Newspaper Page Text
Reports of Shipping and News of Foreign Trade Bulk of Ships Built Here to Burn Oil Fuel Under 2 Per Cent of AH Now Bciiti: Constructed Arc Designed to Consume Coal Supply Exclusive!. Differs From British Plan Lord Pirrie's Warning in Line With Tendency to Secure Convertible Carpo Boats yr- eral the trend toward the ? oil as marine fuel has become ? - - ' iicated ? ? - ? -? ?? ? oui of a million and , -, ? r tons of vessels now - pi ?vate account ?America % onl; 1.9 per | -ive'y. In the sentiment ii , - , - - ? grown to a -. the beginning of a- of roa'-bi: ? ? .-???'? ' a ?n this , ihipbuilder, Lor i conn , - - ertainty as to the of o i 1 % ' eai 8 in ci'ime. Fiai land & w - 1ft plant ? ilt many of thi ? e , ai d w] ch have >er . m Ol? I \ iew s ha? e ; . ?i connection with re? that ti Gui i g; a m ' ?- . No Oil Shortage at Present A :"i" i of vessel! ''< iv i- rk and otho: ' ' ? becau supplies o be obtained inged since then ere is an amp!' . i out that then ; as to how long thi cotii reso irc< '?' . ?' : ??'-.;- of th. oil, and so fa i Me; ? -? rned considerabl ca ised by coi tai I d been ex of ? ? . thing: the polic; panies has been t rge coi nth er :%. v. ? ' ' " ? rvative shii ' -: within the :a ~. ??' ?' i ? i - - rner cancolli . after the ivor begun hav S ',', | .. the; ibted economies i ' i over coal, % ' . - are I Of a Si the ( imi lost : ibility to secui r to be consii : tig a ring for i :l :?-;-. th t :on ve r s ic I me ? ? -i th us ob\ '-' Double-] uel lian (.rowing ' ; - on S ? ."' '?? in? bu account tructed on th tons ? -.l'y. "?' i ? il" ? i- use oi co he iisi ? - . .- the i ve ?i ? 000 toi . ? , ,. , . .- : fact that ippin_ ? for t ' ? - ? '?? ?Iding i ., ..... tbirt; ? - . .. gal up, i. ? being co ? .? to bu that a' Ju 20 ver -he world ? i o? the i; by tl ol bui ? r oil ih I rges the I -?? of Oil Engines ? inc i easing i ? . I ?? of 1 .- a. '1 ? ' , bi oad, . ? m in tl ?;,' tal< l engin ? ' An..-: an up a ? ? ? ? vvn. ' :''' ? ? .: - Hoard i kind a i rore, but priv; . to go into i ' ? ? .a a much la ? ? ? - 'a; ?'? ; i co. Com mi f th is I ra ? ? ? .: ? -.- . . i rcqui in the I.' n i I fi - m mat< .. i ? '. ?. -, British cone ? ??? y to contract i ! plant to t3 per i tal d, would pro' i and 1.S00, r annum at c< re: ci t level. France Buying U. S. Leatl bee? ?...'?.': leal er tr ' c to a report by Trade < ? ? ? ?;<? Hill vu und Domestic Commerce, ? of ( ommcrce. in ig it, prance ,t1iponr<? a total - : leatorr. Mr. tl ', ' " mtloofc for ? ontii Tjj* of ma,.>- K % of leather, e upper leather, is very p reconst tments ? , -.. - : thai Ai ? . large a vol the; transacted du m"', ?A,,r :-' I ? aftei its |mk ^*r?7 s:?:? that Germany is ? to Fr?n t0 raak? deliveries ol Ich T|t a,,cei because of a shortage of lh>7._. nd fud- though it is relati 1 ??t? situation to obtain raw is L in a favorable situation to obtain raw ? stock in Russia if any is available. It i lu the trade commissioner's opinion I that t'io tannera in tha United King ! dom have no advantage over American i tannera. -_ ?Shipping Board Refuses Offer Of $10,000,000 for Hog Inland >'? a ? lofon Bureau ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Admiral W. S. Benson, chairman of the United . ?^tst.'i? Shipping Board, announced to j day that the board has * ?fused an ? fftM- ol $10,000,000 for the Hog Island T.ipyard. The offer was made by ... X. Barde, of New York. , The first bid made by Mr. Barde ' I was .ar $4,000,000 and was submitted when bids were formally opened Octo ! ber 30. The New Jersey Machinery! Exchange of Newark at the time in? formally bid $4,289,000 for the ship-I yard, but both bids were, rejected. ! Later Mr. Barde offered Sfi.nfjo.obo for I the Hop; Island plant, but the offer was I rejectcd by Admiral Benson. U. S. Coal Exports Now Three Times Those of Enghiml. Moro Now Being Shipped to Canada Than From Britain to Ail Points; European Markets Bem<r Captured ! ??_ Developments of the American coal export trade has now reached a point where pments from this country are nearly three times those from f.r at Britain. Septi mber g ires issued i ? ' * i.ce a d i ? H: ??': . ? rd of 1": ad ? for the tw show that '- ? x.pori n i: : c ..: ?..-. i <? A 01 1,000 tons, a . pared with 1,475,000 ton.-' fron I !'?: ita -i. Shipments from thi ' ' C'a nada alono were greatei a British shipments to all com tries, pai " : wit -i tl e pre-war moi ? ?? erage, i owev? r, the two com 11 ? in September exported enly 5,486,000 mi] ared with the '913 n ? of 6,390 000 tons from ii: ?tain While " Br I figures for Si p tember are considerably below those i oi ' e two previo ont ?, the July t< tal being in ? \ccs: of 2,000,000 -..