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Gets Life Term ; Now Savs Bahv Coimlilin ?Jvcs Pastal, the ('rank, \fter Being Sentenced (or kid* napping, Changes Story; Promises Sheriff Clews Signs OverRansom Money Jndge, Visibly Affected, Ask- All Present to Rise as He Impose* Penally KORl - : '?'. a. :??.. Nov. 20. August PasvaJ, crank, was sentenced by Judgic Swartz to life imprisonim it ai bard Inbi in the F.astern Penitentiary at Phi lad . ' ? laj for kidnap] ng Blakek?; n from :? cv'n in the '.. . m . the Cout ilins, on Curran Tel ear Xorrist iw n, last June. " was 7a.. tirsi life entence ever impo . . Montgoni ; y County. Judge 7*1* ? 7. . ... . ? oi ; n ? : that he was s rry h< ? ; no1 end the crarik to thi lectric cl air, was visibly affect '? ? ''?'??? he aske 1 those in the courtroi i Pascal ca? of society for life. The Sheriff i direel to 1 i the prisoner to ; - ten days. He -. . ccd on the c harge of ? ? ? Sentence on ; he murder c a. *'. suspended, tie iiad pleaded guilty last Wednesday to thi charge of r \ ;'? w m * ut ' ng sentenced I I told Sheriff Hamilton that his ( that he slew the Blakeley tuby was false, and that the child was B M alive. "Aftei 11 this ?s over," : said, ''1 v ? ; - ' ut t and you can get th .. . ick." By ?? Pascal r< f< rn M the ?numei . .. ? . - authoriz 1 . a. a. f Other of Blak . iraw ; I ? : I of tl * 'ran: m money wh I i: . and transferring ? ? f a i m a t N e w G ? a. und " - . jewelry, all : ? ? ? . money. ! ' 11 did t ? ? ? . ???:.?' Ham ton ; : . a .; ; liel 7 ' : ? ' ? . vv telling the ?? :?? e ?'? I! get th b iby ba k," he - , ? ? toiling me right ?long i entence was r ? ? would giVO 1 ' * itorv ? I to made a - ? . ... .- that 7. e baby a- till : .... i [bel ?eve . ? ? ?it dis ! of a [ tret n i ir.-in he wii 7 ? : : -..,.. ; ld( ; l! i . : M?n?r< r in Libel Suit Answ er. Denies Malice '! ' "<?'? '.????? ??ep?ies to :; i ??O.?MJ 'i 4 *. 0\ er th? H:*:,*. ?? r I? in Fund " ' ai I ? !y ? . ? el by George lanhat . i ...... . ? ? ? ::? I - ??' menta r. . _ ? ; - _ ? men; U '.- " ;? : admit . ? ai w r ! I formati the 1 y ii Sep! .. bi r ? ? . r.duc a" : I I ? : As . At t: : . ? " ti D : er, he -? ?- : . :.':?', er ; : ' a ?' . January < erste In, ?a: . ? , ir.d to be dr ibllc coi '? nd to be used i? - ! y Ai t? ' ..-.. to deve! 7 Mr. ':?'?? ;:??* was req e ted to act < r tl ?? I '.?:*.* ??? Of th a- ciali a ;, t concert at the Hi; . ? ??.;. v. ; I a t Ham! . . ecci , ?orvices of John McCormack, Mme. I',-; izzini and Huiro Reiscnfeld. ; According to Mr. Monger, many a4" 1 ? !,, conti ?but ions nn i subscript ?ans i w ? e made to 7 lie fund in the belief . I thai it was to In* received and admin? istered ? :? Theodore Steinway, "an emi- i nent patrqn of music," who was adver* ? tised as treasurer of tin* association. | The com er! broucht in $16,000 to the fund, and Mr. Monger alleges that Mr* Hiumenlhal took charge of this money | j without authorization of the commit- j tee. The concert took place in April, i ? and Mi Monger says that up to May.I) 2 V.r. Blumenthal had failed to de- ? the man \\ and had rendered no ic< until g. 'i'ii* defendant asked for ?' ! !." due him and he says Mr. Blumen? thal refused to pay him. Mr. Monger adds that he was unable to ascertain v ? disposition was made of the moi ey received for the Hippodrome a o a c e rt. Mr. Monger asserts in his defense that in all these matters he acted in good faith and without malice. Republican State Fund in Campaign Was ?579,699.19; Report of Treasurer Davis Shows 110 Contributors; ; County Committees Given 8283 JUK> of the Amount _ Joseph F. Davis, treasurer of the Re- : publican State Commity.'e, yesterday tiled a statement with the Secretary of State showing total receipts on ac-j count of the campaign just closed of ? , .. ,699 19, of which $48S,645 was con? tributions; $S5,. obtained on a loan and ? >,S." 6.1 * fr< m ?