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Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Line First Mortgage 4's TtvT 1959 and 1942 Thi? Road is now owned by tJjc Dominion of Canada, be? ing a part of the Canadian National Railways System. The*e bonds are a fir.-t mort? gage and arc guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Province oi Alberta. Owing to the exceptionally high degree of safety, we consider these bonds a most attractive purchase at the present low price. Prke und complete descrip? tion upon request Kelley, Drayton & Co. Utmbers Xew York Stock Exchange lord's Cnurt Htiitding 40 Exchange Place, Ye? ^ or\ ( <.{<: Tclepl - Br, a I ' '91 Safe and Conservative Bonds for investment Hollister. White ?t Co. ? ?:. 92 Cedar St., Cor. Trinity Place New York HORNBLOWER & WEEKS : tabllshed 1888 Investment Securities 42 Broadway, New York POSTO n c :aso PRUVIOSNCE POHTIANU.ME, U-.T<l_ir Financial Item.?* ? ? I presi? dent r -. - fflcl?! Tire Com? pany, su Cartinel! .-?:. irthur Sachs I.. ? irocti r. Al a ;?; ? r ? ? .,. to ?,.':. le rs i I tile Oet ? ? ? ??? ny I - pla providing for ! ? ? ; ? ???"?. 0 - ? ? lilt ????????? Li . il converti! ? .. ? ' : bonds anil nt to the com I ?ny a rtlfiea I Inco ; iration to In rease tl immon stock b (4,000.0 Cor the inversion o'l bonds ?a The Ainei ??...?? Corpora : -riorrs s.-..- ? for 5- '-"? re - ;. i ? 1 which sho' froi '.? ????? : . I eleven lonths were S ? a ul ' ? ? fur riff ] ' ' the preoMlinsr yi ??.. The P pon .-. r creas" ? ' ' ; " X o ve in Li , whlli ? i ere $113 - - ? ?,-?? i ? . ng per M Compa; ? ? poinl ???: ti r ? ?? ;eni noi ? : ?.. ? t he At Ian tri < ' ; . Henry A. ' ?? iateJ ?rith the ' ' '? ? ?? ' ? '. Co. as The A- Rio tl ieposii ?'.:.'. ' er.' . :? ? I - - -.'??? i te ..i7r. | ....... - . ?..', -'..M?*.Mv - ? ' he Wei ? -. no: .? ' id to sa '. r 5 ?j Ign ent. FINANCIAL PENNSYLVANIA .?. JIAHOXIMi \ Al.l.i.V Ii All WAY I OM1' YNA ' u r ? . - ' ' -...-..:.,.:. - L* r S * the F ra ? R Iv ? .. ' ' Pom . ' . . la .'?...?.,. ? M 1,1: [ ti rusto [' ro j ? mil ? ? ???: ip to 12 ? - t ? '.' . ? i Ml'1,1) STATES (IOKl'(.Al.K A5 Hit?; l O.MI' \ NY CAM 1 ill BKEH'ER, DIVIDEND NOTICES UNITED f Rl IT C?.MP?NY DIVIDEND NO. 80 ?. dividend o! . '? . ? * - 1020 ?. . 11 - ? ... RAILWAY' STI I I -SI'I'.IN'i < OMPAN? 30 < Stre? i. Ne? \ ork ( ity. .. . ? ii ' ? . '? ??. . ? ' - . ' ? 0f ' '' ' '" in? United Gas Improvement Co. V YV. COR. BROAD i \t:< U STBBETS, I ? -* "? ' one and Ihree-'iaar ?'T. ;^r cent (87'Ac wt ?th >'?? i ,"' : ' ' ' : . , '.?.;..? ; '..??? ?'"??roher 15, '.:>:'>, ? : . ? i of ?'??-. <"'. ? ? ?? i : . '....., ?. . ! W. MORRI1 Treasurer, KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRE CO. . ,' '..-.'- ollar and 'J ? *: ? : r ? ? the ?? ? ? ... Jai ar- I .... ... ? ? I I '? i- I i : :;;.':' ?? : I >, ? -. ? II") I ? .." I PI ? er than De? ei bei 24th. GEon ;-. . ' ' ' ??pan) :< ? '?'? ?I } KRO?BB NATlOVAr, MCOKICK ('OHI'**"'V. .^?'?y.-- KHI'.K?j ?' '/;. '.'.-/ ' , ? '?? ??* i . ? ? .. ? ?? , ?? ?-, n Of i ' 2 "?;????-... ... . . ,, ?? (?.? ** IW? 4( ' ? . , . f - ' :. J ? ? '' ?' ;?/-. ? H?Rl?Ri?OIE ?: r?aimr?r. > Lelii^fi Operating Methods Changed, Says Pros. Loomis Vetiou Taken lo Conform to Court Decision in I)., !.. ??V V-. Cuse Since Present Suit Began, He Asserts I'lie Lehigh Valley Railroad, accord? ing to K. t.. Loomis, Dresident has for the last four years bien operating its ecu] properties in conformity with the decision of the United States Supreme Court In June, 1915, against the Dela? ware, Lackawnnna <? Western, fn that decision the Supreme Court held that ? h ? ailroad's i elat io.iship with the Del? aware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Company was in violation of the com rcodit :c-r clause of the Hepburn act i i '? the contract between the two coni I an c con it uted a i lonopoiy. A de? cree was entered enjoining the rail? road company from (urthei transpor? tation of foal umler its- contract with the coal company. In commenting on the Supreme Court's decision thai the Lehigh Val? ley must segregate its coal properties, Mr. Loomis said yesterday that rjone of the testimony relating to the con? duct of the latter for the last four years could be submitted in this case, as the government suit was instituted j si\ years ?fro. Mr. Loomis also pointed out that tho Lehigh Valley bough! most of its coal properties in 1875, or befor? the Sher? man law was enacted. U>- declared thai one third of th? coal handh d b; tin railroad was from the mines of iu % i endi nt operators. "It appears," Mi. Loomis added, "tl at we have a busy winter ahead ?.r us between