- '. October figures are expected to show a further decline, as the British coa! strike was then i ffective. American exporters cont ; ue to make heavy inroadi on Great Britain's coal trad" with .other Europet-n countries. In August, for in tance, American coal 1 to ] ra? aggi i gated 20-7,000 tons, but in Septi I ?> I ? ; i re ros e to 449,01 ' ? ? latter total com? pares with the 1 ti one of 532,000 tons, com] ired w ?1 ?i 801,000 in Augu t and v;i ";!'i in J uly. Fr? nc< has bei t. the lea. ?ng mark : foi British coal. but Britain's lead has been cut down to a poi nt w here thi Ocl ber retui are expected to ] it American exports in the lead. The same conditions apply in regard to Italy, Britain's second best cus? tomer. American cor.l exports to this c untrj in? eased fr< n 12! 000 to '? . ? .(O September, whi le i ?port in the same period de from 192,000 to 164,000 tons. Italy's coal needs are reported to be ?/rowni-. (?" ropean advices stating that while in ?' ine 252,0( i tons were dis . I arg ; ui Gem a only 66,000 tons wc re loaded m July, and that since then very little has been i e ved, ' !ei many, it ; stated, has not been able meet her | edge of 200,000 ton ? a ?.,, nth, and s een - unable :- do so. Be n- e the war Italy wa - porl ng coal tl . rate ol A o it 8G ',000 '? . . ? This country is now supplying the Scandii av a:i c lunti ies and Ii" n far more coal than Gi eat Brita n, iown by tie fo iov ng compara . , ? f res of export or September, ; ? ? ? - V.m an, British, ? . rj. 176,01 66 000 . . ! 39,1 :''i S wed i .: 11.01 l 58,000 ! .290 i 16,000 Bril A; cual t rade wit it Airier pproacl ? vanishing point. In Se] Lemb?, no shipment v. vei ... to Brazil and only tons to Chile, e I 35 '"?'?'? :v this co intrj to Brazil and 8,000 ? ' ??"'? . Bel 'ii' the wai Bi port t \. ?? : . the two thai 100,000 1 "- - Argentina Britain shipped 5,500 ? ptembi ??'.:. ? Amei ?can ex? ports total' ? . almi I I h equivalent ol ? ' ? pra-wai monthly ' ron ?' . i 'oil ".! Kingdom. L'rug .? got ' 0 10 ton fi om the I ? i. .i States in Septt "?, and only . ' ? Reports from tin Fai East indicate hat nt rests in Den ma;k and France have placed large ordei 'or coal with t-a ii 'A na, wh i :h count ry i - .- aid ' o have allowi : ... mines to lie idle wh . indu rial ci mpanies have u ed Japanesi coal. Development oi coa: re sou rce - Austra and Africa are stated ? o be pi oc? ed ng rapidly and t here a re indications I I e conn- . wiil become factors in the export coal trade. Powhatan Raised, Refitted, Ready to Put to Sea \?ain 'I he hulk oi the steamship Powhatan ? ..,? the 0 d Dominion Line, which went i - the bottom of ? hesapeake Bay, has risen PI ? " I he SA" , ship yards in South Brooklyn and wi 1 steam out .A the Narrow i iturday for al trial trip of four hours. She lias been refitted .uipped with ' :.'.-' rical drive and w ill si rve as a passengei and freight steamship be : ? .?? n Jack ? 1 la., and Havana. She v\ ill be called the I ubn. Navy Ord? ?> ?.'-??? WASHINGTON, Ni ll. Navy or? dei ued to-daj ?low: ? . .'.'?' -' - u . ? i; . i Allai fleet ......... .... ' ? \ i . to r. s S. n i i '. !?: I : , and . Li , P. ti ; .- .- Branch. ?. ? ? \ II to tl S. S, Crli i ,l? to I'. S. S. I'i ometheus. 1 v . : : r-. .?,. ?,;. J . . to I'8 ' >:? R. w I r < ,-? \s illlamson. Kits \\ i: - Pa ? fleet, \ s .,'.. !?? ? to I s ,. ,.-... in, Gun. W., t.. i'. s. S. I'.'.i. .? Marine Orders ; ?.. ? i ? ; . ; eau WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.?Marine .Corps orders issued to-day follow: larnctt '?'??.? Oei ?', to San francisco ".'-!!...?..> . ' ' 11. r . : . i I States . i : . ! ? ? \ i i ?. -.. I stat? ?. ? . i . ?? : A V retired Anci u ' I'ari.? Island. Dru M 1 o l'oit au I' I II ,io Quanl ?d l.i u i ' ..... ? Lakes Col \. .t., lu I t. -,-.i .- ' in, .'ir I:. .... ??'u.. ntli ? ? \ to Qua ?. / ,, W U S : ? . Q lam ..'?? Keybo i i ? '. : ' ?-,, bri ??. L'apl '? . H ? Chai i Proani II, l.t. R. ' ?'<,. - Randall, I t. K. .-' ?' Capl H 1>.. to Atlanta i i iw*n, Cap? l> M . to Parla Islai , Wadlelgh, l.t. Col. J. W., to Quanl ?.ec Major 8. S., to U 8. 