene Hamelman, Anthy M. Cort?n, Florence Cox, Fielen Trace, Mrs. C. Bankhardt, W. Woodruff, 11. Allen, Eben Erskine 71 ill and Mary P. Bogert. and furnished apartments at 144 West Seventy-seventh Street t Eliot Cutter; at 82 West. Seventy-sixth Street to Arthur Drew Rankin, and at 217 West Seventy-ninth Street to H. 11. Hilan. Amos <?? Co. have rented apartment at 19 Fifth Avenue to Dr. L. Pierce Clark and to J. H. Helfenstein. Lessee to Ereet Loft Building in Pennsylvania Zone To Rcplaee OI<1 Structures in West 33d Street; Many Coneerns Get Spaee in the Midlown Section Robert E. Simon leased to Max Cold 127 to 131 West Thirty-third Street. The old buildings will be immediately i 1 demolished for the construction of a six-story loft with stores and show ; rooms. Feinberg & Reis were, the : brokers. Duross Company leased the three ; story building at t,he southeast, corner I of Twenty-fourth Street and Thirteenth I Avenue, for Clarence Stephens, to Sarah Bellinger, for five yeaTs; the I five-story building, 413 West Sixteenth | Street, for the Stafford Ink Company, to the Auto Van and Storage Company, for eight years, and the store and base- ? ment, 70 Ninth Avenue, to, Marie Gal- '. le.ry. M. & I,. Hess, Inc., leased office at 128 West Thirtieth Street to Ben Wiener Co., publishers, to the Amer? ican Wholesale Corp.; the tenth floor at 135 Fifth Avenue, to A. .1. Fondeville & i Co., importers and exporters of china and glassware, Cross & Brown reprc- ! scnting the tenant, $100.000 Broadway Rental Henry Shapiro <fc Co., with Pocher & j Co., leased to Ru?as & Ladas the, store at 1028 Broadway for a confec? tionery store at an agu?'.-gate rental ; of $100,000, | YV*. E. Dean ?? Co. leased 6 Stone ! Street, the first door to J. S. Waterman : ?S: Co., the second floor to Theodore Moss & Co., third floor to Caballero & Carvajal, and the fourth, floor to the New York Signal Trading Co. The same brokers leased the third and fourth lofts at 121 Broad Street to. Walter Carr; first loft at 3 Coenties Slip to Maurice Lundin; first loft at 21 Water Street to Charles Peters, and ; first loft at 2-2V? Coenties Sun to \ Charles Kirchhoff. Cross & Brown with M. ?- L. Hess, Inc., based space at 135 Fifth Avenue, to A. J. Fondeville & Co.; at 245 West ? Broadway to Ferdinand Suren; at 335 Broadway to L. Diamond & Co., Inc., and to Maurice Pinto, and at 258 West Sixty-ninth Street to McFarlan Auto mobile Co. REAL ESTATE?SALE OK RENT Manhattan 147-9 BAST 63D ST., between Lexington and 31 A vs., two thi. story and basement dwellings for ?..-ilo. sep? arately or together; each Is lGx?Qxl'iO.? a rid laiii 9 rooms and 2 bal hs : pos i? of 147 can be had at once and of 140 on ; Oct. 1, 1921 . this is one of the strt ets I beautiful In which many attractive al ! torations have been made; No. 147 can be occupied in H s present condition and - I 1 ernizod later If desired, Wm, A. White ?V Sons, 40 Cedar St Tel. 5700 John, 133 BAST 3STI1 ST , northwest corner Lexington av., Murray Hill Five ? ?. .:?? En llsh basi men! dwell ! In? fur s;?!--. 3377. having I master's bed? rooms and " baths and -1 servants' bed ? ? uns and 2 bal hs ? I? ct ric llghl and ! x '. oil 3. n ? . all ? n ? a i. outside a n.l are flooded with sunlight: possoslon al once. WM. A. WHITE ?C- SON'S, 4C ? 'cdar St. Ti I. 5700 John PRIVATE ITOl -13 B? ?:: RENT, :! story and basement, l - rooms, ':. baths, electric light: par'tuel fin >rs 1. a ut I ful condition; very fine bl clc; near Broadway and 73.1 street. Rental $ ' .I, .. or 3 year straight lease Immediate possessioi \Vi OD, D( 'LPi ?N <?' '.. IN?' . ' - i< ..;-. and S 'li St. Schuyler 1 100. THREE-STORY and basement brownstone : sldenee at 222 Bast 48th Rt ; price $15. 000. Chas F. K?enle jr., 25 W. Broadway. Barclay te; 37. New Jersry : TWO-FAMILY HOUSE, near Summit Sta? tion, Jersey City; I! rooms, - baths; P1 o I 25x175; all modern Improvement ; $13,500; terms arranged. Address G : 5, Trim une. TAVO adjacent, inmifj making farms, of 175 acres each, are to bo Boldby retlr , Ing owner. Farmer, Route 1, Box 50, i Neshanlc, X. J. KNGLEWOOI) and Vicinitv- Real estatte. II. WEATI1 ERB Y A CO., Knglewood, N. J REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SAI ? : OR EXCHANGE for Manhattan Real Estate. Forest Hills Gardens res? idence, ten rooms, three baths. $47,500. Winter coal supply. Owner, Room 704, 112 East 19th Street, City. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES Manhattan FOR RENT, manufacturing; top flour; about 0,500 sq. ft.; 20 windows atul 3 sky? lights; must be closed one w?;ek ; occupy February 1. Edward Jordan-Kiel Co., I W. si nah st. U(i ili light office, aboui 300 feet, subl.-t by private estate; highest references re. quired, ?'all Lovatt, 2d t'a,or, 3s7 B'way APARTMENTS TO LET?UNFURNISHED Manhattan DOMFSTIC PROBLEM SOLVED i.i l West 67th si Every apartment Is con? nected with a central kitchen, by means ot electric dumbwaiter, ami your own fooil Is , nok? ! wil In a: chai gi by profi ssiona i i hot We o have 11 ? ? impel i in maid nor? a :ii ? ,r.i- ;? m.:.;s of ? ho neeessitj ol mail In . Bei \ am - Sv nming pool In bu m restaurant anil grill room. Rents no higher than uny other first-class apartment In el, On? la:?:.> And one small apartment avall . I le Ti - i h? ne i '? luml us 1204. PETER Sl'iyVKSANT, DSth Street and Riverside Drive. Apartments for rent six rooms and t??-<> laths, with Immediate possession. Ilairis, Yuusht & Co., 0 Kust 4Stli Street. 47TI1 ST., 44 WEST-T-1-2-4 room apart ?? >nt, with bath. Inquire t ..?ay i n premises or Miss Lewis, 17 West 17th st. AI'AHTMKM'S TO LET?FURNISHED Manhattan , -_ fOKEENWICIl VILLAGE- Two large living studi.i rooms, bath, electri : steam 1: ... completely furnished; exclusive sur? roundings. Spring 6165. NEWLY constructed, .!?..-? I furnished or unfurnished apartment ; \ ng room, bedroom, tile bathroom, built in tub in ? shower, real kitchenette, with gas si i ebox, sink an.I closets, new French ?:.<.!.> .-arpe!; furnished in roo.I tas;.., unfur? nished, $150-$176; furnished. J17S-? 200. I? phone Plaza 31?S. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 240?Llegnnt 2-room apartment with bath. Bowling Green 5562 S5TII, 267-261 West i\Ve.?t End Chambers) l-"urnlahed apartments with exceptional servi, o. B6TH ST.. ;>7 WEST -Elegantly, newly fur? nished front two rooms, bath and kitch? enette apartment . lease, furnished, unfur ? nlshed, or sell furnlshinss with two-year leas-. Vanderhoof. 115TH (370 ftufonhattan a- ) nigh class rooms, elevator, kltcheu; sunny; ?100; z V. TO I.r.T l'Oit BUSINESS PI KPOHE? TO LET TOR BUSINESS PURPOSE? OFFICES and ^^ 4Z??(l Ot?. S? ?OW KOOM.S rZtn TZ^h?o?k? o'f Grand Central Terminal Buildings equipped <wit/t 100% sprinkler; passenger an i freight eleva? tors inn,?mi in every detail; about 100,000 square jert to responsible tenants in units ??/ 1,000 to 15,000 square feet per floor. Possession' immediately. HENRY HOF, Agent, 567 - 3rd Ave. (Bet. 37th & '8th Sts.) Tel. Murray Hill 59S4-9474 f \<?'i>[{\ l'ItOl'KIt'n KO H a Al.17 OR ?il.NI 100,000 feet" Factory Space to Lease IN PENN SECTION. I Light on 4 Sides, Sprinkled jj and Heavily Constructed. I POSSESSION MAY, 1921 \ GREENSTEIN, ? 206 W. 29. Watkins 9316. QUEENS REAL ESTATE (?real House Bargain T will sacrlilco beautiful house and garage, large plot, wide boulevard, n-.-ir station; bait hour Man] ittan; steam heat, ,-?;. i rlelty, parquet i y, n rl Istle di ? fine surroundings; tilo bath, tile kitchen, fireplace. Small cash payments; $G0.00 mont lily. i^ione Owner, Hoilis 6.515 NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE BOGOTA Tw"ntv-three la.usen; M rompleteil nn<l opi n ! r lnsi aa n. $7.300 t.. $H 500; ; Met repolit tin Life 1 nsui mee Company I ? lu?n: Hike It possible to i . :,sv terms. livery Im pro vi non I nvei .; . and protection; low c. minutai Ion. W rite, ph. GEORGE li. HITCHCOCK, IXC. Tel. II..... Office opi nslte West Shore 11. !t. Si at ion, 11. trot a, N ,1 ? U her routes : N. V . .aa & ''. ? stern It. It. from Erie station ..; Jersi y l'Il y ; 1:10th St. !' rry and trolley to Bogota (Elm Avenue stop). CONNECTICUT UEAX ESTATE ?tJt? m i h ? , W ? m, Attractively furnished home; 7 master, 7 bat aa, 3 a. rva nti rooms i bath, - i un II vint; 1. n , ?: a ??? i oom, servants' dining room; $500 a month; con venieni o tu trolle?, hel] .? sol . ?? serva a: u.U. FREI 'ERICH BITTET.