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Women VotererEarly to Polls and Stand in Line for Hours Women Stand Patiently in Line at Polls Langhingly Tell One An? other That Suffrage Is Worth the Trouble; Many Rring Along Camp Stools Girl Scouts Tend Babies _4 Some Feminine Watchers at Voting Places Before the Doors Are Unlocked The largest woman's vote in the his? tory of New York City was cast yester? day- Women showed an intense inter the Presidential election, which they had not manifested in the (wo ;, ?nor - ' ' ' since they won the bal? lot m 1917. The poll ng places were crowded during the morning with voters and the election hoards were entirely unprepared, for the con? gestion. No exs ' count of the woman's vote was made b il Miss Helen Varick Bos well, chairmai ? '" the New York County Women's Re] ublican Committee, esti? mated that ." ore tl an one-third of the total city vote was cast by women. There are 1,387,835 registered voters in the city. Miss Boswell said, and the woman ? vote probably aggregated more than 40 "Ii many election districts in the be:fer n ? sections, the woman's vote equals that of the men," she said, "and in somi stricts there are more women This is offset, how ever, by the fact that many women. especia gn birth, do not vote." Women Crowd Out Hylan The ' re blamed by Mayor lure to vote liefere Hall. So many thrifty Brook ;. fives on their way to mark i up at the Mayor's : had ; o star.d ?n lini ' ?' ' ' nutes, after winch he ?osl rid travo it up, prom ising ratic captain, however, 'urn. The ire the annoyance of .- for long periods with ghingly saying to j privilege of voting wa ? i ' tanding in line for. ' Tl pi I provided themselves . : eading matter. : ?acher corrected her ' { . lusewife flaslied an ' awaiting her ? white floor. Pomer- ; away the hour for I others had brought: ng to talk to them fror:- ? ev,-a!k. . ?' ;ve at many poll- . ng ] - the mothers by All Scouts were experts. la'!'M-r Brings Baby, Too AI tl ? .- place, at Amsterdam Avi [23d .-:' reet a <-irl Scout ist a n ale voter j in the of nursery duty. He \ McCu loch, v. hose wife is : : had asked him to take ts ai ring when he ! McCulloch had li ft i watcher for the baby ' .- that some woman i I me to the rescue, t ? e competent litt le Seoul a Baby Badge, i ild, he voted with fa: incidents marked womei ? at the. polling p a '. ?. of ni ni eon sis ' ' hurch of Our Lady of Vngi Thiiteenth Street, ? ? - place at 57 East Fourti ? by Mrs. Margaret Ryai ? tic district leader. Fron - Home for Aged " and 114th Street. a re - er in black shawl and prim | irried to the polling plac? i'cl< ck. Explains Vote Before Breakfast ? relish my breakfast ! m |," she explained to rk. "I wanted to get ' ' r i rning, Mrs. Howard ?1 the Re] ub ?can district :? ?mobiles for the . on of the home j to vis t the pol fort. itel ers and district. i before the own places had arrived or the ba - |< livered. Mis ? campaign chair- ! mai Yorl State Women's j tl ? and a hustler in ] ? I v District, was able ? - at the polling ?ty-ninth Street The . ? ? : | ?,,,.i ;l mu ?. dence at 6 ' I B V j fj cup r c OCOcl I j < ? at art) hour of the t?ay g ! Baker's Cocoa i is especially good in the evening a short time be? fore retiring. Its flavor is delicious, its aroma most attractive, and it is conducive to restful sleep without being in any sense of the word, a (2ft narcotic. Ab \ ^ solutely pure |SA& and wholesome. K3KI.ET Of (."HOICF. RECIPES SENT FREE .Walter Baker&Co.iM. !!jtSTABU*neD i'ftO-ootCwtMl? P?v, ? ????*" I o clock. While the policemen tramped up and down perplexed, Miss Skinner marched out into the middle of the road and. throwing back her head, cried 'o the upper story : Woman dot? the Key "Epi! Epi! Throw down the key" Presently a tou: ii d h< ad npp ??.??. 1 at the window and the key clattered down. Litter Miss Skinner entertained : the voters with the newest records ?rom Mr. Epi's stock. Edward Hardy, the twelve-year-old ' prodigy of Columbia University, es? corted his mother to the polling'place at 80 Morningside Drive, but was not allowed to vpte himself. His presence was an inspiration to the women voters, who had been stand? ing in line for more '.hau an hour, this being one of the districts where the congestion was particularly noticeable. "Why not let Edward east the vote for the whole district? He's got more brains than all the rest of us put to? gether," snapped a school teacher who v anted to go to the matin?e. One of the election officials rebuked her with the information that