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The American Legion News: Local, State, National Stale County Chairmen Predict Overwhelming Victory for the Bonus Referendum To-morrow Bronx Plan for Memo? rial Trees Will Be Pm Through Despite the Committee Opposition Members of the American Legion arc awaiting with interest the outcome of to-morrow's balloting on the question whether veterans of the great war Bhi 11 be given a bonus by New York Sfc Le. "? e opposition to the bonus within ti e ranks of the Legion is nlrrost neg ligibie. It i? conservativo to say that 80 per cent of the veterans believe they should be rewarded in some tangible v ?? for th< ir service, but what the at of th?i people may be is not , H iwcver, Hugh W. Robertson, acting state treasurer of the Legion, an-! nounced yesterday from headquarters that county chairmen throughout the' state had predicted an overwhelming voto in favor of Proposition No. 1, which provides for the state bonus. This bonus will be $10 a month for! each month of service up to twenty-five I months and excludes all officers who wer? disciiargcd with a rank higher than captain in the army, or lieutenant, nior errado, in the navy. Nearly ?.very post of the American Legion in Now York State has indorsed the bonus and jthere has been little di ?it among legionnaires. George Brokaw Compton, formerly New York County chairman, issued a statement Saturday, urging the defeat of the bonus, in which he said he re si riled as county chairman last April i. protest against the bonus demand adopted nationally. The question rests now with the vot? ers, and Legion leaders yesterday, ex? pressed confidence that the people of New York would not fail to recognize their obligations to their fighting men. Bronx Memorial Assured Despite opposition County Chairman William F. Deegan of the Bronx has so organized his committee in char??' the plans for a suitable memorial for men ??' the Bronx who made the supreme sacrifice that its success is boydrid a doubt. ?i" Armistice Day the Legionnaires of the Bronx will assemble and dedi? cate a memorial as everlasting as Na? ture itse " when they place upon trees; along the Grand Concourse bronze plaques Bearing the names of the Bronx heroes. This entire thoroughfare therefore, will be a memorial io the borough's brave sons?1,250 of them. For a time the success of the venture was threat'nod. A citizens' committee, of which Ernest L. Hammer was chuir mar, ira.' raised a fund of $14,500 for a memorial, but when the American Le? gion's .p. kesman asked for a portion of the fui i to pay for the Grand Co i course project, it was refused. On Fri? day ?ght a !?. .?.- meeting was held in Evan It r < ' Id High School to ?;* , i hi situ ition, and it was decided, becau of trie stanch a a ??per; of citi? zens attending, to proceed without the help of the fund custodians. Nono of the citizens of the Bronx, however, is to be asked to contribute to the expenses of the undertaking, which will be about $7,000. The Legionnaires and other service men of the borough will ftubscribe and it will be their me? moria!, their own tribute to their comrades. State Newspaper Planned I: : : the j urpo e of State ( Command? r : Blake le? to have, ' the Legionnaires of New i'ork State wish it, an official i iblicatio for ; : ? deparl ment, to be onthly. \ committei has been ?a! ?gate t ne question, and this, body now aw aits the opinion of and their members. Post commanders are asked to get such' expr?s.-ions from their members and forward trien, to Hugh W. Robertson at state headquarters. He will apprise the com.'ii it tee members and, if the action of the posts is favorable, the project, will be taken up at once. Find This Man! State Headquarters asks that Le? gionnaires help to i?nd Charles Eugene Melvin, formerly of the navy, until I irly last summer he lived at 2.(0 \v ? 108th Sti eet, this city, and passed the summer in West Springfield, .'-.'. li. He is an electrician. Send ail tiformat on '.?? the Los Gatos Post of ? 