** ?. *>
But English Is
Poor in "Isolde"
jjnlt., Matzenauer Gives
Lavish Brauty ami Opu?
lent Loveliness t>! \ oiee
to Great Wagner Opera
Jrfhr^tra loo Sonorous
?nsrnase I ?ed Clear Onl>
at Detached Moments;
Faulty Honk to Blame
Bv H E. Kre
Il ; a
' '
: I
? ' I
-; tee:
irtt rig!!
h ,-..??* B'ld \
teekt, it "
.77 W ?- '
?a a 7. X
i ?
"t venere .
? .
frea'a r
li .7. V,
? a
the Mi*l -
? ' '
:. a n '
? : .
. .
* ? ? t o t h
? .
.? wei
it ti
? .. ? ; _ ?
r than
' -
. '
repeated here;
. : : -
-:: 77:^ " ' ????.,
a '
ily to i ? ? r for an
-..?.a. ?
i at cm ' X
* ? .
.. ;?;? ? -
? ~ F a ? n is an
3B0WH *
\'.;a ? .. rstood
fe ihou?d :
I c
.*. :'.: -, f.vo :
... X' ??
a.iV a '
? ?. -
ri a aim
- -
t ???=' i
F; ulty
. even
- ? ?
i ar - i' a '.]>??
?.,;<? t?
L -' '???h ' ' ' '
? >, ' '..?''. '< II
.Jl*Ht?/.*''' ? ." - .in
I' ***** )./,<; an overwheliwinK
Croivd Interrupts Opera
To Acclaim Baklanoff
Applause That Greets Return to Chicago Stage of
Russian Barytone, Criticized for Affair With
Woman, Dmwn.sfPul Orchestra
'->a I, N'ov < I :
...-. ;rs -, ? ,
Geoi ff their
that mora ? i : to
.a ' In I s first a ? a nc
the Ri
velcomed b\ ich a] -
a? .? ? music of the oj ra, La
for se\ *
it, Won . ? . . a
of thi i, and the
'.?': V .
. ? iff air v. !th 4 a I :
the cent attack made on
? : -? a ? ? :
i .a rough!
the , ?::-'' t*als Court
. ? i
???'.'. 11 ?> later
rom ! G. Hotel, where
.a.-?...:?! a ?
p i ri ted ver?
a chief
with T ' : a and Jos
p, c.'iHed I -S '
it t
. . ?; ?an barytone made 1
'-...-? a : staue 1 ' ?' an in*
tant outl rst of hand ipping which
lasl '? for ; wo minuti -, Baklanoff
lined ?a-* attitude and pave* no
le . m? nt of th-e applaud-.
When the handclapping subsided
somewhat the music struck up and the
continued. At the end of the
t the handclapping was resumed
and Raisa, Baklanoff and Hislop were
r il <??'. again and again. There were
pers in the audience of "Why
i e n't he come out alone?" The audi?
t-ace plainly showed that it was the
barytone to whom it wished to give an
This greeting was the reply of the
ice t-. Dr, Willett, who had said
on, "It's up to the public to deal
a ? . the man."
aas desk at the headquarters
the Cl icago Church Federation Dr.
\\ ?lb t1 aaal that he felt thai he I ad
his duty by the city in calling
?'attention to the fact that Bakla
fl'airs morally incapacitated the
barytone as an entertainer.
," he said, "my latter to the
( ra c impany is as far as I care to go
attempting to bar Baklanoff from
. public. Public centiment is
? a ithing which alone can drive Mr
Bak anoff from the staee in this city."
X . ? in tl of
"'. ? ?. ; '.
' ' :
, than ani
?. .
? . .
nts t was onlj ac i :
? \ ca. s mg.
?'" si ; n is not coi
' : "?::?.? ; a
' '
idness or i is
? ? ' the)
i ' ? -, c a solo vio
' ' a
twain to lord of a
Are ' Iramatic cli
'- a .
: . en In
led 1 .. ? ? :
? . ranee i
. '? .
of h . or two ?
' ? .'? this in
?:.... .
f I It Wi
' ? ; i
. a-,
Ke\ els in Opulent Voice
? ?-.?
. ' ' :
' .< ' ' ' .
.. ?,..:.
too ?
..-?.' rcv
ei uf liei
tone .
she pou : . ?
r por a te i! ...
:..-'. .. :.pal ' ...
.-. ; ' ; . . . i . .
.. a . ' ? . . ' -t? ?.