* ? SONS, 111 Broadwav. Phone D700 Schuyl TVESTCHESTER COIATY REAL ESTAT? "ALONG THE SOUND" Chas. Field' Griffen & Co. 11 EAST 111? ST. Ml ERAY III II. 64-11. SUMMONS t'T'B ?: - ? : r t'F THE STATE OF New York, ? ' of X? KANN la - . I'll '?? ?a ERNEST li KNSTi ?? ' !.. ' 'fei int. Ac lion In Vni . M ri Sun I Ti i THE A HO . ' II ENDAXT: I YOG ARE H EREHY .':. M M? >NED lo an? swer 11. plaint in ti . ' : '. I to ? ? ..?. ni ,-i.ur an n ? Plnli : \ ? i... : - within : ?v. ' v a . i after I hi service o I ' ' a - Ivc of I he day of service, and In i :ise of your ...:??>.- ? : ul Il t W111 you li) di i j 11 f o r l h e nded in I la- complaint I -. led N w Yor] n-robei 15th 1020. AI.1SX \XDER \ \l ? Y PER Atl rney 1 ! offl all'. O Addre: . . Nai ; St i ? ? ; I roll a . ..,.,-.....- ., vork. To EltN GST It' ISEN -IT? ?CK Tin : roinp in n ? Is rved upon you by ? n, pi: ; [Ton. (IE? iROE V. Ml' I.LAN, ; .lu ce ' I hi Sup n Court of I ? York. dated the ltltl - I ?-!th tl (-(.mili lu th. ? ?? ..1 th. t'lerk of th. Count;, ul N. w " . ' M i 'o n n l y i ir t 1 M ' a,a . a cil - . and State . - Dated New Yorl bei I p20 A t ? 17 7, . '--a: - P ?lit ?TI . '. . ail'.-, t. UoluUgh ul N . ? a Now York ? Ity. SI la - ?ME ''i '! HT, NE? Yl IRK' CO CHA) Plaintiff, against SA?, \ > roitE I - 71';-,; ! . :? ,, ,....,.., ,? \ : " Marrim T? I THE A ?OVE ' \ ,;.;: . DEFEND ?.NT' YOl' AltE UERE1!?, SI MM? INEI I to ai ...,,.,? ?;,,.., ctli?n and t? . erve a copy nn tlw | ntlfl till tw. i if ter servie. ?i ' ' ; summons, ex . : . ? , : t h a. , . :' Service. ? i ase of y. r failure to il r a a : . ? lio ti ken ..!?.. h you , it fur the reib I. mandi-d il Date :.'??? ? 111 :i: * RiCHMAN Plnlntifl , li.'ll.e ai Post Of i' ? \. ? ::? , i : ,. KO . Il 'of -M - New V il . Cit . 'I'.. ; \:.V Cf? IRE CHAPISE summ i served ti| on ou 1 pu on pu rit to th or.iei ..f lion IICOI'U \ '. . ..:.. Jus! Supreiiii ? ? cl e of X. a Y. k, ?Olh ,-..... i : 1320, al filed with tl , . ' i of i he ; ? - ? of New Yoik, ; Count Court II ? ? :?? igli i I M .ah n tan, ? 'a Com iuti of Nev York. Da d New 7-'7.. lober . ' ' 111 i & RICHMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, i ifH ?? . ml Post li-esa Park Row, New York City, i ' rough ol Manhattan. S ? 1 l KO G ATES' NOT ! CES MATHER, JESSIE, a.?IN IT It HI' AN?" M of ail order u( Ilonorabl? John P. Ca? l?ala!!, a Surrogate uf the County uf Now Tori?, NOTICE m hereby riven to ?11 i?r ?ona . avine lai . . : JB?dlE A. MATHER, ?ata oi it.- County of Nev Y?rk, deceased, io present the same ?vlih vouch? ers thereof to in- subscriber, at ?t? prin? cipal place of transacting business, Ne. tt William Street, In the Borougn of Man? hattan, Cn:. ol 7,rw York, on or bufor? th? iltli day of Septembei next. Dated, New York, Hie 2iitb ?lav of Fib ruai >, 1.1 LU. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRI'ST COMPANY, Executor. GEL. 1.1-71%. P.OL'ITON & BLANC. Atiar ntv.i toi t\<-, utor, 22 Ex,manga i'iac?, New Y ? rl?. N Y. DELANO, EUGENE -IN PURSUANCE OF an ordei ol Hi o .. le John V Cohalan, a Burrogati ? n l Ni v. \ , r. nolle? i? n . 17. given a ail person? having claim? again.? ; I ?ugi ne : a .a- - , .' 1 he - nty of New Vu ,-.. deceased, to present i!i- uarae with .-a hers tr- reof to the subscriben ot their place of transacting business at the office of Loi I, l'.?> ^ Lord, their attorneys, No. <j Wall Street, In the ?.:?... o? New Yor*. on or before the 10th !.. . of November next Dated, New York, ihe Lst ,1?\ of May, Dli WILLIAM ADAMS DELANO, M F.EAU DELANO, Kj*.'itor?. LOI-.O. LM?' * I ORO. Attorneyi for ?i eeutors, 49 V.'au ?creat. New Tar? Ciijr. COCHRANE, MADELEINE IN I '"-.Si" anee t an ordei 1 Hoi rabie J ?' ?"..halan, a Surrogat?- f the ( nnt t New York, X. 1 riCE is her? bj given to all pet b : ?? bavin s ne Cochrane, ..: ?? 1 ? ?? - ' unt; of .'ew rork, d.?. eased, to ? ; ? sent th? same _???? : ers thereof to I ? ?bei "n his | > ? ?.: ? ? 1 nsaeiing busl-.? -. itlce of hli V ya. Ess? Isi..-..'. 1 w ut, Xo. 3 ): . : , NIs . -... : an, Ne ,v ' , : k. on tr ?. - the 271 li daj of December next. Dated, New Y?rl?, the i?jtu day ot June. 191?0. CONDICT W. CUTLER, Executor, KS LSTYN * HAI'U'iWi ; :, At tor? *i ??? s for Executor. R -, tor Str?et, w Y01 k City CARLEY. ELDRED \ IN PURSUANCE of an ?iiai'-? of Honorable Jol n P, Co ! halan, a Surrogate of the Countj of New I York, notice Is hereby given to ?'.1 persons ; having clali 1 .,.,?? Eldred A Carley, late of the C? unt> - ;' New i'ork, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the ?ubacriber, hi Its pla - of business, No 177 Montague Street, Borough o? Brook;;, n. City ,?f Xew Y..rk. on or before the 2Sth day of December, 1920. Dated, Broi klyn N?