Edward was a valuable aid to the Republican captain, and lasi year endeared him? self by taking messages to voters in an apartment house wher'1 the political workers had been forbidden entrance, Jam Near Columbia University The districts near Columbia Univer? sity have more women voters than men. Two years ago the district was divided into three parts in order to accommo? date all the newly ?enfranchised stu? dents^ school teachers and artists who inhabit the scholastic region. This year two of the three districts have more than 600 voters each and another division was asked by the. Republican captains. They placed the blame for yesterday's confusion on the refusal of the Democratic members of the board to allow further divisions. In the 4th Election District only six booths were provided for 682 voters, although the law requires one booth for every seventy-five voters. In this district many women stood in line more than an hour. It was pointed out that had tho weather been stormj many votes must have been lost. Miss Sarah Butler, daughter of Nicholas Murray Butler, president o1 Columbia University, is the captain of t :? 3d Election District in this section Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president o? tho International Woman Suffrage Association, and Miss Mary Garret! Hay, chairman of the New York City League of Women Voters, who live at 404 Riverside Drive, voted soon aftei 3 o'clock in a laundry at 2879 Broad' way. For the iirst time in their lives two disagreed on a politic? question, Mrs. Catt making the League '?''. Nations the chief issue and votinr. for Cox, while Miss Hay stuck to the Republican party, for which last yeai she was chairman of the Women'; National Executive Committee. Both Oppose Wadsworth "We both voted against ' Senatoi Wadsworth," said Mrs. Catt, "and mort than that we will not tell, save that w? split our tickets." Miss Hay said they both voted foi Miss Harriet May Mills for Secretary of State. Miss Mills being an old com rade of suffrage days and former presi dent of the New York State Womai Suffrage Association. The motion picture men and severa reporters were on hand to watch tht two most prominent suffragists in thi city cast their first Presidential ballot and a long line of women waited good naturedly while the movies recorded th< event. Mrs. Catt went into the boot! first and Miss Hay came out iirst thereby scoring a great laugh. "I've had more experience in voting,' she explained. "Mrs. Catt was so bus; working for national suffrage in Wash ington last year that she didn't voti then, while I've never missed a chance.' Miss Virginia C. Gildersleeve, deal of; Barnard College, whose name headei the list of Democratic electors, votei at the same laundry a few minute ahead of the suffrage leaders. Women workers for the Anna How? ard Shaw Memorial Fund visited man; polling places, taking up the "women' thank offering" for the vote. "Give as your heart, dictates; Ann Howard Shaw gave her life for you vote," their yellow placards read. Mrs. Tilomas Weils and Miss Mar Dreier, of the League of Women Vot er?, patrolled Fifth Avenue near th Public Library in the afternoon io the same cause. Five hundred tho'J sand dollars is being raised by sutfri gists for a memorial chair of polit'C a- Bryn Mawr and a chair of preven' ive medicine at the Woman's Med'Ci College of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Henry Curran, mother of th Borough President, was on duty ; the 10th Assembly District Rep?blica Club, at 8 West Twenty-eighth Stre? to give instructions to women aboi marking their ballots. The Republ can Committee of One Hundred. 1 which Mrs. Mary Hatch Willard i? . chairman, were on duty at many poll ' ?ng places and district headquarters i ?or similar service. The school for i voters of the R ?publican Women's State Executive C< mmittce was open d iy ?n ''?? V ,' lerbilt Hotel. Watch Counting of Vole Many women volunteered for duty ap j watchers at the polls while the vote , was being counted, acting through a committee organized by Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch and other suffragists. Among the volunteers was Mrs. Blatch's daughter, Nora Blatch Barney, and two women friends. "Send us to a tough district," they demanded. Miss Boswell sent them to the 1st Assembly District to serve from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m. Watchers were provided by the League of Women Voters for' many other districts where the vote was ex? pected to be close. Among them were Mrs. Learned