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Brocco-?oburn Team^St??T Lead in Grind Italian Rider Proves Magnet To Pack Garden More Than 11.000 Fans Watch Night Sprints in Six - Day Bicycle Race By Fred "Hawthorne The lure of Broceo, the compact little bundle of Italian steel nerves and muscle, was the magnet that drew more than 11,000 persons to Madison Square Garden last nicht to see the third night of the annual six-day bicycle race. There was nothing done during the series of ten sprints beginning at 0:30 - o'ciock to. rouse the gr.e*t crowd to anything like tho heights of enthusi? asm that stormed over the audience on Monday night when Broceo, Coburn, De baete and Persyn gainecr-their laps over the rest of the field. But the magic of Maurice Brocco's name was su??icient to keep the crowd keyed up every minute. The possibility that the itaiir.n might again start a wild "jam" seemed in the air, and so %r thousands reniatT.ed in their seats until almost midnight, although it was the least spectacular night of riding of the week. The management had offered two v prizes cf $50 and .*?25 for the team scor ing the most pointa during tho ten sprints, with Coburn and Broceo and Dabaets and Persyn not to figure unless they actually took part in these dashes. Neither of tho lending teams at tempted to race for the money, satis fied to hold their lead over the field v thout running any of the dangers at? tendant upon fighting it out with the sprinters. Piani Team First The team of Orlando Piani. of Italy, and Gerard Leene, of Holland, won the first prize, with a total of 31 points for the night, with Oscar Egg and Reggie McNamara second, a po-.nt ' ehind. Verri and Belloni, the Italian. pair, were third, with 23. Then came Bedell and Thomas, It!; Miquel and Vanriek, 9; Byron and Staehle, 7, and Vanhevel and Vanderbergh, 4. The point score totals for the week rear!: Broceo and . Coburn, 217; Egg r.nd McNamara, 130; Debaets and Pier son, 115; Bedell and Thomas, 96; Piani Leene, lb; Miquel and Vannek, -17;. Taylor and Smith. 39; Verri and Bel :".-.:, 19; Vanhevel and Vanderbergh, 1?, and ?Spears and Lawrence, 7. Just after 11 o'clock last night the six-day bicycle race at Mad.son ?square Garden was thrown into . ? ?en Julius Vanhevel, the tall Belgian, suddenly dashed away from the Held ?r : into a lead of a quarter of a lap. ; nri Vanderburgh, his partner, picked 1 im up in perfect style and they con? tinued to relieve each other in this :. inner until, at the end of twenty two minutes of desperate riding, they . i gained a lap on all the other rid : . This placed them in a tie. for s :ond place with Ca?sar Debaets and lois Persyn, and otro lap behind lurice Broceo and Willie Coburn, the ? ? leadf rs. The ri ling of Vanhevel in this stir ig "jam" was of the best. In spite ? the determined efforts of the field % ? -'? - the Belgians from stealing ?'. ? lap ?.'vi the weakness of his part er Julius stuck to his task and did ? rest until it was accomplished. Egg seemed * > be . rnpr? ?v ing a the -.?ore on last night, put McNamara ?as lar from his best and not .once -.1 ring the ten sprints did he succeed pelting over tit'- : rti-sh line ;:; first lace. Leer.e, on th?' contrary, sur 1 the crowd by flashing home first . r times, v. hile the big Piani, his partner, gathered three first places. . Shortly alter -ik- -???a of the last ? : Broceo, apparently for the pur -e of worrying the other riders. imped away into a 100-yard line. Egg tarted in mad pursuit with the pair hia rear wheel, but Broceo, after furi is laps, i ttled d \vn again. Fast Pace Tire:- Riders wild riding of Monday night, Bro? and ( burn v. ere iap ? .- teams righl and I< % and the h ?e field had . idd? . into a stal ? bor *ring on exhaustion, had its inevitable ?"? :t on the mei I .* ng the day] erd % **nd i hei e wa ; no pre ?.- hitti:.? up tire pi ??? ? ?:? :? pt ? en the official dashes fo.* points ? pite 'if the Lethargy that nver - the riders, who rode aronnd like l?t matons for h? ira ?t a tiir?, there lore than 4,000 persons in the rrmphitheater through the <'.ay, and these left regretfully at 5 o'clock, ?%?--. the Gai . ice "gave them Of Rea! Value m ALL WOOL BLANKETS Guaranteed by the Makers Al! Sizes All Colors Richly bound with beautiful Ribbon Retailed at Mill Prices Your dollar obtains its maximum benefit Money back if you can equal the value MILL SHOWROOMS Suite 509 230 Fifth Ave. at 27th St. NEW YORK 49th Hour Score '? Miles. Laps, i Rrocco-Coburn .,. 866 7 < Debaetes-Persynn . 866 6 Van Hevel-Vandenburg .... 866 6 j Egrg-McNamura . 866 5 Spears-Lawrence . 866 5 1 Vorrl-Bellonl . 866 5 I Plani-Lenne . 866 5 Van Nek-Miquel . 866 5 Redcll-Thomus . 866 5 Taylor-Smith . 866 5 I Byron-Startle . 866 5 Suter-Suter .,. 866 4 Grimm-Vandivele . 866 3 Brtx-eo leading. Record 1,032 miles ! 9 laps; made by Goullett and (ircndain ; in 1914. the works" and introduced them to th<? air. While the i ight crowd stum? bled ?n something had to be done to pass the time, since the ridera would not entertain, and several experiments | were made. An impromptu baseball i pame was staged on the tanbark of j the infield late in tne afternoon, with the trainers and rubbers from the various camps predominating in the line. The players from the north side of the arena, calleii the Sour Pickles, won in an extra ?fining game from j the Sweet Pickles, 8 to 0, as the re? sult of a Babe Ruth home run clout | , with a barrel stave, by Charles Henry Francis Canary Island Bird Sherry,! j who crashed the apple up into the i ! rafters near the Madison Avenue end I of the building, scoring himself, "Wild Pill" Doig, the umpowaug moss , I creeper, and Louis Sr.lek, the pride of j ' the southwest corner of Broadwav and : j Thirty-fifth Street. Thirteen Teams Still in Race | There were thirteen teams left in j : the grind when the evening session of : riding began, Kramer and Spencer ? having dropped out early Monday j night and Tony "Voting and Jules ] Dossche leaving the track shortly | ; afterward. Grimm ' formed a new j team by pairing with Pet"r Vandi- I velve, ?Dossche's partner. They wore I then three laps behind the leaders, Broceo and Cobtrrn. In the series of five afternoon point sprints yesterday first and second ! places