-w Y'ork. the lit* I day of June. 1980. BROOKLYN TRI'ST COMPANY, 1 Executor. CULLEX * DTKMAM, Attorney? for Ex e.-ator. 177 Montagu? St reel, Brook? lyn. N Y. SUMMONS SUPREME- COI RT, NEW YORK COUNTY. 1 rheover N. EIv, ai .-, n < xecutor of ' 111?? will .,' SMITH ELY, deceased, ploln tirr, agains" Mai a 1.. Vanderpoel, Edwin \ El; M Jos phlne Ely, Indi' ; lually and -.- ? xi ? utors of the will of William II Ely, ?!?- ??.?-?-!: William 11 Megle, Dagmar M-ir1? I ? i lliidys Me ;ie Klngsley, Elizabeth Kll II, Helen Kltchell Beach, Susan T. ;- ? Sm th Rh Jelliffe, Jr . Julin Ely ' ?riffi n 1 hi? , in Ih i limll . and as ndmlnlstra - ? Ix of the , . late of Marjorle E Smylte, dc ensed; Allci E Chaml ei -. Ambrose E Van rpn l, In llvklualh and as nn exei nt"r of ? ,' I of Smith Ely deceaseil ; Adelaide V. El; i M ird, Chai les A. Smylle, William E bei . Ami roi o E Chambers, All? ?? E. i"! mbers Fleltman, Tula I>. Ely McClenn - han, Smith Ely Jelliffe, Gertrude Ely. Mar? guerite il. Townsend, Helen Cook Miller, Julia M. Cook, Maria Cook, Celia A. Spencer, Kate i: rngeri nil, Hettle I?' KltohelL Fi ?n? oh i; Kit. In II individually an 1 as ad ' ilstrntrb ol the estate of Louise Kltchi II, eased: Charles I). Bergen, George O. liarlo? Gaines. Royal P. Hnmer sclilng a? esslgnee of Harlow Gaines, Mary 1. Smitli, Frances C. Willis, Moses Meeker, Grai'e Ely Cain. Caroline G. Thorn?, Ciithryn Thorn Mattloe, Jessie C. Wood, Dorothy Rogers Kirk. Mary Rea Cook Wade ?i i ex - utrlx of -he will '0f Joanna E. Cook, ' I, Michael ?'arm,.!:, .less? 1-3 Dlxon as ' ? strator of the estate ?.f Timothy W'lilllleli] Dlxon, deceased; Sarah I". Lewis. Individually and as executrix of Ralph S. di ? easi 1 ; Eugene I ?ixon and < Mara | Coryell as executors of the will of William Dlxon, deceased; First Presbyterian Church of Hanover, Star Society, Bethel Chapel of Han,net- Neck, Tim Livingston Bapttsl Society, The Baptist Churcn at ?a-?-:-1. American Sunday School [Tnlon, li Hospital, Morris Courtv Children's I Home, Madi on Square Church House, I Spring Street Church, The Trustees of the Seventh Presbyterian Congregation In the City ot New York, West Livingston M. ?3. Church, Orange Memorial Hospital, ' The Firs! Reforme I Dull li Church of Montvllle, Moi ito -. a M? moi :.,! Hospital, The Board of. the ? 'iiureh Ere? l Ion Fund of i he ? ?en - ei al A.? iem) l; of I ho Pri sb-, terlan Church In Hie L'niie.l states ot America, New York S ate Realty and Terminal Company, Cheever > Ely and United States Trust f'ompan i ? Xew Y'ork. as trustees of tho trust created by the will or Smith Ely for the ben lit of i: Iwln A Ely ; George B. Vander).1 and Ambrose E. Vanderpoe.l as trust? es ? f the trust i reated by the will "t Smith Klj for the benefit ot Maria I. Van*' ?l.trpoel ; Cheever X. Ely, George B. Vander [loel and Ambrose E Vamlerpoel as trustees of the trust i n ated by the will of Smith Ely for lia- henefl! of Alice E Chambers: 1 ' ? "3 Ely, Gi ??-.-.- H Van li i|.I and -.-.?.?? I ; \ andei poi i as i rustees "f the en ted by th ivill of Smith Ely for the I? m 111 . : Julia Ely i Iriffen Dow ; Cheevei 73 i;,y an I United States Trust ; i :' Ne ??. York as trusti es or the -' i-reatod ' . the will ?,f Smith Ely for ?; ? benefll of A li lalde V Ely Godd ml, M !..?-. , Moses E Ingersoll, and I ' \'anderpoi : as an executor of the Ely, ilefi inlauts. Summons, Ti ?al ile: ir. ,1 in Xi w York i lountv. TO THE ABOVE XA.MED DEFENDANTS AND EACH ' IF THEJI : Y?H" ARE HEREBY Sl'MMONED to ati -. r i he ? ompl'a Int In this aci ?on an 1 to -? ? rve a ? ? ;,-. of your answer on the Plaln ? with n twent} .'lays after the service of this summons, exclusive of tho ay nf service, and in case of your failure . ppeai- or answer, Judgment will lie . linsl you : . ?'? fault for the relict ? - m I in l he complaint. Dat.ii ,\ '3 3. 1920 S'l HWART .-. SHE UiER, Plaintiff's At t? rni , ? . ; ? ! Pi -. ifflce Address, So. 43 Wall Street, Borough of Man n, Cll '?? of New 3 ork '?"?i Till, DEFENDANTS Elizabeth Kit hell Helen Kl hel lleach, Tula D. Ely Mc ? lenahan, Hel n Cool M I . J ill i M. Cook, Cook, Ilettie F Kite-hell. Frances E ; ?dually ami as a Imlnlstratrix ite of Louise Kit. ?a-;;, d - ? ..sea . ifarlov, Gaines, Mary L. Smith, Frances C w . , M. es Meeker, Grace Ely Cain, Catlirvn Thorn Mattii e, .!, ssie ? 