Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate News Seaboard Bank Bin*.* Builtliiiff In Broad St. Structure Opposite Home Bought for Storage Use From Col. Green: Other Salr* in Downtown Zone Colon?! E H. R. Green, son of the ; lite "Hetty" Green, has sold to the Seaboard National Bank (Samuel ?-' -, the four-story . -r; . , % ?ad Street, southwest ,orne', Marketfield Street. 33.11x rr'< . lar. wl ich Mr. Payne said e -, , ? led to use for storage . i I . en in the ? ? Green family for a l.,,,.. mai ars. It is diagonally e new ten-story home oi B*nk now building at the ? Br . and Heaver jtreets. "" Recently the bank >a?e?l for ' ";; tern; of years from r}je B-sl ? ? '. te the property 39 Beu er Str? i tect tht light of the sew I Bo?en t orner Loft Sold p. M. ' ear & Co. sold for William 1 jnni ' - ? 1 ' : ; . uthwesl cor ng Street, a five-st. : - :. ng 3,500 square feet, rst sale ? f the ; roperty 5?nce IS ? l- resei I bul : ng was ,- - ?nnes in 1890. The STORAGS NOTICES ? ? :c ? WAREHOUSE SALE G< '! >DS FOR : CPAID CH ^RGES ? . WITH THE PROVISION r ...' ' ' ? US due and thargea I '?" siRi ? I Au ! . on Fli ~ is? Is en . . ? houseman i i . . ? no: ? parties ki n li an I :: r tice for payment of : expire , I her ? will | ? .. ? oui ware KKJSea, ' -? ana Avenu?, New York du \ DECEMBER . ;< v ? AM ai : . :. THI ! S DAY I AT 1 M. . ? ntlnuing until all goods - ehol 1 fun - il bedroi ::; ? .,-.-?. :' r: :.;; ure. ; inoa arpet! i ... ? ?f 3, p..r -.; s, I china and ? Idtng drapei res ? -.-.. per.? ??::? ! 3 If : wing part lea ?fern' M. \V. Ci INKLING, ' ?AR ? . 1GINS MRS EMMA MRS. M M I1ERINE CL'MMINGS, :?:-. ' :, MRS \V r MR FELLE1 . . ?MAS, MRS R F \ ' N'. LI'f'KEY. MR ? 1. MR. ISAJ MAI ':. - M ? Ei : ENGLAND '-':' - MAl'D I AMi S, ?'.' ; ICHARD '.: JOHN C ' : a R ? "V MRS .---?' MAR MRS W HERTER MR O J fc"S1 ER MAGI IRE il MELS M >S M ANNA ? I - 5. MR '?'.'? Eg MR V V MRS : R ??.'?. :. ?? ?-< on MRS n .' . ?'-'': E M :?.:.. - IS, MR C P MON RMAN MRS : ? T ' ? K.VNK DON'iVAN. MR! : . ? MARIE ? MR V V ASHER ' " ' HE : E) HIBI ' ME AND PLACE OP THE : Mi '. .- M ? : ? EPROOF \Y VREFH ' 'SE, Street. - ? ? .-: ue -; west 166th Street. The \\ ri Storage Warehouse & \ an Company, Limited. ?. ' ' ' . mat cgncer: -. . . property, wit i-.r. : ':.-.- ? . - - ..??.-> irtalns i : ;, v hi ?'-.:? MRS KATE CAI. RRV, MRS. F DAVIS ?hex : \- ft'.M, J ? - - GEO .-.. E ?? - ;.:."( -, 11 EE.NE MR; LILA :?: hicks v ?-' p.. Ml; - , ? ? - HCNTIN '.:?.'?:: - MRS ? ?'- " KEMBI MRS ' 11 ftRA '.-' - O LIN '; ?, ; ? . ;. PATTE I : AR SIM V '?'? - ' ?' and ; ?? : ? ' the underslgni the 1 .;:.??- ? r, at ... ? ?? v : ?: ..- I on ? . reaft? . ~: .... . .; il? 1 ven er 2". 1920 ? ? ' ' RAOE WARE - ? - Limited. ? '. '? HE !'!" '. I ?<????? j , :,:. . ' -'?_?? -. ? ? ? .- , - rar.. ?'.-?? .... . ?.nd due n ??:? - - < ? ? ? ? . - ?.. r .?? . ...... ? '?'." . ' ???111 ' ,. ''**"?* ??- . ? K .. ... -. - ? j, i ? ? .. ,* ' ?, ;?.'??* * - ? . '??'. - - ? . . n - ? V I: - .*' ? ? i ?.-.-'?. - .. ' ' f - ' .. . ' ' " - r ? ' .... ? S ? ? ?? .'Ill - .. ? -..-. Mr? A ? i ? I ? . ? I ? . ? . :?? . . ;. .... ? ,-,, g machine held "*''?-' v* ? '',-.??,1 and , (?'?...-? ,.' ;,' r? " - M *" * ' ? -?-??; , ? : ... .?r file, / ," -' - * I J :'.:,.? ,'?' ' ' '? ? ? "? on i. ? ? .: ? of M i ? , ' If .?:? ft?!* ! ? i - ?., ?. - ?in *., ? iC -? .-. -,... ? - I ? ? '? ' > i! ?r, ? . . . , In It? y, ? -K ..... ?? - ' . '.. ft* *-.;,.'/ . .-..?' of v,'?l.'""' ' "" '"* ?M,,*> '*K e i--.",:?..',?/, ?,.,?>, ;. c. ll'ii ;?: i'.-i '/.. I I-.*.. LJ?i ? I'sif'i un i,t Manhattan, _^ :. i. ii '/?, , ' ? ? -j. *r 3fi*n-H v;?K.!,Ah, uttHAn property na.* purchased by Louis and Jennie Greenfield. Tenant IJu\s in Cortlandt Street i 1-;ir%-s W. Wolf, dealer in leatl i I go : , boughl from Janet t ?lcott the I vc :??:?. building with -?tere 58 Cort? landt strict, northwest corner Greenwich Street, 26x58x irregular. Mr, Wolf has been a tenant of the ling for ,i number of years, Mrs. Olcott allows a mortgage of $58,000 to remain on the property for livi years at 5 -? per cent. Sale of \ arick Street Corner The site 94-100 Varick Street, north? west corner of Watt Street, has been ' sold by William A. White & Sons to U. H. Dudley & Co., wholesale grocers, who will erect for their own occupancy a two-story buiidine; from plans by Trowbridge it Ackerman, architects. The plot was owned by the estate of .loe E. Ilyams and Bartholomew Sbar boro. Sale of Water Street Warehouse Lawrence. Blake & Jewel! and Pay son McL. Merrill Company Bold for Louis Eskwirth the five-story and bas? ment wurehouse 245 Water Street, 37.6x72. <>ld Ninth Avenue Holding Sold V liam J. Roome ?f Co., Inc., sold pi the estate of John B. Scott 56 \'.:.;'. Avenue, The property ha.