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\Iarine Accused | ?v Haytian of Fatal. Bra!in?? i gendarme Charges Lieut.! William-? With Ki'ling a Native by Slugging Hirn With a Piece of Lumber Officer Detained in U. S. Inquiry Delayed While lu ?struetions Are Sought From Secretary Daniels PC2T-AU-PRINCE Rnyti, Nov. 20 ?r T"** ?"'?'; " "" : " * *' .?-??."' ? ' ?. ' win ? - : native a death ' -.- .? ?? ?ui y whit ' ; ? -a-./ " 7 ' ? The v. it- ! : tenant Will- I / ?\ ?Uine I that to fQliams, a sergeant f marim fgmj is conni at ?r ' M?nect >n wi* arc- i ... li? invest ? ? aide bi v ; -7 A. la - ? nine, ? the Marine < ' The cour 1 arv Dan j. ?j V.'..: .. at here t( 'ice his a a. : -er or waive a he ar 7.7 lt*. The tri; f Williams postpone ? 7 the result 1 f t h e : MYi! inquiry ! re GsX - ai ? : 7.- '- -y. tsetiru 1 he ?s alone ? ?' ?' e gen ?irmerii Jttfl wa? a ?'..?:?? ?ht size of a i ijserted he cried for aid 1 stopping the at it was Bike hin - was jwble to .... for th tilling, except t i a1 J an wa laaucone I to t '7 gen ?irxer'.e aft " th band.'.-,. Engineers to Name Board to Inquire Into Trade Waste Hoover Will Direct Commit? tee Thai Will Deal With Labor and Try to Solve Manv Industrial Problem-* T">m T>v Tr ' ne"a ' I a- " -r. }'? ireau ffASHIN ? r N. .'?' ??? 20.?A] ?seit of a commii ;'7itr.a'. was1 ' rized at th< irrt meeting to-da* the exe icsrd of : American Engine? ring [jcaneil, of ?? a Hi ??' rt < n% yesti ted pr?s sunnirt? ? ' recom itadati ' ver, who will di ??:: 7:7 activ it is ; la? st the ag< 1 a . ii< h I - ? -:' : -.'.. . ? XX r, cha 3 in ? - . . The board ! the movement i * -77i7. ? of the In '.-?? * fana works. liter a long ? - a ." ' " ' ? and r . .- rti ??.:> ' - ? a seat, ? a . ie tl ? ? had bt-ei ? * . ? . f the ! ' a ? ? ? ? ? Wj ?it . : -a a i .... . . ? ? 1 '. tempo* ?ail Fare inequalities Doomed. Say-. Paulding *w York ? ?t- Official Asserts I C (, Derision Will insure Justice in Intrastate Rates ?. ?? * ta * I " r'! Kidec? ' '}'" ~' ' *? Yor'i x ? ,- . w ??Par- - ? ? --,., :. ;,ri a R?tea . ... ?, 1 , . . .... .... . ? was o? "J 1 ??? ........ bring ? ? - . . ... , | . , ? 1 by it in tl e ad '. ' ? '? ? :? - hat the financial o? ' a York of i a* a r< - " < ab?ut 20 ? 1 are to be ra id ex ? far? ? and * . ._ . . . , ... t,n," be aald, "In a on* , . - . ........ fr j ? . ??re?, -. ' ? ???'?'? re? ft. , ... >- . . 1 ? a ? ?Tered. *"/?f '.rivin. Boy, tSuspend? tl) '?'.??) y I ., V/f.'1 ' ?>?'<;,? . ? , *.., ** * "'*?" ? I a , .a ? ??< *M?vlrL' *;?'">? e^?i-''/.'J*-'I ??*.t???C'i, Shop Now for Christmas! Assortments for the holidays are com? plete, and the Lord & Taylor price revisions insure you the largest pur? chasing power for vour Christmas dollars NOW! Telephone Fitzroij .WOO. Ask for T?l?phone Order Desk. Telephone Orders Filled?Phone Filzroy 1900?Ask for Telephone Order Dak 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street The United Hospital Fund of Ne\v York needs $1,500,000 by November 29th to furnish free hospital care for the siek-poor. Albert II. Wiggin, Treasurer, 57 Broadway. ntire Collection ugs from the ese Enchanting Handkerchiefs Were designed by an artist HAT is why they are so exquisitely dainty and tasteful?so suggesthe of the Christmas season and gifts for the Holidays. It is an assortment of unusual charm, including many new and original ideas, a variety of fine French handkerchiefs and many made of hand-spun fabrics, as well as those with Appenzell and hand-embroidery. Moderate prices prevail. For Women | Pastel shades in sheer linen. ' charmingly hand embroidered with tiny flowers and drawn ; threads. $1.75, ?2.25, $2.50 each Appenzell and hand-embroi dery, aUo Madeira?all on : sheer linen. $1.00 each Tape borders, plain stitching, and Madeira broidery on fine linen. 75c each hera em Colored novelties ' of pure linen, also white embroidered corners on plain hemstitching. 