Newspaper Page Text
Tamsey Is Victor in His First Road Race Yonkers Y.M.C.A. Lad Gains Unusual Honor for Harriers pell, of Knights of St. Antony, Captures Fast Time Prize From Field of Seventy-two Athletes, Thirty-five of Them Being Novices By Jack Masters Eugene Tamsey, an auburn-haired athlete of the Yonkers Y. M. C. A-, achieved an honor yesterday afternoon that has been tho goal of innumerable runners when, competing for the first time, he won a six-mile road race from a field of seventy-two harriers. The fact that Tamsey had a handi-< c*p of fix minutes?the limit mark is in bo way a reflection upon his signal T?ctory. The field of back-markers was composed of some of the best athletes in the metropolitan district, but the Yonkers boy was never in danger after assuming an early lead, and he finished in excellent cqndi'ion fully two city blocks ahead of J. Wiberg, of the Mohawk A. C, who crossed the Une in second place. Fifty-five athletes finished the Pio ner A. C. race which started and fin? ished at the Union Hill High Schoel, Hoboker. this being the largest nun - ber of runners to face the st: rtcr in any similar event in New Jerse; season. Johnny Bell, of the Knip ts St. Antony, was the favorite as the '.ads went to the post, and although he was checked up in eighth position he won the. fast time prize, being clocked m 41:07. Thirty-five of the starters were novices, ar 1 with a six-minute handl? es-?, it was clear at the outset that the veterans were in for a hard struggle, but it was hardly expected that the winner would turn up in a chap who had never before raced in open com? petition, as was the case with Tamsey. Wibertr, with a mark of 3:15, began overhauling the limit men early, and at the four-mile mark it appeared that he had an excellent chance to overtake the Yoi - - but Tamsey seem d to gain strength and spe i as he went along, and nfter fivi miles actually in? creased his lead over the Mohawk ath? lete. At six mile? Bell began to pick up on Wiberg, and the course of his fii the Knights of St. -. ? ?-.- star cut through the field - rapidly ti ring runnc rs in gr? ( si ?. et Meanwhile, W berg was hav - . with Di \ , of St. Joseph's Ca1 - olic Club, v up fr? ra bi when the final sprinting started. Del Vichio closi I fi v/ith Rapp, of i1 e Mohawk cli b, tr iling, but wi -not] pared to meet I -'? erg, who took second : y '?'"-.-it fifty yar i . Local Eleven Swamps Jersey Soccer Outfit Outrankii g their oi ponents at every ?jtage of occer pi of the New Yorl I Club d - feated the Babcock & Wilcox ? by the score of 6 goals to 0 in a Na? tional League ' cture at New York Oval yesterday. The Jerseymen did not do so badly up to half time, but v to pieces in the see ' >ff ?'? pass by Hardy, twcnt'*-five minutes from the start, S. McDonald shot the first goal for New York. The linkup: New fork (6). T*"*? Babcoete & WUcox (0) Derham . . '<. v. - ?;, Kelly .n H. Mulrl : OI!:i:lHn . . B.?>' Meyeri'lrks. R H . Bell .C. II. McPl nor Herd.r.. H.SUlt?v ilfDonall. - > I'-. KIM " Bleich._1 H.l Htrfiy.I. Mackle.I. L..Cam*, bell McOreevey .,. .O I Rif-T?-*- n K. Caldl? esmen Mirr? McOona;,'. - New York I Halves of forty live mlnul Navy Basketball Team Has a Hard Schedule! ANNAPOLTS, Md , N An ex? cellent scl idul? of baskc-l ball games has he, ? 1 by Mai - Walki r, of the Naval Acad r.iy five, to fill tl ?? breach be.twei and the winter eports. Thi the gnme I against ? ' A c - mj will be ? ted at Annapol ruary 26. Harohl Waters, the football halfback and lacr -er, will captain thei team for the second year, and all the regulars are back except Buckhalter, ! forward. The schedule fui lews: I'eon ? -, College; Decem? ber IB, Bi Jol ? Lelilg-h; December 22 St Joseph's; Decembei 29 Penn * ? jHrn-sr? l, r.'nlon; January f-. Johns Hopkli '.-?:,- - . ? -, January ?j. RutRi-r?; Januar 22, Camp Hutnpbi {Weet Point Alumni); Janu.Irg foiytt- ?! f 2'j. Delaware Col? let?. February 2. Roan ko Collo*ro; February i. I nlverslty of VI i Pel nary 3, University of North Una; V bi nary 12 ? ??w Y. :.; I'n:- ? i , bruary ' 6 W? : vir-rlnla Weeleyan; February 10, Prince Las?ercrantz Is Victor Five gunners took pHrt in the week? end shoot over the trapa of tl e Polham Country Club yesterday. The winner *as G. C., who returned a eard of -il 7 -48 out of a possible fifty Ureeta. The acores: Nun f.? ?. C. ^a^en-ranta. ?? i NlckU?. ?J. NT. Herehey_ A. P Walker .... *? -N. Orr Hit. . 41 . 39 Heap? Total. 4S 11 IDECREST a chic and charminq Voting Men's shjle ia MADISOV Mjl AKK <?AKDKN MON. & TUESDAY, NOV. 29-30 BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS HA KXTIUKS A.-.? 8CUSSK8 ^SOC'N-A A II 60 KOt NOS -www 11-A. A. U. EACHNIOHT !??^SN4 a. A. V. OFFI?~*E, 290 ll'WAT, ??-2?****r ?aL** l*"**? t^e mean?? of ?tartIn tl????**' * "***n lo ?uuci???. Try u Sit un ?Mit??! A4. 1? TI? Tribuno?-*.? -?orUe METROPOLITAN :'N-A. A. U. First 25 to Finish ? Actual ro?'. Name an* Club. Heap. Time. 1. Tamsey, Yonkera Y. M. C. A '*:0n 44 22 2. IVi'.t.. ;rg. Mohawk A C... "?'' 42:05 ?. I'?*! Vlchlo, St. Joseph'e C. C 3:30 41:.U4 t. Rapp, Mohawk A. ?". S:1B 44:41 :-?'.:., Moi nlngsltle A. C.3 :30 43 ?';{? *>. IVsii.rr, Paullst A. ?'.'?:"*) 4 r? :47 1 II?vm?, unattached.,.1:JS 48:05 ? Bell, Knlphts o( St, Antorv . .1 :15 41:07 9. Denntirs P?o?.r A. ?;.:?:45 43;''?J 10. PllversUin, 01? ".coa A. C_2:00 41:5S . Paullst A. C.6:00 46:0" 12. Zimmerman. 02d St. Y.M.H.A.3:09 43:11 13. Kchlppel, Paullst A, C.5:30 45:46 14. Maessti' : . Ploi -r A C 6 ( l 40 i - 3 er Harb.It Ht? A. C "' n > 46 :36 Il ; .-. nn, l'.-.rk -.'ii w A. C. . . .h :00 46:58 jen. Mornlnt;slde A. C....2:30 43:3:: 18. Il rdii ' ? '.t? o? St. A . . 5 :.""> 46 '4 . . ? A C_6:00 47:06 ?- I Alll ince .6:00 47:10 21 '" Russi :.. Yonl ? .:i ' .M.C A. I :30 44 11 22. Shi nil Mo ? .' le A. C. .5:46 4714 23, Lawson, Yonkera Y. M. C A.6:30 47 0(1 24 MeCann, Mornlngsldi A. C-.3:46 45:21 ?23 il. Russell, ?onkers Y.M.C.A.6:30 48:05 'ITA M SCORE 1. Moi-nina-slda A. C.2 4 6 8 10?MO 2. Yonkera Y. M. C. A...1 7 9 u 13?41 ;? Knighta of st Antony..3 F. 32 14 16 ? 49 Erie A. A. Defeats Federals in Race For Soccer Title Defeating the Federal Shipyards soccer eleven by the score of 3 goals to 1 before ?,000 people at Harrison Field yesterday, the team of the Erie Athletic Association, favorite this year for na? tional honor;;, qualified for the fourth round of the U. S. F. A. competition. The Federals, who by their good Showing earned the approval of the crowd, scored first after five minutes of play, when Richardson dribbled the ball down the field and passed to "M. Jan,' son, who scored. From a mix-up, fi'/e minutes later, HeminsTey tied the i core. A fine exhibition was given by both .teams in the second ha'.f until five from the end, when Ford drove up on the right. The ball appeared to he out of bounds, but Rooney got pos? session and hooked it into the Fed ? ral's net. Two minute'- further on the best goal of the game was shot by A. Stark with a fast rising shot. The line-up: Ei ?A. A. (3) Pos. Federal 8hlp (1) Ward. r;. Forfar .R B.Stewart . l,. M .McCi um .U. II . I*.Moi jher ' " .C H..S. Jameson .L II .Powell .O R .Field . I R.Brlor'ley ' ' ley.C .Ricbardi n .' !.M, .;. n Urown . O I. . . Kitt liefere? .1 Rchol : Linesmen 1 I ' and C M< M Ulen. Goals?Hem !: '?'