.'?:;. :
?I* '
? ?
a ' :
? . red! A
? ' -
' '
"? li? a
. . ' ' ' ' - ? ? ? ;'
a : -
'.' this
- .
? ? ? opera
? ' ? '
f "Tri -tai
?Cava!?rria Rusticana'
And 'Paeliacci' Presented
Operas Sung tor liis* First Time
This Srason at the
Melro H'iif.-m
r i
? I ) "?? ?
i .
aa a ra
? ?
; ? a
? .?
... ' ! ' ?
i ?pi ri t 1
Duei de Kerekjarto, in Seron?!
!{?*< if.il Her**, Repeat? Succens
- ;. to, a ? rlinic.l
... i , - . . ? ? , no ? ?
? ' ' ?'
... < ,
" ? '
, a . ? . .? ..-, ? ? I
.... ?
; ,Lf> ??ain 'in played a pur? ton
and a fin? Q?o ot t.< chfii'i'j?.
Cyril Scott Gives
Kecital of His Own
Compositions Here !
Eva Gauthier Adds Charm to!
English Writer's Vocal i
Works While He Plays!
Selections for the Piano!
With .Miss Eva Gauthier as inter-;
- ' ? of his sonjrs, the English com
I ? '?'? ' ,t?1 Scott, gave a recital of
his works for piano and voice yester
? '? a a at Aeolian Hall. At the
of 1 e aft irnoon Miss Gauth
ild tiit! audience that she was
'? aaa fr a. t? nsilitis and asked in- i
for her singing. But no
'.?-.'. eded, so sk d
? ? : er ailment an i only grat i
. ? could bi fe ' for t art and
ity of her perf n-ma ce.
a 'ful person in 11
uld have e com
mse! -j. for wh ile his songs
? ? a re interesting, more endurable
'? I piano j.es, it would be i
cult t thc-:r successful ]
?:. by a 1? ss accomplished singer,
: i - ib-e ex :ept on ? the
"1 ? aby " which I ... b : i
? ' a ongs, '?'] he I
,'' "Rain, a . .' .:
? . ? "'". ? of \i idy,"
? * ?.-. as ?
-a ' ' Mr. a'-' tl failed utt? rly
in realizing the i agnii ?cent ?
nitie com a i the test of "The
of D : . second group ?;.
led "L .' \ a h a d? ... tfu
a*. It also included "An
? h ; vvl ?'?? con(
: "',' . Lit tie Bells
,va ' ' a.":: lUS
: en' - ci a. p. As a .umber j
1 ? ? ier an "1 ? Fan- !
:e i : 0( ,i" ? :ello, t ? '
a. ? , by y. v. Mi
er, n main :.:??- : tl ??
of thi artist . room
? a e occupied l?ge. 1 he
? '.va- far from
t'hc j ijrgested
re bui
i7;ri ' ? . . ne? a den French
men. The
might have been call I and
Of cour se, the vai. I
.?????? n - ? I ?
? ? ? ? ' recreate th? ? ? eri
' L'Api ai- aunx " M r,
"i ... ,- w rrout" suggesi d
? ? ? : - of Deb issy's g
, ? * ? ? ? *.. ? notai e e: ptions to
- ?... .-. . , r - ; .. ,. ?-: . ,?:?,. ract, ?- ,.: ? : ..
? ? , "Lotus Land," ?a
n which t ? ? . a
? il ?' r, and the
ng "Dai S'egr " eff p?a; ? ;
? r.
; ' i his 1 i on mod
Mr. Sc ' : main iii a it genius
' a : ) ? ciated by itself
, ; . . : .....
pian a .,"""? :.. e to the au lienci
Albert Spahling Heard
In A iolin Program
?Numbers From Corcili, Bach
and Eneseo Given in <.ar
negie l?ul? Recital
\ b? rl _? gave a vi lin recital
,. - aftern ion i n Cam? trie Hall
... : it larger nurn
relli and 1
vlr. Sp?h ? , ? . lying is ma?
il t e r r* r e t : are w
' . t :. " t u d ? ?
ciai rity. He has
: an adn ' ti caraca: ac
:. .7 ' : . on the whole, playing
... bring < ut v? ry I
; ? <uch a I
. . ? ? te "Carmen Fan ta y," w . ch n as
ye terd iy, it falls short
. :" ' '? ?? afternoon was
, ... ,*em e n ts < '" the
i i nata unacci m pan ied.
' ;.; ? :hnical grasp, and
I applause. He brought
,? n ? |ua I y erious endeavor to t
2 of Eneseo which fallow.' I,
and ucceo . ' rather dif
? ' ? d e rab 1 e ski 11.