studying how to form eon: binations as the new transportation act provides and to break up combina? tions which have existed more than a i quarter of a century, but which fhe ' Supreme Court now declares a monop? oly in restraint of trade as the result of*a sun instituted six years ago." Official estima:'-: of "the amount of unmined coal on the properties owned by the Lehigh Valley's subsidiary corn pan ? placid the total at between R00,OOO,OU<> and 1,000,000,000 tons. An idea of the present worth of these I properties is obtained from the pr?s- ? ? .:t selling price of coal at the mines. I ich is $8 a tori. 1; was ?aid by company officials that ' it was still too early to discuss the nature of a probabl ? dissolution plan, but that, it' the court permitted, the itock of the coal companies would be turned over to the Lehigh Vallty Rail-! 11 ad stockholders. The Lehigh Valley Coal Compariy.the principal ! ubsidiary of the railroad, lias outstanding $9,456,000 stock or S50 par value and a ho::.led debt of $11,683.000. Last year the company earned a sur? plus before dividends of $3/07,876, equal to about 35 per cent on the stock, 'The profit and loss surplus on Decem-? bei- 31 lo ' stood at $10,600,61 1, Coxc Brothers & Co., which under tri" Supreme Cour s decision must also be separated from the railroad, ran ed 44 per cent on $2,910,150 outstanding (par value $50) and had a profit and loss surplus on December 31 of $1,085,080. Harahan Heads C. ?X O. -V. J. Harahan, of Norfolk, yesterday was elected president of the Chesa? peake & Ohio and the Hocking Valley ?1 way *. He succeeds ; 7 '?.' ? ' ? orge W. St? veni . M r. Harahi n a ii '.'..* of *' e Seaboard Air Lino Railwa; until he ?oined t he United States Railroad Administration durir .-. ?? war. Dividends I'V.'I II-ti.iUn I'owtlrr Coin pun.- ra ilivitl? ?! .''.;?? i -. .. . ??? ? I??-? n I, ' ' ' :;'-.. ? r- ???.-.. . 7 :.?! o' - ;? .- both ] ?? ? rnli? r : i r. . si cl.ho lern i :' ? : IN ?;; nlir 1 irilnral ions I ?? ?o?l. Pnyabi or K? ? .? ' ?..._.'. ?>-.\ l-'.'Ii ; i>.. ? . ; ? ' .*. ? ??: ?. <-.%' \ .??/. ,-r . ? ? - " . i . I ? : : . ?: .Tun ' '? - V. r ..... 7. ' ? I i ? ?? ::. o pi ; . . ?; lu i ? ' ? .?...?::.'. -.;??? In t Tr.-I ? ' ' ' ' Slocks i*.\ IH> idend ... ? ? . ; . " tnt ? ?'"-. 10- ? ?'.- an Toba ? " . ' '? ?? :??-.! 0 A- ,. ? ? ; ? S. ?? S. ??? . 7 i . . .'. . .. "4 ? ????-. : . r7 . ? : .? ; :. x Co., 1 !0 ihar? . . ' '4 1 ?* :... : 0 ..... i ? 1 v . 1 ;??.:- !o n J .; . .. . ?? ?:. - Co. . . ? ? ?. r Vail :? P?y ;.? : ' M . Ii ..:??'? . 10c Dec. ...'..-.. I. ? 7 ? .. 1V4 Dec. 10* ! . ? ,,.;>:,!'. V. ...,:- & ?7 . 1 ?*>; 10 II .-:. .r.;;?"??? ' ?''? ' ? ' ' '? 1st pf, t. i ... : \ D*i .10 1st pf. v. t. c. acnes , ' . i -. ? ? ' ? ? -,.'' !. ?-. ' . " r .? r.-, . .... 7 I- ? - . 1: ; i rj-.itfai :: Pi . ? ':??..? 10 lo st . .It I '?'.' :. ' ?;..:.. 11U III .'?'.;?. H'ri: I ; * : j ?: 1. - ??? < \ & l.thr Co pf. . ??'... '''''I ... 1*4 !.'? live Co. . . 1%. ;-':??.':. ? ? r i ? '.,.. nhv/ It ? ' ?' ;?' ? ?.? ' ? ' ? CiilUh.ii ; I ? . : '? . ' ? : Un-ll'-ott-Juhu i ' ? : ?? ? I'laj . ? ?? ? (Juif S S Un. HI Ti clin I ,7 : . 7 i lei L K it ? " l?--a i .:?? s ' ? : ?..,.- I - ; ' ; : ? ' ?* ?... i ,iont ? a Power Co . . 94 ,....* t?o pi ? ;"? .7, ? .*:?:. i ? ' C ? \) ','. . -4 do [.t V T C |il. ;> ;. . i]& L i :. ? i ' ? .1-4 ; ..... ,-, ,'iirth Ami-rlcHti Co IV? public I ? Co pi ? '. \ ? I . .'?.'??,.fe CO pi ? ? 1 -4 ?,<,<,. H ? ? . Kapl I Tran I ' > o pi .... ??? -, Pi 4 ?? ' I'iipc-rb ' - Inc. utk. . I?J Equipment Bonds (Q Ifd on Incom? p! enl SB? b? v.?. ) ?olma Rato. Maturity. B!-l. ? ik. Bali & Ol lo... 4>A 27 ?' ' ? 7 1? .... r, .... 7 21 '30 7.2.'? ?.T? >r ? . * A . . -.', :r.-0.7.0 7.00 6...? ?, ... . R f, ?? 4iA.| 1921 '33 7.2S ?.S? ,6 '? 7.10 0.01 . ? :? , oo * r. :,.% :?? ? t ??: ? k.oo 7.?0 c ... lian Pac. ? 1":M7., ! !? 6 "' < <? I ?21 '.' 7.10 ?.?'/ Che. ?? Ohio 6* ; 8-76 ??? r r. j f C . '. ?? - L'J20-'S!. ? -5 6.?6 chi & I '?'? - i ? - ? *? o" ( -r L * N O I ? ?20 ' % ? '? !.?-. f.- Hurta? n. 4 Vi ?. ' ? '; \\ t.... 4,. s !?.-)?'...' "i i-> 7.M KrUco ' ??' " ' "'? * ^ m contrai . 'v, ? I! 2? '-7 7 00 ?.I? 6.86 ??4'' 4 V r? i 6 C. Ha * Naah. I l?2? :^ 7 ^ ? lin ?y. h Central. ? *...,?? S o 1381- '30 7 10 ?.It V. IS', ? ?- '?' ' 8M. ?? , ?- :?"-. ?; 10 ?i l,% I3?1-' ... ?. 10 ?.S? i -... ? .. ? -, ;i ?i t ; ? . ?. ? 7.SO ?, , *"',.;, ' ' ' 7 ' 30 7 10 ?i t,9 y; T ? Line? , . ? !?-'-? 7.00 6.b0 :. * -. i i?.. ' -. Oo . ' H r ( ??,-;. 4 . a. N I N H * II, ?'? ' ? ' ' :* " ' ' ' " Pac Kr tBxp.. ' 7 ' *-g5 5*i! : ; . ,,r, t (u 1920 "- 7.09 ? 40 Put. r L ?'.. ??ei [i*? ';,:: ???? ???? p.?adlng ' ? ? i. ?lo 27 7 00 ? 