?:??. A ?-? irk, Brie A, A. ; M. Jn ? ' " Federal Ship. Tfme- Halves of Holy Name Victorious The Holy Name live defeated the Chippewas basketball team at Manhat? tan Casino yesterday afternoon bv a score of 36 to 14. At the'end of "the first half the tally was 13 to 8 in favor of the Holy Name team. Wassmer and McDermott starr?"! tor Holy Name while. -Mitchell piayed well for the losers. Parie Asks for Olympics PARIS, ' ' . 28, Tho French Olydpic Committee ban decided formally to pro pi that the 192-1 games be held in Paris. The international committee wi ' decide this question at a meeting to bo he'.J at Lausanne next June. New Orleans Entries race (ci Its an-1 pel dings; two-year i Ids; i I longs I Rs leuthlock. i 111 Zalnei 110 ? itai y, 110; BUI Brown. Ill Pannell, 110; Fantoche, 110; The j ? ; race (claiming-:; three v-ear-old.?: Spai tan Boj 103 I Ink Boy, I 2d, 109 ' Kugaziza, 111; Pewaukee, 111; "Add Flower. 114. Thiiil race (claiming; three-year-olda; . Ave and ,' half furlong's)? *Dlnty, 106; ? Mldlan 108 [.overs Lane : I, 108 : John ' 109 Hidden Ship. 110; *01d Mac ?On High, 111; ?Ablaze, 111; I Cal i ' -, 112. Fourth raen (claiming; two-year-olds: . i u. half furlongs)?-"High Wave, i; Gladys. 101 ?Mary Brb, in-'; ?Plan li on, 102 'llummli 104; Celtic I.ass, 104; Charles A Rvrne, 104; ?Salesman, H i linen. 107; Tonla, 109, 1'ndlne, 109; Silver Springs, 112; Machine Gunner. 115. Fifth i m ?? (all wances; Vachlre Purse; ihr"?- vear-olds and up; six furlongs) ? I.ass, 106; Marvin May, i 6; Mur . A N Win, 108; Serbian, 108; : Panaman, 108; Jock Scott, ? - r.a l'a Nova ' 8,0 dun I la Tonn. 108. Bullet Proof, 110; Vioe-Chairman, 113; General Hulg, 11. 8 Sixth race (claiming; three-yoar-olda nul ni". . ' . and mares; one mile and ii sixteenth) ?Berecia, !>fi; "Ketiiah. 102: -MVIIlintsan, 102; ?She Devil, 102; Mub, 107; Botay. 107; Dahablah 2d, ill. Seventh raro (claiming; three-year-olds ani upward; one mile and seventy yards) ??Golden Dawn, 9 5 ; Kaliipolls, 100; ?Plenty, 104; ?Speedster, 104; M?kb ?Tillio, 106; Merchant, ' '. Broom Pedlar, 109; 108 Glenwell, 103; ?Thirteenth. 1") ?Di ug aa S ' l? Highland, 109j Paddy Pear, 103; Verity, 109. ?Apprentice allowance claimed. Bowie Entries First rare (claiming; maidens; all ages; en" mile im.l seventy yards)?Car Coy, 116; Lava, 116, Old Rose, 118; Vesuvius, 110. aAl! Thi iDorothy's Pet, 107. Sadie Nebulous, ??; eastward Princess, 98; Reina O.. 92, "Fly l'apar, 102; ?Pansy. (?7; ?Jamaica Belle, 67 a-Marshall and Byera entries. Second race (claiming; for two-yrar olds; one mile)?Tingling, 116; Tan Sun, 109. Attorney, I, sa R. 106. Orcus. ;f'4- DantiElg, 104; Coprosa, 101; Foam. 98. Dolly C, 107: Black Top, 102; ?Vie, 101; ???xploalve, 98; ?Klng'a Bell, 99; ?Chlnnle Walsh, 93; Blarney Stone, 109. Third race (claiming; three-year-olds and upward s'.x and a half furlongs) t'ltra Gold, 111; Charlie Leydecker. 121; ? ;,n Bul ant, 10S; Blst-r Emblem, 112; Manoeuvre, 116; In in John, 115; Trusty,' Byrdyera, 115; Laughter, 110; Hello. r, iOo, ?Suiirose, 103; Sammy Ksllv, 111. Fourth nice (The Consolation Handicap; all ag"s ; one mile and seventy yards) ? Tom McTaggart, 126; War Marvel. 118. 1 j 113. Lady Gertrude, 110: Clean Gone 110; Drummond, 109, Siren Maid, 107, Fifth race (claiming; three-year-olds ri i upward; one mile and a sixteenth) ? H'iiii Ivor, H, 112; Little Ed. '.O1*; Zouave, ? i Hamilton, 102, Peocant, J0?; ?Daekmata, 101, Mistress Polly, 100, ? \N .. ikeag, 39, Sixth rar.> (three-year-olds; claiming; nd one sixteenth miles) -Wodan, 111 Ourlinghaiv?". 109; Aig Wilfr? la, : 09; Dahin ?a. 101 , a: Pierce. i09; Katie Canal. 10C ?Leotia Fay. 107, Si 'ii'h race (three-year-olds ar.1 \:?i w,\rl, claiming, one and ono-elxieenth mil? l)?Ituiiicrafi, H5i Spearlene, 100: Favour. 1 Of*. Margery. 10?(- 'Legacy, U0; ?atar ?"thoot'-r, 101, 'Malvollo, 104; ?Pilsen, 104; ?Courting Colora, 104; ?Toadstool. 104; ?.viarcha Luokett, 102. ?Apprentie? allowance claimed. Bouts of the Week In Rings Hereabouts TO-NIGHT Central Manhattan A. C?-Willie Jackson vs. Johnny Dundee, 15 rounds; Jimmy Sullivan vs. Jack Hassard, 10 rounds; Karl Haird vs. Charley Hayes, 10 rounds. Star Sporting Club ? Eddie Fletcher vs. Sammy Nable, 15 rounds; Jack Haustier vs. Mickey Brown. THURSDAY NICHT Madison Square Garden Sporting Club?Jack Sharkcy vg. Joe Lynch, 15 rounds. FRIDAY NIGHT Pioneer Sporting Club?Billy De Foe vs. Frankie Brown, 15 rounds; Young Billy I'apke vs. K. 0. Willie Loughlln, 10 rounds. SATURDAY NIGHT Pioneer Sportin--; Club?Kewpie Collender vs. Harry Hill, 15 rounds; Madison Square Garden Sporting Amateurs to Try For Boxing Title At Garden To-night With a total of eighty entries for the two-day boxing carnival which will be staged to-night and to-morrow night to decide the metropolitan dis? trict championship, amateur glove] pushers, it would seem, are in for a1 fine drubbing. The alfair has drawn the biggest entry of any previous title bout in this city. Seventeen clubs have nominated rep? resentatives, including the Kips Bay Roys' A. C, Knights of St. Antony. Cen? tral A. C, People's Palace, Atlas A. ('., : Clark (louse A. C. Pastime A. C, Brunxdale A. C, Alliance, Ozanam A A., Ninety-second Street j Y. M. II. A., Paulist A. C, St. Christo ' phcr Club. Union Settlement A. C. and the McCoombs A. C. Topping the list in the number of entries is the bantamweight class with twenty boys to start, and nineteen -? yo-.ithfui aspirants will compete in the; 115-pound division, which is expected to produce the most interesting bouts: of the y v.; i.ament. Some of the fore-; most contenders for this title are: Le Roy Dodd, Pastime A. C; Manny \Vcehsler, Bronxdale A. ('.; VV. Singer, Ninety-second Street Y. M. II. A., ai ij -James Joyce, of the Bron-xdale A. C. Pu** Shannon, ?not!.er Bronxdale -.-? ? -, has entered two classes. He will strive for the 158-pound champion-! ship left vacant by the f?ilure of Sam Lagonia to enter, and for the 175-] pound title. -.-. Brooklyn Soccer Team Defeats Yonkers Easily Brooklyn triumphed over Yonkers in ! the New' York Slate Football League championship series by winning the j match with the Yonkerj Football Club at the Ridgewood Baseball Park by the; score of 3 goals to 0 yesterday after? noon. Midway in the first ha'.* amoll n scored a goal off a pass by Whalea oa \ the right. A free kielt by McGarrachie enabled ' Dye to place Brooklyn two points in I the lend after the restart, ): third and last goal came from a shot by Mc Chesnie, following a corner from Jack lin. The line-up: ' rooklyn (S). Tonker.i fO). i Vfli mnon .''