Newspaper Page Text
Assails Efforts Of Presbyterians To Convert Jews Dr. Rudolph Grossman De nouuees Attempt to Win Over Raee Wliieh Already Has Intelligent Religion i he move ?.. -h to .i*i;cv.* C ? .'rossnmii. X ... - xty X ? i 7 He great servie monj; the Ea tern tempt . already "The of the Presbvteriai , ? ?, ?-a: bitterl} X;. by Dr. Rudolpl a >n at the T< n*pl< lotn, L? t A*, nue an . : e with . Imiratn n oi I s done bv missionaries wretched people of the -ountries," but resented the : - foist their religious ideas .-, ?.; men and women, who se -s an intelligent religion." w Xi faith." he sa d, "that survived Egyptian pharaohs, Rus . Spanish inouisit rs for tho -t 5,000 years, shall live on. Why Jew be converted to a Chri?- j Ian I ' "These base and vicious lips that . jrni : ' ' ?? Jew a; e like the s : my serpent and go about,and injoct their \:rs o:' rara! ant pathy into the body politic of Am? rican life." At another point mi his sermon. Dr. Grossman said: "Th ? re ' yterian Church has fXiv- its challenge into our teeth. Let us accept the challenge as a stirring app? ?! to our Jewish souls. Jews we art; .lews we shall remain, inswering in our ! ya ??? to our faith. "I object to the unwarran i terference. I protest r.gaii t the suit hurled a-raii " Judaism by any who dare t - ?nva lc the domains of our faith to convert the Jews. [ , ?estion lilis latest outra?:..; agains; Jewish h<->nor. "Who daros to foist his own reli? gious ideal on intelligent men ant! women, who already possess an intel? ligent religion, on the presumption that Christians alone possess the truth,and that whoever ar? not Christians are doomed and damned souls?against this we must raise our voice in pro? test. "As an American and as a Jew I earnestly protest against this ef rontery to our faith. I protest against " as a moral question." FLORIDA REAL ESTATE LAKELAND HIGHLANDS In the warm. sunny hills of Volk County, :;?'!> feet above sea level. 1-nrreM rsnd finest (rrovp develop? ment i? Florida. Attractive Homes, lienutiful Country' Club, Picturesque Lakes and Scenery, Commercial Grapefruit and Orange Groves I AKT*. I .AND HIGHLAND^ offers an investment which will yield larpe. returns on the enpitul employed: a perp?-uifi! scientific (rrove care plan ,t actnal co*>i : an unsurpassed all year climat?-; health conditions '?ait are unexcelled; an idfal environ? ment, and pleasure in all its most ? aal, sonn- forms. Write for otir hn^ No. 1 t, which will Uli V'ju about this rare com? bination of climate, scenic beauty \nd commercial advantages. W. F. HALLAM & CO. Tribune Bids., 154 ?Nassau St., New \ork. Telephone Berkmnn 0472, FLORIDA ORANGE GROVES "he S> wing ol the Temple Orange . ? a very profitable ? .? ? : . raneo it b ? ? . ! so ; a : vor that it ?3 hard to ?: ribe. ?rovea ated bul > i n the ? ' re 1 a; ? Temple Ter? races. Inc., cor| - thai I m? ? and - a.. ? ? will bea I ? ? : ; .?-?--? a a i from angle. IT 15 THE HIGHEST CLASS CITRUS DEVEL? OPMENT IN FLORIDA? NONE LIKE IT?NONE TO COMPETE WITH IT. g ? are I tnted and cared Buckeye Nurseries of ? la. ???:??..?? ?:???- In the ? Ti ? ' aa ?j- ea bu ????'..: pn a able ea litu. S ?. -. ? or ten ??? re v ? v ahould :? ?j a substa ? ?? for us pt'iv? this i ? ? . S : X .- | _ for ?TEMPLE TERRACES, Inc. ?X E. tlsi St., Nev. York Mnrraj Hill G010. BRONX REAL ESTATE S3.500 ! ? h ll'i' I. I'KI\ \ 'J . MOI SE ;??., ? ? . ,'?,..; : )ght. ? ? . . ....??? . famille J. < !lar< v. " I )a>vies, I4?TH ST, AND ::?> AVE. REAL ESTATE WANTED Desire to Purch?se for Cash Large Timber and Pi'.lp Tract fun REAL ESTATE?SALE OH RENT \s,nK Island r*AH : ; ri;n .'i'a a '. A; station. M-J. W e,r< linttr .'???'. ... ... ' . . .' ? .- :.. . . .. r , ? ? .. TO LEI FOR 151 -IM? PI RI'OSI'.H Milflh.ll ?HII ? ? rO foT renl '.'. ' ? . ? ' ' afternoi M?\R'l vlKN t s TO LET?.ECRNTSHKn kfanhattaa a ? . ? e . . ruga; ? '2 IPARTMI *? /-> ro LE'I i Ml RNIKHEU Manhattan r'ARK >V *7'? corner 134 at 7 room? *>*-*-.; *" I ' rwo or three roori In ?."?;,? ; ..;'?? '?:?-' .? . ? , -?'?!, . < . , .. .. ? K<-: ; w?i! furn ? . . r ? ? , - - 17TH *'t 61 WE ' ' in :?? ,-.?.* vi\i*a. ?notr,:,j T'?-ro*. ,,? ???,? :? m bath?, ?r/iple '?-i?'?, < ',', /??/.'./,' .,' ?>j?!v? ?urro-indlhg?, .MANHATTAN REAL K.ST-VTE FOR SALE Best Downtown P> oposition For Occupancy 113-115 Leonard St. 42.7 x 104 plot area 4,300 sq. ft. New 5 story building in perfect cond-tion. Opposite New York Life Building, which occupies the entire on Leonard Si.??rcadway to Lafayette St. Location very centra! ? Between Broadway and Lafayette St., near all. subways. Extra high ceiling?extra heavy carrying capacity ? specially fine light on three sid-'s?low pressure heat ? electric elevator ? fireproof; stairs?automatic fire alarm. Price $175 000, with Easy Terms or $130 0C0 .Ml cash POSSESSION FEB. 1, 1921 Rental value : store and basement. . . $7,500 4 lofts. .14,000 $21,500 Full commission to brokers CHAS. F. NOYES CO. 118 Williarr. St. Phone John 2000 ???????Ti^^mwrmn-j ..TT-miBiypmgaiMII.Ill BROOKLYN' KKAli ESTATE No man nr family really saves or ha? a healthy ambition to huc ceecl until a home is owned?it is tlii* truth. It is -en in every localUj by the personal interest nt all tu improve, preserve, main? tain and save tor tin* H orne TRY IT AND experience tho happiness, contentment anil Inde COME ,OUT TO-DAY $8S750 ?uni see (he newly completed, well !>in!! (i room house we have to 11, r for WITH O NT. Y * I,.Vin CASH. -> SEPARATE ANO DISTINCT ?MODI.I S to sell i ? t rom. All have steam heat, electricity, Bas. hard? wood floor*., room tor driveway, (??'rage, iCATED TV A EW AND Ml-:.