Newspaper Page Text
Two Symphony Organizations Give Concerts Damrosch Receives Cordial Welcome at Aeolian Hall, Where His Society Begin? Its Series of Recitals Some New Music Heard Bodanzky Flayers Appear, in Carnegie Hall at Night; Child Prodigy Introduced? By H. E. Krehbiel The Symphony Society began its an- ' nual series of concerts ir. Aeolian Ila'.l ? yesterday afternoon and the National ! Symphony Orchestra continued its ' senes with the first concert of ? fourth pair in Carnegie Hall in the e\ er ?: <;. ' '1 here wa s also n o .???'? e-.i ral music at the coi ci r ir the Hipp ? drome, where in the even ins Mr. ,Tnn Kubelik returned to the lo il concci; rooms after an absence of six y?kr.?. The incidents in tin se ;. ?\ irs ? ' 'h call for comment wer. li.e production of s ai; .? music hitherto unli ai d in New York by Mr. Wa ter Damr? ??eh at the fii st concc rt and . . :?? dai. ky at tiie second, and the pianoforte playing of a musically pro? ? ious child ?ho ? al : ea !y has r< ci ved en oui ? .??-: -par ! uffei y to make u .??.?? that she will ' 11 . hi permitted to de\ 'lo; normally ? y, ? ? u an i r* :??' as will chali.<? our int< : ti' ? years But y ., stimuli ion .. i.l be i ? ? cd to keep such ii symphon ic ha ' ' : thrusl ; New York on it; less; and c!i Idrt-n and ma i music may be help fu Mr. Damrosch W eleomed The Symphon;; : c-;umed its lab< : withi ut any h. v ? i f :ss and feathers, which i ke we! for its man ; .:? r a nd din etc . Mi Danva.-ch wa: cordially web med bj ic customary audience and warm app ? a. was b? stow? d upon the m isle w! a .:.? had 1 r? |?:? ?? '??'. Beeth' ' ? ! vonfh Sym phony, a :i i r.ur in e:n lit: en : itl? d "Mi .' and ?er? . i. by the ? i compos r, Ga! ii? I Faur?, an ? ? ? ? ? a. ne by Leken :.- .a ?ai i- ranck '.. . :..; i?.nt, "I'cde mp til a. ':> all th < there was little of the ; ? lUsic as it has disc! cl its? in ?at; ? r- lay Fi an :c Italy an 1, :.a asur ???;., :'? aaaai. ? ,? ': i ,, . i aa ???? ?j i gh and \~ ? - been brave en aigh to : m thai the b 7 c;ua? it ?es o m a re noi . ? ' outsid in need b; ' i astic disci ? ? ..:? i that it is his belief that "eii ' ,ii' ? foi mal p irity, sobrietj for big c!l'i cts-' are i ssen ti. ? if .' : : ait is to recover its true, o?d and ir.i able character. this kind M. Faurc rc ncy to v. rd m]iression -: .... which he found in the ? - nger coun rj men and . . . to have i n ! et ted the mu? ?cal Italy. In 'in. fi his pen v. hich wu ? rd ' l;en is cei ' i a... ft! ',' iv h ich he c j:i i in I ti ?:??: in . vh ich ne wrote : ? ?? ?. book on modi i n .... . ? .i'e, taken fr im yi ic om '? . lucid enough ?...'..' I: '"a io igh to wi ? i'???m ' ??ios; hid? -bound ? . -: mole. and occasion lUg'il pidij ... ? . ' ! irtl; dances the i< I jar face I I winr.i ng, ou! uni' a " .. . aa L'ne hi| i - < expr? si ioi e n I : ? '.' a y i 1 roa! i . '' '! i i n ., ' '?