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ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED Vol. LXXX No. 27,032 tC_ (Coprrisht. mo. New Tork Tribnne In?.) 0tK ?Mb?tttt First to Last?the Truth: News ? Editorials-*-Advertisements THE WEATHER Fair to-day and to-morrow, with ris? ing temperature; moderate southwest winds Foil Report ou Laut FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 TWO CENTS In Greater New Tork THREE TENTS fVithin 200 Mile? FOI R ( ENTS Elsewhere Harding Sails/ Pleading ??r Thrift, Sanity Leaves New Orleans for Panama After Speech DecryingPessimism and Asking; Common Sense Some Reverses Held Inevitable 100 Ducks Presented at Sea; Ship Opens Bar Be? yond Three-Mile Limit By Boyden R. Sparkes C??yri6h'- I9-"- No* York Tribune Inc. ON BOARD S. S. PARISRIIN? WITH . SENATOR HARDING ON THE WAY TO CRISTOBAL, C. Z., Nov. 18 (By Radio via New Orleans).?When the frcr pilots that brought the Parismina 3own the Mississippi to-day were dropped at Quarantine the Delta Duck Club sent aboard one hundred freshly killed mallard ducks as a farewell gift j ;o Senator Harding, who sailed this I .iternoon on his vacation trip to ' Panama. Three miles beyond the coast line, when the Eighteenth Amendment ceased to be effective, the chief stew? ard unlocked the door over which hung a brass plate bearing the magic word Bar." There was a line waiting. Marion Star on Shipboard Senator Harding has been appointed > editor of the Marine Edition of The Marion Daily Star, which is to be is- > sued twice on the voyage. Gossip from \ Marion will be received daily by radio j from Marion until the ship reaches Cristobal, which probably will be at 4 o'clock next Tuesday morning. The ; voyage is expected to require 108 ! hours. A fleet of noisy tugs with their | iteam whistles shrieked farewell to the j President-elect a3 tho ship left New Orleans behind on the trip down the j Mississippi. Senator and Mrs. Harding ; waved to the crowds grouped along the shore, and finally at u solitary negro plantation worker before they entered their cabin. Their cabin, which is un the upper deck, was filled with lowers and other gifts. The Senator's only worry now is whether he will have turkey 'or dinner on Thanksgiv? ing Day in the Canal Zone. Plead? Kor Sober Thinking M-;\\ ORLEANS, Nov. .18.? Sober thinking and an abiding faith in the Republic during the critical period of aar reconstruction were asked of the American people to-day by President? elect Harding in an address delivered just before he sailed for a three-week vacation voyage to the Canal Zone. Some reverses and disappointments, ho declared, must come as the after? math of the world conflict, but he pre? dicted confidently that all of them f'Ould pass away again if the people only kept their heads and held fast io the oldtime virtues of thrift, honesty ?nd common sense. Making his second formal speech lince his election, Mr. Harding spoke iu studied terms and with a quiet ear nestnes8. But ringing through his ad? dress wa.s a predominating note of con? fidence and unfaltering faith. "A confident America,' buttressed by resources never equaled before by any People and governed by a free repre? sentative government," was the ideal which the President-elect declared must be kept in view. He said no one de ?ired that the old order should re? turn, but he maintained that in build 'ng for the new order there must be no acceptance of strange cure-alls and fancy theories. Cheered by Southern Crowds The address was delivered at a luncheon of the New Orleans Associa? tion of Commerce, the central feature of a program of entertainment by ?hich the city sought to show the President-elect that the partisanship "f the campaign already had been for jotten. (ireat street crowds cheered "r. Harding everywhere during his ?h?rt stay, and to a gathering of thousands in front of the City Hall he (Uintlnuad an sag* Tour) *. D. Vanderlip Will Be Questioned by English American Embassy Notified of Police Intention When Califor nian Returns From Russia LONDON, Nov. IS.?The American embassy in London was notified to-day 'hat Washington I). Vanderlip, Califor "la oil an(i mining engineer, who re entl>* was in Moscow, will be closely ?rationed by the intelligence depart? ment of Scotland Yard on his arrival '"London if the present plans of the Ponce are carried out. The notification **? given as a matter of courtesy and ' not K''Ven in like cases of lesser im? portance. L nc 'nterrogation will not necessarily W made with the view of taking action t?"fst Mr. Vander'ip's presence in ?ngland, it was said, but with the inten? te" ? ascertaining exactly what his of ti''*8 ^d Decn 'n Russi,?