\I TIKL'L SECTION OF FLATSUSH, Ri I? iKLYN. ? ? . seldom Don't Belay?Come To-Day PREN-RROOK CORr., Owners. OFFICE ON PROPERTY ?AT UTICA AVE. & AVE. "D. Phone 8'JCO IHatbush. 2g*msv?MmBBmsmmBBKmmmsw*wm?mbt: Extraordinary Values Ordinary Prices Tv/o Farni?v Houses WITH GARAGE Sullivan ?it. & Rogers Ave. Near Prospect Park and two blocks from Stirling St. and Nostrand Ave. ' ?nterbcrough Subway. a ? ? i/Daily and Sunday. Realty Associates, Owners Bui .7-v ; o) "600 Easy 11 u ekecping Homes" 162 Remsen St., Brooklyn JON?. ISLAND KEAL ESTATE rar-Tr-r.- -? ??????----^r--^ I NORTH SHORE ~u 1 Gr?G ISLAND! T ?Ji??? -er: Jl I..!*? 7? 7--"o>.i-JT?9y. Tbe B??t Available rra*>?rti?? L. ?I Whca.le** Hills Real Cstats'Vp S REAL ESTATE IIROKF.R* ' 00 Libert*, St. Tel. Cort. IC57. N. V. \\ ??aMMMaaaaaaiiiatoaitfaMi^^ OV/NEh'3 SACRIFICE 1 ???<.??:??.' r? oms, ;,..:? ?m ji ro vi .?a. laru?* por'.h, ret n! . i ? ! ni' " . .-. ? ? : ? and plni : * '?*? ? ' ? :.i. 17..x 11 1, Ere : ? a : 1.HTOI7*. I4KOPEKTT FOR SALE OtC KENT FACTORIES > Any si..- Anywhere | < Nl \\ i i - ! in<;s s? Mi' I < En t .-, - - \.JWr^fX -Jl ??i lJ| ??? '' H a? CO., inc. \?[ . '. \\ Ilium si. 1 hone I0?? .lohn. MOIi'KiAliK MoM.V ? FIRST MORTGAGE { MONEY TO LOAN 1 On private residences or busi i nr.-sa property in Manhattan. ?Prompt action; market rate. Lawrence, Blake & Jewel), . . ? ., ? ".??' }???? " : 4OK0 M-"( KNISIIKIJ APARTMENTS TO LET NEW B'J?LDING READY FOR OCCUPANCY APARTMENTS OF 4 Rooms Crest?n Av., cor. 180 St. A !] Model n impi ovementn I V.'.r V Nor'h o? Btirnii i? Ase. 6lh and 9th Ave. !.. Su. Lexington ft ]? rom?; Ave, .Subway ni B irntide Av. Keaional I? Reniait. Aaenl <>n ['remites. Other Real Enhile adrer tisements will be in > PART H Help Wanted Business Card, \?7s? W% f A ?4 ?* T?*W*f"? C?*m ?*!*! f-? Boardw$ Wanted Employment Agende, uations Wanted Business Opportunities V ^ O-A A -L iT^tl, W C?I. L?25CA A AdL A 19 Furnished Rooms Lost, Found and Rewa Lost, Found and Re*^ LOST. FOUND AND REWARD STOLEN?AUTOMOBILE Reward will ho pa!.i any Information ?ending to the recovery of Westcott l - 1st? r. 1920, stolen from In front 200 ? Weal 57th st, on Nov. 4; dealer's license ? No 2,031 N. v.; serial No. 11.479, motor 4.174: body of cur crr-n, black fenders and preen wheels, Firestone tiret?. ".7x4; floor! hoards, covered with gray carpets, lion' bumpo'rs In front an?l tear; speedometer 1 ?00 miles. John .1 Staats, 24 Stone at. ; Telephon?* Rroa I 1071. LOST -Monday, November 15th, about 6 p. m. from motor truck, between 2?th i st. and Broadway, X?w York, and Wil loughby ave. and Walworth st Brooklyn, probably on Bedford ave., ? cardboard box containing raw skins; liberal reward and no questions asked If returned to C. & B, Chapel. Fieros * Cie, Inc.. 413 Wll loughby ave . Brookh n LOST?Electric ear phone, Friday, Nov. 19th, betwe? ti hours of S'.13 and 6 r- m . on street or Ninth ave. elevated, between Wall st. an?i :>::d at. A liberal reward will be paid. Tel Rector 7931 aft?*r 9 a. m. Mon. LOST Lady"a bowknot diamond pin. nicht of November ?7, I F>20. vicinity of Pea pack, N. .1. Liberal reward. Room 508, ! i I Broadway. Rector 7299, LOST -Diamond pearl pin. between 58th and 56lh on Park ave <^r side streets; sentimental value; liberal reward. 1'hune Plaza 455 .. 1 ? ?ST Wrist watch, platinum, diamonds; B. R. T. subway, Waldorf or McAlpln hotel; liberal reward. Fltz Roy 2076, Ex? tension 1. LOST?Brooch, round diamonds, one stone missing; good reward. Telephone Co? lumbus 3287. LOST?Walle! containing wages; r?"war?l. ?'.ill George Satteree, 519 Mh at.,Bklyn. INFORMATION WANTED INFORMATION wanted as to tho where? abouts of Mrs. Ida Davis, whose maiden name was Ida Howies, bv her siete.*, Mrs. Rosa Ballard, 138 West 34th st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side 129TH, B9 BAST?Large double room, suit? able for two; private house; reasonable. West Side 41TTT, 66 West?Large, sunny room; ex? clusive house; references. 47.TH, 259 WEST?Large furnished room; housekeeping privileges. Telephone serv? ir.-. Mrs. Phcney. 50TH, 311 WEST?Front parlor with ad? joining room, suitable for ' ; reasonable. 58TH ST., 132 W..Suites of rooms, private lath; newly decorated; conveniences; eult able couples; also parlor floor; doctor, dentist. 69TH, 50 W - Attractively furnished double room, adjoining bath; second floor, electri? - I?L_ % 79TH ST., 411 West End av.- Unusual room, overlooking Hudson, gentlemen S West. 88TII. 1K3 W.?Comfortable room, .south? ern exposure; one or two persons. 9jD?Two single rooms with board; gen? tlemen; near park. Riverside 1570. MTU. 250 W Attractive front room; well heated; business man, $12. Furness. 95TH, 127 w ? Large, sunny room; privati house. Riverside 7.7'IS. 1021?. 303 WEST?Large front room; smaller room; private house, near Riv? erside. 112TH, 720 W.?Large corner room, heat, i bath; reasonable; private house; refer-' enees. 123D S'I (539 Manhattan ave.) -Furnished ; room, suitable far one or two gentlemen; privat a family ; conv? nienl ?129TH, 394 (St. Ni? holas Ave i Well fui nished front parlor with adjoining bed room; suitable 7 business men. Morning Bid? 7;:h 140TH ST., 510 WEST Attractive, picas ant room, shower, telephone; reasonabli Lindsay. 145TII (47 Bradhurst avo.)? Single room, well furnished; private house;"S8; refer? en i es 145TII, 201 WEST Outside room, steam heat; private family; phone; reasonable. Mann. 159TII ST., 57" WEST?Superior accom? modations with Christian woman for two or three business n:r!s; new, clean steam i heated apartment electricity, laundry and some cooking privileges; parloi ason aba-, references; cull Sunday, or aftei ; ? ??? : Ings. CENTRAL BARK W.