8. Wyoming, Marine Reports TIIK TIDES illljh water I,o- renter AM I'M AM HM Sandy Hook. 1:24 8:61 IM? 2:?3 Governor's Island. S:,',i 924 2:Bl n : 11 Kell ?ate.10:63 11:26 .VIO 6:41 ARRITE?) YESTERDAY Vessel and Port. Dooked at: Ovcrbrook, rt Lobos..Pier 6, Constable Hook, N J Turrlalba, Cristobal.Tier if.. K ll Belvedere, Trieste. .Pier 7, Bush I>o,-k?. Bklyn P?nico, Llnbon. .Anchored oft Bav Ridge, Bkijrn Vlnccnno3 Bridge, Baltimore. .P!?r r<9. Bklyn Rochester, Charleston . . .Navy Tard, Bklyn Oalahad. flii.'Cuw.Pier 61, NB l'oit Hamilton, Bermuda.Plor 96, N R Kostrona, Palermo. .Pier 7. W s R n, Weehawken, N ,T Plorlnda, Barcelona.Pier : P., K It F J Luckenbaeh, Rotterdam..!': 33d ut, Bklyn Vltellta, (llasdiw.P>r tu. :-, u Arizona. ?Southern Drill around* .Navy Yard. Bklvn Munorway, Halifax.Pier in, !?; r. Hamilton, Norfolk.Pier 2<i, N H Dlekcriion, Southern Drill Grounds. .Navy Tard, Bklyn Leary. Southern Drill Grounds. .Navy Yard. Bklyn Sehenck. Southern Drill Grounds. .Navy Yard, Rklyn Herbert, Southern Drill Grounds. .Nav> Yard, Bklyn Hatflc'nl, Southern Drill Grounds. .Navy Yard, Bklyn Treble, Southern Prill Grounds. .Navy Yard, Bklyn Slcard, Southerl '?? Grounds. .Navy Yard, Bklyn n B ? r-.'U . .Ft Java st, Bklyn Bayonn? Vacuum Oil Docks. Bayonn-, N J Watonwan, Rotterdam Anchored ofi Liberty Pennsylvania, Southern Drill Grounds. .An rhori'd Oruvcsend Bay Harding-, s -, Anchored Sandy Hook Bay per, a-.-.Vnchored in sandy 11 cok Bar Iclphla, San Juan.. .Anchored in WUarantlne - ? . "r,.a pi< ?? Poorhouse Plats, K R hv, | -a-..--., ?-'a;a . Pli r 11". Brooklyn Tampa.Anchored Marsi a', s .\nch >red sin, Tampico ..\nchored Berlin t haii?e? Transferred to. .Pier .'. Bayonne, N 3 ? lach fool : id St, Brooklyn k. . , .Foot 7th St, Hoboken, N J . .!> i) 7. Brooklyn Navy Yard .r-onj.Pier -1, l-l K . . . !?'. o: i '.ill st. Hoboken, N .' HIM..Anchored off Stapleton, S 1 .Pier I 0, nrook lyn , .Trembly Point, N J .Pier 19, ('?limn. S I I'lti Bridge .Pier 16, Brooklyn U?tt'n) .National I > D, S J .miii Blevatoi Slip, Eric Basin, Brooklyn ilngsway. ..Anchorod off Hoboken, N .1 . ..,-.?.- Catherine. .Anchored off Bed Hook Plat?, Brooklyn ". ilti Fackler.Vulcan Iron Works, Jersey City, N .1 i..'.- Gazette.Anchored in stream 'an ? at, K R 1 a, ii,i>um . .Pier 36, N" P. Id , a- ' Tebo's Yacht Baain, Brooklyn .Bayonne, N J ' , ' ? ? Pier 2. 33 R, Jersey City, N .1 Vortl i:rr .Foot -id St, Brooklyn ' '?' Ibi urne.pier 10, Brooklyn Sen ,a Prince.Morsa I.? D, Bklyn Sti phi a . . .Anchored In streai - Sui Beai.Robins D 0, Bklyn Sua a lia ana.Robins D ? >. Bk lj n 1'urbinii.Off 135th St. N R ? .....-' I s n Corp, Pi Reading, \" J 1.1 . .Plerl.:. '. 1, v. - ?I Hematite , l'a r 2, Hoboken, N J . IV ? 14 B It .Pier 6. i ans! able. H .ok, \' J .I' iwell Refinery, L I C Pi '??? .PI .N i 13th St. El lyi P a -. . Pier 35, Bl ya INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Hue To-day Vpr?-l Port. Departure. i .Va plias . O'-t 28 Patria.Palermo .Oc; HO \ Vlctorli....Liverpool . . .v.. * ennari..N'a pies .Oct 25 i City.Bristol .Oct 29 Philadelphia.Curacao .Nov 3 Adriatic.Southampton ....Nov .". Presii ent Grant. ...Ti lest? .Oct 21 Rail .Liverpool .Nov 11 Montserrat.i ladiz .Oct 20 ?.Jacksonville ... .Nov 9 City o? St. Louis.. ..Savannah .Nov ? Hue To-morrow N'ew Tork.Southampton .. Nov 3 Ne a Rochelle. . . Ha\ ,-. .Nov 2 Due Sunday Imperator.Southampton ,...Nov s L'lua.Cristobal .Nov 7 Com anche.lacksonvillo . Nov 11 Due Monday Vestrls.. . .Liverpool ... So i Ebro ... .i ristobfl. . . Nov s ? . - , San Juan . Nov 10 OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mall Vessel 'li ses Rails ' ;. - - . pi ITuytl. .10:00 AM : 00 I'M -.'.' r ore, Alexandria.. ?-? 00 M Ikala, Llverpoo..- 12:00 M I Phipana Liverpool. ...-? j 1 00 M Clan Macbean, .lava... - 2:00 I'M Ruby, Guantanamo... - 11:00AM a : v , -. Progreso... - - ? 1 .'.' 00 M ? 1 a?ila.- 2:00 PM i. ellos Ayr.-h .-? 3 : 00 AM lust il a : i .- 1 . : 00 M y, ,--.,a Domingo.- 12.00 M Sail To-morrow Antwi rp . . . ? 00 ?i M 2 00 M lu ai. Ola ssow . ? iM 12 00 M 11 via M Dakar .. :. AM 1:00 PM Regina d'Italia, pies. 00 M 3:30 PM - ? liai ibui g . . ..32 00 M 0 I'M Ri Jai ein. . '1 00 AM 31 :00 aM Pa?l i es Porl Lli ? . ? < "? a M ioaII F Man ! ton, il : aa.a i Ii?OAM '1 .00 \M ; nos A y res , ... 8:00 AM 10 M Can oei ? Bahia . . . 8:30 AM 00 M ". ? . San -i uai . . b:30 A M 1 - 0 M la , ? - .a . ,-' , ' ?? ri ? . .12:00 M 3:30 PM RI ? iHkl, Llverpoo - 1 - "0 M : Mesaba, London . Manchestei . . - - - 12:00 M lieu ? . Rotterdam- 0 PM u - 12:00 M Ai ,;,-. Chili'Ein, Loi li n. -.- ? 1 ? 0 I'M Indiana Bridge, Vega..-- 32:00 M ?ew Yorl Cltj Brl __ 2:00 PM Vera Cruz 11:00 AM I Carib Tai ; ico . ... -.- ) 2 ? " ,1 i 'as! le, Havi nil, - - :. 00 M Rio de Juni il . -?? 33 00 M : Panama, Cristobal....- 4:00 PM l -an- kl, Ci ist oi ? - : . 00 M Claro, Porto Rico.- 12:00 M * .,,..., iibos Kingston. -?- 12:00 M ' Cananova, Santiago...- 12 00 M Glyndon, Nuevitas ....- 12:00 M Una. Havi-i ....