1 ? gion, Los '.latos, < alii'. Fight Abuse of Uniform The Come Lack Club, of Columbia University, has launched a campaign against the abuse of the uniform by men who are taking udvantage of public sympathy to peddle various ar? ticles, while in the garb of the serv? ice. The club has ottered its services in apprehending mich imposttrs and a recent resolution pasued by the organ? ization demands time the authorities take summary action against offenders. First Division Kennion Thero will be a big time at Camp Dix, N. J., November 10 and 11, when the First Division, A. K. F.. holds its reunion, Major General Summerall, who once again is in command of the division, has issued an invitation to all one-time members of the outfit to pass the two days there, and each man will eat and sleep with his old com? pany, or battery. Post Activities University Heights Post will meet Wednesday night at the Y. M. C. A Hut, New York University campus. When Central Post, 18, meets to? night at r?f> llanuon Place, Brooklyn, three members will be received. They are Charles J. Huaslein, Charles E. Warren and Leonard Schmidt. The post will hold its Armistice Day cele? bration in the rentrai Branch V. M. C. A. auditorium. Arthur Viens Post. 704, entertained hundreds of Legionnaires and their families at a Halloween dance Satur ?iay night. James R. McCaba directed the affair. The Second Field Artillery will hold a review in honor of the members of I 'a\ id W. E. Allen Post, on Armistice Day evening. Bloomfield Post, of Bloomfleld, N. J., will hold a reception at its club house, 82 Pria.I Street to-morrow night, when all visitors will bo welcome. The Cruiser and rai ?port Po I ha; bi'gjr. a ;r.? ? p drive by ?.?. hich it I to : ecru t ? : '? rs b . Jai . ?iry J. All veterans of the navy who served i?n troop or cargo transports or cruisers .we urged to join the pout. Address James F. Clvne. 1027 Bloom iield ?Street, Hoboken. Th? ROSth Infantry Post will m?et Thurid/vy night at the 77th Division Cub house. 27 West Twenty-fifth Street. Major Duncan G. Harris will speak. David W. Gentle Post will meet t?> night in tho Congregational Church, East 14,'?d Street and Willis Avenue. The Women's auxiliary will meet at tho -am?' time. The post will hold a barn dance, November 23, in the Second Field Artillery Armory, 166th Street and Franklin Avenu1. Kings County post .'??in gave a suc? cessful last week when the fund for the purchase oi a new ?lub house was greatly increased. It is planned to have the new headquarters ready for occupancy by the spring of 1921. Joseph Edwm Frobisher Post, of Ar? lington, N. J., will meet again next : Thursday night. is to give a! silver loving cup each year to the public school pupil writing the best essay on Americanism. Washington Heights V,^* will hold a dance and Victory Medal presentation on tho night of November 11, at Wal- ? lace Hal!, 152d Street and Amsterdam Avenue. George C. Gillies is chairman of the entertainment committee. The post will hold ?. business meeting on Wednesday evening. Jane A. Delano Post 344, composed of nurses, gave an entertainment ias?. Thursday night a: the Central Club for nurses, at which State Commander Blakeslec and Inited States Senator Caldcr were the- principal speakers. Chaplain John Brady offered I ho prayer and the guests stood in silence 30 sec? onds as a tribute to the heroic nurse for whom the post was named. Wednesday evening the Naval Auxili? ary Reserve Post, the largest unit of, the Legion in New York, will give a dinner m the Dixie Room of the Hotel Rreslin. Commander Charles Hann jr. will preside, and there will be promin- ? cnt speakers. Cranford Post, of Cranford. N', J., will j hold its second annual elections at Grant School, Thursday night. Theodore F. Meado Post will meet I to-night at the 1st Fiel?! Artillery Armory and all members are urged to j attend to arrange the Armistice Day exercises. Reign of Terror in Domingo Charged YY v To Administration i Former Minister Knowles. Declares Washington Ha? Scrapped MonroeDoetrine in Invasion of Republic In an address to the Harding Demo? cratic League, in the Knickerbocker Hotel building, Saturday night, Horace G. Knowles. former United States Minister to Santo Domingo, declared that the Wilson Administration, in a most brutal manner., had exterminated the last vestige of self-government in Santo Domingo and was ruling its peo? ple by armed military force. Mr. Knowles said that Wilson pre? tends that Article X of the league covenant will guarantee territorial in? tegrity and poli ?cal independence of all member nations of th.? league, but in spite of this highly idealistic preach? ment, Santo Domingo's territorial in? tegrity and politicai independence had been completely destroyed by the Amer? ican forces of occupation, acting under the direct orders of President Wilson and his Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Knowles charged that, numerous atrocities an?! murders have been com? mitted in this subjugated country by the American marines, and he told of the forcible expulsion by the Ameri? can admiral of the constitutionally choren President of the Dominican Re? public; the dissolution of the Domi? nical Congress*and the unseating o1' every o?lii ?a] of the civil government of the