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Business News Retailers' Response Slight To Spring Clothing Opening liquidation of Winter Storks More Important Now : Some May Be Held for Sales Early in the Year jjftailers' responses to the spring ?tjyin-ra in the men's clothing trade ?. reported to be exceedingly light S<ontrasi to (he rush for goods that ??railed last year when new models ?or ?P<"?n8 ??1'-<t were ?r3t shown. So f?r th* showing of spuing samples by ?iji'afacturera is the exception rather ?hin the rule. More manufacturers in Chicag?' at-.d Rochester arc attempt? ing to hook spring business than are ?he producers ;r. the New York mar iit. Overshadowing the spring business ??the liquidation of surplus fall stocks ?eft in the hands of manufacturers Sioug"? cancellatjons nr.?i returns al ? expiration of the price guaranty on ?gits this week. Some of these so called winter goods are being offered a? attractive prices, and retailers are Ming considerable quantities with the, ?pectation of holding them over for sale at the beginning of the spring retail season next year. The slight jifference in weight between winter and Bummer goods permits the retail ers to carry over much of the winter merchandise being offered at conces? sions now. Spring prices in general show a re? duction of about 30 per cent from the levels at which clothing for last spring opened the wholesale selling season The?e prices, according to trade lead? ers here4 are by r>o means established. More frequent "readjustments" of prices bj woolen manufacturers ore unsettling the price calculations ap? plied to finished garments. At least a dozen woolen mills have revised prices on spring fabrics this week, lower price.- applying to goods already or? dered, as well as to future orders. s Commercial Credit Easier commercial money is working into sight, and large commercial houses report thfet it is easier to obtain ac? commodations than It was a month ago. Commercial paper rates, however, tre still maintained at their former high levels, most paper being discount? ed at 8 per cent. Hank pressure for the liq . ?ntories.ha* not b? en r? oncerns that ire carrying heavy stocks are sai.i ! y bank( rs I riencing difficul? ties in . ns at present. Liquidation of Fur Stocks Through Big Sales Urged Liquidation of surplus stocl ? furs to cons in retail gton to -. that will ? ?: ? has been offered th? fui trade as a sol H on to its present ?,-?-.?.? Selling on Memorandum Helps Push Cotton Good? A fair!; \ rg< volume of business is goods i.- m ds on memora ice to be determined of d? liverj. '1 ? by a time ago, nd n< w :? i imong all i ' ?.In some quart is be iieved that I ? f bookinj or the ted revival of Low i prices on sheetings have been .7 agent, the ce made , - <ire understood to be of special surplus ; method of inviting I ? large quan Fair Amount of Buying Reported in Spring Silks Man; ? ? cers of silk booking ? : ..... point are I ecidedl; unsatisfac rie styling of silks that stan I oui harply is the ef ' ? . Spi cial proc I to dull the lustre in satins and othei normally glossy ! effects of the cr?pe fabrica are being attained in loths. Judgments Filed in New York County The following Jud;?m??nts wei<> filed yes t'rdav ' 15 the ?1rs?, uanifl being that of ' I Adelshelmer, Hei man 1-7. - J. Mln.?-i .... $167.70 Mm, John bum . 110.73 Ad?.-T!!.''r>i; und Selling ? >., Inc. ? ? . 245.56 Boyd, Maxim B.?L. D. Taylor.. 170.20 Rame? S.? me . l 20.20 ?"?' u Maxim i. J. J Swf???.? ?. . 120.00 i In Nol in Lumbl r Co I ??? . 230.78 ' Ruahm II Howard E. ? IP J. urt Co., lno. 1,011.97 liaron?, Mlchal New 5 tor Truck Sal? a ? lorpora .? . . . 267.SO B( -i lamtn, ! i | ? :, Ble? trlcal Co . in.-. 12-1.03 Bahouth, Job? - i. l. iwj era' Title < . rust Co . 630.38 7 lei ? Ai my and Navy . Ing ? .. Inr. . . 1,634 60 Hessin, Pour? p. Davis. 205.57. Nathan and Louis I?? wls Ci '? S| : ? . S40.72 lei p. liavor ? ' ai . 2,015.05 < ??!;??. Herbert \V. F.?J. I.. "vV- '""? r . 1,105.<0 ?? KM Leather Manu ? S ' In J. Grtf et al . 8.788.08 Callan Bros., Inc. -L. M. Lucey. 6.461.06 fhomaa -Morris Plan ?? \ . 1S1.7 0 ' Co. pf New . . 27,278.83 > >?!>? i!, Newman- Melrose dille ,. ' ". 4.614.68 ' rawford, Sai ? r\?a. uonal Bank r. ington, aim' ...'.'.. i:u?n_ (Universal \\ alBt Co.) - IP?, ans. 14090 "gh, M.,:,!?,; ' s?di?' ?l' ,',''? ? ?''? ?"??'. Nathan Reiner? .. ?orris P an Co Ni tv y, na.90 : ?'<.Ph -J W. Graham . ?24.G0 , Avenue Coach Company? ?. S. Meyers . 182.60 , uiuliano. Domenlclo ?E. Posattl ?*' a! . 167.76 "?nrette, Mary B and James- - ?"? Hirsch . 468.80 : ?oward, , an m:i;... Howard ?nd Samuel i'i, tnlcl Morris .. ' -?n Companj of Now i'ork.. 165.00 i! '?'' -<???. Johi ! s ol . 121.11 nussey, Jlmmie \. ?ottlrr . 7S4.Cu imbor, Philip a.?Nevi v. Telo? Company . 146.14 Jacknowltt, Hyman; Philip Ja nowita an.: Sani Samb - Mor ris Plan Company of Now Yovl? 113.90 ! Jos a. Omero Press, Inc.?Thames Lunch Co.. rnc. 503.20 ?Jarrot. Oeorge YV R, .\p Beck.. 1,873.47 Johnson, John?J. O Seifert. 347.2? Kerliuj, M;, ha> 1 (Hub Olulhing llouai.i -c. Cohen . 674.44 Kont, Archibald O.?Republic Lab? oratories, Ine. 1,438.94; ?under, Alien?l. a. Isaacs. 2,688.?7 i Ktt-k, Louise; Edmund Holohan, and Thomas Miguire?Monrl? Plan Company of New V?rP 673.90 ! ?au, Jacob and Isaac (Kat* , Bros.) an?! p. n. Webber * Co.. ' xr l,!C?-*? ?'? Bloomlngdale et ai. 1,942.33 ? Kaiiisj, M?yo-j. Seeman ?-t al 164.20 ????eoin. Benjamin ? 8. Kn a coats . 128.60 Leibo??tuta, Abraham, and Nathan Paskus (I. J. Karsog & Co.. Inc.)?I. Ktrachn-r . ?S6.71 i t-evlne, Tobias. tui.1 Celt? r..l-.?i People, ete. 3.000.00 ? ??** ?? Bui-Kh, i.,..i| in . .-. sv 1. OTO 2 0 1,084.20 Spring Shoe Orders May Be Made Soon Retailers of shoes will not delay much longer in placing spring orders, in the opinion of Arthur Weiss, buyer and manager for Cammeyer's, prominent retailers. "Unless spring orders are placed soon," said Mr. Weiss, "the manufacturers will not be able to deliver spring shoes in time for the retailers to make a showing before Easter, when the spring trade normally begins. I don't think the retailers will t place heavy orders, but they will have to do some buying. Prices are lower than they were when orders for last spring were placed, and the continual decline in values has spurred the retail? ers in their efforts to rid them? selves of old stock to be carried over into the next spring season If they intend doing any business at all they will have to place or? ders, as the manufacturers are not making up goods for stock." York Hosiery Works, Inc. 1,165.39 LoFOluto. Frank ? Hein Nolan Lumber Company, lnc. 182.17 Levin, Bernhard ? F. E. Sliver man . $128.30 Lcfrak & Albert, Inc., and Harry Lefrak ? Worbelovsky Bros., Inc. 1,653.07 Sam"?S. Albert. 