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Penn Wallops Columbia at Polo Grounds-^. Y. U. Loses to Stevens in Close Game Quakers Trim Blue and White Bv 27 to 7 Tally ? el Invaders rake Listless Game From local Col'egians Before Croud of 20.000 By Ray McCarthy Columb ?? ' all sched ,_;? by I 'a from the ??..' a ele\en at ? vv ? score f 27 ; , T! .77 about tells .... st( -?? '-". : >orly played 7' >\v thrills far fitter cheer ; sect n. Pennsylvania - ?e second quarter : and on? . ?rouble > the end . '? sed the en? counter ..7 n to say 1 t thi gone tl other way I laye ; any kind of litti? .'? ' . . ; Elarr s, Moscz? n ?-? might as *? g on th? bench. a. . nd de ? their tal ' s best to I a extent, in v.r E it ' - '?'? coach There even handi app? I. ro begir H ?e and White z ?7:".' - " nus its ends I. In the the tackling was ai d in en tak? out - its PP Whitehall and Wray Excel Pens ', md unless 11 rov? trei , - ? ng ! rnell. fray, 1 ; from st ige fi my meai the ere neai ?lillei ? ; ' fl.lg ? ? r the e?t I i vidual ! rr I ii oi the ? . that 7 Caca; ir; 1 - ? * - ? ? i...... holding tl tl ; ? ? ? Fensive with 1 - ? ? ... : " ' went ' * ? 1 - ' ' - ; ?'-.:? Poor - :. : ' ??? -.-? - : ?. " -; ? - ? . ?-'. g -- -? ?? Ri g ? ; int .-! [?ro? es Co ? pari of ? ' ver :?? ? rui ... . . f? - Cam r.- al " ' "" rig !c 11; Wh Du ring tl e battl? I ' " ever ... -.. re >s f{u?4*insc Po a 1 -a ? ?? ? ? I ? ? 1, ?-?? ? ? ? . Mi er thei . .. ? , punt ??:? . . : ? : a '?'? e 11 ! Ar, ? ? ? *? .. . a ' ? < ? play r a,...- to ? ' Canapary, Columbia Star, Thwarted Near Pennsylvania Goal Forward Pass in Last Second Lands Bis; Ten" Title for Ohio Ball in Air for Winning Play as Time Expires; Illinois Beaten. 7 to 0 ?' ?-?? ??? is e o/ - - rmune CHAMPAIGN, 111., Nov. 20.?Work? man's !? ? ig | ? - to Myers in the last second of the 1 linois Ohio State battle for the Wesl I ' rerence char, ship to-daj w( n for the Buckeye?, 7 to 0, in the most dramatic truggle c: ? ce mpal .-? I eason aftei the ball and f the O nd the tean left the field after 1 :"" viel . tional point ng .- al By the tory Ohio be cai the ui . ? I ? - conferenc? . ? i came to Illii Fiele ' tor ? - over Purdue, ? : ' le battl? a the cont 000 entl usiast *, fir?! ; O? i the tirs I half, when Peti * ' - a " ; ? held running reshold o t ? .? Here, v. I h only a few feet to go and fot - * rials, they were repu -?? : b* a gallant .'and of :.bird period - -?.???? seemed ? til i to perch uj n 1 ? lanner? \ tl " t ?rang - ar i Bl le wl- Ralph irt tool ? ? : il neai i i i: .7 H ere I ? ' t warrior? -.'.?:. ? [wrested I froi 1 . a - en was After ' a a a 0?0 tie seemed cerl n, for O! i been ike a succi ? . he i ig *. a wonderful indi ? ? conditi? great cap? ain, . i ? tart an i ntraii phomore the I t half Carney, the 1 ' end ....... -, lint 1 . whose to? X the - . was - i r e d. 1 i a rl ?. of the great i ,\ . t ? day, brol pi ami V\ a Cam- ?? ? - . combii at factor ?. the dfifi ' ? :,; 'i year a-^o. P< ? " Stinci i ??' .. ' .. y the .... it wa du ? ? prii..first ? it 1 ' 1 an op ttoi ... . .... Marietta Beaten For First Time Bv Boston (loIlege T;>X', Nov. 20.