?,. Fraser i McGarrachie.R. R. ... . Houston Rosa.I..]!... r McD Porter . It. II.'.-.?. McCann. '" . H-in'.-r J)yi.1. 11. S.-ili '.VI: ...-n.O. K. si ?' -? ron.1. R.\ M ' i l?l | Rmi '.C. 11.M McChosnie.I. I. f ilg Jacklln .? ?. I. . Wilson ! - - .1 Maetorton Llm en i ,-. Moores and Kmslle. Ooals- Smolli MoChesi li , Brooklyn F, C. Tim? Halves of 45 minutes Robins Soccer Men ?Qualify for Cup Play Robins Dry Pock soccers are en titlud to i'ay in the fourth round of the annual cup tie competition of the . United States Football Association as a n lit of the cup match with the | Columbia Graphophone team,< f Bridge? port, Ccnn., contested yesterday at Toe?! Field, in Brooklyn. 'lhw score was ,'i goals to 0 in favor of the ?lockers, who, n'': i establishing a 1 to 0 lead in the first half, had the further atlvur.tage of playing againbt only ten men for the rest of the game. The line-up: Robins Dry Dock (3). Columbia Graph "> Who Ian.O. Roe I'OR-.R " . Tod 1 llrownleo.!.. H.But- : 1' H.Curr Clarke.C.Mm ley Kumlberg. I.. H.I or.-s McKolvey.O. R.Nelson Bturch.! i< .Kilroy Ratlcan.C. H. I.andy Hob -* .I. 1?.Stamford I rv no.O. 1.. i- ll> Referee?T. Cunn ngham. Lin ? ; n P. Renzulll and \S Wagner. Goals ! vine. Bturch, Hi.-.- Robins Dry Dock. Time? 1 laj*. ?-s of ?il mlnul a Coach for Williams Five WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Xov.*?8.? John Shanahan, of North Adams, has been engaged as coach of the Williams '?asketball team for tiie coming season. He succeeds Kd W?chter, of Troy, wi-o has aceepted a similar place at Har? vard. The new coach was in charge of the Drury High five of North Adams last season and he has met wi-th suc? cess with other teams in the Berk -.hires. Outsider Wins Havana Race At Big Odds Dolph Get? Verdict Over Clip in Close Finish and Pays Backers 10 to 1 HAVANA, Nov. 2?.-~While the track ! was heavy at Oriental Park to-day and | tho weather was a bit threatening, it ? had very little effect upon the crowd, I the usual Sunday attendance being evi? dent. There was no particularly bright feature, unless it was tho second event, for youngsters, which was won by A. JL Taylor':; Spugs after a stretch duel with Vic Munoz. The closest finish of the afternoon was the victory of Dolph over Clip, the former just winning by a head. Favor? ites and second choices gathered the majority of tho purses, with Dolph, the outsider, which w.-.s quoted at 10 to 1. Old Billy Oliver's campaigner Kewassa was tho surprise, finishing second to Lady lone at tho extravagant odds of 15 to I. In tho mutuels Kewassa paid more than 15 to 1 for tho place. Atkinson and Crump were the popular jockeys of t'r ?? day. ? Indications point to a heavy track | for some time to come. Tho summaries: First race (purse, ?700; all ages; claim? ing ftva furlongs)?Doublet II. 105 (At- | Klnson) 8 to (>, 3 to 5 aii'l 1 to 3, won; The Pirate, 106 (Kefsay), 7 to 5, 1 to 2 j un? i to 4, second; Hunter Platt, 110 (Carmody), 10 t<> l, 4 to 1 and 2 to 1, thin Time, 1:12 Parley Belle, King Breeze, Anna Magneto and Biscuit also ran Second race (puree, 1800; for two-year oii'i five furlongs)?Spugs. 109 (Do?ids). 2 to L 4 to 5 and 1 to 3, won, Vic Minion. \ 108 (Merlmee). 6 to 2. even and 1 lo 2, i second; Cigale, 103 (Kennedy). 4 to 1. ?; to 6 and 7 to 10, third. Timo, 1:12. ( Aunt Peda, Cannon Ball and Tosca also I ran Third race (, $700; for all ages: . '., -,?-, tlvo furlongs) -Count Boris, 115 ((.'i n i . even, 2 to f. and 1 to 6, won! Bibbler, 11" (Ball), 4 to !. 8 to 5 and 1 to I second; Marjorle Mignon, 97 (Bull man) 1 to i S to 5 and 4 to 5, third. Time, 1:14 Little Burn, Top Runs, Mo Clelland and 1 ix Flyer also ran. I* .;:rth rai ? (purse, ?700. for all ages; claiming; five furlongs)?Lady Tone, 105 in;. 5 to 1, 2 to 1 and 4 to 6, won; M .vursu, 107 ( P? :a.inn), 15 to 1. 6 to 1 an] ;. tu 1, w'..mi, Blsxeaway 110 (Pcnalver), even, 2 to 5 and i to 6, third. ?? .". 1:12 1-6. El Coronel, Frascuelo, Langhi rn and Assign also ran. Fifth raci (purse, S7'i0. for three year olds and upward; claiming; five and a half furlongs) Black l'rlr."", 105 iMerl ni ' i, '' i" -, ? '?' : and l to 2, won; liuck nall, 107 (Crump), 10 i?> L 1 to I and, 2 to 1, n : Sain Rose, 94 (Bullir?an), io to I, i v. l and ;: to 1. thirl. Time, j i . ?? -i Marlon Hollins, American Eagle, , Bill I! m>> and Brother McLean ms" ran Sixth race (?airs.., $700; for all n*,-*; la .... si.-f fur :::,,-1 - Dolph, 1 OS ; fi ump)', 10 tu 1, 1 to 4 and 2 to !. won; ' Cloi I'Mahoney), 2 to 1, 4 to nd 2 to 6, s icon : Driffield, 113 (Kelsay I 5 to 2, even ami ! to 2, third. Time, ! 29. SI :' Ch . Clark M , Vellc and i ianca also : .: :: Seventh race (purse, $700; for three-! " ;.. ??nd upward claiming; mil? and fifty > ard? i IIi ., Ennls, 104 (Atkinsi n), even, :: to 6 and I to 0. won; Donna Graf ton, 101 U odd), ' -J tu 1, 4 to J and . to 1, Beniner Stalwart, 107 ( And' ,-. i ' 5 ?" 2, even and : to 2, third. Time, 1 29. ; Musket, Mis?ricorde and Luke of Khelby alMu run. Franco-Swiss Team Loses After making an even score in tho '? first half, the Franco-Swiss soccer! terril suffered defeat by 3 goals to 1. in the Metropolitan League game with Tyrconnel Celts at Taft's Oval, yester? day, Fischer, of the Franco-Swiss, was the first to score, but Hackett soon ? ... d. Lcddin and , Cordner clinched matters for the Celts in the' second half. -, Woodside Players Blanked '? " -; 'cer team representing the Catholic ( i lit? of West Harlem, blanked t! " Wood; ide A. '.',, eleven in a Metro? politan League game, 3 to 0, at Wood Bidi , i , I., yesterday. All three points wire gained in the second period, Sloan shooting the first two and Dal*, the third. Franz. Stevens, Mulcahy and Smiles displayed great speed in behaif o? the winners. Havana Entries Firpt rae,, (for maiden two-year-olds; i claiming; purse $700; live an,! a hall : ir \Bluo Flame, 102; xSleepy Dear, 102; xMabel Reynolds, 102. Kathleen K., I 107 Anna Magneto, 107; Helen Lucas, 107; 1m aftsman, 111. ? (for three-year olds and up? ward; claiming purse $700; live furlongs) ; Imeme, 104; x Doe] na ."??'?? n.' : Uoll) hock, 104; xFar East. ' : ' ? ?? '?'? in I? I, : ' ' . xJames G . ! 09 : Muglvan, i 111 , Ford, 112; x.shastu. 112; Cadillac, 1 17. race (for three-year-olds ar-l np ward; claln ing; purse 5700; five furlongs) 1 . 104 M ioldstona,' 109 ; x.Miss Bruch, 109 ? ?cOmeme, 112; Hemlock 14 Rora, 114. Langhorne, !;4. Slippery Silver, 111, Laughing Eyes II, 114; Juanita III, 114. Fourth race (for three-year-olds ar-i up? ward; claiming; purse $700; uve and a half furlongs) xKing Breeze, 97; xAbbess, xl : ' i; xE istern Glow, xl 100; u Rameau, IOS; Wir Loan, : 10 Fifth ra< e (for three- ? ? n ? olds an l uj' wanl; claiming purse ?700; five and . half furlongsj xSalh Rose '7 r.Doctor D., 108; tTwenty seven, 108; Galopin, 110; Blaze a\\ iy 113; Fickle Fancy, 113; Bulger, 113. sixth race 'for three-year-olijs ai: l up ward; claiming; purse 17?0. mile and an eighth)?xVelie, 92; xDonna Grafton, 97; xTlmothy J. Hugan, 100, xCllp. 