3 Wood, i ! cook \\ li as ? se ul ri> of the .-. ill of Jo inna E. ' '? ok, d.ased , Margue? rite f ? Town end M hael ? lannon, ?'? ? ? F Dlxoi . a m ? Isl i ator of the ? si ate of Tlmoth: '.. Held Dlxon, dei eased ; Sarah [,' i .- llvldually and as ex cut rix of [ill S Lev ? .i.-- .1 : Eugi ne Dix? m and Corvell as exe itori of the v . ! of im ni: i, d ?as? d ; Moses 1-3 Ingersoll. ? !?:. a Ian i '!: ? h of Ham ver, Bethel ?ty of Hanover Neck, Morris Idren' - Home, ? irangi Memoi la ; ? i The Fin l Reformed ! lutch f Montvllle: The Coi i g. ing summons Is served upon , bv ,. m pui uanl to an order of Hi rinible ' ?ei : ; ?? V. M il?nn, i ne of - he f the s' w York Supreme ? 'oui ', dated Oct ?1 ei 1!) 1020, and 1)1? il wit 11 the , Ljnt, in thi ifli ?? ??: I he CI :rk of thi i i 37. w, Y ? rk, at i lie < lounty Court the Borough - ;' Manhattan, City York. Mate !. ? " toi er 21. '.'.'-' ?. STEWART & SHEARER, Plaintiff's At - No 45 v. . II Si reel. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, Xew Y i rk. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, C? H'N'TY . IF NEW Y< IRK. i HARRY !'? DAVIS & LOUIS II l-'EHSEN- I I.'l-:i.l > doing busin i as H 11 I avis Co.. " i a Iff, vs C? INI IN ENTAL IM? PORT COMPANY, Defendant, Sum 11 '1 o tl ab >ve nam I P fi ti lants: You are I a mmotied to answer th . unplnini n this net m and to servo ol your ai-.-u. r on i hu Pi lintl : a '?. wlthi-n t iv? i. y du :? s after the summons, exclusivo ..7 th da; of : rvi and in case of ? our fa lluro or a n- v. er, ludgmenl will bo la '.? n again I you by default for the relict . ? - !.mplalnt, Dal ??] New Yo] k, O :tober CO, 1020. LAZA RUS .- 1! EN PEGU, A ".a a- -.' for Plaintiff, < iffleo and . ? a ,ffi ? ? Adilress, 120 Broad? way, Borough of Manhattan, Cltj of N? w York To CONTINENTAL IMPORT COMPANY; Du i-a.a a: .; summons is served upon : , . ition pui suant i<> an ord? r lion . ; .rgi V, M ull. n a Justi. c of th. a t ..f the SI ite of Xew York. ' ? ?? . . daj of . >. tob. r. 1920, and .'. ?,. li . ii tint in the office .if the tount?, of Ni .'? Y n -., at the Court I louse, lu the Borough of Manhattan, l ity, Counts and State of New - l lated New York ? i tober J3, 1920. I.A.'A R! S SHENFEL1 i. for Plaintiff, Office and r .stofflco Address, 120 Broad ?'. . a Bi rough o? Manhattan, N? w York City. SURROGATES' NOTICES TN PURSUANCB OP AN ORDER Off Honorai ? John P Cohalan, a Surrogat? of ! New York. .NOTICE Is hereby gtren to all pers-.n.-i having claim? asa'.nst Lily Lee Cross, late of the County of Ne?* York, d.ased, to present the ?am? with vou hers thereof to the ?ubscrlbers, ?\ i. .' pla ?? of transacting business, at tb? offic? of Guaranty Trust Company of N?w \ ,-., No, HO Broadway, In the City of New York, on or beloro the 6th day of November next. Dated, New York, the 27th day of April, 19 20 J? IHN ?V, ?'ROSS and Gl ARANTY TRIST COMPANY Of NEW YORK. Exe-utors. STETS...'.. JENNINGS & RUSSELL? At tornevs for Executor?. 15 Brusd 3tr??t, New York City IN PURSUANCE Oh ^N ORDER OF HON orable John P ?'.a?? a Surrogat? of the County of New York, NOTICE 1j here b'. k,- veil to all perseas having rlaltn? a,? nst John Bye, late of the County ..i New York, deceased, to present th? i with v? ichera thereof to ?lie sub at rer place of transacting b usi? ne - ,.- the ?!-..? of her attorneys, Stetson, Jennings .?. Russell, No. 15 Rroad Street, in of New York, on or before the fif'.h ci ;. of No\ ember next Liktcd. New York, the 27th day of April, mo. HANNA ?JOTHILDA BYE, Exe? utrli. STETSON. JENNINGS A RUSSELL. At torney? for Executrix. 1? Broad 9tr??t. New To-? City. I RUSSELL, JOIIN 71?IX PUR5UANCB - an order of Honorable John P. ''o halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York notice Is hereby given to all penan? ng claims against John II. Russell, late f the County of New York, d? eased. t.. present the same with vouchers thereof ; . the subscriber, at its place of transa t s or at the office of ?ts attor . King, Lane ,t Trafford, at No. 1 ? r. idway, Borough of Manhattan, In i:it City of New York, n or before th? twentieth day of January next. Dated New York, the 30th day of Junt, 1920. CENTRAT, UNION TRUST COMPANY t OF NEW YORK. Executor. MILLER KIN';, LANE & TRAFFORD, Attorne; a fi : Executor. No. SO Broad I way, .rough of Manhattan, N?w Yoi :. City. Help Wanted ??? ? 