- The aggr? . ball warriors Jrom Marien i o .. ge went lowi to di feat for i i first .,- a- before th? ; ..,..,. i ' ege ?lever I i re aftei noon, 13 to t i n g th e 01 *.< n i lollelge koe* ing her roc ?rd ui ta rn d Both ?? o ed to a wide variety of 1 ? ?-???.; rig a in pa - wa - ?" ellenl t to core, i earl; n the r '? ?' .'. ? . a ted a i eai rom l H os to i Coil? .-?? aiding il ating the oppoi ' li ' r ??. nd period Bostoi I . ? ? ?? r a - . ' i e fol ? ? . : ' ? ai ' ei fa led on th? .. ? - na p? ni > kick ' a To? ?' m ma I I 1 a " a ' ?? : ? !. ?I it 11. 11. U i ? - ! a ? ? i iidt'.. ; . . ?".?'. i", a i ? fin : Minnesota Loses Sixth Game in Conference, 3?0 M IN S'EAPOM ' ? ? l M i ? ? ? : '? rer ce game I n day ..,..,.. M cl :'!<" defeated I ic Maroon 3 to 0 The ore came : ? I In the last half a; ., ? <? '?? a how? of a '???;' ? ? - I thi ball t o M ichi ne, where the atl nek Thi ?i * iP h ?ran ' 71 . . . V ". . I. ,.. I .. I ?' 1? I ,1 I .-ill; I ; / I'KIt! o ; 'i n a Ml-uiew *?**,... " '?> 0 0 0 '(?,?i from ; ? ? -''" Hfii?r?? ? : ? a,?. ob?i lin Umplr?. (in k?ti, v.?*!. Point, Fluid JaAgti, Mun>, ivnn Fina! Standing in )T estern Conference Team. W. T.. Tram. W. T.. Ohio Stnte.. .5 0 Mlcniiiun ? 'Z \\ ??cousin. 4 1 Northwestern, ?; 3 Indiana.,. 3 1 CIi?oubo . 'I \ Illinois. 4 2 Purdue. ? 4 In^a . ,. .3 ?? Minnesota ... 0 0 fend the entire second period, had no such opportunity to un?eash its at? tack until the third period, when the ."-atol: started with a pass which took j ?ni ) Buckeye territory. Then ! came a brilliant off tackle shoot, by Ralph Fletcher, wl ich took the ball to the Ohio five yard lim . On the four-a down hip Jack Crangle dived into the ?roa! post and the ball went to the ?.,:??. ?? rs, H? re "? ' an's judgment was so poor thai it was a miracle that 01 o did not have ; - il "' y score 1 al east, for 1 he Scar Gray quarte rbi ck chose 13 ru " ' e ball to get ?n a bet ter posil n -'or Workman to kick. An offside pen alty called on Illinois at this critical juncture took the ball out ?ve yards . : -'-.ved the Buckeyes' bacon. Workman's successful pass was made, from midfield to Myers, the Ohi? who eluded Arimer, the sub III no back, who had re' ieved Ralph Fletcl and ran fifteen yards far a score, with no one to , . regains the Conference cham p ? ip, wrc sted fr? m It : o lois by : fllii and retained by the Illinoisans I 1910 The line-up: : is (0) Posltioi ? tiii : 7 / Cam ?: .?.. 1-7 N'. Worl ,. r Huffmai "..;?' . a ', . J. Ta . '?? mi k R. G. a. . ? ? !'. T. . . . . It. E. >'? - .' !' 7! \V . " L. II.. . nil It. II . Stinell F. 11 Wi liiiian ?7 77V PER] ' a\ . .00 a a ? ' ? ? ? 1.1 ilen fur far? . '-? ; I foi Linden, Larimi-i for It for OI ? : ? '? ? ? - ? ? a Furkman, ?J1!.?H a ? ? n for HI air. ? ? .'