1,843.72 Longenecker, Richard C, and George A. W, Buchholtz?W. G. Brown. 720.41 Moore. Hampton, and Henry Parr ? Morris Plan Co., N. T. 112.SO Merdamm, George?Same. 161.70 McCormlck, William, Mary Mo : irmick and Alexander Doyle Same . 112.90 Candy Co., Inc?Stineman !" oducts Co., Inc. 395.70 McAvoj Co., In." ?Connecticut Insurance Co. of Hartford, . 2,097.49 Mi ?, Jacques A.- H. F. Plerson. 104.62 Haulag? i lo , Inc.?M. Mi ?do . 25,1 12.20 \li in: Krack ? 190th Street P. I y i . 415.50 Slgmuna, and Harry Grossbard (Nosehkess ?t Gross tfard)? Pelrls, Buhler <fc Co., Inc. 2.4C3.20 O'Hara, l ?? ?' til? an I Margar ? Weeks?Morris Plan Co., N. Y. : . ifso?, Bill A G Anas. 623.20 u Price Mei hai ? Asso clal n, li G Stein et al... . 1 ,r<!P24 p Rnhlnowitz 295.59 I ? : Il 1 V i laman el al 120 71 li Maurice, s le Pollock, ? ? S.-i i Plan Co., N V. i 1 5.00 ." -M II. ^v? ?] el al . 230.04 . o til, .. nd 1 la ' ry '.'lar.n & Mann, also Julius P hack and A bi a*iai ? Fish - Bros.) Sai k & : ?tein . .... 957.71 "?P..' Sam?M. Federgren... . 2.145.00 i . King .?7-, Pu., lno?H. non . 1.000.65 Ben lam?n S. ? Hein C , Tni . . . 664.50 ?. ... E National ? -?' B-?nli . . 5.137.98 ', ? ? t. ir, Harry Norton :?? v w? bster ? Morris ' . Co N Y. 11',.90 KP!? Putz. 139*17 ??als En ctirig Co, Inc 77 n Co. 290.24 ' " n, P M ; i-I ; Plan C.:.. N Y . 111.70 ? ! - old .?? ? . '. .??. W ( P"-. nberg and Etta Ore? nberg F Evans. . . 1,479.29 .-.. ... er M ?7 Km ha? t, costa . 108.95 r, - m J?F '?? .?? ? . . . 737.7,9 It : F Hol si rom Ir. . : 76. ?0 n John nn ' Rli har ! Mo Plan i o, N V . 112.80 . :? : a bra ha m R >i en-blatl (Simon fi Rosenblatt) ? M II Weil et ni. 34* 92 ?' ? i J. Kane. 210.52 Al.." (Wearwell Press i 1 . ts. 660.Cl ; '"? . .: -S t?te Bank. . 6,098.92 j ! . 6,214.27 ? nhoH er Co, Inc - P ? v. 4,671.87 i ? In, Marcus, Joseph Sll \ braham Rosi n, and 7.P-.N J Rosen Wilton Mfg Co 41,994.92. ,lai ?? A J K. nn-edy, -.h . 10*.95 i Annie, admx?Interbor ough Rapid Transit Co . 272.90 Toomey, Harry P - M I Rosenthal 113.20 In Bronx County li'.nrk, Nathan, and Louis Lewis i> J Spiro. $340.72 ; !' . Charles R C F Broker. 31.69 . M trie B Koff.. 108.70 F?rst, Joseph A .- Huhrs. 272.87 B K'.rf. 108.70 Relllj. Cathi rlne?G J-' Davles . 91.67 Shottland, John?-O J Kane.... 210.62 Sembecos, Nicholas?M Sembecos Wi ronofl David, as gdn?Rogers Placo Realty Corpii. 112, Satisfied Judgments T h? Pr-.? name is that of tho debtor; tl.ind that of tho creditor and data ? hen Jude menl was filed in New York County Rubens, Al Encyclopedia Bri? tannica Corp.; Feb. 10, 1920_ $156.77 Kaufman. Helen H. E. M. Gattle a I : May 5, 1916. 277.95 Gold: t. ne '1 !.. odoi e Encyclo? pedia tSrlta.:miea Corp. ; Oct. 21, . 130.66 Letchanove, Emily and John?R. W Lawrence; Julv 22, 1920... 208.45 McOlynn, Lillian A.?Levlno Real Estate Corp.; May 7, 1920. 466.02 Sa n I.epn'H Real Estate ? 'orp. ; Nov. !.', PP'0. 108.67 :,. I ;:. ima s M.. Helen and Frank J.?Empire State Liquor Co.; April 14, 1916. 230.11 Stern Bros., Inc. ? IP Powell; Oct, 17-, 1920. . 2,147.60 Leonard, William IP?p. Hadden; Jan. 15, 1912. 6,638.44 Interborough Rapid Transit Co.? A, Tellow; Feb. 27., 1920 (re? versed) . SO,500.40 Morg? nstern, Louts, Samuel Rlndner?Pioneer Fur Dyeing Co., inc; Nov. 10, 1920. 1,699.72 4iHt Street Realty Co.?J. Jaffe; Jan. S), 1914. 673.54 Buena Vista Park. Inc., und George 10. Do Groat?F. B. Sohl; Sept. 9, 1920...;. 894.90 Shivers, William D.--15arle & Calhoun; March 27, 1914. 204.08 In Bronx County Becker, Reuben, as guardian?P. Berg; Jau. 30, 1920. 109.20 Buyers Arrived Fairchild Servie? Ohio- W. Wise, jowelry; Penn . inla. ALTOONA, Pa.- -Kline Bros.; J. Schneline, clothing1; 23 East Twenty-sixth Street, BALTIMORE?Joel Outman & Co.; Miss S. Rice, lacs, embroideries; 20 Fifth Avenue BALTIMORE?-American Wholesale Cor? poration; W. F. Croggihs, notions; leather goo : ?. p. el goods; 77.4 Fourth Avenue, BALTIMORE?The Hub; Miss S. Goouman, dresses, skirls; 116 West Thlrt) second su . BALT1 MO.RE? Eisenberg's; Miss Coin n regular and lobs waists, -, dticoats and sweaters; 37 West Twemy-sixth Street, BALTIMORE -American Wholesale Cere : W. )' ('ogglns, fancy and leather goods: ... ; i 'otirth A vonui . BART( >\\ Fla - i. M, Wear, g< neral I ' e n n sy 1 v h n I a BOSTON?-Jordan-Marsh Co.; F. S. Sal? mon wallpap r, upstairs; J. A. Keout;h, thing, youths' clothing, basen ont. 432 Foiirl h A v mue, B? IS r? >N- - i i. Reynolds, fura -i ork BOSTON p. B, Fos-'B Co.; C Fogg, furni? ture, floor coverings; Arlington. BOSTON- Astor ? Sun Co.; M. ; Goldstein, coats, suits; Breslln. I ii in? ? .-v ns Co . upstairs, Mrs. Phillips, women's costumes and dresses; Miss Murphy, misses' dresses; Misa O'Regan, misses' coats; Mr:?. Milllken. j infants' wear; Mr. Bleyle, men's cloth lng; basement. Mr. Levin, onlldren's, juniors' and girls" coats and dresses; 225 Fifth Avenue. BOSTON?GUchrlst Co.; basement. J. Ar onson, boys' overcoats and macklnaws; A. Cohen, suits, dresses and skins; Mis?, girls' coats and dresses; Miss Ruin., millinery; Miss lt. Rice, hosiery and knit underwear; upstairs, F. J. Smith, leather goods; Miss B. Minuhau, Kiiis' coats; H. Nelland, upholstery; c. Downea, colored and black goods, linings and velvets; ;oo Fifth Avenu?. BOSTON?Chandler Co.; H. Kllta, women's hosiery: Miss J. Canty, waists, under? wear and ktmonos; 230 Fifth Avenue. BOSTON?Houghton A Dutton Ce j Miss C. Flarmolly, waists, corset? and ladles' underwear; Alfred F?ntl, 116 West Thir? ty-second Rtreet. BRlDCFrjDRT. Conn.?Howland Dry Goods Co; f\ rill. Bilks, woolun dress goods; Mrs. HI. Frey, assortment Infants' woar; 404 Fourth Avenue. BUFFALO?William Hengerer Co.; Miss B. Dean, waists; 2 West Thirty-seventh Street. BUFFALO?Sinclair, O'Rourke. .Bone Co.: W, Pono, mlllnery: B. C, Kircher, sllita, ribbons, notions; 621 Broadway. B?FALO?J. Simon, lacs, embroideries; Aberdeen. BUFFALO?T. Brennan, millinery; Im perlal. BUFFALO ? It. A. Meldrum & Co.; E. Truxes, ribbons, laces, embroideries, handkerohlefs; J. J. Sweeney, furnish ings, hosiery, underwear; A. S. Dalglelsh, waists, petticoat;?, corsets; 105 Grand Street. nVFFAI.O?Faultless Pants Co.; J, Hallo tin, piece rcooilsi and clothing; Breslln. CANTON, OhlOt?C. V, Hampton & Co.-, C. ? \'. Hampton, clothing and furnishings: W. S. Martin. Christ mas novelties and gifts; S. K. Friedman, 656 Broadway, CHARLESTON, S. C?-Pringle Pros.; E. Pringlo, notions, furnishings, general merchandise; Pennsylvania. CHARLESTON, W. Va.?People's Store; Miss E. Cantley, millinery; 44 East Twenty-third Street. CHICAGO?Sears-Roebuck Cn.: E. F. Walker, men's and boys' clothing rte partmeut, representing; 115 Fifth Ave? nue. CHICAGO?Spauldlng Waist Shop; II. Nathan, waists; 276 Fifth Avenue. CHICAGO The Fair; W. IP Lawrle, coats, Hui's; 225 Fourth Avenue. CHICAOO -Mandel Uros.; Miss Singer, skins: 13 East Twenty-second Street. CHICAOO? L. Morris, underwear, hosiery, general niei chandise; Pennsylvania. CHICAGO?Marshall Field ?