-,.?;.:< ly an ? ? . u!, ll m: i . ? ;-:; .: ?? tiating i: ? ? i r. nec ol ea !i t ? other of t.. :? : ?..??: of this we sh mid hav ? t ? : : .i Faun ' a , ?, ? a . ' I? ? n than t ?? ?r d 1 i.-.Ji d :'. a oi.v .. nul i . h anti; . " ,: j by the il relev n c ! tie of t?; ; ' - ? c , ening w ?? In i an ' h( r sym . - ? ?, , ? . : ? i-i ' ii th, wh i " ! ?in i . ? ' ' ' ?? ' nt '?'?' '"?} .... . '. called th '? ?., .a ;.'? :.\ VVe ..ave neve ? i . '.? i except b; ., .. i iv elf, v 'ii a letter t a ; Sal? i us! ng him to li'n !?; . I :, p I '.? ,h? r f .r it d?sign?t? ? "?i ?ttle v mphonj in F" to distin ; i j. copo )'i om th ? "grand sy? ? I ? in V I the : evi nth ', whir!; hi ,?? ' he as me i -i. tence as ? ? excellent." I i hing but small in its idea.? i ? amazing in ?is exubei mee i . : and plentitude of inventiveness : - . ? y of the immortal nine. Its i?: ici ty in our concert-rooms is " . , which is a pity, but by a coinci r it is u> be heard in this city ?a. a more this week at a repetition last night's concert ; i morrow after ' and a concert of the Boston 1 stra ?'ii Thursday evening, Mr. l'i . 7.7.KJ c meci . ? i it ?n its ( rue vein bull ml ?oj ms is, bat his ma ! was somewi al refract iry at and we cam ot t : m h 'ullj .- ay it /.. its beauty was made manifest. Anticipated Mr. Damrosch As Mr. Bodanzky anticipated M ai ntcux in this symphony, so lie did Mr. Damrosch in the first productioi m N'? .?? Voik of Ma?niero's sec?n?! series of "Impressioni del Vero," which is down in the Symphony Society's prom sed list of novelties. It is not a vita matter. '? would be best if Mr. Him'.." -. s performance should serve as i warning example. Is this music? In ncc of this ??u? st?on we luite at on? with the K ht o the Rue fui Cou ni na: ce i "As to '.'? hol her 11 be pack sa I? le or f . I the c-urate, "it is only ? i a :; ? i I i l a te t? say; 'or in :' v ? ?-? ?' ch ivalry all I hese ? ? : : . ' a aa i i >w aul horit >' " ien," said Don : te, "so many str?ng? hings havp ?in ! to m i., thi custle that 1 n? ' ventur? to assert anythin : in rep] \ to any question nythi ?I i ntains." We . beei in m? rry. gatherings mn f? when s imuttaneously .. a ng he pleased t ? ' ? bawled ou! or',* serena? : ic :? ? ocoi d ing wi O tosed to p: r .:" tl e fin a1 of the third ...? of "Die Meistersinger." Involuntarily, th? ; cam to inmd last nighl whei Mr. Bodanzky turned his orch sti tese on w hat was en title?! the "Dialogue of, the Heus'' in tero's "In preysions" mode there was none; key there was none, for no oi ? ?-an sptBK of tonality when dif A ttm'.y rel.ii.'i e (ruldf for I't ... , i f^rtrnt groups of instruments clash two keys (two? a dozen!) together in i long sequences of excruciating disso nrsu'ca. As for thematic material, such j disjointed fragments of phrases can I not be dignified with the term. In the i m?dalo there was a brief space of real and rtestful harmony and one's jaws le I laxed and one's breath relumed. Hut. 1 it only rentlhded us