- 12:00 M Sail Sunday ., H ne K a:. - 2:00 I'M j >all .Monday K rea a Prince, Santos 12:00 il Reports by Wireless From ihr I . S. Naval Commu? nication Station [Distance a. k ven In miles. Reports are '..??*.<??? less ol iii rwise spe : ;; - : 1151 S San Frai i - I'M Nov 10. t 40 50 Ion ? S 20 \Y Nov 1 1. ? - i l. r y N f > V 3 S.lientown I. ? ? I ,"ov 10. i ? ' - v ..-?;. A.a ? ? i 7, .-!?. An bl -- ? .. I'M N'a'-' 1 I. .' v:, s Balboa Nov 1 0. i S Scotland LV Nov 11. r Nov 30. - .'. Ion GS 4.' W N '? 11. Harli ' ? ! Jupiter Nov 10 ? Sand Key Nov 11. - -il.--, -i Pram Isco S PM Nov 10. i: G Por! Lobos N- v 10 Bru lywi . SW Galvaston .Nov 10. An w 2032 W San Pe-iro S PM > . ., ma., : E -. : o Nov : 0. 30 : 37 W Nov 10. i a, : donla i ?' o s An bi oso N v ? harles K Harwood 90 sv. Tai Nov 30. ; v. unis > 0 i. Sai dy H ? . a Nov 10. 1019 W Honolulu * I'M N City ..f Alton 2 N Mart nique 8 PM N iv 10 .;-. ol . ulumbus 4 LNK Montauk Point Nov ' . -.-. ol Kverett < ? s\V Batieras Nov 10. ? ity ol PreepoTl 21 s .lu; Iter Nov 10 - si '?? uis 167 s Ambrose LV Nov 11. Conl.oh 15 si-; Sand Key Nov 11. C n l- la : 50 ' . Plon <i AM Nov 11. ri : ipla lai out Cape Henry B AM Nov l l. Corson 14 SB Dry Tortugas Nov 11. -.- Keys 7 W Sand Key Nov tl. ? 70 N w Tortugas Non 10 ? . .1 2S l 33 >,i\ annah Nov ! 0. I'.- airoa M,.ia :,. N I loi ? PM NOV 10. S S Ambrose Nov I ! !.. S .' upltei Nov 10 : \ Juj '?>? Nov 3 0. Guide 3402 W S?n Francisco 8 PM N . ni s mirante 2M St: G&lveston Non 10. K! Lobo 950 S San Francis S PM Nov 10. ? . Mort* ?-?O ? N\\ ? isas Nov 10. ?? a v. s., d ICe> Nov ; :. h, i; ., Ifc3 N 1 la,l lei as Ni Kot ene 111 W Sand K-.y Nov 10. F I' Ascha 140 BSH Galveston Nov 1?. L B S Florida 147 K Piro Island Nov 11. Fort Victoria 50 N St Thomas Nov 10. Irrcderlck R Kellu??; 1?0 13 Tampico Nov It). George W Harms 7 TV Sand Key Not 11. Georgia r-s S Jupiter Nov 10. ?lore* H BW Ho nib?-to Nov 19. Griffen l"n0 S S.m Pedro S I'M Nov 1?. Gulf OH 223 SIO Sabine Nov 10. Gulf Queen ITS N Jupiter Nov 10. Gulfcoast -'<'? 8E3 Sabina Nov- 10. Qulfiand 20 S Jupiter Nov in. c.u!' Star 1*0 W Tortugas Nor 1*. 'luir Sii-am 15 YV Sand li'v Nov ?;. II i' Polger ?Vi. sK Sabine Bar Nov 10. Hadnot 40? W Sand Key Nor It. Huhstonku 130 N Lobos Nov lo. Mu?s.'v 161 W Sand Key Nov 11. Harold Walker 130 NE Taraplco Nov 10. Helen ?..",7 N San Juan Nov 10. hi. o 82 S Juniter Nov 10, Iliaco 74 N Jupiter Nov in. Holyolie Rndge 83 K Cape llcrrrv Nov 11. Hoven IOS NK Hatteras Nov 11. Hou ma 108 TV Salut Key N'ov li. Hoxbar 6 E ?and Key Nov il Hugoton 199 W Sund Key Nov 1!. Huguenot 500 K Tampico Nov 10. Hyades ?S K Port Allen * PM Nov i Imperator ut io 00 N. Ion 51 00 w, io:n AM Nov 1 I. Innoko 900 13 Ambrose S PM Nov 10. Inspecto* 190 H South Pasa Nov 10. .1 t' Donnell 20 ENH Sand Key Nov lt. .r R Gordon, lOO K Sabine Nov 10. J M Guf?ey loi N .Tuptter Nov. 10. Kaiserin Auguste Victoria lat. 41 Zt N, ?oit 04 1,2 W, Vov 11. Katherine "Su 3 San Francisco 8 PM N'ov 10. Kehuku l'.O NE 1 upam Nov 1?. Klnderdljk -470 from Balboa Nov 10. Knoxvllle 18", N by K Hattcras Nov n Kokomo 30 NE Brunswick Bar Nov 10. Katenal 395 R Ambrose Nov il L J Drake 16 W Sand Key Nov 11. Lako Arthur 432 S Mobil? Bar Nov 10. Lake Beacon 40 N Jupiter Nov jq Lake Bridge 222 S\V Hatt-ras Nov 'lo. Lake Cahoon 1-' S South l'as? Nov 10 Lake < harlotto 15 NE Alligator Reef Nov 10. La i?,? Elsmer* 7? SF, Anibrose 8:16 AM Nov 11, Lui;.' Carabe? 90 N Havana Nov 11 Lake Plbre ?a' i ,' 59 N Ion 74 28 W Nov 10. Lake Plorian 111 S\V ( a pe Henry Nov 11. L;,';.e Forney lat 41 41 N [on 35 :s W Nov m. Lake Forsby 77 TV Heald Bank Nov 10. Lake fresco lat. 36 22 N Ion 74, 33 TV Nov 11. Lake lUl?wood 27 S Fenwlck Isiand, Nov U. Lake Oednny 9 S 'Miami Nov 10. Lake Cachina 35 KSK Portland LV Ncv 11. Lake Tlppah 80 8 Jupiter Nov 10 Lake Traverse 55 S YVlnterquarter Nov 10. Las Vegas 1,996 S Hin..lulu S PM Nov 0. Lnko :???-.: 225 S by K Barbados Nov 10. Lewis !v Thurlow 10 TV San Domingo ? v 10. L'.mon 520 NK Port Limon Nov 10. Lockporl 42 TV Ht Th.una? Nov 10. Louisiana 216 STV Mobil" Nov 10. Manatee 2^10 SB South Pass Nov 10. Melrosc 85 NE by 1-7 Five Fathom LV N ? -. 11. M<. 'upan 222 TV Kingston Nov 10. Moton 265 ENE Lobos Island Nov 10. Mi.vanla 402 k Lobos Island Nov 10. Miller County 116 V\ Key West Nov 11. Mm:, r.; i 25 E Jupiter Nov 10. Misklan-a 2.7.-.'. \\ San Pedro ? PM Nov 9. City 74 1 N Honolulu S PM Nov 9. Mohawk 155 N San Juan Nov 10. ? ? lite 194 V. L ibos Nov tO. ?' sh o ?'? H Great Isaac Shoals Nov 10. J ; .?;.: >i 17 E Vmbrose R PM Nov 10. Nantuckel |>a .1 \Y interquartrr LV 12:30 PM No II. New R icltelle 1.101 E Ambrose Nov 10. N?w York 230 N Jupiter No\ 10. 0 ,'mple due Cherliourg 4 PM Nov 12. . .? ni : : ??:: S - i n Pi dro 8 PM Nov 10. Oscar D Bennett 13 K Sand Key .Nov 11, Panuco, Am ss, ?'