each time went automatically to Coburn and Broceo and Debaets and Persynn because of the fact that the first named were one lap ahead of the Belgians, who were, i? turn, a lap , ahead of the field. Menus Bedell and Lloyd Thomas, one of the two All-American teams re? maining in the race, did the best \ actual riding in these sprints, gather i ing a total of 13 points, with Egg and I ? McN'amara second, with 11. The lat- j tor team, the favorite at the start on ; Sunday night, has not been perform- ; i ing up to expectations, both appearing ! to lack their usual strength nnd quick ' starting ability in the "jams," but it ? is possible they may ride themselves ? . into good condition. The point score of the race after ? the afternoon sprints was as follows: Broceo and Coburn, 157; Egg and i McN'amara, 100; Bedell and Thoma?, J SO ; Debaets and Persynn, 65; Piani j and Leene, 44; Van Nek and Miquel, \ 38; Taylor and .Smith, 36; Vcrri ami | Belloni, 28; Byron and Statehle, 11; ? I Vanhevel and Vanderberghe, 0; Spears ' and Lawrence, 7; Paul and Henry Su ;tor-7-_._ Roberts Knocks Out Shannon in Sixth; Tunney Wins Bout Al Roberts, the Staten Island Adonis, brought joy to the hearts of his fol? lowers at the Arena, Jersey City, last , night when, after having been knocked , down by the hard-hitting Mickey Shan ? non, of Pittsburgh and Newark, he re? taliated ar.d won the distinction of be? ing the first man. to put Mickey out ; for the long count. The end came in the sixth round ? when Al engaged in a slugging hoe with the Shannon stuck his jaw into a straight right ar.d his 195 I < unds wer.'; hurlting across the ring or the count of nine. Mickey recov? ered ;?. bit, but a few seconds later Roberts connected again and this time Shannon was out for ten minutes. In the semi-final Mel Coogan gained the verdict over Eddie Wallace, a fcl ?." Brooklynite, after ten fast rounds. Eddie's best bet was a left hook to r .-..'. i it r '?. ?s blow was not enough to offset the varied offensive of C iop u . who punished his opponent with rights ..: I ?efts to the body and face. Gene Tunney, weighing 175 pounds, outpointed Leo Hauck, whose weight ; was announced r.s 180, after ten rounds of sparring ar.d posing. Neither man j made any effort to mix until the sixth round, when the referee threatened to ' throw the pair out of the rrng unless they got busy, whereupon Tunney ? ' pened up with a flock of jabs and up percuts which gave him the decision. Mear the end of the sixth a short i right put Leo to the boor for the count of eight, but he came back strong. Knockouts Feature Routs Between Amateurs Several knockouts featured the ama? teur bouts at the Metropolis Club, 105 West Fifty-seventh Street, last night. . Benny Leonard, lightweight champion, was on hand to referee the first bout, a preliminary in the 130-pound class, i between Harry Brown, of the Clarke House A. A., and H, Snvolio, Paulist A. C. Four classes were decided, with four contenders in each of the 110, 130, 158 and 158 pound divisions. The results of the" final bouts were: 130-pound class?Harry Button, V. S. R. Pennsylvania, defeated Harry Brown, Clarke House A. A., three rounds; Judgea' decision. 118-pound class?O. Palsbury, iinat Ucht'd, won by default from A. Lorenzo, Paul 1st A. C. 108-pound class?.loe Hnnl^y. Holy Oror.s Lyceum, knoo'kod out Jack Hradlcy, I'aa tlr.,r. A. 15. In one round. 13.1-pound clans?Sum Crystal, Clarke .' . . A. \ . defeated 15. Herman, Univer? sity Settlement, three rounds; Judges' decision. Loral Bov Boxes Tendier MILWAUKEE, Die. 7.- Eddie Fitz simmons, New York lightweight boxer, to-day was B'gned to meet Lew Ten? dier, of Philadelphia, in a ten-round no-decision contest l"fore a local club on December 17. Havana Entries first race (five furlongs; two-year-old?; purse $700) -Bertha Mlriix. 102, Scintil? late, 102 Havana, 102; Tosca, 105 Two ? ??:, 109; Draftsman, lO'j; Blue Flame, n : ri <- (flvn and one-half furlongs: I ree year-olds ?nil iipward ; eiaimlng; ? ..... ,700) ?Veil? II, 102; ?lied, 107; ? TI lothy ./ Bogan, 107; Smite, 107; ?Jack hawron, 1"'.'. ?Guardsman, 107; ?James O., ? M< ' lelland, 107; ?Top lluni;, 1)0; Ma ' ? """lake, 110; Beauclnlre, 1 :?.. Third race (five ml one Imlf furlonurs; three year olds nri>! upward; clalrnlpg; I purse $700) Tie? 102; ?Sinn Feiner, 107; ?Waterford 107; Nobleman, 112; Juanita II T. 112; Jill, 112; Senator Jarnea, 112; .-.?. .?? Change, : ; 3 Fourth race (nix furlong-?; three year olds und upward; claiming ;>urre $700) ?j! ? Bunley, IOS; ?Xewnessa, I06: M.,? ?alafre, lOK; Fickle Fancy, Il3; Thorn i, ,?:.. : . . Ular-eawiiy, i i'i ; Pas ?l ? ? ??. :. , ft h rae? 'five furlongs; throe yest olds and p?v ird; purse $*00) Klesr, I '?r. ungood 101 Brother MacBoan, 107; I Me* , .,. > | ,?-,.< / ? gle, Il6; Dlffcren Byes, ?10. 'Arm m?a Bta'ole. ith ?.'? ?" ' '>'?' " '?'?'' rds; three , r-olds and upward; rlalmlng; purs $700) 'Waklnir On am, ?4 . ?Hem; . ' I02 M.? K ross, 102; Oo ph, 105 , r . ?? off I07; ?Duke "' Shelby. 107 Just Punching the Bag Dempsey Is Preparing for Another K. O. Demonstration By W. O. McGeehan Tho indications are that the bout between Jack Dempsey and Bill Brennan next Tuesday night will pack the Garden. Whether or not this is another demonstration of the fact that the late Mr. Barnum said a mouthful remains to be seen. Dempsey stopped the impulsive rushes of Mr. Brennan the last time they met and stopped them with considerable abruptness. The chances are that he will repeat, and stop them a trifle more rapidly this time. There is only one notable case where a fighter who once took a wallop on the chin or in its immediate vicinity came back and flattened the conqueror. This fighter was Stanley Ketchel, who after being stopped by Billy Papke, came back and stopped William not once but several times. But Ketchel was the exception to the old rule of the ring. Brennan, it is alleged, never looked better than he does to-day. They said the same of Billy Miske, who was the most recent hand-picked victim for the champion. Miske in training looked very healthy, indeed, and remained that way until Dempsey came into the ring at Benton Harbor. Then his face started to assume a very wistful look. That bout at Benton Harbor was not much to