of trie Btory of the I negro l*>y who kicked his bare heels j against th*? jagged stone wall and howled witft pain. Asked why he did ? it, lie ''answeivd that it felt so pood to ? stop. Hut thu* relaxation did not. occur ?again either iVi this movement or the two which foAcuvcd it. In Rome, Paris an,I other European capitals thiR music has cnlied out shrieks of protest in the concert room. I^ast night's audience was neither angened nor amused. We don't know whether or not it was stupi ?ed. The prodigy who appeared in the evening was Matilda Locus, a child of? fourteen or fifteen years, who played tlic solo part of the concerto in G minor j by Saint-Saens. She played it i:i \ obvious unconscioui-ness that it had anything to do with the orchestra] part, but that does not signify. She is a child. Her precocity in the matter of p.anoforte teehr.ic (digital dexterity, rleetness and strength of finger, com? mand of dynamics, etc.) and memory is marvelous. Dutifully we marvel. Duti? fully, aiso, we deplore her exploitation. Tiie Sla?j?e Door William Faversham in "The Prince ami the Pauper" at the Booth, Patricia (' Hinge in "Just Suppose" at Henry Mi it's. Joseph Caw-thorn in "The Hal'' Moon" at. the Liberty ami "The l?rn- I peror Jones" and "Natinata" at the Pr< vincetown Theater are on the first ; night list for to-night. N'ext Monday night "Kissing Time1'; will :. ?ve from the Lyric to the Astor, ( s):lacing "The Unwritten C'mapter" in which l.oni* Mann v<as heen starring. "Over the Hill," the Fox film, will move hack ''? th?j Lyric nom the Couitral to make way for th.- opening of "A'.'gar' .-.?. t'ne latter theater. i "Maytiltte" begins its fourth season at tlie Shubert-Riviera Theater to- i night. j W. L. George, the English novelist, ; before departing for a two months' lee- . ture tour of the United Stares, yester? day, conferred with Brock Pembertori concerning the preparation of a play for Mr. Pemborton. The conference fol? lowed Mr. George's visit, to "Enter Madame" at the Fulton Theater. It is possible that Mr. George may drama? tize his "A Bed of Roses" for produc? tion by Mr. Pemborton. Jennie Weathersby, who created the eccentric comedy r?le of Princess De Gramponeur, will return to tin? stage to assume the same part in the forthcom? ing rcvi\al of "Erminie." Charles Dillingham entertained the | members of tin? Dillingham companies now appearing in New York, numbering about 1,400 persons, at the final dress rehearsal of Joseph Cawthorn in "The Half Moon." George Backus has been added to the east of "Spanish Love," now play? ing at Maxine Elliott's Theater. "Good Times" at the Hippodrome be? gins its fourth month to-day. It will celebrate the 160th performance Thurs? day afternoon. Martha Throop, a Chicago artist, has been added to the cast of the "Green? wich Village Follies, 1920," at the Shu bert Theater. The Council of the Dramatists Gui.ld of flu? Authors' League of America has ratified