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Three Good Bonds Yielding over 8.25 co We have selected the bonds of one Public Util? ity, one Railroad, and one Industrial Company vrhirh we consider the best bargains in their re? spective classes. We shall be glad to te!! you about them. Ask for Letter R-i. Robert C. Mayor & Co. |nvcs-m?nt 3ank?r* Equitable Bldg. New York TeL B*ct?r 6770 If Wmm sa?Si? WkWIS?nef a D\ BRTISING has es ?*?*? tal lished an annex to the world's greatest financial cen? tra?a:, annex that is ind?3 ?p-r: sable r.r.J convenient for the urici-n business man, in vestoi nd st ;k trader. N matter where you are lo? ci, cd, t? you have a financial service to offer, advertising v I i -? y >u create a bi cru better clier i le ' -Her Advertising FRANK KIERNAN 6 CO ncy 13 3 E> roadway- N e w ^ brk Rector \Z5Z STOCK J.K.Rice9Jr.&Co, Pkonii4?.'0to4010 Jobn. 36 Wall St., N. Y. Mark A, Theodore r. Torwit, NOBLE & CORWIN tO Br-.iuS ?t. Now Twrk J Liberty Nation CurtissAeroPf. Impl Bklyn.City RR. Telephone 1111 Kroad HARRUUN NATIONAL BANu Fifth Avenue .5: Forty-.ourtb St, New York Siskin* Hours from ? A. M. to 8 P. M. Safa Depout Vault? 8 A. M. to Midnif,?! N. J. Zinc "Rights'7 J.K,Rice,Jr.&CX rtiOT.t? 4000 to 401? : tin 36 Wall St . N. T. Merrill, Short Term Lynch Notes C\ v^O. 1 ;<t on rcque?'.. 120 Broadway, N. Y. ??"???-?? Shelf Ex( hange inment Ronds .. ........ ,1; Kate, .v 4la ? 4 ' , 4;, -5 ? ?? ' .j -1 6 9 i9L'i-'3a ;? 6 4 A 4?i-S ?' } "' ? ? : ' ! ? I ' ? ' I - ' ' ? ?_; 1920 H 19 1 .??-?.-? : 7 -5 -? : ' ' ??? ? 5 1920--26 l924-'36 19o0 0 1911 hmli B ' . ' s : ? 7 10 ? 7 It 7 ' > Stocks Ex Dividend , Company ?N'ov ? g?trot( t'nited Kj Ji0? }* Q*n?rai cu< am *. Go K?? 17 A' U ,W) >? * Tire O No? i, "?rtln-Parry Com Un? \l o 1'lovi Co H r $J I' I 6 7:. 6 60 ?. It 7.00 I ? ? I i ? . i S ? 6.50 , i - ? ' ? 4 ' ? 6 ? 6.4J 6 40 ? ti.? t, 5 76 6. ! " > 41 6.60 6.40 6 SO 6.60 7.00 l'er Cent _ ? ? la?; rf. J J* ..., , ;uii Co t?r. * * *? 8t?ra Uro? j>f. SVfc Prices Irregular In Quiet Trading On Cotton Market Early Advance on Weather j Reports Met by Increased ! Offerings; Bearish Fea-j tures Believed Discounted The cotton market was comparatively quiet yesterday and the price movement was irregular. Prospects for freezing weather in the Western belt and the j firmr-r ruling of Liverptol encouraged '? an early advance, but the market met i increased offerings at 19.02 for January | and broke during the middfe of the day owing to reports of an easier spot basis in the South. Xo material pressure of Southern hedge selling developed to color these advices, however, and after selling at IS.50 January rallied to 18.85, closing at 18.75. with the gpneral mar? ket closing barely steady, net un? changed to 16 points higher. According to local brokers there has been something of a change in specula? tive sentiment. The idea that bearish features have been discounted hasj gained ground, but buying on that the- i ory luis been held in check by contin- j ued depression in the goods trade and I the fear of spot liquidation. In con- ; sequence there has been a disposition to even up commitments pending fresh < developments, and the market yesterday was narrow enough to be influenced by comparatively small orders either way. Southern spot markets as officially reported were mostly unchanged, the exceptions being an advance of 25 points at New Orleans and a decline of 50 points at Memphis. Middling quota? tion- ranged from 18.45 to 20.00, com? paring with the closing quotation of j 1910 for December contracts at New \ ork. The local market for spot cotton was | ?'. et and unchanged at 20.05 for mid-j iling. No sales were reported. The rango of prices follows: VTednes lay's Open. High. Low. <"'. si close N'ov. ...