- Co.; Miss B. Cowan, jewelry; Ml"- J. Delaney, wom? en's suits; Miss C. Vail, women's suits; 1107 Broadway. CHICAGO ? Phtlipsborn's; H. Rosenthal, neckwear, laces, ribbons; 912 Broadway. CHICAGO?Mandel Bros.; W. II. Debus, linens, wash goods; Miss Kesslor, coats, wraps; Miss Slngor, skirts; 13 East Twenty-second St reet. CHICAGO?Spaulding Waist Shops; II. Nathan, jobs .sweaters; 276 Fifth Ave? nue, room 603. CHICAGO?Carson, ririo & Scott Co.; J. Martin. buttons: Miss A. C. Hayes, gloves; 404 Fourth Avenue. CI.EYEI.AND? Hirsch Co.; M, Welnstock, Jobs of coats and dresses, dresses for basement; P. Hirsch,?jobs coats; Miss B. Cohen, dresses; S. Solomon, 1-61 Broadway, CLEVELAND?Bailey Co.; J. Kaplan, raccoon, Hudson s?-a!, near seal and Bealino coats; Mme. Mogcovlcs, Jobs suits; Miss Kornguth, r.shtall sweaters, jobs waists; 37 West Twenty-sixth street. DALLAS, Tex.?L. H. Lewis Co.; Mr. Cook, hosiery, underwear; 72 Leonard Street. DALLAS, Tex.?Sanger Bros.; J. Hill, W. I!. Taylor, shoes; 19 East Twenty-fourth Street. DENVER?Neusjteter Co.; Mr. Neusteter. waists, skirts and underwear: Oscar Abel, 16 West Thlrtv-slxth Street. DETROIT ? Crowley-Mllner Co.; Miss I. Raymond, furs; Alfred Fantl, 116 West. Thirty-second Street. DETROIT?J. L. Hudson Co.; Miss Gra? ham, silk underwear; Miss Hoff, assist? ant ; 225 Fifth Avenue. DUBUQUE, Iowa?Roshek Bros. Co.; F. 11. Roshek, waists; 48 East Twenty-flftn Street. HARTFORD, Conn.?G. Fox &? Co.; Mrs M. Mink.-, muslin and knit underwear; Alfred Fantl, 116 West Thirty-second HARTFORD, Conn.---Sag?, Alien Co.; .1. Malier. Jewelry; 404 Fourth Avenue, HARRISBURG, Pa.?O. Black, art goods; A Icaza r. HBRKIMER, N. Y. -11. Brosee, shoes Arlington. JOHNSTOWN. Pa.?I. Rabinowttz, cloth? ing, furnishings; Navarre. LOS ANGELES?Broadway Department Store; Mr. Short, shoes, upstairs; C. Bus y, bas?;ment, shoes; 95 Madison Avi nue, LOS ANGELES?J. W. Robinson Co. ; Miss Gertrude Johnson, drisses and gowii^; Hot? ' \\ aldorf. LOS ANGELES Katz Bros.; L. R. Davis, jobs coats, suits an.] dresses; 212 Fifth A '. i nuc, thlrt? .nth flooi. LOUISVILLE, Ky.?Carter Dry Goods Co.; J. P. Dumesnil, white goods; 4,i Leon? ard Street. MILWAUKEE. V. ;;-.- -Alsted-Basten Co.; P A Istod, ji welry; imperial. MILWAUKEE?P. A. Gross & Son; A. Gross, inillii?,-; 637 Broadway. NEW BEDFORD, Mass.?J. ' Simmons, ? lothing; Imp? rial. NEW HAVEN?J, Press Co.; J. Press, '.-. ool, ::, i ark Aven le. NORFOLK, Va.?Miller, Rhode.?, & Swartz; N, V, Swartz, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Hansen, ri i resent Ing; 132 1 ourt li A venue. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. P.?-J. T. Prevetie .?7: Co.; .' T. Prevette, iruen's and bo? s' i : it hing, ladi? s ready to ,\ ?:.? r , S K i ? lodma n 6i 6 1 ?roadway. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Abaher * I irn; Mr. Absher, clothing and fu i Ishings, hats and caps; S. 17. Fi ied man; 656 Broadway, NORWICH, ( Hin Porteous ?- Mitchell Co.; A. :.'?i7 hell, linens, domestics; P 1 orti ..'ix, ladies' ready to ? em ; J representing; A. Mitchell jr., representing; J. Lee: hosiery and under '??? ar; ?! 32 Fourth Avenu?. OKLAHOMA CITY -Tobias Emporium; L. Tobias, general merchandise; 220 Fifth Avenue. OMAHA - - Blaunnor'i S. E. Schweitzer knit hosiery, gloves; 120 West Thirty ? 11 ond Stn ? t. Neb. Orkln Bros.; Mr. Orkln, . p. l lu ?h coats; 276 Fifth A \ enu? , ri m ? PHILADELPHIA- L. Frankel, women's r ...; y i u -'- ear : A bei di ? n. PHILADEL1 li! A - Coin n Broi . !.. Cohen, dry goods, not Ions a !.. : .:? en PHILADELPHIA Reliance Skirl Co.; M ' ram r ??? i , pi, ce goods; A bei di en PHII ADELPB IA - i I dm i Bros. ; 'M. D i ioldman, wi olen plec goi Is. Aberd. PHILADELPHIA ? P. i Fiiec, gei merchandlsi "Pan,!. PHIJ \DELPIIIA- Melsler-Einhorn Bros.; P Meislei . -, salins, etc. ; Imperial. PI! I LADELPB I > G. Kline, gi n? ral mer? chandise ; Im perlai. PHILADELPHIA M. Gross & Co.; M. Gross, woolen piece goods; Pennsylvania, PHILADELPHIA National Kid Klothes ?'o. ; Allen I. Grcenberg, boya' clothing; Pennsyl vu nia. PHILADELPHIA? Glmbel Bros.: Mr. Scott, men's furnishings; Broadway and Thirl v -second Street. PITTSBURGH?Rosenbaum Co.; Miss N. Stino, negligees; Alfred Fantl, 116 West Thirty-second St. PITTSBURGH Kaufman's Department Store I. Schwartz underwear; Mrs. Mor'on infants' wear: 126] Broadwaj PITTSBURGH?McCreery fi-. Co.; ,r. Det weller, furniture; 23 West Twenty-sixth Street, PITTSBURGH - Boggs .V- Bub!; A. M. Brown, furs; Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH?H Ad?en; A. Goldberg, ma na >^. r, P, nnsj Iva nia. RALEIGH, N C.? S. Glass, women's ready t ? ? ear; 235 Fifth Avenue. READING, Pa.- Dives, roniery ,<t Stewart; Miss P. K Gingrick, laces and embroid? ery trimmings; 230 Fifth Avenue. ROCHESTER?S K f. Rosenberg; S. Ro? senberg, furnishings; Collingwood. PITTSBURGH?Frank & Sedar; l. Sedar, F. Finkelhor, coats; Oscar Abel, 16 West Thirty-sixth .Street. PITTSBURGH?Kaufman .?:- Baer Co.; Miss C. Toole, girls', misses' and juniors' coat:- ; 40( Fourth Ai ' nui PROVIDENCE, R. P--.P 1'. Mourln & Co.; ..'. P. Mourin, jobs of coats only; 777 Fiflh Avenu.-. RICHMOND, Va.?Miller ,?7- Rhoads; F. P. Hates, representing; 47.' Fourth Avenue. ROCHESTER?B. Forman Co.; Miss Sny iirr, dresses; S. Rosenberg, coats, suits ini.l si.ins; Miss Culhauo, suits and coats; 225 Fifth Avenue. SAN FRANCISCO?Max II. Harris Co.; Mrs. Max H. Harris, jobbors, children's, lunlors' .oat.--, dresses, skirts and Jersey . oats: Waldorf-Astoria. SAN FRANCISCO?R. Welll Co.; W. B. Koer, downstairs coats, suits and dresses; 17. East* Twenty-sixth Street. SCRANTON, Pa. -Blum Bros,; Mr. Blum, ladies' ready to wear; 303 Pifth Avenue, room IS" ?? SHELBY, N. C? R, 1.1. Campbell, general m? rchandise ; Grand. SOUTH BEND, Ind.?Ellsworth Store; N. Fuller, carpets; 1270 Broadway. SPOKANE- ::. Kesler, men's clothing and furnishings; 440 Fourth Avenue. SPOKANE?Spokane Dry Goods Co.; Mrs. p. Henry, ladies' ready to wear; IP R. Kessler, men's furnishings and clothing; 440 Fourth Avenue. SPRINGFIELD. Mo. ? Cuntan Dry Goods Co.; Mr, Netter, dresses, coats and suits; Pennsylvania. SrRINOFIELD, Mass.-?Forbes S.- Wallaci \Y. F. Malnney, petticoats; A. Alexander, i-otlon Urn ns; 230 Fifth Avei u STB1 UE.NV1LLE, Ohio?S. Reimer, china ?and glassware, men's clothing; Pennsyl ST LOUIS ?Hudson Bay Fur Co.: B. Brau, woin? os i, ady to ? .if; IP ST LOUIS?Rice Stlx Dry Goods Co William Addlson, white goods, 7177 Broad? ay. ST. LOUIS?Scruggs, Vandervort .v- Bar-j ney; Mrs. McKenna, Poos, neckwear, i. lmmin-z; 225 Fifi ?i Avenue. ST. LOUIS?Famous & Barr Co.; R. K. Lockhart, Jobs suits and coats; ~~ Wesl Tw< m y -si xt h Streot. SYRACUSE?A. sussman, house furnish- ] Ings; Grand. SYRACUSE?A. Bock, general merchan? dise: Grand. TARBORO, N. C.?Thomas Co.; T. F ! Thoftias. ?irv goods, shoes; Pennsylvania. TOLEDO?Lion Dry Goods Co.; J. M. Walker, ?llks, cotton piece goods; 23 K ist Twenty-sixth Street. VICKSBURG, Miss.?Miss P. L. Herman, Bho? s; i", nnsj Ivania WASHINGTON?A. Llsner Co.; H. Kaplan. waists dresses; 220 Fifth Avenue. WILKBS-BARRB?