4 0 Bl?ard . .4 2 -. I > ' - I ? '-7 00 pa 4 ,. . 0 : i 7 2b ? l? ?/ 1934-'2S ?.Al ? I? Ko ,t(5*?rn l'y < ? 5 1920 :'' 1 :,? ?*? Union PM-ino 7 1924 ai ?.7? ? J? i Union Ta- - 4 V. 6 1930 7 "0 ? 90 I v ,...? ,?v . -1 1921 '?O 7 "'. . JO Investment Information Questions of general interest f in? v?*tar$ ttnll be answered in this c#4 um,t, in which case only initial? will fcs used. Others will be answered fcy hieii. Address all inquiries, tr?a?M ing a sto.mped, addressed evvelope, tm Financial Editor, Th? Tributie, 16i Street, ?\'cv> York O/fc. Bond Should He Bought on Its Merit? Question- N'.'hat information can you prive me Iti r?ijfird to the safety of the St. .Toseph & Oranrl fslaird first mort'gaite bonds, duo 1944? This is a small road ; and the stock Is practically all owned bj the I'nlon Pacific Railroad. These bonds are .""Hing from CO to 66. Considering the lo? i? ce and o'ly twenty-four years to run, pro they n&t ;i good investment, in tsinuch as the Union Pacific owns about 00(1 y. tho $13,500,O?O capifal ui ol the ruad V?C. M. G. Ai.ower St. Joseph & Grand Island first 4 per cent bonds are ?ecurod by first lien on '258 miles and by deposit ' of $126,000 of stork of the St. .?oset)h Terminal Railroad and of the St. Jo? seph Union Depot. The Union Pacific owns 70 per cent of the stock of the company. This in itself does not mean that the bonds are sound. although we believe the mortgage is secure enough at present. The fact' that the Union Pacific is in? terested in the property would indi? cate that there ii a close traffic ar? rangement between the two roads. It ?s our opinion that a bond should be purchased on its merits and not be? cause of the interest of a larger cor? poration In the property. To be Pure, a guarani?, by u strong corporation is of benefit, but the; o bonds are not guar? anteed. Bom! Is Good, Problem Is Individual Qucsl .-. ? Pleaso (five your opinion of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company urolil bo'.-ul.". Serlesi U, 7 per cent, 1929, a? a -,' ?: I'Xtment for a small investor, say $1,000? Ii, A. Answer The Anaconda Copper Com? pany 7 per cent, bonds are well secured, in oui opinion. The collateral consista of stocks of subsidiary companies and incomo has been ample to caro for all charges and leave a- very fair balance bi aid v. Of course, as you probably know, mining securities are not rated as high a?? many other corporation securi? ties, owing to the uncertainty of the business: While we regard these bonds as safe, at the same time much depends upon the proportion of your $1,000 to your total capita!. If it is large we be? lieve you would do better with a bond with a baler rating. You might con? sider Boll Telephone of Pennsylvania 7 per cent, 1945, and Westinghouse Elec? tric and Manufacturing 7 per cent, 19111, F irs Dire Things for New Haven '?'????? ri Will you Rrlve your opinion of th.' condition and prospects of New . 5 ,".v Haven & Hart Turd Kallroad? ! ' , you thinli a recclvi '-."hip likely ? ' low this uffi-i t ' lie 4 per ? enl ilebont ure, " ',V oilo1 roceli ,? .- bond i be Issue ? ,??.,. chai ce tin ' hin obligation ?. ouid ! : Kid ru A pvli, i ;i .: '.' \V< uld ? luers be ass' t.n?'d o ?imply lace . iirt her decli ? In 1...1.... t value .' -T, I 5 Answer We cannot undertake to pre? dict the future of the New Haven road. Recently counsel stated that unless ad? ditional rale increases are granted the road could not pay its way. On the other hand, it must be remembered the law states that the mads shall receive ates ns will in tire opinion of the lnl ? ate Commerce Commission show .'. return of SVs per cent or 6 per cen? tl ? ? property valuation of the roads .vithin ?. certain group. Numerous firms have issued statements showing what ercentagc should be earned on the capi tal stock?. Do nol forget that nearly e . Qult< road in the country has immediate of new equipment and repair. naturally, if New Haven went into ; t?: . ) ?hip all the debenture bonus oiild be ndverselj affected. As to assessment, that would depend entirely po the needs when reorganization took place, When new capital is required the place to look for it is to the owners. And the owners arc the stockholders. This does not always mean the owners ?'."?? acros -. Seeks as High Return as Possible own ii..?????' ,.i ( /... French . ? ? . ?nt ? per conl bonds, bul owIiik tli io'i, f c nd!.: ii i . no! s a: i? ii 5 in-1 the pro) ?:? si curlty r r i... . . ,'. Ill iou h ?food enoucli lo ? .,'-?,?? . ? ?oil In ? ? .-.t. ?"??? fur tho r.'i.?O? i ? : . : nils'.' I : :? : of n . . .?'..... ??'?.?!...''. r I urn n.i time ha% e an ?:? ?? ed i? i ' . II. !?' *, ? .?'