Newspaper Page Text
Reports of Shipping and News of Foreign Trade Frf?th Broken by Sbippini? Board, Lines Declare Atlantic Conference Sends Benson Protest Against* His Action i:i Reducing Rates Without Warniir Hrav> Losses involved Foreign Companies .Ask lor assurances o? Co-opera? tion; Freight Likely the Shipping Hoard is to eral ;?.?? ri ations with th ? ?nn be doi ?" ? -? -. ? . ? - i - ? ' 01 Ad r . ? mo 3 ? : - ?-? ! ? In ? Be... - Bf A sd\ s ta Bo; ? It em ? . io . ? ? ? nit ' 6 Ki \ \t Ian tic ines in thi vv ill pn babl y wer of Ad board, .-.! to ? . .. ? r a .- I 3 A , ,. ;'. ; . 7-i-p ?S ? Y ard, a?t< r entering own request ling 1 le stab ? 11 prc\ i o us it the cai ried by ?'? : ? tl ling ? :? other rit of 1 - i ':: 7- tO a r i ? - - ; -ordanci I ween I mi ral Ben . shipping ranee ? - - . : ? Fren : e rates, ? t i on of ! '. ? -. ? - '. ? ? ? ippi B ? nee ? - foi Confei - - ,. ... p. : as con - . . . '-.-. - fer ad ? tit Tl ! ' I - mu r ?rve to .itch mci ? ? ? to till 1 - - '. ' ? - ? , -, -. - M ? l ? ' tiour is i read; ? ' . ?. won Id - .. ? : ... ; eon tn ? r ? ' 1 .- ' ' lii ? t in 1 or" of tin lost 1 . of I A e, . n I I -v I I . . n e out, the ' ,i ' ; : - -, n o 11 the tituti ? . i of : ' '. .i im - - ? of and con ties - ?? - per? hi i h ti i ? e d '? ' . - . : ; mera i 3 i el | . ; - ? ! . ver) ' ' ' ' '? ' you . 1 O! ?CM : lion o Ion ' ?-,. ? IU will I -t ' in., t! "' lOMly a rod to even ?a? . ? n o 1 -, ?,,. - ?li? n fur : .vi -,'. jr.' til i ? i ? of our thou; been v . y- oppoi |? Pi ?-.. ? ii -, o been J0**? d ii on w here i uiterial able to steam '.: >' '- ping Board and the ore.;. wo are I ' - SP'?ion ?? ? your action H?UI; :. ... give U vn?' ' rate changi will not br ,.,.,- -.....- dance *Ro , . . rangi :-. nts to ??W Hoard and their op?ratoi ?Tench Deputy lor Freedom Of Imports and Exports PARIS, 0 Freedom of im jilUorts ' ' I ?????? red by M. jWMUrd finance ??omm.i;, e of -'? . n ?puties, ^ho has nski d t . adopt ? r?solution to ? . etTecl says the H? declares tl ? i the i |? w ... to reauc, public expend ? . knd that i!L?Sv' pro lucts, th? which, Uns ?? ulted ; - ti(. "?hutting ?own ?, many r.-K-toiios, Tia* boon caused Hy the pubhc refusing to buy *f ??"cmjnt of the constant increase in of living. 7*1 ?fColif In the World of Shipping Thal the Kovernment, while it re-; mains in possession of a crcat volume ! of merchant shipping, is in a position to make or break any port in the United I States is shown by the Department of ('mu m creo returns indicating marked i reductions in New York's share of the country's foreign trade, shipping men al.V. \ iewed from any angle, in connection I th Admiral Benson's statement that' ho meant to break up New York's i monopoly by diverting shipping from this | rt. the power of the board is -' ident. Making all duo allowance for. the congestion nml strikes that have occurred here, it is plain that diversion of government vessels t?> other ports is the main factor In the reduction in three months of nearly a fifth in the value of the exports shipped from New York. S . far &s congestion and strikes go, , the fact remains that these were not in force in the months in which the re? duction was sharpest, and that there '' ro only their after effect could play part in the cutting down of the tmde. That the commerce of ? ? mt : as a whole increased dur period of New York's reces 011 . .,' other point, not to be over For aove tinie past shipping inter? ests have been commenting on the in-I creasing allocation of vessels to South- ? em ports. From the Pacific Coast1 there has been a constant cull for more j go, but the Department, of Com? merce figures show that this section's ? on of American sea trade hn ff steadily. Figures for ''?? Clul and south Atlantic i te1 ? : si o :'? . howeve r. X. ? 'i has hi a the South'! i,., i W : h tl ' no these d eve 1 : ents . '? ppinj men are wonderi n c ? ? ' ?? new : . vi n-head? d Shipping ' ? I p ai will work out. New York, ! can have but two representatives "? th? board, it : - poi nt ed out, a ntl i bilities of a coalition against thi . ??! -. arc i vident. If a policy of sec? tionalism prevails in connection with the al ha ation and ope rat ion of t, ? board' I ., ge, an element of menace to the development of the new mer ? ma : : ?." will be created. Black Eye for Concrete Ships Concrete v? -?'.-. another ol ihe | greal hipping discoveries of the war, may share the oblivion to which the wooden st.e ami rs of yesl evj ea r a re i up a ng consigned. Both underwrit? ers and mosl operators have viewed th? concrete ship doubtingly from the start, and the vessels have received :; conditio' al class from the classification societies. Advocates of the v. ''. have contended that the form of construction was 11 ustwi rthy, and that the Marine Reports THF, TIDES H ;li water Low 'water MM I'M AM I'M ,11:494 M ilovcrnor's Island 21 ? 