Hand, Mrs. James Lees l.aidlaw. Mrs. Harriet Comstock, Mrs. Charles L. Tiffany, Mrs. L. Draper, Miss Anna Maxwell, Mrs. Robert Adam son and Miss Sally Peters. The Democratic women's headquar? ters, like the Republicans, were open all day for the information of voters. Mrs. George Bass, chairman of the Democratic Women's Bureau, voted by mail, her home being in Chicago. Miss Elisabeth Marbury, state Democratic leader, voted early and predicted a Democratic victory through the omen i of a largo apple crop upstate. "When there is a big crop of apples 'the Democrats always win," she said. Debs S^s^sTiltWUl INot Disappoint Him People Will Get What They Think They Want, He Asserts; Geta Returns in Prison ATLANTA, Nov. 2.?Eugene V. Debs, Socialist nominee for President, in a final campaign statement to-day said: "1 shall not be disappointed over the. results of Die election, as the people will get what they think they want insofar as they think at all." Mr. Debs received election returns to-night in the Federal penitentiary, where he is a prisoner. No special wire arrangements have been made for his benefit, but Warden Zerhst. has arranged to obtain tho re? turns from Atlanta newspapers and convey them to Mr. Debs. Malone Says Editors PJot To Hold Back His Vote I Declares Ballots Cast for Him Will Be Counted, Despite Conspiracies After visiting the election headquar? ters of the -Yew York City News Asso- ? ciation, on the fourth floor of police headquarters, last night and observing the method by which the news associa-; tion, gathering election returns for all j the newspapers, cooperated with the Police Department in obtaining reports from the various precincts, Dudley Field Malone, who was the Farmer-Labor candidate for Governor, made this statement: I "I understand that the editors of New York newspapers, exclusive of the Hearst publications, have entered into a ph ? to keep the Malone vote from the ; public. I came here to-night to ascer? tain the manner in which the Police , Department cooperates with the news' association in handling this work." Malone declared that every vote cast for him in yesterday's election would be counted for Malone, regardless of newspaper plots. -a "Finer' Says Hughes; Murphy is Resigned "Fine, fine!" was the only comment of Charles E. Hughes when he was in? formed at hi? home, 32 Fast Sixty fourth Street, last night that the indi- ? cations pointed to an overwhelming victory for Harding. Told that Governor Smith evidently had been beaten in New York, Mr, Hughes reiterated "Fine, fine!" lui; he would say no more. Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tarn- | many Hall, issued this statement, late ! last, night: "Governor Cox has made a vigorous and dignified campaign. His def< at would be regrettable. However, the ' people have cast their votes for the j candidate of their choice. The agita? tion of the campaign should now be forgotten. We must concentrate our , thoughts on the welfare of the country. Irrespective of party, we must stand behind our new President and help him to promote can- country's happines; and repose." C-4 s marl Dobbs Derby of the latest vogue, made in the Dpbb ish way ?felty and ^durable, is offered by Dobbs ?r Co, New York's leading HATTERS, as an indispensable feature of die well dressed man's wardrobe 620 Fifth Avenue o? 744 Fifth Avenue THE O O b U ti D b R H V exclusive Representatives in CMany of the ?Principal Cities Two-thirds of City's ^allots Cast by Noon Average New Yorker Marked Ticket in One Minute and Twenty-five Seconds, J. R. Voorhis Reports Complaints of Fraud Smoothest and Speediest Presidential Election, Is the Verdict of Official It took the average New Yorker just one minute and twenty-five seconds to mark and cast his or her ballot, ana ? two-thirds of all the ballots cast were , in the boxes by noon, according to esti ; mates made by John R. Voorhis, presi ; dent of the Board of Elections. Mr. Voorhis, whoso experience as an election official began in 1874, de? clared that this was the smoothest and speediest Presidential election he had ever known. In some election districts the average balloting was at the rate of forty an hour, but others recorded balloting as rapidly as 100 an hour. The latter were in districts known to be strongly Republican, where the vot? ers required on an average of less than forty-five seconds to mark a straight ?ticket. Complain of Long Waits The early morning rush of voters to , the polls caused many complaints to be ! sent to the Board of Elections that not ] enough booths had been provided. Long 'lines of voters in districts populated 1 chiefly by workers, who had been given I a forenoon half-holiday, formed in ' front of some of the polling places in Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn. In many instances the lines contained '200 to 300 men and women. Some of them had to wait from one to two hours before receiving their ballot and a place in a h oth. Chief Clerk Wil? liam C. Baxt< of the Board of Elec? tions, sent, hurry-up orders to provide more booths and ballot boxes at these places. He explained that each polling place had been provided with one booth for each seventy-five registered voters and that there would have been no undue waiting were it not for the eagerness of voters to cast their ballots early. By noon, Mr. Baxter said, so many per? sons had voted that the problem of congestion had solved itself. During the late hours voters found little wait? ing before them. "I never in all my experience knew of a Presidential election to be handled so smoothly and speedily," said Mr. Voorhis. "The complaints were only minor and were quickly adjusted. By noon two-thirds of all the votes had been cast and it looked to me that New Yorkers did a thorough job of it, sc far as not neglecting to go to the polls w*s concerned. It is the rule in elec? tions that an average of only 6 or 1 per cent of registered persons fail tt vote. I am sure that even this average has be?n cut down." A speed record for early and rapid voting was reported from all the poll? ing places in the 1st Assembly District One hundred votes an hour were cast there during the first four hours aftei the polls opened. In other districts the average ? was about sixty ar hour. The average time taken b> a voter for the whole city, how ever, was a little more than ini minute. In the 25th and 2f>th electior districts of the 1st Assembly District out of a total registration of 441, hac voted 3-11 by 1 p. m. The balloting wa: virtually completed there half an hour before the polls closed. Women were conspicuous among early voters. The election clerks reported that generally less confusion over how to mark the ballot prevailed among the ,: en thi n among the men. Conster? nation was reported among ? f the women voters in Greenwich Vil? lage when it was iearnod that several of them had registered under their maiden names. Those who challenged such voters were sustained, and the women were not given ballots. Even actors, actresses and stagd hands, who are known as late sleepers, were among the early voters. The poll? ing place of the 44th Election District of the 10th Assembly District, at Pub? lic School 67. 120 West Forty-sixth Street, which is in the heart of the theatrical district, was crowded with voters rn the first hour. By 10 n. m. one-third of the 198,744 registered voters in the Bronx had cast their ballots. The first rush swamped the election machinery, so that many voters complained of the length of time they had to remain in line. Many who had already cast ballots in the 42d Election District of the 10th ; Assembly District, at 934 Sixth Ave? nue, lingered to witness the arrival of ! Brigadier General Cornelius Vander bilt. The general was accompanied by ; Mrs. W. D. Sloane, his sister. Later Colonel George B. McClellan, formerly Mayor; Dr. Robert Abbe, a noted sur? geon; Bernard M. Baruch and Dr. John C. Erdrnan voted. In the 48th Election District, same Assembly district, at 36 East Forty-eighth Street, Frank A, Munsey and Simon Guggenheim were early voters. Alderman A. Beckerman, of the 6th Assembly District, and Samuel E. Beardsley, Socialist candidate for State Senator in the 14th Senatorial District, appeared before Mr. Voorhis to com? plain that the election officers of the 17th Election District of the 6th As? sembly District had refused to allow an illiterate woman to mark her ballot unassisted. The woman, unable to write, they represented, had registered by mark, and when she appeared at Ninth Street, near Avenue R, to vote the officers are. said to have insisted that inspectors accompany/her into the booth and assist her in marking her ballot. Commissioner Voorhis di? rected that the officers allow the woman to enter the booth alone and mark her ballot. Alderman Beckerman and Mr. Beardsley declared that votes were be? ing bought in the 14th Assembly Dis? trict. They said they anticipate elec? tion frauds through the mutilation of ballots. Julius Gerber, of the Socialist County Committee, telephoned Com? missioner Voorhis that