- Room; high class aparlmenl . gentlemi n. Riverside 4164 A] ' 36. EDGECOMRE AVE., 68 G rooms, bath ro f garden, $125; 3 rooms, bath, gar? den;, ?90; 7 rooms, without kitchen, $h0; telephone, paniu l electricity, etc.; op po? Ite pa? k Williams. LARGE sunny front room, comfortably furnished; use of bat h ; heat, light and ervlci .? ' ' small hall bedroom , refei ? em ? H required. 90 Barro? ?-' MANHATTAN AV., 204 (corner 109th St.) ?Nice large, warm, airy room for one .," two; Improvements; reasonable. Rhone Academy 720, Apt. 5<*>. MORNINOSIDE AV., 98 Light room, ele. vator, ; hone, no oth r roomers A pt. ?... RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 214 (94)? House ; i ... ng sait', living mom. bedroom, kit? 'a :,. Hudson view. Noble. RIVERSIDE I RlSiE 736 Large, beauti? ful double roon warm; privileges. Au dubon 416f>. Apt. El. ST. NICHOLAS AV. (corner 151st) A lady s? king a ta-- room with adjoining ba li In a refined private home with all comforts ? all V . Auilubon 1970. WEST END AV. 662 (92D)- laug.- front room; private bath; other rooms. Bronx ALEXANDER AV.. 204?Fronl rootn; pri vate American family; all im prove mi nta; references. Rossman. LARGE BOOM, mar bath; telephone; fam? ily, two adults; Christian gentleman only. Swift, 2550 Crest?n av? tel. Eordhtitn 7?i:;.'. Brooklyn .OTH 1180?Room, neatly furnished; a ; ?n provementi ; half block rrom Subway; a,., . or geni lem?n . referen? -a. Ti I? phori? Blytl ebo ?: ne (7 ? I BERGEN ST., 283?l.arge steam heated front room, electric light; private family. LARGE ROOM, running water, near sub? way; references required; $10. Sterling 4219 W. PARK SLOPE, near subway, private rarnlly; ? a,ana electric; suitable two gentlemen. South 7 ';". Leng Island ..a,.?! -"!' 47a. (Woo?lhaven, !. : i -Small . omf'irtal ?le wa rni ? Irooin ; ba li, eleel i ; . . p.-, . ligua reas nable 3191 Richmond um UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET '?'III. 66 West Large, sunny room; cx i luslve la.uv . i eferenci s, COUNTRY BOARD ROCK LAND MANOR - Rockland ave. Mainariincck, large, ulry rooms, veranda, ?awns, with foresl aha.!', electricity, bath, excellent table; own farm pro?lucts; oiien ., ;; year; reservations being made for win i ? i Mamarotwcl HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS; whit-.; t v.a, m tamily; private houat. Call Sunday ? '.', '? Madison ave. GIRL, neat, colored, do houBework, attend ilooi ;?t doctor'? office, no laundry work. In Koin. 147 W I 19th al MOI HEWOITK l?lt general; plain i ir.klnR no waahliiK fan 11 > 7. adulta; to unawiir ilooi :? nil ? ? I? phone In ?lu? loi 's ..i? . . ,,, irnliiK u nd iihmihi m .? p., 11 nienl nf|? ? 175 Applj un? II 12 noon Monday .mi Tuenday, Api 2 Eaat, '..',., r. i? .? l.v ' ill i. KM ?;. n? nil und goo.l ruoli In fii.mll . ni foui ??. h? ? ..? hei mahl ,-, !.. pl . lia WIletliliK Ol II. .. . . V l>| Il . it.I hu vi refi-i Min en, Cull r i l?iial I'd b M o? . tal? plioim i.< no? 'i,...i NHRHBR? flOVMRNKHH; Protaatant" not I oval 36; country ?ill the ym, exportant:? nol naoaaaaty. <'uii w-iih referencia Man day, 10 to 1. 3? W. f,t?t h ?t. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic \V A ITRESS-CI1 A M BEB MA ID TV ANTED? By family of three adults; family en? tertains moderately and travels consider? ably; will pay good wages to person who knows her business; maid has ?.'parate room and bath; privileges; references re? quired. Cull Monday afternoon or evening 7*70 Park ave., apartment 10, north, or ?. lephone Lenox 1856, Sunday or Monday. WAITRESS- Swedish, for Morrlsiown, N. .! : 7* in family; wages $60; references required; apply by phone, Murrav Hill 2284, from 1? to 11:30 a. m. Monday; If satisfactory a personal Interview will la arranged for. Wi iRKINO HOUSEKEEPER WANTED? Busln. HS parents, nine-year-old bay in school; modern, electricity, every convenience; references given and re <l'.nn*d. ?'all or phone afar ? p. in. Dr. Hall, 466 74tU Ht., Brooklyn; Shore Road 410S. Miscellaneous CLERKS AND TTrTSTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Olrla 11 ysara of age and o?er Hours 9 to 4 ale o'clock .-aturdsya 9 to IS o'clock Luncheons served free Salary to start J12.0? Abilities of clerks reviewed eaen ?Ix ; months. Those of average ability should | be receiving from ?1? to ?li per week after j the second review. The variation la du? to j difference In clerical work. Kree classes conducted In Typewriting. Stenography and Dictaphone Operating, j Apply In Person between 0 find 4:20 o'clock j Room 6033. Metropolitan Building. : Madison Avo. (at 23rd ?t.). -New York. City. SALESLADY; neat, attractive lady to call on the garment manufacturers and job? bers to solicit subscription for daily trade papers; liberal commission. Daily Gar? ment News. 77* 1 ?" ' h .i ve. SALESWOMEN, experienced, of excep? tional ability, to take charge of specialty counter In bank -tore until Christmas; lib? eral salary and bonus. Apply, personally, 3 to 5 p. in., Mou.lay, Thompson Smith Co., 5f> Fifth ave. STENOGRAPHER?Willing to learn use of dictaphone, in publishing house; 122; prospects of advancement. Call 9f>S Uni? versity avo., near West 165th stfl YOCNG I.ADY, must be well educated, tactful; opportunity to winter in South; salary $1.800 or vancemen',. H. Manhattan. Instruction COME ANY MINUTE after 3 p. rn. for sec? retarial, bookkeeping, English, accountlns. Phone Reeliman -7271. Night-day. Booklet, Drake Business School. Tribune Building WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL. 3S3 Fifth ave., near 36th st. HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER Experienced, rapid, who understands con? trolling accounts; not afraid of hard work nor long hours; Christian. ''? !