look at, but it demonstrated one thing?that Dempsey has not deteriorated to any extent since he met Willard. At the camp of Brennan they insist that William will make a rushing battle out of it. That seems to indicate that it will be even more abrupt than the Dempsey-Miskc affair, where Dempsey worked in as leisurely a fashion as he could. The champion is a quick finisher. He is not adept in the trick of "nursing" an opponent to "give the crowd a run for its money." He always attains the ring objective, the opponent's chin, by the shortest route. Though not a military gent in any sense Dempsey realizes the sense of the military axiom which holds that a strong offense needs no defense. It begins to look as though Dempsey would be involved in demon? strations instead of contests from now on. There is nobody in sight at present to give him a battle. The Jess Willard he dropped at Toledo might give him a better fight than any of them, if he were the same Jess Willard to-day. But Jess is a comparatively ancient gent and inclined to become tubby as the months roll by. So we will not be seeing Dempsey fight, we will simply be seeing him knock them out, and he might as well be knocking out Bill Brennan as anybody else. William doesn't seem to mind it much. All the anguish is sustained by the Hon. Leo P. FJynn, Mr. Brennan's highly sensitive manager. Weinert in Preliminary Charley Weinert, the former pride of Newark, N. J., and of Budapest, Hungary, will appear in one of the Garden preliminaries with Bartly Madden, who dumped Shamus Coffey, late pride of County Roscommon, Ireland, and County Bronx, New York. At one time it looked as though young Weinert might some day come pretty close to being a heavyweight champion. He liad the speed, the punch and the instinct for the game, but he rollicked away his chances. He was a headstrong young gent, and nobody could talk sense to him. That is why he is just a preliminary boxer to-day, when he might have been wearing the mantle that once draped the shoulders of Corbett, Fitz-, simmons ami Sullivan. The other preliminary will be an all-Senegambian affair. Kid Nor? folk, who resembles the younger Sam Langford in action, will mix with Bill T?te, who is a member of the Jack Dempsey camp. T?te gave the old Sam Langford something of a pasting at Benton Harbor the day that Dempsey upset Miske. Sam was chagrined rather than hurt by Bill's roughness and un cluhby action in messing a brother porkchop consumer. He resigned from the lodge of which he and Bill were members on account of this bout, and there is still much indignation on 135th Street over the affair. The consensus of opinion in the coal and coke belt is that Bill shouldn't have dtme it. The venerable Sam Langford is highly regarded along the Harlem Mason and Dixon line. For the English Title The method in the madness of Frank Moran in ducking to England to mix with Joe Beckett this week has just come out. In spite of the fact that Joseph was knocked for a row of wild raspberry bushes by Georges Carpentier, he is still champion of England, the only champion they have over there. Consequently, if Charles Francis Moran knocks out Joe Beckett, he automatically becomes champion of England. That is as simple as profiteering. If Charles Francis attains this title by spilling Beckett he will return uttering loud and raucous challenges in the direction of Jack Dempsey and demand that Jack sign up with the new champion of England. That is, he will proclaim himself champion of England until some of the Pitts? burgh Irish who used to worship him as a successor of John L. Sullivan hear him claim the English championship. Then Charles Francis will have to duck a shower of bricks. It is evident that Charles Francis is still spreading the salve to the British boxing critics. He has announced that he has developed a 7- w punch which he calls the "sock." It seems to be the old faithful Mora., "Mary Ann" masquerading under a new monicker. Harness Horses Banned For Unlawful Racing The National Trotting Association t began its December meeting yesterday i at t?ie Murray Hill Hotel. The national ! board ordered the unlawful winnings j of Ruth, at Daiias, Pa., September 19 j last; of Otway Byrd, at Ormstown, | 1 Quebec, June 16 and 18, and of Frank1 Ward, at Gorham, Me., September 8, ! redistributed to horses entitled to same. ' The following horses were ordered suspended until the money won by them out of their class is returned: Pacific Express, at Acton, Me., Oc tober 7; Madison Square, at Harring? ton, Del., July 19 and 20; Frank, at Erie, T'a., July 20 and at Conneaut Lake, Pa., September .':'; WoodclifT King, at Woodstock, New Brunswick, July 12, and at Presque Isle, Me., August 12; ; Bellinardine, at Cortland, N. Y., Au : trust 18, at Norwich, N. Y., August 16, \ at Cooperstotvn, N. Y., .September 1 ; and at On??onta, N. Y., September 22. Sammy Good Defeats Kelly Sammy Good, of Frisco, was awarded ? the decision over Jimmy Kelly, of the ' Bronx, at the opening of the Starlight Sporting Club last night. After ten rounds of ?lu?rginfr*, the judges dis? agreed and the referee cave the ver I diet to Good. In the semi-final Jimmy Paul, of Harlem, and Jack Sheldon, a Brooklynite, went over the ten-round route to a draw. New Orleans Entries i First race (purse, $700: three-year-old?; maiden?; six furlong**) -Puzzle, 107: Mon tillo. 110: Bally Glhen, 102; Secretary, i 1 2 . Mabel Josephine, 107; Homo Guard, i ! '<, >?; iholrtncl, 107, Second race (purse, $600; claiming; thrt-o-year-oldn and upward; six furlongs) ? i.,vlv Mildred, 107: Early Sicht, 11". John n. noche, 107; All Bright, 110; Mald I en Voter, 95; Saffroner, 110; Double Van, ,107; Ivan Mini. 105; Dlnly, lot; Norman, 110; Big Mea. 104; Ko?lah. 107. Third r.i'-e (purse, $000; claiming; fhrec year-olds and upward; nix furlongs) -Hld . ?leo Shin, 107; Amaclcassln, ] o S. Pullux, ?in- riafaroBa, 110; Opportunity, 111; Lu? cius. 110. Hark Hay, 108; Ilotsv, 110; Old 'Sinner, 110; Sentimental, 110; Cobalt Lass no Fourth race fpur?ie. S700; claiming; thr?r - year - oids nn-i upward; one r lie and n sixteenth) Rounding Through, '?!': II C. ?auch, 108; Basin, i oh. It lb. P?; flusrtn M., 104. Harvey Smlrr, 107; Tugs 103; Cockroach, 107; Banyan, 10'.?. Fifth rare (purse. 