5:24 I ... 12:42 .' ?' . ' ; 7:44 a he ab. .- Heures are standard and not '.'? w Y- -a. time. ARRIVED YESTERDAY v.??..]. Port. Docked a'. Cull 'jemal, Const; ill inoi e , . QU ....... ares Crist, bal ... Pier 15, l? It Jeff, rson, Xorioli.Pier 77, N\ It. ........ -h;!, a n. flutter?i-.i.i . . Pier 77. X. It. ..... i off Stai leton, s 7 Mil . r . ounl y, ! rt Lob? .... ? a b ?: I I" ?'.'?. X. .1. H ' ? [>- !">?. 1 ;? ? ? ' . lirooklyi i o?i*'a Pi.-r 2, Ei r. Ston s, IIi yi ? y 'I ? " ; ?c? ? a ; .i o . 'i Tompkin3\ Hie, S. 1 ? - ? I ' A i . i red ' Ti mpUll svllle, S. 1. ? ' ?-. ' . \ .' l ?..'.'? i ' ? I fton, F 1 il, x.-ti 11 Ic 1 ts, lildyii , t;. I n Quai . ?. a I . a ' . a . '..- ' | 1 Off K. 1 ? a a : n Qua : a ??' n > ' ? . .. : red ? ". ? -. in Quarantli , . a bei Hat: ria \nchn ! ? ? Hr. Ill ( liillll-c-, '. it ' tred [ri.l .I'.i-r m, .v r, IM OMIXH s rKAMSHII'ts Hue Ti.-lhl? \ -, --.ri Port Departure. Patris .I'ira? us .Oct. 1 2 '.'.'.H. muda ".....'..i ?ct. : 7 Mona??.. in Juan .Oct. 7K Hue To-morrow d Hall. ... "'braltar.? > ' ' ' ? M ' ' . """ -'? [.?pilen ! . . ad ? ? ; ' ' ' ?? : . .... una'J ........ Due ?A ednesdny I ? a .III !..:?,?? I. . . Ol't . ;., . . .All Hit ... ."''I Teresa Valparaiso ticl 16 . ... ? ?: ? . ' ? . - Hue I liursdil) i.. i. L. ? . Oct 2 S ol TCiOIXIi STEAMSHIPS Sail 'lo-il:?.? Mu ' \ ess?l . . . -i y ,< i : a :?..-. a . ' \ M 1 I I'M B u . i u ' . ?' M . " P.\l . , ? ? ?O M ? ?0 PM ....;:,? . , 12:00 M ->;iil To-morrow ? ? ion. v 30 AM 12 00 M ? i. Marta . " A M i ' 00 S M 12:00 M Sail Wetlneatl:? ??,.,. a HiT.tiAM 11. Ti M I'M I i ' ' ' . \ liarais.) 7 OU \ M \M v 10 \M ' M ,;,?!?: ?:.'t0 AM i?J M ? : : : n A M ' ; ! il . ?.M 0 I'M Curacao ?:8o Ail 1 :t-0 I'M .m l'rii .i::.'"? M " i r.\i 1. Hali !3:."'u I'M linn C ..-a..?? . ? - 17 00 M -, ? 12:00 M 1. .. I : ? 12:0(1 la ru. M -. 12: T. . .. a M ? ai ?bans - liai. 2 ? ? ? Ma. ? n Mai a . iiii.i . ? 12 00 M ng: , Havana I 00 M > ;? . Havana. . . I '0 M ? 1 . i ?? ' a.,.:,'tl,,l - 17 00 M p !.. . di : " 'io M ... - 11:00 AM S?ll Tluirndti) \ M a 00 M ? ? a.,... i 11:011 Ail ... 'asa. n . ; , a .\ M ; I'M Naples..12 00 M ll.l'.n 1 M '?' ' ' Vera fru S:S0 A.M 12 ?je M M . . : i?!ad. 9:00 AM 1:00 PM H Hi..i ... Il :30 AM J Princess ; . , Port Ar.' . . .12:00 M S 10 I'M Rotterdam ? 12:00 M lier, Man .- 12 no M Chipi >?.i,i ni ... - - 12:00 M Honoris by Wireless From the l . S. Naval Coiiinm mention Station -. n ml a. IL |. n - n : ... n. in unless otherwise specified.J Ata.iii.-ar. :>. 7'''. V\ Klaiaaul < let 30. v anee 7 N K Capo charles LV <?ct 3L 'va 10S S\\ H,m.iras Oct 30. a il ".'.' 1.01 ' t: )-'......a a ? ?et 2t>. ?Amelia lat 41? '..[, S Ion ?9 716 W Oct t?. Ancon 928 S Scotland LV Oct V?. I Anclta 44 N Jupiter Oct ??. concrete ship could he relied upon to give a good account of itself under any . ondil mus encountered. The experience of tho Shipping Board steamer Cape Fear is cited by the opponents of the concrete ship as nn example <<f the shortcomings of Mus type of construction. In collision with the Cavannah Line's steel steamer City of Savannah, the Cape Four sank in three minutes. The steel vessel was damaged, but she made anchorage safe? ly, with no loss of life. A number of the crew of the concrete ship were lost. Man; Ships, hut No Buyer? Chances for the sale of the wooden tonnage owned by the Shipping Board are not. improving with age, Admiral Benson is now convinced that there is no American market for these vessels, and an qttempt will he made to Fell them abroad. There have been many previous attempts of this kimi, but the! Shipping Board will try again. With steel steamers a drug in the market us at present and with Scandinavian ship owners canceling their contracts with foreign shipyards at heavy losses to themselves, the outlook for sales abroad is not a rosy one. In a recent statement by a Shipping Board official praise was tendered to Edward N\ Hurley, former chairman of the board, lot i bravery with which iii> eul do-, n ' government's ship? building < nun immediately after : he armistii . ?:i Ibis connection it is interesting to note the official records of the Bureau "r N'avigation in regard to American tonnage holdings. These show that at the time of tho armistice there were registered as sea? going vessels 170 wooden steamers, ag- ? Kregating 361.000 gross tons. Mr. Hurley's cancellations were made just after this, bul at the beginning of Oc? tober, two years after tho armistice, .. of wooden steamers under ? registry had risen to 376, of (hi figures represent, private . - government owned tonnage, - of v. ooden steamers built ' - owners has been practically Shipping Board considers 33 I. al are in good enough to sell. It remains, however, I : i purchasers. \i Echo From Hamburg n lowing, from Uamburg, illus .