>8P, Tribune. BOY about 17 by manufacturer of hardware in sales department; Christian firm; ex collent chance for ambitious boy who can furnish excellent references. See Mr. Peters, 147 Cedar st., near West. HOYS- Wanted, several intelligent, neat appearing boys by prominent insurance brokers; only those ul neat appearance will be considered. Apply to Marsh &. Mc Lennan, .* 0 Maiden Lane. BOY wanted for clerical position In offio of large flour concern; good opportunity for bright boy; state age and education. Address Cashier, 123 Produce Exchange. BOY, in insurance broker's office, for clerical and delivery work; state salary. Address I) 152 Tribune. BOYS over 17a light work, electric shop. ?JBtrander, 1433 ?eKalb ave.. Brooklyn. GLOVE SALES MANAGER?A French kid glove house wants a nyin to take charge of their New York ofllce; must have sell? ing are! executive ability and a wide ac? quaintance, especially with the large New Yoik City trade; this Is a permanent posi? tion with an unlimited future', and a big Job for a big man, only experienced glove salesmen need apply. Apply In strictest i onhdence, 1 > 1 50, 1 rlbune. LIVE WIRE SALESMEN ,i sell a perfect'hoine brew syrup, in big a a . nd, to g r.ry, i* ml ' cl binary, drug ;isl s. delicatessen trade, eti , excellent conn isslons and bonuses; big opportunit} for capabh*.snlesmen ; can earn from $50 lu $*.'50 and in* per week; and men wanted fo New York City and vicinity, New England and Middle Atlantic states. Phon. Sales Dept. 2700 filenmore, or write, submitting r?f?rences, to Piel Uros., East New Yurk, Brooklyn, V Y. MANAGER MARINE DEPT. WANTED for one of the oldest and best established steam specialty manu? facturers in the marine held. Equipment saves fuel and labor. Hundreds of vessels. including many of the new emergency Meet, equipped. Location, Ni w York. where Interview will be grant".1. Splendid opportunity for right man. Must possess marine >ngi neerlng experience, be well a.a qualnted in shipping circles and have entrc-o to offices of superin? tending engineers, own era, etc, Approximate Income, If ua.,>.l pro? ducer, $7,500, probably more, an? nually. To receive consideration appli? cants must give complete business record and full personal detal s. Address D 151 Tribune. MERCHANDISE MAN?Successful mer? chandise man arnl chief buyer for chain ton s. Address D 154 Tribune. OFFICE Boy for large downtown Christian corporation; good opportunity for ad? vancement for blicht boy; salary JlU.?O to start. Apply ItiO Front St. UFFICE BOY, hriglit; must have general office experience. Apply to Room 1?, Purchasing Dept., United Fruit Co.. Pier '?J, North River. SALES REPRESENTATIVE can establish permanent and prolitablo connection with largest advertising specialty house to handle Its line of art calendars and blot? ters in Argentine Republic. Only experi? enced advertising salesmen with thorough knowledge of Spanish will be considered. Drawing accotini to start, thin straight commission. Apply Monday, Nov. 22, FOREIGN DEPT., Ulli floor, 7:07 West 25th Street, SALESMAN for cigars, travelling; salary and expenses, or commission, with draw? ing account, for the Stan* of New York; ions: be active, ambitious, energetic; refer? ences required; man acquainted with retail merchants preferred; former experience In our line not nei -essary ; gooil oppoitu?iiy for ? ighi in m \ Lan Inuirk S- Co . Denver, Pa, SALESMAN EXPERIENCED TEA AND COFFEE SALESMAN; LIBERAL COMMISSION PAID JOBBER. CORD 11 S r.\l P. 715 LINCOLN PLACE, BROOKLYN. SALESMAN. SHOE. TO SELL WIDELY ADVERTISED WESTERN FACTORY LINE IN NEW YORK CITY ON COMMIS? SION BASIS; MUST BE EXPERIENCED AND BIG PRODUCER. COMMERCTAI SERVICE CO., 23-31 WEST 43D ST. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN SELF-HELP IS THE BEST HELP. IF YOU ABE SOLID ON THE DICTUM THAT OPPORTUNITY IS WHAT TOU MAKE IT, AND IF YOU'RE NOT DISPOSED TO QUIBBLE ABOUT WAI.K17.i-, AND TAI.KIN?* AND TELLING THE TRUTH, IN ORDER TO EARN WELL OVER ?150 A WEEK, WE OFFER YOU THE OP? PORTUNITY TO BOOST TOURSELF QUICKLY IT TO THE ENJOYMENT OF FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. IF YOU'RE BETWEEN 25 AND 60 YOU'LL FIND US WAITING TO SEE YOU ANY DAY FROM 10 TO 4. SUITE 1010, 25 W. 43D ST. SUITE 305, 132 NASSAU ST. SUITE 1512. FLAT1RON BLDO. SUITE SI, 166 MONTAGUE ST., BKLYN. SOLICITOR, familiar with credits, to sell .-re!:' service; salary and commission; ctate ?I^tails. D 148, Tribune. 'SOLICITORS wanted for unusual insur? ance proposition; commission only. G. 984, Tribune. STOCK EXCHANGE house wants runner. with experience preferred; must writ goo?! hand ami be well recommended. Bo> 16, Doremus <fc Co., 44 Broad st., New York. YOUNG MAN to follow up factory produc- 1 tlon by keeping accurate records of work done with the id--:i of maintaining aJ uniform product and turning out of max! mum production, the dai.i obtained to be j used for cost lln?iing. State qualifications, age, salary desired. Sphmdid opportunity. Jersey City. D 153, Tribune. Instruction _ TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT I THE PROFESSION POR MEN OP AM- | BIT I ON. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION GIVEN BY EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC MEN IN \C Tl.'AL USE OP TARIFFS. CLASSIFICA? TION, KATES, ROUTING SHIPMENTS, HANDLING OF CLAIMS AND ALL MAT? TERS OP TRANSPORTATION BY RAIL? ROAD, P.XPRESS AND PARCEL POST, AS APPLIED TO DOMESTIC, IMPORT AND EX."