W. F. Ladd & Co.
New York
ANDREW J. McCORMACK, auctioneer. ,
a: ! i; : jO o'i lot k, at the
r'. .- .'.,-?- tytl . f Ex, ?? itor:
$2.090 Hcma Construction Co. 1st jittgre.
?rj Coll. Bds., due 1915, extended i
to Jan'y, !<?_ ?
)!!'?' The Greater City Development Co.
Geni. Mtge. F-.ts., 1915, ex '
tended t j ? 920.
30 shs. Ho::.- Construction Co.
35 shs Greater City Development Co.
'00 s't?. Wlnsted Company.
i::,?00 Buffalo Southern Railway Co. 1st
Mtge. f'- lids. Ctf. of Deposit.
'.':.:: Ided Interest In Certf. for 273 shares
'?> jftal i Si uthern.
113-47! sh. Buffalo Southern Rway. Ctf.
of Per.
:*-47'. s'.r. Buffalo Southern Rway. Bd.
Ctf. of Dep.
50 shs. Rook Plaster Manfg. Co.
' >: 3 sha Rio Plata Mining Co. of
JO shs. San Marino Realty Co., Tr.c.
18 ohj. A?s?ts Control Co., Ino.
I'M shs. Petramo Company.
'.16 shn. Hill Dale Co,
1ti<Ssh9, Norman Ker Co.
*1.-C0 Property of Emma W. Denker, a'
>T lis, 4th Ward, Queens, dated
Nov. 28, 1911, Participation Certf.
".OflBh:-. North .Jamaica Realty Co.
Vor Account of Whom if May Concern:
Tarehoune Receipt No. 84.6G8, Issued by
Warwick-Thomson Co., satd to eon
. . ,' Cartons 12 Uuar'.s of Grape
OU Coi centrate,
260 shs. Eastern Mausoleum Co.
*C shs. American F? relgu 'fragte C-"-','.'!
Pref I.
?00 shs. .'.???;?; ran Foreign Trade Corpn.
''-.-, m j:\.
13,000 Lexington Ave. ft Pavonla Ffcrry
IK. R. Is: Mtge. !,'<? BO.-?.. 1948".
13.000 Second Avenue R. P.. Co. 1st Mtpe.
i<"c B Is . 1948, Ctf. of Deposit
?0O shs. Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd.
20 Bhs. Win? h? stei C . 1st Prefd.
: sha, Wim hester Ci. 2d Prefd.
: shs. V.'.: ehester Co. Con r.-.orr.
$M99 Chali era Moti - i ?. 1st Mtge, C'
E-year Note, due Oct. 1, 1922, and
?5.30 do. S rrip.
?3 shs. Chalmers Motor Corpn. Prefd,
? ?;'. of Deposit and $33.33 Scrip
50 al lhalmera Molt r Cor] rt. ? 'or-.' -
.? r.
J! '?? ? N. T. & Westchester El. Co. 5*4
Gold Bda., 1964.
"47 si s, NT. T. Sanitary Utilization Co.
V Sanitarj V v iz.atlon ' 'c.
$100.900 Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Rall
M! Co. 2(1 Mtge. 4'"'- B Is., 1954
$109,000 Wabash-PIUsburgh Terminal Rail?
way C ) 2d Mtge. if* Bds., 1954
rr of Deposit.
J1?.969 Mas r. City \- t't. Dodge R. R. Is'
"?": ? <? ? Bond9, due June, 1955.
Dec. 1929, C? urs
" shn Unite 1 Nat!, nal Utilities Co.
100 shs. I'nited rrat'ona! Utilities i >.
' ' - :?
$$?,900 Great Lakes Oil Rofrrrjr? Co., T
S' 5-yr. 1st .'!:e- -?;?:. Fund B( nd i,
4 shs. Eel! Locomotive TVor'.cs, Inc.
. 19 shs. Bell Locomotive Wffrlts, i ..
? r - . . rr .
?25 t,hi. Permutlt Company C tira ?
Rail, In. .
? . ? Hotel Co.
*? Intel rial R| ?rting '':ub Corpn
1st . - Del Rcgil. Bond.
? r ?" 0 .-'-r.,. ? ; ? Co . Indlanapr Us, Ind .
1st Mrge. ?'?"- C nvt. Notes
5: 5! ? - ?- . ? Station Equipmen
? n. 2d Prefd.
Station Ei
SO -rii-. Kan :.y Oil Co, Prefd.
I - Kar k tl Co. Common.
' * sha. Charlestoi Hil Go I Mining Co
' [ ' ? ni ? Sterling Tire Corp i rat ion ?Jon; -
290 sha Kansas City Railway Co. Prefd.
$2.500 Kansas Citj Railway 1st Mtge, 5s
*. Kfv City Railway 2d Mtge. ; ?;
194 4.
.' ?.hs American Bankers Safety Co.
i'Tf-: i.
she. American Bankers Safety Co
Ftamplp.K Products Corpn,
Id shs. Brie Hpecla Ity i ? Prefd
?hi Brie Specialty Co. Common.
It's ; '. .-- Light & Heat i ... Pref !
Al! Right, T.t.e *:. ; Intere - ot Ja o Rui
pert : - i- -. i - i th? following, vtz. :
? ? Pi? ture "The Trail
he ? ? topus." and feature n -
;,. ui es, "1 Ugh Speed,.rhe
? . .. Man ge Chains of Evl
' ar.'l "A T langer lUa
" - : Hutterworth Juds i 1 ? .
: ?hs. B-j terworl . Jud Prefd.
Starr ped.
IK " Kr -? ?? ? ' '?' of Bui a i est 4'r, ~ Bdi
500.000 Kror.ei Third Auatrlan War Loan
: -, ' ?
$$0,000 Kronen Auatrlai Mortgage Bank
4<"i Secured Bon?
6C0 ?.ri> American Ctt ea i ?. Prefd.
? ./ Record Tire & .Mv-.::{?' Co., Inc.
$90 she. li'-" ? ! Tire & Manfg. C? .
:;9?iv.n. A-.a:-..-. Coast Fishei es Co. : ? ?
Pre? t.
SSI aha. Atlantic Coast Fiahertea Co.
' .-:.". :i.
$6 aha Denny-Rent n Clay * Coal Co.
I2S shs. Mu' ? n -? ?' al Co.
J.OftO .'.nur'l i 'oal Mining i '?
* '. " ; Bhs. La ;. ' ?. Mining Co.