--.? among other things matters ???time ave not as they were in i ; ? : many ; American captain of American ship, -.-. itchiiij the un loading of his vi -? ? el at a Hamb n g dock. A German dressed in wi rk m.' clothes addresses him in pi t-fect ! ? i. ?rn . . : "B fore the war T was the ..: f a '? .0(10 '"ii ship. Now I'm ing of sicvedores unloa ling your sh i. u hat do you think of thi A --. ,- ; "1 ? hink ' hat if you had tin? war I wouldn't be bossing a gang of stevedores; I'd be one of the edores." -.- lirai .??? lii : Ige lut .'?.' 00 X Ion 66 l? W ?K-l \ni i'-tinn lui 19 10 X lrni 77 11 W Oi t 29. ??-. liei ; 40 S .lupin r Oc-l : 0. -.:'?:? . '-.?... 11 ? l L .:.- s :.-. B Pnwfv Ji Oct 2 \ ? ? s\v i ? ? ? ?V -. .m : l K\V li?t! -..?'?? 33 ?n Kran S PM Oct 1 : 4 1 . ? ,. ? ., \\ i ? ii Ut il Sa ,-annuli i !? -i .-,. ; -, il ? . ? ..- i ? -i '" Hf-atri 11-7/ iRiitor It? i-f i n l 30 . ??.,-.-.? ,;??? Henry Oot lii nifr 5"W Saud Ki?y om , I l'aji Henry i i 3 ...3 E Ainbrosi l.V? - ??! 1. . : ' -.- . ? 9SE W S?attie r, I'M Oct 27. : . ?i.ll I ? .-? San Kran S l'.M Ocl 29 Uran?! m V SW K? nvvli 1? ? ... i :,i. Rurnwell 50 E Nonos Ig! in.l ? Kit 33. Llvlayl ? S Kl m lslan.1 ? ' : ?11. Cil]'! 1 K liin-as fM S Cap?i !..i Tou Ile 3 I'M Oct 28. rijoNlimt Hill 90 N'W Tortuca i Oct 30 iv 1 11 S Pan Francisco Oct 29 ' 3 :?: i.. :-? llatti rus 8 PM , ICI City ? Col imbus I : S N'NE llatti as Ocl ? Cit> . : .].iliet 2,71 0 W Honolulu ? p\: Ocl - ' i il , of Montgomery 2110 s .- col la tid LV ? ? i . ol l'ara 1,020 S Ran Krancisco t. PJI ? t> ol II. mi US 3 W Cay Hi afl ' let El. 1,:?S8 SSW 3. aille S PM - - ? 27 it I'll nil Cap i :? : O ?v , - 1. .. ?t; ."..-; ? apa Henry Oct El. oct :9 Peak ? '?-. x Cai ? Y, nry Oct El 10 KV llntl .,...,-., llaii.l iii-i an passed 1 a Oct 31 ?? '?' ". Cape -..-?-. s i?M ot t : SE Norfolk < et 30 . - ' : ?-... K 'l'ami i Oct EQ ? V,' Sun Kl .. : . isco S !\\i 5 San Krane too Ocl 3- i x W :?'.. n Francisco -. V M ? S Roulli Pass Oft ' 0. lili .. 3 .!-..?' : i off l'un? ?? x. ,7 San i I-.?'- ? ?. - ."?? ?: ? 3. ? ll.'iilopi'ii Oot E0. ?.i i i E Am ? . ..?;? a! , ? ' ? '. Ion 61 B0 W ; II i 1 "??'?;' Kl.ittt i '. S :?.-?'. .-. l?-i chant J 00 N \\ atling Island ' : . ? i :-: i ??1. 117 V. N W I oi ? jga . ,- i - -.n ' ? ? : '?-. - i,v i let ? 9 K' 1 \ I . -,,....,:? w ? \ I i: 7, : , . , ,. ? (J . - Il?n I, tu? '-'. HI I-'i ind .- S I'M ? :. ?. Elulicol ? ? ? ! I'M Oct I! - ! : I,-, S S3,u- ii Pa- ', ?i la I ; Ion 7 7 2 \V Oct 28 i. - \K Uriirantii u?-| ;' ! - \ . I?. - - \ , Sim?is Oct 29 ill N lull lui 1,", U" di-l I . - - \\ ;... ..?? -,... .- S -i !, ..-. S I'M I . Uei ral tl \\ . , ? li - - Vinbrose Oil ; ' 1 - ?'? > . 3. Krylngpan Shoo 's ' ???? -, 11 .1 : - fnutli E Oalvci n - - ,| ?,?-, . NE Hani??-a Del 31 ,:?-,,... ?ib, 11.-; ! ? let E0 - . ? I 1.3 Nl a is ssw i . , ' ? , lil.'i IVXH i ..--..- . Ocl ..... ,i J1 Ocl 31 ? ? . i. ; ? iilius Ocl '' ?? i : l.slan.l i) ?? 7. - - . I,V Oct ,11 is . '.-. Honolulu 8 I'M Oct 3? ?? ? , ? 3 .. I. .> I .7 11 Itawaiin lal I 24 N Ion 11 2U U I '? I 3",' ........,, i . ,. i S P,M Oct 29 t 70 S .luplU-r Oct 29. Hllmi ....-.' -i li- ??! ? '.i ???? . ?? la I ii 39 \ Ion ?? 3 23 \V t let 31 i 10 W S mil K? -.- ' '"i 29. '. iS8 tj fsaiui Hook I let 30 ? no tin ? ,;i ,-? i- ? ' i - - : i 3 i; : ... la wa ro Brea 3 n ator ? .- W 11 itt. ras ' let 29. <B Xai Kki't i ' . Hum . Hall 1.3 S Norfolk ' ? I 10 i loxlni ?' 13 SE i ape Fear t) t 29. i Hola.-,. : - l.l ,obos Ocl li-... : - . \\ Tat? oi 1. S I'M i ict 29. ! - ? um ? itl i : om s at l le S I'M i ici 2S. ! : .- 1,789 S Sa n 1 '?:.? noisoo ' -, I 1 ? . ? ? SKI Cap? Halteras 13 Oot 3 3. ,1 \ i : -.: . ..<>?; Port i .obos Oct 30. ,1 1-1 O'.N 170 K bobos Islantl ' ?t 30. .1 M ! i ,i....i;- r 190 K t'ailipli o Ocl >J. .1 \\ \ an I '?? ..-? '. 70 S ( 'ni- May Ol t 30. .',,!.,] i 918 from llulb? a ( let 3''. .'? an 92 SW M.,! leras ? ict 29 Katherine 670 W San Francisco 8 l'.M < i. ! 29. ;? .,--, pah 100 N Jupiter Oct 30, Kekoskla 90 N Hatterus 8 P.M Oct 30. 1 !.. , I. v. 135 H Ambrose YY ? >ct SI. Kokoino 170 SE Ambrose Oct 80. I. a Drake 22 l-l Sand Key Oct 29. I.abetl- ?60 H l'ui?- li-ni ?? ' ?? t 29. la ? Oahoon 1 50 w N'W Toi tugas Oct 30. I .ill ? Chai lottesvl le 58 ENE Calvcston Lake Crystal lat 3 1 3,9 N Ion 7S 02 YV Ocl 30. . rt ter 12 R \ l>si - on l.V < ici 30 Liik? K rah : >^^ Klre Island tict 31 . : s Vmbrose Ocl i... Kali fa c lal 38 . ; \ Ion . t W ? ? : 0 l.akt? ""uirlie 3T?, s;' Soul li Pass ? ?? i '?'. : ..... F irlln 3 -i: -- .uth Pass 0?