> *n 'vie^' i; . l;?e. many conflicting reports pub ??oed in London. Such interrogation, it *?ilP0Lnted out> would be in conformity ft? H-' recent!y adopted attitude of ? * Br'tish government of discouraging ???el between Russia and England. ?'. Vanderlip was in Stockholm up to ?rom u ays *go- Ho recently returned vy? Motcow and gave out a etatement !*.*riln? that he had secured a conces 52? ior 400,000 square mile? of land in Roer?a, including Kamchatka, for a * of Americana. ?afcf* c?rd?. dMlnetlve, In areat variety ? ij^aoar? by the world ? bent painters. Cor t-?==-? Cost $300,000 to Find Debt of $208,000,000 It cost the United States Ship? ping Board $300,000 to discover that the War Department owed it $208,000,000, and it will cost the War Department an equal amount to verify the account, according to testimony given by Martin J. { Gillen yesterday before the Con- i gressional committee investigat- j ing the affairs of the Shipping j Board. The lack of system in keeping the books of the Shipping Board, ? the witness asserted, particularly as to money owed to the board, j had enabled the organization to function since last spring without an additional appropriation, on funds collected on outstanding bills. Mr. Gillen, formerly execu? tive assistant to the chairman of i the board, said that he had urged ! the Appropriations Committee of Congress not to grant more , money to the board until it had ' collected its bills, as it was "an [ awfully easy thing to write checks against an appropriation-" Charges Irish Plot Death by Fever Germs Official Tells House of Plan to Spread Typhoid Among the British Soldiers and Glanders Among Horses ; Documents Are Seized Three Killed in Attacks in Cork After the Slaying of a Police Sergeant - LONDON, Nov. 18 (By The Associ? ated Press).?Sir llamar Greenwood, Chief Secretary of Ireland, said in the House of Commons to-day that in a recent raid in Ireland troops cap? tured a document sent by the com- ! mander in chief of the Irish republican ! army to his chief of staff containing a ! series of remarkable and horrifying I statements regarding the spreading of j typhoid among the troops and glanders ! among the cavalry horses. Sir Hamar read the document. Deal? ing with the possibility of spreading typhoid among the troops by infected \ milk, the document described the diffi- ? culties and risks run by the operators, | and concluded with the statement that ; the chief of staff would, in any case, i need expert opinion in order to carry i out the suggestion in the document. Regarding the spread of glanders in horses, the general methods to be adopted were related, and the conclu? sion formed that the best method was by doctoring their oats. This method was described in detail, it being added i that any doctor would explain how to ! grow the microbes. The document con? cluded: "Give my regards to all. I hope your i successes will continue. God bless you ! all." Gaelic League Head Threatened Art O'Brien, president of the Gaelic ; League in this city, authorized a state j ment last night that ho had been I threatened with death unless he "cleared out" of the city within twenty four hours. He declared the warning j had been signed "Black and Tan" and i had been dropped in a letter box at his j office. I'rom 77is Tn?uKff'.T Eurnptan Bureau Copyright, lOL'O, New 'York Tribune Inc. LONDON, Nov. 18.?The Irish terror of murder and counter-murder flared out in the city of Cork early to-day, when the Anti-Sinn F?in Society killed three civilians and wounded two others in reprisal for the nhootuig of James O'Donoghue, a police sergeant, yester? day evening. The men killed were dragged from their beds after the curfew hour. The identity of their slayers is a mystery, but the killings are attributed to the mysterious Anti-Sinn rein Society, which recently posted notices in Cork that three Sinn F?iners would be killed in reprisal for every policeman slain. Victims Found In Street The popular belief in Cork is that j the Black and Tans are disguising ' their activities under this alia?. The bodies of two of the victims were found lying side by side in the main street of the city. One of the men, an ex-soldier, had been shot through the head, the bullet entering the ear and killing him instantly. The second man, Charles O'Brien, who had been known as a republican, was shot through the mouth, and to-night lies (Continued on nsgs three) Columbia Freshman, 12, Into Poetry Does Delve Hardy Writes a Verse for Jester, Just Because He Has Ter, and Calls It a "Pome" Edward Roche Hardy, the twelre year-old Columbia freshman, has some verse to-day