A Ire Bern t p?a; : u; ual ad
" ' ipanimen
Margaret French Engageil
To Wiiliam Venn Cresson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Clu ter ]
.... .. , ngagi '7
ter, Margaret, to Will
i - on, of I'h adelp i and
Mr, and M rs. I : nch,
? ? I and Mr. Cres ii)
ti i [*ai : next Tui
. rn in Italy aaa ol lei
? ?, i Ei nch i ? one of
l widely ? ilptors.
Mi morial, to be ui
a tin : a ", is re
? importa I ???? ? : : ?
h i>i on is a tin of Dr. and Mrs,
; : . T ? ': i on, of PI
? ?? A a rican diplomatic
foi '".a years, holding im?
portant p i in thi Em ha: ies in
Ion and Pi ti 'a rad. lie i ? ' i ?? i
th ploi ????!. ce when t he
l.'nitf-d . tat us enti r? d thu war and
m i n? ?! a capln in in ai r
Lu tel I ' a-rviil as chief of
-, ... | ? M il it ??' A ion at the
? ? ? ? i ;.; Headr*uti tel
mad m ii i hi va r
Leopold, an.) dei i
? : Guerre,
i nch ?evements In the
diplomatic and military service, Mr.
Cr? -ii ia th) author of many book?
o? liiatory anc?-travel.
Record Crowd
Attends Close
Of Horse Show
Champion Classes Judged
Before ?ft o'Cloek and Polo
Ponies Occupy King for
Remainder of Evening
One Winner Beats Son
Surprise of the Day Comes
During Award of Prizes
in Class 171 of Hunters
By Harriette Underhili
If only we might say thai "all roads
led to Madison Square Garden y? ;ter
day" or that "I ? horse sh iv cl
a blaze of glory" or that "so? ioty t n !
out, en masse' and have any! bi
lieve us! But it i like th? y who
cried "Wolf, :?? .'".' oftei li ?w
ever, it hap] i be true tit:
Society ten i and the
show did ? X ry.
The show was a big succ?
7 in years ?and it was the ; : 7
time in many si asons that a Im
tickets onh inding n
i a
for the holders.
Polo Ponies Capture Ring
Tv p cham pi ?n classes w? re
before th? and
ol the : me n fter 8 o'cl? ck the ring
was occu] . ? the p X. pon c *.
The first champion r bbon of the ??ay
went 7 ? th ? liminutive brown si n
Irvington Autocrat, from Ca
'. .- trat is 1 X [ham Prime Mini I
Maid of Irvingt? n. lie d
own son, Ari: ; ocrat, which I
reserve ribbon.
Ribbon Winners Called Out
Class 128 was for ponies . a -' : ?'
called out the blue and i I
n< rs in all tl 'or ?
i i.2 hand . .UP. Garv;
ton Flan e, a gelding, 13.3
hnnds high, first cl
:: :?-, a mal nut m : .
a strong wii n her cl
,,., .. .??;,. ? . :
Tho ! ? ;hip for poi ' tinder
saddle was won by Little Co
Pol h's NX ver B? unce. Mi Poi
died I ? Tho beautiful,
I ; rode ( 'ho ?' -
nut Bio i for Mrs. IX P. 11 rv
the re ;erve ribbon The
pion cup was pri ;onted by ?
Anim .' in, that n ?ecnt mare,
y Lou Loi ' ? .
invin? il le in I ? ? p
:. hn ? e all the
ciefe ited Isab? 11a Wai imak? r' c! ?'
n ' mare, Eva, w! ? t? k 1 ' ? ei e
In t e class for horse ovei ' !,
champii n ? bon was won I j T e
"? ' X
Bu ? ? n< 11. Mj Co- "
nd she ] ' : I ' ?
mare, horsel F ; ? ? te fol?
lowed up h . : s of the '
saddle, ' ?? a - thor i
horses ovi r 1-1.2 and i exceed
' ! 1 " Walter Hanloy r le
Iriftv . ? I t: .? ? ?
was not a ? 7 . ? ? _??. it w;
mare n met on Friday for
.lu?n Proves Superiority
In the ? ' ? i for 1 ? ? ? ex
ce -a .' rcds n, wl
; '
[>ion ribbon f r X rberl L ? u ; . de
Actress with bar
'??.<. ner, ' i tl
1 .'?' ?!' ,; tho a ft ""'
? , i. :. ? en out
! ,17-1 ' ' a ;
it aja.a ght out
(lore the firsi iprise
day. i classes I I gi
? a : ? ! ? in to,
? . ? a, , . ' ic Clot er's 1
ited Becky 1
a ' ' '
.;.;.'. ,a , .