country. The speaker charged that the estab? lishment of martial law and a censor? ship imposed apon the Dominicans was no less severe and had greater penai ties and punishment than the Germans inflicted upon the Belgians. Mr. Km.wies said that a reign of ter? ror had exit-led in Santo Domingo for the last four years and that the in? vasion of the country by Wilson's or? ders had been unwarranted. He charged that the Wilson Administration actu? ally has scrapped the Monroe Doctrine and is making America guilty of the wrongs that the Monroe Doctrine aims to check. Ten Injured in Newark \\ hen Trolley Hit* Bus Explosion Occurs a<* Jitney Top? ples Over; Two Killed in Other Auto Mishaps Ten persons were injured, one seri? ously, in a collision between a Newark Went Orange trolley car and a jitney bus in Newark late yesterday after? noon. The driver of the jitney in try? ing to avoid an automobile swerved on the car tracks and crashed into the cur, head on, at Newark Street and Central Avenue. The jitney toppled over on its side, throwing the passengers to the pavement. A second later the gasoline tank ex plcded, sending a shower of sparks and burning oil in every direction. A fire alarm was sent in and reserves from three station houses responded. Several automobiles were command eered and the injured taken to hos pit?is. All except one were treatec and sent home. William Connelly thirty years old, of Cl Essex Avenue Orange, sustained a possible fracturt of the skull. Mrs. Catherine Otto, sixty-five yean old, a widow, of 1217 Newkirk Street North Bergen, N. J., was killed In stantly yesterday when an automobil* struck her as she attempted to crest the street in front of her home. Th? driver, John Boede, of Jersey City, \va: arrested. Mrs. Florence Crowley, seventy years oid, of 89 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, was crossing Ninth Avenue at Fiftieth Street when she was struck by an au? tomobile operated by Max Rose, of 253 East Houston Street, Manhattan. A1: Norwegian Hospital it was said she suffered a fractured skull. William Daniels, seventeen years old, of Uncasville, Conn., was killed when an automobile driven by Frederick Rod? man, thirty-one years old, also of Un? casville, struck him. Two companions of Rodman, the Misses Georglanna and Jessie Garrett, were seriously injured. Rodman was arrested. Three person?? were cut by broken glass last nigh? when a taxicab and a tourin : car co ?ided at Riverside Drivn and 110th Str?ret, Edward H Marsh, a bi ker, of 4111 Riverside Drive, and his who wer ? on : eir way i<- 'he rlvanin Stati? ? the tax ?ca b ? ere able to leave St. Luk< '. Hospital ; ?, ? ... juries had ei dre ? . William Jackson, seven years old, of 710 Eleventh Avenue, a passenger in the other car, remained at the hos? pital. James Behan, of 554 West Fifty-second Street, who was giving the boy a ride, and John Nye, of 201 We '?' ?htieth Street, driver of the taxicab, escaped injury. ? 1 Vengeance Cry Of 35,000 Irish! Raised at Rally ?y (Centfnued from v*t* en?) wrapped half a aosen "banner? ahout : Mr, De Valora. Mr. De Vnlcra'f reception before the ! grandstand was ?inly part of the ovation accorded him, for as he whs escorted about the- park by 400 uniformed sel? lier? of Irish descent and a band play? ing Irish tunes, the audience again rose to its feet. uf tho three remaining speakers ' stations he was nbliged to plead for quiel so thai lie ???ould make the rounds and complete bis spoechmaking before dark. Smith Speaks Brieflv Governor Smith., ?'.ho preceded Mr. De Valcra, spoke briefly. He declared that MacSwiney by oih suffering had "died is hundred denths" and that "those who follow after him will never forget the lesson which his sacrifice inspires." Every reference made by Mr. Malonc, Judge Ros?is^. Mr, Walsh and other (speakers to Great Britain or Lloyd George was greeted with lusty booing. Resolutions calling upon President Wil? son to recognize the independence of Ireland were read t?? each section of the Each time they w?. re adopted unanimously. The resolutions road in part: "Terence MacSwiney, Michael F t: gcrald and Joseph Murphy and hun? dreds of others have voluntarily sacri? ficed themselves to attest the sincerity of the- Irish? people's yearning for in? dependence and to assert their coun? try's right to the same principles of life an?l liberty which our patriots as? serted with their arms in 1776. ''We express our admiration of the Iris-i hero-martyrs, MacSwiney and his comrades, and their no less heroic wives ??y.d mothers and sisters. "We demand that our government of? ficially pretest in the name of human? ity against the barbarous assa isinations and burnings of towns and destruction of properly in Ireland. "We hereby call upon President Wil? son t.? give effect to his and America's principles and war aims by giving to ; the Republic of Ireland the recognitii formally applied for by the elected go\ ernment of the Irish people." Accuses British of Torture Mr. De Valera in his address said he had received word that, the British >> thorities were resorting t?