-l 30 : . Kan agut . ?' E ?'ape M .. y i ' ! 31 I.ak? 1-iKuri it,.. WNW Tortuga? net 80. l.ak. Kill more '. i SW C*p?a Halt.-rus LV, ? n ? 29. Uki. Kithian lat 0 il S Ion SO 42 W Oot so. Lak* Korsby S viSH Overfall? Oct 3*. Lake Frmley <6 SW Tortuga? Oct 30. Lu kl ut ORii l? Cap? Henry Oct 29. .1 Clenevn 39 SSW Hut terna i ?cl 30. Luke Cil l?os 828 S Ambrose I K ? 30 1 . .?? Hei lui I 42 H San I Island ? ?et 30. Lake t'a a.?? , . i.... sw Tampico < ?et 29. Lait a Still-., t 2 M \'\v t.n- is ' ?cl 30. ! i..,u. Hunai i-o 125 8 Halteras Oel Lansing; 148 rrom Port ?an Luis 8 I'M L . . \ .'.,:.,a 1 : 7? W San Pedro t I'M 1 '"t 29. 1.11. Hell i k c.,|.,? il. ni y Oct I. l.'i;li' bui ne 171 si: s., bine Un r Oct 29. Llsonlor 212 15 s iblno Oct 30, la, m 120 .-? Cup. 11. nlopen ' ?et 30. !.neigen .11 Cape Mai ? ... I'M t ?cl 31. Mn law .a?... (AT) 112 S Scotland LV Oct 7,1. Ma len 11.1 ENE Wlnter<|U.irter LV (let 30. ? Manliowoc Ids - Ambni ? ?cl .to. Manon 135S \V Sun Fran Isco S PM Oct 29. M .-.... albo ??34 S Scot land I ,V ? ?, I 30 Margaret Cuughlun ?in N Culuinbla River - I'M Oc.l rs Marshal Alleriby l.n '.4 21 N Ion 81 no W Martha Washington 2<'.( s Ambrose o.-t 31, Mason Pit; 31,' SI Jui t- , Uci 29. Mi tapan SO N irth t 'ol m i > I 29. Mexli ?no ! 79 ,- W l?alv. stun I l< ' 10 Ml -r.,., :;77 \V Kan !'? dru s I'M Oct 29. ? Mol?a?? i? 785 S Ambrose LV ' tri 2 i 94 Sl'7 South Pass Oel .7" Mundalo 2? NE San?! 17". Oct 29 Mm piai .? 290 S Sandy Hook ' ?cl 2*1 Myrmidon l?t 27 42 N' ion 1U.30 W 8 PM : 30. Nnugus L300 W Midway Island 8 I'M del 29 Nelson 270 SSW Oct 30, Nes?o lut 2r. 12 N Ion 83 24 W Oct 30. Neshobce pd Cape Charlea 7:15 I'M Oct 30. New Vork 154 NNE Halteras Oct 30. N? ?vton i.,( 30 40 N Ion 73 40 W ? let 31. Nora 208 S Ambrose Oct 30. . ictorara 23 ? 'ape Halteras LV Oct 29. Olvi pic an-., in Cape rtaco '"? P M Oct 31. .lo i"i Pirn I: Innd 12:20 I'M Oct 31, Orator '?: 0 fl Capo Plattery s I'M i i. : 29. ? ?n cutan '.1.2 S Al :.let 30. ?Il m.00 17 Ainbrua I >? I 30. .,..?;. 125 S Hat terna ? ti I 7,0. Paraguay ? xn Cape Lookout Ort 29. 1 a.a:-.a ana 734 N Ci ist obal I ?. t 30. Paul l! Harw.I 02 SSW ?antucket Oct Pi ? lion 220 r. Tan I.a. 1-244 17 Tampli o Oct 7n. I'.aut Adoi s 1.993 S San Francisco Oct 29. p lai ne : 40 SB Sabine Pass ? ?et 30. Pi " ... Plumas lat 7;9 53 X Ion 50 02 W Rap '., 2.'" r P irt Lobos Oct 30. Fia?' . 150 NE Jupiter ? ?cl 29. Ricin m cal : ',7 N Colon ' ici 31. 30 '; Capo Mala 10 AM Oct SO. 1! val \rr, w 1,0 19 N Colon ? ?ct 7.0. Hu? h 53 !7 Pire Islan'l ? ?ct 2r'. Sal m Countv 147 SV, Soul h Pass Oct 30. -., ? n ! 90?! W San I 'ran. i ipo S PM t ai .: -. - ,n lili i 310 S Niiiitui 1'-' LV ' ?. i 30. .. : i i. ,-, ni ino 20 la Great ta un Slioals Mi S Nanl m ket LV ? ict 30. al S Cape Mala . let 30. i t S?Ut h San Fia. ncisco , 250 SE South Pas? Oct 29. Hita 830 s S; n Fl in. isco S PM r, .'.l si-: c ipe Henry Oct ' 0. Snxe.ii 1 s Allierai li?e t Oct 30. . . ; ???. ?: : ib. i Oct : 0. n 0 s . ':.;? ? M ila t '.-t 30. ? . . : ;,,,.. ', W Sand K- ? " I 30 Sonoma : !09 M H. nolulu 8 PM ? '-t -? n?i irtl 50 N .lupitei I ?et 29 h. :?? nt 41 2 X Ion ?2 29 W O. U,n 2,51 : W San Francisco S -a 11 in An. ;\V Cal ? .n i ?cl 3 N 14 h ri Oel -"? . 400 W San Prancl Tai .-.,'?: Sand K irvil!' 15 7 NE l'an t .luplti'l i ni 125 -1. ' a . - idiai IV> . i. ?;' ? ICO E Cap? Il V. nuira l. t T fi '.,' .- ... ?' t n W ' ' uni t : mai - Finit? ?' ' PM : k ?'i istobal ' a III I NE Cap. \ M Oel E Tu : a n Oct 30. San?! '".?"?' ' '-t 29. S Hin ??--. 14 SE .: iptlei . >, i 39. : . M NE Havana ? ?et 79. ? i . ? ? aa . 500 W - ?'. Fran, isco ' il. ury I'M I'M ' Oct "a 2,816 SW H .nolulu oot 374 Vi" San Francisco l PM ? '.' 7 ',' SW Honolulu S PM t ' Ca a- May S PM Cap? Fiai . y S PM '.',, i.l i V. Sill !' ': . S P.M ! . mi 1,711 IV San Km isco c PM ' L ? K . ?3 from Los \ ngole? ? ici 29 Keats 1 IS W Columbia Itlvci ? PM n i.".'! W San Francisco S PM 30 M Vi '? a ' ? s: . ?., pC Fiai t? i y s I'M Ni I IV ! : ?. ...a lu s I'M Oct 2? .?21 ?V San Francis. ? S PM a. - i a . 'omel i W i h- mina 77 '1 l! 7'. .,- |en . ? - from V' ru t ... i ' ?: ! FSE s' il il", .ai: 10 E Cape 11 nr> ' 240 X T, :., Oel a S70 : Ami i -,?? i i ? 2! ? i 03 N Ion 6 ; ''S TV San Fran? isco S PM 10 ENE Lobos Island Cruz i i. t 30 AMERICAN PORTS N - i ' . ii It .1 .ni I.ab. ..... k . ? ? ... a - Inkula (Hr) Philad phia . t 'ubon ??.???? i ..:,,..,:., II Port Ti ' \ ... add. n I Noi I ? ! ,-in I ' . . . -. Iti ' ? .. . a ? :..';.. m .... Uiuiipnui ?' Vllai fl-'r). Hold aux . ?: L? im ; Win i, Pe? na u on News; l'a: .M. - - a n (Xor) I laria l'al i . I ; , lion .lam Point lob:? Davli (Hr) Ta: '. ? . . In V (It). I'll .'.. ., A at! : ' H ' t.