? , ? : nnl by the
['laza Hol for i i I i
.... .-.,..
trine. Tl ' brov
.'?'.'" 7
from I
and '
- i . I ver Crest law.
iinal!; I them
M I ? nd M 1 '.;tt, who
v. ? re rid a thi fasto
' ' ?
resei Outlaw.
Ilorsp Show Summaries
G a i ' ' ' .
: ?
.... Tipa I, i . ? "
? . . ? futur i: i
'-.'.? :
? ..
: ? ..? Miss ,
? ' a '., '
' "
- ? n fl p o r.
-. ? '
; a < ' . ? ?.',..
.. ? ? it ? ' ;???;??.
. in?] ma I
i lluy aiiJ i
; .
.????;? i of I I a ? ' a '
tun K
li. M
"? : . i ? 11?all
' ?
I :?
. First, II
i ? .
I'. Curvan : *MK*->n?l . ? .
' ? her, b
? . ? ?
a - : -.. ' \ '-;:..
b a
. a : . i.
. ?
'' ' ? :
li ?. I r.
ta;' i a. m., ownei :
i n.
Class 1 ' . hands, avor
...-.' ;? ' . ?
....'? a - '..
V. H.
I |
I ('
Class 1 ? . ' a , hi
I. '
i -, , .
. a a > .
' ' .... i
I) . ,..,...
I. Oui
Advance Sale for Church
Concert K^resatcs $10,000
T? n Ihm been ob
t ni nod by t
' to I riven at
for die ben? I
out of tl
i of thi ?a. ? ' ici a . ni, ;t:
eventy-fouri Lroil , rding to an
cnnoui cemi i I : no? in ?? n ht.
i Jun Kubi . ? und tho Nuttonal Sym
phony Orchestra, led by Bodansky, aro
Charles of London Sale
Ends; Total $511,852 j
Elizabethan Room Brings$6,700
and Four Landscapes by II. R. ,
Norland $6,400
bel mging to ;
Charles n closed yesterday
i ' ?"' at ? Ameri ?? n Art Gal
: ?ion am ml rig
king a ;-?? ind t- tal f r
?'::.-' j.
x- '' paneled room of the
I to E. H.
ighest price
n. 0. Lind ight
? . ind ? ?
H< 7 ry l: Mc rlar : for $6,100. Other
j' of tl ?:. w? r? :
! . . ?.-.;? rv sultp
to P, '>'?".
? !;???'?!?? Ine
a r.th ' 7
? " ' . entury; to P. AV,
?'???. 5.1.4
in api Ln u Is XV
I i tor !
? a faul lila,
" ; ri . ; ? P. '.', Fri m h .*:? C i.
. ? walnut
; ? :, agent, for
? . chairs,
pel to Mrs. H. G.
. a .
Inut ? hairs.
Mi .- :. ii win foi
r, En gl i sh
nth centui , to T. WUlla ma f. r
tvnrl fauti uil ; to V.r. Feffer
ei rn for
- : wal nul ?ta ' a chairs;
to 1'. W. Fi h & C for J
i cat I and 1. ... a rrors,
l | : a ' for $1,050,
t a te chaira,
: XIII pui :, G, J, Fui rtl : :
Halo* ?
a ?
: :
? ichalrs, Louis XVI
: . ?? - $1.200.
ilnu! chairs; *. : ? tto
? ?' i. '?
? ma -a Frf nch early
. a to r. W. Fren h &
ihogany ??? fa; to A. J,
. .hogany sai".; to A. J.
Bishop Art Brings $23,643 I
Sales of furniture, rug1? and art ob-1
removed from the resilience of
.'?' : Bis] , at the Anderson
yesterd - ; ft ernoon amount- j
17.(50 the tv sessions
of ? -ale tl ol . 'ai':.'' 13,
A lai ' ! *? ian rug, Khorassan,
enth cent u ry, vva 1 ought by :
? oi th? al ternoon. :
ii - . ..< were :
? Verte i rcelaln vas a Iva ng ]' :
: '
I I 7
E' to V t for S
... de chairs
Misa II.
i ? - '
I. i'.i ii>r f.ir !
? ?'..?'? eomn
I; to M isa ii. C. t
? ? '
? ? ?? '?'? ? about
" ? : I
? ?
it* for $ 50.