35c, 50c, 75c each For Men Initial, sheer quality of linen. $5.75 dozen Hemstitched linen, with the much desired hemstitched edge. $5.75 dozen $8.50 dozen $10.00 dozen French novelties in charm? ing colored effects. $1.25, $1.50 each Also sheer linen, with hand drawn threads. $3.00 and $3.95 each Embroidery orders for Christmas placed now will re? ceive our prompt attention and assure early delivery. Prices Lower Than They Have Been for Years THE most interesting message we have given from the Rug Department since pre-war days. Oriental fug lovers have refrained from buying, ow? ing to the "during-the-war" prices. Now they will revel in having such a splendid collection from which to choose?and prices that look more like those of several years ago. You will find all sizes, and the lovely refis and browns of Turkish and Per? sian rugs, as well as the mellow golds and midnight blues of Chinese rugs. All are displayed so that you may wander through the department at leisure, feel? ing of their quality and seeing the beauty of the color harmonies. Small Size Persian Rugs Mosouls and Shirvans approximately 3'/2x6 feet, $79.50 Irans and Mo"*oul? approximately 3*.>xfM** feet, "895700 Dozar.? and Lilihans 4 to 5 feet wide and 6 to 6* i feet long, $150 and $195 Kennanshahs approximately 4x6 feet, $135.00 and $165.00 Small Royal Bokhara? $113.00, $135.00, $150.00 Sarouk?? Approximately 4x6* ?> feet, S 195.00 and $225~00 Room Size Persian Rugs Mahal. 10.4x7.9. Mahal.10.4x8.2. Mahal.10.8x8.5. Tabriz..10.10x7.4 M Kermanshah .... Hamadan. . . . .$295 ....$295 ....$325 _$395 9.9x7.1.$395 9.8x7. .$375 Sarouk. Mahal. Arak.. . Mahal. Mahal. Roval Bokhara 10.1x7.3. . 12.4x8.1 1 12x8.3... . 12.2x8.3. 12x8.10. . 1 1.9x7.3. $775 $393 . $425 $395 $ 125 $550 Small Size Chinese Rugs 11-2x21 o feet $15.00 2x3 feet $27.50 2x4 feet $35.00 21 *.'x4' ?_? feet $47.50 3x5 feet $60.00 Room Size (hi?ese Rugs 9x6 feet.$175 9x6 feet.$215 10x8 feet.$195 10x8 feet.$?25 1 0x8 feet.$250 9x9 feet.$275 8.9x8 feet.$250 12x9 feet.$323 1 2x9 feet.$350 1 2x9 feet.$395 12x'* feet.$450 1 3x9.2 feet.$425 I 5x10 feet.?625 ?4.0x10.8 feet.$650 All Kinds of Stockings For Misses and Children Materially Reduced in Price FOR the young girl or Junior Miss there are stockings of excellent quality and style, made the same way and with as much care as is given to women's stockings, but with narrower legs. Misses' Stockings Silk with lisle hemmed top. All-silk, of fine lustrous tex ite, brown, sky Black, white, bronze pair. $1.95 ture. Black. blue, pink, $3.25 pair. Boys'' and Girls' Stockings Ribbed silk of splendid Wool golf hose in an at quality-. Durable and good looking. Black, white, pink, cordovan and blue. Sizes 6'/2 (o 9>/2. $1.25 to $2.00 a pair, according to size. tractive variety of styles and colors, with fancy turn-over top-- of bra-*!!; shades and de signs, $1.85 to $2.75 a pair. Beys' and Girls' School Stockings 3 pairs for 95c An unusually good value. Medium and heavy weights. For Infants and Wee Tots Silk and wool stockings, fine and soft for the babies?white only. Sizes 4 to 6]/z. 95c pair. English woo!, three-quarter length socks in white or brown. Sizes 6 to 10. $1.45 to $1.95, according to size. Ribbed pure silk stockings in white, pink and blue. $1.00 to $1.25 pair. Striped socks o?5 white Eng? lish wool, with stripes of blue or pink or with fancy tops. Sizes 5 to 8'/2* $1-15 to $1.35 a pair, according to size. Ground !?": Excellent Thanksgiving }''alites OOLENS it Mori crate Prices AN extensive display of fine dress materials, in the Daylight Section, features the smartest fabrics of the Winter Season. Cash mere I eldynes?Orlando Cashmirtyne Checks and Plaids as well as all the favorite wool materials, serges, tricotines, twills arid sports plaids?There is an especially comprehensive collection in the desirable navv and black. All Wool Velours And Broadcloth $4.50 yard Newest shades and black; 50 and 54 inches wide. Navy Blue Serge $2.25 yard All wool, fine