? IRT SHIPPING MANY OP OUR GRADUATES ARE HOLDING EXECUTIVE POSITIONS IN THE TRAFFIC FIELD. GET ol'T OF THE RUT AND LET US '?'RAIN YOU FOR A MANS JOB AND HIGH SALARIES. ENROLL NOW FOR DEC. 1ST CLASS. WRITE OR ?'ALL FOR PROSPECTUS. INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC MANAGERS Ci ILLEGE ? iF NEW V ?RK 2008 TRIBUNE BLDG. PHONE: BEEK M \N 07*. 0. MEN WANTED ADVANCEMENT COMPETENT MEN EARN $300 TO $500 I P M? INTHLY The opportunity of n lifetime for a per? manent future, as a certified Traffic Man-; ager, al a salary ranging from $3,600 to : $10,000 per year, when able to handle tho work 'efficiently ; the men we desire must ? be ovei 21, have common school education. ' unlimited ammtlon, determination and be! willing to learn during spat" lime; charac? ter more valuable thun < iperien? ? No ex- ; perlence no? essarj If willing to ?'???. ote a few hours each ?v. ek to I? arn In portant , technical knowledge, covering Interstate and i K . port ? 'ominen e. S.d.'at ion will be made by persona! ntei view. For ippointment 'phone Beekman 3737. or address Mr. A. W. Rhamstir.e, 824 ; Tribune liidt*. New York City. AFT? ? INSTRUCTION?We teach repairing and driving in shorl time. License guar? anteed, ladles' classes; also Ford lessons. American Auto School, 72?: Lexington ave. (59th). Plaza 401 B. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR Pleasant, ; ] oli .? bl ? work . ?lay and even tig c?a i ' Send for free booklet and visitor's pass. West Sa!. Y. M. ?' A., 306 West 57th St. LOOK AHEAD FIVE YEARS -Learn suit able trade; linotj p oi erators receive $2,800; cost $200. Empire School, i 3 17. 16th. MEN wanted to operato moving picture machines in thecties: we teach you daya or evenings. American Theatre Building. 444 Ith ave. (42d). Bryant 151t. AUTO INSTRUCTION, -?le Day evening; Cadillac, Studebalcer, Mit? chell. B & M. Co.. 1303 Lexington avo. (?8th>. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALB Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID- Excellent; three year"': cltv reference; city or country. F.. Miss Hofmayor's Agency, to Easl 43d st, 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill CHAMBERMAID, assist waitress; verj la-at , thoroughly experienced; excep? tionally well recommended: city; $60. Mra. Mason's Agency, 18 W 43d St. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, neat, nice, young Irish girl; excellent references;! East Siile apartment; $60. Mason's] Agency. 18 W 43d St. CHAMBERMAID, assist In pantry; $6i>: capable, young; well recommended Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41-t. Murray Hill 67 74. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, voting; ex? cellent referen? ? ' l'r a raids Bureau, 366 Fifth u . ??. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, voune*, In exp? rb'iice i ; will a Mis- i'aaa- raid's ' Bureau, 366 Fifth ive. CHAMBERMAID, young, Protestant; excep? tional rcf? ren? es. Miss Flu? ieral I's Bu? reau, 366 Fifth ave. KITCHEN MAID OR CHAMBERMAID-I WAITRESS?Young Irish girl; city or j ?country; good worker. ?;. Mas Uofmayer's Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor Tele phono 8947 Murray Hill. MAID-CHAMBERMAID; English; recom? mended; city, country. Miss Shaughnea I ay's Agency, ?,'Ji) 6th ave. Cooks ' COOK AND CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS ?Scotch women; <!tv family; good city references; very willing M., Miss Uof? mayer's Agency, IV East 43d ?t.. 3d floor. i Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COOK?Middle aged; city or country; small family. K., Miss Hofmayei a Agency, 10 Fast 43.1 st., 3d floor. Tele? phone 8947 Murr.1) Hill. Pi? .?be i ..;: at 2 p m COOK?Young Finn; good city references. P . Mas.s Hofina yer's A gen? ? . 10 East 43d at . 3d (loor. Murray Hill 8917. COOK (Scotch), n?at, competent, economi? cal, good manager; East Side apart? ment; Hplenilld references; $7.7. Maaon'a Agency, IS W. 43d St. COOK, Scotch, cnpable, young; city or country; $77, excellent references S h as Agency, .j -?;. 4iat. Murray Hill 6774. COOK, neat, good, settled woman, small wash apartment preferred; excellent rcf erences; $60 Maso a Agency, is W. 43d. COOK (Herman), alsp waitr<*ss; highly recomm? nd.-.l . together or separat? . Lang .t Roeclierei ( '.?., 43 W est 3 ill st. ?'? ?OK and c ham te rmald waitress; both p.-rh ncd, excellent references. Shaugh neasy's Agency, S6? 6th ave. Cook, young, good manager; excellent refr?n?es. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau. 366 5th ave. O? >ok. young; country preferred; ex? cellent references. MfS-s Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 5th ave COOK-WAITRESS?Young friends excel la,nal ?e|. ;. ;,,., . j- l88 ,..,. . .{,i(. Bureau, 366 Fifth .?v. C( " IK aad waitress; llrsl clai ? Protest ml ? is v. . mint i j Shaughui ?a, s Ageucy, ?uti 61 h m ". COOK?-Hungarian-Jewish. Ilrst class; hoa pltal, boarHln? housu, tlonlg, 270 IS. 7th. COOK, Swedish; Ilrst claa?; wage? $90. 326 East ?Ith st.. Apart ment 9. Day Workers DAY'S WORKER, Ural rlaaa laundress ?bailler . neal. .limpet,.,,, ? man hlghlj recommended. $4?. Mai.'a Agency' 18 W. 43?l St. Dressmakers, .Milliners, Etc. in? y I'REHHM V K Kit (colored I R.i VVOI I 'A . a' > emplnj 111? lit. \\ ,.|| Mini Thomas, ?'.?a- I.a.v.I. 201 i, Wem n ?i Ht., Apt ? DRESSMAKER, colored; kovAim. baud ,.?,. broldery, crochet, headln? ?lone Hrown 27 Want V'JtU mi SITUATIONS WANTED ^EMALE General Honseworkera, Et?. IinCSEWORKER for bachelors or couple ' in apartment; exceptionally capable; Filipino; $100: four years' reference. Miss Shea's Agency, t? B. 41st. Murray HU? ? 6774.