. for i 1 . ? ' ' - a. a ; a ? a lloal ?..':'??? ? run '.-.!?? .? ?. ? id .? - .? " McVoy Is Winner OI' Scratch Prize At INT. \. A. C. Traps NTot with stand ng ";" fact that the thai! ,.',\rr.r-a took away manj of the eunner,i, there was an excellent ?' ' Id ? n i he firing line at Tra\ ei and ? isterday. The weather ? ? ' of the best. Although it was ' "'. cold, ? h? g ? as poor h ral there wa; a little bit too much w i i for ?rood shooting. Under the circum-1 ? . ? . the ? res were not part icu -, re "? "re oi I*, a few ? ? : lade, and thi high ratch prize wa - ta kei ?<? ' ? u card of 97, ; -., ,'? n ?..' r wa -? M. McVoy. A rani of 97 out a' i possible 100 : ? i t." ? sat factory shooting. Me? rit: gunner : o come any , : ... ,,,-,,.; -are. The nexl .. .?! ?Tiii ner was P. A. Raymond, ? I ,.;, Then c me three nimrods ?with 94. ..... K. A. ? bert, ? i o is : hool year; Gc rge .' i ??',..? ?. pr?s I ft of the club, and A 11 i ' a * " - ; . ? ? ' hoot foi the high han. can pri: ?id ' i ? lit in particulai A ? v. i* inners ha I , ;,.. , ol 100 <': ' ; " si oot off, ' he (v , ? , ;en by J. F. C< nnors ' a, lia!! took the Trav? r ? I land i up. in : ?? ? hoot for the Bue rmeyer i up, A. i. it,.; r.ey, P. A Ka; a i I and ii. McVoy all scored a lea, with cards of 49 out of a possible 50 targets each A scratch special was v on by W. W. Peabody. Sprinp?irl?l Tram Downs Univ. of Detroit, 7 to 3 SPKINC1FIELP, Mais., N'ov. :.. ;.. 'I V. M. O. Av < lollege d? the i aver ity ?if De'troit this after? noon in a spectacular contest by a ??core of . to Detroit scored on a field goal bv Lauer in the first period. I va, forward passes in succession, one ? yards and 1 ?? ther for 40 yards "... . cond period, cave Spring ? d ? . touchdown, Cammaek receiving the I,-,'; .... tand ?.;: over tl e g? al ! ne ack kicked goal. Springfi? Id's ?rame vas bewildering ? ? ?? ,. westerner! The line-up: ? . ? ? . i * i Posil a -i Sprlnrfleld ?7 i Purlin . '- f1"' . '? Walter. HIIIm . !.. T .Ad na" i .,-,. n . 1- O. : : ?? '. ?' . ?'t'lell ? ma i-. tl '< . M-' 'a-'. . fl. T. ''.,*" I ?,,.. . Hi*'; . W VVal ' i Utihan ? Q. H.,;"' ?' ' ?. .-? raid . r,. II. il. .... . n dshun? F.aiji-i . It I! M . . .Cum ?? .. I'M a . ' ? , ?;,.,|. h.i'.wn i :amm&< .< Goal f m louchdownf?firnmtcH (lo.l from '* : 1 i,>ui.r. it.??!*-- - inttiiliK, Brown. Umpire I- Dorm?n. ?.?Columbia, ?led llne.m.n? Milil'ii, Anibent. Tira, o? period??If Cap?. Keinninger, Columbia Acting (.apt. H. H ray, Pvnn Lafavetle Springs Surprise?, Defeating L e li i g li 27 to 7 EASTOX, l'a., Nov. 20.?Th afayetti I . ' . vai ty football team gave the Lei nivi r ty eleven a big surprise I here to-day, ha? ling the t? am from South Bethlehem a drubbing by tac. score of 27 to 7 The ea y manner in. ? ?