Newspaper Page Text
???v and jVation Honor Dead in the World War Church Services. Military Exercises and Reunions of Veterans Mark Olo hration of Armistice I.)av Brooklyn Unveils Tablet Cross Erected at Graves of French Sailors Who Died While at This Port Two >< ?"? at 5 o'clock in the ? me, the armistice was lered the cessa-, ion of .-- at w a r. Act uai : at li o'clock that morn ?I _>. ;? . i.erc. Yesit ' he second artni ? . ? t. Throughout minant note of the i f solemnity. ill the ] ms foi the day's pose of a ....... ? . .- at 11 o'cb in the . .: ng ' e ei bi : at City Hall 100 times. Scai ; ; v. > when ? ?- rhout Manhattan Island 1 ' rail rhen came ? ' fices, i- ilemn mili ? ' : - ;. t :....', | Bi II Tl 111 d al ?1 o'Oeth ? nf the bi Is in ed at 11 iovernor Smith had re . ...... ogvther were 1 these was thai of ? . ? n en l C a m i l x. N*. J.. ?< ne to a r engagements had c me m try. l'ork i organization ft had an evening Regiment ? ? I anthems ' ? ' ' ? . II ancis P. i n v . s, Af t e i ? . I , cri ?;. M ?irlo? e, ol the San Carl ? ? ??? ? ? ' - v ; Recounted : ' ' American 1 . | .. | : ? I A me i ? ' . rhomas G< ' ' ' : : ? ? tint ? '.-. ha vt o\or in '? ? ' Metropolitan ? .- ; y ? eda ? we re trib? ut .. ? }: ; i' Jack: n, 1 tid 1 uten ' - lonel Frank M ? R v !.. J, ? no nnc tl edict ion f the old nt. t with 1 new 1 ' :. com Alder ra n k and civic die : . und at 1281 A ? '? .. i the \\ ??: ? ' ' Firemen Get Leave ; ? . ? . . .. ry r i ? .. . war ., v ? ? : cemei ? be obtaini d, . ? indred firemei f the occasion. : . ti I States Ii fantry, ct ; ? ?' . t. Paul the tended as a a . ' ? : . : :! adi . ' - P -t .t the Amer tn? d by i 11 d i ers. An tini held at thi * I oh n the D i vine. Af? ter v ? ray i ?? t ei ha : address the meet ing er to the A: menian and speeches were [j . ; ]], . ry Mor. ' '? Si , lyn L'nveila Tablet and other boroughs wer? held. In the a tablet wat i ? the men employ? '1 ? ? su| r? me sac ?. '.???;. mir 'tes bo ' in both I ' t ' ;- ;? als of thi grai 1 jury con : District Attorney ? t . Idress. a cros? wa? the French '?' rs< lies and Gloire, ships v ere in this .... at Cypress Hills . ", the French ? ? a tor William ?'? ' peakers. Hospital on St a'en es w'ere held for era stationed ' l'uhlic Schools Observe Event in Jersey City was ; iy of flags and by ' ? ? the public Bchools, fol enterta nment and dance Ri e mi nt Armory, under of - ? .- James P. Mc i ?' !:? American Lc -" Fred S*.:ckel, in the Court of ' ? ' ' ? as, Newark, halted a trial ? bute to the day. Three ?? for the flag. At Pi (he !'? ue forces of the !\rtillery, R. O. T. C. nit, i ,;< fended the tow n I . ? ..? attack by the Red FRTpUTISR & [g, Madison Ave. at 46**? St. Madras Shirts *3-50 and ?4-75 We offer a complete line of serviceable madras ^urts, in a distinctive variety of conservative patterns and plain white. These shirts for? merly sold at $5.00 to $7.00. Prices have ;>cen reduced to meet the popular demand. Kahn Demands Recall Of (/. S. Men on Rhine FREDERK K, Md., Nov. 11.? Immediate withdrawal of Ameri? can troops on the Rhine was urged here to-day by Representa? tive Kahn, of California, chair? man of tin- House Military Com? mittee, speaking at the Armistice Day celebration. If Ik- had his way in the next Congress the forces would be recalled, he said, adding that American troops were n it "bill coll? ctors for other na? tions, nor are they policemen for the nations of Europe." Army of the san,o ui I '?'