-Blum Bros.; H. Blum, co.Us and suits, 303 Fifth Avenue. Buyers ?Comitij? CHICAGO?Phillpsbor-fs: II. Rhilipsborn. Miss G. Ward, wai-ats; 912 Broadway; expected November 22. Curb Tone Heavy As Prices Break; Pressure on List industrials Weaker, With Declines of Fractions in Many Spots; Ryan Consol? idated at New Low Levels II! - , More new low levels were reached in the curb market trading yesterday when presanrj to sell was renewed. The market tone wns generally heavy a.-i prices reacted on the Stock Ex? change and in leading commodity mar? kets. General Asphalt moved upward for a time on development reports but re? acted when the industrial list showed weakness and recorded a small net loss. Other industrials were easier and fractional declines were the rule. Ryan Consolidated continued to at? tract attention in its downward plunrre, as selling showed no siens of abate? ment and support failed to appear. The I stock made a now low when it broke through 10, but recovered slightly. \ Midwest Refining was off about 3 I points, and many other oil shares | showed net los-es for the day, Sirams : Petroleum again selling below 8. Industrials Sales. Open. Hieb. Low. Last. 1 ion ?Ai me Coal. . . 1 % I % 1 '?? - r,i Pin.i ?Aetna Exp. . . 9% 10 0*4 97? H.'C7 ?Allied Pl< Inc. 9 9 s 'i s p 100 ?Alumln Mfc .18% 18% 18% 18% 30 *do pf. 8fi SB S". 85 inn ?Am Chicle_ 33 33 33 33 i 25 *do pf. CS r,H 63 68 -1 r.o ?Am S. w Pipe, m?.\ ?np, 10 m 500 Afilo Fuel S... CG-% 67\i 66% 67?; 27, Borden'. 80 f o so ??o 35 do pf. SS S8 88 8' 100 ?Br-Am Chem . 5 % 5 % 5% 5% 7.00 ?Br-Am T coup 12 12 11?J 11\ 600 ?Chgo ?Vlpple.. i P 8-4 8'.. 500 ?Crude Chem. . l 'i 1 '? i % 1 U 900 ?Empire T & S 17% il 17.% 13 1200 ?Farrell Coal. .17 17 1.7??, 16 300 ?Gardner Mot.. 18% 18<% 1-?-t, 18% 6000 ?Gen Asphalt... 45% 47'.. 4P. 44'i 6000 ?Gen Klee ris.. 2% TIP 2% 'P, 200 ?Hercules Pap. 20% 20'- 20?-. 201 ? 2000 ?Kay Co ?Pis.. 1 '?-> 1 % 1 "-s IS 300 ?Lino Co cl A. 25% 26 25% 25'? 500 ?Locomobile, n. 3 3 3 3 nno ?Munson Furn. M 14 1?-% 14 100 No Am P & IP 4% 4 P. 4'a 4'i 1000 Perfection Tire, i'i 1'i 1 ,\? 1 '.? 200 ?Pyrene Mfjr.. 9% 9% 9?, 9V? SOn ?Radio Co w !.. 2% 2% 2 2 1000 ?do r>f w I. . 2% 7's 2'i 2% ino ?Roy Fr TP Inc. -14 4 4 100 ?Stand ?', & B, 13V* 13% 13V4 13% 2000 ?Tob Prod Ex . 10 10 10 10 1000 ?Triangle Film. % H Ni *?? 500 Unit Frotlt Sh. 1 ?'?? 1 \ 1 ?> 1 -P 1500 ?U Rel Si Can. 8 <?? 8% 8 % 8 % .'.mi T s Distribut.. 2'1 ', 20?; 29 29 "f. II S Lt & lit. . P? 1 -t 1 's 1 '., 1500 11 s SteaniHhip. P. 1'4 Mi 1-, 3000 Wayne Coal... 3"-; 3% 3% 3% Standard Oils Sales. Open. High, l.o-v. Last. ?iOO ?Anglo-Am Oil - 20% 20 20% 150 ?' ?i ihlo i i.l Co. 95-% ?15% 95% 05% 7" ?Std Oil of N'T- 373 365 365 200 ?U Tank Pine. ? 102% 102% 102% Other Oils Sales. ('pen. High. Low. Last. 300 ?Allen Oil_ h % I ?0OU ?tAllled i HI. . . 1.". 17 14 14 ; i ?Ark Nal i ?as. P, '.''?? :? p 270 ?I loone Oil 7 P 7 V. 2 2% i i-Bos-Wyo Oil % 14 % 18 os Oil . . :i 3% 3% ? arih Sj nd. .1! IIP 10?, 10% ug Pel . ?7 .. % i.. Oil. . . 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 9071 *R .. p Ri- 84 S?? 8% '-" :" ' iJct IA I '? i ?, ! ?; 1 Oil... 2 V? " -, 2 % LU 170.) ?Glcni Oil. " -, . 2% 100 Guff-Gill Oil. 25 2S 28 28 Inl Pel 15% 15% 14 % 14% -? ' ? I ? I? ...... 2% 2% .P k ' Oil_ :;?; 3 % 3% B 0 Mai ..-.??..< HI II p 16?,? lsVi !,;;?_ ' i VM' rritt Oil C. 12% 12'i 12 12 281 M \ -o ?TTiii. . . . 1 U 1 ', 1 % 1% 7"-i ?Mfdwes! Ri f.149 141 147. 14.. 400 ?Ml Iwnst Tex. 7 7 7 7 ' V O Cl of N ,T 7. % 3 Ta : ri :. % ' . 'P 13 !3 % 13 'Old ].l I Pet ; P ? ; . 2% 300 O O & G I new) 2% 2% 7'', 2% 10 ?Pan P A R. . 7% 7% r-', 7 % 54 ?l'anh Pi I pf. 60 60 60 00 7n|. *) 'enn ick Oil.. <' % 6 % G % i ', 1500 * Pri ?! A- Ref . 5% G 5% r, P Re-1 Roi OU P 1 -, i i w i 12% 12% 9% 91., ? '???? *:-,?'?? Prod 20 30% 30 " 30?? ' P 10% 10% i')", na P- r 4'8 (% -r, 47 ? pd Pr Co 2% 2% ": ? 'i; Pet.. i - ? 7 % 8 < ? ??' ' P 8% SU 8% ? r ? : 1 ' 1 P ?' .. ?J ' ' ?Ti .... 1 ,v -, . : .7 ! . . - ' ' ?'le... .' ? P H Ui n ??1 l'i ; i, [7? ; -; ?Mining 1 .;. 1 IliiTh P .??? Last mi 1 Al-Br ? '..! M ?M ? - : ? p. ' . : p i-\ i"i. ....... Min?.?,. ; ; , 7 1 Ar 1 ?lohe Cop ?? . 1: ? P ? .. ?1 1 ' Pi pi 4 1 ;: -, '' ??'i '???? ?. !?? . ; , ' , < : -, ' r Ledge . . , : -. Mont. 40 10 : 1 " <n 'iCaJ ?loi . . .18 19 17% IS ...,...? ? ; IS ' 20 7. ' . ?-?.' ..? i .1 ... , : .. li ,; 1 '. :*. I % I 1 ?Gortea ! .?'. ! 64 C t 62 64 600 ?1 lai-wiii Silver 2 !j .: % 2 14 7' 14 Ext in p) 26 I'. 27 '., 21 j 6 0 on i .... ., . ? ; Sllvei '? ' :? " -. ?' u- P- M . .. 53 ,..: 48 ' 41 ? li 0 ? : IP. ? . . Holly 1 % 1 ??. 1% 1 ,", 4500 *Forl M. % -.. : j 1.. 3200 *+ Go!d 77 111v. lr' 19 18 11 Goldl . ? 8 7 7 % I500 ?tCi ildf I ?? . . . 2 2% 4 i ?tllari DM Hi 77 1U IS l Ho VI ning, ?? :, 4 '? 1 \ i % 2300 ?t.rili-1 Butliil 17 17 7' ?7 1700 t.Iunibo Fxti 11 6 ' H .% 6 ;..K ? ... n .... ? " 1 ' j ' ' moo ?tKnox Divide 1 6 H fi t C M. 1 ?? 7 I 'i ? '?. 'i ??nno '" MacN'ii m M . -'.? '-, % ? p ippi r 22% 22% :?:'?. 22 '-j ; 1 ? . '.: 1 sh M:.:l-. in 10 9 10 1 ' ? ?Mont Sil K '.I "? I i, ?-. 1 100 ?Mother L ?".. 5 p 5% 5% :? % 10 *N Jersi?y 17 ?. 15?! 156 I5?i 156 200 Nipisslmr M Co 8% :- ?" ; 4 00 Ophl? Pil M C, , :, sa '-, 500 Prince Coir .. . ' 1 ?, , ', 2100 Ray V Cop P. 1 ', ' A- 1 -\ ! .7 : Oi 1 P. K Co ... 6 5 7. 4200 Ropi r-l ; M 1 ".. ["g ?' P 1100 st Croix Silver 1111 ;.?.> ?? -.;\ Pe 1 ? ?? ;? :: 2 12O0 * -:P. or Pick. 6 6 6 5% I Sllv Ld P "1 P -P 221 . < :-?. Mng ' ' j 2 1 % 2 300 ?Suthci Id 1 H\ " I % 2 I 350 ?Ton ? P- Il ont I % 1 % 1 % 1 % : . ... ??'! ?? ,. ?: ???.,.. . ? ? ... : 7 -P . m . P-.-.-n . . I '. 1 % 1 - ? : . ?? ? . Mug .. ? : ? p? ; -p 1220 Fnited P in. 2% 2% 2)J -U 3600 *tU S r..,n M. 6 fi 5% 5% 30no ?fVli ? P ,.1 ; 1 '. 6 6 ? I . '" lind ('ens. ; ,', IV? lv, 7 V : 2 II . V. p P..; ... Mg. 7% 7% 6% 7 Bonds Rales (nno on Itted). Open. High. Low. Past. J55 1 Allied P.. :. 6s, 61 61 59% 59 P: 17, Am LI .v rrac . . 91 01V* 90"i 91% V.111 T & T 1924.. 14 .1 94 94 2 7 ?Anai 'da 7s w 1 0i ? ? '? '?'''? '??? 25 ?Al - - 5% 95% 95 % 7" ?Bol h Steel 7s '23 96% 96% 96 -,. 96 P ?do :. ft . 94% 9i % 94 ?_ 94 \. : ?>, , . ?& st L 6s '29. SS 88 SS 58 50 -.' ..; P.m.. n 8s '.?:???? 9S 97% 98 I . ?1 .;.-. '! . \ ' 7- \v 1 ;? " 95 94 ?4 94% ; 7 !?? : in 11 I? - .. 99 '. 9 ':s 99% '.'?> 7a 2 -l dan on 1 M 7s 104):, P>";? 101 : i0 5 ?DuquesiiP LI 6s. 89 89 S9 S9 7 >Emp G&F Is '24 94% 94% 94% P 1 ? na S Oil "s. 93% 93 ?.