11 shs. Ki ? Rat Co Inc.. 1st 1
:9l!-'.rvi ?? (. Knots Rat Co., In-., 2d
17 93-100 i I ?, Km * Rat C? ,, Inc.,
V.r. ;: on ?'- r.
Private Bankers, . - -. ?? close of i.Inesa
so the l?th ? ; ? ? N? ? ?- t, 1920:
' :-. -
?>'-.::- ... ? ? $721 r.9? ?v
PTtTate .,- .... 263 399
Moriiiri? T?' 'I
. >a. ? . : 111 t>7 otltef
tot-.*, dUroon!? a.' . i>" ,'Vfc-l
r ?rt v~.r>-\ 'r -.??:.. IS? 8ms ' <
* -, . ? --?->..;..?
'rr*-?.r>J-; 47B.7!
I>*J*. f'-.'T. UK 'fc,-.'
vsr?* ItrxMHtjita $392,24$. M
-? j? fro? f? ? ,- ?k ?
?-;-.-. -i 19* 24
. . ? ? 'y
44 44 13
1 HI
:? 13.7t7 t?.
?- ? ! i. ? : ? t ? ? ?-?
? : State? . . .123 V. '- r?o
? '*"?<.' , : ? j
fa-t-f ajr.d ? *>-? r-,r r.?r'. ?lira
. ? . (4,424.67
M -r. art ??' ? , . ?ctxm&itxa ?*?
? ' par --.? nti . 4'( 94$ 30
i -? $? 172 '.?
*.-r-.??j r ?.'-/? ' ? --. r
>r*! i/!. :,s*o at ~>,??
?* V. '. raj so ?v^/To
<**. 17.329.29
- 4'-: '
t'J'M .%i ',:?? '. ' ? ;
'? ' ?-'-.'. -??;.?. . ..... IM ',' i 00
*"? ? !- ? i ...... ?'.'?'
l>*v/i::* ?iji?., ro - ?? '. $397,934 19
OtAt? M-USeatM >?' ite&oatt 47.243.U
'???/.-t daposlta withdraw
a'- ? '?..7 Ofl v.-??:.'.?.
</f s?J". '-"'?? 2.640,715 !?
'_?.-'? tj.-? a?a ri-?? trana
miMfsri %!.:.*.: (9.937.58
f***' awa;-.-.a r?f jr. - ).r?j' 13
">?? far R*/-.*, ?yf.?!? t'i/.. KM-, 91
'*nsa?1 ?Atrfci, 2 493 '/'
?' ??-? f'Wft-r. htl.t? . :
???'?>?'?? 297,434 '.
Bi'?"i t?Ul 4i9*>f*tj ... '"-.)?'?/
4 v.??'.?/.-? .,? .;,?.'. I,?.-,
fc??* a; a futur? '.?.??
er ?r.5/.',rt?.?/i (,/ ......
,_ yjw-.-t?! UtUn iff efadH 4V','.V',2
*?**(!?? f<* Uj>?, ei|?i.v?,
. **?*. 7,1*4.2')
*??m?.yj lotmm n.'??! Ml
tax*? at ?fa?, ,/ (,.?..
???*? ?ir, Usrn C*i*_ Vt.Vil :?.
$4.'*t>.?';l *7
Foreign Bankers
Confer Here on
Mexican Situation
French and Swiss Repre?
sentativos of International
Group Meet Loca! Finan*
ciers; Outlook Hopeful
Informal discussions relativo to the
Mexican situntion, especially an re-1
garda the statua of foreign investments
in the republic, are being held by
members of the International Commit?
tee of Bankers on Mexico, with a view
to working out a plan of procedure for
arranging for a resumption of the serv?
ice on the Mexican government and
railway securities, which have long
leen in default.
P. Reynaud, representing the French
group, and M. Pictet, the Swiss repre?
sentative, were the guests of the Amer
:can banking group at u conference
held at the offices of J. P. Morgan &
Co. Trie French banker had only re?
cently returned from Mexico, where he
had gone to gather first-hand informa?
tion of conditions.
It was stated on behalf of the Amer?
ican group yesterday that so far no
definite plan for protecting foreign
holders of Mexican securities had been
(i.V. loped. The bankers are still wait?
ing for the new r?gime in Mexico to be
stabilized. The attitude of tha present
Mi xican government toward the bank-1
era is friendly, and hope is expressed ?
by members or* the committee that art
agreement can be consummated in time I
which will make possible ?10 resump?
tion of interest payment v as well as i
ti i i ayment of principal.
interest in Mexico'? finances has
been heightened lately by the call sent
out by Speyer & Co., bunkers, for the
deposit with a protective committee
of two issues of Mexican government
bonds aggregating approximately $75,
? 000,000, which are in default both as
to nrincipal #nd interest.
Five international banking groups
are represented in the international
protective committee, namely. Ameri?
can, British, French, Swiss and Dutch.
The total of foreign investments in
Mexico which have seriously Buffered
I as a result of the long series of politi- j
! cal upheaveals in the republic is vari?
ously estimated at between $1,000.000,
, 000 and $2.000.000,000. of which the
: American stake is put roughly at $800,
| 000,000. _ '
New York Meta! Market
Oh the New York Metal Exchange tin
*.vas weak, with Class A quoted at 36c
| to 37c asked; Class B. 34c to 34.50c
asked, and Straits shipments, 30c
I to 37c. Copper weak; spot and No- j
vember, 14c asked, and December 14225c
asked. Lead weak; New York spot and
Fast St. Louis. 5.75c asked. Zinc weak;
I New York "not 6.10c and East St i
Louis 5.80c.
London metal prices follow: Lead,
snot ?28 and futures ?28 17s 6d. Zinc,
! spot ?32 ?s, and futures ?33 5s, Tin,
?standard spot ?221 5s, and futures ?225.
with sirles of 20 tons spot and 380 tins
futures, Copper, standard spot ?78 and
' futures ?78 5s, with sales of 100 tons
spot and 800 tons futures, and electro?
lytic spot ?90 and futures ?91.
j To Pay Wil?ys Dividend
, Directors of Corporation to
Italie One-Year Scrip
Directors of the Willys Corporation
? have decided to pay the dividend due
, on the first preferred stock December
| 1 in negotiable one-year scrip, callable
! at par and payable to stockholders of
?record November 20. According to C.
B. Mertz. in a letter to shareholders,
this action was taken "owing to the
acute stringency in the money market, ;
the necessity of carrying inventories, j
and in order to conserve cash assets i
an?! creel it resources."