.vit! :. i, Tao
Mra 7 7 Taylor for $155,
it. 1 -
nth ? t ry; to
? ?
Going On To-day
!> \"i
S'a tu ral : ' toi
:' ?. * . adm a *:
s a
. ? ? n " che Eco
: ? "
. .
? 10:45 a
: ?
, ! a : . ? ' i
I ; ' f St. John
-. ' The Act r
a .'...' :
E ' ?>. l
: Art,
? ? ' n of
? ' ; ? ?
- "Tre
.' fifth
? :
Th. a
? -
I ' Martin on
? ' . :: i
? ng Him
Manhattan Ti
a a. 1 Luxingti i
? - ? - Chai ri c r on
t ad to M Ind" ;
a chu I ' ' at Seventy
... n "A 1
a ?
le ?
? ?
? .'?.? : . Bronx. S
. . ;.- Vnspacher "ri ' I ici
on.--1 louso, ? a
;ir a . ri.lranatl Ta :
n of ?
IM l'A U I )< TI RES
Mrs William
. Il
? .
a i
I ?
. a .
-na ? ' w ' by
: Il
Reserve Ratio 44.1,
Highest Since July,
As U. S. Pays Loans
Holding? of Discounted and
Purchased Paper 121 -Mil?
lions Less: ?Sote Circula?
tion 21.6 Millions Smaller
From xhe Tribune's Washington J?ur?au
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.?Aggregate
reductions of about $124,000,000 in the \
holdings of discounted and purchased
paper and of $21,600,000 in Federal
Reserve note circulation are indicated
in the Federa! Reserve Board's weekly
bank statement, issued as at close of;
business yesterday.
Government operations during the \
week included the payment on Novem?
ber 15 of the semi-annual interest on
the second Liberty Loan bonds, the !
redemption of the outstanding balance ,
of the principal and interest coupons
of $93,500,000 of loan certificates issued
six months previously and the issuance
as of the same date of $232,000,00C of '
six-month loan certificates.
Pending collection of funds from de-:
!" sitary institutions, seven reserve ;
barks advanced to the government a
total of $64,000,000, against which they !
hold special Treasury* certificates. Net
deposits show a decline of about $42,- j
000,000, while the banks' cash reserves
show a nominal gain of $2,000.000. Asi
a consequence of the above chances, the
reserve ratio increased from 43.6 to
44.1 per cent, the large.-: percentage
since July 30 of the present year.
Liquidation of Other Paper
Continued liquidation is shown for
all classes of paper held by the banks,
paper secured by government war obli
ns, including treasury certificates,
showing a reduction of 22.1 millions,
ther discounted bills a reduction
of 89.3 mliiions and acceptances pur?
chased in open market a "reduction of
12.6 millions. On the other hand,
treasury certificate holdings, because
of the large amount of special certifi
' i taken from the government, show
an incn ase of Cl.S millions. T 7.4
eari a assets were 3,306.7 millions, or
? .: millions less than on the previous
? riday.
' I the total of about 1,1?S.0 millions
; Is secured by government war
' ?', 597.4 millions, or 51 5 per
cent, were secured by Liberty bonds;
- 1.6 millions, or 27.7 per cent, by Vic?
ies, and 2 10.S million a or 2i .8
' ? r cent, by trea i iry certil c il
' 51.7, 28.2 and 20.1 per cant of a
ip? ling total of about 1,IS! I
- reported the week be;".,re. ?
Discounted pap? r held by tl Bos
ton, Phila dpi . and C a . ? \ Re?
serve hanks is inclusive of
: aper discounted for I
ind sis oth ir Re
in '.' South and M d ?? W I c m
: ared v\ ith 200 2 mil ions ; ep rted at
the ;lose of the pr< vious week. Ac?
me? holdin s of the Boston ai :
lia banks are shown in< .
'' i ,'.,! millions of bank ace? I
pure sed from the New York bank,
red with 194 millions, shown the
Government deposits were 5.6 mil
I ss and m i mbe rs' reserva de?
posits about 20 million less than on
a- Friday, other depes
ci : lii :.- largi ly for? ign government
cred ?? an I n in-members' clearing ac?
counts, are shown ab<>ut 1.5 million
rgi r, while tl e "float" carried by the
II iservo banks and treated as a deduc
from immediately available de
?-? shows an iaarease of 16.9 mil
; ' ns. The combined result of thes?
changes n (he deposit block is s? en ;*:
a redui tioi of c ulated net di |
' ' ; '
lera I. ier\ e note circulation
. : ? ldeclineof21.6n
-, . the Res : ve banks, except thoi
Kan ?as i I y ai I San Franci - o, re
irculation figur? - i I an
the week ; Tore. Then* is al
ici. n of : .2 n' illions in 1
culal )n of Federal Reserve Bank notes.
