Newspaper Page Text
Elise Everett Of Paid Abbott Ceremony Takes Place in Transfiguration Church on the First Anniversary of Her Social Debut! Panto for Dorothy Sharp foiiv Guests n? Dinner Given by Her Parents ?a the C n ! o n v Qub Jiiss ' - ' Echter of Mr. s/. :?-?? .'? was married .Xr?iy ' th i Church of to Paul Abbott. for I ic weddin" I#?t I for t he wcddinr; ; : v of the bride's . . on Thanksgiv v hich day a dance - by i *r parent al ' ' ?-?-. ' " re- ? g ; he wedd ;.?: ?tei ire. The bride> who was her, was in a immed With era I lare ? blos ._._ .,.-J ' u'7e? ioms and '' white ; cr?hi-i- an I Miss Jane f ? - ? pre on;, v wa? dr. with * in place The I v JUhn ? ind ? Am re M Mary - ? ? B of B ; were : .? ; te ? man W*. AM too? ' Will LAUC1 ; '. b]? Mcade i Minn:'.' : anv man . or vom vc it." The Gathering r of the Forces >- of 1 he Brooklyn ! C!' "? ". n 1 Joh'i I - d a sketch e and work own years. hoto iravure. tepai "NI The i Live foi Years. nei I He is B! K!<! ;. and ; a jrears : due ? : a rnelh prove! benefit ? ' I ! \\ !o I a he i ! ? ' r ? ill ? health, ? a a case has interest ?n ! 01' Bill, of "Fragments fron? France" ! ... and hero ol Better' 'Ole," il back a new hook is called THE BAIRNSFATHER CASE The whole I truth of the d?? tendant'? !.. bared, and many new drawings are offered as materia] evidence. $2.50. '? i Stage L'-' ' ' ' ?pera House: found " vtr'- ? -a - picture of ?'f ?</?? -, more ?i n>omcn of fiadtrrt I* RICHARD ? ?RDYNSKI. A eomprei'.i-'-.ii ve- and dra? matically interesting picturo ?f Fra-ice to-day, fast recov? ering from her war wound?, '? given in RISING ABOVE THE RUINS IN FRANCE. !?an epical story, intensely ?nteres! ing. Corrina Haven Smith and C.rolino R. Hill, the authors, know thoir rrance intimately, during ?nd since the war. ??'any lo-wrri cf beautifully bound books al '??ey reah.'e how distinctive i> the output of Cur Knickerbocker iXess bindery. Europe pfoduce? nothing finer. A c,*f,Kn*-,n aro responsible. ? fathar anj son --artists both of there? atad ib? "?tra" department, .hhn McLean ?' Gltugm? cam? to Amen a in I860, ioin *? Us ten year? Ister. His son, Pater, An*?ncaa bom. has been with us sine? 1902. ' ? . Hiey are proud o? tlicir craflsman *<P??a ?v vet G. P. P. and the ushers were Noel Armstrong,j I Iward Bell, James Thompson, Den? ning MHler, Huntington fcr-hart, .1.1 Murray Mitchell and George Dupont Pratt jr. Mr. and Mrs. W, Wllloughby Sharp gave a large last evening at the ? olor.y Club 11 r their d< buvante daughter, Miss Dorothy Newton Sharp. It was preceded by a dinner given by Mr. : ? I Mrs - I irp a; the Colony Club,' the gu?sts numbering forty, and" about ?tOO others camo In for the dnncin-r which followed. There was general dancing throughout the evening and upper was sei'ved at midnight. Among the dinner guests were Miss Helen Trevor, Miss Annie B. Auchin closa, Miss Betty Thompson, Miss Mary D, Landatreet, Miss Helen Bruce Lee, Elkins, W. Ya.