- l'a! . Cal? ', I\ i] h u Cap.. Henry, Vu o ? ! I'.,.... i ?? fur Ball ' a Poi Lobos Lake ? ?en - ' i, Calv-sl . .' ? Passed I ! il 11 III l o n ' a, . ? y , \ ... v a ml : .- . Heltorl Si X.i.a. Ire ; Fa ?? efl II ru .-nul Hui - a Cull ' ? . I ' ' ' Vrl hui '? ? a ?. a i \,.w port N. Pa . : CI ....... a. a?| (llr). Cienfui tius; Red id? . ! i ' i II A It LE ' S'. cl ! . \ I . \ ; . -'] ux, i ? ,j \ m , Tes ? ; : . Lull . .? ?? : lilas. Phlladelphi i . Maxi IHivana; ?I .ri, il " '' ' ' > I: Sirs Red M un 'S ' re ?nui Hoi ? ?larl (cub) s '.'? ' " ? C!i ' Man. h? -, ? ?a : Liverpo Vaeuui impie. ....... I'o? Aril i .-. :.. . ni 111 c o la ' ' ' '.'a.,- Mia 1 ' ' Hi -la? i. . : - a la Havre, ? : IllWI a :.,,!' i ' ... ? d?llalo Ta : Hreiiii md il am bu ig Greece, I ACKSONVILLE ?let . ' ? Lak. ' i... i-lei ., . ?? \stmab Colon t o N ? ? ' V i ' : . ' ' -. ' i. . ? Hai a..,',. . . . . "i urh. ida Chu . : ? ? . New Vork ... led: -' : 111 '-' KFOLK. \ ... Oct 'i Vn Sirs .a ?,. inn : ', ... : 1 i-r U i -a I'hilait.-ipliia . N. .a 1 ? a La 11 u 11 ?? i ? \ n r u s Mum, II ? ? ; ,. P.. r i '..?a a l ;:.... u? leinanai 111 1 Si.iie.l : ' isli Mopai 11 (H ,. ,. . I'llila (Hi ! :? ? i ?? - i i(i a War i churu. . . Scot ? . I . i ' ,a Li lyres Pi .. u.s via i i - Hygja ?... (U , l'hila lei ? phi i Ero! . : '? ' i ? I eau ?i I . .? A 'S - a. ...-?? . a bai l< ?, i. a . a? \\ a ? 1(1! de Jan . : ??(?plialn (111 I'll 11 Al 'Kt.l'p I V . ' ' An sirs West I Slav, Ne?? \ : . .1 W Van : ? 7 Port Lobo?; i 'awson City, - it- ??"?? Island i ' " ' 31 Passed d .wn from Phaa lei] ' . -1 Modesta t Nor I, Hei gen ? ? . I'i A so tin ??:.... ... Marcus Hool Pa i ict i isse.l down fron hilad. St I! hus (Fr), Mu - - le (Hr). Rio de. ! il ,i ?val . ' .valer. Oct 1 ! ; . a r 1 '1 . a ? I , :, . i It: i. Manchesl ?" Pas it I un Piula hia Stra Bibb .. i bil ; Lackawa una i ? , . - reduii Rotl mi; P? naghl's Verbot I s .'ike St Nazalrc. poll I' TA M l'A. < '-i 31- -Sailed : Str Mas "a :?'.. - i a., vi i l-C? ? V\ -' in irt Alt TH :'K T? t, i ict .ti -Ai rived : Sirs A C Nelson, 'rumia Polarlne, New ? . Mattati '1 exaa City. Sailed . Str ! Gulf "f Mexico. New Vork. p. iRTLA ND, Me, Oct : \rt veil Sir Meteoi Corfu 1< !. i KAU ' . ' ' ' ?.rrlved Rtra Edward? Norfolk; Yuro C H : ' ' ' V u m a Salle?! - ii 1 Oran Al : . I ?' l.,, ?m roro ill and Cristo! ? na via Havana , , ? . , . . ii'l ... a? Ii Mackel ?? ? >:? ' >?vn i : i : Evan?, l'ami Hui ' nsoi ? i I ,a i..- !"???. Mat? lena? Cuba. Lut? ? Frlai Vnlllla a ml ? ilia n port?, Meiltiiu (llrl, Liver) .a. Pro gii'j.i: Ram.. Hltn SAN I-'R ? - : ?. ? Oct 31 Salle i 4lh. Penaacola, Manila; Lurllne (Hi), it >? ulu China, Hon% Kong; Tjiaondatl (Hi). Ha avia via S??ntl|f.; San Antonio, Punta. r?-ntii? ; < irn nl, Ha vr>*. ? SAVAN.VAH. Ha, Oct 31- Vrrtved: CU: f Montgoni'-ry. New York; Ariadne Irene Un, i', nsm ol .. Sailed : 30th, I-tai leni, [avre; Co<|Ultt, Liverpool. T\\ii'\. i'ia, i ict 31- -Arrived: Hilton, altlinore; sehra l.i.iv Manan. Sagua la ?rande; Cinco Hermanos (Mex), Laguna. '-ailed; Schi li, Black, St Andrews l-'OKKUJN PORTS Oepnri urr-? for New York Hamburg s .-. il Lucltenbach. Cherbourg- s s Kran? ? ? Seec.lee - S s New Texas? Marseilles?H S Mirlan l.amlis. Havre S H Hrynhlld Soul hampton '/???? land. Table Ha? s s Eastern Crag, Ben ires Buenos Aj res S s Il ?Jila ir. Bristol S s rtoston Clfy. Huelvu S S Nuria. Leghorn -S S Sztsrenyl. l'ara .-' 9 Benovetite. l'i... ma Canal, Cristobal?S. S Dollar, Arrivals from New York Havre s s Kai-nworth. Algiers S S Jefferson County. Antwerp- s S Huslii r, Algoa Bay?S S Ar il go wan. cork s s Milwaukee ?rldge. J ' I v ?n out h~s Si la ron la. Bristol S S Bristol City. Southampton?S S Adriatic. i lunedln - s s Icela nd Montreal s s Macaddam. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S. s Mi. ru. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Tim connecting malls close at 'lie g?n e>al postofflco and ? Ity Hall postofflcs ??' ?II. n New Sfork, at 6 p. in., as follows: Tahiti. Marquesas, Cook fsliinds air.l spe? cially iddr? ssi -1 mall for Now '/.-?:? and, Australia, ?u Sun Francisco, S S Marama, Ni ven b?-r 3. Hawaii, via San Francisco, S s Manoa, November ft. Hawaii, Kljl Islands, New Zealand an,] Australia, via Vancouver and Victoria, 13 ?'