the con; riot drawn between their body and the Producing Managers' association. Effective on and after No? vember 1. it is tii?' first standard con? tract ever entered into between the playwrights and managers of this country. - Starting to-night, Earl Carroll will take the window in the box office of the Republic Theater after the per :' nuance of "The Lady of the Lamp" and return the prjjce of admittance to any one dec'aring dissatisfaction with in?? show. Mr, Carroll plans to make this a feature of all his future produc : ?7... Advices recently received from Lon? don state that the 250th performance ?xf "Irene" took place there at the Em? pire Theatre, October '..'?'?. James Mor.'- j gomery's musical comedy has caught the tas-." of London theatergoers and the Empire is sold out for weeks in ad- ? vanee. Alan Brooks will >>?? the principal guest of the Rainy Day Club and of I their president, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, .??: ! breakfast Wednesday, November ?''., in ? - ? t: n of his play, "Because of Helen," at the Punch and Judy Theater. ' Kubelik and Zimbalist Heartl Again in Concerts Two violinists who have not played in New York for some time appeared yesterday. Jan Kubelik. wno for six years has remained in Europe, was heard at the Hippodrome in the eve? ning. During his absence from Amer? ica the Bohemian violinist, devoted much time to composition, and ho brought hack with him three concertos. One of these, ?n (' major, he chose as his first number on last evening's pro? gram. It is both a grateful and an interest? ing work, melodious and effectively or? chestrated, with plentiful opportunities for [he player of the solo instrument. Mr. Kubelik played with a line and i silken tone and a smooth mastery of technical intricacies. He had the as? sistance of an orchestra conducted by Richard Hageman. Hi; other numbers were Saint-Sa?n's Havanaise, the same composer's Intro? duction and Rondo Capriccioso and Paganini's Concerto in D major. The orchestra contributed, besides the ac? companiments, the overture to Mozart's "Magic Pluto" and Dvorak's Carneval. In the afternoon Efrem Zimbalist, who has not been heard for a year, gave a n citai al Cam ? i ? I la . iii number, Mozart's Concerto in A major, was particularly wcjl suited to the ?ig nity and ?logancc of his stylo. This was followed by Bach's Charon?;?'. Later in the program Mr, Zimbalist i ; ; d h ?s hand al I wo brilliant pi "?'?? Sarasate's Jota Navarraise and "Car? men" Fantas; . bul as he is no: ;i p... ? r of exceptional brilliance his fireworks . in both pieces were often moro per? functory than imposing. Misa <??' Blauet?; in Recital Shows Talent as Pianist ; Miss Margot de Blanck, a young Cuban pianist, gave a rrcital at the Pri n'ct?ss I'heatoi yesterda;, i fl ernoon She has an agreeable touch, sound technic and rather tin re maturity as an interpreter than most pianists of her years. In her program she made no bid for acclamation as .? prodigy. Liszt's an angoment of .1 Bach Prelu ?e and Fugue, Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 27, Mo. 1. wer?? followed by three 1 hopin numbers, tw ? Spa nish pieces, a Liszt Etude and Rhapsody No. 10. She has ' ; ? : putable talent : nd aln ady the gift of interest ir.,r an audii nee. On the Screen will be found on Page j : 'o-dny. ' -PARAMOUNT PICTURES Tlii-alre? I -i.l.