5!,"?"; all ages; five and .? brilf furlongs) -St. Bernard Handi? cap) -St. Quenln, 114; Angon. 112; Uncle's Lassie, 100; Bullet Proof, IIS. Blxth race (purse, 1700; claiming; ihre?. year-olds and upwnr-i; ono mllo und ?rv . j t y yurd?) Oround Swell, ?i'. Bombast, ! 106; bally Boll, lot; Thirteen, il"; Mini Nell, 'j''., Plenty, 10S; Verity, ill; Medusa. ? ?'?'z- ?. Reventh race. 'P'use. 1700; claiming; ?),r,.i- -'fir ?.ids nr.'l upwsid; or," mile) I Trunes. 108; Dalwood, 108: fl-arrrh Light ' m 'OR Idem Perkins, 110; Bronltland, ; ,-,, . r :?? lien llamp.ion : - ; ? .. ? ... .... !? it! Marrtf-i-! Record Rowing Squad Reports at Princeton PRINCETON, N. J? Pec. 7. The first day of winter crew practice for the freshman eight a: Princeton to-day brought out sixty candidates for work on the machines, the largest squad ? f yearlings that ever turned out so early in tiie season here. The coaches are planning to develop two eights for the coming season, one of which will row against the fresh? man boats from Yale. Harvard and Cor 1 nell, while the other will be prepared exclusively for the freshman race at the American Henley. The spring schedule is considerc-d too hard for a 1 single eight of first-year men. Sullivan Chosen as Leader ROCHESTER, N. *., Pec. 7.?John T. Sullivan, of Rochester, to-night was elected captain of the University of Rochester football team for 1921. L'e has played quarterback for three New Orleans Results Fi ? Bt race (3-year ?Ids and up?, ; maldons; purse $R0< (i furl irrgs) ; 107 (King), ! 2 to :. R to I and 5 r.? 2, won : i Old McKenna, 1 12 (Hell isch), ? to :.'. f to ? R and 7 to : 0, bi con I : Norm ? ndle, ! ] 5 : (Stack), 3 to ". 1 i" - and ! to ?: th r : Time. 1:18. Horee, Pindar, Pewaukec, Tlf ; ford, Tor.y and Till?lo? o ra n. Re nd race (2-year-olds; maidens nn-1 miles; claiming; purse $700; : ? furlongs)? - M;? i -.- Fonso, 102 i Kotiert? I, 20 to 1, 8 to 1 and i to 1, won; Walk Up, 102 (.Tosiah), 20 to 1, 8 to 1 and I to 1, ?? nd ; ' Iran Maid. lr'7 (McAtee). 15 to 1. 6 to 1 ? and 3 to 1, third. Time, 1.11. Segur?la, l<,?,i... Fading Star, Mary H rb Gl 1 Countess and Ella Waldi i Iso : an. Third race (3-yoar-olda and upward; ' lalmlmr; $71 0; 6 fui otiga) Campbell lie < 10. Smll h), 16 to 5. 7 to 5 , and 7 to 10, won ; Misa K rut' :. 106 ? R b erts) 7 to 1 D lo '?' ami fi to .-. ? neau Brummel IT, 107 (H Buikoi. 4 I :, H to 5 and 4 to G, thii ? 1:18 American Hose, ICa rly Light, Mid :?' A vei y Truml i, Plain Bill, Blue B inn >ck, '.!;,? ? r Oai In, ? live Jam ? . und , Teller also ran. Fourth : ace I 2-yi ar ' !" lalming ; tirs" : S7f>o ; 6 furlongs) Bui n, 112 i M ur , to 6, 1 to 2 and out, won . Fn ntocl ? t Lyki i, 0 to 5, 1 to 2 and out S'-i Moor, if"? (Stael ), 5 to 1 K to f and ! to ; thi I, Time, 1:17 4-1 ? '? an I Dr. Howard also ran. Fifth race (3-year-olds and upward; : claiming; purse ? ion 6 furloi ntlcl ; pate, ion (Helnlsch i, r, to -. : to ; to R, won; Wl l Flow r, 101 ? Kobi rts), ?'? to 1, 2 to 1 and ?! to G, i Isk . : 5 , McAtee) S to 1. 3 to 1 arr?l 7 to 6. third ' Time, 1 17 3-6 Blaise, Mo?. , B. n !. S Mac and Chesty Iso : - i Sixth race (3-year-olds and ?: , ' timing; purse "7?'''; 1 >, miles) ;-; eni - lens 111 ' Bichen ck), 4 to 1, 8 to 7 to '. D won . Ban ?"?' Swan, 10? (Hel ? 7 to 2 7 to 6, and .'' to B, socond ; V 10B (F Smith), t l" 1. 8 to ; an to third. Tim?, 2:03 Sasln, Judge Quito and John I. Pay aleo rnrr. Seventh race (3-vear-olda and upward; ' claiming; pur?.. $'?00, i mile)- Bufua Rllej . 109 i t.unsford), B to 2, even and 1 lo 2 won; de-ln de ?'aus". 101 (Rlchcreek), :. ?,, ; s to 1 "cd a to I, second ; ; . en IMi on ?>'). 7 to 7 I ? , 0. tlHi Tim? I '."? 4-.1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION SUPREME '"*r>T.*P.T. COUNTY OP NE"W YORK, County Clerk'a No. 36173. 1920.? in che Matter of the .vt?7..r atlon of Central ? a T c Company of N. w Yi , ??:?-! Pulitzer .Jr.! ?ni Herbertl ' "h f the Resl luary Trust ' '% '?:::. "?" ?-?i-i* Will ? r I Test? :v.?r.: of ' ? ' ? EPH PULITZER, !'.eased, f, - leave .ain real property. Notice of '- P?a!ph Pulitzer, Joseph Pulitzer 'Jr ) ? :' "' ' ' ' Jr! ? ? v.. ' pulii ???- ; ' -. FCath rrlne Davis I nstane? , ' '?. , .fila Edith Elmsl e, I u .-v.?- M ore, Clemei - - irk? M ? ? ' - Moore W r ?r J '???' !.. Hoffman, d?signai % ?' this notice ii ?half '",."' : ' ] - - ?'? an i Sewai I ? ? Seiden 7 Spei ?? ;.'.'?? ?"" " Edith ] -.'. - ?' M .ore, A ir-urr P illtz? r Moor? and ? ;. ,.r,, ., V' ,r '?"? : ??- 1 LEASE TAKE N riCE petition of i -. - al un n , ' Company f New Y >rk, Rai] - Pu 7 ?-."""? ?' sei h Pulitzer (Jr. i, an : H lull zer, as Trustees of the Resl luarv trust un/ler th? Last Y, 111 an ! Tesl ? ? ? ?SPph Pi ?;.... ' : ' ???' ; *'"'' 1 r t*-, dub t - rifled tho 221 '- ?'? ?'?'? " ? '. : - ? appll? ition will ' ' ' ? irl it a Spe lai Term 7 I at Part I In the C ui I ? c,?,lrt House ::. the B - "ich of Manhattan, ' '?'?'?' ''" '??"'*?' ' ? ? !4th day of Janu? ar; , 1921, at 1 k In the forenoon : ' ?'?" ' "?'??' ther ter a . - can be oard. for the ? lief ; ray? i f ir In the ? ' i r.. to -. . F?r an order Courl authorizing '? PetH :. ' . , : . ? . resatd r i for ih tern of il v? ars bee ? ' 7 1921, - . In? I ii -, - ten : .. nt . ' - " ed as 1 Park Row and 1 Ann Street, ai I as It Park Row, and 11 Ar.r. .-.;. in , ;.,. R, ? ? ;,.-., ,,-? ttan, ' :? . . * Now \ nrk, and a | Ing i ii" ya Id agreement of 1" ? e a? <. ' to said ] an exhibit, Izing tl petil - s as 1 rust? ; a i to en! :- Into ex. til e and deliv - ? he lease : t " ? Id, I ? ri "\ 7 bit, o? su e or 1? es or other or addition? ?I run nts as i ay b ? required bj -1 : tern 9 .'..'? ? of iso or may be lb; : r rourl or for ? I b? .?-...