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policeman Lets Speeder Co?Broke on Football ?acting Officer Pigskin En ^ofia-t. So Louis Edelman Got to Game and Lost je would have been money in the ket of Louis Edelmann of 420 Temple ?L,ti New Haven. Conn., if it had been ''hard-boiled patrolman with no inter ? ,_ football who caught him speed ?hrough Newark to the Yale-Prince "f rsme last Saturday. *The imps ff mischief had nominated , .hat iob, however. Patrolman Osmun, ?> ncd to Pi?? football himself, and ? Hr't" tbe heart to arrest the en Sad?stic Edelman. ? He served a sub :r"na on him instead, and took the ^?c man's word that he would be in Carls police court yesterday. He I ??n't o" h:vn(1 and Police Judge Boet *.V was about to issue a summons for ';*, when the following letter from ?Stlman was delivered, causing him to \ fange him mind: '"???''m dead broke, hut I'll walk every ?j^ of tho way to Newark if you ] ?y *>?" _._ Firemen Saved Aged Couple Husband Overcome Trying to Rescue His Invalided Wife s v ?feMMIi)?^' ' Frank Mennig. I(venty'-"fiv.:r_\'77'ars old and an invalid, Wine beside h?st husband yesterday io'nine on the floor of their home at 2050 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, which ^?3 all ablaze. Mr. Mennig had been overcome by amoe while trying to save kj3 wife. Both of them were carried down a ?adder to the street. Mrs. Georpe J. Sprear, another ten? ?j icwas found almost exhausted try ?bY to drag her husband, who has a broken leg, to the window of theii home. They also were carried to laiety. Herman Luderman and Patrol? man Winter awakened the tenants of ?e building and helped many of them to escape. The building, a four-story {rame structure, was destroyed. While firemen were at work a fire Vroke out in tho factory of the Yankee Overall Company at 700 Glenmore Ave une, near by, which required two llar/, to get enough engines to sub? due it* $2,500,000,000 Saved Roads Increase Car-Loading Ef? ficiency Since Return of Lines CHICAGO, Nov. 17.?The railroads of the country have saved $2,500,000, MO since their return to private ownership through increased efficiency In loading cars, R. II. Aishton, presi? dent of the American Railway Asso? ciation, told the convention of that body here to-day. He said that amount would have to be spent for equipment if ship? pers and tho roads, by adding a few tons to each car load, had not increased the effectiveness of present equipment to the equivalent of 500,000 new cars. Greater dispatch in the moving of cars has resulted in a further increase in efficiency equal to 400,000 more cars, he said. T! VHE reason that Earl & Wilson make so many differ? ent styles of Collars is that each style has so many loyal wearers. Collars & Sf?rts 1 Southern Pacific Steamship Service 'MORGAN LINE" Regular Freight and Passenger Service To New Orleans: Passenger steamer every Saturday. Freight steamer every Wednesday and Sat? urday. To Galveston: Freight steamers every Tuesday, Thursday and SaUirday. Through tickets, also freight service to points in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oklahoma, Colorado. Nevada, Oregon. for Information ??.?ply t? Southern Pacific Company ?. _ US lirou.iway r-hon, Cortlandt ?no Room seil SORE THROAT Irritated mucous npembrancsandthe tickling cough are soon relieved by baum ANALG?SIQUE RENGU? Women's Ultra-Smart WRAPS AND COATS ?/ Heathercord Botina, Luetta, Duvet and Duvet de Laine In An Important Sale At 38.00 Coats that are not only decidedly new in their clever styling, but also as serviceable as they ate winsome. Their needlework is'exceptionally well done, and the fabrics are known for their marked dependability. ' It is years since coats of such up? standing quality were offered at anything near this low price. {Models for erery 'occasion are included, in graceful *wrap and straightline effects. Excellent range of colorings? each coat beautifully silk lined. Fourth Floor A Special Pmchaxt Makes Possihk ^Thursday A Sale ot GIRLS' CHINCHILLA COATS ?in navy and gray? At 11.75 Practical coats for school, sturdily made to resist weat, yet 3S pretty as any little girl could wish. Fashionable buttons-are used as. trimming, and the snugly buttoned collar and swagger belt add the desired smart? ness. Sizes 6 to 10 years. WOMEN'S FINE IMPORTED GLOVES ?only just received from Europe?each pair a most remarkable value At 1.59 Women's White Glace Gloves with five row black hand-em? broidered backs. Two clasps. At 2.00 Women's White Giace Strap-wrist Gloves, hand sewn with black thread. Fashion's most approved street glove. CHIC WOOL JERSEY BLOUSES at the