. i b -as oi tin; universit; facultj who m itary experii nee acted In the- evi nil ratio) ... discripi . - v -, held thro , th' i : .; ; States. ii r? .. ? i Pre dent Hen.y Bi kner last ni? Bron rade of tm r? . : an I . diers and ex-service n sion moved from the 2d Fie Ai ia a v. I6?th Strei t a- : ? nue, to tin- World Wai : nt. 18th Street and Thir I Av-- a H - ?-..-? i banked ar< und th? inonu ent. An entertainment ' held aftei i pa? rade at Pub anel W .' i Avenu? I Vetprai ? ? HotJ ['? 111 vith E. A t, 1 ; : ; Among : - . .ers wi r ? ?' i i 'as? nave, Fn :. Coi ?oner: Major Gei eral John F. O'R; Lie ber and Ell ott M orton. Veterans Reviewed by Pershing at ('amp /)".v (.<>!. 7 ?inodore Roosevelt in Line as Eight Wounded Soldiers Arc Decorated by the Gem ra! ? \MP dix, :-;. j., Nov. ii. I hing and Major G i i.. . mi - i ! he 1 '. ' ? :? - ??? . A ? . [>a; ? da; n which men - ; ?. Fran ? . - n j o them I d o n : ' -?--.-?-.. of tho who ti clot hes. i ? was : a .- pai : . than a mili! ary ; and in spite i " * .:?- cerei - e then ittle regard oi ? ? Arche; commemo a i . -, of i ? - ? - \. th? Is! : ? ? ion parti ated and of the deail tried spanned 1 of march. ; .???-, ' ? . . Artillery and a -..'?'?? battle planes thundered al ? I rch ?>???;? tl i pai -,'.' Geni al i' I i gave i he Fou fragen o I t, ? Guerre ti eigl ? of tin division, vvhi cami I Vi tei '? tal in W? I ? ?' . and made brief address, "You have beci ti ed in times ' tl it numbei nd n? ? ? want W hoi r "; - r rosnoj ', ' a i forw arel. Th I re? pose d in you n? i .. - I. ; - .... teadily. "5 ... itiein to th - inti "Tl ?' i. tice Day .... It ciation of 1 ' ivho ? meanii tl great victory '.i - . ? r 11 ??'1'ii. - lay w come 1 r? ? ? ' I the civil --: world what Ii ? ? ? ? Ell ' '. ? - is : ! ? he dea! ? . ? ' f autocral ? reverse I the rine I pht "i ? ' a new e>i hes a di\ ? ? tl which tool ace on thi ra ri h pai ado y a o .:? lorders < ' - . ? ? I .. : : other engines of war. Thi of Ba! tery C of the Cth 1 Ar! I!? r;.-. which i ' ? : thi cai shot in the war, tired i i S'ew " ? ;.?? ger, carried i.i r of the American Lc? wa.- named for 1 son, Lh i Figel, who was the firs! Ai : llery ? ffice - -.. ? war. CoInml)iis Veterans March Despite Warning of Drat!, COLUMBUS, Ohio, Ni v. 1 ; Dei nt ment of Justice opera! I ty wei attempt ing to find a clue to tin or persoi 5 v > ht left a i e und? ? a di or at An ? ric in ' headquart? i here warnintr c: not to participate in I 1 lay parade, i e not? read: "Don't i ry to get i paradi W. cd one. We'll you war lovers to lie!".." Membei not pn mit the note to ritorfer participation in t pai 11 e\ or. police and Fi a close lookout for di ? clopme Stamford Unveils Monument In Memory of Her Veteran? STAMFORD, Conn., N'ov. I tice Day was celebrated here wit! ' unveil ing of a monum? nt oi ma.-.,. as a mem irial to all tm ... .. ? ? : ? . va ? fron days of King Philip to the Bt tin ng '? e i wo i ? " ? ? The monument was designed '. George A Frecmai : -?? p a ic subscription. T le ci -1 wa than $60,000. Th? far.I men are on four ts tit its base. tie iie ral Clarence R. Edwards, who commanded the 2?th Division, com .f New Fnglaffd men, overseas, made the principal address at the cere ? ? and marched at the head of the war vetetana who took part in the lie was the (tuest of honor i i ht at i ball given by Battery F, 103d I d Artillery. L egion Ch ief Co n de m n s Treatment of Wounded 20,000 Maimed IVor Veterans, Forgotten, Are Being Shifted About Aimlessly, lie Charges BOSTON, Nov. 11.