..;:o K Tampico Nov 9. Paraguay 298 E Heald Bank Nov 10. Pas?ale Bridge ?at 10 07 N Ion 59 03 TV ??" 10. 1 ml boro 12 S Hafteras Nov 11. Point Judith 95 N Cristobal c PM Nov 10. ,....? :? -i : ! i TV Sun Pedro ? PM Nov 10. Rai Ian 230 i-V HatieraH No\ : C*. '.:. . 10 IV Tortugas Nov 11. Iteuben James 60 E l-'ire Island .. 30 AM '?' ? 11. Rotar?an 520 SE .-? Thomas 8 PM Nov 10. -^iitt Josh 176 N Limon Nov ?o San Juan 1,153 t? San Francisco ? PM san rirso 15 SE American Shoal'.' Nov II. ia . . ' ruz 1,396 TV San Francisco H I'M ? noie 10 ESE American Shonls Nov 11. - ?? a ?' : 12 >,K Wlnterquarter Shoals . 11. ilga 137 STV Nantucket LV Nov 11. s Island 120 ENE Ho.* In the TVall N ? v ; 0 Riiverbrook 41 s Jupiter Nov 10. ' '- 52 B Sand Key Nov 11. Standard 113 NE Port T...bos Nov 10 Stephen R Jonej ?0 STV Montauk P nt ? I'M Nov 10. ?'un ; : W Sand Key Nov 11. Sunshine 169 STV South Pass Nov 10. Suriname 2!>S n Barrios Nov 10. Sylvan Arrow 537 s San Francisco 8 PM N o-, . ?'? I'r.rrearvUIe HO N by E Tampico Nov 10 Ti malva i^ S Pensacols Nov 10. ... s 437 :. Colon Nov l ) r s s Ctah : 5 E Fire Island ?l:42 AM No\ 11. V. sta 160 E Sabine Nov 10. \ tfilnla '. tVN .V rortug?i , Nov 10. ?'' M ! rlsil 214 STV li?t' i a s N'ov i 0. .V S >::???: 10 ?V Send Kev Nov 10. 'A ar Mehtar : > SSE Sand Kev N. \ 0 TV a. sa..- 350 E by s Sandy Hook Nov 11. '?'? . tkesha :. ' i: Santiago Nov '. 0 Wi st Arrow : i .- .: upii er Nov i i . ' ? ' tierow ... E Cape Hcnlopen Nov 11. '?'.?-: Hartland 2,t-2..i Iront Balboa ? I'M iv IC. '?'.-' Hika m?:, \v gan Pedro 8 PM Nov ? .' ? -i Jc?SUp Ri? W Honolulu 8 I'M Nov 9. ?Vest Camargo 279 s Honolu u s I'M N >v 9 ? ' ' Hlmrod, 1500 TV San Francisco 8PM tmead 170 NE Cape Henry Nov 11. >' ' in Ji bsen 62 N Hatteras Nov 11. H P o henry TOO 3 San Francisco % I'M Nov 10. un ?soin 98 TV Havana Nov ?0. V\ liiam a McKenny la*. 36 3? N, Ion 75 40 ?A Nov 11, York Harbor 165 S Porto Rico Nov 10, Zarapa : 33 s K ngston No\ V '?' ? ... '' S S Hand LV Nov 11. AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE Nov 11?-Arrived Sirs At . . : .? v Ph ladelphla; l-:i moi e, ?? ? ? '. ? ' Lake Greenbrler, Orar ICarlsvlk (Sweill, Norfolk; Eastalde, New York; Brand n Boston; ?' ean, Pori Tai . ? .? Moldegaard, Port Tampa; Lake Clear, ake Clear, New V rk; Lake t^enn, New Sa .?? : . Strs Mis lourl i In i, Lon? don via Philadelphia; Gloria (Span), Bou eon; Inland, Portsmouth, N H; SU3que h.una. Norfolk; St Nazalre (Fr). Pun kirk; Coldwater, Barcelona via Nor;".ok. Narvik (Swed), Dunkirk; Raithwaite, . Br i Valparaiso; P L -M No 16 i I'D Rouen. Cape Henry, T n. Nov II -Passe.*. out from Baltimore; strs Milan Maru (Jap). Havre; Adra (Br), La Palli ?; Olympus (Br), Dunkirk; Thtstlemoro (Br), Lh erpooi via llaliiax. BOSTON, Nov 11?Arrived: S'.is Scyth? ian (IJ: i Manches ? r and Liverpool; Cretan, Philadelphia; Cotton Plant I ;..; B) ;.'? '. ; irfolk ; J W ! levi reux, Norfolk Sailed: Sus San Pablo .Br). Havana .-.r..l Port Llmon; Everett, Phila? delphia; Holmetigra (Swed), New York; Salinas Port Lobos (two latter 10th), >. tteyard Haven Mass. Nov n -Arrived: i ?.. ;?.,.: '-'.', Elizabethport for St Ji lui N B. CHARLESTON, S C. Nov 11 ? Arrived: s-i.s Calvert, Galveston; Arapahoe, New . :; . ii oceedi d ' i J :?? kS' -r. Hie. fa ? .' Makanda. Norfolk. GALVESTON, Nov 11 arrived: Mexi? cano, Tampico; F P Asche, New ? rk; Bayrami nto (Br) l'ardiff ; El A mira rite ,.,.-.v Yorl Sailed Preeport Sulphur No ,. Baltimore; Hans (Ger), Hamburg; Max Bremen; War Pindarl (Brl i iNT IDLE, Fia, Nov 11?Sailed .; ?side .? rfolk. KEY WEST, Fla, Nov 11?Arrived: Malay i H ,i .: . B .: .. NORFOLK. Va. Nov 11 Arrived Spes Y-- '. Jeannette Skin ; ? ? New ?a.-. Gulseppe (It), Naples Erroll ?:. n 5 rk . Adrian Ii '? : en 'Br). Sa ...: . Svnhlld Mar,i Copenhagen; Cor FOR SALE Two-masted schooner?gas driven screw, 37 horse? power?46.3 long, 14.3 breadth, 6.4 depth, 21 gross tons?5 net tons?1 deck?complete new set of sails and 37 horsepower automatic engine. This ship is in excellent condition and was built at Friendship, Me., 1914. Same can be had at a very reasonable price. AERONAUTICAL EQUIPMENT, INC. 522 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. ?L83PHONJS . 7289 "1 Ml'RR.U HILL he?. ,-??aUl?n?.r9; KjM? (Nor). Dunkirk:! '?'il,?,1'''"""?'"' Christiania; Polar- ? 't?.%\ Arthur; Jersey Moor (Br). Genoa; w?S????Roosevelt (Nor,. Constantinople; it/ , k QuT" (,lrl' Oalveston. Sailed: poomberg (Dt), Praybentos; bark Bdol ? ,,' I; "ordeaux; Kin* (Dan), Rio Grande ' ?"' \,',.\ i V*rl?brook (Br), Rio ?le Janeiro: ;'';', V>."v)' Murmansk; Huble (Dt). ; ?J m ; w?