in Jester, the comic | monthly of the university. It isn't in ? spired, he says; he wrote it because he ? was asked to. He does not regard it ' as regular poetry, either. "I realize," he said, "that the meter : ia a trifle irregular in part, but please I understand that I do not consider my ! contribution to Jester as poetry; it is more a 'pome' than anything else." This is the "pome": Oh, who can penetrate the thought? of man? And who his mind without coming under a ban ? [ Hut how doc? It feel to be a freshman T ' I'll te'.l you when 1 <-?n make this scan. I am a verdant freshman, | I live upon the hill; And till I am a aophomor? I'll be a freshman stilL League Army Is Ordered to Police Vilna Spain, Britain, France and Belgium Agree to Give Troops to Patrol City During Plebiscite Sweden Also May Assign Soldiers Poland May Be Named Defender of Danzig, Which Will Be Free City By Arthur S. Draper oper?a! Calle to The Tribune Copyright, 1920. New York Tribune Inc. GENEVA, Nov. 18?The League of Nations is to have an army. Announce? ment was made thia evening that the j British, French, Belgian and Spanish j governments all had agreed to send j military contingents to preserve order | in Vilna when a plebiscite is held there j to decide whether that city shall go to j Lithuania or Poland. Sweden also is likely to send troops | to aid in the policing. Thia is the first time that military j intervention has been decided on by i the league. Hjalmar Brantlng, of Sweden, chair- ; man of the commission on disarmament ! and mandates, announced that the ses? sions of that body would be open to the inspection of the press. This in a heavy blow to the advocates of se? cret sessions who thought they had shut the doors to the public yesterday when Lord Robert Cecil's advocacy of I open session was disapproved. Whether j other commissions will follow Brant ing's lead will be learned in another day or two. If they do there can be no j question of attacking the league on j the score of secrecy. GENEVA, Nov. 18 (By The Associ? ated Press'.?Poland has been informed by the league council that under some circumstances the League of Nations might invite Poland to become the military defender of Danzig. It wa3 announced that the council had approved the constitution of Dan? zig as a free city under guarantee of the league, as previously drafted, with some modifications, Poland being in? formed that while it is impossible to accord her the exclusive right of the military defense of Danzig, circum? stances might arise under which the league might invite Poland to under? take the city's defense. Elect Six Vice-President? In a somewhat agitated session to? day the league assembly completed its organization by the election of six vice ? presidents, who with six chairmen of the committees elected yesterday form a sort of executive committee of the I assembly. The non-European nations, for whom i much solicitude was shown yesterday, obtained four vice-presidents instead j of the three they had asked for. These S were Viscount Ishii, Japan; Honoria ; Pueyrredon, Argentina; Sir Georgo E. | Foster. Canada, and Rodrigo Octavio, I Brazil. The other vice-presidents are I I?. A. Van Karnabeek, Holland, and Dr. Eduard Benes. Czecho-Slovakia. Picturesque features of the session were furnished by Baron llayashi, head of the Japanese delegation; Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, of Norway; Gustave Ador, ex? President of Switzerland, and the two leading members of the Brazilian dele \ gation. Baron llayashi, usually an impassive | observer <4f the proceedings, attracted ? attention when he arose to ask the dele? gates to vote for Viscount Ishii, Japan I ese Ambassador to France, if Japan was to have, a vice-president. Vote Tie on Brazilian Candidates Voting for vice-presidents of the | Assembly began shortly after the open I ing of the session. While the votes for I vice-presidents were being counted ? in an ante-room the Assembly resumed i its discussion of the report of the Ex I ecutivo Council of the league. A curious result of the first ballot (Continued on pate thro?) W?men'sUnion to O pen Chain Garment Stores BALTIMORE, Nov. 18.?Co? operative manufacturing and sell? ing establishments of women's garments are to be established by the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, according to plans being worked out by the executive board of the union which is meeting here. Officers of the organization said to-day that they have capital for a $1,000,000 concern. A super? visor for the project probably would be named in a few days, it was added, and a chain of stores leased as soon as the factory