?? If you feel nervous about olding.3 you niighi consider the [lowing, ull of which are high grade ? . ? opii ion : Hell '1 elephone of P inii ; . ??;. lia 7 ;? : ceii , 19 ?5; Canadian N'orth m .: ?hi mu? ?'. 7 per cent, 1940, guaranteed by the Dominion; Illinois .? i ' : ? '?; per cent, 1940, guaranteed b;, l ? . -d . ?.,' Steel Corporation, and N.-?::,' I ? "?:.? and Tele er i nt, 19 ill. 'i'lur yield on i issues i ?. ??' over 6 per cent. Diversification invariably Desirable ICimJi; : i your opinion t hi foil ?w . .,?? : . v. idow'a invest - n.em !'?:.!:? :? , ' ::>::?;. [lethlehi m ?'..-.? .'.??? lean Supar Ko . .. - ' : paro ? ??-'??? ? 15 Ii. A '.. ... I hi three issues are ouhd, i . our "j?!;: ion. Much depends ?m total amount of your capital. : ? . ion is of great importance. !'? rhapa one of thi steel bonds is suf cinnt. ?i'ou n gli . institute for the r . American Telephone and Tele ., pi r cent, 1946, or Montana ? ? ,' ompanj first 5 per cent, 1943. Submarine .Boat'? Bond Holdings Ci , . : ... cl that the Sub ?narliii H ' |.oration owns $16,194,012 ? hey , ..?i inore I han SI per ai ?? '.' 11 the r'.rt'ires you i onslder it a Rood eut to pul moni y Into It at the o ? ni ? ..,? pri e ' -il. W. H. An ..?: The Submarine Boat t'or pi rat on is ties its earnings statements ce i . ar only. For the year IP 19 th? b; anee sheet showed, among cur? rent a- ?-.., $533,610 Anglo-French bonds and $15,660,613 Liberty bonds and ( nitcd States Treasury certificates a market prices. Assuming that the yearly income on t?rese securities was itbo'ir. 5,55i,000, the amount would bo equal to about $1 a share on the stock. ?' do not regard the stock as an iu vestmenl ;ue, although it has valu? able . sets. The :;}u'ir is sensitive to earnings, and the shipping business an uncei tain one at best. High Yield Stocks Should Be Watched i . . ,.? ,'. Ill . iu Kivo mo your opinion ,'ins locks for a man who has red ?? ..... : : .vhlch he wishes to I eei infelj Kelly Tire 8 per cent pre I'ii ? Ari uw '- per cent preferred, . . . . -, per c '?ii Pi eferred, ISndl ; , en! preferred and ;,. n common? J. C. 11. Answer We should call tho stocks you mention business men's invest? ments, oxcept Endicott-.lohnson pre , ? r, ,?., winch ia entitled to a good rat ,. ... The others arc not of the best grado, although all, with the exception of Endicott-Johnson common, have in? vestment merit. The latter is specula .,-, because it is more sensitive to earnings. When you speak of invest? ing safely you should remember that the safest issues are those w-hich arc so well secured as to both principal and income that they aro not easily af? fected by earnings and other develop? ments, Wo know of no present reason ,?; v the dividends on those prcforred stocks are not safe, hov/evcr. If you watch your investments closely wo see no reason why these preferred stocks ar<' not suitable for your purposes. Four full column? of in? vestment questions and an? swers are published in The Tribune every Sunday. '?? Prices Again Sag In Curb Trading; Sweets Is Active Oils Generally Heavy. With Small Declines in Many: Asphalt Turns Weak After Goo?Jl"Di?pIay of Strength Tha curb market turned reactior.ary ' again yesterday after a promising dis? play of strength and final prices were i generally lower, although in. most i cares losses were fractional. General Asphalt weakened a'ter a small train and ragged to 40Vi or. the final sale, a not decline of l?i point?. Sweets, on the other hand, ruled firm-and was in ?j-ood demand moat ol , the day, with i-.n advance of % on the final sale, pushing the price up to 2Vs>, ; a !:i*rh for the movement. Tobacco Product;* was under pressure and lost ''J nnints at the tina! price of 8. United 1 RetailTiahdy held fairly steady, clos? ing at 8***? net unchanged. Hercules Pr.pcr eased off a point from the early ? high. ? Oils were heavy for the most part, International Petroleum declining fractionally to 17.on the final sale. Simftrs "was off % at 7% and Cario | .Syndicate broke under 10, closing at j 9%. Maracaibo registered an advance, however, and closed nt 16. The mining group was quieter, but bonds moved inure briskly, although price changes were small and unim ? poi tant. I nduHl r?a1?* ' SrIp-i ' "Open Hltrh I nw T..?.- ' 700 ?Acin ? ' :?.ial . . > '. 1 ?? i !? 1'?'? r. no ?Aetna Exp . . :? ' \ '? '-.. 1) 4 5 Vi 500 *A II it'll I'H-rk . ?'? ** : ?? 200 ?Am Hawaiian 45 45 4 ? 45 200 Automatic I'l. OS 68 '!T 7, C7 ', 8 00 ?Br-Ajn Ch ("p '? 5 4 "a 4 7r 3000 Br-A m T coup 12 12*' 12 12*.; : 1000 ?Mr-Am T re?,'. 12 32'/? 12 lfe'i 500 "Car i.i ft r. :'. 