> torture to wring confessions fn;m men arrested in Ireland. He said he had received word that at least one Irishman recently had been "stripped, flogged and pinched. ' and had had his finger nails broken und his teeth knocked out by the butt of a rifle," He declared that the authori? ties were endeavoring to extort inform- j ution about other Irish patriots from i the prisoner. Referring to MacSwiney. Mr. De Valera said: "Lloyd George has thrown down his gauge and i* has been accepted. He imagines that by lopping off the heads of the republican movement in Ireland he will kill the republic. Miserable opportunist, he is incapable of under? standing the depth of a devotion to an ideal: comfortable imperialist, he has ; never felt the intensity of a people's ! yearning desire for the liberty they j have lost; contemptible demagogue, he has never known a democracy such as ; Ireland's, where the people always find a leader when the occasion demands." Sounds Political Note R?f?rences by Mr. Malone to the at? tempt of Mr. De Valera to induce the Democratic 'and Republican convent ions tu include in their platforms a plank calling for the recognition of Irish in? dependence were greeted with hisses. lie sail: "I do not have to tell you the names of the men and the women who at Chicago or San Francisco re? fused the appeals of the patriot Presi? dent of the Irish Republic when he asked for a plank for the recognition of the elected ?rovernment of Ireland." Mr. O'Leary declared it was "within the power of the American people to ; refuse to permit a representative of : barbarism to remain in Washington," and that "officials in Washington have the power to give the British Ambas? sador his walk'.r,g papers." Other speakers wer?' Jonathan C. Day, Rabbi X. Thorner, of Jersey City: Alfred E, McCann, Major Eugene F, Kinkhead, Mrs Emma Scott Gabrh I, W. E. Holloway, Dr. Allen McCurday, Joseph Cannon, Hillingsworth Wood, the Rev. E. '-'. Bender, Dr. Norman Thomas and Owen Lovejoy. Tribute to MacSiviney \ Paid by 7.500 in JSeicark i Coffin, Draped With Irish Col" , ors. Is Home to Catafalque; ; Mayor Guien Delivers Eulogy I NEWAEK, Oct. 81.?More than 7,00n . persons paid tribute to the memory of the late Lord Mayor Terence. Mac Swiney and his two fellow hunger strikers at impressive ceremonies held ' here to-day. Military Park was crowd i to capacity when a coffin, draped in the Irish colors, was borne to a huge cata? falque which had been erected in the ; center of the grounds. Here the Rer. Michael -T. Wime, pastor of St. Columba's Church, prayed that the souls of the dead might rest in peace. The Rev. Ernest , Uuelsenbusch, of St. Augustin'.?? Church, assisted, A brief addresn was made by the I Rev. Pnul Knappe?., pastor of St. : Casimirs Church and sub-deacon. The ; Ufe and nr?*e:. irgs of Terence Mac ? Swiney wer? briefly told by Mayor Gillen of Newark. Murtin Conboy, of i New York, also spoke? 8,000 March in Jersey Memorial Procession Veterans Attetui MacSwiney Services, Where Denuncia? tory Resolution Is Adopted Fight thousand persons marche., yes? terday in a parade in Jersey City a- a pretest against the death of Terence MacSwiney. There was a hearse rilled with flowers and laurel wreaths and draped ?n the colors of the "Irish re? public." Many veterans of the World War and a number of women wearing gold stars were :ti the line of march. Memorial vesper services \?.ere held in Hudson'County Park in front of an improvised altar. A resolution wait adopted which stated that "citizens :if Hudson County, N. J., denounce the. military oecupn tion by Great Britain of Ireland." Copies will be sent to President Wil? son, King George, Premier Lloyd George and Mrs. Terence Macs&wmey. An oration was delivered by Chancellor John J. Duffy, of Newark. 30,000 March in Boston As Tribute to MacSwiney ? 250,000 Hear Eulogy Delivered by Senator Walsh on Com? mon: Parade in Philadelphia BOSTON, Oct. 31.?Thirty thousand persons marching: to funeral dirges played by a single bund paised through ihn nged but '?' it Ho?) I ?? ?. ?: , this ..: i?. in tribute to the n- ... ory of Terence MacSwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork, Michael Fitzgerald and .In enh Murphy, Irish hunger strike!''