Together with the announcement
concerning the dividend stockholders
wer?; in receipt of a statement showing
that net prolits of the company fur the
eight months ended August 31 last,
before taxes and dividend?, were $3,
604,600, compared with 54,141.255 for j
the full year 1919/ The statement also |
said that profits for the last four !
months will not add appreciably to the j
total indicated for the eignt months.
Chesapeake ?k Ohio Ask??
It i ?i i 11 to Issue Securities !
WASHINGTON,! Nov. 26.?The Chesa- i
pealce & Ohio Railroad applied to-day
to the Interstate Commerce Commis?
sion for permission to issue $4,500,000
worth of equipment trusj certificates to
bear interest at 6V2 per cent and to
mature in twelve equal payments, be?
ginning December 1. 1924.
The road also asked permission to !
issue $2,699,000 worth of improvement I
mortgage bonds, which, with other se-j
curities, will be offered as security for 1
a government loan of $3,759,000.
Canadian "Northern Railway
l?on<! Issue Oversubscribed I
The $25,000.000 twenty-year 7 per
cent bonds of the Canadian Northern
Railway of the Canadian National Rail- !
way.) system, offered here yesterday
through ;i syndicate headed by Wm. ?.
Read & Co., were immediately over-'
subscribed, it was announced, and sub?
scription bodies have oeen closed.
Colorado Toner Earnings
Net operating revenue of the Col?
orado Power Company, for the month
of October showed $55,494, an increase
of 21.5 lier cent ever the correspond?
ing month of the preceding year, ac?
cording to a statement issued jiejster
day. For the year ended October HO
net operating revenue totaled $495,057,
a decrease of 9.9 per cent from the
preceding year,
I Empire Tube ?'? Steel Income
Empire Tube and Steel Corporation's
balance sheet, as of October 31, shows
total assets and liabilities of $581,7G1,
compared with $567,943 as of August
St, Total current, assets are $106,687,
against $86,772, while current liabili?
ties aggregate $11,614.
Pnrls Market Kapler
PARIS,'Nov. 26.- - Prices were easy on
the Bourse to-day. Three per cent
rentes, 56* francs. Exchange on Lon?
don, 57 francs 70 centimes. Five per
cent loan, 85 francs 20 centimfs. The
dollar was quoted at 16 franc-; BV&
%'??,! imes.
Excess of Exports
Over Imports Sets
Record in October!
Value of Outgoing Trade In- \
creases 8100,000,000 in
Month; Gold Arrival Fig-1
ures Largest in 3 Years
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.?Exports !
during October increased by nearly i
$150,000,000, while imports decreased ?
approximately $1,000,00j, foreign trade
figures made public to-day by the De?
partment of Commerce show. ExportB
were valued at $752,000.000, againrc
$605.000,000 in September, while im?
ports were valued at $302,000,000.
The excess of exports over imports
in October, amounting to $390,000,000,1
is the largest in any one month of the
present year.
For the ten months ended October 31 j
exports were $0.832,000,000, compared.
with $0.499,000,000 in the same period j
last year, and imports were $4,720.000.-1
000, or $1,021.000,000 more than during'
the sanie period last year. Thus the
trade balance in favor of the United
States for the first ten months of this i
year is $2,112,000,000, compared with
a balance for the same period the year1
before of $3,400,000,000. ?
Imports of gold during October were)
the largest in three years, amounting.
to 8117.o(io.oo.i, as compared with $39,
000.1100 in September and $5,000,000 n,
October of last year. For the ten
months' period gold imports amounted
to $316,000,000, against $01,000,000 in
the same period of 1919. Gold exports
i.i October were $26,000,000, against1
$44,000,000 in October of last year, and I
for tit" ten months ended October 31 ?
exports of gold amounted to $285,000,- l
000, against $270,000,000 for the same |
period last year.
Trade in silver remains relatively!
small, the statement said. Imports for
?the ten months ended October 31 were;
$78,000,000, against $73,000,000 last
year, and exporta were $104,000,000, as
| compared with $189,000,000 for the cov- ;
! responding period last year. The tig- ;
I 'ires for October were not given,
Cotton Breaks More j
| Than One Cent; New j
i Low Records Made!
(Continued from precwllr.j paie)
of the advanc In futures. December sold
up to 7c at one time.
The i 11 ye of prices:
Wednesday's !
* i ".?' rr High i.-".'. Cloa i. close.
N.v .... - - - - ? C.?M) ,, f,.95 6.50
D"C.... 6.45 7.00 G.4J t'..r>.V". 7.00 C.55
Jan.... - - - 7.15 V 7.16 6.77
bVb.... - ?- - i.S7'ii) 7.38 6.99
Mui-ch. 7.15 7.77 7.VI 7.59?J 7.60 7.20
April... - - - - 7.7? -.<? 7.SO 7..'19
May. . . ... -? 8.10 7.50 7.<?S ij) 8.00 7.5S
June. . - ?? ?? S.15?? S.I7 7V
July... 7.89 8.45 7.88 8.33? 8.35 7.
Auk. ... - - 8.43f?t> 8.40 8.OH
Sept.... 8.1? 6.65 8.10 B.53@ 8-65 8.IS
Oct.... :>.?2 S.:-' 8.22 8.63? 8.65 S.23
Butter, Cheese and Errs
Hatter Receipts were 4.I4C pacKagc
Creamery, higher than extra, lb., GO'.i
6le; extras, 92 score, 60c; firsts, 90 t.. !
? . 02Si i 9c; Hrsis, SS to 89 score, 47
60c: seconds, 83 to ?7 score. 40?45c; lower !
crades. 37!<i:?9c; unsalted. higher than ex- ;
tras, 63V?@64c; extras. 62?63c; firsts, 48?
61c: seconds, 40?46c; state dairy tubs,
g?od to primo, 4Si?f5c; common to fair, |
I7@46c renovated, extra?.. 45?46c; ladles,]
current make, firsts, 33 lj 1?34 Mic; seconds,!
21@32c; 1'iwer grades, 29?20c: packing:
stoclc, curren: make. No. 1. 30@30V4c; |
N'o. 2. 29c; lower grades, 26@28c.
Cheese?Roclpts were 1,8?7 boxes. State,
whole milk, held flats, specials, lb., 27? ,
29c: average run. 24V4@26%c; fresh spe- I
cta-ls, 25?26c; average run. 23%@24V4c;
lower grade, 2r' g L'2 >'.r; twins, held ?Pe?
dals, 27 ' i 'il 2* ' ??!' ? average run, 2 4 ! a iP
2.-'nc; Wisconsin held flats, 27?2Sc: single
Daisies held, 26'$ @28c; double Daisies.,
held, 26%@27Hc; Young Americas, held,
29@30c; Bklms h-'d specials, lStSr-Oc;
prime to choice, 15?17>?c; {*lr to ???a'
1 - '?i I < '-? c ; lower grades, 10c.