't : % 2 ;4 .: \ 2300 ?Chi Nipple. . 8*4 S i; 8 8*i 1 Of. *Clevi Auto. . ?17 47 4?! ? . I : ' 3500 ?Crude ? "h oui l'a l ", I % I'i 500 ?Kmplre T ft S 18 Va IS Jr, IK ?... IS'i :;',,! *i.-arre!l Coal, lit 1?; 15 ?i ]5<,'. 2 m ?Farn ! CI to' 66 65 C I 65 ; go "Oar -.tor Mir. ?O7,? i r i6% it 200 ?rtarlnnd S S. fi ?i 5 ?"? 5% *, ' 6000 *Uen Aephalt.. 4 2 42Vi 4" ?0'4 6000 ?Goldwvn l'lct ."? 6 -I ' ? 1 'j 400 ?Hall Slunal. . .7, 3 '4 3 *., 3 -j. 000 "lli-irui-.s l'np. 20 20 ID 10 (?00 "I !>.-.-?l-r, Chem 3*? 3 ti .'; "?, 3 '4 400 rmllan P?o ic. . 3 '?? 3 % .: ti 3*i 2O0 ?McKay Co 11 I U " ;? 1>.? 1 ?.' ?ill ?Line Mo al A 2.1 2.1 20 20 lfio? ?Mercer Mtrs. 6 11 ? '-4 D 5 W 2?)0 ?Munson i'u:'. 14 .11 11 14 200 No Am P ic.- P ! '-j 4', 4 =i I *?? 700 Perfection Tire l % l'4 1 'a Ws 600 ?Radio ?'o ?'?'! 2'i 2 '4 2', 2'i iO'iO * I!:t Co pf VI I 2 '-. 2 \ 2'? :'?;;. ?H*,?/. Van R p C ? ? " 60 00 " 60 200 ?Knckawy R M : f. -t B G?? 100 *Royd.c F T )'. ,7? : '., ; ' ? .. "., 200 ?Stand O ft Kl 10 Vj II 10 % : ! 100 < Gas pf M ?- '. 33'i S3',; 33*.' 7'.M'.-1'Ols of Am 2**a 2*>?, 2% 2 Vi ; 10 ?Tob Prof Hip ? '?. o'?j s 700 ?L* ?? R M ? n?: - S '.-j 8Va 8 -4 S : 200 ?Un Shipyard . I r 300 1.1 S nistibutllB 30'?i 30'/, SO 30H 200 r H fillip Corp 2 2 2 2 0 US Steamship l V? ' :4 i1, l " i ;?:..* o Wayi ?? i : ,. :. . . '< i/t .. ;, ?? ., ?? y ?Jini ?Willys Jr?! pf. 31 SI 2S 2S Standard Oils D00 ?Anglo-Am Oil 10 m ? - i.:, ?s 10 ?So Pa OU. . . - - 250 2 ) ' 250 1 56 ?St OU ri lai) . ? 323 320 32 ' . I "71 Oil X V . . ? 305 357 357 Other Oil, 500 10 ?tAUied ?'7.. .15 17 .1 700 ?Atlantic 'i (i 3V? :? ?, 2 "00 ?IP,on? t ?il. . . . !. % 1 7-, ; , (Cantlniiod on next pn?r) Treasury's Biggest .r ~~ i Financing of Year rW To Be Done To-day , ..?-?. ... ?.?? I Government Will Borrow $500,000,000 for 6 Mos. I u f 5,?/i P.C. and for Year I at 6 P.C. : Rato Unchanged The Treasury Department undertakes to-day the biggest piece of financing in ? more than a year in a new offering of . $500,000,000 or thereabouts of sis month and one-year certificates of in? debtedness. On the six-month maturity? the rate ? 5??i per cent and on the,,- notes 6 per cent. These are I e same rates which have been in effect on these maturities for several months. The action of the rreasurj n iking no change in tiro interest rate on its borrowings occa? sioned ;.:? surprise in financial cir? cles, where it was believed that the easier money position would bring a reduction irr the rate on any pew Trea ur; issues. Federal Reserve Bank officiais said, however,, that the Treas rry w;is endeavoring to meet market conditions with tha new issues. The new issues are 'mown us Series, TJ 2-1921 and Serie?- TI) 1921, respec- ? tively, the six-month notes maturing on June 1,5, 1921, and the one-year r 3SUC on ? lecembei 15, 1921. The certificates of these series will be accepted at par with an adjustment ?if accrued interest in payment of in come and profit taxes payable at matin-- ' ?t ? of ce r tilica ter. The certificates of tho . six-month issue will have one coupon attached, payable at maturity of the ? certificates, while the issue maturing on December 1-5, 1921, will have two coupons, pavable on June 10 and De- i comber !5, 1921. ' Treasury certificates of indebtedness of Series I'D 1920, maturing December 1.5, 1920; of Series A 1921, maturingJan- ; : nary 3, 1921, end of Series B 1921, ma? turing January 15, 192!, will be ac? cepted at par, with an adjustment of accrued interest, in payment for any .certificates of the Scries T.I 2-1921 or 'I'D 1921 now offered which shall be, subscribed for ?nd allotted. Asks to S.-ssie Bonds 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. The Cen? tral of Georgia Railway Company ap? plied to-day to (he Interstate Com-! merce Commission for pnimission to issue $60,000,000 in refunding and genera] mortgage bon?!?, ? il.000,000 of ?which would be used to r, nbursc the. treasury of tire road and for addi? tions and betterments; 534,462,300 to refund a like amount of pr.r value of prior bonds, and !?>17,537,7?0 tur the purchase of new equipment. Th?- bond ?would be dated April 1. 1919, and mature April 1 1959. The Delaware ?r Hud >; Railroad Company asked permission to issue. common capital stock to the value or' $9,631,000 to be u led to convert $14, 451,000 worth of ?5 per cent" twenty-: year gold bonds issued in L915. Con ? version would be on the basis of ter?. ? shares of stock for $1,500 worth of bonds. At the same t,m the Detroit-Toledo Shi'!-,' Line Railroad Comoany asked permission to increase if- common I capital stock from $1,5CO,000 to $2, 500,000. The Day's Bond Market U. S. Government Tru'.MM.ftlons do i.,. 