- - ? 19 -18.90 . ,, ,. 19.20 19.45 18.85 12 1 IS i i S.' 18.7918.60 i ? l. ? 18.CO (i ? -18 i March.. 18.70 18.80 1? I IS IS.SI 1 10 April.. . IS.404i V;a. ... 18.GO 18.64 3 8.17 IX.HI . . IS.15-? ., ,. 18.28 IS.37 17.9 ? ' ' 0 ? .:? . ? Sept... 17.80 ? 17. SO Ocl ' ' ' - ? -? Southern spot Markets ?? i .-:???'?.- - :-?"?-. ?????.'?..?. s. 2,126 ba lei . > nnah ? nged at 21 - ? '? Augusta ...-..- ? n. 147 bales steady, I ,vc-r at 19, : ? < ???<? ' .. - Louis f-tea sales, i usl m a. ?. a I at 18.f sales. 2.47 ' . Hal? ts stead .-?':- - Monti (Inn, u I -? ? n l ' .- ? V ' a -?? a ! ?, a IS 45c sales 2,000 bales. Cotton Statistics Y. ? ter- T ast ' I.asl wee . Port receipts . 40,759 37,727 . 64 ' .7,195 ... --.,.., ' ' 11,: S-, Y. stocks 21.244 Port ,.- ks I.2S1 i ' ' ?? -???'?' : ? ? ? . ? . ? . : i Liverpool < lllilr? Spol ? a II demand a - ? - i 4.0 Im ports, 39,000, American, 37,000. Futures opened qulel but steady, al 4 to 9 kdvanc . Cloned quiet at.r, to 10 point? advance. Closing bids: lieccmber, 14 2'.'; January, 14.05; March, 13.82; M*v, 1X6?; July, 13 47. Manch, ster; yarns and ' ? qill.-t. Cottonseed Oil The murliM for cottonseed oil was w?..,! and lower, closing with not lopxes or 22 to 29 points The demand was onl? .?rate and longs were Inclined to liquidate, while there ?.m conBlucraDle Hailing be ii.-\f.| to be i i' Southern account. The outlook tor export business was not very promising mat the crudo position was heavy, Toial sah's for the day were barrels. I'l ?? range of prices follows: Wednesday'? Opon. High. Low. Close. ( lose. Spot...-??-10.80 fa"- 11 00 Nov... --10.704jUO.SO 10.85 Deo...- -10.674iH0.70 10.90 Jan... 10.91 10.91 10.71 10.70@10.73 10.98 Peb . . .- - ? 10.! pi0.90 11.10 Mar... 11.12 11.16 11.02 11.04(3111.05 11.26 Apr...- 11.0544)11.20 ll.:i2 May... 31.40 11.42 11.40 11.204? 11.30 11 4? June...- - 11.20 ii 11.25 11.63 Sugar Declines Again : Demand Remains Light Current Y<-ar prices H'? rUiga--. granulated, lb.10% 9 Coffee, Hlo No, 7. jx, ig^ ColTee, Santos, No. 7.32 % 1913% -27 Raw and refined sugar again reached lower levels yesterday as demand re? mained dull. Sales of Cubas now load? ing, at 0c. cost and freight, and full duty sugars, afloat, sold for 5.75, c. i. f. Negotiations were said to be under way on a shipment, at T>%c, c. and f. A local r. finer reduced the price of granulated to 10c, less 2 per cant for cash. Futures broke lower in sym? pathy with the weak spot market and closed at 21 to 25 points net lower. The range 01' prices: W. '- n esda> 'a Op*n H,gh. low. CIi S v ... 5.97@5.98 6.18 Dec. 6 00 6.00 5 "0 : -. ; .- 5.98 0 : S .' an.93 5.95 . - 94 6.15 C h.?? ."? 5.75 i.Rii 88 CIO Mar..75 ? 80 5.75 : ? - ?? 5.S 6 I I 1 ? . . -. . . - la .5 99 5.9 ' 6 99 5 97 'n 5,98 l i 9 .; a: - ' . . 1. ? ? lui; - ? - ,....-,, (Offer futures More en ourai ni reports from prli a -. markets si. marl et aftei It li id sagged . ft several a Ints v- > ? ? : lay ai I thery vrai n 1 a lly of lOt : points. 1 lush ess ? 11 dull, how? ever, and there was a rea I 1er, final prices being G lo 10 pointa net h eher. The i.. lige of prl v.a inesday'fl Open. 11%!!. Low '"". so clo e. . ! ? ... .... 7.4>3 :? .7.65 7.k . . - ? . - 1 769 .vaa. - - - ?7.9; ,".!< ?.S4 ,,95 S.10 7.93 ? ? S . ' " ." uno, , . . - -. R. 2 o it f . :. . 8.30 8.4? 8 ?,-.-. Am ? . : ? I ? ? S. 47 8.4 7 S. 47 ? " v United (ligar Income Report Net profits, after charges and Federal taxes, of the L'a,: I Cigar ? tores Conir ' : ;;:-- .%?? s moni h ?- ended Au :. I. ,vere - 2,965.721 . ? ?'? .. ' - . al ??? ing' foi prefem. to s ?. '. 1 : ; a si ..-.