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Saturday We Shalt Offer the Most Remarkable Values of the Season in e5\fisses' Fur-Trimmed Winter Wraps ?models arc the newest?the regular prices 139.00 to 165.00 Saturday 98.50 Wraps more captivating in their clever lines have not been introduced. Note the fabrics, the most luxurious woven for Winter wear? Marsella, ?rora Supertor. Vel de Cygne, Camelora, Cashmere, Bolirta and Ondulette with large collars o? taupe nutria, blue mole, Aus tralian oppossum or squirrel; also many with deep cuffs. Each model handsomely silk lined and warmly interlined. Sizes 14 to 18 years. MISSES' -WRAPS AND WRAP-COATS Special 59.50 Loosely draped wraps and very smart semi-wrap coats, for business and street wear. Each model tailored with painstaking care, and beautifully fin? ished. Velour and duvet de laine are the materials, with deep collars of nutria or Australian oppossum fur. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Second Floor Junior Girls' Fashionable WINTER COATS Special 29.75 Carefully made of finest quali? ty polo cloth in two smart models, one pleated in back to give the desired flare?the other with its fullness caught -at the waist with belt. Many trimmed with fur collars. Sizes 12 to 16 years. One style illustrated. GIRLS' FROCKS Special 21.7^ Youthful frocks of soft vel our and fine serge, some with fitted bodices and pleated skirts, others in straight-line effects, adorned with gay and effective hand embroiderv and harmonizing sashei Sizes 12 to 16 year One? frock pictured. Exquisitely ?) BEADED BAGS from France wilt be presented on the Main Floor Saturday at 19.50 V - ir? !-?"?.?tli,uHy and perfectly beaded no femin? ine heart can resist them The designs are as new a? they are varied, Including novel flower effect? ?gainst dark grounds, and quaint figures in odd but very tasteful colorings. Drawstring and shell frame models, all silk lined Broadway SPECIALISTS IN APPAREL at 34th Street Saturday?We Have Made Extensive Preparations to Hold a SALE OF Women's Fashionable Wraps, Wrap Coats and Coats At a Substantial Saving in Price At 45.00 Coats and wraps in the very newesf styles, care? fully fashioned of bolivia, silvertone, luella and duvet, many with collars of sealine or Australian oppossum furs. Silk lined and warmly inter lined. At .58.00 Coats and wraps in smartly belted models and loose wrappy effects, developed in frost glow, bolivia, luella and silvertone, many with large col? lars of Australian oppossum, taupe nutria, mole and raccoon. Silk lined. At 75.00 A really splendid collection of individualized wraps and coats, featuring the very smartest variations of the new mode. Produced in bolivia, frost glow, veldyne, luella, chamoistyne, wirb collais of self materia1 or Australian oppossum, taupe nutria, mole and squirrel, many with tur cuffs as well. Fourth Floor Saturday?An Exceptional Sale of WOMEN'S TAILORED CLOTH FROCKS FORMERLY 25.00 AND 29.50 At 18.50 Frocksoftrico tine, serge and wool Jersey?? materials known for their splendid wearing quali ties. One model with embroidered panels an d w h i te satin vestee,another in- chemise ef? fect with waist and bottom of skirt effective? ly beaded? and many other charm? ing variations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 of the mode. Sizes 34 to 44, but not in every model. Fourth Floor MESH BAGS ?in green gold finish-* Saturday at / #DU Very handsome indeed for personal use or gift giving~-made with etched frame in wishbone mock;!, with full skirt of fine reversible mesh. Finished at bottom with three mesh tassels. Main Floor Saturday?A Special Collection of Women 's MODISH CM?i Winter Suits Specially Priced at 45.00 Trim of line and smart of fabric?suits that make vou feel comfortable and well dressed?in all the desirable models sponsored by Fashion foT immediate wear. Some are trimmed with fur, others lavishly hand em? broidered, and still more in tngtailleureffcct. Produced in duvet de lame, silver-" tone and velour. Sizes 34 to 44. Fourth Floor Saks Clothing for '??oys is the finest in New York, and our prices the lowest consistent with the quality of garments presented. Specially Priced for Saturday: Boys* Junior 10.95 Smart button-to-neck models and others with convertible collars, well tailored in a wide range of youthtul overcoatings and warmly lined. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Boys' Winter Overcoats ... at 14.95 For boys of 10 to 18 years. Spirited double-breasted modelt:, wtth convertible collars that may be worn open or but? toned snugly under the chin. Warmly lined throughout. Boys' Mackinaws .at 10.95 Every active boy wants a mackinaw. These are in entirely new models, wirh large pockets, shawl or convertible col? lars. Plaids and heather mixtures?sizes 3 to 18 vea 15._ Boys' Suits with Extra knickers 15.95 Exclusive single and double-breasted ?Styles, tailored in suitings of a very high order. Really jvonderful values that should be taken advantageof fmmediaic/y. Sizes 8 to IS. Reduced?Boys' Suits vvi*h Extra Knickers Now 10.50 Broken assortments from regular stock. Nor? folk models?every one a remarkable value. Sizes 9 to l? years. Second Floor GIRLS' BEAVER HATS Special at 3.50 Made of excellent* quality beaver, in youthful mush? room shapes. Trimmed with band and streamers ot wide gros-grain ribbon. Excellent values! Second Floor TAILORED TRICOTINE tROCKS For Misses ?in the slim silhouette cf the mode"? At 39.50 Perfectly tailored frocks that will always look smart?and give you unusual service at the same time. Made of navy or black tricotin? in youthful straight-line -model? with row alter row of chain silk braid tunning from neck .to hem, finished with narrow tie belt. Other models in velveteen. satin and wool velour. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Misses' Tailleur and FUR-TRIMMED SUITS REGULARLY 69.50 to 9S.50 At 58.00 Every suit taken from our regular stock?every suit made to sell at a considerably higher pnce. Fashioned of cordoval, yalama, rayonier, velour and duvet de laine in a variety of trig styles to suit every taste. Sizes 14 to 18 years. Fourth Floor The Saks* Fur Department Will Offer Saturday FINE FUR COATS and SCARFS AT LIBERAL SAVINGS THAT MAKE IMMEDIATE SELECTION GREATLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Hudson Seal Coats in sports mode! $295.00 Near Sea! Coats with skunk collar and cuffs ?sports model . 195 00 Marmot Coats in sports model . 95.00 Skunk Scarfs .... 95.00 Dyed Blue Fox Scarfs . ; . 95.00 Baum Marten Scarfs . ? . 65.00 Stone Marten Scarfs . * ? 35.00 Fox Scarfs . ... 27.50 Plaids and Stripes Add Color to These \ NEW SPORTS SKIRTS at the special price of 13.95 For sports and business wear, you will get much pleasure and service from one ot these skirts? they will wear splendidly and always look smart. Developed in plaids and stripes in a number of attractive models, featuring the newest of color combinations ? Fourth Floor ?V " I ? : ?W& Im/M ?ri^M fi i_?l?^HTl.t : 1 [Il m "Dainty Crepe de Chine and WASHABLE SATIN BLOUSES ?in simply tailored models 'or with trimming cf pretty Venise lace? Special 5.00 We have presented many beautiful blouses at five dollars, but never any so dainty and exclusive as an these. Those in crepe de chine mav be had in wniic? ticsri o? i isquc.and those in u*a>i-uoie satin in flesh color and white. The satin model has the new Peter Pan collar, very effectively edged with double trillings. What would make a more acceptable gift than one of those pretty Houses? Sizes 34 to 46. Third Floor