- been in the Scott family for nearly seventy .'.cars, during all of which time the above brokers have been acents for "re estate. The purchaser is Gustave Schauft'ert, who has a long lease on the property, which has still over five ;. car.- to run. lie paid all cash for the erty. - m? Operator Buys Corner House on West End Ave. Purchases Dwelling at 76th Street; Mrs. Froelich Sells Lexington Avenue Home Samuel Kronsky, Inc., purchased for h client from Ruth Frackman the southwest corner of West Und Avenu" and Seventy-sixth Street, a four-story dwelling, 26.7x100. Th< same broker sold to Isabella Unger 251 East Fifty lirst Street, a three-story dwelling.' 20x100. Pease L Elliman sold for Mrs. E. E. B. Froelich to Maria C. Jone-, of Southampton, the three-story dwelling S26 Lexington Avenue, a Beekman es? tate :? asi hold. Frank P. Gaillard, who recently ac? quired the home of the late William t\ean Howe Is, at 259 West Eighty-fifth Street, has turned the property over to the Drive Holding Company. It is a ? ;. dw< Hing 16x102.2. ' The Markham Realty corporation sold to Matilda A. Daily IV Grove Street, northeast corner of Bedford Stre< ?. two a nd I hre< - story fran e ngs, 25x62. ' ? & Brothers so] . for John G. Mi burn 16 West Tenth Street, a four ?% ng, 36.6x92.3, to M, T. and F, G. Bevans. 1 ix Marcus sold to the Metropolitan i irage the three-story dwelling 212 East 112th Street, 18.9x98.11. lues Morris sold for John Delahunty, as executor for Cathe? rin? Kerwin, the three-storj dwelling, 16.2%xl00. 485 West 145th Street, to Emanuel Morris for occupancy. Fifty Per Cent Kental increases In Lafayette Street ?)i-triet i harles F. Noyes ' mnany renewed ;.-. o bui ; ? e nt 29 Great Jones Street and 28 Bond Street, of : ? they r ;.'? e ecentlj bi en named agi tits, at appi >ximal y ?15.000 p< r ? ? ?. . as against existing annual : about $10,000 a ;? ear; three ? 2 and 3 B< : son Place For $15, 000 in the aggregate, which is : e the presi nt rental. Pease ?v EUiman lea ed for Tiffin Prod " . ! :.c, t: t : our-! toi y bui! lin .. 105 West Forty-second Street. Th E H, i lark Realt; < ompany, . rent ?: i ffices al 303 Fifth Ave? nue ' ' H. < '. Johansenn; at 103 Park V . .? to H Wile; : 347 Ma lis? :. Ave? nue to ?%:???: ? Marb e an . at 522 I H A\ en :?? ? the F< derated Fut : !.. : i ! ers' Corporal Robei ' E. Simon le: i I, as a show n ? ! ? auton V es, the store 150 West Fifty-seventh Stn I ["he Barretl & Gi le ' i panj lea; c 1 I rlor floot stoi ? " \V I Forty- ec ? : ?? . ? - t ? .? ( lovei ! ?" rmi r I ' m ? . ; ? :,; re 7-1 1 West Fortj fiftl -t reet to George M. Hi er; the par 1 r flo? r -' ? 53 We - Forty I ftl rstreet to the Art < raft Fir> ure and i npan; the 1 rd floor 62 T i irteentl St rei I I Seh? nk & ' hte, Inc., th? atter 1 . , the Dui ' mpany, and 1 Animal : Targel Coi pany the t ire at : I 251 West Tl irty fourth Street. !:?:.??. Brady leased I ! third lofl :C2 West 'i wei ty-tl i : Street to Ma -. y ?- Le zm? :,, ' ? ?? space 139 SUMMONS .-? i'i;v:.: . :- vw VORK ? ? iv: v MARTHA O ONNELI. I , ? " PRANK O' i N E LI in i I f Mnrrlagi To the ? ? : ? f< o ansv hu .... alii! in ? " a ip) . ' your an?w.i I I * VI ? ? ' ?".'.?.?? of ... ? ? ... ; .??.?? ? - ? ? ; i ????? ? ? ?,..- ? Ipnieni I .. i ? ? -1 .?->-. ,r. .hi " : . ? ' ? ???- : : '. ' ' : ' , ; , ? i ? ?. ?. ?- . ( i iffl? ?? ;.' : >? ' ? ' '"' . .' : rough ? ? . CONN EM. Defe ?:. ? I ? '. p ? ? ' r ; I r ??-,,: r ? I ? ' I f ' -r OE' 'ROE ? -V 1.1.AN ' f tho .1 11 -',--:- r - I ? .? ? ? - ? ' - ? ??' ? ? rlati nth? ?? . . . ' ? ... .... in th? on of tho ? , , ,.r tho 1 V<-v. i ? ,. ;?'... r v. . ' - .:.. ? Dated, New V- Octobei .'?. > MA L'RICK RANI I I At! ?<??? for I'l.'iln'.lff i . ' v.v 40 .. -?-.?? SURROGATES* NOTK ES I f THE STATE : . - ? . , (Vori i ? ? ., - . - T? .' - I. ' " ?. " , ' ' ., ? . ? ' " ? : '?' ? . , . | ....... next of .. hei ???? -????? . ... ? - ;?' . ' ? Hode1 M ' ' ' ? - ? .--.... . h "!? ' '?' ' ........ ???.-. ? ? ? ?? ?? ?,'. ht: :? .? .-. .-? - ?. . .. ,. i . , , i .,.,..., . ih? petition of I.oren: : ? . : Mourn ?h ???? il ; . f. '- :. .?: .. ? : ". li o? .... ? ? ... ??.,-;' ... j ??,,.,. , ',- . ? ' . ?? Hall '.f R?r rail, l/i ' ? ' r./'. m Ihn I I :, .' [.., ?!????.?? ... , '?'..'.. * Loren t : ..-.?'., ? . ? ? ? . n -n ????? -. y wiTBii k? il .. ... ' ' ... .'???? ? ?' ? j. )! .: .r..', lohn 1 ,. ? f oui .'... .... ?,,,.,.,.. ? ? . ME ' ? ?'. '?' ..' ' ; .. . : ? .- ? ri M I r A '.T. I . 1" V l'A '.' Y. ? Y A U -M?, .,? )|.;i,..rni,.. ? ihn I' ' ? . ? . i .... . of '??"" Kork, riby given to ? H perxon? ?v ? a K'i [,?' Kl?r. ,. ?.)-.',? . . ? ? ' ? ' ;.'? w y..! k- ?:???? ..n'- ? | in ???M toe ?un?! ".:?,? voucher? thereof I? ? ? ??.. . ? h< i .,,;.,. . ..' l(?iii?