*t Miss G?raldine ..on, Miss Evelyn Loew, Mis.i Marie Louise Bird, Miss Nancy Yuille, Miss Gertrude Sanford, Miss Frances Norton, Miss Adele Ryan, Miss Mary Van llensselaer Cogswell, Miss Wanden Mathews, Miss Ellen Randolph, Louis Bishop, Georp-e M. Corning, Edward F. Darreil jr., Cornelius Vanderbilt Whit? ney, Willoughby Sharp, brother of the debutante, ai.? Thomas E. Ryan 2d. Mr?. J. F. Feder gave n dance ftt the Ritz-Carlton lait evening to in-? troduce her daughter, Miss Odetto j Leder. It was ?'receded by several ? ? ners, '*::?> b? ing y.<n by Miss Edith j . ? org, a', toe home of her parents, | . id Mrs. Adolphus Smedberg, 5711 j. ror Miss Feder. The ; included Miss Helen Bull, Miss, Vlargaret Phelps, James Fox. Joseph , Henrj Howells, Sheldon Cole-! nd Maurice Callear. Other dinners were given by Miss Virginia Sterry and Miss Josephine ( otton. 1 The guests on their arrival at the Ritz were received by Mrs. Feder and her daughter at the entrance to the] r! e dai cing was general | throughout the evening, and supper j was served at midnight. Dances will be given this evening1 r. and Mrs. J. Horace Harding, | at tin Hotel Plaza, and by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thaddens Terry. Mr. and Mrs. ? ? ,? ill be for the d?but of their daughter, Miss Katharine Hen rick Terry, and will take place at the Ritz-Carlton. Mrs. Anson Wood Burchard, of BT rib. Street, will give a iber 1 1 for Miss Jane ughter of Dr. Louis Moin , who is passing the winter with Mrs. Burchard. Mr. and Mrs. James M, Beck and their daughter, Miss Beatrice Beck, have pui the Ilorlow house, 1624 Twenty-first Street, ?. W. Washington, where they will pass the winter and ? ? Mrs. Nicholas Longworth is a guest of Mrs R vi It over the ? k-c nd at ? ';??; tor Bay, C ui 7 and C ?unti 3S de Maupas de Juglart entertained a party of young ? at the opera, in Sewi I Wei No, 22. 500 Americans at Reception Given by U. S. Envoy in Home ROME, N iv. 25, T.hani ig Day ited here to-day by a r - y Robert 1 inderwood Johi ?:. the An eric in A aba 3S id ir, Al it five 1 more them recce. This < ? _ - '. n Academy which the ?es in Rome ? 11 d. Bamiuuur,iamMj%M,MHK Now Ready ? AlfllU i as sssesesmsssMSBD wrxmamatzmasan .- ?!-:??n An Autobiography The long-awaited memoirs of a re? markable woman Illustrated, Two Voluntes Octavo, Boxed, $7.50 -____ ff?'7-wO Ai All Booksellers 3 uaas EL Boys' bool^s Girls' bool(s Little Children's BOOKS }inuour vuvenile D epanmem J BUTTON'S I ?31 Fifth Avenus ? ^rmSSSSi-S!Sl!SnsSSS&^M?*M.l Every lover ? Opera should oxun this book Compk'?c Opera Book By GUSTAV KOBB? ! K) Pag? i, [rations, 4 10 Musical Motives, i he m st com? prehensive, authoritative, up-to date work ever issue?! i^n this subject. $6.00 :. : I. BOOK8TOR1 S PUTNAMS No DETECTIVE STORY ever thrilled you more, no love story ever delighted you more, no book of verses ever gave you moro exquisite p easure, we think, than you will get from Caius Gracchi? ? By Odin Gregory trerywb re Do 1-uj? Edition S?. :.??**. I ,v I.1V1 IUOUT New V Tk bp^Ptttnam p T T Bookstore 2"",45'st.?^?'5Av.NY Customers are urged to place order? now for Private Greeting Cards LEE WILSON DODD'S BooS? o? Susan On ?ale everywhere. $J.?? L P. DUTTON & CO., 681 5th Av., N. Y. A, Thanksgiving Day Bride ?Mrs. Paul Abbott She was married yesterday in the Church of the Transfiguration, and the ceremony was followed by a reception in the Colony Club. Mrs. Abbott was Miss Elise Everett. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leo Everett. Social Welfare Post In Cabinet Is Proposed New Department Would include! Public Health and ; Services WASH of a ? -, peo if the 1 I ! c.-*," vicb , . at the c?n-in-* C . 1 a head o the ? ? ' member i 1 : i ne v X * ran 'erred to .? iaboi i ?? ' ?? the h partnici ' ; . . Ch dren's Burea ?' ? ? '. ? Transporti Stat ? .' ' ?'?' and I office of Home ' ' pai ?.. of A; Tin ? ? ? Presid nt to tr 1 " ? ?' ? ment at. any time tin part ? any 1 sion oi ed . - .a - . wcKaro, to b appoin ? ?? ? . : ' ? , . i . ? " for undei : IvtlK ?'1* - ' To : a. ,-?'?? ' ? Mi : L'tic '?' . Lewis i and Mr? > - L. I. Mr. Adams, who i Val? ' ? . father i ... :? if . : Ilia a Belvedere ?Vh-:y< ?? 1; : . in his ? B?S2S!*&iMHsm?*5Sa 7 hrist?iias A Cards and Calendars BUTTON'S 681 Fifth Avenue mBBBSSTTxr^ ?."?; L?ur?u?VAWi^*En.-.i.-.:*?'. ? mmxmmMWP T : hs '-.en: By n "j4 ?plena ' ? ?' ?'?' - " ven.'urc." N. Y. : ?? ' ne. .?'.???? Amusing, i ' fiction ? OS a PSYCHOLOGIST By G. Stanley Hall -JX This ?3 An Appleton Eco:; BLASCO IBANEZ' novel The E lies of Wc On Sale ei-ereyv. tere, $J.!5 E. P. Datton & Co., 6S1 its Ave., N. Y. Critics unite in praise of The Age of ?itnocesiee By Edith W) irt i $2.00 This I? An Appleton Book A Ceady reference pui le fi r ihr bn?r man?Ii he?'!ln^ ' 7 .. i o-daj a T?-ifeuac Want AU rae? Divorcee, Daughter of Late Trinity Vicar, Wed '.'???. Ruth Steele Borden Be . ?es Bride of J. R. Buchanan .-.- '?.?,??..?? Ceremony ! ? Steele Boi den, dau?, hter . D a X .-?.- ?? .'?., ale, : '.': Church, v as : lar . : to J. Rod .. n n, at the hr ne of his si 'er, Charles Lana ?ig Bal Iwin, 145 est I i St n et. O? ly m two fi were present . ' -. rfo : aUaj ? PI a Dr. 'X- na i. nan i i niece f Cl ries . ' r a P. ? . . & C '; '? " brid i'a first hus i)h C. B den . w? m ried in 1 ''"7, : nd p ed nc-yi ie. 1 hey were ? ivorced ral years a^o. is Campaign Cuts Cuy Death Rate ?;. ??? I* T iberculosis Asso a a ; a ta a res ',-,.??'? I a-a.a ' . ? . progi easing, al th rata mm tin ?ati S'ew York is 1 ? per than in tl the ~~t ? ? lituation riou tliat 10 pei cent of all the ? ;'i X' w York City are to lalady. '; - ? i : h : i .-?? ? i yes rs ' - indicat ed ? ' total d ath 5 ' ? -.'. ? i 11)10 and 1919 In year 0,074 died of tuber Last '?? -. . -i ;?"? ila 00 a a t tal io d en; e. The rela? ie ab ul 3.G0?, the actual ? a - ; a li d 9 1.261 per lich, the n shown to ! person hetw? : ' ' ?' ? hu to tubereuI ere i of t ibercu ?? ? ? rc>( ered in tin.' Di irt timated that ?: re many more cases which ' b? ? n i ep ' ( ted to the au rities. " '.' 0! li Ti m rculo - is Asso <? operates v i h pu I !:<- and enciei in -it; to XI.