1 ? Boarders Wan'cd .'t?sf Want Advertisemeris "?aif' Business opportunities Lott, Found and Rewarrfa LOST, FOUND AND REWARD LOST Platinum and diamond bar pin, Friday, in the McCreery department store or vic-nity ,,f 34th; liberal reward for re turn. Telephone .Mr. Kelly, Gramerey 21-10. LOST -October 2t, In taxlcab, between G?th et. and Lexington ave. and 19th st., Kolinsky BCarf; reward. 141 East 13'th st. Phone Gramerey 4 575. LOST?Between Ihe Beaux Arts and 130 East 31th, throe diamond bangles, Oct. 27; liberal reward. Phone Vanderbtlt 9689, LOST?Two-ekln sable fur nn East 73d st. Friday afternoon; reward. <".4 East 1 ?d ft Telephone Rhlnelander 7769. Lost Bankbooks LOST Bankbook No 500,317 of the Union Dime Savings Hank Is missing. Any person ha vim; a claim to it as hereby called upon to present the same within ten ?lays or submit to having said passbook can colled and a new une Issued. LOST Bankbook No. 1,097,067, o? the Hank tor Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. Finder please return tn bank. ? LOST Bankbook No. 1,138,535, of the Hank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Pay-! men! stopped. Finder please return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No 142.375. of the Ex? celsior Savings Bank. 79 West 23d b! Payment stopped. Please return to ba.jk FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side 116TH ST., 162 East ?Lady alone would like married couple to share wen furn? ished apartment; kitchen privileges, reas I onabie. Hallahan. :?9TH ST., 42 EAST?Private home; large i front parlor with adjoining bedroo-.?.; $14, two; $10 for one; steam flrepla-e; Bear bath; also single, $7. Long. i_ West Side RIVERSIDE PRIVE, 548?Suite, 2 rooms, us-- kitchen, bath, laundry; largo wavd3 .rein-; suitable three ladles; also Bingle, double rooms. Mornlrgsi,lo 2304. 86TH ST., 1'iO West?Two rooms for gen? tlemen who would appreciate home at? mosphere of refined private family; steam heat, electric light, shower baths; refer ences. 131ST ST., 273 W,?Well furnished front | parlor, suitable for t ?vo gentlemen; elec- | trlclty; ail conveniences; private family; ? reasonable. McOrath. 17STH. 508 WEST?Front bedroom, private i apartment; elevator, phone, etc. Apart- i ment 35. Brooklyn FRANKLIN COURT SIX MINUTES FROM WALL ST. Apartment hotel, one Buite, well furnished parlor, bedroom and Lath, no kitchenette; one very large well furnished front room with private bath; one room with running water; convenient to tub and shower; high I class patronage; business people. 170 Hicks i st . Brooklyn; telphone Main 5619. FRONT ROOM and alcove In private, one family house; adults only; bath; phone; iva-.- Interboro subway; Nostrand ave. cam; f..;- two gentlemen; homelike; references exchanged. Fiatbush 530.'!. LARGE airy room In private home; suit-, able for two; hot and cold running water, adjoining bath; light cooking priv? ilege; convenient to downtown Manhattan; business women preferred. Phono Deca t'.ir 1943. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic GENERAL HOUSEWORKER ? Catholic preferred. Mrs. Laussei, S75 W. lsist at. H? lUSBW? IRKER ; GENERAL; 1ST CLASS. Tel. Benaonh 1047. 2116 66th st.. Bklyn. NURSES wanted, undergraduates with some experience. Apply 1919 Madison ave. Miscellaneous ALMOST A PROF ES S I O N Once you arc a trained telephone operator a posi? tion will always be open for you wherever you are. We will give GIRLS and YOUNG WOMEN an op? portunity to learn long dis? tance operating and pay them well while learning. A permanent position with us assured. No previous experience necessary. Write for information or apply at 2 East 28th St. (Cor. 5th Ave.) or .24 Walker St. (two streets below Canal St.) New v.>rk City. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. CANVASSERS, sell phonographs and rec? ords on liberal credit terms; good com? mission: expenses paid. Call nil week, M? Bnery's, 86-90 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn. CLERKS AND TYPISTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Girls IS years of a?e and over Hours 0 to 4-30 o'clock Saturdays 'J to 12 o'i :k Luncheons serve.! free Salary to start $12 "0 Abilities of clerks reviewed each six : months. Those of average ability should j be receiving from $16 to $18 per we?jk after the second review. The variation is due to i difference in clerical work. Fre.? classes conducted In Typewriting. Stenography and Dictaphone Operating. I Apply In Person between 9 an-! 