4 lis, 1947 (lo : - id 4*is do 2d ?! '.,??'. 194::. 5.0 ' Quotation? 5!-5. ' . :i".",'i fio . 85.1)0 8 rhge. . :. 4 i lul-t'd t 1st 15 L'd 4V, fi ! 00 8 i . I 94 00 gt! 10 ' ' ' 0 94 Oil Rii 0 2 S5.i: 4 :..i. . . .'; .. : f, si.i .: s -. : 4'i H. . 85.68 85.4 I 85.! 4:-?i?. !? .61] 95.50 8? : ? . . 5.5.85 >.' "?..' 0 055! Hid and Asked Quotations v.- .'..-...??? Mo ,0 il .SI' i 2d 4:;. 1942. : ? t .... 1947, 2d 4 ' : .-. I 04 3d 4', e, 192? 4th -? . ? . ? 938 . Viet. t',/. in: do 3 vis, 192 !'; ? - (Ta r "' r g, If 3 0 :.s , ou i, an.'io 3 rear, 194C. '?a coup, 1946. 4h re?, 1921 ...! i .u;,. in: : . ? ?, ? r,0 (1.1. lu Cd 85.40 \ 0 4 'n Sf 10 s'' 04 rm? . 0 fi ? ? r,. u '..",.? ,, ,-. <?:...? SX.OB?t'Si i Si ffS?. l'i . Si ..;;,( .?? i, -,. , 4 ;. ... i ? "J ' ' " '? 8'.' ,104 2... l'an r, 1936 . t.M l'an c, : itis. :m Pan r, 1938 3s I'm. res . . :?? Pan coup . . . l'hil 4.-, 1934 i'hil 4 s. 193.5. l'hll 4s, 193G .... 92 - ,' 9 . n? r, i i i o 4 ' ? m IOS \ 10 1 U W107.U 101 ., 100 ?? i-,! . ;?',: \ loo i?,ioi , 101 >< 100 S'flOi -. 0 ??' : i5 '. ? 1 (? ; ? si i> o Fore 19? ? : 1 ? ? S2 * j ?< ? -;'.;? 8 5 s ; ?.j ?i) y 5 95 @ ? isrn ?iiiv'i and Municipal Bonds (Intercst To Be Added) I ? . . i ' . r . . ,! City o? i 'hrlstlana . City o? Zurich. Argentine l nternal : s, 194.',. Kingdom or tieliiium 5.<, 1921 do 6s, 192. 98-% ! i >? 90 -'i . 1 -I! ; - ? j Canada, Dominion do notes, 1921, dO 19 2b' . do 1920 . do 1931 . Chinese t'ovt liu ICuij Ry in, Cubu Extern 6u, 194 4. . du (,.?, sei lea A, 1949. ?I?, 4 Mi a, 1949. : ) lomlnlcan Republic 6a, I til ? . City of Lyons 15-yr 6a, 1934 City of Marseilles 16-yr 6s, '4 '.'ity oi' Bordeaux 16-yi 6s, 5.1 i Copenhagen 25-yr 5Vss, !j\\ French Govt 8s, lat Issue. 1 French Paris City 6s, 1921... 3 3"i Oovt of Switzerland Sa, I940..102Mi Japanese tiovt 4 ;,.';, Bter In '25 75Va do 4 Hs. 25 series, 1 925. ?-. du 4s utcr In, i 921. r , ;4 do Tokio city ,'?. : 925 .... 45 >.-. I'i. Kt tit Ur ,'.? i 5 yr . '??..; '21 98 do : '? r 5 'js 1922 . 25 <5? 10-yr 5>as 1929 . ? s ',. do 20-yr 5 '.-s 1937 . 83 Mexico ext ster in 5s ot '99, 4.,. . M ? ? do KOld 4s of 04. 1954. : 4 ? Kingdom of Italy d-yr 6 '??., p o 100' S 4 7:: 100?? 94 102 % . 5 l,i i-, '-j ICOld bull'is. (Sales) Argentine Q ts 1.000. 7 0 V? Chines?: lty 5s 1,000. 42Va 6,000.4I?i 1.000. 11 'i City ?>i Iterno hi" t-, n.Ii ri is 2.000. 35 Va 6,000... .95 City of Christiania Sa 1.000 . . 98 H City of i loponhagen 1.O00. . . : i 10 9,000. . i\o 5a 1 921 20.000 6,000 . do 5s I '-'? :.o 00.. 8,000 . <io 6a 1931 |,0 0 : !0,000 3,000. 1,000. 30 J P City of Marseilles 6s 1,000. 79-?, City "f Puns 6s 30,000. 9 4 14,0(0. . 94 i I : ench Rep , M rets : i 4, 7,000. . ... .P 1,000 4,000 ; 2,000. i 1,000. lia i? : u .100! i' n : o. 9 3 ? 4 5', t.000. . . 10,000 . . 6,000. . . City of Tokio 1.0,10. . 2.000. . . 1.000.. 4.''. CU y of Zurich 8a 2.00". ') ? > 2,000 ... Dl? ?? 3.000.'?' ' :. Dominican II 6a 1 (Kin . Dom Canada S'/jfl note? 1921 19.000.98 \, 17.000.98 ?<i do S'4? 1929 2.000. H9'4? 100' r 1 u. n d ;. 000 . ? ?OV O?*- ?3 ? ? r Hi 1,000 ' ' -. ', 3,000.I ''-' ' i 1,000. : : "?. Isp lut ser 4 'j-i I,no?. I 1 i ii ,i. 7 5 *t ; I : : 6,000 8,000. . 1 non x 2d ."-r 4 '^.m 1,000.7 ', !i 60.000, . "??% ?,000. 7RVi 4, u 9 0. 7 6 U MlOO. . ..000 UelRiun '? IP Mr? iba . 1,1 00. ' 0 V Cil ? -i : - ? ? r-. 4 v,s i: lo 4 m s : ? Raihvav. Othe < .orporattons 111 . m_ . \* i ?!.' ? ? ,- ? ? , I'? la J !> 1 7 ? ? .1017-6 . 1 0 3 .102 : ' 87 . Tuhau . '.'. i' H I . ?. r i ??? o ' F -.s ; ? | : . | ; . ... : a D00 '?" "' ' , ? . ' ped i -??. o o o. : - ? klyn r i:,.. . -,s 4.000 E?roi .-.???: i ?as 5s 2,000. . - :, Buf II ., p .?, .. . 2.000 . , -i ?e, Callf fin . ifl"gs " 1,000 . S3 M c'. ?n ni 1.0 00 7o I, o o n flo ?lili r ? .-.., . .. 5.000. 7 ? i ? ..... Is 190 0 ?.000 t ? Ati & c \ r, 5s C '' 1,000 l'oiv", [.000 ? ? ? ' entra] ' ithi-i 2.000 -.- . ' 000. ' 2o,r .i 2.000 : ooo..'.'" ; ' Mue ? h ; i%oo hi. cvt ? 4*! do u I -..i r ' do T. ,r ? ? ' 7 * Pru ! I ? - Palt'ft . ihlo Ga l. ooo ?! : " 000 % r dO r* ? ', '. g 2 loi .671 ?4 S 4 M 84^ R t ... 8 1 7 I Y ." i *; r.:.. i i.pnor Us -.'... ? . . . . '7. .' ? ".?: rf'g 6 s ' ; ' l? 5.000. . ' . ' i I n i ? '? - ooo 2,000. . H .. ? ' B,.n 4.? ' 0 . i ooo. 10 000. 1 C r i DS?4 01". '.'. 