Will Show American Art
Silo's Gallery to Display Modern!
Modern paintings by American
arl ? -'s will be \ la :ed on exhibition in
Fifth Avenue Art Gallery be
?: m ng to-morr ???, to c ntinueonview
thn ughoul Many of 1
can t*i ? ' '? ' ? Mai I n tan,
: ,? ? :.* y v . ? i into an
?" ? b : ?lding. Th? se include works
?? C. V. Turner, whose mural paint
a.Ti' one of 7he features of the
,:.. : ?? hotel; Robert Reid, Carleton
, ? : ; ? ? I i lot ?ai . J. G.
ara! 14 Hopkinson S
Tl ? Hi: : ion River Sc . rej re
. ? ? i . . | ? ?oi by the woi ks
, ; James M. Hart and Jervi ? M
? ? - ther Americans represented are
. P. Smith, F. M. Boggs, Sydney
Co per, A. T. H richer, W. ri'. Riel
and Arthur Far-.a . For gn p ters
? ? ;. ented n th? ? x I ition ar :
i ot, D Beu . 2 a. Daubigny, D. 'I .
[-] rou 'k and R? bbe. There
; . ? ip of ' a. a- c invas ses.
0f a these can n es will take place
on !? riday and Saturday, N' >v? n b< r 26
, eac! ssion beginning at 2:30
I o'cloc
ecleral Reserve Bank;
, ; ' ??? Nov- -? lit n of the twelve Federal Reserve
close of ? X ve ' ? ' I w&f as f Hows:
fund rX R. B ata; ?.
C Id a. a h for? ign ag? ncies.
: i eld by bai ks.
R e agents.,
X " mber 19. November 12.
7 16,0 10 X?a
?0 a F?.Ol I 409,075,0
74,301 a 77,244',000
$0-10.247.000 $656,133,000
$1,2 ,746,000 $1,777,689,000
157,117,000 174,850.000
i^?H?H>,^>,H>H>^>^>^>H>H>^>B**. S2,<^?^i^i^i^i^p068,678.000
T tal r
. : I
er .
X ? X i hand.
T '??'???! .- a menI ; i .
I S tal Victo i v notes.
U. S. c? i of indebtedness.
,'cr, etc.._
? ? *- ?f,:* obii
172,118,0 10
171.333. ??00
: .' i $2,1 50,011,000
$1.158.907,0 )0 $1,180 3' "
. II 167, ""? I.-- ;
275,227, ?0 ! 287,8? 1,000
$2,948.001,000 $3,072,6 1,1
$2 1,871 000 $26,8 i
69 000
331,154,000 269, 31 . .
Total earning assets...,
Bank prem .?.
and other d alucio ns from
F ive per cenl ; ? lerapt ion f in i agai nst Fed
oral R : Bank notes.
All other resources.
$3,306,695,000 $3,368 - 16,i
$17; 17,1 -I $16,577,000
* 804,424,000
? 130, '
6,7 ? ?
T? Lai re
r ,pitrtl paid in.
i i n to raei I Res. account..
? ? ferred avai ability it nis.,
Other dep., including for. gov. credits .
$98,929,01 0
164,745,0 ?
$9?.S 17,000
161 ,"45 000
1,8(M,86 t.000
6 I] 624,.)
Total gross deposits.
Fed. Res notes in actual circulation.
Federal R? ? ve Bank notes in circulatio?,
net liability.
All other I .
.x;.j 0 10 $2,447 041,000
3,307,435,000 3,323,985,000
213,881,00 i
i?. : 646,0 io
$6.326,800,000 $6,356,591,000
T-.i,'i! ' ....... .^>^M_
total reserves to net dep> I and Federal Reserve note liabili?
ties ' ; : ; cent, t 43.6 lier ?'"r:' the week before
'? ?' ? ? '? EO.'d reserves to Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation,
nftcr Betting aside Jo per cent against net deposit liabilities, 48.? per cent,
against 47.9 per cent th? week before.