was started. Police Charge Mrs. Palmer Hinders Them Say Frankness in the Jewel Theft Might Give Themj Valuable Clews, but Do! Not Doubt Her Story j - Shields Value of Gems! _ i X-Ray Examination Shows j Woman Broke Bone in Each Foot in Her Leap i The mystery surrounding the theft ' of between ?440,000 and $500,000 worth of jewels and furs from Mrs. Charlotte i King Palmer, rich divorc?e., who was j hound and gagged by three, men In her homo at 59 East Ninetieth Street ? early Tuesday morning, was no nearer solution last night than when the po ?CJ and private detectives began their investigation. Captain Dunne, commanding the 4th Branch Detective Bureau, admitted ?hat freely, nfter a conference of two hours between him and Thomas J. Cor? rigan jr., head of an agency acting for the burglary insurance underwriters. Intimations from certain quarters that the authorities were inclined to doubt the version o? the robbery re? ported to them were ?et at rest by Cap? tain Duane. "As far as the investigation has progressed," he said, "there has been nothing turned up to lead us to doubt tho story told by Mrs. Palmer and her two servants." Bones Broken In Feet Dr. Albert C. Herring, of 242 West Fifty-seventh Street, who attended Mrs. i Palmer after her experience with the burglars, lent further confirmation to her account of what happened when he I said yesterday X-ray exposures of her feet showed a broken bone in each of them. These injuries were received when Mrs. Palmer, seeking to flee from the intruders as they pounced upon her in her bedroom, leaped down a long f.ight of stairs. The police were disposed to complain, | however, that Mrs. Palmer was not alto? gether frank with them concerning mat? ter which, though not bearing directly on the crime, might lead to valuable clews. She was firm, they said, in her refusal to make known the identity of the persons with whom she visited a restaurant in East Houston Street and i the Montmartre cabaret, Fiftieth Street and Broadway, Monday night. One of Iher companions, a man said to be named i Ulrich, escorted her to the door of her . home about I a. in. Tuesday, Mrs. Sidney Drew, motion picture ! actress, denied yesterday that she had I been one of tho party. She said Mrs. ? Palmer and two men came to her apart? ment at 4 East Forty-eighth Street j early Monday evening, had tea and then I left in an automobile. Another phase of the investigatior i Mrs. Palmer refuses to discuss wit! the polico or the underwriters' de tectives is the specific value of th< various stolen articles, the names o: the dealers from whom they were pur (Continued on paga four) British Cabinet Will Submit Trade Agreement to Russia ??'roi t The Tribune's European Bureau ] Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune Ine. LONDON, Nov. 18.?Premier Lloyd \ George announced in the House of \ Commons to-night that the Cabinet had decided to approve the draft of ; an agreement carrying out the ar- ; rangements made lest July for re? sinning commerce with the Bolshevik!, j Within a few days, he said, the ap- ; proved draft would be submitted to ? the Soviet government. Tho Cabinet's decision by no means ', I makes a resumption of trade between Great Britain and the Soviets certain, ; I but is an indication that the more I ; moderate element in tho Cabinet? ' ! Lloyd George, Andrew Bonar Law and ; ; Edward Shortt?will overcome the ob : jections of the irreconcilablea?Earl \ Curzon and Viscount Milner. British trade has been put ahead of i British banking interests. The latter, ! like the French, are strenuously op ; posed to any resumption of relations j with the Soviet until tho debts of the j Czarist government are assumed by ! the Soviet government An instant after the Premier had j made his announcement Sir William j Davidson, speaking as a representative I of banking interests, inquired whether j the government would make it a con ! dition of the agreement that Russia ' shall acknowledge her debt of $?,000, | 000,000; whether or not the Moscow ' government Is able to Day at present. The government sidetracked tho in- ? quiry, and it was evident that no such j condition had been made in the agree- j ment. The Bolsheviki notified the British ' government only a day or two ago that : if trade was to be resumed there must be no change in the agreement as drawn up last July. Unquestionably there have been changes, for those members of the Cabinet opposed to a resumption of relations arc too power? ful to lie down without a fight. The assumption is that the changes are not so drastic that the Bolsheviki will not accept them. The announcement to-day of the suc? cess of