0*t?J m; 4 D8*t? Carrying on the Work of a Charity To see the development of* charity, to watch its grow? ing power for good, to aid in its maintenance, and to provide for its future advancement, are things which are dear to many men. If you desire to accomplish these objects, the services of our Trust Department can be of great value. By creating a trust now you make your intentions effective at ?nee, and see the result? **f your benevolence during your lifetime, without giving youf personal attention to the details of investment, reinvestment or administration. Your benevolence need not end with your lifetime?it may be continued when you are gone, carrying on your philan? thropy through years to come. We invite you to discuss this with us?at any of our offices. Guaranty Trust Company ot New York Fifth Avenub Opfics Fifth Arenuc ic 44th Street 140 Broadway M.4D!50r*l AvENUI OfFIC? Madison Avrttsuci 60th Strc? Ghawo Stueit Omet 26S Grasid Street Capital 5c Surplus $50,000,000 Resources over $800,000,000 2,ooo.s30f.. oc?; 10,000. : do Joint 4s reg , 1.000. '? 31,000. 96 4 i Illinois Central 5 C ft Erie 1st 5s 1,000. 77 ' C Ind & Louisville 6s 8.000. 1.1 | C M ft St P cvt 5:1 K.-r I, 1 O.O00 . 20,00.1 . 17,000 3.000. ? evt I 5,000. 7"j0|_ 10.000.6S ::,ooo. 63 . .000. 63 ? rfK 4% 2 non. B9*H . ? 00 2,000. ',,-% 07 6 a 4 4,000. 19 2,0007. . . !0 1.000. 7'.i ?'(, 7 F* r 4s ser A 15,000. . 68 1,000.63'' a o :.'-,a 1.000. 58 5' do 4s C M ft P Sd 3.000. 64 '7. ft ;?; w ', s temp ' re?-i 1,000.IC i 18.000.102% do net- 4r; stamped ? ! ,000. '.i'-. 7,000. 904 004 "7 o r o.9 0 % !'.000. 904 do 4s 1952 1.000. 71*4 do 4n 1053 2,000. 67% 5.000.68 do c St I. ft N O Joint 5a 2.000. 84 % 5,000. 84'; Ind 111 & Iowa 4" 5,000. 74 Interboro-Met ? '?' s 1,000 ... 7 5 ooo. . .15',; 25,000. 15 do ctfs of deposit 17.000. i :i 2,000. 1 " ' ; ::... o o o. i a 9,000.1 3 % In;? rhoro It T rfg I s 4.000 '100 . 51 1,000."v , .'"".1 . 50 '?-, I,OOO . . . 50% v 2,000. : o 24,000. 411 40,000 . . : i < n ? 3.000. ... : i 5 s 1921 10,000. 1.000. 1 'hica i-'., l'v...-. :. 000 74 ? ?. 7 ' no | ,-:l Oflf 0 0 7, '-.000. I . I : ? . 2,000. 700?_ it I ft P RPII 4 7.000. 71 1,000.7'??".. - o rfK Is 17,000. . .65' 5 4 5.000 . . ' . ""i. . , * 000. * 0,000 . . 12,000. '..'.000 . . 10,000. . . In'. Mer Marlr.e 6 3.000. 1.000 s30f . : K C Ft 7 ft M (s 5.000. 1,000. 7 o,io 7000. . . . I Kansas City ? 2,000. . . . 2.000 .... : roo.70?4 ? do ',s 14.000. . . 52 ?i . .. :.', S2 "N 4.000 .... 52 *-.; Kan City -j-erin 4s i i I 00. 70'. ".000. . . 7'i 7? 40 4 8 "? 41 -, 48 '?i 6 2 '; M 71 <? I Kentucky Cen 4r* 1,000... . 66 Kings Co El 4m ^^^H 1.000. . ,;- if. Lack SI ? ??: 7i 1! 22 Rfi : 5.00.1 . 911 , - r. do 5s ' 950 ?-.: . , 2,000. ... . 75' '? Lacle le On if St " -, Louis lot ;' i 3.000.. I'll Station i ;.n [Lake Sh. ,'. West : id 6s ? ' .1 . 1,000 ,000 3.000 . . ,',,? i?. 10,000. 10,000, 10,000 . 7000. ? ' ,?? St 1,000, . '. I ? do 4s : ,31 2.OO0 . : . Li high '.'.... ? . 1.00O. . . .97 ', u,!Lehi?*h V of l'a ..? ', o , 0...... 0 S ? !i..-r; .." K... ; 1,000. S5*-i i? Liggett ". M 7s ?' 2.000.71,1, I.', 2.000 :, do 3 i 1.000. :' 1. ? "' c 1 L ng Island 1.000 .<? L Tillar-i Co 1,000. . .101 80 % v- 0 ', ol Induwtrial 6.1 I 000. do .?i" ' ...?.,', So : ?I 4s ?? ?? 7SS. SMC D 5,000. ?7COn ,_ & So ammmmggggggggggggfggggf. .1' 2.000. . . SO' -r,?-'. ?5% i^^H i^^H . Louis ft Nash te ' 1.000.104 *% ... unified 's 1,000. .. . : ', ' 7,000. . . . SO'-i ,000. . . . HOhn 1,000. 80 U do St Louis 6s 6,000, . . . 994 c. i So K'. joint -is 1,000. 66 lonhattan liy 4s 10,000. 51V _? 2.0u0. 5!s4 . ,:'. ? ! ? Mich Cell ;? b 4 ? 1.000. 84 4 5,000. ;7r S4,'*|Miavale Steel 6s " ' 13,000. 7 :'?. ?'?' ? 10.00(1. . . . 7*. '-? 16.000 . . 71 : ooo . 7 : ?-. ' ' Milw Gas Light 4s 7% -. i0 ... , 894 ---^?^^?-----^B^^E'*! Mir.r. ,?,: ? - . 68 U ' * do 4s -, ? 1.0?: I . 424 '' * II St I- ft S S M 4s ,.. 78 4 12,000 . . C t.. ?.la.? tem? ? '. : 000. 10 0. 1.000. .'.000. ) 0 0 . . , . 1.000. ... r... Cil M? S?? cvt deb 7 i S S Vi . 1? 000. It i. In p ,000. do .000. . i.n 4n ) ? ). 13 j Detroit ?' P.ya Pia I 1.000. 62 ; Erie prior '...-n 4m 10.000. . .... 52 i 10 . ' 'i0 0. . . g? 11 lien 1.000. . . . 7000. . . . 7 OOO. . . M IC <v ' >kla : ? M K ft ? 1st 4' 14.00". do St L 000. 5 7 \ i 2 5 Vi lOO. 41 evt 4s ser A 2.000. 404 3.000. 40 2,000. . . 404 4.000. 4 0 ; ooo. . .. ??? ? 7000. 39 7.00 J. Si do gen 4s "'.?. 100. ...-. :vt 4s ser n |i ,000. ,000 . ... 'J * ?l 4s ser 1> i Mont 10,001. r, :* r ? . . . :,:.? :. . 531 1.000. 53 1,000 . :,-,? r, ;... t.a power 7> 2.000. ,01 100 9 9 ':* . 9 ?Mi 1000. . 10 2.000. . r "i.. Ft W ft Rio ;' 000 Gen Elec d? 1.001. . : 000.. 3.000 2.000. . do deb 5s 3,000.' do .:'-..-> 1.000.67 ? ireal N? rth.-m 1 7s 54,000.7:.i [locking Valley 4'-?? ' 7 0 , Hud & M rfg 6a 2 000. 0.1 *. 7 OOO.?:.>",. 2.000. ?'? ' 7 1,000. 60?, ' 1 000. 004 do Inc 5s 6,000. 2141 I- 000. . . . 1,000. . . . National Tube 2,000 N Orl T v : le * - ', its HO C?O 4.000..-' : ' 00. 