*rP?ol (Br), Rotterdam; Tena torrtim.>VMonlav,deo: Jon"a (,;kl Rot% ' viivv' ,Tf,V',n,',y '"''>? Alexandria 'tw . ORLJDANS, N?v U-Cloarrl: ffil r?itn,:^an^F.ranoUco vl? Los Angeles and , "'J:lRrn?' Colombia; Lake Farlln, Mobile; ?,,Ui?;. Nr"?' York; Norm?. Tela via pmo'V,r?1",T"'1 Horn lFr>- Barcelona. ! i-o% !I',AI'hl PHIA' N'ov 11 -Armed: StrS ??uri woermann (Fr), Norfolk: Westchea . ter Norfolk; .Marina O (It). New Orleans: : Kdwanl Pierce, Bahla; J E O'Neill, Port . '-'-'boa: Je,,nle It Morse, Havre; Triumph. Baltimore; Algiers, Baltimore; untarlo, . uoston; sehr Francis J McDonald, Santa be. Paulsboro, N J, Nov 11 ? Arrived ?Motor ship BramMl Point', New York. Delaware Breakwater, Del. Nov 11 ? rassed . up ror Philadelphia: Sehr Elizabeth Bandl, , Black River. Pa. Passed out from Phila? delphia: Strs Magdalla (Br), Rotterdam; ?est Cherow, Liverpool via Olasgow; Hol 1 yoke Bridge, Brest; Vittorlo Emanuele 3d , (It). New Orleans; Hermlon (Nor), Mar? seilles; Iperla, New York: Man'-htoneai (Nor), Norfolk; West Hosokie. Boston. Reedy Island. Del, Nov 11?Passed down from Philadelphia: Sirs Morltz, Newport - News: Keoto, .Newport News. PORT TAMPA, Nov. 11?Arrived: Strs TVoodneld (Br). St Nazalre; lake Chelan, i Wilmington. sail-d: Eastwood (Br), Hull , n;k Norfolk; Mascotte, Key West. PORT BADS, Nov. 11.?Arrived: Strs El a (Nor), T?la; Elm Leaf (Br), Tam ? pico; Georgia (.It), Baltimore; Holden B^-ans, Tampfco; Llangoller, (Br), Man Chester; Rama, Blueflelds; Sunshine. Tarn Pico. Sailed: Otba (Hond), C'eiba: Cornus, New York; Here.lia. Bocas del Toro via Cristobal: (Hond), Blueiields. Inventor (Br), Galveston; Luo?!ine (Bri. Havre and Rouen via Newport News; AVctt Aleo;;, Antwerp via Manchester PORTLAND, Me., Nov. IL?Sailed: Strs Covedale Baltimore; Lako Akkra. New? port News; Moonlight, (from Calais) New York. PORT ARTHUR. Tex. Nov 13 -Arrived /Strs British Empriss (Br), Rouen: Nelson, . Tampico; Currier, Savannah: Gulf Trade, Tampico; Koanoke, Tampico- St Augustine. New Orleans, oriflamme (Hr>, Glasgow Sailed: strs A A Daugherty, Tampico; ?Vieldrecht (Dt), Barcelona; Llgonler Jacksonville; Lake Fossil, Tampico SAVANNAH, Ga, Nov 11--Aril ved : Stra Lake Helen, Havana; Persian, Jacksonville (and sailed), Baltimore. Sailed: Str ? Nacoochee, Hoston. TAMPA. Fia, Nov 11?Arrived: Strs Charas E Harwood, Tampico; Lakonla (Br), Liverpool; Lake Elmont, New ?ork Lizzie A Williams, Havana. Sailed: Str Rathly Head (Br), England; sohr Explicit '..raa.j Caj man. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New '? ork Christiania -S S Thov,ils, Sitaras?. Brest?S S Rockaway Park. Ha? rc?S S Lake Eckhart London?S S Valacla, Western Ocean, 1 'e : otila. Liverpool?S S Navarlno, Panha State. Barcelona?S S Evelyn, Par. de Espalza. Leghorn S S Lampa. Gibraltar s S Tosaro, Port Said -S S .Max. Oothenb ; a S S Montana. Port Said?S s Egremont C. ,t ? Rosarlo?S S Frankmero, Singapore?S S Celtic Pi n St Michaels?S S Mormuga Panaaaa Canal, Cristobal?S S Santa Ana, Carrillo, Cart,ig". Arrivals from New York Hamburg?S S ia.?--.., Luckenbaeh. Bremen ?S S Lake Sarua, liavi-.-- S ri Us ?'-....a - a t Sa mars ng ?s S ci Wi ...: gtorf- -S ,- Mailla. Au. kland -S S V. ait, . I !.. Gibraltar?P S Canople. Bergen--s S Rnmsdalsfjord. Tocopllla? s s Orous. Alexandria-S 8 Pakotan. Havro?H ?s La Pavole. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Tiie eonneotmg malla close at thi gan- ? ?ral postoffice and City Hall post?me? I station. New Tork. at * p m. as follow?: I Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, steamship Maul. November 12. I 1 Japan, Corea, China, Slb?rta, Flam, i Frenen Indochina, Netherlands Kast In? dies and Philippine Inlands va Vancouver ; and Victoria, B C, steamship Empress of Russia. November 13. Japan, Corea, China, Siberia. Slam, French Indochina and Netherland? Bast' Indleji via Seattle, steamship Katorl, N ivi mber 14. | Hawaii. Philippine Islands and specially ; addressed mall for Japan, Corea and China . via San Francisco, steamship Siberia' Maru, November 14. Haw-all, Samoan Islands, Australia and ' specially addressed mail for New Zealand, via San Francisco, steamship Sonoma, No? vember 18. I Army Orders From The Tribunf's Washington Burean WASHINGTON', Nov. 11.?Army or-. ) tiers issued to-day follov. : Aledlenl Cory* Loving. Lt.. Col. R. C. to Atlanta. Honorably discharged Ma).-. Powell. B. V . and Dodd, F ' , Capta. D'Brcole, V., and Gabam, H. L, Infantry Adatr.son, Capt. A. A., to Pou??as. Condren, Lt. G. D., to '."amp Grant. Honorably discharged ? Ma.i. Jure, TV. P.; I.ts. Cook, J. C. and Slaughter, R. N.; 2d Lts Johnson, R. B., Jones, C. L., and Wood, '' B. Gaston. Maj. !.. to '.'amp Mead?. Hodges, Ma). C. H. to Camp Meada. Walker, Maj, ?