<tlriK huai. .??K? a' ihn office of Moen. Mur? u? A. W? ?. : Ri .. i w? , th* I V ,r V '.n i.i <..?'..?? ;.'. I 'il 1? , '.' i? r .- ' , ',ii' V- '?: .. w York. ! .<. 2nd lay nt Julr. k : IZA i'.r.i it i MO B itrl? Mrina. MAR'-V'H * WEI.?. Ui Jtroai wer. Htm '/'.(le <-!(*. West Thirty-third Street to Harry Semler; store at 243 West Twenty sixth Street to the Norwin Company, Inc., and tiro store northeast corner of Ninth Avenue and Fiftieth Street to Charles Koval. Flat and Home Buying In Many Sections of the Bronx '?'he Belwood Realty Company sold t" Harry Rotman the four-Rtory flat .Vi East 139th Street, 37.fixlOO. Samuel Kronsky, Inc., sold the five story apartment, 42x150, 957 Hoe Ave? nue, to Nathan Kashden. Walter E. Brown sold for the David Mayer Brewing Company the southeast corner of Washington Avenue and East 167th Street, 75x90, four three-story frame buildings. Armstrong Brothers sold 2072 Wal? ton Avenue, a two-family dwelling-, 25x100, for T. J. Dunn to the Debb Cor roration, and to the same corporation 3254 Decatur Avenue, a. two-family dwelling, 25x100, for the Misses J. and Madeline Ennesser. Louis R. Goldschmidt sold for Paul Blumberg the three-story dwelling, 40x 76, 2678 Crest?n Avenue. Edward Polak, Inc., sold to S. A. Backman for William Phelan the dwelling 1863 Harr.son Avenue. 30x100, and for M. Friedwitzer to M, Kaiisky i%22 La Fontaine Avenue, a three-fam? ily dwelling, 29x95. Elizabeth V. Mackin sold the two three-story dwellings 1025 and 1027 Ogden Avenue, 25x90 each, to John J. McGinley and Edward J. McGinley, re? spective!;.-. -?-,? Fine Dwellings Leased Pease & Elliman rented furnished for the est?t..- of John Hone to Mrs. F. I. Blake the four-story dwelling 5 Gramercy Park. Douglas Gibbons & Co, rented fur? nished for Mrs. De Koven Bowen a modern three-story dwelling 236 East Sjxty-second -Street to Mrs. J. G. K. Lawrence; for Mrs. Arthur Coppinger furnished 55 West Forty-ninth Street, a four-story dwelling to E. P. Kronck hite, an 1 for the estate of Hben Wright furnished 10 West Fifty-third Street to Mrs. Thornton Chard. Home Buying in Brooklyn William Liss. Inc., sold the new two family stucco house, with double garages, at 1586 East Ninth Street, for Edward E. Brill to Regina Hershko witz. E. T. Newman sold the three-story dwei ire; 532 Carlton Avenue for Louis Barrett. Fine Pelhamwootl House Sold Prince & Ripley, Inc., sold for Ar? thur P. Naul his Colonial residence, 23 Young Avenue. Pelhamwood, N. Y., to Herman M. Williams, of New Rochelle, ["he property was h?ld at $35,000. Bryan L. Kennelly represented the seller. State Court Upholds Act Taxing W. Va. Pipe Lines CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 2G. '1 he West Virginia Supreme ( ourt of Appeals to-day upheld the constitu? tionality of the act ol 1919 placing a privilege tax upon oil ami gas piped for a distance of more than ten miles. Under the decision the tax cannot be applied to interstate shipments of oil and gas, hut must be collected wholly e shipments within the state. The nil va- instituted by the Eureka Pipe Line Company and the United States Fuel Gas Company against Walter !?. Hallanan, State Tax Commissioner. Uruguay Plans to Resume Payments on Debt Jan. 1 MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. Nov. 25.? Payments on the Uruguayan external ' bt, which were suspended at the be n ng of the great war, will be re? t? cd Janu ary 1. The Minister of Finance has author? ized Dr. Jacobo Yare'.a, Uruguayan. \1 ? ter to the United States, to make this announcement in Washington, and iras instructed him to deny reports that a moratorium has been declared n this country. Fire Record .--. M :.-?'.! st. and Spuyten v... . road r he i iroi > a utoino bile, Joseph Singer .I'nknowti 7:0( . and st? auto - . le unk nown.Unkn? - i ?, ? 17 Atl irni y ? ?.. unl( nov n . V' i ? ? w? si and " ? at ? ? Is . man hoi?1 Edison Co. Unknown :? ? ::.?? I ? I I! Speali ' Unknown . V; froi ' of V.. E, 62(1 st.. tar ? Max l.ambi rt .Ne ne 12:12:10- 252 W. 39th s' . Joseph Hern ... Unknown : . . ? ' Kli gsbrldge Terrace, ? h? Itronx, Patrick liar Ij Trifling: . ? V 113th .st., Max \V 'in? ? Unknown - ?? 2260 Uni* rutty uv the Br >nx, ? H ... .Trifling 4:4: ' DOth st., Kwung Vu. n A . rrtfling 5: la?Manila Lt an a \ and r am? irti .. ?) a in? a Rut 1er 1 rlfli ng 6:10 IS i na I st., unknown . Ti Ifting ? : :.? ? Wo.. st Allen & Foi sehei iTrifllng ? - ! 5th av., Wlllla in Green berg .Unknown 7 ; - 1- oi ?:'.. r Ht., auto . ... J Sim < 1er . .--. Ti ifllng 7 30- 1G7 Av? nue V. IIcriTiu.ii V it ??r. .Trifling . j ? llr.;' Houston si ; aim m ..'...... I * n It i Eighth ..'? William Moll .I 'i'.linown r : ' i l rr ; av., ' he nron x . ;.h .Vines .Trifling P r -, North River; bales lion; unknown.Unknown :? 