Kgjrs?-P.ec?Vpts were 6.770 cases. Fresh |
?fathered, extras, doz-n. 86???c: f*1?
firsts, 83@85c; firsts. 76?81c; seconds, 6( ?
?75c: dirties, No. 1, 52@66c; checks, fair,
to choice, dry. 46?60e; refrigerator, spe- |
cial marks, fancy. 59?S0c; firsts, 67@68c;
seconds, 53@66c; state, Pennsylvania anal
nearby Western hennery whites, extras, .
$1.08; extra firsts, $1.03? $1.05 : firsts. 3d?'
$102; gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts. |
96@$1.05; under grades. S0@92c: pullets, 76 |
?S8c; Pacific Coast, white, extras, $I.0o?
51.08; extra firsts, $l.O3?$1.06; firsts, $1?
$1.02; medium size, 85@93c; small, in?
SOc; other Western and .Southern, gath- I
ered whites, 65?95c; stat.\ Pennsylvania
ai 1 nearby Western hennery browns, ex?
tra, '.' '.:?-? gathered brown and mixed
ci ors, graded extras, 86@88c; r'.rsts to
i .? '. a firsts, 77?85e.
Livestock, Meats, Provision?
Yesterday. Year ago. |
LI ?" beef, fair to
prime. 100 lbs.$10.23 ? 14.75 $1 2.50? 17.00
Dressed beef,
sides, lb.13? .28 .16?.26%
I. . ? veals, com- !
mon to primo,
100 lbs. U.00?17.08 16.00?22.00 ?
I i r .? s s e ?) veal,
i :'.;', ib.18? .26 .24? .22 ;
Live ewes, ICO
?ins. 3.00? 0.2; 5.00? 9.00
! in ised mutton,
? v . lb.rS? .14 .10? .16
1. i- lambs, fa Ir
to prime; 100
lbs. 10. 00? 12. 25 14.00? ?4.25;
i ir? ssed lambs,
, lb.20? .28 .20 r .25
Hogs, 10 l lbs. . . 10.50 pll.00 14.00 c 14.25
! h o g s,
bacon, Ib.V. V, if .11 % .22*>i?.22%
Porli. 30.00f(i 31.00 47.?': ?
Mess fceef. ut',. [email protected] 22.00?23.00
l,U(i, ... i d .1 1 o
West, 100 lbs.. 18.00?18.25 [email protected]
Receiver Is Asked
BARRE, Vt., Nov. 26.?The Westing-'
house Electric Manufacturing Company
applied to-day for the appointment oi'
a receiver for the Barre and Montpelier
Traction and Power Company to
straighten out the financial affaira of
the company, but not to close the road. !
An injunction was also served to stop !
a sheriff's sale of street railroad prop- :
erty .to satisfy a judgment of $5,500 j
secured against the ruad by Robert i
Stewart, who was hurt by a pole which I
fell through tlie window of a car. The ?
action was declared to be designed to !
prevent the depletion of the traction
company's assets.
- - ?? ...
Financial ?tems
Net earnings Of tho Gulf States Steel
Company r..r October uft.-r the usual de?
ductions f?j;- taxes, depreciation, etc.,
an ountod to $109.739.
The Central Union Trust Company of
Ne... York has been appointed transfer
;>.r."i-t in New York of the preferred and
common stock of the General Asphalt
i tompany.
Application has heen made to the New
Yon; stock Exchange to list flitted Re?
tail Stores Corporation 37.767 additional
shares of common mock Class A, ;it no
par value,
Arthur B. Westervelt, for ovr twenty
years associated with Harvey Pi.sk ?-.
Sons, has resigned to become a vlce-presl
ilent of tli" American Trust Company of
New Wirk, and will assume tho new duties
on December J.
The Day's Bond Market
1). S. Government
1 nm?.:?ctlon?
Liberty v .. , ; \:
do '.-r 4s.
do 2d Is, 1942
?( .
? , J '
o < h 4 v;
'or y 4\s
i ?? ' '.
1,1 0
. : ' ?
' 21,0 10
4.11 i.or
S 86
. IC
? .
? ; '
., , ? i
? ? ? .
? .40
- . : n
. I 3d 4 ?<! 9
do 4 ' ; i ?. i s.
' ? v., . .
... .
.4'. - Il
9C 06
: ?? .00
.??; 00
?:;?l nml Asked Quotations
Wr In
; v
2d 4 Vis,
W 4'is '
4th 4 Us. .
Vie 4 % s,
' il .
2s reg l !
, '
'?a Pan r,
2s l'a
i'"g .
: ' ?
Vest? rdaj
- - . ' ?
SC - ? ii-37.00
- , ? IS
. ,,
!"\ >.'
' -Vis
u - .
SP : .: ' -
ST.!" ?; 87.44
9#)0{l 96.02
M 0@96 02
: i \ ?? ?oiVi ?oo^ <?!. 101%
0i \ il 01 '. IOC ?i ':; 101 S
!l - 92 <tl ?< 92
>\\ '?'..;: . ] i -. ulOSV.
14 - 10."? . l04'-< '.10?
10 t ?; : 1)1 1001 .. . I.J I?
H Va loovi '?? loi :3
?IVj 100H 'iflOl'-j
' ?:???' tlOl'/j
. ?? .r ." ? ? 82
. ? '..- s 2 70 jrji 82
7 -, : .' -,
7. ' ?
?l i 5 7 ", '? . S
Korriftn Government and Municipal Gonds
. Interest To l?e Added.
CU) ? I '/..>? h
a ...???:.
; os
: .
??,.-..'. i: :.; I ;. . ? .-,
Cuba i ; ri '? ? t ',. '.
lo ? ' '-. '-. '? '? '?. l
do i - 1910. . . *
nican Hepubll? ? . .
'. : .1 11 Rs, 1934 1
'.'.'? . ? ?
City of Cop' n fin ? .
' '
French Gdvt i 1 ? ? - ? .1
r.- i ?-.. ' ? ' i;-?, 1921
? ni I ' . . .11
lapai ? ' - i
Jo IS 2d im. 1925
do 4
fio Tok
r- ; ?: i: .-. I , 321
1 V?
7 8 '.c
i ;?!".<
V* !..