Washi gton D. Vanderlip, rep? resenting a syndicate of California bankers, in negotiating with the Bol? sheviki is looked upon as a spur to hasten the conclusion by Great Britain of u trade pact. From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Nov 18.?The an? nouncement by Premier Lloyd George that Great Britain will resume trade with Russia by carrying out the agree? ment entered into with the Bolshevik government last July will have no ( effect upon the United States, it was ' said in official circles here to-day. The State Departrm-nt lacked details of the British Premier's announce? ment, but the general belief among gov? ernment officials here is that the agree? ment entered into last July between M Krassin, representing the Russian Soviet government, and the British gov? ernment, has been modified in many ? particulars. What these modifications | are government officials could not saj to-day. Millions Lost In Ship Board Fuel Tie-Up Payne Aid Says 54 Vessels Were Idle, Lacking Oil, While Private Firms Used American Tankers Witness Charges Pull in Contracts Assails Hines and Foley, but Benson Is Praised; Cost-Pius Waste Great More details of the alleged inefficient ? functioning of the United States Ship- ! ping Board were revealed to the Con? gressional investigating committee ! yesterday by Martin J. Gillen, former- j Iy executive assistant to John Barton | Payne, chairman of the board, and to ! its present head, Admiral William S. Benson. The witness said fifty-four Shipping Bonrd vessels were tied up alon. the Atlantic seaboard eating their heads off at the rate of $3,000,000 a month for lack of fuel, at the very time that Shipping Board tankers were plying the Seven Seas in the service of oil ' corporations to which they had been | allocated by the board. Quite v.-'thout the knowledge of the j Shipping Board, the witness continued. 40 per cent of its operators were buy ing fuel oil in the open market at from $4 to f.6 a barrel at the very time : 'hat the hoard was furnishing fuel of | the same quality at $2.07 a barrel. ; The Shipping Board, he said, had to ' reimburse ?t.t operators for the oil bought in the open market, with the ' result that 1(5,000,000 barrels, so pur- ! chased, were charged up to the govern- ! ?nent. Th-e total amount of fuel oil used by the Shipping Board fleet Mr. ; Gillen placed at 42,000,000 barrels. Payne Was Chairman This blind management of the mer? chant marine, Mr. Gillen said, occurred while Mr. Payne was chairman of the ? Shipping Board. Captain Paul Foley, j he said, was the man who had charge I of the tankers of the Shipping Board j fleet. There had been no change in I methods, he asserted, up to May 26 of | this year. Mr. Gillen testified that the crisis provoked by the tying up of scores of vessels for Jack of fuel induced him to make an investigation which re? sulted in the discovery of the fore? going facts. Upon his recommenda? tion, he said, Judge Payne relieved Captain Foley of the operation of the tankers and placed it in charge of Mr. Bowen. Captain Foley, he said, is still in charge of tho Division of Opera? tions, however, and directs the opera? tion of 1,100 vessels, Mr. Gillen also told the committee that, because of lack of protection ' against contractors under the so-called ! cost-plus system of construction, the I government lost scores of millions of j dollars. There is no way of computing j the losses, he said, nor can the gov ? ernment recover any of them. He attributed these losses to the ? total lack of understanding of the cost | plus system by government officials in i charge of claims on contracts, amorti ; zation settlements and the payment of | damages. "There is no way of telling what the | government overpaid on these cost-plus contracts," said Mr. Gillen. "It is im? possible to estimate the amount of ex I cess profits paid by the government on increased freight payments, or through the abuse of overcharges. It would take the entire force of government ac? countants to determine just how much has been overpaid. If the simple pro | tective provisions as practiced in Amer? ican business had been adopted and put into practice on contracts of the army, navy, the Aircraft Department and the Shipping Board, untold millions would ] have been saved to the government." Complaints Reveal Scandal The investigation which led to the j discovery of the tanker scandal, Mr. ) Gillen said, was prompted by the com- I plaint3 of two operators. In making , (Continued en next sage) Armenia Defies Turks; Warfare Is Resumed \ Republic Rejects the Demand of Tatar Nationalists That ; it Establish Soviet Rule CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 18 (By j The Associated Press).?Armenia has rejected the ultimatum recently pre- ' sented by the Turkish Nationalists demanding that the Armenians estab- ] lish a soviet government under Turk? ish protection. TTie Armenians declared that accept? ance of the conditions would be equiv? alent to the loss of Armenia's sover- j eign rights. It is reported that hostilities have been resumed, the Armenians counter? attacking, and that fighting is going on in the district of Zanhazour, the Tatars attacking the Armenian rear. The soviet envoy Legrand has left Eriven for Moscow to obtain ratifica? tion of the agreement recently con? cluded at Erivan. -. Wilson Better Since Electfon Removal of Anxiety Over Result Has Good Effect WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.?President I Wilson's health was said to-day by I White House officials to have shown j improvement since the election and the I consequent removal of anxiety over the i decision of the electorate. Despite I the cold weather Mr. Wilson spends i some time each day on the south por ) tico of the White House. He also is j devoting much time to public business j and to the preparation of his annual '. message to Congress. PARTKl?MiE I?nT A~urnit?TG?. Tin? i Golf. Reduced rates for .lan'y. Booking, S West Mth. Pbone 2290 Vanderbilt.?AdvU New Indictment Charges Brindell With Extortion; $47,620 Bribes ?llegetl .-,-?-?-?-i-? Verbal Shots by Untermyer and Hylan In Combat at Building Graft Hearing During the clash of wordy combat that raged between Samuel Untermyer and Mayor Hylan in the course of the latter'a examination before the Lockwood committee yesterday, shell-shocked observers on the sidelines collected the following verbal missiles. Fired by Mr. Untermyer: "I never saw an officer of the government who was so garrulous." "If I asked him if the sun was shining, he would answer that last week was a cloudy day, and it may rain next week." "You are not the only thing here. You are only incidental." "I know something about tricky mayors." "Was there ever such an unruly witness? Will you check this garrulous gentleman?" "Mr. Mayor, you can behave as indecently and intemperately as you like. You cannot make an impression by shouting and bluffing." Returned by the Mayor: "If you've got anything prove it and shut up." "You are not going to put me in a hole for politics or political purposes." "You're not going to put anything over on me. If you've got anything, produce, produce. The quicker the better." "Truth is the last thing you want." "I intend to tell you a lot of things. I am going to show up your Interborough business." "I would like to ask you some questions. Since this thing has been going on, have you had any conference with the Interborough lawyers?" "I do not want your political friendship." I. C. C. Orders New York Rail Rates Raised Increases in Commutation Fares Are Excepted and a Decision Is Reserved; Ruling Is First of Its Kind TransportationActUpheld j Intrastate Tariffs Must Con? form to Interstate; Act to Go in Effect December 18 WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.?The Inter- i state Commerce Commission to-day or- j dered the railroads of New York to ! establish passenger and baggage rates ' I on intrastate traffic conforming to ad? vanced interstate schedules. This is the commission's first decision on the right of the Federal government under tho transportation act to require rail? road rates within a state to corre ' spond to the higher levels of inter ! state tariffs. Similar proceedings are i pending affecting more than half the ! states in the Union. Increases in commutation fares and i charges on excess baggage carried in ; connection with such fares were ex | cepted from the general order and re ! served for future decision by the com ' mission. By its order of last August the com ! mission authorized in the New York i region an increase of 40 per cent in i freight rates, 20 per cent in passenger ? fares, excess baggage charges and i rates on milk and cream, and also a ! surcharge of 00 per cent on Pullman I accommodations. The New York Pub ' lie Service Commission granted the i freight advance except on milk, but de i nied the other increases within the state, and the carriers appealed to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Federal body held that there was a general obligation resting upon it to exercise control over intrastate com? merce so far as it affects interstate commerce. Decisive Factor In Case "The decisive factor," the ruling said, "is whether the rates under con? sideration injuriously affect inter? state