-. stock, accord : ng to a stiiterm I ly. Profit and 1 surpl for the period showed So,771,482. Weber & llcilbroiu r Earnings For the six moni endi \ 1 ? Y. ebei & lleilbroner re] rl . irpli pei 1, harges and i to ! - ? 1 7::.477 outsl lim of common stock Sab vero 261, while net pro! expenses depreciation, el Railroad Earnings Not Equaling 6% On Total Valuation Class 1 Roads Should Have Operating Incomes of S 1.080,000,000, Figures Show; Results Disappoint In order to earn a net operating in ' come <>f 6 per cent on tho aggregate valuation of tho railroads of the coun ? try, which lias been tentatively fixed at $18,900,000,000, the Class 1 roads would ? have to report an operating income of I $ 1,030,000,000, divided as follows: East $408,000,000; ?South, $150,000,000, ! and West, $462,000,000. Railroad statisticians figured yester? day that, based on the proportionate amount of the standard return earned in each month of the "test period" of 191 ..-1917, the Class 1 roads should now earn monthly not operating incomes for the three traffic territories as fol? lows: Rsst-rn. Southern. Western. .Tan'ia-y .. $29,1 47.000 $0,342,000 $21.773,000 February. 24.602.000 7,885,000 24,288,000 March.... 25,179,000 11,2;:,, 000 24.72!',000 Aprtl. 34,810,000 11,157,000 34,363 000 May. 40,098,000 12,862,000 39.584.000 .Tune.,42,817,000 13,723,000 42,263,000 ?Julj .... 39,139.000 12,546,000 38,6:18.009 ? : " ' ? 00 1 4.460.000 44,550,000 inber 47,323,000 15,170,000 46.722.000 October... 48,840,000 16,654,000 48.214.000 November. 4 ,159,000 13,83,1,000 42.605,000 iber. . ?,749,000 12,000.000 27,265,000 For all the carriers the monthly totals should be: January, $67,262, 000; February, $56,776,000; March, $81, I . 0; April, $80,330,000; Mav, $92, 534,000; .lune, $98,809,000; July, $90, 320,000; August, $104.144,000; Septem bor, $109,220,000; October, $112,709,000: November, $99,598,000, and December, $87,113,1 '?"? 11 '.'. Ad the carriers have come from earning a 6 per cent return on their property valuation during and since tii test period is known by figures giving the net operating income for each of the last four months of 1917, 1918 and 1919. For instance, a net op ral ng income of $77,763,000 was re? port? for September, 1919, compared with what tin ? ad should earn under rate that would give a 6 per rent re turn o: $109,220,000, In December last year earning fell still further below the mark of $87,113,000 fixed by the on act, with a total of only $12,781 000, :. i men said yesterday that it ??? mid ; robi bly be next year before the carriers would begin to attain the intendi ? under the new rate ?structure. The report? for September lered from a superficial view po .' nsidered disappointing in . . the fi ' that not in many cases ;'A! bi low the exhibit a year ago. This ? e largely, howevi r, to greater expenditures for maintenance, which return to a more normal rate ; ? he 'mi of i he year. -?-?-? German Paper Below 6 Cents , tprint "made in Germany" is |.. ng iffered in the New York marke h ?, al a p r i o r- well below 6 cents At moment a single lot o i ?' ei ?ng at between 51, and C cents. So far it has not found ? r paper trade men said yesterday {Investment Information I Questions of general interest to in- j ! ! j ve*tor$ will be answered in thu col~ I ?I uimi, in which case only initials wul I te need. Others will be answered by mail. Address all inquiries, tneio? ? ing a ttamped, addressed envelope, te Financial Editor, The Tribune, lil | Nassau Street, New York City. j Tel. and Tel.'