10 122;'? Broadway; ?Jlmb'rl Bros. ? L'nkiTown REAL ESTATE?SALE OB KI.VT Long Islam! \ HEAL SACRIFICE, II ItMSHEI) ?,.-,? ? L';i furnia, 1 will sacrifice tie, best ci nstrucl Ion : :' n rr- rind trim, line heal lug ? ial for winter in cellar, garage . . 30 minutes from ;, ... V-e . by ??.. ' ? Inn . worin $17.1 run li I, ?;?: l 000 if sol I h tak? $10,000 unfui nl j ? > cash v'-'iur: ???] . phone inc l n irgaln Ho m SOi : W? st 241 h IV. New ilomey " I N T C. I, A I R . N . J . . .. Hal ? ' 000 to ?7f. 000 : ? .. i J.. I -. : fun lied S lid ? V.' I...ire 1 HIM! .-?:?'? MKRR1TT C< >. r, N. J -I'hone <M0-4041 tN'dl.FiWooU and Vicinity?Real estate 1! WEA I1EIIH? * CO.. Bnglewood. S J. AIVA KT M ?KVT<4 TO I ?. J ?TI II N I SU M> Miinhutlun -- \v Modi rn apai lin'ml?. 4 J ust completed . bache ..;,., ? Inspection and I W '! ;. .-..n Co I..-?!,:- living room, large -.n hen Wahl. . ?. ? : ? nmi kitchen, fur n I h . I ? ? i . ? v. H'?ari! ' fio '....? O? lobei Si 75 . con .: VI...: . ?? : . er, S! uy veaam ? ' : ? ...... 111 y fur ? . . il rem fui nlshed \I\i;imi vis TO II I l Mt KNI8IIED Munliuttun '.'.? ? Vl> HA'I'IIH - |K6 ? ? ? ?;??? orated. lorn . loth!. closets ' ? i-lcvaior n pu : : merit house, ... ? , ? . i ? ' ? ?. .. ? Ion in mlUionair? ;'. v Df.Hi : ? between 5th und Cooperative apartment plan ' liant? Ai .jiiy i.n jaelii im nil ?hank's :J?i..,?, it, l.lh Vr i n ' ri'YVISBA IT, fiHth Htrnei ?rid i rsld? Drive Un rooms ?n<l two bitlm liKrrlH, Voijgh? & ( .? . ? V. 4Sth St. il HHiK DRIV'H), 37 Hupsrlor apart ..? bin ?i- . ....m? .n ? ..?mg room Mich?-!. < losi Is, li.ithi ootn , i ?? i I ? ,ii, ? ' G00 lo I?.400 .'!:-'.?; ?'.!?: .? -, . ' nil ?4th Ht?. ; i rooms ?n't ? M ? '?: n : ri? * ?' ?".'H. I2TM FIT, i'i WK'T Mer- i?'"in ? rooms. bsrth, real kitchen Telephone ''le-leea i:to. Trading in Flats Center in Houses on East Side Inve?tor Sells Building at Madi? son Avenue and 11 ,">th Street; Other Sales Samuel Kronsky, Inc., sol i to Louis Schlessinger for Reuben .%?% w two five-story flats at the southwest corner of ! Loth Stret : an 1 Mad Avenue, 51x75. Frances M. McKee sold to NTathan Stocker the four-story ti nement with stores 544 Secon I A\ en ue, l'Jx 10. George W. Brettell sold -'or Albert Winston to an investor U!7'> Third Avenue, a three-story -? re and fiat, 25x169.x irregular. Abraham Beaver sold to Minnie P. Gaffney the :.?. e ? torv Ral !.' East 129th Street, 25x100. Katherine ' Chambers sold t.. ' Siegel 17 Kssex Street, a fi vi si iry ten? ement with stores, 25.3x87.11. Ennis & Sinnott bought from I t?te of X. Bi igham liai; the tv ? I ; n story buildings 313 and 315 West 141st Street, 50x100. W. .1. Huston f? Son were the broker :. 8500,000 Rental for S?nlile In West 16;h Strcc? The nevi !\ v ? n ed 5ixi ? ?i i ." ' '?.: porat ? n ice ;ed and basement . table, 50x11 I 335 West Sixteen! h St reet, near '?' ' ? ' ? enue, now occupied by V n Ex? press Company. The new le w I re model the structure into i i d< i ? garage, at an exp? nditun oi $10 ,000. The lease is for tw< nty-one vrai ?it an aggregate rental of Spotts & Starr, Inc.. n-tiated tit deal. Equipment Ron c?a {Q'.rntp.i en Income pei Name Rate. M, Bait Se Ohio. .44 11 Beth Ste? I ... 7 : ' Hos'on * A . . . 4 V? 1! Buffalo, R Se V 4%-5 1! do ... . G Canadian Nat. T : :? Cana N ".. ?'-j-?-C I' Canadian Pac. S 1! C C C & S t L.. 5 do . 6 V C h e s ?S O h I G Va 1 !> 2 C R 1 & V. . . 4 4-3 : " .'. N W. . . 4% 1 C St L ?t N ' > t VV & IV:.!- in. 4 Va Er!? . 4 s,-5 Frisco < in. . ! Ill Centra! . 4 Va?5 1 enl i;? hn?.l?, 1 ? il " ? Bid Ai 20- 27 : - ; ? 23 .'?-VI Kan '"l'y 3o. . B Louie & .Va?.h. B Mich Central. C do . 5 M H P & S S.M. 4Vt 5 do . B N V C Lines.. 4 ;i N V <'? n R R 4 -t, do . ~ N Y C ?S- Ht L 4-, i? . & ? fl - ' 2 t ' 0 -'? y, n N irf Se V) ? il Pal ;';' !V ; ? -ri? Pitts & i. i-; ? :- ah ,ar : : '. ?: ri Pai do . . E 19 i21 ' 0 121 .. ?. 1 28 ?. : : 121- -'? ? ! ' 1 ' li ' 4'/j . Vj l ni in Pacifie 7 ai. 4Vj Vlru ?an Ry.. 6 Wabash . 5 101 TO III COR BUSIXE! 12 4 - ' 3 5 . ? t; 75 ' I; .. . ? ? 6 r.o '? . 6.60 '. ? . 6.40 , i, ..'. ? i 6.6(1 ,. ' . . 6 S* 10.00 PCRPOSE9 TO I ET DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE $1.50 A SQ. FOOT Wm. Chiikshank's Sons r MAMIVITW KKVI. ESTAI Established I ?S2 Horace S. EIv& REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty Street W KSK HESTER (III NTT REAL ESTAT? PELHAiVl, N. Y. 2? MIN'i'TES EKO.M M IV VOKK CITY. Ml. 1? 11EAI III I 1. SI Hi l.i; \N VI-; OEM E, 1 rooms am! i ? - oice location, i ! 100* NO, 2?IDEAL AVES! CUESTE? ( Ol'N 1ll\ inVKI.I.lM.. 14 I steam heal t'a - I $4< i0 Mi, 3?A < O/"? IIOME, p! IN .... . ....... stnai li.-ai ;.?...? NO. I?Qt I'.KN ANNE, ? ? ? : I ? 2 hid ; . ? line --? lion.' hit NO. 5?IMCTI'RE.SQCE Mil \IV N, ? \ i..-.