. S s Niagara, November 10. Japan, Corea, China, Siberia, Sia?n, French Indochina, Netherlands East In dles and Philippine Islamls via Vancouver and VI torla, B. C, ?3 S Empress of Bussla, November 13. General F. W. Coe Praises Columbia Training Corps \\ rites Dr. liuUer Work of in structing Reservo Officers at University In Gratifying In a letter to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia Univer? sity, Major General F. \V. Coe, chief of coast artillery of the United States army, praised ..lie work of the reserve officers training corps at Columbia, saying: "There is no more important work thai our colleges can do in furthering the national defense than the educa? tion of the corps of reserve officers, for ill?' efficiency of an army is largely de? pendent upon the efficiency of its officers. "I wish to express to you my appre? ciation m" the work that Im i been ac? complished by the coast artillery unit at Columbia during the past year." Ma? jor General Coc's letteii-continues, "and especially during tho Camp at Fortn ss Monroe, Virginia, which 1 inspected July 23, 1920, The progress of the students there as demonstrated by the exercises I witnessed was most iin pre: sive." City o' ; I Stanley Film Theater for Farm CHARLOTTESVILEE, Va., Oct. 31. -Tohn ArtustronE ?"? alonei. of The Merry Mills, has - I ibout to solve the problem o. the shorl age o ' fai in lab r. "' - "-.- t? "make '. i'e on the I irn - ni?.i ? attractive so that I: e lure of the tow a will be less sti ? ." Mi Chalo er is now having: n movinc picture heater orected on his 400-acrc ':.i to open about November 15, fn ? to all farmers and their wives and chi ilr n wit a radius of ten miles. Tl ?? will he a night for white people and others ''or the color, d peopl -. In this way, Mr. I haloner dei ' ? ? - The Merry Mills will become, as it were, a national experimenl station for amusement "If the result, as I believe it will, proves tin I the va I majority of a i '.v?ntes and colored people within eight or ten miles will patronize the thea? ter, then the Federal and .-'ate govern? ment can carry out my idea." Mexican Dock Strike is Halted Pending Fixing of New Scale! VERA fVJY., Oct. 31. Provisional settlement of tho strike ot* stevedores and dock workers in the port here wa ? announced to-day, after a conference between representatives of the strikers and employers al Mexico City, at whicn Pre ?dent de la Huerta was pre; ent, The men, who left the docks October 22, ha\ ?? atrrt ed tc return to work im? mediately at the old wages pending the fixing of a new waire scale. Ships will be loaded and unloaded at once. All the strikes called in sympathy at Puerto, Mexico, Tampico and Progreso have been called off under the same terms. U. S. Expert Coming to \i<! Seekers of Latin Trade 1 ' ? arles i !. i u n n : n ??I am, former I rade commissioner : ? Mexico and now United States con n e re il ,. tach? t.? Spa i n, will be i i this c t.\ from November 3 to i, inclusive, to consult with manu? facturers, exporters and others inter? ested in the markets "I Mexico and Spain. The Department of Commerce an? nounced yesterday that Mr. Cunning? ham will receive visitors at Room .'l, United States Custom House. Victory Medals for Navy ?Men -\ navy victory medal is t?i be pre? sented to every regular navy enli ted man who served honorably on active d ity bet wei ? April li 191 7, and N'oveni ?ber It, ! 918. The distribution of md clas] bi.- le at the Navy Recruiting Station, 3-1 East ; ? .? - ' !? rd St feet, and appli retired, a statement issued yesterdaj says, should present their discharge papers. i Mi? Steel Earnings Net ea fn ?ngs .' the i'3:-, Steel : . pa ;.. before : he ?i- duct Ion of !? 'di ral taxe foi : I ' th rd qu irter of 192?, are ' at $1,33 1,067, compared t? S I, .'?_: i.:.,- in th'i i ? -1 quartet and $1, ' 089,1 !" i tin first larter. "!'; I i anee It : I - ' - ' quarter aftet , . . ?? :-.-.- depreciation and mi icellaneous chary . amount ed I - j I . . 7 - . ,... ... SI ,i .70? in tin - m on i q larter and -v '' ?? ?' n tin I quarter. After d 'duet ng esl taxes foi the n ine moi ths, net earnings are ? ;'. ?mated at $2,50 L,068. Tiro Record Third i ;? -.. Pult I" .3 .-!...' mil M terdai t? 3-u A-., i:. , -, , li m t.. rubbish b'ifth av. and ; 11 ?' st., unknowi ' 10?1 \V 117th st., unki i Mercer st . Loui - Mut igei Slight 20 i : 'ii nton sr . Morris l:n ? I - . Unknown 30 ? I : ? tslan?! --?:-. Ico bullilin? N'ono i Pa ..-? av., , h ? 3- \ ???.'i ! I ' "11-'? Co.l'i ??-.-,.' . .. . -? vi ?? Kl | . . ? 