- -A call to'the tia tion to remember its wounded of the World War. ? .. ,01 0 of wnom still live. maimed in mind or body anil, to a great i \teat. forgotten," was sounded to-day nj Fred \V. Galbraith, of Cincinnati, ? ? . :..-.i commander of the Amei can Legion, who came lure for Armistice 1 >;: v ext rcises. He :. sorted that hospital faci i I iea he wo tnded vetert n were "ont iro lequ i te," adding, "if there s ndequate treatment being given these! : ? -, . at any hospital i have ' ' t < sec it." Arniisl?pc AHjoii Of Foch Praised By Wickersham "Y, ork of Soldier Was Done; Thai of Statesman Bad lo Begin,' He Tells War ?Yade Board Audience Critics of Mai hal Foch's conclu . n of nn ? ? tice wit h Gen tli u-ge iV. \\ ii at an An ice 1 y dim : tj h VVai ? radi rd i ub la night t the Wald : cri ' -t. made in t he : From ; ?' : . . .: rly I- ret ch .11 ( om ml lionei to the United St: . thai pence i srms ? : . ' thi allies could have nfori 11 ' ' ? ; !?' : c : e war Mr. Wickershan I hat ,vhen I ! French commander in . ' v..; . upon to agree to an a? a ! old ier was . i not une mon t ' hear ir I h a v e y nn ctati d al 1 : " : ' . irm. "In ? name of the 100.000 i i ? u 1 d h a v ? ?? ' ? ,..'.,., then refer? : ' ' ' t, pub ? \ I o n d a y. t h a t h e h a d cril e time the " - - : : , "'. ike what ] t." Mai ' .1 " -'-.'' ?..'?'? . " ' Wickel ham. ' '.' .-? I: of the Id ier was rbe wo) ? ' ? ? ' n." ? of the peace I r< aty, V. ?'?:? " ? : id the i tiators ... into ? ? cont'denc t':;e pcopl p were to sup] ' : ? trca ''Tin 1 ' only 1 no pain? pcure the uit .;?: of hi Amei can pei pie, to tl ; r ' : i ? .... 11 e d f o r t h i bul : ' ??-:?? ... , . . of the '? '? o s|i'l ? don i ? ; part ' mtry, and ; . peac and of the woi Id . . . . |] and h tt luence the peopli and he ; m ' ' " French ? I ;. ? ; . ? n whii 'en Germany ui r the pt-ace deten ai ??? ?_ i - t r o G e i y h a d h e r ? ' ? er, a G i < lomist, a esti ating tl ; ' ' ' ?ermanj British Agree on Reparations T. K1S. Nov. 1 : Ti e bar: of 1 in r, con f er ri , L-rnoon with (Jeorges 1 ? Foreign ter I ? said e Foreign Office ii of the progrj m foi fixi sr German I been settled ... ?< ? .-. ? ' ; ? . ?;. pr lure in , ? . ..'.-. a - previ ..?,...,.., | unoi Commoner and KingHonorWar Dead of Britain Body of Unknown Tommy, Epitomizing 800,000 ?f Empire's Fallen, Flared in Westminster Abbey Wounded Pay Tribute Wreath Put on Coffin by Davis Bears the Words. 'America Will Not Forget1 By Arthur S. Draper From The Tribune's furcii'in /I?""!! .'--.; ht, 1920 N- n Vori? Tribune Inc LONDON, Nov. Ii. Britain paid honor tn her war dead to-day. In one of the most impressive ceremonies ever seen in London the body of an un? known Tommy war. carried through the streets of the metropolis and accorded iri such as no body of one single i timan b ing befare ever received from the British Empire, and was finally in? terred in West mi nster Abbey, .shrine and costing place of England's heroes ?inci X(Maian times. The burial ceremony was modeled af'or that usually accorded a field lal and was a symbolical tribute to ?ili tl ' < ?'?? o d?