- ? ' tte line and bark:; tore through ? ' ? !.? higl team was a I ?? . ? - n t isand pcctat rs. Onlj la; t Sal : a 1: y ; he Lei igh team held I beaten Peni ; nia State ele* n to a 7 to 7 s? ' re .. t South Bethle i this ; . ; y were c equal cl ? o I ? ' ' '. ' ' cutive over ] . the I triumpl e 11 K and I ond since 1906 On the 1 e\ .t. Lafi yel te ha !. Lay fay et t? ?? . : tii th? end of thi lirai ei ' e Gazella un?l the left nd, prii en! yard for a X ? , ? ? rod in the ond pel iltl ponded to of forward pa - i plays, ? ? touchd? vi was ;<? lit i a . vn the field mges b> Brennan, Seash olz and Gazella. A trii pa ehind the riini a go, which re ted *i a dash off Lac.kl? 1 ; Gax? i, cai ? the ball over. [ i .; obi., ? ed ; er lo t;-' *. uchdowti on n ! .ng an' .iring f? ? vard pass from Rote to Larkii ? ? ? ..;? begai on T.e high's 23-yard '?. The ball traveled forty yards, with Ian .; a i leai field ' ? ? t. mainde i <>\ the dista n But L? . opi ?' ?? r? hort \;-..,? a;. | .. .... Lafayette bacV -, .;.? ed off tackle and threw a pa that carried t he bal It.? I yard line On the fourt h holz went over. Coach Sutherland sent inj sub ti tutes after thi Die 1 re . , ? ed from a f irward fr m Smit h to a ; . ?- ?... game. The a*"- a p : ? . 0 ..... l'ioais I ' ' ' . . ....... tutuma ? <? : ? ' ??' ' tl . a ! ?? ' ?;??: t 'a , ? r : a i a a; Smith for P, ? . !' .? r ! a . . ., ; . et I tor Urn ' . . ?? ? ? . - ? . ?? a r | ? - ??. - : ??;.-?? ; . Markelk ? tor K? ?I in ' foi VV ilson ?,-'.? I ?o . . ' a .??.,.. ibI a ; - E. J. O ? I, ' .. ' a , nan! ??? a . i l-., il Linesman? I h - ? ? ; I ?? ? VV i a M?ri I a - n Tim? at perl I lute* Williams, Lafayette Star, Attacked After Contest FAST'iN, Pa., N'ov. 20. -Joe Williams, the b g 210 pound lafe tackle of the Lafaj etti i ? ? . ; ; toi m, was attacked a the g ?ne here to? day between Lai ,*etti and Lehig which the foi '"? won, ?1 to 7 At ter the r a.. \\ : ? ? ? ., ? --.?r the - : ' when I fteen Lehigh : ? - : attacl ; him, beating him an id 1 '?? . v and making a deep 1 at-.-- tin his lower Up. Williams, who ?s a former Hamilton fi tituto plaj ? r, par' icipated in to Kame wil a .-i fn cl ured rib an.I a broken bon? 'a his right hand. lie was instrumental to a great degree for Lafayette's victory. Marrjuand Eleven Beaten Marquard School's football team wnws ' reati tl I ? a surpi ie y? uterday morning a' tl .? Pan do Ground a Brooklyn, by the 'eleven of th? McBurncy School, of Man I hattan, when the New Yorkers over? whelm? ,| the Y. M. C. A. team by * score -1 '> ? . ? n _ W.and J. Trounced Bv Carnegie Tech On MudcK Gridiron ? . a . ' ? ? : ITTSBl RGH, N'nt 20 ?Th ? Car : ' players proved th? b? ' mud ? 01 to-day and de '? ated Wa? ?ington and Jefferson bj a * core of ti to 0, thi -, ' ruing in ? he first minute ? :' ; la> in I he last rhe Tartai beim . ' ? : their ?'?" thai - I ? a an I Bla k. had th? best ? .' tl I ?? ' ' lition of the I eld, whi i wa vei I 1 th ree nd water. .4 ill..; to ; hat, 7.. ? pui tin* ol of the - iiperior to , ? at i.*" '?''. ' ?, ? e . :?" .. -a - of the '.',', and J. tea . . ans t two yer i a Ma .. .?-.-,.