-:.; Cu well shaded; pobSOBsion ai : Ml, li? IMMEDIATE OCCIPAMY, ? rooms, hntl rtnl wal i ' park bc I Ion 1 :, li u! ? ? ) v. , ? heBtei ' . BURKE STONE, PEI.II \M, N. V. III. 1073. LONG ISLAND REAL ESTATE GREAT NKCK Hi ' :' ' all :.. ? ? ; nm ' : ?'?? , , , ; .' ., . ' . Il os. O'Connell, NEU JERSEY ItllAI. ESTATE 17 MINUTES OUT i'nrk. N .). 3 l?l.OCKS KKO.M 2 KAILIIOAD SI \TION: N? w ?tx roi.i '. Ul.-il bin elect] :.; . .?:..'? lien : . i\!H Ml-.VEl: BAKER, V.VN S S badina Jersey tr<> r> f*o ? ' ?Pi -;-, ^Specialists tn ?^ . Feist & Fei st %..-. EASTORANfi N;n? ,,-,.? I ome, evert nv.-n SJ.SOO George F. Mack Co. ?,, v . ? KKLK.l'MS NOT CV% OTHER\ M i i s *J*MBimtt?ELWGiR^? E. E. FRANKE BROADHURST THEATRE <*"h CHINATOWN^=r.'/?w Wide ??fake Uospni Hervle? Mi:''"' 10 ''?"** Thorn?? J '. . ,,i, n. Hiiporlrit*nd?nl I III I MON l m ,)| ,,,,< \i -I MIN V?\ ? . n H .. .,? ..-.''' i ? . n I i ii ivv a n i ' ? ,\ i.i.w Ki.i. M? Harvard ? nlv? rnll ml I'l IR? H Where to Go to Church To-morrow RATTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH j Broadway und *9th St, Pastor I. M. HALDEMAN. D. D. 1! \ M.?"WAS TILE DEATH OF CHRIST A Ml RDI R. \ MVRTYRDOM. OR THE ( OMMAND OF GOD?" H P. M.?.-is TMK MODERN REVOIT w.ainst it ri re eternal punish MEN'l \M) THE KLM SAL OF THE MODERN MINISTER TO I'RH.U'H HELL. ON THE i.KIIIMi TH\T GOD IS TOO GOOD \ND LOVING TO ALLOW MEN TO SI FFER FOREVER .11 STIITED LITHE? IV? NAH RE OR THE BIBLE?"! Friday Night, December 3d. 8 o'clock? '. < an ilK (?une Hark and Commuui cute \\ iih the Living:?" CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH 2D .-T ,C- AMSTERDAM AVE. FRANK M. C00DCH1LD. D. D., PASTOR. 1 I "Will Jesus Christ Return to the Earth?" 8- -Lantern Lecture?"A Little Journey to the Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers." Madison Avenue Baptist Church Madi.son \\r. ?it 31.xt St. Geoige Caieb Moor, D. D., Minister -;.:.-. 1 1 A. M. and N P M. . Eve. Sermon? on ?MM ; -.-? , BLOCKS " : i \ : N ANl ' TUB WIFE." FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH ?i : ? b v'. ? ,' 46th Street. V.r.- and Women's Cla??-es. "i :::,?; l'e iple's Service, V. M, ' r. ' ' ? ?, liua v.- |f rin, Minister, u : ; Preai !, at 1 ! A, M. < \IA \RY BAPTIST ClirRCH, Wrsl "Till St., lui. Otli and 7th uves. REV. JOHN ROACH STRATON, D. D. . i. .- ItA?u.N V\ ha ? Does God's ". r I I'. ? .i Abo il Money:"' liool and Adult 1 ?ible i Masses. KAN "CHRIST?A MYTH?A MAN?OH V GOD?" WADSWORTII AVE. BAPTIST Clltlllll ? -h .-? ts and Wadsworth Ave. :KV. i-, S HOLLOWAY, Pastor. 1 ?"T i . fathers " i Left I he Law to Preach : he i lospel " Vers a: Both Services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services are held in the following CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES, Branches of the Mother Church, . la ! 1 A M. and ? P. M. \. ? In? sdays, 8 P M, First Chui '. Central Park Went A 96th St. ' ? ' entrai Park West and in ? 5Sth St . just eart of Park Sun.Invs, II A M. and 4 .".0 P. M. ITSth St. A Ft. Wash. Av. \ ? ?an Hall, 3-1 W. 43d 9t. - ?" ' 'Inn .Ue-1 '.-il Boston Road, Bronx. irch 112th St.. east ol Broad ' ' \ M . 1 30 P. 11. K ih Church East 77th St. . Chui Park Avenue Hotel, 4th c al Id St 16 W. r.Tth St. . >K2 Briggs Av .1! A. M. . ' ? .. ' ? ?' h?Anderson Gallerle?, Park A ind I ." h St Chr: ? m Seien e Society?647 W. 14?th s 11 A. M.. Wednesday, S P. M. r REAI 'ING R( n i.M 33 W. 42d St. ( HI RCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURES ??? : as follows: Each L*? i-.-i L II., ? . ? v .? i ? - ..? ? 'I'- ? M thor Church, the First il ii Boston, M.isH. -1 < OND (111 R( H OF ? HRl.-T SCIENT ' ' r.tral Pai Weal & 96th Sfr? et. No r ??. at S P M . !?>? Profi ssor Her II ?..:.?' S. V . ..f Concord, N. H. ( IIRISTI \N SCIEM E SOCIETY Flora! Garden, 146th Street and Broadway, I "ii, al 8 V M . by Judge Sam . S., of Louis ' le, Ky. < OMML'NITY (111 RCH TheCO^IVSUNiTYCHURCHofN.Y. 1 atre MR. HOLMES, "WHAT Mill MEANS TO ME." '?; h r. S? hooi, 155 W 66th St. SE IMIS Miic.MAM S, "IRELAND TO-DAY." 10 A M Theatre -MR. BROWN, A V lig -, Artlatl' Work.' CONGREGATIONAL BROADWAY TABERNACLE BROADWAY AND 56TH STREBT The Pustor, Dr, JEFFERSON, 8?"buTlding a happier "world" U ilnc-diiy, I V. M. Mld-Week Servir? MANHATTAN CHURCHn'rrT? V( liarle? II. Piirkliurst, : 11 1 II ? iF THE STRANGERS - M rial 109 W. 57th St. Si in. ei ! : and S DISCIPLES OF CHRIST CENTR \L ViJ \V 3; Si IIRISTI \N Dr. Finis S. ldleman. 11AM. It RCH - V M E\ ? ning Sei ?- ii e DIVINE SCIENCE REV. W. JOHN MURRAY ! : ! Church of Divine Science ? | ill v mi Waldorf-Astoria. "SUCCESS" ?.."-;? it Or45 A. M I for hlldi en at ' : A M, ?liny j ?:>?..? M. . ? !'