-r Plrcrtlon Hugo lllf?<-nfBli I 8?aolal Performances at Rlwo?l. hia?to an.t Criterion Theatre? Eli?otlon Nlijht nt 11 I I cClncI?. Election Returns. criterion s? .TESHE I,. I.ASkV Presents Cecil B. De Milk's "SOMETHING TO Gloria Swanson, Theodore Rob? erts, Elliott Dexter, Mont?.; Blue JV0? CHAS. RAY B WAY 'An Old Fashioned Boy" AT 41th St. Ill VOM CONCERT QRCll i ALT?" Mary Miles Minier " " 'Byes o? Tb" Heart" Apollan Mall, THIS AFTERNOON ?it ?. PIANO lllii'lTAt;. (Manon 'ft Hamlin.) t'ltrtifgie Hull, Weil. V.\r.. Nov. 3, nt 8:15 |ACQIJES 1'IANIST (American Dulnit) Masan U HitniKn. Camagie Hail, Sun,?ff., Hoy,7, \T 7 THIRD IMAM ) RECIT \t. Tickets nl Box Omce. (Mason rt- Ham;.ai A.oliiiii Mull, Thins. |-,v(f.. Nov. I, tit 8:1.1 MARIE MIKOVA PIANO RECITAL. (Mason & Hamlin) AROMAN MAI I., AI'T'N, 3:15, NOV. 181 li. ? D A SONG RECITAL. MANAGEMENT FLECK BROS. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN TUESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 2 COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. Com dy, Vaudeville?OASILE'S BAND ;,: ::>?: ?."^ seats 25c, soc, $i ';\\s NIGHT" anil witch the re'urns In comfort. Women Voters can "CELEBRATE ELECTION NIGHT" and watch the returns In comfort. Beautiful new numbers that will be wanted by Victrola owners the country over. World-famed artists have contributed a wealth of new selections delightful to hear, and even the lighter forms of music are rendered by artists of more than usual ability. Any Victor dealer will gladly play any of these numbers for you. Number By the Water3 of Minnetcnlta Francec Alda 64;)03 Trovatore?Stride In vampa! (Fierce Flames ?re Soarinp) Gabriella Besanzoni 64875 Ever of Thee I'm Fo.ndly Dreaming Sophie Draslau 64883 A Granada (To Granada) Enrico Caruso 88623 Nocturne (GrjeB-EItnan) Violin Mischa Elman 74(143 Clavelitos (Carnations) Ameuta Galli-Curci 64004 When Your Ship Comes In Or ville Harrold 64900 Fedora?Amor ti vieta di non amar (My Love Compels Thy Love) Edward Johnson 64905 Chanoon Indoue (From "Sadko") Violin Thank God for a Garden Prelude in G M&jor (Rachmaninoff) Fiano Zaza?Zaza, piccola z?ngara (Zaza, Little C.ypsy) Waiting for the Sun to Come Out I Cannot Sleep Without Dreaming of You Drowsy Baby In the Afterglow Whioporing?Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Hi? Ambassador Orchestral The Japaneoe Sandman?Fox Trot I igggg Paul Whiteman and His Ambassador Orchestra ) My Little Bimbo Down on the Bamboo Ule Alicer? Stanley I The Broadway Blue? Ailcen Stanley Tired of Me Henry Burr I I'd Love to Fall Asleep and Wake Up in My Mammy'n Arma Peerlass Quartet ( ilJ' I'll Be With You in Apple Bloseom Time Charles Harrison) Tripoli (On the Shores of Tripoli) Louise Terrell -William RobynJ lfvjJ'i' Avalon?Medlsy Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Hi? Ambassador Orchestra ) BcitEver?Medley One Step Paul Whiteman and Hi? ?mbassedor Orchestra J v'J/0i Size Pries 10 $1.25 1.25 Fritz Krei?ler 64890 John McCorruock 64900 Sergei Rachmaninoff 74645 Renato Zar.elli 649G7 Lambert Murphy) Lambert Murphy ) OlJTe Kline-EUic Baker) Lisie Baker) 1SC91 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 1.25 1.75 1.7.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.25 45199 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 .85 10 .85 10 .85 1U .155 12 1.35 Hear these new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealer's. He will gladly give you an illustrated booklet describing them. New Victor Records on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month. Victrolas in great variety from $25 to $1500. ?60. W.S. rAY.QF?i HIS MASTERS VOICE REG. US PKT. OFT This trademark and the trademarked word "Victrola" identify all our products. Look? under the li?1 ' Look on the label! VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Caradcn, N. J. 1 ? Camden, New Jersey AMERICA'S FOREMOST THKATRKS AND MHS, DIRECTION OF LEE * .j .; -.--n n >? f:T CENTURY "?'?"??ATitK. 3 POP. M?TS. THIS WEEK V,, "most ",V/ i0 "' '? A ' ?' ' ' BBNRATIIWAL R ? F^/^ ?Ti nriv|.:s-i 1 BVKII KNOWN ? Till. \\iii:|| ^^^^^^^^^^ C0llWW^2~J* the'?r'^NE8 CEHTURYPROMEN?OE^p^v* CKNTURY; MIDNIGHT RKVUE^o?ROUNDERS.^o rl^.18 an,? .??ncinq. ? P M. to 3 A. M Election Returns Road from the Staijn.' BOOTH llVi- TO-NIGHT "'^_____________________ FAVERSHAM ^^-,;: v; ";? ???????b????... MARK TWAIN S ?^^_ THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER F?RST MATINEE TO-MORROW BR0ADHURST V, A P f ? ?, g RotiKi? ri'a-i from ? ??*?,, T tu _I *!_!*? HODGE J /N?RA BAYES rhe* 4< * >v r.r'"0,LD.?.?tis..AUU'?:N''?: IN rriL *'--?*? To-morrow. Wh! & Hi ??>? Kr. ? OF HS HAND." ^^^^^^?' Electljn Rete tati??ia*.-. - ; ?????-' i7< a" . j Eloction Returns ReaJ from the S'agf WINTER GARDFll ': * ' ' l yr,p rV???, ?. <. wt 111 I Uli ??nutr? MATINEE TO-M'W. L ? H 11? No Weil-irscUy Matinee This Week. fren h??ktP?l'tnnrt?Vr.rP t* "WAnn ROYCE'S Musical Comedy Success %?BWES< KISSING TIME ?far?? IZ '?" r001"1 W???,amS ! ??th WILL,AM NORRIS * ED.TH TAL,AFERR? co^T^0^"5^ MATINEE TO-MORROW ?ZT" r!1M_tk Ma". *4?t*y \Vc?W48Ha,1t'.:.Vjlr??!i " ti'"''10r' p?turns Re,<| from the Stade BIJOU j SPECIAL MAT. TO-? - ? C DAY) THE SKI!? GAME JOHN I.U -v. ? ? PLAYHOUSE Bi ?. AL MAT - ?ALICE iSK4l>Y Pnna Ascends EXTRA HOLIDAY MAT. TO-MORROW. _ E?AHGU In "THE WOMAN OF BRONZE" sei:vyn?: v.:.^;\ ?>v. ? f-.a?iO'tti ami: ?INNEY'fKKll M ?L? TUKATRB ?axine._ m HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-MORROW "HELD \1 IM KM I; BREATHLESS." 