-: ..r ? the petitioners i Trustee: I pro) rt; afoi ess I upon and conditions set forth in tb tru ? ' ?" . and for such other and further re? lief as ir.a> seel . Ju r and ? [Uitab e. And fui ther, t! t, It the i ur shall deem M re ? uisll or ad visa ble, under Sec - lion 107 of tir- Real Pr? , ertj La tv ai ! Its i mei Imei ling - he am? ndm? nt b\ Chapter 639 of the Laws of 1920, on the re! ui ri day of the motl in the ? '< ; ??? sha . appoint some disinterested person to repre? sent and protect the interest i f persons to "' ? ?? entitled to the remaindtr or re? mainders or to become entitled to an ln terest in tire pro..ds of any salo; And further that the Court shall appoint a guardian or guardians ad !: cm for tiv> And further that If It be necepsary, It be ref -red to a referee to hear and ex an Inn Into and ta ce pro if of t he fa? I s and circumstances ai tl ' i report the same with his opinion then n to s Court or I heai and determine the same as to this Court : .i y '? em ; r nper. And such if you herobj notified as are undei the age twent; ? years, are - ? ? I then and there to appear b : n, If : i ha ve any, or ii' yi u ha ve none, i a pp ar and api ? it gi ; ad lltem ii> be appoint, d . or In the ? ,*eni of your negli ? . ure to do no, appll itl '. will I ??? b said petitioners for I he ?i pp? ? ? luol guardian id tern by the said courl to ropi sent and a : fe r ;. n in 11 il ' , November 2', 1920. : RNRLi iWEIt, .MILLER .V GARRISON, Atmrnev? ;' .- . : r?, Of! an I P. (l. Address, I ig Man ?" N'i-v i f "it v. Co Joseph l'ul iJi i, Herberl Pulitzer, i: i 'l'Hii Katherine I lavla Pi: I ? : Pulitzer I-'lmsli Cyn thia . lie, Killth Pulltzei Moore, i ' ?" ? Air.... n Pulitzer 7 ire and Wi im Mi ore And to S I i 7. - - -, : ? '"?'', i ? ' f?ll ?in be h ' 1 : ' ? ' :? ' ' IZi'l rhii-d, and Katin I ; ' : i ' .- ? and to Samuel II. Kinslo; ??.."?' v i - the Cour I ':?" '? . h in : " m f of tl ? infants Cvnthla Ed Uli i 11ms - ::??. clem ? ... ?, Ail inti . II ' An i !" Eleai r W Pulitzer on hehalf of ? * i'hird. and l??ithei ine l'avis and to Willian G. Eluislii. of l'ynihia i. ' Elmslle, and io Will ?am S : In behalf of Cl nein i ila ri." M ore, 7 iun Pt-.lli.": M. ami vVI I m M ?? : ? ' r-ituitifj i iti ' : ? ' ? . 'U '. you . .? ' ?:.;?::'.: ' ? .. i i ; he ? ???"?. ? ? :.: ? i f New York ;: ? oi ember 2 1, i ? 77 pursu ' ; i directi i of tl rabio Leona r<? A. , .i us! . ' of the Supi Court the ."? ui> . : New Y? rk, dated the 2-!th ?' -. ' Novcnib <r. 1020. and ilb-d . i rir : n in th? :7 ???? o ' ? ?." Cl? ol ' ? ? County ho i . ' ' . ' rou I ol Manhattan, New YorJt City, - ' nrk. Ii . '.:;;,' WER, Ml f.LER & C,\ RR1 Si IN Attorneys ni- t ir" Petltl mers : .... mu r.-d, ' )ftl a and Pos! O Ml ce Addr? ss, 2 1 Bri ad St., Now i ark ( Ity, N. V. SURROGATES' NOTICE? UtKN ;? ?S CHARI ' ' . TI PEOPL1 f tl Slate "f i ? ?rk, b; I h?2 grace . ?? Oii.l :7 ? - : ' Il ' rident, to Am M ... ..!-. ? '..? ii Ma . ;" Ilarrj S. ''?' "!'" M il lei executor of Harry S I! II '?'. ' '.:.'.? '.'. ' i, ' ' ." I .. ,. -, ? ? - - ' ' : William C Ward?:! tor of tin vill cstann ? ., ? ? : ? i, d. ? . . ' r A. Will . 111'! f I of Mai iVni : Id ? ?! ? '" ; . i | , .,.."? , . t1 oi ' ' . ? 1 a i ice '. ". ?? : ? . .- - aw hi . .- ? '.'. ' in Cray '.'? irden, ? ? i ( '? ;,...', , ? . Eleanor O. ... ? - . . ? ' , ?? ?? " m Craves Warden 1 Snrmii '. " . lane l?o ... I beth i > ?:??:? .. l?a >' . , . .. Ma. Helen ,'..., r ? llerbi " Watson ? '-.?? ; .? -,' ? ? l ' . lee Warden, Her l.erl 7 . VV.-u-i n, I .Nelson Rus - - ' ' '? a - o f k i ti o r o t h ? . ' i V .....'"i leath was a : . lent of No I Itl ' - . Man - : ii, City and County of New Yi nd ? ? petition of Edward S f?arkness, at Nu i : . -? " ' ?? ? ni M . :. r ?.. .''..'' y an .7. ?? ol '?'??? ? . . , . .. , | . y cited to el 0 1 .:'?'. S' C ? ' Ni sv York Counl . ? Hall of R In th Count' f New Yoi... on tl e elevi h day of Ja i 121 ah :..-, o'cl : In the forei on of I ha i ' ; , of Edward S ? ? . : ? ? ? : .. .r exec u t o i ni the ; . , ., , . ; - ,. . . r,f ..... '. eased hould not 1 y settled. in testli ' ? ' ? ed the seal of Ihe Surroi ?. Court of the Count ' ' Yorl eh ire unto nftlx? "> : i, H C. D. J ihn 17 i 'ohalan, a Surrogate of L. S.] our couni \ . of *;-' ? \ rk, ih?' .: . lav ol !" en ? r, in ; he yea i I >ur lord on? ind nine hu lre?l n. N IKL .1. I'i iWT.-NEY, i IAN IKL J. I'? iWI.l.N E*i . I I ..'.-.'?'' SCHIEFFELIN, CATHERINE T. SEC? ?ND ..... , citai Tl Pi ;?'?'? of ? ' ? state - "" ? rl , bj !l " pra ?? of ; | re? a ' . ? nt, to Elizabeth L. er; Elizabeth L. Mortl ?.u ? : . . f tin ? .. ami ? still f-n! ?il M ry !. Hall, di Mortlmei Jr., ';:.'.? ' . ? ? ? . '7 . . \: ;.:: Elean ir Hall "? i I Mor Ul, . ' . Lav ???;.?. ?? rbur; . r., ' ' : : Walerl y, and to a! ? inter? I as ..;.?: ?' ' t?te of i ... .. ? a| ; ' . time . i lie Count?, ui ' ? Yoi sen : ? ? p . ? tnpher R. Car? ter ;,M .tl ... r Catherin? T. Si-hie ff. : di "?.. le i. East 1 " r York. - ; . Il f you aro eby ... ... .. t:. , before oui ? ; . , ' ..? ' ? v .. ? , c lid unt; ; the Fl?11 " In t h?? Counl y ... ? ? 1920, ? >...;.-??? . ? . r? II?! ' ? ' . ' rlsi r 7. Cart -r, as tl usl - In " will an. ? ' '? 7 r. ' ..' ' settle In testi : ! ? ! ?-.' f the Su Lhe sai.I i l f New York t . be h . ' affix . W ? ? John P. Colin les . . . '. . r, ; day ?f N entier, " tl ?ui- 1 ? 'san . ; e hund ? . ? ? .-? Supple uta ? ' '. ' ? '??.'? Clei ? ? ho . tes' ? irt DISSOLUTION NOTICE r . :; '.-. VORI ? 'E Ol* Till SECR ' VTE. i rHIS <"E ..... her? . ? ? ; that I he J iSE ?? I.MET, Ii si . on this 1st (la; . ; " ' pn for 1 - Iun I . r] ral il Corpora tin La ?, and tha It api tha M-], h corporation has 1 v ]l t iO 1 id O | ? . . . .'.?'!. WITNESS n | hand .. " ! the soal of th 7.o . ' ? State, a ? ..... c " - i this first day ? ? .. , i-.lne hui ; v TAP . I - ?-,-1-1-J Help Wanted ??? ? 1 ? Boarders Wanted /?ssr Want Advertisements ,E"Ss^r Business Opportunities Lost, round and Rewards LOST, FOUND AND R E W ARD $2,600 REWARD Lost in ta,xieab a 7 to S carat diamond, ny setting, platinum Small dia ' '?* '??-? shank, --. carat similar set ing. ,iv i bracelets aj-i ., platinum a-, ! I wrist watch. No questions. Corn? ions ronfidentlal. 1 represent an . :"!? -?runy. c mmunlcate with E B. Hopwood, 55 John st. Sew York ? 'y. Telephone, Beekman ?3987, , $50.00 REWARD for return of diamond and sapphire bar pin . -'. Sunday after - ber 2*, bel w< en ? th st., Cen irk West, Manhattan, and Flushing ' ' L< ng islar I Notify *;'?