special price of 5.00 Serv'ceablc, attractive blouses with long or short sleeves, of wool Jersey in plain or ribbed weave, made into the modish tie-back model. Front, neck and sleeves are prettily embroidered in contrasting color wools. Colors: Navy, brown, oriole, reindeer, and terra cotta. Sizes 34 to 46. Third ffoor 100 Genuine IVORY NECKLACES Special at 10.50 As a gift, what would be more appreciated by any woman ? Each necklace is made up of perfectly graduated genuine ivory beads, in 36 inch lengths only. Main Floor r aksSAnutany Broadway at 34th Street SPECIALISTS IN APPAREL 49.50 39.50 49.50 39.50 Important Mid-Season Sale of Women's Fashionable Winter Suits ~~at a saving of 20 to 25% on each garment! At 39.50 Reg. 59.50 Serviceable suits for every day wear ?- more elaborate models for dressy occasions-^-swagger styles for sports with collars of self material or fur. Developed in Duvet de Laine, Velour, Ya?ama, Rayon?er, Oxford and Wool Jersey, At 49.50 ' Reg 69.50 Costly imported models have sup? plied the inspiration for these un? usually attractive suits?and they show it' Original in styling, so carefully made, they deserve your critical attention. Made of Yalama, Velours, Duvet de Laine, Silvertone and Rayonier. At 59.50 Reg. 75.00 and 85 0Q Superb tailoring distinguishes these ultra-smartsuits?and in their beau? ty of styling, and richness of fabric, they cannot help but be appreciated by women who want a suit c>{ un? usual quality. Produced m the most favored fabrics of the season, many elaborately trimmed with sealine fur. Handsomely silk lined and warmly interlined. Fourth ffoor 59.50 59.^0 Of Particular Interest Thursday? 2000 bodices of Washable Satin Special at 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00 Some are of satin combined with lace or Georgette Crepe?satin trimmed with ribbon, and many are hand embroidered in pastel shades. In flesh color only. Two as pictured. Third Floor Women's Fashionable Shoes at savings of fully five dollars a pair 9.75 every pair made for our regular stock The styles are the very newest for present wear, de? veloped in the materials for immediate wear?Patent Coltskin, Gun Metal, and Gla:ed Kid, with Grey Buck tops; or Tan Russia Calf and Black Suede. Cuban, Military or Louis XV heels? Sires 2Vz to 8, Second Floor Strictly for Thursday Only? A Sale of Women's Hand Embroidered Wool JERSEY FROCKS FORMERLY 29.50 At 19.75 These frocks are made of perfectly woven wool Jersey that simply must give excepcional service. The model is in a very smart suit effect, vestee and front of waist beautifully hand-embroidered in silk. Colors: Navy, Beaver, Brown, and Flemish Blue. Sues 34 to 44. Fourth Floor Women's WORSTED SWEATERS Special, 5.50 Sweaters for skating and all of Winter spores? warmly knit of worsted in fancy stitch, with tuxedo collar and cuffs of worsted ot brushed wooL Colors: "Nut brown, navy, black, buff, green and rich combination colorings. qAIsq? BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS Special, 5-95 So wide and warm, ready to have you snuggle into them when you go skating or walking?so soft and silky, they are a real pleasure to don. Third Floor SHEM-EL NESSIM PERFUME -~a truly wondrous odor?bringing the scent of Araby to you?? Made in England and soldi exclusively in New York by Saks ?& Company Extract-!% 02. bottle ....... 1.82 Extract in cut glass 2% oz. bottle . , <? 7.80 Toilet Water.4 oz. bottle.2.08 Face Powder. Toilet Soap?cake 60c?box of 3 Brilliantine. Crystal Bath Salts?12 oz. bottle Crystal Bath Salts?32 oz. bottle Prices include tax. ? . . 1.75 . . .68 ?..f. 1.56 . . 2.97 Main Floor Thursday?cA Special Sale of SILK UMBRELLAS at Very Low Prices Make your selections now for gift giving later! At 6.95 REGULARLY 8.50 Women's Fine Silk Umbrellas with tape edge?, mounted on 8 ribbed Paragon frames, with tips and fashion? able stub ends of col? ored bak?lite.. Handles are of various hard woods oremly trimmed with ita.her or bak?lite rings. At O QC_REGULARLY_ Women's Colored ^iy.OD 12.00 to 15.00 Silk Umbrellas with satin borders, or with wide tape edge Full length handles of bak?lite or leather and tips and stub ends of bak?lite. eAll hart? outside coren to match At 4.95 REGULARLY 5.95 Women's Colored Silk Umbrellas with tape edges. Each has an 8 ribbed Paragon frame, and the colors are? blue, purple, green, garnet and black. Handles are of hard woods, leather trim? med or-with bak?lite rings and caps. Men's Silk. Umbrellas Special 6.45 REGULARLY 850 High Grade Umbrellas of pure silk over 8 ribbed Paragon frame. Crooked and straight handles of light and dark hard woods. _? ?P?