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!':. ru I, l'.'-p 8s J P
91 ; M rets
971/4 : ', 0''" .100%
m r . 100 . . .100%
', .....
. . 100',.
2.000 I 00 '.,
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, ? S f 8S
; fi .'.;? n ? ?. .. 102
0 10 . I 12 V
74'A I ' " ? ;r' ':
- ? ? :.%/v
% :,:,,,:????
% : ? 000. 74%
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?j: . r in iKium n r
v '.? 1 i- M rets
?. 000 ., ??'
'? 000 , ',
do 1 n 1921
r. 000 . fi'1%
do *? i?26
1,000. 91 %
4.000. i.'l %
rtep of Cuba 5s l'i04i 6,000. 8i7(.i
1.000. 7-'. : 1.000. 89
6.000. 77% ir,.r,no. 88%
V K of Great l-lritalnl H.000. 89
?V 1 .. Via 1021 I 'o ?'? Vis 1937
L. ' 7?. ' ' 000. R.-iW, |
?.-,'?' r 9.000. 85%
-5.000.I '.;%' ?J. 85%
non.t -;- OOfJ . 85V,
? (.000.
iio r.v B
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d r, Vj s 19 2 !?
S S?.
no? .
1 000. 85 H
V S cif Mexico t?
l V 00. 45
i.-0'V . 4414
?000.s20f.. I'
0 ~ 0 .
Railway, Other Corporations
'.?1. n s Rxpress
i.oon .
001 . .
.Gold M
ser -\
; 00fl . . .
nv V 4s
At., ,-':..?'' -i
6.1 0.
. .1 00.
.11.- : . '
0(1 . 7
,v T cvt Cs
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??? 1 %
7 '1 ?
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1 ' ? . . . 7. %
do .: ' , 9
2,000... . 77??
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1 1
- 0
8 4
f :: %
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? 76%
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?'"">::::: }?\"
? ? '?'.<!'. . 76''. I
. ,00 1. 76%
: .000. n; of.. 7'i ?? '? 1
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?: ? '".'i 4s 1955
I 0O0. f-"-/
? 1 ' 00 .... 69 .
do cvt 1 . i '. ?y
U ..... S4Vi
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lo K ' I'll ih rllv Is
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.' V Coa 1 Un ; :
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. 1. ",
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. ir'"
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' '? ? . ' ".:.
14,000 . 54
' Of.. 53
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]' M elf H
'. '""' .101 V
? 1 OU . . . .101
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: 000. .. 101'
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, o. ,
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unit.'-.. G t, V, Fl?
??000. 60%
Coi a so 4% s
do 1st 4s
I Kan City Term 4s
73 1,000. 72 f
72% 1,000. 72%
I l.ono. '. 2
E0 Kings Co IV. 4s stpd
3,000. 54%
SI j r)00. 63 %
Lacle? ? ? ;:,-. of St
Louis 1st 5s
_| ?.'iO?. 72'i
r.000. . ! 10% I, E & West 1st 5s
?.<.i '">'? ; l.ooo. 82%
?'? "?>?? ? . 100 G ake Sh r ? 4s 1934
Cuba i lane Sugar '. I ? . ? . .. 82 %
Comp T?b-U 6s
Con Gas lemp '
_ 100%
000 .. .100
4.000. . . .
Del & 11 temp
1.000. . . .
I. Of
1 0i
Den .'.- It G Imp 5
2.000. 7
3,000. 7
: 000. 82%
c6 Gehlfc'h Valley 6s
.. .'I. 98 %
; do c m 4%s
04i.il ' ".79%
i loo. sn
I .'in. 80%
Mi-pelt & M 7s
10 000.104%
do 5s
5,000, . . 79%
5 nnn. 70S
s n o o. 80%
I.crlll i"1 Co 7s
in 00O.105%
i . | I .
7.100. .
( i rfp 6s
4 9
Detroit Edison ri?
2.000. 81
Detroit V Itys 4%s
... 02
V. T V ??? G ci
1,000. SS
Erle ,"? u Hi n 4s
; 000. 4 4
:. o n
? f. n n
Void.- * N'ash 7s
- OOil.1 03 ?
do I'plCied 4s
; (! 000. 81 |
do St T.ouls 6s
i non .... 99%
Mmrhr ttan Ity 4s
ft non. 64 ;
f, 000. 61 ?i ?
5 uno. 63 'i !
Men l"'-" 4%H
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V!rh ?'? -i .'.-b 4s i
r, nM. 77
41 %
i nnn. -ti1?
i ' ooo. 41%
do cvt 4n sei D
2.000 . 48 V:
Cen Bloc deb 6s
4.000. '.9%
do .?"i. : .-.
I 000. ..... 85%
do 3%a
1.000. 67%
Ilockliii- Valley 4'.'.?
1 000. 7 3 ? -
'.' 000. 73
Hud f.- M rfj? Ts
in fi.-.n. ?I 7.-.
i. n n n .
i. n n o.
:' noo.
Ntldvnl" f'tecl 6s
5.nnn. 7" 'i,
1 nnn. 7i
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".nnn. 70
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;i n n n. 4 . ? j ,
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- < on. 60%
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61 '.
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" i noo. 61
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5 o n o. 79
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-, 000 . .
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^^^^ 15 nnn.
? ?"? %-.-v.- < i-l Term 4s
ifi% 2.000. . ,62
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72 1 n nnn. 90' '?
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?I 4'
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33 000. %
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102 %
. 102
.101 -?i
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?I,000. 72 Vi
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1,000.. 6 4
. y j Sortit 6s
i n n n. 94
-; y ?ya a?1J 6s
l 000 . . . . 5
ctfH of deposit
4 non . . 4 'i
rf>: 4s <-tfs ?.r
20 VA
.i nnn . . .
..; y Telephon'
6,0110. 89
4,uno. 881.
do 4
S.009. 89
7 5 ???,
1,000. . . .
5.000....., 733"
11,000. 731..
N rt ilk So 5s ser \
1,000... 58'
Norfolk .* v/ cvt fi*
o 0 n 0 0.102%
13.000. co\
19.000_ -OG
10,000 ? '. ; ri'.-,
1.000. (?0%
2,000. 50%
10,000,. f,o %
1 nno. c?%
10.0H0. 50%
- 000. ro%
28,000. 60 "??
ip.000.... ,-,i
12.000. .
Nor I
1.000.102 1 40.000. 61
: (1 . ?? St G Swn 1st 4fi
1 nn.t. C6%
2.000. G ;%
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1.1 10. 64
1.000. 6 27i
"..ni 1._
f.000.104 V*
7 000.in-,
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-105 %i
4 s
8 nno
' 9 n n .1
8 000.