* iupport o! ? of the < fstmas .h ? ? ' e s.H i i will ; ah the city'n quota is ,000. ? h.!.. ? a l-; on December Divorcee, 28, I ToWedDukeof Westminster Wealthy Brilon and Mrs. Mary G?raldine Rowley Engaged; She is 28 and Recent?y Secured Divorce His Second Wedding Also Bridegroom Hero of Boer and World Wars; One of Nation's Great Landlords LONDON, Nov. 25.?Announcement is made in the Register Office notices printed in the evening news of the : forthcoming marriage of the Duka of Westminster and Mrs. Violet Mary G?raldine Rowley. Mrs. Rowley, who is twenty-eight years old and youngest daughter of Sir William Nelson, of Acton, County Denbigh, Wales, ob? tained a divorce decree on November 15. The former Duchess of Westminster, who before her marriage to the duke was Constance Edwina, daughter of i Colonel William Cornwallis-West, re? ceived a decree of absolute divorce last December. The couple had signed a separation agreement in 1014. Duke Is Dig Landowner The Duke of Westminster is one of : the wealthiest men in England. He owns about 30,000 acres of land in Cheshire and Flintshire and 600 acre:, in London. His country seats ara Lat?n Hall, Chester and Ilalkin in Flintshire, and his London residence is Grosvenor House, in Gi svenor Stre it, Ho served with distinction in the World War'and was decorated for bravery. He also served in South .Africa on the staff of Field Marshal Lord Roberta in 1900 and on the staff of Sir Alfred Milner, the British High Commissioner in South Africa. Fie was born In 1 179 and succeeded to the title in 1899. He was formerly an active polo player and was also a pioneer aviator. The courtship of the duke and his former wife was a romantic affair. He :'? 11 in love with her during the life? time of bis grandfather, the holder of the title. The grandfather was so in? furiated that he sent the young man, who was heir to the title, to South Africa. As soon as the grandfather died th y iung duke returned home. ? the mean time Miss West had alien in love with a penniless young ; :?.,. Gor Ion Wood. When the duke 1 this he returned at once to ? Africa. Later his rival was ! fighting the Boers and t'? e duke went homo and married Miss L901. The couple had three Iren. < )ne of them, a son, for King Edward stood sponsor, died when ho was five years oid. The . ider sister of the former duchess was married to the Prince of P ? . Duchess Expert at Polo T ! due less WH3 a noted polo player nd active it: other sports. At the out reak ? f the war she took up war Their matrimonial troubles attracted wide attention for several years, and h? i re actual divorce proceedings be? gan there ?? ? many reports of trouble b? ween them. In her suit for divorce the duchess charged her husband with desertion and compl< tc forgetfulness of his mar? riage vows. The duke voluntarily set? tled $65,000 a year on her when she her divoi?_?*. Un January .". she was married to i n J. Fitzpatrick Lewis, said to be ten years her junior. He was in the !: . Air Servie (luring trie World : War and met the duchess in a hospital in France -.'.here he was being treated for wounds. R v. ?'.,-? father was chairman ? Nelson ! in? of St es mships and i Nel Steamship Navigation Com? pany Mrs. Rowley's former husband was ?? chard R iwley. Ha was a member of the Coldstream Guards, and they were married six years ago. Her n ith r was a miM- ber of the Hope family, of 13 .i -.'. n, V\ est? ath ( ounty. Her brother, James Hope Nelson, married , I ?abel Valle, of St. Louis, in 1913. ?Methodist Board Quits Inter-Church Movement .?.v.,, : . I . itch to Th.