100. xSun mngdale. 103, Duke of Shelby, 10.".. La [Cross, 109; Pas de Chanco, 112. xApprentlce allowance claimed. Be careful to avoid imitations. Be sure its Bromo The genuine bears this signature fyy&VZS' Price 30c Annunciation Five Wins The Annunciation basketball team de? feated the Unity Council, K. of C, five in basketball at Ebling's yesterday afternoon by a score of 50 to 37. Ken? nedy and Fitzgerald, for the winners, and White and Norton, for the losers, played well. _USED AUTOS _ GIGANTIC AUTOMOBILE AUCTION AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN An exceptional opportunity t?> realize a good prtco for your car. Salo to be held i Jftnuarfy 10, 11, 12 and 13. 1921, during ??ho week of the Automobile Show, whon uvery -m--'?? mind Is centered noun purchasing a car. Thousands of out-of-town buyers will attend. Send for particulars. Automobile Auc? tion, Madison Square (.Jardeo, X. Y. SURROGATES' NOTICES CLARKE, ANNIE KATHARINE?The Peo - , pla of the State, of New York, by the grace of Ood, free and !nd- pondent, to Mary Ida Stocker, Martin Deacon. Charles Ernest | Deacon. Florence Hamilton Deacon, Mary | Thompson, Franc!? Henry Deacon. Maud nen.trl-.-a Deacon and to all perilous inter? ested as credit oca, legatees, next of kin nr I otherwise, in the Estate of ANNIE KATH? ARINE CLARKE, deceased, who. at tits! time of her death, was a resident of Wllcot, j Count- of Wills. England, wen?! greeting: i Upon the petition of C. Edward Blllqvlet, : residing at 20 Fifth Avenue, New York City, ' you and each of you nr<> hereby ?itod to j show cause before the Surrogates' Court oil New fork County, hold a? the Hall of Rec? ords, In tho County of New York, on the Hth day of December, 1920, at halff past' tin o'clock in the forenoon of that day, v.-ny tli- account of proceedings of <'. Ed? ward Billqvlst, as Ancillary Executor of the. Last Will an 1 Testament of said diseased, ' should not be ludl la.ll) settled IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. We have ; caused the Sonl of the Surrogates' Court i of th'i said County of New York to be I hereunto affixed. WITNESS, Honorable Jamen A. Foiey. a| Surrogate of nur said County, at the: County of New York, the 7th day of j October, in the year of our Lord on? I thousand nine hundred and twenty. [L. S.] DANIEL J DOWDNET. Clerk or the Surrogates' Court, i SATTERLEE, MARY P.- [N PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable John P, Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. notice is hereby given to all persons hav- i Ing claims agn nst Mar) P Satterlee, ?ate of the County of New York, deceased, to present tb- same with vouchers thereof, toi the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at the office of Haight, ?andford, Sin!-h & drittln, her attorneys, at No. 27 William Street., in tho norough of Man? hattan. In the City of New York, State of New York, on or before tho 1st day of i June, 1921, next. Dated New York, the 24th day of No- i vember, 1920 CATHARINE W. PHILIPPE,. Executrix. HAICHT, SANDFORD, SMITH & GRIFFIN, Attorneys for Executrix, office and P. O. Address, 2". Wlllla'nf Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. BENNETT, JOSEPHINE?IN PURSUANCE of an order cf Honorable John P. Co? halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, not ire i:i hereby given to all persons having claims against Josephine Bennett, late of the County o? Now York, deceased, to present tho same with vouchers thereof >. to the subscriber, at Its place of transact- ! Ing business, No. 1-19 Broadway, In the ? .-, of Manhattan .nui City of New! York, un or before the Huth day of Mav n e x t. lia?I. Now York, the 15th day of No- i verftbi r, 1920. FULTON TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK, Executor of tho Will of Josephine Bennett, deceased, 113 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, N- iv York City, N. Y. K N I-: E LAND. H A RIS O N ??fr I [ E WITT, Attorneys fur Executor, -13 Cedar Street, Bi . lUgn of Manhattan, New Vork City, N Y. DUPLAT, JULIAN ANTONIO?IN PURSU ance < :' an onler of Hon irable JOHN P. COHALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New york, NOTICE is hereby given to all person: having claims against Julian An? tonio Duplat, late of the County of Ni w York, deceased to present thi ?ame with vouchers tl ?reof, to the subscriber at its place f transacting business, at the office i,! Roosevelt .*> Ivobbe, its attorneys, at No. 44-t'j Wall Street, In the Borough i Man? hattan, in the City of New Vork, Si ite of New Vork, on or before the 20th day of May, lt'21, next. i-.i- !, New York, the 18th day of No VI T-.l - ? ' 120. THE CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK OK NEW VORK. Executor. RO( SEVELT .;- KOBBS, Attorneys for Ex? lutor, Ofllce and P. O, Addn .,-, -it -i?; Wall str.-:. Borough of Manhat? tan, .NVw York City. RUSSELL, JOHN A.?IN PURSUANC1 of an order of Honorable John P. Co? halan, a Surrogate of the County of Now fork, notl e is hereby given to ail person? having claims John 11. Russell, late of the County ?.f New Vork. deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof t,. ?.!?<: subscriber, at its placo of transact? ing I usinosa i r at the ot?lc? ?>f its attor n-)5. Miller, King, Lane &. Trafford, at No. SO Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, In me City of New York, -in or befcr? th? twentieth day of Jaiuary next. Dated New Vork, the 30th day of Jun?. 1520. CENTRA!. UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Executor. MILLER, KING, LANE & TRAFFORD. Attorneys foi Executor No, t.? i!r?a<? way, Borough of Manhattan, N'a** Torn: Cilj . CARLBT. ELDR?D A.?IN PUR3UANC? of an order of Honorable John P. Co halxn, a Surrogate of the Count) of New | York, notice Is hereby given to ali persons i having claims a-rau:.-*" Eidred A. Carley, ! lat-- i : the County o? New York, dec-ased. to present the sa.-iu-. with v.-ueki-rs tner?of, | to the subscriber, at Its j.-laoe of bu-:n?s?, j No. 177 Montague Stre.-t. Borough of j Brooklyn. CUy of New York, a or btfor? ; the ?sth day of December, IQ2^. Dated. Brooklyn -New York, th? lita | day of June. 1920, BROOKLYN TRCST COMPANY. Executor. CUELEN * DTKMAN, Attorneys for Kx er?t?,r. 177 Montagu? Street, Wre?l iyn. N. Y. McKIM. ROBERT ALBERT. ?7N PCRSt' ?no? of an o-der of Honorable John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to ?'.I p.ijeop? having claims afrainst Robert Al? be" M- Km., lato of tl.?