? Funded Debt j Question?Please give me *U ?he *v*1,? able information concerning the bond I Issues of the American Telephone and i Telegraph Company, particularly Ameri? can Telephone and Telegraph 5s, 1 '46 How are th?y secured? Have they a con version prlvtlog?? no you consider then a good investment??E. J. II. Answer?The American Telephon. and Telegraph Company has seven is sues of bonds, as follows: Collators trust 4 per cent, due July 1, 1929, out standing $78,000,000, secured by $102, 909,650 par value stocks and bonds o subsidiary corporations. Convertibl 4 per cent, March 1, 1936. The cor vertible privilege expired March 1918. A direct obligation but not si cured by mortgage, but will be equall secured by any future mortgage or co lateral trust indenture. Outstandin ! $2,589,000. The original issue w ! $1.70,000,000, The balance were co verted. Convertible 4% per cent, di March 1, 19:53; outstanding, $13,02: 500. Converted $53,972,500. Convert hie at par into common stock at $1 a share to March 1, 192-7. Entire e change may be made in bonds or bon may be exchanged for stocks, par f par, upon payment of $20 in cash !' each share of stock taken. Seven-ye convertible 6 per cent, due August 1925. Outstanding, $48,307,200. Cc I vertible into common stock at J1 ! Collateral trust 5 per cent, due Decc ber 1, 1940. Outstanding, $77,434,9? [ Secured by deposit of stock of si j sidiary companies having a marl ?value at all times ol 133 per ci j of the par value of the ? ?year 6 per cent notes, due I ebi 1924; not secured. Outstanding, .. j 000,000. Three-year 0 per cen? i ?due October 1, 1922; not secured, u I standing, $50,000,000. We regard ; collatei'al trust. 5 per cent. 1946, a. j sound investment. The collateral c ; sists of such stocks as New York T? i phone and Chicago Telephone C< 1 pany. There is no conversion privih j Hudson and Manhattan income Bo Question ? Please give me your op!i regarding Hudson ?- Manhattan in bonds, present condition and future a pects.?W. L. B. Answer?Hudson and Manhattan justment 5 per cent bonds arcj cum tive since January 1, 1920. No inte I has been paid since 1916, the com] j having placed the amount earnec I surplus accourt. For 191':) the inti was earned 1.15 times. With re I increases in fares the company sh ? show better earnings, although ope I ing costs are still high. The bo I selling for about 23 per cent, may i | very fair speculative opportunities, j we do not, of course, recommend I ; for investment. There has beei i recent earnings statement. Holds Defaulted Railroad Issu Question?Will you kindly advls. i wheth-r : Bhould hold or sell boa, (,A T ?ledo, Peor?a & Western Railroad (first irti j.:; ? 4 per ent) which. matured 131, and which were not paid? I unil?r stand the n irki t 01 lhe?e now la 4, ? you think ? hero is any fut are and thai It la vvoi th holding them .' Also : ??? advise. : - whethi to 1 . ! or .?'-'.I igo, Peor?a S Loula prior 11. n lue is : have been ottered $35 -' and woi 1er wit? ther 1 ahou : nra.Il ? ? . pmenta. They n ' pa Id lnti ? ? for several yeai a ind 'I li I only a cert C th" Ecju la - rust 1 ee I also 1 i ?. ; ;;; i.- Dea Mol tir?t ?s, due : 92 I for wl Ich 1 . a ? n v " ? red ;, b' .'it ?>r it. Will thh : - oba b 1 be ; al I at 1 con lue??O. O. !.. \\ ?? ? ru ? you have not many i bi n Is. If such is the case wo '?? no particular advantage in selling j now. ?? ra ro d iituation is better pel ips, after all. Aie situation 1 which the first two roads you men lind selves, has been d '. ') he Keokuk 20 Des Moines b 1 are guaranteed as to inti re : by Roc! A ind. The road's ? extend? only to the life of Lhe ! on :. 1923. Whal v be done tl en take to say. It is very ? ?' that it ma ' be 1 efi >" ed. : grade issue, ugh it by first mort V,'.' should ; awaiting bel ter re Will Add to Good [.ist '. r recently ha\ 1 r 111 : . O % d o i ??.. Ill ?? :: : ' . tie m H t ee i ; ? ? une Du lit lirai ? ,1949 one lien k 4 per 1 nt, 1950; flva .... . ? . '.? .-.