-. >mas "? Bauchle Jr., Room 124. fil Broadway, ling Green 7067. Ll iST -Bar p n sa] pi Iri a md dram - is, S ' inlay afternoon, Madison av., be? tween 60th and 63d; libera' reward. Re ' i I 22 i7:ist ; 3d st. Plaza : ? I. LOST?One skin mink fur, Sunday after -? on; reward. Return to Miss Randall. A.S r. 9 E, sir \V. si End me. LOST?Saturday, a wishbone tie pin; re? ward. John Fast, phone Rhinelander 72'"7. Lost Bankbooks LOST?Bankbo ik N*o. 31 1,608, of the Frank? lin Swings Bank. Issued to James J. Kai es. Payment stopped. Please return i to bank. 658 Eighth Avenue. New York City All persons aro cautioned not toi purchase or ncE date same. Bankl >k N 28.645, of the Frank- I .;r? ?;.. rings b c, Issued ' i J ihn GIU gai ', Pa; n ent si ip?pc 1. PI ?ase return to - v-5 av. New York City. All persons are cautioned not to purchase or neg it ..: ?? same. LOST?B inkbook No. 332,441. of the Frank? lin Savings Bank. Issued to Nellie Bi wi n or M i rg iret McCori si pped. Pleas : ret urn : ? bo . 658 5th av, New York City. All persona aro cau? tioned not to purchase or ni r tlate same I.' ;>5' B inkbi ok No 1,09 1,005, of the I'.ink o? Savings, 280 4th av Payment stoppet!. Finder please : turn : ? bank. LOST- Bankbook No. 138.327 if th" Ex? celsior Savings Bank, '? West 23d Bt. Payment stop] ... Please return to bank. : OS ' Bankbook No. 1,041,994 of the Bank :' ? Savings, 2S0 Fourth ave. Payment ? | ? i. Finder please return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No 1.104,432 of the Bank tor Savings, 2*0 Fourth ?'.??? Payment stopped. Finder please return to bank. LOST -Bankl.k No r 096 191 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. Finder please return to bank. LOST -Bankbook No. 13?.059. North River Savings Bank. 31 West 34th St. Pay? ment stoppod. Kindly return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side 3D AVE., 1177 (68th St.)? Large sitting and bedroom; business couple; all con nces; two gentlemen. Hraemlg, Rhln? lan 5 :? 6 '10. West Side 14TIT ST. WEST (near Fifth Ave.)?Wo man artist will rent large hall room. hen ed by gas, to business -.v.?man or wo? man artist; old house, electric lights, but otherwise unlmprovi I; $5 weekly. Tele Chelsea 1699. "3D ST.. WEST -Large, attractive front v i;], bat 5 . geni 1 ?? ? n only . att in, ? lectrlclty, priva r - h ?ur ? Phone C lun bu 32S7. . 75TH ST, 146 W. ? Beautiful rooms, single or en suite; also front basement. ', 17,7 W.- Three rooms, bath, newly . ?shed, electrl Ity, steam; convenl er ' Hosford. c;.5'!f. 253 W. (Berkley Chambers)?Lux? urious front r.n with bath; $28 weekly. SGTH ? :: 15 Broadway)?Large furnished, : ?'.ished : cot;vi nlences , reasonable Al ,? rl mi nt 03 ; Schuyler 5761. '88TB ST., 301 WEST?One. two, three rooms. Cail afternoons. Joseph Heri ... r ; 92D, 61 W.?Exclusive house, b"a'itif?ii n mi; private bath, twin beds, elec trii ity 94TH, CO WEST?Large front room; run ning water, steam heat, electricity, par? quet floors; owner's home; reference. 10217?, :i6 VVBST ?Large, handsome room, fronting; Broadway; 5'.5 weekly; gentle? man. Uli V.T. 114TH, 351 WEST.?Well furnished double room, high class elevator apartment ; $10. ; i;, nnond. ST., 315 WEST?Two home-llko ? is;'steam and bath; private family; re i nabli. Chalt. 121'IT ST., 45" WEST (Apt. 21)?Single : .!- C : imbla . elevator; $8-$9. 124TH, 334 WEST? Large front room; twin beds, steam, electric, telephone; ? en. Daley. I i ;.-'',?. 611 W,?Nicely furnished, newly ora ted room, | ho n electricity. .?? ; : ! I. Brooklyn BAY RI1 GE "? 77th I room with al ? . cl' s?.'t, heut, el " II ghl. hot an?! ,i .:..'. i hou leki ' ing ; half block subway station, UNION ST., 1100 (Brooklyn) Newly fur ? |, . ? rge ?? ?ut'h roi m . private house : . t rl : run Ing water; maid service : no other ro nier . se I o sub ivay, bull? ?s wi man. ' ifavettu 1074. Richmond Hill LEFFERTS AVE., -7". irge sunny room and board with privai family; business eoui ?? ; ?forred ; i? od location, ami home? like ? .? roundli l'eleph ne Richmond Bill "''71. UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 94TH, 69 W ICH ' I.argi I n nt n om . run ? ..: water, steam heat, electricity, pa.r iwn ? ?< home ; reference. COUNTRY BOARD : BECHII1 RST, L. I. (30 minutes from on) -Large, furni shed, wai m ??i?! sur:.y suite (light housekeeping or b ard); no minute from L. 1. R. it. sta ? . Mrs. Campbell, 22d st, and 14'5. a\e. Phone Flushing 934-J. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic CO K :.; . GENERAL HOUSEWORKER; white girl; iniily tour; electi - va si ing ma cl ? a and ironer. Franson, 21 Crooke A -. , Fl itbu: !? : ? :. Flail ush -i 18. ', : 15, .vhite, R-nerai houseworker, plain , small apartment; good wages; Apt. 2-D, 801 West End ave. WAITRESS-CHAMBERMAID wanted In Flushing, L. i . ?ainily, adults; good e, gi id ??? -.:-?? 5. (*all 1 '? Jo ggar ave. Te ? phone I 62S >' rs:,???^ WAITRESS-CHAMBERMAID wanted In Flushing !. I . family, 3 adults go d S id wag a Call I '8 Jaguar ave. Ti I I 128 Flu? I Mi.->cc-llaneon? BILL? N'G i 'LERK , ? :?:; 'rienced yol capable ? r )perating type ''?' -1 * ??? ? ? i nd a re ui ato at r .? jfes. : i : i ?? W'iiMKN earn extra money selling hosiery prlcei il Irec fro . ? anu .- r to nsum nimission basis. [04 5th avt i ni 190" HELP WANTED MALE B< >YS ror office work; - ' ? Satui ? 1 o'clock Apply i News C Read , ? mpli } ment department Ith floor ACCO.\ " V anted, by a . lied prac ? . ? inl ' ,vho has si ecla '. ivledgi : ? ? ' ? - and extensive '. u a i n t a n c e in 'he la, Ga ' ; ?' ust n, Ti x. ; . . . -, . ? i j, th? otricti , anil ild give sufficient po rticu In - ? iierviev ! iltlon under consideration mai Involve part ' . ; Rep ? - lett'-r Vccountant, :\ 5, 135 Broad ivay, IJow York City, SALESMAN?Every.Ford owner a pros? pect; $5 profit on every sale; everj F ?-?i ? Is II to his friends; per manenl profitable con ne lion . ading to ? iltlon as district manager; bit: future. Write i'ari Bergmann & Co . 45 Liberty st., Ni - V irk City. yn MAN IV learn printing trade; $8 HELP V,"ANTED MALE SALESMEN, 3? live wires to sell estab llshed pur? food products to irade: $100 ! weekly to right men; commission basis. New York Superior Products Co.. 5J 4th Av?., opposite Wanamaker's. SALESMAN for high-class artificial '.'.mbs;: min with ?eg off; exoeiient opportunity.? J. T. i H. ,Apgar. 262 West 23d n. lnstrnction AUTO INSTRUCTION?We teach repairing ? nd driving In short time. License guar? anteed; ladies' classes; also Ford lessons. An eri an Auto School, "?i Lexington av*. (th). Biaza 4016. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Fleasant, proilrabie work, day and evening c'.asse?. Bend for free booklet ?cl visitor's pas*. West Side Y. M. C. A., 306 West &7:h ?t. ; MEN" wanted to operate moving picture r? achines In theatres; we teach you days or evenings. American Theatre Bull rm.s. 644 Stn ave. (42d). Bryant 1619. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID?-Very capable excellent long references; charge ol ,en, etc K., Miss Hofmayer's Agency 10 Bast 43d St., 3d floor. Tel. 8517 Murray 1!:'.;. CHAMBERMAID, colored, Just from the South. Write Stewart, 226 West ? Ith st. Cooks COOK young Swede; excellent; '?' years' I references; city or country. T, Miss er's Agency I ' East 4 ' I ? - floor. Tel. 8947 Murray Hill. COOK, young; good manager; nxceptl m il references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Bth ave. COOK, young; good manager; country pre? ferred. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 5th a ven u ?? Day Workers WOMAN wishes m rninir or dav's work. L. Lovctt, care Tyler, 147 West 142d st. WORK wanted by the day; prefer (-lean? ing; Finnish. A. Tyven, 341 Hast 124th St. Dressmakers, Milliners, Etc. DRESSMAKER wishes homo work, or out, by day. Labega, 114 W. 139th St. General Honseworkera, Etc. HOUSEWORKER, city apartment, smalt family; 3 years' references. M., Miss Hofmayer's .Agency, io Haal 43d St., 3d floor. Tel. 8947 Murray Hill. HOUSEWORKER; young, n-at. capable splendid references; city. Shaughnessy'a Agency, 360 6th ave. I HOUSEWORKER; good cook; exceptional references. Misa Fitzgerald's Bureau, 363 . Bth ave. Nurses, Etc. NURSE, young; hospital trained; rxrep tlonal references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau, 366 Bth ave. NURSE, young; 2 children; exceptl nal references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 7,?', ; 5th n ve. NURSE, thoroughly Capable; country pre? ferred; exceptional, Miss Fitzgerald's : Bureau, 366 5th u ? Waitresses : WAITRESS or waitress-parlormaid, equal to butler; cool city references. H., : Miss Hofmayer's Agency, in East 43d st., ; 3d (loor. Tel. 8947 .Murray Ulli. WAITRESS thoroughly capable; country preferred; excellent. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Bth ave. WAITRESS, first class; excellent refer? ences; city, country. Shaughnessy'a I Agency, 860 6th av?. Commercial BOOKKEEPER; 5 years experience; con? trolling nccounts. trial balance. Dress an?l hat mfg. experience. Salary $30. Ad dn bs G ill Tribune. BOOKKEEPER, ooileKe education, B years experience; controlling accounts, trial balance; N. 55 15 accounting student. .Sai. $30. Address <; 110, Tribune. STENOGRAPHER and office assistant; ex? perienced, willing worker; salary $18. I Tel. Ski,'.more 6848. i SITUATIOaNS WANTED MALI COUPLE, with girl 8 years; chauffeur, garden work, caretaker; wife, la indry , w?,rk; cry. country, Swlatek, 117 Bi ??? : SI JANITOR, caretaker, private house or high class apartment; 10 years' reference; handy man; own tools CIa>rkaon, 1 4 5 'J Li xlngton Ave. JAPANESE domestic hi :? b: pi ifesslonal workers. 10?; West 46th st.; Bryanl 7 96 13 I Ma:.' (colored)?House and office clean? ing; by day, week or month. Address | H. V. Fry, 138 West '? id Commercial AC' :OUNTANT -Bookkeeping arrangements firms withi .' bookkeepers ; reasonable. : ??. k, 441 Bryant Park Building. ? ii iK K5BEPER part l le or tern , ? t at figures; assist on tria! bal - figu ? inventory, audit bills, etc ', 14, BOOKKEEPER, ai-o ?"-. past reci rd proves ability; $35; unquestionable references, G 12, Tribune. MAX. 60, as watchman. pest references. If. Corell, 5900 Rlverdale Ave., Bronx. YOUNG MAN married, wishes position as grocery clerk, 5 years' >- x ;..?-r; ?? ?". ? : dress O. Banks, 236 Dean Si . Brooklyn rOUNG man 24, neat appearance; willing to do anything, travel anywhere, re? sults. Kalmanovltz, 3466 Park Av. ; YOUNG MAN, 21, neat appearance, willing to ?! i ? : vthlng ; travel anywhere; results. G 105, 5 ibune. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIE3 Commercial Help?Female and Male i ROSE E. CLARK AGENCY EMPLOYMENT EXPERT CORTLANDT 424' 5 BEEKMAN ST. Stenographers, typists, bookkeepers, of j fice assis'.ants, swlti hboard operators, mal? or female, beginners or e.-.perlenc?d; promptly placed. Call all week. DOYLE AGENCY. It East 40th at Madison Ave., 154 Nais?* St.. Tribune Building, or 2 15 Montague St.. Brooklyn ? Stenographers, typists, hook keepers, clerks, comptometers and ??wit h board operators; good positions for b?gla* ners ar.l experienced. EXEl lUTIVE SERVH 'E Ci IRP . ."'.'? ar Fifth a\ e . 32 East 42d. Telephon! Van 2:75. Domestic Help TAPA NJTTCp DOMESTIC EMPLOY j . \i. -1..N i .01- MENT AGENCr -Select help of all nationalities supplied 1*1 Lex Ington a-. 9358 Ma Ils? n :? ? Hire. ? OLORED high errad.' servants, clt) or country; reference Investigated. Kemp A gi ncy, A udubon 2851 SURROGATES' NOTICES THE PEOPLE OF THF STATE-OF NEW ','<-:, ?':? ?race of ? lo !. Free an '? :- lependent?To Sophie O. Richter, Bertha Fabi Eberhard Boy, the h'rra ar. ! next of .? of JENNY FABER, deceased, SEND GREETING: WHEREAS, Lothar W. Faber, who re : : 5s a? 333 ri ,?? le ; irive, the i 'Ity i ' ' ?'.-.? York, has ately appll -; to .? . es Court of ? n ' '? .:?' y of Ne >? 5 I to have n strumenl ;??? ' Aprl 19 1895. .! a ?dli II ' ,?,- i Au? 117 ' ? ? relating to both re?: - ? nu! propertj lui y pi it ? t and cod thereto r Jenn?, Faber, who was at the time of her death .-. resident of Stein by N?rnberg, : IREFORE, you and each of you are ?Red ti show . . le 1 ??:? re the Surr gai i - Court of oui .- r New York, at the -.....,,. ? ..r. the C ?????? of New r..,. on the 3rd day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-ons, at half-past ten o'clock In the forei that lay, why 'u.^ sail will and te?tam?--,t shouid not be admitted to probate as a will of r.-a'. and personal properl IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the sea! of the Surrogates' Court of the sari County "f Now York to l-e here? unto affixed WITNESS, Honorable John P. Cohatan, a Surrogate of our said County of New York, a', said County, the 20ih ?lay of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty. [New York .?Surrogate's Seal.] DANIEL .' DOWDNEY, Clerk of th? Surrogates' Co'jrt. BUSINESS CARDS Diamonds. Jewelry, Etc. DIAMONDS bought and ?old for cat? from individu?is or estates. BENNETT?? 