-funds. The Republican N4itional Committee ted $100,01 0. The other large contributors were: E. C. Converse, ; John D. Rockefeller, $25,0 iu; John D Rae-., fe er ?r., $15,000; George 14 Baker, 5 I l,0( i); William B. Thomp? son, $m,.; i-i. J. Berwind. $10,000; If. S. W ilkinson, $10,000; Arthur Cur? tis James, $10,u ; Henry F. Davison, $7,: 00. mer !.. Schiff, William Nelson i n a i :. Gei rge F. Baker jr., William II. Porter, 1 dward S. Harkness, < lhai les Hayd ?? Pi lix M. Warburg, Otto H. Ka! a. U". !!. Chiids. Rversley Childs, A. J. Whalen, $5,000 each; C. J. Dillon. .;).'.. \ ;? ??aa.arii. W.' liatii F. . ? ?. each; Ci orge 1?. Pratt, ; Sana-. C jjjgenhi ?m, $3,500. The fol ov : :.. ci ni ributcd $2.500 each: George Whi :n< y, 11. \V, Rici jr., Elliott C. Bacon, Thomas Cochran, i ' niel Guggenhi m, Harry Guggen n . F. 11. L'a;, nard, Louis S. Levy . a. R Guggi nhi ! n. Contribution; o? $2,.) were received "n m Mrs. Whitelaw ?7. ?d, Charli ; M. Pratt, Fredi rick B. Pratt. Herbert L. Pratt, Francis L. Hine, Otis II. Cut er, Id i. Pratt, J. R. Lovejoy, De? a ? : a s id* r. a. Rockeft Her. J. F. Zoiler gave $1.50 i, G. C. Em ' ions SI 200, and $1.000 was c n tributed by each of the following: Fr? es?. L. Wi o i" . rd, Cl arh ? il unter, A. D. Juilliard & Co., Pa il D Cravath, .? ..? ? jr., Pi rey C. Thomas, a a . 7 I ?am M i 'a'a..r. F. B. Twi n a. \V. l: i oe, \\ .1 i a'ry, J. S. Bach* , ' n, Gi org? Underw o I, Senator X. Mi roe Mai hall, I 'hauin 1. ' ?'? ? c >?-. F. M Wi 4 mis, Virgini i I n, Hi -. < ' Ph ? ps, ( harles 1). 11 as. I- : Mciarth* G. D. B. Bun 1 ? gl.t. Clarei ce 11. Mackav, Paul W . .?. :?- ci ??? ?? . ? ? lark, ( hi ; c. ? ., \V. . \i< Gov an, C ifton D. Pc t ? i ?.? l'ai ell, il. II. Ellii ? . T. i'??? il irace Havemeyer ai J : i A. W endell. total '.?'?? of coi tribute : - ! 10. Inis i iclude 1 the U Li . ? i i 4 whii :.. : hrough il s mem : ership, c >ni i ibuted $.'}4,100 Some of ? ' ?? ncltidcd registration, f2t),"i0; soi i 1 trains, ?15.226; posta: ? : i ; ? ' :'.??} re ?. mai :d, $?0.00<>; . a : . ? mated, $"o. a a. ......7 . . ? ? a ??. I* - ng, $50,0 : con ta s, 4 -.. il Anotl i i if e:\pensi way ;? .000 ?n : ? lions 1 I th'..* distl ? :? m v : ; ... : ou: ted Sociiui Ai mblymen : . i. Democrats Receipts Are Reported as $1,32 ! ,65a National Committee Makes Re? turns to Mate for ("ash Given 4 to Campaign Chest ?J.BAXY, :?:. V.. '??? .a 20. Thi Di c a...' al i inm it! e to-day : p< rtcd to tin a.i y of State ' .'...: '. ?? ?.- ; ai a - ? . a . t ' . .'. Thi statement ??? . ?iifrned iy Wilbur W. Mai , treasui ??'.*. TI tal lent s wed that SI,190,8 .'; wa s turned o\ cr to the commi ? i N ?' V. k h eu Iqun rters, ? 12.H65 by : lo 4 he Ch .?::? ., ? ?? ? ' !??:'. by V, ashington head lartei . .* i S 1.S52 by the San i ? . hi iiquarters. rnoi i and Franklin D. Roose ,??:*.. Di * ? era! ic Pn ?dential and Vici Presidential candidates, respectively, ' 31 :. L'?-ve S5,0 i0. i Ither contributors ? v. eri : a nard M. Baruch, New York. $45, ? . ; > Ian A. Ryan, N'fw York, $45,000; a a. L. Chi 11 urne, Xew York, $20, 1 m . Ji eph F. Duffy, Pittsburgh, $21, F. I. D iheny, New York, $8,300; ! ai It Pi ale, Cai rollton, Pa., $10 - Charh K Crane, N'ew York fOBSYTHt VvUvrn, Commcncinn To-morrow ?Monday For One Weck Only 1200 Tailored Silk Heists Latest Styles and Colors 25% off ' ATINS Wi,!