. who diet) recently in prison, Police estim?t?'? pla?ai the number of spec? tators at ?50,000, thousand; ol whom later crowded the slopes of Flagstaff Kill ??o Mosten Common in listen to a eulogy by Senator David I. Walsh. Senator Walsh, after eulogizing Mac? Swiney, Fitzgerald ami Murphy, .?nul that if their death "is suicide, every hero of the battlefield and every mar? tyr in the world's history who has placed principle, honor, truth and lib? erty above death was a suicide." PHILADELPHIA, Oct. .".l. Thou? sands of persons paraded hen to-day in lolcmn tribute ;> the memory of Lord ^ ; yor MacSwiney, Joseph Murphy atol Michael Fitzgerald. The parade culmi? nated i?1 a ??real mass meeting .it tli" Metropolitan Opera House, where a number of speakers, including Ramon 0? Valera, ?a addresses. Heading the procession wi re three hearses bearing caskets draped m green, orange and white of the "Irish Republic" and the Stais and Stripes of the United States. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.- -Fully 10, 00o Irish sympathizers paraded here to-day in tribute !.-? tbc late Terence MacSwiney. A symbolic hearse, draped with the colors of the Irish "republic" and the American flag and surrounded by twelve pallbearers, added solemity to the quiet pr icession; Passing through the downtown section of the city the marchers proceeded to the American League Baseball l-'ark, where they cheered Lhe pleas of speak "that MacSwiney's sacrifice should not be permitted I o h.T a been made in vain." Conducted under the auspices of the Friends of Irish Freedom the parade was led by fifty wounded war veterans from the Walter Reed Hospital and in? cluded a division of several thousand university students a?! well as others representing the Knights of Columbus nn.l the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The Ht. Rev. James G. Mythen, of New York. Bishop ?>f thi Grnek Episc - pal Church, was trie principal speaker. CHICAGO, Oct. 31.- Amid the slow funeral cadence of brass bands, a procession ?t thousands ?if persona moved down Mira?.?;?:! Boulevard to? da" in a mi mor : ' pa eui "to t i ? spirit of Terence MacSwiney." Former Governor Edward F. Dunne, speaking at a mass meeting, declared the big outturn was ample evidenci "that iii" heart ?>." America is sound and the heart of Chicago is true." and | that "America stands foi liberty to the end." Mayor William Hal< Thompson also snuKe. A gun carriage, heavily draped with the American flag nnd the tricolor of Ireland, was drawn by twenty-four veterans of the World War. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31- A funeral procession, followed by a low requii.'um mas3 ;.', St. .Mary's Cntho ic Cathedral, was held to-day in memory ti??- ute Terence Mac'Swin? y ! procession wai led by former 5?iilors, soldiers and marines in uniform. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31. A ma meeting in memory of Ten nee Mac Swiney was held to-day following n procession in which members ol various societies escorted a black draped casket en n caisson. Irish Town Terrorized By Drunken Policemen Sacaeery of Attack by lilack awl Tans on Temptemoro De? nounced by Cork Netospapers x; ????:?'? Cable to Tho Tribune r? pyrlgrht, 1920, 3?n- Torl< Tribuno Inc. CORK, Oct. 31. The utter savagery ?if the attack by bhu-k and tans yes? terday or. the vilhage of Templemore, U e scene of the recent bleeding statue miracle.--, is featured m the news? papers here. There was onlj one cas lalty, a black and tan who was hurt in assisting to put out. a tire, hut the police beeame frightfully drunk, and. rushing through the streets, terrorized women and children by their yells and random shots. The men's facea were masked. They smashed nearly every window glass in the town, DUBLIN, Oct. 31.?A constabulary sergeant was shot, last, night while patrolling a street a: Tullamore, He ;-; :i )? expected to live. The pers? n ho fir?, ! the sho' is not kr.-nvi; Guns Guard Funeral of MaeSwinev (Cortflnrird from r?o? en?1) striker, who died a week ago in Cork jail, refusing to touch food. Sinn I-V'in volunteers kept evpryone except, the mourners away from th< cates. The crowd of several thousand onlookers swung ?around to the hillock that overlooks the cemetery and watched the cm ?moi ?es from there. Archb shop Harty led in the Romai Catholic burial service ?nd the:? th? coffin was lowered into the grave. A the crowd of mourners melted away, the volunteers stepped forward and fired their final salute. CORK, Oct. 31 (By The Associate?1 Press).