- County of Ne-? | York, ilec-eased, to present the ?ame with - touchers thereof to the subscriber, ?t I place of transacting business, at the office of her attorney, Adam Wiener, No. Jl ? Chamber? Street. Borough of Manhattan, ! In tho City of N?w York, on or befur? th? 18th day of December next. Dateu. ?-sew York, the 11th day of June, ?J2?. CAROLINE R. McKIM, Executrix. ADAM WIENER, Attorney fur Execu? trix, No 51 Chambers Street, Borou-rb of Manhattan. City of New York. COCHRANE. MADELEINE.?IN PUJUU an. r of an order of Honorable John P. , Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County :>f New ! York. NOTICE is hereby riven to nil per ?ons navip'f claims against Madeleine \ Cochrane, ,^te of the County of New TorV, ? deceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at ills plac? | of transacting business, the oltli e of hi? ? attorneys, Esjelstyn & Haughwout, No. 1 Rector St., Manhattan, New Vork, on or before lt.a ?7th day of De^etnbe ' next. Dated, New York, th? loth day o? .lui?, 1920. CONDICT W. CUTLE'-t. Executor. ES LSTYN &. HAtHtHW-MTT, Attor ne-, s for Knecutor. 2 Ractor Street. , - -w York City JENNINGS. FREDERIC B? IN PURSE- I once of an order of Honorable John P j rohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New ! York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all per? sons having claim? against Frederic 0. Jennings, late of the County of New Vork, I deceased, to present tbo same with vnu-h its thereof to the subscriber, at her plae? of transacting business, afflce of Stetson, Jennings & Russell, No. 13 Broad Streut, in th? City of New York, on or befor? th? | fifteenth day of January next. Dated New York, the 7th day of July, I 1920. LAURA II. JENNTNOS. Executrix. ST**-'TSON, JENNINOS & RUS3BLL, At ro- .-ys for Executrix, 15 Br-jaJ ?treet. New York City. RE Er-TATE OF MARIE BAILLARD? IN ! pursuance of an order of Hon. John P. I Cohalan, a Surrogate of th- County of New York, NOTICE 1? hereby given to all per- ' sons having ??l?l:m against Marie Balllard, | late of the City of NI :e. France, dei hi-I, i to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, a; his place of transact- j Ing business. No. 2 Rector Street, Borough of Manhattan. New fork City, on or bu fore the Is' day of .Tune. 1921, next. Dated, New York, November 12, 1920. FREDERIC R. COUDERT, Executor. COUDERT BROTHERS, attorney? for Executor, Office *i P. O. Address, No. 3 Rector Street. New York. N Y. STORAGE NOTICES TO MRS. ?ERGARTIN. J. DANNENBL'RO, Ferguson. Maxwell Golhurgh, J. Tooley, Hart. A. Kaienborn. Nerklrk. Ea?j-tan * Co., W. Richardson, Reines. Miss Scbarlett, O. K. Adams. F. <3. Adams, Frank N. Hemeth: You and each of you ?j-e hereby notifie?! that the time for a payment rf our lien upen the property hereinafter described hav? ing expired, after due notice then ' has been given you, i we ? iil cauae such prop? erty-, to wit: Household goo?ls, carpet?, per? sonal effects, pianos and freight, etc stored In O. Santl Storage ?-. Warehouse >- . Inc. 812 East 170th Street, Bronx. Ne? Y? rk <:lty, l> you or In your name, or in which you may have an Interest, to be sold at Public Auction, according to the statute In such cace made and provided, at th? warehouse. 811 Ea? 170th Street, Bronx, rn lay, Dec. 23. 1320. beginning a*. 10 A. M , and if the same Is no; completed on sail date the same will be continued at the ?dm? p'.ace on each and every Wednes? day thereafter, beginning a* 10 A. M ar.-l contln? Is ire sold. G PANT! STORAGE i WAREHOUSE CO. SUMMONS SUPREME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY". ?Ch'Mjver N. Ely, as an executor of tho will of SMITH ELY. deceased, plain? tiff, against .Maria L. Vanderpoel, Edwin A. Ely. M. Josephine Ely, individually and m- executors of the will of William II. Ely. deceased; William II. M?gi?. Dagmar Megle Ross, Gladys Mogle Klngsley, Elizabeth Kitchell, Helen Kltetie'.l Beach, Susan T. Keese, Smith. Elv Jelllffe. Jr. Julia Ely Griffen Dow, individually and as administra? trix of the estate of Marjorlo E. Smylie. de? ceased; Alice E. Chambers, Ambrose E. Van? derpoel, Indivi'Uially and as nn executor of the will of Smith Ely. deceased; Adelaide V. Ely Goddard. Charles A. Smylie, William E. Chambers, Ambrose E Chambers. Alice E. Chambers Fleitmnn. Tula D. Ely MeCiena han. Smith Ely Jelllffe, Gertrude Ely. Mar? guerite G. Townsend, Helen C"Ok Miller. Juila M. Cook, Marin. Cook, Celia A. Bpemer, Kate E. Ingersoll, Bettle F Kitchell, Frances E Kitchell Individually 'und as ad? ministratrix of the estate of Louise Kltch?!!, decease; Charles I"). Bergen, George G. Nason, Harlo-.v Gaines. Royal P. Hnmer-i schlag as i'sslgnee of Harlow Gaines, Mary! L. Smith. Frances C. Willis, Moses Meeker, I Grace Elv Cain, Carolina G. Thorn*, ! Cathrya Thorn Matt Ice. Jessie C. Wood, i Dorothy Rogers Kirk. Mary Rea Cook Wade I as executrix of the will of Joanna E. Cook. I deceased, Michael Cannon, Jesse F. Dlxon as i adminlstrutor of the estate of Timothy ; Whirfleld Dlxon, deceased; Sarah F. Lewis, I Individually and as executrix of Ralph S. i Lewis, deooased; Eugen" Dixon and Ciara j Coryell us executors of the will of "William Dixon. deceased ; First Presbyterian Church ! of Hanover. Star Society, Bethel- Chapel ; Society of Hanover Neck. The Livingston Baptist Society. The Baptist Churcn at Northfleld, American Sunday S.-bool Union, j Overlook Hospital, Morris Courtv Children's Home, Madison Square Churro House.: Spring Street Church, The Trustees of the S".<:uh Presbyterian Congregation In tl?c ! City of New York, West Livingston M. P.. : Church, Orange Memorial Hospital. The! First Reformed Dutch Church o? Montvlile. ? Morrlstown Memorial Hospital, The Board of the Church Erection Fund of the ?ien eral Astiembly of the Preshyterian Church in | th? United States of America, New York j State Realty and Terminal Company, j Cheever N. Ely and United States Trust Compaiiy of New York, as trustees of the trust created by the will of Smith Ely for 1 the benefit of Edwin A. El> ; George B. Vanderpoel and Ambrose E. Vanderpoel as trustees of the trust created hv tho will of Smith Ely for tho benefit of Maria L. Van? derpoel : Cheever N. Ely, George B. Vander? poel and Ambrose E Vanderpoel an trustees! of the trust created by the will of Smith Ely for the benefit cf Alice E. Chambers; Chcwer N. Ely, George B. Vanderpoel and Ambrose E. Vanderpoel as trustees of the trust created by the will of Smith Ely for the benefit of Julia Ely Griffen Dow; Cheever N. Ely and United stales Trust Company of New Ycrk as trustees of the trust created by the will of Smith Ely for the benefit of Adelaide V. Ely Goddard, ,!nff?rson M Levy. Moses E. Ingersoll, and George B. Vanderpoel as an executor of the will of Smith Ely, defendants. Summons. Trial desired In New York County. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS AND EACH OF THEM I YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the' complaint In this action and to servo a copy of your answer on the Plain? tiff's Attorneys within twenty days after the service of this pumrnons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dat.-d April 14th. 1920. STEWART & SHEARER. Plaintiff's At? torneys. OfiVt and Post-Office Address, No. 45 Wall Street. Borough of Man? hattan, City of New York TO THE DEFENDANTS Elizabeth Kit? chell, Helen Kitchell Beach, Tula D. Ely Mo Clenahan, Helen Conk Miller, Julia M Cook. Maria Cook, Hettle F. Kitchell, Frances E. Kitchell individually und as administratrix of th" estate of Louise Kitchell, deceased; Hi.i low Gaines, Mary L. Smith, Frances C. Willis, Moses M eker, Grace Ely Cain, Cathryn Thorn Mattlce, Jessie C. Wood. Mary It'-.;! Cook Wad? us executrix Of the will of Joanna E. Cook, deceased; Margue? rite G. Townsend, Michael Cannon, Jesse F. Dixon, as administrator of the estate of Timothy Whltflold Dixon, deceased; Sarah F. Lewis, Individually and as executrix of P.alph S. Lewis, deceastd; Eugene Dlxon and Clara Coryell as executors of the will of William Dixon, deceased; Moses E. Ingersoll, First Presb;.Ian Church of Hanover, Bethel Chapel Society of Hanover .'-.eck, Morris County Children's Home, Orange Memorial Hospital and The First Reformed Dutch Church of Montvlile: ? The foregoing summons is served updn you 1 y publication pursuant to an, order of Honorable George V. Mullan, one of the Justices of the Net*? York Supreme Court, dated October 19, ISiO, and filed with tho m plaint, In : he office of the i 'lei ! of : I e County of New York, at the County Court Hous in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York Dated, October 21. 1920. STEWART & SHEARER, Plaintiff's At? torneys. No 45 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. New York. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK. HARRY B. DAVIS & LOTIS It FEHSEN FELD, doing business as H. B. Davis Co., Plain Iff, ?.s. CONTINENTAL IM? PORT COMPANY, Defendant. Sum? mons. To the above named Lefendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer un the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Bummona, exclusive of the day of service, and in ?iis? of your failure i" appeal" or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by d?f-iult for the relief demanded In th" complaint. Dated New York, October 20, 1D20. LAX. ALL S SHENFELD, Attorney : >r Plaintiff, Office and Postofflce Address, 120 Broad? way, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. To CONTINENTAL IMPORT COMPANY: The force dng summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an orri' r ?if Hon. George V. Mullen, a Justice or' the Supreme Court of the" of New York. dat? I the 22d day of October, 1920, and tiled with the complaint in tho office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, in the Borough of .*.' inhattan, City, County and State of New York. Dated New York October 23. 1020. LAZARUS SHENFELD. Attorney for Plaintiff, Offlc? and pi stjfflc ? Addr s-, 120 Broad? way, Boroiiah of M ihattan, New Yoric City. SUPREME COURT-OF THE STATK OF New York, County of New York -ROSE KANN ROSEN3TOCK, Plaintiff, vs. ERNEST ROSENSTOCK, Defendant. Ac tlon to Annul Marriage. Summons; TO TUE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YO\y ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer th- complaint in this ai tlon and to .'?iv a copy of your answer on the Plain? tiff's Attorney within twenty ,',a'.s after the service of this summons, exi luslva of tl " day of Bervi e, an ! In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for tho relief demanded In tho complaint. Dated New York, ? itober ISth, 1920. A ?:':.' N'DBR A. MAYPBR, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and P. O. Address, 35 Nassau Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. To ERNEST Ri ?SENRT? ? 'K Tie foregoing summons it served upon y u by pu1 ii ' ?. ". : ui suant to an .jnler of II ?;. GEORGE V. MULLAN, a Jus:;,?? of upreme Court ol the of New York, dated the 19th day of October, 1920, ..i i :i '??. d with the '. <"?:; i.....' .-? i he oflli ? of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, in the Bor? ough of Manhattan, City, County and Stats of New l .,i '.'.. Dated New York October 25, 192?. ALEXANDER A. MAYPER, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Addruis, 35 Nassau Street Borough of Manhattan, New York City. SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY" SADIE CHAP1SE, Plaintiff, against SAL VATORE CUAP1SE. Defendant. Action to Annul a Marriage. Summons: TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOl ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an swsr'the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of jour answer on the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after servies i of this summons, ex luslve of the day if service, and In case of your failure to ap piar or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief d? manded In the complaint. Dat'.d October 19, 1920 ! UCHLER & R1CHMAN. Plaintiff's Attorneys, Office and Rost Of-' fice Address, No. 38 Park Row. Bor- ' ough if Manhal n, New York City. To RALVATORE CHAPISE : Tau foregoine ' immons is served upon l you by publicaci?n pursuant to the orde of Hon. George V. Mullan, Justica of the1 ??iiprerne Court of the State of New York. dated "he 20th day of October, 1929, and ! flied with ti-.e complaint in the ofllce of the Clerk of the Count/ of New York, at the County Court House, Borough of Manhat- ? tan, City, Count;' and State of New York. "Dated New York, 0 toi - 22 ;i30. lit CHI ER & RICHMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office Address, S8 Park Bow, New York; ,_'.", ; '. ; . ., s - v.. "h l;.n. S I t r ?!?? ' . , r' :!! 9rAT?T~f)f NEW Y IRK, NEW YORK COUNTY? Z? II t!"lA LIMA, Plaintiff, against ODYS? SEUS DIMA, Defendant ACTION FOR ABSOLUTE Dt%"OR' E Summons. To the above Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an-' swer the complaint In this action and to : serve a copy of your answer on the plain- 1 tiff's Attorney within twenty days after , the servie? of this summons, exclusive of ; the day of service, and In cas?' of your ? failure to appear or ans ? er judgment by default will be taken ?? : for the relief "emu ni".' In plaint*. Dated Naw Yore Sept S si 1920 EUGENE i YUELLS Plaintiff's Attorney. ' ' ". ? an i Post ' ifflce a idresa : No 280 Bri a Iwaj. M -. y irk City To tho Defendant, ODYSSEUS DIMA: The foregoing Bumrr.ons is served upon you bj publication pursuant :?, an ord-?r ol Hon Edward R. Fineh, on?, of the Justice of this court, dated September 3?0?h, 19?0, and f.ied with -i.e complaint In the office of the clerk of 'his court at the (bounty Court li .ine. in the Borough of Manhattan, City ci New Tor"!, State "of New York. Datei New York, November ?5. 