3. nnn.
Si V M ?? M 4% a
77 I 2 nnn.* $9
7fi\ I do 4s Montana ext
1.000. 80%
Seoboar.l A U ad I 5s
6 000.': n
^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^J dr rir?- 4,
'?' ?n . r- , ;? 000 .mi
Nor States Vrrr 6s ! 2.0O0.::::.* ?}ll I
-.nnn.... 701, ,
Ore ?? r.,i!r ,,.%,'/ 'j
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?.000.s30f.. 4 11-j
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36 onn.11, "
21.000_ 1 ;?>
1 onn.%i? ,,
Ia ono.nn
in nnn.Ill %
1 ont). . . . 7.jr
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1 ono. ... ' 7074
19 nno.. .
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1 nno.
10 0 no. :.
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" n ,1 ,i ' * '
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3 oon .
?uettion? of gr.ieml intere?t *? <*?
ret to fi will be anawered in thi? c?i?
v.mn, in which case only initial? will
be used. Other? will be answered by
mail. Add~e?a all inquine?, indo?'
ing a ?tamped, addressed envelope, t?
Financial Editor, Tht Tribun?, li?
Nassau Street, New York City.
St. Panl Bonds Well Secured
Question?A few weeks ago. you said In
reply to a question that the Chicago, Mil?
waukee & St. Paul Railroad had been
operating rather badly of late. To one
such as I. not thoroughly familiar with
financial affairs, the fact that the road is
"operating rather badly" makes the In?
vestment In its securities a matter of
doubtful wisdom, and yet- I have in mind j
your frequent recommendation of the St.
Paul general 4s as a good buy. If the 1
road is operating month after month at !
a heavy deficit, what assurance has the !
bondholder that the Interest will be paid?
Is It, in your Judgment, better for the in- ;
vestor who can 111 afford to lose any of |
his capital to pay the seventy odd dollars !
extra_ per 11,000 bond and buy such issues '
;.s Northern Pacific 4s, Atchison general i
4s and securities of nt.-rrllar erarte"?
Mrs. I. MacN.
?wer?Your question is an inter- j
eating one. We wonder why it has not I
been asked before. The Tribune re- j
ceives a large number of inquiries as !
follows: "Please name five or six bonds i
yielding 8 per cent which are absolute- j
ly safe and which may be placed in '
one's strong box and forgotten." Our ?
answer is, it cannot be done. Why are ;
( nited States government bonds the\
best bonds to purchase? Because they
nre the bonds which fill the wants of j
trie investors above referred to, except!
that United States government bonds i
do not yield 8 per cent. But so many ?
purchasers of ? securities want high!
yields with "absolute safety" that they ?
do not stop to consider that the higher !
the income return the greater the risk, ?
as a general rule. Perhaps The Trib- j
une leans toward safety in its advice to
investor;. There is a good reason for'
such a policy, we believe. No one |
should purchase securities and forget?
them, as the expression goes. It is
every one's duty to keep in touch with
affairs at all times. Conditions are !
forever changing. What was a good ;
security a few years ago may now !
have tallen into the semi-speculative
class. The- Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railroad was at one time one of j
the very prosperous carriers of the i
country. It built its Western exten- !
sion at great cost, and subsequently its
operating ratio has risen enormously, j
The common stock, which paid 7 per I
cent for many years, and sold as high j
?i:i $200 a share, no longer pays divi- I
dends. Indeed, the preferred issue, i
considered at one time a prime se?
curity, has not paid a dividend since |
'017. In consequence of this its
junior lien bonds have fallen consid- I
.erably in price, but the property is a j
very valuable one to-day. nevertheless. !
The general mortgage bonds are an |
absolute first lien on 0,525 miles of '
road and a second lien on 2,371 miles. '
The prior liens amount to less than i
5-12,000 000. This places the general
mortgage in a very strong position. |
In our opinion, no matter what may
transpire, these bonds are entitled to
a high rating. It must be borne in
mind that the results of operation of
the St. Paul for the last two years
should not be taken as a criterion, for
under government control most of the
roads showed poor results. Under its
own management and with increased
rates the road will, in our opinion,
show far better results. And yet, as
you say, if the investor will fortify
himself by purchasing only those is?
sues which are 30 well secured that
there can be little doubt about their
security he *>will have no cause for
worry. His income will be smaller but
his principal will be safe.
Widow Is Left Speculative Stocks
Question-?With til? less of rr.y husband
T have no one left to advise me, so I take
this means of asking you to help me. My
husband left mo 160 shares of United
States .Steamship Company for which ho
pal i $6.50 a s;-ar^: VO'in sha-es of Lyone
Petroleum at $1, 500 Allied Oil at $1, 50
Middle States Oil at $24 or $2? Please
?avis?! me what I shall do. I get letters
every week from different brokers ad?
dressed to my late husband. Some advise
him to change with them for some other
(no doubt worthless) stock, others advise
me to buy more at the present low prices
and make my present holdings cheaper,
and so on. C. W. .Morse i- Co. send me
pamphlets tell'.r.g what great holdings the
United States Steamship Company has. but
T see the stuck Is only worth about $1.60 a
share. Why la the stock worth so little?
lu Morse on the level? I have very little
money. Will you kindly a,'.vise me if 1
shrill iell any of the above stocks, or shall
I Invest a little more money In any ono of
the above stocks??Oirs.) M. W.
Answer?We do not know to what
extent you are dependent upon the se?
curities left to you. In any event, all
arc highly speculative, and we 6o not
believe it wise for you to hold them if
you cannot afford to assume risks. Our
advice to you would be to sell these stocks
and invest the proceeds in sound divi?
dend-paying issues. We have heard
much talk about the great future of
the United States Steamship Com
pany. Perhaps it will yet materialize.
I; certainly has not done so as yet, and
so long as you hold the stock you are
speculating, in our opinion. The oth?
ers ave oil stocks, about as speculative
as one can find. Would you not feel
safer and more contented if you pur?
chased sound bonds and preferred
stocks, 3uch as we mention almost
; daily?
Holds Preferred Rubber Stocks
?Question?T have a few shares of Good
1 year preferred and Good rich preferred.
! costing me 91 and 100, respectively. Please
I advise as to holding or closing out and ro
1 Investing same In Standard Oil of New
Jersey preferred. Which do j ou consider
the more secure investments, non-union of
Canuda 6%a, 1229, or United Kingdom 6%s,
1929??C. 0.