- .... . ...... . ; ?? ? ? .... .... I to invest and i ..... .?, ?;.'... .. - ; a t which ! I thai you f- r u ? ou ' ' ? ... ?? . it aro well seeur< re 1 to yield a ; ? i : ' Ai -'.?'-'?? four '. st of investments i.s ; one, .iir opinic n. We see no r a ' ' :- change. For add? tiona ti ? ? ? 1 m?ght con ider the : I low ?ng, yiel ling a pproximately ', per cent : We use 7 per cent 1931, Canad ?an Nial nal Railways 7 per cent equipments 1935, and Bell - ' ? a 7 per cent Exchanging IT. S. Steam-hip have ' ?sol the ., ich I Intend to r ?-,'.' transferred ..... .... 1 : ? ? ??? it the .u>a ? or four of r Kind ??? .-.;... : ? ? : : 10 the Fl ?' A. tand 1 hat to date lim ? lui- I een t for the < ? 1 '? ?? I States ims p > ompany i Doubtful About Bond Legacy . ?'.?.?? ... 'i- cent sil ? .linn' . -, : SI l'a l?a v;n City) 5 ...??:. tease bond, 1923; < ra 124. I an? 1 ?'? ' I ; I r will also appreciate 10 their won J, a !? Vnswei Fs ? ? ( 0..'. Company fii ?3 pei ids are well se | . , ? ?tied to a good inve I ? . ? .- - .:. They are Minnea . ? ? ; a . ?. Fa :. ( ity Ra : ? is are guar? anteed by t . Rap i ; ; rating ntly. Bu1 .. ? present I tu 1 ro bat the bonds a.e safe en : They are [about lis fransit 5 ? :ent bond are part of the 1 'nited Railw ays of St, Lou rhe bond is not paying any m ? ? 1 it and is quoted 20 to 31. "i he company has r< ei aereas rates and if you can al rd to I ? ; nd we be ,-e it . Traction com . ..? hav? 11 ' - - : du y. ars. !' it wi believe ; he ?scount I that t next move should be Four fell column? of in? vestment questions and an steers are published in The Tribune every Sunday. Monthly Earnings Atchison, Topeka & Santa le System 1 ? ? ? - ,- _ . . ... . . 2,921,091 I in o. 3 ? : 11,452 ?...?..-, St. Louis, San Francisco System ross . : ? Inc. $2 ? - , ..- : 11.1SS.849 !:..,"? c. . . . : : ? 6,964 American Railwaj Express August 01 : ' ? : I - : ? s :'.??? De tic it a ix 6.412,4*11 S m t h s . ' i - ! 7 . Def after !5,879,381 Di f at'.:;- tax.. 42,3 1,57j Inc. 26,133,015 Lehigh Valley S ' t. gross. $:,. 51,143 tno. I'-'.om Bal after tax.. Dec t ? [ne n . : : Dec 1 - ha* groas. . 51.71 4,647 : r ifter tax.. .... ? 1 N'et op del lt. : ?- ? 1,345,307 Western Union Telegraph ,. :???. 516.414 1 $ : ? ? '.'??-.. - 130 Di Oper rne 1,467 : .-? ? . . 15," I Xet aftei cp.. 16,71 ' : Dec 1,792,213 Oper Income.t, 13,077,974 I ?eo. 1.718,324 The Day's Bond Market tur U. S. Government Transact Ions ?? 194: I ! 12 ? I ' ? ? 4 . 2d 4s .1 i ? ' '-' !.. . Qaotat i(.'iis 94.pi .... , . - > - . 5 - ... -, .... Kid and Asked Quotation? Uberi . ' i -? * 2d 4 ? ', - ; . ? ? .-.., ? : 94.C in.i : ' . ..-;.?: ? -.7 ?. ' i ' 42.. 8fi.i * 28 ? 16 il ? ? ? ., y ? leg. 194 G . '? 101 'i? 102 , . - - , - ? ... ? . . ? ? ' - ? i I : o ; -, 3> 10 3 ? ?j '.'2 K9 0 92 . : - up, 1 925 - ? ? ? l'un 936..101 : ? Pan r. 1! S 2s Pan c, 1938 Hi 102 i reg. ? .s ?M i l'an .. . 71 <T? SI -as. i':... ?>?. 1334. ... 75 -/?s:, P11 U 4S, ' 15 . T7 ' - l'hll 4n, 19 38. ... 75 ? 85 7: 85 D.? .. -, Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bonds (Interest To l?e Added) Hi ri Asked. Argentine Interni i . Bi of, 6s, ? ? ? ? 192 . ''?. ?: ? t . . Don don of, 5s, : -. - i lo n .'???'. "a do i ' ., . ' - '?'... llvt, Ha Kus K ?:???-. 14 a. 49 . -, . : ... : do Marseilles r Os II t do Bordeaux 16-yr 6s I v; ?.. I i -, ? : - h linvl k?, Isl ? a ? i 3 do E'aris i - ? . 95 1 |i 2 i i 3 trig loan, 192? I , 4 I se r ?es ? 4 % ? i ? Btrlg loan 1931 City . ?- 195: Un K Gt 11 & li ? - ? ? : ? \ ..-,,- - 94 r-s 10-yr ?'-js, 1929 r b Vss, ' ? . M.-\ l-.v- rn atrl 15 4i do gold 4s of 1904, 1 < K of Itali ? ' bonds i (Sale.v) ,: < ;. O 5S ... ' City of i me 8a w hen Issued ps ' do 1931 1 000 : . a ! J V M - - Is ... - , City >>r i iordoaux ? - ! - ?' i in a. Bs 10 . 