1920. EUGENE I. Y' F.LI.S, Attorney for Plain? tiff, Office 4 P O, A.Idres?: 2*1 Broadway, Borough of Mauhatt*n, City of Naw York. Want Advertisements Help Wanted Bawnesi Cards Boarders Wanted Employaient Agencie? Situation* Wanted Botin?*? Opportunities Ftm-isbed Rooms Lott, Found and KewsrtJ? LOST, FOUND AND REWARD LOST?Diamond pearl pin. between SSth and 66th on Park uve. or si le streets; nentimemal value; liberal reward. Phone Plaza ?555. Lost Bankbooks LOST?Bankbook No. S52.D3? of the Union Dime Savings Bank is rnlselng. Any person having a claim to it is hereby called upon to present th? same within ten days or submit to having said passbook cancelled and a new one issued. LOST?Bankbook No. 778,700 of the Union Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any sea? son having a .-?aim to it is horebj upon tu present the same within un ?lays or submit to having said passbook canceled and a new one issued. LOST?Bankbook No. 9??.626 of the Bank for Savings, 2S0 Fourth ave. Payment stopped." Finder pleaF? return tn bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Sid? 125TH (2005 5th ave )? Nice big new fur nlshe?! rooms for gentlemen only; rea? sonable: French family; best references required. West Sid? 7?TH. 104 WEST?Large, clean, warm rooms, with or without private hath; telephone, electricity; also small room, ?6-116. 114TH, 261 WEST?Well furnished double room, t-'iitable business people; 113. Cathedral 5060. Apt. 3E. 117TH, 365 JV. (near Morningside Park- ? Well furnished ba k parlor in refined private house; suitable two : privileges; $1?). 118TH, 3T7 W.?Well furnished double room; high-class elevator apt. ; $12. Apt. 4-W. I24TH ST (34 Mount Morris Park West) ?Well furnished front and hack parlor, private bath, electricity, retined house, con ?renient location, reasonable; breakfast op :lonal. HELP WANTED FEMAL? Domestic GENERAL houseworker: girl; no laundry. Licht, 128 Colonial ave., corner Kelvin ?t-. Forest Hills., L. I. Phone ?429 Boulevard. Miscellaneon? CLERKS AND TYPISTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Girls 18 years of age and over Hours 9 to 4:30 o'clock Saturdays 9 to 12 o'clock Luncheons served free Salary to start $1200 Abilities if clerks reviewed each ?lx '? months. Those of average ability should i be receiving from $16to $13 per week j utter tho second review. The variation is lue to difference in,clerical work. Free classes ?-ondueteil In Typewriting. | Stenography and Dictaphone Operating. Apply in Person between 9 and 4:30 o'clock Room 5033, Metropolitan Bull.ling, 1 Madison Ave. (at 23d St.), New York City. HELP WANTED MALE OFFICE BOY wanted: $13 to start; splendid opportunity for ambitious boy. Ches brough Mfg. ro , k Slate st. PULLERS, experien ed; good pay; steady work. Apply Clogelen Wet Wash Laun? dry, T7'i Van Sinderen av., Brooklyn, near New Lots station, on H way Canarsie line. SALESMAN for artlfl? al limbs; man with leg '??" excellenl opportunity. J. T. & li Apgar, 262 West 23d st. Instruction AUTO INSTRUCTION?We teach repairing and driving in short time. License guar? an-'--.i. la.lies' Classes; also Ford lessons. American Auto School. 7??6 Lexington ?vs. (69th). Plaza 4016. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant, prolKable work; ?lay and evening ?lasses. Sorel for free booklet and visitor's pas?. WeBt Side V. M. C. A. 306 West ?7th ?t. MEN wanted to operate moving picture it.:, ?nines in theatres; w> tea-h you day? or evenings. Amerlcsn Theatre Building. S44 Sth ave. (42d). Bryant HI?. ALT') INSTRUCTION, ?15 Day. evening; Cadillac, Studebaker, Mit? chell. B &. M. Co.. 1303 Lexington ave. (88th). SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAL? Charnbcr;naid8 CHAMBERMAID, good, plain seamstress; excellent city references G., Miss Hof mnyer's Agency, 10 East ill st , 3d floor. , Telephone ** > 4 r Murr ly Hill, CHAMBERMAID W VITRESS, neat, nice young Irish girl; excellent references; apartment preferred: $60. Miss Manson's : Agency, 11 West 4 CHAMBERMAID, useful, nest, thoroughly experienced; Irish girl; excellent refer : enees; city; $50. M?-s. Mason's Agency, l 3 West 4"d St. CHAMBERMAID-SEAMSTRESS, German; blghlj ? mmended; ity or -country. Lanr & Boecherer Co., 43 West 33d ?t. CHAMBERMAID?Assist in pantry; $55; voung; efficient; long reference. Shea's | Agency, G E. 41st St. Murray Hill 6774. : GIRL, bright, chambermaid, waitress or ho us -v orker . references. Shaughnessy's, 860 Sixth avo. Cooks C? OK (Hci tch . neat, competent, eeonnru lcal, gi id inager; apartment pre? ferred; splendid references; $75. Mrs. Mason's Agency, IS West 43d st. COOK, young Irish woman; highly recom? mended; city family. O. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 Lea- ISd st., 8d floor Tele phona 8S47 Murray Hill. COOK?Capable ; young: Irish; city or country, $79, three year? last place. Miss fh^i? Agency, a E 41st st Murray Htli 6774. COOK, Oerioan, also waitress, ?? ;ng, com? ptent, city or country: single or - < getl Lang ,-;? Boe herer Co., 4 s West Sid ?t. COOK -Swede, excellent cook; good refer ences A. Miss Hofmayer's Agen? -y, 19 East 4 3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Mur? ray Hill COOK?Scotch; capable; country pre? ferred; $76; excellent reference. Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41st st. Murray Hill 6774. COOK, WAITRESS, Protestant?; highly re i.inmi-n<i-?l ; country, Mis? Shaugh? nessy's Agency, 860 .*-':xth ave. COOK -- C1-IAMBERMAID-WAITRE8S Young; together, separate. Mrs. Coopei Agency, 657 6th av. Day Workerf DAY'S WORKER, excellent laundress",; th?jroughly experienced, n sponsil le, goo l w in an h : ri-. ) re? i mep ed; 54.10. Masons Agency, 18 W, 4^d ?t. General Houseworkers, Etc. HOUSEKEEPER-COOK, competent, con? scientious; except! nally desirable Bng llshwoman; bachelor's establishment nre ferred; hlxhly recommended. Mrs. Mason's Agency, l?j 4 Id st. HOUSEWORKER 'English?, refined, capa ble, ? i.s- lontlous; one, two adult*-; apartment: oity; splendid references; |60. Mason'? Agency, 18 West 43d ?t. HOUSEWORKER?American fa-n?y-cook : city, country. Mrs Cooper's Agen.-. 657 6th ?v.___^_ MANAGING housekeeper, fur country pre? fer red ; exoeLen: references given; experi? enced. Telephon Plaza 'Jl'57. Laundresses, Etc. LAUNDRESS?Young: willing to assist other work. Lang & Boecherer Co.. 42 West 33d st. Nurse?, Etc. CHILD'S NURSE, young English woman: excellent long references; eh:M c-vrr 3 years old. Mc.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st . 3d floor. Telephone ?947 Mur? ray ii INFAN1 . ., amended"; ver*, eompetenl Swiss (rtr! Lang & ., is West NUHSK -Amerii or mothers helper; |70 Shea's Agency, t E ? lai . \ NURSERY Kuve.-r.-t?. young, willing; expeii er. e?i . best references Lang & BotJCherer Co.. 4? West ?3d si Waitress?.? WAITRESS?Take butler? place: 183; first class references fth?