__ HOUSEKEEPER (Scotch. Protestant) ' thoroughly experienced; exceptional managing ability; highly recommended; most desirable; $100. Mason's Agency, IS . W. 43d St. HOUSEAVORKER (colored), neat, refined. capable young woman; sleep home, very recommend. 1. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 18 W. 13th St. HOI SEWORKERS, cooks, chambermaids, governesses; good positions guaranteed. Blake Employment Agency, 2255 Broadway. WOMAN wants position light housework or mother's helper in Christian family. ; Advertiser, 2C6 18th st., Brooklyn. Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS?-Young English woman; ex pert laundress; excellent long reference. L., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Murray Hill 8947. LAUNDRESS als., chambermaid; best ref? erences; city, country: together or sepa? rate. Lang & Eoecherer Co., 43 W. 33d st. LAUNDRESS, chamb. ails, waitresses; homeworkers; cay. country; first class. Homing's, 944 3d ave. LAUNDRESS?Work 2 days weekly. Mon? day-Tuesday. Mrs. H . 68 Columbus ave. Nurse?, Etc. INFANT'S NURSE; competent; German; best references. Lang ?- Boecherer Com? pany, 43 W. 33d St. NURSE (English Protestant) for crowing child, wishes to go South; excellent ref ?rcnces; $65. Mason's Agency, 1 s W. 43d. M'USE, can take Inrant or growing chil dren; S7u; fine references. Shea's Agency, G E. 41st. Murray Hill '1774. NURSE, Scotch, thoroughly capable; relient reference's. Miss Fitzgerald's rea.i, 366 Fifth ave. NURSE?Refined woman wishes four or six . ? lldren to take out afternoons, Address G 84S, Tribune irnsi'l young: Protestant; exceptional references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau. NURSE, voung; two children: excellent references. Mis?" Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 jth ave. NURSE, two children, country preferred; ?xcellent. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 36f, Fifth ave. NURSERY GOVERNESS (refined North German); from four years; exceptionally competent; highly recommended; $7". Mason's Agency, IS W. 43d St. NURSERY' GOVERNESS (German) ? French speaking; highly recom? ? de : Lang ,*;? Boecherer Co., 43 West 33d st. NURSERY c.OVERNESS. young; fi'-ent French; music. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? rea ii. : 66 fit h av.*. Waitresses PARLORMAID or waitress, very neat, thoroughly experienced except inallj well recommended; $'70. .Masa , Ag a y, IS W. 4: d St. WAITRESS - parlormaid; young capabl Irish woman; excellent long references C, Miss Hofmaver's Agency, !" East '3, st., 3d floor. Tel. 8947 Murray Hill. WAITRESS-CHAMBERMAID, young, neat. nice appearance; three years' excellent references; apartment preferred. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 18 V>". 43d St. WAITRESS, capable, god appearing; $65; city or country good references. Shea's Agency, '7 B. list. Murray Hill >?774 WAITRESS, young, thoroughly capable excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald' Run au, 366 Fifth ave, MisceHanefiu? COLORED GIRL; half time mornings or bachelor's apartment; no Sun.lays, m laundry. Spencer, 204 W. 141st. st, base? ment. Audubon -'7.10, GIRL, colored, neat, as chambermaid; sleep home, Audubon 2030. Apt. 2'1. KITCHENMAID, bra:!:', young, Irish; newly arrived; $45; city preferred. Shea's Agency, 6 17. 41st. Murray HU? ??774. AMTS MAI l\ exceptional capable col? ored girl; fine dressmaker, hairdresser mywhen : five years la '. place, Miss ?:? i'a Agency, 6 E, 41st. Murray ii 11 : 7 V !. LADY'S MAID -Young Austrian; v. liiiTg and capable; good seamstress, packer, etc. Y.. Maas Hofmayer's Agency I o East 43d st., 3d floor. Phone Murray Hill SP47. LADY'S MAID Young; Irish Protestant; excellent references. Winthrop Em? ployment Bureau, 47 W. I.',I sa. Ro 651. Telephone Murray Hill 6431. LADY'S MAID (French), flrst class, th r oughly experienced; exceptionally well recommended; $65. Mason's Agency, 1? W. 4::d st. LADIES' MAID- Competent ; German; uood seamstress; best references. Dang & rtoecherer Co., 4 I West 13d St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BUTLER-CHAUFFEUR or , ,o ii"at. capable, conscientious, ;.< orod man: excellent references Agency, IS W. 4 3d St. BUTLER, capable Englishman; $100; clt into . l'Xci lient r. fi renes. Mi>=s sa a'a Agency, ii E. '4!st. tMurray Hill 6774. BUTLER?Useful ; highly recommended : splendid references; city, country. Miss Shaughnessy's Agency, 860 Sixth ave. BUTLER- v V LET - Fxpi i lenco; excellent references; oitv. country. Shaughnessy's Agency, *<i',o sixth ave. CHAUFFEUR, color,.,!, expert mechan! high powered cars, wishes good p sition private family; In present position 3 years; highest references. Gayle, 204 West 143d St. CHAUFFEUR- Experienced Pierce -Arrow. Locomobile, Packard, Cadillac; exceptional mechanic, competent, reliable, careful; Im? mediate engagement. A. Busauich, 4:>l 9th ave CHAUFFEUR, butler, useful, all-around; well recommentled; coloree! man; any? where; $90. Miss Shea's Agency, ?7 17. 41st. Murray Hill C774. CHAUFFEUR (colored), single, mechanic, wishes private position; references. Hen? derson. 4 1 I NY. 52d st. CHAUFFEUR, married, wishes position; commercial, private. Louis Scham. 105 l loi : ck St. COMPANION TO BOY -Divinity student would act as companion to normal or mentally and physkally subnormal boy; experience?! boys' worker who understands bays; state proposition. D 17-:. Tribuna COOK, general, very neat, nice, efficient; young Filliplno; most excellent refer viu-i'H. city, $100. Mason's Agency, IS W. 47!d C? H'PLE. colored; butler, us, ful . exc dli cook; entire work; $150; fine referem , Ml -has Agency, ? EJ. 4 let Murray 11111 677 l H? M SE.MAN Strong, clean man; good references I... Miss Hofmayer's Agencj 10 E. 43d, 3d floor. Murray Hill 8947 HOUHBMAN, capable Swiss; go anywhere; $65; fine referencia Miss Shea's Agencj 6 )?:. list. Murray Hill ?s774. HOUSEMAN, competent; willing young Swiss; well recommended. Lang ,?; Boecherer Co., 43 W 33d st. JAPANESE domestic help by professional workers. 