Western Pacifie Buvs
D. & R.G. for 65.000.000
Deal Made for Cash; Purchasers
Assume Obligations of the
Rio Grande
DENVER, Nov. 20.? Representatives]
of the Western Pacific Raiiroad to-day
bought the properties of the Denver &
Rio Grar.de R ilroad at foreclosure sale
here. The price was 74 )0 cash.1
The purchasers also agreed to assume
$141,175,000 obligations of the Rio
G ra r. 1 c
The men who acted for the Western!
were John F. Bowie, g
counsel for the Western Pacific; John j
t?. Marsh and Ralph M. Arkush, all or ;
New York. The amount paid for the
load was the minimum set by the
United States District Court in its
order for the sale.
The foreclosure sale order was the
result of action brought by the Equit- I
able Trust Company of New York in
behalf of the bondhol Ii rs.
Court confirmation of the sale will
come upon December 18, that time be?
ing given to the minority -*, ;kholders
to appeal to the Supreme Court.
Prices Irregular
In Cotton Market;
Pressure in South
Advance on Covering Met
by Increased Offerings as
Exporters Try to Re?
sell Holding* in Georgia
Week-end nue u tion a the cotton
market were extremely lrr";'.' ir
Naturally enough, there was acta,
trig by recent sellers in order to cover j
short contracts for over Sunday and
to secure existing piofits.
Advances, however, met offerings .
from the South, and a late forenoon de- !
c'lne was accompanied by rumors thai
exporters were offering cotton for re?
sale in th- Georgia markets. January
contracts, -which had sold up from 15.65,
!.e early low levo!, to 16
[5 Cf. vvith th'1 r-e*;-*-'!1 market cl
-*.",:;,? net unci ng ]
lov ? r.
Southern spot markets, as ofl
reported, were 25 p< ints ' ' r to 50
? and the mi ' I ing qu? ' i
*ion at Dallas was mark'
1 1 00.
The lac:1 market for -r-.- cotl >n *.? ? s
and 10 ] ; ? ? ? ' ? 17.25 for
middling; no sales were reported
The ran
Oppti ' h ' 'a " '
Not ....
[ ,.. . -.?-.-:?: ? ? ? .'
Jan 7 . ;
Fob.... '
1585 16.10 ?' ?
7 ? 15.5s
(.. . 15.45 15.4
sont lii'iii Spol M irkol .. ?'.
a . ' ?
!.. I , a -. IS 1
ut 16.75 * ? ' 2.475 I bile i
. * a
Augusta atea
...--'... M
i l. a " . at ' -
: .la ? ? J 1
ball s. Little K. .-. . . ?
at 16.50c; IsO ' ? '
45 po tita : a-, er at 14.S ? nil Fort
W .rth let, 35 ? lnl a lower al
?a:-T, 6,000 bales.
Cottonseed (111
....... . . ; . . r . .
? nui I ?? eak, and at thi
were 25 to 42 poi s net I
,'. s actlv ??. " ?
barrels md the mat t 1 I I I I
of the break In ? : her i u
Bcpil and en I ith.
Th? range of prices i l
0["*n. High. Low. <"'
.. . 9.10 9
.... i 0.15 8.75 ?
Jan .1.25 :'. * "?
I'.-b . ?
' ? ' -
April . . . ;? : i 9.25 9.1 S : . I I
May _ 9.63 9.63
J uno ...-. . ? 9.75 9.70
Joseph Fields, Son of
The Aetor, Marries in Paris
,To<*epl I ' ?' Lew
Fields, the actor, ara! Herrietta Levy,
?' . a
a ? - re i * ' ? t night in Pari >,
according : i v. ord r ci ive I in NTi ,v 'i
1 ? i .- to the
? 1 Si ites after a trip to Mont?
Carlo and ?
Hermann Her..: I,
old, an actor, died Friday at Lei
Hosp tal. il
s. vera] montl . Th? f ir
held to-i y al 0:30 a. m. at i in ?
Funeral Chui h, u 1er
the Actors' Fund ?
Mr. Gerold was bi rn in \ stria. Fie
? i the United ~:' tes t\\ en
years ag i
son with the ?. rim . Sti . i
on the Bowery. le was last s
? "The Unwritten I
? r, with Louis Mann. He had
appi ared in motion ] i and al ?
i was a singer.
He was a member if the Players'
Club, Th" Lambs and the Actors' J
H. Rau, wid ;
dii : to-day at his home ]
nervou break wi 4 sixty*
year m b e i
Unite d S'a* s ex;
navigated tl I to
the transit of Venus,
ated in the first
picturing of Ye a i Park ai :
other points in the Rocky M m I :
SAN FRANCISC 0, 4 v. 20.* I ?