175 Broadway, 2d floor. Express and Trucking COMMERCIAL TRUCKING. with '? mts, Importers a**..! exporters desired; ..lav. week or men h: dead storage for automobile? PONNEI7. V TRUCKING CORPORATION 227 E. 64th Su Phone Rhlnelander 4500. Furniture WE PAT highest prices for furniture, pianos, antiques, bric-a-brac, books, art. etc. GABAY. ?.s University Place. Stuy vesant Me-n'? Clothing -V ?> llV'i.J... .\l.l,:\. rPta!l Sit? higo. ?raJ? hand tailored all wool Men's. Suits and Overcoats, latest styles, ai $??.5? ar-.d $32 E liormerly ??S BO). Showr-yoni. A. X- B. Clothes Shop, 62 West 33d St., opposite Hot.-: McAlp'.n. NOTE:?Our n?w branch, Just op? ned at 1677 Broadway. with a fine line of all wool. 2 pairs lousers with suits, at ?jl.Oi. Bars the price . f a suit. GOTTI II*'H RI "S '">?" n.en'? clothes; uul I1'u-D x> *~ * -Pay. h i g Ha s? prices. Drop postal 139 Ludlow .1. I'atents ami Inventions PATENT*?? Orer 75 years' practice; all commuai?*? (Ions strictly confidential; handbook sa patents free on retjueat; special facllltl?**? for office consultation. Munn ft Co., pat? ent attorneys, ?97 Woolwortl? Bull?is? New York. m Piano? and Musical Instrumenta FIRST CLASS double .?? rir.rr talking ma. chine, w th :? years' guarantee, 12;.. while : they last IMPORTED GERMAN RECORDS S7.l'.rii;yl & Co., 1680 1st Av. (near Si:.I St). Sewing Machines SEW I NO MACHINES Ci up; every machine guaranteed; repair. Ing very t-raponabi?-. Szllagyi, 151? First ave. ts:?,* s(). Trunks BIO reduction; wardrobe trunks. $:s; cow. hide rases and bags, J!>; luggage, guar anteed. Raines 222 \\7 B2d. cor. Broadway. BARC AINS- -New ana ?run? s.-llrj trunks. bags, suitcases, steamer outfits. Thomil G. Hunt, ?30 6th av. (Kth st.). SALE -Trunks, suit cases, bags; great sacrifico. Welssman Bros., 70* 7th ave. I (47th st.), 825 Oth ave. (47th st.l. Typewriter? TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Kon-Tlslble. 3 irnnl t5; Visible i months, *tf ?a ! AMERICAN WHITING MACHINE CO.. INC.. ,345 nroadnay. at I ronsrd nt. T?i. JtM ! Ii) B ?' H St upposlta Madison if? KranlUla TUE TYP ?' lUTKit EXCTTAKGC. | It Barcia st. Tricpiion? 4T.1J Ptrrls?. Umbrellas USEFUL IIOLIDAT GIFTS?Pine ?"UH Umbrellas, all colors, } iO. reduced from 110.00 Don'! throw your old umbrellas away?we repair them i'n. It? ?-in Um 1" ella Shop, 75 West 45th st. FOR SALE El -n s ME. ,,'?? ?; \ . !, t,,n electric '??>? ?'? Hupfel : In w Ing Co . 229 Eait 38th. Tel .Mnr : ay Mill 0 I I STORAGE NOTICES WAREIK >USEMAN'S SALE ( >F G< )! iDS l;i >R UNPAID CHARGES. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVM Ion of law, there being due and unpaid ? '? ' lor wl I he undersigned l ; b is :?? irago Wai ?house, In?- . Is enl Itled to n Hen as warehouseman on th? Roods here 1 ? ' and d .??? n dice ha\ In? been given to all parties known !" claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice f.,v payi such charges i r- Il g expired, there will be si Id at public luctloi at oui '?'? irel i use, 62-64 134th St., New Tforlt . . ". i ?N FRIDAY, . I iEi EM HER 17TII, 1920, IT 10 SO A. M . ' aii'l if the *?;,:?? thereol Is not completed | .in said date Hi?? same will be continued I at the same place at our Warehouse, ';.' 64 Wesi L*i4th St.. ??ii each and every Erlday [thereafter, beginning . r 0:30 A. M on each day and con! ling until all goods jar?- sold, to wit: Household furniture, con? sisting of parlor suites, bedroom suit*"., .7. ng room suites library furniture. p .. nos, -. ? - roll s usl al Insti umi nt u, car? pets, rugs, trunks, boxes, barrels, suit i awes, ? ntents coi I il ' clothing, linen. I .ok s, pa; "?.;. satlonei v, pi :( m es i.- Ic-n china and glasswa ?? baby carriages, ire, beddings, di aperl? m and mat? .rials and other personal effects, etc., as enun ??? ited in the warehouse Inventory ? ..- ? his wai ? : hold for the i of r :,,? followli .- ;larl I a con ... , ... j s_ - ||. ini'TZ. MRS. IA ON MICHIGAN I-Tlt - ' IAMBS ' "HLBY, .MRS. LILLIAN HAR. CRAVE IE Tl CKER, I VRII, AND MRS. .rAMES LEWIS, LLSTON OR AUS ISEPH LARSBN, '. -. HENRY ADAMS. ROME. '.: ['NNINGHAM, ELISE MISS TAYLOR, ?. ' ?E il": MHS A I I ELL B. .?'?UN ',' ? I) JAMES MILLER. MRS, MAUD M '? Bin iWN, J. T. ? . . MARTHA JACKSON. JAMES PBRIU? MRS K - PI BSCOTT. The goods will b '?" ' Ime and place of sal? * of sale. ' (-i?!.: STORAGE WAREHOUSE. IXC, 62-64 v. !. i 134TH I W SALE , ,7- Q, || i] ;.: }?< [D CH -vRGES ? v ,, ?? h THE PROVISION ? . . an -.; aid charges I '' ... ie notice having ' ? resl therein. avinir expired, : ...-.? Ml ? a i? r Rooms. 88 1.1 >AY, ',...'.'. - .? A. M , und ? ? ??-'? :???'.? ' '?*"' H? s until ; ..-.' ' f im ? parlor suits lining-room ' ' .-.:?-? | Irai instru? . r r-. ? suitcases ? -,. , f n, books, ires, sewing ma .,,.:, ....... tlery, lamps, or?c-a-brac, .. ; glassware, silverware, bedding, und orher personal ; rated in the ware ,...., lS8Ue ; ? y this warehouse . f the following par ... , ; Granvl ? A ibery, James rns, Mr. ?-'n.-rman, Mr. . ,hei Mott Alston, M a Broach, En? . John Donehue ?art PANIC'S EXPRESS 212 W S5th St AN1 REW J. URANIO, PROP. SUMMONS fr: ; p.EME C lURT ' r intj of NEW YORK. LAURA BRUNELLE ilnl IT, against ?. ' BRI NELLE, Defendant, irv It A DIV ? n i a n t : ? - 1REBY SUMMONED to an -?'??? r the con ot i f your ai ?*?? ? I ? ?? Plain ? wltl ? .'? ? ? ? ? -? isive o? ? o? your ?. ? Igment will :. r *. he relief d ? ' Trial . - HAR! POLLAK, PITCHER ft *1 ICRN Atton ??. s for I alntlft. OfRc? : :? ? ? -ill Broadway, M mh ? . - New i ? City. LE: The fore folng summons in served -.;?,"? n atl ...-?? ? m rd A.- G tice of the Su? fi ? .- f th? ... : N v v ???'?. the . -ir da; of N !:7" ! with the complaint, In the oil ? ot t the < y of New -. ?? . . inty Court House in the Borough of of Ne** "r ? ... Dated New "fork. N . 1920. EN IELH \i.:> P? iLl A K. PITCHER ft A mi< - ' i Plaintiff, Off! s ? it ?'.'-. ?? Address: 111 Broadway, Manhattan. New lor!. City. A ready reference jmlde fn? the bnoij man '. - "-re*?-, ir.g Rtir.ivjnrfmints under the nertiiir.K of "Business Cards" In to-day'? IV Ibune Want Ad Page.? A d -. L