- rr?buiie ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. 25.?Vested with full authority by the last general ? ,u May at Les Moines, the ! oard of ! ii hops of the Methodist Epis Church, in semi-annual meeting ire to-day voted to wind up the church's relations with the Interchurch Movement, but the denomina ? ,.,,'s i bligal. n of $l,i 0 :,000 will be paid. . | lardj in i's statement, made it plain that the M hodist church would , a party to the effects of re-or ition of the World Movement. The > and the Presbyterian churches Remarkable New Method of Handling the Family Washing Only system of its kind in existence. Wallach your family bundle of body garments separately. This ?limin?tes marking. No pin ning?no confusion?no lost articles. All flat work delivered finished and all other pieces read}' for leisurely home ironing. Highest quality of work. Wonderfully convenient and economical. A trial the surest proof. Tel: phone Plaza 1S5 ?or further particulars or ?crite WALLACH LAUNDRY 3 3 0-332 East 59th Street We Collect Bundles Daily airead-,' liad withdrawn and with the I withdrawal of a third great denomina- ? tion, the futuro of tho movement is | said to be very uncertain. Twenty-six denominations were originally com- j bined, but the withdrawal of the three mentioned takes away easily half its strength. It is believed that the move- ' ment cunnot survive, without the sup- ; port of the three churches. -e Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Descendant of Clay, Dies Grent-Granddaughter of Senator Active in Legislation for W '.- >cn und Children LEXINGTON, K-y., Nov. 25.?Mrs. I Desha Breckinridge, noted suffrage and woman'.-; club worker, died here to-day of apoplexy. Her husband is editor ofj The Lexington Herald, She was a great-granddaughter of Henry Clay. Mrs. Breckinridge was president of the Kentucky Equal Rights As >? from 1912 to 1915, was vice-president of the State Tuberculosis Comm from 1913 to 17-17 and served a term as vice-president of the Kentucky Child Labor Commission. She was activ obtaining legi lation for rural an I city schools and fo? the protection cf women and children, She did a great deal of charil work ami was an officer in many civic organizations. She was horn at Wood lake, Franklin County, Ky., .May 20, 1872. J. J. Ryan Dies After Illness lie Contracted hi War Youngest Son of Thomas F. Ryan Was Noted for His Skill as Motorist; Took Ride 3 Days Before End Joseph J, Ryan, youngest s n of Thomas Fortune i: /an, died las in hi j apari menl it the H He had been Ih ing at the i his return from France, abo I ? . months ago. While overseas I ? con? tracted rheumatism und a nervous ? flicl ion. He was thirty years i !?! : nd wi * married in Baltimore, Januarj IS, 1910, to Mil ; M irse, di . ! r : Alexander Porter Mori ?-. Vi ' . They slipp? d o it of Washington for the cererr >ny w th ut notifying the bride's parent, of their , intention. His death occurred aboul - o'clock, three days, almost to the his return from the first long motor trip his physician had permitted him to take since his den ing was Mr. Ryan's h ibby, and he was ? dod as -? most si i 'ri i a nd dai ing an a- eu r d river. In 1911 h? v. iger of $2,000 hy driving from New York to Philadi . than four . hour.