5 7 '-' S* C? ntra] col 7s .1 P M Interim r :r. 6.000.11 : S ?00.71: '-j ..,000.I02U 1 0 10 s7f.. .101 "4 6.00 . . ,102 1,000.'-"'-' 4 1,000 .; '. C?O it *- h I. s 7.000. . ..914 l.OOo. ., ; r.j 12,000 .... 91 ?, 1,000 . 91 4 1 n.oiio. 0! 21,000. 90% '?'".oi'hi. 0[ 13,000. ?0*i? t Utah - Nevada - Chino - Ray We have prepared complete statisti? cal studies of history of these four copper properties since organization which will be mailed upon request. Hayden, Stone & Company MEMBERS \ei..' York Stork Exi hangt Boston Stock Exchange 25 Broad Street 87 Milk Street New York Boston Stone & Webster lSCVH.rOKATr.ti !??/ Milk Street 120 Broadway 33 So. Dearborn 5t BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO EXAMINATIONS AND STUDIES ?/? Industrial and Public Service Properties REPORTS vn Valuation and Operating Efficiency do ' ' r ' '? oo is 1934 P< oria * E 1? 12.000 1,0 ? o. 21,000.. . 77 000. . . 16~,t do rfg 3 tes !. 0 '' 0 . . . . G 7 ?v 15.0. 67Vs X Y < ' & Si 1, 1st 4s 25,000. 79',. 25 '.i'1) S30f . 7"' N V Iioi '- Co 4rf :. f. o o. 6 4 V. . 64 te ?Reading gci .\ S ti K I. H & P ?! 1,0 . . 20.000. SI >?| L/C Pirre Mar<iuctti 2,000 . 811!, Pt'ila Co 5a 192*2 1.000. 87 Pitta C C & St i. 4 '-5 ; .'? .- A 1,000. &?>% 1 Pub ;-?? " Ot 77 J 7s 1,000, . . 61U )O0 80??' 4.?' lO ... 1,000 . 'j I .. H 6s d :, 4 s 2.000. 44 3o :.??? di u 4a 1947 2.000. . . . 46 S* O & W 1st 4s 4,000. .. go?; Y Ilvs rfg i? 001 .21 do ' \ oi d. posit l o. . : ooo .... so1 000 t ', ),000. . : 000 . . :;.-.t 8.000. ,xl R I Ark & :. , ?? '..900. C4te 2,000. . 54 S* L lr Mt & S i do 4s ,:. o 0 0 do I, T! . . : ic -?:... - '?' ' 5 \ 7:-.; . . 6 6 Vi ooo. 0 0 ? . 2,00 -, ? '. 8,000 ' ; . i.OOU . ?'( ; ', I .'.050... ?00. :, Ber u 4, 0 . . 74 ! ,00( N ? ?? .?? lin Ites 10.79 ?1.000. Ne rfol '. .t v- < ? : 6s 5.000.: ' i \ do : ?? 4s 4 000. 74 ' 4.00m. 74 'h Nor Pacifie il 101. 7 ? te 12 \ 0 0 0. 76 do 3s 10.000. 53?' 7.. il r, o . ... : 4 '? ? Ore it Calif 1st 5s fl.OOO. : ooo .. s: ?.._, i iro Phort .'..r..- Da 4 r, r, r,.;. ; ?'.?ii-:: ?; & K 5.1 10.000.7 S \ i.OOO. . . . 7 T. Tv Pacil c T & T 5s - 50. S 0 \ Penn 7s 193 0 ; r. ioo. ... 104V 1,000.*. i t '. '. 100 . , : '4 r. ? <? ? . . ! '? i . 0. ' }0 oo 4 te? 1921 2.000. ... do a IS6S 1,000. . . . 7 0 ?*i 1. 18 OOO . 6.000. " 000 ... . 2,ono. do con 4 Vi a : nno. 2.000. i.OOO. do gpn 4 '- s g ,i c 1. 2 000. - ; 000. 32.O00. 18.000 29,011,1 ... c non. do 4a !94S 2,000. ?:- i;er C I : : " i ' . : i G4*-? ' 49%< 4 3 \ ... ? ?? ma! .' ? s- 7> ,? :?: C s t. itea OOO . 64 SI P C .. M : Montana ext 20,000. ' '?. iar ' A i- ad '?. ?"? 7 ' ' 7 ' ?'? % . 3 6 te do rfer 4m 1.000. 4 0 S B' :: T & T 5s ; 5.1 to. si . ' . ' : ItlC Vt 5?? 10 100 . . . . 102H .000. ooo. .0(10. .102 22.000. 2,ono. : | ... ., r 1 1,000 .103 .102*4 : i; jO 100 . i 02 \ , ?"?. i ?''A.. . '.'-*? n r ? 102 1 ". 000 1 02 '4 1,000 . : 'i. '. 15 Oei .102 H do cvt 4? 10.000.Y 8 H United States Oil Corporation BANTA & MORRIN 66 Broadway New York City Telephone: 9104 Recloi ?* s8 ?5.000. . . . :?. ooo. ?. . ,' 4s 61 100. 6,0 0. 10 10 B?Of -4.C00. tK ,000 do San P 5 : i.i ?' .. : >ut h i n Ry 00 : ooo .. 2 )00 . . 'lite .?'?*.? .. 4? ? -, ! 7 '-. 85", 85 6 000. 7 4 ?^ ?? ' 74'. * 75* f*? ' . . ' 0 i ?'. ?? 0 . 1_ : 9.000. 74'? Steel ? y 5a i,, 9.000. PI?, ' . . 9?*-. "."0r .. . . ? 1.1_ 5..000. 9irt*3 10.000. 91% ?. ?? ; ?-._ 10 '<? -?, .. ?:? PS ,0,000. 6? ?lo ', I Mob i- O (II ' 01 . 58 Av l?t 5s 8:000. 7 7 - do %'l !? 5a 14 ? ;,.281 6 00 5. 28 Toi St '. & '?'/ 4s . ..oui. :o Cnlon Pa Irle 6s 1,000. 99" ' . '. ' ii: .? northern 5* . ?-'*'l . 3.100. 8??.. Ctah Po . ? ? .'? :. 5a r"' ' '. 7f, l.BDO.' . Va-Car Chei :: ral i ? 3.000. ::', do r ? 500. ..... 81 : 0.00. 83 Va t.- .-'?n c.ri Bg "I ?|74] 000.6"* dc 6.000 7.000 ?o cvt 4a 0 1 ./'?"? virr. ?an ity 5s . . , 2.000 ? ! ' . , 2.000.. 6? . 80 I ?ios 7 4 V, lo rg * r.ooB_ ;,000 ... 74 t'n P.ds oC S F 4s Ct/t if deposit M .000 2 9 r; s Ri alty A I 5s 'i | ?;.R0V? .80 I ." !:-mb-r temp .090,.. 81 'v...'?.?8* ' ? ' ? ) . 8 4 I 000 - *. ' '.000. B3 ' ?Vest ?tir~ '..tin ??* 1 000 .. . 741, l.flJOO . 5 4 a '00- . 5? *4> 2.000 .... 74 W K V & :?? 1st Ki a oot . **:? West Pacific S?. ?. ttxt ....SI te .. ".ooo. e: ??? t \", <>?. ? n t 'nlon ?s .. ?p ? , o o o.? 2 ? - ? e V.'eritlnirhouso Eier i 4 in. . 3.000. &4?? 1 onp. 94 ? h - 10.0U0. 97 !.. ;. s4i?| 5.000. ??-,;? 4.xoii::.... m:.,, ? ?'' '? 18.000 ? . . '????.x a? I8??? n. Wheel ft :. E 4te> ,, I...... 98 ; 2.0.10. SoOl ?O ? ?? Wilson Co 1st 6s ? ' ' ? ? ? ? ? it,000. ?IT fl '?. l.'ioo.ST8a Vi 1,000- 74V ?lo cvt fia '.v 1.000.'15 I JdOOft. ?2?'4,'-'* ?fi? ^?Al 5,000. Slfe ?-"?*. :' ,000.. 10.900. 97 M 97 "? :. i s 9 7 \ t . -*****? *5?