106 W??t 4btU Jt.; ???-v..nt 7,|". ? 691. VALET, En g ?lib.; six ? ? rem u. Address II 7,lth st. YOUNG MAN wishes position In prtvat, family; general housework. Write Box 20, 1464 Third a v. Commercial I ? ACCOUNTANT ? Office manager ?xperl eii.el In publishing business, available , now. G 8 19, Tribune. BUILDERS, ENGINEERS Sales repro lentallvo desire* change; big worker Cavendish, *'??' \\ ,? a ! . . ? ? city COST ACCOUNTAN'I YOUNG MAN DR. SIRES CONNECTION WITH AN AC f'l 'I N Ii M. I'BPA It I'MENT SALARY ' 7 . A.I,h ess 1 > i ill, Ti il. in.-. DRAFTSMAN Neat, rapid worker. Ion,.; varied experience, good technical educa lion. ?1 !?r.>. Tribune DRAFTSMAN. mechanical engineer; 17 yours' va iled. nil around 4*xporlnnoe. ?? 14?. i'llbuu?. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Commercial EXECUTIVE, experienced In office manage lng" or" notarial work. " Will consider sec? ondary position; Christian, ageu -'j. mar? ried. G. San, Tribune. _ MANAGER, first-class restaurant or con? fectionery store; thorouhgly understanos the business: 20 year's experience, good ap? pearance; responsible; Christian. G9S8, Tribune. MAN wishes position at anything. George Ruehr, 102 Roes sa. Brooklyn. SOUTH AMERICAN, sp aking Spanish. French, English, desires position with big concern as correspondent; technical or other Job ro begin; best, r? feren :es. G 99? Tr i buxi ?._ TEACHER IN LATIN. ITALIAN. GER MAN. G 986 TRIBl NE. YOUNG MAN. 22. desires official i Easily adaptable, winning ; ? rsonal t> ex ceptlonal conversationalist, substan references. G 983, Ti Ibun? EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial He!p?Fer?ale and Male ROSE E. CLARK AGENCY EMPLOYMENT EN PERT CORTLANDT 4249. 5 BEEKMAN ST Stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, of? fice assistants, switchboard operators, mala female, beginners? or experienced; promptly plact-l. Call all week, DOYLE AGENCY. 15 East 49th at Madison Ave., 154 Na-??? St., Tribune Building, <>" 215 Montague St . Brooklyn?Stenographers, typists, book? keepers, clerks, comptometers and swlt h board operators; good positions for begin? ners an?; experience '.. OFFICE positions for men and women. Equitable Industrial Relations Service, Inc., 158.160 XV. 45th st . at Times Square. Domestic Help M. J. DUFFY'S SELECT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU *, WEST 47TH ST.. COR. 6TH AV. An office of distinction Professional housekeepers, governe-we? nurse?, chefs, chauffeurs, butlers i nd all high-claw servants. Ail re?oH.ncfcs stlct iy investigated. TEL. BRYANT S992-8695._ ~MJ.SS A. A. HOFMAYER Employment Agency, 10 EAST 43D ST., iD PL? lOR. Reliable Domestic Help also PROFESSIONAL HELPERS. Telephones H\\ Murray Hill TRI ANCLE ?EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1NDER THE MANAGEMENT OF SUSIE RICE. 1194 Lexington av., near 81st s ? est le h ! i . co )k bermaids, /wait ress? houseworkers, cham-i jses, nurses. MISS ISABEL SHEA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ?3 E 41ST BET .MAP. & 5TH AVES. aX... ? help, male and fen tie, Cor city and country. _ ,_,T r TELEPHONE ?774 MURRAY HILL. SAMPSON'S Swedish Agency Select, help ?. female) for private ' 781 Lexingl on ave. Plaza ?'"'?7. Winthrop Employment Agency 47 Went 42d St. Tel. -Murray Hill ?431 y.yj GRACE G. FYNES, Proprietor, Off-rs 'unusual personal service !*> ? upp'jing best domestic help obtainable \ |il,(7ri"l,X Employment Agency, 679 . \ I > DW I I .X ,., ?, ;(... Cir le 4770. Edith Abbott, hotel and domestic help v..sni Fujiwara, Japanese help. T. J. Hillis, : ictory and warehouse. MISS WETTLER ^?,pSSSi!?: ployjnent Agency, specializes a govern? esses, nurses, personal mai Is, high class lomestic help. IS West 43d st., 7, floor. LANG & BOECHERER CO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 43 XV. 33d St. Established 1890. First-class help of all nationalities. LAZARE' EMPLI IYMENT A ?ENCY, .. 10 EAST 721 ? ST. TELEPHl 'NE RH1 NELAN1 >ER 104 I is at your sen ice with th? ? I oks and other domestic help available. MISS FITZGERALD'3 Employment Bureau, .... i Governess and Nurses Agency, 366 5th Ai", near *4th. Tel. r'7'4l Greeley. Superior professional and domestic help. -m-. J he Select Employment. Agency Bureau Erai Efficient Servants. All Na ionalities. J (*6fll .1 M. RO? iNEL, ?41 6th Ave. Greeley ?4599 TORKVI1.LE Employment Ace-. -Cham befmalds, waitresses, housewo-kers, ! cooks; best wages pal i. from >7 '? to ?8C no fee charged. liman, 204 East Coth et ; ?? lephone Pia :t> 9107. U I1 \\'l'\l; Domestic Employment jr\L i\.\ i .. i , Agen :*. ? .- ?e In of all nationalities supplied. 187 Lexing? ton Ave. 9358 Madison Square. I Jussila Employment Agency ?553 Lexington ?ve Finnish and Swedish Ser v ants. PLAZA 2543 Excelsior Bmploymenl Ae-ency, Miss M .1 Mi*Loiighlin. Prop Remove,] to 620 Ler.lng ton ave., betwe? n 53d and 54th sts. First class dornest! ? help, male an '. female. UNI VERSAL f?}$ v.V:.'.'- . '.UV supplies domestic help. Persoi given all orders Eitzroy 1145-1146. MRS. MASON'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1 <* WEST - D Vanderbill 90! I. * up? rior 1 iom? stic H" ? HORNING'S Employment Aa mends help for ail capacit',-*, aid couples. Prop. I a hrens, 944 . ?. ? .. .ear 57th ft. Mrs. Dickinson's %????"B*?? A<reney. 