quality sponged and shrunk: 54 inches wide. ford & Taylor CORSETS $ 1.25 For the slender girlish fig? ure this is a splendid corset, fashioned of handsome bro? caded satin. Elastic girdle top and medium length skirt make this a particularly comfort? able style. Eyelet lacing below front ?tee) and dainty finishing de? tails su'h as the braid thai binds the skirt are marks of the fine workmanship. /,,.,,*: floor. Black Velveteen $.'5.65 yard Appropriate for suits and wraps. Deep pile, fast dye;45 inches wide. Chiffon Velveteen $2.85 yard For dresses. Twilled back, fast dye?Xavy, seal, black; 36 inches wide. i Aove Silk UNDERWEAR Bed need in Pri?e The dainty fine undergar? ments women love to own, offered at considerable price savings. Vests?Plain bodice and shoulder styles $2.45 to $4.95 I .are trimmed and embroi clrr<*x\, bodice and shouldei ,,tybs.$3.95 to $6.95 Bloomers?Plain and lac?7 trimmed. . . .$2.95 to $6.95 Envelope Chemise?-Plain and hire trimmed $3.95 to $7.95 Union Suits?Plain bodice and shoulder style $4.95 to $6.95 Ankle Length Bloomers ? In all street shades $4.95 to $9.95 Ground f Ivor Expressive of Beaut//, Co m fort and Style The collection of C o a t s, W r a p s, Stoles, Scarfs, and Muffs now gathered in our Fur Salon is justly famous not only for the quality of the lustrous pelts used, but for the un? usual 1 y moderate prices that prevail. Hudson Seal Coats i dyed muskrat ) $375 $425 $475 Fashioned i n a loose belted model with collar and cuffs of self fur or of nat? ural beaver, squirrel or skunk. All the coats are handsomely lined. Modish Fur Scarfs Australian Opossum.. .. Natural Mink, two skin. Skunk, animal shape... Wolf, animal shape. . . . .$39.50 Mole .$49.50 $41 5Q Fox, animal shape, brown and .!," taupe .$55.00 .*4--59 Natural Mink, three skin ...... $79.50 .$42.50 Skunk, cape shape.$89.50 Correct Tan Brogue Oxfords $10.83 The well dressed woman knows that no shoe is quite as smart as the tan brogue ox? ford for sportspr street wear. Pictured is a splen? did model made of a fine quality leather over a trim last, with heavy soles and mili? tary heels. 1800 Pairs of Women's Boots and Low Shoes Reduced from Much "Higher Prices. All sizes, but not in each style. $7.85. For the Thanksgiving Holiday SILKS At Greatly Reduced Prices DOR the last week in November the Silk l)e -*? partaient has planned a sale of those silks that women are demanding most today. The values offered are unusually attractive, combining- the same fine quality Ford & Taylor always represents, together with the lowest prices we have been able to quote in many months. Dress Taffeta $1.95 yard Chiffon finish, navy blue and black; 36 inches wide. Colored Dress Satin S 1.95 yard Street and evening col? ors; 36 inches wide. Fancy Printed Dress Silks $2.95 yard 40 inches wide. Hand-Made BABY DRESSES S1.95 and S2.95 Dainty little dresses, made by hand, with the utmost care and fineness of finishing. Some are trimmed with Philippine embroidery, others with fine tucks and hemstitching. Infants', one and two year sizes. Flannel Gertrudes S 1.95 and $2.95 Petticoats, bound with ribbon or made with shell edge. Infants', one and two year sizes. Fourth F? Black Satin Sublime $2.25 yard \ ery heavy weight and beautiful lustre; 36 inches wide. Washable Satin $1.98 yard White and Flesh. Ap? propriate for blouses, skirts and lingerie; 36 inches wide. White Sports Silks $5.50 yard Good selection of new designs; ?0 mches wide. The Desirable WARM FLANNELS At Moderate Prices An attractive selection of seasonable flannels is now on display in the Daylight Section. ?Eiderdown Single face. . .$1.50 yard Double face . .$1.75 yard In a large assortment of colors as well as white. 36 inches wide. Robe Cloth. 75c Yard A new choice in all the wanted colors; 27 inches wide. Enpli-h Flannel. $1.25 yd. Unshrinkable, splendid for Men's shirts and sports blouses! White and col? ored grounds; 31 inches wide. Stoik? Floor ?