commerce." Congress directed that rates be al? lowed which would yield an aggregate return of from 5Mi to o per cent on the value of the railroad properties, the commission stated, adding: "There can be no doubt of the power of Congress to devise and provide for carrying into effect a plan :or assur? ing the nation's interstate railroads a fair return upon the value of their property, and the full control of Con? gress in this matter is not to be de? nied on the ground that the carriers' (Continued on next pine) Liquor Seized on Way To Harvard-Yale Game i _________ Four in Atrto Arrested and 480 Quarts of Colored Alcohol Are Confiscated STAMFORD, Conn., Nov. 13.?Whis? ky, which was intended for sale to those at the Harvard-Yale game who wanted a "wee drop" as a bracer, a j cold preventer or as en aid to enthusi ! asm, to the amount of 480 quarts was ! seized by Federal prohibition enforce | ment officers here to-day. The four men arrested said the liquor was to be placed on sale in New | Haven. Their automobiles were es : ptcially fitted up for liquor running. The whisky, after analysis by the i officers, was declared to be ""oor ?tiff." j I- seemed to be alcohol with a cherry extract in it. The men, who were held | in $500 each for a hearing, said the j liquor was loaded at Newark, N. J. Plnrhnrst, N. C.?Caroline Hotfl now ?open. IatiTfitln?; uvnti In folf ar.d oth.-r I ?ports. Through Pullman, Pcaiu 2:05 P. _ dally.?AOr/t. Cummins Will Push Anti-Rail Strike Measure! Failure of Labor Leaders Is Indication That Their De? mands Will Be Ignored by the Next Congress U. S. May Eliminate Waste ! Legislation to Increase the j Efficiency in Army and Navy Plants Is Indorsed By Carter Field WASHINGTON, Nov. IS.?The- voters have given to the government an im? perative mandate in favor of anti strike legislation, in the opinion of Chairman A. B. Cummins of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, who returned to Washington to-day after the bitterest political fight of his ca? reer. Legislation which will make railroad strikes, with their threat of starvation and freezing for the big cities, illegal will be pressed by Mr. Cummins, and : he expects its passage. Mr. Cummins fought last session for the inclusion of . an anti-strike provision in the Cum- ; mins-Esch bill. He won his tight in the Senate, but in the House the anti I strike provision with teeth was elim ? inated, a mild, toothless affair being j left. Curiously enough, Representativo i Esch, chairman of the House commit i tee, opposed the vigorous Senate provi | sion, but organized labor blamed him I just as much as Cummins, and centered j its fight on the two. Esch went down | in the primary, but Cummins won a brilliant victory ?n the primary, and then was elected, over Claude Porter, by a two to one vote in the general I election. Organized labor leaders attempted to defeat every man who had voted for \ the Cummins-Esch bill, putting practi- j cally all of the emphasis on the anti- ! strike provision. In almost every in-J stance the voters disapproved the stand - taken by the organized labor leaders. Mr. Cummins is confident that many of the railroad workers?not the leaders ?voted for him, believing that an anti strike provision is a public necessity. (Continuad on next pig?) Negro Woman, 2 Men Killed by Georgia Mob Prisoners Accused of Murder Are Taken From the Sheriff by Crowd of 150 ami Shot DOUGLAS, Ga., Nov. 18.?Two negro men and a negro woman, accused of im? plication in the killing of Pearly Harper, a planter, were shot early to-day by a mob of more than 150 men. The crowd overpowered Sheriff Tanner and two deputies who were attempting to get the negroes to Fitzgerald for safe- j keeping. An attempt had been made last night to storm the jail where the negroes, ' Will Perry, Willie Ivory and Minnie Ivory, his wife, were held, but the crowd ? dispersed after listening to an appeal I by Sheriff Tanner to allow the law to take its course. Early to-day the Sheriff decided to transfer the prisoners to Fitzgerald and started in an automobile. A mob was | organized and set out in pursuit. Overtaking the Sheriff seven miles from Douglas, the mob demanded that the negroes be turned over to them, and upon his compliance lined them up and ! shot them. A coroner's jury returned a verdict i that the negroes met their deaths at the | hands of unidentified persona. -?