[-?rig i '? ' . n c bone i tht tirs.1 tvi ; linutes f j i ? ? I ? I ???"? cat? I in the ? ':'' . : quarti -, n W. and J.' , .. -, '.. ; a and wl en i rr ;.??''.! m f i ' ' - a from ... , .., . Toch, I ? . the purn ai : Me' llean prabbc I the ball and rat) fifteen yards over he lin<* for the oi > ? ichd i\\ n of the game Comi ft J at goal. Tl .- line-up : - . ? ? . ? ' .. I: , I a ' .:? " ? ? ??. Lnion Beats Hamilton in Close Camr 7 to .'i si til S :? CTADY, X. V., N< ?? - . Five 1 ? sav. I ;::ot: win ? game of i ison from ton ' !.. - aft? n oon on th Uexa I* ield. r he I nal score, was T to ' and aeon i a real a : ?cat ion of ho v ? ...., ,. . ? ,? : Bril? liant footba ? . y 1 i teams. Sped acula >vei Uy, '?'lure was not a let -up play. Th r? ughout the hour at' id n the men were on their toes at all times, - hard. The line-up : ? ? . . . ' ?- Colon t" II. E ... 7.' a a. . .Ft. . . Be Davis .it ' ; . , Bulenlus . L'i'iil?r ? .. ' " ' . a . , ? ? u ; .. -\ ? . ' r . ? ? ft " '. K ... K 11 l! ? ? mil , be . . . ?j IJ.OnlT -??? ? r . K. il. P .lunci t.. ii n .;?".< Clai. -F. 13 .Moaher ?RE BY ! ?::: i' ?D3 Hamilton .09 : ? ' n . . r o 0?7 !' -a tulown ?' i? IT. ? ; , ? ? -al'! ? n p? . ... i? ?- Re| i '.' i . a Md ?'? ; i ... ... ,.\ a,a h. la ., i . ?nrsn .... 7! . ,.???' - . : ? ? nut???. Su tltutlor.a I; ' ' ? Mn r low ? ?? y., . i .'? 'foi l?l ? ai:-,. a ,. Alav for Mar ? K? ? ? . V for a \\ . Ilng t r M, ,.;., g, rnimo f a K ein. Notrr Dame Overwhelms Northwestern hy 33 to 7 EVANSTON, 111., Nov. 20.?After Xorthwestern Cniversity's football team held the Notre Dame eleven c irelc j f"r the first quarti r, the vi ii( ors threw in the lirst string men and later added Glpp, the sensational half back, to th- line-up, whipping the | Western Conference aggregation 33 to 7. It WBS the third victory this season for Notre Pa me ovev a Conference | team, Purdue and Indiana being the Fordham Held To 13-0 Score .' Bv Muhlenberg Fitzpatrick Play?. Brilliant Game for Local?: Visitors Stronger Than Expected Fordham received quite n surprise yesterday afternoon st Fordham Field, when tl a M ihlenberg College el ; against which the Maroon team had ex? pected to pile up ar. overwhelming -?ar". showed far more strength than had beer, anticipated, and allowed the local aggregation only tw ? t? uchdowns The final score was 13 to 0. Th? outstanding feature oi the con? test was the playing of Captain Fitz ! patrick, the big Maroon end. Fitzpat I rick was responsible for both the touchdowns that Fordham go*, srorinc , one nimseif and making the -"her no? aiblg by carrying the ball after receiv ing a forward pa.= s from Noonan, frcrt ' midfield to the visitors' "-yard line Noonan then took the ball around rich end for the t?