/ at S ' 5 o'? '.o^k Daily Healing Meeting Waldnrt Astoria 1 he pub 11} invited ' ill meetings INTERDENOMINATIONAL Gor,pel Tabernacle Church i._ !.;? ?HTH AVE . AT 11 I'll ST Founder, Rev. A. B. Simpson ? ; NIER 11 FITCH, ASST PASTOR Sunday Set vices at 10:45 A. M.?7:30 P. M. Dr. Walter M. Turnbull DEAN OF MISSIONARY JUST, NY '. ' K. N Y will preach AT ROTH SERVI' 'ES Tuesday and Wf^nesdav at 7:45 ? ': :.;. 'TI RE i -N PROPHECY ! Mr; I ', -EIGHTH AN MYERS \RY " \uii-j -?? rei - Mission, - ?? ... S u i I ? ? 5. I n c 1 u a I ? ' : r, - : ? ,i .? rs Kpecla. Music rnptlj ? ?" 'i night at tula} ajternoon at 3. M. I ?! Patrick Morgan. 'Sauntering? Through Misti?n JEM 1MI BETH-EL TEMPLE FIFTH ' ? ' ''''It St SI N DAY Ml IRNINO AT '. ! IV v. Dr Stimiiel SclllllmOJn, RELIGION AND COMMON SENSE. .:. ARE V\ BLCOME. '.'I. illl-B ?? VRNEGIE HALL. .' RNI U \T 10:4! I'ARGi i THE REAI, JEWISH ' iR THE MENACE . IF EM IT IS SI TO A SI ERICA.' ALL ARB WELCOME!. 1.1 ?HERAN ? HI IK II OF I II I HOLY TRINITY I Central Pai . U -et. Ph ... Bclicrer, Pastor. 1 " / Coini lunlon ? I'll?- ' '? "....:?? . K ng ' Il lu il Service ? Bible Hour, ADVENT ^'"^ b"w.'"'* 03d St" r%.U T LjI\ 1 Berfleoi lia m. ?mi ? p m Church of the < *u w 440) st, R, Dr. F. G Schlimm, Fautor. edecnier ? rvicen, 10 is s a , d 30. METHODIST KPI8< OPAL WASHINGTON Hounre, West 4th St., Ser n ill i ' Ihoi ua, V 3 t.. Turner, Loader; J Sumner Stone, Pastor. SLETHODIST-EPISCOPAL ST. ?IAMES, Madis rr Avenue Se 126th St. Dr.-GBORGE L NFCKOLLS Pastor. Ii A, S! ?Ri ? '. ?am . '? 8 I*. M.?Harvest Music Festival St. James Chorus will be -.?..-. nt? . to i?5 volets 3? ? ? : 'd fi :. I hi f I -. choirs: St. Bartholomew's Cath dral o? St. John i he Divin , Brick Cl artista:' Mme. Cora V. . ngtoi prano, s lo?st Fifth Ave. Baptist Church; Mme. Rose Bryant, contrail Pi esbyterian Church uason House, tel i soloist St v.: ? r :.. lomew's and Emanu-EI Edgar s hofield baril m sol ist St. Bartholomew .-< Chui h iperating arl 1st i ?era I ine i?'. rra mcert tour. Miss Amelia Galloway, ?? ? -'. recitalist Aeo? lian Hall ; .V!'. . loane N. A. O., ' Ihur? h of the Incari lion, J i ?'*:.? ? Shera, dii tor of the mus Praise The Lord, ? :v S? ul, 1st Mass, Mozart: The Desert Shall Rejoice, Whit? ing How Excellenl Is Thy Loving : nee?, "Ruth." I'owen Motet; The Wilder? ness,. Samuel S.-bastlan Wesley. STTaNDREW'S.c^rn^us A?. Allan Mac Rossie, Minister. 11 "Church N.?a Impetuous, impulsive Men 8- Musical Service, Cantata, "The Asc?-n '-' :'- - oists, Quartette, Choir ami ' 'in.rus Grace, West 104th St. Frederic!, Brown Harris. Minister. '-? a M s.-i : n by th. Mil - . Weils of Salvation , i ? : . '. grim -' '? Ad?.is E Harold Spendor, Eng? lish newspaper man and author Ens representative foi Pilgrim Anniversary; author, Official Life of Llovd George. Madison Avenue Church, 60th St. Dr. RALPH W. SOCKMAN. Pastor. ' ' "Th.. v ok ?n An erlcan L.if? " 8?Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise." Slessa K hv ! " - n 'Is MA N 7 P. SI Mr CHARLES V. VICK RET CALVARY M. E. CHURCH Ministers ? R?v. Willis P. Od? II. D. D. . Rev. Harrs Ingham. D. D. 11 -Dr Od?-!! 'Men and Deeds ' 5 Dr Ingham A Mo lern i ; , net." ??T PflSBI 'Q s*"1 s,r,,,'t ??"*i Vli iHUli V West End Ave. DR. RAYMOND L. FORMAN, MINISTER. 11- ' ?pen the Doo"r " ; ' H<> That Over? ometh " 10:1 Men's Forun "For Tired Men " C' ? Hal V. ?: rr... to All METROPOLITAN TEMPLE, 14th st., Tthav. P,ev JOSEPH W, CHASEY, V. V., Minister. ! 1 a. :?'. , "' '.m .1 from t he A I.- - 8 r. m.?" A Small Pig King and a Big Small King." Washington ?n? s,' * ^"Tv'.?" ,:A' H?- ti. 11?The Resources of God Height! ??"Doctor Luke ' NEW ( Hl'RCn (Swdenborglan) NEW CHURCH JCth 81 between Park anil [,ej prton Aves Thi Ri \ JFI.l \ N K, SSIYTH, Pastor Bible Classi ! 10;16 Roi vie ' : "The Way of The Steps" A consid?r?t! n of the g"eat paradox that man Is born into utter In Ip - ?si ss and ig? norance In order that he may i-r w to be wise ALL ARE INVITED. NEW ITIOl (.HT RAWSON MEETINGS SARAH WHEELER SCIIOFIELD E pi \vp<-k day at NOON exept Satur ? ;? and Sunday, ul ! : Study' of" Life1 Understood" Eve -y Tl irsday Night at 9 k - inday Services, Hotel Astor, 11 a M. PRESBYTERIAN BRICK CHURCH fifth Avenue and Thirty.?evrn'h St.-'it. ' WILLIAM P'ERSON MERRILL. MlHilt?O- ; THCOOORE AliVSWBRTK 11REENK. Dr. .MERRILL will preach at 11 tin?! 4 o'clock. Special Sluslcal Servlci at 4 o'clock- -Men? delssohn's oratorio "St. Paul" will be sung. S lolsts Inez [Harbour, Soprano; Rose Bryant, Contralto: Lambert Slurphj Tenor; Frank "Croxton, Bass, and cho is i choir. Clarence Dickinson, organist and hoirmaster Dlbl?? School at 9:40 Ni on Service, evi i y das at 1 : ' J rrWTDA! PKESBYTERIAN CHURCH LLH 1 I\/\I-i Madlscn Ave. air! 57th St. Rev. Dwight W. Wylie, D. D., LL. D., PASTOR. ; i M. 4 4 30 P. SI. -Preaching by the Pastor We :???'lav. s P. M ?Devotional Meeting ??? ??'