148THST. SPI '/^T- ''"' Bohemian? Inc. Annonne? Vi raiue/o?i920'_. LITTLE OLD TH YORK ELECT a . : RNS REAO_F_BOM -7A,E /)/v,f,;/ -^ E AH0L5R00K 0L1NN \/ ?THE BAD MAN ?b-firrf?TrV^f-^*m?**m W>-U'^'J1 Va. 1 _i aa- -5 ? ^.-s !. l\'/ ." ,1 El? Mon Returns Read from th, Stage. Ill M ? | ^ , t ., t \i ? ^ ?^ | ^jjj -RiMGESS "NOBODY CAN AFFORD TO MISS I l\" 1 m : ,a lim :?> SPECIAL ARMISTICE DAY. THUIi.. Nov. n {4bti\StWBteWVe**Y mffflw ?^H-Jk'? ? a_&5OrW?avt?sA?^50 Mahnt*. &i^__ __^_^^_^^ hlnllliAl MATINEE TO-MOKKOW ? .V ' ~_ _.'.""'.'.. ^ ^ ?.,.. r--r PiT ?'f?F _^^^_^^^__ S-?ECIAL ARMISTICE DAY. THUR.. Nov. Il < r H f '. f P f T il ?I f V I? H L ? fl S M L T *" L -? ? ST.? -. -r- ^ -l *-?i_7 LAST WEEK a id -'- (WU ill u> um aso ,. ? ....... ., Be.t Musical BflSSrf^ '?AslRiOK Show in? Tow^g^ggjjliy i BEG. MON. EVE., NOV. 8 R \ MR.& ' mrs'.'c?b?rn Election Returns l??nd fro.r ^ '? Special" Mat:'To"mw DCSPRIir? T!-'il,:i:A ' 'THE TREASURE" LAST THREE PERFORMANCES 1 LIONEL BARRYMORE says: ''I ? .iv.. never boon ?o movd In a theatre as by tho acting in this p'?>." tMsBaSSi OENTBAL l:,zf\ CAwl?- : ? WAY DOWN EAST ??ppr ???-^^^^^T '- FRENCH LEAVE ! WAY DOWN EAST ri^^rviH ^-?^^^^^ 44TH ST- THEATRE1'..'- ?f?? Uiiiili.-13u i', ly \ I : ?-^^ . ? 77.4/fS SQ. THEATRE tbe ist YPA R ' , !' : ? '.' i - FLORE! V?k'CEUl?ilS:?i, '. ? r H ?:?: IGE" _lmmtM^ ' ......'. . 'rl_ J'.J ' A' :"''- >!'>'-. T" '?'"'? '? n lui \\a! ai i ? lOSV'GACR Liiiiiiiiiii^iiiLV ? ?IT?TTi ?3IJJW 1 m&& "?' gr"t' Sarnegie Hall, To-night ai 8il Firs .7 ?? ? : an Re? ?tal ;t. IVAN P.: S'Ki ?I 33 1493 Broadway. ( S t ? 1 n w a y V i a n AEOLIAN II \ll, TO-NIC.HT AT 8:1",. 1-1 VNO HKlTCAI? U? JOHN |f 11 L II K u m Mgl lia??! ?? & ,1 n?s. St.? Ii ??? i?i ' NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ?iVm.,:'" Tomorrow Afternoon! "... I BODANZKY \ ??? im 11 ?put - - LOCUS 13 Lilly, Sov ?> ami 7 Kreisler, N ?? \,\ an i IS 3. . ?.,:??.. il;,!. S. B. Mae? M r "Hi; KNAIiE I- niK 1)1 h IAI, xi\ ,'() LEXINGTON THEATRE,51st SU Lex. Av3. ?SEASON OF GRAND OPERA The New York Opera Association THEODORE VAN IIKMERT, (Jon. Mffr. Oi'IMN?. Ml.HI TUESDAY, NOVliMUKIt ;ii!, AT R:15 P. M. fl &^ ?V Irene Bonheur, Hal?ie Stiles, Auguste P?risse, Joseph Marte!, ?talo Picchi, etc. i.a? \ nicht FRIDAY, N'OVKiMUEK 5th, AT 8:15 P. M. Emma Noe, Ada Paggi, Carlo ?Marziaii, ?talo Picchi. etc. Sicilian Niffht, Tuesday. Nov. Oth, at 8:J5. CAVAEEERIA REST!? ANA I*.M.I.I A< t I ?'? IN'DCCTI >H ' l-'l l.i . :Y.x. ? i ? , I ? }?; I : RJ KYY Ti? k? ta from 7?1c 10 $3 > N( iW ,.' Bo> ' ??'3-. . ALI,ISN & KABIA SI, : : .. ? !l 41s( St., an 1 ??.I ticket ag . -.~' "-'. .:?::,; Carnegie Hal Mon i" ?? . :. . S at 8:15, x H ? . .,, ' .. Mme I1KI.I \? Lu Mgi Loudon Charll ill Ma ion ,t 111 : Piano. Aeolian Hall, To-m'w (Tues.) Evp. ?it 8:li l?'irst s ibs? ripiion t.'oncerl i-iorence Hinkie Harold Bauer London String Quartet rickets Box (Juice and of Mi i Helen Love I U3 SI. ? THE BELTMOR Friday Man First Mu3icale, Hoi \^ RA?SA Friday Morning Musicales Firs:. MU3icale, Hotel Biltm ire Ball ^^ RIMINI Reserv id Seats $.1 V ? Biltn i -?? : ? ' ?' e (Bal riy I Mgt. R. E. JOHNSTON S? M P ^3UN ? ? m ? 