->uchdown. In the final quarter Fordham zo- JTte ' almost entirely to the forward passin; trame, ar.d succeeded in making eontXd ?rable ground. The g-ains were croat'. m nimized by the frequent penaltie that were called on the Maroon tean Although Muhlenberg also suffered : this respect, the local team lost moa holding and offside p'.ay costing thei yard after yard of ground that was nc easy to wir. back against 'he scrapp Muhlenburg 1 .ne. Teams Resort to Punts Both Gate'-, who did the for Fordham, and Parks, who kicke for the Cardinal and Grey eleven, wei ?kept pretty busy during the contes ? Both teams resorted to the I :k 'game frequently and Gately and Pari? came out pretty nearly ever, at the en of -he duel. If anything, Gately sro: little more distance out of his pun: than Parks, but whatever a.ivur. -.itj; dham ira,red in this way was cout I teracted by the poor handling of tY ball by the Maroon backs who receive r h e k : c k -. Muhlenberg ?-?<????' ?? . ?? .??? ?-, sec a ? ." a verj fii t quarter. The vi ?tors had the im's 3 yard line, because of a fi ib e ' Kearn3, which ' rowley recovered f? the Pennsylvanians. Le yard 3 on a sla m off rieht - :kle the next two downs the visito failed to gain. Parka then droi : back and tried a pincement kick frc the 30-yard line, but the ball fell sh i and M ih lenburg lost its char :e In th ist ] ' he Ma - ?? n a lart? back, : t forvs ard pass aft? - another ? Fi! ?? . , his ends. ["he; "-.'orked . .. ? . a,a i . 0 . ... .. forty-ya rd line. At thi -, after attempted end r". ? - I an and Kearns had been cut I by the ? ,- le '? ? -". N'oonan passed the nail fi '? een yard directly ? scrimmage to Fitzpatrick, who dodged past the opposing backs and sped twenty-five yards to a touchdown.j Kearns i ?eked the goal. Muhlenberg Threatens erg also bees : |uarter, ml i r a short tana A 5UC ? ' a f ';' I -. . slams and plung? through center en abl I !V ai: \nders i . t ' ? i tors' i,l ring the ball d Vlai n's th i r t y-y a rd 1 i n ? Her? ham iffer? I another ??? tin pi : ill e hat ? -' brought lisasl r, i : ? ' yards ;' ir roug ing 1 thi ??? : on an attempted forward pa ".' th the hail on theii fi fte? n-yard ne, iw . the Maroo n lint? hi 1 and f the ball ing ? do w t. ?. Gorman and Kearns, Patrick, played star gam? ham. ( lorma n in '? rcept ritical times and Maroon team a lot of trou I 'tic and Kearns got ? w i; or severa long ru ns for the me n thai netted considera * ? a T line-up: ..'.'' ?* I ? ,'E . a - ? ? . ? a,. . . .. : Drop Kiek of 37 \ ard Win* for Wisconsin r.HTCAGO, N ? -'?? i i'.. ?even yard drop kick quarter a ??? e W 0 victory over C\ - to iy, the Maroon - a- * 1i e I?a a ? - a stands' ; ? I -"??'? !? iv:, ? the ???? ' I ?' tor) I \\ -?? ' ? eating Mil ? ? ?. ' few week ago. The v tory ?? ' " ? N ai r r n second plac ? ferei i race, which en d to-day's ?? i ? up: .. . ?- ?.? ? ;. . Margot. ...K. ? ???.? ? Fira .? - . ' ; !a?. ? - :-.''. .... Barr. . .'. .... . ' ? i ms.. ........ .1 i . .:. . ' : l HUt . . ? '...,, ... . ? ? r?M: ?nicht .- ..???: - :_.:--:-.. iXr. . . We ?? ? Indiana Defeats Piirihir In Hard-Fought Contest LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov . Indiana defeate : Purdue, 10 to 1, 1 is aftern in I he hardest fought cont? ?