? : be a half h iur org n hv M - William IV idick, beginn ng ..; i ; ? ? ? ? ling ' he r g ilai Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth street. ., ... Re\ Jl 'MX K ELSIAN V 1 . lms"ers ) Rev. JAMES PALMER Ph V Dr. KELMAN will preach at : 1 and : 0 11 A. SI.- SubJ? ct . " I'!,.. 1 ilgrim Father ? ' de Sehn il i: '?:30 Slen's Class at 10 A.M '?.' ! Orga Pecltal b; Han .... Vt Sri; P M .' . Ines : i ? il th? Slidv ???!. Service i ondu I I by Dr K : .(. Cent : P'k W l'r R? IIHSRT WATSON Sill 1st? - : : \ M Dr. RI IBERT WATSi i.N M ? i-, hn White John ? ? onstancc Grant, of Scot Ian i ? .;. 4 P. M i :.? .? -'??? mon ' ? ., \v ?;'Vi ??' R '?? N' iRMAN McQ EEN ol :'. osl rr SlasS 5 ?' S!. .-( rmon ! y I"-. WATS' i>: RRST PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCH Fifth Avenue. Illh and I2th sis. H.-?- Georg, v s ii I :? D Ministers ' "?' '"? Harry Em. rs ii I ?? lick, D D. Rev. Thomas ' ?uthr i1 .--;???. i s School, ?I. 4.". A SI 11 A M Dr, Fosdi .r ^ i' SI - Sir Speers Wednesday, S P. M. Mid-week Service. St. Nicholas Avenue Psesbv'erian ST. Ml HOLAS WE.. COR H1ST ^T. Rev. ELLIOTT WILBER BROWN, D. D., Pastor. Il A. M.?"The Majesty and Holiness of <.od." * ?' SI.?"Life's Compensations." NORTH ^iHfii^l: '" w " * ** I.V. !'.. Pas i : n m.. I >r. Mackay 8 p m T? ? ? : ? r ary Servli e by Sunday Si !. . BR TAD WAY"' PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCH, Broadwaj an . 114th Street I Rev. Mnltri Duncan llm hnnan. IV I?., ( Mini ??: ill prea. h at 11 A M an I 8 P A FOURTH 1M:,> u ? st ::? d w . '? :st Si ;?:? r 'A . ? .. h ; - , Pasi Work. Pligri : . -, WEST-PARK PRESBYTERIAN rill RCH AinM. nlum \\rim?. nnil M<ith Street. Rev. ANTHON1 H EVANS, D. D. Pastor. : : i-V ans Will pn ach at ! i a.n an l j.:. . 8 P. M.?MuKienl Service. "Tin- Ancient of D.i>?.." WESTEND vM^;-\y:n^ A. EftWIX'KEICWIN. Pustor : : uni I Dr. Ah xai Ran ill ?hgate Presbyterian ? '-.. n .??ndon OHTCrD?: PRESBYTERIAN CHL'RCH. RU 1 ULKJ [>r'..d*av and 73d St. Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL. D. 0.. Pa-tor SVill preach ul II '?- SI ami ' ?' SI I74TH ST. It' ( fOHN MiMll-I.. Pastor. l'r-. ach. s t 11 A S! n . '? M. PROTEST \NT EPISCOPAL Caihedral of St. John the Divine Vmstrrdiim Avenue nnd ll'Jtli Street. I 10 A. M Holy Col " i A. M || ... uni ,.: . A SI Hol . . ??> .?i n iS lish) ; : A M Preacher, Blshi p LL' 'YD. 4 !'. M. Preac h.<r. Canon II V D Y H l'KV il VRP Dn i- inn Ices : 3U ' M '' M ' i Ihoral except Mondtij ??r ' " ' ? : ' ' Service f? r w oman's Aus u 10 A. M.? Prcai hci D? an Hoi i (?RACK (lit RCH. Mrii.i.ln.iN nnil lOfh >?tr^rl. DR. S|.\rTER\ . HECTOR. %'.. ; ? 'omniunl .n s.v. M ? ^"i". I. ?? and Sdtmnii (The Rector) I A SI i .atei Even long (Dr I ubi ,. I M l'un-. N'oonda) H? r\ ' ?? ul Holy \ post lea?Dth Aie Slttli St. Rev. Ludus A. Edelblute. R 'ol ? 'Servie.?? 8 A SI. 11 A. SI nr.\ ? P M. I 11 A. M. Addrese, Mr, H. Fulton Cutting. First After-the-War Visit of GENERAL BRAMWELL BOOTH World Head of the Salvation Army Publia Appearanc-.'s as follows: Sunday November 28 3 30 P M Lecture "The Salvation -v - -r- Lexington TlK-a -. and 61st Street Sunday, " SO P. M The Genera ? . preach, Lexington Theatre. ja; s ember "9 7 46 P M Gre - Mist - n Meeting Fifth Avenue Pre? ? ... .. ?? i 5&tb Bt roe'. ADMISSION TO ALL MEETINGS FREE No r, in i ? - ten years PROTESTANT EP1S4 OPAL ST. MARKS IN-THE-BOUWERIE ' , Basl Tenth - Wll 11 N : ? m Guthrle Ri toi * A. M. ? I . ? 1 A M.?J in ng Service C - g Ser ? th? ' . -h \ -..,..-- , Serb s. by THE R1GH1 THOMAS FRANK GAI s ng In . ?' ; H E A ICA'I :.\.N1T1 NF.I 4P SI DOROTHEA SPINNEY will r - - ? ? r ' PR' MP1LIA. 8 P. M HE - Ml RV1CE and ' g ?: ' i ; v . - - % ' . LiRKU KEI.U r ? ? . V r-r-.: .; pi Jgram : :>> r. CHURCH OFTHE TRANSFIG'-RWO*, 1 ."Ml. sv Dr. HOI GHTON, Rector. M NIONS 1 8 and 9 A. M. V SI !". - - .ION i ? ' lie i '.'? . ? .. ' iDM t \.L EVENSONG. - i-: v . '. - ' ? ' r Han n address t?i THE i IH'RCHSIAN'S ALLIA '-? E* - : t Of "Re-Cnlon With the Vastcrii Chnrch" Church of the Beloved Disciple Neai Pari I - . - h S.I Near Madlsui Rev. Geo. R. Van Dr Water, D. ?., r tot Services 7 30 10 (Re tor) ? "Good Specla I Mu ? at 4 "Comfort Ye"?fron ' ?iah, Mr. Olson, " "Wilderness," by ?:. Large Choir, with C ''...-? \ n and Organ Near-by Residents Especially Welcome, ?i>t. if-forgc's Churrij Stuyvesant Squnre 11th >trect, Eitsl of Hd Ave. KARL REILAND, D. IV, LL. I'., Re toi 5 A. SI 1! Com m un loi 11 A. S! Hing Prayer and Sei 4 1 ' SI \ espers .-? : ? ? o?! '?? ' ? ;. r : Sp? , M . Congregal ? ? ? : ge's, - : M \ '.? ? l- KRI ' ? IN !' .A r : -, ? i.'!":' \ i 1st M poi :.; - !' !"?!. s., x will t..a the Scripture Lesson All P its are Free l'r" Publi V\ Cljurct) o? t[)c 3'ncamntion Ma.lis n Av- r : 5th St. 