an election board of the fith Assembly District was treating voters discourteously and in? terrupting the orderly process of vot? ing by asking unnecessary question calculated to delay the vote. The Con: missioner sent a representative to thi board requesting that it treat all vot? ers courteously. OVINGTON'S has an answer to every j gift problem; and not one i answer but hundreds. Every one is different but every one good and the prices are not at all bur? densome. OVINGTON'S ''The GiftShopof5th Ave" 314 Fifth Ave. nr. 3 2d St. Electric Lamps for IhioHday giving Planning fer Christmas gifts severa! weeks in advance 5s really an economy =off time, of energy, and of money. And in mniakiinig uz one's lists, iiamips should rank first among the utilliU tarian gifts that everyone likes to receive. in the Department on the Fifth Floor are lamps of many varieties, all of them desirahie. Among them are iamrs of carved, gi:ded wood, of ma hogany and of artistically wrought metal; lamps of Japanese foronse, with cloisonne decoration ; ?amps of Chinese porcelain; and a large assortment c? lamps of modern design. There is a'sc a highly interesting collection of iamp shades. Lamps, Lamp Shades ana Caimdile. Shades mads to order #labtson Sbtnue ? JTi??ti Sbenue 34t? anb 35tb Streets ^cto ?ork Roosevelt Loses In His Own Home; Pins Hopes on Wes! Hyde Park Goes Republi? can by the Biggest Ma? jority in Its History: Statement Deferred Special Dispatch to Th.- Tribune POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.; Nov. 2. Though early returns, particularly fron Poughkeepsie and his voting place, Hydi Park, were plainly disappointing. Frank? lin D. Roosevelt declined to make any statement to-night admitting defeat. Hyde Park went Republican by th< heaviest majority in its history, accord? ing to the first returns brought to Mr Roosevelt. Hyde Park helped elect the Demo? cratic Vice-Presidential candidate twice to the State Senate. His Western trips imbued Mr. Roose? velt with the idea that prophe's ha been making a great mistake in setting down anything as final from that par of the country. "The situation has been so compli? cated, for instance, in the Dakotas Montana, Colorado and Idaho by the Nonpartisan , League that all prophecj seems futile there," said Mr. Roose? velt. "The Nonpartisan League seems to have made inroads on the Repub lican organization in some ?rates anr on the Democratic organization ir others. What the vote of the Non partisan Leaguers will be on nationa issues no one can prophesy with an; degree of truth, in my opinion. Re membering the situation in the Wes and considering the vast changes tha may be made owing to the women' vote, this will not be an election fu conclusions, in my opinion. I will no have any statement until to-morrow." .Mr. Roosevelt voted at Hyde Park a 10 o'clock. When he arrived 180 bal lots had been cast. Motion picture me? were present and Mr. and Mrs Roosevelt were photographed as the; voted. Following the casting of his bailo Mr. Roosevelt drove over to tho horn They Say That Mere Safety Won't Interest You! is that true/ Do you or do you not belong to the unthinking thousands who flutter like moths at the flame of sudden riches and drop hack burning and broken into the dark to hug the misery of their losses? To he safe?Buy Prudence-Bonds. We have prepared a booklet describing Prudence-Bonds in detail, which we will send you without any obligation to you. We pay the 4^ Normal Federal Income Tax Ask for Bookie! C-84 "Realty Associates Investment Corporation 31 Nassau St-New York '?'162 Reinsert St. Brooklyn Denominations of 'ioo, tjoo and *iooo Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Trustee of Thii o? the Wilbur family and of Larry Mingey, and, following a time-honored custom, took those aged voters to the: g place. ? Thei e a re th ree in the Wilbur family whos eighty ? ? ? ? rat te ages ran*;. Mr start I voti ? att5 1 METROPOLITAN CLOTHES for MEN London Mad aae ?? Are the finest landed in this country from British tailors e Obtainable in New York only from Saks ?C Company HEY are as warm and as cosy as a deep pile blanket ? and so strictly British in their masterful lines you just have to take a second look every time you see one. Some drape from the shoulders in a decided rakish manner, others are smartly belted to create a youthful effect ? ALL are as exclusive as anything shown in the London West End this season. Heathers, Dark Greys, ^{ew Shades of Brown and ^ich Cjreens. $ 00 BROADWAY Saks &(?amj?amj .it 54/A STREET