99 4 '- - X , ?a 7i City of ipenh I ?-. s .101 ?, I of Lyon (.?ity of Pai .x 6s ' ' .. . 101 % : ' ? . 4 -, 000 . 101 s f Ss I iO V City f " ' -' I - |0M. 60 4,000 ... -15 City of '' u Ich S;. ? ' ? 9 i ? 6.. ... '. - \ . ' ? ?. 2,i ... 3,000. ? - Dom ?'an S'-ss not? 9 1921 ? . 9? H 2 0 I i I - t f.. 7 I \ ? . . 7 '. 4 ; do 2d ser 4 ?; s ' ). . 99 d-> 1929 ? ? Q. 9iK Jap let ?er 4M? CO 192? 9,000. 9?H . . 7 4 \ > ? ? . 7 4->i 4,000 , . . . 7 I ?? do si s loan 4s 15,000 i . : ? '. 10.000 I K of B. Ig - t rVsa J " M ?? 's 10 . . . - '9 T-. ! ? ... ; 100 . 9 .? \ do Cs 1921 5.000 ... 99 Vs do 6s 1D25 ' ? . i ', Railway, Other Corporations p 4s Bli ??. -, " ' ? -. Ds ? b tit Ho ! Bus! 9 ! ! Bush Ti ? if.. 71 1 ' . 70 Cen o I ? . l.i . . v j ri ;'.s ? "' ' ? ? . | I ? - f.. i A T a F Ri-ll Is ..,'., -. ? 7 7 Ches Sa .?7 4 ' 6,000 4s 4,00f 4 ? imp. . ' 7 0 V. Is 1965 2 ....?'.". ) do 19 do 4!?s 71 74 4 M 4 3 -' - ? J A". ' --? :. is ? 102 VC 1 14) i-,i; . - . . 7 ?. ' , ? ? \ do 1/ N 4s . ? S.000.., ... Itl Frull t'.) Ts t. : i . : A .....'?:'. 12.00?.... l-i ?>.. > 6s i ?.: 4s ? 91 -\ C & Krl? lsl s s.', . a :? a.. ? ??? .-'?'-.-' 0...... 7S . . ?. ,' .-???? . s ,' 4 !-j s ... : 6 - \ d o g. i ! .1 4 '?"?'. ) .000 4,000. . . : . do 4 I...... S 0 4 h 4s 1934 1 \ 65 4 do Pitts 1, E 4 lo -. .' W '-'? Vu ; < I...... 39 < ?'.-'.' ? ? ; s :-- -, ts - ? .. :A" : , ; ' ' . at Pa 7s '.' . , J P M re?u i , ! C R 1 f ' gen 4.1 . , ' ' . do - - .... 6*Vt 4 1 . . ?'? . ? ? ' i - : . 77 Braden Cop 6s ' .67% 89 4 67 ?i Bway 6 7th a v ( s C Bt P M & O ? ? 42 4 1,000 Co 6s ' Chicae ,?-?--?'? S? r A 1949 Ser C Inl fs 1,000 71 ? 1054 ? .;- T 7s do 4 H s Sei > I. 4 7' 7 S 46Ti ' .t V. . ! i ! 4s ? ? i . : .- i i ?e ... ? ' I ... -I" to - . ? '. do cl fs of d stpd | . . 61 6,000. 41 4 ?,l . 69 1,000...... 4041 2.000...... 5S .... ' ( ' ? ' ? 000. ... mo.... C . .'. I ' ... : :? ; ? er ? j Lake S 4-! 19.11 ....... 71V ' )0. 82 - . S.OOO . . S3 ' , :-!?'.':! Va 6a 1.000.S8% nmi n ru ? ? .... s s 1.4 I 84 ? do con 4%a ?. ' 1, gen 4s ..80% . . . ? ! . 60% 5a 2.noo. ROT* I PS 1,000. 80% . 80% L< h V of l'a 4a :.. 7,000. 71*4 , Liggett & M 7a 4 M . .105% '. 10,000 . ?i?, 10! ' 10.000 . 81% Lorllla ?? l i 'o Cs 7 0O0. 81% ,?, A ! n i. 81% "!Lou .-. N'ash 7m 6.000.104 i '.1 0 3 74 : , .. ' .104 do 5s 1931 < . A 4,0 . 83 *| do unified 4n '?" . 81'4 ! lf?4 , do ? t L ?'.-. .99 .53% , do 3a -, oon. r?i 1 ? . 61% , L A- N So Hy jt 4s I B? | 1.000. CS .Muni-.;.:, Ry 4 s 1 . ... 67% Ml h lie Steel 5s 1,1 i '. 7 6 s; . ? i i ...78% 2 .77 Minn .-. St I. 4h I . 44% ?. 441.4 : ? ? : . ' ? f| ? ? ? ? * r. 1940 ... SO Detr T 1%8 1, 44 do I M at 1' t S 8 M 6s . 90% M K & i i It la 5 s ... 71% ? " M K & T 1st 4a . ?;? A c2 < i . 6 1 % 1 4 6 % do ex I .' s ;. r J? ; 5,000. 32% : 4 2 Mo Pac 5s 1928 1.000 . 86% : 86 do gen 4a 1 000 . 58 % I 97% 2,000. 68% ' 97% Nat l; - Mex ?a 10 000. 28 80% Nati Tube f,s 2.000 . 89% ' ? '- N i .-. ,?. -, E ref & imp i js Mori 4 ? - f? ? ? : N ! ?i N Y A Mex 5a . ... 69% 91% .1 1' M le.:ni ret 12.0 i.102 ' .' i. 102% I 0 7 \ ! 0 2 \ ?: \ '?' -1 ! -j ? ? Inl tntl ? 59% 1 i ' S % N T ?' a St ;. ,11. 4a : 7! N Y t?as E L It & l'o'.s ? ?? p m ?h .66 N V N 11 .?? 11 6s 2 00 . . 76 i ! A do ?, . db 4a 1965 . : : :. j ? , do ?:? >? -is : ; :?; ' ? ' ? '? A . N V ,'. North 5s 10 100.. 93% N Y rtys a 1J 5s do ' " - dopos i :?'.... 6 % ! N Y O & W 1st 4 s , 20 !0U 63 , N Y St K\ :. ron ? ;-.-s ) .... 58 ? N- Y Sua | S. \V gl 6s 2.000.. .62% N" Y Telei h Ts 1.00). 92V4 do ? F . 3 000.7 7>2 ? ? ? N Y W & Un 4 V4 a k \ 7,000 . 47 . 'entra 5a Norf i;-- :? s?r A ) . 75 1.000. 59 i Norf a- W cv 6s .... 4 '-: 1,000.104 ... 