Answer ? Practically all the tire
companies have been adversely affected
Executor Trustee
Chartered 1822
The Fanners' Loan and Trust Company
Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street
Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue
At Forty-first Street
New York
London Farii
Foreign Exchange
Administrator Guardian
Member Federal Eeserve System and New York Clearing House
by the recent deflation of prices. T
has been said that many overestimate?
the demand and in consequence found
themselves with large stocks on hand
To what extent these companies wil
be affected we cannot attempt to say.
The Goodyear Company recently
passed it common stock dividend.
There can be no question as to the su?
periority of Standard Oil preferred
stock to Goodytar preferred and Good
rich preferred. You would place your?
self upon a better investment basis if
ou made the change. We se? little
> choose between Dominion of Can
da 6% per cent bonds and United
kingdom 6Mi per cent bonds.
Four full column? <*/ in*
vestment question? and an*
surer? are published in The
Tribune every Sunday,
Chiner So. 1,250
The Mechanics and Metals National Bank
at New Ytrk. In the State of New Y<
a Ixians snd
counts, in^ln
at the ?Irs?, of business on November IS. 1829.
| 17. Checks on banks located outside
i .? _.. nr (?_,.,, of reporting hank
shown I ? .
Accept a.ic?.i of otiier
banns li??:oun od. . 1,504,434.99
Customers' l.abli- -
iry account of ao
ceptan?s M this
bank purchased or
discounted i.y it.. 49.9n.34
i and other ca?l. Item?
t is Uedcmption fund
?1th 17.
Treasurer and due from V. .,.
Treasurer .
13 Into est ?anted but no! collecte?!
- - appi m i mate?on Notes and
Billa rt?piiv?ti!9 not past due..
781 850 1 i
"Total loans.
Deduct: i^l^^^^^^
u Mitos and outs re
. Isrounted w*1 t I)
Federal Reservo Bank
(other tJni bank
SCI ..111!?-, sold)
(??vi Item 54a I ... $34,?9,00?.??
f Acceptance? .-f other
banks payable, at
future dare, /?i ar
artteed liy tilla bank
l'y lri.lorseji.int or
other.vls? (see
1..-1U 54c).
g Foreign Hills of
Exchange or I-irafts
sud with '-iil.'rse
inoiit of this bunk,
r.'jt shown traidor
item d abofo (?ce
Itsm 54dl.
20. Other asset?. If any".". .'.7...'. '.'. 1 ?87.230.77
Total .|2?7.2W.663.9o
"1. c*rt\*im ?t?* P*l<i in. $I?.m.99*.M
- -rplus rund . ^^^^^^^_
? (.ndlvMed profit** *$8,07?,m??
b I,ess cunvnl ex- ?.???.?>?
ess cunvnt ex
P> naea, inteie? and
tajes paid. .. ;
Overdraft? uiraecured.
a ? Uinio s' Lability account of
"Acceptances"' executed by this
bank and >v other banks for ac?
count or Uda bai.k, and now
o'ltiian.ling .
?. fr^ GoYemment securities
owned :
4-' 305 97
tienda par va.1
ecu re
other (?epo.il s or
billa payable.
I/oane J .
(i ??. ana un?
pledged .
Iirroiitcd v i t h
f-'iate authorl'lcs In
accordance w 1 t h
11-K. Fed-rtl Re
fcervo Act.
Deposited w 1 t h
Tro.t. Uop?tmt'i.'.
In i-uoriee with
provisions of Sec
Ilk', Coderai Re?
serve Act.
10 495.619 MO
T..'a! 1". S. Government securities 13.rf0.551.03
Other bonds, securities, etc.:
B inda : itli >.' than
l'. S. I;r. !.,:->
pledged ti secura
postal savinift de- !
r.unds and Kcnrr
lies (other lhan
V S SM-l! :i"()
pledRpd a? rollat
? ?'s ?? ?ir
?thsr deposita (pof
. .... ? i) or
I -, pa> aole .
Securities. J l h e r
lhan V. S. bondi
i. ut lic'idiii?
stocks), owned and
unpledged .
Collateral tru? : and
otl .r notes ? f
, ..-porn'i ? . ??
for not l?sa thar:
U.-.H Vl-.i.. n. r
.:. iru tl an 'J I1RKH
YEARS' time. ...
Deposltrjd with
State autho l.ios In
accordance with
).i.-v sloni of Sec.
11-K, IVlor.a lte
serTo Ao'..
i 24 Interdi and ? Isoourit ooll?it*d or
. crud.ted In a.Ivan.-? of nia;ur!ty
! and not named?(approximate)..
r 15 Amount roja;?ed fot tajea ac
! .... T"""-1 . 1.029.654.63
. -0. Anmcnt re? -rred for all Interest
accrued .
|27. Circulating hoiai outstanding....
j .'3 Not amounts due u> national
""??".lis. 22, HJ.88S.? ?
39. .No. amounts Vri- t.. banks, bank?
ers and trust companies In the
L'nltod Sta?.,i ami fnnia-n coun
tr.e? *" < oUioj- than Included in
Item 2!? . 24.W#.?lt.?7
| Si. Certified checks ouutjuidlnf. i:>.iO?.274.8^
' ;??. Cashier's chocks ou turn bank
cutstandlns . S 020,461.1?
T.jral tif Items
29, 30. 31. and 32 ?iiy.537.S47.lt
; Domand doposl s (other than ban's
! (lei?>slutl subject to Brtierte ?de
poslrs payable within 30 days):
S3 In.I riiiual Jepuwits subject t?
check . 128.268.969.S:;
I 34. Ce titlrratas if (jepostt due In 1? vs
than ?0 davs (oilier than for
money borrowed). 446,70#.?l
35 State, courp.y, or other municipal
deposits -le.-urol hv pledge of as
aoM of this bank. 699.368.?4
; 36. Deposits r?-..- .ring notice, but lea? **
than 30 days. 1.297.4t
- Div dends u pi Id. 7.74B 18
I'ntai of demand ?In'"?!!? (other
than ..a-nn (??postsI subject to
lh-aei-Tr-, items 83. 34, 35 36,
37 .ritrn.lBS.tm 44
> Time deposits subject to Resort? (pay?
ai:? af?er 0 days, or subject to
I SO days or more r.'otloe. and postal
suv.ngs) :
1 SC Co ?iflcatcs jf Cepnstt (other thaa
for muncy Borrowed ).
40. SMue. count/, or other ni'..!il?!pal
deposits sccjitxi by pledge of aa
sits of tljs bank.