4 30,, k Room 6033, Metropolitan Building, 1 Madison Ave. tat 23rd St.), New York City, i CLERK. In insurance office; fine oppor tunlty for bright beginner: experience not necessary. Call 127 4>u?"'-'; St., corner Church St., r?n m 8 1. i IFFICE POSITH i S A number of bright willing young girls In large high class firm; exceptional work? ing ondltions; perman nl positions with si endid future; no previous business ex :- : ?? necessary; strictly Christian Arm. L'all after '? 30, Mr. Clark, Si tt - >.. 13 West nth st. Inatrnctloa WE CUT patterns to Individual measure? ments. Opening display of fall model? Commencing Sept !?t!i McDowell Dress? making & Milliner* School 25 We^: 3?th St. HELP WANTED MALE BOY, over 16, run errands and make him? self generally u/seful iround office; $12 per week - - Apply Rand. :?' Nally & Co., (2 East 22 I HOY or voung man wanted in dei tal ess; must have referen.I chance for advancement, ?'all a m. Room 1314,( 50 union .--i BOYS from 14 to 16 for messenger and general of rice work; good opportunity for Industrious bo>s. Apply 1S4 Nibsau st., 2d floor. HELP WANTED MALE BOYS for light messenger serv? ice; $12 a week to start; chance fot advancement. Apply Room 312, Tribune Bldg., 154 Nassau Street. COOK, experienced In dinners, wanted; to - ??. East? rn ! un :h, 17a Broadway, ; ? ? . . a. near Willi imsbui g ? ? l SETTER wante 1 . A -1 man. J. Gelier, 125 Canal. FIREMAN wanted; references required. A ; ply Eng ineei pui ping ? ' ? I n, Cen. tei ville ave. and R cka ..a y Bi .. h 17?: I^HssssssssHsss^l^l^l^HsBssssssHsss^l^fl SALESMEN WE HAVE SEVERAL OPEN? INGS IN OUR SALE- OR OANI55ATI? ?N F' ?R ?'i >MPE TENT A 77 I> AMB1TI? ?US SAL? ?EN OF THE F? >L LOWING QUALIF1CA1 MINIMUM OF 3 TEARS" EN PERI EN? 'E SEI LING " I THE RETAIL TR \ 1 >E BE EN THE ACES OF 77 AND o 7.. DESIROUS OF LEAVING NEW YORK CITY AND TRAVELLING A ' '' >MPACT TERRIT? >RY IN AN AUT? > MOBILE. IF YOU ARE DESIROUS OF ESTABLISHING '? i CTURE FOR YOURSELF WITH V.N INSTITUTII >N OF OUR CHA RACTER WITH? >UT MA? TERIALLY SACRIFICING YOUR : M ME! MATE EARN? ING i 'APACITY, Y? MR AP I'LICATI? 'V. IF SUBMIT' ED \V ?'?'11 R BEEREN? ?ES, V, I !.'. BE GIVEN PR MPT AM? C? i.NFlDENTIAL C ONSID ER ATI ON. APPLY IN PERSON OR TEL? EPHONE FOR APPOINT? MENT, ASKING FOR SALES MA NAHER. Robt. li. Ingersoll & Bro., 80 IRVING PLACE, 4TH FIAJOR. Instruction At'Tn INSTRUCTION?We teach repairing an-i driving l?i short time License guar? anteed; ladies' classes; also Ford 1-ssuns. American Auto School, 72-J Lexington ave. (69th). Plaza 4ulti. LEARNT.? BE \ CHAUFFEUR x easant, profitable work; day an! evening i ? ??? Send fi r free booklet and visitor's pass. West Si le Y. M. C. A , 308 West 57th st. MEN wanted to operate moving picture machines in theatres; we teach you days or evenings. American Theatre Building, ?44 Sth ave. (42.!.. Bryant 1519. AUTl i 1NSTR1 CTION, ?J16 ?Dav. evening; Cadillac, Studebakor. Mit? ch? !'. & ?J. Co., 1303 Lexington ave. i s ?it li). SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID v. UTRESS and cook young Irish pirls together: .;ty apart mom; both exc at nts ? '.. M Iss Hi tmav? a \ ????:? . 10 East 13d st , 3d floor T? : v'?47 Murray H I CHAMBERMAID ?oung fi ah girl: plain ...... y R., Miss Hofmaver's Ag n 10 11 ' d st., i ?' : pnone SH47 Murra : I CHAMBERMA 1 D I'oung .- I h city fa mil lilgl 'd. ? ; I Miss FJofmaj ? i Agencv. 43d St., 3d 1 t! ?. I'elei hone 8947 Murra : CHAMBERMA ap] i I hon ughly expei ? ? ?-. ? ptional. '. well re nmended . ?C0. Mrs. M ison's Agency, : - \\ ? ? CHAM BERMA ID- \3 aitr iss >r chai ibei ? ial 1, neal. nice young girl: excelli I references; $65. Mason's Agency, 18 W. 4 3d. Vanderbilt 9053. CHAMBERMAID-SEAMSTRESS, Gen experl? need; b? st n ferences ; cltj coui try; wages $60-$65. Lang & Boecherei ?",. . 47 Y-- st .. ,1 St. CHAMBERM \i !