'i,- ' N -i> .. I . ?; ?? : .. \ . ," ? lui ? l'nrk ; tu u- h. .??. . V.'ii? 1" 35 - Mil m ?t. uiul 3d av.1-. tu xi unknown .Trifling U. S. World Trade Aided !? Bankers' Finaneiiiis Plan Guaranty Trust Company Says Long-Term Credits Are Needed Badly to Build I p Foreign Business The Guaranty Trust Company in a statement entitled "American Goods and Foreign Markets," issued yesterday, gives a survey of international trade. It asserts that a great step toward fos? tering America's world trade through foreign investment is foreseen in the recent authorization by the American Hankers' Association of the organiza-' tion of a $100.0in,(i0?) foreign trade financing corporation under the Edge luv. According to the company's survey the foreign credit situation has reached a point where loans to foreign countries are no longer adequate to meet the needs of th?; growing- foreign trade of the United States. "The Edge law corporation," the statement ?ays, "as authorized by the American Bankers' Association, will not make loans, but will provide a source of long term credits through invest? ments abroad. "That foreign investment probably is a nation's greatest asset in th?; main? tenance of a strong position in world trad?1 is evidenced by tiie position of Great Britain. Although her foreign investment'; were diminished by about $5,0 " ' il?? as a result of the war, she still has approximately $15,000,000, 0O? invested in foreign countries, and, through her powerful trade organiza? tions, is striving fearlessly to regain the ground lost during the war. Her !'.? stments are so judiciously and scattered throughout the world that the slogan, 'The sun never sets on the British Empire,' might he as ap proprial pplied to her foreign in? vest n "The United States- second nation of the w? Id in foreign Investments is a C ?? lit. r ' ?.' n total "i" a1',. ;- il 1,000, 1 I '.'?? "i invested abroad. This amount, a . .- ' :i pa r ,t w. ? h that of B rit i ill cap ted abroad, is inconsistent a . tl not r-ntial volume of foreign ? rade . f the United ~:': cs and must be .?'???'< : '.:.?. h a' increase in the fi reigr ' fade linanct pi '.ear of the country i: we are to compete success? fully with other natio .:. i! soosingof nut ' ornions su rol . it ick ?Hi the ?[?rhand, if ",?.,., we m? -7 accept Is from oui ebto I can -" that is ; ?"? uni ;.' ni. a n - by ?\ liich I can pay their obligatioi ; to us. And we must ? -? ? .ioiIs as a ba ? is for e. canting loan ? i ol her countries, -o th at new market.? may be built up for oui products," .Wail Firm Prier Level Before Renewing Bnviijg Purchasers Will Stay Out of the MaH< ' al Present, Says {'?< ?lit V-s )ciation I ??, demand -'. now ? on, will assert them -'. .'ed ?buying '.via ;: a :' rm price i rea is the prediction ? ' ? \'ati'inal Associate n of C; iil '1 Caution until that level is I 1 he .-a council of t he associ? ai he ? : rman ?hip of ?'. M. i ml the ( rucible Steal Corpo ? ? ?.' ' a ? public to m insinjc to sal (1 ay ? :? Su? buying in the ni the council, is noces ?ary to the cont .a : employment of I ibor, equip 'til it . ? iterial. A statement o I ' '?? a. nine: ' - ew3. a . 1.1 J.I la.i'i'v Tregoc, secre ary-t i ? a trei i he o 'gan izat ?on, fol V, ? n pa fl : " \\ ith c re nd .:: rency deflal oi proceed in? in un? i mannei anj car ried through wit'i immati -',.:.: v. ? , ?. he panic that often seeme ! immi ent, ?me still i ? ? .. uragi and ' : in thai lefia -.. ... , nod it ?es wl sine I ble and againsl which arl icial si n or rest ra : I ?a nnot p r?va il. .Merci apprec ; ? ? t ? - thin a firm pi ice le?, cl is i he basis of r? newed buying, and thai safety, rather than the usual profit ' ?e '?". el is reached, is the l hing of importance "Liquidation in ?-redits and the cer? tainty that the peak of credit de is : o move ou r vast harvest has be? ?tic cessl'ully passed have nearly accom? plished the lii - requisite for a resump a of .i m net i vi tj Our credil r? tources that had been mopped up ! y unprod ictive capital requin - nu ill -. have been gradua I?, released, and will a oon b? ava table at reason? able 'ufas t.. o,arl those great re quii ents for c mst rue' ion which for many J ear ? '? ere s -t. aside." Transatlantic Kates Stahle The British coal strike has had little effect on t ran ?at lant c rate: , ai .,; i lii g to ? tatement i m I yest. . bi the jhippi :u: firm of A. 11. Bull & Co. The f? ..-??:. a cribed : : hat mo t European nal ona : ad stocked up well ? th coal during the summer. The export coal market, h cording to 'he firm, has had a slight increase in activity for the w?'.'i^ j ist ended I. M. l\i. Appoints Manager The appo intmenl of llei :,. , nn Win ? tei \ .?., \ ork, :> - m u ?? er at Ham ? burg ' r the Amei ?can Line i; an !?.!'. ' i ed bj the Internati lai M ercan ? tile Marine i mpanj Mr W nter will .. I fri a \'ew York on No\? nib? r ?!, on th? American lin? r M i ingolia for fiam . tu take up at u ce I ? duties of hia new : RESORTS \ 1 1 v\ I'M < 1 1 \ V I 1 ATLANTJC CITY.N.J. 9 i AixAnxenicaa Pia a Hotel | iof DwtmctioRandRealComiort | I riREPRO?P CAHAlif.. I j -OPACITY 600. H\7/te"rS./J/SZ/>y\ Ambn?*?flui Tio:ri? ./i Atlantic fil/ >'?? Voit. Sauta Hurbuiii and Jo? Ane?m. 1 '.KI.HOOI1, V .). LAUREL !N THE PINES IAKEW00D, N. J. tS:; ii.i ? a- ing the plnea and ? ; ' ' ? ? i r t s, riding Sha 'I ? .valks ' ? - - ?: 1. ? .. : . am. Bra ? ? r 1 It IM? I?'