( d in the World War. ] ? wn s -i magn fieent c remony, which every rank in the empire par tic a! cd. Two ;. cai : go, when '? he . ? ? ?? - was ann ? i need, tcnsloi bi ;n a wild rio! <??' ,: ;. . Thi ri n thei ' wa ? no i ering beneat h the ? tffed ill gs of the whole city, b ;: tend a silence which was even more si VI Streets Lined With Cro?d llar y this morning, the street through which the funeral proee due ! pa 53 we re I r.i ! wil 1 cr >w , . and Wl ? all, in svl a t - ce ot: r I he war dea i :s sit tated. w nsti n1 of the usual busy traffic w 1 rs of the fa! len dead. A ; !) : -10 a, : a. : '? ? ? body of the in ? wn warri r, which was brou : ? av i 111 . ; a : :e at Victoria Station, fl .????-.! 1 by ' . . ? I band ?. - i and fol owi d by pallbearei four admira B it ty, M eux, .1 a nd Madden ; four field marsht French, liai a Met.] uen and V\ i'our pe?era . ! ! rne, Byng Gat if and Trenchard ? | asenta! of all ? f the l; a a. til a' fi u ??? a ivi - of the slain, the* procession be .... .... .'. bout ' 'a- eeaa'a: '.. .. plain wh : te ituri ? ' mon thi 1 ". ei y fi t high, in tii" midst of ???- te I, 0 nu the Colonial < Iffice', . . . - th 11 ui r ing w ? en ths and di ? (1 , notabl? be n .. at r rtly a fl r 10 o'clock K n.- tli 1 -, .vearing a general's uni form, : >ok a i ? I ?? before the moi nent. lie wag . Ilowed by the Prince of Wa a . : Vori and 0! he r mi nh rs - ' the ;? yal family, v 0 tationed 1 ? . him. King I'ufs Wreath on Coffin On one sich of the roi du : w r ? men i: ? ? robes, and em '- oth rs, including Ci ? : other high- govi 1 nment oftl :i : '? . : : ? and 1 Premiei '1 th stood side i y s ide, t heir po? ntet ? - rgot ten and their - - ruffled by the wind Ba . 1 ' : Funeral ? ' wit a ? . ? I with crap? In 1 cl I the cenot aph. . ?? trri pe i eai ?ng thi conn . ? . ' '- Id i r, coven i with tattered Union Jack and w . .'"' re Imei and -id trms tbovc cann : rest while t a a a revers The King, princes and spectatoi d Then ; ?? King placed '?? reath on top of the coffin, : raining ?Ule to re h the eight. As "Big Bi . 1 e ? ici ? wei ???:!? a - Bar! I rui 1 ! 1 o'clock he pul ? ? 1 ' to unveil ; a ? ctr otaph. 1 1 uediately, but the stuck. A top-hatted civilian stepp? '. 1 ,r of ti'.- crowd and with a quick jerk Ii -a red t iie other flag. F :? two minutes there was dead si? lence, broken only by the m mi ton - 1 .' of the motion picture camera; while hing and commoner stood un covered with heads bowi d before the Hag-draped coffin which epitomized *":'.'. of the empire's dead. 1 he stillness was broken by the thin y"!(';', "! an aged chaplain reciting the Lord s Prayt r. which was tnki n up by the deeper voices of hundrt ds of sol? diers. , At the close the King stepped forward, placing a huge wreath at the " of the shaft. The Prince of Wales cam ? next, a company of buglers . sounded "Tee Last Po it ;' riie gun carriage bearing the dead warrior's body ?wung up Wl it< hall. The '? went afoot a? the cl ief mourner. ' he princes and members of the C ibi ' "' '? after placing wreaths, joined the ';' .?on, vvhii ; cl< tl "? th loldiers. i ils were posted, !e? ning on re '? ' rifles, at the corn,!'- of the con itaph, and crowds bearing floral ding turbam d Indian I princes, grave Boy Scouts staggering . und >r huge wreatl liers in uni t orm, civil ?a n ? wit h si rvice i ibbi thei coats, I I ick-gai bed women and nt:::' irmed nurses, -: reamed past, pil ?i ' t tribut, s unt I the 1 ?e of the ' ia] was hidden beneath a bank I ,: .' ors. ame thi autom biles I irii tent sold I la ? arms ? r legs, '?'? 10 diluted as thi y pi ? ted. Meanwl ile, in the i ive at West min ster Abbey, with all thi notabb . in? du ? ? no,-. Mary and Queen Alex affd ? ml. Queen Maud of Nor ?'