\ p.. to Cat^^ Banning. Leonard,, ('apt. J. W., to Camp Meado. (.uartermanter Corps Turgeon, Lt. K. J . to Governor's Island. Overhelser, Lt. K, to Governor's Island. Simms, L'd Lt. N. H. to Governor's Island. Vi.lan'.e. 2d Lt. A. 1., to '"karlcslon. ; Coons, Lt. !>. 1).. to Fort Biit-a. ! Itzen. Lt. ' '. F., to Hoboken. : Mumford, Maj K. W., to Washington. . Merllat. Capt. T.. A Jr., to Port Sheridan, l'orna nee, Capt. J. K. to Washington. Butler, Maj. H., to Camp Holablrd. Finance Department Hardin, l.t. Col. J. S., to El Paso. Sch >1 Capt. P. A., lo Los Angele?. Pace Maj H. E., to Washington. : Rca, l.t. E. F., to Boston. Cavil Iry ' >' O., to Pel Rie. V ???'? burn, dipt. I. H., to Louisville. M .:;. u, Lt. i . W. P., to S' Paul. Nove l.t Col > ? K . i.. Joliet. Bar!'.o. Lt. C )1 R. M ? to Se Joseph. Wise, Capt. J B. Jr.. to Fort Brown. : Anderson, 2d i.t. E, A , ' ? Fort Rlley. il. n irablv rtlscharged?-Capt. Wyatt, T. B., i ? Paddock, R. B Air Serrloe . Honorablv discharged?Capt. Jones, E. L. ; Arn. G W. Way, ; ; ' C, to Ce i itn Field. ? . S. Army i-Kerl Maj. Weatherred, P. A. ; ... ; .-' c. ?t. C. A. ; McDonal i. R .'. , Lts. Sno ? B. Cal ps, I. M, Coast Vrti?ler> Corps Burt, Ma f. C. C, to Pu ri H. G. Wright. VVyk, !.. Col. .1 ? P .rt -'? ' ??'. en. Davla, Col. W. . ? .Miscellaneous p -, ?? ? . n n - '... i ?tlred, to P rtl md ! ' ? . abl ?? die. harped Mai. Pn L ne) S. J , ' '. W, S . ("apt Johns 11, H. L, ? ? : lieft . '.'. . A , C. W. S. ; Lt Stoll l-J S M r. C 2d Lta. Vi?i llum W A , San C; Peins le 11 " _? i TRAVEL TRAVEL iaiPJBiJMMiia???MB^ WHMBPiniHlMiaBCTCFBtVBt^^ Regular Services and Frequent Sailings Belgium Argentine France Brazil Germany Bahamas'Nassau) Holland Cuba Portugal Mexico Spain River Plate Canary Islands Uruguay West Indies Sailing list and information on application. All Standard C?des New York and Cuba Mail S. 5. Co. GENERAL OFFICES Foot of Wall St. New York, N. Y. GENERAL AGENCIES New York Rotterdam Marine : 1 %\ i ' m_m %L&: ?^r%,?^S?3?3,e m '. ebb j^ia?2aasEass?e ?merican?/00% Service ./GO NEW YORK to QUEENSTOWN ?BOULOGNE?LONDON PANHANDLE STATE NOV. 27, jan. i CREOLE STATE DEC. 11, Jan. is OLD NORTH STATE DEC. 18, Jan. 22 Magnificent Sew Steamships American-built?American-operated First Class Only Luxurious accommodations, outside roon s only, bedsteads all baths with n ost rooms, excellent cuisine, spacious enclosed promenade. NEW YORK to BREMEN and DANZIG DIRECT S. S. SUSQUEHANNA Sailing December 30, Cabin and 1 hird Class Only. Passenger Department. .45'Broadway. New York City. lelepnone : ?-.C0 v\mtchaii. Freight Department. . . . 120 Broadway New York City. Telephone: 6300 Rector. Plan Your Vacation Eari Special Oecember ?nd Chrlstmu Scillnj? [tccember now ma ,.-. the -"il mil t o( I-. ata. irai ? s mal lue'a d Dec. Il, - etj ai i . atl' . : -i nt , soli and tennis, dancing md lay' u - -a ? eu. h hei ? i - v -a. -i- T .- .t -. aaon'n ri ? there la an advantage a m?liln? jour I?er .'.::?:. earlj t?millt a ano i'.-ia:-eaa Ilote'j open In Dec. Swift, De Luxe, Twin Screw Steamen S. S. 'TORT VICTORIA" I ?0 i us Dis ?u-ement g fi ii N ??? v irl : iec -. n ": S. 5. "FORT HAMILTON" l? rons Displa ement Sailing ? m New Y.-ri-- ! - -. t; 13, C ' Round Trip $T."> ami l puurd No Paseports Requlrrd for lirrmud? LA LORR UNE LKUPOLDINA LA loi RAINE 1 A SAVOIE. FRANCK . IXC) CHAMBRAI- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMPANY'S OFFICE. 1? STA1K ST.. N. T. Nm. 13, Nov. 13,. Nov. ."i. Nov. ?~. lier. ?>, Oec. 4. Shorl nail Ideal Route to Orient from Si ??'.-. Fast, Palatial Passenger Stearn shlps, :.'.; ; a Vusen Kalslia, 12 ? way.N.Y. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hotels ... U01 A'l-Y"ar Route F. S. PERRY, ?. A. Ptuii. DepU, }?21B"WS lli-.i Indies Cruise*. Frank Tourist Co., 1 - Fifth We., bel 41si ai 1 4M Sts. ________________\___M ;rtpn to FURNESS-BERM?DA LINE 31 Whitehall St. X.?.G Tel Bowl Green 7S00 COOK'S S COVERS THE WORLD THOS. COOK & SON 245 Broadway. 561 Fifth Avesme. FOREIGN RESORTS The Ideal Winter Resort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA HO? je * TWOROGER, Managers Dire 1'., on th- Harbor. .'. ?corai 1 lates 409 OPEN DEC ?:? 1". > M ?i V 1 'tea- hed bv Steamers if Fu 1 -rmud? Line, Whitehall St . N. Y. Riviera, France HOTEL METROPOLE ??ew?AH !.?