- When the services at the cathedral in honor of Terence Mac? Swiney ended and the procession mover off slowly, the cathedral bell began tolling. This was immediately echoed bv the bells of the other churches in the city. John Peter MacSwiney, brother of the late Lord Mayor, acted as chief coffin-bearer. Father Dominic MacSwiney'a private chaplain, and Ar thui Griffiths, Vjce-President of the "Irish Republic," came immediately he h i i ! him. A number of wreaths sent by Ameri a were noticeable among the floral pieces in the hearses. Mr. Griffiths, in paying a tribute at the grave to MacSwiney'a life work in the service of the Dash cause, declared that Joan of Arc "would find in the martyred Lord Mayor a worthy com? rade in heaven." Memorial Tree Planted Appropriate ceremonies attended the planting of a memorial oak in' Central i'ark yesterday by members of Com pany D, 307th Infantry, ?n honor o .'arty-!wo members of that unit who gave their lives in the World War, I" tree was accepted by Francis D Galla ?tin, I'ark Commissioner, on beh;i f 'he Ih'rk ilepartment. Every motor highway and byway throughout picturesque New Eng? land and New York, is a part of the long4'Socony Trail". &veryCa?on/ the Same11 The Lake George liattle Monument?Lake George, N. Y. Here on September 6th, 1755, New York and New England troops under William Johnson defeated the French Regulars, Canadian militia and Indians. THE natural beauty o? Lake George is always alluring to the observing motorist. And you will find it conve? nient there to replenish your supply of Socony gasoline. Socony stations are located at frequent intervals along the roads of eastern Massachusetts ? and in western Vermont or northern New York State. Socony is the quality motor fuel. The methods ?sed in refining it are the result of a compre? hensive experience, extending from the in? fancy of the industry to the present day. New processes have been developed from time to time in well-equipped research laboratories. Every known method is used to produce the cleanest, most powerful gasoline that can be made. Socony is first and foremost a dependable gasoline. Its low boiling point insures easy starting, complete combustion and full power and mileage at all times wherever you buy it. Begin using Socony regularl>?for all-year economy. The red, white and blue Socony sign is an assurance of reliable quality. And every Socony dealer strives to render exceptional sers ice. "1 ou can always expect to receive it?and you will. STANDARD OIL GO. OF NEW YORK 'sswers/r/r/nr/wr^^ Supplied with United Electric Service Atteinatint Carrera \tctar dnx.nici I 10 l7i% rU/ritetjtint Machin? The Commonwealth Ice Cornpanv's plant located on W:;st ?i7th Street, is the largest electrically driven ice manufacturing es? tablishment in New York ?. ity. k is op crated entirely by United Electric Servie? employing over 2800 Horse t' ?wer in motors. The capacity of the plant is ovci 600 ton? of ice ench ?.lay. with pern ; ent storage facilities for 10,000 tons .. in addition, daily storage facilities for bOOO tons. /or you?a. Commercial Department cf compe? tent engineers who will be pleased to you or rendfr advice, withe ut )St or .-:-.;-; ? all matters of electric light, heat av.J power service. t?he United Electric lag htand Power Co? i^O East !tth St., New York. S 9th St. & Broadway I l?th St & Broadwa ? '?''//s///V///,y-Y.w POLITICAL l'OL?Hi \L A Supreme Court Judge L. uriaoger HAS BEEN RENOMINATED BY THE ncan and Democratic His Re-election Is Urged by the Bar Association of New York The County Lawyers' Association The Bronx Bar Association Women Lawyers' Association Citizens' Union And Other Civic Organizations Those who believe in a Judiciary based upon merit cannot overlook the unanimous renomination of Judge Mitchell L. Erlanger. Endorsements Alone Cannot Insure His Re-election He needs your vote Vote in Group 10, the ninth (gth) name from the top, with a Republican and Demo? cratic emblem before it! Groun 10 Justice of the Supreme Court for the Fir?t Judia?! Dutrict ? X MITCHELL L. ERLANGER In order to vote for Judge Erlanger, it is necessary to make your X mark as shown ? above. Lawyers' and Merchants Non-Partisan Commiltcr. ? One Day Ad Rents Furnished Raom to "Exceedingly Fine Woman." QUALITY COUNTS! 112 East 17ill Si root. New York Tribune. I take great pleasure in telling you that one day's advertisement in your paper- rente.i a room I wished to fill. An exceedingly nie?.* woman applied for it, and, (?hall the ne ?1 arrive, I hhall hasten to avail myself of your service again. Very sincerel; ours, ELIZABETH G. VAN PATTEN. Solve your "Furnished Room To Let or Wanted" Problems through The Tribune. Phone Beekman 3000 or go to any Want Ad Agency.