? :. g and Quee of Spain, I . ,. i, ind, the :ofl wn n : ; ' I : : - - I ? ' I Fi ittleiield o Kii -ntte-red earth over the : i v b 1er mtled "Tni ovi r ? '..? .? rave, \- ; then filled '; gregal n 1 the Abbi y * o A1! a ft?? ri oon, through the Uibey and past the com thou i I irner I at i nil lar haft contrasted arp ? i go vi nent build il if ? overed w th ; .:: : ? and' ;i ' Cl .' ' ?v !'? ''.'. No\ 11(1 The A ? ? ci at I'n ? .lohn V I) , tl \ mer i can Am bt monies ?. West istei com ted to-da; la hi the gravi of tin i iwn lier h n ored with there ". bor i the wo ' "Ai erica will oi : '." Mr. Davis cas ac n cl b; Canon Carm Unknown Polin Buried .-is All of France Wouriu Pr si ?? nl.Marshalsai ' "" rah '.; ! R ji -i Gi avi H rteaih irch of Trin >n ')! ? ? ''.':. \ to r y t i i. A re fie T : .- ' i par ...-, of j ? . f : lory k ? ? : ror beei itT I : ? ? : ? . ' . ' : ?? pi ve - " .? it th ' ' hoi 1 tl prom' t men i ' . : P ;? roe ?' ? ?? : . pron and the v ? V ? , , ,. , ? ... ? r th 1. an Aniba i to Pros i \ d d t h I '-? ; : ' ' ' ? r ' ,..? ... | . Idicrs, :. A: tl Ti ? : I ? ? I ?? ,.. | 1 , F ; I ' ?? ii -. - . ? ? : ? . ? .... : l . : . ??? : ? ? ? ' .\ ,.,. ?I r nooi of f Gambetta i : le Ai It! broke ; . T! c: 1 pei mi ! past 1 aflen I the name f the Fn . ,? .... i : A i Vi \ ? ? ? t . and Frencl off ial and numerous Americans. In his ad? ?e;'; Ambassador Wallace said: ''I wish to t~?nV these childri2 fcr coming nere to-day to place flower- on our soldiers' graves. 1 wish to thank them not only for myself and in the name of my government, but I venture' to express to them the gratitude of ? every American mother whose son lies j buried in France and also of every American child whose father fell on a i French battlefield. Tue people of ; i' ranee never forget our dead when 1 mourning for theii ov n." Everywhere in the provinces the an niversary of the armistice was cele ' ed with much solemnity. Patient Electrocuted v When Jaw Is X-Rayed Operator Turns Off the Current V\ ben Machine Snaps; find* a Corpse on the fable Casimir l!g, thirty-five years old, of 299 North Sixth Street, Newark, was electrocuted yesterday afternoon while an X-ray photograph was being made i f his lower jaw in trie office of Dr. ('. E. Baker, 198 Clinton Avenue, New? ark. An autopsy, performed by Deputy Cou ' cian Min ingham, showed *: . ? llg's death was caused by an eloc hock. B causa he had been suffering from cted teeth llg went to Dr. Baki r's : . a X-ray examina* ; ven pact ires were taken with ? nci lent, A s En esi X. Hurd, I e tician, start? tl current for the i phot igraph he ! trd tin m i ? ine snap ai il imme liately s h ' off ! he ;? iwer. When ? ; ped to the tab e found the pal ient u ion? cious. Tl ? re wa3 a slight di 'o rati n ?ust I ? low the hear!. Hard ?aid he beli? \ < : [lg r ceived the shock when he at? tempted to change hii position. A re ! a wa ted to F'hyi n G? o i pe !.. Warren. Chinese Suppress Mongols Peking Says Enemy, W ith Japan? ese, Plan to Rene* Attack PEKING, N ?'.-. il i By The As iciated Pre ? ? . Chii se I re ? ? ? ha\ ?? been en? gaged in new skirmishes forces ised of Russian?, M? ngols and pan? e near llrga. northern Mon . - ' from that Keii ments ru 1 :'? m . iita, ne . I ? Mont. I tier, turneel the tide battl . : di .-e the a. a . . i\\ arel theast trred on X? vc ra . ; . ? ? ci ' mn a ' !J rga - -a ? that time rece ? t h.a t cnem y re i n f orcem ? lapanese, n that d ?' i I v ..... ... . ttack. mov? ? ? id to be a Mongi resl re ..." noi y . : tha - Amundsen Safe on Aug. 13 Telegram Bearing That Date b Sent From East Cape, Siberia 1 PENH \.GI ". N'ov. ! '. ?