-? Tribune reader? have confidence In ltd advertising columns on account of th? "Merchandise Guaranteed" Plan. This | policy Involves a careful inspection of th9 smallest Want Ad. Consult the. Want Ad. columna for Items o? lntsrest.?Advc. Four Witnesses Testify That They Paid Graft to Labor King to Keep From Losing Contracts -> Ring of Employers Cited in Evidence I Untermyer Threatens to i Cite Hylan for Contempt; Backer Trial on Noy. 26 A verbal duel between Mayor ' Hylan and Samuel Untermyer, coun ; sel for the Lockwood committee, em. j phasized by repeated clashes and ; violent display of temper, during ' which Mr. Untermyer threatened the 1 Mayor with contempt proceedings, : furnished the curtain raiser for a serifs of spectacular developments yesterday in the Lockwood commit? tee's investigation of the building ; industry. The chief of these developments were: The additional grand jury strength? ened its case against Robert P. Brindell, head of the Building Trade* Council and reputed labor king in the building industry, by handing down two more indictments against him. Brindell had been indicted on Wednesday on the charge of at? tempted extortion of $7,500. One of the indictments brought in yesterday merely supersedes the Wednesday document with the wording somewhat amended. The second indict ment goes further, and charges Br;n dell with extortion in the first degree. The labor leader in this case is ac cused in three counts of extorting $500 from Louis J. Cohen, a housewrecker, on July In, last, in connection with a demolition job. Backer Trial Nov. 26 The trial of George S. Backer, th? millionaire builder, charged with per? jury in connection with the inquiry, has been fixed for November 26 day following Thanksgiving. Four more witnesses testined before the committee to the payment of ?>47, >>20 to the labor leader for permi to do werk and for protection >? g labor troubles. Of these, the testimony of George J. Atwell t^is declared to be extremely significant. In the course of his story it was disclosed for the first time tha'.: the real source of the ?;reat powei Brindell wielded in the building try lay in the Building Tradea Employ? ers' Association, with offices on West Thirty-third Street. "The Court of Appeals" is the war Atwell characterized this organization, the dominan- : orce ? ? atwell says, was Otto -i I Brindell for wonderful woi izing the business, the w " Brindell appeared in c< urt with his attorney, Martin W. Litl to answer to the new indictment pleaded not guilty, ill.-, bail of ? : furnished under I ; t was held sufficient to covcr all present charges, and ; until November 26? by whi< counsel must make whatever n he i)psirp>i. Judge Mulqueen, before " dell wa-, arraigned, wan ed the ant's counsel that "the til c me when people wou I more security." To this Mr. Littleton re piled that he hoped that Bumcienl between indictments would be al to enable him to go out and dig up tha necessary additional ba:l. Says He Paid $25,000 Of the witnesses who testified to giving up to Brindell, Albert Hirsko witz, u housewrecker, of 590 West End Avenue, s-.iid lie paid $25,000 to pre? vent a rumored strike- on an operation upon which he was engaged. Nyman Clompoos, another house wrecker, said he gave Brindell $4,.",oo for fixing up matters so there be no labor troubles on a.i operation of Frank Melton's, another and for privilege cardi enabling men to work on his jobs. Joseph If. Goldb att, another con? tractor, said he paid $2.000 to deli's agents at the request of iirin? dell to nave a strike called off on an alteration operation. Goldblatt ? to put the proposition on a b<: basis and says i.e demande J a ri for his money. When the agents refused to give ! im the receipt he threaten whereupon, he savs, one of tl ?? named Pike remarked: "Go as far as you like. We have got all the protec? tion we wan-. We have got the Dis? trict Attorney and _ the police .force with us. "You can bang your head against a stone wall." 'Why, my dear boy," Pike laughed, according to Goldblatt, "your amount ?p so small it can't he seen \Y about fifty on the lis- who have paid trom $20,000 to $50 000 and nobody made the row! you do to give up. We are sorry we ever tackled you " Atwe'.l gave up $17.120 on a 50-50 arrangement with the labor lea i r ? for jobs and protection, he laid. Two ; checks were produced which he had j given to Brindell in alleged pa of the tribute. They had been mads out to Brindell personally and bore his indorsement on the back. Cour ; the Lockwood committee asserted that ; these were among the strongi of evidence against the labor csar which they had yet come across. Mayor Does Some Prodding The heated wrangling between *hs Mayor and Mr. Untermyer at yest? r ' day's session of the committee was th#j ? most turbulent and acrimonious o: any 'that have regularly marked the ' j *hen the Mayor was on the stand Ii i was ?vident ta-c the Jlayor ?u no