61 West 4vth?t. ,?" ..... Servant* tMale and Fen.ale). 6;)74 Bryant. Bl AKF EmPlo>'n,eni Agency specializes ? in conks, ? ; ,.:: .... ... | ;, WR<t .resses; positions guaranteed 7.7.. Lsioadway. C( H ON ! \I A:; : ' ' ren """' ' ' '"' 1 - N ' ' x * ' XV. 4.1 ' St. Vanderbllt ?i'a??;. Commercial, domestic help, T A p A V 1." x I." 'Va i can Employment .'*^ l A N ' ' ' Agency, 159 H est 46tb a*. Br* anl 5079 - et don . LARSON'S A^"cy. ?o E. i: House nn' kers, cooks, couples. T? lephon? Harlem i2i I A I' A \ I- S ? IIKl ?*'. skilled, guara? -' * v teed S04 idh ave , b?. tvtecn 46-46th. Bryant 7 31 BRENN AN'S Employment ?L-rency. , ' N ? x N * 4? East 60lTi si Branches; Greenwich, Stamford. Conn. T,. ... * v J ? M< 1ST RELIA RLE 106 West 46th. Tel Brj am . * . s lanancse rn"""."i;"" Agency, m?*\ ? ? .omentlc help fur nishe.l. 26 W 4?d >i Tel Vanderbllt 30?? COLORED high grn.i ? ounti > . ?.. . Agency, Audubon 2S51 M 1*4*4 SHAUGHNESST, hieb cl?*? on-ploy mont arency, ?i??.' *lh ?v., ni?I?, Comal?' ? lty, couutri TYTEWRITER8 i?PEftSijlEf? Niiii.tfUltilo 3 Mvv ib, Visible?, i M.. .. >.I.? U up. PA CTO Kj Id III il I TYPEWRITERS Trudcmarkcd and guarunleed foi on American Writing Machine Co S4 - SO* l*r.i?,lM?v K? Uli ..l7 ! ! | le,el tc In? ;m,i si otm MuriUon Are ) rvank.ll? THE TVT'KWHIi'l.R i:\4ll\MiK. 10 Barclay SI Tel 473*1 Uarolay. Offlcr? boy??the better kind??eourecl through Tho Tribune? Help Wanted coin-mix Phono Unekinaa 3000.?Advt, BUSINESS CARDS Carpeta and Rugs STILLINGS. INC.. 624 MADI80V ,* . ara st . ofTer Bne caroiu AV? ? ist mak? s, il t- ,.: ?{ yai i ip 6.000 yai '-'7 ,,?- W, ;. all sizes, a. a. $... $2?, $-.-> up. 500 small rugs l-i V-"^ Oriental Chinese ruts ;,; VKINc StJ? CLEANING LAYING. DYEINGTm ..Ml. REWEAV1NG, RELIAKLE Vv'?? ABLE, UEAUTIFCL. PL.\;' -, '.. PRIVATE owner, sacrifices PersiaiT"" large and small, good condition ?? r-f' ."."'' -. 110 E. a. ?f*?** OP.?FNTAL RUGS . ?T~h^l7. for highest prices: expert ap^awS. prompt attention. Lasmajiana :o w irl Bryant 5101. w ???. Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. BORG BUYS ?ilmonda old ?.. ,, ,?"ver- Platinum ., tiques and r-awn tickets 14? w. ?jdu* DIAMONDS bought and ^ZPToTT" Dogs, Birds, Poultry, Etc. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Fet? H, CLAY GLOVER CO., INC ' 11? WEST aiST ST.. NEW Y'JR? FOR SAL? a five : ,na. ' ' ah ?. -., . A. K. C. registered; wolf era? 44' and obedient; $7,'.. p., Lock Box ? Ithaca, N. Y Furniture ACT Q ' rhest prices paid f<*r... ire, rut-s. statuary, etc. Win ?a? ? ' ??' a-- a bus av? ill ? ? a : .a. WE PAT rdgne-st prices for fur*?,,,. pl?no?. antique* bric-a-brac, book? .-? etc. OABAT. SX University Pi. V? vesnnf 2 7:7 7 ' (V ANTED?HI gh-class beme rurnial-lnt. Oriental rugs Btatuary. etc., at on-. Hull, 242 Fifth av. Tel. Madison Sq. *?. POSITIVELT pay nlghest casn for wv ture, ruga, pian-os. etc, .MAi'RICE l'l University id. Phone Stuyveaant 656;. '. Men's Clothing A WHOLESALER ",?!?dn2V'' high grade hand tailored all wool Met'! Suits ana Ovei ,*., .aas*. r \ |e, at tilt! and $32 50 US 50), Sho*rw A. & B. . lothes Shi p, 7,. West 3!d , opposite Hotel il Alpin NOTB:-Our Hi? !?-. just opened at 1677 Broadmv with a tine line of all wool, 2 pain users with suits, at JjJ.OO. Sav? iL price ,,f a ?ult. GOTTLIEB BUYS!"menKV1!th?? I ays h 1 g h mi pricfs. U.-od pos:al IS*) Ludluw ?t ' Patents and Inventions PATENTS Ovei 79 v.arV practice; all commtinl. cation tial; handbook 1 n ' atent -? fi*ee on ?? >; . si. epe-ui facilities for c7nc*j consultations. MUNN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS, 607 WooHvorth Buildlnr, New Tort INVENTIONS developed, working draw, a gs elei tri? ? I anlcal rtefifr.i pn pare 1 foi pi . I -, - - experiment? ing, at moderate rates. Manufacture-* '???? ring Co. II -. iy New York Clt: Phone Chi -1 PATENTS AND TRAT'F7-MARK9 KEATHERST? ''7a M GH & ai. The old establish? 217 ?roadway, New l'ork; also Wash ngton and C?nida. Home and f.a ? |gn practice. MACHINE SHOP wants cip?r?*n?*mal tnif light lathe work; rea **ab:<>. W?pt Hhi Tool Co., ."m West 118tl -.:. (near 8th?t?), Pianos and Musical Instruments STETNWAY PIAN',;.?.. RABY. PARLO? Grands and Cprlghts. Mason Hamlix Baby Grand and t'pCi;: r Grands. Updlhtl Player Pianos for Sab and Rent. Etc* S- Kimberlin, 177 East 34th; 374 Coiuuibol Ave. (78th). ? ?.?_^1 FIRST CLASS d Ing talking rca chine, with :? years guarantee, $25, whlld they lasl IM I'| >'7TK! ? GERM '7 r: T7 Szilagyi &. 1 I ? ...*.:-:! Sewinjt Machine? SEWING M A ' * : n X K S $3 up: i*\. laranteed; rep*If Ing very reason igyl, 1SSI F'f* ave. (82<3 , 1 SEWING MACHIN 1 kes, 1 110 up. Mr Fa: ?34 2! J ' Eighth Av. To; s - '".'.T.? ? ', ?? i . a. fe PI , ? ' 7 E. 7::?: ?? Trunk*? PALE?TRI NK8- SALB S*<*?r- - ..(.'- :*fk" " AT SF?:<' VLL"5 I PRICES Evei v w ? ? is . a*-anteed. a-'\ EN ERG 1602 THIRD A VE C?rner ??'-? ? ? BA?i' IAIN1 ' - - - wl "-?:'ar^ bags llflts. TB0?H ..*:?:. St.) n . ' 1 to invest '< ??'?"... . - - - : . a a '4_4? 7. ..,.???- ?' ipPORTVNIT? ? * :'; M, - " ' 4? '?' .- "'v . I . ?' N- ' * ____?-< ARTMENT STORE. IPST BE* ? J ' - a .iOB .?-I for M ^__^? PARTNER VN ^ ' '- '* A^- ' 'a?. STOCK and Bond Sa I ' ' ' nmissli ', - - - FOR SALE ROAST YOUR OWN P^ -,V"-: ? ? Id. ted, hai - - la'-' V'.* ,-i ROYAI EATS CO., PETER^f^ ? . - LARGE handsom. da. "' -\ ... ^ ? ; , lined with >. ,""1" J ? . < 10 ., - ? ? lit. ?5 a a!, st . Apt. ADVA?TA MASON A MAMLIN ebony cgJ^U^ grand plan', almost new, ^^^ ' ' u- r-thS' .-T^w?? CASH \\ ANTED for stoc* <,9f,nTrJp?S?' tools; raal batsalna. <* '"? <ag