-. the last few v. eeks ! tion showc 'i s u( h impr? set out in his motor caf Sunday aven ; ing. It wa ? I w ity-foui ' that ho re turned. Too i i suffered a severe relaps.e. Dr. Arthur Wright and Dr. Delman 'I hompsc n were I ncefo ward, with "several nursc His c n dition beca me 1 lay, ho\ evi r. At his beds ide w re '. ' lister I in-1 i-A-, Mrs. Alan A. Rj an. wifi Special Deputy 1 'ol ice ? ' .. . 1- ' ?? brothers, John Barry ' i llendenn n J. Ryan : M r -. J 'a ; Ryan, Outerbridge Hors? ind H. II. ? Vreelan !. il i ; vvi fe and two small ihildi en ar ? 1 in Italy. Tney were notified oi hts death by cable When war was declared Mr. Ryan en? listed in the ara.;.- as a pi ate. fe was selected for an ? fficei ? school, and wenl to France with a lii tenant's con m: h n Janu? ary, 1918. He i . : and v. as stationed al Co until his den I ? M r. IX ai> 1- id beei automo ile bu ness for sevei l y : \ a an v, em en t a ;.. i ; a.ade. Going On To-day DAY A-i.i ? an M us? un natural i i Istory. a 1 m ?asi *? ? ? , Museun of Art; ailml n : ?:??? \ u m-1ui 1 I f?? ? v ? a ? irtlan ! Park Mui a ents. Uclu.e I ' f II i he i': a. Fathers , : : ? ? ; ' . .. I : ' Bazar 1 I I i I Ht of the dren's Fuml, 1 M i i Exhibltloi ill I i f A i ? Bu 13U East 1 "? sii" -, . : Lui h? a of -. ? \V ' . '.- i' ? rioti'l i ????"? ? i: ? v ness Pa? per ec?l Autoi A I Iress by .4 C ? ' i Lf e t u : I - '? asa '? Uro? nil . ' ? A ad em; o I Mu NIGHT Lecture by Evorel ' . ' ' N a ? i. ic 1 ? - pit? ol the ?I a 11 o f Too pi" l Violin rfl Ital by ? i it I :- ? . - ? - ? . DISCU : ' . a . a r 111 S Of tllO 1 ' . ?? ? ' a a . '. 7 \'. ? it I ' Lecture by Lli Iteffen." ' - K - ... ? ?- ? i 1101 I Fifth ? r of i he E ? ; t the S ' ? : - i ; ? ? . ? -, ? ? tho Cl : 1 Hall, flti t - ? look, i ... ; . ? . ' .. ? ? ' a ?a' ? A ! . ? a ? ;. >.!.?'!,?'' - : n - !.. : y ! a a I lea." 1 rist Scltl ? ? A Munir, PCBLIC ? 17' ? I RES Miuihul Lan 1 ? 1er: or, Pi !:.:?? ?'. Stuyvesant High a- re ? a a ; . . ? -, ? lullt ? ? a ' . M egaag eg ' So me lets." a. 7 . Ici ?'.' ly to Put Fhllol hy Chatle? 1 fnth '? '? . . ?? "Tho Efl :.? '"? ? ? '" Pat ? Ph. JL>. it Pul id Street ? rd Ave? nue, Raci i and S ? ? - .? ." ? Cravei I Klghty-etg th Street east [ 1 i,or- ???-.-. "Musi :? . -' ?. ? ?''??'?'? v. :-./.- by Mm Murray, at Publl . ?? . : .--. ? ? ? and v. .,.-.. nd uf the Ai in Col? by Thomas at Pul - ' i ?? i a nue and 127th Street ?a "7 four .. tur?? yi at hers ? i K : ? Ifl 9, !.. ?1. 1, . at i 11 i . : [elan '.. St?re "The F? e of Fran . . : Harry Webb l an ??? ? , Ant h ny ana Treme nt ivenu Br a\ "? ? ml A ??? inturera ar. I i - i ' the -Mi- ?? -' , .? ; ?? by J bank, -, Fork Publ. i ? :;j East l St ^ Carecer ^ Jeweled Novelties Jrom Paris W??f. CJi?k J.i>en?e a?9 52">St, J*M , K7 ' NEW YORK */&i4< Vf W7J-.'-':' A. ??Kife'Ji.i^l 300 Persons Attend Funeral Service of Elias C. Benedict Mendelssohn Glee Club Sings Favorite Hymns and Six Employees Longest in His I ion seiiold Are Pallbearers GREENWICH, Conn., Nov. 25.