.4!. I'.n-.tal saytius deposits.
42. OtV-r timo deposits.
T?> at ?if timo ?I'Tkx?'J KUbje<-t
to HesoTTO. 1'enis 39, 40 4!,
and 4?. ?3.79r.'.457.34
j 43. T'nited K'ut'-s de
pns 'i (otln " ti an
j?. tal savings)
a \N >.? loan ?, -posll
account . 1,711,909 0*
'. b War satltlis ?rer
tlfiatj ani thrift
I stump depo.it ac
? OU
533 778.71
IV.ta'. bonds, securities, etc.,
otlier than V. U.
Stocks, oth-ir .??a.:i l"odoral It'-serre
Bank stock .
Stock of i '< coral Resen ? Baj 1:
(50 per c!-::? o' subscription)....
n ValU? of banklilR
house, ewnesi ajul
GOO.000.00 i
Z. 000.000.00
83 941.70
6.165.266 71
9. l'urrr?ure arid fixtures. Safe De?
ll. Lawful rcs.rrfa with Federal Ho
serra llinis.
?j Items ?.. th I'e.dcral Itescrro Bank
-,- ?on (not avail?
able, a? resene).
13. Cash in vault and net anvai.ts ******
.: ? .. banks. 11,501 864.7?
14. Net rimouri's due from tanks
bankers, and trust companies In
tha United Sutes (otlier than
included In Items 1!. 12, or 13) 271.410.12
15. Richanges tir clearing house.... 69.i>7i>.lo7.oj
lb. (hecks ot^
1 44. a U. S. Gmcrnmerit
Securities i.or < ?r?l
i..",.i.i fumlihing
collateral security
i fcr tame .
i >i I.'. H. (jorTi'^iiiiionM
Seciuttfts (K?rr.iw.sl
for wiilch c l a frai
se^-iniy was fur?
nished . S75.3S0.59
' 48 Bills rayab'e vrlth Federal Re
i Eorva Bank. se?'ire.| by ?. S.
Government ?- -euriileB.
fO. !.-?"-". of Credit and Travelers/
? ": ks ?o?d 'or cash aJ.d out
il. a ''Acceptances" ei
e< utod by to-, tank
for customer*. ?5 554.829.M
b "Acceptance?" exe?
cuted by other
uanka for ?ei-.;\-;;;
and mirier rutran
teo of tills bank.. 84S.38J.67
Total . ?6,498,^93 61
Less aeej-ptaric-s of
th ? bann pur?
chased or discount?
ed (aco It?'n lc).. 49.921.30
3 29.18C?7
nks in the
^^^^^^^^^^ as repor.iirg
.nk (oU.r-r than Item 15).
a Liabilities for rediscounts with
I'Meral it?erve litidi (see Item
Id) .
A (s?;itan?-?w i-f other barrss pay
ab.e at rutiire date, guaranteed
by th!s bail's to' Indorsement or
oMierwise (lse Item lei.
Foreign Buts of F,i. h.-.uae or
Urafts sold with Indorsement of
this bank, net shown und?r r?ein
a above (see Item If).
..f Items 1-'. 11- 1?. 1"
Total rsrtlr.gerrt ltahllltte?
(54 a. e. and d) (nit Includ?
ing Hems in Seliedule 23) ... $
?55 it' th.i lotil loai ? und discounts stk-wm abote, the amount -n which ?-iteirest and discount was
chare?*?! at rates tri excess ?>f those permitted b> 'a-.v (Sec. 5197. lav. Sut. i (?elusive of not?? upo:;
I ??neu t.? al oiiargo m.t t?j exceed 50 cents was made) was ?ti'.lOS.15?t.47. The number of euch loans
, wai 1.372.
i Stata of New fork, County of New York, s.*.:
i I, JOSEPH S. HOUSE, Cashier of the above- r.amed bank, 3o "solemnly swear that the abof?
staw-'uent is iruo to Uio best of my knowledge an ?1 bei.ei.
JOS. S. HOI'SE, Cashier.
Subscribed ?uid sworn to before mo this 2?'h day or Novemher. 1920.
tIKVHY AfrMANN, Notary Publlo.
Correct?A'test : Notary ruble. Wwlchrstar Oounty. Cert'flcai?
W K S ,:itIS\VOI.D | -ded it, New V(Tk ( ounty. No 61. New York
i W It CRAIO f Directors. Cnunty Register No. 1177. rommisalon expires
BOBERT C. 1'ltVYN ' Mar? h 30, 192).
Head Offlee: MONTREAE V-stablished Over 100 Y<-ar?
Capital Paid l'p. $32.000.000. Uest, $22,000,000. Undivided Profit?. $1,251350.
Total Asset? - - - - $560,150,812.
SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, Bart.. President SIR CHARLES GORDON, O. B. E.. Viee-Predient
Capital, Rest and Undi
?J?ded Profits. .$45,251,850
Balance due to Dominion
Government. 17,657,120
Bank's Notes in Circulation. 42,378,310
Deposits in Canada .354,118,097
Deposits outside Canada. . . 87,444,770
Bills payable and accept?
ances under Letters of
Credit . 10.337.P01
Other Liabilities. 2,973,864
30TH OCTOBER, 1920
Cash and Clearing House
Items .$136,028,786
Bonds, Debentures and
Slocks. 56,155,456
j Loans in Canada. 240,824,531
Loans outside Canada .... 112,637,737
; Bank Premises. 5,500,000
Customers' Liability under
Letters of Credit.
Other Assets.
Verified by Auditors' Report of thin date.
Over 300 Branches throughout Canada and i\'cn>foumilar.d and Correspondents in al) countries. Also agencies all
NEW YORK?04 Wall Street. R. V. HEBDEN, W. A. BOO, W. T. OUTER, E. P. Hl'NOKRFORD, ?ltente?.
CHICAGO, SPOKANE, SAN FRANCISCO?British American ltunk (owned and controlled by Bank of Montr**!).
MF.XlVO?City of Mexico
Offices at 47 Thre?dnce,H* St.. E. C? 0 Waterloo Place. Pall Midi, S. Vf.
PARIS, FRANCE?Hiuik of Montreal (France), \\. F. Benson, Manarer; II. J. E. Pope, Aunt. Munajrer.
WEST INDIES. ltKITISII GUIANA AND BEST AFRICA?-The Colonial Hnuk (In which an Interest Is owned W
?ho Dank of Montreal).
Special facilities for the handling of Foreign Bsohange and Commercial and Travellers' Credits.