Michael , former Si' a i I
Confedera ? a of the
..... . ]
in the Bowman Hotel systi
t n :..'... 7 * : a |
1. " i rk, L? idon and Paris. Hi was
7" ?. ea rs o I !.
Rirlli. Engagement, MaTrriag
Dcatli and In Menioriam Notice
map be ' ' to The T?hirnt
en: l'une up to midnight for in
seriion in the next day's paper.
Telet I ? an 3000.
M**ll K?
? ? '? ..; a t SuiJ
? : . - DS Avenuj
GO?.nSMII)? BLOCK?M: u Sirs ? ired
? st.. ai
? !. ? .
Mr. 1 ni
? ? ? ? a
r 8 ] tel A?
BKOXXF.B-tOI.E- On Saturday. v.
? ? ; Mas? by th*
v.,a Vast -, ? ?
" ; Kan j
? ? ? Hojt Caml ?? .; Broi '. o?
?7 v.
BARM S?At * ? ' . ) S Y . .'1
i ) !
ser -
. ? . >i. -
BARNKTT?? sai er helov ? rrasbar.il
? ' '
, ?
ami i ;::n.!.
1*1 ? -li -,
a a ' i y r ' '
Kill K " .' . Satu
A le> an I? :?
M, nl ...i ,
r,i \: \ ! I '
- ? will be he ?
. N .' . ? ??
. ? . "? ' ' ? - . , in.
BK *. N'a . *
? to I
! it st. ..i. !.
' ??.-? n'iil 1 )
' .
BR1TTON ' m, N'oven?.
- ? ? . r '. Mrs,
c. N. Y.. 11114
BROM V N v? nib r 19, I Isabella W .
R ibert .\
wife i C.
! private. Int lent Gi
i ?
(Hi It I i: "? ?? ', \ N ".'?- ber 19 1*>2\
ber ".'.
at 2 .....
( I YRKE t U.
th st..
. . v. if.? o?
( i ' ns
? .
BOIVII n Xoven .7 iw I,
Law -
? '
un '.?
i I > 1 Mrs. E Coi ?
I 1
a ,a
?I7KOI.U?1 ' ERA ',
? ! ?
! ACt
t;oi?i)nx-sjinii vi n. j.
??? '? rlc .
; , . -, ,
' .
? . , ? ?
1920, at i :
a ?:.
H N"?On N? ?-ember 19, 1920, l.iri'U
1 Plxl?*e Juds m, at )>? ???
? ervlcs ; :I
' ' In ? ? ? ?
Kill I V ? -.. r ; - *?!.'.?
n l ay,
i a! ? .
' ' . I :.? '
KI.KIXKR1?' a Tl irsday. N'ovem
' ?'? M I " i. : ' f
i ?
. ' '?
. a. a j flo .'? M
? a - ?
? ?
mm:- Hi' ighter <-?
: ?
? ?
i ' . n Mon
? : ?allas,
P U N K n A U
1 tl
? ? ' -
l'HI M
i a 7 '
II. 3
? pierre pont st., ]
1 ,* ? ' - -
? . r -
RIG ALI " ..?-??
: on Su
RO ' ' Kl''.
. . -
S< 'f VI.ER?In t**l a. :\ 7' .?
- ?
: ; . ireh 1
. Bi ?ok. Conn., on
iry. Funeral
i aftei
euves Grand
p. ;
- - r
W ! .'?rnber
: . William
I ' ' ? from th?
. West
r 21
.al?-- of
)'.'?. ? . - - ? ?
once placed in our hands means atten?
tion to every detail, no matter hoic seem
S ingly unimportant. ?
The superior "CAMPBELL SERVICE" *
1 th ' resu ; Gf years . , nce
combined with the , ....
tori > t materials at the right price.
Call "Columbus 8200"Any Hour, Day or \ight
Broadway ato?*St. 2i* Street at 8*Ave
Flower, lor A.l Oceulom ArtHtH Funeral De,l8Oi Our SptctMty.
-^- _ _ .
2W 190 C Willi? S?flti 4 " flL
: KHA1
JJ3.! St. II ; : -m ...1 *. > : roll??.
Lota of um? - ' ? ?i!?.
i 'f*. . .. ??_? ! St N T
! I 'U S \ . . ' . i".
lawn ??.. locatif*. .\
H i W., J-ockoox 876, Oraod Centrai
i biatlon.