- The ? I service for Commodore lius Benedict, who died Tuesday : '. was held this morning at his Indian Harbor. More than three i undred persons, including a large -.- York, were pre! ..! Rev. Dr. Frank Hosmer, pastor of the First Fresbyterian Church, offici Thirl i - of the Mendelssohn New York, who had been ? ommodore Benedict e3ch : ' al : -. ars, sang during ms were ".Tu = 7 as I Am, it One Plea," "Sunset and the .: Star," and 'Would That Life \ I '. id ? ss .: lung " ers, James McGonigle, ? . .i Sw i ? nej , Hor ice E^issett, Rob Allen, Wi liam Wakem and Maurice the six employees of ?? m mod ' ' I t his ser v -.. McGonigle has been a member the old thirty- -even years ? . . ? . l'y- X years. Burial took place in the family plot ? . North Street, when Mrs. Benedict is also buried. .V. ?." lose i the funeral in J. Qu in, ; ra k S. Hast i, i . II. B? i is, of the law firm of Lord, D & ? I, New York; I :? late ? :<-Pr Grover Cleveland, of Princ ton N. J.; Row? ly, of New ^ ork, rep g tin Plaj rs, ? :' wh ich the ,. e -. -7 mi mb( r; .lehn D. . . ;" tb? New York Yacht ? h t e ' imm i^re also : member; Co! : i - trd < !. ! - . E ? commodore of tl ika Coi inthian Yachl Club : I H irmon, on-ii ? of the lore; E. L. ( rbert L. ary of the y S Rooe . : ; R. A. C. Smith, for r if New , IL J 1!. Whit? hou le, the oldest York ?ti ?:!% Ex , ,. .;:: ; M *. and Mrs. Harrison D ? ?? ir Turnl 1, Ramsey Turn William Turn lull and George '? ?. H. M. Wilson, Engineer And Insurance Man, Dies Columbia Graduate Was in Charge of Bureau of Mines From 1910 to 1914 HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 25.?Her i Wils ",, general manager of !- irance Companies ? -. f engineer ?4 the s Bureau of Mines, died if ])'M'.Vi m : ?a. days. b rn in G! isgow, : [and igo. He was University : n !:?-', .e d - me ti me in Mexico . projects. For coi lected with Geol I Survej r m charge of the r? Sewick Pa., and came when ho was g ?? r I n .?- ' the Associ ted ] i tv years . of many ar ? MRS. M W: TbuiSK ARENS PLAINFIEI D, N. J.. Nov. 25. -Mrs. M iry L lise Arena, widow of '>t1 o ? ? h on R ad. She was ; irn : ghter of Mr. and lira. fly of Ail-any. She ? ter. JOHN VV. MURPHY 'tenant Jors ' . of fceart .."- ' : : ?'? rs old, J. LEVERING JONES PHI1 [A, Nov. 25, The death r. Le ?'!?: ing Jones, : the 1 of Pennsyl i . law I kn own lay. He was nty Birth, Engagement, Marriage, Death and in Memoriam Notices may be telephoned to The Tribune tim ? up to midnight for in : the. re::! day's paper, an 3000. BIRTHS Miller ' ?" ? ? .. ur ! ? ?-."?- Dar! an : Mrs, R - ., ? II! ENGAGEMENTS u III.l .1. t?. ... C, he en . ? ? W ndsor III W. 1 Jtiti - ! OW? . r- . \ i R 'war.J ' J ... .3. . .. .-? ; MARRIED '.- liAltlHN l!( t j W. KKOOH?CII.1 : ,v, m. irry. a t the Ch ? ! . to ! ??? - .: Park W O'ontu ( lark : ? t?',-. - Mr?. ? - DEATHS \v ?>7'.' V S ' 77 j on ? - - ? ' Wait. . n Tuesday, DEATHS Asa S r "" -*}* .....!--?. Wai ' '? ,-'?.? ? ? . New S ark, Novenib? r ;'.. ... BRICK NER?On Tuesday ' eater N V. M Funeral at R i. n. BIRNS ?'u Wednesday S Mi ry s . eld -' ? ? laic Christian and Anna Burn?. s. ? . ? at .??? , -, * ? . ?? - ' - I n). Fui . Pnrk a*.".- . ? , , :,. - r.t ? a.vji-y. ? CIll'isi;?At her residence, ?*--i K'*'*". N' ? : . .?.