-?*'* Agency. 6 E. 41? st. Murray HH1 ?TT4. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Waitresses WAITRESS-PARLORMAID; city tstrfUr; good salad maker: ver cmtaner ; roo? City referen. B., M?as Hofmayer s *&[**? 10'East 43 1 st.. Sd licor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill.____._ Miscellaneous GOVERNESS. French iVarlsian. can can? two children; country preferred; **7*> Sheas Agency. 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill '1774_ .. KIT' 'UENMAID ---Young. lately lande?! : city preferred; reference*. Mrs. Cooper? Agency, 657 6th a v._ LADIES' MAID or nursery govern*?*? h-Swiss), speaking Er.s;!!*h: lately a. - i exceptionally desirable; ?it Masons Agency, 18 West 43 1 st ?--'-! LADY'S MAID, competent; seamstress, packer; visiting or permanent; best ref ? - ? es. & Boecberer Co., 4_ We?; ; S3d st__ MAID wishes position with lady. pref^r theetrlca ir.swei n-ail'only. Telephon?* 4796 ' dun bus. Collins, 42 West 64th sL_ SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ?-.-j*-. BUTLER-CHAMBERMAID, couple (Swed? ish), useful, neat, nice, young, efficient: ! pair: best n terences; $1?J0. Mason d Ak-ency, 1 "? West 43d st. i BUTLER?Capable; English- $110, city or long referen en Visa Shea's) Agency, 6 E 41st St. Murray Hill 6774. ! BUTLER?Useful: Dane; thoroughly ex perienced; best referencias, s'haugnesey'e ? Agency, S60 Sixth av. CHAUFFEtTR, 21, Intelligent. reliable'. ?wishes private or commercial position? references; security if required. L. II . 621 77th st. Brooklyn. Tel. Shore Road I CHAUFFEUR?Mechanic, 23, private or references. Hurley. 883 1 Franklin ave.. Bk!> n. COUPLE, English; hnuseworker "and gen? era, y useful man; do anything: thorough? ly .'x; :. ghly recommended; coun? try. M:ss Shaughnessy's Agency. S-50 6th s ' '? COUPLE?Danish; entire work inside and out of country home; anywhere; first class referencia. M!s3 Sheas Agency. ft ? E. 41st st. Murray Hiil 6774. COUPLE?Colored ; butler; useful; excel? lent cook; entire work, $!50; o. k. ref 1 erences. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 E. 41? I st. Murray Hill 6774._ : COUPLE?Laundress; useful man; Inside or gardeneri caretaker?; fins references: 1 anywhere. Miss Shea's Agency. 6 E. 4lst | st. Murray Hill 6774. I HOUSEMAN ? Scotch ; capable; young: furnaces, windows, etc.; $15; anywhere. Shea s Agency, 6 E 41st si Murray H. 677?. JAPANB.SE domestic help by professional workers. 10$ Wsst Hits st.; ?"??-????it T'tT. $(S$. Commercial ACC'-iT-vT.-vNT-rOC'KKEEPER. part time; university graduate; moderate salary. Keegan. ?07 Fifth av. BUSINESS INVESTIGATOR. Active Vmerlran. Christian, g"od person allty, diplomatii experienced in adminls tratloi advei tn( Inn, ex; ert sys t" . t- and < "' dency control: handl? labor; will ma ; -igations and reports in any .-; i I temporary or I permanent. Address G ?6s. I'ribune. R of techo cal or trade paper; can get results. G, S?0 Tribuna. WANTED by experienced, technical, prac? tica! und '. . it. : ? ngineer post as manager or assistant manager in. any department ol an engineering concern; Is th' ro tghly capable of management o{ bus ness In autoi ! < le trlcal or me? chanical .: ??:-'. ; >d Influence in foreign * markets a I cai und business ! relationship. G B76, Tribune. WATCHMAN ar.-l special tn bank. H. Fort... 1620 Hone ave., Bronx. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ' ; Commercial Kelp?Female and M?Ie DOYLE A'.ENCY. 1$ East 4Dth at Madison Ave., 154 Nassa? St. Tribune Building, or 215 Montagus St.. Brooklyn ? Stenographers, typists, book 1 keepers, ??-. i, coi eters and swl? >h board operators, gvod positions for begls ; n*ra and experienced. Domestic 1 COLORED high crude s"rvants, city or country; reference investigated Kemp Age!., y, Audut in 2858. BUSINESS CARDS Carpet? and Ruis AXMTNISTER, SLOAN US, WILTON CAR RUGS ST1 i.l 1NGS INC . 624 MADISON AVE. (69TH ST ) ?fter? fine car '.-?! bul reconditioned like ' $1, *" ? $4 yard ijp; in green. :"' ' ' ? n? ? i or rirlental Ri:GS i, i sizes, nil prices, with ? ? r one piece, $13. $4<3. $">'.. $110 up One loi impnrte.i rig?, ! 9x12 in, -ii. ?entai an?. C MAKING OVER, '"LEANING, LAYING, DYEING, REPAIRING RE WE AC? ING RELIABLE, REASONABLE, BEAU L TIFCL. PLAZA 8836 Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc. i DIAMONDS bought and sold for cas? from ? estates. BENNETT IT", Broadway, 2d floor. Furniture WE PAY hlg ? Ices fir furniture, ','. i" ' ntiques 1" : a bra? . books. Art, eti GABAY. -5 University Place. Stuy vesant ; ; : MulU??raphing MULTIORAPHING addressing, folding, Letter Co., 24 W. 28tB^ Patents and Inventions PATENTS O-rer 7& years' pr?_ct!ce. all commustcao tlons strictly confidential; handbook nm paten'', free on r< ?uest; special f*cl!ltIo4 for oftlce consultation Munn St Co., l/i rneys, $07 Wooiworth Bulldis* New York. w "-?????? '? m Pianos and Musical Instruments KTELVWAY Grand Piano, practically new; $1,200; cost price, $1,750. Telephone Morn-' inpside 4614 Umbrellas USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS?Fine S1IK ?'rt'.hrellas. all colors, $7 60, reduced from ? Don't throw your old umbrella* away?we re] Uncle Sam Um? brella Shop, 75 We*'. 45th *t. Mlscellane-oas ADVANTAQ] S'USUAJ- OFFER, Soversl fine Oriental pearl necklaces, MATHER Fifth ave. phone ! 229 Fltzroy. AUCTION SALES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUR, . ..,'. the Lien Law t ere wl at Public Auction .? on the 14th day of Dei s of boainsaa of >.:?? un.!, : ?'.?ii.-?. N.j $9|3 Broadway, Bor? ough -.f Manhattan, i Ity of New York, at ten o'clo? a in th" fonmoon of that day, one Min.. Fir Coat, 49 Inches long, and one Diamond Bar Pin, set in Plallnum, for the account Of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lttrie. ?of No. 382 Wn !.worth Avenue. New Torlt City ". H. LOWENTHAL. SIMMONS RT OF THE ST nTE GF NEW TORK COUNTY ZOGRAFIA LIMA Plaintiff. against ODYSSEUS DIMA Oef I \ ??: m f? r i Absolute Dfvorc*. Bummons: Above Nam-d i efendant : YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer Chi t ig-, ., -. n. sn ! to serve a eopv of youi answer on the Plain? tiff a Attorney wlthm twenty d_y? after the of tils sun.toons, ???elusive of ihrt? d.?y ..t ?.-rv: ?? and 'n m? of your failure ; ear o answer, Judgment by default will b? taken against you for tJM relief d'-nanded In the complaint. Dated. New York September 21st. 1926. EUGENE I. rUELLS, Plaintiff? Attor " fflce Address, 289 Bi ladway, New York To the -?'.- Lima '"")!" I served nporf Ur*U_nt to a:i ordor K. Finch, on? of the __? ber JOtH. 1920, and f.,ed with the lompiatst In the ; office 'this court, at the County Court ll_?, in the Borough of Manhattan, ? :ty of New York State of New York I nat?d. New York, November IS, ]$$$, ECU ENE I. YDELLS, Attorney ft>r Plilntlff. Office and P. O. Andrea?, I??