'The Ret HOItACl ITIttl V SILVER, Rector. ? A. SI. I i :? 1 A ': - ..- . School 11 A. 51. "? - CHORAL"EVENSONG'^v''".^ : nd Pan ?' ? Hora Novia sima i1 b? : ., . Va.';. '\ Saturda i ?\: ", to 12 35. nda ? ? brief ad Iress Ci.Mpcl of the incarnation :io K. si 31 st St. Rev. George Farran?! Taylor. Vicar. 8 A. V H . . mi ?nion : ; A. M.? ? ? ".r : raver, Sern -rr (Vicar). 8 P !?:?. enii -r !" : ? er, S? rr- on by the Re ? ? swi , St. rh imas's 1 !:?:? : V nar rr- k, N V. Church of the Heavenly Rest Fifth Ave . above 45th St. Rev. Herbert Shipman, D. D., Rector. Doctor Shipman Wi!l Preach SPECIAL MUSICAI SERVICE St. Bartholomew's Cnurcn Pur'i % venue und M^t st. Rev LE IHTON PAR r D., Rector ? ? :: ... :' ng Prayer ,?:?. i Sermon. ': V " . ? \ P. M id Iress. Dr LEI HT' ; PARKS ?? I I reach at ; : a SI and '. " P SI. Crtntt)? C?mrc!) Rev. W1I LI Ol T MANNING. D. D.. Rector 7. 8 and -9 ?1' ly C ?mmunion : ?'. ? .. mui '. S r " n ? 1.' ' ' I I ALL ANGELS' CHURCH. WEST END AVE. AND Ht>T ST. Rev, S. i'?' I-ancej Xuwnsend, D. D.. Rector [?.'ly (-.'ijunti S A. SI - .. - -rr ? !(?? rtor) '. 1 A M ? I'raj.) ......... 4 P. M ascension 'n.%:.v:;ir Rov. D-. PERCY STICKNEY GRANT, ' ' ' ? < :. '??- Iss r.n . . Follette y. SILAr ELL. et. ?I)onias's Ctuivci) :.n m en \ni ;? : ' ST Re ERNEST S! STIRE- V. i'. Rector sa.: Hoi; ? ?? vice at ? n i Re ' r) 4 P. S! Evei ? .- ' - ? i ? .' ' . .. : - ... CALVARY CHURCH ? , . \" i. "Advai M V : r .. . ? lit h Av?. ST. JAMES' CHURCH M ??] -...? V-.. nu< and "1*1 - reet. nus'? v \ . ? ? :: t;it. v d ;;? ? - - Church cf Zion and St. Timothy . ", V? . si 57th Street, ?lev. Frrd? rick Rurgess. ,Ir.. P.. I)., Rector. HOLY ROOD CHI ';< I? ? ; '..'?'? Services -, ST. MATTHEW'S I: Arrh : ' . lee D V . V- i - ST. STEPHEN'S69th - .. ?,-. ;;??, -rrv ices at 8, 11, 4 and H. fill RCH OF THE HO 1.1 COMMINTON, fith \\c. nui! 20th St. Servie? - i:30. 13 : SI 4 and 8 P M REFORMED Collegiate Church of New York THE MIIIDI F ( 111 l!( II, 2 1 '-. ?. ? ' - ? : : ?? ' ; l 11 A. M " I III M VRULE i HI R< 11 R?v l'a\ ? SI Dr. \- ? .,...,..? SI R? ver Paul liai '. D . J"sus ? M I III. t lit R( !! (IS r-I Ml Hill \s, ?. nd 48 M " ' . ; ..... ..s : ; a M Th I of l'l ? (Part 1 i S P. SI ' 1 lie : oirll of Chi Part : HIE M I ST EN? < IM RI IL End \r and ITlh - '.I A. M. and 4 :.!0 P. M \- i P. M S] '?: Pai Tbu THE FORT \\ \SIIINGTON CITt'RCH. Furt \\ Ave and 1 I St. '. ' : . at; Frei Re? IVIlll II V ,r D. D Mil 11 A M lie\ .i Her?;. 1'. J b P Si. Rev Ii . tier?, D. D.. wll i Bubject; "Good Work?." Kt FORMED BF?ORMrn l'lllltni op HARLEM Len v .. ,.'? V ? : - ?? -T 11 A. 4L ai HXMILTON (?RANGE, Convent A I4?th Rev. Arthur Fred SERS ;. ES 11 \ " a - six h TV m ERii xna REMC.Il ' ' - v., ,, r SPIRITl \MST ^P Ml OF 1 II! EAST < Ml li( H. ? . ;?y at S. A III!. Iloil. SPIIUTI'M.IST (IliKtH ? ' ? can h.- s . 'a ' S' Spiritualist Church ni liHanced Thourht, W ,..; "I h -? SI ND\1 . Tl KSI? M FRIDA\ Ev>, H o'cllt \\> .!::.--! I;i> W.'ii.,... ..'... U Speaker: Mr JOHN HILL. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1 ."> ! .i-i 58th si . ne ir ;:,l \v ? ? ? v ;hat AT i i ;.: THIRD SPIRIT! \l l^si? , m |{( || ? - ? ? ? Frida' ' ?. ? - -, a -, Medium, r R I Ml \RI \N ! SEtUUIS KTRKET. "CHRISTS GIFT OF LIBEPvTY" :*$ AND RES AID H r four ad ,, K ? M.L West Side Unitarian Church Chas. Francis Potter, Min stet Hi THE COMING AMERICAN NATIONAL RELIGION Mod? '? ( linn I? -< hool at l i .i m. THE COM MI NITY ? III R< M Ol N. V. ( See 11 .-ad 11.1 h. ") I MS I Ii Clntral Par k W r st i 76T" St I JOSEPH FORT NEV/TON.D.a fc? MINI ?T1R < Will Pi-cnrli Sunday Morninjr. II o't lock." Sjibjei I : "RI VI.1TY IN It VI li.KIN ", \t ? P. M. ' Murk I n i n nu MheiHt?" Quurtcttf. \isiiiirs Welcome. Y. S!. C. A. DR. S. PARKES CADMAN "THF TERRORS OF ANARCHY" Greetings I non H A V .: Ui .' < Br r . M. C. A ! 'klyn. ? r Men'" M el .- . ? "i -rr DR. S. PARKES CADMAN Anarrl I I ! - ' " : . B u n d 4 P. M?OR FRANK CRANE "PROFIT SM> Id."." ">Un '< J " V. 191?t Central Itr. Y. Yi. C. A < S Lexington) - ' ? ? OTHER Mill 1( I Unmistakable Proof that Messiah Will Appear in the Present Generation. The Changes He Vv :!! Make In the World. CARLYLE B. HAYNES in :[- TEMPLE, St. and Lenox Ave., a! 7:45 o'clock SUNDAY NIGHT, NOV. 28 "feats irce. ka? ?&\ FREE DECEMBER 5th, 3 P. M. At Selwyn Theatre 42d St. West of Eroadway INSTANTANEOUS HEALING Subject of Lecture by Mrs. Genevi?ve Behrend Perxonnl Interview for hralinjr he fore und after |.<:ure. (.furling ,;t I I' M. SU hculilig ... . ..ii'.;.i,-!i.'?l I h roue h ?. ajtr. A. A ' ' \ M. r; P "WHi . ? ' i m->v? -?? > : " ' I i;i ? :? m > -? i iitrlri V no? : ilce I'rui . I I I .ns). *n?'%^ *?? S*e?rs Philosophy PRIM KSS ?HIS 1 Fit ? , .'. i t?'v. ?- . ? Vvi ... FREI - i : ? ? ta f.- ? Ion application lo i ei Uo* Offlc?,