-:""-. ,-' William H. C vices lui..., 2 p. ::?? Interment Green imti? DONAHOE Suddenly, Tuesday N :.. i ??' hael .1 ! ? ? ??- husban ! of ?' >s Funeral ? rvices at SI Church, Hastli -*?> on-HU Iso 1. N ng Grand C ntra or Division, 1:10 ; . m. ln.1 ?r ? It". Fj , , ?. E FUNER \' CHURCH. i - ' i"?-: Rit IS?Ar David D. Fei . ? a. ni. ?'K KLING M il !'' . '"? N'ovi : iber 24, at 8 .? n at R ? : ? ? ??. !.. I., b? W. Il ne i . -? t SI Long at 10 a. m. W is - C. *'r'1 I)e ? papers pie FLAIUVE Maurice V . Tu sday ? r uneral at 1324 Ci ? . t St. Gregory's Ctiuivb on . at 30 a. m. OARDINEK?? 'n Monday, Novi k Place, ! -? Caroline \ Gard In? r. R? nul m mas? at St. Si R C. Church, St. John's una Brooklyn ? o . . !? rlday. No. ember -6. lit flowers. HAMMOND?At hor lu'- residenc ! November 26. ? ? ? . \. ?.? r the H - ; : lond. Sel ... j and Intei ment . a -, N. Y., ?: i ... . Saturday. JORDAN le. THE FUN ? 'i! i-)t' ":>. Broadway and 66th st., Sat? urday, 4 p. m. JOKEI'H dina, on N ml - 774. u? '.!:*, eai. ! ? ;? ?- ed ? Edith, Plane! 1 !. Joseph Funeral [ h - ate : ... ? .,? ? si ' . it t I . i tiat : and J.?/,::.,. lie i ipers ] ease coi Li \\ Is ?',- , a Stan lard, w l i of I irl r Lew la, su :?'. uniy, on 7-. ?. ?? 'J :. In her 47,th year. Fun i . ?::??? !7: ? ,nl Church, 4th ;i\<'. and St., on I rlday, November 26, at 2 p. m. I.1NTMAV?-?>!- Wednesday, N I...1.'.; i : . i 'i.. I n and n and Margaret l"i in ?Lin? m Fu from h? r late i-.-siden I ? n Friday, Novembi r S a. in . . l o St. A i ave., 7.7 :',* h s- . u i.- ? ?? h sol* um n requiem will bo said for the ?;??*?? o? hor soul. Interment ("??vary. I.LTTOV Suddi nly, at R N. J , on V the I loved hue I . Ag i n .? Miller). Rela ?? ? - ? it | ?i m from 202 Old Hei ! n . lers?y City; i, where a I be ofl * - - .. -, M \\'<?A N ? ' , nee i '?- in* >*). i ... .\ :?? loi s .^, \-, '?' ' - i r 20, i?r 10 n. m. I at? . . MEHUT??on Wednesday, Nove il r : i ? ren ?? Merlty a : homas. ? .-.I from his nco. 1319 n ?' . : ?r : 601 h a; . Sa '?'?' ? ' ?? '. tine's ? :hui rh, ! 6 Frank - I'jlem mam Celti . ! ' MOLL?' in '?' r :.' l i) '-1), at her , ? v p ilyn, 7-7 y i i y 11 Fun Novom ber 28, at 8 p i O'BRIEN On Wedi v 24, 1920, ,801 I'Brien and :? ' ' Mm ri. f i! .... Voi ? ? ? . iroofc 7 . . ? 10 h. n.. thence i the i of Our Lady of i gh st.. whei ?? a sul? mn i s off?! <:'.... ... Intel .. :.'. Cal >-a* y ? tery. O'GRADY Suddenly, on Nov. *? ? . i si New 7, pose of her I vary ? PARTRIDGE?Edward >71*.AL . '?'?:? -j . m Klli/tlX K? Moses It.'tib ? , Bast Rn .... n. on Friday, . : . RKLIHAN Hie THE 1'UNERAL ItCH, Broadway ami CSth st., Fil 2 ! l?. RHODES -On Wednesday, November 24, ?t li l-J ?.,".' Ifar iRi ?i Rh : '. u Grace . . ; ' ;.. in IU>\ M - nee, ?r .i a. m. ; ' IXMER - J ? - i i" ro> ? al, N< w York \ \\ DY \ !??- Su lenly t n We r ? W Y N \ ?Vynn, 1 \\ yi.n an ? ? to th? *? b ^&T ans if h? r - f 9 - g Call "Columbus 8200" Any Hour, Day or Night FRANK t7 *- Aill'HELL. THL FUNERAL CHURCH" Int. ? Nor.-Hictarla?) 1970 Broadway ?t 66?h St, D??iris*s er?. 23? st. a em at. u:r. wood! \n\ ckmetekt slid St. In ?lar.-r*. Train anJ Ly Troll**. Loi? of small ?'??? '. . .. Ii3a. ?o l_?.t 534 >y... N. T.