> - Us. ful, neat, tied Irish girl: excellent referen Mi,. Ma-,ais Agency, 18 West 4..i. \jii derbllt I Cooks ('. il iK Finnish w. 11 in vei ? desirable ser? ant. excel ent tactful v $100-$lin , 'a Hofmaver'n U.'ii 1" 10 :;: i si., a! H ? a. i. 8947 Mur Hill ? I 11 'K (SCOt ' a" : p?tent, cons. I is, a best ' ? - ... . : a ..;.$; Agency, IS West 43d COOK ' ? ? I ' Neat na... ?v ? in, thorous nc>d sn a'.', fan ... aparl in? nt ; ex rences; $60 Ma son's A i,-.m? y, 1 s W? si ; ' . ?''"'17 \ mmodating, neat, competent, conscientious, a : i 'a >: ? ended; 5 t .lav. M ason's Agen . . - West i:l. \ an lerl It .K capable ? : ta 57:.. cl ty luntry ; three la -.a ??? M ?? Ph. ; .. Agei a i;, list. Murray Hill 6774, ? i '? '. M7 Will do .-?' a a wash . n ;at, Rood, ible, sett I - ' in; ex. ref. . ? . ? .. ? ? - 'a. ' ? ' . ,? : ? ? : : ' . ' -, . 01 tj . a . .'..a try host references; wa & Bo : er Co., 43 West I i a' COOK?Chamb. Scotch; excellent r e f e i i es : ra ssy Agen ? . v Six! u a ?a C? " >K, y.,una- neat, efl l ref erences M isa a haug hnessv a B60 6th ,.-. COOK dings. J. Feursi I East 11 Day Workers I PAY'S Wi HIKER ' >n i ? Lau rea? i leaner first class, highly i ? ? ? a ! ' West . SI 10 M., a s A,; . IS Wes ; 47.1. Van lcrbilt 90&3. DAY'S \\ . i it 1-7 . tompetent won . a ?. IS] Ing or ? '? ?.? a s, ' . ' W. ' 1th si . tier ? Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS-CHAMBERMAID or- assis! - - - W ???: ' .. ' girl; excellent references i ?.,, - y, ; - \Vi -' 1 ; LAUNDRESS?Excellent, . ng reference <? i-$l H? M s Ar E. 13d st., 3d floor. Telephone Y. ray li LAUNDRE refei i Lane ,v i:...-cherer Co., i ' '?'. Nurses, Etc. INFANTS NURSE (Pi testantl Very : : ig '? ! ? 1S West i INFANTS' NURSE Amei for child I s F Miss Hot Iyer's - - ?. I is' 3d flooi .' ' INFANT S M Its!. immende?l uywl 7: ? . ?: i: i -- Muir? i ' : ?Ni'.\3.7 fl .' US? Com? i .-?.-. ? $66 ?7 ? Lang & Bo '.-'?i: ? ire tw .- . ? '?? gi-ney, 6 E < . ? 374 n'??-?;. ? g d w ig?s .-.- S . , ? . . berer 43 Wes : Waitresses WAITRESS -Young Irish girl, with or ' parloi ? $65 $70 B. Miss Hofu ayer's Ag? I E 4 ? ' --. . - ;7 Mur WAIT ESS !', ' rn lid, young, neat, nice i :-.,-., -. tee pi $65. Masoi 11 West 43d V. M PRESS. PARLOR MAI1 - gii b? - ref e re i ci t j i wages, $65-$7 . v Boecherer ? '.. , 43 ? ? -.-. 'WAITRESS, thoroughly experiorfced ; best references; city-country, Miss, Shaugh nessj 3 Ag ncy, ?60 6th ave. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALI Professional ? '?? \ ?:;: ?.?. In hts,h rl?ust : ' ? is ! :'... ? - ? ' ? M Miscellaneous 'LE '. v ? ? - . ? . ? - . ? ...... - 5175. 3 V a i r h i 11 ?. - ? - ? ' . 6 E. 11st. Mu ri - i . sepa - ' ' 0774 '. ? ; ? ' 1 : : : '. - . ' ' . Miss Ho . -. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE : i , ' ? - ? ' ' ' . na a i ; , w . -? BUTLER ? : ' - Misa . > B. lin 7.: n ? Shs . , " A .;? a tcei ?? tire ? s . -i ? ,i ?' la'S Ag l'PI.E? I ' ' t. wit I ? I3d st., 3d C :: '. y \ ? '. ? ? : . first class i -. B ' i - ? . ( ' > ? ?. :.?-. ?'"-?? JAPANESE t 46t? st.; Bryant 7 '87. has : . 111 a n l i a ' ... . , L'SEFUl ... -, ? . 0774 . ?' ' .... ...'.' I i . Mu M EMPLOYMENT At. KM [ES LA' The 1 Iggest ..,-? i . f !i P LAZARE'S 200 East 72.1 ? ; i BUSINESS CARDS Carpeta and Kugs 1NC '? i M ? DISON *\ . . ' ?ter. \\ ... I. - la ;..-. plain, O ? i II . ' ; .-?? LUI? . - ? S J i s ? 5. ' ? LAYIN'i;. ING. REI.l A Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS bourht ?nd sold for rti> from lusls o? esialss, BENNETT - l"i l; .... : . . -, ! Ilooi Furnitur? WE PAT I - ' furnltur? plai ? '*?. art, i. Y. SS University I ? ? ... i 11." .i" paid f " ?? Bris nia..,.' but Art. Patents and Inventions ig ?a? ? ? a St H: ? IHIttiAl '. -v ana used mrtrok? bet il : ?: ?". II! SINKSS Ol'I'ORTI M I ?I > - ? Kill ? , \ ! ES' Mill. ES ? i- - - ?? r Honorable IP - art y of New Yol la . ? a ! ? - ? a : - - the - ? ?? with lubsci a.: ,. ?,???'". ? i. 11 Us a j '. ! ?n - New y rk on ei rbofoca tn? lay <?f ated '? the li ?day of Jun*, IS 20 CAROLIN? R " KIM Executrix. ADAM WIENER, Attorne toi Bx?c?< tru No -'t. Boroufb of Manhattan, City ?>f Now York. JE . i'v'l-t-RSU ?.? ble i ihn i' ? N-w * I per? i against Fr' B ? -,i Yon, ? r IM h ? piac? 1 ..-?i!,,?a., . ? M.I BtrMI '-? w li-,., on or before the next. i New forl the Tth day. of July, ?920. LAURA H. JENNINGS Executrix I $V''T?SON, JENNINGS ftJRUSfJCLL, At ro ,&}"? fAr Executrix, ft Broad Street, New York City.