* e\ er --???? ' " A gi . i from placem? ! y I? in the fourth quarter gave the Cr i ele\ en it victory, bot ? teai ? ha : .? pre . iously scored a touchd? I'urriue (7) l <??- ? I n [nillana f 1 '7- " . . : ?7 , . .Dor i'ak . :. T . ? . . . I. ? I. Mc< aw R tan wood. C . i ? : -.It ?; . Murab? ''lav; ool .I; '!.!,<-,?.. ?I. It. K . H.?- ? .Q. B. Mali ? ig-ner.It II. Thon h .!.. It. Mini . .F. H . K Touchdowns FCeekar ? subal it*.:*" tot Murphy). Mlnton Goal? from touchdow Stanwood, Rlaliiy. Goals Crom i?u????m.--.: -Rlsi??y. ?ifi'.elals?Mastor, northwrcii'. ?irn, refaroe; Mumrua, \V?st i'oint. umplr? ?TJrlftlth. Belolt*. &?li jutie?; Elliot, imaol*, j Local Collegians Miss Chance To Win From Unbeaten Team Ryan Fumbles on 1-Yard Line as the First Half Closes: Seore. 21?14 By R. J. Kelly Steven s Institut 's f ootba 11 I ira -til! unbeaten. The Engineers closed their third su ..*.. .. defeat by trimm rig I New York University eleven ?' ?-. *-] ? game a: Castle Point F tl j esterday >rn i? ?ore of 21 t.) 14. S a,.-' '7 rival *?,.:-.'.: i hand f I he . .1 battle betweei th? i'd-1 ?e : ils .a the spe< tatm ? a great Despite the fact 1 Y 1". team s jtre: e,i h ? ? five of th? egulai I ii o 1 he eve of 1 . ? ? ' ??' 7 j rave woi not lacked I pig - Jui-t befor? a ' V del players the ball to ?':?* e-yard 1 v lost it on . 4 ? ? ;. Ryan. Again, in t e ond f, they g ir as y ard 1 noi ?? r? back v pass wa ? -a Goodale, the ... ?tar i ? - a rnooi the er ed his way thi ? ? ? a three touel ? ?on, kid ? .1 three down. ' 'a. ??? is tackle.! : t t player In the S1 ? ns Ryan and Weinheimer Shine Most of the ' ' rou i and W? oath of who : ? ? ? other play, and I c I well al I ?. who I - ml : last few sec gai ab led X. Y. 1 ' it I own. The outh k v athe-i d irk ., d gloom: lor th? '?:??" Stevens went aci ess ti 'our i . : tarted W nh th? N'. Y. capta , kicked off rs. who ?a-- back ? ? . a I own on ird '?a ? ei two ?;-?"'? the Ii? the .a el ? -.. ?; .,_.. ?,. ? ? - ;. a a ! mark. tl '<???. it Ioosp ai ? ?7 ial and I Af te r t h ? next iff E ? ? " i -. ? : ?. ? ? - ? ? ' i n d VVeinhein i e down ? a ge thro lgh the line. Cadd? ?.vas called tevens penalized vards for ale tara ofl twelve : oted out : ?un? on X. Y. LX's ?' Vi einheim? r went around right end for '".'.??-..? - Violet Barks Xain Often T -'- '?'? ' I backs w? re ga ning eon . ? . . : ? , 1, intercept? :' . ? ' pora ilted the v On th? tev? Levin f? Goodal ? had I W e i m ? ?'en t i hen added ! ? - n ed with the ball ? , . ? ? . .? riod - thru ugh .: ' ' a '..-' it fir.-t down thi P.ysn was 1 g i i ve pi a; i ... .: twe? ? . and 1 ? ' ? Hocked 1 mai e r, s G i I..-.; ? .... ? fter the I'he ) ty-iiv? irds. i :"? .a ?? .. a ? : ? ' I . ?- ?. ccond ... ,v to 1 ? I ' vhere g ? ' ed the . -?.-.? ?.?;?'.. ... own g and ?' - yard lino Weil ;h ? ' ? and t > I? The Line-Lp na X ?. f. (It) . ?. y. . J a .h ? . T. . . ? -..i '? ? ...... C \. I* a . . _ E?ig* R. T Hernie.? :. a .. l,?