11U H I ORCHESTRA WALTER DAMROSCH (i)MH(TOR ?isToiin at, ? a ? ;.i: .vi ? ? :. 13 12 Thursdaj A Its. und 1 : ! ridaj Eve?. C \i;M7<,!(. h \i i Thuri. Air.. MjV. 4 THE BIRTH OK THE SVMl'llOXi RAME \L'--BA . Mmc?LO??s?AHOMER 4 Syrnphont Concerta fur Children at A .. -, Ha !-,t Children's Concert s?ut., No?, 6. at 11 a.m. Ticket? at Box uttico. t.eorf ?f l-.iij;l?->, ilur. N E *?V YORK E E A I) I N O T H E A T K ! IJHI ?; 1 V A N 11 Sl'CCESSKS Famous Helasen Successes cMu:f??r i ? '., .3 ?oui s;, bt?. s??. :..,.,, .1. X... HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-MORROW ? l.\( II IDINOIA AMI SINO."- : "Call the Doctor" BELASGO ST S? '- ?5 33' HOIJDM MATINEE TO-MORROW Fr?nc?sS??Vr '"""one" R? K Itrard '? wstm ?"?-' S? ^,M? HOLIDAY M ATEN Kl TO-MORROW '?I.OKOEOCSIA ECNNY." GOLD ?x Avfry Ropwood NA CHE WE1 f JOSEPH C.^WTHORN '>THE HALF MOON"! st Mat. T? Bal N i V", VM--I! -:li \ I v~ ; , . * >o "THRI E STARS IN A m STARRI I) HI IH !"H!TCHY-KC0 ?927 ?^ ! WITHERS?Ml -, ' V Mai i ?? t3 - ? i and S it DUC I 9 .??' ?!' NTrW ??9TEREAr1 K'CCF- -NBV BECK ?FBOUC A;. . ?n THE TAYEMi kS :~~ BECAUSE OF HELEN Henry Miller's Thea. : -' a w :?: PAi RICIA t LLINGE m , , , , ?"l Mr?, i Ii?iii M ; 1 ,. ,1 S ?? . i. ' . n ???? lover und a foolish Jiusbuiid ? f,,.v K,,; . , , . ,, ? K.-i;l.l ??. i ,.?? I . . . i ? or?? 1'auiK^^H What's the handcuff* f,,r'.' CORT ?? ?; ?ISMJAHJbr "THB SMA5W/W?3 MUSICAL HIT m 5"H '?< ? | '""?"JUST SUPPO'F " THE TAVERN! - =." "i" """' t=.-iTH? TAVERN PARKcol"?"c'lE I ?'??? ?? ??* i I 1!'' '"' Th" '..'.: IELEN n. THE TAYEKM \\ hu's til?* ?woman a-screaonini?? ? ~4 GLOBE. MATS !" ?MORROW and BAT ^FREOSTONE-tipVtop? : HUDSON :** THEMfi rMAN iht:.-.. .IRLP M/r COHAN jn ? ? ? a y?-_. %-COHAN TKmXWl ?? Cm M. CO ?JANT C.?M?DI THETAVERN IfifliriR i rom hin? O05 " nnd II w ^ ?rW 0 Mais.To-morrow ilkooKs '=' BECAUSE o? HELEN "(SIZS TOM MOORE in ||gl_ "OFFICER G66" ^H_ ?ELSB-VA/Al 51 Strett i^^^^^H .?'?' I al . EXTRA REKKOllMA-M i: KLEI ? . . Loew's New York Theatre & Roof Coi t. 11 A. M. to IP. H A il BASIL KING'S "KA?tTHBOCND" Loew's American Roof ? . ?'? '?? '? ?-?? ?? at 8.15 Willing ami an Q?,,. lui, r.ven key < ? ? joklyn Academy of Masic orrow 5 y 2 '?' j (ELECTION N!f,H"n AT 8:20 B.F.K?!TH SUPREME VA09EVILLE ELECTION RETURNS ANNOUNCED 5 T R ? M in "?WiN BEDS" and MAN 0'WAR-SIR BARTON BACE .Y ?: m?I?.N? S?iU'HON? ORCHESTRA. II. F. i ALACc ?'VE? B. F. Krltl , ! KI.W TUlV K K i V ! T1117 ? MANHATTAN ELECTION RI KAD _^ FROM - n?,T ^. i;S1 ?COMMON SKNS1 riUlKS. M>? tO ?l-31 _-* T0-DA1 h? t' y a a lALLI ub HIPPODRt ?un. Ev?fl SEATS FOR (IM) Mil \ I . M I II?.;.!*11 CUMSI? ?.eta -.' tliiiL i*r Mil? C . _r-r I .... .n.m DU* (