*-. Flu/i and Latest Colorings ilLKS-White, Solid Colors Stripes, etc. CREPE de CHINE-White, Stripes.CoIors.etc. All Siza / ' Advi ? ? ? elections John Forsythe & Sons 3 WEST 42ND STREET West 42nd Street and West 43rd Street Business Hours: 9 A.M. until 5.30 P. M. Priced for Immediate Clearance: A High-grade Assortment of At the Greatly Reduced Price of .00 Values up to $125.00 CUR-TRIMMED or Plain Tailored mod? els in Duvet de Laine, Tricotine and Yalama?all taken from our regular stock. Large fur collars of Nutria, Scotch Mole or Australian Opossum. Exquisitely tailored and handsomely silk lined. Sizes 34 to 50/2 bust. Colors: including Brown, Navy Blue, Taupe, Plum and Black. ? Third Floor. Imported French Glace Gloves 'At the Special Sale Price of $3.00 Pair Former $4.50 Values TWO STYLES TO SELECT FROM 6-Button Length pique sewn; strap wrists; Paris point backs; White only. Real Kid Gloves (Washable); over seam or pique sewn; two clasp; Paris point backs. White only. Savings of About ONE-THIRD In an Important Sale Monday of Imported Lambskin Gloves Two-clasp; Paris point backs; Black or White; formerly $2.50, Wraps WRAPS with large cape or graduated shawl collars, deftly finished with silk embroidery or rows of silk stitching. Lined throughout with fine qual? ity silk and interlined. Colors: Dryad, Rein? deer, Navy Blue or Siberian Grey. <C ACk CO Ordinarily woulrl WtUoUXJ cost $75.00 Selection of several distinctive models embodying this season's newest style features. Beautiful fur collars of Taupe Nutria, French Seal (Dyed Coney) or Australian Opossum; fully silk lined and interlined, Ordinarily would cost $95.00 Extraordinary Savings Monday in a Sale Women's Philippine ightgowns and Env. Chemises (Hand Made and Hand Embroidered) Values to $4.95 Special $2.95 Values to $6.95 Special $3.95 Less than To-day's Wholesale Cost All new, crisp, superior quality Nainsook Undergarments from which suitable Christmas Gifts may be selected at a gratifying price advantage. The largest assortment and most notable values of the kind we have ever offered. Crepe de Chine and Satin Bloomers Also Step-in Drawers. High-grade qualities from our Regular Stock. Very Specially Priced at S3.05 SECOND FLOOR Most Exceptional Values for To-morrow in Women's and Children's Seasonable WOOL HOSII Imported High-grade English assortments. Y WOMEN'S SPORT HOSE Plain or ribbed, in shot effects or Heather Mixtures . . WOOL SPORT HOSE ?Plain or ribbed, in vari? ous Heather Mixtures WOOL SPORT HOSE ribbed and fancy stripe; several combinations of Heather Mixtures . . . $1.95 *p?L? ? 3 Plain, $3.50 CHILDREN'S WOOL SPORT HOSE - In Greys, Blues and Heather Mixtures, with colored ^^ _ tops.?plec/D WOOL SPOUT HOSE Wide or narrow ribbed, in vari? ous color combinations. ^_ . _, with fancy colored tops. ?P^.tO WOOL SPORT HOSE?Heavy ribbed, in Brown or Green Heather Mixtures; with ^^ ~ fancy colored tops . . . *pdL?Z/U s rure inreao sSk nose Lisle tops and soles. Black, Brown, Navy Blue or White. Regular $2.95 Values $1.65 DaiF MAIN FLOOH A Sale of Especial Importance: Women's Afternoon or Evening Frocks Taken from our regular stock and offered at extremely low prices for To-morrow at $29.50 Values up to $45.00 Fashionable Afternoon Frocks in a variety of Silk or Wool Fabrics. Exquisitely finished and hand? somely trimmed. at $52.50 Values up to $95.00 Distinctive Frocks in the finest of Silks. Suitable for Afternoon, Street or Theatre wear. Particularly desirable at these most exceptional price r?ductions. THIRD FLOOR Unusually Lew Priced Suitable for the Thanksgiving table or gift purposes Reproduction Sheffield Silver Plated Ware Gravy Boat and Tray, . . . $8.95 Double Vegetable Dishes, . . 12.95 Meat Platters, Well and Tree design; 10 inches, .... 25.00 Meat Platters, 17 inches, . . . 13.95 Meat Platters, 19 inches, . . . 17.50 Bread Trays,. 4.45 Cheese and Cracker Dishes, . . 4.95 Cake or Fruit Baskets, . . . 5.25 Chop or Serving Trays, 13 ins. 8.90 Chop or Serving Trays, 15 ins. 11.25 MAIN FLOOR A Noteworthy Offering o, .sses DS raps Regularly $75.00 Large fur collars of Australian Opossum or Taupe Nutria. Fashioned in Suede Velour ov Chamois Velour. Handsomely silk lined. 14-16-18 years. at $75 Regularly $115.00 Soft, luxurious Evora Cloth models in new \\ inter shades. Dec]) collars of Taupe Nutria or Austra-# lian Opossum. Silk lined and interlined. Sizes 14, 1(> and IS years. TI1I1U) FLOOR