('?,. Comforts. J 3 -, from Sea Front and Casinos. _TRAVEL_f_ TRAVEL ^ ^^^ SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICES NEW YORK?VALPARAISO Calling at Cristobal. Callao, Moliendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Valparaiso EBRO. NOV. 27 ESSEQUIBO. D&Z. 21 NEW YORK?GUAYAQUIL Calling ?I Cristobal, Buenaventura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta. Guayaquil QUILPUE. NOV. 30. QUILLOTA, DEC 29 HAVANA?VALPARAISO and Intermediate Ports ORBITA, DEC. 19. ORTEGA, DEC. 27 CRISTOBAL?VALPARAISO and Intermediate Ports Regular Sailing? CRISTOBAL?CHAMPERICO Calling at Punta Arenas, San Juan, Corinto, Araapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutla and San Jose Regular Sa-ling? ENGLAND?BRAZIL?ARGENTINA Frequent Sailings by Large Mail Steamers PACIFIC LINE 7h? Pacific Steam Navigation Co. ROYAL MAIL The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company NELSON LINE H. & W. NtUon. Ltd. South Africa E??ttS The Vnlou-Caslle Mail Steamship Company, Lt*. Sanderson & Son 25 Broadway, New YorV. PHONB BHOAD ?3S8 GENERAL, AGENTS. or Any ??r-an;ehip Tiokst Agent. MM? 0VLY 8 DAYS TO ROME *" Cunard Servie? provides ?very c?mtor. and aanvanU Columbia .Londonderry and Gla?gow.....No?, I 3 Dec. !! Jan. H K. A. Victoria. . .Liverpool .Nov. 18 Dec. 18 Ja?. 15 Imperator ......Cherbourg and Southampton.Nov. 18 Dec. 23 Jaa. 20 Italia.Gibraltar, Naples, Patras. Dubrovnik and Trie?te.Nov. 20 Vasari .Liverpool .i.Nov. 20 - - Aquitania ....... Cherbourg and Southampton.........Nov. 23 Dee. 14 Ja?. 2^ Carmania .Liverpool .Nov. 24 Dec. 2S Jan. 22 Caronia.Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg.Nov. 27-?? .catonia.Plymouth, Cherbourg arid Hamburg..Dec. 9 Jan. 18 Mar. I Mauritania .Cheibourg and Southampton.Mar. 10 Apr. 7 May \2 HAMBURG DIRECT caa'tn* PLYMOUTH & CHERBOURG XMAS SAILINGS CARONiA, NOVEMBER 27 SAXONIA. DECEMBER 9 Aerommodation? for First, Second and Third Clasa Fassender? - mt WINTER CRUISE TO EGYPT CARONIA January 15 to March 3 Calling at MADEIRA, GIICRVI.TAR. ALOIERS, MONACO, NAPLES, ALEXANDRIA (One werk'? stu> in Egypt) & 1'IKAEIS (Por Athen?) RATE $IC,-i0 I PWABDS Including attractive shore excursion? Pacsaajrer and Freight Service? from New York. Far later ?ailla?? apfljr at 21 & 24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK ft WHITE STAR LINE ft NEW YORK?( HERBOURG?SOI THAMPTON" ADRIATIC 12 Noon Nov. 17 Dec. I 3 Feb. 9 OLYMPIC I I A.M. Nov. 27 Dec. 29 Jan. 24 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL NEW YORK?AZORES?GIBRALTAR Baltic .12 Noon Nov. 20 Dec. 24 Jan. 22 ; NAPLES?GENOA Cedric .12 Noon-Feb. 5 ) Canooic . 3 P.M. Dec. 28 Feb. 10 I eltic.12 Noon Dec. 11 Jan. 13 Feb. 26 j Crei.c. 3 P.M. Jan. 3 Feb. 2ft AMERICAN LINE N. Y.?CIIERROl fiG?SOI-THA.MPTON NEW YORK?MAMBCRO 'Zceiand . . . 12 Noon Nov. 13 Dr,. 18 Jan. 11 *Kroon!and..l2 Noon Nov. 27 Jan. 1 Feb. 5 Manchuria . . 12 Noon Dec. 2 Jan. 13 Feb. 24 ?Lapland ... 12 Noon Dec. 4 fan. 8 Feb. 12 ' ?Finland ... 12 Noon Dec. 11 Jan. 15 Feb. 19 Mongolia ..12 Noon Dec. 16 Jan. 27 Mar. 10 ?Rad S:ar Lina Steamers en rout* Antwerp RED STAR LINE NEW YORK?? HERBOIKG?SOVTH- NEW YORK?DANZIG?VIA HAMBT/KG AMPTON?ANTWERP /eeland-12 Noon Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Jan. 22 __ ,, , , , ?, ., -, . . Kroonland .. 12 Noon Nov. 27 Jan. I Feb. 5 ! 'Gothland ? ? ?2 Noon Nov. 27 Jaa. 8 Lapland ... 12 Noon Dec. 4 Jan. 8 Feb. 12 i Finland .12 Noon Dec. 11 Jan. I 5 Feb. 19 J 8 IDEAL WINTER CRUISES Jar. . Feb., Mar , 1921 - 15 to ;?> Day? Eaoh?Lar?eat H'?om<?r? to the TropKs Viaitina- Antigua, Barbaric?. < ..ha, Dominic?, Gr?na<l?, Jamaica, Martlniqoe, V?? Orlrun?, I'unaniu (anal. Porto Rico, Ht. Kitt?, Ht. Vinrent, Trinidad, Venezuela. Vlrfl? Island?, Ltc. Delightful Short- Excursions. A?k (or Drtmietl Itineraries. International Mercantile Marine Company Offices, 9 Broadway, New York. Pier? 5?. Sit, 60, SI, 62, North Rivar. rd Class Pi.Bter.ger? Only. PANAMA-PERU-CHILE 6 DAYS 11 DAYS 18 DAYS Fastest Direct Service 9, S. Sanu Terrs?. Not. 17 f. S, *.?nta Kll?? .Ttrr. I? S. S. -.?uta Ann.Dec. 1 i 0. S. Santa I.uina.Dec. 29 First Cabin inclusively Excellent Cuisine-?Every Comfort Spacious Staterooms?Rooms With Bath C RACE LIN E W. R. Grace & Co., Agents 10 Hanover Square Tel. Bowling Green 4630 New York, N. Y. FOREIGN RLSORTS FOREIGN RESORTS Europe's warmest and most attractive Winter and Spring Resorts?-'twixt the Glorious Alps and the Blue Sea. ct?? NICE *iSE?fi? MONTE CARLO l',"'??! MONACO ????"? ?lf??? MENTONE At Nice and on the wonderful Links of Mount Age! above. MANTF PAD! f\ ?amou? (or it? Clame Concerts. Grand Opera and WIKJIV I E. K,t\l\l.KJ Theatre, with Great Art?!?. Its Sportmg Club. Beajx Arli and Complete Hydropathic Establishment. Riviera 1 rain? de Luxe from I 'avie. Calai?, Pan?, Bordeaux an;j Mtftetiie?.