- ?< ? _ :? ? ', ? *. 25 w I ?S% S8% &7V: " "? '?. 10 *Orand Trunk 7s. 102% 102% 102% 10 2% ;; ?Inter R T 7s. .. 7 1 71 % 71 7' 7" ?K of 77.,rv, ay ? ? ' . . ; ? :i ?".) .?? ?La ' GaS P- 7- 92% 92V? '??-'< -i r,s ' ; ?? ? Moi .-- ... . P - 97% 97% 97 % 97% i 5 ?Ohio C G 7 ' ? 94 91 ?;? \ :? ? 7- v ; ;? 1 94 ; :?% s;w, I *R J Reyn 1 " . . . "? '. G 6% Ctfs : P. 15 ?S-Roe 7s (I yr) 9 ? ? , 98% 9S , 15 ?-.; . . 5S% 98% 98% 0S% ; , ?do . - (3 yr). 97% 97% 57% 97% 27 Sinclair 91 91 ?? 90% ? ?? ivaj a C ??* 100% 100% 100 \ 100 S, 6 ?Sw & Co 6s 21 97% 97?d 97% (7% 10 ?do ; ? \ "7't 97Vj 'P ! 1 ?Swiss Gov 5%s S S 83 v ? 1 -Pu Tank L 7s. . 100 % 1 0% 1 0% 100% II ?Utah Sec 6s *22 f . - v . *-'; 1 'W'.si El. 99?, 9! -, 99 , 99 -, 2 ?West Va ?. . ?3% 82% ?-?: ;4 82% German Internal Bond? (Quote,1 In dollars per 1,000 marks) 1 oinltt ' Open, IPKh. Low. Last. ; 175 ?Berlin -is ...... ; 16% 14 15 ogna 4s. 15 7 7 15 ' 15 | 10 Kssen 4a. 15% P!-j 1-'? % 15% 10 ? Pie ru-li 4s. 4 1 41 -1! 4 1 20 ?Frankfort 4b. .. 17 '.7 ! 7 17 ? - -n 5 .' ? -? ? -' 6? ?:??< ?1 Pr Berlin ?is.. 13 1 ?> ? '? 13 30 ?< i? rman Gov 4s 13 13 13 13 12 ?li.i.inbuig 4s... 15% 15% 15% 1^'? 47.1) ?Mains 4s. 15 15 16 Is ?Unlisted. tSills cents per shar?. Rail Operating Income 27 Per Cent Below Mark Return? From 207 Class I Roads Show $29,31.3,000 Shortage for September Front, The Tribune'. Washington Bureas. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. ?The net operating income for September of the class 1 railroads of the country fell approximately $29,343,000, or 2(5.0 per cent, short of the amount expected to be earned under the increased rates, according to a compilation completed to day by the Burenl of Railway Ece nomics. The figure is baaed on reports from 207 railroads of this class, having ?i total mileage of 237,899. The net rnilwa yoperating income for September totaled $70,876,055, a gain (? only 2.S per cent over that for the .same month in 1910. It was also only approximately $-1,800,000 above the standard returns which the railroads would have received had they still been operating under guaranty provided for them in the transportation act, but vhich ended on September 1. On the Lasia of a return of'6 per cent to be earned on the tentative valuation made by the Interstate Commerce Commis? sion for ratemaking purposes, their net operating income for September should been $109,220,000. Total operating revenues for the 207 railroads amounted to $617,162,978, or u:i increase of 23.7 per cent over Sop tember, 1919, while operating expenses were $509,013,974, or an increase of 7.7.2 per con*, compared with the same month in 1019. The compilation also shows that the net operating income in every district fell below what it should have been, the biggest shortage being in the East? ern district, where it amounted to 42.3 per cent.. The Southern district was next with 31.8 per cent, while the net operating income for the Western dis ti let was 0.7 per cent, per cent bekuv thc expected amount. Official Declares Automobile Business Now Is Improving CHICAGO, Nov. 17.--After two months of depression there has been an upward turn in the automobile busi? ness, bol h pleasure cars and trucks, according to Alfred Reeves, general manager of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, who addressed the Automotive Equipment Associa? tion in tli i s city to-day. "Along with other industries we have had poor sales for two months, but the automobile business is now mov? ing upward," Mr. Reeves said. "Pres? ent production is not averaging more than ."0 per cent, except in the ease of three of four factories. The ful! year, however, will exceed all records, ap? proaching 1,000 000 cars and 3-10,000 j trucks. Car renewals are about . 1,000,000 a year," New York M?"tal Market On the New York Metal Exchange i:m was dull and unsettled, with C'ass A quoted ai 36c; Cla^s I!, 37@37.50c; Straits shipments nominal. There vil! ? !??. s..M ,it auction to-day, "for account of -.'hem it may concern." ur> tons of spot tin. Copper neglected; spot, 1 I 50c. Lend dull; New York, spot, 6 59c; East St. Louis, 6.35c. Z ne dull; Now York, snot, 6.75c; East St. Louis. ; 6.3.5c, London metal prices follow: 1 in. standard, spot. ?242 15s; futures. ?246; I :nles. 200 tons spot and 400 tons fu ' tures. Conper, standard, spot, -i'',;t; i'u tvres, ?83 15s; sales. 300 tons snot and . TOO tons futures; electrolytic, spot, ?,95; futures, ?97. Lead, spot, ?32; fu I lures, ?31 12s. Zinc, spot, i'35; futures, ?36 12s 'PI. ?Financial Item* Flutter & Co and Charlea D. Barney & ?' New York ?nd Philadelphia, are ? i 'him ?? i.????'??: nmi nl IS ' 67, 00 ? - f?7, ll.i f) i per cent gol ! . lan il ? : July I, 18 5, clue July 1. : ?? a ill i. . : ..f the Chinese governmer t, . ? ni i I, by ovi . ?;. ! ins, by i usi.a lu? i coll ? I at I he > : li ty ports and by the ?lepo t of i nil i bon ! -, T o ? ? | to yield ap .'??'-- - ....i per cent ' up to 33 ????? .. it, ... ??.' Iin?{ to redemption baaed on ; i ??? i ? low rates for exolia The tes M ? ? ,-, n 1 Trust Co . ? has been api Istrar o? ; l'en ! and coral on stoc : the Is ' tal !':. ducts I lorporal ion. ti '..' City Banlt f New fork del ii i i liai P ex pe? ts to close Its Coll bia . rica i rich, as reporte lb; : of the news servlci i yesterday P ' v .<: ; ' COI ?..!?-. forl : .-. Of 17. IP Co nibs ?X Co., N'ew 7 rl( h;i I orne ai sociati ; Prlnco & Whil .:,?;,. 1 nd ..'?.:. .V ????? Hi coi p. - 1 o( A. K. Arnos & Co . V oil, i ?und; & p ... PP. Is Ti usi and P., ?i7. and P. i '. Mai tin ? s C i 'o. n.. e offi i .re,- a nev i lue of {5,0 10,000 Pro?, in. e of i ?Uta rio f-vear i pei cenl bonds i : .? CO and int. : ?????, - ; : ,; g il.SO per ei nt. Equipment Bonds (Quoted on Income percentage basis.) Name. Hate. Maturity. Bid A ?It. Bait ?? Ohio. . 4 ??> l920-'27 Belli Steel ... 7 : ' i B iston & A. . . 414 Buffa .. it .< P 414-5 1021 ; .'?. 6 PPP .. : 7.00 6.5U ? in irilan \a\ :n N bT. Canadian Pac, '.' I & M P 4< ... & C li 1 & V . P ... Chi & N W. . . 414 C St L 1 N H i : 1 ,'c Hudson '. 'a Erie . 4-.S-S M.-., p in. . Ill Central ... 4 Vi-i do . 7 Kan Cry So. . 6 Louis &?? N-ish. ft \\.. h ? ni ral. '? So . M s P ,v S S M t - . : . 17.90 ?6 p.-i.-P:-! S 00 t921-'32 7 10 I 27 ?.30 6. '. n . I .. .; .1 ? ... 1H21 -'2 3 : 20-'24 i 9 J 2 l920-"27 t921-'22 I 120- ! 7 l925-'30 : ?... ' - ?, "?. 11 - ?.: : ? ? . '71 ...... 6.70 7 7.0 ? 7 7, 7..-J0 6.60 j 7.13 6.75 I S.UU 7 KO ; ; .7. 6.'.. 7.00 6..70 j 6.60 6.4 0 7 .0 6.75 7.25 S.78 7 ?'.j 6.50 7.10 6.50 T...7 6 ."O ; j N y Cen l? li. 4 Y? do . 7 - NT Y C & St !.. s'-r. 7.00 7. : 0 ? 6 .7u 6.40 ao N H & H. 4 ?4 Norf <?? West.. 414 Nor Pacifie. . 7 Pac Fr Exp... 7 Pennsylvania.. 4-4 Pitts & 1. B. . 6 4 ft. . ig Co.. . ?P 3 ? ^ird . 