45% do Lori 4 s .....45% S,O0O.Bl5f.. 76% ' ? . .... 45 11.000. 76*. .'. .' 4a 2,000. 76% ;?'?, do dlV 4s City So ?9 1,000. 77 9.000... 74 2,000. 7 6 % 2,000 . 76 44 ?. 76% Nor Pu .:. ' 4? 7 ""P . 7" -, 2,000 . "7 -\i .'... :. ?,000 . 7 7 '4 . . j. 7 3 % dos Keofc * [lea M 5s l.?00. 55% 1.000. , 7 5-4) ' ,000. 56 ?t Lack 8tl s Ij?O Nor Stute Pr 6? JA'vO...... 78% 1,000...... 80 J-v, !?: a -. ?6 % 8 s i Ontario Tran 5s ^.000 . ... 04 Or * c ,; isi rja 1,000. ... . 88 3.000. . Or P.y & N 1,000. 7 Or Short I.lne C? 8,000. f.? ?.. i 2 000 98 ~ Or-W RR ?"x%s 4,000. [pi 21 000. 73 4 10,000... 7 ! Pacififl r; ,<- k - ? so',; ''?? " ' ? '.' 5-4 2.00 0. 4.000 : . o io t ooo ? '? 1,000 r.o.ooii. ^ ,000. ? 70 ' Pa< 6,000. ,.U i-, I ' " 60.1 ..3134 12,0 61,000. 6.000 10.000. . , I 90 . 18,000 . 2 113 0 2.000 . ' : 00 du tfg 4s 16,000 1,0 I - ' do col la 1.OU0. Ml', 2.000. 734 of -Mo 1st 4? - 00. . . . 7G4 Penn 7s 1930 7.000.i05 | 1,000.; 04 4 4 00.105 6,000. .... 1057/4 16,01 -a . . 1014 .105 2.000.1044 d-> 5s 1968 ' ' "'. 914 ? 00 . 91 10.000. go? 4,000. 91 , 2.000 . y) y j do gen 4 4s ?A. '- 000. 112 ! i.uuu. . 4.000.81% Southern Ry do con 4 4s 1.000..... 6 000, . " .90 : '''? ? do 44s 1921 1.060 ? % : do 4s Mob & 1.000 ,.'. 9S " do 4-4 ?'..43 2,000. 82 Peo Cas .<: .'ol<e of Chicago 5s 10,000. 68 Peor?a .?- H 1st 4s 2.000. CJ P?re Mar?i 5s 1,000. 84 4 4,000. 844 Thlla Co 5s 1922 3.000. 9 9 Pitt C C & St l, 44s Ser A '' n.8 5 4 . 864 do 4s Ser Q 4 00". 824 Pub S-r of N J 5s ? a"i ?"?'. 67 10. ..... U64 Read .-...< gen 4s il,ont ... so 2,000. S6 Va : " ? - ?. 2 a 34000 '. '.'. 61 Ptan Mil rig 5s 1.000 T?nr. . ' I S a* 5 000 . Tex a Ps ;.:? ? Third \ .??:? I Toi Pi r, & W 7a: - . Cn Pacido , '. 1 -? 1.0! ? [ do ! ' 2"V I; ' ' 0.0rai. s ?; 2,000. 8 6 ?. 6,000. 864 do C N J 4s 2,000. 92 Repub I & S 5s 1,000. 86 4 Rio ? - W - ? 4s 1,000 ?4 4 P. I A -?' * Il 4 - | 000 . 67 K do rfg 4s T'n Rd of r- 1' 4 : 1,000. 31 d o ,???-. r 8 000 V S n'. h I y & 1 ! - '?? .. - i ? . . 81 2,000. 304 ? Rubber ' ' m ; i _ . 0 St I. 1 3,000 i , i ., Ml 4s 72 4 ?2.000.. . . . - . . . . ??? t. 000 . 7 2 41 I. ,?. S !?' 'j Ser A! " l 0 . . I I I 4 ! 3 3o 6s . 6 ! 4,000. 6 : : -. 4.000. fi 4 o 5s Ser B 2. 00O. 7 7 o 6s Ser C 2 000 . 884 i 11,000. e? ; 10 . ?'" 4 9 000 . . ' ' ; U S Steel s f ' : 00 ' i 9 do . a ? I 00 ? 2,01 ' I 000 ' 4 50 4 ? ? a 0 4 ? 17 " ' I '-COI Ctah : ? r i 3. 00 0.. Ctica ft '?', R 4s ? Va Car i 'hem F i 6.?O" Va li & -, ? I0,0i ) 4000 2.000. St I, Sw T 3,8*9. do Isl 4s 1.0901_ do con is 1.000. 64? Pin An & A P 4s 1.C00. 63 4 St P i Kan City Plier- l.'ine 14? S,000. 68 2.000. 6*4 10 - 10. 68 15 ooo. c:4^ " "i^li^li^lH ? ir.4 West Ma land - 5 o ? 5-00! 5 7 ?; " * W??t Ps i? ? 010 1 000 ?4 4 ... ^est Ele. tri 63 v j jog ., - c? i Westingh FI 7s w i 15.1 1,400 ? 2" 'iQsl 000 ...... 95?i B 000 00 '...'. 11.000 ..954 95 4 3 0 0 0 , W-?- - ire li 3.?91. 724 ? . 7 2 "s _^_W 3 - ' 7 1 ___________________%" + 1:3,0 0 0. 4 " 2,000 1 000 . 39% WllS' n ( '> v 6s i ?59. 394 8,000 . 83 a A T 6?.. . 4.0?<S__________\__\ Seab Air Line 4s stamped 1,000. 55 do u ! 6S 2 003. 4041 ; 000 . 404 1,000.. 3,000., 814 Il 41 T\?99. 86% i New Issue j United States Treasury 534% Certificates ! Dated November 15,1920 Due May 16,1921 I ! Free from Federal Normal, 'aria State Income Taxes t i THE Treasury Department ?3 offering an issue of $200,000,000 or thereabouts 524% Certificates, matur? ing May 16, 1921, at 100. Subscriptions to this issue may be made through any Bank or Trust Company, i | j We shall be pleased to receive subscriptions at the issue price. DISCOUNT HOUSE or SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER Member? of the New York Stock Eichang? New York Office Boston Office 2 7 P i n e S t r e e t 35 Congress Street TELEPHONE!?JOHN' C30O TELEPHONE?FOKTHI) L6640 NEW ISSUE Exempt from Federal Income Tax, Including Surtaxes $142,000 City of Elyria, Ohio 6% Direct Obligation Bonds Dated Nov. 1, 1920. Coupon Bonds. Denomination $1,000. Principal and semi-annual interest (May and Nov. I) pay? able at the United States Mortgage & Trust Co., New York City. Legality to be approved by Messrs. Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Cleveland, Ohio. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Valuation .$34,896,800.00 Total bonded debt. 2.223,794.61 Water Debt .$1,357,500 00 Sinking Fund .193,202.26 Net Debt._ 673,092.35 MATURITIES AND PRICES $23,000 Annually Nov. 1, 1923 and 1924 5.75% basis 23,000 " " 1, 1925 and 1926 5.60% 23,000 " 1, 1927 I _ __~ ? .27,000 " 1, 1928 \.baU ? Descriptive Circular ou Request Stacy & Braun 5 Nassau Street Toledo NEW YORK Cincinnati Stone & Webster INCOBPOKATED 147 Milk Street 120 Broadway 33 So. Dearborn St. BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO EXAMINATIONS AND STUDIES of Industrial and Public Service Properties REPORTS on Valuation and Operating Efficiency Decline in Wheat After Withdrawal Of Export Buying Vaiues Slump Almost as Fast as They Had Risen on tin* Previous Day; Canadian Receipts Apain Are Large Prices in the wheat market during yesterday's Bession declined about as rapidly a? they had advanced on v. Inesday and final quotations were 6Hc to T'tc net lower. The British scmmission, which has re?ntered the market after a long; period of inac I tiTity and which took from 1,000,00'? to 2,000,000 on Wednesday, again with? drew, and the foreign buyers were evi dently not inclined to follow tha ad . anee. T is was a disappointment to the trade at large, which had been an ;'..,; a better business with the United Kingdom, and icnga who .. :: Wednesday's advance sold freeiv ighout the session. The March n in Chicago declined to a i low record for the season, but the De . n I er contracts held abo.,, the ; re low level and the December pre over March widened about a cent a b -??el. C luntry offers were not large as far as the American markets were con ?erned, and cash premiums were i I y ly firmer. Canadian receipts were li.rge, however, arid continued pi fi( ?:. 'hut source was anticipati : M the close of the day it was tl British buyers might aga:/; accept overnight offers, and it was the co:j of opii on thai the force of prices in the immediate futura will de? pend on the attitude of the :: I uj era. In the local market No. 2 rt-d and No. 2 mixed were quoted at $2 08 t. i. A ? .New York. Neto Lote Records Again Made in Corn N'ew low records were establ . 'he corn market and closing quoi : were 2%c to 3V4c net lower. ( ? sion houses were liberal sellers through? out tiie day in the face of co light receipts and the market felt the influence of the decline in wheat as well as reports from the West that the cold weather was bringing out In? creased offers fr?m the country. In the local cash market No. 2 yellow was quoted at $1.0994; No. 2, mixed $1.08 m. c. i. f N'ew York, 10 days' sh p ment. Yesterday's Previous Tear New York: . ?.. ,?. ai , - ?-? H.09% s . ? ;:??.. bor .T6U .79? i -?V-, .?lfc ,i/, :.-.'? Oats?Cotrirelwlon hnuset were Uber?J ? tiler? ?f eat* throughout tl^p day and 1 ' . Bye New T -'. v 1 'mir nnil M< Spring ? Ry? n Batter ? < lieese Kgg? ?' - ? state - > .a . ra?, 8 6 ?81 o; ?ta . ? I ?restock. Meat-, Prorlsloiui ".?. Tear a?n ? - to I I> r ? m - ? '. ? - .u>, . : . . 9 : ) 0 ? . . - '? I... ew . 10* ; os 5 ios * ' ' ? - .10? .?? .!?5 .1? a, fair t i pri -. : I ) 1!.S0914!I Dr - I - . ?; a. ? V.. -. . ? Mesa beer, bl . '. Um:. Middle West, 100 lbs.. 19 40 *.?.?? tf.??OS?.?l