- Cap . n ?'? aid Am en, t ? Arctic ex] rer, has sent ?: - f ' a ing : ram 1 I ende from Ea -. Cape, Siberia, I t 13 : "We ailed from N'ome immediately after '?? re of August 8 with only men, as tl aimed wages ;' ? ' '.'?';. ? fol 1 ovving d? un bv lack ice in B ihri a a All : ] ar l' w* II." Nobel Prize to Swiss Author iCKHOI M, N1 >v. ! i. The Mobel prize r literature for 1919 1 rded I Swi ttl r Carl Spit The liter?! u re prize :" "? 1920 me tim tgi to th an writer Knut Hamsun, who some a I a ? ; . ' ? a . ml at i ??? ??' ' ? car con jo! he read 1 ? :' , ecting fares. W*^ 564-566 ?no 56? ?ftfth.Atf rnUt.<*r* 4-6? **d 47? ST& BROADTAIL WRA 0)< ?/ne Leipzig dyed skins i\r:oJuced and adapted from recent Imported Models Unusual richness of quality combined with exquisite blending of rare skins. The showing includes wraps fashioned entirely of broadtail?broadtail with chinchilla and broadtail with holinsky?at very much below present market value. French Premier Says Nation Is Neariim Normal tr>_ Three - Quarters of Indus? trial Plant- Ruined by War Again Running; Lands Laid V? ?ste Resown Confident of the Future Wallte Americans to Under? stand Gratitude of People for Part i?i Great Struggh C : i PARIS, N . who has been in of! has had the respoi task tical relati and kei ping a good ? ? - . - . !.? ?rlai . : pr ese i. -, ? spondent to ? s anx . ? A.rica the gr ttit ude of I pie and their Vriendli States. 13 aid: "1 he oe Frai ? n of th .. i . . I the annivei ting raw 1 - ? ? : " -- efforts Ft ? ."..'? rec ? : the r . - U111\ . :. \ had ... ti . ? ?? - . razed to ??i )ur eni would never i - . last ? severely el when wii r, is, fin le by o ' . ' en the i ? . levai :? truct ed. Tl y resumed fifi per . asti .?-..', ? . ? . ' . ir nei "The i no output w: - yoai id fio ? first i L?13 1 il f 1 i n e r i i r a i n g ? : w mo ? - '. . ? - t i t u t raw ? , but our ] m an ufacturei ? ? and ! ? - of recoi ... . . t final fices, France not oi many, vacee for her ac uni to u it one mi ? ' ? er?os otncr expendes f5 ?erable -; ' eight mil ? w taxes recently voted by ? been :'< field of ailed the s ' ? ... - rome | . f In "... r ise the luals the total num : ther Allies. W? . ? . ? iduce the term of mili .' r. 'P* tie be is carr.ed ? " a s to the ? it the two great anni A : ? -,v th ? ? . ? recon ? ? try, it ? '?'-' n e n . . r problems pirit of peace. Her 1 ? ? \xth of . ' 1er a ad ... ..... . y : . ' . . ? . . ' ...... . . ? cause at i ry, i ? . ? . . the i l . I i ? Now in Progress f Prices Greatly p. daced H?rI?ysHo?s -. 1357 1 11/7 Broadway. 2 ? "? B t St. 254 F i A ?? ?'?'"?w? mmjfmii wmj ???. ?m>mwm-i*. . Mi?Ma?Tviy,xj?aL :jsssmk7 as^'flwaBJ^iuiir. ?? -- -* ?-~ ??. .<^?tiasafteiB?3!J?t?6.vasa?sr BROAD WAY METROPOLITAN CLOTHES/or MEN coif 34r? STREET oAt $. ^smmi^mmammBxmsm?Mm^^ssf^^''. 91 HESE SUITS hold their own against all competi? tion. They are worthy of any man's confidence and stoutly support our reputation for giving to New York men the finest clothing values in town. We are both producers and retailers, and know exactly what is possible in suits at $42. We invite anyone to take any suit from the collection and compare it with any other suit in town, including those offered in special sales. They are the finest suits in New York at modest cost and "we 'want you lo know it! as^:re riaraMB?i-J??^^.aea???^ WtKf*r*qpi+*mr w*mvr*mmn*r--artmn. ,?.,?.??