4 i.. 11 Pa 1 ? 3 1 - 35 1921 -'26 19.;] 7.,..i i;.. : ? - : i s.00 7."? 1?j20-'24 7.19 6..,. So ; ' hei n H?t> ? ? Union Pacific. Union : in : Virginian tiy.. W*ba?h . 7 4 Y. -5 1931 '30 PP ? . 1920 : ?. i - . 1921- -7 -6 192 ) .! ? ._... .., 124 1 9 :: 4 - ?.. m ? ? ? 1920-'30 1921 7.00 ,, :? , '. ? 95 6.40 b. 10 I ?o !.. 10 00 G.40 50 6 7.7 10 6.4 7.7 5 6. ?'.) t?.60 10.00 6.60 7.06 BUYERS' WANTS. OFFERINGSTO BUYERS. ; tint 3 tirnts i :-. net OFFERINGS TO BUYERS ARMY, Navy and Officers' Shoes; factory close-oui i at I irgaln prices for thi ! b blng tr ide Write, or pi n Brj am 24 32 .: ? & Kail ill Sh Co . 243 West 42.1 Si . New V'.. rli. ARMY, anil Navj Goods; large quantity army and marins uns . ??? ? new and ed; ilso sev ra I thei ? - - Klein Bros, ^i- C.i!..'?l St., Tel 257 Canal. COATS- For mediate delivery holivia, ve . >;:, polo, plain an.i fur trimmed; leslr styles ;u..i colors; close 1 .: prices menson & ?o, 66 West 22d at. COATS, WRAPS?In Bolivia and velour; fur collars and plain. Brooks C . ih st. WRAPS?in Bolivia and velour ; fur collars und plain. Brooks Co., -.' West 20th si. COATS Ini . . ??. on hand. Sllverstein 2S1 Oreene, DRESSES?Tricollne and gerges. high class] goods, to close out at a very low price. Touralii-j Dress Co., 5S West lath St. Http Wanted Vf 7 Al ? Boarder? Wan?ed bs??' Want Advertisements ?ass?s?" Banne?? Opportniuri?, * ***** * ??? * *** 1.?%/W??W.?.W Leitr Foand ao4 Reward. LOSl. FOUND AND REWARD FOUND?At Princeton, N. J. Saturday. Nov. 13. a bracelet. For identification apply B. C. Hill. D01 Gfh Ave.. N. Y. LOST?Travelling bug, In taxi, from 47th street and Seventh avenue to 743 Fifth avenue, \o o'clock, Wednesday morning. Reward of $25 for return. Call Spain <& ?'.12 Broadway. LOHT?Dog. Frene? brindle bull, ?lark brown without rollar, answers to nan," French. Park Slope, Sunday night, re? ward. South ?7459 5!)i7-7th st.. Brooklyn. LOST?In White. Plains, Monday, diamond bur pin; $50 reward will be paid, no ou. .Miens asked fer its return Pi I". A. Chappell. i W. 23d St.. or White Plains. LOST Sunday morning. November 14th. a circular P.-n of sapphires and dia? monds, Reward. II. C. Schwab, S3 Pine st. LQST?Dlamon?! and opal pendant. Sat? urday evening; liberal reward. Wads wort li. 9812, Apartment 52. LOST?-Vanity". silver, marked H. P. F., in A. & S., Tuesday afternoon; re warrt. Telephone Lafa; ette :''?8._ ? LOST?Two skin sable scarf, No"ember 12; reward $50, Peterson, Circle 57-58. Lost Bankbooks LOST?Bankbook No. 729,216 of the Union Dime Savings Bank is missing. Any per? son having a claim to it is hereby called upon to present the same within ten ?lays or submit to having .said passbook can celled and a new one issued. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET Ea's: Side 129TH, BO BAST?Large double room, eult ;i ble for uv.i; pr ivate 11 ou se; re a bo n able. " West Side 40TI-T, fil W. ? I.arg? room overlooking Park; adjoining bath; exclusive house; 1 references. ?> SOT 11 ST., 215 W.?Front parlor, connect Ing bedroom; lady, gentlemen or busi? ness couple; privat? couple; one flight. . ,'\ \l. i ? .' V i - '?'.? ^ar -Per ??'{?! >,?r nished front suite; gentleman or couple. ...IIP 229 WEST--?Elegantly furnished room; breakfast; modern elevator apart? ment; next bath; no other roomers; couple; one, two gentlemen; $25 weekly. River? side ? 131. Apt. 6 C. 102D, 303 WEST?Darge front room; smaller room; private house, near Riv? erside. 121ST ST., 501 WEST?Large, attractive suite; ?suitable for three people. Apt. 44. ! 14ETH, 409 W.?Room, adjoining bath; ele? vator, phone; private family; gent, only; refs Audubon 7010, Apt. 3-K. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, housekeeping. 3 looms; shower bath, parquet floors; ref , erence. Academy 4:>o3. HOMELIKE, SUNNY rooms, newly decorated; reasonable; mod .i':. situated W. 85th; Toi Schuyler 1307. MANHATTAN AV., 503 (121st)? Several large, desirable rooms: beautifully fur? nish,-.I ; telephone WES1 END AV. 662 (92d)?Large iront room; private bath; otrfer rooms. Brooklyn ST. MARKS AVB., 136?Large and email -, running water, privilege of cook on: in kitchen downstairs. Telephone Sterling 22 6. CIIEERF1 P ROOM, private bath, hot and ivul er; steam heat and light . nice neighborl id; $10 week. ?Irani. 141 I. UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET ?10TH, 66 W ?Large room oyerlooktirg Bark; adjoining bath, exclusive house; :.-;?? :., i s. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic PARLOR MAID-WAITRESS?Apt.; white; ? ference's; good salary. ?'ail after !) .i ? : . 300 West End ave., Apt, 3-A. Tel iph ne Columbus (712. GIRD -General housework; good home; 310 ?? .-??-.: Parkway, Brooklyn, or Tel. 2749 Flatbn _ i. . . ? x. rleneed woman, ivh ? veil recommended, who can take v, n at home for particular lady. n . ?:-.',... I"- __ I..?.. .\ I ? P I, -..-.?? i; apply morning be ; ire 9, Mi - Fl? xner, 150 E. 72d at. MbcUtncoaa BOOKKEEPER; must have bank or brok erage expei u ? Vpply a- i nee, Broad wa; M ?: ??-. Exchang i, J Ma den lane. P7.KP.KS AND TYPISTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE Ci ?MPANT Girls 1? years of age and over Hour:? D to 4:3(? o'clock Saturdays :? to 1* o'clock i uncheons nerved free Salary to start $12.00 Abilities o? eler',?? reviewed each six month?. Those ? ' average ability mould be receiving from ? '? to $14 p-r week after ti.? second review. The \anat?or. is due to difference In clerical work. 1-rea classes conducted In Typewriting, Stenography i?r,-l Dictaphone operating. Apply ... Person between 0 and 4; 30 o'clock I. lo: i 503S, Mctropol t.ui Building, 1 Madison Ave. (at 23rd St.), New York City. FORELADY on assembling small electric ivu k; steady position, with advance? ment. Write Exergreen, D 140, Tribune. Instruction COME ANY MINUTE after 5 p m for aec il, bool keeping, English, accounting. Phone Beekman 2723, Night-day. Bool i'??.'??. is n .? .- hool Tribune Building. WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL. 3S3 Fifth ave . near 36th ?t. HELP WANTED M/LE lliJV- ;?? n 14 . ? 16 foi messenger ?nd general otflco ifur?; goud opportunity for industrious boys. Apply 154 Nassau ?>t. 2d fio'T _ BOVS ovei ti light work; electric shop, (">stran ?? '? DeKalb ave . Bro OFFICE BOV for largo downtown Chi stian rporation; good opportunity for ad nent for bright boy. salary $12.60 to start. Apply 160 Front St. OFFICE BOY wanted by large export house; g.1 opportunity for brlgh boj einent; reply stating full particulars. Crown ihii Id Trading Corp , 30 i 'hur :b St OFFICE BOY, bright; must have general .... experience \ppiy to Room 15, Purchasing Dept., United Fruit Co., Pier ' rth River._ SALESMEN (i portunlty knocks-once at en-h man's .:? .?? :.??? il .. he is down the street telling .-.un'? one of the good i hances !