. SHL'TK, Mcr. rr,tfl of Oil Quel ec B ?ay N\ Y. TRAVEL HI l>M>.\ Klll.K NHilIT MM .. ? ? n y a ) ?I v. ? si 1 -....i- m. La? Albany ?? .mini Hudson River Day Line ?meo dlscutiunued fur the season. TRAVEL I TRAVEL, PACIFIC LINE to SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICES NEW YORK ? VALPARA?SO CALLING AT Cristobal, Callao, Moliendo, Arica, I'jjuique, Antofagasta, Valparaiso "EBRO".NOV. 27 "ESSEQUIBO" DEC. 21 ? and Monthly Sailings Thereafter. THE LARGEST STEAMERS IN THE TRAPE new york" ? Guayaquil PUERTO COLOMBIA """""' CARTAGENA Cristobal Buenaventura Esmeraldas Bahia Manta GUAYAQUIL By TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER STEAMER "QU8LLOT?" NOV. 4 THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. SANDERSON & SON. General Agent. 26 Broadway, New York Phone Broad 23.50 OK ANY STEAMSHIP TICKET AGENT LONDON PARIS LARQEST BRITISH STJZA.MER Nov. 6?Nov. 27? Dec. 29 UNSURPASSED CUISINE EVERT COMFORT SPACIOUS STATEPvOOMS SUITES DE LUIE R Lit? ?> NEW YORK?CHERBOURG?SOUTH \MTTON ADRIATIC 12 Noon Nov. 17 Dec. 15 beb. 9 OLYMP?C I I'M Y . \ -.- 27 Dee.2? NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL NEW VORK?AZORES?(?IURALTAB Celtic .12 Noon Nov. 6 Dec. I I Jan. H NATI.ES- liKVOA Baltic .l2NootfNov.20Dec.24Jan.22 Creli? * P. M N ?.I 0 |an j Cedric.12 Noon---Feb. 5 ' Canoplc .J P. M. De? 28 1 AMERICAN LSaS?E NEW YORK?HAMBURG V Y.?CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON Mongolia ... 12 Noon Nov. 4 Dec. 16 Jan. 27 ? ?Finland ... 12 No in N. . 6 D c. 11 Jan. I 5 Manchuria.. 12 Noon Dec. 2 J*t>. 13 Feb. 24 Seeland... 12 Noon Nov 13 Dec. 18 I ? Red Star Line Si . i i-n route Autwerv RED STAR L ? PJ E NEW YORK?CHERBOURG^?SOCTILAMPTON?ANTW I RP Finland . . . . 12 Noon Nov. 6 Dec. 11 Jan. 15 I Kroonland .. 12 Noon Nov. 27 Jan. I Feb. 5 /.eeland. . . 12 Noon Nov. ! } Dec. 18 Jan. 11 ' Lapland. . .. 12 Noon De< . 4 Jan. 8 , IDEAL WINTER CRUISES WEST INDIES?WINDWARD ISLANDS PANAMA CANAL?SOUTH AMERICA LARGEST STEAMERS TO THE TROTH'S JANUARY?J 1.1JIU ARY?MAI? H, 1 tl i I International fV?ercan?le -Marine Company Oillce?, 9 Broadway, Now York. Tier? .".8, i'!). 00, 61, 0?. North Kl?er 100r: America: !0i"i ??mm NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN lund) _B0U1 0( ?NE?I ( ?NDi >N OLD NORTH STATE: ?-? Dec 4, Jan. CREOLE STATE Nov. 6, Dec. PANHANDLE STATE: Nov. 27, j??. ?Magnificent Sew Steamships American-built?American-operated irst Class Only I uxui ous 15 18 8 .?i ?. NEW YORK TO BREMEN and DANZJG DIRECT S. S. SUSQUEHANN \ I City. r|.none : i _? ?? < v, ? , Freight Department. ... 120 Broadway New York City. Telephone: 6300 Re? I O, .m . JVJjywi-i ini'i'n Sailing November I!, Cabin and Thud C lass < : ,-? 45 Broadway. New j rl Passenger Department. . ? , lelei.rione : \J"> V. itel ^g?g!^fig*<Efe?ra??gwqW^~' -^fiwBfWBi??y^BM^||pMi?gg mrrgg'JK'awPTE.'jat 1?K? ? '. 't where in Eut pe . .. ?nd to tour ? r visit, plan y, ui trip "J 7 ! ( 'I '.\ .-!.:-., voyage uith all the conveniences and luxuries of a metro pout hotel is assured on our sleitn.Ti. Aquitania . . . .N'?-w \ ??rlc to ( herbourg ami Soulham] ton. Ni -, 2 Ni ? K. A. Victoria.New York " Liverpool. ? Dec. Naples, Palias, Dubrovnik an?i ? ; i - < t <- Y ? 10 (.herbourg and Southamj ton Dec. Londt nderry ar.J Glasgow. Nov. I i Dei . Liverpool.Nov. 13 ? ? Gibraltar, Naples, Pairas, Du! ivnik and I rieste . . ... i .. ei | ool. . ? y Plymouth an.; (. her! ourg Nov. 25 J . . .New York "Plymouth, Cherbourg and Haml '! |an ..New York "Cherbourg ami Southampton 10 Apr. Passenger ?nd I r?-irlit Service?. Kor later mi.IUik?.) .?t 21 & 24 STATE STREET, NEW VORK Pannonia .....New York Imperator ....New York Columbia ....New 'lork Vasan.New York " Ita'na.New York " Carmama ....New York " t ar?;ma .... New Yoik Saxon ia . . Mauietania :; Dee. ? ? 25 [an -'? ? 18 7 - "The Public Be Pleased'" TO iH BOAT 4 RA? DIRECT BOAT. BOSTON $52i PROVIDENCE $3i9 STATE ROOMS $1.03 TO $4.32 All Rates include Vr\.r Tat TRAVEL BY BOAT AND ?AVE MONEY DAILY and SUNDAY 5 P. M. BOAT LEAVES PIER 39 N. R. Ft. W. Houston St. Phone Spring 9491 From 1 1er 19. B. K. Phone 2700 BNkmtn Tickets at i'ier or Consolidated Uflicee, ? ?*lj-??jj?xi???? rrfr. im u \ C0MPA6*?? U?tMlI TRArijATLAKTi?U? L'.v.e?.? ^??:?l Servi?? HEW ?ORK?HA.i.E -r?ltlS . . . k N ? I I.KOJ'UI til \ ? I A :...?;..\;m i '? . ., i;i.m? LA - non. lui UAAllSKAt n.>?. -; -? Nov. 1 . H-, Nov. :o 11? SUGAR V l UMI* \NY ?URG?DIRECT m i n r:. iy state i?t. ??a 'i'.,? A .<* liui* 17:m. Sj fj.o:? Lai??.. *? lui* k..A. -. S?n? tel *? Foi l'./h'il .-?.Unf?. W. :. * rn . .-.'t.... Bas??? -..uii-.. N. ? . o? La?ai Acal. . M1UI 111 USO s . i ? i. >rw tiurjfll, l*i>ui?llkt-rl>??i<.. Kiln;.tun. ?,v. \\?ck?it>B. Franklin 8t., <: t P. M.