-\.i .. B ' H . ' . ' ? . . .. I'.;. . . RI ....... 7 7 ? 7?SI ? 7 0 7-4 " Rj .4*. KICK-' S 11 Utti: n?? s ? ?la iroi?i l . ' ' ? . " .- ? ? ? .i ?>? itir ?*.?? ?> S ... - H Art?. ?*. r t? for Ben 'atr. in. * 7 Nell lams ! luffc.n - Sri a i w? .* - * rowiev (Bow? H . n- Sullivan < Bo.t m a a (Army). ? ". yard line just as tha In the e oi ?e third quarter Bray, the Ptevi right halfback, wa* id to be carried off the It wa i irned later that his ?ken. ? ible to score in after the ? started Goodale attempt"?' b ? the ball went wide of Sh? ??'.;.? afterward Eggers is catch of . forward Goodale and raced ?-? 's last Once more the ever rcha ?? ?? Go dale 1 eked 1 he goal. i ban half a ? .??* to pl?y, rough and blocked one punts, and as the ball Huggenweig and cored another touch v Y. I . ?.-? Syracuse, in Form Reversal, Wins 11-0 Over ( loi cate Team SYRACUSE, Nov. 20. Displaying a rm over a week ,,-.. p fternoon won a hard l ! to 0 /ictorj ? er < Igate, it? . i he Maroon, game to the end but. out -X - -e i. ' iug ? '. uphill battle, or the S; racuse, however, pound ond sessior .. . ; agai a . , the tl rd. In the ?a;-' ma held, but wal id ?'?ay dta.nit thi ."? the < >rar.%a ? ? college : ? ... ibil ?on ?if He - .a I? ' ire than hi for Syi a - ? ixed Colgate and ag :arri< i back ' Col? gate runners for . I time after jot under punt and downed tho his track i. ? cam ! Babe Frugone, the Brooklyn boy, who staged a re? markable . ome back as quarter. Vie team like a veteran, carried ? long gains and scored one - % . ?-? racuse touchdowns. For .. Webster, Soucy are. Sandford starred. Webster, just out pita W j I 1 ' 'la; :i cog ill tack, a nd wa-? the best _., md gain? r the visitors ford did 1 m tin g . ' Al ." ? tage . Phi e score ca? the sec < nd period, < ? Igate .. fi i - ted to Syra cu -" on * tv < irange 15-yard Kellogg irried th< ba twice ar.<i n a le < av;.a 'd s, Andej - on add ? Kellogg i ad ? eighi on a fan.' f..r*-?: I t? re aroui d Iefl end twentj seven *,ards for th? touchdown a:..i Abbott I ? .;p*. ? ' - . i . ?: - a .." .Drown? . . ? '? ?' ? '. . ?Is? J I'rug H. .......... 8 andford ? :? '.v. bst j !. ? SS 'icalB ... - ? ; ? ' - ...??? ? - a ? ? ? a , ? ? A'l ' H< ? . - . ' "... ? for I . 1 ?a ? ? a FHj4NKLI*t SIMON ME^S.SHOTr, 2 ta 8 t?EST.38th STREET Three Pairs of Men's Cordovan Shoes Cost One Pair of Horses! Yet our $15 price is ?educed to 12.50 That doesn't go for all Cordovans' but it is true of these. Some Cordovans come six pairs from a single horse, and some have no equestrian ancestry whatever. But these Cordovans are made irom the un? derskin of a horse's hip, unperforated by hair, and it takes a good team to vield three good pairs. And what a leather it is! Soft and tender on the feet, yet tough and durable as the gee-gee it eorrrrs from! On our new Fifth Avenue last, with full outside backstay and d? luxe tips. t!L;Cdtil^iiil?'imon&(?o^ FIFTH AVENUE