-?.- has miss I. This mlrtute opportunity is ktrocklng at :.. With us, after a few Ing, you will enter the local fiel ! re? i isenttng a group of the coun try'smi i nt business men. Your .. dignified, fascinating and perma? nent, will yield weekly commissions up ward of $150. Later you will by de? veloped Into a lup notch sales execu? tive, V.'lidt you are doing makes no difference, .-.> long as you are a high type man Sounds too ?ood? R?ad the first sentence o: this ad again, then Call 10 to 4. SUITE 1010, 27. W. 4.77? ST, 1612, ! 'latlron Bldg Suite 303 132 Nassau St. Suite > . 166 Montague St., Brooklyn. .-.- fcESM ? S ' OLLEGE I iR HIGH Si P ? H GRADUATE. FOR JUNIOR SALESMAN, TO LEARN AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS SALARY AND COMMISSION. SALES MANAGER. HULETT MOTOR PAR CO., 1581 BROADWAY, N. Y C. SOLICITER? wanted Cor unusual lnsur pi iposltion; commission only. O. OS?. Tribune. i WATCH REPAIRERS Men to repair cheap grade watches, 4! hours ween. Apply 445 12th st., Brooklyn. ? ?rOUNG MAN. It"., Christian, to start In liability departfheat. Standard Acci? dent insurance Co., 1 Liberty St. Instruction LEARN TO BB A CHAUFFEUR ? Pleasant. profl?able work, day and evening etas???. Bend for free* booklet and visitor'? pas?. Weet Side T. M. C A-, 30? West 67th et. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PUTLER, Swiss; experienced; city or country; highly recommended. Lang It. Iloeclierer Co.. 43 West 33d si. CHAUFFEUR, married, wishes position;; commercial, private. Louis Scham, 105, Goercl. St. CO! i'LK. colored, butler; useful; excel-1 lent cook; $160; entire work; fin" refer- 1 encec. Miss Shea's Employment Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill '7774. HOUSEMAN?Generally useful; best refer-, ?noes; city, country. ' Misa Shaughnessy's I Agency, 860 6th ave. JANITOR, colored, American, with refer? ences, experienced. W. M. Carter, 597 La , fayetto ave.. Brooklyn. '' JAPANESE domestic help by profession*! workers. 106 W?at 46tn ?.; ??-va^t 7717? ; ?694. ' PAINTING, papering, planter! l?; guaran i teed; reasonable Schwar?.?, ? 5 West M4Ui st. Telephone 6307 ll^.-lem. Commercial DRAFTSMAN, m?Thanlcal engineer; 17 years' varied, air around experience. G S46, Tribune, MAN?Colored wants p??ltlon. hotel, club or theater; fifteen years, city reference. F. A. Plrider. 259 W. 137th at. SOUTH AMERICAN, speaking Spanish. French, English, desires position with bis concern as correspondent; technical or 'other job to b?gin; best references. O 996, Tribun.'. STENOGRAPHER, ?? years stock b age, railroad, steamship: knowledge bookkeeping; good assistant exe? ive present employed. G '.'94. Tribuno. YOUNG MAN. 28. ambitious, desires posi? tion with mercantile house, starting at bottom and working up. G 982, Tribune: YOUNG MAN, 22, desires official position. Easily adaptable, winning personality, ex ceptional conversationalist, substantiating I references. G 983, Tribune. j SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE i Commercial I STENOGRAPHER, expert, splendid business training, above average intelligence, good j education; $30. G 817. Tribune. Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID, parlor maid end wait-. res?, American Protestant, with family 1 going South for winter. S., Ml. 1 Hofmay er's Agency, 10 East 4 3d St.. 3d .'l**or; tele I phone Murray Hill 8047. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, middu ige. Scotch Protestant; will do sewing end I make herself useful; citv family; $35. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 B. 43d, 3d floor; telephone Murray Hill S7'47. CHAMBERMAID, waitress; vourg Swede; city; family apartment. E., Miss Hof I inayer's Agencv, 10 Kast 43d st., 3d floor; ; telephone Murray Hill 8947. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, young, very capable, excellent. Miss FltssGerald, 366 Fifth av. Cooks COOK, youne Swede; city apartment; 1 highly recommended. T., Miss Hofmay? er's Agency,, l ? East 43d st.., 3d floor. T? I. Murray Hill 8347. COOK, voting Irish; e-itial to chef; highly recommended; $83 to $90. A., Miss Hof? mayer's A*ency, 10 Easl 4"! st., telephone .Murray Hill *';.'. i ? OK capable Irish girl; '? years' refer ? enees; $70; city or country. Miss Shea . Agency, 6 E. list s;. Murray Hill 6774. i OOK, German; first class; city or coun? try; br-sl referei - -..tic;. ., $80-*S5. Lang & Bo-ichi r? r Co . 43 We it 33d st ' COOK, first class; person il refi private only ; 570 S. B., Apt. 2? 7tn ave. T? !. Audubon l 250. ?.'i OK; good manager; country preferred, excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bui eau, 366 5th a?. ?? COOK?Young, good manager, exceptional references. Miss FltzOerald's Bureau, 7-;.; Fifth av. General Houseworliers, Etc. HOUSEWORKERS, cooks, chambermaids, governesses; good positions gua a . Blake Employment Agency, 2255 Broadway. Hi >USE\\ . iRKER -Good i o ik c?j ?? ? ? references. Misa Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 5th ave. Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS, middle aged, Swedish; ex n .enci ?; hif recom? ended T . Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 11 East 13d ?.-.. . :? . ? T< ' Murray Hill LAUNDRESS; competent; assist other work; highly recommended; wages ;? $70. Lang ? Boecheri r Co., i i v. ? I M-scellsncoa? LADIES' MAID, German; competent seam ???? hairdresser, packer; best rcfer enCei wages $65-$70. Lang & Boecherer Co . 43 ?A est ? d St. MAID; useful; Inexperienced; willing to learn. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau. 366 : lh ai -. Nurses. Etc. : NURSE, child's; young English Protestant; rtfy family: $45 to Jjft; English refei er ;a only. Q., Miss Hofmayer'i Agem -. !.'' E. 43.!, 3d flour. P |< phone Murra - 147. NURSE; infants', competent, German; besl references; city, country; wages $65 $70. Lang ?v It" chorer Co., 47 West ' -l /??? , ... _ NURSE !'->;? Infant, gi .wing child; whei $75; excellent references. Sh a ! Kinent Vgeni y, - W. list st Mur I ray Hill 0774 NURSE; young; 2 children exceptional ref.n..-.. .'.lis* Fitzgerald's Bureau, 166 5th av N( RSE-?Assist chambermaid; country pre? ferred; excellent. Miss Fitzgerald rcau, 366 5th ave. NI RSE; young; hospital -rained; exeep tlonal references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu -.-ii-.i. 366 5th ave. -1_ i NURSE; Scotch; exceptional 9 years' ref? erei -es. Fitze raid ,i Bureau, 36ti 5th ave. Waitresses ?. WAITRESS, young Irish woman; equal to butler; excellent 10 years'city references. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, lu East 43d ai . . . ." or, T<!. Murray Hill S947. WAITRESS, parlor maid; competent Ger- : man girl; apartment: excellent refer? ences. Lar.g & Boecherer Co , 4 3 West 33d st. WAITRESS; young; thoroughly capable; exceptional refer??nces. Mips Fitzgerald's FOI! SALE WILL SELL outright or on royalty two pai-nie.l aui in obili .? i essorles easily attached to rear wheels, which will ???:?? mit automobil-, to travel through deep mud or snow; no car should be without them In winter; made of steel or malleable iron. S C. SHERRY Englewood, N. J , Box 477. LEGAL NOTICES SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW I'ORK MARGARET M. DAY, 1 agalnsi CARL DAY, Defendant. SUMMONS: ACTION TO ANNUL A MARRIAGE. To ? ho .? i ove ? a n-ic-d I ?efen lei - ; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the complaint in tl and to -er.e ?i copy 'of your ans-A.-;- on the Plain tiff's Attorney within 20 lays after the .... .? ,.f this summons, ex lusive of the la of -ervipe, and m case of your failure to or answer Judgment will taken against you by lefault for >.:-. ?eman led In i be > omi li Dated November Itfth, 1926. JOSEPH A. M.-NAMAHA. Plaintiffs Attor Post Office Address and Office No. 166 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York ' ':-. To CARL PAY: The foregoing summons Is server] upon you by publication pursuant to an ordei of Honorable Leonard A. Glegerich, Justice of the Supr?me Court of the State of N-?>. York, dated '.lie 16th day of November. 1S20. ;..:;.1 filed with the complaint lo ?.'fflce o: the Clerk of I of New v >rk at the Courl Hou oush o? Mai attan. City of > Dated New fork, November I6lh, 1829. JOSEPH A. UcNAMAKA. Attorney for IPalntiff. Office A P. O. Address, 165 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. BUSINESS CARLS ARE YOU BALD? YOU NEF!.? A TOUl'EK. Get the beat, guaranteed, to perfect fit and match. BY THE EXPERT A. HASCHKA & ^iut?"A*s. Never mind the location, aj? my motto I? low rent, low price? and flrat class work. Carpets and Rags PLOANES, WILTON. AXMTNSTER Carpeta, $i. $2. $3. $1 yard up; ?slightly used) but reconditioned like new-, ail colors. plain or mixed patterns; over 6.000 yards for home, oui- e showroom. I: - ?"??? dc tnestlc, imported, Wliton. Oriental. Chinese, $ > S s0 $?!?), J120 up 800 small ruga, $ . $7.'$10 up. MAKING OVER. CLEANING. LAYING, DYEING, REPAIRING. REWEAV ING, RELIABLE, REASONABLE. BEAU? TIFUL. Stllllngs, Inc., 0J4 Manser. Av?., i7.9ih st.). Plaza 8836. Dots, Birds, Poultry, Etc BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Fwd America? Pioneer Pof Medlclnee Mailed free to any address H. CLAY GLOVER' CO.. ING 111 WEST S1ST ST.. NEW ?DKK. Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS nought and ?eld for cat? trern Individual? er e?tata?. BENNETT? PI Srciiiwiy, 2d floor Farnltnre WE PAY highest prices for furnltare, pltno?. ai.t?quet, bric-a-^rar. book?, art. etc. OAFAT. 8? University PL Stuy ?<e?*nt 2377 POSITIVELT pay nippen: caan fo- furni? ture, ruga, pianos, etc MAI RICE, 121 University pi. Phone Stuyvesani 5D67 Pianos and Musical Instruments STEINWAY PIANOLA, BABY, PAHptR Grand? and Upright?. Mason Hamlln Baby Grand and Upright, Up-lghto . Player r'mr.o? fi r Sale ai.d Rent. Erc>: & Klmberlln. 117 East 34th; 374 Columbus i Ave. (7Sth). Trunks SALE?TRUNKS?SAL? ' Steamer truoka, suitcases, bac.?, umbrellaa AT SPECIALLY REDUCE'' TRICES ? Every article is gua?-anteed. L. FIRSTENBERG 1S0? THIRD AYE. Corner I5th St. MORTGAGE LOANS 6% Guaranteed Mortgages I have foi sale at attr prices se? (?ral first mortgages en Improvj 1 .- . property, guaranteed . t.. paym nl of principal and Interest In denominations of $8,000, $10,000 and $15.000. Liberty bonda ace :'??- at ?M.-. Splendid investment. Gardiner Watkins, 77 ... Ave., N. Y. C. Bull 312 374 P SUMMONS NEW YORK SI ' ; ; '?! ? ??' RT, COUNTY OU NEW i ? >KI" LAW ENi \ W V.-IT ... p ; co.. De DANT; Y P ARE . SUMM 'NED to ;m? swer th il tlon' an?! to ? fier t ha the > be taken for th :' ej nai Dut? iiW ?ES, ? RNELL, Attorn ys :? r P.. ft Olli and Unit Office A : - . ?:. Bor? of Manhai tan, .'< .?. York City. NOTii .. Take notice that upon your default to . - . i ; - - ment will sum ; i ' lh interest I 24th, 1 ??? ; . . BACH & COR ELL. f, - p a milt. CO TI ' -.DANT. . \.\S-P I.X?ER I : i & R'3 i ...... . .11.: rved upon you by pul :..?,;..'' le triada i ' M i of the Jus? tices of tli . f the State of I New Yorli. dat . ; ,_? ,. .... | filed with I md com Clerk of the New i? inty Court House. 1 ' .City of ? ? e:. " ' iRNEI L. :??? x , ? . piaii Office end Po.-t Office Addn ' Bor? ough of M '? City. NEW YORK SUFR? ME CO RT. COUNTY I ' OK NEW i'ORK ? HE AMERICAN A! OMPANY, ,..?? HOLGE1 HOL ERSEN. S MMONS ? \ NT : yOU VUE HEREBY SUMM? ? KD to en .i-i ! to Plain? tiff's At r?eys wit ? iur fail . ?> : ?: the !? .i'-t ided In the 1 at? 1 -'??; , ?j, FOR1 ?, HOB1 ? EA ?D, A ? ? IT, Office and Post i,,rough .,;? . KN: ; ?.. ? pon you ? Hon Oeori-e V. Mullan, ,.? of I ' ' ind I of the ..... ,, . ? ? un, City, ? J. 1920 HOBBS h BEARD, Attorneys . irougb of Ma SURROGATES' NOTICE? _ IN PURSUANCE "P AN r.RDER OF HON John !'. Cohalan. -? im rugate of ,unty at New York, NOTICE la hereby -; to all persons having ? ialme James M H ..-?lop, late ?.f th? eased, to preaeat ?i.e sa, .. -.? ?? hei eof to the ?ubscriber al r'-> - of transacting buil Is, O l.oughlln ?a George, No lo Nassau Street, In liio City ?-{ New Vork, on or lr.'?'jie the 26th day si Jan lary nest. Dated. New York, th? 29th day st July. 1920 GEORGS H. HYSLOP. Executor. DIN. ALFRED P.?IN PURS! ?\NCB Of . an order of Honorable J ... P. C balan, ft Surrogate ? f the ? in! ' New fork. notice is l:e-?-';. all p? -- ...? havtr.?g A ? ??? 'I P DU. ?ate ? ? cased, to present i '.. i . ' ;. : s ? ? , '. ; -, - ?- . ... placo of '.: . - i .-:: -? . . Root ark, Bucknei & Howiand, tneir attorne-y?, at . isau Si q i he Bore ugh ?f Manhattan, in the City of New York, Stale of Now York, on or before th?; 20th day of Febi ua : y nest. Dated. New York, the lC'i!-. day of An gust, 1930. EMILY v DIX, MILDRED ?j. LEESON, E tec jiricea ). .. CLARK. BUCKNER ?fc HOW LAN'!?. Attorneys foi Exeeutrice?. Of f ? ind '? O. Address, No. si Na???u Borough of Manhattan, New York City. PATRICK CHARLES H ?IN PURSUANCE of an <rder of Honorable Joiin P. Co nalan, ? Surrogate of the County it N??tr York, note* ..i hereby given to x?'. persona having claims against Charlea H. Patrick, late of the County t>f New York, to pre ?vnt the sa;:le, with voucher? hereof, to the ?ii,? m,. :?, at their place of trans? acting t'.?inesH, the office of Thom*a P. Daiton, No. 28 Pino -Street. Borough of Mao hat tan, New v..r'.; City, N?w Vt-rk. oa er oefoie tlio J6th day of January, 131L. Dated New Vorn July 7th, 11*2?. THOMAS P. DAI.7'. 'N, ?A II Pi AM P LAPHia. LORA1NE S. CONKI IH, bwwon EGBERT K. VAN BEURE.V. Attorney for Executor?. 4" Brevoort Plec?h Brooklyn. N. T Many a ??n?-?'e.?.?>fiil luts'nes?* mm can trace -Help Wanted \\ auuJ Ad to Bookman ,-? Advt.